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RSP Technical Specification

Version 3.0
19th October 2022

This Industry Specification is a Non-binding Permanent Reference Document of the


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information contained in it must not be disclosed or in any other way made available, in whole or in part, to persons other than those permitted
under the security classification without the prior written approval of the Association.

Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2023 GSM Association

The GSM Association (“Association”) makes no representation, warranty or undertaking (express or implied) with respect to and does not accept
any responsibility for, and hereby disclaims liability for the accuracy or completeness or timeliness of the information contained in this document.
The information contained in this document may be subject to change without prior notice.

Compliance Notice
The information contain herein is in full compliance with the GSM Association’s antitrust compliance policy.

This Permanent Reference Document is classified by GSMA as an Industry Specification, as such it has been developed and is maintained by
GSMA in accordance with the provisions set out in GSMA AA.35 - Procedures for Industry Specifications.
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Scope
1.3 Document Purpose
1.4 Intended Audience
1.5 Definition of Terms
1.6 Abbreviations and Notations
1.7 References
1.7.1 Normative References
1.7.2 Informative References
1.8 Conventions
1.9 Feature Support
1.10 Editorial Guidelines
2 General Architecture
2.1 General Architecture Diagram
2.2 Roles
2.3 Interfaces
2.4 eUICC Architecture
2.4.1 eUICC Overview
2.4.2 ECASD
2.4.3 ISD-R
2.4.4 ISD-P
2.4.5 Profile
2.4.6 Telecom Framework
2.4.7 Profile Package Interpreter
2.4.8 LPAe
2.4.9 LPA Services
2.4.10 Hardware Characteristics of the eUICC
2.4.11 Platform Characteristics of the eUICC
2.4.12 Profile Policy Enabler
2.4.13 eUICC OS Update
2.4a ASN.1

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2.4a.1 Common ASN.1 data types
2.4a.2 ASN.1 data type UTF8String
2.5 Profile Protection and Delivery
2.5.1 Profile Package Types Overview
2.5.2 Unprotected Profile Package
2.5.3 Protected Profile Package
2.5.4 Bound Profile Package
2.5.5 Segmented Bound Profile Package
2.5.6 Profile Installation Result
2.6 Security Overview
2.6.1 Certification of the Entities
2.6.2 Remote Secure Communication
2.6.3 Public Key Infrastructure
2.6.4 BPP Security Protocol
2.6.5 Cryptographic Negotiation, Algorithms and Key Length
2.6.6 TLS Requirements
2.6.7 Void
2.6.8 Random Number Generation
2.6.9 Digital Signature Computation
2.7 Certificate Revocation
2.8 Void
2.9 Profile Policy Management
2.9.1 Profile Policy Rules
2.9.2 Rules Authorisation Table (RAT)
2.9.3 Profile Policy Enabler
2.10 Remote Profile Management
2.10.1 RPM Package
2.10.2 Load RPM Package Result
2.11 Overview of version interoperability
2.12 Multiple Enabled Profiles
2.13 Overview of Push Service
3 Procedures
3.0 Common Procedures
3.0.1 Common Mutual Authentication Procedure

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3.0.2 Common Cancel Session Procedure
3.0.3 RSP Sessions and Error Handling
3.1 Remote Provisioning
3.1.1 Profile Download Initiation
3.1.2 Void
3.1.3 Profile Download and Installation
3.1.4 Limitation for Profile Installation
3.1.5 Error Handling Within the Profile Download and Installation Procedure
3.1.6 Profile Lifecycle at SM-DP+
3.2 Local Profile Management
3.2.1 Enable Profile
3.2.2 Disable Profile
3.2.3 Delete Profile
3.2.4 List Profiles
3.2.5 Add Profile
3.2.6 Set/Edit Nickname
3.2.7 Update Profile
3.2.8 Add/Update All
3.3 Local eUICC Management
3.3.1 Retrieve EID
3.3.2 eUICC Memory Reset
3.3.3 eUICC Test Memory Reset
3.3.4 Set/Edit Default SM-DP+ Address
3.3.5 Retrieve DEV-IC
3.4 Device and eUICC Initialisation
3.4.1 eUICC Initialisation
3.4.2 RSP Device Capabilities
3.4.3 eUICC File Structure
3.4.4 Device Setup and Power-on Profile Discovery
3.5 Notifications
3.6 SM-DS
3.6.0 Requirements
3.6.1 Event Registration
3.6.2 Event Retrieval

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3.6.3 Event Deletion
3.6.4 Event Checking
3.6.5 Push Service Registration
3.7 Remote Profile Management
3.7.1 RPM Initiation
3.7.2 RPM Download
3.7.3 RPM Execution
3.8 Remote Management by the Operator
3.8.1 Metadata Update via ES6
3.8.2 Pending Operation Alerting
3.9 Profile Content Management
3.10 eUICC Root Public Key Update
3.11 Device Change and Profile Recovery
3.11.1 Device Change
3.11.2 Profile Recovery
4 Data Elements
4.1 Activation Code
4.1.1 Matching ID
4.1.2 eSIM CA RootCA Public Key indicator
4.1.3 Delete Notification for Device Change
4.2 Device Information
4.3 eUICC Information
4.3.1 eUICC identifier (EID)
4.4 Profile Metadata
4.4.1 Profile Class
4.4.2 Profile Policy Rules
4.4.3 High Resolution Icons
4.4.4 Enterprise Configuration
4.4.5 Service Description
4.5 Keys and Certificates
4.5.1 Keys and Certificates Naming Conventions
4.5.2 Certificates
4.6 Certificate Revocation List
4.6.1 CRL publication rules

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4.6.2 Void
4.6.3 eUICC Considerations
4.6.4 Retrieving a CRL
4.7 Confirmation Code
4.8 Device Information Code
5 Functions
5.1 Overview of Functions per Interface
5.2 LPA to Server and Server to Server Function Commonalities
5.2.1 Common Data Types
5.2.2 Request-Response Function
5.2.3 Notification Handler Function
5.2.4 Functions Input Header
5.2.5 Functions Output Header
5.2.6 Status Code
5.3 ES2+ (Operator -- SM-DP+)
5.3.1 Function: DownloadOrder
5.3.2 Function: ConfirmOrder
5.3.3 Function: CancelOrder
5.3.4 Function: ReleaseProfile
5.3.5 Function: HandleNotification
5.3.6 Function: RpmOrder
5.3.7 Function: HandleDeviceChangeRequest
5.4 ES6 (Operator -- eUICC)
5.4.1 Function: UpdateMetadata
5.5 ES8+ (SM-DP+ -- eUICC)
5.5.1 Function: InitialiseSecureChannel
5.5.2 Function: ConfigureISDP
5.5.3 Function: StoreMetadata
5.5.4 Function: ReplaceSessionKeys
5.5.5 Function: LoadProfileElements
5.6 ES9+ (LPA -- SM-DP+)
5.6.1 Function: InitiateAuthentication
5.6.2 Function: GetBoundProfilePackage
5.6.3 Function: AuthenticateClient

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5.6.4 Function: HandleNotification
5.6.5 Function: CancelSession
5.6.6 Function: ConfirmDeviceChange
5.7 ES10x (LPA -- eUICC)
5.7.1 ISD-R Selection and LPAe Activation
5.7.2 Transport Command
5.7.3 Function (ES10a): GetEuiccConfiguredData
5.7.4 Function (ES10a): SetDefaultDpAddress
5.7.5 Function (ES10b): PrepareDownload
5.7.6 Function (ES10b): LoadBoundProfilePackage
5.7.7 Function (ES10b): GetEUICCChallenge
5.7.8 Function (ES10b): GetEUICCInfo
5.7.9 Function: (ES10b): ListNotification
5.7.10 Function (ES10b): RetrieveNotificationsList
5.7.11 Function (ES10b): RemoveNotificationFromList
5.7.12 Function (ES10b): LoadCRL
5.7.13 Function (ES10b): AuthenticateServer
5.7.14 Function (ES10b): CancelSession
5.7.15 Function (ES10c): GetProfilesInfo
5.7.16 Function (ES10c): EnableProfile
5.7.17 Function (ES10c): DisableProfile
5.7.18 Function (ES10c): DeleteProfile
5.7.19 Function (ES10c): eUICCMemoryReset
5.7.20 Function (ES10c): GetEID
5.7.21 Function (ES10c): SetNickname
5.7.22 Function (ES10b): GetRAT
5.7.23 Function (ES10c): LPA alerting
5.7.24 Function (ES10a): VerifySmdsResponse
5.7.25 Function (ES10b): LoadRpmPackage
5.7.26 Function (ES10b): PrepareDeviceChange
5.7.27 Function (ES10b): VerifyDeviceChange
5.8 ES11 (LPA -- SM-DS)
5.8.1 Function: InitiateAuthentication
5.8.2 Function: AuthenticateClient

