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ESABVision LEManual

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The document discusses safety precautions for operating plasma cutting equipment and provides an overview of the startup window and programming files for the Vision LE CNC machine.

The document mentions being cautious when installing, operating and maintaining potentially hazardous equipment and that the purchaser is solely responsible for safe operation and compliance with safety standards.

The startup window section covers the constant editor, parameters of intelligent stations, speed measurement and display, creating a copy of the system, formatting floppy disks, and startup help.

Vision LE

Computer Numerical Control

Start-up Manual

LE-Basic Module

LE-Color Basic Module









Form Number 0558005197

Date: 10/04


The equipment described in this manual is potentially hazardous. Use caution when installing, operating and maintaining this equipment.

The purchaser is solely responsible for the safe operation and use of all products purchased, including compliance with OSHA and other government standards. ESAB Cutting Systems has no liability for personal injury or other damage arising out of the use of any product manufactured or sold by ESAB. See standard ESAB terms and conditions of sale for a specic statement of ESABs responsibilities and limitations on its liability.

ESAB Cutting Systems is not responsible for any errors that may appear in this document. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

This manual is ESAB Part No. 0558005197

This manual is for the convenience and use of the cutting machine purchaser. It is not a contract or other obligation on the part of ESAB Cutting Systems.

* ESAB Cutting Systems, 2004 Printed In U.S.A.

There are optional features and congurations available. For completeness, all of these are described in this manual. However, not all options described in this manual are present on all controls. In addition, more capabilities and features may be added in the future, which are not covered in this manual. ESAB Cutting Systems reserves the right to change or add features and capabilities without notice.

VISION LE Startup Contents Contents 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8

Page 2

Introduction.....................................................................................................1 Safety .............................................................................................................2 Safety Precautions .......................................................................................2 Danger Warnings ..........................................................................................3 Accident Prevention......................................................................................3 Emergency Measures ...................................................................................5 Application and Usage Conditions .................................................................5 Startup Window ...............................................................................................6 Constant Editor ............................................................................................9 Parameters of Intelligent Stations ............................................................... 13 Speed Measurement and Display of Rotational Speed ................................. 18 Creating a Copy of the System ................................................................... 22 Formatting a floppy disk ............................................................................. 24 Startup Help ............................................................................................... 26 Determining Working Ranges ................................................................ 28 Setting the Machine Zero Point .............................................................. 30 Measuring Tool Offsets ......................................................................... 31 Service Window ............................................................................................ 32 Deviation Display ....................................................................................... 33 LCD Contrast Setting and Testing ............................................................... 34 MIP Signal Display ..................................................................................... 35 AF-KF Control ............................................................................................ 37 Display of Synchronization Errors ............................................................... 38 Mini Operating System ............................................................................... 39 Error - Status Display ................................................................................. 41 System of the VISION LE .............................................................................. 46 Files of the internal memory ....................................................................... 46 System Constants ...................................................................................... 48 Machine constants (MAS.KON) ................................................................... 58 MIP Constants (MIP.KON) .......................................................................... 69 Device Constants (DEV.KON) ..................................................................... 74 Configuration (ANCDEF.KON) ..................................................................... 78 Error Messages (Codes of Disk Errors).......................................................... 80 Symbol Overview .......................................................................................... 83 Startup window ........................................................................................... 83 Deviation Display / LCD Test (Shift/F1) ....................................................... 86 MIP Signal Display (Shift/F2) ...................................................................... 87 AF/KF Control (Shift/F3) ............................................................................. 88 Synchronization Display (Shift/F4) .............................................................. 89 Mini Operating System (Shift/F5) ................................................................ 90 Index ............................................................................................................ 91

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Safety 1 Introduction

Page 1

VISION LE is a numeric contouring control system especially designed for the use with flame-cutting machines. Note Since the various types of the VISION-LE control differ in their functional range it can occur that not all functions described in this manual are availlable on each specific control.

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VISION LE Startup Safety 2 Safety

Page 2

For your own safety, please heed the safety precautions and danger warnings given in this section!


Safety Precautions I. A copy of this safety-related information shall be provided to the operating personnel. II. In order to safely operate the control system, it is necessary to have read and understood the operating manual provided with the cutting machine. The operating personnel must be properly trained under all circumstances. III. All applicable safety guidelines and specifications for the "electrical equipment" on machines and auxiliary equipment as well as operating devices must be heeded. IV. With regard to flame-cutting, the accident prevention guideline "Welding, cutting and related work operations" applies (UVV VBG 15). V. In order to prevent the entry of non-authorized persons into the operating area of the machine, the operator must carry out, where necessary, suitable safety precautions for eliminating hazards in accordance with UVV VBG 5, e.g. as safety fencing as per DIN 24533, Danger signs.

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VISION LE Startup Safety 2.2 Danger Warnings

Page 3

I. When installing the control system on the cutting machine as well as the auxiliary equipment, the prescribed connection voltage and particularly the proper connection of the ground conductor must be checked. II. Test and repair work shall be performed exclusively by trained technical personnel. III. Only original spare parts shall be used for the electrical equipment. IV. Do not weld on the cutting machine! V. You must heed the danger warnings in the machine manual!


Accident Prevention I. The door to the control system should be kept closed under normal circumstances in order to avoid dust accumulation and to protect the operating personnel from accidentally touching the electrical equipment. The control system shall be opened only by technical personnel. Protective devices shall not be modified. Fuses shall not be jumpered, nor shall their characteristics be modified. II. When working with grounded test equipment such as an oscilloscope, make certain that the grounding jack of the test equipment is always connected to the ground point of the control system (test cable). If necessary, use an isolation amplifier for floating measurements.

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VISION LE Startup Safety

Page 4 III. When working with live circuits, e.g. during test and alignment work, you should exercise great caution. It is wise to have a helper stand in the vicinity of the machine's MAIN POWER switch so that the power can be cut off immediately in case of an emergency. VI. If at all possible, work on the electrical equipment should be performed only when the machine has been switched off. During such work, make certain that the power switch cannot be flipped on (e.g. hang a safety lock). V. During the following work, the system or parts thereof must be switched off: When the work is completed or during longer interruptions in the work, power down the MAIN POWER switch of the machine as well as the auxiliary equipment. VI. If any cables, connectors or electrical devices are damaged, immediately power down the MAIN POWER switch of the machine. The damaged parts must be repaired by trained technical personnel. VII. Boards or connections may be removed only when the machine is switched off. Avoid mixing up boards or connections --> Read the label or code. In case of doubt, refer to the documentation or ask someone who knows. VIII. Please heed the following guidelines as well: Connection conditions of the power company OSHA safety guidelines IEC safety guidelines Safety precautions in operating manuals for the various work procedures, such as oxy-fuel cutting, plasma cutting, etc.

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Safety 2.4 Emergency Measures

Page 5

If the machine or control system catches on fire, only use carbon dioxide (CO 2) or a suitable powder to extinguish the fire! If your clothes catch on fire, do not run away! Lie on the ground and roll around to extinguish the flames, or use fire-extinguishing blankets.


Application and Usage Conditions This control system is a component of a machine and may be used only for this machine. Only those applications are allowed which the operating manual of the respective machine expressly permits. See the appropriate machine description for the allowable ambient conditions for operating this control system. For safety reasons, do not attempt to modify, upgrade, or enhance the control system.

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3 Startup Window

Page 6

This window contains all the functions for starting up the control.

Constant editor. Speed startup. Startup help. Copy system files

Format floppy disk.

Constant Editor For editing machine constants (page 9) For editing device constants (page 9) For editing system constants (page 9) For editing MIP constants (page 9) For editing the configuration (page 9) For editing station constants (page 13) Speed Startup For determining the axis speed (page 13) Rotational speed display (page 20)

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window Startup Help For adjusting working ranges (page 28) For defining the machine zero point (page 30) For determining tool offsets (page 31) Creating A System Floppy For creating a backup copy of the system floppy disk (page 22) Formatting A Floppy (page 24)

Page 7

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window More Key of the Startup Window

Page 8

MM/Inch conversion

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3.1 Constant Editor

Page 9

The control is adapted to the environment such as machine and communication by means of various constants and parameters. Constants and parameters are filed in the internal memory. Setting of the constants is done once during startup. The description of the constants regarding content starts on page 46.

Constant editor. (page 10) Speed startup. Startup help. Copy system files

Format floppy disk.

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window Selecting Constants

Page 10

The constants are divided into five groups: - Machine constants for moving the machine - Device constants for external devices - System adaption - MIP constants - System - configuration constants (only display) - Parameters of the stations

Machine constants (page 58) Device constants (page 74) System constants (page 48) MIP constants (page 69) Configuration constants - cannot be changed (page 78) Station parameters (page 13)

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window Editing Constants - Machine Constants: An Example

Page 11

All constants and parameters are treated the same way. The representation of constants and their alteration is shown for the machine constants as an example. Device, system, and MIP constants are treated the same way. The configuration constants cannot be changed. Constants can only be edited in the service mode.

End editing procedure. If changes have been made, the changed constants will be adopted in the internal memory.

The identification character is in the top line, indicating which constants are dealt with. The symbols are taken from the preceding menu. The following eight lines list, in extracts, eight of the constants at a time. The numbers followed by the colon are firmly assigned to the constants. It is possible that constants are summarized according to different aspects in the column machine constants. In this case, the numbers are not longer sequential. The colon is followed by the actually set parameter. Place and meaning of the digits are defined per constant. The remaining part of the line is the description of the parameter. The description does not have any further effect. The constant that is to be edited in this window, can be selected with the cursor keys.

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window The bottom line shows the type of entry and the scope per constant. Text 0=NO / 1=YES Decimal entry from <n> to <n>, with signs Positive entry from <n> to <n> Hexadecimal entry Binary entry No entry Character Set 0 and 1 0 to 9, +/0 to 9 0 to F 0 and 1

Page 12

Every entry is checked to find out whether the value is within the scope. If necessary, it is limited to the maximum value. No entry indicates that these constants cannot be changed.

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3.2 Parameters of Intelligent Stations

Page 13

Stations are adapted to their tasks by means of parameters The parameters of the stations are edited on the control and then loaded at the stations.

Constant editor (page 9) Speed startup Startup help. Copy system files

Format floppy disk

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Startup Window Selecting Constant Editor

Page 14

Machine constants Device constants System constants MIP constants Configuration Station parameters (see next page)

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window Station Parameters The station whose parameters are to be changed, is selected with the cursor keys.

Page 15

The machines are designed for a maximum of six stations (burner holders). The "stations" 13, 14 and 15 are actually not real stations. Parameters for central tasks are filed here.

Send parameters to selected station (see next page) Edit parameters of selected station (page 17)

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window Sending Parameters To Selected Station

Page 16

Parameters are only sent to a station if this station supports a process, i.e. the first station constant (SYSTEM CONFIG LIFTSTATION) indicates whether and if yes, which process the corresponding station supports. If the value is 0, the station does not support a process. In case of successful sending (positive station response), a so-called derivation for this station takes place. The station is added to the process screens. The process that the station supports is activated so that it can be preselected and launched. If this function is executed for a station that does not support any process (first station constant = 0, or no constant file is available for this station) only the above mentioned derivation (no sending) will take place. If the station was visible on the screen. it is made invisible. If the process that the station supported, is not available on any other station, it is deactivated (the process can no longer be preselected and launched). Editing Parameters The description of the constants regarding content starts on page 46.

End editing procedure

The bottom line shows the type of entry and the scope per constant. Text 0=NO / 1=YES Decimal entry from <n> to <n> Positive entry from <n> to <n> Hexadecimal entry 0 to F Binary entry 0 and 1 No entry Character Set 0 and 1 +, -, 0 to 9 0 to 9

The constant that is to be edited in this window, can be selected with the cursor keys. Every entry is checked to find out whether the value is within the scope. If necessary, it is limited to the maximum value.

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window

Page 17

When the changes have been adopted, the data is stored and then sent automatically to the corresponding station.

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3.3 Speed Measurement and Display of Rotational Speed

Page 18

For the position control of the system, it is important that the speed of the individual axes is determined and defined as precise as possible.

Constant editor Speed startup (only in service mode) (page 19) Startup help Copy system files

Format floppy disk

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window Speed Startup The axes speeds are measured in this window.

Page 19

Measure axis speed of X-axis Measure axis speed of Y-axis

Display rotational speed (page 20)

The speed measurement in one of the two axis "X" or "Y" is started by pressing the corresponding menu key. The machine axis is moved a little bit at 1/10 of the nominal speed. In view of the measuring time, the distance covered this way is converted into an axis speed. The start symbol is displayed immediately and disappears after the measurement has been completed. After measurement, the display shows the determined maximum speed of the axis. For portal machines, the speeds for both portal axes are measured and displayed simultaneously.

Adopt measured values in machine constants

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window Rotational Speed Display

Page 20

In case of different values during speed measurement, the rotational speed can be displayed in order to control the liniarity of the rotational speed. Advantageously, the drives on the machine are not in mesh during measurement. This assumes that the actual value encoder is mounted to the motor/gearing block.

Caution When the rotational speed is being measured the machine drives should not be engaged, so that the machine is not moving. However, this requires that the actual-value sensors be mounted on the motor/gearing block. If the actual-value sensors are not mounted on the motor/gearing block, then the drives must be left engaged for this measurement. If a defined voltage is applied to the drive, the machine starts up immediately at the corresponding speed. Be sure that there are no persons or objects within the operating area of the respective axes. There is a high risk of injury.

Display set voltage at X-axis Display set voltage at Y-axis

Display set voltage as square-wave-signal

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window

Page 21

The display of the rotational speed of one of the two axis "X" or "Y" is activated by pressing the corresponding menu key. A voltage can be set at the override potentiometer. This voltage is sent directly to the drive. The currently reached speed is displayed periodically from the received actual value impulses. Required is that the machine constant for the number of impulses per 1000 mm (inch) has been entered correctly. Voltage output is interrupted when the axis is no longer selected. An impulse output of voltage to the drives is provided for drive optimation. The voltage level is variable. The frequency amounts to approx. 1Hz.

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3.4 Creating a Copy of the System

Page 22

The startup window provides the possibility of filing the system of the internal memory on an external drive.

Constant editor Speed startup Startup help Copy system files

Format floppy disk

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Startup Window

Page 23

Copy System Files

Insert 1.44 MB floppy disk in drive 2.

Start copying process

Do not start copying process

Since the floppy disk is formatted during the copying process, it is not possible to cancel the process after it has been started. If the disk is removed from the drive during copying, an error message will be displayed and the disk will not contain usable data.

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3.5 Formatting a floppy disk

Page 24

Constant editor Speed startup Startup help Copy system files

Format floppy disk

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window

Page 25

Formatting a floppy disk

Insert 1.44 MB floppy disk in drive 2.

Start formatting process

Do not start formatting process

Do not cancel the formatting process. Do not remove disk from drive during formatting process. Otherwise the disk cannot be used.

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3.6 Startup Help

Page 26

The control provides startup help for setting the machine zero point, for determining working ranges and measuring tool offsets. These values can be entered manually in the machine constants.

Constant editor Speed startup Startup help (page 27) Copy system files

Format floppy disk

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window Selecting Startup Help This help function should only be executed after speed startup.

Page 27

Determine working ranges (page 28) Setting the machine zero point (page 30) Measuring tool offsets (page 31)

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3.6.1 Determining Working Ranges

Page 28

Graphical display of the currently set working ranges, visual control to check whether ranges overlap. When applying this function for the first time, the graphics will show only one point since all values are set to zero.

Select range 1 (page 29) Select range 2 (optional) (page 29) Select range 3 (optional) (page 29)

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Startup Window Adjusting Ranges Explanation of the function with the example of the first range.

Page 29

Move axes as in manual control with the cursor keys. Adopted points are displayed inverse in the key line.

Adopt fixed point of working range. Adopt limit switch in positive longitudinal axis (X+). Adopt limit switch in negative longitudinal axis (X-). Adopt limit switch in positive lateral axis (Y+). Adopt limit switch in negative lateral axis. (Y-).

Adopt range in machine constants (page 28)

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VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3.6.2 Setting the Machine Zero Point

Page 30

Befor using this function the machine must be referenced. As in manual control, the machine is moved with the cursor keys to the point that is to be adopted as machine zero point. After the point has been adopted, the display of the machine corrdinates will be corrected.

Adopt point as machine zero point.

Adopt values in machine constants.

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Startup Window 3.6.3 Measuring Tool Offsets

Page 31

The offset of the individual tools to the main tool is determined with this function. Mark a point on the plate. Position the main tool on this point. Press key "Adopt reference point". Now, position all other tools one after the other on this point. Press the key with the corresponding number and the distance covered is adopted as tool offset. The keys of the adopted points are displayed inverse.

Adopt reference point Adopt offset - tool 1 Adopt offset - tool 2 Adopt offset - tool 3 Adopt offset - tool 4 Adopt offset - tool 5

End function and adopt values in machine constants. (page 27)

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Service Window 4 Service Window

Page 32

The service windows provide support for fault location in the case of service, as well as, a status display of the system. The functions of the keys SHIFT/F1 through SHIFT/F5 should only be operated by a service technician.

Attention The functions of the key combinations SHIFT + F1 to F5 should only be operated by a service technician. Improper operation in these windows can lead to damage to the control system and/or the machine.

The following functions are available: SHIFT/F1 SHIFT/F2 SHIFT/F3 SHIFT/F4 SHIFT/F5 SHIFT/F6 Deviation display (page 33) LCD contrast setting (page 34) MIP signal display (page 35) AF / KF control (page 37) Display synchronization error (page 38) Mini operating system (page 38) Error / status display (page 41)

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Service Window 4.1 Deviation Display

Page 33

Display of the current deviation in encoder impulses, as well as, the maximum deviation per axis.

Test button

Delete display of maximum value

Switch to LCD contrast setting (page 34)

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VISION LE Startup Service Window 4.2 LCD Contrast Setting and Testing

Page 34

The contrast of the LCD screen is set in the service window SHIFT/F1. In addition, it is possible here, to test the screen on its operatability.

Increase LCD contrast Reduce LCD contrast Test screen (FONT,BLACK,WHITE)

Return to deviation display (page 33)

Note: The contrast can be changed to the extent that nothing is visible on the screen. The setting remains even after the machine has been switched off.

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VISION LE Startup Service Window 4.3 MIP Signal Display

Page 35

The MIP signal display is for checking the MIP behavior. Input and output can be monitored and the signals that correspond with the control, can be seen. It is possible to force signals (value forcing). Positioning the cursor is done with the cursor keys. The inverse key indicates which of the signal groups is displayed.

ASIOB output ASIOB input Static input and output Force value 0 at cursor position Force value 1 at cursor position Cancel forced value

If the value for a signal is forced, this value is displayed inverse.

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VISION LE Startup Service Window More Key of the MIP Signal Display

Page 36

MIP signal MIP signal higher than 512

Force value 0 at cursor position Force value 1 at cursor position Cancel forced value

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VISION LE Startup Service Window 4.4 AF-KF Control

Page 37

Display of the last 16 key and auxiliary functions that were sent to the MIP. The key functions (KF) are displayed on the left side of the screen. The auxiliary functions (AF) are displayed on the right side of the screen. The arrow on the left side of a column indicates that the function is included in the internal list. The arrow on the right side of the column indicates that the function has been excluded from the internal list for the MIP. If both arrows point away from the column, the MIP does not take anymore key or auxiliary functions.

Warning This function is only to be used by authorized personnel, since it requires precise knowledge of the functions. Erroneous input into the AF-KF display can lead to erroneous behavior of the m achine. There is a high risk of injury, and damage can occur to the machine.

Send a key function to the MIP Send an auxiliary function to the MIP

Return to previous window

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VISION LE Startup Service Window Display of Synchronization Errors May only be activated by a service technician!

Page 38

Percentage display (0-100) of ASIOB or panel synchronization errors (interferences, etc.). Interferences with more than 30 percent are indicated by an additional error message. Next to the bar display, there is a display of the maximum value.

Delete display of ASIOB maximum value Delete display of panel maximum value

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VISION LE Startup Service Window 4.5 Mini Operating System

Page 39

Individual data areas of the control can be monitored and changed by means of the mini operating system. In this case, detailed knowledge of the RAM distribution is necessary. This function is only for service technicians.

Warning This function is only to be used by authorized personnel, since it requires precise knowledge of RAM organization. An erroneous input into the mini operating system can lead to a system crash or to erroneous behavior of the m achine. There is a high risk of injury, and damage can occur to the machine.

In two independent lines, memory addresses can be entered. The step size for incrementing and decrementing is always entered in bytes. If addresses outside of the data segment are to be displayed. then the address of the data segment has to be entered in the column "MAP DS", and the segment address of the memory in the first column of the display line. Addresses are to be taken from the ANC.MAP file. For a display within the data segment these two values have to be kept on ZERO.

Switch to word, long or byte display Decrement address by step size Increment address by step size Set value Switch to absolute addresses (hardware)

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VISION LE Startup Service Window

Page 40

Certain memory addresses can be accessed directly via an index. For this, enter "F000" in the first column (segment address). In the second column (offset) enter the index of the desired memory address according to the following list. The "MAP DS" value is not relevant for this display. Switching to absolute addresses does not have any effect, either.

Ind 1 2 4

Description Deviation in encoder units (32 bit) X-axis Y-axis P-axis Voltage of deviation share 7FFF = 10 volt (16 bit) X-axis Y-axis P-axis Voltage of speed pick-up Vmax axis (MC) = 8 volt (16 bit) X-axis Y-axis P-axis Total voltage output of deviation share and speed pick-up (16 bit) X-axis Y-axis P-axis Actual values in encoder units (32 bit) X-axis Y-axis P-axis Tool path feed rate in [] or [mil] (32 bit) X-axis Y-axis P-axis

5 6 8

9 A C

D E 10

1D 1E 20

21 22 24

41&63A0204 (vision_le_m_us_inb.doc )

VISION LE Startup Service Window 4.6 Error - Status Display

Page 41

Errors that have occurred are displayed, if possible, with additional information. The name of the current or last processed program is indicated with PRG. BLC indicates the current block number of the processed program.

Delete error Switch to status display (page 42) Switch to version number display (page 45)

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VISION LE Startup Service Window Status Display

Page 42

Reset I/O ports Reset battery ram Time setting (page 44)

Turn-on voltage. This symbol is displayed in the top right corner of the screen when the turn-on voltage is switched on. Reference. The letters to the right of this symbol indicate from which of the axis the reference was adopted. Controller release X. Indicator for controller release in the X-axis. If this symbol is not displayed, the machine cannot be operated along the X-axis. Controller release Y. Indicator for controller release in the Y-axis. If this symbol is not displayed, the machine cannot be operated along the Y-axis. SPC release. Indicator for SPC release. If this symbol is not displayed, no auxiliary or key functions are sent to the MIP.

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VISION LE Startup Service Window

Page 43

Feed release. Indicator for feed release. The feed release is set by the MIP. It allows machine movements. Feed interlock. Indicates that the feed release is missing. The signal is the inverse representation of the feed release. Axis movements are prevented.

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VISION LE Startup Service Window Time Setting Setting the time. The adjustment is done with the cursor keys.

Page 44

Adopt time

No adoption

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VISION LE Startup Service Window Display of Version Number

Page 45

Serial number: System: MIP version: 8031 OS: 8031 Boot:

Control number Version number of the basic system (ANC.EXE) Version number of the MIP program (MIP41.MIP) Operating system number of the sub system (NOS8031.BIN) Version number of the boot loader of the sub system (BOOT8031.HEX)

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Page 46

The system of the VISION LE is located on a flash disk. 5.1 Files of the internal memory

The following is a listing of the files that constitute the system of the VISION LE. Name ATASSYS ANC BOOT8031 BOS8031 NOS8031 LCD LCDMIP MIP41 ALL ANCDEF DEV SYS MAS MIP MAKROS DEF PARAM STAT01 STAT02 STAT03 STAT04 STAT05 STAT06 STAT13 STAT14 STAT15 EIA_ESSI ALL Ext B EXE HEX BIN BIN GOM GOM MIP SHP KON KON KON KON KON DEF TEC CUT KON KON KON KON KON KON KON KON KON DEF BUG Type Description Boot loader for VISION LE-L B System file VISION LE-L B Boot loader for 8031 B Subsystem 8031 (ABIMBO) B Subsystem 8031 (ATHC2) B System user interface B Process user interface B Machine interface program B Standard shape library A/B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B/A A Add-ons configuration Device constants System constants Machine constants MIP constants Macro key definitions Technology definitions Technology data Constants station 1 Constants station 2 Constants station 3 Constants station 4 Constants station 5 Constants station 6 Constants central station 1 Constants central station 2 Constants central station 3 EIA definition file Character generator library

In the category "Type", B indicates a binary data record and A an ASCII record that can be read with any editor. Only for those stations that are actually available on the machine, the corresponding constants are located on the system flash drive. This is also true for add-ons that need a data record. The file ANCDEF.KON determines the expansion of the control with add-ons. This data record should not be altered, it could otherwise endanger the functioning of the control.

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The remaining data files with the extension "KON", as well as the files MACROS.DEF, DEF.TEC and PARAM.CUT contain constants and settings that are defined during the startup of the machine. They cannot be altered during operation. Exceptions are marked and, if necessary, they can be adapted by the user of the machine. EIAMHF.DEF is an additional EIA definition file. Customer-specific adaptations of the M-function can be done in this file. Adaptations take place as follows: M function=ESSI function. For example: M0=42 converts the EIA function M0 into the ESSI function 42.

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 5.2 System Constants

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE Description of the system constants

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Decimal speed

The value for speed is displayed in either mm/min or inches/min. The decimal point of the speed display can be shifted. 0 1 3 3 No decimal point. Decimal place before the last digit; indicates 1/10 of a unit. Decimal place before the second from last digit; the last digit indicates 1/100 of a unit and the second from last digit indicates 1/10 of a unit.

Type of kerf calculation

The procedure of the kerf calculation can be controlled with this constant. The following input values can be entered in form of a binary sum in order to combine characteristics. 00001 Activates collision checking. 00010 Small segments of arcs with a section height smaller than 1/10 mm are interpreted as a line. This measure prevents collision of the offset contour with the programmed segment for small arcs. 00100 Forces a linear movement from the last point without offset activated to the first point with activated offset. A jump in the form of a line with half of the offset value is not generated. 01000 Movement proceeds from the last offset point of a contour directly to the first subsequent point without offset, if the offset mode is not activated. Here again, no line with half of the offset length is generated from the corrected point to the same point uncorrected. 10000 Kerf on the fly. Permits changing the offset by rotary knob during the program movement. The offset can be adjusted by +/- 50%. It must be kept in mind that sets which are already precalculated are not affected by the changed offset. After an AF 30/29 the changed offset is visible immediately. 4 Encoder simulation

For testing purposes, control functions can be simulated without encoders. The setpoint of a contour is taken as actual value. Position control as well as reference point movement are of no relevance. Note: When axis simulation is activated, individual functions are no longer available.

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 5 MIP simulation

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In order to override certain actions of the existing MIP program, the following settings can be made. The following input values can be entered in the form of a binary sum in order to combine characteristics. 0001 0010 0100 1000 6 MIP is not able to cancel the feed release. Error messages generated by the MIP are not displayed. Simulation of a positive response after a download of station constants. Missing stations are treated as if they were present. Display of all ATHC messages for existing stations.

Circle mode

The interpretation of circle center point coordinates for EIA programs is set with this constant. 0 1 2 3 Standard interpretation. Circle center point coordinates are programmed absolute or incremental to the starting point in dependence of the path conditions. Circle center points coordinates are always incremental to the starting point independent of path conditions. Missing circle center point coordinates are supplemented, assuming that the arc is always within a quadrant. Missing circle-center coordinates are added, using the most recently used circlecenter coordinates.

Decimal point

Programming decimal points in EIA format. 0 1 No decimal point in EIA format is expected. Coordinate values are interpreted according to machine constant 49 as 1/10mm, 1/100mm or 1/1000 inch. A decimal point in EIA format is expected. For a missing point, all values are interpreted in millimeter or inch units.


The setting for MM, MM/MIN or I, IPM is set by the manufacturer of the machine. The setting depends on the machine. Modification of these constants may only be done by the manufacturer of the machine. 0 1 Text displays in MM or MM/MIN. Text displays in I or IPM.

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 09 EIA keys

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If EIA programming is mainly used, the assignment of the +/- keys can be redefined: 1 key without shift is the decimal point key with shift is the plus character


Process handling

Whenever the control is switched on, the process used last is activated and the corresponding stations are selected. 001 010 100 Stations and process are not activated automatically at system start. No option level available after manual process selection - control level is activated immediately (American version only). The process selection level can be accessed via the PAGE key (American version only).


