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Broadcast Engineering

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Electronics Systems and Technologies

Melvin C. Arceo

ANDRADE, Caroline T.
1. In stereophonic broadcast, the center frequency of each SCA subcarrier shall be kept at
all times within ____ Hz of the authorized frequency.

A. 200
B. 300
C. 400
D. 500

2. Sawtooth generator circuits produce the scanning raster, but the sync pulses are needed

A. Linearity
B. Timing
C. Keystoning
D. Line pairing

3. Which of the following camera tubes has minimum lag?

A. Vidicon
B. Plumbicon
C. Saticon
D. Iconoscope

4. The service area in standard AM broadcast is described as ____ if there is no fading


A. Class A
B. Secondary
C. Class B
D. Primary

5. The vertical field-scanning frequency is _____ Hz.

A. 30
B. 60
C. 525
D. 15,750

6. A 4.5-MHz signal which is equal to the difference between the picture and sound RF
carrier frequencies in a 6-MHz TV channel.

A. Audio frequency
B. Video frequency
C. Intercarrier frequency
D. Subcarrier frequency
7. A system where the modulated RF picture and sound carrier signals are distributed in a
cable network, instead of wireless system.


8. A class A FM station is limited in antenna height of _____ feet above average terrain.

A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 4000
D. 5000

9. What circuit in the TV receiver is used to develop the high voltage needed to operate the
picture tube?

A. Low-voltage power supply

B. Horizontal output
C. Vertical output
D. Sync separator

10. The modulated picture carrier wave includes the composite video signal as the

A. Average carrier level

B. Symmetric envelope of amplitude variations
C. Lower sideband without the upper sideband
D. Upper envelope without the lower envelope

11. With which emission type is the capture-effect more pronounced?


12. The hue of color sync phase is

A. Red
B. Cyan
C. Blue
D. Yellow-green

13. How much is the equivalent internal resistance of the electron beam with a 1.2-mA beam
current at 25 kV?

A. 48 nano ohms
B. 30 ohms
C. 20.8 mega ohms
D. 15.6 kilo ohms

14. The difference between the picture and sound carrier frequencies for channel 3 is ____

A. 3.58
B. 64.5
C. 4.5
D. 6.75

15. Refers to the deviation of the operating frequency of a crystal oscillator from its nominal
value due to temperature variations.

A. Drift
B. Flashover
C. Frequency deviation
D. Deviation ratio

16. It is the measure of how many picture elements can be reproduced

A. Definition
B. Resolution
C. Detail
D. Any of these

17. A 3.58-MHz subcarrier signal for color in television

A. Hue signal
B. Video signal
C. Audio signal
D. Chroma signal
18. A class D FM station shall have an authorized power not exceeding _____ watts.

A. 20
B. 15
C. 10
D. 5

19. Which of the following is not a benefit of cable TV?

A. Lower-cost reception
B. Greater stability
C. Less noise, stronger signal
D. Premium cable channels

20. The width of the vertical sync pulse in the Philippine TV system is

A. 21H
B. 3H
C. H
D. 0.5H

21. Term in communication which is referred, “ to send out in all direction “

A. Announce
B. Broadcast
C. Transmit
D. Media

22. The number of frames per second in the Philippine TV system is

A. 60
B. 262 ½
C. 4.5
D. 30

23. It means multiple outlines of edges to the right in the picture.

A. Ghosting
B. Ringing
C. Fading
D. Snowing
24. In the sawtooth waveform for linear scanning,

A. The linear rise is for flyback

B. The complete cycle includes trace and retrace
C. The sharp reversal in amplitude produces trace
D. The beam moves faster during trace and retrace

25. The purpose of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in FM broadcasting is to :

A. Increase the high frequency amplitude

B. Improve the audio harmonic
C. Decrease the low frequency amplitude
D. Improve the S/N ratio

26. The part of the visible spectrum where camera pickup tubes have the greatest output is

A. Red
B. Blue
C. Yellow-green
D. Infrared

27. The type of modulation of the sound carrier signal is ________.

A. Pulse modulation
B. Phase modulation
C. Amplitude modulation
D. Frequency modulation

28. A video or audio signal that can be used directly to reproduce the picture and sound.

A. Baseband signal
B. Broadband signal
C. Electromagnetic wave signal
D. Modulated signal

29. Class B FM station should have an ERP not exceeding ____ kW.

A. 50
B. 40
C. 30
D. 20

30. What technique is used to permit hundreds of TV signals to share a common cable?

A. Frequency modulation
B. Mixing
C. Frequency division multiplexing
D. Time division multiplexing

31. Another name for the horizontal retrace in a TV receiver is the

A. Ringing
B. Burst
C. Damper
D. Flyback

32. In the Philippine color television system, the intercarrier frequency, in MHz, is

A. 3.58
B. 3.579545
C. 4.5
D. 45.75

33. In channel 14 (470 to 476 MHz), the 3.58-MHz color signal is transmitted at

A. 471.25 MHz
B. 473.25 MHz
C. 474.83 MHz
D. 475.25 MHz

34. Interfaced scanning eliminates

A. Snowing
B. Flicker
C. Distortion
D. Fading

35. Beam alignment magnets for the camera tube are adjusted while rocking which control?

A. Optical focus
B. Electrical focus
C. Beam current
D. Shading

36. What is the frequency discriminator?

A. An FM generator
B. A circuit for detecting FM
C. A circuit for filtering two closely adjacent signals
D. An automatic bandwidth circuit

37. A system used in television field operation to make on the spot video tape recordings
using portable TV cameras and VTRs.


