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PhysRevA 49 2117

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Theory of high-harmonic generation by low-frequency laser fields

M. Lewenstein, " Ph. Balcou, M. Yu. Ivanov, 't Anne L'Huillier, and P. B. Corkum
Joint Institute for Iaboratory Astrophysics, University of Colov'ado, Boulder, Colorado 80809 0$-40
Service des Photons, Atomes et Molecules, Centre d'Etudes de Saclay, 91191 Cif sur Yvette, Prance
National Research Council of Canada, M 88A-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada EC1A OR6
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L $)3,-P. O. Box 5508, Livermore, California 9/550
(Received 19 August 1993)
We present a simple, analytic, and fully quantum theory of high-harmonic generation by low-
frequency laser fields. The theory recovers the classical interpretation of Kulander et al. in [Pro
ceedin9s of the SILAP III Workshop, edited by B. Piraux (Plenum, New York, 1993)] and Corkum
[Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 1994 (1993)] and clearly explains why the single-atom harmonic-generation
spectra fall ofF at an energy approximately equal to the ionization energy plus about three times the
oscillation energy of a free electron in the field. The theory is valid for arbitrary atomic potentials
and can be generalized to describe laser fields of arbitrary eOipticity and spectrum. We discuss the
role of atomic dipole matrix elements, electron rescattenng processes, and of depletion of the ground
state. We present the exact quantum-mechanical formula for the harmonic cutoK that difFers from
the phenomenological law I„+ 3.17U„where I„ is the atomic ionization potential and U„ is the
ponderomotive energy, due to the account for quantum tunneling and diffusion efFects.

PACS number(s): 42.65.Ky, 32.80.Rm

I. INTRODUCTION that the maximum energy at the end of the plateau is

well approximated by the simple and universal formula
In recent years, high-order harmonic generation (HG) Ip + 3Up where Iz is the atomic ionization potential,
has become one of the major topics of multiphoton while U„= E2/4ur2 is the ponderomotive energy in the
physics [1]. When an intense short-pulse laser inter- laser 6eld of strength E and &equency u. U„ is the mean
acts with an atomic gas, the atoms respond in a nonlin- kinetic energy aquired by a &ee electron in the oscillating
ear way and emit coherent radiation at frequencies that laser field of the strength E. The cutoH' in the harmonic
are multiples of the laser &equency. In order to pro- spectrum occurs for harmonics of order higher than
duce high-order harmonics and consequently to generate
high-energy photons, one can use either high-&equency N „(Ip + 3U„)/io.
excimer (e.g. , KrF) lasers ( [2,3]) or low-frequency lasers The overall maximal photon energy (in units of io) that
(Nd:glass, Ti:sapphire) such that the laser frequency io can be achieved is then approximately given by the value
is much smaller than the ionization potential. In the lat- of this expression at the saturation intensity I, t, at which
ter case the harmonic spectrum has a very characteristic the atom ionizes. Note, however, that Eq. (1) deterinines
and universal shape: it falls oK for the 6rst few har- the location of the cutofF in a single-atom spectrum. It
monics, then exhibits a plateau where all the harmonics can be modified when collective effects (phase matching)
have the same strength, and ends up with a sharp cut- become relevant [7].
og Several groups (see, for example, [4,5] and references A very important insight into the physical understand-
therein) have performed experiments in which they ob- ing of this cuto8' law formula has recently been given by
served generation of harmonics of the 100th and higher Kulander et al. [8] and by Corkum [9], using a semi-
order, extending as far as 150 eV. classical approach. In this model, electrons first tun-
One of the most interesting questions regarding these nel through the barrier formed by the atomic potential
harmonic-generation spectra concerns the nature and lo- and the laser field [10,11] and appear in the continuum
cation of the cutoK Obviously, this question is of great with zero velocity. Their subsequent motion in the field
importance from the point of view of possible applica- is treated classically. Only those electrons that return
tions. The cutoK location sets the ultimate limit for to the nucleus can emit harmonics by recombining to
the highest &equency that can be efhciently generated. the ground state. Classical simulations [8,9] show that
Numerical calculations of Krause et al. [6] have shown the maximum kinetic energy acquired by the &ee elec-
trons &om the 6eld when they return to the nucleus is
3.2U&. Thus the maximal energy of emitted photons is
I„+ 3.2U~, close to the prediction of [6]. The semiclas-
Permanent address: Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN, Al. sical approach is based on three basic assumptions. The
Lotnik6w 32/46, 02 —668 Warsaw, Poland. dominant contribution to HG comes &om electrons that
t Permanent address: General Physics Institute, Vavilov Str.
(i) return to the nucleus, (ii) appear in the continuum
38, Moscow 117942, Russia. with zero velocity, and (iii) finally, have an appropri-

1050-2947/94/49(3}/2117(16}/$66. 00 49 2117 1994 The American Physical Society

2118 M. LEWENSTEIN et al. 49

ate kinetic energy to produce a given harmonic at the motivation of the present work was to find an interme-
time of return. This classical interpretation shows that diate approximate solution to the problem of harmonic
in order to control harmonic-generation processes, one generation valid in a low-&equency high-intensity regime
should try to control the motion of free electrons in the that would provide a link between the methods of Refs.
laser field. Shaping appropriately electron trajectories [6] and [8,9], on one hand, and would allow one to study
might allow for various fascinating applications, includ- the effects of multicolor or elliptically polarized light on
ing, for example, the generation of subfemtosecond high- harmonic generation, on the other hand.
frequency pulses [12]. Recently, several authors [20—22] have emphasized the
In a recent paper [7], we have discussed the harmonic- importance of bound states in harmonic generation on
generation cutoff in a low-&equency high-intensity the formation of the plateau (see also [23,24]). Other
regime, presenting experimental data and calculations in- cutoff laws, difFerent from Eq. (1), e.g. , involving Rabi
volving the response of a single-atom and of the macro- frequencies, have been derived [21,22]. The present the-
scopic medium. Systematic measurements of the har- ory applies to a regime of parameters where bound states
monic generation yields in neon have been performed us- should be relatively unimportant: it is valid in a low-
ing a short-pulse low-&equency laser. The experimental frequency, high intensity limit (U„) I„), and for high
cutofF energy was found to be approximately Ip + 2Up, harmonics, with energy higher than, say, the ionization
therefore lower than that predicted in single-atom the- energy. It is well adapted to a discussion of the cut-
ories [9,6, 13]. A simple, analytic, and fully quantum- off location, but it obviously cannot describe well those
mechanical theory of harmonic generation valid in the low-order harmonics below or just above the ionization
tunneling limit has been formulated. It agrees well with limit. On the other hand, it includes important quantum-
the predictions of other single-atom theories and in par- mechanical effects such as quantum diffusion, quantum
ticular with the cutoff law. It recovers the semiclas- interferences, depletion of the ground state which are not
sical interpretation of harmonic generation in this low- included in the classical approaches [8,9,25] and it allows
&equency regime. The difference between the prediction us to get a better physical understanding of harmonic
for the single-atom cutoff and the experimental results generation in the tunneling limit.
have been explained by accounting for the inQuence of The plan of the paper is the following. Section II
propagation effects [14] in a tight focusing geometry [7]. contains a general presentation of our theory and a dis-
A good agreement between theory and experiment has cussion of its quasiclassical interpretation. We present
been obtained. general expressions for harmonic spectra and harmonic
In the present paper, we give a full account of the the- strengths. Section III is divided into several subsections
oretical part of Ref. [7] which deals with the response of in which we describe applications of our theory to vari-
a single atom. Propagation effects will be discussed in ous model potentials. In particular, we study the case of
a future paper. We give a detailed formulation of the a transition &om a 1s state to a continuum for a Gaus-
theory with, in particular, a discussion of its range of va- sian model and also for hydrogenlike atoms. We address
lidity. We study different potentials and we investigate the question of electron rescattering, i.e. , the process in
the inBuence of the various relevant parameters. One which the electron returning to the nucleus is scattered
could argue that the fully quantum and exact theory of away from it instead of being recombined. In Sec. IV, we
HG has been already formulated in terms of the solu- reexamine our theory using the saddle-point technique.
tion of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation (TDSE) The most important result of this section is the deriva-
[6,15—18] or, equivalently, in terms of the solution of the tion of the quantum-mechanical cutoff law. We find that
time-independent Floquet equations [19]. On the other it actually differs &om the phenomenological expression
hand, the simple quasiclassical model of Refs. [8,9] al- I„+3.17U„and has a form 3 17U~+I„F(I„/. U„) where the
lows for a physical interpretation of the results of Ref. factor F(I~/U„) is equal to 1.3 for I~ (( U~ and decreases
[6]. Therefore, at 6rst sight, there is no need for any slowly towards 1 as I~ grows. In Sec. V, we discuss the
approximate theory that would link the two mentioned efFects of saturation and depletion of the atomic ground
approaches. However, the TDSE method requires a lot state. Finally, Sec. VI contains the conclusions, whereas
of computer time. In particular, although it works well the Appendixes A and B are devoted to some more tech-
for linearly polarized laser fields, it cannot be easily ex- nically involved derivations of the formulas used in the
tended, for the time being, to elliptically polarized fields main body of the paper.
or nonmonochromatic fields with a time-dependent po-
larization. In contrast, the present theory can easily de-
scribe the interaction with laser light of arbitrary po- II. THEORY OF HARMONIC GENERATION
larization and frequency content, allowing one to study
strong-field coherent control of high-harmonic emission,
for example in the field of two lasers with related fre- The theoretical problem that we attempt to solve is the
quencies. On the other hand, the semiclassical approach same as in the case of the TDSE method. We consider
used in Refs. [8,9] mixes classical and quantum argu- an atom (or an ion) in a single-electron approximation
ments (first quantum tunneling, then classical motion, under the influence of the laser field E cos (t) of linear
then quantum recombination). It does not account for polarization in the x direction (we use atomic units, but
many important quantum effects, such as quantum dif- express all energies in terms of the photon energy). In the
fusion of wave packets, quantum interferences, etc. The length gauge, the Schrodinger equation takes the form