Cutting package reset

If only the data of the basic cutting package (no additional SDP cutting data files) with the values specified therein (no values specified in the battery RAM) are to be used, set this constant to 1 (yes). When the system is started again the basic cutting package is loaded. Set this constant back to "0 (no) afterwards. Notice: Deleting the battery RAM results in a reloading of the basic cutting package with its basic setting. Other data however are lost. 14 Do not move to grid position

The option "Accept program zero point (grid)" sets the machine so that all programs begin at a fixed absolute machine point. If this constant is set, the program zero point is the position at which the program is started. This constant is in effect only when the constant is activated. 0 1 Manual definition of the program zero point (optional feature) is deactivated in the basic setting. Manual definition of the program zero point (optional feature) is activated in the basic setting.



Programs written in ESSI and EIA format are used.

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 0 1 28 No mixed programming. Mixed programming.

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Representation of standard shapes in ESSI/EIA

If the control system is equipped with the optional feature "EIA format, this constant serves to define which program format (ESSI or EIA) the control system uses to generate main programs from standard shapes or in the "Teach-Trace mode." 0 1 29 Program generation in ESSI format. Program generation in EIA format.


Language setting 0 1 The language used in the system is the non-native language stored in FREMDTXT or FREMDMIP.GOM. The language used in the system is the basic text stored in LCD or LCDMIP.GOM.

After changing this constant you must restart the system for the new language to become effective (after saving the system constants) 30 Lubrication

Specification of the movement path in meters after which the MIP receives a message for automatic lubrication of the axes. 34 35 EIA programming accuracy MM-coordinates EIA programming accuracy INCH-coordinates

These constants determine the precision of a programming unit. If the machine is set to millimeters, the program accuracy is taken from constant 34; for inches, from constant 35 (also see constant SYS 8). 0 1 2 3 8 9 Do not enter decimal points in the EIA format. Coordinate values are programmed in 1/1 [mm] or 1/1 [inch}. Do not enter decimal points in the EIA format. Coordinate values are programmed in 1/10 [mm] or 1/10 [inch]. Do not enter decimal points in the EIA format. Coordinate values are programmed in 1/100 [mm] or 1/100 [inch]. Do not enter decimal points in the EIA format. Coordinate values are programmed in 1/1000 [mm] or 1/1000 [inch]. Decimal points are expected in the EIA format. Coordinate values are programmed in [mm] or [inches] (X1005 means 1005 mm or inches). Decimal points are expected in the EIA format. Coordinate values are programmed with one decimal place in [mm] or [inches]. (X100.5 means 100.5 mm or inches).

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Decimal points are expected in the EIA format. Coordinate values are programmed with two decimal places in [mm] or [inches] (X10.05 means 10.05 mm or inches). Decimal points are expected in the EIA format. Coordinate values are programmed with three decimal places in [mm] or [inches] (X0.005 means 0.005 mm or inch).


Reference mode

Specifies the manner in which the control system automatically references the axes. 0 1 Standard. The reference points are recognized on the basis of a cam (mechanical switch). The reference point is the contact point of the switch. Alternative. The reference points are set by recognizing holes (inductive sensor). The reference point is the center of the recognized hole.
Value 0 Value 1 Sensor






ESAB/LTEC logo 0 1 The startup message of the control is "ESAB". See SYS54


Error waiting time

If an error occurs, it is displayed immediately by the control system. After it is acknowledged by the operator, the error is deleted. If the error occurs again immediately after the attempt at deletion (for example because of responses from the hardware), the repeated message is suppressed. The error continues to be displayed in the error window. This constant defines the waiting time (in units of 16 ms) during which the error message is suppressed. Values 10 to 90 are admissible. 54 Customer 0 1 The startup message of the control is "NCE290" if SYS49 = 1. The startup message of the control is "VISION LE" if SYS49 = 1.

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 55 BUS version

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Information on the hardware connected to ASIOB. 0 1 2 78 ATHC-2 card (intelligent station) at the ASIOB. ABIMBO connected to the ASIOB (American version). No ASIOB

Start with part

On the automation menu, analogous to "Start with block number," "Start with part" is possible. A part in the parts program begins with an AF+n (or M0 for EIA), where n is the part number. The end of a part is identified by "EOS" (End Of Sheet). 0 Input of "Start with part" not possible. 1 Input of "Start with part" possible. Sample program:
0 6 ++++50+ 7 ++150 EOS 0 6 ++100 +50-50 -50-50 7 EOS Part 2 Part 1

The grafic display is not supported in the editor. 79 Manual input relative

The machine can also be positioned by means of direct entry of coordinates. This constant is used to set whether the input is interpreted absolutely or relative to the current position. 0 1 Relative. Absolute.

105 Inverse onpattern signal Definition of the signal "On pattern" of an optical copying attachment.

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0 1 Marker 882 is 1 at "On pattern" Marker 882 is 0 at "On pattern"

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106 External tracer connected Type of optical copying attachment, that is connected to the control:
0 1 AK5 is connected HL70 / HL90 is connected


US logic

The output of the 24 volt power and thus also the run time of the MIP can be defined differently: 0 1 2 3 4 5 24 volt power is always switched on. No signal output by the control. 24 volt power is switched on by means of an external signal, No signal output by the control. 24 volt power is switched on/off by Start/Stop. Signal output via APAP16. (Relais X12 7/-X12.8) 24 volt power is switched on/off by Start/Stop. Signal output via APAP. External signal defines release of the 24 volt power.( X8.9) See 3. In addition the message 163: Emergency stop chain interrupted is issued, if the external signal (Usok, X8.9) switches from 1 to 0. 24 volt power is switched on/off by Start/Stop. Signal output via APAP16. (Relay X12 7/-X12.8): Emergency braking behaviour with input Usok, (X8.9) as emergency stop input (like ANC41).


Type of hardware

Hardware availlable on the control 0 No hardware for VISION LE 1 no joystick connected, manual movement by means of the cursor keys. 2 Joystick connected, no manual movement by means of the cursor keys. 109 Error suppression

Control of the display of cable faults and frequency errors considering the machine constant MAS51. 0 Suppression of cable fault is possible, no suppression of frequency error. 1 Cable fault and frequency error are suppressed as long as the communication marker is M994=1. The machine constant is ignored. That way the MIP can suppress the error display during the plasma ignition. 2 Cable fault and frequency error are always suppressed.

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 110 Keyboard

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For testing purposes a PS2 keyboard can be connected to the control. Caution: Exclusively for service operation, the connected keyboard leads to malfunctions.

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 5.3 Machine constants (MAS.KON)

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE Description of the machine constants 1,2 Axis definitions

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Enter whether X-axis and Y-axis exist. Usually both constants are 1. 0 1 4 Axis not available Axis available

Portal axis

Machines with a portal can be moved along the X-axis via two separate drives. These drives, however, have to be synchronized. Such portal control is an additional function to the VISION LE. When this function is installed, this constant can be set to 1. The following axis constants have to be entered separately (from the X-axis) also for the P-axis. 5,6,8 Rotation direction After mounting and cabling, the encoders on the machine will not always produce positive actual values with positive axis direction. This matter is checked during automatic speed startup and, if necessary, a 1 is entered automatically during measurement in order to correct the rotation direction of the encoder. In case of a wrong entry in this constant, the position control cannot work. Deviation errors can also occur in case of axis standstill. Caution: Do not enter the value manually. With an incorrect input for these constants the closed-loop position control may not be available 9,10,12 Amplifying factor (LA) of control loop The value given in this constant defines the amplifying factor of the position control loop as a ratio of speed and positional deviation. It is indicated in [1/sec]. In the case of gantry axes, all amplification factors have to be the same. In order to reduce tool path errors during acceleration, the amplifying factor for the X axis and Y axis should be the same. Using the amplifying factor and the maximum speed of an axis, a maximum deviation is defined. Exceeding this value leads to a loop error. For testing purposes, the position control can be disabled with an LA value of zero. 13,14,16 Maximum axis speed

The maximum axis speed indicates the speed and, thus, indirectly the rotational speed of the drive that the axis can reach with a presetting of 8V. A wrong adaptation due to incorrect values can lead to unstable traversing behavior and overtravelling when approaching a specified position. This is why the constants may not be used for limiting the maximum axis speeds.

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The maximum axis speed is determined during the automatic startup of the axes. The determined value is automatically accepted. The speed is measured at 0.8 V. Prerequisite is that the drive has a proportional characteristic curve (x = speed and y = output voltage) even beyond 8 V. 17,18,20 Encoder pulses

The constants indicate how many pulses are generated by the encoders at a certain distance (1m). In practical operation, these specifications will deviate from theoretically calculated values if steering rack and gearing errors are included in the specification of pulses. The values of the two gantry axes do not have to be exactly the same. When comparing the actually generated pulses with the nominal values of the encoders note that the nominal values are quadrupled within the control system (the control system evaluates both tracks, and rising and falling edges by means of two scanning procedures). An encoder with a nominal value of 100 pulses/revolution generates 400 pulses/revolution in the control system. 21,22 Actual values at the reference point Using the reference point cam on the machine and the encoder zero pulse, a machine zero point or a Y-carriage zero point is defined that can be reproduced with the accuracy of one measuring unit time after time following a shutdown. In most cases, it is desirable that the coordinate zero point of an axis be located at the end of the operating range of this axis and not at the point where the reference cam happens to be mounted. Furthermore, the machine coordinates should be positive. This can be done by modification so that the actual value at the reference point is not zero but a value that moves the zero coordinate value to the end of the traversing path. MC 23ff gives an example of the location of the reference point and the machine zero point. 23,24 Home position 1

Any point within the respective working range can be defined as home position. The function "Change working range moves the axes to the defined home position. 25 - 28 Limit switch In connection with the reference system, an absolute coordinate system is installed on the machine. This makes it possible to define "soft limit switches" that cannot be exceeded in manual or automatic mode. Trying to exceed these limits leads to a "Limit switch error".

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 41 Maximum speed

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All manual and automatic movements are limited to the maximum speed. Higher speed requests are not permitted, not even by forcing via override. The maximum speed refers to the tool path traveled. The maximum speed is used as fast traverse speed during automatic program execution. The maximum speed serves as reference value for the calculation of the acceleration based on the run-up time (see constant 42) The maximum speed serves as reference value for the calculation of the second acceleration based on the second acceleration time (MC 78) (see second acceleration). The maximum speed serves as reference value for the calculation of the acceleration based on the emergency braking time (MC 155) (see emergency braking time). The maximum speed may not be set higher than the lowest of the axis speeds, since there is no check during automatic processing. 42 Acceleration time

Here the time required for the machine to reach the maximum speed (MC 41) is entered in milliseconds. The calculation of the machine acceleration for all operating situations is based on this value.


MAS 42

MAS 42

vmax = (MAS 41)


Manual fast motion

Speed under manual control in fast traverse mode (fast traverse key ON). The fast traverse speed refers to the individual axes. Accordingly, the tool path time can be higher than the fast traverse speed. It cannot exceed the maximum speed of the machine, however (see constant 41).

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 44 Manual feed

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Maximum speed of manual control without fast traverse mode (fast traverse key OFF). 45 Teach trace KV

The value of this constant defines the amplifying factor of the position control loop as a ratio of speed and positional deviation. The constant is stated in units of [1/sec]. During scanning the deviation can be regarded as the radius of the optical scanning circle. For higher speeds, this circle (R = 1 mm) is advanced in the traveling direction in order to gain a higher deviation. The maximum advance is 6 mm. The LA value must be set in such a way that the machine can be moved free from vibrations at the specified maximum scanning speed. If the LA value is set to < 5, the maximum scanning speed is indirectly raised according to the following formula:


(vcurrent 300)
MAS 45

The current speed is set in the Teach-Trace menu. Raising the maximum scanning speed is only necessary for scanning speeds of less than 300 mm/min. Specify the maximum scanning speed together with the LA value.

Radius =

v = MAS 45



At MAS45 = 5 and with a radius of = 6 mm the maximum scanning speed is 30 mm/sec, or 1800 mm/min. 46 Teach quer KV

The value of this constant defines the amplifying factor of the position control loop as a ratio of speed and positional deviation. The constant is stated in units of [1/10sec]. Additive traverse control is effective in particular at low speeds. If you need to scan mainly at lower speeds the normal forward control is not sufficient to keep scanning on a line. In such a case, enter a smaller value. Notice: Loop amplification in the traverse direction should be set to approx. of the loop amplification of the machine. 47 Portal deviation

Monitoring a gantry with two separate drives (absolute gantry control) is provided as an optional feature. The two gantry axes are accessed and controlled separately. In this process, the position of the two axes to one another is constantly monitored and the deviation is compared with the value preset in this m achine constant. If the limit has been exceeded "(109) Loop error P is displayed and all drives are deactivated via the controller release.

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 48 Smoothing factor

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Acceleration of the individual axes is "smoothened" with the smoothing factor, i.e. the starting and stopping procedure is carried out more gently. The smoothing factor must not be excessively large in order to avoid contour inaccuracies with circles. Depending on the machine and application, values between 1 and 3 are recommended (1=hard, 3=soft). Formula:

vi +1 =

vt arg et vi 2
MAS 48

+ vi

1200,00 1000,00 Actual speed 800,00 Faktor 1 600,00 400,00 200,00 0,00 0 0,1 Time [sec] 0,2 0,3 Faktor 2 Faktor 3


Machine unit

Here the resolution (precision) of the sub-programs carried out on the machine is to be entered. It also serves as interpretation default for coordinate values within the ESSI programs. 1 2 3 one decimal place (1/10 mm) two decimal places (1/100 mm) three decimal places (1/1000 mm)

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 51 Cable error suppression

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The encoder pulses are transferred to the control system as push-pull signals. The control system checks whether the signals are almost the same in opposition, and thus gains information about the condition of the lines (strand breakage!). It maybe useful to relax monitoring of the encoder and cabling to the control system during startup. In this special case, "1" can be entered in this constant so that cable errors are suppressed. For safety reasons, however, a zero must be entered here during regular operation. 52 Reference

Setting the value of this constant to 1 indicates that a reference point s ystem has been installed. Small machines are sometimes not equipped with a reference point cam. If you want to stop the control system from running check tests, enter "0" (= no reference point system) here. Even though a reference point system is not available, a reference point can be defined by means of a manual reference point movement (confirm current machine position on the reference screen with the F1 key). The option Automatic reference point movement (C0.521.00) can be deactivated by setting the machine constant 52 to 2. Manual reference point movement is possible. 53 Loop behavior

This constant controls the behavior of the control loop. 0 1 The position control loop is enabled in automatic as well as in manual mode. The control loops will only be disabled in case of errors or interrupted voltage supply. In manual mode, the position control loops are only enabled when a moving command has been given.


Tipp/Latch (operation)

This constant controls the type of manual traversing. 0 1 Jogging mode. Movement of the machine starts when the cursor key is operated. The machine stops as soon as the cursor key is released. Latch mode. The traversing direction is preselected with the cursor keys. The movement itself is triggered with the start key.

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 55 AC drives

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This constant is in particular intended for modern-day indexing mechanisms that combine motor and encoder as one unit. When the drives are disabled, the encoder is simultaneously disconnected from the supply. After reconnecting the power supply, make sure to wait until the encoders of the drives are operational again! 0 1 DC drives, i.e. no reference point movement after power outage AC drives, i.e. reference point movement necessary after power outage. The axes are released approx. second after the 24 volt power supply is switched on.

62 78

2. acceleration time Speed 2. acceleration

A second acceleration ramp can be defined by combining constants 62 and 78. The second acceleration is active when the speed is greater than the value in constant 62 (limiting speed for second acceleration). The value for the second acceleration is derived from the constant 41 (maximum speed) and the constant 78 (acceleration time). Units Constant 62 Constant 78

[mm/min] [ms]

vmax vtarg1 v2 vtarg2

MAS 42 MAS 42 MAS 78 MAS 155

t v max = (MAS 41) v2 = (MAS 62) v targ1and v targ2 are programmed speeds

See also constant 155 (Emergency deceleration). 64,65 Automatic reference point movement An automatic reference point movement can be installed as add-on in the control and on the machine. For regular operation, the constants explained below are irrelevant.

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For an automatic reference point movement, the reference cams on the machine have to be prepared. The controlling system must be able to recognize on which side of the actual reference point (flank and first range of the cam) the machine is positioned. In this procedure, the system first checks whether the machine is located on a cam and then moves it away from the cam in the opposite direction. Only then the actual reference point movement in direction of the cam is executed. The procedure is completed when the reference point with the encoder zero pulse has been recognized. The machine constants define with a corresponding number which of the axes can start the reference point movement first (1) and which second (2). A sign indicates in which direction the reference cam is to be searched if the machine has not yet found it. 68 - 77 Tool offsets These constants define the mechanical distance of the individual tools to the main cutting tool. The point is that a program should not have to know the position of the individual tools in use with regard to the position of the other tools, in order to produce a workpiece that complies with the geometric specifications. These distances are calculated and positioned independently by the control system when an offset is requested by the program. If offsets are assigned to processes (version V3 only), the appropriate offset is selected and traveled after each change of processes. 78 Speed 2. acceleration

See machine constant 62 79 Deviation X1/X2

In this constant the value of the maximum deviation of the two drives is entered which is compensated according to the reference in the case of operation. If the gantry axes show a greater deviation than specified, an error message is generated. 155 Emergency deceleration MC 41 (maximum speed) combined with this machine constant defines the emergency deceleration. This deceleration is activated by the MIP (e.g. water table detection). 156 X backlash comp 157 Y backlash comp 159 P backlash comp Enter the inaccuracies found between motor, encoder and gear rack for the axes X, Y, and P. These values are used for compensating inaccuracies. When switching between forward and backward movement of the axes inaccuracies occur between the distance indicated by the control system and the distance actually traveled by the machine.

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Determine the differences and enter the value determined for each individual axis in the respective constant. 160 Time on edge The dwell time of the machine at corners can be entered here. 161 Min. angle stop on edge If the specified angle is exceeded during a change of direction of the programmed geometry, the control system will execute a corner stop. 169 Laser pointer offset x [1/1000mm] A separate, non-programmable offset is provided for the light pointer. The operator turns this offset on by pressing a key. The constants designate the distance between the light pointer and the reference tool in the X and Y directions. This offset is used with tool position correction. Constant MIP 19 does not apply. 186 Limit search speed Teach Trace The value of this constant defines the speed under which the system no longer cuts in half the speed specified in the Teach-Trace menu. If this constant is not available or is zero, the limit is set to 500 mm/min (approx. 20 ipm). If the speed is lower than the speed specified in the constant it is not reduced to half the speed. 232 X negate output volt. 233 Y negate output volt. To control pre-configured drive units (e.g: HL90) the output voltage is negated 0 1 positive set value for positive movement direction negativer set value for negative movement direction negative set value for positive movement direction positive set value for negative positive movement direction

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MIP Constants (MIP.KON)


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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE Description of the MIP Constants 10 Ordinal no. for acceleration/brake distance

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Process values and time values are stored in the cutting packages. Process values that have an influence on the geometry processing are stored in the cutting package with a variable process value number: Die Beschleunigung whrend dem Handsteuern wird durch die Maschinenkonstante MAS42 definiert. Im Automatikbetrieb wird die Beschleunigung (bzw. Hochlaufzeit) aus den Schneiddaten entnommen. Diese Konstante gibt die Num mer des Schneidwertes an, der die Hochlaufzeit in Millisekunden definiert. 16 Prestop

In this constant the time before a function that switches off the process is determined in milliseconds. This function is used to reduce the pressure in time so no burning damage occurs in the position the process is switched off. The condition is reported to the MIP by the marker 885. Auxilliary functions with which this function works:
On 7 7 9 9 13 15 35 53 53 Off 8 54 10 111 14 16 36 8 54 On 70 71 90 100 100 157 158 Off 75 75 91 10 111 159 159


Distance before line

This constant determines the distance in 1/1000 mm before the next line (next corner). This function is used to switch off the automatic height control at corners. This is reported to the MIP by the marker 859. 18 Distance after line

This constant determines the distance in 1/000 mm after the last line (last corner). This funktion is used to switch off the height control at corners. This is reported to the MIP by the marker 859. 22 Logical process number

The input format of the editor is the hexadecimal format. For example, the number 6 is entered in order to obtain the process oxy-fuel and punch marking (0110). On the VISION LE the maximum number of processes is limited to three. Any combination of processes is possible (for example 1+2+5).

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE A process is set up by the system under the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. The process number must be entered into the MIP machine constant 22. The process must be defined in the MIP.

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The process must be defined in the cutting package (Nx in PARAM.CUT; x=process number). The maximum number of processes must not be exhausted.

23 - 30 Auxiliary functions without machine stop Usually, auxiliary functions are issued when the machine has stopped. In specific cases this is not the desired procedure, however. Then certain auxiliary functions are issued on-the-fly. These are, for example, instructions to the height control, when the active cutting process should not be interrupted by a machine stoppage. ESSI functions that are issued without machine stoppage are entered into these MIP constants in random order. 31 32 AF in exchange for AF 7 AF in exchange for AF 8

When the Teach Trace mode is turned on, the auxiliary functions 7 and 8 are replaced by the auxiliary functions entered here. If a fixed program with variable cut is called, the auxiliary functions 7 and 8 are replaced by the auxiliary functions entered here. 35-55 MIP override 1-16 If a marker for speed reduction is reached within a program, the processing speed of the machine is reduced to the indicated percentage. The speed reduction can differ for each of the 16 constants. 57 - 72 MIP setting The machine interface program MIP can be parameterized with these 16 constants so that alternative forms of behavior can be selected in dependence of the machine constellation. The meaning of the individual constants is, thus, defined by the installed MIP. Only 0 and 1 can be entered in the constants. 122 Machine with clutch (0/1) This constant defines whether there is a gear clutch present on the machine. This is used in order to uncouple the drives and shift the machine by hand. The uncoupling is accomplished by means of a keypress on the control panel. 123 Distance to AF stop

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE

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This constant defines a distance before a machine stop (for example by means of an auxiliary function or traversing a corner). During this travel the height control is deactivated. This function is used in order to deactivate the automatic height control. This makes it possible to traverse kerfs. Dem MIP wird der Zustand durch den Merker 962 mitgeteilt. It is entered in 1/1000 millimeter [mm]. The auxilliary functions with which this function works are:
On 7 7 9 9 13 15 35 53 53 Off 8 54 10 111 14 16 36 8 54 On 70 71 90 100 100 157 158 Off 75 75 91 10 111 159 159

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 5.5 Device Constants (DEV.KON)

Page 74


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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE Description of the Device Constants The VISION LE supports a maximum of two serial interfaces, COM1 and COM2. 1,9 Device

Page 75

With these constants, an interface is allocated to the used driver in the system of the VISION LE. 3 4 Serial data transfer without protocol. The connected device should support transfer control with XON / XOFF. See below. UDL (Up Down Load). UDL enables a secured data transfer between the control and a computer. An appropriate UDL host program is necessary on the computer. Data transfer to the host computer is controlled with UDL by the control. ASOD (ATAS Serial Online Debugger). ASOD is a tool ntegrated especially for i testing and startup purposes. Terminal. Every arriving character is displayed, every keypress is sent. No processing of the characters occurs. Useful for testing the interfaces. DDE2. Transfer of data with the protocol appropriate to the ANCDDE2 Server. Reporting, monitoring, PPT, UDL and DNC modes. SERVICE. Interface test. All received characters are returned 1:1. DDE3. Transfer of data with the protocol appropriate to the ANCDDE3 Server (32-bit server). Reporting, monitoring, PPT and UDL with long file names and DNC mode. Report data are stored temporarily when there is no connection. UDL and reporting run simultaneously.

5 6 17 18 21

2,10 Baud rate The transfer speed of a serial connection is defined by the baud rate. The baud rate has to be set to the same value on both sides. All serial interfaces in the control system support the following baud rates: 300 baud 1200 baud 2400 baud 4800 baud 9600 baud 19200 baud (for COM1 and COM2 only)

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE 3,11 Parity

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Individual characters can be protected by a parity bit during transmission. As for the baud rate, both partners, control and data device, must have the same setting. The following three settings are possible: 0 1 2 No parity supplement Odd parity supplement Even parity supplement

4,12 Data bits This constant defines the number of data bits for a character. Seven bits are sufficient for program data since only the ASCII data record is being used and no special characters or graphics are transmitted. The number of transferred bits per character have to be identical between the control and the connected device or computer. The control admits the following two values: 7 8 Seven data bits Eight data bits

5,13 Number of stop bits Each character in serial transfer is completed with a stop bit. For the control, the two valid values are: 1 2 One stop bit Two stop bits

In most cases, the choice of stop bits depends on the setting of the connected device. Remember that the sum of data bits, parity bits and stop bits per character may not exceed eleven. 6,14 Handshake During transfer of a serial data stream, it may be necessary to give the two partners the time to process or store the received characters. In many cases this takes longer than the transmission of an individual character, so that transfer has to be interrupted for this processing procedure. The control characters XON and XOFF are provided for this type of control. Examples: During transfer to the control system, the latter sends the XOFF character to the sending device in order to communicate that the data received before must first be written from a buffer to internal storage (floppy disk) first. During this time no more than five subsequent characters can be buffered. After completion of the storage procedure, the control system sends the XON character. The connected device must therefore interrupt the transfer in the time period between receiving XOFF and XON. 0 1 2 No handshake possible Handshake with XON / XOFF is available Hardware handshake RTS / CTS (for COM1 and COM2 only)

If handshaking is not available, tests may be needed to determine the maximum baud rate that can be used for transfer without losing data. This baud rate must not be exceeded. The DOS "COPY"

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VISION LE Startup System of the VISION LE

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command does not support the control procedure with XON / XOFF! Make sure to use the appropriate cable with the appropriate number of leads for options 1 and 2. 7,15 Timeout This constant defines the period of time, the system waits if a UDL connection could not be established. It then sends an error message. With serial transfer, this time is used in order to determine a transmission end. (see also constants 33/34). 33 UDL Setting

With this constant the various types of the UDL protocol can be set.
0 1 2 3 UDL host system versions 3 & 4 UDL host system in connection with the programming te rminal Co lumbus UDL host system with terminal display on the control s ys tem UDL host system in connection with the programming terminal Columbus including the terminal display on the con trol system

Long file names must not end with blank characters. 34,35 End character, number of end characters The end of the serial data transfer with the driver 3 (XON / XOFF) cannot be specified unambiguously. The data stream ends with CTRL Z, code 1AH. The control system interprets this character as the end of the data and completely ends the transfer in the control system. It is not possible to insert the character CTRL Z as an end-of-message marker in existing data blocks. So the proc edure used with punched tape has established itself here as well: To identify the end of the data, a certain number of characters (ZEROs or BLANKs) are used. Constant 34 defines the character itself and constant 35 the minimum number of such characters. Example Constant 34 contains the value 048 (the ASCII code for the number 0) and constant 35 contains the value 20. The control system recognizes the end of a transmission by the 20 repeated zeros. The zeros themselves, as well as any subsequent data, are not accepted.

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VISION LE Startup Error messages 6 Error Messages (Codes of Disk Errors)

Page 80

(155) FLOPPY DISK <0>: GENERAL ERROR <m> Error when accessing the memory. Floppy disk 0 is the internal memory. Possibly, the control system is no longer operational. The error number <m> is displayed as an 16 bit integer value in hexadecimal format. While possibly two errors may occur, the values are seperated in LowWord and HighWord. The HighWord includes the BIOS-Messagecodes and the LowWord the error numbers from the IRQ-Service.

Description of the hexadecimal error numbers a) Floppy disk errors (internal device is refered to as floppy disk 0):

error number (HighWord) 01 02 03 04 05 06 09 0B 16 2A 34

description (part I)

invalid drive number error reading boot sector error reading FAT error reading ROOT-DIR read/write error, status != 0 disk changed invalid ADOS-function invalid size of RootDir (>224 entries) invalid start cluster invalid cluster index invalid cluster access

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VISION LE Startup Error messages

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error number (HighWord) 3E 3F 49 51 52 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61

description (part II)

error writing FAT error writing DIR error writing DIR error writing FAT error writing DIR formating aborted with error invalid disk format drive missing error reading BOOT/FAT/DIR error reading BOOT/FAT/DIR error reading BOOT/FAT/DIR invalid volume label

error number (LowWord) 01 02 04 06 08 09 10 20 40


invalid function code address not found sector not found disk changed DMA overflow segmentation violation error while reading controller failure Track not found

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VISION LE Startup Error messages b) Boot errors description

Page 82

error number (LowWord) B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9

error reading FAT error reading DIR error reading boot sector error during disk reset error reading a single sector error in file structur error in file structur error in file structur error while comparing FATs error reading FAT error reading DIR error reading boot sector error during disk reset error reading a single sector error in file structur error in file structur error in file structur error while comparing FATs

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VISION LE Startup Symbol overview 7 7.1 Symbol Overview Startup window

Page 83

Startup window. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the startup window is the active window. Constant editor. For editing machine, device, system and MIP constants, as well as, displaying the configuration. Station parameters Editing the station parameters and transmitting the parameter values to the stations. Speed startup. For determining the velocity of the axes. Rotational speed startup. For displaying the revolutional speed per axis with adjustable voltage supply. MM/Inch selection Changing between millimeter and inch geometry. Impulse. Clocked voltage supply for drive optimation. Startup helps. Working ranges, reference point, tool offsets. Copy System Files Making backup of system files on several disks. Format floppy Formatting a disk in disk drive. Insert Disk Request for confirmation with the functions that create system disks and format disks. Insert disk in disk drive. Working ranges. Graphical display of the adjusted working ranges and adjusting help.