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5.8.3 Function: CheckEvent
5.9 ES12 (SM-DP+ -- SM-DS)
5.9.1 Function: RegisterEvent
5.9.2 Function: DeleteEvent
5.10 ES15 (SM-DS -- SM-DS)
5.10.1 Function: RegisterEvent
5.10.2 Function: DeleteEvent
5.11 ES25 (UIMe -- LUIe)
5.11.1 LUIe using CAT
5.11.2 LUIe using SCWS
5.11.3 LUIe using E4E
5.12 Other functions
5.12.1 Function: RetrieveIcon
5.13 ES22 (Device Application -- LPDd)
5.14 ES21 (Device Application -- LPRd)
5.14.1 Function: InitiateProfileContentManagement
5.14.2 Notification: PcmProgressInformation
6 Interface binding over HTTP
6.1 TLS Security
6.1.1 Identification/Authentication/Authorisation
6.1.2 Integrity
6.1.3 Confidentiality
6.2 HTTP request and response
6.3 HTTP response status codes
6.4 Secure Channel Set-Up on ES2+
6.5 Function Binding in JSON
6.5.1 JSON message definition
6.5.2 List of functions
6.6 Function Binding in ASN.1
6.6.1 ASN.1 message definition
6.6.2 List of functions
Annex A Use of GlobalPlatform Privileges (Normative)
Annex B Data Definitions (Normative)
Annex C Device Requirements (Normative)

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C.1 Functional Device Requirements
C.2 Requirements for Companion Device Scenarios
C.3 General LPA Requirements
C.4 Support for CAT Mechanisms
C.5 APDU Access Interface
Annex D Coding of the AIDs for 'Remote SIM Provisioning' (Normative)
Annex E List of Identifiers (Informative)
Annex F Profile Eligibility Check (Informative)
Annex G Void
Annex H ASN.1 Definitions (Normative)
Annex I JSON Request Response Examples (Informative)
Annex J Tag allocation (Normative)
Annex K OID allocation (Informative)
Annex L DLOA document (Normative)
Annex M Configuration for RSP Server, LPA and EUICC (Normative)
Annex N Version Interoperability (Informative)
Annex O Device Change (Informative)
Annex P Use of VendorSpecificExtension (informative)
Annex Q Document Management (Informative)
Q.1 Document History
Q.2 Other Information

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RSP Technical Specification

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview
This document provides a technical description of the GSMA’s 'Remote SIM Provisioning
(RSP) Architecture for consumer Devices' [4] that applies for eSIM Products.

1.2 Scope
This specification provides a technical description of:

 The eUICC Architecture;

 The interfaces used within the Remote SIM Provisioning Architecture; and
 The security functions used within the Remote SIM Provisioning Architecture.

1.3 Document Purpose

This document defines a technical solution for the remote provisioning and management of
the eUICC in consumer Devices as defined in RSP Architecture [4]. The adoption of this
technical solution will provide the basis for global interoperability between different Operator
deployment scenarios, for example network equipment (e.g., Subscription Manager Data
Preparation (SM-DP+)) and various eUICC platforms.

1.4 Intended Audience

Technical experts working for Operators, SIM solution providers, consumer Device vendors,
standards organisations, network infrastructure vendors, Service Providers and other
industry bodies, etc.

1.5 Definition of Terms

Term Description
Information stored on the eUICC that defines whether
applications on the Device are denied or allowed access to
Access Rules
applications on the eUICC as specified by GlobalPlatform
Secure Element Access Control [56].
Information issued by an Operator/Service Provider to an End
Activation Code User. It is used by the End User to request the download and
installation of a Profile.
The part of the Activation Code information provided by the
Activation Code Token
Operator/Service Provider that refers to a Subscription.
SM-DS used in cascade mode with a Root SM-DS to redirect
Event Registration from an SM-DP+ to that Root SM-DS used
Alternative SM-DS
directly to perform Event Registration from an SM-DP+ or for an
installed Profile.
Application Protocol Data The communication unit between the Device and the eUICC, as
Unit defined by ISO/IEC 7816-4 [14].
A Protected Profile Package that has been cryptographically
Bound Profile Package
linked to a particular eUICC.

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A certificate as defined in RFC 5280 Error: Reference source
(Public Key) Certificate
not foundError: Reference source not found[17].
A Certificate Authority is an entity that issues (Public Key)
Certificate Authority
Certificate Issuer An Entity that is Authorised to Issue digital certificates.
An eUICC meeting the GSMA requirements for Remote SIM
Provisioning and certified according to the GSMA compliance
Certified eUICC programme defined in [64].
Note: Unless stated otherwise, the word eUICC in this
specification refers to a Certified eUICC.
eSIM Port on which a given ES10 command is sent. It may be
Command Port
identical to the Target Port.
A Device that relies on the capabilities of a Primary Device for
Companion Device
the purpose of Remote SIM Provisioning.
A code entered by an End User required by the SM-DP+ to
Confirmation Code validate the request to download a Profile or proceed with the
Device Change.
Confirmation Code Required A parameter to indicate whether the Confirmation Code is
Flag required.
Refers to the hierarchy of User Intent and Confirmation Request,
Confirmation Level  User Intent is the first and lowest level
 Simple Confirmation is the second level
 Strong Confirmation is the third and highest level
A request confirming User Intent by using either Simple
Confirmation Request
Confirmation or Strong Confirmation.
Designates an RSP entity that manages and publishes
CRL Issuer
Certificate revocation status by means of CRL(s).
An SM-DP+ that is contacted by an LPA by means of a pre-
Default SM-DP+
provisioned address on the eUICC.
User equipment used in conjunction with an eUICC to connect
Device to a mobile network. E.g., a tablet, wearable, smartphone or
Device Application An application installed in a Device.
Device Baseband A Device component that manages the cellular radio functions.
Given that one or more Profiles related to their respective
Subscription are installed in an old Device, the process for
Device Change
installing one or more Profiles related to the same
Subscription(s) onto a new Device.
Device Change Configuration Set of rules that apply to a Profile to support Device Change.
A set of Device-related information used for Remote SIM
Device Information Code Provisioning operations (e.g., for Profile preparation between the
SM-DP+ and the operator).
Delete Notification for Device A report containing an information about the deletion of the
Change Profile for Device Change on the old Device.

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An action that returns the Device to a state equivalent to a
Device Reset
factory state.
A mode hidden from the End User that allows access to and use
Device Test Mode
of Test Profiles.
A digital representation of a Letter of Approval, signed by a
Digital Letter Of Approval
DLOA Authority.
A Profile in a state where all files and applications (e.g., NAA)
Disabled Profile
present in the Profile are not selectable.
Discrete eUICC An eUICC implemented on discrete hardware.
In the context of this document, an entity that provides a
DLOA Authority certification, evaluation, approval, qualification, or validation
scheme that delivers Digital Letters of Approval.
Any authorised system interested in verifying the level of
certification, evaluation, approval, qualification, or validation of
DLOA Management System an eUICC (e.g., an MNO backend system, an SM-DP+).
NOTE: This was called 'Management System' in the prior
versions of this document.
A role that stores DLOAs and provides an interface to enable
DLOA Registrar
Management System to retrieve them.
A Profile in a state where all files and/or applications (e.g., NAA)
Enabled Profile
are selectable.
End User The person using the Device.
A business, organization or government entity that subscribes to
mobile services to be utilised by its workforce in support of the
business or activities of the Enterprise. The Enterprise as the
Subscriber owns the relationship with the Service Provider(s).
A Device that supports the installation and enforcement of
Enterprise Capable Device
Enterprise Rules.
An Operational Profile for which the Subscriber is an Enterprise.
Enterprise Profile This Profile may include restrictions on the End User of the
A rule stored in an Enterprise Profile that can be used by the
Enterprise Rule Profile Owner to restrict End User controllability for enabling and
installing Profiles on Enterprise Capable Devices.
eSIM CA A GSMA Certificate Issuer or an Independent eSIM CA.
A logical connection between an endpoint in the Device and an
eSIM Port endpoint in the eUICC (i.e., the Enabled Profile and/or the ISD-R
in the context of this specification).
eUICCs, Devices, and RSP Servers implementing this
eSIM Products
A removable or non-removable UICC which enables the remote
eUICC and/or local management of Profiles in a secure way.
NOTE: The term originates from "embedded UICC".
A certificate issued by the EUM for a specific eUICC.
eUICC Certificate
This certificate can be verified using the EUM Certificate.

