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Chapt 3 TUT

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Discovering Tut: a) It contained the burial chamber.

the Saga Continues b) It was a decoy to confuse tomb robbers.

Who was the archaeologist responsible for c) It held the treasures of the tomb.
discovering Tutankhamun's tomb? d) It was a false entrance to deter thieves.
a) Howard Carter
b) Indiana Jones Who was Tutankhamun's predecessor as
c) King Tut pharaoh of Egypt?
d) Ramses II a) Cleopatra
b) Akhenaten
In which country is the Valley of the Kings c) Nefertiti
located? d) Hatshepsut
a) Greece
b) Egypt What was the cause of Tutankhamun's death, as
c) Turkey suggested by modern examinations of his
d) Italy mummy?
a) Old age
What is the nickname often given to b) Assassination
Tutankhamun? c) An accident
a) The Forgotten Pharaoh d) Malaria
b) The Boy King
c) The Sun God What was the name of the god associated with
d) The Nile Guardian death and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian
How old was Tutankhamun when he became a) Ra
pharaoh of Egypt? b) Osiris
a) 30 years old c) Anubis
b) 18 years old d) Horus
c) 50 years old
d) 10 years old What were the canopic jars used for in
Tutankhamun's tomb?
What was the primary motivation behind a) Storing grain
Howard Carter's search for Tutankhamun's b) Holding cosmetics
tomb? c) Containing the pharaoh's internal organs
a) Gold and riches d) Displaying jewelry
b) Scientific curiosity
c) To prove a historical theory Which artifact from Tutankhamun's tomb is
d) Fame and glory famous for its curse?
a) The golden mask
In what year did Howard Carter discover b) The ankh amulet
Tutankhamun's tomb? c) The scarab bracelet
a) 1922 d) The death mask
b) 1910
c) 1935 What did the inscription on the tomb's entrance
d) 1945 read?
a) "Death shall befall all who enter."
What was the significance of the sealed b) "May the gods bless this tomb."
doorway in Tutankhamun's tomb? c) "Here lies the greatest pharaoh."
d) "Tutankhamun's eternal resting place."
b) A historical record of pharaohs
Who financed Howard Carter's excavation in the c) A collection of love poems
Valley of the Kings? d) A recipe book
a) The British government
b) A wealthy American collector Who was responsible for the mummification
c) The Egyptian pharaoh process in ancient Egypt?
d) The Metropolitan Museum of Art a) The pharaoh
b) The chief scribe
What was the purpose of the antechamber in c) The high priest
Tutankhamun's tomb? d) The embalmer
a) To house the pharaoh's sarcophagus
b) To store his clothing and personal items What role did the Valley of the Kings serve in
c) To serve as a place for rituals and offerings ancient Egypt?
d) To display the treasures of the tomb a) A center of trade and commerce
b) A sacred burial ground for pharaohs
Which Egyptian queen played a significant role c) A military training ground
in the religious changes that occurred during d) A place for religious rituals
her reign?
a) Nefertiti How did the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb
b) Cleopatra impact the field of Egyptology?
c) Hatshepsut a) It confirmed existing theories about ancient
d) Nefertari Egypt.
b) It sparked renewed interest in Egyptology
What is the name of the ancient Egyptian worldwide.
writing system that was used to inscribe c) It disproved many previous archaeological
hieroglyphics on tomb walls and other surfaces? findings.
a) Cuneiform d) It had no significant impact on the field.
b) Hieratic script
c) Demotic script What material was used to construct
d) Hieroglyphics Tutankhamun's famous golden burial mask?
a) Copper
What is the famous nickname given to b) Bronze
Tutankhamun's golden burial mask? c) Gold
a) The Mask of Eternity d) Silver
b) The Face of the Nile
c) The Guardian of the Tomb Which of the following was NOT found in
d) The Death Mask Tutankhamun's tomb?
a) A chariot
Which artifact from Tutankhamun's tomb is b) Canopic jars
known as the "Throne of Tutankhamun"? c) A throne
a) A golden chair d) A pyramid
b) A chariot
c) A jewelry box What is the primary role of the scarab amulet in
d) A statue ancient Egyptian culture?
a) To protect against evil spirits
What is the primary purpose of the Book of the b) To provide guidance to the afterlife
Dead in ancient Egyptian culture? c) To represent the sun god Ra
a) A guide to the afterlife
d) To commemorate the pharaoh's c) To keep the tomb hidden from future
achievements generations
d) To provide a safe resting place for the
Who was responsible for interpreting the archaeologists
hieroglyphics found in Tutankhamun's tomb?
a) Howard Carter Who was the first pharaoh of the 18th dynasty
b) Jean-François Champollion of ancient Egypt?
c) Indiana Jones a) Hatshepsut
d) Anubis b) Akhenaten
c) Thutmose I
What does the discovery of Tutankhamun's d) Ramses II
tomb tell us about the burial practices of
ancient Egyptians?
a) They preferred simple burials. What was the name of the French Egyptologist
b) They did not believe in an afterlife. who deciphered the Rosetta Stone and
