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Am I Hud 2020 Il Liquidity

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Critical Finance Review, 2019, 8: 203–221

Illiquidity and Stock Returns: A Revisit

Yakov Amihud1∗
New York University, USA;

This paper explains and extends my 2002 paper. It presents a return
factor of illiquid-minus-liquid stocks (IML), which provides a time-
series of the illiquidity premium. The risk-adjusted expected return
on IML is positive and significant in the last 63 years and while it is
lower in the period that follows my 2002 paper it remains positive and
significant. IML also has the predicted response to market illiquidity
shocks. In particular, the relation between illiquidity shocks and stock
returns is more negative for illiquid stocks even after my study period.

Keywords: Liquidity and asset pricing, Illiquidity measure, Liquidity shocks,

Liquidity premium
JEL Codes: G10, G12

1 Introduction

I am honored that the Critical Finance Review has commissioned two teams of
excellent scholars, Drienko et al. (2018) and Harris and Amato (2018), to replicate
and extend my 2002 study. I thank the authors of these studies for agreeing to
undertake this task and for their analysis.
I begin by explaining why I developed the illiquidity measure (ILLIQ), the
average ratio of absolute returns to the dollar trading volume, a low-frequency
measure that can be calculated from daily data on CRSP. It was developed out of
necessity. The purpose of my 2002 article is indicated by its title, “Cross-section
and time-series analysis.” I intended to study the time-series effects of illiquidity
shocks on realized stock returns, a subject that has not been hitherto studied.
Such a study necessitated a reasonably long time-series of a measure of illiquidity.
At that time, fine illiquidity measures such as the effective bid-ask spread and
Kyle’s (1985) λ could be calculated from intraday data for 13 years whereas ILLIQ

I thank Haim Mendelson for helpful comments and suggestions and Di Wu for competent research

ISSN 2164-5744; DOI 10.1561/104.00000073

© 2019 Yakov Amihud
204 Yakov Amihud

could be calculated for 34 years. I then used ILLIQ which I showed to be positively
related to Kyle’s (1985) λ—a measure of price impact cost—and to the fixed cost
of trading, both estimated from intraday data.1
The results in the first part of my 2002 paper on the positive cross-section
effect of ILLIQ on expected returns are not new. They repeat the results in Amihud
and Mendelson (1986) and others.2 This part was needed to validate the use of
average market ILLIQ for the time-series analysis in the second part of the paper
which presented new results:

1. Expected market ILLIQ positively affect expected returns and shocks to

market ILLIQ negatively affect the time-series of realized returns. This
follows from two pieces of evidence: ILLIQ has positive effect on expected
return, as documented in the first part of the paper, and the aggregate market
ILLIQ is highly autoregressive which means that an increase in market ILLIQ
is expected to persist for a while. This raises subsequent expected returns
and as a result stock prices fall for given cash flows.3 This analysis follows
that of the effect of market volatility on stock returns; see Merton (1980)
and French et al. (1987).

2. The negative effect of illiquidity shocks on realized return is greater (more

negative) for smaller, less liquid stocks. I propose (p. 53): “the greater
sensitivity of small stocks to illiquidity means that these stocks are subject
to greater illiquidity risk which, if priced, should result in higher illiquidity
risk premium.” Illiquidity risk—the covariance of returns with illiquidity
shocks—is found to be positively priced by Pastor and Stambaugh (2003)
and Acharya and Pedersen (2005).

Another insight is that the effects of illiquidity on the market excess return
“suggest that the stock excess return, usually referred to as “risk premium,” is
in part a premium for stock illiquidity. This contributes to the explanation of
the puzzle that the equity premium is too high. “The results mean that stock
excess returns reflect not only the higher risk but also the lower liquidity of stocks
compared to Treasury securities.” (p. 53)

I regress ILLIQ on λ and ψ, the latter being the fixed-cost component related to the bid–ask
spread, estimated by the method of Glosten and Harris (1988) and available for 1984 (Michael Brennan
and Avanidhar Subrahmnaym kindly provided me with their estimates of these parameters). The
coefficients of λ and ψ are positive and highly significant. Lesmond (2005) finds that ILLIQ is among
the best proxies of within-country illiquidity measured by bid-ask spread plus commissions. Goyenko
et al. (2009) and Hasbrouck (2009) show that ILLIQ performs best among low-frequency measures of
λ. Fong et al. (2017) find that ILLIQ is among the best low-frequency measures of λ across 39 global
See Brennan and Subrahmanyam (1996), Brennan et al. (1998), and Datar et al. (1998) and
other studies, reviewed in Amihud et al. (2005, 2013).
The assumption is that illiquidity shocks do not affect cash flow. This condition can be weaker,
see Acharya and Pedersen (2005).
Illiquidity and Stock Returns: A Revisit 205

