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Hydraulic Fracturing Technique To Improve Well Productivity and Oil Recovery in Deep Libyan Sandstone Reservoir

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ICCPGE 2016, 1, 25 - 30

Hydraulic Fracturing Technique to Improve Well Productivity

and Oil Recovery in Deep Libyan Sandstone Reservoir

Saleh Arwini*
Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya
* Corresponding Author:

Hydraulic fracturing has become an important technique to improve well production and the recovery
of low-permeability reservoirs in the oil and gas field development. Worldwide there are vast reserves of
hydrocarbons trapped in tight sandstone formation. To produce this huge amount of reserve from low
permeability formation economically, hydraulic fracturing can be applied. This paper discusses the analysis
of pressure and production data from successful hydraulic fractured vertical well in low permeability Nubian
reservoir. Based on several screening criteria, the vertical oil well from Nubian sandstone reservoir was
selected for stimulation job by hydraulic fracturing. Several hydraulic fracture models have developed to
optimize hydraulic fracture in order to increase the productivity index of the subject wells. All Pressure
and production from the pre and post-hydraulic fracturing treatment data were collected and analyzed
to assess the job success in terms of effective fracture parameters, fracture conductivity and reservoir
parameters. Based upon the results of these results, the oil production rate of the subject wells is improved
dramatically by 10 times with a significant decrease in the formation damage near the wellbore. Therefore,
the success of the fracture treatment is largely due to efficient candidate selection, project management,
fully integrated project team and systematic application of existing hydraulic fracturing techniques.
Keywords: Hydraulic fracturing; low permeability reservoir; Nubian sandstone reservoir; well
productivity and oil recovery; formation damage.

1. Introduction draulic fracturing has become a standard treatment

for stimulating the productivity of oil and gas wells
[1, 2]. Hydraulic fracturing operation is complicated
Many fields would not exist today without hydraulic as it involves fluid and solid mechanics, fluid flow
fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing is a well stimula- in fracture and diffusion processes (fluid and ther-
tion treatment routinely performed on oil and gas mal), and fracture propagation. Furthermore, all
wells in low-permeability layers to increase produc- of the responses are coupled and depend on each
tivity. The technique of hydraulic fracturing has other. Special fracturing fluids are pumped at high
been widely used in the oil industry during the last pressure into the reservoir intervals to be treated,
60 years. The first hydraulic fracturing treatment causing a vertical fracture to open. The wings of
was pumped in 1947 on a gas well operated by Pan the fracture extend away from the wellbore in op-
American Petroleum Corporation in the Hugoton posite directions according to the original stresses
field. The Kelpper Well No.1, located in Grant within the formation. Proppant, such as sands of a
County, Kansas was a low productivity well, even particular size, is mixed and pumped together with
though it had been acidized. The well was chosen for treatment fluid into the fracture to keep it open af-
the first hydraulic fracture stimulation treatment so ter the treatment is complete. Hydraulic fractur-
that hydraulic fracturing could be compared directly ing creates high-conductivity channel within a large
to acidizing .Since that first treatment in 1947, hy-

