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Lines and Angles

In this chapter, you will study the properties of the
angles formed when two lines intersect each other,
and also the properties of the angles formed when
a line intersects two or more parallel lines at
distinct points.

Every angle has a measure and unit of measurement
is degree.
One right angle = 90°
1° = 60' (minutes)
1° = 60'' (seconds)
Angle addition axiom
If X is a point in the interior of BAC, then
mBAC = mBAX + mXAC
(i) Right angle
(ii) Acute angel
(iii) Obtuse angle
(iv) Straight angle
(v) Reflex angle
Ex. In figure, ray OC stands on the line AB and
 BOC = 125°. Find reflex AOC
(vi) Complementry angles
Ex. In figure, OB  OA.  AOC and  BOC are
complementary angles. Find the value of x and
hence find AOC and  BOC.
Ex. Find the measure of the complementary angle of
the following angles :
(i) 22° (ii) 63°
Ex. How many degrees are there in an angle which
equals two-third of its complement ?
Ex. If an angle differs from its complement by 10°,
find the angle.
(vii) Supplementary angles
Ex. In figure, ray AD stands on the line CB,
 BAD = (2x + 10)° and  CAD = (5x + 30)°, find
the value of x and also write  BAD and  CAD.
Ex. Find the measure of the supplementary angle of
the following angles :
(i) 45° (ii) 57°
Ex. Two supplementary angles are in ratio 4 : 5, find
the angles.
(viii) Angle Bisectors
(i) Adjacent angles : Two angles are called adjacent
angles, if
(A) They have the same vertex
(B) They have a common arm
(C) Non-common arms are on either side of the
common arm.
(ii) Linear pair of angles
(iii) Vertical opposite angles
Ex. In fig, lines PQ and RS intersect each other at
point O.
If  POR :  ROQ = 5 : 7, find all the angles.
Ex. In fig. ray OS stands on a line POQ. Ray OR and
ray OT are angle bisectors of POS and SOQ,
respectively. If POS = x, find  ROT.
Ex. In Fig. lines AB and CD intersect at O. If AOC +
BOE = 70° and BOD = 40°, find BOE and reflex
Ex. In Fig. lines XY and MN intersect at O. If POY =
90° and a : b = 2 : 3, find c.
Ex. In Fig., PQR = PRQ, then prove that
Transversal : A line which intersects two or more
given parallel lines at distinct points is called a
transversal of the given lines.
(i) Corresponding angles : Two angles on the same
side of a transversal are known as the
corresponding angles if both lie either above the
two lines or below the two lines, in figure 1 & 5,
4 &8, 2 &6, 3 &7 are the pairs of
corresponding angles. If a transversal intersects
two parallel lines then the corresponding angles are
i.e., 1 = 5, 4 = 8, 2 = 6 and 3 = 7.
(ii) Alternate interior angles : 3 & 5, 2 & 8,
are the pairs of alternate interior angles.
If a transversal intersects two parallel lines then
the each pair of alternate interior angles are
i.e., 3 = 5 and 2 = 8.
(iii) Co-interior angles : The pair of interior angles on
the same side of the transversal are called pairs of
consecutive or co-interior angles. In figure
2 & 5, 3 & 8, are the pairs of co-interior
angles. If a transversal intersects two parallel lines
then each pair of consecutive interior angles are
i.e., 2 + 5 = 180° and 3 + 8 = 180°.
Theorem 1
If a transversal intersects two lines such that a pair
of corresponding angles is equal, then the two lines