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eUICC Manufacturer Manufacturer of the eUICC.
An action that returns the eUICC to a state equivalent to a
eUICC Memory Reset
factory state.
A mechanism to correct existing features on the eUICC by the
eUICC OS Update
original OS manufacturer.
An action that deletes all post-issuance Test Profiles on an
eUICC Test Memory Reset
A certificate issued by an eSIM CA to a GSMA accredited EUM
EUM Certificate
which can be used to verify eUICC Certificates.
EUM Keyset Keyset used by the EUM to update ECASD content.
EUM Public Key Public key included in the EUM Certificate (called PK.EUM.SIG).
Private Key used by the EUM to sign eUICC Certificates (called
EUM Private Key
A request for a Profile download or an RPM Operation which is
Event set by an SM-DP+ on behalf of an Operator, to be processed by
a specific eUICC.
Unique identifier of an Event for a specific EID generated by the
A process for the LDS to query the SM-DS to determine the
Event Checking
presence of Event Records registered for an eUICC.
Unique identifier for a specific EID generated by the SM-DS for
EventCheckingID (ECID)
Event Checking.
The set of information stored on the SM-DS for a specific Event,
Event Record
via the Event Registration procedure.
A process notifying an SM-DS of the availability of information
Event Registration on either a specific SM-DP+ or a specific SM-DS for a specific
A pre-production eUICC whose functional or security
Field-Test eUICC
certifications are not yet completed by the EUM.
GSMA Certificate Issuer A Certificate Authority accredited by GSMA.
HRI Server Server providing High Resolution Icons

Independent eSIM CA A non-GSMA CI that issues Certificates for a specific region,

company or group of companies for eSIM purposes.
Integrated Circuit Card Unique number to identify a Profile in an eUICC as defined by
Identifier ITU-T E.118 [21].
An eUICC implemented on a Tamper Resistant Element (TRE)
Integrated eUICC that is integrated into a System-on-Chip (SoC), optionally
making use of remote volatile/non-volatile memory
Integrated TRE A TRE implemented inside a larger System-on-Chip (SoC)
International Mobile Unique identifier owned and issued by Operators as defined in
Subscriber Identity 3GPP TS 23.003 [35] section 2.2.
The first 8 digits of the EID identifying the EUM issuing the
Issuer Identifier Number

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A Security Domain on the UICC as defined by GlobalPlatform
Issuer Security Domain
Card Specification [8].
A letter generated by a Process Certification Authority,
Letter of Approval (LOA) identifying a platform that has completed a certification,
evaluation, approval, qualification, or validation scheme.
A functional element in the Device or in the eUICC that provides
the Local Profile Download (LPD), Local Discovery Services
(LDS) and Local User Interface (LUI) features. When the LPA is
located in the Device, they are called LPAd, LPDd, LUId, LDSd.
Local Profile Assistant (LPA)
When the LPA is located in the eUICC, they are called LPAe,
LPDe, LUIe, LDSe. Where LPA, LPD, LDS or LUI are used, they
apply to the element independent of its location in the Device or
in the eUICC.
Local Profile Management are operations that are locally
Local Profile Management
initiated on the End User (ESeu) interface.
Local Profile Management Operations include enable Profile,
Local Profile Management disable Profile, delete Profile, query Profile Metadata, eUICC
Operation Memory Reset, eUICC Test Memory Reset, set/edit Nickname,
add Profile and edit Default SM-DP+ address.
Logical SE Interface As defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [6].
An LPA role that establishes a Profile Content Management
LPA Proxy session and optionally provides progress information about that
session to a Device Application.
An SM-DP+ that is authorised by the Profile Owner to perform
Managing SM-DP+
RPM to the eUICC on which their Profile resides.
Reference data for an RSP Server which could be an Activation
Code Token or the EventID.
A Device where more than one Enabled Profile can be used in
MEP-Capable Device
parallel on the same eUICC.
An eUICC where more than one Profile can be in Enabled state
MEP-Capable eUICC
at the same point in time.
An entity providing access capability and communication
Mobile Network Operator
services to its End User through a mobile network infrastructure.
Part of the Profile, owned by the Operator, providing the
Mobile Network Operator Secured Channel to the Operator’s Over The Air (OTA)
Security Domain (MNO-SD) Platform. It is used to manage the content of a Profile once the
Profile is enabled.
An entity providing access capability and communication
Mobile Virtual Network
services to its Subscribers through a mobile network
infrastructure but which does not have an allocation of spectrum.
Application residing in a Profile providing authorisation to access
Network Access Application
a network.
NFC Device A Device compliant with GSMA TS.26 [40].
NFC Profile A Profile containing contactless applications.
Non-Enterprise Capable A Device that does not support the enforcement of Enterprise
Device Rules.

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A report about a Profile download, Local/remote Profile
Management Operation or Remote eUICC Management
operation processed by the eUICC or about the progress of
such an operation.
A combination of Operator data and applications to be
provisioned on an eUICC for the purposes of providing services
by the Operator. The Profile SHALL be in support of a
Operational Profile
Subscription with the relevant Operator and allow connectivity to
a mobile network. Applications MAY be included to provide non-
telecommunication services.
A Mobile Network Operator or Mobile Virtual Network Operator;
a company providing wireless cellular network services.
NOTE: For historic reasons, this document uses the expression
"Operator" for the entity in the architecture and as endpoint for
the specified interfaces, even though the more generic
Operator expression "Service Provider" or "Operator/Service Provider"
might be more applicable. However, the exact work split
between a Mobile Network Operator, a Mobile Virtual Network
Operator and any other Service Provider is irrelevant for this
specification. Their overall activities are covered by the
architecture entity "Operator".
A set of credentials owned by the Operator, including Network
Operator Credentials Access Credentials, OTA Keys for Remote File/Application
management, and authentication algorithm parameters.
The credentials included in the Profile, used in conjunction with
OTA Keys
OTA Platforms.
An Operator platform for remote management of UICCs and the
OTA Platform
content of Enabled Operator Profiles on eUICCs.
Any Notification other than a Profile Installation Result and a
Other Notification
Load RPM Package Result.
Proprietary application Identifier extension, the value of which is
part of the Application Identifier (AID).
An address configured in a Profile indicating where the Device
Polling Address
needs to connect to retrieve RPM Events for this Profile.
A Device that can be used to provide some capabilities to a
Primary Device
Companion Device for the purpose of Remote SIM Provisioning.
The authority that provides the certification, evaluation,
approval, qualification, and validation scheme defined in SGP.24
Process Certification
and that delivers Digital Letters of Approval accordingly.
In the context of this document, the Process Certification
Authority is the GSMA.
A combination of data and applications to be provisioned on an
eUICC for the purpose of providing services.

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A Profile Component is an element of the Profile, when installed
in the eUICC, and MAY be one of the following:
 An element of the file system like an MF, EF or DF;
Profile Component
 An Application, including NAA and Security Domain;
 Profile Metadata, including Profile Policy Rules;
 An MNO-SD.
The update of an Enabled Profile by its Profile Owner, using an
Profile Content Management agent (the PCMAA) on the Device as an intermediary between
the Profile and a remote server (the PCMP).
Platform owned by the Profile Owner, used to manage the
content of an enabled Profile.
As this specification defines a generic mechanism for the
Profile Content Management
PCMAA to request the next data from a different management
Platform (PCMP)
platform, the term PCMP is used for all of these platforms and
the term Delegated PCMP (DPCMP) is not used in this
Profile Installation Result A Notification that contains the result of a Profile installation.
A combination of local and remote management operations
Profile Management (enable Profile, disable Profile, delete Profile, list Profile
information and query Profile Metadata).
Profile Management An operation related to the content and state update of a Profile
Operation in a dedicated ISD-P on the eUICC.
Information pertaining to a Profile used for the purpose of Local
Profile Metadata
Profile Management and Remote Profile Management.
Profile Nickname Alternative name of the Profile set by the End User.
The entity that controls the operations that can be performed
Profile Owner upon its Profile. With the exception of Test Profiles, this is
always the Operator.
A personalised Profile using an interoperable description format
Profile Package
that is transmitted to an eUICC to load and install a Profile.
Profile Policy Authorisation A set of data that governs the ability of a Profile Owner to make
Rule use of a Profile Policy Rule in a Profile.
The functional element within eUICC that interprets and
Profile Policy Enabler
enforces Profile Policy Rules.
A policy control system that allows the Service Provider to
Profile Policy Management implement, manage and enforce its subscription terms and
conditions associated with the installed Profile.
Defines a qualification for or enforcement of an action to be
Profile Policy Rule
performed on a Profile when a certain condition occurs.
The process for re-installing a Profile related to the Subscription
onto the old Device under condition that the Profile Installation
Profile Recovery
onto the new Device for Device Change is failed due to a
permanent error.
Operator specific defined type of Profile. This is equivalent to the
Profile Type
"Profile Description ID" as described in Annex B of SGP.21 [4]

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A Profile Package which has been cryptographically protected
Protected Profile Package
for storage but not linked to a particular eUICC.
A combination of Operator data and applications to be
provisioned on an eUICC for the purposes of providing
connectivity to a mobile network solely for the purpose of the
Provisioning Profile provisioning of Profiles on the eUICC.
NOTE: Use of Provisioning Profiles for other system services in
version 3 of this specification may require modifications of this
A Certificate Authority, commonly used to issue certificates for
Public CA public Internet purposes, which is not subject to the GSMA
Policy Authority as defined in SGP.14 [45].
A service provided by a combination of a push server and a
Push Service push client on the Device, able to send a push notification from
an SM-DS to an LDS.
An identifier that is generated when an LDS registered a Push
Push Token
Service to a push server.
The Enterprise Rule that is currently being enforced by the
Reference Enterprise Rule
Profile Management operations performed by a Managing SM-
Remote Profile Management
DP+ at the request of the Profile Owner.
The downloading, installing, enabling, disabling, and deleting of
Remote SIM Provisioning
a Profile on an eUICC.
Roles Roles are representing a logical grouping of functions.
A central access point for finding Events from one or more SM-
Root SM-DS
A set of Profile Policy Authorisation Rules that, together,
Rules Authorisation Table determines the ability of a Profile Owner to make use of a set of
Profile Policy Rules in a Profile.
RSP Server Either an SM-DS or SM-DP+.
Sequence of interlinked data exchanges between the eUICC,
the LPA and an RSP Server, starting with the generation of a
RSP Session challenge on the eUICC and ending with a successful operation
(Profile installation, RPM execution or Event List verification) on
the eUICC or by explicit or implicit cancellation.
The organization through which the End User obtains PLMN
telecommunication services. This is usually the network operator
Service Provider
or possibly a separate body.
See also the definition for "Operator".
A secure and non-interceptable mechanism by which the End
Simple Confirmation User confirms their action, e.g., by selecting Yes/No,
A Certificate issued to a GSMA accredited SM-DP+, which
SM-DP+ Certificate
chains to an eSIM CA RootCA Certificate.
A Certificate issued to a GSMA accredited SM-DS, which chains
SM-DS Certificate
to an eSIM CA RootCA Certificate.