38. Class B FM station shall have an authorized transmitter power not exceeding ______ kW.

A. 10
B. 100
C. 1000
D. 10000

39. The total bandwidth of an NTSC TV signal is

A. 3.58 MHz
B. 4.5 MHz
C. 6 MHz
D. 10.7 MHz

40. Referred to the oscillator signal “leak through” from a property neutralized amplifier such
as a master oscillator power amplifier.

A. Carrier
B. Stray signal
C. Back wave
D. Loss wave

41. Interfacing is used in television to

A. Produce the illusion of motion
B. Ensure that all lines on the screen are scanned, not merely the alternate ones
C. Simplify the vertical sync pulse train
D. Avoid flicker

42. Coaxial cable for distribution system has an impedance of

A. 50 ohms
B. 75 ohms
C. 150 ohms
D. 300 ohms

43. The average voltage value of the 3.58-MHz modulated chrominance signal is

A. Zero for most colors

B. Close to black for yellow
C. The brightness of the color
D. The saturation of the color

44. When does broadcast station conduct an equipment test?

A. During day time

B. During night time
C. During experimental period
D. At any time

45. It causes the picture information to spread out or crowded at one end of the raster
compared to the opposite end.

A. Linear scanning
B. Interfaced scanning
C. Non-linear scanning
D. Retrace

46. If the camera cannot be placed far away enough to include everything in the scene,
change the lens to one with a

A. Lower f rating
B. Higher f rating
C. Longer focal length
D. Shorter focal length

47. Type of radio communication transmission utilizing frequency modulation technique

A. Television video
B. Broadcasting in 535-1606 kHz
C. Single sideband HF transmission
D. Television audio

48. The amount of color in the picture or color intensity is the ______.

A. Color level
B. Chroma level
C. Saturation
D. Any of these

49. One of the early radio transmitters which produced keyed carrier generating purer
waveform than spark transmitter, used for high powered RF transmission and are limited
to radio frequency of about 500 kHz.

A. Arc transmitter
B. Hartley transmitter
C. Spark transmitter
D. Frequency transmitter

50. A technique where segments of videotape are joined by electronic erasing and recording
to create a single program.

A. Masking
B. Segmenting
C. Editing
D. Programming

51. A class C FM station has an authorized radiated power not exceeding ____watts of ERP.

A. 500
B. 750
C. 1000
D. 2000
52. The assembly around the neck of a picture tube that produces the magnetic fields that
deflect and scan the electron beams is called the

A. Shadow mask
B. Phosphor
C. Electron gun
D. Yoke

53. An odd number of lines per frame forms part of every one of the world’s TV systems.
This is

A. Done to assist interlace

B. Purely an accident
C. To ensure that line and frame frequencies can be obtained from the same original
D. Done to minimize interference with the chroma subcarrier

54. The difference between the sound carrier and the color signal is

A. 4.5 MHz
B. 1.25 MHz
C. 0.92 MHz
D. 0.25 MHz

55. In color television, it is made for uniform color in the raster.

A. Beam-landing adjustment
B. Degaussing
C. Internal blanking adjustment
D. Background control

56. Which of the following camera tubes uses load oxide for the photoconductive target

A. Vidicon
B. Plumbicon
C. Saticon
D. Image orthicon

57. The number of fields is _____ per frame.

A. 2
B. 60
C. 525
D. 262 ½

58. An RF carrier wave that is frequency-modulated by the baseband audio signal in TV


A. Audio signal
B. Video Signal
C. Intercarrier signal
D. Color signal

59. A class B FM station is limited in antenna height of _____ feet.

A. 1000
B. 500
C. 250
D. 100

60. The HV anode supply for the picture tube of a TV receiver is generated in the

A. Mains transformer
B. Vertical output stage
C. Horizontal output stage
D. Horizontal deflection oscillator

61. A tap for the subscriber drop line has a

A. High insertion loss

B. High tap loss
C. Low tap loss
D. 300-ohm

62. Which system can be used for both recording and playback?

C. Laser disk
63. The hue 180 degrees out of phase with red is

A. Cyan
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. Blue

64. It is used around the phosphor dots to make a darker black which improves contrast in the
A. Black masking
B. Convergence adjustment
C. Shadow masking
D. Color purity adjustment

