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Hemodynamic assessment of critically ill patients

using echocardiography Doppler

Philippe Vignon

Purpose of review Introduction

The evaluation of hemodynamic status in critically ill The treatment of critically ill patients frequently requires
patients is a leading recommended indication of a comprehensive evaluation of the hemodynamic status.
transesophageal echocardiography in the intensive care Complex monitoring systems are widely available and of-
unit. Advantages and diagnostic yield of transesophageal ten rely on invasive techniques such as the pulmonary ar-
echocardiography in this setting are particularly relevant tery catheter (PAC). Hemodynamic monitoring using PAC
when considering limitations and questioned prognostic has not yet been shown to improve survival [1] and has
impact of pulmonary artery catheterization. substantial limitations [2]. Echocardiography is currently
Recent findings the only method that can provide real-time imaging of
Recent clinical studies have been performed to validate and the heart at bedside. As such, it appears as an alternative
assess the value of transesophageal echocardiography in modality that is ideally suited for the functional hemody-
determining cardiac output, cardiac preload dependence, namic assessment of patients with circulatory failure in
right ventricular function, and left ventricular filling pressure. the intensive care unit (ICU). Nevertheless, recent rec-
In addition, diagnostic capacity and therapeutic impact of ommendations for hemodynamic support of septic patients
transesophageal echocardiography have been widely promulgate PAC as a first-line modality for the evaluation
reported in various intensive care unit settings. of hemodynamics in this setting, echocardiography being
Summary ‘useful to assess ventricular volumes and cardiac perfor-
Transesophageal echocardiography appears well suited for mance’ [3].
the determination of cardiac index and to track its variations
after therapeutic interventions. Although repeated This review will briefly discuss the current field of use and
measurements of left ventricular end-diastolic dimension allows advantages of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
to accurately track preload variations, a single determination is in ICU patients with hemodynamic compromise. It will
not reliable to predict fluid responsiveness in intensive care unit mainly focus on clinical studies that showed practical ap-
patients. Identification of preload dependence in plications of TEE in hemodynamically unstable patients
hemodynamically unstable patients currently tends to rely and will purposely exclude cardiac output monitoring by
mainly on dynamic parameters that use cardiopulmonary esophageal Doppler that has been recently reviewed
interactions under mechanical ventilation. Transesophageal [4,5•].
echocardiography also allows to adequately assess right
ventricular function and left ventricular filling pressure using
combined Doppler modalities. Adequate education and training Modalities of echocardiography Doppler
of intensivists and anesthesiologists is crucial to further develop Although promising results have been recently reported
the use of transesophageal echocardiography in the intensive using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) for the iden-
care unit setting. Despite the absence of randomized controlled tification of cardiac source of shock in a general ICU
studies documenting transesophageal echocardiography population [6•], diagnostic accuracy of TEE has long been
benefits on patient outcome, present evidence and experience shown to be superior, especially in ventilated patients [7].
strongly recommend a larger use of echocardiography Doppler Similarly, at its present stage of development, recently
for a comprehensive functional hemodynamic assessment of available hand-held echocardiography is not adequately
critically ill patients with circulatory failure. suited for a comprehensive hemodynamic assessment in
critically ill patients [8,9••]. Hemodynamic instability is
Keywords therefore one of the main class I indications of the Amer-
critical care, diagnostic techniques and procedures, ican Society of Anesthesiologists for the use of TEE in the
echocardiography, echocardiography Doppler, therapeutics ICU setting [10].

—234. ª 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Curr Opin Crit Care 11:227—
Medical-surgical intensive care unit, Dupuytren Teaching Hospital, Limoges, France Cardiac index
Correspondence to Pr Philippe Vignon, Service de Réanimation Polyvalente, CHU Serial determinations of cardiac index are widely used
Dupuytren, 2 Ave. Martin Luther King, 87042 Limoges Cedex, France
Tel: +33 5 55 05 62 40; fax: +33 5 55 05 62 44; e-mail: in the management of patients with circulatory failure.
Current Opinion in Critical Care 2005, 11:227—
—234 Echocardiography allows the measurement of cardiac out-
ª 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
put using two-dimensional imaging (measurement of ven-
1070-5295 tricular volumes) or Doppler-based methods.
228 Cardiopulmonary monitoring