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Identifier of the SM-DP+ that is globally unique and is included
as part of the SM-DP+ Certificate.
Identifier of the SM-DS that is globally unique and is included as
part of the SM-DS Certificate.
A secure and non-interceptable mechanism to guarantee a
higher level of User Intent than Simple Confirmation by which
Strong Confirmation the End User confirms their action, e.g., by inputting PIN or
fingerprint, repeating Simple Confirmation, entering Confirmation
Code, etc.
SubCA A CA whose Certificate is signed by another CA.
An entity (associated with one or more End Users) that is
engaged in a Subscription with a Operator/Service Provider.
Describes the commercial relationship between the Subscriber
and the Operator/Service Provider.
Prepares Profile Packages, secures them with a Profile
Protection Key, stores Profile Protection Keys in a secure
manner and the Protected Profile Packages in a Profile Package
repository, and allocates the Protected Profile Packages to
Subscription Manager Data
specified EIDs.
Preparation+ (SM-DP+)
The SM-DP+ binds Protected Profile Packages to the respective
EID and securely downloads these Bound Profile Packages to
the LPA of the respective eUICC. The SM-DP+ also performs
Remote Profile Management and Remote eUICC Management.
Subscription Manager This is responsible for providing addresses of one or more
Discovery Service (SM-DS) SM-DP+(s) to a LDS.
A security module consisting of hardware and low-level software
providing resistance against software and hardware attacks,
Tamper Resistant Element
capable of securely hosting operating systems together with
applications and their confidential and cryptographic data.
eSIM Port which is explicitly affected by an ES10c.EnableProfile
Target Port
or ES10c.DisableProfile command.
Profile that is explicitly affected by an ES10 command.
Target Profile NOTE: An ES10c.EnableProfile command may implicitly affect
another Profile by implicitly disabling it.
A combination of data and applications to be provisioned on an
eUICC to provide connectivity to test equipment for the purpose
Test Profile
of testing the Device and the eUICC. A test profile is not
intended to store any Operator Credentials.
Describes the direct, real time acquisition and validation of the
manual End User input on the LUI to trigger locally a Profile
User Intent
download or Profile Management Operation. As defined in
SGP.21 [4].

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1.6 Abbreviations and Notations
Abbreviation Description
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AID Application Identifier
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
API Application Programming Interface
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
BPP Bound Profile Package
BSP BPP Security Protocol
CA Certificate Authority
CASD Controlling Authority Security Domain
CAT Card Application Toolkit
CI Certificate Issuer
CMAC Cipher-based MAC
CP Command Port
CRL Certificate Revocation List
CRT Control Reference Template
DH Diffie-Hellman
DEV-IC Device Information Code
DLOA Digital Letter Of Approval
DPI Delegated Platform Identifier
E4E E4 ENVELOPE (ENVELOPE command with tag 'E4')
ECASD eUICC Controlling Authority Security Domain
ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography
ECDHE Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman using Ephemeral keys
ECDSA Elliptic Curve cryptography Digital Signature Algorithm
ECID Event Checking Identifier
ECKA Elliptic Curve cryptography Key Agreement algorithm
EID eUICC identifier
EIN EUM Identification Number
ESIN EUM Specific Identification Number
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EUM eUICC Manufacturer
FCI File Control Information
FFS For Further Study
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name
GID1 Group Identifier 1, as defined in 3GPP TS 31.102 [54]
GID2 Group Identifier 2, as defined in 3GPP TS 31.102 [54]
GP GlobalPlatform

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GSMA GSM Association
GSMA CI GSM Association Certificate Issuer
HLR Home Location Register
HRI High Resolution Icon
ICCID Integrated Circuit Card ID
ICV Initial Chaining Vector
IIN Issuer Identifier Number
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
ISD Issuer Security Domain
ISD-P Issuer Security Domain Profile
ISD-R Issuer Security Domain Root
ISO International Standards Organisation
ITU International Telecommunications Union
KA Key Agreement
LDS Local Discovery Service
LDSd Local Discovery Service when LPA is in the Device
LDSe Local Discovery Service when LPA is in the eUICC
LOA Letter Of Approval
LPA Local Profile Assistant
LPAd Local Profile Assistant when LPA is in the Device
LPAe Local Profile Assistant when LPA is in the eUICC
LPD Local Profile Download
LPDd Local Profile Download when LPA is in the Device
LPDe Local Profile Download when LPA is in the eUICC
LPM Local Profile Management
LPRd LPA Proxy when LPA is in the Device
LSI Logical SE Interface
LTE Long Term Evolution
LUI Local User Interface
LUId Local User Interface when LPA is in the Device
LUIe Local User Interface when LPA is in the eUICC
M4M Mifare4MobileTM
MAC Message Authentication Code
MEP Multiple Enabled Profiles
MNO Mobile Network Operator
MNO-SD Mobile Network Operator - Security Domain
MOC Mandatory, Optional or Conditional

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Message eXchange Pattern
MXP Note: In version 2.X of this specification, this was abbreviated as
NAA Network Access Application
OS Operating System
OTA Over The Air
PCM Profile Content Management
PCMAA PCM Admin Agent
PCMP Profile Content Management Platform
PE Profile Element
PIX Proprietary application Identifier eXtension
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
POS Point Of Sale
PPAR Profile Policy Authorisation Rule
PPE Profile Policy Enabler
PPK Profile Protection Key
Optional Profile Protection Key randomly generated by the
PPK-ENC SM-DP+ and used for encryption/decryption of a Protected
Profile Package
Optional Profile Protection Key randomly generated by the
PPK-MAC SM-DP+ and used for MAC generation/verification of a Protected
Profile Package
PPP Protected Profile Package
PPR Profile Policy Rule
RAT Rules Authorisation Table
RFU Reserved for Future Use
RPM Remote Profile Management
RSA Rivest / Shamir / Adleman asymmetric algorithm
RSP Remote SIM Provisioning
SAS Security Accreditation Scheme
SBPP Segmented Bound Profile Package
SCP Secure Channel Protocol
SCWS Smartcard Web Server
SD Security Domain
SEAC Secure Element Access Control
SEP Single Enabled Profile
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SGP.22 Specification Version Number (referred to as 'eSVN' in
SGP.21 [4]).
Subscription Manager Data Preparation (Enhanced compared to
the SM-DP in SGP.02 [2])

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SM-DS Subscription Manager Discovery Service
Session key resulting from the key agreement between the SM-
S-ENC DP+ and the eUICC and used for encryption of parts of a Bound
Profile Package
Session Key resulting from the key agreement between the SM-
S-MAC DP+ and the eUICC and used for MAC computation of parts of a
Bound Profile Package
TAC Type Allocation Code
TAR Toolkit Application Reference
TLS Transport Layer Security
TLV Tag-Length-Value
TP Target Port
TRE Tamper Resistant Element
UI User Interface
UIM User Interface Module for LPAe
UPP Unprotected Profile Package
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Uniform Resource locator
USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module
W3C World Wide Web Consortium

1.7 References

1.7.1 Normative References

Ref Title
[1] Void Void
GSMA "Remote Provisioning of Embedded UICC Technical
[2] SGP.02
specification" V3.1
[3] Void Void
[4] SGP.21 RSP Architecture V3.0
eUICC Profile Trusted Connectivity Alliance (TCA) eUICC Profile Package:
Package Interoperable Format Technical Specification V3.2
[6] ETSI TS 102 221 Smart Cards; UICC-Terminal interface; Release 17
Smartcard_Web_ Open Mobile Alliance: Smartcard-Web-Server, Version 1.2.1 – 13
Server-V1_2_1- Sep 2013
[8] GPC_SPE_034 GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.3
GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.3 Amendment A:
[9] GPC_SPE_007
Confidential Card Content Management v1.1