65. A lens lower f rating is ____ lens that allows more light input.

A. Slower
B. Wider
C. Narrower
D. Faster

66. Picture frames are repeated at the rate of ____ per second.

A. 30
B. 60
C. 45
D. 50

67. The effective radiated power of a class A FM station should not exceed _____ kW.

A. 125
B. 30
C. 10
D. 1

68. In television, 4:3 represents the

A. Interface ratio
B. Maximum horizontal deflection
C. Aspect ratio
D. Ratio of the two diagonals
69. Titling the video head gaps is necessary with the

A. Color-under
B. Zero guard bands
C. FM luminance signal
D. Long-play tapes

70. It is a special camera tube with a test pattern in the image plate.

A. Vidicon
B. Monoscope
C. Oscilloscope
D. Iconoscope

71. The number of lines scanned per frame in the raster on the picture tube screen is

A. 525
B. 262 ½
C. 20
D. 10

72. One of the following is a high powered RF ac basic transmitter that has two or more
stages, the oscillator stage which determines the frequency of operation and RF amplifier
stage or stages that develop the high power output. The purpose of which is to develop a
good frequency stability.

B. Hartley
C. Alexanderson
D. Goldsmith

73. Camera signal output without sync is called ______.

A. Black burst
B. Generator lock video
C. Composite video
D. Non-composite video

74. The tint of the color is its

A. Brightness
B. Contrast
C. Chroma
D. Hue

75. Which frequency band is the standard AM radio broadcast?


76. The I and Q composite color signals are multiplexed onto the picture carrier by
modulating a 3.58 MHz subcarrier using

D. Vestigial sideband AM

77. The shadow mask in a color picture tube is used to

A. Reduce X-ray emission

B. Ensure that each beam hits only its own dots
C. Increase screen brightness
D. Provide degaussing for the screen

78. The video heads rotate at high velocity to increase the

A. Tape speed
B. Writing speed
C. Reel rotation
D. Tape tension

79. How ho you eliminate radio frequency variation of an oscillator transmitter caused by its
supply voltage?

A. Use of regulated power supply

B. Use of new power supply
C. Use of high capacitor in the supply circuit
D. Loosen power supply shielding
80. The composite video signal includes the camera signal with the following except

A. Picture information
B. Sync pulses
C. Blanking pulses
D. Camera signal

81. A lens has an 8-cm focal length and 4-cm diameter. Its f rating is

A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 32

82. Which of the following is a possible cause for an abrupt frequency variation in a self-
excited transmitter oscillator circuits resulting a poor frequency stability to hold a
constant frequency oscillation?

A. DC and RF AC heating of resistor which cause a change in values

B. Heating and expansion of oscillator coil
C. Heating of capacitor in the oscillator
D. Power supply voltage changes

83. How long does it take to scan 2 picture elements when 400 are scanned in 50

A. 25 microsec
B. 0.25 microsec
C. 2.5 microsec
D. 0.5 microsec

84. Anode voltage for the picture tube, developed from the output of the horizontal deflection

A. Yoke voltage
B. Flyback voltage
C. Aquadag voltage
D. Tube voltage

85. The channel spacing in the Philippine FM broadcast standards

A. 400 kHz
B. 800 kHz
C. 600 kHz
D. 200 kHz

86. What is the black-and-white or monochrome brightness signal in TV called?

B. Color subcarrier
C. Q and I
D. Luminance Y

87. Which of the following is a midband cable TV channel?

A. 6
B. 7
C. 14
D. 23

88. What is the primary purpose of an RF amplifier in a receiver?

A. To vary the receiver image rejection by utilizing the AGC

B. To provide most of the receiver gain
C. To develop the AGC voltage
D. To improve the receiver’s noise figure

89. The color with the most luminance is

A. Red
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. Blue

90. It is the light flux intercepted by one-foot-square surface that is one foot from one-
candlepower source.

A. Candela
B. Footcandle
C. Lux
D. Lumens
91. Refers to the possible cause for an abrupt frequency variations in a self-excited
transmitter oscillator circuit resulting to a poor frequency stability to hold a constant

A. Poor soldered connections

B. Heating of capacitor in the oscillator
C. DC and AC heating of resistors which cause change in values
D. Aging which cause change in condition in parts characteristics

92. It is the difference in intensity between the black parts and white parts of the picture.

A. Brightness
B. Hue
C. Contrast
D. Illumination

93. The stereophonic subcarrier suppression level in the Philippines standards

A. Less than 4% modulation of the main carrier

B. Less than 3% modulation of the main carrier
C. Less than 2% modulation of the main carrier
D. Less than 1% modulation of the main carrier