There is earlier evidence on the time-series effect of illiquidity changes on

stock prices in Amihud et al. (1990, 1997, 1999). Amihud et al. (1990) find that
during the October 1987 stock market crash stock price declines were greater for
stocks whose illiquidity increased by more. The issue of causality is resolved in
the next two studies which show that exogenous declines in illiquidity cause price
increases. Amihud et al. (1997) study the effects of a change in the market trading
method in Israel where stocks selected by the exchange were transferred from
an illiquid once-a-day auction to a semi-continuous trading system. The liquidity
of the transferred stocks increased and so did their price. Amihud et al. (1999)
study the effects of an increase in the investor base in the Tokyo Stock Exchange,
achieved by a reduction in the minimum trading unit which facilitated trading by
individual investors. This change induced an increase in liquidity of the affected
stocks and an increase in their price.
ILLIQ is obviously not the only possible low-frequency measure of (il)liquidity.
Another common liquidity measure is trading volume, a component of ILLIQ, or
turnover. Evidence shows that the effect of volume or turnover on expected return
in cross-section tests is negative and significant; see Brennan et al. (1998), Datar
et al. (1998), and Chordia et al. (2001). Turnover is also included in the analysis
in Amihud (2000) and there too its effect on expected return is negative and
significant in addition to the positive and significant effect of ILLIQ. However, the
time-series of aggregate market volume sometimes gives an incorrect reading of
market liquidity. During the October 19, 1987 stock market crash, while illiquidity
sharply increased as documented in the Brady report4 and in Amihud et al. (1990),
trading volume rose too.5 And, during the recent financial crisis in September
to October of 2008 market liquidity worsened, ILLIQ rose sharply as did other
measures of illiquidity (bid–ask spread and Kyle’s λ), yet aggregate market volume
remained flat.6 In Amihud (2000) I replicate the time-series tests using the series
of market turnover (the cross-section average of stock turnover) instead of ILLIQ
and find that while the results are qualitatively similar to those using market ILLIQ,
when including both market ILLIQ and market turnover in the time-series model,
“only illiquidity is statistically significant whereas turnover is not” (p. 28).
My objective in the 2002 article was to have a single measure of illiquidity that
provides consistent results and performs well in both cross-section and time-series
analyses and that could be (easily) obtained from widely available databases for
The Report of the Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms, January 1988. Available at
On October 19, 1987, the trading volume of Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 stocks was 604.3
million shares, compared with the 141.9 million shares that traded a week before, on October 12, 1987.
This is more than a fourfold increase. The S&P 500 index levels were 224.84 and 309.39 on October
19 and 12, 1987, respectively, suggesting that the dollar volume increased as well on October 19.
Amihud and Noh (2018) discuss the inconsistency between the behavior of aggregate market
volume and observed market liquidity. The pattern of a rise in market volume when illiquidity rises is
noted by Pastor and Stambaugh (2003).
206 Yakov Amihud

long periods of time. ILLIQ satisfied this requirement, though other measures
of illiquidity are not excluded and could perform as well. The key question is
not which illiquidity measure to use but whether illiquidity—however measured—
affects stock returns in a way consistent with the theory. As stated in my 2002
study, there may be finer measures of illiquidity. It is hard to expect that a single
measure would include all aspects of liquidity. What is important, in my view, is
the question of whether illiquidity is priced, regardless of the specific measure—or
a combination of measures—that is used.
In what follows, I use ILLIQ to present new analyses on the cross-sectional and
time-series effects of illiquidity on stock returns.

2 Construction of the Illiquid-Minus-Liquid Factor

I present evidence on the illiquidity premium across stocks, using a return factor
denoted illiquid-minus-liquid (IML), the differential return on illiquid-minus-liquid
stock portfolios.7 The illiquidity of stock j on day d is measured by ILLIQ j,d =
|return j,d |/dollar volume j,d and is averaged over a 12-month period that ends in
November of each year y. The variable ILLIQ j, y is used to analyze stock returns
in year y + 1, as in Amihud (2002). In calculating annual ILLIQ j, y values, I delete
stock–days with a negative price,8 a trading volume of less than 100 shares, or
a return of less than −100% and I delete the highest daily value of ILLIQ j,d in
each year. A stock is included if, during the 12-month period, its price is between
$5 and $1,000 and it has more than 200 days of valid return and volume data.
Finally, the sample in each year y excludes stocks whose ILLIQ j, y values are in
the top 1%, since they are potential outliers. In addition, SD j, y is the standard
deviation of the daily returns of stock j over the same 12 months. I employ New
York Stock Exchange (NYSE)/American Stock Exchange (AMEX) common stocks
(codes 10 and 11).
Portfolios are formed in each month t (January to December) in year y for
stocks that satisfy the above criteria and exist at the end of the preceding month.
Stocks are sorted on SD j, y−1 into three portfolios and, within each volatility port-
folio, they are sorted by ILLIQ j, y−1 into five portfolios, resulting in 15 (3 × 5)
portfolios. I do the double sorting9 because these two variables are positively
correlated (Stoll, 1978; Amihud, 2002), each having its own effect on expected re-
turns. In my 2002 cross-section analysis I control for volatility by including SD j, y−1
among the explanatory variables and find that its effect on expected returns is
This factor is used in Amihud et al. (2013, 2015) and Amihud and Noh (2017).
This indicates that the price is the mid-point between the quoted bid and ask prices rather than a
transaction price.
This procedure follows that of Fama and French (1993), where HML is constructed by double-
sorting stocks into size and book-to-market portfolios so as not to confound the effects of these two
stock characteristics.
Illiquidity and Stock Returns: A Revisit 207

negative, as also found in Ang et al. (2006, 2009).10 I then calculate the monthly
weighted average return for each portfolio using the capitalizations of the previous
month as weights. Stock returns are adjusted by Shumway’s (1997) method
to correct for the delisting bias.11 Finally, IML t is the average of the returns of
month t of the highest ILLIQ quintile portfolios across the three corresponding SD
portfolios minus the average returns on the lowest ILLIQ quintile portfolios across
the three corresponding SD portfolios.

