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Eb Protecting Every Edge

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Keeping Hackers Off

Every Edge
Table of Contents

Executive Overview 3

New Problems 4

New Solutions 7

Protect 8

Converge 9

Scale 11

Keeping Hackers Off Every Edge 2

Today’s users need a network that allows them to connect to any
resource from any location using any device. At the same time, data

Executive center and campus networks need to operate in a hybrid IT architecture,

working alongside next-generation branch offices, private and public

Overview multi-cloud networks, remote workers, and cloud-based Software-as-

a-Service (SaaS) solutions. As a result, enterprise security teams are
under enormous pressure to provide complete visibility across a moving
and distributed network environment to secure and track every user
and device accessing data, applications, and workloads. This presents
cybercriminals with a great opportunity to infiltrate your network from the
edge. And once they are in, they can wreak havoc.

Unfortunately, most traditional security tools, like legacy firewalls, were

not designed for this sort of challenge. They were designed to be static
network checkpoints where workflows and data were highly predictable.
But those days are gone. What’s needed now is a hybrid mesh firewall
(HMF) solution to integrate next-generation firewalls across the network
and form factors to enable centralized management and coordinated
response to threats. This solution needs to protect assets and users
located anywhere, converge and consolidate distributed solutions to
reduce overhead, simplify management, and enable automation, and
dynamically scale services and bandwidth to meet your constantly
evolving business requirements.

Keeping Hackers Off Every Edge 3

New Problems
The data center, though essential, is no longer
the primary location for corporate applications.
Instead, applications can be deployed anywhere.
Because a transaction or workflow may span
multiple environments and applications, the source,
destination, and data path can sometimes change
several times, making it impossible to track and
secure a transaction end to end.

5G adoption has also left traditional firewalls

struggling to keep up—especially when 95% of all
traffic is now encrypted.1 Encrypted traffic, especially
secure sockets layer/transport layer security (SSL/
TLS) tunnels, is widely used to secure remote access
and transactions. However, cybercriminals also
use encryption to hide malicious activities, such as
stealing company data and secrets and to launch
ransomware attacks. Most firewalls cannot decrypt
and inspect encrypted traffic without seriously
impacting performance and user experience. So, most
encrypted traffic—especially data traveling at very
high speeds—goes uninspected.

Keeping Hackers Off Every Edge 4

Multi-cloud environments and a hybrid workforce are also rewriting security requirements. The cloud enables agile
application development and scale-out/scale-up functionality to accommodate growing application access by
remote workers. However, numerous business-critical applications still need to be housed in the on-premises data
center for reasons such as compliance, privacy, the need to protect intellectual property, or to secure sensitive
records. However, most traditional firewalls cannot support hybrid data center use cases, including user-to-data
center, data center-to-cloud, user-to-cloud, and data center-to-data center interconnect models.

Ultimately, organizations end up creating complex workarounds to get disparate solutions to loosely work together.
This is causing the data center infrastructure to become more complex as the number of devices, servers, switches,
routers, firewalls, load balancers, and other interconnected components attempt to provide a seamless flow of
data between various systems and applications. As the number of devices and the volume of data traffic increases,
network complexity also increases, making it more challenging to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot issues.

Keeping Hackers Off Every Edge 5

The data center, though essential, is no
longer the primary location for corporate
applications. Instead, applications can be
deployed anywhere.

New Solutions
Supporting and securing hybrid architectures requires component. A unified security solution provides
single-lens visibility across the entire distributed coordinated protection to multiple areas of enterprise
network. This includes knowledge of every user IT, including corporate sites, branches, campuses,
and device on the network and the applications and data centers, public and private clouds, and remote
resources they are accessing. Plus, it’s necessary to workers. Because of its native interoperability, an
identify anomalous behavior and malicious activity HMF deployment simplifies operations, ensures
everywhere it occurs. Marshaling all necessary compliance, reduces complexity, and enables broad
security resources to direct a timely, coordinated automation to increase operational efficiency. It
response is also key to stopping threats. To support doesn’t matter if you have all on-premises firewalls, all
today’s expanding networks and their numerous cloud firewalls, or a mix of both. The enhanced value
edges, many businesses have begun adopting lies in centralized and unified management across all
disparate secure access service edge (SASE), firewall deployments.
software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN),
Fortunately, regardless of where security needs to
and zero-trust network access (ZTNA) solutions.
be deployed—whether a campus or data center
This creates complexity while fracturing visibility,
environment, multi-cloud network, branches, or home
compromising user experience, and limiting the ability
offices—use cases are remarkably similar. Addressing
to respond effectively to attacks.
them requires breaking down security into three
What’s needed is a new next-generation firewall primary functions: protect, converge, and scale.
(NGFW) approach that integrates these functions to By understanding these three concepts, you can
provide contextually coordinated security across the implement a security strategy designed to deliver a
network. An HMF solution combines on-premises and seamless user experience and protection aligned with
cloud-native solutions with a unified management business goals.

