Lesson Plan Week 2 New ICT
Lesson Plan Week 2 New ICT
Lesson Plan Week 2 New ICT
OBJECTIVES [S] Understand the Identify and Understand the Understand the Define what a robot is
concept of input categorize concept of computer basic concept of and explain its basic
in programming. networks and their the computer characteristics.
different types of
Identify and use importance. processor and its Identify different
digital devices. Identify various role in a applications of robots in
different input
blocks in Scratch Understand the network devices and computer real-world scenarios.
programming purpose and their functions system. Understand the
functionality of Identify the key benefits and challenges
components of a of using robots in
various digital
computer various fields.
devices. processor and
their functions.
Appreciate the
importance of
the processor in
TEACHING Computers or Whiteboard Visual aids (e.g., Visual aids (e.g., Computing students
RESOURCES devices with or blackboard images, diagrams) of images, book 6
Scratch software network devices. diagrams, videos) Whiteboard or
Markers or
installed Poster paper and of computer flipchart
chalk markers. processors.
Internet access Markers
(optional, for Pictures or Computing student Whiteboard.
Printed images or
online resources) illustrations book 5 Computing
student book 2
illustrations of
of digital Whiteboard
Whiteboard or different robots
Worksheets or
blackboard devices Video clips of robots
Markers or chalk Computing student in action (optional,
CLASS: Year 2 to 6 SUBJECT: ICT WEEK: 2 FROM: 11/09/23. TO: 15/09/23
INTRODUCTION Greet the students Greet the students Begin the lesson by Begin by asking Engage students in a
[5] and introduce the and introduce the discussing with the the children if short discussion:
topic: "Today, we topic: "Today, we are children about their they know what Ask the students what
are going to explore going to explore the experiences with the makes a they know about
the input part of world of digital internet and how computer work robots and if they have
programming using devices. Digital they access it. Ask and how it can seen or heard about
Scratch. Input is an devices are all them if they have any perform different any robots in real life
essential aspect of around us, and they idea about how tasks. Encourage or in movies.
creating interactive help us in many devices communicate their responses Prompt them to share
over the internet. and thoughts. their thoughts on what
programs. Let's dive ways. Let's learn
Introduce the topic Introduce the robots might be used
in!" more about them!"
topic of the for.
lesson: "Today,
we are going to
learn about the
'brain' of the
computer, which
helps it think and
perform tasks.
It's called the
TEACHING [15] Ask the students: Show pictures or Explain the concept of Explain the role Start by defining what a
"Can you give illustrations of computer networks: of the processor: robot is: "A robot is a
examples of input different digital "A computer network "The processor is machine that can
in everyday life? devices, such as is like a group of like the brain of perform tasks
How about in smart phones, computers that are the computer. It autonomously or under
programming?" tablets, laptops, connected together helps the remote control. It can
CLASS: Year 2 to 6 SUBJECT: ICT WEEK: 2 FROM: 11/09/23. TO: 15/09/23
Allow a brief digital cameras, and so they can share computer think, be programmed to do
discussion and game consoles information and solve problems, specific actions without
note down their Explain that input communicate with and perform all human intervention."
responses on the devices are used to each other." the tasks we ask Discuss the basic
board. enter information Present visual aids or it to do." characteristics of
Explain the into a computer or images of different Discuss the key robots, such as sensing,
concept of input device, while output network devices, such components of a processing, and acting
in programming, devices display or as routers, switches, computer on information to
provide information modems, and wireless processor: complete tasks.
where users
access points. Use simple Show images or
provide data or to the user.
Discuss the main analogies to help illustrations of different
instructions to the
network devices and them understand robots to give students
their functions better a visual representation
Show examples of of various types of
input blocks in robots
such as "ask," "key
press," and
"mouse events."
Discuss how these
input blocks can
be used to make
interactive and
responsive to user
Demonstrate how
to use different
input blocks in
Provide step-by-
step instructions
CLASS: Year 2 to 6 SUBJECT: ICT WEEK: 2 FROM: 11/09/23. TO: 15/09/23
on creating a
simple program
using input
blocks. For
example, ask the
user's name,
display a
message, or
control sprite
movements using
keyboard input.
students to follow
along on their
computers or
devices and
experiment with
the input blocks.
Explain the
parameters and
options available
within each input
block and how
they affect