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اanat & Physio Course Report

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Faculty of electronic engineering

Industrial electronics and control department

The National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment




Dr. Samir Badawy

Course Report


1. Course Specification
2. Quizzes, Midterm Exam with Model Answer, and
3. Samples of Student Answers (Copies)
4. Final Exam with Model Answer
5. Samples of Student Works (Reports, Homework, Projects, ……)
6. Samples of Lecture Notes
7. Students Attendance Sheet
8. Student Results
Institution MENOFEA UNIVERSITY Date of Course Report Sept. 2020

College/ Department Faculty of electronic engineering

Industrial electronics and control department

A. Course Identification and General Information

1. Course title ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Code # ACE 316 Section # 3

2. Name of course instructor Dr. S. Badawy Location Menof

3. Year and semester to which this report applies. 2020/2023, term 1

4. Number of students starting the course? 16 Students completing the course. 16

5. Course components (actual total contact hours and credits per semester):

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Practical Other: Total

Contact 28 20 48
Credit 2 1 3

B. - Course Delivery

1. Coverage of Planned Program

Planned Actual Reason for Variations if there is a
Topics Covered Contact Contact difference of more than 25% of the
Hours Hours hours planned
1 - cell anatomy and physiology 28 + 14
2- heart anatomy 28 + 10
3- cardiovascular system
4- nicotine side effects& Ph
5- urinary system
6 - ear anatomy
7 - digestive system
8 - skeletal system
9- muscular system
10- respiratory system
11- insulin sensitivity

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12- integumentary system
13 - nervous system

2. Consequences of Non-Coverage of Topics

For any topics where the topic was not taught or practically delivered, comment on how significant you
believe the lack of coverage is for the course learning outcomes or for later courses in the program. Suggest
possible compensating action.

Topics (if any) not Fully Effected Learning Outcomes Possible Compensating Action
None None None

3. Course learning outcome assessment.

Learning Outcomes

Outco Description

Numbe Describe the normal structure and function of cells and tissues
r ❖

Describe the structure and function of the human:

• cell , heart, heart, and cardiovascular system

• cardio-respiratory and renal systems along with the gastro-intestinal

❖ tractnicotine
. Studying and related
side organs.
effects, Ph levels and effects, and insulin sensitivity.

Describe the structure and function of the human:
Auditory system, nervous system, skeletal system, muscular system, and integumentary

❖ Understanding control of respiration and cardiovascular function. And the assessment of

cardiorespiratory and renal functions.

The knowledge and understanding required will be delivered in lectures.

Problem-solving tutorials will be used to reinforce the taught component with
opportunities to practice problem solving using a mixture of exam-style

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Feedback during tutorials and instant formative quizzes will enable teacher to
monitor the progress.
Ongoing summative assessment will encourage student engagement.
The student self-smart study via zoom meeting during their discussion and
exercise meetings outside lecture room encourage student to do additive effort
and get involved in the course units.

List course learning outcomes List methods of assessment Summary analysis of assessment
1 A- Knowledge of 1- written exams: General speaking
Hyman systems structure a) mid-term couldn't some students showed high skills and
and function be done due to adapted to the learning process
corona and students quickly. others were moderate. The
2 stay at home. rest were modest.
B-Intellectual Skills:
b) Final written exam
Self-study and round table c) Lecture quizzes.
discussion. tasks and reports.
d) Home tasks Some of students (approximately
3 C- Professional Skills 20%) didn't attend the class at the
Implementing electronic beginning of the term. That delay
affected negatively their progress in
the course.
Exchanging knowledge and
acquired skills among the

Summarize any actions you recommend for improving teaching strategies as a result of evaluations in table
1- Anatomy, lab is not available. It is needed urgently
2- clinical skills sessions is required to support course subjects.
3- Qualified teacher assistant is required.
4- Lab session is to be added to the course hours.
5- Systems to assure students cheat stop. Especially stop mobile cheating processes.

4. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Strategies for Intended Learning Outcomes set out in the Course
Were these Difficulties Experienced (if any) in Using
List Teaching Methods set out in Course Effective? the Strategy and Suggested Action to Deal
Specification No Yes with Those Difficulties.

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1. Lectures Yes 1&2:
2. Self-study cases yes Students should start the course all
3. Tutorial (qualified is required) No together at the first lecture. Beside names
4. No lab in plan No and their ex results should be handled at
the beginning of the course

C. Results

1. Distribution of Grades

Letter Number of Student Explanation of Distribution of Grades

Grade Students Percentage

In Progress



1. Analyze special factors (if any) affecting the results

Mentioned above

3. Variations from planned student assessment processes (if any) (see Course Specifications).

a. Variations (if any) from planned assessment schedule (see Course Specification) Nil
Variation Reason

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b. Variations (if any) from planned assessment processes in Domains of Learning (see Course Specification)
Variation Reason
none none

4. Student Grade Achievement Verification (e.g. cross-check of grade validity by independent evaluator).

Method(s) of Verification Conclusion

Out of personal power No comment

D. Resources and Facilities

1. Difficulties in access to resources or 2. Consequences of any difficulties experienced for student

facilities (if any) learning in the course.
no none

E. Administrative Issues

1 Organizational or administrative 2. Consequences of any difficulties experienced for student

difficulties encountered (if any) learning in the course.

F Course Evaluation

Teaching quality and the effectiveness of programs must be evaluated through student assessments and graduate and
employer surveys, with feedback used as a basis for plans for improvement.

1 Student evaluation of the course (Attach survey results report)

a. List the most important recommendations for improvement and strengths

b. Response of instructor or course team to this evaluation

2. Other Evaluation (e.g. by head of department, peer observations, accreditation review, other stakeholders)

a. List the most important recommendations for improvement and strengths

b. Response of instructor or course team to this evaluation

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G. Planning for Improvement

1. Progress on actions proposed for improving the course in previous course reports (if any).

Actions recommended
from the most recent Actions Taken Results Analysis
course report(s)



2. List what actions have been taken to improve the course (based on previous CR, surveys, independent
opinion, or course evaluation).

3. Action Plan for Improvement for Next Semester/Year

Intended Action Points Start Completion Person
Actions Recommended and Process Date Date Responsible

Name of Course Instructor: Dr Samir Badawy

Signature: ______samir_________________ Date Report Completed: Feb. 2023

Program Coordinator: ______________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________ Date Received: _________________________

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