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Quick installatlon 91.1 :le

1!188'/1 6
Mobile APP Operation Manual

Search'I'OOSHonApp ,downkwd and insull;

1 .1.2.()petl~.downk>ildApp

1.1.3. UseQQ.Bo,du,UC browser (O san QR CoOe on ~~~~boli

1~1. SelrthYOOSEEonGoot;lel'bv, .p dowrllo;tdandinsUII,

1.2.2.. Ope-n~.downkwd.t.pp

1.2.3. UseQQ. Baldu, UCbrowser tosan QFICoo:leon padurcbolc

2. AceountRealster
2.1. Opentheyooseesofrware
2~ Oo:kt'leNQud:.recoster"button,oruseW«<Iat/Lw'M!Iocln
2.). Oòc:konthemobolepi'lonePiiC"pn;Hnpt "Qu!Citregoste,.buttontoenterthenectstep,
select the country •> enter tht emaol address o set the lo&•n ~nssword o elle~ "Confìrm" to
complete tht rtt:lllratlon; l'lei se remember the reJl.ll!!'ed user Keoont and password
3. DNou pluc '" {bke t.he AndrOid W'f'SIOf\ lor e.o:ampko)
3.1. Putca-nef3andmoboleneart.heWIFirout!f,andmakesufP-...vtffsi&NI~~oaood.thephone

open Wlfl connected to the wireless router, w1fl namr and wofl pusword Uln only b.- pure lett!Kl,


J~ l'owel'on. W<l•t>nclorJOS«<nd>untilhearttw·du-du·du"l.OUfld
Top; lfyoudo n.othear'du-du--du" sounc:. usepon tooM«t thedevlce RES{T ~)Ie, ,,IKSilnd
holdforSS@Cond>tohearthe "sword''sound,Afttrwaot>nl 30second>,y<IUWIIIhear

J.J. Alt~ download 11nd retllot!f, pleiise loc•n YOOSEE in n'oOblle

3.4 OdthetoJ~nghtcorner···•nthedevalrst,lffiterthe~>:tstep

Add _ , _ .

- ~-
- -- Addonloneremotedevoee

Cloek"AddNewDe-v!ce",entertheiM'>:!Step Ct>oose "F~~~ networkin" ,e nter nel<! step
).4.2.2.Accorflg th~ APP prompt, ~fter hearmg "du-du-du", wa1bng connection Ione, click "Hear
abeepforconnection" to enterthene•t~ep(a~shownin)



• EntertherouterWIFipassword

Clicktoselect "GM_AP_ •••••• • (Figure li. and wait forthe devketo :,e camected tothe
network(asshowninfigure 2 ).Thede>licesendsa ' deng"s.oundtoìndicatetharthe device
isconnectedtotheWiflrouterandwa.tsforthedevicetocoonhnt'(figure }),glvethe
dev.ce a qwck name or enter the name o! the dev1ce manually (figure4), dick "Confirm ' to
enter ".6.11 devices" (fieur~ 5)

!rom the router or the Wlfl p;~~sword is wrong. please ri"';;f''nect.)

fii[U r• l Fii[Un ' '
- - Fi gure }

·· •

- Figurc6
b dickon"GotosetWlFI"IF•gure 7l
c. 5-e!..ct Conne<:t AP hotspot device "besinninll with : GM_AP _ •• • • • • •"IFill"'" 8)
d. d~ek the upper left corner ""to return YOOSH (Fi11ure .'\)
e. Wa>~r\fl for the distribution of equ1pment, the eQUipment issued a "deng" sound, tl'te
device is oonnect.e-d to the router WIFI, automaOOII"f' enter the device list after the
(Note: Thll! oonnectiOn ~ fi•led or t h-e "du~u~u'" ~und ~in to prove the device '' too far