94. The sound IF in a TV receiver is

A. 4.5 MHz
B. 10.7 MHz
C. 41.25 MHz
D. 45.75 MHz

95. The circuit separates sync pulse from the composite video waveform is

A. The keyed AGC amplifier

B. A clipper
C. An integrator
D. A differentiator

96. In the CED system, the disk capacitance varies with the

A. Pit depth
B. Disk size
C. Speed of rotation
D. Wavelength of the scanning light

97. The final power amplifier in an FM transmitter usually operates class _____

B. C
C. B
D. A

98. In a picture tube, it is the total angle that the beam can be deflected without touching the
sides of the envelope.

A. Screen angle
B. Tube angle
C. Picture angle
D. Deflection angle

99. It is necessary to time the scanning with respect to picture information.

A. Flyback
B. Synchronization
C. Blanking
D. Scanning

100. The intermediate frequency used in for FM broadcasting Philippine standards.

A. 455 kHz
B. 10.7 MHz
C. 11.4 MHz
D. 12.5 MHz

101. What is the horizontal scanning time for 20 pixels?

A. 2.5 microsec
B. 0.25 microsec
C. 1.25 microsec
D. 125 microsec

102. In basic radio transmitter, the main advantage of a single-tube transmitter is

A. Frequency instability
B. Non-portable
C. Heating effect
D. Bulky

103. The carrier transmitted 1.25 MHz above the bottom frequency in a Philippine TV
channel is the

A. Sound carrier
B. Chroma carrier
C. Intercarrier
D. Picture carrier

104. In camera tubes, it means that the old image remains too long after the picture
information on the target plate has changed.

A. Light lag
B. Switch lag
C. Image lag
D. Camera lag

105. What is the maximum color TV bandwidth?

A. 1.6 MHz
B. 0.5 MHz
C. 1.0 MHz
D. 1.3 MHz

106. Class of FM station where its authorized power should not exceed 15 kW.

A. Class A
B. Class B
C. Class C
D. Class D

107. What is the name of the solid state imaging device used in TV cameras that
converts the light in a scene into an electrical signal?

B. Phototube matrix
C. Vidicon
D. MOSFET array

108. The signals sent by the transmitter to ensure correct scanning in the receiver is

A. Sync
B. Chroma
C. Luminance
D. Video

109. What signals are transmitted by a SSBSC transmitter when no modulating signal
is present?

A. The upper sideband only

B. Both the upper and lower sideband
C. The lower sideband
D. No signal transmitted

110. The second IF value for color in receivers, for any station, is

A. 0.5 MHz
B. 1.3 MHz
C. 3.58 MHz
D. 4.5 MHz

111. In the frame for which interfaced scanning is used, alternate lines are skipped
during vertical scanning because

A. The trace is slower than retrace

B. The vertical scanning frequency is doubled from 30 to 60 Hz
C. The horizontal scanning is slower than vertical scanning
D. The frame has a 4:3 aspect ratio

112. A typical value of vidicon dark current is

A. 0.2 microampere
B. About 200 microampere
C. 8 milliampere
D. 800 milliampere
113. The smallest are of light or shade in the image is a picture element called

A. Chroma
B. Hue
C. Contrast
D. Pixel

114. An entry of the time the station begins to supply power to the antenna and the
time it stops.

A. Operating log entries

B. Program log entries
C. Operating schedule
D. Any of these

115. What type of circuit is used to modulate and demodulate the color signals?

A. Phase-locked loop
B. Differential peak detector
C. Quadrature detector
D. Balanced modulator

116. This is referred to as a fixed radio station that broadcast program material from
audio to transmitter by radio link.

A. Aural BC intercity relay

B. Aural broadcast STL
C. Short wave station
D. Remove pick-up

117. Indicate which of the following frequencies will not be found in the output of a
normal TV receiver tuner.

A. 4.5 MHz
B. 41.25 MHz
C. 45.75 MHz
D. 42.17 MHz

118. In all standard television broadcast channels , the difference between the picture
and sound carrier frequencies is
A. 0.25 MHz
B. 1.25 MHz
C. 4.5 MHz
D. 6 MHz

119. It is caused by phase distortion for video frequencies of about 100 kHz and lower.

A. Streaking
B. Snowing
C. Ringing
D. Fading

120. Special effects and production switching are done by the

B. ENG camera
D. Sync generator

121. A picture has 400 horizontal and 300 vertical picture elements. What is the total
number of details in the picture?

A. 120,000
B. 700
C. 0.75
D. 100

122. After the IF stages have been aligned, the next stage to align in FM receiver is

A. Local oscillator
B. Limiter stage
C. RF amplifier
D. Mixer stage

123. What ensures proper color synchronization at the receiver?

A. Sync pulses
B. Quadrature modulation
C. 4.5-MHz intercarrier sound
D. 3.58-MHz color burst
124. The interfering beat frequency of 920 kHz is between the 3.58-MHz color
subcarrier and the

A. 4.5-MHz intercarrier sound

B. Picture carrier
C. Lower adjacent sound
D. Upper adjacent picture

125. Light is converted to video signal by the _____ tube.

A. Camera tube
B. Picture tube
C. Anode tube
D. Cathode tube

126. The frequency spectrum of the stereophonic FM signal.

A. 67 kHz
B. 59.5 to 74.5 kHz
C. 19 to 38 kHz
D. 30 to 53 kHz

127. Equalizing pulses in TV are sent during

A. Horizontal blanking
B. Vertical blanking
C. The serrations
D. The horizontal retrace

128. Which signal has color information for 1.3 MHz bandwidth?

A. I
B. Y
C. R-Y
D. B-Y

129. It is the distance from the center of the lens of the camera to the point at which
parallel rays from a distant object come to a common focal point.