ization. Keldysh used a version of the S-matrix theory

z~@(x, t)) = ——V + V(x) —Ecos (t)x ]4(x, t)). (2) with final states described by Volkov wave functions ([10],
see also [28]), i.e. , solutions of the Schrodinger equation
Initially, the systexn is in the ground state, denoted as describing the motion of a &ee electron in the laser field.
An alternative approach based on the tixne-reversed S-
~0), which in general has a spherical symmetry.
We consider the case when I„» 1 (typically Ip 5— 20 matrix theory and called strong-Geld approximation has
been proposed by Reiss [29].
laser photons) and when Up is comparable or larger than
I„. We start our discussion by considering the case when We prefer to follow Ref. [30], since this approach is
ionization is weak, so U„should be large, but still below xnore closely related to standard methods of quantum
the saturation level, U, t, when all atoms ionize during optics, in the sense that it neglects, or treats as a
the interaction time. In this regime of parameters, the perturbation, part of the interaction Haxniltonian. In
tunneling theory [10,11] becomes valid [26]. The inten- particular, we put emphasis on the role of a singular
sities are large enough (10 —10 W/cm ) so that inter- part of continuum-continuum (C-C) dipole matrix ele-
mediate resonances, including dynamically induced ones ments. The most singular part of these matrix elements,
(see, for instance, [27]), play no role. The electron leaves (v[x[v'), is iV'„h(v —v'). The other parts of the C-C
the atoms typically when the field reaches its peak value. dipole matrix element are either less singular or regular,
The effects of the force due to the potential, —VV(x), and we shall neglect them in the following. Although
is then negligible. The electron undergoes transitions to such a procedure might be incorrect in the context of
continuuxn states which we label by the kinetic momen- Above-Threshold Ionization [31], it should be reasonable
tum of the outgoing electron ~v). As it is accelerated for HG, since C-C transitions between the states of dif-
in the field, it immediately acquires a high velocity, so ferent energies do not contribute to it [32). The singular
that the role of V(x) is even less pronounced. That is part of the C-C dipole matrix elements iV„h(v —v') is
particularly true if the electron returns to the nucleus treated by us exactly. It describes the motion of the
with a large kinetic energy of the order of 3U„. At the &ee electron in the laser field. It is worth stressing that
turning points, the electron velocity might be quite small the part of C-C matrix elements that we neglect may be
but these points are located typically very far &om the treated as a perturbation and one can systexnatically ac-
nucleus. count for corrections to the solution of the Schrodinger
The above considerations suggest that the following equation coming from this perturbation (see Ref. [30]).
assumptions should be valid in the regime of parameters We should also mention that our method is very similar
that we consider. to the one used in Ref. [13] for the case of a zero range
(a) The contribution to the evolution of the systein potential. Our approach is, however, xnore general and
of all bound states except the ground state ~0) can be can be applied to any potential.
neglected. After making the assumptions (a) —(c), the time-
(b) The depletion of the ground state can be neglected dependent wave functions can be expanded as
(Up ( Usat) ~4'(t)) = e' ' a(t)~0) + d vb(v, t)[v) ~, (3)
(c) In the continuum, the electron can be treated as a )

&ee particle moving in the electric field with no effect of where a(t) 1 is the ground-state amplitude, and
V(x). b(v, t) are the amplitudes of the corresponding contin-
Assumption (b) can be used only for intensities smaller uum states. We have factored out here &ee oscillations
then saturation intensity. Otherwise, the depletion of the of the ground-state amplitude with the bare frequency
ground state has to be taken into account, as discussed I„. The Schrodinger equation for b(v, t) reads as
in Sec. V. Assumption (c) is non-questionable for short-
range potentials, but is also valid for hydrogenlike atoms, b(v, t) = .
i /
E2 /
b(v, t)—
provided U„ is large enough. It is important, however,
to be aware of what is the regime of validity of the as- Bb(v,' t)—
sumptions (a) and (c). Generally speaking, they hold
Ecos(t) +iEcos(t) d (v). (4)
when there are no intermediate resonances and when the Here d(v) =
(v[x~0) denotes the atomic dipole matrix
Keldysh parameter p = QIp/2Up is smaller then one, i.e. , element for the bound-free transition and d (v) is the
in the tunnebng or over-the-barrier ionization regimes. component parallel to the polarization axis. In writing
The latter condition requires Ip & 2Up and implies that Eq. (4) we have neglected the depletion of the ground
(i) when the electron appears in the continuum it is under state, setting a(t) = 1 on the right-hand side. The whole
the inHuence of a very strong laser field, and (ii) when information about the atom is thus reduced to the form
it comes back to the nucleus it has a large kinetic en- of d(v), and its complex conjugate d'(v).
ergy, so that the atomic potential force can be neglected. The Schrodinger Eq. (4) can be solved exactly and
Obviously, the latter implication concerns only highly en- b(v, t) can be written in the closed form,
ergetic electrons, responsible for the production of har- t
monics of order 2M + 1 & I„. b(v, t) = i dt'E cos(t') d (v + A(t) —A(t') )
There are several theoretical approaches that incorpo- t
rate assumption (c) in solving Eq. (2). Ammosov et aL xexp —i dt" ~+ A t —A t" 2+ Ip
study the "classical" dynamics of the electron with time gl

in the complex plane in order to describe tunneling ion- (5)