3 The Risk-Adjusted Premium on IML

Table 1 presents estimated statistics of IML for two periods: Period I, 1964 to 1997
(408 months) is the period studied in my 2002 article and Period II, 1998 to 2017
(240 months), extends the analysis until the present.
Panel A of Table 1 presents the mean, median, and proportion of months with
positive values of IML. The mean IML value is positive and significant being 0.635
(t = 4.47) and 0.430 (t = 2.14) in Periods I and II, respectively. The respective
medians are 0.615 and 0.218, indicating positive skewness in Period II. In both
periods, the proportion of months with IML > 0 is significantly greater than 0.50,
the chance result.
Panel B of Table 1 presents alpha, the risk-adjusted mean IML, which is the
intercept from a regression of IML t on the risk factors of Fama and French (1993)
and Carhart (1997) (FFC):
IML t = alpha + βRM r f ∗ RMrf t + βSM B ∗ SMB t
+ βH M L ∗ HML t + βU M D ∗ UMD t + " t (1)
RMrf, SMB, HML, and UMD are, respectively, the market excess return over the
T-bill rate and the returns on small-minus-big firms (size factor), high-minus-low
book-to-market (BE/ME) ratio firms (value-growth factor), and winner-minus-
loser stocks (momentum factor). Panel B1 presents the results using only the
factor RMrf, because firm size, used to construct SMB, is considered a measure
of liquidity and the book-to-market ratio used in constructing HML is affected by
stock liquidity (Fang et al., 2009). Panel B2 includes all four FFC factors.
In Panels B1 and B2 of Table 1, alpha is positive and highly significant for both
periods, indicating a positive illiquidity premium adjusted for risk. In Panel B2,
Levy (1978) and Merton (1987) propose that expected stock return is positively related to
idiosyncratic (and total) volatility because of limited diversification by risk-averse investors.
The last month’s return of a delisted stock is either the last return available from the CRSP
database, RET, or the delisting return DLRET, if available. If both are available, the calculated last-
month return proposed by the CRSP is (1 + RET) ∗ (1 + DLRET) − 1. If neither the last return nor
the delisting return is available and the deletion code is in the 500s—which includes 500 (reason
unavailable), 520 (became traded over the counter), 551 to 573 and 580 (various reasons), 574
(bankruptcy), 580 (various reasons), and 584 (does not meet exchange financial guidelines)—the
delisting return is assigned to be −30%.
208 Yakov Amihud

alpha is 0.372% with t = 3.80 for Period I and 0.403% with t = 3.12 for Pe-
riod II.12 The positive and highly significant coefficient of SMB reflects the well-
known positive relation between liquidity and size. The positive slope coefficient
of HML indicates the greater illiquidity of the stocks with high book-to-market

I: 1964 to 1997 II: 1998 to 2017
Panel A: Statistics of IML
Mean 0.635 (4.47) 0.430 (2.14)
Median 0.641 0.218
% positive 60.5% (4.24) 56.7% (2.08)
Panel B: Regression of IML on Risk Factors
Panel B1: Regressions of IML on the Market Excess Return
Alpha 0.714 (5.18) 0.552 (2.86)
RMrf −0.154 (−2.85) −0.221 (−4.70)
Adj. R2 0.053 0.097
Panel B2: Regressions of IML on Fama–French–Carhart factors
Alpha 0.372 (3.80) 0.403 (3.12)
RMrf −0.264 (−8.92) −0.317 (−9.14)
SMB 0.687 (11.89) 0.676 (9.58)
HML 0.304 (7.44) 0.339 (6.62)
MOM 0.029 (1.01) 0.015 (0.51)
Adj. R2 0.621 0.613
Panel C: Model (1) with JAN t
Alpha 0.398 (3.82) 0.513 (3.70)
Four factors included Yes Yes
JAN 0.442 (1.04) −1.183 (−3.25)
Adj. R2 0.624 0.616
Panel D: Statistics for Rolling 1-Month-Ahead alpha t
Mean 0.523 (5.73) 0.333 (2.58)
Median 0.480 0.363
% positive 62.7% (5.05) 57.9% (2.45)
N 408 240
Panel E: Regression of 1-Month-Ahead alpha t on a constant and JAN t
Constant 0.489 (5.13) 0.439 (3.30)
JAN 0.412 (1.25) −1.274 (−2.76)

Table 1: Estimates of Risk-Adjusted Returns on an Illiquid-Minus-Liquid (IML) Portfolio.