c) They valued the preservation of the body and unlocked the secrets of hieroglyphics?
personal belongings. a) Howard Carter
d) They only buried pharaohs in the Valley of b) Jean-François Champollion
the Kings. c) Cleopatra
d) Tutankhamun
What is the significance of the ostrich feathers
found in Tutankhamun's tomb? Which of the following artifacts was NOT found
a) They symbolize purity. in the antechamber of Tutankhamun's tomb?
b) They were used for writing. a) Golden statues
c) They were used for food. b) Ivory combs
d) They were a sign of royalty. c) Alabaster vases
d) The burial mask
What event is said to have caused the death of
many people associated with the discovery of Who is believed to have been the father of
Tutankhamun's tomb, leading to the belief in a Tutankhamun?
curse? a) Akhenaten
a) A locust plague b) Nefertiti
b) A solar eclipse c) Hatshepsut
c) A sandstorm d) Ramses II
d) A tomb's inscription
What was the role of the vizier in ancient
Which of the following was NOT found inside Egyptian society?
the burial chamber of Tutankhamun's tomb? a) Chief embalmer
a) The pharaoh's mummy b) High priest
b) The golden burial mask c) Pharaoh's advisor and administrator
c) Canopic jars d) Army commander
d) Chariots
What was the purpose of the mummification
What was the primary reason for the sealing of process in ancient Egypt?
Tutankhamun's tomb? a) To create art
a) To protect the pharaoh in the afterlife b) To preserve the body for the afterlife
b) To prevent tomb robbers from stealing c) To prepare for battle
treasures d) To embalm food for the pharaoh
a) To protect the tomb from intruders
What is the name of the famous curse b) To curse those who desecrated the tomb
associated with Tutankhamun's tomb? c) To provide information about the pharaoh's
a) The Curse of the Sphinx life
b) The Curse of the Nile d) To praise the gods
c) The Curse of the Mummy
d) The Curse of the Pharaoh What was the title of Howard Carter's book
about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb?
Which ancient Egyptian god was often depicted a) "The Curse of the Pharaohs"
with the head of a jackal? b) "Tutankhamun: The Lost Treasure"
a) Ra c) "The Tomb of the Boy King"
b) Anubis d) "The Discovery of the Century"
c) Osiris
d) Horus What is the name of the process used by
ancient Egyptians to remove the brain from a
What is the name of the ancient Egyptian belief mummy?
in the resurrection and reunification of the soul a) Enbalming
with the body in the afterlife? b) Trepanation
a) Ka c) Brain extraction
b) Ba d) Lobotomy
c) Ma'at
d) Akh What is the significance of the "Opening of the
Mouth" ceremony in ancient Egyptian burial
What did the ancient Egyptians believe the practices?
scarab beetle represented? a) It was a ritual to awaken the deceased's
a) Luck and protection senses in the afterlife.
b) Death and decay b) It was a cooking ritual to prepare food for the
c) Disease and famine deceased.
d) War and conquest c) It was a ceremony to crown the pharaoh.
d) It was a medical procedure to restore the
Who was responsible for the discovery of the deceased's voice.
famous Rosetta Stone?
a) Napoleon Bonaparte Who was the chief god of ancient Egyptian
b) Cleopatra religion?
c) Howard Carter a) Ra
d) Jean-François Champollion b) Anubis
c) Osiris
Which pharaoh is often credited with d) Horus
introducing monotheism (the worship of a
single god) to ancient Egypt? What type of tomb is the Valley of the Kings
a) Ramses II primarily known for?
b) Thutmose III a) Pyramids
c) Akhenaten b) Mastabas
d) Hatshepsut c) Step pyramids
d) Rock-cut tombs
What was the primary purpose of the tomb
robbers' curse inscriptions in ancient Egyptian KEY FOR TUT
a)Howard Carter b) To curse those who desecrated the tomb
b) Egypt d) "The Discovery of the Century"
b) The Boy King c) Brain extraction
b) 18 years old a) It was a ritual to awaken the deceased's
b) Scientific curiosity senses in the afterlife.
a) 1922 a) Ra
a) It contained the burial chamber. d) Rock-cut tombs
b) Akhenaten
d) Malaria
c) Anubis
c) Containing the pharaoh's internal organs
d) The death mask
d) "Tutankhamun's eternal resting place."
b) A wealthy American collector
d) To display the treasures of the tomb
b) Nefertiti
d) Hieroglyphics
d) The Death Mask
a) A golden chair
a) A guide to the afterlife
d) The embalmer
b) A sacred burial ground for pharaohs
b) It sparked renewed interest in Egyptology
c) Gold
d) A pyramid
a) To protect against evil spirits
b) Jean-François Champollion
c) They valued the preservation of the body and
personal belongings.
a) They symbolize purity.
There is no historical evidence to support the
existence of a curse.
d) Chariots
b) To prevent tomb robbers from stealing
c) Thutmose I
b) Jean-François Champollion
d) The burial mask
a) Akhenaten
c) Pharaoh's advisor and administrator
b) To preserve the body for the afterlife
d) The Curse of the Pharaoh
b) Anubis
d) Akh
a) Luck and protection
a) Napoleon Bonaparte
c) Akhenaten

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