are parallel to each other.
Theorem 2
If a transversal intersects two lines such that a pair
of alternate interior angles is equal, then the two
lines are parallel.
Theorem 3
If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then
each pair of interior angles on the same side of the
transversal is supplementary.
Theorem 4
If a transversal intersects two lines such that a pair
of interior angles on the same side of the
transversal is supplementary, then the two lines are
Theorem 5
Lines which are parallel to the same line are
parallel to each other. Let us draw a line t
transversal for the lines, l, m and n. It is given that
line m || line l and line || n line l. Therefore, 1 = 2
and 1 = 3 (Corresponding angles axiom)
So, 2 = 3 (Why ?)
But 2 and 3 are corresponding angles and they
are equal.
Therefore, you can say that
Line m || Line n
(Converse of corresponding angles axiom)
Ex. In figure ||m, n||p and 1 = 85º find 2.
Ex. As shown in the figure AB || CD. If point P is
between these two lines such that mABP = 50°
and mCDP = 70° then find BPD
Ex. In fig. AB || CD and CD || EF. Also EA  AB. If
BEF = 55º, find the values of x, y and z.
Ex. In Fig. find the values of x and y and then show
that AB || CD.
Ex. In Fig. if PQ || ST, PQR = 110° and RST = 130°,
find QRS.
Ex. In Fig. if AB || CD, APQ = 50° and PRD = 127°,
find x and y.
Ex. In figure, if m||n and 1 and 2 are in the ratio
3 : 2, determine all the angles from 1 to 8.
Ex. 1
In figure, OP and OQ bisects BOC and AOC
respectively. Prove that POQ = 90°.
Ex. 2
In figure, lines AB, CD and EF intersect at O. Find
the measures of AOC, DOE and BOF
Ex. 3
In the given figure AB || CD. Find FXE.
Ex. 4
If a transversal intersects two lines such that the
bisectors of a pair of corresponding angles are
parallel, then prove that the two lines are parallel.
Ex. 5
In fig, if PQ || RS, MXQ = 135° and MYR = 40°,
find XMY.
Ex. 6
In figure two straight lines PQ and RS intersect
each other at O. If POT = 75°, find the values of
a, b and c.
A plane figure bounded by three lines in a plane is
called a triangle. Every triangle have three sides
and three angles. If ABC is any triangle then AB,
BC & CA are three sides and A, B and C are
three angles.
Types of Triangles
(A) On the basis of sides we have three types of
1. Scalene triangle : A triangle in which no two sides
are equal is called a scalene triangle
2. Isosceles triangle : A triangle having two sides
equal is called an isosceles triangle.
3. Equilateral triangle : A triangle in which all sides
are equal is called an equilateral triangle.
(B) On the basis of angles we have three types :
1. Right angle : A triangle in which any one angle is
right angle is called right angle.
2. Acute triangle :A triangle in which all angles are
acute is called an acute triangle.
3. Obtuse triangle : A triangle in which any one angle
is obtuse is called an obtuse triangle.
Theorem 1
The sum of interior angles of a triangle is 180°.
To prove :
A + B + C = 180° or 1 + 2 + 3 = 180°.
Through A, draw a line  parallel to BC.
Ex. In a ABC, B = 105°, C = 50°. Find A.
Ex. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4,
determine all the angles of triangle.
Theorem 2
If the bisectors of angle ABC and ACB of a
triangle ABC meet at a point O, then