When using Fama and French’s (2015) factors SMB, HML, RMW and CMA and the momentum
factor UMD, I find that for Period I, alpha is 0.424 with t = 3.86 and for Period II alpha is 0.265 with
t = 2.02. As to the significance of the illiquidity premium in the recent period, see supporting evidence
in Huh (2014) for the period 1983–2009 which extends 12 years beyond Amihud’s (2002) test period.
Illiquidity and Stock Returns: A Revisit 209

Table 1: Continued.
Description: The variable IML t is the return on an illiquid-minus-liquid portfolio for month t, the
differential return between the highest and lowest quintile portfolios of stocks sorted on their illiquidity,
measured by the average daily value of ILLIQ = |return|/dollar volume. In November of each year,
stocks are sorted into three portfolios by SD, the standard deviation of their daily returns and, within
each tercile portfolio, stocks are sorted into five portfolios by their ILLIQ value, producing 15 (3 × 5)
portfolios. The variables ILLIQ and SD are calculated over 12 months. For each portfolio, the value-
weighted average return is calculated for each month t from January to December of the following
year, using ILLIQ and SD for the month of November of the previous year. The variable IML is the
average return on the three highest ILLIQ quintile portfolios (across volatility portfolios) minus the
average return on the three lowest ILLIQ quintile portfolios. We use NYSE/AMEX stocks and apply
some filters. The returns are in monthly percentage points. Estimations are carried out for the period
1964 to 1997, as in Amihud (2002), and for the years that follow, 1998 to 2017. The t-statistics of
the estimated coefficients employ robust standard errors (White, 1980). In parentheses next to “%
positive” are values from a z-test approximation of the binomial test of the proportion against the null
of 50%, the chance result.
(Panel A) shows the statistics for IML. (Panel B) presents alpha and the β coefficients of the FFC factors
obtained from the regression model

IML t = alpha + βRMrf ∗ RMrf t + βSMB ∗ SMB t + βHML ∗ HML t + βUMD ∗ UMD t + " t (1)

where RMrf is the market excess return over the risk-free rate, SMB and HML are the Fama and
French (1993) factors of size and the book-to-market (BE/ME) ratio, and UMD is the Carhart (1997)
momentum factor. (Panel C) shows the estimations of Model (1) with an added variable, JAN t ,
which equals one in the month of January and zero otherwise. (Panel D) presents the out-of-sample,
one-month-ahead rolling alpha t values. Model (1) is estimated over a rolling window of 60 months
beginning in January 1950. For month 61,

alpha t = IML t − [βRMrf,t−1 ∗ RMrf t + βSMB,t−1 ∗ SMB t + βHML,t−1 ∗ HML t + βUMD,t−1 ∗ UMD t ],

using the β values estimated from the preceding 60-month window. (Panel E) shows the results from
a regression of alpha t on a constant and JAN t .
Interpretation: The results in Panel A show that the average illiquidity premium is positive and
The risk-adjusted illiquidity premium, estimated by alpha, is positive and significant. Panel B1 controls
for market risk and Panel B2 controls for the four Fama–French–Carhart risk factors.
Panel D shows that the one-step-ahead risk-adjusted illiquidity premium is positive and significant,
being approximately 4% per annum in period II.
Panels C and E control for the January effects. The risk-adjusted illiquidity premium is positive and
significant for the entire year in Period I and for February to December in Period II.

ratio which is consistent with the evidence of Fang et al. (2009) on the nega-
tive effect of illiquidity on the market-to-book ratio. The momentum factor is
Panel C of Table 1 presents the estimation results of Model (1) with an added
dummy variable, JAN t , which equals one in the month of January and zero
otherwise. This model tests if the illiquidity effect is confined to the month of
January, as is the case with the small firm effect. The results show that, in Period I,
the January effect is positive and insignificant but, in Period II, it becomes negative
210 Yakov Amihud

and significant. Thus, in the recent 20-year period, the average illiquidity premium
is positive only for the 11 months from February to December.
Panel D of the table presents estimates of 1-month-ahead out-of-sample es-
timates of alpha t of IML t . I first estimate the coefficients of Model (1) over a
60-month rolling window that ends in month t − 1. Then, the estimated coef-
ficients βK,t−1 for K = RMrf, SMB, HML, and UMD are used to calculate alpha t ,
conditional on the realized factor returns in month t:

alpha t = IML t − [βRM r f ,t−1 ∗ RMrf t + βSM B,t−1 ∗ SMB t

+ βH M L,t−1 ∗ HML t + βU M D,t−1 ∗ UMD t ].

This procedure is repeated by rolling forward the 60-month estimation window

1 month at a time.
Panel D presents statistics of the series alpha t for the period January 1964 to
December 2017. The mean of out-of-sample alpha t for Period I is 0.523%, with
t = 5.73, the median is 0.480%, which is close to the mean, and the fraction of
alpha t > 0 is 0.627, significantly greater than 0.50 which is the chance result. For
Period II—after Amihud’s (2002) analysis period—the mean alpha t is 0.333%,
with t = 2.58, the median is 0.363%, again close to the mean, and the fraction of
alpha t > 0 is 0.579, which is significantly greater than 0.50.
Panel E of Table 1 presents the test results of the January effect on alpha t . In
Period I, the January effect is positive and in Period II it is negative. For the month
of January alone, the means alpha t in Period I (n = 34) and Period II (n = 20)
are, respectively, 0.901% (t = 1.76) and −0.834% (t = −2.25). The flip in the
sign of the mean alpha t in January is puzzling. For the 11 months from February
to December, the means of alpha t are positive and significant in both periods and
of similar magnitude.
Figure 1 plots the 12-month moving average of alpha t for a longer sample
period, 1955 to 2017. The series is mostly in positive territory, including in recent
years. Its most negative value is in 2000, the year when the dot-com bubble burst.
Over the entire period the mean alpha t is 0.475% with t = 7.01, the median is
0.480% which is close to the mean and the proportion of alpha t > 0 is 0.627
which is significantly higher than 0.50, the chance result.