A. Focal length
B. Latus rectum
C. Major axis
D. Minor axis

130. The method of generating FM used by broadcast station is

A. Direct
B. Indirect
C. Insertion
D. All of these

131. The picture and sound carrier frequencies in a TV receiver IF are respectively.

A. 41.25 and 45.75 MHz

B. 45.75 and 41.25 MHz
C. 41.75 and 45.25 MHz
D. 45.25 and 41.75 MHz

132. The channel width in the Philippine TV system, in MHz, is

A. 41.25
B. 6
C. 4.5
D. 3.58

133. The cable converter output or the TV receiver is usually on channel

A. 3
B. 6
C. 7
D. 9

134. One-half line spacing between the start positions for scanning even and odd fields

A. Linear scanning
B. Line pairing
C. Fishtailing
D. Exact interlacing

135. Precise scanning size and linearity are most important in

A. A black-and-white camera
B. Plumbicon
C. A single-tube color pickup
D. A saticon

136. A signal in which the sum of all signals which frequency-modulates the main

A. Composite baseband signal

B. FM baseband
C. Main channel signal
D. Stereophonic signal

137. What is the total number of interlaced scan lines in one complete frame of a
NTSC Philippine TV signal?

A. 262 ½
B. 525
C. 480
D. 625

138. The video voltage applied to the picture tube of a television receiver is fed in

A. Between grid and ground

B. To the yoke
C. To the anode
D. Between the grid and cathode

139. How many dBmV units correspond to a 1-mV signal level?

A. 0
B. 1
C. 3
D. 6

140. In color television, it is made to maintain neutral white from low to high levels of

A. Internal color adjustment

B. Color-temperature adjustments
C. Shadow masking
D. Convergence adjustment

141. Average power of a radio transmitter supplied to the antenna transmission line by
a transmitter during one radio frequency cycle taken under the condition or no

A. Peak envelope power

B. Rated power
C. Carrier power
D. Mean power

142. The number of scanning lines is ____ per second.

A. 525
B. 262 ½
C. 15,750
D. 30

143. The ratio of the actual frequency swing to the frequency swing defined as 100
percent modulation, expressed in percentage.

A. Modulation index
B. Deviation ration
C. Maximum deviation
D. Percentage modulation

144. In a TV receiver, the color killer

A. Cuts off the chroma stages during monochrome reception

B. Ensures that no color is transmitted to monochrome receivers
C. Prevents color coding
D. Make sure that the color burst is not mistaken for sync pulses, by cutting off reception
during the back porch.

145. How many TV fields are recorded on one slant track of tape?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 60
146. A communication circuit using class C amplifier is considered a narrow band
amplifier if the bandwidth is less than _____ % of its resonant frequency.

A. 15
B. 13
C. 10
D. 20

147. The width of a vertical sync pulse with its serrations includes the time of

A. Six half-lines, or three lines

B. Five lines
C. Three half-lines
D. Five half-lines

148. A low-contrast picture in which white seems flat and lacking in detail suggests

A. Low beam current

B. High gain in the pre-amplifier
C. Excessive gamma
D. Insufficient scanning width

149. The product of the transmitter power multiplied by the antenna power gain of the
antenna field gain squared.

A. Field intensity
B. Field gain
D. Electric field strength

150. What keeps the scanning process at the receiver in step with the scanning in the
picture tube at the receiver?

A. Nothing
B. Sync pulses
C. Color burst
D. Deflection oscillators

151. The number of lines per second in the TV system is

A. 31,500
B. 15,700
C. 262 ½
D. 525

152. In a basic transmitter, ________is a kind of transmitter that develops type B


A. Arc
B. Spark
C. Alexanderson
D. High end

153. It is a number that indicates how contrast is expanded or compressed.

A. Alpha
B. Beta
C. Gamma
D. Sigma

154. Color picture tubes have ______ guns for its phosphors.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

155. The FM broadcast band is divided into _____ channels are suggested by KBP.

A. 200
B. 100
C. 50
D. 25

156. The output of the vertical amplifier, applied to the yoke in a TV receiver, consists

A. Direct current
B. Amplified vertical sync pulse
C. A sawtooth voltage
D. A sawtooth current
157. The frequency spectrum of the stereophonic FM signal.

A. 67 kHz
B. 59.5 kHz to 74.5 kHz
C. 19 kHz to 38 kHz
D. 30 kHz to 53 kHz

158. What is the video frequency response corresponding to the horizontal resolution
of 200 lines?

A. 4 MHz
B. 1.5 MHz
C. 4.5 MHz
D. 2.5 MHz

159. The gamma of the picture tube is

A. 0.4545
B. 1.0
C. 1.4
D. 2.2

160. It is the instantaneous departure of the frequency of the emitted wave from the
center frequency resulting from modulation.