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GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.3 Amendment C:
[10] GPC_SPE_025
Contactless Services v1.2
GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2 Amendment D: Secure
[11] GPC_SPE_014
Channel Protocol '03' v1.1.1
GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2 Amendment E: Security
[12] GPC_SPE_042
Upgrade for Card Content Management v1.0
GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2 Amendment F: Secure
[13] GPC_SPE_093
Channel Protocol '11' v1.3
ISO/IEC 7816- Identification cards – Integrated circuit cards - Part 4:
4:2013 Organization, security and commands for interchange
ISO/IEC Information technology -- Automatic identification and data
18004:2015 capture techniques -- QR Code bar code symbology specification
[16] RFC 5246 The TLS Protocol – Version 1.2
[17] RFC 5280 Internet X.509 PKI Certificate and CRL Profile
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Brainpool Standard Curves
[18] RFC 5639
and Curve Generation
Transmission Control Protocol, DARPA Internet Program,
[19] RFC 793
Protocol specification, Sept 1981
Avis relatif aux paramètres de courbes elliptiques définis par l'Etat
[20] français. JORF n°0241 du 16 octobre 2011 page 17533. texte n°
30. 2011
[21] ITU E.118 The international telecommunication charge card
GSMA Security GSMA Doc Reference: Security Principles Related to Handset
[22] Principles Related Theft 3.0.0
to Handset Theft EICTA CCIG Doc Reference: EICTA Doc: 04cc100
GSMA SAS Standard for Subscription Manager Roles
[23] FS.08
Version 3.0 - 31 March 2017
ITU-T X.520 Information technology – Open Systems
[24] ITU-T X.520
Interconnection – The Directory: Selected attribute types
RFC 5758 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure:
[25] RFC 5758
Additional Algorithms and Identifiers for DSA and ECDSA
RFC 5759 Suite B Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
[26] RFC 5759
(CRL) Profile
RFC 5480 Elliptic Curve Cryptography Subject Public Key
[27] RFC 5480
[28] RFC 4519 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
NIST Special Publication SP 800-56A: Recommendation for Pair-
[29] NIST SP 800-56A Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm
Cryptography (Revision 2), May 2013
The international identification plan for public networks and
[30] ITU E.212
[31] ETSI TS 102 223 Smart Cards; Card Application Toolkit (CAT); Release 17

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Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);
[32] 3GPP TS 24.008
Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification;
Core network protocols;
Stage 3
Smart Cards; ETSI numbering system for telecommunication
[33] ETSI TS 101 220
application providers
[34] RFC 768 User Datagram Protocol, Aug 1980.
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);
[35] 3GPP TS 23.003 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);
Numbering, addressing and identification
3GPP2 S.R0048-
[36] 3GPP2 - 3G Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID)
ISO/IEC 7812- Identification cards -- Identification of issuers -- Part 1: Numbering
1:2015 system
Secured packet structure for UICC based applications; Release
[38] ETSI TS 102 225
[39] ETSI TS 102 226 Remote APDU structure for UICC based applications; Release 9
[40] TS.26 GSMA NFC Handset Requirements V9.0
BSI Technical Guideline, TR-03111; Elliptic Curve Cryptography;
[41] BSI TR-03111
Version 2.10
[42] TLS 1.3 The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3
[43] RFC 2986 PKCS #10: Certification Request Syntax Specification
[44] Void Void
[45] SGP.14 GSMA eUICC PKI Certificate Policy V1.1
TLS Elliptic Curve Cipher Suites with SHA-256/384 and AES
[46] RFC 5289
Galois Counter Mode (GCM)
[47] RFC 4279 Pre-Shared Key Cipher suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS)
[48] Void Void
ITU-T X.680 Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic
(11/2008) notation including Corrigendum 1 and 2
ASN.1 Encoding Rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules
ITU-T X.690
[50] (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished
Encoding Rules (DER) including Corrigendum 1 and 2
Specification of the TUAK Algorithm Set; Document 1: Algorithm
[51] 3GPP TS 35.231
Specification of the MILENAGE Algorithm Set; Document 1:
[52] 3GPP TS 35.205
Smart cards; UICC Application Programming Interface (UICC
[53] ETSI TS 102 241
API) for Java Card™; Release 17
Characteristics of the Universal Subscriber Identity Module
[54] 3GPP TS 31.102
(USIM) application

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[55] SGP.03 GSMA NFC UICC Requirements Specification V6.1
GlobalPlatform Device Technology – Secure Element Access
[56] GPD_SPE_013
Control - Version 1.1
[57] GPC_SPE_095 GlobalPlatform Card - Digital Letter of Approval - Version 1.0
[58] M4M MIFARE4Mobile Architecture – V 2.1.1
[59] Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
[60] RFC 6066 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions: Extension Definitions
Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S.
[61] RFC 2119 Bradner
Common test environments for User Equipment (UE);
[62] 3GPP TS 34.108
Conformance testing
[63] 3GPP TS 29.002 Mobile Application Part (MAP) specification
[64] SGP.24 RSP Compliance Process
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites
[65] RFC 8422
for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Versions 1.2 and Earlier
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Brainpool Curves for Transport
[66] RFC 7027
Layer Security (TLS)
[67] RFC 2818 HTTP Over TLS
IETF - The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange
[68] RFC 7159
[69] GPD_SPE_075 GlobalPlatform Technology Open Mobile API Specification V3.3
[70] RFC 5646 Tags for Identifying Languages
[71] RFC 4648 The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings
[72] RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
[73] WebIDL WebIDL Level 1, W3C Recommendation, 15 December 2016
GlobalPlatform Device Technology – Secure Element Remote
Application Management
NOTE: The current version 1.0.1 of this GlobalPlatform
[74] GPD_SPE_008
specification does not cover all requirements from SGP.21 v3.0
[4]. The version will be updated once the new specification is
available from GlobalPlatform.
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for
[75] RFC 1341
Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies
3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification
[76] 3GPP TS 31.111 Group Core Network and Terminals; Universal Subscriber Identity
Module (USIM) Application Toolkit (USAT)
GSMA SAS Standard for UICC Production
[77] FS.04
Version 8.0 - 31 March 2017
BSI TR-02102-1, BSI Technische Richtlinie TR-02102-1: Kryptographische
Version 2018-01 Verfahren: Empfehlungen und Schlüssellängen

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NIST SP 800-90A Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using
Rev. 1 Deterministic Random Bit Generators, June 2015
[80] RFC 3490 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and
[81] RFC 7230
[82] RFC 7231 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content
Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods
[83] NIST SP 800-38A
and Techniques, 2001.
NIST, Special Publication 800-38B, "Recommendation for Block
[84] NIST SP 800-38B Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication",
May 2005.
[85] TS.48 GSMA Generic eUICC Test Profile for Device Testing
NIST Special Publication 800-57 Part 1 Rev. 4, Recommendation
[86] NIST SP 800-57
for Key Management
3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification
[87] 3GPP TS 33.501 Group Services and System Aspects; Security architecture and
procedures for 5G system
3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification
[88] 3GPP TS 31.130 Group Core Network and Terminals; (U)SIM Application
Programming Interface (API); (U)SIM API for Java™ Card;
[89] SGP.29 GSMA EID Definition and Assignment Process V1.0
Algorithm Identifiers for Ed25519, Ed448, X25519, and X448 for
[90] RFC 8410
Use in the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
ChaCha20-Poly1305 Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security
[91] RFC 7905
GSMA Embedded UICC for Consumer Devices – Protection
[92] SGP.25
ISO/IEC 14888-3:2018 IT Security techniques – Digital signatures
[93] SM2 algorithm
with appendix – Part 3: Discrete logarithm based mechanisms
ISO/IEC 10118-3:2018 IT Security techniques – Hash-functions –
[94] SM3 algorithm
Part 3: Dedicated hash-functions
ISO/IEC 18033-3:2010/AMD1:2021 Information technology –
[95] SM4 algorithm Security techniques – Encryption algorithms – Part 3: Block
ciphers – Amendment 1: SM4
[96] RFC8998 RFC 8998 ShangMi (SM) Cipher Suites for TLS 1.3

1.7.2 Informative References

Ref Title
[i1] TS.43 GSMA VoWiFi and VoLTE Entitlement Configuration V4.0
OCF Easy Setup Specification v2.2.2:
OCF Easy Setup

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1.8 Conventions
The key words "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", and "MAY" in this
document SHALL be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [61].

1.9 Feature Support

This specification indicates features and data elements that were added starting from v3.0.0
by acronyms encapsulated within hash symbols. This allows the sender of information to
limit the content of its messages to what the receiver indicated to support.

The following acronyms are used:

These data elements were used in pre-3.0.0 versions of the specification and SHALL NOT
be sent to a receiver indicating support for v3.0.0 or higher.

These data elements relate to a feature introduced in v2.X.Y.

These data elements relate to the support of Device Information extensibility. These
SHOULD only be sent to an eUICC indicating support for the extensibility (see section 4.3).

These data elements relate to a feature introduced in v3.0.0. These SHALL NOT be sent to
an eUICC indicating support for a version lower than v3.0.0.

These data elements relate to the support of the Remote Profile Management, a feature
introduced in v3.0.0. These SHALL only be sent to an eUICC indicating support for this

These data elements relate to the support of Enterprise Profiles, an optional feature
introduced in v3.0.0. These SHALL only be sent to an eUICC indicating support for this

These data elements relate to the support of the LPA Proxy/Profile Content Management, an
optional feature introduced in v3.0.0. These SHALL only be sent to an eUICC indicating
support for this feature.