BOC = 90° + A
Given : AABC such that the bisectors of ABC
and ACB meet at a point O.

BOC = 90° + A
Theorem 3 (Exterior Angle of a Triangle)
If the side of the triangle is produced, the exterior
angle so formed is equal to the sum of two interior
opposite angles.
Given : A triangle ABC. D is a point on BC produced
forming exterior angle 4
To Prove : 4 = 1 + 2
i.e., ACD = CAB + CBA
Ex. An exterior angle of a triangle is 115° and one of
the opposite angles is 35°. Find the other two
Ex. In fig. if QT  PR, TQR = 40° and SPR = 30°,
find x and y.
An exterior angle of a triangle is greater than
either of the interior opposite angles.
Theorem 4
The sides AB and AC of a ABC are produced to P
and Q respectively. If the bisectors of PBC and

QCB intersect at O, then BOC = 90° – B

Given : AABC in which sides AB and AC are
produced to P and Q respectively.
The bisectors of PBC and QCB intersect at O
To Prove :BOC = 90° – A
Ex. In Fig, the sides AB and AC of ABC are produced
to points E and D respectively. If bisectors BO and
CO of CBE and BCD respectively meet at point

O, then prove that BOC = 90° – BAC.

Ex. 1
In fig. TQ and TR are the bisectors of Q and R
respectively. If QPR = 80° and PRT = 30°,
determine TQR and QTR.
Ex. 2
In figure, ACD = 120° and APB = 100°, find x
and y.
Ex. 3
The side BC of a ABC is produced, such that D is
on ray BC. The bisector of A meets BC in L as
shown in figure.
Prove that ABC + ACD = 2ALC
Ex. 4
In Fig. sides QP and RQ of PQR are produced to
points S and T respectively. If SPR = 135° and
PQT = 110°, find PRQ.
Ex. 5
In Fig. X = 62°, XYZ = 54°. If YO and ZO are
the bisectors of XYZ and XZY respectively of
XYZ, find OZY and YOZ.
Ex. 6
In Fig. if AB || DE, BAC = 35° and CDE = 53°,
find DCE
01. If two lines intersected by a transversal, then each
pair of corresponding angles so formed is :
(A) Equal
(B) Complementary
(C) Supplementary
(D) None of these
02. Two parallel lines have :
(A) a common point
(B) two common point
(C) no common point
(D) infinite common point
03. An angle is 14° more than its complementary angle
then angle is :
(A) 38° (B) 52°
(C) 50° (D) none of these
04. The angle between the bisectors of two adjacent
supplementary angles is :
(A) acute angle (B) right angle
(C) obtuse angle (D) none of these
05. If one angle of triangle is equal to the sum of the
other two then triangle is :
(A) acute a triangle
(B) obtuse triangle
(C) fight triangle
(D) none
06. X lies in the interior of BAC. If BAC = 70° and
BAX = 42° then XAC =
(A) 28° (B) 29°
(C) 27° (D) 30°
07. If the supplement of an angle is three times its
complement, then angle is :
(A) 40° (B) 35°
(C) 50° (D) 45°
08. Two angles forms a linear pair whose measures are

a & b are such that 2a – 3b = 60° then =?

09. In the given figure, AB || CD, ABF = 45° and
CFD = 110°. Then, FDC is :
(A) 25° (B) 45°
(C) 35° (D) 30°
10. In the adjoining figure, AD = BD = AC ;
CAE = 75° and ACD = x°. Then the value of
x is :
(A) 45° (B) 50°

(C) 60° (D) 37

11. In the given figure. PQR is :
(A) 40° (B) 50°
(C) 30° (D) 105°
12. A triangle can have :
(A) Two right angles
(B) Two obtuse angles
(C) All angles more than 60°
(D) Two acute angles
13. In the given figure PQ || RS, QPR = 70°,
ROT = 20°. Then, find value of x.
(A) 20° (B) 70°
(C) 110° (D) 50°
14. In the given figure, the ratio ABD : ACD is :
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1
(C) 1 : 2 (D) 3 : 1
15. The complement of (90° – a) is
(A) – a° (B) 90° + a
(C) 90° – a (D) a°
01. The supplement of an angle is one third of itself.
Determine the angle and its supplement.
02. Two complementary angles are such that two times
the measure of one is equal to three times measure
of the other. Find the measure of the large angle.
03. Find the complement of each of the following
angles :
(A) 36° 40' (B) 42° 25' 36''
04. Write the supplementary angles of the following
(A) 54° 28' (B) 98° 35' 20''
05. If two parallel lines are intersect by a transversal,
prove that the bisector of the two pairs of interior
angles enclose a rectangle.
06. In figure, if x + y = w + z then prove that AOB is a
straight line.
07. In the diagram, if AB = AD = BD = DC,
then find x°.
08. In figure, find COD when AOC + BOD = 100°.
09. In figure, x : y : z = 5 : 4 : 6. If XOY is a straight
line find the values of x, y and z.
10. In the given figure, AB is a mirror, PO is the
incident ray and OR, the reflected ray. If POR =
112° find POA.
11. In figure, if AB||CD||EF and y : z = 3 : 7, find x.
12. In figure if AB||CD, EF  CD and GED = 126°,
find AGE, GEF and FGE.
13. ABC is an isosceles triangle in which B = C
and L & M are points on AB & AC respectively
such that LM || BC. If A = 50° find LMC.
14. In figure if AB||DF, AD||FG, BAC = 65°, ACB =
55°, find FGH.
15. In figure, AB||DE and ABC = 30°, EDC = 70°
then find x°.
16. In figure, POQ is a line. Ray OR is perpendicular
to line PQ. OS is another ray lying between rays
OP and OR.

Prove that ROS = (QOS – POS).

17. In figure. PS is the bisector of QPR and PT  QR.

Show that TPS = (Q – R).

18. If two parallel lines are intersected by a
transversal, prove that the bisectors of the interior
angles on the same side of transversal intersect
each other at right angles.
19. In figure, if PQ  PS, PQ  SR, SQR = 28° and
QRT = 65°, then find the value of x and y.
20. In figure, AB  CD and CD  EF. Also, EA  AB.
Also EA  AB, if BEF = 55°, find the values of x,
y and z.
21. In Fig. PQ and RS are two mirrors placed
parallel to each other. An incident ray AB strikes
the mirror PQ at B, the reflected ray moves
along the path BC and strikes the mirror RS at
C and again reflects back along CD. Prove that
AB || CD.

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