area of formation and bypasses any damage that seismic data. Currently, the estimated ST OOIP is
may exist in the near-wellbore area. Complexity over five billion barrels of OIP of 43◦ AP I gravity.
arises from two directions: geologic reality and the North Gialo is expected to produce 100, 000 bpd of
inherent multidisciplinary nature of the fracturing crude and 5.7 million cubic feet per day of gas [6, 7].
process [3, 4]. To assess the stimulation efficiency,
we need to estimate reservoir and hydraulic fracture
Figure 2.1: Eastern Sirte Basin Structural Features Map.
properties, such as effective permeability, fracture
half length and fracture conductivity. The knowl-
edge of these parameters are not only important for
predicting future production performance of frac-
tured wells, but also have significant impact on de-
termining development strategies in exploitation of
tight reservoirs, which has increased in recent years
[5]. This paper presents and discusses a successful
hydraulically fractured vertical tight oil well in deep
Libyan sandstone reservoir. All Pressure and pro-
duction from the pre and post-hydraulic fracturing
treatment data were collected and analyzed to assess
the job success. It is well-known that the purpose
of fracture treatment is to remove reservoir damage
near the wellbore, reduce total skin factor, increase Structurally, the field is bisected by numerous faults,
reservoir permeability near the wellbore and increase the western side of the field is dominated by NNW-
well production. SSE-trending faults, while the eastern side is domi-
nated by faults trending WNW-ESE. The NW part
of the field is further bisected by several major faults
with throw from 300’ to 1000’, separating the field
2. Field Description into major fault blocks. This major NNW trend-
ing fault (Figure 2.2 and 2.3) separates the X1 from
The North Gialo Field is situated in the eastern the Farigh field continues southeast just west of the
portion of the Sirte Basin at the intersection of the 4C-159 well and trends along the up dip limit of
Hameimat and Ajdabaiya troughs on the northern the UNS sub-crop. Moreover, the reservoir is con-
flank of the Gialo structural high as shown in Figure sidered a tight sandstone reservoir, which belong to
1. The prospective area of the Sirte Basin occupies the lower part of Lidam Nubian Sandstone forma-
about 230,000 km2 . A new structural-stratigraphic tion (Late Cretaceous age), and the reservoir found
play concept was developed by Waha in 1995 that at depth 12, 555 f t [6, 7].
led to the acquisition of a 3D seismic survey. Based
on the interpretation of the 3D seismic data, an Figure 2.2: Schematic North Gialo Structural/Stratigraphic
exploration well was proposed and drilled in early Model.
2002. North Gialo Field was discovered with the
drilling and testing of the 6J-1 well in early 2002.
During 2002-2004, the well intermittently produced
for a total of 129 days with cumulative produc-
tion of 338 M BO, representing an average rate of
2620 bbl/day. The discovery was based on inter-
pretation of the 3D seismic survey, data obtained
by the 1970’s four exploratory wells and the Farigh
Field to the Northwest. An additional 17 appraisal
wells were subsequently drilled to define the limits of
the field, fluid contacts and define the characteristics
of the reservoirs. Waha estimates, given the present
data, that the field covers more than 108 square kilo-
meters. The eastern and southern extensions of the
field are still to be defined by recently acquired 3D

Figure 2.3: North Gailo, field structure map. Table 3.1: General information for selected candidate well.

Company Waha Oil Company

Field Name North Gialo
Well No X1
Well Orientation Vertical
Well Completion Cased hole
Perforated Interval (12624-12672 &
12725-12730), ft
Reservoir 305 o F
Temperature (T)
Reservoir Pressure 3950 psig
Reservoir Bubble 4350 psig
Point Pressure
Reservoir Porosity 8.2 %
3. Candidate screening and selection
Reservoir 0.5 mD
Permeability (K)
It is a complicated problem to determine which well Net Pay Thickness 284 ft
to hydraulic fracture because the conditions of ev- (h)
ery well are different and there is no exact answer.
But it is certain that the best candidate wells for hy-
draulic fracturing are the wells which are in need of
production increase due to the near wellbore dam-
age and which is capable of production increase by
Table 3.2: Pre and Post frac PTA results.
having substantial volume of oil and gas in place.
The candidate well-X1 was selected based on sev-
Parameter Before After Unit
eral factors: Formation thickness, Volume of OIP,
Frac Frac
OWC & GOC and Formation Damage analysis. For-
mation damage is the big challenges for the Nubian Formation LNSS
reservoirs at North Gialo field. Two formation dam- Perforations 12624- ft
age studies were performed by Corelab & Hycal and 12672
completed in 2008. Two main topics were studied, &
namely mechanical and chemical mechanisms, the 12725-
laboratory work showed the Nubian reservoirs inter- 12730
vals are susceptible to a variety of mechanical and Net pay 284 ft
chemical formation damage mechanism. Because of thickness (h)
the limited in-situ permeability initially available, Reservoir 305 o
drilling, completion and production practices will temperature
need to use a proper stimulation technique to pre- (T)
serve the productivity of wells. Table 3.1 presents Static reservoir 5926 5893 psig
information on the candidate well-X1. In 2009 the pressure at
comprehensive reservoir simulation study conducted gauge depth
by ConcoPhillips company concluded that the hy- Reservoir 5.37 4.80 md
draulic fracture stimulation is the best completion Permeability
option to remedy near wellbore damage created by (K)
any of the damage mechanisms. The selected can- Permeability- 1525 1363 md.ft
didate exhibited low permeability and low porosity thickness
in the entire sandstone formation section. Core and product (Kh)
open hole logs analysis indicated about 284 f t of net Skin Factor (S) +55.8 +2.9 Unitless
pay with an average porosity of 8.20 % [6].

