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Iv. Physiologic Changes in Aging Affecting Various System

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processes, sun exposure, and lifestyle


• Decrea sed B o ne Densi ty - often referred
1. Explain the characteristics of age-related to as osteoporosis, is a common age-
physiological changes in each system. related condition characterized by the
weakening of bones. It occurs when bone
2. Discuss how changes in one system can
density decreases to a point where the
influence changes in another.
bones become fragile and more
3. Discuss common challenges and limitations susceptible to fractures.
faced by older adults in daily activities due to • Muscl e Ma ss L o ss - known as muscle
these changes. atrophy or sarcopenia, is a common age-
related condition characterized by the
Th e a gin g p ro cess is a co m p lex and gradual reduction in muscle tissue.
n a t u ra l p h en o m en o n t h a t a f f ect s v a rio us Several factors contribute to muscle mass
p h y sio lo gica l sy st em s wit h in t h e h u m a n b o d y. loss as people age.
Un d erst a n d in g h o w a gin g im p a ct s t h ese sy st ems
• J o i nt Sti f f ness - common symptom
is essen t ia l f o r p ro v id in g ef f ect iv e h ea lt h ca re and
im p ro v in g t h e q u a lit y o f lif e f o r o ld e r a d u lt s. associated with aging, and it can impact
an individual's mobility and quality of
A. INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM (SKIN) life. This stiffness often occurs due to
various physiological and structural
• Subcuta neo us ti ssue a nd el a sti n f i bers changes in the joints.
di mi ni sh- results in a loss of volume and • Reduced Fl ex i bi l i ty - referred to as
a thinner appearance of the skin and skin decreased range of motion (ROM), is a
that is less flexible and more prone to common issue associated with aging.
sagging, leading to the formation of Flexibility refers to the ability of the
wrinkles and skin laxity. joints and muscles to move through their
• Hy perpi g menta ti o n o r l i v er spo ts - full range of motion. As people age,
caused by prolonged sun exposure and various factors can contribute to a decline
UV radiation. They tend to develop in in flexibility.
areas that are most frequently exposed to • Cha ng es i n Po sture - common aspect of
the sun, such as the face, hands, the aging process. Posture refers to the
shoulders, and arms. Other contributing alignment and positioning of the body
factors may include genetics and aging. while sitting, standing, or moving.
Liver spots appear as flat, brown, or black • B a l a nce a nd Co o rdi na ti o n - vital
spots on the skin. components of physical function that can
• Mel a ni n pro ducti o n decrea ses - Skin be affected by the aging process.
may become paler or lighter, and Maintaining good balance and
individuals may notice areas of coordination is crucial for preventing
hypopigmentation (lighter patches) on falls, maintaining mobility, and ensuring
their skin. This can make the skin more overall well-being.
susceptible to the harmful effects of UV
• Na i l s beco me mo re bri ttl e - AND AIRWAY)
characterized by fragile and easily
damaged nails, can indeed become more • Muscl es of respi ra ti o n beco me l ess
common as people age. - muscles of respiration, which
f l ex i bl e

• Wri nkl es a nd Fi ne L i nes - common skin are responsible for breathing and
changes associated with aging. These ventilating the lungs, can be affected by
changes occur as a result of various various factors as people age. One
factors, including natural aging common change associated with aging is
a reduction in the flexibility and strength E. HEMOPOIETIC AND LYMPHATIC
of these muscles. SYSTEM (BLOOD AND IMMUNE
• Decrea se i n f uncti o na l ca pa ci ty resul ts SYSTEM)
- often
i n dy spnea o n ex erti o n o r stress
associated with aging or certain medical • Decrea sed Red B l o o d Cel l Pro ducti o n -
conditions, can lead to dyspnea it can lead to a condition called anemia,
(shortness of breath) during exertion or which is characterized by a lower-than-
stress. Dyspnea in these situations occurs normal number of RBCs or a decrease in
when the body's demand for oxygen their ability to carry oxygen.
exceeds its ability to supply it. • I n crea sed Wh it e B lo o d C ell Va ria b ilit y -
• E f f ecti v eness of co ug h mecha ni sm also known as leukocytes, play a crucial
l essens - can have implications for
role in the immune system by defending
respiratory health. Coughing is a crucial
reflex that helps clear the airways of the body against infections and foreign
irritants, mucus, and foreign particles. invaders. Variability in white blood cell
counts can occur for various reasons,
(HEART AND BLOOD VESSELS) including both physiological and
pathological factors.
• Hea rt ra te sl o ws - slowing of the heart
rate, also known as bradycardia, can be a • B o ne Ma rro w Cha ng es - responsible for
common age-related change in the production of blood cells, including
cardiovascular function. red blood cells, white blood cells, and
• B l o o d f l o w to a l l o rg a ns decrea ses - also
platelets. As individuals age, various
known as systemic hypoperfusion, can changes can occur in the bone marrow,
which can affect its function and
have serious and potentially life-
threatening consequences. Blood flow is
vital for delivering oxygen and nutrients • L y mpha ti c Sy stem Cha ng es - lymphatic

to organs and tissues, removing waste system, a vital component of the immune
products, and maintaining normal system, plays a critical role in
physiological function. maintaining fluid balance, filtering
harmful substances, and defending
• Arrhy thmi a s - refer to abnormal heart
against infections.
rhythms, which can occur when the
electrical impulses that coordinate the
heart's contractions don't work correctly.
These irregular heart rhythms can take SUMMARY
various forms and can have different
effects on the heart and overall health. Physiological changes are part of the
• Increa sed Ri sk of Ca rdi o v a scul ar natural aging process and can vary among
Di sea se - Aging is associated with an individuals. While aging brings about these
increased risk of cardiovascular disease changes, a healthy lifestyle, including regular
(CVD). Cardiovascular disease exercise, balanced nutrition, and preventive
encompasses a range of conditions that healthcare, can help mitigate some of the
affect the heart and blood vessels. negative effects and promote overall well-being
• Arteri a l el a sti ci ty decrea ses - also in older adults.
known as arterial compliance, refers to
the ability of the arteries to expand and
contract in response to changes in blood
pressure with each heartbeat. Arterial REFERENCES:
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maintaining healthy blood flow and Kelly, J. (n.d.). Age related changes to the
reducing the workload on the heart. integumentary system | Biology of Aging.
Contributor, N. (2021). Anatomy and physiology
of ageing 10: the musculoskeletal
system. Nursing Times.

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