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Innovation and Trust Determinants of Intention Usi

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Innovation and Trust: Determinants of Intention

Using Financial Technology Services (Evidence

in Indonesia)

Yuki Firmanto(B) , Gugus Irianto, Zaki Baridwan, and Arum Prastiwi

Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University,

Malang, Indonesia

Abstract. Financial technology is an innovation that introduces practicality, ease

of access, convenience, and economical cost. This innovation focuses on a grow-
ing industry sector, which is working on unbanked markets, as well as partnering
with conventional banks and financial institutions. This study aims to predict and
explain the effect of innovation and trust on intention in using Financial Tech-
nology services in Indonesia. This study uses Innovational Diffusion Theory and
Trust Theory in making predictions. Variables developed in Innovation Diffusion
Theory are voluntariness of use, image, relative advantage, compatibility, ease of
use, result demonstrability, trialability, and visibility. The sample in this study is
Indonesian people using Financial Technology service. The sampling method used
is convection sampling with data collection technique of e-mail survey. The data
analysis is conducted by using Partial Least Square with the assistance of Smart
PLS Software. The results of this study indicate that the voluntariness of use,
ease of use, compatibility, and trust affect the public intention on using Financial
Technology services. The implications of this study are expected to contribute to
the literature by confirming existing theories, namely Innovation Diffusion Theory
and Trust Theory. The results of this study may also provide additional information
for financial technology developers in Indonesia to take the effect of voluntari-
ness of use, compatibility, ease of use, and trust on intention in using financial
technology services into consideration.

Keywords: Innovation · Trust · Intention · Financial Technology

1 Introduction
The industrialization that broke out in England at the end of the 18th century changed
the course of the economy from the agricultural era to the industrial era. This is marked
by an increase in the need for labor, a wider distribution of production, and also the mass
production of industrial products. The shift back occurred at the end of the 19th century
when a new economic era that intensified creativity and information emerged. The era
known as the era of the creative economy disrupted the existing industry by prioritizing
knowledge in the fields of information, knowledge, and creativity. The diversification

© The Author(s) 2023

A. F. Wijaya et al. (Eds.): AICoBPA 2022, ASSEHR 764, pp. 79–92, 2023.
80 Y. Firmanto et al.

offered by each business actor makes the industry no longer defined as a mass and
massive production activity but prioritizes a more specific customer value proposition
However, the real disruption emerged from the shadow of the economy, which has
been neglected so far. Small and labor-intensive forms of business are able to make an
extraordinary contribution to economic growth, especially in Indonesia. With the existing
limitations, they are able to produce and drive the economy on a micro to medium scale
[2]. In 2008, the government, through the issuance of Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 20 of 2008, gave the name to this type of business as Micro, Small, and Medium
Enterprises. A business can be categorized as an MSME if it has a maximum wealth of
ten billion rupiah and annual sales of a maximum of fifty billion rupiah. In addition, the
business must not be a subsidiary that is not classified in the MSME category [3].
The naming of MSMEs by the Government is also a signal that the State is aware
of the great potential brought by MSMEs. The added value that was able to be provided
by Micro and Small Enterprises in 2019 reached 220 trillion rupiah. Micro-enterprises
account for 74% of that total [4]. MSMEs have also been shown to be more resilient
to economic turmoil than large industries. In the 1997–1998 crisis era, only MSMEs
were recorded as being able to stand strong. In fact, the existing data states that MSMEs
actually grew rapidly in the following years and were able to absorb a lot of workers
[5]. MSMEs are included in the main economic supporting pillars for the state and need
attention from both the state as a regulator and business actors in general [6].
Unfortunately, the potential that exists in MSMEs does not seem to be able to be
fully empowered. Based on data compiled by Bank Indonesia, the absorption of credit
funds by MSMEs is only in the range of 1,100 trillion rupiah. This absorption of funds is
relatively low when compared to the total loans disbursed, which is 4,935 trillion rupiah.
If it is a percentage, the absorption of credit funds by MSMEs is only about 22% [7]. The
same thing was also expressed by Indrawan in a presentation published by the Ministry
of SMEs which stated that since 2010 there has been a downward trend in the absorption
of credit funds by MSMEs [8]. The main funding channel used by MSME actors is still
centered on national banks and has not yet penetrated into other funding systems.
A study conducted by Rungani and Potgieter on SMMEs in South Africa explains
the relationship between funding and the success of MSMEs [9]. Ease of access to
funding will significantly affect the ability of SMMEs to grow and develop. Easy access
to funding will enable SMMEs to be able to obtain productive investments to expand
their business reach and also obtain the latest technology to compete in the market [10].
The main problem faced by MSMEs in Indonesia in accessing funding is the inability
of MSMEs to provide collateral to borrowers (lenders), which are usually banks. Indeed,
there are MSMEs that are able to meet the collateral requirements, but many are unable,
especially MSMEs that are on a micro scale. To facilitate access to funding, especially
for MSMEs who are unable to provide collateral, private funds have emerged in the form
of financial technology (fintech) companies based on P2P lending through applications
that are entirely in the cloud. This type of business aims to facilitate meetings between
investors and borrowers through a completely cloud-based system, thereby reducing the
need for manual processing and shortening loan processing time. P2P lending companies
Innovation and Trust 81

