CTD Motor: Applications
CTD Motor: Applications
CTD Motor: Applications
CTD Motor ®
• Heavy-duty milling
• Coiled-tubing drilling
• Tubing cutting
• Underreaming
• Plug removal
CTD Motor
Maximum Maximum Bit Minimum Maximum Maximum
Torque Pressure Flow Rate Flow Rate Speed Weight Maximum Maximum
OD Output Drop (gal/min, (gal/min, Range on Bit Temperature Overpull
(in./mm) (ft-lbf/N•m) (psi/MPa) L/min) L/min) (rpm) (lb/kg) (°F/°C) (lb/kg)
1-11/16 170 20 50 7,920 12,000
280 to 700
42.900 230 75.71 189.27 3,592 5,443
2-1/8 400 25 65 9,240 18,250
180 to 550
53.975 542 94.64 246.05 4,191 8,278
2-3/8 435 2,000 30 80 12,300 22,000
300 to 575
60.325 590 13.79 113.56 302.83 5,579 300 9,979
2-7/8 720 60 120 18,240 149 34,000
220 to 460
73.025 975 227.12 454.25 8,274 15,422
3-1/2 1,100 80 160 26,000 50,000
190 to 400
88.900 1,491 302.83 605.67 11,793 22,680
4-3/4 1,640 1,500 100 230 38,000 107,500
70 to 230
120.650 2,224 10.34 380.00 870.64 17,000 48,000
Makeup Torque
Overall Standard Top Bottom Bit Size
OD Length Weight Thread Connection Connection Range
(in./mm) (ft/m) Configuration Stages (lb/kg) Connections (ft-lbf/N•m) (ft-lbf/N•m) (in./mm)
1-11/16 7.2 44 1-in. 399 1-13/16 to 2-3/8
42.900 2.20 19.96 AMMT 541 46.04 to 60.33
2-1/8 11.6 87 1 1/2-in. 672 2-1/4 to 3-1/2
5:6 5.8
53.975 3.54 39.46 AMMT 911 57.15 to 88.90
2-3/8 11.6 126 1 1/2-in. 672 2-1/2 to 3-1/2
60.325 3.54 57.15 AMMT 911 63.50 to 88.90
2-7/8 10.5 168 2 3/8-in. 2,693 3-1/4 to 4-3/4
73.025 3.21 76.20 PAC 3,651 82.55 to 120.65
3-1/2 11.8 250 2 3/8-in. 2,908 3-7/8 to 5-1/4
88.900 3.59 113.39 API Reg 3,943 98.43 to 133.35
4-3/4 18.8 750 3 1/2-in. IF 9,100 7,500 5-7/8 to 7-7/8
4:5 3.5
120.650 5.71 340.00 3 1/2-in. Reg 12,338 10,169 149.00 to 200.00
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