Two-dimensional echocardiography usually underesti- repeated assessment of the efficacy and tolerance of ther-
mates volumes of the left ventricle (LV) when compared apeutic interventions (e.g., fluid challenge, vasopressors)
with reference imaging techniques such as contrast or ra- and promising automated methods of cardiac output mea-
dionuclide ventriculography, mostly because LV long axis surement are currently emerging [17•].
is foreshortened. This has been recently confirmed in ICU
patients after coronary artery bypass surgery [11]. Never-
theless, TEE determination of LV stroke volume and ejec- Preload assessment
tion fraction remained accurate (mean bias <7%) since Preload is defined as the myocardial fiber length at end-
both the end-diastolic and end-systolic LV volumes were diastole. At the organ level, preload may theoretically be
underestimated. assessed by measuring LV end-diastolic volume. In a study
using thermodilution and radionuclide ventriculography
Combining the cross-sectional area and the stroke dis- as ‘gold standard’, TEE consistently appeared to underes-
tance traveled by the column of blood at a given anatomic timate LV end-diastolic volume [11]. An alternative expla-
site also allows to determine cardiac output. Most clinical nation would be an overestimation of cardiac output by
trials support TEE as a reliable alternative method for thermodilution in low-flow states that led to overestimate
measuring cardiac output and tracking its variations after calculated LV volumes. Indeed, the early work of Parker
therapeutic interventions. In the absence of valvulopathy, et al. [18] that used the same combination of techniques
Doppler measurement of cardiac output at the level of the to suggest that ventricular dilatation during septic shock
aortic valve or LV outflow tract appears to provide a lower could be a preload adaptation in survivors was not con-
failure rate and higher accuracy when compared with other firmed by a recent TEE study in which no LV dilatation
sites such as the mitral valve or pulmonary artery [12]. For was found at the early phase of septic shock [19].
example, Perrino et al. [13] showed that intraoperative
measurement of cardiac output at the level of the aortic In animal and clinical studies assessing the ability of TEE
valve was reliable. Mean bias with thermodilution was to detect hypovolemia induced by a graded hemorrhage,
ÿ0.01 L/min with an SD of the differences of 0.56 L/min LV end-diastolic area — used as a surrogate of end-diastolic
[13]. Similarly, most validation studies using the thermo- volume — has been shown to closely correlate with blood
dilution technique as a gold standard for cardiac output loss or volume expansion [20]. In addition, variations in
measurement reported limits of agreement with TEE that ventricular end-diastolic volume and stroke volume after
reached ±1 L/min [12]. This fairly wide range of agree- a fluid infusion are closely correlated in normal volunteers,
ment is not surprising when considering the variation in- whereas no relation exists between ventricular filling pres-
trinsic to cardiac output determination by both methods sure and stroke volume variations [21••]. Accordingly, TEE
and potential inaccuracy of thermodilution [2]. Balik appears to adequately track changes in LV end-diastolic di-
et al. [14] recently confirmed that the severity of tricuspid mension throughout therapeutic interventions.
regurgitation reduced the agreement between thermodilu-
tion and TEE for cardiac output determination. In the In contrast, no threshold value of LV end-diastolic area can
presence of a moderate-to-severe tricuspid regurgitation be used to predict fluid responsiveness in most ICU
— an abnormality frequently observed in ventilated ICU patients [22–25•]. First, for a given transmural filling pres-
patients [15] — the thermodilution underestimated cardi- sure, end-diastolic dimension depends on LV compliance
ac output in 95% of the cases, with a significant bias of that may greatly vary among critically ill patients. Second,
ÿ1.9 ± 2.3 L/min [14]. Similarly, Zink et al. [16•] showed relative LV compliance may abruptly change in ICU
that the agreement between TEE and fast response patients (e.g., acute coronary disease or silent myocardial
thermistor PAC for the measurement of ejection fraction ischemia, acute RV overload, increased pericardial pres-
of the right ventricle (RV) significantly decreased with sure). Third, cardiac diseases are frequently associated
pulmonary hypertension that is usually associated with tri- with structural abnormalities that invalidate the use of
cuspid regurgitation. LV end-diastolic dimensions as a reliable index of preload
(e.g., dilated cardiomyopathy or reduced venticular cavity
In visualizing cardiac structures, TEE has also the major associated with LV hypertrophy). Finally, cardiovascular
advantage over PAC of providing direct appreciation of effects of general anesthesia may result in smaller LV
the size and function of both ventricles. Thus, the oper- end-diastolic areas than expected in the general popu-
ator can readily appreciate in real time if the stroke lation, with a quite wide range of normal values [26].
volume is mostly generated by a preserved myocardial Accordingly, low LV end-diastolic dimension does not
contractility or by an enlarged, yet severely depressed, imply necessarily preload dependence, and even less in-
ventricle and if the low output state is secondary to an dication for fluid therapy. Dynamic indices using cardio-
RV systolic dysfunction rather LV failure (Fig. 1). Al- pulmonary interactions in ventilated patients have there-
though TEE is not yet adapted for continuous moni- fore been proposed as alternative markers of preload
toring of cardiac output in critically ill patients, it allows dependence.
Hemodynamic assessment using echocardiography Doppler Vignon 229