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VISION LE Startup Symbol overview Working ranges. For adjusting the first working range. Working ranges. For adjusting the second working range. Working ranges. For adjusting the third working range. Working ranges. For adopting the fixed point (home position) for the selected working range.

Page 84

Working ranges. For adopting the current position of the X-axis as positive demarcation of the selected working range (software limit switch). Working ranges. For adopting the current position of the X-axis as negative demarcation of the selected working range. Working ranges. For adopting the current position of the Y-axis as negative demarcation of the selected working range. Working ranges. For adopting the current position of the Y-axis as positive demarcation of the selected working range. Tool offsets. For setting up tool offsets. Tool offsets. For adopting the reference point for setting the tool offsets. Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the first tool. Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the second tool. Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the third tool. Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the fourth tool.

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VISION LE Startup Symbol overview Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the fifth tool.

Page 85

Reference point adjustment. For selecting a reference point adjustment followed by a reference point movement. Reference point adjustment. The current position of the machine is adopted as machine zero point.

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VISION LE Startup Symbol overview 7.2 Deviation Display / LCD Test (Shift/F1)

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Test button Check the functioning of the keys and controls. Delete display of maximum value Clear the displayed maximum value. LCD Test. Contrast minus. LCD Test. Contrast plus. LCD Test. Display of basic font. All black, all white.

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VISION LE Startup Symbol overview 7.3 MIP Signal Display (Shift/F2)

Page 87

Signal display window. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the window of the MIP signal display is the active window. ASIOB Input ASIOB output Display of static input and output. Display of internal MIP signals. Display of MIP signals higher than 512. Force. For forcing value 0. Force. For forcing value 1. Force off. For cancelling the force instruction.

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VISION LE Startup Symbol overview 7.4 AF/KF Control (Shift/F3)

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AF/KF. Display of the last 16 auxiliary and key functions. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the AF/KF control window is the active window. AF. For displaying the auxiliary functions sent last to the MIP. KF. For displaying the key functions sent last to the MIP. MF For displaying the miscellaneous functions sent last to the MIP

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VISION LE Startup Symbol overview 7.5 Synchronization Display (Shift/F4)

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Synchronization display This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the "synchronization control" window is the active window. ASIOB Delete display of ASIOB maximum value Panel Delete display of panel maximum value

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VISION LE Startup Symbol overview 7.6 Mini Operating System (Shift/F5)

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Mini operating system. For displaying internal RAM addresses. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the window of the mini operating system is the active window. Mini operating system. For switching between the displays of byte, word, long. Mini operating system. For switching to absolute addresses. Mini operating system. For changing the value.

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VISION LE Startup Index 8 Index

Page 91

Accident prevention.............................................................................................................................. 2 AF-KF control ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Application and usage conditions ........................................................................................................ 4 ASIOB ................................................................................................................................................ 29 Auxiliary function................................................................................................................................. 31 Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 67 Configuration constants ..................................................................................................................... 14 Constant types ................................................................................................................................... 14 Constants editor................................................................................................................................. 13 Contrast.............................................................................................................................................. 28 Controller release............................................................................................................................... 35 Danger warnings .................................................................................................................................. 2 Device constants ......................................................................................................................... 14, 63 Editor constants ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Emergency measures.......................................................................................................................... 4 Error display ....................................................................................................................................... 34 Error messages ................................................................................................................................. 69 Boot errors...................................................................................................................................... 71 floppy disk....................................................................................................................................... 69 Floppy disk ..................................................................................................................................... 69 Feed release ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Input.................................................................................................................................................... 29 Keys ................................................................................................................................................... 31 LCD test.................................................................................................................................................. 28 Machine constants ....................................................................................................................... 14, 48 Machine zero point............................................................................................................................. 24 Mini operating system ........................................................................................................................ 32 MIP constants ..................................................................................................................................... 59 MIP signal display .............................................................................................................................. 29 MIP-constants .................................................................................................................................... 14 Output................................................................................................................................................. 29 Pixel test............................................................................................................................................. 28 Release controller......................................................................................................................................... 35 feed................................................................................................................................................. 36 SPC ................................................................................................................................................ 35 Rotational speed display.................................................................................................................... 17 Safety ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Safety precautions ............................................................................................................................... 1 Service window .................................................................................................................................. 26 Signal display..................................................................................................................................... 29 SPC release....................................................................................................................................... 35 Speed measurement ......................................................................................................................... 17 Startup help ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Startup window................................................................................................................................... 11 Status display ..................................................................................................................................... 34 System constants ........................................................................................................................ 14, 40 System files........................................................................................................................................ 39

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VISION LE Startup Index

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Time setting........................................................................................................................................ 37 Tool offsets......................................................................................................................................... 25 Turn-on voltage .................................................................................................................................. 35 Window service............................................................................................................................................ 26 startup............................................................................................................................................. 11 Working ranges .................................................................................................................................. 22

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Customer / Technical Support

(843)-664-4405 (800) ESAB-123 (372-2123)

ESAB Welding and Cutting Products PO Box 100545 Ebenezer Rd Florence, SC 29501-0545

ESAB Cutting Systems - Canada 6010 Tomken Road Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5T 1X9 Phone: (905) 670-0220 Fax: (905) 670-4879

ESAB-Cutting Systems GmbH Robert-Bosch-Strasse 20 Postfach 1128 D-61184 Karben 1 Phone 011-49-6039-400 Fax 011-49-6039-403-02

Printed in U.S.A.

Vision LE
Computer Numerical Control
Operation and Parts Manual

LE-Basic Module LE-F

LE-Color Basic Module LE-CF





Form Number 0558005198

Date: 10/04 Updated 12/05

Operation Replacement Parts

The equipment described in this manual is potentially hazardous. Use caution when installing, operating and maintaining this equipment.

The purchaser is solely responsible for the safe operation and use of all products purchased, including compliance with OSHA and other government standards. ESAB Cutting Systems has no liability for personal injury or other damage arising out of the use of any product manufactured or sold by ESAB. See standard ESAB terms and conditions of sale for a specific statement of ESABs responsibilities and limitations on its liability.

ESAB Cutting Systems is not responsible for any errors that may appear in this document. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

This manual is ESAB Part No. 0558005198 This manual is for the convenience and use of the cutting machine purchaser. It is not a contract or other obligation on the part of ESAB Cutting Systems.

* ESAB Cutting Systems, 2004 Printed In U.S.A.

Revision History Revised 12/05

Eliminated M71 Added Parts Section

There are optional features and configurations available. For completeness, all of these are described in this manual. However, not all options described in this manual are present on all controls. In addition, more capabilities and features may be added in the future, which are not covered in this manual. ESAB Cutting Systems reserves the right to change or add features and capabilities without notice.

Spacer Page

VISION LE Operating Instructions Contents 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 10 10.1 11 11.1 11.2 12

page ii

Automatic Mode .................................................................................. 108 Manual Control ................................................................................... 122 Fixed Point Movements ........................................................................ 123 Reference Point Movement ................................................................... 125 Process W indow .................................................................................... 128 Plasma Process .................................................................................. 132 Oxy Fuel Process ................................................................................ 134 Punch Mark Process ............................................................................ 137 Zinc Mark Process ............................................................................... 139 Plasma Mark Process .......................................................................... 141 Parameter W indow ................................................................................. 143 Error - Status Display .......................................................................... 144 Trace / Teach Trace ............................................................................... 149 Trace ................................................................................................. 152 Teach Trace ....................................................................................... 155 Index .................................................................................................... 160

Parts Page ................................................................................................. 169

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 1 Introduction

page 1

VISION LE is a numeric contouring control system especially designed for the use with flame-cutting machines. Special effort was made to standardize the operation of the control system and the machine. The means of a numeric control system for the operating sequence and the information of the operator should be available for both areas: for the sequence control of the geometric program and the monitoring of machine and process. The basis of the operating concept is that the operator is supported by a menu. This, however, is not sufficient in order to handle an upcoming requirement quickly and securely in any situation: searching for the currently necessary branch could be too time-consuming. Therefore, "parallel windows" or "concurrent sessions" were introduced as a supplement to the menu-driven component. With these parallel windows it is possible to reach single, logical main groups of the operation with just one keystroke each. A modern controlling concept with a multi-tasking operating system supports the "simultaneous" control of different parts of the machine. This also allows the operator to access all parts of the machine in next to no time. An additional advantage becomes clear here. The system makes sure that only those alternatives are offered which can be applied in the given situation without cutting back on the variety of possible ways of influencing the process. One further special characteristic of operating the VISION LE is worthwhile mentioning at this point: the use of symbols. Of course, one has to get used to symbols first but in the long run, they are easier to remember than abbreviations, and sometimes even easier to remember than explanatory texts which can be more confusing than clarifying because of their length. Note Since the various types of the VISION-LE control differ in their functional range it can occur that not all functions described in this manual are availlable on each specific control.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 2 Safety

page 2

For your own safety, please heed the safety precautions and danger warnings given in this section!


Safety Precautions I. A copy of this safety-related information shall be provided to the operating personnel. II. In order to safely operate the control system, it is necessary to have read and understood the operating manual provided with the cutting machine. The operating personnel must be properly trained under all circumstances. III. All applicable safety guidelines and specifications for the "electrical equipment" on machines and auxiliary equipment as well as operating devices must be heeded. IV. With regard to flame-cutting, the accident prevention guideline "Welding, cutting and related work operations" applies (UVV VBG 15). V. In order to prevent the entry of non-authorized persons into the operating area of the machine, the operator must carry out, where necessary, suitable safety precautions for eliminating hazards in accordance with UVV VBG 5, e.g. as safety fencing as per DIN 24533, Danger signs.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 2.2 Danger Warnings

page 3

I. When installing the control system on the cutting machine as well as the auxiliary equipment, the prescribed connection voltage and particularly the proper connection of the ground conductor must be checked. II. Test and repair work shall be performed exclusively by trained technical personnel. III. Only original spare parts shall be used for the electrical equipment. IV. Do not weld on the cutting machine! V. You must heed the danger warnings in the machine manual!


Accident Prevention I. The door to the control system should be kept closed under normal circumstances in order to avoid dust accumulation and to protect the operating personnel from accidentally touching the electrical equipment. The control system shall be opened only by technical personnel. Protective devices shall not be modified. Fuses shall not be jumpered, nor shall their characteristics be modified. II. When working with grounded test equipment such as an oscilloscope, make certain that the grounding jack of the test equipment is always connected to the ground point of the control system (test cable). If necessary, use an isolation amplifier for floating measurements.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction

page 4

III. When working with live circuits, e.g. during test and alignment work, you should exercise great caution. It is wise to have a helper stand in the vicinity of the machine's MAIN POWER switch so that the power can be cut off immediately in case of an emergency. IV. If at all possible, work on the electrical equipment should be performed only when the machine has been switched off. During such work, make certain that the power switch cannot be flipped on (e.g. hang a safety lock). V. During the following work, the system or parts thereof must be switched off: When the work is completed or during longer interruptions in the work, power down the MAIN POWER switch of the machine as well as the auxiliary equipment. VI. If any cables, connectors or electrical devices are damaged, immediately power down the MAIN POWER switch of the machine. The damaged parts must be repaired by trained technical personnel. VII. Boards or connections may be removed only when the machine is switched off. Avoid mixing up boards or connections --> Read the label or code. In case of doubt, refer to the documentation or ask someone who knows. VIII. Please heed the following guidelines as well: Connection conditions of the power company OSHA safety guidelines IEC safety guidelines Safety precautions in operating manuals for the various work procedures, such as oxy-fuel cutting, plasma cutting, etc.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 2.4 Emergency Measures

page 5

If the machine or control system catches on fire, only use carbon dioxide (CO 2) or a suitable powder to extinguish the fire! If your clothes catch on fire, do not run away! Lie on the ground and roll around to extinguish the flames, or use fire-extinguishing blankets.


Application and Usage Conditions This control system is a component of a machine and may be used only for this machine. Only those applications are allowed which the operating manual of the respective machine expressly permits. See the appropriate machine description for the allowable ambient conditions for operating this control system. For safety reasons, do not attempt to modify, upgrade, or enhance the control system.


Control System Breakdowns Control system breakdowns may be corrected only by persons who are trained in such work and are authorized to perform it. In case of control system breakdowns that generate an error message, please refer to chapter 6. In case of control system breakdowns that do not generate an error message, immediately power down the machine. Contact ESAB service and await their instructions. Do not attempt to correct the error on your own.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 3 Control panels

page 6

The control can be equipped with three control panels: Basic control panel Machine control panel Additional control panel 3.1 Basic control panel

The basic control panel consists of: Screen Window keys and function keys Character and number block Traverse block

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction Window and Function Keys

page 7

The keys to the right of the screen are called window keys. With these keys the operator can switch between the main operating groups "data input", "traversing" and "processes". In combination with "shift", they switch to the windows "startup" and "process parameters". Normally, it is possible to switch between the different windows at any time without completing an initiated function. In only a few exceptional cases, a corresponding message is displayed. The range of functions of the individual windows will be explained at a later point. The six function keys at the bottom of the screen are used to control the menu. This is usually the selection of a function, as well as its branching and further processing up to the command of executing the desired function. The functions of the individual keys in the current menu are indicated by the symbols in the fields above the keys. If a field remains empty on a certain screen, the key underneath does not have any function in this picture. Shift/function keys lead to additional, independent service windows. The active window is not affected. The backspace key switches back one screen in the sequence of screens. This can be continued up to the basic screen of the current window. The combination of shift/backspace switches back directly to the basic screen of the current window. If there are more than six functions simultaneously available in one menu, there will be an arrow "to the right" of the function descriptions on the screen. In this case, the operator can switch between the two function groups with the more key.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 3.1.1 Character and Number Block

page 8


Traverse block

The operating elements of the traversing block are exclusively for controlling machine movement. They are effective in any situation independent of the active window. An exception are the cursor keys. In the editor they move the cursor and not the machine. The cursor keys can be used for moving in any direction in manual mode or in case of program interruption. The axis/axes is/are moved as long as the corresponding cursor key is pushed. Releasing the cursor key will make the axis/axes come to a standstill. With the function reference point movement, only axis and direction are defined with the cursor keys. The movement itself is triggered with the start key. The fast motion key can only be used in the manual mode with the cursor keys. It switches to a higher traversing speed. The feed rate potentiometer affects all movements in manual and automatic mode. The operator uses the keys <start> and <stop> foremost for controlling the automatic program run.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 3.2 Additional control panel "Floppy disk"

page 9

The additional control panel consists of: EMERGENCY POWER-OFF switch Floppy disk cover Joystick

Note This control panel is an option. Not all controls are equipped with this panel. 3.3 Additional control panel "Floppy disk"

The additional control panel consists of: EMERGENCY POWER-OFF switch Floppy disk cover Joystick

Note This control panel is an option. Not all controls are equipped with this panel.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 3.4 Machine control panel

page 10

The machine control panel consists of a key panel with 12 keys for the operation of the six process stations (ON/OFF, UP/DOWN) and six keys for the process operation that can be assigned by means of the MIP.

Note This control panel is an option. Not all controls are equipped with this panel. The six keys for process operation are assigned as follows: Master up: SDP: AHC: All stations are lifted up as long as the key is pressed, the maximum is limited by the mechanical stop. The selection box of the cutting data is displayed. Switching on resp. off automatic height control

Warning! With the following three keys the current process can be activated resp. deactivated. In your own interest please heed the safety instructions about the particular processes given in the machine manual. Failure to observe this precaution can result in injury or equipment damage.

Proc on: Proc off: Cut oxy:

Switching on the current process, if the current process is oxy-fuel cutting then only high preheat is switched on. Switching off the current process, if the current process is oxy-fuel cutting then only high preheat is switched off. If the current process is oxy-fuel cutting then the cutting oxygen is switched off.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 3.5 LCD Screen

page 11

A standard format is followed with the picture setup on the LCD screen. The symbol of the current window will always be displayed inverse in the top left corner of the screen. The two bottom lines of the screen describe the functions that are currently assigned to the function keys (menu line). Empty description fields on the screen indicate that the corresponding function keys are irrelevant for this screen. With every further branching into subfunctions (submenus) via one of the function keys, the symbol of the key will be added to the top line of the screen. Thus, it is always easy to find out how far the branching of a function has proceeded. For keys that do not effect further branching but that trigger a command, the status of the chosen function is usually displayed in the field for key description in original or inverse type. An inverse key field indicates an active function. This symbol is not added to the top line.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Introduction 3.6 Function Range of the Windows Data Input: All functions for data control: - Program input-output - Controlling internal memory - Programs from standard shapes - Editing main programs Startup: All functions for startup - Constant editors - Station parameters - Store machine data - Format floppy disk - Speed startup - Rotational speed startup - Working range adjustment - Tool offset - Machine zero point adjustment Traversing: All functions for machine movement - Preparation for program execution - Processing of a program - Manual control - Reference point movement - Fixed point movements Processes: All functions for process control: - Process selection - Process adaption - Process control Process parameters: All setting parameters for the process: - Time adjustments - Values for cutting media Shift/F1: Shift/F2: Shift/F3: Shift/F4: Shift/F5: Shift/F6: - Deviation display - MIP signal display - AF/KF control - ASIOB synchronization display - Mini operating system - Error / status display

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VISION LE Operating instructions General description of screens 4 General Description of Screens

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The top line on the screen is reserved for general information. The symbols in the top left corner mark main groups and the branching of the menu tree for the active screen. The symbol at the far left shows the main group that the active window belongs to. This symbol is always in inverse type.

The symbols to the right of the window symbol display the branches that were used to arrive at this window.

Whenever branching down in the menu is continued by pressing another key, the symbol of the key will be added to the top left line.

The top right corner is reserved for displaying the current speed, the traversing direction, start/stop and errors. Which kind of error has occurred is displayed in the information screen.

The bottom line of the screen displays the symbols referring to the current significance of the function keys (menu keys). An empty field above a key indicates that at the moment no function has been assigned to this key. The function keys can fulfill two tasks: further branching within the menu tree and triggering of a command.

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VISION LE Operating instructions General description of screens

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Whenever a key branches down in a further picture of the menu tree, the symbol of the key will be added to the top left corner in order to characterize the menu.

If pressing a function key does not lead to further branching within the menu tree, this function key triggers a command that leads to a status change of a control or machine function in most cases. Inverse means that this function is active.

Not inverse means that this function is not active.

The description of the individual functions does not always point out that the described function is an add-on and has to be acquired in addition to the machine. In most cases an additional function is not included in the menu if it has not been acquired. Boxes for Information, Selection, Input and Inquiry Information Boxes display errors and messages. It is not important here which window or which screen is active. If there is a limit switch error, for example, while the editors picture is active in the data window, an information box will be opened with the message about the limit switch error. The current menu line above the function keys of the actual picture will be overlaid. Above the F1 key, the symbol for "confirm" is displayed. The remaining five key fields are empty.

Errors and messages have to be confirmed with the F1 key. At the time of confirmation the error will be eliminated. However, if the error occurs again within a certain period of time, the error cause has not been removed. The error box will not be opened again. The error symbol at the top right corner of the screen will not disappear. The error message will still be displayed in the information window. Selection Boxes are opened for selecting a program. They display a list of available programs. The names of the programs are listed in alphabetic order.

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The programs are selected with cursor keys or keys with letters and digits. With every letter or digit that is typed, the cursor is moved to the corresponding program. The current menu line above the function keys of the actual picture is overlaid. Above the F1 key, there is the symbol for "confirm". The program marked by the cursor has been selected. The selection is terminated by pressing the F6 key.

Input Boxes are opened for functions that require a value. For example, for jumping to a block number in the editor, the appropriate block number has to be entered. The input box is then opened. Again, the actual menu line of the current picture is overlaid with the symbol for "confirm" above the F1 key and the symbol for "cancel" above the F6 key. The required data is entered with the letter and digit keys.

Inquiry Boxes are opened when the operator carries out actions that might cause damage. For example, if the operator presses the backspace key during automatic program processing, the program would be aborted. Such actions have to be confirmed with the inquiry box. Again, the menu line is overlaid with the symbol for "confirm" above the F1 key and the symbol for "cancel" above the F6 key. If the F1 key is pressed, the initiated action will be executed. With F6 the operator can return to the original status.

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VISION LE Operating instructions General description of screens Letter Line

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Since not all letter keys are available on the control panel, a letter line appears in form of images with alphanumeric entries. The cursor is positioned on the individual letters of the letter line by simultaneously pressing the shift key and cursor left/right. With the enter key, the selected character from the letter line is entered into the input field.

Individual Screen Description An individual screen description explains: - the content of the screen - the corresponding function keys - possible additional keys

Function Keys A description of the function keys will follow with a reference to page numbers in brackets indicating on which page of the operating instructions the following screen is described.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5 5.1 Symbol Overview General

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The following description of symbols refers to all generally used symbols that can appear in any window. Start. This symbol is displayed in the top right corner of the screen when the machine is in the start status. Stop. This symbol is displayed in the top right corner of the screen when the machine is in the stop status. Error. This symbol is displayed in the top right corner of the screen when there is an error. Further information is displayed in the information window. Confirm. For further processing after the input has been completed. Cancel. For cancelling a function, for example, of an inquiry box. Save. Symbol of an inquiry box. It is displayed after data has been changed. This is a request for confirmation that the changed data should be saved. Delete. Depending on the window, for deleting errors or programs. Direction indicator. Indicates the current direction of the axes movement. The indicator is on every screen in the top right corner. Feed rate. The speed of the manual control corresponds to the defined feed rate. This indicator is on every screen in the top right corner. Fast motion. The speed of the manual control corresponds to the defined fast motion. This indicator is on every screen in the top right corner.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.2 Information Windows

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Information window. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner when the information window is the active window. Information window - status. For switching to the information window - status that displays the releases. Information window - version. For switching to the information window - version that displays version and serial numbers of the control. Turn-on voltage. This symbol is displayed in the top right corner of the screen when the turn-on voltage is switched on. Reference. The letters to the right of this symbol indicate from which axis the reference was adopted. Controller release X. Indicator for controller release in the X-axis. If this symbol is not displayed, the drive is not released. The machine cannot be operated along the X-axis. Controller release Y. Indicator for controller release in the Y-axis. If this symbol is not displayed, the machine cannot be operated along the Y-axis. SPC release. Indicator for SPC release. If this symbol is not displayed, no auxiliary and key functions will be sent to the machine interface. Feed release. Indicator for feed release. The feed release is set by the machine interface. Feed interlock. No feed release. The machine cannot be operated.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview Reset I/O ports The serial ports are reset. Reset battery ram For deleting the battery RAM Time. For setting time.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.3 Data Window

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Data window. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the data window is the active window. Internal memory. This symbol is usually displayed in combination with another symbol. It indicates that the function effects the internal memory (read - write functions). Input - output. This symbol is usually displayed in combination with another symbol. It indicates that the function effects an external device. (read - write - selection functions) XON-XOFF protocol. For selecting an external computer for data transfer with XON-XOFF protocol. UDL. For selecting an external computer for data transfer with UDL protocol. Floppy disk drive. This symbol is usually displayed in combination with another symbol. It indicates that the function effects the floppy disk drive. (read - write - directory functions). Directory. This symbol is displayed only in combination with a device symbol. It displays the directory of all main programs of the corresponding device. Standard shapes. For selecting the generation of main programs from standard shapes. Type of lead-in. For switching between the types of lead-in "straight" and "circle" for standard shapes with variable lead-in. Type of lead-out. For switching between the types of lead-out "straight" and "circle" for standard shapes with variable lead-in .

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Lead-in lengths. For entering angles and lengths of lead-in and lead-out for standard shapes with variable lead-in. Editor. For selecting the editor in order to generate and change main programs. Overwrite / insert. For switching between the overwrite and insert mode in the editor. Delete line. For deleting the line marked by the cursor in the editor. Search block number. For searching a block number in the editor. Search auxiliary function. For searching an auxiliary function in the editor . Replace auxiliary function. For replacing auxiliary functions in the editor. Mark. For marking lines in the editor. Delete block. For deleting marked lines in the editor. Insert block For inserting a deleted block in the editor. Graphics. For switching to the graphical display in the editor.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.4 Movement Window

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Movement window. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the movement window is the active window. Manual control. This symbol is displayed in the basic picture of the movement window and it indicates that the machine can be operated in the manual mode. Feed. The speed of the manual mode corresponds to the defined feed. Fast motion. The speed of manual control corresponds to the defined fast motion. Fixed point movements. For moving to the program zero point or machine fixed points. Fixed point movement. For moving to machine fixed point 1. Fixed point movement. For moving to machine fixed point 2. Fixed point movement. For moving to machine fixed point 3. Zero point movement. For moving to program zero point. Reference point movement. For adopting the reference point and setting up the machine coordinate system. Automatic. For automatic processing of main programs. Program repetition. For repeated processing of the program run last in the automatic mode.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview Sectional kerf. For calculating the kerf during operation. Parked program. For restarting a parked program.

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After power failure. For restarting a program that was being executed but interrupted because of power failure. Repetitions. Selection for entering the repetitions of the program in matrix format. Repetitions. For entering the number of repetitions in the X - direction. Repetitions. For entering the number of repetitions in the Y - direction. Repetition distance. For entering the distance in direction X. The distance refers to an assumed container around the program. If the distance is zero, the parts will be located directly next to one another. Repetition distance. For entering the distance between the repeated program runs in direction Y. Plate alignment. For determining the zero point, as well as, the tilt of the plate. Plate alignment. This symbol is displayed with the function "plate alignment" and it indicates that at the moment a point at the right edge at the top is going to be adopted. Plate alignment. This symbol is displayed with the function "plate alignment" and it indicates that at the moment a point at the right edge at the bottom is going to be adopted.

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Plate alignment. This symbol is displayed with the function "plate alignment" and it indicates that at the moment a point at the front edge at the left is going to be adopted. Strap bridge. A symbol in the automatic preselection screen for entering the parameters for the strap bridge, or for activating the strap bridge during program processing. Zero point adoption. For setting the program zero point for automatic operation. Return to contour. For returning to the contour after program interruption in automatic mode. The contour was left during manual control. Program offset. For returning to program execution after the program was interrupted in the automatic mode and was not returned to the contour. The program will be continued offset. Switch in coordinate display. For switching between machine and program coordinates during automatic operation. Forwards / Backwards. For switching between forward and backward movement during automatic operation. Enable/disable control loop and toggle axes output Trace / Teach trace Kerf on the fly Adapting the kerf while the program is interrupted.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.5 Startup window

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Startup window. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the startup window is the active window. Constant editor. For editing machine, device, system and MIP constants, as well as, displaying the configuration. Station parameters. For editing station parameters, as well as, sending the parameters. Speed startup. For determining the velocity of the axes. Rotational speed startup. For displaying the revolutional speed per axis with adjustable voltage supply. Impulse. Clocked voltage supply for drive optimation. Startup helps. Working ranges, reference point, tool offsets. Working ranges. Graphical display of the adjusted working ranges and adjusting help. Working ranges. For adjusting the first working range. Working ranges. For adjusting the second working range. Working ranges. For adjusting the third working range. Working ranges. For adopting the fixed point (home position) for the selected working range.

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Working ranges. For adopting the current position of the X-axis as positive demarcation of the selected working range (software limit switch). Working ranges. For adopting the current position of the X-axis as negative demarcation of the selected working range. Working ranges. For adopting the current position of the Y-axis as negative demarcation of the selected working range. Working ranges. For adopting the current position of the Y-axis as positive demarcation of the selected working range. Tool offsets. For setting up tool offsets. Tool offsets. For adopting the reference point for setting the tool offsets. Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the first tool. Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the second tool. Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the third tool. Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the fourth tool. Tool offsets. For adopting the offset for the fifth tool. Reference point adjustment. For selecting a reference point adjustment followed by a reference point movement. Reference point adjustment. The current position of the machine is adopted as machine zero point.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview Save data.

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Formatting. For formatting a floppy disk in drive B. Insert floppy disk. Request for confirmation with the functions that create system floppy disks and format floppy disks. Insert floppy disk in drive B.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.6 LCD Test (Shift/F1) LCD Test. Contrast minus. LCD Test. Contrast plus. LCD Test. Display of basic font. All black, all white.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.7 MIP Signal Display (Shift/F2)

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Signal display window. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the window of the MIP signal display is the active window. Display of the data bus input signals. Display of the data bus output signals. Display of static input and output. Display of internal MIP signals. Display of MIP signals higher than 512. Force. For forcing value 0. Force. For forcing value 1. Force off. For cancelling the force instruction.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.8 AF/KF Control (Shift/F3)

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AF/KF. Display of the last 16 auxiliary and key functions. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the AF/KF control window is the active window. AF. For displaying the auxiliary functions sent last to the MIP. KF. For displaying the key functions sent last to the MIP.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.9 Synchronization Display (Shift/F4)

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Synchronization control. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the window of synchronization control is the active window.