A. Deviation
B. Frequency swing
C. Phase shift
D. Deviation ratio

161. If a TV sound transmitter has a carrier frequency of 197.75 MHz, the picture
carrier is

A. 191.75 MHz
B. 193.25 MHz
C. 202.25 MHz
D. 203.75 MHz

162. The number of lines per field in the Philippine TV system is

A. 262 ½
B. 525
C. 30
D. 60

163. What is the best site of an AM broadcast transmitter?

A. Marshy land
B. Dry land
C. Highly elevated
D. Average terrain

164. What is the hue of a color 90 degrees leading sync burst phase?

A. Yellow
B. Cyan
C. Blue
D. Orange

165. The two black conductive coatings of picture tubes are made up of

A. Phosphor
B. Aquadag
C. Cavity
D. Nickel

166. The maximum power allocation of AM transmitter in Metro Manila in kW is

A. 10 kW
B. 20 kW
C. 40 kW
D. 30 kW

167. The function of the serrations in the composite video waveforms is to

A. Equalize the change in the integrator before the start of vertical retrace
B. Help vertical synchronization
C. Help horizontal synchronization
D. Simplify the generation of the vertical sync pulse

168. Which system uses a light beam for playback?

C. Betamax

169. Weak emission from one cathode in a tricolor picture tube causes

A. A weak picture
B. A long warmup time
C. A color imbalance in the raster and picture
D. All of these

170. In AM broadcast, the current carrier shift at any percentage of modulation shall
not exceed

A. 5%
B. 15%
C. 20%
D. 2.5%

171. Indicate which voltages are not found in the output of a normal monochrome
receiver video detector.

A. Sync
B. Video
C. Sweep
D. Sound

172. The sawtooth waveform for deflection provides _______.

A. Horizontal deflection
B. Distortions
C. Linear scanning
D. Flicker

173. In AM broadcast, the transmitter must be capable of maintaining the operating

frequency within the limits of ______.

A. +/- 10 Hz
B. +/- 20 Hz
C. +/- 25 Hz
D. +/- 75 Hz

174. How much illumination in lux a 400-candlepower make that is 3 meters from the

A. 133.3
B. 1200
C. 200
D. 44.4

175. Brightness variations of the picture information are in which signal?

A. I
B. Q
C. Y
D. R-Y

176. How many octaves is the frequency range of 1 to 8 MHz?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 8

177. For television, the maximum deviation of the FM sound signal in kHz.

A. 10
B. 25
C. 75
D. 100

178. Indicate which of the following signals is not transmitted in color TV

A. Y
B. Q
C. R
D. I

179. Emission outside of the assigned channel, as a result of the modulation process.

A. Overmodulation
B. Spurious emission
C. Out-of-band emission
D. In band emission

180. Determine which of the following is not part of RF section of a radio transmitter.

A. Master oscillator
B. Buffer amplifier
C. AF voltage amplifier
D. Frequency amplifier

181. The power of any conducted spurious emission shall be attenuated below the
maximum level of carrier frequency in accordance with the following formula:

A. Attenuation (dB) = 43 + 20 log P

B. Attenuation (dB) = 43 + log P
C. Attenuation (dB) = 43 + 10 log P
D. Attenuation (dB) = 43 + log P/10

182. In television, gamma affects _____

A. Color
B. Contrast
C. Brightness
D. Hue

183. In the IRE scale for the composite video signal, what is the number of IRE units
for sync?

A. 7.5
B. 92.5
C. 40
D. 10

184. As prescribed by the technical standards for Cable Television operation and in
order to be compatible for any value added services in the future, Trunk cable should
have a minimum diameter of _______.

A. 0.25 inch
B. 0.5 inch
C. 0.75 inch
D. 1.0 inch

185. Compared with 100 percent saturation, the desaturated color have

A. More luminance for the Y signal

B. Less luminance for the Y signal
C. More chrominance for the C signal
D. Less hue for the C signal

186. What is the practical baseband frequency for the color video signal?

A. 1 MHz
B. 2 MHz
C. 0.2 MHz
D. 0.5 MHz

187. What is the diagonal screen size for the 19CP4 picture tube?

A. 21
B. 23
C. 4
D. 19

188. What is the phase angle between B – Y and R – Y?

A. 180 deg
B. 45 deg
C. 90 deg
D. 270 deg

189. How many gray scale steps are in the EIA test pattern in television?

A. 10
B. 40
C. 50
D. 15

190. In TV, degaussing is done with _____.

A. Direct current
B. Pulsed current
C. Alternating current
D. Any of these

191. R, G and B video drive controls set for ________.

A. Black
B. Dark gray
C. White
D. Light gray

192. What is the phase difference between the color sync burst and the B – Y video?

A. 180 deg
B. 45 deg
C. 90 deg
D. 270 deg

193. What is the hue of the color sync burst?

A. Yellow-green
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Orange

194. What synchronizes the horizontal of the TV picture tube?


195. What is the typical anode voltage for a 25-inch color picture tube?

A. 3 kV
B. 20 kV
C. 10 kV
D. 30 kV

196. In television, what is the phosphor number for monochrome picture tube?

A. P4
B. P21
C. P22
D. P3

197. In television picture tube, what is the color of the P1 phosphor?

A. Red
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Blue

198. What video frequency corresponds to 240 lines of horizontal resolution?

A. 1 MHz
B. 3 MHz
C. 2 MHz
D. 4 MHz

199. The minimum FM broadcast transmitter power in metro manila and metro cebu is

A. 25 kW
B. 10 kW
C. 1 kW
D. 30 kW

200. The maximum power suggested by KBP on 919-1312 AM broadcast station in

Metro Manila.