4 The Effects of the Time-Series of Market Illiquidity Shocks on IML

Amihud (2002) finds a negative and significant relation between market illiquidity
shocks and realized stock returns. A positive shock to illiquidity, which is highly
persistent, raises the expected level of illiquidity and makes investors demand
higher expected returns on stocks. Consequently, stock prices fall to raise expected
returns, assuming that cash flows are unaffected by market illiquidity shocks.13
See a formal derivation in Acharya and Pedersen (2005).
Illiquidity and Stock Returns: A Revisit 211


Figure 1: 12-Month Moving Average of 1-Month-Ahead Rolling alpha t .

Description: This figure plots a 12-month moving average of the monthly 1-month-ahead alpha t ,
calculated as

alpha t = IML t − [βRMrf,t−1 ∗ RMrf t + βSMB,t−1 ∗ SMB t + βHML,t−1 ∗ HML t + βUMD,t−1 ∗ UMD t ].

where IML t is the monthly return on an illiquid-minus-liquid portfolio (see Table 1 for details) and the
βvalues are estimated over 60 months preceding month t from the regression Model (1). The sample
period is 1964 to 2017. The numbers on the y-axis are monthly returns as a percentage.
Interpretation: The monthly risk-adjusted illiquidity premium is generally positive. It is low in the
1990s and deeply negative in the late 1990s, and it recovers to become mainly positive thereafter.

It follows that the market return, which is the sum of expected and unexpected
returns, is negatively affected by contemporaneous illiquidity shocks and positively
affected by lagged illiquidity, which is a proxy for expected illiquidity. The analysis
follows Merton’s (1980) analysis of expected market returns as an increasing
function of market volatility, causing expected returns to change through time
and the analysis of French et al. (1987), who find that the market return is
a negative function of unexpected market volatility and a positive function of
expected volatility.
Earlier studies show that stock prices are negatively impacted by changes
in illiquidity. Amihud et al. (1990) study the stock market crash of October 19,
1997, when the S&P 500 share index fell by more than 20% and illiquidity sharply
increased. The average quoted bid–ask spread (in dollars) increased by 63%
relative to its average level in the first week of October and there was a sharp
decline in market depth, the size of orders that can be exercised at the quoted
bid and ask prices. This study proposes that the price decline occurred partly
because of investors’ recognition that illiquidity is hurt by program trading, which
was prevalent at the time and not as high as previously thought. The finding is
212 Yakov Amihud

that, across firms on the day of the crash, stock returns were negatively related
to changes in illiquidity. Amihud et al. (1997) resolve the issue of causality by
presenting evidence that prices rise on stocks that undergo an exogenous increase
in liquidity. The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange gradually transferred stocks from trading
in a once-a-day call auction session to more continuous trading sessions, which
improved liquidity. Measures of stock liquidity—Amivest and trading volume—
rose. This led to a sharp rise in the price of the transferred stocks. Muscarella and
Piwowar (2001) find similar results for the Paris Bourse where prices increased
for stocks whose liquidity improved when they were transferred from call trading
to continuous trading. In their study of the Japanese market, Amihud et al. (1999)
find that stock prices increased when companies reduced the minimum order size
in their stocks which facilitated trading by small retail investors who are viewed
as uninformed liquidity traders and consequently improved stock liquidity. Across
stocks, price appreciation was an increasing function of the liquidity improvement
that followed from this change.14
In addition to the price decline because of the rise in expected returns when
expected illiquidity rises, I suggested that illiquid stocks suffer further price declines
because of the flight to liquidity, where investors substitute away from illiquid
into liquid assets when expected illiquidity rises.15 For liquid stocks that become
more attractive as illiquidity rises, the two effects work in opposite directions
and, therefore, the negative effect of illiquidity shocks on prices of liquid stocks is
weaker. The differential negative impact of illiquidity shocks on illiquid stocks,
defined as illiquidity systematic risk (or illiquidity beta), is used in the pricing of
stocks and bonds by Pastor and Stambaugh (2003), Acharya and Pedersen (2005),
Lin et al. (2011), and Bongaerts et al. (2018), among others.
In my 2002 paper, I studied the differential effect of illiquidity shocks on stock
returns across five size-based stock portfolios. I now estimate the differential effect
of illiquidity shocks on IML, the high-minus-low illiquidity quintile portfolio, with
the following model:

