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A Guide To Case Analysis

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A Guide to Case Analysis

I kept six honest serving men (They taught me all I knew): Their names are What and why and When: And How and Where and Who: Rudyard Kipling

In most courses in strategic management students use cases about actual companies to practice strategic analysis and gain experience in the task of crafting and implementing strategy. A case sets forth, in a factual manner, the events and organizational circumstances surrounding a particular managerial situation. It puts readers at the scene of the action and familiarizes them with all the relevant circumstances. A case on strategic management can concern a whole industry, a single organization or some part of an organization. The essence of the students role in case analysis is to diagnose and size up the situation described in the case and then to recommend appropriate action steps.

Benefits to the students:

The case approach to strategic analysis is, first and foremost, an exercise in learning by doing. Because cases provide you with detailed information about conditions or problems of different industries and companies, your task of analyzing company after company and situation after situation has the twin benefit of boosting your analytical skills and exposing you to the ways companies and managers actually do things. Most university students have limited managerial background and fragmented knowledge about companies and real life strategic situations. Cases help substitute for on-the-job experience by: 1. Giving you broader exposure to a variety of industries, organizations, and strategic problems 2. Forcing you to assume a managerial role ( as opposed to that of just an onlooker) 3. Providing a test of how to apply the tools and techniques of strategic management and; 4. Asking you to come up with pragmatic managerial action plans to deal with issues at hand

Objectives of Case Analysis:

1. Increase your understanding of what managers should and should not do in guiding a business to success 2. Build your skills in sizing up company resource strengths and weaknesses and in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of industries and competitive situations 3. Get valuable practice in identifying strategic issues that need to be addressed, evaluating strategic alternatives, and formulating workable plans of action 4. Enhance your sense of business judgment as opposed to uncritically accepting the authoritative crutch of the professor or back-of-the-book answers 5. gaining in-depth exposure to different industries and companies, thereby acquiring something close to actual business experience If you understand that these are the objectives of the case analysis, you are less likely to be consumed with curiosity about the answers to the case. Usually, case discussions produce good arguments for more than one course of action. Difference of opinion nearly always exists. Thus, should a class discussion conclude without on what to do, dont grumble too much when you are not told what the answer is or what the company actually did, just remember that in business world answers dont come in conclusive black-and white terms. There are always several feasible courses of action and approaches that may workout satisfactorily. Moreover, in business world, when one elects a particular course of action,

there is no peeking back of a book if you have chosen the best thing to do and no one to for provably correct answers. The best test of whether management action is right or wrong is results. If the result of an action turn out to be good, the decision to take it may be presumed right. If not, then the action chosen was wrong in the sense that it didnt work out Hence, the important thing for you to understand about analyzing cases is that the managerial exercise of identifying, diagnosing, and recommending is aimed at building your skills of business judgment.

Preparing a Case Analysis

Your goal in preparing the case should be to end up with what you think is a sound, well supported analysis of the situation and a sound defensible set of recommendations about which managerial action need to be taken To prepare a case the following approach is suggested: 1. Skim the case rather quickly to get an overview of the situation it presents. This quick overview should give you the general flavor of the situation and indicate the kinds of issues and problems that you will need to wrestle with 2. Read the case thoroughly to digest facts and circumstances. On this reading, try to gain full command of the situation presented in the case. Begin to develop some tentative answers to the study questions your instructor has provide. 3. Carefully review all information presented in the exhibits. Often there is an important story in the numbers contained in all exhibits. Expect the information in the case exhibits to be crucial enough to materially affect your diagnosis of the situation 4. Carefully and logically follow the steps your instructor has provided you for analysis. The instructor is looking for coherent logical analysis. As the case analysis in this course involves group analysis, students have the weakness of dividing the portions. Many times they dont even check what other group members have written; this produces a case analysis report in which case facts are not coherent but also contradictory. The best way is that each group member does the whole case individually and then in group discussion finalizes the report which is developed with consensus of group members. A majority of strategy cases call for some kind of number crunching calculating assorted financial ratios to check out the companys condition and recent performances, calculating growth rates of sales and profits or unit volume, checking out profit margins and make of cost structure, and understanding whatever revenue cost-profit relationships are present. Support your diagnosis with reasons and evidence 5. Apply the concepts, tools and techniques of strategic analysis you have been studying. Strategic analysis is not just a collection of opinions, rather, it entails applying the concepts and analytical tools described in this course to cut beneath the surface and produce a sharp insight and understanding. Every

case assigned is strategy related and present you with an opportunity to usefully apply what you have learned 6. Develop an appropriate action plan and set of recommendations. Diagnosis divorced from action is sterile. The test of a manager is always to convert sound analysis into sound actions actions that will provide results. Hence the final and most telling step in preparing a case is to develop an action plan for management that lays out a set of specific recommendations on what to do. Bear in mind that proposing realistic workable solutions is more preferable to casually tossing top-of-your-head suggestions. Be prepared to argue why your recommendations are more attractive than other courses of action that are open

Preparing an Oral Presentation:

As a manager you are expected to make professional presentations. Your evaluation on presentations would depend on how professional each member of the group was in presenting his / her portion of the case. Remember on your written report (which is 60% of the marks allocated to case analysis portion for both minor and major cases) all the group members will get the same marks but marks on presentation will differ depending on the standard of presentations. Please note that all presentations have to made on Power point slides. Tables and calculation could be shown on excel. Groups which will present otherwise will not be entitled for individual marks. The presentations will be judged on the following basis: 1. Professional Slides: The norm is that each slide shouldnt have more than 7-8 sentences and each sentence not have more than 8-9 words per sentence 2. Eye Contact: Students instead of facing the audience read their contents from the slides with their back towards audience. You should face the audience in explaining your view point, Dont make the instructor your centre of attention instead you should give equal attention to every one 3. Content and logical analysis. Your confidence in presenting your part in a logical and coherent way 4. Listening Skills: How patiently you can listen to the counter arguments or questions of other members of the class before responding to them and the way you respond to them 5. Avoid the use of I think, I believe, I guess, I believe Instead say, My (our) analysis show _____ , because _________. Always give supporting reasons and evidence for your views. The following are some guidelines for making presentations 1. An opening slide covering the title of the presentation and names of the presentation 2. A slide showing the outline of the presentation with presenters name for each topic 3. One or more slides showing the key problems and strategic issues that management needs to address 4. A series of slides covering the analysis of the companys situation

5. A series of slides containing your recommendations and supporting arguments and reasoning for each recommendations one slide for each recommendation and associated reasoning has lot of merit

GOOD LUCK: Have a enjoyable semester

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