ASIOB. For deleting the display of maximum value. Panel. For deleting the display of maximum value.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.10 Mini Operating System (Shift/F5)

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Mini operating system. For displaying internal RAM addresses. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the window of the mini operating system is the active window. Mini operating system. For switching between the displays of byte, word, long. Mini operating system. For switching to absolute addresses. Mini operating system. For changing the value.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.11 Process Parameter Window

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Process parameters. This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the process parameter window is the active window. Parameter change. For confirming the change of parameters.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.12 Process Window

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Process window This symbol is displayed in the top left corner of the screen when the process window is the active window. Plasma Porcess. Oxy Fuel Process. Mark Processes. Station. Station numbers from 1 to 6. All available stations are visible. If the symbol is in inverse type, the station has been selected. Toolholder clamping For selecting toolholder clamping Toolholder clamping. For switching the status of the station that is marked by the cursor to "free". Toolholder clamping. For switching the status of the station that is marked by the cursor to "bar". Toolholder clamping. For switching the status of the station marked by the cursor to "equal". Toolholder clamping. For switching the status of the station marked by the cursor to "mirror".

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.12.1 Plasma Process Plasma. Plasma options. AHC allow. AHC on/off. Cut gas test Test preflow. Cut Plasma. Water table low. Water table medium. Water table high. Manual plasma-punch mark

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.12.2 Oxy Fuel Process Oxy Fuel. Oxy Fuel options. GAS AHC allow. GAS AHC on/off. Cut Oxy Fuel. Oxy Fuel preheat. Oxy Fuel ignite. Water basin control. M73 process stop. Travel. M70 process start. Edge start. Water table low. Water table medium. Water table high. Manual punch mark. M71 Not Used (formerly Process Stop)

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.12.3 Punch Mark Process Punch Mark. Punch marking options. AHC allow. AHC on/off. Manual Punch Mark. Water table low. Water table medium. Water table high.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.12.4 Zinc Mark Process Zinc Mark. Punch marking options. AHC allow. AHC on/off. Zinc marker swirl Zinc marker preheat Zinc marker ignite Water table low. Water table medium. Water table high.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Symbol Overview 5.12.5 Plasma Mark Process Plasma Mark. Plasma Mark options. AHC allow. AHC on/off. Plasma Mark Water table low. Water table medium. Water table high.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow

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Error messages

The following is a listing of all error messages in numerical order. Texts in pointed brackets "< >" are dummies. Some of the indicated errors can be eliminated by the operator. Other errors that influence the usability of the machine should be reported to technical service immediately. For the service it is important to have as much information available as possible in order to eliminate these errors: Number of the error With which function does this error occur? What is on the screen? Which data is involved? (program, parameter such as kerf, speed, etc)? Did inconsistencies occur before? Can any complex connections between the occurring error and the operating sequence be recognized? A detailed description of the error makes it easier and faster to eliminate the error.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow PROGRAM ALREADY EXISTS

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The selected program name is assigned to a program that already exists on the control system. The new program would overwrite the existing program. An input box is then opened. If you wish to overwrite the existing program, confirm the program name displayed. Enter a new program name if you still need the existing program. (100) PROGRAM DOES NOT EXIST A non-existent program has been selected for processing. For example: Nesting: UDL: IO: Auto.: In the shape chain selected, a program is displayed that does no longer exist on the system floppy disk. Correct shape chain. There are no programs available on the host computer. No programs can be transferred from the host to the control system. A non-existent program has been selected for transfer. When this error occurs the system floppy disk might be defective, since programs can only be selected from the directory displayed by the control system. Inform our after-sales service. A non-existent program has been selected for processing. This can occur during a call-in of a subroutine or processing of shape chain. Check selected program.

(101) ERROR READING PROGRAM Program file <n> is defective and cannot be read. If the machine is equipped with an optional external drive, insert or check floppy disk in drive. If the error occurs when accessing the internal memory (system floppy disk), use a copy of the backup disk and contract service. (102) ERROR FORMAT Error message in program editor. There is a format error in the program line marked by the cursor. Eliminate error or exit editor with shift/backspace. This error can also occur when data is entered in an EIA format although there is no system add-on "EIA-Format (DIN 66025)". If the system add-on "EIA-Format (DIN 66025)" does exist, the transducer file on the system floppy disk might be defective. In this case, use a copy of the backup disk and contact service. The transducer file of the EIA-format is called EIAWDL.BIN.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow (103) INTERNAL STRUCTURE ERROR

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Error during program interpretation. A program line has more than 80 characters. This line cannot be processed. The program cannot be used. (104) ERROR KERF CALCULATION Error during kerf calculation. if this error has occurred in a program do not continue using this program. The machine can still be used. Contact service and have the following data available for error elimination program that caused the error the kerf value chosen the machine constants

(105) STATION <n> REPORTS <n> Only for machines with ATHC stations. This message only appears if the MIP simulation bit 3 (SYS.KON,5) is set. In that case, all messages from the ATHC boards are displayed (only for stations that are logged on). Station <n> = Station 1 - 16 reports <n> = Message 0 - 15 with the following meaning: 0 Voltage error 1 Collision 2 External station switched off 3 Lower limit switch 4 AFUE error 5 Station constants invalid 6-9 not assigned 10 Guide limit switch tripped 11 Guide limit switch released 12 Upper limit switch tripped 13 Upper limit switch released 14 IHS error/ download error 15 IHS confirmation / download confirmation

(106) 8031 BOOT LOADER NOT AVAILABLE The control is equipped with a multiprocessor system. Some of its programs are loaded from the system floppy disk. When this message is displayed, one or more of these files are missing or defective.

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The control can no longer be operated. Use a copy of the backup disk and contact service. The system files for the multiprocessor system are BOOT8031.HEX NOS8031.BIN (machines with ATHC stations) BOS8031.BIN (ABIMBO version). (108) ERROR FREQUENCY IN AXIS <n> A frequency error is displayed when there are interferences in the connectingline between the encoders and the control system. This means that the machine is provided with wrong encoder pulses and, thus, with wrong path data. Possible causes for these interferences are: parting of a cable or connector not plugged in correctly extreme electromagnetic interferences (plasma interferences)

Contact service.

(109) DEVIATION ERROR IN AXIS <n> AT SPEED <m> The deviation D is defined as the difference between the target position value and the actual position value. The deviation is constantly monitored. The maximum deviation value Dmax is defined by the ratio of maximum speed Vmax and control loop amplification LA. During regular operation, the value of deviation is next to zero, i.e. the machine is located at the position that was calculated beforehand. If an error in deviation occurs, it means that the axis drive was not able to reach the target value that was predefined by the control, within one loop pulse. The value of the deviation exceeded the maximum value of deviation. . Possible causes are: the velocities measured by the automatic startup of the axes (machine constants MC 13 - MC 16) were changed. the rotation direction of the encoder (machine constants MC 5 - MC 8) was changed. inappropriate data was entered into the machine constants for the control loop amplification (MC 9 - MC 12). the value entered into the machine constant of acceleration time (MC 42) is too small, i.e. the required acceleration is too high.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow the machine ran into an obstacle drive or encoder is defective.

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Check machine constants. If necessary, carry out a new speed startup. If the error cannot be eliminated, contact service.

(110) CABLE ERROR AXIS <n> There is a cable error at the link between control system and encoder of axis <n>. A cable error is displayed when the connecting line between encoders and control system has been interrupted. Possible causes for these interferences are: parting of a cable or connector not plugged in correctly extreme electromagnetic interferences (plasma interferences)

Contact service.

(111) CONSTANTS NOT FOUND System files are missing on the system floppy disk. The operative sequence of functions cannot be guaranteed. Use a copy of the backup disk and contact service.

(112) ERROR WRITING FROM <n> File <n> cannot be written. If this error occurs when accessing the internal memory (system floppy disk), error-free functioning of the control system can no longer be guaranteed. Use a copy of the backup disk and contact service. If the machine is equipped with an optional external drive, the floppy disk might be defective. Insert or change floppy disk in external drive. If the error cannot be solved this way, contact service.

(113) ERROR LOADING MACHINE PROGRAM Each control system is equipped with a machine interface program MIP that has been adapted to the machine. It is read from the system floppy disk when the system is started. If this error message is displayed, the machine interface program is missing or the file on the floppy disk is defective.

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VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Use a copy of the backup disk and contact service. The file with the machine interface program is called MIP41.MIP. (114) SUBSYSTEM MALFUNCTIONING

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The control system is equipped with a multiprocessor system that is responsible for the functionality of the control panel and the bus input/output signals. If this message is displayed, one of the processors is malfunctioning. The control system can no longer be operated. Please contact service. Possible causes are problems in reading the files necessary for the multiprocessor system, i.e. BOOT8031.HEX and/or NOS8031.BIN (machines with ATHC stations) or BOS8031.BIN (ABIMBO version) on the system floppy disk. A defective subsystem card (DIO) may also have caused this error message.

(115) MEMORY OVERFLOW This system error is displayed in the following cases: the machine interface program, MIP, does not fit in the memory. The error message is displayed when the system is started. Contact service. the data file ALL.SHP of the standard shapes is too big. The message is displayed when the editor of the standard shape is activated. Contact service. the program that is to be edited is too big.

in the program editor, when using the copy function because the intermediate storage uses part of the program memory. The program to be processed is too big. If possible, do not use the intermediate storage.

(116) DRIVE NOT READY Message displayed during a read-write operation on the floppy disk. The floppy disk is missing or not inserted correctly into the drive. Insert floppy disk (correctly).

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VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow (119) MACHINE STILL RUNNING

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This message can be displayed, for example, during automatic mode. Selected functions cannot be executed as long as the machine is still running. Press stop and wait for machine standstill. (121) SYSTEM ERROR IN STANDARD SHAPES This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. An error has occurred during evaluation of a standard shape. This can be caused by: Parenthesized expressions invalid. Invalid characters within standard shape . Invalid statements in arithmetic unit. System file ALL.SHP is defective.

Use a copy of the backup disk and contact service.

(122) CONSTANT TOO LONG This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. A constant (number) exceeds the maximum number of digits. At the most, 10 digits are admissible. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape. Contact service and have standard shape checked.

(123) INVALID @ SYMBOL This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. The variable declaration of an internal standard shape variable is defective. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape. Contact service and have standard shape checked.

(124) INVALID PARAMETER This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. The variable declaration of an input variable is defective. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape.

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Contact service and have standard shape checked.

(125) ERROR IN OFFSET This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. The offset declaration is incorrect. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape. Contact service and have standard shape checked. (126) ERROR USING #F+ This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. The loop statement "#F+" may not be nested. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape. Contact service and have standard shape checked.

(127) INVALID NUMBER OF SIGNS This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. A geometric statement with a wrong number of signs was found in the standard shape. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape. Contact service and have standard shape checked.

(128) ERROR SMOOTHING This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. One of the two lines necessary for smoothing or recessing is missing. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape. Contact service and have standard shape checked. (129) AXES TOO SHORT (WITH #K OR #R) This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. When smoothing or recessing between two lines, one of the lines is too shortor the radius of the smoothed/recessed section is too big. Possible causes are:

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VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow - logic error in the standard shape structure. Have standard shape checked. - wrong input values with standard shape evaluation. Evaluate again with corrected input values. (130) BLANK LINE This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes.

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A blank line was found in the standard shape. Blank lines are not permissible in standard shapes. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape. Contact service and have standard shape checked.

(131) ERROR IN SKIP FUNCTION This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. A variable assignment is expected after a skip function. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape. Contact service and have standard shape checked.

(132) CALCULATION ERROR This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. This error message is displayed if a calculation error has occurred in mathematical functions. (for example, negative root argument SQRT(-5)). Mathematical functions are often used with standard shapes and kerf calculations. Possible error causes are: Logic error in structure of standard shape

Contact service and have standard shape checked. Number overflow because input values are too high

Evaluate again with smaller input values.

(133) PROCESS STILL RUNNING Certain functions such as download of station constants, can only be executed if the basic state for the preselected process has been set. "Switch off" the process in process control.

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(134) SELECT PROCESS FIRST After setting up stations with the so-called station constants download, no process was preselected. If the operator, nevertheless, switches to the display of process dependent parameter values, this message will be displayed. Preselect process in process control.

(135) ALFE REPORTS ERROR <n> Only for machines with an ALFE subsystem (Teach Trace Equipment). Apart from the ALFE subsystem faults that are reported explicitly, other messages from the ALFE subsystem are displayed if the servicing mode is active. <n> is a hexadecimal number whose bits each have a different significance. Only the following bits are assigned: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx1 0001 RAM fault. The power-on self-test by the ALFE subsystem has discovered a memory error. The ALFE subsystem is no longer functioning reliably. LFE board defective. 0002 ALFE system cycle time has been exceeded. The ALFE subsystem is no longer functioning reliably. Restart the control system. If the fault occurs again, inform our after-sales service.

xxxx xxxx xxxx xx1x

The next three errors occur only in conjunction with the ASOD test system: xxxx xxxx x1xx xxxx 0040 Overflow at ALFE interface. Only in conjunction with an ASOD test system connected to the LFE board. Check the interface parameters. xxxx xxxx 1xxx xxxx 0080 Framing error at ALFE interface. Only in conjunction with an ASOD test system connected to the LFE board. Check the interface parameters. xxxx xxx1 xxxx xxxx 0100 Parity error at ALFE interface. Only in conjunction with an ASOD test system connected to the LFE board. Check the interface parameters. xxxx xx1x xxxx xxxx xxxx x1xx xxxx xxxx xxxx 1xxx xxxx xxxx 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0200 error 24 Volts. See error (220). 0400 error 15 Volts. See error (221). 0800 DMA error. See error (222). Internal ALFE error. The ALFE subsystem is no longer functioning reliably. Restart the control system. If the error occurs again, inform our after-sales service.

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Message in the program editor after the function "replace auxiliary function" has been performed. Thus: Auxiliary function 7 replaced 3 times by 51. Instead of the auxiliary function 7, the auxiliary function 51 has been employed, and this 3 times.

(137) KEY <n> DEPRESSED When starting the system, all keys of the control panel are checked. If one key is recognized as being depressed, this message is displayed.(except for keys activating the servicing mode). If you have not pressed any key (including the joystick) during system startup, a key might be jammed. Switch off machine, press all keys and restart the system. If the fault has not been eliminated this way, the control panel might be defective. Inform our after-sales service.

(138) SERVICING MODE ACTIVATED The servicing mode is activated by pressing the key combination SHIFT/F1 during the booting process of the control system. The following functions are then switched on: Blocked machine constants may now be edited Additional displays Display of synchronization errors of the ATHC and Panel-ASIOB-Bus Display of all messages of the ALFE subsystem Normalizing the battery RAM is now possible Expanded representation of the cutting data

You can only exit the servicing mode by restarting the control system.

(143) FUNCTION NOT ADMISSIBLE DURING PROGRAM RUN. SET BASIC SCREEN IN MOVEMENT WINDOW. During automatic program processing, functions such as "Edit constants" or startup functions may not be executed. Complete program processing.

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Functions such as "Edit constants" do not allow window switching. Enter all data in the service menu first and then end function with the backspace key.

(145) END PROGRAM EXECUTION You have tried to switch to the servicing menu while a program execution was running in the movement window. This is not allowed. Changing constants or executing start-up functions while the machine is processing a program would interfere with the processing of the program.

(147 - 150) WRONG PARAMETER INTERFACE <n> An invalid value has been entered in the device constants for the serial interface <n>. This error message can also be displayed when a device has been assigned more than once to various interfaces. Check device constants.

(151) MARKED SECTION TOO LARGE The marked section cannot be loaded into the buffer memory since the number of marked characters is too large. Copy or shift the program part in several steps.

(152) PROGRAM EXPANSION TOO BIG The dimensions of the program for automatic processing is bigger than the current working range or the starting point (program zero point) is located at an incorrect spot within the working range. The program expansion can also exceed the limits because of wrong scale setting. However, the program can be executed until it reaches the soft limit switch. Correct program zero point. Check scale.

(153) FLOPPY DISK <0 | 1> IS WRITE PROTECTED Floppy disk is write protected. Remove write protection or use a different floppy disk.

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(154) FLOPPY DISK <0 | 1> IS FULL A maximum of 200 programs or 1MB can be stored in the internal memory (floppy disk 0). If these limits are exceeded, delete some existing programs. A maximum of 224 programs or 1.44MB can be stored in the external memory (floppy disk 1). If this error occurs on the external drive (option), a different floppy disk can be used.

(155) FLOPPY DISK <0 | 1>: GENERAL ERROR <m> Error when accessing the floppy disk. Floppy disk 0 is the system floppy disk (internal memory), Floppy disk 1 is for the external drive. Possibly, the control system is no longer operational. Note error number <m> and forward damaged floppy disk to ESAB service. If the damaged disk is the system disk, inform ESAB service.

(156) ERROR READING FROM <n> File <n> on the system floppy disk is defective or missing. The error-free functioning of the control system is no longer guaranteed. Use a copy of the backup disk and contact service.

(158) MACRO DEFINITION FILE NOT FOUND The control can be equipped with the option "Key Teach". With "Key Teach", operating sequences can be recorded and lateron executed by just one keystroke. In order to have these operating sequences available even after restarting the machine, they are stored in the system file MAKROS.DEF. If this file cannot be read from the system floppy disk, this error message is displayed. MAKROS.DEF is created without content. Some functions for controlling the burner-holder are connected to macro keys. It is possible that these functions can no longer be executed. If this is the case, use a copy of the backup disk and contact service.

(159) SYNTAX ERROR IN MACRO DEFINITION FILE The control system may be equipped with the system add-on "Key Teach". With "Key Teach", operating sequences (macros) can be recorded and later executed by just one keystroke. The macro definition file MAKROS.DEF is defective. MAKROS.DEF is created empty.

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Functions for controlling the cutter-holding carriage that are connected to macro keys can no longer be executed. If this is the case, use a copy of the backup disk and inform our after-sales service.

(160) WATCHDOG The 8031 subsystem broke down or is malfunctioning. If this error occurs, the voltage is switched off immediately. The 8031 subsystem board (DIO) may be defective. If this error occurs repeatedly, inform our after-sales service.

(161) ERROR ASIOB / ATHC-2 Data transfer to and from the control and the stations is done with a serial bus, the ASIOB. For machines with ATHC stations, the data is transferred to these station cards. For the ABIMBO version, the bus ends at a converter card. The serial transfer of the ASIOB is protected by a so-called synchronization error bit. Single errors are compensated by the subsystem software. If there is more than an average of 30% synchronization errors within a certain period of time, this error message will be generated . Possible causes are: The involved bus cards (DIO, ABIMBO) are defective or there are powerful interfering fields (especially with plasma machines). If the error occurs again after restarting the system, contact service. In the service mode, the display of synchronization errors gives information on the rates of the interfering errors that have occurred.

(162) ERROR CONTROL PANEL Keyboard information is sent from the control panel to the control system viaa serial bus, the ASIOB. The serial transfer of the ASIOB is protected by a so-called synchronization error bit. Single errors are compensated by the subsystem software whereby key information may possibly be lost. If there is more than an average of 30% synchronization errors within a certain period of time, this error message will be generated. Possible causes are: The involved bus cards (DIO, BD) are defective or there are powerful interfering fields (especially with plasma machines). An interruption of the connection (cable) to the control panel can also cause this error. If the error occurs again after restarting the system, contact service. In the service mode, the display of synchronization errors gives information on the rates of the interfering errors that have occurred.

(163) EMERGENCY STOP CHAIN INTERRUPTED Either "Emergency stop" is pressed or the power supply is interrupted.

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Check emergency stop

(164) # <n> ERROR FORMAT Program line <n> contains a syntax error. Program format ESSI: wrong number of signs auxiliary function not recognizable. wrong axis index wrong parameter

Program format EIA: system add-on "EIA-Format (DIN 66025)" does not exist wrong M-function invalid addresses with existing system add-on "EIA-Format (DIN 66025)", the transducer file (EIAWDL.BIN) on the system floppy disk might be defective. Use the backup disk in this case and contact service.

Check program structure.

(165) # <n> ERROR CIRCLE The programmed geometry in program line <n> is not correct. - the machine constant "circle mode" is not set correctly. - the radius of the circle measured from starting to center point deviates in more than 10 program units from the radius between center and finish point Check program structure.

(166) # <n> LOSS OF AUXILIARY FUNCTION The auxiliary function in program line <n> is not being executed. Possible reasons for this are: - there are too many auxiliary functions following one another in the program - geometries with a zero length of path are generated because coordinates are too small. Auxiliary functions that originally belonged to these coordinates are assigned to the following geometry. A wrong kerf value or scale can also cause existing geometries to be disregarded. Check program structure.

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(167) # <n> LOSS OF COMMENT Comment in program line <n> can not be displayed during program execution. Check program structure.

(168) # <n> LOSS OF GEOMETRY The secondary axis geometry in program line <n> is not being executed. There are too many secondary axis geometries in the program following directly one another without a main axis geometry. Check program structure.

(169) # <n> CENTER OR FINISH POINT GREATER THAN 1.3 MILES The arc of circle in program line <n> contains a value that exceeds the maximum size (1.3 miles or 1*106 inches) of the internal working cells. The arc can not be processed.

(170) REFERENCE CAM <n> - FREE AXIS The reference point of the machine can only be recognized if the machine finds the reference point switch only during movement. This error message is displayed when the machine is located at a reference switch and the operation mode "Reference movement" is activated. Free machine from reference cam by manual control. .

(171) DEFINITION FOR STATION <n> NOT FOUND Only machines with ATHC stations. Parameters that are used to set an intelligent station (ATHC card) are read from a file on the system floppy disk. Every station has its own parameter file. The parameters for station <n> do not exist on the system floppy disk or the relevant file is defective. This error message is only relevant for stations which are attached to the machine. If there is a station attached to the machine, use a copy of the backup disk and contact service. The parameter files are called STATn.KON. Replace n by a number from 01 to 06.

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File <n> cannot be written. If this error occurs when accessing the internal memory (system floppy disk), error-free functioning of the control system can no longer be assured. Use a copy of the backup disk and inform our after-sales service. If the machine is equipped with the optional external drive, the floppy disk might be defective. Insert or change floppy disk in external drive. If the error cannot be corrected in this way, inform our after-sales service.

(174) FORCE LIST FULL At the control, there is a so-called signal display used as a service help. With this display messages from and to the machine program (MIP) can be traced and partially changed. Changing input and output signals is done by forcing. This message indicates that the maximum number of signals (max. 16) that can be forced simultaneously has been reached. . Cancel forcing orders that are no longer necessary.

(175) TIMEOUT Serial link could not be established in predefined time (device constants). This error can occur when: the timeout value for an interface is too low interface parameters are set incorrectly the serial link cable is defective.

Increase timeout value in device constants or check serial link.

(177) TRANSFER ABORTED Error during program transfer with UDL. Data transfer is protected by a checksum. After the transfer of a block has been completed, the receiving computer calculates the checksum. If the calculated checksum does not correspond to the one transferred, the receiving computer sends a negative acknowledgment. If this error occurs three time in a row the control system aborts the data transfer.

(180) INVALID CONSTANTS AT STATION <n>. EXECUTE DOWNLOAD! Only for machines with ATHC stations.

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The ATHC board of station <n> reports that the parameters set are not logical. Execute a station-constants download to this station. If this error occurs repeatedly the ATHC board might be defective. Inform our after-sales service.

(181) DOWNLOAD ERROR AT STATION <n> Only machines with ATHC stations. After parameter transfer to station <n> (station constants download), the control does not receive positive feedback from the ATHC card that the download was successful. This station should not be used, since it is not clear with which parameters the station is being provided at the moment. Contact service. (182) POWER SUPPLY INTERRUPTED AT STATION <n> Only for machines with ATHC stations. All stations report defective states to the control system. This error message is displayed if the power supply is interrupted at an active (selected) station the station is selected manually or by means of the partprogram a MIP initialization takes place. A MIP initialization takes place each time 24 Volt is switched on.

Contact service.

(183) TURN ON SWITCHING VOLTAGE The switching voltage has to be turned on for certain functions, for example, traversing. Press SHIFT/START to turn on the switching voltage. (184) NO RESPONSE FROM STATION <n> Only for machines with ATHC stations. No response from the station after a station constants download (set-up) to the station. The ATHC card must react to a download in form of either a negative or a positive confirmation. If there is no response after a certain period of time necessary for reaction, this message is displayed. This message is suppressed if the MIP simulation bit 2 is set (SYS.KON 5).

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Contact service.

(185) AUTOMATIC REFERENCE MOVEMENT NOT POSSIBLE Only for machines with system add-on "Automatic reference point movement". The automatic reference point movement cannot be executed due to incorrect machine constants. For this movement, direction and sequence of the individual reference point movements are entered in the machine constantsMC 64 and MC 65. Check machine constants MC 64 and MC 65.

(186) ERROR CHECK SUM BATTERY RAM If this message is displayed after a change in software, ignore it. If it occurs during operation, it may indicate a defective RAM module or an empty battery. The DIO card has to be exchanged. It may be possible to continue work, however, all input data and parameters such as repetitive offsets have to be checked for correctness. <n> determines the battery-RAM area. If this error occurs repeatedly, contact service.

(187) INCOMPATIBLE FLOPPY DISK FORMAT System cannot write to 720KB floppy disks. Use 1.44 MB floppy disk.

(195) NO POTENTIOMETER DATA Only for machines with ATHC stations. This error message is displayed when the menu for additional cutting records (flame control menu) has been selected, the corresponding data, however, cannot be read error-free,. Use a copy of the backup disk and inform our after-sales service.

(196) THIS MACRO KEY HAS BEEN ALLOCATED MACHINE FUNCTIONS AND CANNOT HAVE A NEW MACRO RECORDED You have tried to record a macro for a macro key that is pre-assigned to a machine function, such as "Raise station". This is not allowed. Only those macro keys can be re-assigned that are not already assigned to machine functions.

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(197) MACRO RECORDING TERMINATED, MEMORY FOR MACRO KEYS FULL The control system may be equipped with the system add-on "Key Teach". With "Key Teach", operating sequences can be recorded and later executed by just one keystroke. The necessary data is stored in a "macro memory". If no more memory is available during recording, this message is displayed. The recorded macro cannot be used. Delete macros that are no longer needed.

(200) TOO MANY INPUT VARIABLES This error occurs only in connection with standard shapes. There are more than 45 input variables declared in the standard shape. This is caused by a logic error in the structure of the standard shape. Contact service and have standard shape checked.

(201) FOR RENEWED PROCESSING - SELECT PROGRAM AGAIN In automatic mode with sectional prekerf, a processed program cannot be processed again by pressing the start key, because the necessary data has to be read again. Select program anew.

(202) <X Y Y2 P> -AXIS REACHED SOFT LIMIT SWITCH The corresponding axis/axes has/have reached the soft limit switch. Free axis/axes. Soft limit switches are set in the machine constants MC. If there is a system add-on "Separated working ranges", it is possible that the machine is operating in the wrong working range.

(203) TOO MANY DATA RECORDS FOR PROGRAM PREPARATION The program for automatic processing contains too many data records (program lines). This program cannot be processed. The system add-on "Sectional prekerf" is available for processing bigger programs.

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(204) REFERENCE NECESSARY FOR THIS FUNCTION This message can occur after selecting the automatic resp. teach trace mode. After switching on the control system or after voltage loss, the current position of the machine in relation to the machine zero point or the reference point is unknown. If the machine is equipped with a reference point system (MC 52 = 1), a reference point movement has to be executed. For machines without a reference point system (MC 52 = 0), the machine has to be moved to the zero point. This position will then be adopted as a reference point.

(205) SET REFERENCE POSITION OF MAIN TOOL FIRST The control system supports the measuring of the tool offsets when several tools are put into operation. Before the tool offsets can be measured, the reference position of the main tool has to be defined.

(206) REFERENCE POSITION OF MAIN TOOL ALREADY SET Message displayed during adjustment of tool offsets. For a new adjustment of the reference position, the function has to be terminated and restarted from the beginning.

(207) PPT ACTIVE This message is displayed when PPT and UDL have been installed at one interface and UDL is activated while a PPT data transfer is active. A UDL connection cannot be established at the moment because the line is used for PPT. Wait and try again later.