Keeping Hackers Off Every Edge 7

The main objective is to prevent any threat from
entering the network. But if that should happen, then
the next step is to minimize business disruptions as
fast as we can. An NGFW needs to be aware of the
entire application life cycle, including interoperating
with tools to accelerate application access and
use. This includes providing essential web filtering
augmented with advanced image recognition and
video content filtering to ensure acceptable use and

An NGFW solution also needs to provide advanced

security solutions to prevent known, zero-day, and
unknown attacks with integrated intrusion prevention
system (IPS) and anti-malware. It needs to support
constantly shared threat-intelligence feeds from
complementary products like email security and
sandboxes to detect and prevent the latest threats.
systems. This combination of native threat protection
And it needs to interoperate with other solutions, and integration with other technologies ensures that
such as endpoint detection and response (EDR), the network is effectively protected against all current
web application firewalls (WAFs), and other security and emerging threats.

Keeping Hackers Off Every Edge 8

An NGFW should also provide full visibility into sophisticated attacks that hide in secure HTTPS channels to steal
data and load ransomware. It should also seamlessly integrate essential networking and security functions into a
unified solution—whether delivered directly from an on-premises NGFW or through a cloud-delivered SASE—that
combines advanced routing and connectivity functions with dynamic security solutions.

It also needs to identify any user, device, or application requesting access and automatically assign it to its
appropriate network segment. This requires natively integrated proxy services. When a device makes its initial
access request, the firewall needs to work with endpoint clients (for users and servers) and network access
control (for Internet-of-Things [IoT]/Industrial-Internet-of-Things [IIoT] devices) solutions. It also needs to support
multi-factor authentication to determine the role of a user or device, link it to associated policies, and only grant
access to the application or segment of the network required to do its job.

For applications and workflows that move from one environment to another, an NGFW needs to understand,
implement, and enforce the same policy everywhere. This consistent orchestration and enforcement approach,
built with single-pane-of-glass management, allows security to follow applications, workflows, and other
transactions end to end.

Keeping Hackers Off Every Edge 9

For applications and workflows that move
from one environment to another, an
NGFW needs to understand, implement,
and enforce the same policy everywhere.

Regardless of where a firewall is deployed, one thing remains true: It needs to be fast. And it will need to be
even faster tomorrow. Today’s data centers generate and process massive amounts of data at transactional
speeds—whether it’s big data for advanced modeling, low latency for high-speed financial transactions, or hyper-
performance for massive multiuser environments.

Speed refers to how quickly a firewall can inspect data and its ability to support automation. An NGFW needs to
effectively protect the network from high-speed attacks with advanced and coordinated security as well as not
be bogged down with time-consuming manual provisioning efforts. Manual operations slow things down, and
configuration errors can be compromised by ransomware and other attacks.

The challenge is that most traditional firewalls are already running at capacity, which means they can’t scale to
match growing business demands. That’s because they were never designed with hyper-performance in mind.
Their biggest problem is they rely on off-the-shelf processors in an age when everything—whether graphics
cards, smartphones, or cloud servers—runs on custom chips. Security is a processor-intensive activity. Scaling to
meet today’s performance demands requires delivering full firewall functionality without sacrificing performance or
overwhelming limited IT and security budgets.

Keeping Hackers Off Every Edge 11

“HTTPS encryption on the web,” Google Transparency Report, accessed June 1, 2023.

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June 23, 2023 11:53 AM


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