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Pat Y6 Pemahaman 2020

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SULIT 2 013

[ 20 marks ]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1 The wealthy man is protected by a big-sized _________.

A bodyguard
B policeman
C rear guard
D firefighter

2 Rani’s pet hurt __________ when it jumped down from the rooftop.

A itself
B herself
C yourself
D ourselves

3 The cameras ___________ the school installed last month are useful.

A who
B that
C whom
D whose

4 The tiger was very tired___________ it slept under the tree.

A for
B yet
C so
D since

5 The school Safety Week has been set to start ___________ Monday next week

A in
B up
C at
D on

Choose the most suitable simile to complete the sentence below.

6 Puan Hasnah never shouts at her pupils. She is __________.

A as light as a feather
B as quick as lightning
C as cool as cucumber
D as proud as a peacock
SULIT 3 013
Choose the best answer for each blank.
Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

My neighbour is a hawker. She _____7_____ nasi lemak in our neighbourhood

every day. She starts her business _____8_____6.30 in the morning. Her nasi lemak is said
to be the _____9_____ in the district.

7 A sell
B sold
C sells
D selling

8 A at
B on
C for
D with

9 A best
B bad
C good
D worse

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai maksud yang sama dengan perkataan bergaris.

10 The shopkeeper was impolite to her customer.

A kind
B rude
C pleasant
D inconsiderate

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pili ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11 A We will be in dragon hotel on New Year’s eve.

B We will be in Dragon Hotel on New Year’s eve.
C We will be in Dragon Hotel on new year’s eve.
D We will be in dragon Hotel on New Year’s eve.

SULIT 4 013

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

The Malays celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri after a month of fasting. They pray at the
mosque and _____12_____ their relatives and friends during the festival. The men wear
_____13_____ and the women wear baju kurung. There will be an open house during this
festival where _____14_____ serve lemang, ketupat and rendang for _____15_____ guests.

12 A visit 14 A he
B visits B she
C visited C their
D visiting D they

13 A Jippa 15 A a
B Baju melayu B an
C Baju kebaya C the
D cheongsam D -

SULIT 5 013

Question 16 to 18

Read the article below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca rencana di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

16 Where can Siamang be found?

A Malaysian rainforest
B Indonesian rainforest
C Malaysian and Indonesian rainforests
D The treetops of the Malaysians and Indonesian rainforests.

17 Their long arms are used to ___________.

A sleep
B catch its prey
C walk and play
D swing from branch to branch

18 What do Siamangs use to make their call so loud?

A black fur
B long arms
C throat sacs
D webbing toes

SULIT 6 013

Question 19 to 20

Read the advertisement below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca iklan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut

19 What is the advertisement about?

A The UPSR examination

B A study group
C A private tutor
D A tuition centre

20 All the statements below are correct except

A Jasmine Tuition Centre conducts classes on weekdays.

B The fee for Science class is RM25.00.
C They hires experienced tutors.
D Email Mrs. Siva for more information.

SULIT 7 013


(30 Marks)

Write the correct answer based on the situations given below.

Question 21

(a) 9




(2 marks)





(2 marks)




(2 marks)

SULIT 8 013

Question 22

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Baca petikan di
bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

A group of scouts from SK Taman Indah, Penang has planned to climb Mount
Kinabalu during the December school holidays. They planned their trip very carefully. Each
scout wanted it to be a memorable adventure.
On the appointed day, the scouts gathered at the foot of the mountain. Four
scoutmasters accompanied them. Everyone was talking excitedly and set out in high spirits.
But as they were reaching the peak that afternoon, it started to rain heavily. They had to stop
and take an hour-long break.
When the rain stopped, they continued upwards. Along the way, they noticed all kinds
of flora and fauna such as ferns, mushrooms, rare plants, squirrels and others. Cameras were
clicking away. Finally, they reached the peak in the late afternoon. The view from the top
was breathtaking. It made all their effort worthwhile.

Write True or False for each statement below.

(a) The scouts went to Kota Kinabalu by train. _________________ 1 mark

(b) The scouts arrived at the peak of the mountain in the late _________________ 1 mark

Write your answer in the space provided.

Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

(c) When was the trip to the Mount Kinabalu held? Why?



(2 marks)

(d) Why did the scouts arrive late at the peak of the mountain?



(2 marks)

SULIT 9 013

The view from the top was breathtaking

(e) What is the meaning of the sentence above?



(2 marks)

SULIT 10 013

Question 23

Read the brochure below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca brosur di bawah dan jawab soalan yang berikutnya.

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.
Tanda ( √ ) pada jawpan yang betul.

(a) Masitah is in Year 3. She and her father want to buy Ticket A during the promotion
period, how much do they have to pay?

RM 40.00
RM 55.00
RM 80.00
(1 mark)
(b) The promotion lasts for …

a week
a month
a year
(1 mark)

SULIT 11 013

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrase in List B. An example is given below.

List A List B
The entry time for Ticket A RM 40.00

The price for Ticket B for two ‘eat-all-you-can’ promotion.
adults are

Both tickets offer starts from 8.00 a.m. until 6.00


Call Encik Hassan if you have any queries.

(2 marks)

(d) What does ‘eat-all-you-can’ in the promotion means?



(2 marks)

(e) Which ticket would you buy? Why?



(2 marks)

SULIT 12 013

Question 24 and 25

Study the story and answer the questions that follow.

Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan yang berikutnya.

Question 24

Circle the correct answer.

(a) When was the Mother’s Day celebration?

Last Sunday Last Saturday Last month

(1 mark)
(b) How did Puan Marina’s family surprise her?

by cooking her favourite by going to a restaurant by thanking her


(1 mark)
SULIT 13 013

Question 25
Write the answer in the spaces provided.

(c) Do you think Puan Marina enjoy her day? Why?



(2 marks)

(d) In your opinion, why is it important to celebrate Mother’s Day?


(2 marks)

(e) How would you like to celebrate your family’s special day such as birthday?



(2 marks)


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