IML t = a0 + b1 ∗ uMILLIQ t + b2 ∗ RMrf t + b3 ∗ JAN t + u t , (2)

where MILLIQ t is the market illiquidity, calculated as the value-weighted monthly

average of stock illiquidity, uMILLIQ t is the 1-month-ahead unexpected illiquidity
using an AR(2) model of logMILLIQ t with a trend variable that is estimated
dynamically over a lagged rolling window of 60 months. RMrf t is added as a
control variable given the contemporaneous negative relation between illiquidity
shocks and the market excess return.
In a study of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Amihud et al. (2003) find a significant increase in
stock prices subsequent to the exercise of warrants that significantly improved stock liquidity by
consolidating trading of two similar securities into one.
Supporting evidence for such a pattern is presented by Huang (2010) who finds that mutual
funds switch from illiquid to liquid holdings when they anticipate adverse market conditions. Acharya
et al. (2013) find evidence of a flight to liquidity in corporate bonds that is distinct from flight to
Illiquidity and Stock Returns: A Revisit 213

Period I: 1964 to 1997 Period II: 1998 to 2017

(1) (2) (3) (4)
alpha 0.405 (3.10) 0.487 (3.94) 0.501 (2.37) 0.688 (3.44)
uMILLIQ t −1.92 (−2.73) −4.467 (−5.46) −1.617 (−1.78) −3.00 (−3.53)
RMrf t −0.286 (−5.09) −0.262 (−5.39)
JAN t 2.727 (3.41) 3.455 (4.49) −0.597 (−1.09) −0.891 (−1.65)
Adj. R2 0.08 0.22 0.01 0.14
N 408 240

Table 2: Effect of Illiquidity Shocks on IML.

Description: This table presents estimation results of the model

IML t = a0 + b1 ∗ uMILLIQ t + b2 ∗ RMrf t + b3 ∗ JAN t + u t , (2)

where uMILLIQ t is the 1-month-ahead unexpected market illiquidity where MILLIQ t is market illiquidity,
the value-weighted monthly average of stock illiquidity. Unexpected illiquidity is the difference between
logMILLIQ t and its predicted value using an AR(2) model of logMILLIQ t with a trend variable that is
estimated over a rolling window of 60 months up to month t − 1, and whose coefficients are used to
obtain a predicted value of logMILLIQ t . The t-statistics in parentheses employ robust standard errors.
Interpretation: The table shows that illiquidity shocks, measured by uMILLIQ t , have a more negative
effect on illiquid stocks than on liquid stocks.

The monthly market illiquidity series MILLIQ t is constructed by averaging the

market’s daily cross-stock average illiquidity over the days of month t. The daily
average illiquidity for each day d of month t is a weighted average of the daily
values of ILLIQ j,d,t using all stocks j that are employed in the construction of IML t .
Then, I calculate the illiquidity shocks as follows. Over a window of 60 months,
I conduct a regression of the logarithm of MILLIQ t on its two lags, a trend line
and a constant.16 Finally, I calculate uMILLIQ t for month 61 as the difference
between logMILLIQ t and its predicted value, using the estimated coefficients from
the preceding 60 months. I then roll the window ahead by one month and repeat
the procedure. Thus, there is no hindsight in the generation of uMILLIQ t .
Table 2 presents the estimation results of Model (2) for both sample periods.
The research question is whether the effect of illiquidity shocks is greater for less
liquid stocks, as proposed in Amihud (2002). The estimations of Model (2), pre-
sented in Table 2 show that market illiquidity shocks negatively affect IML t in both
periods. The negative effect of uMILLIQ t is statistically significant in both periods
when RMrf t is included. Notably, when RMrf t itself is regressed on uMILLIQ t , the
slope coefficient is negative and highly significant in both periods. Similarly, when
returns on the highest and lowest illiquidity quintile portfolios which are used to
construct IML are separately regressed on uMILLIQ t , the coefficients are negative

The results through this section are qualitatively similar when the autoregressive coefficients
are adjusted by the bias correction method of Shaman and Stine (1988, 1989) that accounts for
finite-sample bias.
214 Yakov Amihud

and significant in both periods regardless of whether RMrf t is included in the

model. The January effect is positive in Period I and negative in Period II as it is
in the cross-section analysis.
I add logMILLIQ t−2 , an estimator of expected illiquidity, to the models in
columns (2) and (4), to test Amihud’s (2002) proposition that the effect of expected
market illiquidity is greater for more illiquid stocks. I find that its coefficient of
logMILLIQ t−2 is insignificantly different from zero. In Period I it is 0.177 with
t = 1.11 and in Period II it is −0.089 with t = −0.43.
In summary, there is evidence on a significant and more negative effect of
illiquidity shocks on the returns of less liquid stocks but there is no support for
the hypothesis on the differential effect of expected illiquidity on the expected
returns between illiquid and liquid stocks. The difficulty of finding a significant
positive effect of expected illiquidity on expected returns in time series is similar
to the difficulty of finding a significant positive effect of expected risk on expected
returns, noted in French et al. (1987). Guo and Whitelaw (2006) discuss the
econometric problems in estimating the effect of expected volatility on ex ante
return. Some of these problems apply for the estimation of the effect of expected
illiquidity on expected return. Further study may be needed along the line of Guo
and Whitelaw’s (2006) study of Merton’s (1980) prediction of the varying effect
of expected volatility on expected returns, in which they estimate a conditional
expectation model based on state variables. The analysis needs to account not only
for the effect of macroeconomic state variables on expected illiquidity but also
for their effect on the price or premium of illiquidity. Brunnermeier and Pedersen
(2009) show theoretically that both the level and the price of market liquidity vary
over time as a function of funding liquidity and Acharya et al. (2013) find that
illiquidity is priced in the time-series of corporate bond returns mainly in periods
of financial distress.