(208) <Type of error> IN FUNCTION <Mathematic function>. For example, DOMAIN IN FUNCTION SQRT. If this error occurs, please contact service. The machine has to be restarted. Possible error causes are: Standard shapes were not evaluated with useful values Kerf calculation with very small coordinates Discrepancy between program unit and geometry (extremely large, extremely small)

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Internal error. Normally, it is possible to continue processing the current function after restarting. Note down message together with current function and contact service. (210) CAUTION - INVALID SYSTEM CONFIGURATION! The checksum of the system file ANCDEF.KON is not correct. A different configuration of the machine has been entered compared to the one at the time of delivery. It is possible that optional functions are no longer available or that functions are displayed that the machine is not equipped with. The machine can still be operated. However, it is necessary to inform our after-sales service.

(212) COMPLETED CONTOUR This message is displayed in Teach Trace. The contour has been completed and the recording was stopped.

(213) # <n> TOO LONG This message is displayed during program execution. Block number <n> has more than 80 characters. Only the first 80 characters are interpreted. This might result in geometry being lost or the block being shortened to such an extent that a format error arises. The execution of the program should be aborted. Check program structure.


(215) ERROR READING CUTTING-DATA FILES The cutting data (timer and process values] are displayed in the "parameter" window. When starting the system, they are read from the corresponding files on the system floppy disk. When this error occurs, one or more of these files are defective or missing. If the machine is equipped with the function "Programmable cutting data" this message is also displayed when you try to reload a defective cutting file. Use a copy of the backup disk and inform our after-sales service. The cutting-data files include: DEF.TEC PARAM.CUT

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VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow and POTI.CUT if the machine is equipped with "Flame control".

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(216) NO CUTTING DATA AVAILABLE This error only occurs if the machine is equipped with the function "Programmable cutting data". This message is displayed if the identifiers for the cutting data cannot be found in the cutting file when it is reloaded, or if a main program contains cutting-data identifiers but no cutting data. Use a copy of the backup disk and inform our after-sales service.

(217) NO VALID CUTTING DATA STORED This message is displayed when the "parameter" window is activated and there are no valid cutting data available. A possible reason for this is an incorrect reading of the cutting files at system start, i.e. the files PARAM.CUT and/or DEF.TEC are defective or missing. Use a copy of the backup disk and inform our after-sales service.

(219) EXCESSIVE NESTING OF SUBROUTINES Message during a program execution. Subroutines within subroutines within subroutines are being called. The maximum nesting level is ten deep. The program cannot be executed. Check program structure.

(220) ALFE - 24-VOLT SUPPLY MISSING Only for machines with an ALFE subsystem. The ALFE subsystem requires a 24-volt supply. This is no longer available. Possible reasons for this include: Cable break. Plug has slipped off the LFE board. LFE board is defective. Power supply unit is defective.

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The controls continue to operate correctly, but the Teach Trace function is no longer available. Inform our after-sales service.

(221) ALFE - 15-VOLT SUPPLY MISSING Only for machines with an ALFE subsystem. The ALFE subsystem requires a 24-volt supply. If this is no longer available, the 15 volts generated from it are also missing. Causes for the lack of the 24-volt supply are described under error number 220. If only the message that the 15-volt supply is missing appears, the voltage transformer of the LFE board is defective. The controls continue to operate correctly, but the Teach Trace function is no longer available. Inform our after-sales service.

(222) ALFE - DMA ERROR Only for machines with the an ALFE subsystem. DMA is a technique for transmitting data between the AK5 camera head and the LFE board. If no data can be transmitted, this message is generated. Possible causes are: Plug of LFE<->AK5 connecting cable is not plugged in properly (on AK5 or on LFE board). Break in LFE<->AK5 connecting cable. AK5 camera head defective. LFE board defective.

The controls continue to operate correctly, but the Teach Trace function is no longer available. Inform our after-sales service.

(223) INTERNAL LOGGING ERROR A:<n> D:<n> B:<n> An error has occurred when writing the logging data The current data record is lost. If this error occurs note the values displayed in the error message, store logging file on external floppy disk and inform our after-sales service. The machine can be operated as before.

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(231) DIRECTORY TRANSFER IS ACTIVE Message during UDL. You have requested the host computer's directory. As long as this message is displayed, transmission of the directory is active. This may take some time, depending on how many programs there are on the host computer. As long as this message is showing, no UDL function keys can be pressed.

(232) MEASURING POINT CANNOT BE REACHED During automatic plate alignment, the edges of the plate are detected at three points with a sensor. For this measuring procedure, the sensor is lowered into its operating position and traversed in the direction of an edge of the machine. This error message is issued if no plate edge is detected. Possible causes of the error: The sensor is defective or set incorrectly The sensor cannot reach the edge of the plate because its positioning range does not allow it to detect the plate edge. It may be necessary to place the plate in a different position on the machine.

(233) THIS FUNCTION IS BLOCKED BY ANOTHER FUNCTION AT THE MOMENT. Different sections of the control system use the same memory area to store data. Thus, certain functions cannot be performed at the same time. These are: Editor and Teach Trace Editor and editing constants Nesting and Teach Trace Nesting and editing constants Standard shapes and Teach Trace Standard shapes and editing constants Check which of these functions is still active. This function must then be ended first, before the desired new one can be performed.

(234) BLOCK <n> / OFFSET <n> NOT FOUND IN FILE <n>. Message during a program run. The return from a subroutine cannot be executed. Processing is faulty. Execution of the program should be aborted.

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The most likely cause of this message is that the main program has been overwritten by a parallel program transfer, so that the return address from the subroutine back to the main program can no longer be found.

(235) LABEL <n> NOT FOUND IN FILE <m> This error message occurs during program preparation if a destination address in a file was not found. In order to correct this error, check the jump commands in the program.

(236) SENSOR TRIGGERED During automatic plate alignment, the edges of the plate are detected at three points with a sensor. For this measuring procedure, the sensor is lowered into its operating position. This error message is issued if the sensor already detects the plate surface before being lowered into the starting position for the measurement. Possible causes of this error: The sensor is defective The measuring station's automatic height sensor is set so the station does not retract the sensor far enough from the plate surface in its idle state. The sensor's sensitivity has been set incorrectly.

(237) PLEASE WAIT, MIP BEING INITIALIZED At each MIP initialization (switching voltage turned on), the ATHC stations are normalized. During this period, you must not switch to the process, parameter, or station windows. If this is attempted, this message will be issued.

(238) MEMORY MANAGEMENT ERROR IN MODULE <n> Fatal error. An error has occurred in the internal memory management functions. The control system must be restarted in all cases. Inform our after-sales service.

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The battery RAM was reset. In order to have access to the current state of the battery RAMs on the control system, the control system must be restarted.

(243) Y1 CARRIAGE MUST BE TRAVELLING DURING PLATE ALIGNMENT The position of the plate edge is determined using the points which were approached with the Y1 carriage. If the position of another Y carriage is important to the execution of the program, this Y carriage can be traversed in addition to the Y1 carriage.

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The data window opens functions for entering, receiving, controlling, changing and generating data. The main tasks are displayed as menu items in the basic menu of the data window.

Program input-output Internal memory, administration (page 84) Activate standard shapes (page 87) Edit programs (page 94)

Program Input-Output UDL (Up Down Load) (page 69) XON-XOFF

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Standard shapes are programs with predefined contours. With a change in parameters, main programs can be generated from these standard shapes. Selection of an appropriate standard shape Change of parameter with graphic support Graphical representation of generated main program Edit Program The program editor supports the functions: Creating a new program Changing an existing program Graphical representation of a program Line deletion Block deletion Copying of blocks Searching help functions Searching line numbers Replacing help functions

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UDL is the abbreviation for Up - Down Load. UDL is used for the protected data transfer from an external computer to the control system. Supported by the directory display of the connected computer, main programs can be transferred to and from the control system.

Program input-output (page 70) Internal memory, administration Activate standard shapes Edit programs

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Data transfer with UDL is an add-on to the control. The symbol for UDL is not displayed, if UDL is not available.

Select UDL (page 71)

Select XON/XOFF-mode

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Load main programs (page 72) Store main programs (page 73)

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A selection box with the directory of the host computer is opened. The program that is to be transferred to the control system, is selected with the cursor keys.

Adopt program name and start data transfer to control system.

No adoption. Terminate loading function.

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A selection box with the directory of the control is opened. The program that is to be transferred to the host computer, is selected with the cursor keys.

Adopt program name and start data transfer to host computer.

No adoption. Terminate the storing function.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow During Data Transfer

page 74

The number of transferred lines is displayed during data transfer, no matter whether to the control or to the host computer.

Function keys ineffective during transfer.

The backspace key terminates a data transfer.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow 7.2 Floppy Disk Drive

page 75

Note The folowing functions are only available if the control is equipped with a floppy disk drive. Selecting program input-output.

Program input-output (page 76) Internal memory, administration Activate standard shapes Edit program

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Selecting Floppy Disk Drive

page 76

The floppy disk drive is an add-on. The symbol is only displayed when the add-on has been installed.

Select UDL. Select floppy disk drive (page 77) Select XON/XOFF-mode

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Floppy Disk Drive - Basic Screen

page 77

Loading and storing main programs as well as displaying the directory of all main programs.

Load main programs (page Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.) Store main programs (page Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.) Directory of all main programs (page Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow 7.3 XON - XOFF mode

page 78

Selecting program input-output.

Program input-output. (page 79) Internal memory, administration. Activate standard shapes. Edit program.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Selecting XON - XOFF mode

page 79

XON - XOFF mode is an add-on. The symbol is only displayed when the add-on has been installed.


Select XON/XOFF - mode. (page 80)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Basic Screen XON - XOFF mode Loading and stoaring of main programs.

page 80

Load main programs. (page 81) Store main programs. (page 82)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Loading main programs

page 81

The number of transferred lines is displayed during data transfer. If the program has no name it will be stored under "NONAME".

Function keys ineffective during transfer.

The backspace key terminates the data transfer. (page 80)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Storing main programs

page 82

A selection box with the directory of the control is opened. The program that is to be transferred to the host computer, is selected with the cursor keys.

Adopt program name and start transfer. (page 83)

No adaption. Terminate the storing function.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow During program transmission The number of transferred lines is displayed during data transfer.

page 83

Function keys has no effect during program transmission.

The backspace key abort the program transfer. (page 80)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow 7.4 Internal Memory, Administration

page 84

Directory of all main programs in the internal memory.

Program input-output Internal memory, administration (page 85) Activate standard shapes Edit programs

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Overview Of All Main Programs

page 85

The first column lists the names of the programs in the internal memory. To the right is the corresponding size of the program in bytes as well as the latest transaction date. The program marked by the cursor can be deleted.

Delete program marked by cursor. (page 86)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Delete program To make sure that files will not be deleted accidently a inquiry box appears.

page 86

Delete program and return to overview. (page 85)

Do not delete program and return to overview. (page 85)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow 7.5 Activate Standard Shapes

page 87

Standard shapes are programs with predefined contours. With a change in parameters, main programs can be generated from these standard shapes. The function "Activate standard shapes" provides a graphic overview of all existing standard shapes. Changing parameters is done with graphical support. Graphical representation of generated main programs.

Program input-output Internal memory, administration Activate standard shapes (page 88) Edit programs

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Selecting the Standard Shape to be Activated

page 88

Select standard shape (page 90) Display previous standard shape Display next standard shape Select standard shape through selection box Directory of all available standard shapes (page 89)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Selecting a Standard Shape with the Selection Box

page 89

Select a program with the cursor keys. Or enter the program number directly. The cursor will then be positioned automatically.

Adopt program number, return to display of standard shapes (page 88)

No adoption, return to display (page 88)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Entering the Name of the Main Program to be Generated

page 90

Enter the name of the program that is to be generated. Use digit or letter keys, or the letter line on the screen.

Adopt program name and enter into parameter change (page 91)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Changing Parameters

page 91

The flashing line in the graphical representation moves synonymously to the cursor in the textual representation. This way it is clear, which geometry part the current parameter refers to.

Generate main program (page 93) Type of lead-in, straight line or circle Type of lead-out, straight line or circle Enter lengths and angles for lead-in generation (page 92)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Entering Lengths and Angles for Lead-in Generation

page 92

Adopt parameter and return to parameter entry (page 91)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Representation of the Generated Main Program

page 93

Adopt generated main program (page 87)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow 7.6 Program Editor

page 94

Main programs can be created and changed with the functions of the program editor. In addition, the main program can be represented graphically. When selecting the program editor, enter the name of the program to be edited. If the program is available from the internal memory, it will be loaded into the editor. Otherwise the program will be created anew.

Program input-output Internal memory, administration Activate standard shapes Edit programs (page 95)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Selecting a Program Name

page 95

Enter the name of the program that is to be edited. Use the digit or letter keys, or the letter line on the screen. Furthermore, it is possible to select a program that already exists in the internal memory.

Adopt program name and enter into program editor. (page 97) Display directory of internal memory for the selection of a program name (page 96)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Selecting a Program Name from the Directory

page 96

Select a program with the cursor keys. Or enter the program name directly. The cursor will then be positioned automatically.

Adopt program name, open program and enter into editor. (page 97)

No adoption. Return to program name entry. (page 95)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Textual Representation in the Program Editor - Basic Screen

page 97

The name of the current program is displayed in the top line. The cursor is controlled with the cursor keys.

Switch to graphical representation (page 99) Insert mode (inverse) or overwrite mode (normal). Basic setting is insert . Delete line in which the cursor is positioned. Go to block number. An input box opens. and the desired block number can be entered. (page 100)

End editing (page 105)

Further functions (page 101)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Using Letter Line

page 98

Changing a programm line use digit or letter keys or the letter line on the screen. To select a letter in the letter line press the shift key and cursor left/right simultaneously. The selected letter is added in the programm line by pressing the enter key.

Save changes and go back to basic screen

Terminate function.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Graphical Representation in the Program Editor

page 99

Graphical representation is active. Press key to return to textual representation. (page 97)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Searching Block Number Enter the block number to be searched.

page 100

Search specified block number. (page 97)

Terminate function (page 97)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Textual Representation in the Program Editor - More Key

page 101

Search auxiliary function (page 102) Replace auxiliary function with auxiliary function (page 103)

Mark lines to delete (page 104)

Insert block at cursor position

The more key switches back to the basic screen. (page 97)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Searching Auxiliary Function Enter the auxiliary function that is to be searched.

page 102

Search specified auxiliary function (page 101)

Terminate function. (page 101)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Replacing Auxiliary Function With A Auxiliary Function Enter the auxiliary function that has to be replaced and also the new auxiliary function .

page 103

Replace specified auxiliary function (page 101)

Terminate function. (page 101)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Marking Program Lines Mark the program lines with the cursor keys or the hand wheel.

page 104

Search auxiliary function. Replace auxiliary function with a auxiliary function.

"Mark lines to delete" is active. Pressing the key again will deactivate the marking function. Delete marked lines. Insert deleted lines at cursor position.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Data W indow Ending Edit Function

page 105

If a program was edited, a box will open and the program name can be entered. The current program name will always be offered. If the program should be saved under a different name, enter the new name in box.

Save and exit editor.

Exit editor without saving.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow 8 Movement Window

page 106

The movement window provides a summary of all functions that are necessary to operate the machine manually and to prepare and control the automatic sequence of a program. The following functions can be selected in this window.

Automatic mode (page 108)

Fixed point movements (page 123) Reference point movement Enable/disable control loop and toggle axes output Treace / Teach Trace

Basic Menu At the main level of the movement window, the axes can be moved by means of the cursor keys, i.e. normal manual control is active. The coordinates of the X-axis and the Y-axis as well as the setting of the speed potentiometer are displayed. The coordinate values refer to the machine zero point, i.e. they are machine coordinates.

Automatic Mode Automatic processing of main programs. Preparation of a program by selecting a program from the internal memory.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Entry of processing parameter such as speed, offset, scale and rotation. Further processing of a discontinued program. Repetitive function in matrix format. Plate alignment. Fixed Point Movements Moving to program zero point. Moving to machine fixed point. Reference Point Movement Setting up the machine coordinates after switching on the machine.

page 107

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow 8.1 Automatic Mode

page 108

In automatic mode, programs are processed automatically. Parameters such as feed, kerf, rotation and scale are set beforehand as well as repetitive factors for multiple processing of a program. During automatic run, the operator has a number of possibilities to influence the sequence of operations and correct possible inconsistencies. Discontinued programs can be taken up again. Switching on automatic mode.

Automatic mode (page 109)

Fixed point movements. Reference point movement. Enable/disable control loop and toggle axes output Treace / Teach Trace

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Automatic Mode - Selection Window

page 109

There are at the most five possibilities for selecting a program as listed below in the menu. The symbols for further processing of a program that was discontinued because of termination or power failure, are only displayed if the corresponding data exists. When this function is selected, the parameter entry is skipped.

Repeat last program with the same parameter values (page 120) Select program from internal memory (page 110)

Continue processing the program interrupted last (page 120) Continue processing the program after power failure (page 120)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Selecting a Program The key "Select program from internal memory"

page 110

opens a selection box with the directory of all available main programs. Select the desired program with the cursor keys.

Select program for processing and enter into parameter entry (page 111)

No adoption and return to selection window. (page 109)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Entering Parameters

page 111

Processing parameters are requested with the following screen, depending on the structure of the control system. Numeric values are entered directly with the digit keys. Input lines are selected by way of the cursor keys. Menu keys supplement the input field with the relevant boxes.

End input. Prepare entire program before starting movement. (page 120) End input. Prepare program in sections. Start program execution after partial reparation. (page 120) Set program zero point (page 113) Plate alignment (page 115) Repetitions. (page 117)

Parameter Explanation Feed: is the feed rate with which the program is processed. Programmed rates in the program overwrite this value. During program processing, the feed rate can only be altered via the feed potentiometer. is the kerf with which the program is processed. Programmed kerf values overwrite these input values. The kerf cannot be altered during program processing. The value 1000 corresponds to the ratio 1:1, i.e. the program is processed in original size. The value 500 corresponds to the ratio 1:2, i.e. the sizes in this program are halved. The value 2000 corresponds to the ratio 2:1, i.e. the sizes in this program are twice as big as the programmed sizes.



30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Starting block number Plate rotation:

page 112

Block number at which processing is started. Normally, this value is set to 1, i.e. processing starts with block 1 . Rotation to align a plate that is slanting on the cutting table. The rotation is done for all repetitions around the bottom right corner of the plate. The angle for this rotation can be entered directly or determined automatically with the function "Plate alignment". Rotation of the individual program around the program zero point. Among others, this rotation is applied in order to achieve a better utilization of the plate when processing single programs.

Program rotation:

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Setting The Program Zero Point

page 113

The machine coordinates are displayed on the screen. When the program is started, the machine moves to the program zero point defined on this screen. The machine can be operated as in manual mode. The program zero point can be entered directly or determined with the adoption keys.

Adopt the current position as program zero point for the X-axis Adopt the current position as program zero point for the Y-axis.

Return to parameter entry.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Strap Bridge Parameters

page 114

Entering length and lead-in length of the strap bridge. If the lengths equal zero, a strap bridge will not be generated. If the lead-in length of the strap bridge equals zero, the burner is ignited at the contour. If the lead-in length is not zero, the machine will move away from the contour by this value and at an angle of 90 degrees. The burner is ignited away from the contour.

Adopt parameters.

Terminate function.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Plate Alignment

page 115

The optional add-on "Plate alignment" provides the possibility of determining the angle of the fed plate and the zero point with the machine. The position of the plate is determined with three adopted points. The angle is entered under "Plate rotation" in the parameter entry.

Adopt points.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Point Adoption for Plate Alignment

page 116

The screen for plate alignment shows a rectangle symbolizing the plate. Next to the plate, the symbols described below indicate one by one to which of the three points the machine should be moved Once at the point, the position for the following internal calculations is stored with the point adoption key. The measurements for alignment are completed with the adoption of the third point. The angle of the plate position on the machine is then calculated. If the backspace key is pressed after point adoption, the current position of the machine will be the program zero point when the program is started again. Return to parameter entry (page 111)

Adopt point at the top right edge.

Adopt point at the bottom right edge.

Adopt point at the front left edge.

Zero Point Adoption If the start key is pressed right after point adoption, the machine will move to the bottom right corner of the plate. This point will then also be the program zero point when processing is started. After the movement is completed, the control switches back automatically to the screen of the parameter entry, the determined angle will have been added to the screen. (page 111)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Repetitions A single program is processed automatically several times.

page 117

The number of processing runs as well as the distance between the individual repetitions have to be entered. In order to define the distance between the repetitions, a rectangle is placed around the given program. This rectangle is called a container. The distance to be entered, is the distance between the containers. With a zero offset, the processing areas are right next to each other. With a negative offset, they overlap.

Adopt input and return to parameter entry. (page 111)

Terminate function and return to parameter entry. (page 111)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Program Preparation and Kerf Calculation

page 118

Both of the two menu keys mentioned above complete the entry and trigger the calculations for program execution. The two keys lead to different ways of carrying out the program preparation. In addition to the actual calculation, they also influence other factors of program processing. Total preparation means that all preparations, including the complete offset calculation for the kerf, are done for an entire processing program before execution is started. The calculated program is completely buffered. means that the preparation of the program with kerf offset calculation is done before and during processing. The program is divided into single parts (sections). Parallel to the processing of one part, the next parts of the program are calculated. The program calculated in sections is administrated in a ring storage.

Sectional preparation

Both procedures can exist next to one another as the following comparison of advantages and restriction shows. Total preparation A completely calculated program can be repeated in matrix form. Damages to the working range can be recognized before program start so that the position of the cutting material on the machine can be corrected. The graphics make optimum use of the available graphic window. Reverse movement after break-offs during cutting is not restricted. When the entire program execution is repeated, a new calculation phase is not necessary. Program length, however, is restricted. In first approximation, the program to be processed may not contain many more than 64k bytes of characters. Sectional preparation Program length is not restricted. since the available memory is used as ring storage. Preparation time mainly coincides with processing time, i.e. it is hardly noticeable. However, every new start of the program makes a new calculation before running necessary. Repetition in matrix form is not possible. There are restrictions with reverse movement. Normally, however, they should not come into effect.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow

page 119

Graphics are displayed in such a way that the entire operating area of the machine is visible, because at the start of the program, the control does not know the size of the plate.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Automatic Program Execution The program is automatically processed when the start key is pressed.

page 120

Switch display, machine - program coordinates

Interrupt program, manual control during automatic mode (page 121) Switch processing, forward - backward Kerf on the fly

The coordinates of the X-axis and Y-axis as well as the kerf value (K) and the current block number (N) are displayed on the left side of the screen. At any time during processing, it is possible to switch between the displays of the program coordinates and the machine coordinates. For switching between forward and backward mode, the machine has to be stopped with the stop key. The execution of a program can be terminated with the backspace key when the machine is in the stop state. All data that is necessary to continue the program, will be stored. It will still be available even if the machine has been switched off in between. .

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Program Interruption

page 121

A program can be stopped and interrupted at any point. After pressing the interruption key, the machine can be operated as in the manual control mode.

Switch display, machine - program coordinates.

Back to program processing without returning to the contour. (page 120)

With the backspace key, program processing will be continued with a return to the abandoned contour.

When the start key is pressed, the machine moves to the point of the contour that it had reached last and stops. Now, process dependent functions can be started again. Pressing start again will continue processing. If the menu key without return to contour is pressed, the main menu for automatic processing of the program is displayed instantly. With start, the program will be continued at the point at which the machine is currently located. The distance to the last contour point will be taken into account as additional offset. This offset remains until the entire program is completed, including possible program repetitions.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow 8.2 Manual Control

page 122

Automatic mode

Fixed point movements Reference point movement Enable/disable control loop and toggle axes output Trace / Teach trace

The picture above shows the main menu of the movement window. In this window, manual control with the cursor keys is activated. It is possible here, to differentiate between two types of movement. Both can be selected as machine constants.: The setting of the direction as well as the triggering of the movement itself is done with the cursor keys. The start symbol is active as long as a direction is specified. Setting of a direction is done with the cursor keys. The movement itself, however, is controlled with the start and stop keys. In both cases, the key for fast motion is used to switch between the speed ranges. A fine graduation of speed in both ranges is done with the override potentiometer.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow 8.3 Fixed Point Movements

page 123

Automatic mode

Fixed point movements (page 124) Reference point movement Enable/disable control loop and toggle axes output Trace / Teach trace

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Selecting Fixed Points The standard design of the control offers two automatic fixed point movements: Movement to program zero point and Movement to fixed point of working range.

page 124

Move to program zero point Move to fixed point of first working range

The inverse key shows the currently active working range. With the movement to the fixed point of the next working range, the system switches automatically to this working range. Press the start key to start point movement. After completing the movement, the system will automatically return to the basic screen.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow 8.4 Reference Point Movement

page 125

Automatic mode.

Fixed point movements Reference point movement. (page 126) Enable/disable control loop and toggle axes output Trace / Teach Trace

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow Reference Point Movement

page 126

The reference point of an axis is a mechanically and electrically firmly-defined point that can be recognized by the control as precise as one measuring unit. By means of the reference point, it is possible to receive absolute machine coordinates despite of incremental encoders. Every point of the machine has the same coordinates at any time.

Adopt (only for machines without reference point system)

The reference is lost when the machine is switched off. Therefore, the reference has to be adopted by moving over the reference point of each axis after switching on the machine. Depending on the design of the machine and the control system, three different types of reference point adoption are possible. Manual Reference Point Movement With the cursor keys, the operator selects the axis and pre-selects the direction for the movement to the reference point of the axis. The current direction is displayed in the top right corner of the screen. The movement is launched with the start key. The machine stops automatically after recognizing the reference point. Automatic Reference Point Movement The entire reference point movement is launched by pressing the start key. Sequence and direction of the axes are defined in the machine constants.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Movement W indow

page 127

No Reference Point System The machine is not equipped with a reference cam so that no reference point can be recognized as described above. Yet, in order to reproduce a somewhat reasonable machine coordinate system, the axes are moved to a fixed point. This position is adopted as reference point by pressing the menu key adoption.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow 9 Process Window

page 128

The process window is used for process control. When the control is switched on, the system switches to the main process level of the current process. Each of the three possible processes consists of the main process level and one or more option process levels. Please note, that not all functions are available on every machine. Only processes that are actually available on the machine are displayed. The X/Y-coordinates, and if a program has been selected for processing, its graphical representation are displayed on all process levels. Pressing the BACK-key the General Options menu will be shown. If no process is selected, the General Options menu will be shown. Within the process window, the preselected process is always displayed in the top left corner next to the symbol for the process window.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow The General Options Level The General Options Level is used for further process options (No options actually).

page 129

Plasma Process (page 132) Oxy Fuel Process (page 134)

Mark Processes (page 130)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow The Mark Options Level The Mark Options Level is used for further mark process options (No options actually).

page 130

Punch Mark Process (page 137) Zinc Mark Process (page 139) Plasma Mark Process (page 141)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow 9.1 Manual Clamping

page 131

If the machine is equipped with the add-on "Station positioning", the menu for manual clamping can be activated, i.e. the current clamping status of the individual stations can be checked. Again, active stations are displayed inverse. The station to be clamped is selected with the hand wheel or the cursor keys. The inverse number underneath the station line indicates the selected station. The current clamping status of this station is indicated in the key description line, the corresponding symbol is displayed inverse. The clamping status is changed by pressing a different clamping status key.

2 Clamping status "free" Clamping status "bar" Clamping status "equal" Clamping status "mirror"

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow 9.2 Plasma Process

page 132

Main Level of the Plasma Process

Activate option level (page 133) AHC allow AHC on/off Preflow on/off (test preflow) Cut gas test Plasma start/stop

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow Plasma - Option levels

page 133

Water table on low level Water table on medium level Water table on high level ANC allow AHC on/off Manual Plasma-Punch Mark

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow 9.3 Oxy Fuel Process

page 134

Main Level of the Oxy Fuel Process

Activate option level. (page 135) M71 Not Used (formerly Process Stop) Edge Start Oxy Fuel Cutting Oxy Fuel High Preheat Oxy Fuel Ignite

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow Oxy Fuel - Option Levels

page 135

Further option levels (page 136). AHC allow AHC on/off M73. Process Stop Travel M70. Process Start

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow Further Option Levels

page 136

Water table on low level Water table on medium level Water table on high level Punch AHC allow Punch AHC on/off Manual Punch Mark

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow 9.4 Punch Mark Process

page 137

Main Level of the Punch Mark Process

Activate option level (page 138). AHC allow AHC on/off

Manual Punch Mark

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow Punch Mark - Option Levels

page 138

Water table on low level Water table on medium level Water table on high level

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow 9.5 Zinc Mark Process

page 139

Main Level of the Zinc Mark Process

Activate option level (page 140). AHC allow AHC on/off Zinc marker swirl Zinc marker preheat Zinc marker ignite

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow Zinc Mark -Option Levels

page 140

Water table on low level Water table on medium level Water table on high level

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow 9.6 Plasma Mark Process

page 141

Main Level of the Plasma Mark Process

Activate option level. (page142)

AHC allow AHC on/off Plasma Mark start/stop

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Process W indow Plasma Mark - Option Levels

page 142

Water table on low level Water table on medium level Water table on high level

If the process timer is on, it is displayed as graphical bar indicator.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Parameter W indow 10 Parameter Window

page 143

Process dependent values can be changed in the parameter window. The changes remain valid until another process is preselected. The current value within the possible range is indicated by the bar indicator. The cursor keys are used to scroll vertically within the display. Placing the cursor to the left of the bar indicator, marks the item selected to be changed. Changing the value is done by pressing the cursor keys and SIMULTANEOUSLY pressing the F1 key. Cursor up and cursor left reduces the value, cursor down and cursor right increases the value. Certain values cannot be changed.