Figure 1. Potential advantages of echocardiography Doppler over pulmonary artery catheterization for the determination
of cardiac index

(a) In contrast to invasive hemodynamic monitoring, transesophageal echocardiography has the unparalleled advantage of assessing both the pump
function and cavity size of the left ventricle (black boxes). Accordingly, it determines which of these two parameters predominantly generates left
ventricular stroke volume. Adapted from Braunwald E. Regulation of the circulation. N Engl J Med 1974; 200:1124. (b) Illustrative example of discrepant
results provided by the pulmonary artery catheter and transesophageal echocardiography in a patient placed under ventilator for secondary pulmonary
edema associated with severe systemic hypoxemia. Under continuous infusion of dobutamine, two-dimensional echocardiography revealed the presence
of an underlying dilated cardiomyopathy with depressed pump function (left) while Doppler measurement confirmed a markedly decreased left ventricular
stroke volume (right). In this patient, cardiac index was overestimated by the thermodilution technique (see text for details).

Prediction of preload dependence value of 91%, while a threshold value of 13% was proposed
Pulse pressure variation under volume-controlled ventila- for pulse pressure variation [27]. As importantly, respira-
tion has been successfully used to predict the response to tory variation in aortic Doppler velocities #12% had
a fluid challenge in septic patients [27]. Since the pulse a 100% negative predictive value, thus avoiding inefficient
pressure variation concept is mainly based on respiratory and potentially deleterious volume expansion. In addition,
change in LV stroke volume, Feissel et al. [24] hypothe- the magnitude of respiratory variation of aortic Doppler
sized that variation of aortic blood flow velocity measured velocities was closely related to the increase of cardiac in-
by Doppler could predict preload responsiveness in septic dex induced by fluid therapy [24].
ventilated patients. Variation of aortic Doppler velocities
was calculated as the ratio of the difference between Since cardiac output must equal the volume of blood en-
maximal (inspiratory) and minimal (expiratory) velocities tering the heart, the cyclic effect of tidal ventilation on
to the mean of these two velocities and responders were venous return appears also useful to detect preload depen-
defined as patients increasing their cardiac index of at dence [28]. In 66 ventilated septic patients, Vieillard-
least 15% after a fluid challenge, as previously proposed Baron et al. [29••] showed that a collapsibility index
for pulse pressure variation [27]. Not surprisingly, the (maximal diameter on expiration ÿ minimal diameter on
authors [24] showed that a respiratory variation of aortic inspiration/maximal diameter on expiration expressed as
blood flow velocity >12% when measured using TEE a percentage) of the superior vena cava >36% allowed
pulsed Doppler at the level of the LV outflow tract accu- to accurately distinguish responders from non responders
rately identified responders with a positive predicting to a fluid challenge with a sensitivity and specificity of
230 Cardiopulmonary monitoring