2120 M. LEWENSTEIN et al. 49

where A(t) = ( —Esin(t), 0, 0) is the vector potential of (8) is to interpret it as a Landau-Dyhne formula for tran-
the laser field. sition probabilities applied to the evaluation of the ob-
In order to calculate the x component of the time- servable z [33]. Finally, note that Eq. (8) is evidently
dependent dipole moment, we have to evaluate z(t) gauge invariant.
(@(t)~z~tI)'(t)). Using Eqs. (3) and (5) we obtain The expression (8) can be easily generalized to the case
of laser fields E(t) of arbitrary polarization and temporal
shape. If we want to evaluate the component of the time-
z(t) =
f d vd (v')b(vt)+, cc. (6)
dependent dipole moment along the direction n, where n
is an unit vector, the result is
In writing the above formula, we have neglected the con-
tribution from the C-C part [32], i.e. , we have considered
p n d*(p —A(t))
only the transitions back to the ground state. Introduc-
z„(t) = i
0 f
dt' d

ing a new variable which is a canonical momentum x E(t') d(p —A(t')) exp [—iS(p, t, t')] + c.c.,
p = v+ A(t) (10)

we get the final expression In the present work, we shall restrict ourselves to the
simple case of the linearly polarized monochromatic field,
t with the time-dependent dipole moment given by Eq.
z(t) = i dt' d pEcos(t')d (p —A(t')) (8). The dipole matrix elements that enter Eq. (8)
x d* (p —A(t) ) exp [—iS(p, t, t')] + c.c., change typically on a scale of the order of p On I„.
(8) the other hand, the quasiclassical action (9) changes on
where a characteristic scale p2 I/(t —t'), due to quantum
diffusion effects. For t —t' of the order of one period of
the laser field the quasiclassical action varies thus much
S( t tt) dttt
( )]
+I (9) faster than the other factors entering Eq. (8). Therefore,
the major contribution to the integral over p in Eq. (8)
comes &om the stationary points of the classical action,
Equation (8) has a nice physical interpretation [33]
as a sum of probability amplitudes corresponding to V, S(p, t, t') = 0.
the following processes: The first term in the integral,
Ecos(t')d (p —A(t')), is the probability amplitude for On the other hand, V'~S(p, t, t') is nothing else but the
an electron to make the transition to the continuum at difference between the position of the free electron at
time t' with the canonical momentum p. The electronic time t and time t',
wave function is then propagated until the time t and
acquires a phase factor equal to exp[ — iS(p, t, t')], where (12)
S(p, t, t') is the quasiclassical action. The effects of the Therefore we conclude that the stationary points of the
atomic potential are assumed to be small between t' and classical action correspond to those momenta p for which
t, so that S(p, t, t') actually describes the motion of an the electron born at time t' returns to the the same po-
electron &eely moving in the laser field with a constant sition at time t. It is also evident that x(t) must be
momentum p. Note, however, that S(p, t, t') does in- close to the origin, because it is the only position where
corporate some effects of the binding potential through the transitions to the ground state (and from the ground
its dependence on Iz. The electron recombines at time state) can possibly occur. Mathematically, this state-
t with an amplitude equal to d*(p —A(t)), which gives ment follows &om the fact that the Fourier transforms
the last factor entering Eq. (8). of d (p —A(t')) and d*(p —A(t)) are localized around
Strictly speaking, Eq. (7) defines the canonical mo- the nucleus on a scale comparable to ao, where ao is the
mentum at time t, which does not have to be the same Bohr radius.
as p at t'. Note, however, that between t' and t, p is The physical meaning of the mathematical result ex-
a conserved quantity, due to neglection of the effects of pressed by Eq. (12) is clear: the dominant contribution
V(x). For this reason, our interpretation is correct, since to the harmonic emission comes from the electrons which
we can identify p equally well as a canonical momen- tunnel away &om the nucleus but then reencounter it
tum at t' or t It is worth st. ressing that Eq. (8) allows while oscillating in the laser Geld. Thus, our quantum
also for an alternative interpretation in which the elec- theory justifies one of the basic assumptions of the semi-
tron appears in the continuum at time t with the kinetic classical model of Refs. [8,9].
momentum p —A(t), is then propagated back until t', According to the above discussion, the integral over p
and recombines back to the ground state ~0) with the might be performed using a saddle-point method. The
amplitude E cos(t')d (p —A(t')). This interpretation is result is
not as intuitive as the previous one, but, owing to the
invariance of the problem with respect to time reversal, tzct 3/2
d'(p, q(t, 7) —A (t))
p q
is equally correct. This is an example of a situation in z(t) = i d7 ~

) e+z7 2) ~

which approximate versions of the ordinary S matrix and
time-reversed S matrix approaches give the same results x d (p.~ (t, r) —A (t —7)) E cos (t — T).
(compare with Ref. [29]). Another way of looking at Eq. x exp[ —iS,), (t, r)] + c.c. (13)

In writing Eq. (13), we have introduced a new variable IV. However, it is worth mentioning here that Eq. (13)
(the return time) r = t t— ' and extended integration over shows a further relation between our quantum theory and
it to oo. The stationary value of the xth component of the semiclassical model of Refs. [8,9). Indeed, in the limit
the momentum, p, q(t, r), allows the electron trajectory Ip Up the saddle point of the integral over w in Eq.
starting near the origin at t —w to return to the same (13) tends to the stationary point r = r, t of the classical
position at t. It is equal to action S,t(t, r) = f, dt" (p, t —A(t")) /2 [Eq. (15)].
One can easily see that this point corresponds to the zero
p, t,. (t, r) = E[cos(t) —cos(t —r)]/r. (14) value of the initial velocity, v(t —r) = p, (t, r) —A(t —r) =

0. Thus, the second basic assumption of the semiclassical

Other components of the momentum are zero. The value two-step model is justi6ed in our theory: the electrons
of the quasiclassical action in Eq. (13) is which contribute most to harmonic generation are not
t only those which return to the nucleus, but also those
S., (t, r) = — dt" (p., —A(t"))' which appear with zero initial velocity.
2 t- The close relationship between our quantum theory
= (I„+U~)r —2U~[1 —cos(r)]/r —U„C(r) and the semiclassical picture of Refs. [8,9) becomes even
x cos(2t —r). (») more striking when the harmonic emission spectrum is
calculated. The spectrum is given by the Fourier trans-
with form of x(t), and can also be analyzed by using the sta-
tionary phase method. It turns out that the station-
C(r) = sin(r) —4 sin'(r/2)/r. (16) ary point of the fast oscillating phase in the Fourier in-
tegrand is determined by the energy conservation law:
Finally, the first factor in the integral over r in Eq. (13), (p, t(t, r) —A(t)) /2+ I„=2M+ 1. Physically, it means
(z/e+ ir/2)a~2 with infinitesimal e, comes from the reg- that the (2M + 1)-th harmonic is emitted only at those
ularized Gaussian integration over p around the saddle- instants t at which the electrons returning to the nucleus
point. It expresses the effects of quantum diffusion (the have appropriate kinetic energy. This conclusion justi6es
spread of the electronic wave packet deposited to the con- the last basic assumption of the semiclassical model.
tinuum) and cuts off the contributions from return times Since S,t(t, r) is a linear function of sin(2t) and cos(2t),
7 much larger than a laser cycle. the Fourier components of x(t) can be calculated exactly.
The integral over r in Eq. (13) can also be calculated Let us introduce the Fourier components of the product
using the saddle-point method, as will be shown in Sec. of the dipole moments at t and t' and the 6eld at t' as

d~(p, q(t, r) —A~(t))d~(p, t(t, r) —A~(t —7))Ecos(t —r) = )

bM(r)e ('I+i&"

Owing to the properties of the dipole matrix elements A(t —r)) /2. The dashed line in Fig. 1 represents this
due to the central symmetry of the atomic potential, all gain in kinetic energy, calculated by using the classical
even Fourier components on the right-hand side of the Newton equation for the case when the electron appears
above expression vanish. Typically bM(7) decreases quite in the continuum with zero initial energy at the moment
rapidly with ~M~ (for instance, in the case of the broad t —7 and revisits the nucleus at t. The two curves, classi-
Gaussian model discussed in Sec. III, bM's are nonzero cal b, Eg;o/U„and quantum 2~C(r) (resulting from inte-
= 0, +1, —2 only).

for M gration over all initial momenta p) are remarkably similar

The final formula for the (2K + 1)-th Fourier compo- and have both maxima and zeros at the same values of
nent of z(t) reads as w. Moreover, the values of the maxima are the same.

