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14) Changing Fashions

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Changing Fashions

01 In Fashion
1- Work in pairs. Do the tasks. You have 1 I'm going to try on these jeans. I'm not sure about
three minutes. the size.
2 This T-shirt doesn't match this skirt.
a Think of as many clothes and accessories as you can 3 These shorts fit really well. They're exactly the right
Accessories 4 I never wear sneakers.
bag, hat, earring, belt, ring, glasses, tie, bracelets, 5 These pants don't look good on me. They're too
necklaces, sunglasses, socks, watch. outdated.

Clothes and footwear

Boots, pants,, dress, high heels, t-shirt, shorts, jeans,
coat, suit, shoes, sandals,

b Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

fit match look good try on wear

2- Look at the pictures of fashion from the 1970s
'70s to the present. Put the labeled items and
adjectives in the correct categories below.

Parts of clothes
Collar, long sleeves, belt, pocket, buton

Patterned shirt
Materials with long
Silk, leather, wool, denim sleeves

Plain pants
Look and fit
Patterned, plain, baggy, tight
Big collar
Leather belt


tight jeans

Baggy wool sweater

3- Choose the correct word to complete the 1 I don't like to wear clothes made from fur or
conversation. leather/wool because it's cruel to animals.
2 I like wearing baggy jeans because I don't like tight
Mom: What are you doing? clothes.
Annie: I'm (1) trying on / fitting some clothes for the 3 My dad doesn't like patterned shirts, so I'm going to
party tonight. buy him a plain blue shirt.
Mom: You're not going to (2) wear / suit that dress, 4 This jacket doesn't have any pockets, so I don't have
are you? anywhere to put my keys.
Annie: What do you mean? Doesn't it (3) look good 5 These pants are so baggy, I need a belt to hold them
on / match me? up.
Mom: Is it extra large? It's so (4) baggy / tight. It 6 This coat is great for the winter because it's made
doesn't really (5) try on / fit you. And blue and yellow from thick wool/leather
don't really (6) match / look good on you.
Annie: Oh, come on, Mom, don't be so old-fashioned!

4- Complete the sentences with the words in

the box.

baggy belt leather plain pockets wool

02 Fashion Statements
1- You want to buy a fashion item for the A HOME TO SCHOOL (4)
four people below. Read the descriptions The word pajama comes from a Persian word for
(A-F) and match one description to each baggy cotton pants. Pajamas (or PJs) have a jacket as
person. well and are usually used for sleeping. Recently,
however, some American schools banned pajamas
when students started wearing them to class.
1 Luna doesn't mind sacrificing comfort in order to
stand out from the crowd.
Sneakers were designed for playing basketball, but
2 Joe typically wears shorts, leather bracelets, and a
they were so comfortable that people started to wear
necklace. He usually wears sandals.
them as everyday footwear.
Now they're often an expensive fashion statement, and
3 Aldo isn't interested in brands or fashionable
promoted by major celebrities.
accessories. He likes clothes with slogans.
4 Ella likes comfortable outfits. She wears her loose
In the past, belts were mostly worn to carry weapons.
cotton clothes all day.
But in 19th-century eastern Europe, soldiers used to
wear tight leather belts in order to make their
shoulders and chests look more powerful.
Today, belts are mostly worn to hold jeans up or as a
chic fashion accessory. T-shirts were originally worn by sailors under their
uniforms. Then American actors began to wear plain
D STRANGER TO STRANGER (1) white T-shirts in movies. They were such a hit that
In the 16th and 17th centuries, chopines protected soon everybody was wearing them as informal
feet from dirty streets. However, they were so high clothing. Now T-Shirts communicate messages too.
that people needed help to walk.
Recent stylish (but uncomfortable) footwear designs
for those who want to look different include high
shoes without heels.


