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ĐỀ-kiểm tra tacn2 hvtc Học viện tài chính

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I. Choose the best option for each question

1. Government-placed restrictions on trade between nations are ………….

A. Subsidies B. Tariff C. Quota D. Trade barrier

2. The practice of selling foreign imports in the domestic economy at prices lower
than the actual cost of production is called ………….

A. Dumping B. Competing C. Challenging D. Restricting

3. The price of imported good is added with ………….

A. Tariff B. Taxes C. Quotas D. Non-tariffs

4. …………. is a good period for sellers, when prices are rising quickly.

A. Price boom B. Price cut C. Price hike D. Price leader

5. ………… is contributed by shareholders who put up money and hold shares in the

A. Capital B. Share capital C. Loan capital D. Leverage

4. ………... calculates how much tax an individual or a company should pay – or

trying to reduce this figure.

A. Financial accounting B. Auditing C. Tax accounting D. Management accounting

6. ………… is one of the major financial statements used by accountants and

business owners.

A. The income statement B. The ledger

C. The journal D. The accounting balance sheet

7. …………. reviews accounting and financial transactions to determine if

commitments, authorization, receipt, and disbursement of funds are properly and
accurately recorded and reported.
A. Operational audit B. Financial audit

C. Compliance audit D. Information systems audit

9. ………….. is a statistical record of all the economic transactions between residents

of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time

A. The balance of trade B. Barter or counter-trade

C. Merchandise trade D. The balance of payments

10. Most good systems will provide accounting controls against errors, as well as a
division of duties to reduce the possibility of ………….

A. Appropriations B. Misappropriation

C. Disappropriations D. Misappropriations


Working capital is a common measure of a company's liquidity, efficiency, and

overall health. Because it includes cash, inventory, accounts receivable, account
payable, the portion of debt due within one year, and other short-term accounts, a
company's working capital reflects the results of a host of company activities,
including inventory management, debt management, revenue collection, and
payments to suppliers.

Positive working capital generally indicates that a company is able to pay off its
short-term liabilities almost immediately. Negative working capital generally
indicates a company is unable to do so. This is why analysts are sensitive to decreases
in working capital, they suggest a company is overleveraged, is struggling to
maintain or grow sales, is paying bills too quickly or is collecting receivables too
slowly. Increases in working capital, on the other hands, suggest the opposite. There
are several ways to evaluate a company's working capital further, include calculating
the inventory-turnover ratio, the receivables ratio, days payable, the current ratio, and
the quick ratio.

One of the most significant uses of working capital is inventory. The longer
inventory sits on the shelf or in the warehouse, the longer the company's working
capital is tied up.

When not managed carefully, business can grow themselves out of cash by
needing more working capital to fulfill expansion plans than they can generate in
their current state. This usually occurs when a company has used cash to pay for
everything, rather than seeking financing that would smooth out the payments and
make cash available for other uses. As a result, working capital shortages cause many
businesses to fail even though they may actually turn a profit. The most efficient
companies invest wisely to avoid these situations.

Analysts commonly point out that the level and timing of a company's cash flow
are what really determine whether a company is able to pay its liabilities when due.
The working capital formula assumes that a company really would liquidate its
current assets to pay current liabilities. Which is not always realistic considering
some cash is always needed to meet payroll obligations and maintain operations.
Further, the working capital formula assumes that accounts receivable are readily
available for collection, which may not be the case for many companies.


1. What can we identify based on the working capital?

A. The company can pay off short-term debt completely
B. The company has enough raw materials to produce goods
C. The company can afford to pay short-term debt
D. Working capital is used to purchase fixed assets.
2. What happens if there are too much inventories on hand?
A. To insure the ongoing production
B. Working capital is stagnant
C. If you run out of a certain products, you could miss out on potentially
profitable sales, and this could cause customers to give their business to your
D. The company has to spend more money on maintaining the quality of goods.
3. How many assumes in working capital formula?

A. 2


C. 3

D. 4
4. To reduce the lack of working capital, what should we do?

A.Make a loan from bank debentures,...

B.Issue shares, bonds,

C.Spend money reasonably

D.Invest wisely

5. What does working capital reflect?

A.Inventory management and payments to suppliers management


C. Fixed assets

D.A and B

III. Match the terms with the definition: 

misappropriations fixed capital wastage internal audit market share
market segments accountant ownership equity financing corporate finance

a. the fraudulent apporiation of funds of property

entrusted to your care but actually owned by
someone else.
b. the fact that you own something.

c. an auditor who is an employee of the company

whose records are audited and who provides
information to the management and board of
d. issuing additional shares of common stock to an
e. the process of providing companies with money
to invest in their businesses.
IV. Make up sentences: 
1. Corporate finance/ involve/ creating/ managing/ process/ issuing shares/ stock/
offering/ corporate bonds/ generate resources/ expansion projects.

2. The task of financial management/be/ see/ generous credit terms/ be/ negotiated/
suppliers/ but/ minimal credit/ be/ offer/ customers.
3. The marketing concept/ be/ that/company’s choice/goods services to offer/ should/
based/ the goal/ satisfying/customers’ needs.
4. The annual report/ comprise/ income/ statement/ balance sheet/ statement of cash
flow/ as/ footnotes/ these statements.
5. Management accounting/ involve/ development/ interpretation/ accounting

V. Answer long questions 

1. What is the term “4Ps” refer to ?
2. What is investing the finance?
VI. English - Vietnamese Translation
1. A company should implement as many internal controls as are necessary to ensure
efficient functioning.
2. Under ideal conditions, responsible corporate finance operations encourage the
prudent use of all financial resources.
3. Making sensible use of the company's financial resources is one of the main duties
of competent corporate finance.
VII. Vietnamese - English Translation
1. Kiểm toán là một phần của lĩnh vực kế toán liên quan đến việc kiểm tra và đánh
giá lại các báo cáo về tình hình tài chính.
2. Quản lý tiền mặt một cách sáng suốt sẽ đảm bảo rằng lượng tiền mặt luôn có sẵn
để đáp ứng nhu cầu thanh toán các khoản nợ và nó cũng là một khoản dự trữ nhỏ để
giải quyết trong những trường hợp không mong muốn.
3. Tiến hành một cuộc xem xét toàn diện về các giao dịch tài chính đóng vai trò quan
trọng trong việc đảm bảo tính chính xác và minh bạch trong báo cáo tài chính.

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