90% and 87%, respectively. Diameter variation of the supe- LV filling pressure than measurement of pulmonary artery
rior vena cava had a bimodal distribution, most responders occlusion pressure (PAOP) as an index of preload. Accord-
exhibiting a collapsibility index >50% while all but two ingly, the main indication for evaluating LV filling pressure
non responders had a collapsibility index <30% [29••]. with Doppler is to differentiate secondary pulmonary
Similarly, respiratory variation of the inferior vena cava di- edema from ARDS.
ameter has been successfully used to detect preload de-
pendence in septic patients examined with TTE Both mitral and pulmonary venous Doppler profiles have
[30•,31•]. been successfully used to assess PAOP in ICU patients
[37]. Nevertheless, these conventional Doppler indices
All limitations of pulse pressure variation as an indicator can be altered by numerous additional parameters, such
of fluid responsiveness [32] also apply when using ‘dy- as LV diastolic properties that are better characterized
namic’ echocardiographic markers of preload dependence by tissue or color Doppler indices. Accordingly, animal
[28]. In addition, the proposed threshold values have and clinical studies have recently shown that the com-
been determined retrospectively in septic patients, but bined use of tissue or color Doppler and conventional
not yet tested prospectively in larger cohorts of patients Doppler indices allowed predicting PAOP non invasively.
and in other conditions than sepsis. Importantly, preload In 60 ventilated patients monitored with a PAC for post-
dependence does not necessarily imply need of volume operative shock and acute lung injury, Bouhemad et al.
expansion, the indication of fluid therapy in a critically [38] showed that an E/Ea ratio $7 (E: maximal mitral
ill patient remaining based on the clinical evaluation [28]. Doppler velocity at early diastole; Ea: maximal tissue
Doppler velocity of the lateral mitral annulus at early di-
Identification of right ventricular dysfunction astole) predicted a PAOP $13 mm Hg with a sensitivity of
Early diagnosis of RV dysfunction is crucial for adequate 86% and a specificity of 92%. This ratio appeared less ac-
treatment of ventilated ICU patients. First, RV failure curate for predicting PAOP #8 mm Hg. The ratio E/Vp
may result in increased pulse pressure variation due to (Vp: early diastolic propagation velocity measured by color
the cyclic rise in outflow impedance during the insuffla- M-mode) was a less accurate predictor of LV filling pres-
tion of the tidal volume [29••]. In this case, pulse pressure sure in this study, with fairly large limits of agreement of
variation does not reflect a marked inspiratory drop in ve- ÿ6 to +6 mm Hg [38]. Similarly, Combes et al. [39•]
nous return due to hypovolemia, but rather an RV systolic reported in 23 ventilated ICU patients that an E/Ea ra-
dysfunction exacerbated by positive pressure ventilation. tio >7.5 estimated a PAOP $15 mm Hg, with a sensitivity
TEE usually confirms RV dysfunction associated with in- and a specificity of 86% and 81%, respectively. Limits of
creased venous pressure, as reflected by reduced or abol- agreement were also fairly large (±5 mm Hg). Importantly,
ished respiratory variation of vena cava diameter. This several studies suggest that Doppler evaluation of LV fill-
scenario qualifies the patient as a non-responder to vol- ing pressure is more accurate in the presence of LV systolic
ume expansion since there is no LV fluid responsiveness dysfunction [38,40••]. The concept of combining new
without RV preload dependence. Second, echocardiogra- Doppler indices — considered to be preload independent
phy allows immediate diagnosis of acute cor pulmonale — with conventional pulsed Doppler parameters to pre-
in hypotensive patients with suddenly afterloaded RV dict more accurately LV filling pressure has been recently
secondary to massive pulmonary embolism or acute respi- challenged. Indeed, animal and clinical studies have shown
ratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [33]. Diagnostic algo- that both Ea velocity and Vp were in fact significantly al-
rithm is dramatically simplified and echocardiography tered by a marked and rapid preload reduction, such as ul-
provides insights in RV functional impairment that may trafiltration [41,42•,43••]. Finally, no clinical study has yet
guide patient treatment. Third, in patients with ARDS re- been focused on TEE prediction of a PAOP #18 mm Hg,
quiring aggressive respiratory support, TEE may reveal to obtain the hemodynamic criterion of ARDS without
deleterious effects of positive-pressure ventilation on as- PAC [44].
sociated RV failure and may potentially help in guiding
ventilatory strategy [34]. Fourth, RV dysfunction has been Therapeutic impact
commonly reported in various settings, such as sepsis Overall therapeutic impact of TEE is substantial in all
[29••] or ischemic cardiac disease [35], and may be asso- clinical studies involving ICU populations since it may
ciated with a poor outcome [35]. Finally, echocardiography reach 60% of the cases [45••], especially in hemodynam-
allows a comprehensive functional assessment of both RV ically unstable patients [46]. Although changes in medical
systolic and diastolic function [36], which is frequently therapy is the most frequent, cardiovascular surgery may
impaired in ventilated ICU patients. be indicated without further work-up based on TEE find-
ings [7,45••,47–49]. Increasing use of TEE in an institu-
Left ventricular filling pressure tion does not appear to reduce its yield in ICU patients
Since diastolic LV pressure-volume relation is not linear, [50]. The rate of discrepancies between TEE and PAC
there is no more reason to use Doppler assessment of is usually high, mainly due to limitations of invasive
Hemodynamic assessment using echocardiography Doppler Vignon 231