The first jewelry was created from stones and bones.
Expensive gold jewelry later became a way to show
wealth. The use of new materials, such as plastic, has
turned some jewelry into a cheap fashion accessory.
03 So and such… that
1- Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Tell So and Such … that…
your partner what you think of the outfits.
Then read the descriptions and find out Use so/such... to emphasize a quality about someone
what their owners thought of them. or something. Use that + a clause to explain the
effect of that quality.
I used to have a patterned shirt and some pink pants.
so + adjective
The shirt was so colorful that you needed sunglasses
The shirt was so colorful that you needed sunglasses.
to look at it! But I thought it was such a cool outfit
that I wore it all the time.
such a/an + adjective + singular countable noun
I thought it was such a cool outfit that I wore it all
I once wore a red dress and shoes to a school dance.
the time.
I borrowed the shoes from my mom. I felt so
confident in them that I danced all night, but they had
such + adjective + uncountable noun/ plural noun
such high heels that my feet really hurt the next day.
They had such high heels that my feet really hurt.
2- Complete the examples. Use Exercise 1 to
help you.
3- Match the two parts of the sentences. While I was dancing, I raised my arm (1) so high that
the sleeve tore.
1 My coat had such big pockets (e) It was (2) such an embarrassing moment that my face
2 My shirt was such a strange color (d) turned bright red.
3 My sneakers were so comfortable (a) The fitting room was (3) so crowded that I bought the
4 My pants were so baggy (f) dress and took it home to try on.
5 My T-shirt was so clean (b) One day I saw a pretty dress in a store. It was (4) so
6 My gloves were made of such thin material (c) stylish that I had to buy it.
It was (5) such a pretty dress that I wore it to a party
a that I wore them every day. that night.
b that it looked new. When I tried the dress on, I realized it had (6) such
c that my hands were still cold. tight sleeves that I couldn't raise my arms very high.
d that it didn't match anything.
e that I didn't need a purse. 5- Write a short description (three to five
f that I had to wear a big belt with them.sentences) of an outfit or an item that you
once wore or used to have. Use Exercise 1 to
4- Complete the sentences with so or such help you. Work in pairs. Share your
(a/an). descriptions and say more about the outfit
or item you described.
1- Work in pairs. Look at your clothes. Are 2500 BC
they natural or man-made materials? Silk

2000 BC
2- Try to complete the materials timeline
with the words and phrases in the box.
The first man made material
Cotton grasses leaves linen smart materials
the first man-made material wool 21 ST Century
wearable technology, smart materials

about 190.000 years ago

Animal skins, grasses, leaves

5000 BC

3000 BC
3- Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 5 They enjoyed the movie. It was an enjoyable movie.

1 Which of the wearable technology possibilities do 5- Write the verbs used to form the -able
you find most interesting and why? adjectives. Then listen and repeat.
2 Would you be interested in buying clothes with
fragrances that can make you feel happier or more
awake? Why or why not?
Acceptable manageable reasonable recyclable
4- The suffix -able means "you can do Reliable respectable valuable
something." Add able to the verbs to make
adjectives. Complete the sentences. Accept, manage, reason, recycle, rely, respect, value.

1 You can wear this technology. It's wearable

2 You can afford these clothes. They're affordable
3 The baby might break this toy. It's a breakable toy.
4 We love to download music files. They're
downloadable music files.
04 Ability can, cound and
be able to
1- Read Nayla's blog. How did she become a Ability can, could
fashion designer? Would you like to do this
Use can and could to express ability in the present
job? and past.
Form statements with can or could + (not) + base
A lot of people ask me how I was able to become a verb.
fashion designer so young. You probably won't be able
to guess! When I was a little girl, my parents couldn't My parents couldn’t afford to buy me new clothes
afford to buy me new clothes, so I wore my brother's I can't imagine buying clothes in a store again.
old things. I hated them. As soon as I could use a
sewing machine, I started to make my own clothes. Ability be able to
Later I studied fashion design in New York. I wasn't
able to get a scholarship, so I had to borrow a lot of Use be able to for ability in the present, past, and
money. But now I'm able to do something I love as a future.
job - and I can't imagine buying clothes in a store ever Use be able to + base verb.
again. I hope that I'll be able to help other young Now I'm able to do something, I love as a job.
designers. People ask me how I was able to become a designer.
I hope that I’ll be able to help other young designers.
2- Complete the examples with negative
forms. Use Exercise 1 to help you.
Use was or were able to for past achievements. 3- Complete Nayla's sentences with the
correct form of be able to.
I was able to become a fashion designer. (not could
become a fashion) 1 I was able to sew (sew) when I was seven.
2 I’m able to stand (stand) on my head for two
Use wasn’t, weren’t able to, or couldn’t for something minutes. It's part of my daily yoga routine.
you didn’t achieve. 3 I'd like to play a musical instrument, but I will not
(won’t) be able to learn (not learn) one in the next few
I wasn’t able to get a scholarship. years because I'm just too busy.
4 I’m not able to speak (not speak) any foreign
languages, unfortunately.
5 I wasn’t able to cook (not cook) before I left home
- and I still can't cook.
6 I hope that I will be able to drive (drive) soon. Im
getting my driver's license next week.
4- Complete the sentences with the correct
form of be able to and the words in

