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Ques Paper 2-XI-ENG

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MM:80 TIME: 3Hrs.


Q.1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the

questions that follow: (12)
1. Global warming is the warming up of the earth due
to the trapping of gases like carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, methane and nitrous oxide, when the
atmosphere fails to perform its function of acting as a
protective blanket. The incoming solar radiation is
partly absorbed by carbon dioxide, though a vastly
higher amount of the outgoing radiation is trapped in
the atmosphere.
2. Carbon dioxide possesses immense staying
properties in the atmosphere. It is being speculated
that carbon dioxide concentrations may double in about
a century.
3. This increased carbon dioxide level, according to
predictions, indicates an increase in temperature
ranging from 1.5-4 degrees Celsius, or a rise in sea
levels by about 50cms by AD 2100.
4. However, Earth apparently has its own system of
checks and balances. Water vapour in the atmosphere
is known to absorb radiation more than any other
atmospheric component.
5. A doubling of carbon dioxide concentration would
increase the capacity of the Earth’s surface to absorb
infra-red radiation by about 4 watts per square metre,
though over all, the levels of absorption would be
6. Volcanic eruptions, too, are believed to be
responsible for reduction in the carbon dioxide contents
in the atmosphere. A massive volcanic eruption in
Philippines had in fact a cooling impact.
7. Cooling through volcanic eruptions is believed to
release certain gases into the atmosphere, which are
responsible for increase in the carbon dioxide content
in the atmosphere.
8. Measurement of the incident of CO2 in the
atmosphere made in Hawaii indicate that during 1992-
93 about two billion tonnes of the gas was found
missing from the atmosphere.
9. As far as the impact of ozone depletion is concerned,
it seems to be dictated more by political considerations,
than any other factor. This increased burning of fossil
fuels for energy is largely responsible for the increase
in temperature through ozone depletion.
10. A tug-of-war has been going on among the
industrialised countries and the developing countries on
the share of the blame. In fact, the US, the erstwhile
USSR, Brazil and China account for almost half of the
net global emissions of harmful gases such as CFCs.
While North America generates about 5 tonnes per
head of carbon dioxide, Africa, China and India
together generate approximately 1 tonne of CO2 per
11. Developing countries, on the other hand, are
charged with emission of methane largely generated
from paddy fields and discharge of animals.
12. However, despite the fact that 1995 was one of the
hottest years of the century, snowfalls have been
recorded in some part of the world – notably on the
eastern coast of America and in Jammu and Kashmir.
13. Moreover, over the last 50 years, the Arctic climate
has not been undergoing any noticeable temperature
changes. In fact, till 1975, global temperatures had
been undergoing a downward trend. Could the recent
spurt in temperatures be a natural cyclical process, or
temporary offshoot of the shifting pressure belts?
14. Given the rising temperatures, growing seasons
would be prolonged. Higher temperatures would also
lead to an increased evaporation from oceans, thereby
intensifying cloudiness, leading to moderate
temperatures during the day and warmer nights.
15. Warmer temperatures during the night enhance
agricultural productivity. Increased carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere will also result in an increase in
16. Global warming will also have an impact on the EI
Nino phenomenon – the circulation of weather
disturbances around the world as a result of the
warming of Pacific Oceans around the tropics.
17. However, a few questions remain in the ongoing
debate on global warming.
18. The process of heat transfer in the atmosphere –
convection – is a field in which a lot of research needs
to be done.
19. Secondly, clouds and vapour are known to be
major absorbers of incoming radiation back into space.
20. If the cloud cover, as a result of increased
evaporation due to rising temperature, were to
increase, it would result in more containment.
21. Plants, which both absorb and release carbon
dioxide, too have a crucial role to play. Their role,
however, has been till now underestimated.
A1.1 Answer the following questions briefly: (10
i) What is the function of the earth’s atmosphere? (2
ii) What is increased amount of carbon dioxide likely to
lead to?
(2 marks)
iii) How does water vapour balance the effect of carbon
iv) What is the cause of tug-of-war between
industrialised and developing countries?
v) What is the ‘EL Nino Phenomenon’? (2
A1.2 Find words in the passage that mean the
same as the following:
(2 marks)
i) arrested (para 1)
ii) sudden