These data elements relate to the support of the Device Change, an optional feature
introduced in v3.0.0.

These data elements relate to the support of the Event Checking, an optional feature
introduced in v3.0.0.

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These data elements relate to the support of the Push Service, an optional feature
introduced in v3.0.0.

These data elements relate to the support of the Multiple Enabled Profiles, an optional
feature introduced in v3.0.0.

These data elements were optional or not defined in pre-3.0.0 versions and SHALL always
be provided in v3.0.0 or higher.

Backward compatibility with version 1 of this specification is not supported.

1.10 Editorial Guidelines

This specification is built according to these editorial guidelines:
ASN.1 code
ASN.1 references used as character style
JSON definitions
Input Data, Output Data
Status code "Subject - Reason"

Names and phrases that are defined in section 1.5 or referenced in the definition of
acronyms in section 1.6 are capitalised. Words or phrases used according to their commonly
understood meanings are not capitalised.
In addition, within section titles, table captions, and figure captions, the first word and every
other word with length greater than three characters is capitalised.
Octet values and octet string values are represented by uppercase hexadecimal digits
between single quotation marks, optionally with spaces after each pair of digits. For
example, 'BF12' or '12 34 56 78'.
ASN.1 code is represented by lines containing no more than 80 characters. Where
necessary to conform to this guideline, long definitions are represented by multiple
consecutive lines.
Comments within ASN.1 code use only the single-line format defined in section 12.6.3 of
[49]. The following additional considerations apply:
 Comments, which begin with a pair of hyphens (i.e., --), are always terminated by the
end of the line (i.e., never by a second pair of hyphens).
 Comments that would result in lines longer than 80 characters are represented by
multiple consecutive single-line comments, each less than 80 characters in width.

2 General Architecture
This section contains a technical description and architecture of the Remote SIM
Provisioning System for consumer Devices. The statements in this section define the basic
characteristics that need to be taken into account when reviewing this specification.

2.1 General Architecture Diagram

This section further specifies the Roles and interfaces associated with the Remote SIM
Provisioning and Management of the eUICC for consumer Devices.

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Figure 1: Remote SIM Provisioning System, LPA in the Device

Figure 1 shows the entities required for Profile Download and RPM. Figure 1a shows the
additional entities required for Profile Content Management using an LPA Proxy (LPRd) and
a PCM Admin Agent. The PCM Admin Agent MAY be external to the LPAd.

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Figure 1a: Entities for Profile content management, LPA in the Device

PCM enables the exchange of APDUs between the PCMP and the Enabled Profile. This
includes using all kind of APDU based Secure Channel Protocols, e.g., SCP03 [11] and
SCP11 [13] defined by GlobalPlatform.

The LPRd triggers the PCM Admin Agent to start a PCM session and optionally relays
progress information from the PCM Admin Agent to a Device Application. (See section 3.9.)

A Device with an LPAd SHOULD support PCM.

An eUICC that supports both the LPA Proxy and Remote Profile Management SHALL
support the 'Contact PCMP' command.

A Device compliant with this specification SHALL implement at least one of the following:

 The LPAd, or
 The requirements for one of the options for the LPAe (section 5.11).
A Device that supports a non-removable eUICC without an LPAe SHALL provide an LPAd.

An eUICC compliant with this specification SHALL satisfy the following:

 The eUICC MAY implement the LPAe.

 A removable eUICC SHALL implement the LPA Services.
 A non-removable eUICC in a Device containing an LPAd SHALL implement the LPA

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A Device supporting both the LPAd and the LPAe SHALL implement an appropriate
mechanism that sets the LPA to be used.

The above figure provides the complete description of the consumer Remote SIM
Provisioning and Management system, when LPA is in the Device (LPAd).

The Remote SIM Provisioning and Management system also allows to have the LPA in the
eUICC (LPAe). This architecture is shown in the following figure.

Figure 2: Remote SIM Provisioning System, LPA in the eUICC

NOTE: LPR is not defined for LPAe. This may be added in a future version of this

2.2 Roles
Roles are defined within SGP.21 [4] Architecture Specification section 3.

The DLOA Registrar is a role that stores DLOAs and provides an interface to enable
authorised DLOA Management System to retrieve them. In the context of RSP, a well-known
DLOA Registrar SHALL be defined (i.e., a well-known URL SHALL be defined), containing
all the valid (not expired and not revoked) DLOAs delivered by the DLOA Authority. This
DLOA Registrar MAY also contain additional DLOAs delivered by other authorities. DLOAs

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delivered by the DLOA Authority MAY be provided to other DLOA Registrars. The DLOA
Registrar is defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA [57].

A DLOA Management System is any authorised system (e.g., a MNO backend system, an
SM-DP+) interested in verifying the level of certification, evaluation, approval, qualification,
or validation of a component (e.g., eUICC platform).

2.3 Interfaces
The following table provides information about the interfaces within the architecture.

Between Description
ES2+ Operator SM-DP+ Used by the Operator to order Profiles for specific eUICCs
as well as other administrative functions.
ES6 Operator eUICC Used by the Operator for the management of Operator
services via OTA services.
ES8+ SM-DP+ eUICC Provides a secure end-to-end channel between the SM-
DP+ and the eUICC for the administration of the ISD-P
and the associated Profile during download and
installation. It provides Perfect Forward Secrecy.
ES9+ SM-DP+ LPD Used to provide a secure transport between the SM-DP+
and the LPA (LPD) for Profile Download, RPM, etc.
ES10a LDSd eUICC Used between the LDSd and the LPA Services to handle
a Profile discovery.
ES10b LPDd eUICC Used between the LPDd and the LPA services to transfer
a Bound Profile Package to the eUICC. This interface
plays no role in the decryption of Profile Packages.
ES10c LUId eUICC Used between the LUId and the LPA services for Local
Profile Management by the End User.
ES11 LDS SM-DS Used by the LDS to retrieve Event Records for the
respective eUICC.
ES12 SM-DP+ SM-DS Used by the SM-DP+ to register Event Records with the
SM-DS and to delete its Event Records.
ES15 SM-DS SM-DS Used in the case of deployments of cascaded SM-DSs to
connect those SM-DSs.
ES20 PCMP PCMAA Used to send APDU scripts enhanced by additional
ES21 Device LPRd Used to trigger the PCMAA and to send PCM notifications
Application to the Device Application.
ES22 Device LPAd Used by a Device Application to interwork with the LPA
Application (out of scope of this specification).
ES25 UIMe LUIe Used between the UIMe and the LUIe to transfer End
User related interaction.
ESaa PCMAA enabled Used to select an application of the Enabled Profile and to
Profile exchange APDUs subsequently. Identical to the interface
between the Admin Agent and the Secure Element
defined in GP SERAM [74] and not further described in

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Between Description
this specification.
ESapp Operator Device Interface between the Operator and the Device
Application Application (out of scope of this specification).
NOTE: an example of a protocol that can be used on
ESapp can be found in [i1].
EShri LUI HRI Server Used to retrieve High Resolution Icons.
ESop Operator End User Business interface between Operator and End user (out
of scope of this specification).
ESent Operator Enterprise Interface between the Operator and the Enterprise (out of
scope of this specification).
ESeu End User LUI Interface to initiate local profile management functions
(out of scope of this specification).
ESeum eUICC EUM Administrative interface between the eUICC vendor
(EUM) and the eUICC (out of scope of this specification).
ESci CI SM-DP+ This interface is used by the SM-DP+, SM-DS and EUM
SM-DS to request a certificate and retrieve certificate revocation
EUM status. Any other relying party MAY retrieve certificate
revocation status.
The interface for Certificate Signing Request is defined in
SGP.14 [45] section 5.1. The interface for CRL retrieval is
defined in the present document, section
"Extension CRL Distribution Points".
ESdloa DLOA Management This interface is defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA [57]
Registrar System section 5.
ESdsps SM-DS push server Interface between SM-DS and push server (out of scope
of this specification).
ESps push server push client Interface between push server and push client (out of
scope of this specification).
ESpc push client LPAd Interface between push client and LPAd (out of scope of
this specification).

Table 1: Interfaces

2.4 eUICC Architecture

2.4.1 eUICC Overview

This section describes the internal high-level architecture of the eUICC. It should be noted
that the eUICC architecture is very similar to that used in the GSMA Remote SIM
Provisioning of Embedded UICC Technical specification [2]. Operator Profiles are stored
inside Security Domains within the eUICC and are implemented using GlobalPlatform
standards. These ensure that it is impossible for any Profile to access the applications or
data of any other Profile stored on the eUICC. The same mechanism is currently in use
within SIM cards to ensure payment applications are kept secure.

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Figure 3: Schematic Representation of the eUICC

2.4.2 ECASD
The Embedded UICC Controlling Authority Security Domain (ECASD) is responsible for
secure storage of credentials required to support the required Security Domains on the

There SHALL be only one ECASD on an eUICC. The ECASD SHALL be installed and
personalized by the EUM (eUICC Manufacturer) during the eUICC manufacturing. After
eUICC manufacturing, the ECASD SHALL be in life-cycle state PERSONALIZED as defined
in GlobalPlatform Card Specification [8] section 5.3.