oo 3/2 3, 5

*21c+i = i
( y 3.17
e+ir 2) 3.0

x e ' ' bK M(r) JM(U~C(r))(i) e* (18)


where Eo(r) = (Uz + Iz)r —2U&[1 —cos(r)]/r. The in- LsJ

tegration over r in Eq. (18) is complicated and can be

performed either numerically or by using a saddle-point 1.0

method (see Sec. IV). A lot of insight, however, can be 0.5

drawn already from the analysis of the function 2~C(r) ~

which is shown in Fig. 1 (solid line). 2C(r) determines 0 10 15 20 25 30
the variation of S,t(t, r) as a function of t. Since the f

action is the integral of the kinetic energy Eg;„(t") plus FIG. 1. The function 2~C(r) (solid line) and the ki-
I~ over t", the maxima of 2C(r) correspond therefore to

netic-energy gain EEq;„(r) (dashed line) as a function of the

the maxima of the kinetic-energy gain of the electron at return time 7'. Note that both functions have the same ex-
t, Ek;„(t)—Ei, ;o(t —r) = (pg (t~ rt) —A(t)) /2 —(p, g(t, r)— trema at the same values of r.
2122 M. LEWENSTEIN et al. 49

As we see &om Fig. 1, both functions have several turning to the nucleus is scattered away instead of being
maxima. They correspond to trajectories of the electron recombined. Section IIIF discusses the efBciency of har-
that contain one, two, or more returns to the vicinity of monic emission for various laser frequencies.
the nucleus (with the last one at t) T. he first maximum
appears at r, „z 4.08 and 2~C(r, „z) = 3.17. The follow-

ing maxima are between 2 and 2.4. Since the Bessel func- A. Gaussian model
tion Jic(z) becomes exponentially small when K
from Eq. (18) we conclude that the absolute cutoff of HG
We assume that the ground-state s-wave function can
for U„)) I„ is at JZ/ „= 2K + 1 2~C(r, „z)~U„ be written in the form
3.17Up. In the range of 2 4Up & 2K & 3 17Up only the
contributions from the trajectories that contain one re- (19)
turn are relevant. As we shaB see in Sec. IV, there are
typically two such trajectories that correspond to two dif- where o, is a parameter of the order of I„.
There are sev-
ferent values of 7. When 2K becomes smaller than 2Up eral models for which Eq. (19) applies. They all, how-
more and more maxima of 2~C(r) contribute, giving rise
ever, correspond to short-range potentials that describe
to a more complex interference structure. negative ions. First of aB, we can consider a truncated
Physically, the quantum interference results from the harmonic-oscillator potential
existence of more than one possible trajectory that leads
to the same 6nal state. In particular, it becomes more X —P,
V{x) = (20)
and more complex as the number of trajectories returning
to the nucleus several times grows. Obvioulsy, when I„ is
comparable to Up, the eKects of the atomic potential on for ~x~ & /2P/n2 and V(x) = 0 otherwise. Here P
these secondary returns can be very signi6cant. Electron is another parameter of the order of I~. If P is large
rescattering will dramatically afFect the phases accumu- enough, the ground-state wave function for a potential
lated along those trajectories and will destroy the inter- (20) takes approximately the form (19). The ground-
ference patterns due to multiple returns. Note, however, state energy is then I„=
—P—+3n/2. It is worth stress-
that even if multiple returns are not possible because of ing, however, that Gaussian wave functions approximate
scattering on the atomic potential, due to the existence well ground states of other short-range potentials, such
of two trajectories with a single return the quantum in- as the screened Coulomb potential discussed in Ref. [34].
terference between them is unavoidable. Since we are interested in transitions to and from
highly energetic states in the continuum, it is safe to as-
sume that electronic wave functions in the continuum can
III. HARMONIC SPECTRA FOR VARIOUS be described as plane waves. The dipole matrix element
ATOMIC POTENTIALS takes also a Gaussian form,

In this section, we present specific results for harmonic

spectra and harmonic strengths that follow from our the-
ory. We consider and compare results for various models
of atomic potentials and ground state wave functions. Note the characteristic proportionality of d(p) to p which
This section is divided into several subsections in which is universal if we consider transitions from 8 states.
we discuss a Gaussian model, the same model within the An appealing side of the Gaussian model is that it
saddle-point approximation, a broad Gaussian limit, and allows us to evaluate the integral over p in Eq. (8) ana-
hydrogenlike atoms. Section IIIE deals with the role of lytically. After tedious, but elementary calculations, we
electron rescattering processes in which the electron re- obtain the harmonic strengths

)s/ 2()R+i ~ /
z2K+i —/U dr
exp[ —iF~(r)]

(zrnj [

(1 n+zr 2) )

x (B(r)JR+2(UpC(r)) + i[B(r)e* + D(r)] Jr+i(UpC(r)) (22)

+[B(r) + D(r)e' ] Ja-(U&C{r)) —iB(r)e* J~ i(U&C{r))),

where the functions B(r), C(7), D(r), and F~(r) are B. Gaussian model and saddle-point technique
given in Appendix A. Note that Eq. (22) describes z2Ic+i When n is large enough (which, in fact, is usually
in the units in which the laser frequency is one. In order the case) we expect that the saddle-point integration
to express harmonic strengths in atomic units one has to over p should give a reasonable approximation to the
multiply z2a+i by the factor QI„/IFo~, where Eo is the expressions (22) and (Al) —(A4). In fact, the harmonic
ground-state energy in a.u. strengths when calculated with this method are given by
The above results are now compared with approxi- the same expression as Eq. {22) except that this time the
mated formulas that make use of the saddle-point in- functions B(r), C(r), D(r), and F~(r) take a different
tegration over p. form (see Appendix A).

C. Broad Gaussian limit 10

Finally, it is interesting to note that in the limit of large 10

a, Eqs. (A5) —(A8) may be even more simplified. To this

end, we let formally o, m oo and keep only the leading 10

terms. The result for the harmonic strength again has the
form (22) and the functions B(7.) and C(7 ) are the same
10 13
as the ones defined in Eqs. (A6) and (A7), respectively.
The other functions can be found in Appendix A.
The expression (22) in the broad Gaussian limit have
been used by us in Ref. [7]. It is interesting to compare
the results from the three approaches discussed above 10
0 20 40 60 80 100
which we denote by GEX (for the exact Gaussian model), Harmonic order 2M+1
GSP (for the Gaussian model with saddle-point approx-
imation), and GBR (for the broad Gaussian limit). In FIG. 2. Comparison of harmonic spectra obtained with
Fig. 2, we present spectra obtained &om the three corre- GEX (open squares), GSP (stars), and GBR (black squares)
sponding sets of expressions. These models give similiar methods; I~ = 13.6, U„= 20, a = 2I„.
results. For moderate harmonic orders (in the middle
of the plateau), GBR, GSP, and GEX are practically
indistinguishable. For high harmonic orders, GSP and D. Hydrogenlike atoms
GEX are indistinguishable. Both of them give results
smaller than GBR, since they account for the energy de- It is a little more difficult to calculate harmonic spectra
pendence of the dipole matrix element (21) that falls ofF for hydrogenlike atoms. In this case, the ground state s-
slowly as the energy increases. GBR, however, produces wave function takes the form
the same kind of spectra as the other two, except for a
global shift towards higher harmonic strengths by a fac- (23)
tor slowly changing with the harmonic order.
This is a very general property of our theory. In any
of its realizations (GBR, GSP, or GEX), it produces the where this time a = 2I„. Again, since we consider transi-
same spectral shape except for a slowly varying energy tions to and from the highly energetic continuum states,
dependent factor. The same is also true for individual it is legimate to treat continuum states as plane waves,
harmonic strengths. They follow the same intensity de- even though the Coulomb potential is a long-range one.
pendences in the three cases, except for a constant factor, The dipole matrix element takes in this case the form [36]
which is almost independent of the laser intensity. Mack-
(27/2~5/4 )
lin [35] compared the results from our theory with the
exact results obtained for the zero-range potential [13].
d(p) = i I

)I (, +p ), (24)