Keep pressed when changing an entry in the parameter list.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Parameter W indow 10.1 Error - Status Display

page 144

Errors that have occurred are displayed, if possible, with additional information. The name of the current or last processed program is indicated with PRG. BLC indicates the current block number of the processed program.

Delete error Switch to status display (page 145) Switch to version number display (page 148)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Parameter W indow Status Display

page 145

Reset I/O ports Reset battery ram Time setting (page 147)

Turn-on voltage. This symbol is displayed in the top right corner of the screen when the turn-on voltage is switched on. Reference. The letters to the right of this symbol indicate from which of the axis the reference was adopted. Controller release X. Indicator for controller release in the X-axis. If this symbol is not displayed, the machine cannot be operated along the X-axis. Controller release Y. Indicator for controller release in the Y-axis. If this symbol is not displayed, the machine cannot be operated along the Y-axis. SPC release. Indicator for SPC release. If this symbol is not displayed, no auxiliary or key functions are sent to the MIP.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Parameter W indow

page 146

Feed release. Indicator for feed release. The feed release is set by the MIP. It allows machine movements. Feed interlock. Indicates that the feed release is missing. The signal is the inverse representation of the feed release. Axis movements are prevented.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Parameter W indow Time Setting Setting the time. The adjustment is done with the cursor keys.

page 147

Adopt time

No adoption

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Parameter W indow Display of Version Number

page 148

Serial number: System: MIP version: 8031 OS: 8031 Boot:

Control number Version number of the basic system (ANC41.EXE) Version number of the MIP program (MIP41.MIP) Operating system number of the sub system (NOS8031.BIN) Version number of the boot loader of the sub system (BOOT8031.HEX)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace 11 Trace / Teach Trace

page 149

If the VISION LE is equipped with an additional opto-electronic tracing system, the control can be used for copying (Trace) and for digitizing (Teach Trace) graphical patterns. The tracer and the control move the machine axes in such a way that the operating point of the tracer follows a line or an edge on a graphical pattern. In the Teach Trace mode, the control continuously records measuring points in very short intervals. Some of them are then chosen and stored as scanning points. The two final scanning points are connected with a line which only exists as numeric entity. The system then checks each following measuring point to see if it deviates to either side of the line with more than a given tolerance value or if its gap to the last scanning point exceeds a given limit. The last measuring point that meets both requirements is chosen as scanning point. With this collected data, the control works out a complete main program which can be processed in automatic mode. In order to understand the following instructions, it is useful to know just a little about the tracers behavior. (In the following, we will only talk about line movement. It is the same procedure for an edge movement). In the Trace mode, the machine axes first of all move in a preselected direction towards the line until the "eye" of the tracer recognizes the line. The "eye" is the rotating, flying spot of the tracer. In normal operation, this flying spot is not visible because it is covered by floodlight. The floodlight counteracts the influence of external light such as reflections. When the tracer has recognized the line, the traversing direction is changed according to the preselected direction (to the left / to the right) in such a way, that the eye remains on the line. The machine movement is stopped at the end of the line. A closed contour will thus be traced endlessly. In the Teach Trace mode, the system recognizes the point at which the line was initially recognized and it ends the contour there.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace Selecting the Function: Trace / Teach Trace.

page 150

Automatic mode

Fixed point movement Reference point movement Enable/disable control loop and toggle axes output Trace / Teach Trace. (page 151)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace Selecting Trace / Teach Trace

page 151

Trace (Tracing the contour without recording) (page 152) Teach Trace (Tracing the contour with recording) (page 155)

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace 11.1 Trace

page 152

Entering the parameters.

Adopt parameters and proceed to the Trace pre-phase (page 153)

Scan line / edge

Parameter Explanation Feed: Kerf: is the feed rate at which the contour is scanned During scanning, the feed rate can only be altered via the feed potentiometer. The kerf value causes an offset of the machine to the side in relation to the scanning flying point so that the kerf of the copied part is also taken into account. If the line width of the pattern is more than 1 mm you have to switch to "edge".

Line / Edge

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace During Scanning

page 153

Switch between manual control and tracing

Enter to the left / to the right

Status displays during the tracing process Searching contour

Found contour. Scanning active.

Lost contour.

If the tracing process has not yet been started, the axes are moved with the cursor keys as in normal manual control.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace

page 154

When tracing, the search direction is defined with the cursor keys. The process is started by pressing the start key. The symbol "Searching contour" is displayed. During the search process, the axes are moved at half of the preset speed. When the line has been found, the symbol "Found contour" is displayed. The machine now moves at the preset speed. Furthermore, the symbol for "forwards/backwards - switch" is displayed in the bottom line.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace 11.2 Teach Trace

page 155

Entering parameters.

Adopt parameters and proceed to the Teach Trace pre-phase (page 158) Type of lead-in, straight line or circle Type of lead-out, straight line or circle Enter lengths and angles for the lead-in generation (page 156) Enter point-to-point distances (page 157) Scan line / edge

Parameter Explanation Program: Name of the program under which the scanned contour is stored. If a program with this name already exists the newly scanned contour is added to it. is the feed rate at which the contour is scanned. During scanning, the feed rate can only be altered via the feed potentiometer. If the line width is more than 1 mm you have to switch to "edge".

Feed: Line / edge:

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace Entering lengths and angles for the lead-in generation

page 156

After the contour has been recorded, a lead-in and a lead-out for the program is calculated. Parameters for this are set here.

Adopt parameters and return to parameter entry (page 155)


30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace Entering the Minimum Point-to-Point Distance

page 157

The larger the minimum point-to-point distance - the larger the smallest line sections. This is important for the speed at which the program is to be processed lateron. High speed cannot be realized with only small line sections. However, there is a higher precision of the contour with small line sections.

Adopt parameters and return to parameter entry (page 155)


30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace During Recording

page 158

Switch between manual control and Teach Trace

Enter to the left / to the right Adopt reference point

Adoption of the reference point:

Setting the program zero point. A line is drawn from this point to the first point of the line recognized by the tracer.

Status displays during the Teach Trace mode Searching contour

Found contour. Scanning active.

Lost contour Completed contour

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Trace / Teach Trace

page 159

If the Teach Trace process has not yet been started, the axes are moved with the cursor keys as in normal manual control. When tracing, the search direction is defined with the cursor keys. The process is started by pressing the start key. The symbol "Searching contour" is displayed. During the search process, the axes are moved at half of the preset speed. When the line has been found, the symbol "Found contour" is displayed. The machine now moves at the preset speed. The contour is now being scanned and recorded until the machine recognizes the starting point of the scanning process. When the contour is completed the Teach Trace process is automatically terminated and the recorded contour is filed.

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Index 12 Index

page 160

Accident prevention ........................................................................................................................ 3 Additional control panel................................................................................................................. 10 Application and usage conditions.................................................................................................... 5 Auxiliary function replace .................................................................................................................................... 103 search ..................................................................................................................................... 102 Backspace ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Block number search ..................................................................................................................................... 100 Boxes information................................................................................................................................. 16 input .......................................................................................................................................... 17 inquiry........................................................................................................................................ 17 selection .................................................................................................................................... 17 Character block............................................................................................................................... 9 Contour, add-on .......................................................................................................................... 155 control panel ................................................................................................................................... 7 Control Panel .................................................................................................................................. 7 Control system breakdowns............................................................................................................ 5 Controller release.................................................................................................................. 20, 145 Danger warnings............................................................................................................................. 3 Data window ................................................................................................................................. 70 Delete editor ....................................................................................................................................... 104 main programs........................................................................................................................... 85 Discontinued program ................................................................................................................. 109 Editor ............................................................................................................................................ 94 graphics .................................................................................................................................... 99 Letter line .................................................................................................................................. 98 Emergency measures ..................................................................................................................... 5 Error ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Error display................................................................................................................................ 144 Feed release......................................................................................................................... 20, 146 Fixed point movements............................................................................................................... 123 General screen description ........................................................................................................... 15 Graphics editor ......................................................................................................................................... 99 standard shapes........................................................................................................................ 91 Hand wheel................................................................................................................................. 122 Individual screen description.......................................................................................................... 18 Information boxes.......................................................................................................................... 16 Input boxes.................................................................................................................................... 17 Inquiry boxes................................................................................................................................. 17 Internal memory ............................................................................................................................ 84 Key more............................................................................................................................................ 8 shift/backspace ........................................................................................................................... 8 Lead-in........................................................................................................................................ 156 Letter line ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Editor......................................................................................................................................... 98

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Index

page 161

Line / edge .................................................................................................................................. 155 Machine control panel................................................................................................................... 10 Main programs delete ........................................................................................................................................ 85 Manual control with hand wheel .................................................................................................. 122 Mark (program lines)................................................................................................................... 104 Mark Processes .................................................................................................................. 129, 130 Minimum point-to-point distance .................................................................................................. 157 Movement window ...................................................................................................................... 106 Number block.................................................................................................................................. 9 Oxy Fuel ............................................................................................................................. 129, 134 activating options ..................................................................................................................... 135 AHC allow ............................................................................................................................... 135 AHC on/off............................................................................................................................... 135 Cutting..................................................................................................................................... 134 Edge Start ............................................................................................................................... 134 High Preheat ........................................................................................................................... 134 Ignite ....................................................................................................................................... 134 M70 ......................................................................................................................................... 135 M71 Not used ................................................................................................................... 134 M73 ......................................................................................................................................... 135 main level ........................................................................................................................ 134, 141 Process Start........................................................................................................................... 135 Process Stop........................................................................................................................... 135 Travel ...................................................................................................................................... 135 Parameter automatic mode ....................................................................................................................... 111 standard shapes........................................................................................................................ 91 Parameter window ...................................................................................................................... 143 Plasma................................................................................................................................ 129, 132 activating options ..................................................................................................................... 133 AHC (Automatic hight control) allow ........................................................................................ 132 AHC on/off............................................................................................................................... 132 cut gas test.............................................................................................................................. 132 option levels............................................................................................................................. 133 Preflow on/off .......................................................................................................................... 132 start/stop ................................................................................................................................. 132 test preflow.............................................................................................................................. 132 Plasma Mark....................................................................................................................... 130, 141 activating options ..................................................................................................................... 142 AHC (Automatic hight control) allow ........................................................................................ 141 AHC on/off............................................................................................................................... 141 start/stop ................................................................................................................................. 141 water table............................................................................................................................... 142 Plasma MArk activating options..................................................................................................................... 141 Plate alignment ........................................................................................................................... 115 Point-to-point distance ................................................................................................................. 157 Power failure ............................................................................................................................... 109 Prekerf ........................................................................................................................................ 118 Process control ........................................................................................................................... 128 Process main level...................................................................................................................... 128 Process window .......................................................................................................................... 128

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Index

page 162

Processing automatic................................................................................................................................. 120 Program editor .............................................................................................................................. 94 Program input-output..................................................................................................................... 70 UDL........................................................................................................................................... 72 Program interruption ................................................................................................................... 121 Program zero point ...................................................................................................................... 113 Punch Mark................................................................................................................................. 130 Activating options..................................................................................................................... 138 AHC (Automatic hight control) allow ........................................................................................ 137 AHC on/off............................................................................................................................... 137 Manual .................................................................................................................................... 137 Process ................................................................................................................................... 137 Reference movement to ........................................................................................................................... 125 Reference point movement ......................................................................................................... 125 Release controller ........................................................................................................................... 20, 145 feed ................................................................................................................................... 20, 146 SPC......................................................................................................................................... 145 SPS........................................................................................................................................... 20 Repetitions.................................................................................................................................. 117 Safety ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Safety precautions .......................................................................................................................... 2 Screen description general ...................................................................................................................................... 15 individual ................................................................................................................................... 18 Search direction .......................................................................................................................... 153 Selection boxes ............................................................................................................................. 17 SPC release................................................................................................................................ 145 SPS release.................................................................................................................................. 20 Standard shapes........................................................................................................................... 87 Status display ............................................................................................................................. 144 Step size....................................................................................................................................... 24 Symbol overview........................................................................................................................... 19 Time setting ................................................................................................................................ 147 Trace / Teach Trace.................................................................................................................... 149 Teach Trace ............................................................................................................................ 155 Trace....................................................................................................................................... 152 Traverse block ................................................................................................................................ 9 turn-on voltage.............................................................................................................................. 20 Turn-on voltage........................................................................................................................... 145 Type of lead-in............................................................................................................................. 155 UDL .............................................................................................................................................. 72 Water Table high level ..................................................................................................133, 136, 138, 140, 142 low level ...................................................................................................133, 136, 138, 140, 142 medium level ............................................................................................133, 136, 138, 140, 142 Window........................................................................................................................................... 8 data ........................................................................................................................................... 70 movement................................................................................................................ 106, 122, 123 Window Function range........................................................................................................................... 13

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

VISION LE Operating instructions Index

page 163

Zinc Mark ............................................................................................................................ 130, 139 activating options..................................................................................................................... 139 Activating options..................................................................................................................... 140 AHC (Automatic hight control) allow ........................................................................................ 139 AHC on/off............................................................................................................................... 139 ignite ....................................................................................................................................... 139 preheat.................................................................................................................................... 139 swirl......................................................................................................................................... 139 water table ............................................................................................................................... 140

30&63A0409 (vision_le_m_us.doc)

Vision LE
General Information

Replacement Parts

This section provides replacement parts information and will assist during machine maintenance. It is arranged by functional groups or assemblies for easy identification of individual parts and replaceable assemblies. The Replacement Parts List consists of a parts list for the main assembly and one for each major assembly and subassembly. Item numbers that identify parts in the illustration are given in the list where applicable, along with part numbers and descriptive information.

Vision LE Replacement Parts

Vision LE
Ordering Information

Replacement Parts

When ordering replacement parts, order by part number and complete part description as given in the description column. Also, give machine model number and serial number. Address all inquiries to your local ESAB Distributor or to ESAB Cutting Systems, P.O. Box 100545, Florence, South Carolina, 29501.


This manual may contain part illustrations not applicable to your specific machine. To avoid unnecessary delays, positively identify your correct assembly before ordering replacement parts.


There are two versions of this machine. Heavy duty (standard) and metric rail lengths. If the rails are metric, 3m and 5 meter lengths, other components MUST be ordered to match. Lower carriage guide wheels, main wheels, drive pinion and other parts are different between the 2 systems. Make sure that you have identified your rail type before ordering parts.

Vision LE Replacement Parts

Vision LE
Vision LE Parts
Part Number 0560935209 0560935210 0560935212 Qty REF REF REF Description Vision LE without Connectors Vision LE -Teach/Trace kit includes LFE Bd, AK5 camera, connector, softw. Vision LE Connector Kit

Replacement Parts

Identifier Images (Not to Scale) Image Not Available Image Not Available



PIO Board



CPU Board

0560935538 0560935540


Front Panel Power Supply

Image Not Available

Vision LE Replacement Parts

Vision LE
0560935567 REF Flash Drive programmed

Replacement Parts

0560935568 0560935569


Vision LE ADAP Relay Drive Allow Relay

Image Not Available

1 4 6 8




0560935582 0560935585


Vision LE Mono Basic with Connectors Vision LE Literature, Manuals, Schematics, Wiring Diagrams (including manuals 0558005197 Startup and 0558005198 Operation/parts)

Image Not Available

Form Number0558005198 D ate



Vision LE to HL 90 Interface Cable

1 E7 2 E9 g/y GND


J15 1 2 3 4 NC NC

8 3 5 5 6 9 7 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 J10 3 2 1 NC NC NC






Floppy Drive only

0560936081 0560936082 0560936083 0560936084


Floppy Drive Cable Internal External Floppy Mounting Plate Floppy Drive Cable External Floppy Drive Kit (includes drive, cable and mount)

Image Not Available Image Not Available Image Not Available

Vision LE Replacement Parts

Vision LE
0560936271 REF Vision LE ASIOB

Replacement Parts

0560936272 0560936273


Vision LE 6 Station Macro Key Panel Vision LE Teach/Trace Board



Vision LE CFX Package

Vision LE Replacement Parts

Vision LE
0560938015 REF Vision LE C Package

Replacement Parts

0560938016 0560938017


Vision LE Process Panel Kit includes ASIOB Bd Vision LE Extended Process Box

Image Not Available



Vision LE Large Cabinet



Vision LE Floppy Drive Panel, includes floppy, e-stop, and joystick.

Vision LE Replacement Parts

Vision LE
0560938023 Vision LE F Package

Replacement Parts


Vision LE CF Package


Vision LE FX Package



Vision LE Potentiometer Wheel w/Cable


Vision LE 6 Station Process Panel w/Buttons Only

Vision LE Replacement Parts

Vision LE
0560938029 REF Vision LE Color CPU Board

Replacement Parts



Vision LE Color Display



Vision LE Joy Stick


Vision LE X Package

Vision LE Replacement Parts

Vision LE
0560938033 Vision LE CX Package

Replacement Parts



Vision LE Small Cabinet



Vision LE Dummy Plate



Vision LE Process Panel ASIOB Board

Vision LE Replacement Parts

Vision LE
0560938038 REF Vision LE Mono Front Panel

Replacement Parts



Vision LE Color Front Panel



Vision LE RS232 to RS422 Converter

0560938041 0560938042 0560938043 0560939699


Vision LE Front Panel Membrane Vision LE Process Panel Membrane Vision LE Floppy Drive Cover LCD Display

Image Not Available Image Not Available Image Not Available Image Not Available


Vision LE Replacement Parts

Customer / Technical Support

(843)-664-4405 (800) ESAB-123 (372-2123)

ESAB Welding and Cutting Products PO Box 100545 Ebenezer Rd Florence, SC 29501-0545

ESAB Cutting Systems - Canada 6010 Tomken Road Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5T 1X9 Phone: (905) 670-0220 Fax: (905) 670-4879

ESAB-Cutting Systems GmbH Robert-Bosch-Strasse 20 Postfach 1128 D-61184 Karben 1 Phone 011-49-6039-400 Fax 011-49-6039-403-02

Printed in U.S.A.

F14-082 August, 2002


411 South Ebenezer Road Florence, SC 29501-0545

ESAB Cutting Systems, 2002

This manual is ESAB Part Number F14-082 This manual is intended for the convenience and use of the cutting machine purchaser. It is not a contract or other obligation on the part of ESAB. Printed In U.S.A.

The Vision Computer Numerical Control System is a cutting machine CNC manufactured exclusively for ESAB Cutting Systems. The Vision CNC may be used on various machines and may utilize numerous different cutting processes. The Vision CNC is designed for ease of operation, flexibility, and precise control of cutting processes. Part programs for the Vision CNC may be manually entered, programmed off-line, generated from a library of shapes, or digitized from traceable patterns. This manual discusses standard part programming codes for all Vision Computer Numerical Control systems. For information regarding operation of the control, refer to the appropriate Vision CNC manual. There are numerous optional features which can be supported by the Vision CNC. For completeness, most aspects of part programming have been covered in this manual. Not all capabilities discussed in this manual will be present on all machines. In addition, more capabilities and features may be added in the future, which are not covered in this manual. ESAB Cutting Systems reserves the right to change or add programming features and capabilities without notice.

1 General Information .................................................................7
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 File Format ............................................................................. 7 Program Names ..................................................................... 7 Program Format ..................................................................... 7 Units Of Measurement............................................................ 7 Decimal Points........................................................................ 8 Programming Mode ................................................................ 9 Axis Orientation ...................................................................... 9 Programming Limits................................................................ 9 EIA Format ........................................................................... 10 ESSI Format......................................................................... 10 G-Codes ............................................................................... 10 M-Codes............................................................................... 32 Auxiliary Codes..................................................................... 49 Programming A Straight Line................................................ 52 Programming An Arc ............................................................ 53 Programming A Circle .......................................................... 54

Programming Codes..............................................................10
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Programming Techniques......................................................52
3.1 3.2 3.3

4 5

General Rules Of Programming ............................................55 Programming Examples ........................................................57

5.1 5.2 5.3 Program Example 1.............................................................. 57 Program Example 2.............................................................. 59 Program Example 3.............................................................. 61 Introduction to SDP Files ...................................................... 63 Creating SDP Files ............................................................... 63 SDP File Format ................................................................... 64 Example SDP files................................................................ 70 Using SDP Files ................................................................... 71

Programming SDP Files ........................................................63

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

Vision CNC Part Programming 1


General Information
File Format
Part programs are simple text files written in ASCII format. Any IBM compatible Personal Computer may be used with a simple text editor to create and edit part programs. Programs may be stored on hard disk, copied to a floppy disk, or transmitted via serial cable.


Program Names
Part programs are named using the standard DOS file name format. This format allows file names of up to 8 characters in length, with a file name extension of up to 3 characters. The Vision CNC requires the file name extension ".MPG" to denote part programs. The 8 character file name may include both letters and numbers, but not symbols. For PC or NT one can use extension *.cnc or *.txt. Filename can be 128 characters long. Follow Windows format for naming convention. EXAMPLE FILE NAMES: PART001.MPG 16533423.MPG


Program Format
The standard programming format for the Vision CNC is EIA Format. EIA format (Electronic Industries Association) provides programming conventions for contouring/positioning numerical controlled machines which comply with the standard practices of the industry. The Vision CNC also accepts ESSI (Tab Sequential) programming.


Units Of Measurement
The Vision control can accept programs written in either inch or metric. Machines may be set up to use either inch or metric dimensions as a standard. To use a program written with metric dimensions on an inch machine, the code G71 (ESSI 84) must appear at the beginning of the program. To use a Page 7

Section 2: General Information

program written with inch dimensions on a metric machine, the code G70 (ESSI 85) must appear at the beginning of the program.


Decimal Points
Decimal points may be included with the part program, or they may be omitted. System Constant #7 tells the control whether or not it should expect decimal points to be included in the program. Set System Constant 7 accordingly: 0 = NO decimal points will appear in the program. 1 = decimal points are included in the program. If System Constant 7 is set to 0, then Machine Constant #49 is used to tell the control how many decimal places to assume. The standard setting is 3, which means that the far right hand digit in any number will be assumed to mean 1/1000 inch. If System Constant 7 is set to 1, then the control expects to see a decimal point in each dimensional value. If no decimal point is included in a value, then the value is assumed to be a whole number of inches. EXAMPLES: If System Constant 7 = 0 and Machine Constant 49 = 3, then: X14875 Y21031 will be read as X14.875 Y21.031

If System Constant 7 = 0 and Machine Constant 49 = 2, then: X14875 Y21031 will be read as X148.75 Y210.31

If System Constant 7 = 1, then: X1.25 Y2.50 will be read as X1.250 Y2.500 X125 Y250 will be read as X125.000 Y250.000

Page 8

Vision CNC Part Programming

1.6 Programming Mode
Part programs can be written in either absolute or incremental modes. The default mode is absolute. Absolute programming can also be selected by a G90 code (ESSI 81). To switch to incremental mode, a G91 code (ESSI 82) must be entered. Programs that are written entirely in incremental mode should have a G91 (ESSI 82) at the very beginning of the program.


Axis Orientation
The X and Y axes of the cutting machine are oriented as shown here. The X axis is the longitudinal axis, down the length of the rails. The Y axis is the transverse axis, across the beam of the machine. When facing the machine's control console, positive X is away from the machine operator, negative X is toward the machine operator. Positive Y is to the left, negative Y is to the right.


Programming Limits
The following limitations should be taken into account during programming. The length of each program line is limited to 80 characters. A line with more than 80 characters will cause an error at run time. The maximum radius length for arcs is 1.3 miles, or 1 x 106 inches. The tolerance for arc endpoints is 10 programming units. When using 3 decimal point precision and inch mode, this means 10 thousandths of an inch. When using 1 decimal point precision and metric mode, this means 1 mm. If the distance from the start point to the center point and the distance from the end point to the center point are different by more than this amount, a Circle Error will occur.

Page 9

Section 2: Programming Codes 2


Programming Codes
EIA Format
EIA format is the standard programming format supported by the Vision Controller. EIA format uses G-Codes (Geometry Codes) to program motion, and M-Codes (Miscellaneous Codes) to program processes. This section describes the standard programming codes supported by the Vision CNC. Support of other EIA codes is possible through an EIA converter.


ESSI Format
ESSI format, also known as Tab Sequential, is prevalent in the shipbuilding industry. The Vision Control will also accept and execute standard ESSI auxiliary codes. Where applicable, the equivalent ESSI codes, format descriptions, and program examples are shown.


G-Codes indicate movement or motion commands.

2.3.1 Motion Codes

The motion codes are used to define programmed motions of the machine. These codes are modal; once they have been read, the control assumes the following lines to be the same type of motion, until a different G-Code is encountered. When entering actual program dimension values, the plus sign (+) is optional. The control will assume all values to be positive unless a negative sign (-) is present. G00 (ESSI 5) RAPID MOTION ON For programming linear movement at rapid speed. This is used for traversing between parts. The machine will execute this movement at the maximum feed rate for that machine. The control will stay in rapid mode until a different G-Code is encountered. Required values: X, Y. See also: "R" in section 2.4, Error! Not a valid result for table.. In ESSI programming, Rapid mode is canceled by Code 6.

Page 10

Vision CNC Part Programming


LINEAR MOTION For programming linear cutting movements. Cancels rapid motion. In ESSI programming, Code 6 cancels rapid motion. Required values: X, Y. EIA FORMAT: G01 Xn Yn

ESSI FORMAT: +n+n G02 CIRCULAR MOTION - CLOCKWISE For programming circles or arc motions in a clockwise direction. Cancels rapid motion. Required values: X, Y, I, J. I and J define the position of the center point. EIA FORMAT: G02 Xn Yn In Jn

ESSI FORMAT: +n+n+n+nG03 CIRCULAR MOTION - COUNTERCLOCKWISE For programming circles or arc motions in a counter-clockwise direction. Cancels rapid motion. Required values: X, Y, I, J. I and J define the position of the center point. EIA FORMAT: G03 Xn Yn In Jn

ESSI FORMAT: +n+n+n+n+

2.3.2 Special Purpose G-Codes

G04 (ESSI 41) DELAY TIMER The Delay Timer may be used to program motion delays. The format is shown below, where nnn is the length of delay time in .1 seconds. One decimal place is assumed. EIA FORMAT: G04Fnnn


Page 11

Section 2: Programming Codes


(ESSI 122)

TILT ANGLE G34 defines the tilt angle, or bevel angle, for the Programmable Plasma Bevel head. Measured from vertical, a positive angle tilts the head to the left, a negative angle tilts the head to the right. The code AL also provides the same function as a G34. The G34 is followed by an I parameter, which defines the tilt angle. One decimal place is assumed. EIA FORMAT: EIA FORMAT: G34Innn or G34I-nnn AL+nnn or AL-nnn

ESSI FORMAT: 122+nnn or 122-nnn

EXAMPLES: G34I300 G34I-250 AL+275 AL-450 122+150 122-200 Tilt to Positive 30 degrees. Tilt to Negative 25 degrees. Tilt to Positive 27.5 degrees. Tilt to Negative 45 degrees. Tilt to Positive 15 degrees. Tilt to Negative 20 degrees.

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Vision CNC Part Programming

When the G34 is programmed, the control automatically interpolates the tilt motion over the next motion block. This is to avoid sudden rapid motion of the head. This can also be used to make a smooth transition from one tilt angle to another over a length of cut. However, usually a bevel cut needs to be done all at the same angle. Therefore, it is usually desirable to program a short straight movement block immediately following the G34 block, followed by the motion block that needs to be cut with a bevel. EXAMPLE . . G34I-450 X.5 G1Y15.0 . .

Tilt to -45 degrees Short Straight Line allowing head to tilt Straight Line to be cut at -45 degrees

An additional J parameter may be included, and must have the value of 1. When included, the J parameter tells the control to interpolate the tilt angle over the following motion blocks, until the next G34 code is programmed. EIA FORMAT: EIA FORMAT: G34InnnJ1 AL+nnn+1

ESSI FORMAT: 122+nnn+1 EXAMPLES: G34I-355J1 Tilt to Negative 35.5 degrees over the following contour. Tilt to Positive 40 degrees over the following contour. Tilt to Negative 35 degrees over the following contour.



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Section 2: Programming Codes

EXAMPLE . . G1X10. G34I-450J1 X1. G2X5.Y-5.J-5. G1Y-1. G34 G1Y-10. . .