4. Results and Discussion Table 4.1: Pre and Post frac IPR’s Analysis.

Data Pre- Post- Unit

Schlumberger executed intensively 2D and 3D mod- frac frac
els to accomplish fracture-treatment design for the
Shut-in 5930* 5930* psig
candidate well-X1. The main relevant well comple-
tion, formation, and treatment input data used in
pressure (Pws)
the fracture design are listed in Appendix A, Table
Bubble-Point 4350** 4350** psig
Pressure (Pb)
The location of the perforations in the section is Optimum Flow 400 3560 bpd
seen in Appendix AppendixA, Figure ??. Schlum- Rate (Qopt)
berger DataFRAC treatment of lower Nubian Sand- PI below Pb 0.104 1.03 bbl/d/psi
stone formation (LNSS) in the candidate well-X1 AOFP 417 4229 bpd
utilized 16/30 HSP (ceramic) Proppant. Analysis * Static pressure at mid-perforations.
** Bubble point pressure for well-X1 crude from PVT.
results from the DataFRAC module in FracCADE
software automatically update the fracture geome-
try simulator. Because of understanding the stress
Figure 4.1: Pre and Post frac IPR plot.
regime is critical to fracture growth, geometry, and
treating pressures, Schlumberger recommend to run
DSI log on this well and analyse the stress profile to
optimise the frac treatment.
Therefore, stress profiles and other elastic rock prop-
erties estimated in the geomechanical analysis were
used as input for the design. Injection Test Evalu-
ation, Sand Slug and Crosslinked Fluid Treatment
Evaluation and Temperature Log Evaluation were
conducted successfully on the candidate well. Injec-
tion decline analysis was performed after treatment
to verify closure pressure, fluid efficiency, identifi-
cation of fracture and fissures, transmissibility and
reservoir pressure analysis [6].
5. Conclusion
The results of these tests are not available to publish
in this paper. Based on simulator history match-
ing, the optimum hydraulic fracture half-length and The following main conclusions can be drawn from
fracture width are 270 f t and 0.166 in respectively. this work:
Bottom hole pressure data was interpreted to esti-
mate reservoir parameters and to identify the reser- 1. For the candidate well-X1, the well PI increased
voir model using semi log and log-log plots and type by factor of 10 and the corresponding AOFP in-
curve matching. We found that the skin factor de- creases over 900%. Based upon these results, this
creased from +55.8 to +2.9 (decrease rate ≈ 95%) project was a tremendous success from both an
as seen in Table 3.2. The value of permeability ob- operational and engineering standpoint.
tained from the analysis result seems to be reliable
and consistent with previous result. At the same 2. The post treatment performance provide s a good
time, when the skin factor reduces almost 20 times, indication of stimulation success, whereas, PTA
the corresponding Absolute Open Flow Potential and production data analysis for hydraulically
(AOF P ) increases by a factor of 10 from 417 bpd fractured vertical well in tight reservoir remains
to 4229 bpd as shown in Figure 4.1. The well pro- the most applied method to determine the reser-
ductivity Index (PI) increased by factor of 10 as well voir and fracture parameters.
as seen in Table 4.1. The main result of PTA and
IPR analysis are tabulated in Table 3.2 and Table 3. In addition to involving all necessary disciplines
4.1. (Completions, Drilling, Reservoir, Geology and

