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GRADE 7/8 School Grade Level 7

DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area Computer Systems Servicing

Teaching Date and Week 1 Quarter


A. CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates an understanding of the use of hand tools and equipment for computer systems servicing.
B. PERFORMANCE The learner shall be able to use hand tools and equipment for computer systems servicing.
COMPETENCIES/OBJECTI LO1. Identify LO 2. Classify hand tools and LO 3. Use hand LO 4. Maintain hand tools
VES appropriate equipment according to tools and
hand tools for their uses equipment
proper in
operations Computer
II. CONTENT Proper Tool Selection Four Categories of Computer Using Hand Tools Proper Use of Cleaning Materials
Hardware Servicing Tools and Equipment
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Page 4 Page 5
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials
from Learning
resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning https://
Resources v=0r-8z-PrPG8 v=fz_jkfKH7oc
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review previous lesson Review previous lesson Review previous Review previous lesson
presenting the new lesson lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivation: Name Me! Motivation: Video Presentation Motivation: Video Motivation: Pictures Relay
lesson Group the learner into 5 Classification of Different Hand Presentation -The teacher will present a series of pictures
groups, each group will Tools: Use of Hand Tools: one by one about the different tools then asks
be given a puzzle to https:// students these questions:
solve. Each group will
v=0r-8z-PrPG8 *Are you familiar with these materials?
guess the picture being
watch? *Do you know the uses of these cleaning
flash in the TV screen.
v=kFeqmphmpsA materials?
Students will be given
*Is there a need to know the procedures on how is
meta strips and they will
it use?
write their
answer on it.
Picture 4

Picture 5

C. Presenting Video Presentation: “Are you familiar with the Based on the video, Activity:
examples/instances of the new • The teacher will be different hand tools shown in the what are the proper Identify who among them are properly and safely
lesson playing a video of video?” ways or the do’s and used the compressed air. Justify your answer.
different hand tools don’ts in using hand

D. Discussing new concepts and Activity: Think-pair- Activity: Name Me! Activity: Video Activity: Video Analysis
practicing new skills #1 share Directions: Identify the tools on the Analysis -The teacher will present these videos:
•Regarding with the video boxes. Occupational Health How to properly clean your computer-
shown, are you familiar and Safety Policy in
with their proper uses?
Picture 1 CSS: v=fz_jkfKH7oc
•Can you identify the https:// Computer Basics: Cleaning your Computer-
different function of each
hand tools? watch? v=kgBIsKeTLLk
Picture 2
•Can you properly v=hzfzK5vmbN0 -After the presentation, asks students these
demonstrate the proper questions:
use of each tools? Questions: Guide Questions:
-What are those safety - How are cleaning materials properly used in
policies mentioned in cleaning the computer?
Picture 3 the video? - Is common malfunctioning occur in using
- What are the risks of tools, equipment and paraphernalia? Justify the
not following it? answer.
- Do you observe preventive maintenance in
cleaning the computer?
E. Discussing new concepts and Abstraction: Discuss the Abstraction: Discuss the four Discuss further the ACTIVITY BASED
practicing new skills #2 following Hand Tools categories of computer hardware Environmental Safety Group activity: Cleaning the computer with proper
used in Computer Service servicing tools and Health Program in and safety procedures
Servicing. CSS. ACT: Group 1- Responsible to prepare the needed
hand tools and cleaning materials
ANALYZE: Group:2- Defines operational
procedures in cleaning and will check if the
prepared hand tools and
cleaning materials are appropriate to use
APPLY: Group 3,4 &5 - The students will proceed
to use the appropriate hand tools and cleaning
materials for the
The following:
a. Loosen computer casing screws
b. Blow away dust from keyboard
c. Tighten screws of computer case
d. Bundle cables inside the computer
e. Loosen nuts
f. Prevent from ESD effects
-The teacher present the rubrics for the
F. Developing Mastery Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity:
(Leads to Formative Assessment) Instruction: Direction: Give the functions of Each group will get any Each group will make a slogan about the
•The students will be the following tools. of the tools to show on practices and the benefits in following the
given realia/pictures of how it is properly use. procedures for the preventive maintenance of
How are the following
different parts of the computer.
tools properly and safely
computer. Rubrics:
•They will give the a. screws Relevance – 40%
appropriate hand tools b. Flat head screwdriver Creativity – 20%
needed according to task c. Phillips head Originality – 20%
requirements. screwdriver Visual Impact – 20%
•The group will choose a d. Hex driver
representative to present it e. Part retriever,needle-
to the class. nose pliers,or tweezers
-The teacher presents the
rubrics of the
G. Finding practical Since you all knew the Why is it necessary to If a problem occurs in Mrs Bautista got a problem to her computer. She
applications of concepts and different tools, what are identify/classify the appropriate using these tools, what asked you a favor to check her computer and you
skills in daily living the safest/proper ways to tools to use in computer hardware will you do? To whom have noticed that it has been used for a year
use them? Can you give servicing? will you report this without maintenance. What will you do if this is
the condition of her computer?
instances? common malfunction
of tools, equipment and

H. Making generalizations and Let the students Recapitulation of the lesson Let the students Recapitulation of the lesson
abstractions about the lesson summarize the lesson summarize the lesson
I. Evaluating learning RUBICS for Group Teacher-made test Teacher-made test Teacher-made test
Accuracy of the materials
being selected - 20
Presentation - 20
Cooperation/Attitude -
Total - 50
J. Additional activities for Research on different Bring at least two computer Use the appropriate Conduct an interview with a computer technician
application or remediation ways of cleaning a hardware servicing tools and tools to do each of the about the preventive maintenance of the computer
personal computer. demonstrate in the class its following tasks, Safety he is doing in his shop.
functions. precautions must be
observed while
1. Loosen computer
casing screws
2. Blow away dust
from keyboard
3. Tighten screws of a
4. Bundles cables
inside the computer
5. Test functionality of
the printer port
V. REMARKS ____Out of _____students reached the mastery level
A. No. of learners who Grade 7_____out of ______students reached the mastery level
earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who Grade 7_______
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons Yes______
work? No. of learners who Grade 7__________
have caught up with the No______
D. No. of students who
continue to require Grade __________
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

TLE Coordinator Principal III

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