4. DevicePrep;uabon
4 .1. Devlce!'inthedev•celist(Flgure9)

(!) Scantoaddtwo--dimens•onalcodesharlnlldev•ce











10 11


Ci) Retum dMce list


® Presetpo~•tionsettlna
@ "'"-'i!Cieoqwo~ty






oiUr l F~e l2
- FiKUrt>l'
5.2. 3. ~ciends are not around. as shr-tl in Figure 14 Click on th<:· devi cc l ist • ··,

sclcct' • toenterthene•tstep{hgure\3), longpressthepaste

addressintheaddresshox. addasharedcvice
6. Al'.OOe
6.l. Thedeviceaut,.,.ticallycntenAPIIOdcaftcr5 • inutcsof•aitinglnthcnct-.urk
.ode(du-du-du) (du dudusoondstop)
6.2. ~nthephone•S<>tt i ngs•option{Figurc\4). sclec.thciLA'òscttings (Figure
15), f in d thedHicci!Flna.c(IIFI~bcginning•ithGIAP nn•n•)Sclccl

- -

Figure\4 Figure\5 FigurP\6

6.3. Ùp<>n the phone ha~ ho>pn i nsu l led APP soft-arc. YOOSEF. and log in (Figure\7)
6.4. Clickonthelistofdcvicpsfornct•orkorAPdircctprcvic•virll'o{Figurc

6. 5. Click ·~kip. shift lo AP .:>de·, (Figure 19)

6.6. Cli!'k 'C=fino' for AP Di rcct Prcvi.,. vid~'O (F i gurc20)

-Figurc\8 Figure\') Figure20
Computer Client Operating Guide
l . QI:Sda.nloed.
~ntH tht• .-eb. ti' hl!p; ....,._yoosf' .co,c k ntS sn<l do.-nload i t
2. CIS log in and add the device
2.l.f'4Slogin :DcubledickonlheCMS" in tho•f•*!lulu, click "Oti" lo log in


Fìgure 11

r --


l=~ r--


l f Figur<L:-!4
Clkk the .. 11. hutt• in th~ ot5 lett ~id<·, 11'\lUld dUt...,.tif ' rçh tho local
ck-vt sele.:titint ..h• ._,_,_"totllerightdt·viceli~t.thenlick
"h t·" lf •ou &re ddi11111 re.Jte d•·~ie<· Click "ll.Ullllll add device" (Fig~~r 2Jl •
..Wfrtends odiar• devi Cl•d<",l,ddsh&redd<>vln" (Fi~;Ure241 Tht'nc 1.-k"OK",
k "[ùt" tn rrturr '' the previ._.... 1nterf-.

3.local device settings

~ the im• se pr~lf'W first, •nd then nsht·dk:~ the mou ... on the devoct hst (F'8ure25L
... lect~tproptrty'"andenterthedevtce~ssword(defa<Jk~SS"M>rdl23)0od<"O«:"Is
todele:ethedev!c:e.5elect"S..rtmonot0fll'\l"i5theVtdeoprev-• ....Ject"Smooth.S~
definlt!On, Hogtt defirunon"tS topreYiewtheYKieoQu~bry,$t'lect "IPCCont\curt"tSthedew:e

dorVtceannotbe~t - )
[:: -------- ~--
'--"--.] __,_j
~ J
Figur~ 25 hgure::!t>

4. alS Preview Device Video

thf'f'ntire list (assh01Jil infigure27l. l"henopcningasingledl·•ic~. ~ve the.,



·= -

.!. . _~
Fi~ure 27

5. Interface picture introduction

. Adddevice \"ideopreview Videoplaybaci<

. Previewth<"previoospage

- Thf.'windowischangf'd
6. Video settings
6. l.CliS local recording path setting

Click the sPtting icon "lll"on the local recording set th(' storagepathwd

6.2.llanulll•ideo aattinas

Clickth<'-auseto " lililiZI!:II"seleçt "Allstartrecord"ton.,;ordallthc·

devices in the l i.~t locally (as sho1fll in Filtllre :!o,!). Jhen a single dt•viec starts
recording, .,vethe.,usecursorovertheprevie•devicewindowandrighl diàtht•
IIOOS~ t o select • Start Record "(figure .~0).

m -

Ftgurc ::!9

l'lickthePlayhackbutton .
- -
Figur. 50


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