Geophysics), it was essential that each team mem- [4] Mattax, C. C.; Dalton, R. L. Reservoir simu-
ber fully bought into the project and took owner- lation: Richardson, Society of Petroleum Engi-
ship of their individual responsibilities. Therefore, neers. Texas, 1990.
fully integrated project team was totally critical
to the overall success of the frac project. [5] Dmour, H. N.; Shokir, E. M. Pre-Post Frac Test
Data Analysis For Hydraulically Fractured Ver-
tical Tight Gas Well- Field Case Study. Oil and
Gas Business Journal, Russia, 2008, ISSN 1813-
Abbreviations 503X.
[6] Anon. Evaluation Report for Candidate Well
API American Petroleum Institute X1. Waha oil Company Tripoli, 2015.
AOFP Absolute Open Flow Potential
DST Drill Stem Test [7] Zanatı, M.; Sarı, R.; Canales, H. New Gi-
GOC Gas-Oil-Contact ant Hydrocarbon Dıscovery in Sirte Basin,
HSP High Strength Proppant Libya. EAGE-EarthDoc, 18th International
IPR Inflow Performance Relationship Petroleum and Natural Gas Congress and Ex-
LNSS lower Nubian Sandstones hibition of Turkey, May 2011.
Thousand Barrels of Oil (M = 1000
and MM = 1 million)
OIP Oil Initial in Place
OWC Oil-Water-Contact AppendixA.
PI Productivity Index
PTA Pressure Transient Analysis


The authors express thanks to faculty members, en-

gineers and BSc project students at Petroleum En-
gineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Uni-
versity of Tripoli for their support. Also, I thank
Waha oil company for providing the data used in
the present research.


[1] Gidley, J.L.; Holditch, S.A.; Nierode, D.E. et

al. An Overview of Hydraulic Fracturing. In Re-
cent Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing, Mono-
graph Series, SPE, Richardson, Texas:, 1989,
12. Chapter 1, pp. 1-38.

[2] Montgomery, C. T.; Smith, M. B. Hydraulic

Fracturing: History of An Enduring Technol-
ogy. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 62(12),
December 2010, pp 26-32.

[3] Liang, F.; Sayed, M.; Al-Muntasheri, G.;

Chang, F.; Li, L. A comprehensive review on
proppant technologies. Petroleum, KeAi, 2016,
2, pp 26–39.

Table A.1: Data required for hydraulic fracturing design.

Parameter Value Unit

Depth 12677 ft
Producing interval 12555-12884 ft
Perforated interval 12624-12672 & 12725-12730 ft
Formation thickness 284 ft
Average reservoir pressure 5930 psi
Reservoir oil compressibility 2.93E-05 psi−1
Reservoir water compressibility 3.00E-06 psi−1
Oil formation volume factor 2.939 res.bbl/STB
Oil saturation 67 %
Water saturation 33 %
Gas saturation 0 %
Formation porosity 8.2 %
Original formation permeability 0.5 md
Fracturing fluid viscosity 25 cp
Fracturing fluid density (Linear 8.34 ppg
Reservoir oil viscosity 0.13 cp
Area of filter medium 22.8 cm2
Slope of fluid loss curve at lab. 0.24384 cm/min 2
Filtration pressure at lab. 500 psi
Casing outer diameter 7 in
Wellbore diameter 8.5 in
Drainage diameter 1400 ft
Proppant size and type 16/30 HSP (ceramic) mesh
Porosity of packed proppant 30 %
Specific gravity of proppant 3.6 unitless
Fracturing fluid spurt loss 0.2 gal/ft2
Tubing inner diameter 3.5 in
Tubing depth 11860 ft
Gas oil ratio 3129 scf/bbl
Bubble point pressure 4350 psi
Reservoir temperature (BHST) 305 °F
Frictional pressure gradient 0.25 psi/ft
inside tubing
Perforation diameter 0.42 in
Perforation discharge coefficient 0.8 unitless
Number of perforations 265 shoot

Figure A.1: wellbore diagram.


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