1 I ‘m not able to swim (not swim), but I want to

2 They aren’t able to play (not play) tennis, but they
like volleyball.
3 We weren’t able to ride (not ride) a bike when we
were young.
4 Were you able to cook (you / cook) when you were
5 What cities are you able to visit (you / visit) during
your vacation?
6 Is he able to dance (he / dance) well after a few
7 If you move to the countryside, you will be able to
ride (ride) a horse.
8 If they move to the capital, they won’t be able to go
(not go) to school by bike.
05 Physical Description
1- Read the description of people waiting He is between 25 and 30 years old, tall, wearing a
for a job interview. Are the following white, open necked shirt and smart, grey pants. You
statements true or false? notice he is wearing an expensive wristwatch. He has
a tan, probably just got back from vacation in the
Caribbean. He is relaxed and confident, at least he
a All the other people in the waiting room are
appears to be.
candidates. (F)
Or will it be the woman with the preppy glasses,
b One of the candidates is wealthy. (T)
wearing a floral vintage dress and sensible sandals?
c Three of the candidates are wearing white shirts. (F)
She looks more mature than the other candidates, but
d The interviewer is younger than the candidates. (F)
that might just be her clothes. She is looking round at
you and reading something from a file - she is clearly
doing her preparation.
You are waiting for a job interview. Your first
The third person is a younger woman, your sort of
interview since leaving college. You are nervous.
age, with blonde curly hair. She is wearing blue jeans
There are three other people in the waiting room.
with a white shirt and a smart navy blazer. It looks
Your appointment is for 3pm. It is 2.30 and you
cool but maybe not right for an interview? She is
wonder whether the other people will go in before or
biting her nails while staring at her cellphone.
after you, and who will be successful.
Just then, the lady in the vintage dress stands up and
Will it be the guy sitting with his legs casually
introduces herself: she is the interviewer!
She has been observing you for the last half hour. She
invites you to follow her into the next office and the
interview begins.

2- Work with a partner. Discuss the


a What kinds of things do you notice about a person

when you meet for the first time?
b What can you tell about a person from a first
c Are your first impressions of people usually right?
06 Traditional Ways
1- Work in pairs. Do the tasks. You have two 3 sort the recycling and take out the trash
minutes. 4 mop the floor and vacuum the floor
a Complete the names of the appliances you
find in a modern house. 2- Try and match eight of the activities to
the photos.
2 lamp 1 bake bread
3 stove 2 make your own entertainment
4 refrigerator __ build a house
5 dishwasher __ milk a cow
6 washing machine 8 chop wood
7 vacuum cleaner 3 sew clothes
__ grow food
4 travel by horse and cart
b Explain the difference between each pair 6 knit clothes
of household chores. Then think of two 7 use gas lamps
more chores. __ make furniture
5 wash clothes by hand
1 set the table and clear the table
2 do the laundry and wash the dishes
3- Work in pairs. Read the statistics to the
right and answer the questions.

1 How many people live on our planet?

2 How many people wash their clothes by hand?
3 Which statistic surprises you the most? Why?

The lines that divide us

On our planet…
Two billion people live below the poverty line.
They have less than $2 a day.

Three billion people live between the poverty line and

the wash line.
They have less than $40 a day. They have electricity
but no washing machine.
One billion people live between the wash line and the live with cameras following you 24/7?
air line.
They have less than $80 a day and have a washing The past
machine. How did teenagers use to live in late 19th-century
America? Here's what series creator Susie Markham
One billion people live above the air line. says: "In 1880, most Americans led a rural existence.
They have more than $80 a day and can buy gadgets Children used to help with household chores and
and airline tickets. farm work as soon as they could, so life for teens used
to be much tougher.
4- Read the text. Houses didn't use to have running water or electricity,
so people did everything by hand - fetch water, cook,
1880: Could you live in the past? clean, wash clothes, even build houses. They used to
make their own entertainment too. As for school,
The series students of all ages often studied in one room, and
Life-Like Productions is looking for young people few studied beyond the age of 13.
who are interested in participating in a new TV series
called 1880. Over eight weekly episodes, eight The cast
teenagers will live on a farm that recreates life in the We're looking for a genuine mix of people to share
late 19th century. Could you live without your phone, life on the farm. You might love technology, or feel
your gadgets, and your social network? Could you that modern life is too complicated.
Whoever you are, you need to be prepared for 1 What was hardest about life in the USA in 1880?
surprises. 2 What was positive about life at that time?
3 Would you like to take part in the show? Why or
The audition why not?
Auditions will take place in New York and San
Francisco on April 30th.
To take part, you must be between the ages of 15 and
19. It doesn't matter how much acting experience you
have. You'll be put in groups and asked to act out a
short scenario that we'll give you that day.
On the day of the audition, you'll need to provide
proof of your age. If you're under 18, your parent or
guardian will also need to give you permission to
attend by signing the Permission Form on our

Work in pairs. What do you think? Tell your

partner and give reasons for your answers.

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