He obtained a very good agreement for the intensity de-

pendences of the high harmonics (but with a difFerence After rather technical calculations, we obtain the follow-
in absolute value). ing expression for the harmonic strengths:

s= —~
x (i) e ' iBs(r) Jr+i s(U&C(7)) + e' Bs(r) J~ s(U~C(w)) (25)

In Appendix B, we explain how analytic formulas for the 35th harmonic enters the plateau region. It determines
coefficients Bs(7 ) can be derived by performing an inte- the location of the cutofF at this particular intensity (for
gration in the complex plane. The functions C(v) and discussion see [7]). Note that the cutoff location for hy-
Fa (v) are given in Appendix A by Eqs. (A9) and (A10), drogen is shifted downwards in comparison to the Gauss-
respectively. %e compare the results for the hydrogen- ian model, since the 35th harmonic reaches it at a higher
like atoms with those for the Gaussian model in Fig. 3. intensity. An explanation for this eKect is presented in
The 35th harmonic strengths calculated from GBR and Sec. IV.
&om expression (25) are plotted as a function of intensity
in a logarithmic scale. As we see, apart from a constant E. Electron rescattering
absolute factor, both curves follow a similar intensity de-
pendence and interference pattern. The change of slope One of the important problems connected with the
in both curves corresponds to the intensity at which the present theory deals with rescattering of the electrons
2124 M. LEWENSTEIN et al. 49


10 10

10 10

10 10

10-18 10 "
0-20 20
1 10 I I

0.6 0' 8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
log10 U log10 U

FIG. 3. Comparison of intensity dependences of the 35th 10


harmonic for the GBR model and for a hydroaenlike atom;

Ip —13.6, n = 2'. 1 4

that return back to the nucleus. Such processes have 10

been estimated [9] to be quite efficient. Our theory does

not include them since we have completely neglected the 10
part of the C-C matrix elements that is responsible for
those processes. We have only taken into account the 0

part of the C-C matrix elements that describes the mo-

tion of the free electron in the field. On the other hand, 22
0 I

the part of the C-C elements that we treat exactly does 1

0. 6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
describe the spread of the wave packet accurately. This log10 U

is, of course, another process which decreases quite sig-

nificantly the probability for the electron to recombine
FIG. 4. (a) Comparison of intensity dependences of the
35th harmonic ss for the GBR model with (black squares) and
after more than one return to the nucleus.
without (open squares) taking into account effects of electron
A simple way of investigating the importance of elec-
rescattering (these effects are included by restricting the in-
tron rescattering is to limit the integration over ~ in Eqs. tegration over return time 7 to one optical cycle). (b) Same
(8), (13), or (22) to v & 2m. Thus we account only for ss (s) for s hydrogenlike atom; I„=
13.6, a = 2I„
the trajectories such that the electron returns to the nu-
cleus only once at time t. We eliminate all possibili-
ties of multiple returns, which are not likely for typical F. Harmonic efficiency
experimental parameters (ur 1 —2 eV, I„20
I 10i4 —10isW/cm ). High harmonics can be used as a source of coherent
The inHuence of electron rescattering effects is illus- short-wavelength radiation. Therefore the eKciency of
trated in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b), which show results ob- harmonic generation is a very important issue. One pos-
tained using GBR for the Gaussian model and the expres- sible parameter which can be varied to optimize the har-
sion (25) for the hydrogenlike atoxn. We compare here monic efBciency is laser frequency. Using the model de-
two curves: one with the integration range for w unre- scribed above one can study the effects of laser frequency
stricted and one with the range restricted to 2m. The re- on the harmonic intensity.
sults in both cases are very similar and thus very encour- Let us assume that we are interested in the emission
aging, because they clearly show that indeed the major at some fixed frequency Oo, and let us take Oo 50 eV
contributions to HG come from the electron trajectories for the sake of argument. We can obtain this radiation
that contain one and only one return to the nucleus. The as the 49 harmonic of 1064-nm laser light or as the 25
contributions from those trajectories give slightly more harmonic of 532-nm laser light. The question is in what
pronounced interference patterns, but otherwise they are case the harmonic intensity will be higher?
in a very good agreement with the more rigorous results. According to the cutoff rule [6] 0 I~+ 3U„, for a „=
In summary, we see that quantum diffusion effects given atom and a given intensity, (e.g. , close to the satu-
alone eliminate to a great extent the impact of trajec- ration intensity of tunneling ionization) the length of the
tories with multiple returns. In other words, spreading plateau in the case of 532-nm light will be shorter owing
of the electron wave packet in the continuum leads to a to smaller ponderomotive potential. Obviously, if the fre-
strong decrease in the emission eKciency. One might say quency Oo we are interested in is not in the plateau region
that although our theory -formally does not take into ac- for the higher incident laser frequency, it is better to use
count electron rescattering processes, it gives almost the lower frequency. However, if Oo is within the plateau
same results as if it would. Note that the role of quantum region in both cases, in general we will be better of us-
diffusion has also been stressed in Refs. [37,38] ing shorter wavelength laser. There are two reasons for

that. First, the number of harmonic we have to produce technique is quite eKcient in calculating the integral over
to get 00 is lower for higher laser &equency. Second, for p, we apply the same technique to evaluate the remaining
higher laser &equency the laser period is shorter. There- integrals over 7 and t. This method is asymptotically
fore, the spreading of the wave packet before the moment exact provided Uz, Iz, and K are large enough. The
of re-encounter with the nucleus is smaller. As we have saddle-point equations that arise &om the derivatives of
seen in the previous subsection, this is a very dramatic ef- the classical action (9) take the form
fect which strongly reduces the intensity of emission due
to electron-parent ion collision. Indeed, the wave packet S(p, t, r) = x(t) —«(t —~) = 0, (27)
spreads as w /, and for the harmonic intensity this factor
should be squared. BS(p, t, 7.) —A(t —~)]2
We performed calculations for I& —24 eV and laser fre- 87
+Ip —0, (28)
quencies 1 and 2 eV, at intensities around 10is W/cm2
and harmonic &equeneies around 50 eV. In all calcula- —A(t)l' —A(t — )]'
tions the harmonic intensities were 1—2 orders of magni- ~S(» t ) [ [ = 2K+1.
tude higher for 2-eV laser light than for 1-eV light. For 2 2
these laser frequencies the efFect of spreading alone will (29)
give only a factor of 2 = 8 advantage to the shorter
wavelength laser. Therefore, the fact that the harmonic The first of these equations indicates, as we already men-
number we need to obtain the given radiation &equency tioned, that the only relevant electron trajectories are
is lower for shorter wavelength is also quite important. those where the electron leaves the nucleus at time t —w
Summarizing, shorter wavelength radiation can be sig- and returns at t. Equation (28) has a somewhat more
nificantly more eKcient for generating harmonic radia- complicated interpretation. If I„were zero, it would sim-
tion at a given, not very high, frequency. This conclusion ply state that the electron leaving the nucleus at t —~
is consistent with experimental data [2]. should have a velocity equal to zero. In reality, 0 I„g
and in order to tunnel through the Coulomb barrier the
electron must have a negative kinetic energy at t —~.
IV. SADDLE-POINT ANALYSIS AND THE This condition cannot be fulfilled for real ~'s, but can
EXACT CUTOFF LAW easily be fulfilled for complex 7's. The imaginary part of
r can then be interpreted as a tunneling time, just as it
The main aim of this section is the derivation of the ex- has been done in the seminal papers of Ammosov et al.
act quantum cutoff law in the limit U„~ oo, with I„/2U„ [11]. Finally, we can rewrite the last expression (29) as
constant, but smaller than one. In the semiclassical pic- —A(t)l
ture of Ref. [9] the cutoff law results from the energy con-
+I, = Ek;„(t)+I, =2Ky1.
servation principle. One calculates the maximal kinetic
energy of the electrons born at the origin with zero ve- This is simply the energy conservation law, which gives
locity and returning to the origin. This maximal kinetic the final kinetic energy of the recombining electron that
energy turns out to be 3.17U„. One argues then that the generates the (2K + 1)-th harmonic.
maximal energy of the photons emitted due to recombi- These equations can be used to derive the cutofF law.
nation is I„+ 3.17U„. Obviously, in quantum case, this Indeed, Eq. (30) clearly says that the maximum emitted
picture cannot be exactly valid because of quantum tun- harmonic &equency is given by the maximum possible
neling and diffusion effects. First of all, in the quantum kinetic energy the electron has at the moment t of col-
theory, the tunneling electrons are not born at the origin, lision with the nucleus. Qualitatively, this conclusion is
but rather at zo such that I~ = Exocos(t —7'). When fully consistent with the classical model of Refs. [8,9].
they return to xo with Eg;„— —3.17U„, they may thus Quantitatively, there is a difFerence because Eqs. (27)
acquire an additional kinetic energy as they move &om and (28), which have to be considered together with Eq.
zo to the origin. Moreover, the electrons are not local- (30), naturally account for the tunneling process and its
ized in the quantum case, due to the finite size of the infIuence on the electron kinetic energy at the moment it
ground-state wave function and to quantum difFusion ef- encounters the nucleus again.
fects. The "additional" kinetic-energy gain therefore has In order to obtain the cutofF law, we must use the first
to be averaged over all electron trajectories. As we shall two of saddle-point equations to express any two of the
see below, the exact quantum cutofF law actually difFers variables p, t, v via the remaining third. Then we have
slightly from I~ + 3.17U„. to substitute the results into Eq. (30) and find the maxi-
In order to derive the quantum cutofF law, we shall mum of the left-hand side expression as a function of the
examine the asymptotic behavior of Eqs. (8) and (18) remaining variable. In practice, it is very convenient to
in the limit when U„, I„, and K are large. The Fourier use the return time v and solve Eqs. (27) and (28) for p
components of x(t) are defined as and t as functions of v. Thus, the cutofF law reads as
(t) (2K+1)it (2K+ 1) „=maxRe C [p(r) —A(t(~))] )+
(26) I„(31)