5 Concluding Remarks

Amihud and Mendelson (1986) proposed that investors require a return premium
as compensation for illiquidity costs. They predicted that across stocks, illiquidity
affects expected return, and they presented evidence that supports this prediction.
Amihud (2002) continued this line of research by showing the time-series effect
of illiquidity on stock returns.
Amihud and Mendelson’s (1986) theory proposes that the illiquidity premium
differs by investors’ holding-period clientele and exceeds expected illiquidity costs
because of investors’ funding constraints. The theory predicts a positive relation
between expected returns and illiquidity costs. This is the important takeaway;
the specific measure of illiquidity that is used in empirical tests is secondary.
Illiquidity has a number of dimensions that are hard to capture in a single
measure, including fixed costs, variable costs—price impact costs that increase in
Illiquidity and Stock Returns: A Revisit 215

the traded quantity—and opportunity costs. The variable ILLIQ is one proxy, just
as the bid–ask spread was a proxy in Amihud and Mendelson (1986).17 ILLIQ has
been shown to have a high positive correlation with high-frequency measures of
illiquidity (estimated from intraday data) but it does not capture everything about
illiquidity. It is possible to combine ILLIQ and other low-frequency measures of
illiquidity into one measure using principal component analysis as do Korajczyk
and Sadka (2008) for high-frequency measures of liquidity. Among low-frequency
measures of illiquidity are those of Roll (1984), Lesmond et al. (1999), Brennan
et al. (1998), Chordia et al. (2001), Pastor and Stambaugh (2003), Liu (2006),
Hasbrouck (2009), Goyenko et al. (2009), Holden (2009), Das and Hanouna
(2010), Corwin and Schultz (2012), Fong et al. (2017), and Abdi and Ronaldo
(2017). Some illiquidity measures employ volume and volatility. Amihud (2002,
p. 34) points out that ILLIQ is “strongly related to the liquidity ratio known as
the Amivest measure, the ratio of the sum of the daily volume to the sum of the
absolute return.” Amivest, used in Amihud et al. (1997, 1999), is defined as “a liq-
uidity measure that calculates the dollar value of trading that would occur if prices
changed 1%.”18 Harris and Amato (2018) test the pricing of a set of illiquidity
measures that are based on daily return and volume data. They use Amivest−1 and
the invariance illiquidity measure of Kyle and Obizhaeva (2016), the third root of
the ratio of the variance of returns to the average dollar volume. This measure is
approximately the product of Amivest−1/3 and the third root of the return standard
deviation which is closely related to average absolute return. Harris and Amato
(2018) find that these alternative liquidity measures significantly predict expected
The magnitude of the effect of illiquidity on expected return varies over time.
In Amihud (2002) the effect of ILLIQ on expected return is lower in the second
half of the sample period than in the first half. Similar evidence is presented in
Ben-Rephael et al. (2015), Drienko et al. (2018), and Harris and Amato (2018).
The analysis in Table 1, which employs a different methodology than that used in
the aforementioned studies, shows lower risk-adjusted illiquidity premium in the
recent period that is still positive and significant. Figure 1 shows considerable vari-
ations over time in the average illiquidity premium. In general, long-term trends
in the effect of illiquidity on expected return are partly affected by institutional
changes in the securities markets which affect liquidity and trading and by the
means developed to circumvent the costs of illiquidity. Since the 1980s we observe
a strong downward trend in market ILLIQ. There may be a number of reasons for
that. Since the 1980s there has been a strong entry of discount brokers which
increased competition in the brokerage industry, facilitated trading, and lowered
the cost of trading especially for small investors. Amihud et al. (1999) show that
Trading volume data were not publicly available when Amihud and Mendeslon’s (1986) study
was written.
See, quoted from Webster New World
Finance and Investment Dictionary.
216 Yakov Amihud