Straight Line Tilt to -45 degrees over the following contour Straight Line Clockwise Arc Straight Line End Tilt movement Straight Line

The result of this example is that the tilt movement is interpolated over the program lines between the G34I-45J1 and the G34.

In some situations it is necessary to tilt immediately from one angle to another, without interpolating over a motion block. In this case the tilt carriage will move very fast (up to 180/second). To do this, simply program any other M-Code immediately after the G34. If it is inconvenient to use a valid MCode, then an M1, Optional Stop may be used. In ESSI, code 46 may be programmed as a dummy code.

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(ESSI 38)

KERF OFF This code turns off the kerf compensation after being turned on by G41 or G42. It is not necessary to program G40 before changing from kerf offset on one side to the other, however, this should not be done when the torch is on.


(ESSI 29)

KERF LEFT This code turns on kerf compensation offsetting to the left of the path. To determine the desired direction of kerf offset, it is necessary to envision the cut direction. Kerf Left will offset the cut path to the left, when facing the cut direction. The programmer need only consider the kerf direction. The machine operator will enter the kerf amount, which needs to be determined by measurement of the actual cut width, and will change with every thickness of material and type of cutting. The controller will automatically offset the cut path by 1/2 of the entered amount. This puts the edge of the cut along the actual programmed path. G41 may also be used to program the actual kerf value.


(ESSI 30)

KERF RIGHT This code turns on kerf compensation to the right of the programmed path. To determine the desired direction of kerf offset, it is necessary to envision the cut direction. Kerf Right will offset the cut path to the right, when facing the cut direction. The programmer need only consider the kerf direction. The machine operator will enter the kerf amount, which needs to be determined by measurement of the actual cut width, and will change with every thickness of material and type of cutting. The controller will automatically offset the cut path by 1/2 of the entered amount. This puts the edge of the cut along the actual programmed path. G42 may also be used to program the actual kerf value, as shown in the following examples.

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(ESSI 85)

INCH MODE Informs the control that all programmed dimensions are in inches. When used, this code must appear at the beginning of the program. This is the default mode. If neither a G70 (85) nor a G71 (84) is programmed, the control will assume inch mode.


(ESSI 84)

METRIC MODE Informs the control that all programmed dimensions are in mm. When used, this code should appear at the beginning of the program.


(ESSI 224)

CHARACTER GENERATOR The Character Generator is an optional feature which enables the machine to print characters on the plate using any single point marking device. The G80 code defines the text string to be printed. G80 must be used in conjunction with G81 and G82 to define the size and orientation of the text string. The text string must follow the G80 on the next line, and is enclosed in parenthesis. Marker offsets must be turned on prior to any character marking. Machines equipped with Automatic Offsets do this automatically. If not equipped with Automatic Offsets, they must be programmed explicitly. The text string can be up to 80 characters long. The following characters can be used in the text string for the Character Generator: A through Z, 0 through 9, +, =, :, ?, -, /, ., * EIA FORMAT: G80 (text string)

ESSI FORMAT: 224 text string

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(ESSI 225)

CHARACTER HEIGHT G81 defines the size of the characters to be printed. The format is as follows, where nn is the character height. EIA FORMAT: G81 Dnn



(ESSI 226)

CHARACTER ORIENTATION G82 defines the orientation of the text string on the plate. The format is as shown below, where nnn is rotation in degrees counter-clockwise from the -Y direction. EIA FORMAT: G82 Dnnn

ESSI FORMAT: 226+nnn EXAMPLE . . G81D1. G82D270 G80 PART 223A28 D4 . . EXAMPLE (ESSI) . . 225+10 226+27000 224 PART 223A28 4 . .

Define character height 1 inch. Define character orientation at 270 degrees. Define character string. Character string Comments OFF (end character string)

Define character height 1 inch. Define character orientation at 270 degrees. Define character string. Character string Comments OFF (end character string)

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G83 G87 G84 G88

(ESSI 31) (ESSI 33) (ESSI 32) (ESSI 34)

STATION SELECT 1-9 STATION SELECT 10 AND ABOVE DE-SELECT STATIONS 1-9 DE-SELECT STATIONS 10 AND ABOVE The codes G83, G84, G87, and G88 are assigned slightly different functions depending on the configuration of the machine. For machines equipped with one motorized Y axis carriage and multiple slave carriages with automatic band clamping, these codes are used for Station Selection and Spacing, as described in section 2.3.3. For machines equipped with two plasma cutting torches on the same carriage (such as high current plasma and precision plasma), these codes are used for Multi-Process Programming, as described in section 0. For machines with two or more motor driven Y axis carriages, these codes are used for Programming Station Motion, as described in section 2.3.6.


(ESSI 61)

PROGRAMMED MOVE TO FIXED POINT This code allows the part program to direct the machine to move to one of the fixed points. All machines have at least one fixed point. Optionally, the Divided Working Areas option allows 4 fixed points. The actual position of those fixed points is defined in the Machine Constants. When used, the G86 must be followed by an "I" parameter and the fixed point number to which the machine should be moved. EIA FORMAT: G86In

ESSI FORMAT: 61+n EXAMPLE G86I3 Sends the machine to Fixpoint 3.

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G90 (ESSI 81) ABSOLUTE PROGRAMMING MODE Informs the control that all programmed dimensions are absolute coordinates, referenced from an absolute zero point. When used, this code must appear at the beginning of the program. This is the default mode. If neither a G90 (81) nor a G91 (82) is programmed, the control will assume absolute mode.


(ESSI 82)

INCREMENTAL PROGRAMMING MODE Informs the control that all programmed dimensions are relative distances, referenced from the start of each block. When used, this code must appear at the beginning of the program.


(ESSI 86)

ABSOLUTE ZERO POINT Defines the position of the absolute zero point for absolute programming mode. The format of this code allows the user to define the zero point anywhere in the coordinate system. If no X or Y value is included, then the control assumes that the current machine position is the absolute zero point. Otherwise, the value programmed for X and Y is taken as the distance that the machine is currently offset from the absolute zero point. Those values are loaded into the control's Program Coordinates register, and all absolute programming movements are referenced to the new zero point. EIA FORMAT: G92 Xn Yn


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Section 2: Programming Codes

2.3.3 Programmed Station Selection Applications
Programmed Station Selection is available on all Vision CNC controlled machines. This feature allows the cutting or marking stations to be turned on and off via codes in the part program. Introduction
A set of G codes has been assigned for programming this feature for the Vision Control system. These codes are described with regard to function and operation. Station Selection

G83 G87 (ESSI 31) (ESSI 33) STATION SELECT 1-9 STATION SELECT 10 AND ABOVE These codes are used to specify which stations to activate or deactivate. G83 selects a station or multiple stations in the group of stations 1-9, G87 selects stations 10 and above. Follow the G code with an "I" parameter and the station number (s) to be selected. EIA FORMAT: EIA FORMAT: G83InJm G87InJm

ESSI FORMAT: 31+n+m ESSI FORMAT: 33+n+m EXAMPLE G83I357 Selects station numbers 3, 5 and 7 Stations 10 and above are selected by using G87. In this group of stations, station 10 is 1, station 11 is 2, station 12 is 3, etc. EXAMPLE G87I135 Selects station numbers 10, 12 and 14

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G84 G88 (ESSI 32) (ESSI 34) DE-SELECT STATIONS 1-9 DE-SELECT STATIONS 10 AND ABOVE These two G-Codes are used to de-select stations. G84 de-selects stations 1-9, G88 de-selects station 10 and up. An "I" parameter can be included to specify which stations to de-select. EXAMPLE G84I2468 G88I2 De-selects station numbers 2, 4, 6 and 8 De-selects station number 11 If no station(s) are specified "All" will be assumed.

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2.3.4 Programmed Station Clamping and Spacing Applications
Programmed Station Clamping and Spacing is an optional feature of the Vision CNC. This feature is only available on machines equipped with more than one Y-axis carriage, and with automatic band clamps on each carriage. For machines equipped with two motor driven Y-axis carriages, see section, 2.3.6, Programmed Station Motion. Introduction
A set of G codes has been assigned for programming this optional feature for the Vision Control system. These codes are described with regard to function and operation. Station Clamping

G83 G87 (ESSI 31) (ESSI 33) CLAMPING STATIONS 1-9 CLAMPING STATIONS 10 AND ABOVE The same codes are used for Station Selection and Station Clamping. G83 sets the clamping mode for stations 1-9, G87 sets stations 10 and above. Follow the G code with an "I" parameter and the station number (s) to be clamped. The clamping mode of the selected stations is specified by including a "J" parameter. A data block with a "J" parameter will only cause the station to be clamped as specified, it does not select the station for cutting. The clamp mode can be one of four (4) choices. J0 Free stations (unclamped) J1 Clamp station(s) to beam J2 Clamp station(s) in "like" image J3 Clamp station(s) in "mirror" image

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EXAMPLES G83I1234J1 G83I257J3 G87I12J2 31+23+2 31+4+3 Clamp stations 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the beam Clamp stations 2, 5 and 7 in "mirror" image Clamp stations 10 and 11 in "like" image mode Sets stations 2 and 3 to Like mode. Sets station 4 to Mirror mode. Programming Sequence

Since a G83 or G87 with a "J" parameter does not activate a station, all clamping must be done prior to selecting which stations will be used for the cutting process. If station spacing is changed during a program, it resets the station selection. Thus, after re-spacing the stations, the appropriate stations must be selected prior to starting the cutting process. To have the control do an automatic movement back to the part program after station spacing is set, the program should be written in absolute mode, with all spacing movements written in incremental mode. Specify Absolute Mode at the beginning of the program with a G90, then establish an Absolute Zero Point with a G92. Following the Mash code, M89, the spacing motion should be preceded by an Incremental Mode code, G91. When all incremental spacing motion is finished, use a G90 to resume Absolute Mode, and return to programming of the desired part.

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A sample program using station selection and spacing would look like this: EXAMPLE G90 G92X0Y0 M89 G91 G1Y60.0 G83I2J2 G90 G0X0Y0 G83I12 M67 M65 . . Select Absolute Mode Set Absolute Zero Point at current position MASH, releases all clamps and mashes stations Select Incremental Mode Separate the Master carriage by 60 inches. Clamp station #2 in the "Like" mode. Select Absolute Mode Rapid motion back to the Absolute Zero Point Select stations 1 and 2 for cutting. Begin cutting process.

To change the station spacing in the middle of a program, start by de selecting all stations using the G84 and G87. Next, clamp the slave stations to the beam as required by using the G83 with a "J" parameter. Then, while the slave stations are clamped to the beam, move the master carriage to the desired position relative to the slaves. The actual minimum separation of the cutting torches will be different on each machine and will have to be determined by measurement. Once the torches are at the correct separation, clamp the slave stations as required using the G83 with a "J" parameter. Finally, select the stations to be used for cutting by using a G83 code.

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2.3.5 Multi-Process Programming Applications
Multi-Process Programming is an optional feature of the Vision CNC. This feature is only available on machines equipped with two or more different cutting process tools which will be used within the same part program. This requires fixed offsets between the process tools, meaning either that the tools are mounted on the same carriage, or that the tool carriages are attached at a fixed distance. Introduction
A set of G codes has been assigned for programming this optional feature for the Vision Control system. These codes are described with regard to function and operation. Tool Selection

When multi-process stations are installed, each cutting tool is programmed as a separate station, even if they are physically mounted to the same carriage. The standard Station Selection codes are used to turn each process on and off. If a machine is equipped with two different plasma torches mounted on the same carriage, each torch is assigned a different station number, and each must be turned on and off individually. Furthermore, the Vision CNC software prevents turning two different cutting processes on simultaneously. G83 G87 (ESSI 31) (ESSI 33) STATION TOOL SELECT 1-9 STATION TOOL SELECT 10 AND ABOVE These codes are used to select the desired cutting tool. G83 selects a tool station or multiple tool stations of the same type in the group of stations 19, G87 turns on tool stations 10 and above. Follow the G code with an "I" parameter and the station number (s) to be selected. EIA FORMAT: EIA FORMAT: G83In G87In


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ESSI FORMAT: 33+n EXAMPLE G83I13 Selects tool stations 1 and 3 Tool stations 10 and above are selected by using G87. In this group of stations, station 10 is 1, station 11 is 2, station 12 is 3, etc. EXAMPLE G87I15 Selects tool stations 10, and 14 Tool De-Selection

G84 G88 (ESSI 32) (ESSI 34) DE-SELECT TOOL STATIONS 1-9 DE-SELECT TOOL STATIONS 10 AND ABOVE These two G-Codes are used to de-select tool stations. After cutting processing is finished with one tool, that tool station must be deselected before a different cutting tool may be selected. G84 de-selects tool stations in the group 1-9, G88 de-selects station 10 and up. An "I" parameter can be included to specify which stations to de-select. EXAMPLE G84I24 G88I2 De-selects tool stations 2 and 4 De-selects tool station 11 If no station(s) are specified "All" will be assumed.

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Vision CNC Part Programming Programming Sequence
The tool station selection codes must be used in conjunction with tool offset codes in order to place the desired tool into position. The general sequence of programming requires the following sequence: 1. Tool Offset ON 2. Tool Select 3. Motion to first process start point.* 4. Process ON 5. Programmed motion with selected tool. 6. Process OFF 7. Tool De-Select 8. Tool Offset OFF 9. Second Tool Offset ON 10. Second Tool Select 11. Motion to next process start point.* 12. Process ON 13. Programmed motion with selected tool. 14. Process OFF 15. Second Tool Deselect 16. Second Tool Offset OFF There must be either a programmed motion or a programmed delay time (G04) between the tool selection code and the process on code in order to allow for purge cycles or internal processing. The example below is for a multi-process station with a high current plasma torch (Tool Station #1) as the primary tool (no offset required), and a precision plasma torch (Tool Station #2).

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EXAMPLE M45 G83I2 G00X10.0 M67 M65 . . . M66 M67 G84I2 M46 G83I1 G00X-10.0 M67 M65 . . . M66 M67 G84I1 Tool Offset #1 ON. Select Tool Station #2. Rapid motion to pierce point. Kerf ON. Precision Plasma Process ON. Programmed Cutting Motion. . . Precision Plasma Process OFF. Kerf OFF. De-Select Tool Station #2. Tool Offset OFF. Select Tool Station #1. Rapid motion to second pierce point. Kerf ON. High Current Plasma Process ON. Programmed Cutting Motion. . . Precision Plasma Process OFF. Kerf OFF. De-Select Tool Station #1.

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2.3.6 Programmed Station Motion Application
Programmed Station Motion is an optional feature of the Vision CNC. This feature is only available on machines equipped with two or more motor driven Y-Axis carriages. For machines equipped with a YAxis band and automatic band clamps, see section 2.3.3, Programmed Station Selection. Introduction
A set of G codes has been assigned for programming this optional feature for the Vision Control system. This feature is of great importance on machines equipped with two plasma bevel stations, each mounted on a motorized Y-Axis carriage. On such machines, the motion mode also affects the rotation and tilt axes of the bevel head. This feature allows the machines to automatically cut two mirror image bevel parts simultaneously, including mirrored bevel angles and rotation. Codes
G83 (ESSI 31) SELECT MOTION MODE G83 selects the Y-Axis motion mode for each cutting station. Each cutting station is mounted to a motorized carriage. The carriage will be driven in the Y-Axis according to the movements programmed into the part program. However, with this code it is possible to change the mode of each carriages YAxis movement to one of the following: like mode, mirror mode, or free mode. In like mode, the carriage will move in the direction defined in the part program. In mirror mode, the carriage will move in the direction opposite of the programmed movement. In free mode, the carriage will not move in the Y-Axis. Each carriage can be programmed independently, and the mode can be changed at any time by the program. When used, this code must be followed by an I parameter and a J parameter. The I parameter precedes the number of each station being set. The J parameter precedes the code number for the motion mode to apply to those stations. The Page 29

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motion mode may be set for one station at a time, or for multiple stations at one time. The motion mode may be changed multiple times during the program. The format is as follows: EIA FORMAT: G83 Ixy Jw

ESSI FORMAT: 31+xy+w where: x and y are the numbers of the stations whose motion mode is being changed. w is the code number for the motion mode to apply to those stations. The motion modes are as follows: 1 = 2 = Free : station will not move during program. Like Mode : station will move according to actual programmed motion. Rotation mode is normal. Tilt mode is normal. Mirror Mode : station will move opposite of actual programmed motion in the Y axis. Rotation will be mirrored. Tilt angle is also mirrored.

3 =

The motion mode for each station may also be set manually in the Process Window at the Vision CNC. The G83 code overrides the manually set clamping mode. If there is no G83 in a program, the manually set clamping mode will apply throughout the program. EXAMPLES: G83 I12 J2 G83 I2 J1 G83 I1 J3 31+2+2 31+1+3 Sets stations 1 and 2 to Like mode. Sets station 2 to Free mode. Sets station 1 to Mirror mode. Sets station 2 to Like mode. Sets station 1 to Mirror mode.

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(ESSI 37)

STATION SPACING Machines with two or more motor driven Y-axis carriages are set up such that the Vision CNC monitors and controls the spacing between adjacent carriages. The G85 code may be used to set a specific spacing between carriages. EIA FORMAT: G85 Inm Jxxx

ESSI FORMAT: 37+nm+xxx Where n is the number of the station to remain fixed, m is the number of the station to be moved, and xxx is the new distance between stations. The distance xxx must be greater than or equal to the minimum distance between two carriages. EXAMPLES G85 I12 J120.0 This code will fix Station 1 in its present location and move Station 2 until it is 120.0 inches or mm away from Station 1. This code will fix Station 2 in its present location and move Station 1 until it is 120.0 inches or mm away from Station 2.

G85 I21 J120.0

MISC. CODES G89 G89D1 G89D2 MARKING TOOL IDENTIFICATION Select Imaje Tool Select X-Y Marking Table


FEEDRATE % OVERIDE Used for waterjet to change speed without having to call out a different SDP file.

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2.4 M-Codes
M0 (ESSI 0) PROGRAM STOP This code may be used to stop program execution at a specific point in the program, such as at the start of cutting operations. To continue program execution, the operator must press START.


(ESSI 102)

OPTIONAL STOP An optional stop will only be recognized if the Optional Stop feature is turned on by the machine operator. If the Optional Stop feature is turned on, this code causes machine motion to stop at this point. This can be useful to stop program execution at a specific point in the program, such as at the start of cutting operations, if the operator deems necessary. To continue program execution, the operator must press START.


SHAPE ORIENTATION These codes interchange or rotate the coordinate axis in 90 degree intervals or mirror image positions. These codes can be useful for orientation or nesting of parts.


(ESSI 21)

NORMAL MODE This is the default mode. This code only needs to be programmed if returning to normal orientation after using M22 through M28.


(ESSI 24)



(ESSI 26)



(ESSI 25)


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M25 (ESSI 28) ROTATE 90 CW FROM NORMAL (X=-Y, Y=+X) M26 (ESSI 27) MIRROR IMAGE OF M25 (X=+Y, Y=+X) M27 (ESSI 23) ROTATE 180 FROM NORMAL (X=-X, Y=-Y) M28 (ESSI 22) MIRROR IMAGE OF M27 (X=+X, Y=-Y) M29 (ESSI 184) INCREMENTAL ROTATION This function allows part programming to be rotated by any number of degrees. All programmed motion after this code is rotated by the amount specified with this code. EIA FORMAT: M29 Tnnn

ESSI FORMAT: 184+nnn M34 (ESSI 117) ROTATION SKIP BLOCK This function turns rotation OFF for one motion block. This can be used to avoid unnecessary bevel head movement, or to maintain a fixed bevel angle over a contour. The same results can be achieved by using M62 and M63 to turn rotation OFF then back ON before and after a motion block. G72 also provides the same function. M35 (ESSI 118) ROTATION LOOK AHEAD ONE BLOCK This is an important part of bevel cutting rotation control. When the controller receives this code, it does not rotate the bevel head according to the next block, but instead looks ahead to the following block. With this code, head wrap is avoided since the head can do a corner loop while rotating only 90 degrees, in the opposite direction of the loop. G73 also provides the same function.

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To execute a corner loop without M35, the bevel head rotates to follow machine motion. This results in two turns of 135 degrees each, for a total of 270 degrees of counter-clockwise rotation. This top view illustrates the motion resulting from the following lines of code. . . G1 X-10.0 X1.0 Y-1.0 Y10.0 . .

A corner loop with M35 results in only 90 degrees of clockwise rotation. After executing the movement in the positive X direction (G1 X10.0) the head will slowly turn until it is rotated in the correct position to execute the Y axis motion (Y-10.0). This top view illustrates the motion resulting from the following lines of code. . . G1 X-10.0 M35 X1.0 Y-1.0 Y10.0 .

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(ESSI 108)

LASER POINTER ON For machines equipped with the programmable laser pointer option, this code turns the laser pointer ON.


(ESSI 109)

LASER POINTER OFF Turns the laser pointer off.


(ESSI 11)

TOOL OFFSET #1 ON Moves the marker to the location previously occupied by the torch. Direction and amount of offset are determined by the Machine Constants. Either this code or an M47 must precede any marking or scribing. After one of these offset codes has been programmed, actual marking is done by programming an M60, scribing is done with the M74 and M75.


(ESSI 12)

TOOL OFFSET OFF Cancels the offset initiated by M45. The marker offset off codes M46 and M48 should only be used after all marking and scribing in the program is completed.


(ESSI 114)

TOOL OFFSET #2 ON Moves the marker to the location previously occupied by the torch. Direction and amount of offset are determined by the Machine Constants.


(ESSI 12)

TOOL OFFSET OFF Cancels the offset initiated by M47.


(ESSI 114)

TOOL OFFSET #3 ON Moves tool #3 to the location previously occupied by the main tool. Direction and amount of offset are determined by the Machine Constants.

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(ESSI 12)

TOOL OFFSET OFF Cancels the offset initiated by M49, turns off AHC and raises the marker unit.


(ESSI 49)

DISABLE TOUCH. USE PREVIOUS HEIGHT. Only for machines shipped after August 2002. After first height sample with encoder this code will skip touch plate sequence. Must be used before M65. M66 cancels this code EXAMPLE: M56 M65


(ESSI 48)

AUTOMATIC HEIGHT CONTROL BLOCK This code freezes the Plasma AHC until an M58 code is received.


(ESSI 47)

AUTO HEIGHT CONTROL RELEASE This command re-enables Plasma AHC after having been disabled by an M57.


(ESSI 48)

ENCODER HEIGHT CONTROL This code is used for slide with encoder. If this code is placed directly before M65 it sets the cutting AHC mode to encoder height. EXAMPLE: M59 M65


(ESSI 9)

PUNCH/MARK This code momentarily energizes the marking unit to make a mark on the plate. Marker Offset On must be programmed first to enable height control and to properly offset the marker unit, either M45 or M47. All punching or marking should be done prior to cutting the part, since parts may shift or drop away after being cut, and the vibration from the marker can cause cut parts to move.

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(ESSI 52)

ROTATION STOP This code freezes the rotation axis at is current location. This can be used to hold the bevel head from turning over several movements. Note: 1. If rotation needs to be turned on again, an M63 must be programmed. 2. If no more rotation is going to be done in the program, then an M64 should be used instead of M62. 3. If rotation only needs to be disabled for one block, a single M34 may be used instead of using M62 followed by M63.


(ESSI 51)

ROTATION ON This code turns on the rotation axis, also known as the tangential follower. The bevel head will begin to rotate according to the programmed motion. When rotation is on, the bevel head will rotate so that the protractor is oriented perpendicular to the cut path, with the protractor and tilt carriage leading the plasma torch. Some things to note when programming rotation on: 1. Turn rotation on, then make a short move in the cut direction to orient the head properly before piercing for a bevel cut. 2. Turn rotation off whenever possible to avoid head-wrap. Use M34 and M35 whenever possible to minimize head rotation. 3. Turn rotation off when making rapid moves or when cutting with no bevel. If programmed in correct sequence it will pre-rotate head before process starts. When programmed like the following example head will pre-rotate to line 5 not 4.

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EXAMPLE: 1. M63 2. G91 3. G0 X_ Y_ 4. M65 5. G01 X_ Y_ 6. M66 M64 (ESSI 98) ROTATION OFF/HOME This code turns off the tangential follower, and sends the bevel head back to its home position. This code should be used at the end of a program, or when bevel cutting is finished. M65 (ESSI 53) PLASMA ON This code causes the following sequence of events: 1. Automatic Height Control is initiated, torches find initial height. 2. The Plasma process is initiated. 3. When all arcs are established, the Travel Delay and Pierce Timers begin. 4. After the Travel Delay Timer ends travel is initiated. 5. During the Pierce Timer, the Master Up output is on. M66 (ESSI 54) PLASMA OFF This code stops all arcs and raises the torches for the amount of time in the MASTER UP TIMER.

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(ESSI 29)

KERF LEFT This code turns on kerf compensation offsetting to the left of the path. To determine the desired direction of kerf offset, it is necessary to envision the cut direction. Kerf Left will offset the cut path to the left, when facing the cut direction. The programmer need only consider the kerf direction. The machine operator will enter the kerf amount, which needs to be determined by measurement of the actual cut width, and will change with every thickness of material and type of cutting. The controller will automatically offset the cut path by 1/2 of the entered amount. This puts the edge of the cut along the actual programmed path. G41 is also supported for KERF LEFT. Both M67 and G41 may also be used to program the actual kerf value, as shown in the following examples. EIA FORMAT: EIA FORMAT: M67 Knnn G41Dnnn

ESSI FORMAT: 29+nnn EXAMPLES: M67 M67 K270 Turns on KERF LEFT Turns on KERF LEFT with a kerf width of .270 inches. Turns on KERF LEFT with a kerf width of .270 inches. Turns on KERF LEFT with a kerf width of .270 inches. (ESSI Format)



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(ESSI 30)

KERF RIGHT This code turns on kerf compensation to the right of the programmed path. See M67 above for other details. G42 is also supported for KERF RIGHT. Both M68 and G42 may also be used to program the actual kerf value, as shown in the following examples. EIA FORMAT: EIA FORMAT: M68 Knnn G42Dnnn

ESSI FORMAT: 30+nnn EXAMPLES: M68 M68 K270 Turns on KERF RIGHT Turns on KERF RIGHT with a kerf width of .270 inches. Turns on KERF RIGHT with a kerf width of .270 inches. Turns on KERF RIGHT with a kerf width of .270 inches. (ESSI Format)




(ESSI 38)

KERF OFF This code turns off the kerf compensation after being turned on by an M67 or M68. It is not necessary to program M69 before changing from kerf offset on one side to the other, however, this should not be done when the torch is lit. G40 is also supported for KERF OFF.

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(ESSI 7)

OXY FUEL CUTTING CYCLE START This code causes the following sequence of events to occur: 1. The Automatic Height Control is initiated and selected torches lower to the plate. The ignitors on all torches turn on. 2. The ignitors turn off automatically after five seconds of operation. 3. High preheat gases turn on and PREHEAT timer starts. 4. When the preheat timer has completed its timing, the cutting oxygen is turned on, and the preheat gases are switched to "low preheat". 5. Machine travel is initiated. 6. If a Plasma station is selected, the M70 is the same as an M65.


(ESSI 8)

CUTTING CYCLE STOP This code shuts off all gases and causes the torches to raise for the amount of time in the MASTER UP TIMER. The machine will be in feedhold while the torches are being raised. If a Plasma station is selected, the M71 functions the same as an M66.

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Section 2: Programming Codes


(ESSI 59)

CUT STOP This code shuts off the cutting oxygen, but leaves preheat oxygen/fuel gas on, and raises the torches for the amount of time in the MASTER UP TIMER. This function is used primarily to end the cutting process between multiple oxy-fuel cuts. If a plasma station is selected, the M73 function is the same as the M66. NOTE: Manual Edge Prep Oxyfuel with rotation or Oxyfuel VBA (7-axis head) require M71 as process off code to perform pre-rotation correctly. The M73 code should not be used.


(ESSI 110)

SCRIBE ON This code turns on Automatic Height Control and energizes the marking unit in order to mark a scribed path. The markers remain energized until an M75 is programmed. This code should be followed immediately with a motion block. The M74 should only be used after a marker offset code has been programmed, either M45 or M47. The scribe on code begins marking, and assumes that the marker has already been moved into the correct position.


(ESSI 111)

SCRIBE OFF This code de-energizes the marking units and turns off Automatic Height Control to end a scribed path. After all marking or scribing has been finished, a marker offset off code should be issued to turn off the marker offset, either M46 or M48.

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Vision CNC Part Programming


(ESSI 73)

CENTER TORCH CUT OXYGEN OFF For Triple Torch Oxy-Fuel Contour Bevel Units, this code shuts off the center torch cutting oxygen stream.


(ESSI 14)

LEFT TORCH CUT OXYGEN OFF For Triple Torch Oxy-Fuel Contour Bevel Units, this code shuts off the left torch cutting oxygen stream.


(ESSI 16)

RIGHT TORCH CUT OXYGEN OFF For Triple Torch Oxy-Fuel Contour Bevel Units, this code shuts off the right torch cutting oxygen stream.