A. 10 kW
B. 20 kW
C. 15 kW
D. 5 kW

201. What are the frequency limits of the standard AM broadcast band?

A. 565 to 1605 kHz

B. 535 to 1605 kHz
C. 575 to 1615 kHz
D. 535 to 1615 kHz

202. What is the width of an AM broadcast channel?

A. 30 kHz
B. 25 kHz
C. 15 kHz
D. 200 kHz

203. The following are designations of service areas of AM broadcast station, except:

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Intermittent

204. The following are parts of the AM broadcast day, except:

A. Daytime
B. Night time
C. Mid-day
D. Experimental period

205. Why is it desirable to have broadcast antennas on marshy land?

A. For better reflection

B. For ground wave radiation
C. For greater absorption
D. For sky wave propagation

206. What is another name for a console pot?

A. Attenuator
B. Gain control
C. Fader
D. Any of these

207. The highest peaks of modulation in AM should be held between what two

A. 85-100%
B. 65-70%
C. 50-75%
D. 75-90%
208. What is the name of the second transmitter used when a station operates 24 hours
a day?

A. Alternate
B. Reserve
C. Spare
D. Diversity

209. What is a combo operator?

A. Announcer
B. Disk jockey
C. Engineer
D. All of these

210. What term is used to indicate intercom operation in a broadcast station?

A. Communication
B. Talk-back
C. Respond
D. Remote talk

211. What does a red light glowing in a studio indicate?

A. Off the air

B. Floating
C. Experimental
D. On the air

212. What is the attenuator which controls the the output of the program amplifier

A. Master gain control

B. Auxiliary gain control
C. Reserve frequency control
D. Auxiliary frequency control

213. The following are important operational requirements during a broadcast, except:

A. Timing
B. Modulation
C. Fidelity
D. AF amplitude
214. What are the names of two unbalanced pads used in broadcasting?

A. T and L
B. K and P
C. R and I
D. H and L

215. What is the advantage of using balanced lines in audio systems?

A. Receive balanced sound

B. Improve fidelity
C. Reduce noise pickup
D. Improve carrier level

216. What is the advantage of using T-pad attenuators over potentiometers?

A. Better energy conversion

B. Better attenuation
C. Match impedance better
D. Any of these

217. What device is used to make up for the high-frequency losses in long AF lines?

A. Signal booster
B. Noise suppressor
C. Line equalizer
D. Compander

218. What is another term meaning “operating power”

A. Licensed power
B. Sideband power
C. Audio power
D. Harmonic power

219. What does maximum rated carrier power referred to?

A. Buffer amplifier power rating

B. Intermediate amplifier power rating
C. Speech amplifier power rating
D. Final-amplifier power rating

220. When are equipment tests made?

A. Mid-day
B. Daytime
C. Night time
D. Experimental period

221. What is the maximum allowable distortion at 80% modulation?

A. 3%
B. 4%
C. 5%
D. 6%

222. On what are proof-of-performance tests in broadcasting made?

A. Omnidirectional antennas
B. Directive antennas
C. High gain antennas
D. Any of these

223. Within what limits must the antenna current ratios of a directional antenna be

A. 3%
B. 5%
C. 4%
D. 1%

224. What monitor is required at the operating position in a broadcast station?

A. Frequency
B. Modulation
C. Fidelity
D. Carrier

225. What monitor may also give an indication of carrier amplitude regulation?
A. Modulation
B. Carrier
C. Fidelity
D. Frequency

226. What device can give the most accurate instantaneous peak-of-modulation

A. Spectrum analyzer
B. Fourier analyzer
C. CRT oscilloscope
D. Frequency probe

227. The item required in program log?

A. Identification
B. Program description
C. Sponsors and network name
D. All of these

228. The item required in an operating log?

A. Antenna power and programs on-off

B. EBS tests
C. Any of these
D. Antenna lights and meter readings

229. The item required in a maintenance log?

A. Any of these
B. Antenna current checks
C. Meter replacements
D. Light inspection and experimental period operation

230. What is the minimum time broadcast station logs must be held?

A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Five years
231. What class operator has no restrictions on technical work in a broadcast station?