realize the potential of potential customers who are outside the reach of banking is very
large, which is more than 80% [11].
Darma et al. explains the potential and threats brought by fintech in Indonesia [12].
For people who are not ready, the existence of fintech will be a disruption to creativity
that could threaten the position of the economy. Meanwhile, on the other hand, fintech
offers new opportunities for businesses by providing more efficient and effective access
to finance. The same result was also expressed by Yuniarti and Rasyid that fintech is able
to increase competition and choice of services and customer value as well as facilitate
access to various financial features it provides [13]. So that, fintech able to grow rapidly
from year to year [14].
The phenomenon of financial technology and the development of MSMEs as the
main target has made researchers choose Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) as the
basic model for this research. The selection of the IDT theory was carried out on the
basis of a journal written by Yuen et al. which states that the IDT theory is the right
theory to explain the phenomenon of innovation through understanding the latest public
issues, concerns, and public opinion related to innovation [15]. In other words, innovation
diffusion theory is able to explain individual acceptance of a new product or service.
The same thing was also expressed by Gharaibeh et al., who used IDT as a theoretical
basis to explain the phenomenon of using mobile-based health applications [16]. IDT
is proven to be able to explain this phenomenon well and shows that there is a close
relationship between the determinants of innovation in IDT and the intention in using
mobile health applications in the elderly.
Research conducted by Pinho et al. on the application of IDT to the learning process
in the (online) network in the context of higher education shows that IDT can be used
well as a framework to define the successful application of online learning innovations
in higher education [17]. The factors of construct IDT have been proven to be factors that
determine the success of online learning and, at the same time, can be used as predictors
to predict and implement the use of other new technologies [17].
Research is conducted on the development of an IDT instrument to measure per-
ceptions of the adoption IT innovations in individuals within organizations [18]. This
study provides a novelty to Rogers’ IDT theory by adding three constructs so that there
are eight constructs that shape perceptions of innovation [18, 19]. Ajzen defines behav-
ioral intention as a measure of how much someone is intentioned in doing a particular
activity [20]. The definition argues that behavioral intention will affect a person’s level
of motivation and willingness to try. A person’s intention in using an innovation can be
influenced by two things, namely usefulness and enjoyment [21]. Another study con-
ducted by Eksail and Afari on teacher apprentices in Bahrain showed that the integration
of technology in learning methods was influenced by the intention of teachers in the
technology [22]. The intention is constructed by the perspective on technology, the ease
of use of the technology, its usefulness, and also the intention of students to participate
in using the technology. In this study, what is meant by intention is the amount of desire
of users who use fintech services in Indonesia.
Previous research conducted by Moore and Benbasat on 800 respondents to mea-
sure perceptions of technological innovation in companies resulted in the conclusion
that volunteerism is a factor that influences a person’s choice to adopt a technological
82 Y. Firmanto et al.