Since we know already from Sec. III that the saddle-poiat under the constrat~t that the imaginary part of the right-
2126 M. LEWENSTEIN et al. 49

hand side expression is equal to zero. is C(T) = 2s(T)a(T). From Eq. (32), we obtain
Inserting the solution of Eq. (27), i.e. the expression
for p, (, (t, T), into Eq. (28) it is easy to solve the latter i)/s~ a(s)ks(~)/s (~)+a (~)+
with respect to sin(t —T/2) and cos(t —7/2). Namely, ("(-)+-'(-)I
Eq. (28) reduces to the form
cos(t —T/2)
' '
= 'E~s (,( ),
(T)+a(T) ps(7 )+as (7 )+
( )I

—T/2)a(T) —cos(t —T/2)s(T) = i Ip
sin(t ' (32) There exists also a pair of complex-conjugated solutions.
The choice of the appropriate pair is dictated by the re-
where quirement that the resulting imaginary part of the classi-
cal action must be negative, so that it causes an exponen-
a(T) = cos(T/2)— 2sin T 2
(33) tial decrease of the corresponding transition amplitudes.
The results do not depend on the choice of the sign in
front of the square root in Eqs. (35) and (36), provided
8(T) = sin(T/2). it is the same in both of them.
Inserting these solutions into Eq. (29), we obtain a
Note that the function C(T), as expressed by Eq. (16), closed form equation for 7. ,

o~(r)s~(7) s~(r) pa~(r) + s ~ o(7)s(v)(a~(v) —s~(v)))(s~(v)+a~(r)+ &U 2K+ 1

+8i (37)
(8 (T) +G (T))2 2' ["( )+ '( )]' Up

I etus first consider a limiting case I„= 0. Eq. (37) solutions of Eq. (38) then acquire a significant imag-
takes then a simple form inary part which introduces an exponentially decreas-
ing factor to exp[ —iS(p, t, T)] at the saddle point and
a (T)8 (T) 2K +1 causes a sharp (exponential) cutoff in the harmonic spec-
[8 (T) + a (7.)[ U~
(38) trum. %e conclude that for I„=
0, the cutoff occurs at
2E + 1 3.17'.
It is much more difficult to study the case of finite I„.
The function on the left-hand side of Eq. (38) is noth- One way to do it is to perform a systematic expansion in
ing else but the classical kinetic-energy gain, AEi„„(T),
Iz/Uz It is easy .to see, however, that the zeroth order (in
as plotted in Fig. 1 (dashed line). Equation (38) allows
I„/U~) solution of Eq. (28) is doubly degenerated and the
for real solutions (tunneling time equal to zero) provided corresponding saddle point is not Gaussian but rather of
K is not too large. In order to find out how large it third order. Integration around such a saddle point gives
can be, we have to find the maxima of EEk, „(T) . As rise to Airy functions [39] and will be discussed elsewhere.
we already learned in Sec. II, these maxima occur ex- In the present paper, we shall use a simple approximation
actly at the same points as the maxima of the function valid in the limit Iz && Uq and a numerical evaluation in
C(T). There are two families of maxima, corresponding the general case, where I„ is of the order of U„or slightly
to a(T) = s(T) and to a(— T) = s(T). The first family are smaller.
the solutions of the equation I et us denote
tan(T/2) = (39) G (T)8 (T) 8 (T) +G (T) + ~&

f(T)= 8 (41)
["(T) + a'(T)l'
and contains m & wi
tion vi
2a, w3 4', etc. The first solu-
4.08 is the same as 7,„& discussed in Sec. II. For G(T)8(T)[a (T) —8 (T)] 8 (T) +G (T) +
this solution, the kinetic-energy gain attains the absolute g(T)= 8
maximum equal to 3.17. Further solutions give maxima
["(T)+ '( )]'
in the range 2 —2.4. The second family [a(T) = s(T)] ful-
fills Equation (37) then takes a simple form

tan(T/2) =
+ 1' (40)
f(T) + i

and contains v2 3', v4 47t etc. , with values of max- cutofF law [see Eq.
ima also in the range 2 —2.4. Strictly speaking the exact quantum
For 2K + 1 )
3.17U~ there are no real solutions to (31)] is thus
Eq. (38). The reason is not because of the impossi-
bility of tunneling, but rather because of the impossi-
(2K+ 1) „=U~maxRe f(T) +i " g(T), (44)
bility of gaining sufficiently large kinetic energy. The 2 Up

under the constraint that

( = 0.
Im f(r)+i P
g(~) (45) 1.32
) CL

Let us first discuss the case when I„((

Up We expect 1.2-
that the maximum of the left-hand side of Eq. (44) in
this case is reached at w vi, so that we may write
'r = 7y + b'rg + irl, where both &~ and 7.I are small.
The real part of r, rq + be~ has the meaning of a return 1.0
time as before, whereas the imaginary part vi might be 0

interpreted as a tunneling time. Using this Ansatz and

expanding f (r) to the second order and g(7 ) to the first FIG. 5. Plot of the function F(Ip/Up) that enters the exact
order in brR + ill, we obtain from Eqs. (44) and (45) cutoff law, (2K+ 1) „=
3.17Up + IpF(Ip/Up)

Ip &'(&~)
2Up f"(rg) '
(46) saddle-point equations for I„= 0, we recover
the result
(2K+ 1) = 3.17Up + 1.32I„. (ii)
The electron under-
and & ~ = 0. The primes denote here derivatives. After goes diffusion which tends to average and decrease the
complicated, but otherwise elementary calculations, we efFect of the additional kinetic-energy gain for larger Ip.
obtain the explicit form of the cutofF law for Iz && U&, The exact cutoff law is asymptotically valid when both
Up and Ip tend to infinity, so that the ratio I„/2U„
remains constant (and not too large). Strictly speak-
(2K+1) „=3.17Up+Ip 1+ 8 l