facilitating trading increases the presence of small investors in the market and
improves stock liquidity. The reduction in the minimum quoted tick size from
$1/8 to $1/16 in 1997 and the further reduction to $0.01 in 2001 helped increase
market liquidity19 and reduce the illiquidity premium. Recent developments in
automated trading and trading schemes to reduce trading costs further improve
market liquidity and reduce the illiquidity premium.
Mutual funds and index funds enabled effective trading in securities—even
less liquid ones—while saving in trading costs. At the end of a trading day a typical
fund offsets buy and sell orders for its units thus enabling its investors to transfer
ownership of the underlying securities without having to trade these securities. In
this way, the fund saves the cost that investors would have incurred if they had
directly bought and sold the securities that constitute the fund portfolio. The fund
needs to trade only to the extent required by the residual unmatched demand for
its units.
Another way to save on trading cost is by enabling trading in a liquid security
that represents a claim on a portfolio of illiquid assets such as securitized loans,
mortgage backed securities, and exchange traded funds. Unlike risk which can be
reduced through portfolio diversification illiquidity is not reduced when holding a
portfolio of illiquid stocks. Illiquidity is additive: buying and selling a portfolio of
illiquid assets entails bearing the sum of the illiquidity costs of its components.20
However, if a security that represents a claim on a portfolio of illiquid assets is
liquid, its price will reflect a lower illiquidity premium than that of the underlying
assets. This will permeate to the underlying securities, raise their price and reduce
their illiquidity premium. This idea has been presented by Amihud and Mendelson
(1988) in the context of securitization of loans. Banks and financial firms pool and
package individual loans, which are highly illiquid, into standard debt securities
that are liquid traded assets. Competition between financial intermediaries passes
the benefits of increased liquidity to the borrowers in the form of lower interest
rates or a lower illiquidity premium.
Similarly, the market has developed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that are
often more liquid than their constituent securities that include illiquid stocks
and bonds. As in Amihud and Mendelson’s (1988) analysis of securitization,
ETFs transfer the benefit of their higher liquidity to their constituent securities
in the form of a lower illiquidity premium. The existence of liquid ETFs partly
underscores the importance of illiquidity costs. Ben-Rephael et al. (2015) propose
that the expansion of investment through ETFs explains the decline in the illiquidity
premium that they document.
However, there is no free lunch. A fund enables saving in trading costs while
making its investors face an opportunity cost since they are restricted to a given
portfolio which could deviate from what they consider optimal. Investors face a

See Bessembinder (2003) on the improvement in liquidity following the 2001 decimalization.
Amihud and Mendelson (2010).
Illiquidity and Stock Returns: A Revisit 217

tradeoff: on the one hand, they incur higher trading costs when holding directly
their optimal portfolio of securities; on the other hand, they bear the cost of
deviating from optimality and losing flexibility when holding a liquid fund whose
return is imperfectly correlated with what they consider as their optimal portfolio.
In addition, a fund charges a continuous management fee, which effectively shifts
part of the cost from trading costs to these fees. Thus, while mutual funds, ETFs,
and similar investment vehicles reduce the cost of illiquidity, which is what they
are designed to do, they do not eliminate them.21
Recent developments in capital markets raise the value of liquidity for some
investors. Liquid securities are in greater demand by high-frequency traders,
consistent with Amihud and Mendelson’s (1986) prediction that the demand for
assets with different illiquidity costs is affected by investor clienteles that differ
in their expected holding periods. Increased trading frequency makes liquidity
more valuable. Another development is the rise of activist investors, who favor
investing in firms with liquid stock (Fos, 2017).
Ultimately, the evidence supports the proposition that illiquidity is priced,
using a variety of proxies, and that there is a positive illiquidity premium which
varies over time. Amihud et al. (2005, 2013) review evidence on the pricing
of illiquidity and illiquidity risk. Drienko et al. (2018) and Harris and Amato
(2018) find that the cross-sectional effect of illiquidity is positive and significant
for their entire estimation period although it has diminished recently. Worldwide,
Amihud et al. (2015) find that stock illiquidity has a positive effect on expected
In conclusion, there are now two major theories of asset pricing. One is based
on asset risk and the other on asset illiquidity. Both theories propose that these
asset characteristics, which are undesirable by investors, entail an expected return
premium as compensation. Empirical evidence on the cross-section determinants
of expected return shows that the pricing of illiquidity is no less—and perhaps
more—robust than the pricing of risk.22 The existence of a positive risk premium
is supported by evidence on a positive and significant mean of RMrf, the excess
return of risky stocks over the risk-free rate. Similarly, there is a positive (risk-
adjusted) mean of IML, the excess return of illiquid over liquid stocks. Although
in some periods we observe that the average realized market risk premium RMrf t

Petajisto (2016) finds that deviations of ETF prices from their net asset value reflect the cost of
redeeming and creating units of ETFs. These deviations are greater in funds of illiquid securities.
There is meager evidence on the significant pricing of stock systematic (β) risk. However Bali
and Engle (2010) find that the dynamically conditional covariance risk is positively priced. Evidence
on a negative effect of risk, measured by return standard deviation, on the cross section of expected
stock returns is presented in Amihud (2002), Drienko et al. (2018), and Harris and Amato (2018).
Ang et al. (2006, 2009) find idiosyncratic risk to have a negative and significant effect on the cross
section of expected returns. However, Ghysels et al. (2005) find a significant positive relation between
risk and expected return and Han and Lesmond (2011) suggest that the negative relation between
idiosyncratic risk and expected return is due to idiosyncratic biases in estimated returns. Empirical
evidence on the determinants of security returns is reviewed in Bodie et al. (2018, Ch. 13).
218 Yakov Amihud

is insignificantly different from zero,23 we do not conclude from this evidence

that investors are not averse to risk nor do we dismiss the existence of a risk
premium. Similarly, evidence that in some subperiods there is insignificant pricing
of illiquidity does not imply that investors are not averse to illiquidity cost nor
should it dismiss the existence of an illiquidity premium.


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