The AID of the ECASD SHALL follow SGP.02 [2].

The ECASD SHALL contain:

 The eUICC’s Private Key(s) (SK.EUICC.SIG) for creating digital signatures

 The eUICC’s Certificate(s) for eUICC authentication (CERT.EUICC.SIG) containing
the eUICC’s public key(s) (PK.EUICC.SIG)
 The eSIM Certificate Issuer’s (CI) RootCA Public Key(s) (PK.CI.SIG) for verifying off-
card entities certificates (e.g., SM-DP+) and Certificate Revocation List (CRL).
ECASD MAY contain several public keys belonging to the same eSIM CA or different
eSIM CAs. Each PK.CI.SIG SHALL be stored with information coming from the
CERT.CI.SIG the key is included in, at least:
o eSIM Certificate Issuer OID
o Subject Key Identifier: required to verify the Certificate chain of the off-card

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 The Certificate(s) of the EUM (CERT.EUM.SIG), and, optionally, the Certificate(s) of
The ECASD SHOULD also contain:

 eUICC Manufacturer’s (EUMs) keyset for key/certificate renewal, which is used in one
or more of the following functions:
o Renew eUICC’s Private Key(s) and Certificate(s)
o Renew EUM Certificate(s) and, optionally, EUM SubCA Certificate(s)
o Renew eSIM CA RootCA public key(s)
o Add new eUICC Private Key(s), eUICC Certificate(s), EUM Certificate(s)
and, optionally, EUM SubCA Certificate(s)
o Remove eUICC’s Certificate(s)
o Remove EUM Certificate(s) and related eUICC’s Certificate(s)
o Add new eSIM CA RootCA Public Key(s)
o Remove eSIM CA RootCA Public Key(s)
o Generate a new Public/Private Key pair to support a new curve
The means by which the EUM SHOULD perform key/certificate
renewal/generation/addition/removal is out of scope of this specification but, if provided, it
SHALL be a GlobalPlatform [8] mechanism with a minimum security level corresponding to
the security level of the key/Certificate on which the operation is performed (e.g., AES
algorithm using a minimum key length of 128 bits for a renewal of ECC keys of 256 bits).
The EUM MAY also revoke an eSIM CA RootCA Certificate on the eUICC (e.g., by deleting
the related public key).

The ECASD SHALL provide the following services to the ISD-R:

 eUICC signature creation on material provided by an ISD-R

 Verification of the off-card entities certificates (e.g., SM-DP+), provided by an ISD-R,
with the eSIM CA RootCA public key (PK.CI.SIG)
Personalisation of the ECASD SHALL be done in a certified 'GSMA SAS-UP environment'
according to the SAS UP specification [77].

2.4.3 ISD-R
The ISD-R is responsible for the creation of new ISD-Ps and lifecycle management of all

There SHALL be only one ISD-R on an eUICC.

The ISD-R SHALL be installed and personalized by the EUM during eUICC manufacturing.
The ISD-R SHALL be associated with itself. The ISD-R privileges SHALL be granted
according to Annex A.

The ISD-R cannot be deleted or disabled.

2.4.4 ISD-P
The ISD-P is the on-card representative of the SM-DP+ and is a secure container (Security
Domain) for the hosting of a Profile. The ISD-P is used for the Profile download and

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installation in collaboration with the Profile Package Interpreter for the
decoding/interpretation of the received Profile Package.

An ISD-P hosts a unique Profile.

No component outside the ISD-P SHALL have visibility or access to any Profile Component
with the exception of the ISD-R, which SHALL have access to Profile Metadata.

A Profile Component SHALL NOT have any visibility of, or access to, components outside its
ISD-P. An ISD-P SHALL NOT have any visibility of, or access to, any other ISD-P.

Deletion of a Profile SHALL remove the containing ISD-P and all Profile Components of the

2.4.5 Profile
A Profile consists of Profile Components:

 One MNO-SD
 Supplementary Security Domains (SSD) and a CASD
 Applets
 Applications, e.g., NFC applications
 NAAs
 Other elements of the File System
 Profile Metadata, including Profile Policy Rules
The MNO-SD is the on-card representative of the Operator. It contains the Operator’s Over-
The-Air (OTA) keys and provides a secure OTA channel.

All Security Domains of a Profile SHALL be located in the hierarchy of the MNO-SD or an
SD extradited to itself.

The behaviour of an eUICC with an Enabled Profile SHALL be equivalent to a UICC. This
applies especially for the NAAs and applets contained in the Profile.

When a Profile is Disabled, the eUICC SHALL ensure that:

 Remote management of any Profile Component is not possible via the ES6 interface.
 The file system within the Profile cannot be selected by the Device or any application
on the eUICC.
 The applications (including NAAs and Security Domains) within the Profile cannot be
selected, triggered or individually deleted.
 For an eUICC compliant with M4M [58], no M4M Virtual Card inside that Profile is
visible nor accessible through any interface. Operational Profile

An Operational Profile SHALL have its Profile Class set to 'operational' in its Profile
Metadata to indicate to the LPA and the eUICC that it SHALL be handled in the manner that
is appropriate for an Operational Profile.

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A Provisioning Profile SHALL have its Profile Class set to 'provisioning' in its Profile
Metadata to indicate to the LPA and the eUICC that it SHALL be handled in the manner that
is appropriate for a Provisioning Profile. In every other respect, a Provisioning Profile SHALL
have the same format structure as any other Profile.

Provisioning Profile Impact on LUI

Provisioning Profiles and their associated Profile Metadata SHALL NOT be visible to the End
User in the LUI. As a result, Provisioning Profiles SHALL NOT be selectable by the End User
nor deletable through any End User action, including eUICC Memory Reset.

Provisioning Profile and Operational Profile Policies

Provisioning Profiles SHALL still be usable, even if the currently enabled Operational Profile
is subject to Profile Policy Rule 'ppr1'. In the case where a Provisioning Profile needs to be
enabled, the LPA SHALL directly enable the Provisioning Profile, without first explicitly
disabling the currently enabled Operational Profile; the eUICC SHALL allow this operation
and implicitly disable the currently enabled Operational Profile regardless of the Profile
Policy Rule. Test Profile

An eUICC MAY support Test Profiles.

A Test Profile SHALL have its Profile Class set to 'test' in its Profile Metadata to indicate to
the LPA and the eUICC that it SHALL be handled in the manner that is appropriate for a Test
Profile. To ensure that a Test Profile is not used as an Operational Profile, the value of its
key(s) for network authentication SHALL comply with one of the following:

1. All bits except the lowest 32 bits set to zero.

2. '00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F' (default K value of Test USIM as
defined in Section 8.2 of 3GPP TS 34.108 [62]).
3. Any arbitrary value, if the network authentication algorithm is the Test Algorithm as
defined in Section 8.1.2 of 3GPP TS 34.108 [62] or the IMSI value complies with the
Test USIM IMSI defined in Section of 3GPP TS 34.108 [62].

When a Test Profile is downloaded, the eUICC SHALL accept keys compliant with (1) and
SHOULD accept keys compliant with (2) or (3).

Preloaded Test Profiles SHALL comply with one of these conditions.

In every other respect, a Test Profile SHALL have the same format structure as any other

NOTE: A live commercial network would never use a key with so little entropy.

Test Profiles and their associated Profile Metadata SHALL be visible in the LUI when the
Device is in Device Test Mode.

The only indication the eUICC receives about the Device entering Test Mode is the initial
enabling of a Test Profile. Other Test Profiles may be enabled subsequently. The explicit

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disabling of the current Test Profile or the enabling of a non-Test Profile indicates to the
eUICC that Device Test Mode was left. If an Operational Profile was in Enabled state before
the (first) Test Profile was enabled, the eUICC will ensure that this Operational Profile is re-
enabled when the Test Profile is disabled. This ensures that the Profile Policy Rule
"Disabling not allowed" is handled consistently. (See sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 for details.)

Even though Profile Policy Rules do not apply for MEP, the same re-enabling mechanism is
specified for MEP. While a Test Profile is enabled on an eSIM Port, the LPAd SHALL not
enable the temporarily disabled Operational Profile on a different eSIM Port. The behaviour
of the eUICC for such attempts or for any other exceptional action by the LPAd is neither
specified nor are such cases covered in the procedures in sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.

NOTE: While the LPAd can receive an implementation specific notification when the
Device enters/leaves Test Mode, such a mechanism is not available for the
LPAe. To avoid extra messages, the LPAe MAY implement a protected
option in its user interface for activating Test Mode.

Even if configured in its Metadata, the eUICC will never generate Notifications related to the
Enabling or Disabling of a Test Profile. In addition, no Notifications will be generated for an
Operational Profile when switching to or from a Test Profile.

NOTE: The GSMA Generic Test Profile [85] is an example of a Test Profile that
supports a wide range of development, certification, and
repair/refurbishment testing activities.

2.4.6 Telecom Framework

The Telecom Framework is an Operating System service that provides standardised network
authentication algorithms to the NAAs hosted in the ISD-Ps. Furthermore, it provides the
capabilities to configure the algorithm with the necessary parameters in the Enabled Profile.