7y 'ry —1 ) ing, however, the saddle-point equations, Eqs. (27)—

= 3.17U„+ 1.32I, . (47)
(29), are valid if and only if the atomic dipole moment
d(p —A(t —r)) is not singular at the saddle point. This is
This result shows that the phenomenological semi- the case for the Gaussian model. Unfortunately, it is not
classical law 2K + 1 = 3.17U„+ I„ is modified by the true for more realistic models for which d(p —A(t —v))
efFects of quantum tunneling and quantum diffusion even behaves as ([p —A(t —r)]2/2 + Ip) " with some posi-
for Iz && U„. In this regime of parameters the small tive exponent ri (equal for instance to 3 for hydrogen).
change of the prefactor in front of the I„ is not very im- Evidently, the atomic dipole moment is singular at the
portant and is hardly detectable both in numerical anal- saddle point. This behavior of the atomic matrix ele-
ysis and in experiments. There are, however, quite signif- ments is the direct consequence of the asymptotic be-
icant difFerences in comparison to the phenomenological havior of the ground-state wave function which is propor-
law 3.17U„+ Ip for Ip O(Up) In order .to illustrate tional to exp( —/2Ipr) for large r. Therefore, in order
this point we need to consider larger values of I„, and to be more accurate one has to incorporate the effects of
therefore to find the exact cutofF law from Eq. (44). the finite size of the ground-state wave function in solv-
The exact evaluation of the cutoff presents no numer- ing the saddle-point equations. This leads to corrections
ical difficulties. The cutofF law has a form to the cut-off law of the order of U„,
which vanish as

(2K + 1) = 3.17Up + IpF(Ip/U„), (48)

and the factor F(Ip/Up) is plotted in Fig. 5 as a function
of Ip/Up As we see, F.(x) = 1.32 for small z, in agree- 10

ment with expression (47). F(x) decreases slowly as z 10

grows. In Fig. 6 we show harmonic spectra for 30 I„=
and U„= 20 and 10. The phenomenological expression 10

gives in those cases cuts off at 2K+ 1 equal to 93 and 0-22

62, respectively. The exact quantum expression predicts
them at 101 and 69. Evidently, the quantum expression 10"-
is more accurate. 10 28-
Physically, the shift of the cutoff energy compared to
the classical picture results from two efFects. (i) Since 10

the electron must tunnel out, it cannot appear at the 10"

origin. It appears at xp such that Ip = Exo cos(t —7 ). 0 25 50
order 2M+1
100 125

After it comes back to xo, it can gain an additional ki-

netic energy on the way towards origin, equal approx- FIG. 6. Harmonic spectra for the GBR model with I„=30,
imately to the work of the electric field over the in- a = I„. The curve with open squares is obtained for 10 U„:
terval [2:o, 0], i.e., Exocos(t). The cut-off law should and the one with black squares for U„= 20. The locations of
therefore be 3.17Up + cIps(ot)/ cos(t —w). Inserting the the phenomenological and exact cutoffs are indicated by the
values of cos(t) and cos(t —v) as obtained from the arrows.
2128 M. LEWENSTEIN et al. 49

U„m oo, but rather slowly. These corrections counter- where the complex rate p(t) is defined by,
act the cut-off shift discussed in this section and move
the cutoff location to a lower energy. They are responsi- =
ble for the difference in the position of the cutoff between
f d p
dvEcos(t)d (p A(—
hydrogen and the GBR model observed in Fig. 3. These xEcos(t —w)d (p —A(t —w))e ' i~" ). (52)
points will be discussed in detail in a future publication.
V. GROUND-STATE DEPLETION p(t) is in general time dependent and becomes periodic
as t grows, having maxima at the peak values of the elec-
It is possible to generalize our theory to include the tric 6eld, when the electron has a much larger chance
effect of the ground-state depletion. To this aim, we con- of tunneling. Equation (52) can be analyzed using the
sider the Schrodinger equations, saddle point method and in the limit of U„)& I„&& 1,
one recovers the tunneling rate obtained by Ammosov et
al. [11]. Note, however, that our theory is more general,
o(t) =tEcos(t)
f d v d (v)b(vt), , (49)
since it takes into account quantum interference effects
and the returns of the electron to the nucleus, which are
completely absent in the approach of Ref. [11]. We leave
b(v, t) = i. fv2 ~

— + I„~ b(v, t) —Ecos(t) (9b(v, t)
the detailed discussion of the time-dependent rate to a
future publication and we limit our discussion here to the
+iEcos(t) d (v)a(t). (50) case where p(t) can be substituted by its time average
We solve Eq. (50) and insert the solution into (49). As- = — dt' p(t').
p lim
suming that a(t) changes slowly we can set a(t') a(t). —
t +oo g
The differential equation for a(t) takes the form
For the Gaussian models (GEX, GSP, and GBR) the ex-
a(t) = -~(t)a(t) (51) pression for p takes this form,

p = 4((U„)
q n

) sn' o
(1/n+ i~/2) ] . )
exp[ i+o(&)]

( B(r) J2(U„C(r)) + [B(w) + D(7 ) cos(w)] Jp(U„C(v)) + 2i[B(w) cos(r) + D(r)/2] Ji(UpC(~)))t (54)

In Fig. 7, we present the intensity dependence of p as obtained from the GBR model. As we see, both the real and
the imaginary parts of p [see Figs. 7(a) and 7(b)] increase (in absolute value) with intensity. The real part of p, p~
describes the rate of depletion of the ground state. For the laser pulse duration tD the saturation intensity is achieved
at p, ttDE 1, i.e. , when the atom is fully ionized during the interaction with the laser pulse. The imaginary part
of p, pl describes a dynamical shift of the ground-state energy (not to be confused with the ponderomotive shift). It
is proportional to the laser intensity and becomes quite large as pR
Taking into account the depletion, the expression for the time-dependent dipole moment takes the form

s(t) = d p dcd (p —A(t))Fco's(t —v)d, (p —A(t —v)) ~ (55)
sf 0

The Fourier transform of x(t), or rather its modulus squared, now consists of a sequence of Lorentzian peaks with
width 2pR. The harmonic strengths can be calculated as the total area covered by each of these peaks (equal to the
total energy radiated at the corresponding harmonic frequency).
Using Eq. (18) we obtain
z(A) =
) p
dT bR M(7) JM(U~C(w))(i) e* h(r, 0 —2M —1), (56)

—2p~ a+i(O —2M —1)7 —2p~ t ~+i(O —2M —1)t~
h(v', 0 —2M —1) = e~ (57)
2pR+i 0 —2M —1
The peaks are centered at 0 = 2M+1. The harmonic strengths ~x&M+i are thus approximately equal to ~x(2M+1)
times a factor that accounts for the area of the peak, 2vrpR/[1 —exp( —
~ ~

2p~t~)]. For Gaussian models, for instance,

we obtain

/ 2(.)M+ ~ ( & q /
2 = — — exp[ —iFM(r)]h(w, 0)
I exp( 2p~tD) gvra) a2 o q 1/a + i7/2)
x ( B—
(7.) JM+2 (UpC(w) ) + i[B(~)e' + D(w)] JM+z (UpC(7. ) )

+[B(7) + D(w)e' ] JM(U~C(r)) —iB(r)e' JM q(U~C(r))) (58)

A similar expression can be derived for hydrogenlike cycle, the electron still has a chance to come back at least
atoms. once to the origin.
In order to study the effects of depletion, we have first In order to study the full dynamical infiuence of the
treated p as a &ee parameter, [i.e. , not determined &om depletion on harmonics, we have evaluated p &om Eq.
Eq. (53)] and we have calculated harmonic spectra for (54) (see Fig. 7) and the harmonic strengths &om Eq. (58)
U„= 20 and several values of p. In particular, we have for the GBR model. An example for the 35th harmonic is
performed calculations for pl —0 and pR —0.01 and 1. shown in Fig. 8. Again, the main effect of the depletion
The duration time of the laser pulse was chosen to be 20 consists of the decrease of the harmonic strength. For
optical cycles. The spectrum for pR —0.01 differs only high enough intensities, the harmonic strength becomes
slightly &om the result obtained for pR —0, even though a slowly decreasing function of the laser intensity.
the system is already close to saturation. A further in- It is now clear that in order to get higher conversion
crease of pR decreases the harmonic strengths quite sig- eQciency of harmonic emission one should use shorter
nificantly, and smoothes out the spectrum, i.e. , reduces laser pulses. Indeed, according to the results of this sec-
the effects of quantum interferences. The depletion does tion and Sec.III E, the main contribution to the harmonic
not change the cutofF location for the single-atom spec- emission is given by the first re-encounter of the contin-
tra. That can be understood since even for pR —1, when u»m electron with the nucleus, and the effects of sec-
the ionization takes place more or less within one optical ondary collisions are not very strong. Therefore, one can

use very short a few cycles long laser pulses of high —
intensity. Even though the ground state of the atom will
be depleted very fast, the electron will still be able to
return to the nucleus and collide with it at least once.
As a result, the absolute harmonic intensity will not de-
crease significantly. On the other hand, the energy of
the shorter incident laser pulse will be reduced. In other
words, at high intensities, when the depletion of the atom
is very fast and harmonic emission occurs only at the be-
ginning of the pulse, most of the pulse energy is wasted
IQ and using short pulses will solve this problem.