(ESSI 13)

LEFT TORCH CUT OXYGEN ON For Triple Torch Oxy-Fuel Contour Bevel Units, this code turns on the left torch cutting oxygen stream.


(ESSI 15)

RIGHT TORCH CUT OXYGEN ON For Triple Torch Oxy-Fuel Contour Bevel Units, this code turns on the right torch cutting oxygen stream.

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Section 2: Programming Codes


(ESSI 31+1)

SELECT STATION 1 Selects cutting station number 1. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 1.


(ESSI 31+2)

SELECT STATION 2 Selects cutting station number 2. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 2.


(ESSI 31+3)

SELECT STATION 3 Selects cutting station number 3. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 3.


(ESSI 31+4)

SELECT STATION 4 Selects cutting station number 4. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 4.


(ESSI 31+5)

SELECT STATION 5 Selects cutting station number 5. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 5.


(ESSI 31+6)

SELECT STATION 6 Selects cutting station number 6. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 6.


(ESSI 31+7)

SELECT STATION 7 Selects cutting station number 7. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 7.


(ESSI 31+8)

SELECT STATION 8 Selects cutting station number 8. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 8.


(ESSI 31+9)

SELECT STATION 9 Selects cutting station number 9. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 9.


(ESSI 33+1)

SELECT STATION 10 Selects cutting station number 10. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 10.

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M85 (ESSI 33+2) SELECT STATION 11 Selects cutting station number 11. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 11. M86 (ESSI 33+3) SELECT STATION 12 Selects cutting station number 12. Duplicates the function of G83, but only for station 12. M89 (ESSI 199) MASH The Mash function is used in conjunction with the Programmed Station Selection feature (see section 2.3.3). The Mash function moves all stations to one end of the beam, and clamps them to the beam. The Mash function is executed in the following sequence: 1. All slave carriage band and beam clamps are released. 2. The master carriage drives toward the end of the beam, mashing all slave carriages to the end of the beam. The actual direction of mash and the position to which the master carriage travels are set in the machine constants. 3. All slave carriages are clamped to the beam. 4. All previous station selection is canceled. Following the M89, stations must be first be clamped at the desired spacing. See section 2.3.3 for additional information and programming examples.

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Section 2: Programming Codes



CBU CUTTING OXYGEN ON This code simultaneously turns on cutting oxygen to the left, right and center torches of an optional 3-torch gas contour bevel unit.


CUTTING CYCLE START This information causes the following sequence of events to occur: a. The automatic height control is initiated and selected torches lower to the plate. Then ignitors on all torches turn on. b. The ignitors turn off automatically after five seconds of operation. c. High preheat gases come on and preheat timer starts. d. When the preheat timer has completed its timing, the piercing valve opens, and the gases are switched to "low preheat". e. Machine travel is initiated when the cutting machine oxygen pressure switch closes. (nominally 0 - 20 psi). f. For Contour Bevel applications M70 is CENTER TORCH CUTTING OXYGEN ON.


CUTTING CYCLE STOP This information shuts off all gases and causes the torches to raise approximately 2". With bevel heads, the machine will be in feedhold while the torches are being raised. Resets all Port/Starboard selections.


TORCHES UP This information shuts off the cutting oxygen, but leaves preheat oxygen/fuel gas on, and raises the torches approximately 2" above the plate. This function is used primarily to retract torches during high speed positioning between multiple cuts.

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Vision CNC Part Programming


CENTER BEVEL CUTTING OXYGEN OFF This function is used in conjunction with a triple torch bevel head when the machine is so equipped. It will turn the center torch cutting oxygen off.


LEFT BEVEL CUTTING OXYGEN OFF This function is identical to M77, except it shuts off cutting oxygen to the left bevel torch.


RIGHT BEVEL CUTTING OXYGEN OFF Same as M78, except it is for the right bevel torch.


LEFT BEVEL CUTTING OXYGEN ON This function turns on the cutting oxygen to the left torch of a triple torch bevel head.


RIGHT BEVEL CUTTING OXYGEN This function is the same as M81 except it turns cutting oxygen on to the right bevel torch.


In bevel cutting operation M70 converts to CENTER BEVEL CUTTING OXYGEN ON. The first M-code (M70, 81, or 82) encountered will function to turn AHC on, Ignite, and High Preheat in addition to the normal function. ThelastM-code (M77, 78 or 79) encountered will do an AHC off and raise torches in addition to the normal function of shutting off cutting oxygen.

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Section 2: Programming Codes



Select Imaje device


Rapid move


Delay 0.1 second


Select font type


Select character angle


Use marking speed


Start of text string


Text to be printed


End of text

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Vision CNC Part Programming

2.5 Auxiliary Codes
The Vision has added capabilities that allow for special functions. These special capabilities are not critical to the function of the CNC but allow for easier more convenient programming. R RAPID FEED RATE When placed at the end of a G01, G02, or G03 motion code, that line will be executed at Rapid speed. The "R" is not modal, the speed will return to normal after this line is executed. EIA FORMAT: K (ESSI 40) KERF OFFSET Programmed Kerf Offset allows for changes in Kerf settings within the part program. A programmed kerf value overrides any kerf value entered by the machine operator. "K" followed by the kerf value in thousandths of an inch will load the kerf value into the control's kerf register. EIA FORMAT: Knnn G01 Xn Yn R

ESSI FORMAT: 40+nnn EXAMPLE . . K.250 G1X10.0Y1.0R M67 M65 G1X-1.0Y-1.0 . .

Set kerf width to .250 inch Rapid motion to start point Kerf Left Plasma On Linear Move

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Section 2: Programming Codes

(ESSI 39)

FEED RATE Programmed Feedrate provides feedrate changes during automatic program execution. "F" followed by the feedrate in inches per minute will cause a feedrate change upon execution of this block. Operator override of feedrate is still functional. EIA FORMAT: Fnnn

ESSI FORMAT: 39+nnn The following program cuts a 10 x 10 inch square with a 4 inch hole in the center. The hole is cut at 75 inches per minute, the square is cut at 100 inches per minute. EXAMPLE G91 G00 X5.0 Y-6.5 F75 M65 G03 J-.25 G03 J2.0 G03 J.25 M66 G00 X-5.5 Y6.5 F100 M65 G01 X10.5 Y-10.0 X-10.0 Y10.5 M66 D3 (ESSI 3) Incremental Mode Rapid move to 1st pierce point Set Feed rate at 75 IPM Plasma On Lead In Cut Circle Lead Out Plasma Off Rapid move to 2nd pierce point Set Feed rate at 100 IPM Plasma On Cut Square . . . Plasma Off COMMENTS ON This code signals the beginning of comments, which are ignored by the controller during program processing. Comments must be ended by a code D4 (ESSI 4). D4 (ESSI 4) COMMENTS OFF This code signals the end of comments.

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D100 (ESSI 100)

OMIT BLOCK ON This code marks the beginning of a block which may be optionally omitted. The end of the block must be marked by a code D101 (ESSI 101). Using these codes, a group of program lines may be optionally omitted, or skipped, depending on whether the machine operator enables the Optional Block Skipping Feature. When Optional Block Skipping is turned on, all program lines between code D100 (ESSI 100) and code D101 (ESSI 101) are skipped. When Optional Block Skipping is turned off, those program lines are executed normally.

D101 (ESSI 101)

OMIT BLOCK OFF This code marks the end of an optional block.

(ESSI 10)

SELECT CUTTING DATA FILE The Q code is used to select a Cutting Data File (SDP file) which contains cutting parameters for the desired plate material and thickness. The ability to use SDP Files is an optional feature of the Vision CNC, and is used extensively with Plasma Bevel Systems. SDP files allow storage of a complete set of process parameters, which can then be recalled manually, or by the part program. This information must appear on a line by itself. EIA FORMAT: Qnnn

ESSI FORMAT: 10+nnn EXAMPLE G91 Q375 G00 X5.0 Y-6.5 M65 P160n (n = process #) n = 1 Plasma n = 2 Oxy/Fuel n = 6 Pr. Plasma n = 11 Waterjet Incremental Mode Call SDP file 375.SDP Rapid move to 1st pierce point Plasma On PRESET PROCESS Pre-select process to insure correct kerf.

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Section 4: Programming Techniques 3


Programming Techniques
Programming A Straight Line
+X (14, -6)

A straight line is programmed by specifying the endpoint of the line. Normally, a straight line is programmed with a G01. However, if the movement is to be at rapid speed, then a G00 is used.

(4, -1) +Y -Y


3.1.1 Incremental
In incremental, the dimension specified is the displacement from the start point of the line. If there is motion only in one axis, then other axis dimension need not be programmed. EXAMPLE G01 X+10.0 Y-5.0

3.1.2 Absolute
In absolute, the dimension specified is the absolute coordinate of the endpoint. If a dimension is omitted, it is assumed that the endpoint in that axis is a the same absolute dimension as the start point. EXAMPLE G01 X+14.0 Y-6.0

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Vision CNC Part Programming

3.2 Programming An Arc
+X (14, -11)

An arc is programmed by specifying the endpoint and center point of the arc.

(4, -1) +Y

(4, -11) -Y


3.2.1 Incremental
In incremental, both the endpoint and center point dimensions are specified as the displacement from the start point. EXAMPLE G02 X10.0 Y-10.0 I0 J-10.0

3.2.2 Absolute
In absolute, both the endpoint and center point dimensions are specified as the absolute coordinates of those points. If a dimension is omitted, then it is assumed that the absolute position of that point is the same as the start point. EXAMPLE G02 X14.0 Y-11.0 I4.0 J-11.0

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Section 4: Programming Techniques

3.3 Programming A Circle

A complete circle is programmed by specifying the center point of the circle.

(11, -4)

(4, -4) +Y (0, 0) -Y


3.3.1 Incremental
In incremental, center point dimensions are specified as the displacement from the start point. The endpoint need not be specified, since the displacement is zero. EXAMPLE G02 I7.0

3.3.2 Absolute
In absolute, the center point dimensions are specified as the absolute coordinates of that point. The endpoint need not be specified, since the control will assume the X and Y dimension to be unchanged from the current position. EXAMPLE G02 I11.0

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Vision CNC Part Programming 4 General Rules Of Programming

Below are some general rules of programming as demonstrated in the example programs. Cut direction should generally be clockwise on the outside perimeter of a part, counter clockwise on any inner perimeter. This is due to the assumption that any part program may be used for plasma cutting. When plasma cutting, the physics of the arc result in a straighter part edge on the right side of the cut then on the left. Therefore, the good part should always be kept to the right of the cut, the scrap to the left. This also allows the use of Kerf Left (M67) for both the ID and OD.

Cut direction: Clockwise on outer perimeter. Counter-clockwise on inner perimeters.

Parts should generally have their index point in the lower right corner, with the pierce point and lead-in point at the upper right corner. This is due to the general principle that when oxy-fuel cutting, the last side of the part to be cut should be attached to the largest part of the plate. Therefore, when cutting clockwise around the perimeter of a square, the first cut would be down the right side, and the last cut would be from left to right across the top. This assumes that the part is being cut near the end of the plate closest to the operator.

Cut order: Last cut attached to the largest part of the plate.
M-Codes may be on the same line as a programmed movement, but for clarity should be placed on a separate line. If an M-Code is included on a line with a programmed movement, the M-Code is always executed first. Kerf On and Kerf Off M-Codes must always be done while the cutting process is turned off. Page 55

Section 4: General Rules Of Programming

This means that you should program Kerf On before the process on code, and program Kerf Off after the process off code. Failure to do so will cause the machine to execute the kerf compensation movement while the process is on, possibly damaging the part which is being cut An M71 code should only be used when you are sure that all cutting is finished. If a part is going to be cut repeatedly, or used in a nest, the M73 code should be used instead. Doing so will save time and gas by avoiding the unnecessary ignite cycle for each pierce. The Vision control interprets process M-Codes differently depending upon which stations are turned on. For example; on a machine with both plasma and oxy-fuel process, if the plasma station is turned on, either an M65 or an M70 will start the plasma pierce cycle. Because of this capability, the Vision control will only allow the operator to turn on one type of station at a time. If a program is going to be cut repeatedly, or in a nest, the return to index point may be omitted. When nesting or doing repetitions on the Vision, the control will automatically move the machine from the end point of one program to the start point of the next program, regardless of where those points are located. Therefore, eliminating the return to index point may save time in the cutting operation. If machine motion needs to be stopped at a specific point during the program execution, an M0 may be programmed. This command halts machine motion. Continuation of the program does not resume until the START button is pressed.

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Vision CNC Part Programming 5


Programming Examples
Program Example 1

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Section 6: Programming Examples

The following programs illustrate the use of common M-Codes and programming techniques. Here is how it would be programmed:

1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: Page 58

G91 M47 G00 X8.0 Y2.0 M60 X-5.25 Y2.0 M60 X-1.5 M60 Y1.0 M60 X1.5 M60 X-.75 Y-2.0 M74 Y4.0 M75 X1.0 Y-1.0 M74 X-2.0 M75 M48 X4.25 Y-.75 M0 F25 M67 M70 G03 X.75 Y-.75 I.75 G03 J1.5 G03 X.75 Y.75 J.75 M73 M69 G00 X3.5 Y-5.25 M67 M70 G01 X-8.75 G02 X-1.5 Y1.5 J+1.5 G01 Y6.75 G02 X.50 Y.50 I+.50 G01 X8.75 Y-9.25 M71 M69 G00 X-9.25 Y.50


Vision CNC Part Programming

5.2 Program Example 2

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Section 6: Programming Examples

This program example, illustrates the difference between Incremental and Absolute programming of the same shape.

Incremental Program 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: G91 G00 X3.95 M67 M70 G01 X-3.2 G03 X-.75 Y.75 I-.75 G01 Y1.09 X.5 Y.29 G03 X.37 Y.37 I-.5 J+.87 G01 X.29 Y.5 X1.79 X1.15 Y-1.15 G02 Y-.7 I-.35 J-.35 G01 X-1.65 Y-1.65 M73 M69 G00 X-2.45 Y.5 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17:

Absolute Program G90 G00 X3.95 M67 M70 G01 X.75 G03 X.75 Y0 I0 J0 G01 Y1.84 X50 Y2.13 G03 X.87 Y2.50 J3.0 G01 X1.16 Y3.0 X2.95 Y3.0 G01 X4.1 Y1.85 G02 X4.1 Y1.15 I3.75 J1.5 G01 X2.45 Y-.5 M73 M69 G00 X0 Y0

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Vision CNC Part Programming

5.3 Program Example 3
The WES Test pattern (per WES 6601-1980) is used to check machine accuracy. This program can be run while using a tracing pen mounted to one of the carriages in order to trace the machine's movements on paper. The pattern produced is ideal for checking machine squareness, positioning accuracy, and repeatability. This sample also illustrates the difference between Inch and metric programming.

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Section 6: Programming Examples

Program: Inch 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: G91 G70 G01 Y-31.496 X31.496 Y31.496 X-31.496 Y-15.748 X15.748 Y-15.748 X15.748 Y15.748 X-15.748 Y15.748 X-15.748 Y-15.748 X31.496 Y-15.748 X-15.748 Y31.496 X-15.748 Y-31.496 X31.496 Y15.748 X-31.496 Y15.748 X15.748 Y-31.496 X15.748 Y31.496 X-31.496 X31.496 Y-31.496 Y31.496 X-31.496 Y-31.496 X15.748 Y31.496 X15.748 Y-15.748 X-31.496 G02 I15.748 G01 X.079 G03 I15.669 G01 X8.7 G03 I6.968 G01 X-.079 G02 I7.047 Metric G91 G71 G01 Y-800.0 X800.0 Y800.0 X-800.0 Y-400.0 X400.0 Y-400.0 X400.0 Y400.0 X-400.0 Y400.0 X-400.0 Y-400.0 X800.0 Y-400.0 X-400.0 Y800.0 X-400.0 Y-800.0 X800.0 Y400.0 X-800.0 Y400.0 X400.0 Y-800.0 X400.0 Y800.0 X-800.0 X800.0 Y-800.0 Y800.0 X-800.0 Y-800.0 X400.0 Y800.0 X400.0 Y-400.0 X-800.0 G02 I400.0 G01 X2.0 G03 I398.0 G01 X221.0 G03 I177.0 G01 X-2.0 G02 I179.0

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Vision CNC Part Programming 6


Programming SDP Files

Introduction to SDP Files
SDP Files, also known as Process Parameter Files, are an optional feature of the Vision CNC system. The Vision CNC allows the user to store multiple process parameter files. These files, called SDP files, (SchneidDatenPaket = Cutting Data Package), contain all of the same information that can be manually adjusted on the process parameter screen. When an SDP file is loaded into memory, it overwrites the values that were previously set on the process parameter screen. Therefore, instead of having to manually readjust the parameters for each type of material or thickness, the operator can simply load the SDP file which contains the parameters for that material.


Creating SDP Files

An SDP file can be created using any ASCII text editor, such as Microsoft Windows Notepad, or the MS-DOS EDIT program. An SDP file may have any filename, up to 8 characters long*, but it must have the filename extension .SDP. The .SDP extension allows the Vision CNC to recognize the file as an SDP file. The filename should be chosen so that it indicates the material, nozzle, and/or plate thickness, and should not include any symbols or characters other than letters, numbers, the underline (_), and the hyphen (-). * The Vision NT and Vision PC allow long file names.

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Section 6: Programming SDP Files

6.3 SDP File Format
An SDP file contains: Up to eight cutting records.

A cutting record contains the following information: Process number Organization program call (optional) Cutting record name (optional) Kerf width parameter (optional) Feed rate parameter (optional) up to 20 cutting parameters*.

Each cutting parameter contains the following information: Parameter Code Default value Lower editing limit (optional) Upper editing limit (optional)

* The Vision NT and Vision PC allow up to 40 parameters.

6.3.1 Process Number (Nx)

Each cutting record must be identified by a specific process number. To determine the process number, refer to the PARAM.CUT file. For this example, N1 is the process number for Plasma Process.

6.3.2 Designation Lines ((..))

The Designation Lines are used strictly for display purposes, to give the operator information about the SDP file that has been loaded. The text of the Designation Line will appear at the top of the process screen after the SDP file is loaded. A Designation Line must be on one line, and enclosed in parenthesis. There may be up to two Designation Lines lines. The Designation Line must be all capital letters, with no special characters allowed. A message should be chosen which indicates the purpose of the SDP file. On the Vision 500 and Vision 1000, a single line of up to 38 characters can be displayed. Page 64

Vision CNC Part Programming

On the Vision 2000, Vision 2000C, Vision 3000, Vision NT and Vision PC, two lines of up to 40 characters can be displayed. Some example Designation Lines: EXAMPLE (ALUMINUM-N2-N2CH4, PT24, 30 AMP) (.062 INCH - 1.575 MILLIMETERS)

6.3.3 Organization Program Call (M=FILENAME)

Organization Programs are used in conjunction with the ESAB Programmable Plasma Bevel System. They contain correction data for a range of thicknesses of a specific type of material. Multiple Organization Programs may be required for different applications. In order to automate the selection of the Organization Program, the name of the Organization Program can be called from the SDP file. The format is (M=FILENAME), where FILENAME is the name of the Organization Program. This must be written in all capital letters, and the filename extension .ORG is not included. This call must appear on the first line after the Process Number (N1). Since one Organization Program can contain data for many different thicknesses, it is also necessary to select the desired thickness setting. This can be done manually by the operator, or it can also be included in the SDP file. To specify the thickness from the SDP file, include the thickness setting in the Organization Program Call, according to the format: (M=FILENAME S=XXXX), where XXXX is the plate thickness in 1/1000 inch or 1/10 mm. One space must be included between the Organization Program filename and the S code for plate strength. The Organization Program Call takes the place of the Designation Line, and is also displayed in the Parameter Window.

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Section 6: Programming SDP Files

6.3.4 Cutting Record Flags (Mb)
Some processes may require use of the Cutting Record Flags. This is a list of 16 binary flags, meaning that they are either 1 or 0. The list is preceded by the code letter M. In an SDP file, the Cutting Record Flag might appear as shown below: M0000000000100000 The Cutting Record Flag, when present, is used by the Machine Interface Program (MIP) to select specific process handling. Each of the 16 binary flags can have a specific meaning when read by MIP. If the Cutting Record Flag is present in SDP files for a specific process, then it must be present in all SDP files created for that process. Since the use of the flag is dependent on the MIP, contact ESAB for specific information on a particular machine.

6.3.5 Kerf Width Parameter (Kx)

A Kerf Width parameter may be included in each cutting record. The format is the letter K followed by the kerf value. A decimal point may be programmed. The kerf value entered here is activated when the cutting record is read into memory. It becomes the default value displayed on the Automatic Setup Screen.

6.3.6 Feed Rate Parameter (Fx)

A Feed Rate parameter may be included in each cutting record. The format is the capital letter F followed by the feed rate value. A decimal point can not be included. The feed rate entered here is activated when the cutting record is read into memory. It will become the default value displayed on the program preparation screen. A feed rate value in the cutting record overrides any previously set feedrate, and will be overridden by any subsequent feedrate parameters in the part program.

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Vision CNC Part Programming

6.3.7 Cutting Parameters (Px, Tx)
Each cutting parameter contains a Parameter Code, a Default Value, a Lower Editing Limit, and an Upper Editing Limit. Parameter codes have the format Px or Tx, representing either an analog Process parameter or a Time parameter. Therefore, the format for a cutting parameter is one of these: Px Tx Wx Wx Ux Ux Qx Qx

Wx x is the default value Ux x is the lower editing limit Qx x is the upper editing limit When these parameters are read, they will override the previous set of parameter in the process parameter window. The upper and lower editing limit set the range of adjustment in which the machine operator can change that parameter using the Handwheel in the process parameter window. The default value for time parameters must be specified in seconds. One decimal place is always used. The maximum range is from 0.0 to 600.0 seconds. To find out the actual parameter codes available on a specific machine, refer to that machines PARAM.CUT file. Located in the system directory (\ANC or \WINANC) on the Vision CNCs system disk drive, the PARAM.CUT file contains the text descriptions of each process and time parameter available on that machine, and the default parameter settings. The sample PARAM.CUT file listed below contains two processes, plasma and oxy-fuel. @>T ;PARAM.CUT ;TIMER TEXT ;TEXT FOR ANALOG CHANNEL P100 E"" P101 E"" X"STANDOFF" X"INITIAL HEIGHT" Header information

Parameter codes and text descriptions of all available Process Parameters for this machine. Page 67

Section 6: Programming SDP Files

P102 P103 P104 P106 P105 T8 T12 T21 T13 T10 T1 T14 T2 T9 T5 T15 T18 T16 T6 T3 T4 @>D N1 P100 P101 P102 P103 P104 P106 P105 T8 T12 T21 T13 T10 T1 T14 T2 T9 T5 T15 N2 P100 T3 T4 T5 T6 T16 T18 E"PSI" E"PSI" E"PSI" E"PSI" E"AMP" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" E"SEC" X"START GAS FLOW" X"CUT GAS FLOW" X"START SHIELD GAS" X"SHIELD GAS" X"REMOTE CURRENT" X"COOLING WATER DELAY" X"PLASMA PREFLOW TIME" X"PRE SWITCH CUT GAS" X"HIGH VOLT DELAY" X"PLASMA FIRING TIME" X"PLASMA RISE ON PIERCE" X"PLASMA PIERCE TIME" X"PLASMA TRAVEL DELAY" X"SHIELD GAS DELAY" X"MASTER UP" X"PLASMA POSTFLOW" X"ALL DOWN TIME" X"GAS IGNITE TIME" X"PREHEAT TIME" X"GAS PIERCE TIME" X"GAS TRAVEL DELAY" Process Number for Plasma Process (N1) Listing of Process Parameters used with Plasma Process, and their default settings. Parameter codes and text descriptions of all available Time Parameters for this machine.

; Plasma Process W140 W28 W28.6 W60.0 W00.0 W50.5 W260.0 W2.0 W2.0 W0.1 W0.5 W4.0 W0.0 W0.0 W0.0 W0.3 W2.0 W1.0 U66 U0 U0.0 U0.0 U0.0 U0.0 U100.0 U2.0 U2.0 U0.0 U0.5 U4.0 U0.0 U0.0 U0.0 U0.0 U0.0 U1.0 Q200 Q100 Q100.0 Q100.0 Q100.0 Q100.0 Q600.0 Q50.0 Q50.0 Q50.0 Q50.0 Q4.0 Q50.0 Q50.0 Q50.0 Q50.0 Q50.0 Q50.0

Listing of Time Parameters used with Plasma Process, and their default settings.

; Oxy fuel Process W120 W0.8 W1.0 W2.0 W5.0 W5.0 W0.5 U66 U0.0 U0.0 U0.3 U0.3 U0.3 U0.3 Q200 Q50.0 Q50.0 Q50.0 Q300.0 Q50.0 Q50.0

Process Number for Oxy-Fuel Process (N2) Listing of Process Parameters used with OxyFuel Process. Listing of Time Parameters used with Oxy-Fuel Process.

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In this sample PARAM.CUT file, the Parameter Code for START GAS FLOW is P102. The Parameter Code for PLASMA PIERCE TIME is T14. For the actual parameter codes used on a specific machine, refer to that machines PARAM.CUT file.

6.3.8 Special Formatting

The SDP files must be included between code words, which mark the beginning and end of the file. The beginning of the file is marked with the code word SP_BEGINN; the end of the file is marked with the code word SP_ENDE. These code words must be written in capital letters. In order for the SDP file to be called from within a part program, it must be enclosed by the comment function D3 and D4 in EIA code, 3 and 4 in ESSI. This allows it to be read as comments at run-time.

Comments should be used as much as possible in your SDP files, in order to document the purpose and function of the file itself, as well as each statement in the file. A comment is signaled by the semicolon ( ; ) and is legal on any line of the SDP file. It may be on a line by itself, or at the end of a line containing another statement. Everything on a line after the semicolon is ignored. Examples of comments in an SDP file: EXAMPLE ; THE FOLLOWING LINE SETS THE KERF K0.200 ; KERF SET TO 200 MIL

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Section 6: Programming SDP Files

6.4 Example SDP files
For a particular application, most SDP files will contain all the same information, with different values for the various parameters. The following sample SDP file uses many of the available parameters for the plasma process, as defined in the sample PARAM.CUT file above. The right column below gives an explanation of each line.

SDP File
D3 SP_BEGINN ; PLASMA - PT15 ; CUTTING AMPERAGE 260 AMPS N1 ; PLASMA PROCESS (PT-15XL OXYGEN PLASMA) (1/2 INCH CARBON STEEL) K.2 F150 P100 W160 U66 Q200 P101 W50 U0 Q100 P102 W28.6 U0.0 Q100.0 P103 W60.0 U0.0 Q100.0 P104 W26.0 U0.0 Q100.0 P106 W50.5 U0.0 Q100.0 P105 W260.0 U100.0 Q600.0 T10 W4.0 U4.0 Q4.0 T1 W1.0 U0.0 Q50.0 T14 W0.0 U0.0 Q50.0 T2 W1.0 U0.0 Q50.0 SP_ENDE D4

EIA Code for Begin Comments. Code word for start of file. Comments Comments Process Number for plasma cutting. Select Organization Program and plate thickness. Designation Line Kerf width parameter. Feed rate parameter. Standoff Parameter. Initial Height Parameter. Start Gas Flow Parameter. Cut Gas Flow Parameter. Start Shield Gas Parameter. Shield Gas Parameter. Remote Current Parameter. Plasma Firing Time Parameter. Plasma Rise On Pierce Parameter. Plasma Pierce Time Parameter. Plasma Travel Delay Parameter. Code word for end of file. EIA Code for End Comments.

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6.5 Using SDP Files
SDP files can be used in two different ways. They can be manually selected and loaded by the operator, or they can be called from within a part program as a macro call.

6.5.1 Manually Loading SDP Files

To manually load an SDP file at the controller, press F3 in the parameter window. To access the parameters window, press ShiftProcess Window button. Press F3, Select SDP File. A selection box will appear listing all of the SDP files which are found on the disk. Use the Handwheel to scroll through the list, and press F1 to select the desired file. The file will be loaded, and the parameter values from the file will overwrite any previously changed values on screen.

6.5.2 Loading SDP Files Via Part Program

To call an SDP file from within a part program, the code letter Q is used to prefix the SDP file name. If used, this call must appear on a line by itself. EIA FORMAT: Q<filename>.SDP

ESSI FORMAT: 10+<filename>.SDP EXAMPLE G91 Q5C260375.SDP G00 X5.0 Y-6.5 M65 . . . Incremental Mode Call SDP file 5C260375.SDP Rapid move to 1st pierce point Plasma On

The parameters from the file will be loaded at run time, and will be used during program execution. However, any Feedrate value or Kerf value in an SDP file that is loaded by a program will not overwrite the values displayed in the Automatic Setup Screen.

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Section 6: Programming SDP Files

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