innovation [18]. Volunteering is identified as how far the individual feels that the choice
to adopt an innovation is voluntary. An organization that implements a technological
innovation often forces its employees to use the innovation. This will lead to differences
in intention in using the innovation between voluntary users and users who do not. Fur-
thermore, the rate of adoption of an innovation will depend on individual perceptions of
using the innovation rather than individual perceptions of the innovation [23].
This study refers to the theory developed by Rogers and refined by Moore and
Bensabat, which was later used by Liu et al. [18, 19, 24]. Researchers want to test
the determinants of intention mentioned in the Innovation Diffusion Theory. There are
eight variables, namely voluntariness, relative advantage, compatibility, ease of use,
image, trialability, result demonstability, and visibility. Researchers change the object
of research to financial technology in the hope of testing whether the IDT theory is able
to reveal intention in the adoption of fintech use.
Another difference that distinguishes this research from other studies is that the
sample used in this study consists of users of fintech services in the Indonesian region
with the target of being MSMEs and start-up. This sample selection was based on two
things. The first reason is that fintech service users are a crucial party as a determinant
of whether or not this service develops in Indonesia. The second reason is the many
problems experienced by MSMEs in Indonesia, especially related to funding where
many business units are unable to provide collateral to obtain funding from banks and
this issue is still rarely discussed in detail in previous research.
The researcher intends to examine the factors that can influence the intention of
a user to use fintech services with the research sample being a business unit located
within the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The factors to be
tested are voluntariness, relative advantage, compatibility, ease of use, image, trialability,
result demonstability, and visibility. The objectives to be achieved through this research
are as follows: to predict and to explain the effect of relative advantage, compatibility,
voluntariness of use, ease of use, image, triability, result of being demonstrable, visibility,
and trust on the intention to use financial technology services.

2 Related Work

The term Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) was first popularized by Everett M. Rogers
in a book entitled Diffusion of Innovation [24]. Diffusion as the process of innovation
being communicated through various channels available in the social system continu-
ously until the formation of massive acceptance by the community. It can be concluded
that it is a communication process that carries a message about an update in society.
This definition implies communication as a process of convergence of views and infor-
mation as more individuals convert information and move forward with the information.
Therefore, information about innovation can diffuse if the communication is two-way,
not one-way.
Diffusion can be considered as a change in the way people think and view an existing
reform. The goal is that the renewal (innovation) can be well received by members of
the social system. These members can be individuals, non-formal groups, and sub-
systems organization. There are five decision stages in the adoption of an innovation
Innovation and Trust 83

[24], namely: 1) Knowledge stage, at this stage, a potential adopter will try to find out
about the innovation that is brought about and gain a basic understanding of what the
innovation is and how it works; 2) Persuasion stage, at this stage, potential adopters will
form an impression of the innovation (positive or negative); 3) Decision stage, at this
stage, the adopter will decide to follow or reject the innovation; 4) Implementation stage,
at this stage, the innovation begins to be used and implemented in everyday life; and 5)
Confirmation stage, at this stage, the adopter will make a decision through the various
information that has been obtained about whether to continue using the innovation or
As Rogers has pointed out, the response to a diffusion of innovation can be either
acceptance or rejection. Adoption can proceed at a slow or fast tempo depending on the
extent of the spread. The speed with which an innovation is adopted is known as the
adoption rate. Rogers then categorizes adopters according to the degree of distribution
of adopters. The division is divided into five categories, namely: 1) Innovators who
are the first people to adopt the innovation (2.5% of the total population); 2) 13.5%
early adopters; 3) The early majority of 34%; 4) The late majority is 34%; and 5)
the laggards who are slow to adopt innovations by 16%. The theory of diffusion of
innovation has been widely adopted and updated since its emergence. The adoption of
IDT is not only in the field of communication but also in other fields such as education,
technology, communication, marketing, sociology, agriculture, information technology,
and so on. A well-known update on the theory of IDT is the update by Moore and
Benbasat which expands Rogers’ IDT construct into eight constructs [18]. The constructs
are voluntariness, relative advantage, compatibility, ease of use, a description of the
innovation (image), the possibility of being tested (trialability), the possibility of the
result demonstability, and visibility.
Accepting things that are based on hopes of receiving favors or good behavior from
others is a psychological concept known as trust [25]. Trust is the conviction that someone
can be relied upon to keep their word or their promise, and that they will complete their
commitments in an exchange relationship [26]. Trust is a belief, hope, or feeling about
something that will increase the degree of trust that affects the trust of both parties in
the transaction [27]. Trust includes ability, kindness, and integrity [28]. Trust has been
thought to speed up a variety of transactions between buyers and sellers so that desired
consumer pleasure can be achieved [29].
According to IDT, volunteerism is one of the variables that will affect user intention
in using financial technology services. Voluntariness to use an innovation is the degree
to which an adopter perceives the use of an innovation voluntarily [24]. This is also in
accordance with what was expressed by Moore and Benbasat who stated that volun-
teerism is the degree to which a user feels that the use of innovation is done voluntarily
or based on his own will [18]. This understanding is also in line with [30], who put
forward the definition of volunteerism as the extent to which the use of innovation is felt
voluntarily or in accordance with the wishes of the perpetrators to have free will.
Previous research conducted by Moore and Benbasat on 800 respondents to mea-
sure perceptions of technological innovation in companies resulted in the conclusion
that volunteerism is a factor that influences a person’s choice to adopt a technological
innovation [18]. Volunteering is identified as how far the individual feels that the choice
84 Y. Firmanto et al.