Figure 2. Examples of hemodynamic disturbances frequently overlooked by pulmonary artery catheterization but accurately
identified when using echocardiography Doppler in hemodynamically unstable patients

(a) Excessive use of inotropic drugs in this hypotensive patient resulted in a functional left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (maximal pressure
gradient of ;90 mm Hg; arrows) due to the combination of non corrected hypovolemia and underlying septal hypertrophy. (b) Acute cor pulmonale
observed in a ventilated patient with unstable hemodynamics and marked respiratory variation of arterial pressure. In this case, the insufflation of tidal
volume revealed a severe right ventricular systolic dysfunction rather than preload dependence of the heart (see text for details). (c) In this hypertensive
patient who was placed under ventilator for secondary pulmonary edema, transesophageal echocardiography depicted preserved left ventricular
systolic function together with elevated filling pressures. Pure diastolic dysfunction was diagnosed based on the presence of a marked concentric left
ventricular hypertrophy together with an abnormal tissue Doppler diastolic profile and decreased propagation velocity measured by color M-mode.
Please note the reduced left ventricular end-systolic volume (20 mL). (d) In this septic patient presenting with a pulmonary edema and elevated cardiac
output, transesophageal echocardiography revealed a massive aortic regurgitation (arrows) secondary to an acute valvular endocarditis that required
prompt surgical repair. (e) In this hypotensive patient ventilated for a penetrating trauma, transesophageal echocardiography depicted a defect of the
interventricular septal wall that was responsible for a substantial left-to-right shunt (arrow). (f) In this patient who sustained severe hypotension with
elevated central venous pressure shortly after cardiac surgery, transesophageal echocardiography immediately identified a compression of right
cardiac cavities by a large hematoma (double-headed arrow). Please note that right ventricular cavity became virtual (arrow) due to extrinsic
compression that resulted in tamponade. Hemodynamics rapidly improved after immediate surgery. RA, right atrium; LA, left atrium; RV, right ventricle;
LV, left ventricle.

monitoring [50–53]. Importantly, TEE frequently depicts come than those who were not. However, in the absence
abnormalities that are consistently overlooked by PAC, of randomization, hypotensive patients assessed with ul-
such as LV outflow tract obstruction, ventricular interde- trasound were at higher risk of poor outcome, the use
pendency, LV diastolic dysfunction, acute valvulopathy, of TEE only reflecting the presence of postoperative com-
acquired anatomic shunt, or localized cardiac compression plications as opposed to the unmatched control group.
(Fig. 2). Accordingly, TEE frequently allows modifying in- Heidenreich et al. [54] reported that TEE could help pre-
adequate PAC-guided therapy [50–53]. dict the mortality in critically ill patients according to the
identified mechanism of hypotension. Regrettably, the
Prognostic impact impact of TEE on patients’ outcome could not be evalu-
It is currently unclear as to whether acute management ated in the absence of randomization. Of note, TEE-
guided by repeated assessment of hemodynamic status induced morbidity remains fairly low since complication
improves survival in critically ill adults. Few studies have rates in the ICU setting ranges between 1 and 5% [45••],
evaluated the potential impact of TEE on the outcome of and is even lower in ventilated patients [7].
ICU patients examined for unstable hemodynamics.
Schmidlin et al. [47] reported that patients evaluated with Advantages, cost effectiveness, and impact on outcome of
TEE after cardiac surgery had a significantly worse out- TEE when used as a first-line modality for the assessment
232 Cardiopulmonary monitoring

of hemodynamically unstable ICU patients have not yet 4 Cholley BP, Singer M. Esophageal Doppler: noninvasive cardiac output mon-
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