10 I

10 20
Ponderomotive potential U

10 '—
0, 5



0. 1
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
I lag10 U

10 20
Ponderomotive potential U
FIG. 8. Comparison of intensity dependences of the 35th
harmonic with (open squares), and without (black squares)
FIG. 7. Intensity dependence of the depletion rate pR for depletion. Both curves are obtained for the GBR model with
the GBR model; I~ = 5, a = 2I~; (b) Same as (a) for the I„= 5, o. = 2I„. The duration of the pulse t~ is taken to be
ac-Stark shift of the ground-state energy —7I. 50 optical cycles.
2130 M. LEWENSTEIN et al. 49


In summary, we would like to point out the important In this appendix, we present the explicit expressions for
aspects of our theoretical formulation and in particular the functions C(r), B(r), D(r), and F~(r) that enter the
how it complements both the exact quantum-mechanical expression (22). For the exact Gaussian model (GEX),
calculations of [6] and the semiclassical calculations pre- we obtain
sented in Refs. [8,9].
C(r) = slI1(r) ——cos(r) +
2i 2i
The formulation exposed in this work allows us to de-
rive analytically the cutofF law determined by extensive (1/a + ir/2)
numerical calculations 6] and interpretated with semi- (cos r 2
classical arguments [8,9 . In fact, this derivation gives an x ~
+ i sin(r/2) ~
expression very close numerically but slightly more com-
plicated than the linear formula 3.17U„+I„, as discussed
1 (cos(r/2)
in Sec. IV. B(r) =—21 a+ir 22 a + i sin(r/2) ~

Our approach provides a description of HG into two q

steps, as is also done in Refs. [8,9]. However, we do
cos(r/2) (cos(r/2) . .
+isin r 2
) 1
not assume as in Ref. [9] that the electron appears near (1/n+ir/2) ( n ) 2'
the origin with a zero velocity. As always in quantum
mechanics, we deal with amplitudes describing processes
in which the electron has any initial velocity and initial D(r) = —2B(7 ) —1 + cos(r) + 4 1 n+ir. 2 Up'
, (A3)
position. It is the result of the theory that shows, rig-
orously, that the main contribution to HG comes from and, finally,
the electrons that appear at the nucleus with a velocity
close to zero, and return to it. Thus, we present here
Fy&(r) = (Ip + U„ —K)r—2i Up + 2i Up
a quantum-mechanical justification of the two-step semi- n (1/a + i7. /2)
classical picture. In other words, we demonstrate that (cos(r/2) . .
the problem of coherent control of HG indeed reduces to ( /2) (A4)
the problem of the laser control over classical electron
trajectories. Obviously, the function C(r) is an analog of the function
Our approach allows for a simple analysis of harmonic C(r) &om Fig. 1, which is why we denote them in the
efficiency as a function of different laser and atomic pa- same way. For the Gaussian model treated with the help
rameters, such as laser frequency, pulse duration, and of saddle point method (GSP), we get
atomic ionization potential. According to our results,
C(r) = slI1(r) ——cos(r)
radiation at a given &equency can be obtained with
higher efficiency by using shorter laser pulses of higher
4sin (r/2) ( 1+ 2i l
/+4i .
This theory is very similar to the one developed in Ref. r /

( ra)
[13] but it is not restricted to a zero range potential. We
can describe hydrogenlike atoms and account for electron 2 sin (r/2) sin(r) 1
rescattering processes (as we did in Sec. III). The effects 2 2' (A6)
of the Coulomb potential, introducing corrections to the
classical action could be included as in Ref. [11]. We can D(r) = —2B(r) —1+ cos(r), (A7)
also investigate the influence of the ground-state deple-
tion on the high harmonic production and on the cutoff
formula (see Sec. V).
FJc(r) = (I~ + U~ —K)r
Finally, we should emphasize that the approach de-
veloped in the present paper for a linearly polarized 2iU„4U„sin (7/2) ( 2i 5
r 1+ a7)
monochromatic laser field can easily be generalized to \

laser fields of arbitrary, and in particular time-dependent, 4zUp sill(r)

ellipticity or to multicolor laser fields. Moreover, in or- + 0!7
der to make a realistic comparison with the experimen- Finally, in the broad Gaussian limit (GBR), the functions
tal data one has to take into account propagation efFects. B(r) and D(r) are the same as the ones defined in Eqs.
Our theory provides a relatively easy way of calculating (A6) and (A7), respectively. Other functions are given
the single atom response in a very general situation. The by
results can be used as an input to the propagation equa- 4 sin (r/2)
tions. (A9)
F~ (r) = (I„+Up —K) r—4U~ (A1O)
We are grateful to K. C. Kulander, K. J. Schafer, and S.
Geltman for helpful discussions. One of us (M. L.) thanks APPENDIX B
the SPAM in Saclay and JILA in Boulder for hospitality The coefficients Bs(r) thatenter Eq. (25) are defined
and for financial support. as

d t 2Sst [p., (t, r) —A(t)][p., (t, r) —A(t —r)]

([p.t( ) —A( )]'+ ) (.-)'([p.t( — — )l'+
) A( ')'
where a = a' = 2I~. Introducing a new variable z = exp ( —2it) we obtain

Bs(r) = 2
. H(z), (B2)
where the integral runs around the unit circle along the contour C. The function H(z) is given by

z'+'W. (z)
[Wg(z) W2(z)]s
and the quadradic polynomials W;(z), i = I, 2, 3, take the form

Wq(z) = U~[s(r) —ia(r)] e ' z + (U~[s (r) + a (r)] + n) z+ Uz[s(r) + ia(r)) e', (B4)

W2(z) = U„(s(r) + ia(r)) e ' z + (U~[s (r) + a (r)] + o.') z+ U„[s(r) —ia(r)] e',
Ws(z) = U„[s(r) + a (7.)] (e ' z + 2z+ e* ) . (B6)
The function H(z) has two singularities inside the contour C. These are

2("+ a') + ~/U~ —V'(~/U. )'+ 4("+ a')~/U.

2(s+ ia)z
. (B7)

2(s +a ) +u'/Up
—Q(a'/Up) +4(s + a )a'/Up, .
z2- e' . (B8)
2(s —ia) 2

At these points, the function H(z) has poles of third or- for the values of r when either s(r) or a(r) vanish that
der at least. Using Cauchy's theorem, we obtain analytic is not the case. The singularity is then of the sixth order
expressions for the coefBcients Bs(r) as and the calculations become very tedious. In numerical
calculations, it is very convenient to solve this problem
Bs(r) = — )
(z —z;) H(z) (B9)
by using o. cr', at least in the vicinity of r's for which
—z2. For o;, o," of the order of 20, it is enough to
Strictly speaking expression (B9) is valid only if the two set the difference between them to about one to assure a
poles are not degenerated, i.e. , zq P zq. Unfortunately good convergence of the results.

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