to adopt an innovation is voluntary. An organization that implements a technological

innovation often forces its employees to use the innovation. This will lead to differences
in intention in using the innovation between voluntary users and users who do not. Fur-
thermore, the rate of adoption of an innovation will depend on individual perceptions of
using the innovation rather than individual perceptions of the innovation [23]. Based on
this description, the researchers formulated the first hypothesis as follows:
H1: Voluntariness of use affects intention in using financial technology services.
Image refers to the degree to which an innovation can be seen as enhancing a repu-
tation or social standing in the social system by technological advancement [24]. This
was later disputed by subsequent researchers such as Holloway and Burt, who classified
image as a separate factor from relative advantage [18]. In this study, image can be
interpreted as the ability of P2P lending financial technology to contribute to improving
the social status of its service users.
Research conducted by Tavitiyaman et al. revealed that perceived image is positively
correlated to the intention of tourist visitors who use smart tourism applications in Hong
Kong [31]. This is evidenced by testing between before and after the implementation
of smart tourism shows an increase in image which will ultimately increase the inten-
tion of tourist visitors. Based on this description, the researcher formulates the second
hypothesis as follows:
H2: Image has a positive effect on intention in using financial technology services.
Relative advantage is a measure of the extent to which an innovation is perceived
as superior to similar alternatives [24]. A relative advantage can accelerate innovation
adoption through the implementation of appropriate strategies such as providing explicit,
clear, and targeted information about the advantages of new innovations as well as
providing persuasive and clear supporting evidence [19]. Research conducted by Yuen
et al. describes the determinants of public acceptance of automated vehicles from the
IDT point of view [15]. An automatic vehicle is considered safer for traffic accidents by
reducing decision-making errors by drivers. The result is a vehicle with automatic control
that is superior to the alternative choice of a vehicle with manual control. These relative
advantages affect public acceptance of automatic vehicles. Based on this description,
the researchers formulated the third hypothesis as follows:
H3: Relative advantage has an effect on intention in using financial technology services.
The degree to which an innovation is deemed to be consistent or in line with society
value, unmet requirements, and the prior experiences of potential adopters is referred
to as suitability [24]. An innovation or a certain idea that is not in accordance with
the values and norms prevailing in society will be difficult to adopt. Conformity has a
significant effect on attitudes towards the use of shopping services via the internet [32].
Innovation and Trust 85