A. 1st phone
B. 2nd phone
C. 3rd phone
D. 4th phone

232. What classes of operators are restricted on technical work in a broadcast station?

A. 3rd phone
B. 2nd phone
C. 4th phone
D. 2nd and 3rd phone

233. If improper transmitter indications are given at the remote-control point, what
should be done?

A. First phone operator to transmitter

B. Second phone operator to transmitter
C. Third phone operator to transmitter
D. Fourth phone to transmitter

234. How often must IDs be made in a broadcast station?

A. Quarter of an hour
B. Half an hour
C. On the hour
D. On the day

235. Where must station license be posted?

A. Tower
B. Modulators
C. Transmitter
D. Receiver

236. Where operator licenses must be posted?

A. Operating desk
B. Operating position
C. Operating console
D. Anywhere

237. What device is usually used today to measure the frequency of a broadcast

A. Multivibrators
B. Counter
C. Ripper
D. Wave meter

238. What does EBS stand for?

A. Electronic Broadcast System

B. Emergency Broadcast System
C. Electronic Base Station
D. Emergency Base Station

239. How often must EBS tests be made?

A. Weekly
B. Daily
C. Monthly
D. Yearly

240. What must non-EBS station have?

A. EBS signal monitor

B. EAN signal monitor
C. EAT signal monitor
D. CPCS signal monitor

241. What stylus material is used in broadcast station?

A. Ruby
B. Gamet
C. Emerald
D. Diamond

242. What advantage is there to having heavy turntables?

A. Constant speed
B. Less vibration
C. Rumble
D. All of these

243. What is the width of recording tapes?

A. 0.5 inch
B. 0.75 inch
C. 0.125 inch
D. 1 inch

244. What frequency is used to erase tapes?

A. Supersonic
B. Subsonic
C. Ultrasonic
D. Infrasonic

245. What tape speed produces highest fidelity of audio?

A. 20 in/sec
B. 15 in/sec
C. 10 in/sec
D. 5 in /sec

246. What should be used to clean recording heads?

A. Methanol
B. Ethyl Alcohol
C. Isopropyl alcohol
D. Rubbing alcohol

247. What impedance is usually used with broadcast microphones?

A. All of these
B. 150 ohms
C. 250 ohms
D. 600 ohms

248. In what log is antenna-light information entered?

A. Maintenance log
B. Program log
C. Operating log
D. Logging log

249. What was the name of the first TV camera tube?

A. Vidicon
B. Iconoscope
C. Image orthicon
D. Kinescope

250. Which camera tube requires electron multipliers?

A. Vidicon
B. Iconoscope
C. Image orthicon
D. Kinescope

251. Which is used in closed-circuit TV?

A. Vidicon
B. Iconoscope
C. Image orthicon
D. Kinescope

252. What is the waveform of the sweep voltages?

A. Trapezoidal
B. Sawtooth
C. Trigger
D. Square

253. If the pulse peak is 100% modulation, what is the blanking level?

A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 65%
D. 75%
254. What device allows one camera to accept pictures from three or more projectors?

A. Film multipliers
B. Film demultiplexers
C. Film multiplexers
D. Film acceptor

255. What is the order of scanning four successive motion-picture frames for TV?

A. 3,2,3,2
B. 2,3,2,3
C. 2,2,3,3
D. 3,3,2,2

256. From the low-frequency end of a channel, what is the visual carrier frequency?

A. 3.58 MHz
B. 0.25 MHz
C. 1.25 MHz
D. 4.5 MHz

257. The circuits make up the front end of a TV receiver, except:

B. Mixer
D. Oscillator

258. What is the impedance at the antenna input terminals of a TV receiver?

A. 300 ohms
B. 150 ohms
C. 50 ohms
D. 100 ohms

259. Why are triodes and MOSFETs best for TV RF amplifiers?

A. High power
B. Efficiency
C. Low noise
D. High gain
260. In what circuit configuration are triodes and MOSFETs used?

A. Cascade
B. Darlington
C. Cascade
D. Shunt

261. The signal might a video amplifier amplify?

A. Aural IF
B. Video
C. Blanking
D. Any of these

262. When coupling from a sync separator, what is used to obtain the horizontal sync
A. Integrator
B. Corrector
C. Differentiator
D. Separator

263. When coupling from a sync separator, what is used to obtain the vertical sync

A. Integrator
B. Corrector
C. Differentiator
D. Separator

264. The type of active device used in horizontal output stages, except:?

A. Vacuum tube

265. What should be produced by weak blue, weak green, and weak red signals on a
color CRT?

A. White
B. Shade
C. Gray
D. Off white

266. How many such mirrors are required in a color TV camera?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

267. What is the combining circuit called in TV?

A. Combiner
B. Multiplexer
C. Integrator
D. Mixer

268. What is the letter symbol for the luminance signal?

A. R
B. Q
C. I
D. Y

269. What is the total R + G + B for a Y signal?

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 1.5

270. If a white scene is picked up what is the Y value?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 0
D. 2.5

271. If a black scene is being picked up, what is the Y value?

A. One
B. 0.5
C. Zero
D. 1.5

272. What circuit does a color killer kill?

A. Bandstop filter
B. High-pass filter
C. Low-pass filter
D. Bandpass filter

273. If the blue dot is always at the bottom of a triad, what position must the blue gun
always have?

A. Top
B. Left side
C. Right aside
D. Center

274. How many cathodes in a shadow-mask picture tube?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

275. How many guns in a shadow mask picture tube?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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