Q.2. (8 Marks)
Residents of the Bhirung Raut Ki Gali, where Ustad Bishmillah Khan
was born on March 21, 1916, were in
shock. His cousin, 94-year -old Mohd Idrish Khan had tears in his
eyes. Shubhan Khan, the care-taker of Bismillah’s land,
recalled: “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the
boys and rupees five to the girls of the locality”.
He was very keen to play shehnai again in the local Bihariji’s Temple
where he had started playing shehnai with his father, Bachai Khan, at
the age of six. His original name was Quamaruddin and became
Bishmillah only after he became famous as a shehnai player in
Varanasi. His father Bachai Khan was the official shehnai player of
Keshav Prasad Singh,the Maharaja of the erstwhile Dumaraon estate,
Bismillah used to accompany him.
For Bishmillah Khan, the connection to music began at a very early
age. Byhis teens, he had already become a master of the shehnai. On
the day India gained freedom, Bismillah Khan, then a sprightly 31
year-old, had the rare honour of playing from Red Fort. But
Bishmillah Khan won’t just be remembered for elevating the shehnai
from an instrument heard only in weddings and naubatkhanas to one
that was appreciated in concert halls across the world. His life was a
testimony to the plurality that is India.
A practicing Muslim, he would take a daily dip in the Ganga in his
younger days after a bout of kusti in Benia Baga Akhada. Every
morning, Bishmillah Khan would do riyaaz at the Balaji temple on
the banks of the river. Even during his final hours in a Varanasi
hospital, music didn’t desert Bishmillah Khan. A few hours before he
passed away early on Monday, the shehnai wizard hummed
a thumri to show that he was feeling better. This was typical of a man
for whom life revolved around music.
Throughout his life he abided by the principle that all religions are
one. What marked Bishmillah Khan was his simplicity and disregard
for the riches that come with musical fame. Till the very end, he used
a cycle rickshaw to travel around Varanasi. But the pressure of
providing for some 60 family members took its toll during his later
2.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes
using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations
where necessary.
2.2 Make a summary of the above passage in not more than 80 words
using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title.

Q3. RKS International School is looking for a receptionist for the

school. Write an advertisement on behalf of the Administrative
office in the classified column of the local newspaper giving
necessary details in 50 words.
Write a notice about a practice schedule for the forthcoming
Inter-School Cricket Tournament. You are S.Y. Pandit, Vice
Principal. 4 Marks

Q4. You are Anand/Anandi of 22, Gandhi Nagar, Chennai. You saw
an advertisement about a course in spoken English, published in
''The Times of India'' by SPD, Internatonal Institute,83, Meera
Nagar chennai-20. You wish to join the course. Write a letter to
the advertiser, inquiringabout the details you require.
You are Shaan of 32, Kailash Colony, New Delhi. Write a letter
to the editor of a local newspaper about the misuse and poor
maintenance of the public park in your colony. 6 Marks

Q5. Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on

'Jounalism as a Career'. You may use following points as well as
your own ideas.
-Jounalism suitable for those good at language.
- who desire to present truth to the public
- new forms are TV news,sports,travel
- can bring fame
- needs courage and honesty.
You are Mithun/Mithila of City public School, Dwarka. Your
school has just celebrated the Annual Sports Day. The famous
player Sania mirza was invited to inaugurate the gym in your
school that day. write a report for your school magazine.
10 Marks

Q6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one
error in every line. Write the incorrect and the correct
It has been said that anyone lives by (i)
sell something or the other. In the light of (ii)
this statement, teachers live off selling (iii)
knowledge, philosophers by selling wise (iv)
and priests by selling spiritual comforts. (v)
It is extreme difficult to estimate the (vi)
true value for the service whiach people (vii)
perform to us. (viii)
4 Marks
Q7. The following statements are not in sequential order.
Rewrite the sentences in their correct order.
(a) It was kept in the dining room waiting to be hung.
(b) A picture has come from the frame makers.
(c) ''Oh, you leave that to me. i'll do the job,''Uncle Podger
(d) Aunt Podger asked what was to be done with it.
4 Marks
Q8. Do as directed.
(a) She wrote it in her diary. She did not want to forget it.
( Join using 'so that')
(b) Why are you spoiling your career? ( Change into Passive)
2 Marks


Q9. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below.
Where did my childhood go?
It went to some forgotten place,
That's hidden in an infant's face
That's all I know.
(a) Why is the poet worried?
(b) Where has the poet's childhood gone?
(c) Name the poem and poet concerned. 3 Marks
Q10. Answer the following questions briefly.
(a) How are the biological systems endangered by human beings?
(b) How was king Tut's mummy scanned by the portable CT
(c) What does the writer feel about helplessness of father in the
poem ''Father to Son''?
9 Marks
Q11. What qualities helped Andrew Manson help Morgan family?
6 Marks
Q12. Elaborate upon the various attempts made by the Canterville
Ghost to frighten the Otis family in about 120-150 words.
6 Marks
Q13. Though Oscar Wilde tells a humorous tale, he has a message
which he delivers through Virginia. What is the message? Answer in
about 120-150 words. 6 Marks.

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