Suitability influences the use of e-commerce on students [33]. Based on the description
above, the researchers formulated the fourth hypothesis as follows:
H4: Compatibility has a positive effect on intention in using financial technology
The degree to which a person believes that a novel system won’t require a lot of extra
physical or mental effort to adopt it is referred to as ease of usage. Users’ perceptions
of the innovation’s usability will influence their intentions to utilize it, either directly
or indirectly. Furthermore, a study conducted by Chau showed that the feeling of ease
of use significantly affects the intention in using technology in the short term but not
in the long term [23]. The same thing was also expressed by Liébana-Cabanillas et al.
who assessed the use of cellular technology in emerging markets, namely the use of
mobile banking payment services in India [34]. The conclusion that can be drawn from
this study regarding ease of use is that innovation and ease of use influence perceived
usefulness, which will then be positively correlated with intention in using m-banking
payment services. Based on the description above, the researchers formulated the fifth
hypothesis as follows:
H5: Ease of use has a positive effect on intention in using financial technology services.
The resultant demonstrability is defined as the real impact that can be felt or observed
after the user’s use of the innovation. This relates to the level of conformity of the
expected results with the results obtained after using the innovation [24]. The relationship
between visible results and behavioral intention to use can be found in a study conducted
by Okediran et al. [35]. The relationship formed is an indirect relationship where the
visible results will affect the perceived ease to use and this will affect the behavioral
intention to use. Based on the description above, the researchers formulated the sixth
hypothesis as follows:
H6: Visible results (result demonstrability) has a positive effect on the intention in using
financial technology services.
Trialability is defined as the extent to which an innovation can be perceived under
certain limitations. In other words, an innovation that can be tried to be applied on a
limited basis will have a better degree of trialability than an innovation that cannot be
tested first. Adaptation to an innovation will occur more quickly in innovations that
have a good degree of trialability. In the case of digital products, users of a product
are often given the full features of the product within a certain period of time [24].
Research conducted by Yuen et al. shows that trialability has a positive effect on the
value perceived by users of vehicles with automatic control [15]. This perceived value
will affect the public’s acceptance of the vehicle with automatic control. Based on the
description above, the researchers formulated the seventh hypothesis as follows:
H7: Trialability has a positive effect on the intention in using financial technology
The degree to which an innovation may be observed by others is referred to as its
visibility. Research conducted by Alotaibi and Johnson explains that visibility will have
an indirect effect on behavioral intention [36]. Visibility will positively and directly affect
86 Y. Firmanto et al.

the performance expectations given by users. This performance expectation will have a
positive effect on behavioral intention. Based on the description above, the researchers
formulated the eighth hypothesis as follows:
H8: Visibility has a positive effect on the intention in using financial technology services.
Users should look for Fintech services on the website because they are still not
popular [37]. When the quality and usefulness of a product is still unclear, then the
brand can help consumers make choices [38]. Companies can take advantage of their
brand reputation, such as its stability, long history, and trustworthiness to answer the
trust questions of users, so that the reputation of the company’s brand and services
has a positive effect on consumer trust [39]. Trust and experience when using a new
technology will directly affect user attitudes [40]. User trust strongly influences the
intention of transactions via the internet [41].

3 Methods
This study uses a convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is a population with-
drawal method where respondents are willing to be used as samples [42]. This method
was chosen by researchers because of the ease of collecting data quickly and efficiently.
Samples were obtained from fintech service users who created threads about fintech and
commented on everything related to fintech in the Kaskus online forum. The selection
of the Kaskus forum is based on the reason that fintech users are spread in many big
cities in Indonesia, making it easier for researchers to reach them.
The data collection is using survey method. The tool used in this research is a
questionnaire. Questionnaires are a way of collecting data using written questions to
obtain information from respondents [42]. Researchers distributed questionnaires via
web e-mail on Kaskus online forums which were filled in by respondents to obtain
primary data. Respondents in this study were users of P2P Lending financial technology
services in Indonesia. The question items in this research questionnaire are question
items based on Louise, Artha, Harsoyo, and Arizona [33, 43–45].
This study was tested using descriptive statistics to provide an overview of the sample
as it is, without intending to make generalized conclusions (generalizations). The data
were processed using the PLS (Partial Least Square) analysis tool with the Smart PLS
2 application. PLS is a method with a prediction-based approach. Researchers use PLS
on the basis of: First, PLS requires a relatively small sample of 30 to 100. Second, the
data does not have to be normally distributed, meaning that the data can have a certain
distribution or distribution free. The structural models in this study are (Fig. 1):

4 Result
4.1 Respondent
Respondents in this study were users of P2P Lending in Indonesia. The respondents was
obtained by researchers through distributing questionnaires to users of P2P Lending
financial technology services in Indonesia via web e-mail on the Kaskus online forum.
Innovation and Trust 87

Fig. 1. Research structural model.

The questionnaires were distributed as many as 120 questionnaires. The number of

returned questionnaires was 43 questionnaires. While the questionnaires that did not
return were 74 questionnaires. After checking, the 3 questionnaires could not be used
because they did not match the criteria desired by the researcher. Thus, the questionnaire
that can be processed as a sample is 40 questionnaires. Thus, it is known that the response
rate in this study is 36%.

4.2 Hypothesis Testing

After testing the outer research model on convergent validity, discriminant validity, and
reliability testing, then the hypothesis is tested. Based on the primary data processing
carried out by the researcher, the results of data processing are obtained in the form of
the T-Test Result (Table 1).
Hypothesis 1 states that voluntary construct (voluntariness of use) has effect on
intention in using financial technology services. Based on Table 1, the T statistic value
of the volunteering construct is 2.9492 or > 1.96. However, the original sample showed
a negative result −0.3458. Based on the test results, it can be stated that Hypothesis 1
is supported. The test shows that volunteerism has a significant effect on intention in
using financial technology services. The effect of volunteerism (voluntariness of use) on
intention in using financial technology services is negative or has an inverse relationship.
The conclusion of the test shows that voluntarism (voluntariness of use) has a negative
effect on intention in using financial technology services. The results of this study are
consistent with research conducted by Harsoyo [44], Agarwal and Prasad [46].
Hypothesis 2 states that the image construct has no effect on intention in using
financial technology services. This hypothesis is a two-tailed hypothesis. Based on Table
1, he T statistic value of the image construct is 0.1113 or < 1.96. It can be stated that
Hypothesis 2 is not supported. The conclusion of the test shows that image has no effect
on intention in using financial technology services. The results of this study are consistent
88 Y. Firmanto et al.

Table 1. T-test result.

Original sample T statistics Information

VU - > M −0.3458 2.9492 H1 accepted
I->M 0.0093 0.1113 H2 rejected
RA - > M −0.0702 0.6922 H3 rejected
C->M −0.4839 4.9569 H4 accepted
E->M 0.4173 3.3555 H5 accepted
RD - > M 0.1236 1.2608 H6 rejected
T->M 0.1982 1.8304 H7 rejected
V->M 0.0670 0.6705 H8 rejected
TR - > M 0.4173 3.3355 H9 accepted
Note: VU: Voluntariness of use, I: Image, RA: Relative advantage (relative advantage), C: Com-
patibility, E: Ease of use, RD: Result demonstrability (visible results), T: Trialability (possibility
of trials), V: Visibility (visibility), TR: Trust, and M: Intention in Using Financial Technology

with three studies conducted by Richardson [47] in Harsoyo [44], Agarwal and Prasad
Hypothesis 3 states that the relative advantage construct has no effect on intention in
using financial technology services. This hypothesis is a two-tailed hypothesis. Based
on Table 1, the T statistic value of the relative advantage construct is 0.6922 or < 1.96.
So, it can be stated that Hypothesis 3 is not supported. The conclusion of the test shows
that relative advantage has no effect on intention in using financial technology services.
The results of this study are consistent with research conducted by Kwame [48] and
Laraswati [49].
Hypothesis 4 states that the compatibility construct influences intention in using
financial technology services. This hypothesis is a two-tailed hypothesis. Based on Table
1, the T statistic value of the compatibility construct is 4.9569 or > 1.96, it can be stated
that Hypothesis 4 is supported. The conclusion of the test shows that compatibility has
a positive effect on intention in using financial technology services. The results of this
study are consistent with research conducted by Hsu [50]; Hung et al. [51]; Cho [52];
Crespo and Rodri´guez [32]; and Artha [33].
Hypothesis 5 states that the ease of use construct has an effect on intention in using
financial technology services. This hypothesis is a two-tailed hypothesis. Based on Table
1, the T statistic value of the ease of use construct is 3.3555 or > 1.96, it can be stated
that Hypothesis 5 is supported. The conclusion of the test shows that ease of use has
a positive effect on intention in using financial technology services. The results of this
study are consistent with research by Hsu [50]; Hung et al. [51]; Kusuma and Susilowati
[53]; and Artha [33].
Hypothesis 6 states that the result demonstrability construct has no effect on intention
in using financial technology services. This hypothesis is a two-tailed hypothesis. Based
on Table 1, the T statistic value of the result demonstrability construct is 1.2608 or <
Innovation and Trust 89

1.96. So, it can be stated that Hypothesis 6 is not supported. The conclusion of the test
shows that result demonstrability has no effect on intention in using financial technology
services. These results are consistent with research conducted by Agarwal and Prasad
[46] and Nathania [54].
Hypothesis 7 states that the construct of trialability has no effect on intention in
using financial technology services. This hypothesis is a two-tailed hypothesis. Based
on Table 1, the T statistic value of the trialability construct is 1.8304 or < 1.96. Based on
the test results, it can be stated that Hypothesis 7 is not supported. The conclusion of the
test shows that the possibility of trial (trialability) does not affect the intention in using
financial technology services. These results are consistent with research conducted by
Kwame [48]; Agarwal and Prasad [46]; and Harsoyo [44].
Hypothesis 8 states that the visibility construct has no effect on intention in using
financial technology services. This hypothesis is a two-tailed hypothesis. Based on Table
1, it is known that the T statistic value of the visibility construct is 0.6705 or < 1.96. Based
on the test results, it can be stated that Hypothesis 8 is not supported. The conclusion
of the test shows that visibility has no effect on intention in using financial technology
services. These results are consistent with research conducted by Agarwal and Prasad
[46] and Harsoyo [44].
Hypothesis 9 states that the trust construct has an effect on intention in using financial
technology services. This hypothesis is a two-tailed hypothesis. Based on Table 1, it is
known that the T statistic value of the trust construct is 3.3555 or > 1.96. So, it can be
stated that Hypothesis 9 is supported. The conclusion of the test shows that trust has
a positive effect on intention in using financial technology services. The results of this
study are consistent with research conducted by Hsu [50], Hung et al. [51], Kusuma and
Susilowati [53], and Artha [33].

5 Conclusion
The conclusions that can be drawn from this research are first, the results of this research
indicate that volunteerism has a negative effect on intention in using financial technology
p2p lending services in Indonesia. Users with negative volunteerism in fintech tend to
be intentioned in using fintech services only if recommended by their superiors or pro-
fessional demands. Second, according to the study’s findings, compatibility influences
Indonesian consumers’ intention to use P2P lending financial technology services favor-
ably. The more fintech feels in accordance with habits, lifestyle, and needs, the more
users are intentioned in using it. Third, the finding of this study shows that ease of use
has a positive impact on intention to use financial technology services for peer-to-peer
lending in Indonesia. Fintech has a greater chance of being embraced by its users if it
is easier to use. Fourth, the finding of this study show that image has no effect toward
the intention to use financial technology services. Fintech is not a measure that its users
are people with high social and economic status in society. Relative advantage (relative
advantage) is concluded to have no effect on intention in using financial technology
services. Whether it has an advantage or not, fintech is still trying to be adopted. Visible
results (result demonstrability) also does not affect the intention in using financial tech-
nology services. Results are not one of the determinants of fintech adoption by users. The
90 Y. Firmanto et al.

possibility of trial (trialability) does not affect the intention in using financial technology
services. Whether it’s tried first or not, fintech will probably still be adopted. Visibility
has no effect on intention in using financial technology services. If consciousness and
will are not present then visibility is meaningless.

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