2.4.7 Profile Package Interpreter

The Profile Package Interpreter is an eUICC Operating System service that translates the
Profile Package data as defined in eUICC Profile Package Specification [5] into an installed
Profile using the specific internal format of the target eUICC.

NOTE: According to the eUICC Profile Package Specification [5], the eUICC also
attempts to process Profile Packages indicating a different minor version.

2.4.8 LPAe
The LPAe is a functional element that provides the LPDe, LDSe and LUIe features. These
features are similar to the features of an LPAd.

LPAe is optional.

The technical implementation of LPAe is up to the EUM. For example, the LPAe MAY be a
feature of the ISD-R.

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2.4.9 LPA Services
This role provides the necessary access to the services and data required by LPAd
functions. These services include:

 Provide the address(es) of the Root SM-DS(s) and the Default SM-DP+, if configured
 Transfer Bound Profile Package from the LPAd to the ISD-P
 Provide list of installed Profiles and their Profile Metadata
 Retrieve EID
 Provide Local Profile Management Operations
 Provide Remote Profile Management
 Provide authentication and integrity verification for Event Retrieval from an SM-DS
 Provide pending Notifications
The conditions under which LPA Services SHALL be present are described in section 2.1.

2.4.10 Hardware Characteristics of the eUICC

The following requirements apply:

 The eUICC SHALL be based on Tamper Resistant Element.

 The eUICC SHALL be either a Discrete eUICC or an Integrated eUICC.
 A Discrete eUICC MAY either be removable or non-removable. A removable eUICC
SHALL be packaged in a form factor specified in ETSI TS 102 221 [6].

2.4.11 Platform Characteristics of the eUICC

In compliance with SGP.21, the following requirements apply:

 The eUICC SHALL support SHA-1.

 The eUICC SHALL support TUAK [51].
 The eUICC SHALL support Milenage [52].
 All cryptographic functions SHALL be implemented in a tamper-resistant way and
SHALL resist side-channel attacks. Java Card packages

An eUICC supporting Java CardTM SHALL support the Java Packages listed below. The
implementation of each Package SHALL as a minimum be according to the given Package
version and Specification version.

Package Description Package Spec

Version Version
java.* defines a subset of the 1.0 Java CardTM
(java.lang, package in the standard Java 3.0.5
programming language. Classic
java.lang Provides classes that are 1.0 Edition
fundamental to the design of the Java
Card technology subset of the Java
programming language.
javacard.* javacard.framework Provides a 1.6 Java CardTM
framework of classes and interfaces for 3.0.5

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(javacard.framework, building, communicating with and Classic working with Java CardTM technology Edition
based applets. Provides classes 1.6
and interfaces that contain publicly
available functionality for implementing
a security and cryptography framework
on the Java CardTM platform
javacardx.* javacardx.crypto Extension package 1.6 Java CardTM
(javacardx.crypto) that contains functionality, which may 3.0.5
be subject to export controls, for Classic
implementing a security and Edition
cryptography framework on the Java
CardTM platform.
uicc.* uicc.access This package provides the 1.2 TS 102 241
(uicc.access, means to the applets for accessing the [53] Rel-9
uicc.system, UICC file system defined in the TS 102
uicc.toolkit) 221 [6] specification.

uicc.system This package provides the 1.0

means to the applets for accessing
system wide services of the UICC
uicc.toolkit This package provides the 1.6
means for the toolkit applets to register
to the events of the common application
toolkit (CAT) framework, to handle TLV
information and to send proactive
commands according to the ETSI TS
102 223 [31] specification.
uicc.usim.* uicc.usim.access This package 1.0 3GPP TS
provides the means for applets to get 31.130 Rel-
access to the files defined in the USIM, 9
SIM and ISIM specification.
uicc.usim.toolkit This package 1.8
provides the means for the toolkit
applets to register to the events defined
in the USAT and STK specification to
handle TLV information and to send
proactive command according to the
ETSI 3GPP TS 31.111 and 3GPP TS
51.014 specification.
org.globalplatform Provides a framework of classes and 1.6 GP 2.3 [8]
interfaces related to core services
defined for smart cards based on
GlobalPlatform specifications
Table 2: Java Card Packages
The following additional Java Card packages SHALL be supported by an eUICC supporting

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Package Description Package Spec

Version Version
javacardx.* javacardx.external Extension package 1.0 Java CardTM
that provides mechanisms to access 3.0.5 Classic
memory subsystems which are not Edition
directly addressable by the Java CardTM
runtime environment (Java CardTM RE)
on the Java CardTM platform.
javacardx.framework.tlv Extension 1.0
package that contains functionality, for
managing storage for BER TLV
formatted data, based on the ASN.1
BER encoding rules of ISO/IEC 8825-
1:2002, as well as parsing and editing
BER TLV formatted data in I/O buffers.
javacardx.framework.util.intx 1.0
Extension package that contains
common utility functions for using int
uicc.hci.* uicc.hci.framework This package 1.1 TS 102 705
defines the basic interfaces for the HCI Rel-9
mulation, This 1.0 package defines the interfaces for the
ectivity, card emulation mode of the HCI protocol.
ermode) This 1.0
package defines the interfaces for the
functionality of the connectivity gate
defined in the HCI protocol. This 1.0
package defines the interfaces for the
reader emulation mode of the HCI
protocol. Provides a framework of classes and 1.3 Amd C 1.2
ntactless interfaces related to contactless services [10]
defined for smart cards based on
GlobalPlatform specifications
Table 3: Java Card Packages

2.4.12 Profile Policy Enabler

The Profile Policy Enabler is described in detail in section 2.9.3.

2.4.13 eUICC OS Update

An eUICC SHOULD support a mechanism for eUICC OS Update. If such a mechanism is
supported, it SHALL be secure. The eUICC OS Update capability allows the OS
manufacturer to correct errors in existing features on the eUICC by updating the eUICC OS.

The process and mechanisms used to perform an eUICC OS Update are Device
manufacturer and EUM implementation-specific and therefore out of scope of this version of
the specification. However, the eUICC OS Update mechanism SHALL fulfil the requirements
defined in SGP.21 [4].

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This operation MAY affect information contained within euiccInfo1 and euiccInfo2.

Following any eUICC OS Update, the eUICC SHALL remain compliant according to the RSP
Certification process as specified in SGP.24 [64].

2.4a ASN.1
The description of some data objects in this specification is based on ASN.1 specified in
ITU-T X.680 [49] and encoded in TLV structures using DER (Distinguished Encoding Rule)
encoding as specified in ITU-T X.690 [50]. This provides a flexible description of those data

The Remote SIM Provisioning format is defined in a single, self-contained, ASN.1 definition
module called RSPDefinitions, with an ISO Object Identifier in the GSMA namespace.

RSPDefinitions {joint-iso-itu-t(2) international-organizations(23) gsma(146) rsp(1)
spec-version(1) version-three(3)}

Two encoding/decoding attributes are defined:

 AUTOMATIC TAGS means that the tags are defined automatically using the
encoding rules unless a tag notation is present in a data object format definition.
 EXTENSIBILITY IMPLIED means that types MAY have elements that are not defined
in this specification. This means that decoders SHALL be able to handle values with
unspecified tags, either by processing them if they know their value content, or
ignoring them silently (without reporting an error) if they do not know them. This is
useful when processing data definitions from a newer specification and to handle
proprietary tag values.
As the eUICC cannot implement an off-the-shelf standard decoder, the requirement on
extensibility SHALL NOT apply to the eUICC. In some cases the eUICC is even mandated to
report undefined tags, see e.g., sections 3.1.5 and 5.7.6.

The following general rules SHALL apply for the compliance of entities according to this
 A sender of data defined in this specification SHALL comply with the exact definition
of the data structure.
 A receiver is only mandated to check incoming data where such a check is explicitly
required by this specification. Otherwise, a receiver is free to tolerate deviations (e.g.,
strings longer than the defined maximum) or reject them. If the receiver does not
understand a field, the receiver SHALL silently ignore it without reporting an error
(i.e., SHALL NOT parse or process the value content). If the receiver is requested to
sign or verify the signature of a data object containing those unknown field(s), the
receiver SHALL perform the request on the entire data object.

NOTE: Unless otherwise specified in this specification, an optional field should be present
only when the field has a value, i.e., it should not be present with empty content.

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This specification relies on X.509 data objects imported from libraries defined in RFC 5280
IMPORTS Certificate, CertificateList, Time FROM PKIX1Explicit88 {iso(1) identified-
organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-
SubjectKeyIdentifier FROM PKIX1Implicit88 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6)
internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-pkix1-implicit(19)}
UICCCapability FROM PEDefinitions {joint-iso-itu-t(2) international-
organizations(23) tca(143) euicc-profile(1) spec-version(1) version-three(3)};
-- The UICCCapability import module version is defined in section 4.3

2.4a.1 Common ASN.1 data types

NOTE: Other common data types may be added here in future versions.

2.4a.1.0 Data type: Miscellaneous

The following constant, types and objects are used in this specification.
id-rsp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-itu-t(2) international-organizations(23)
gsma(146) rsp(1)}

-- Basic types, for size constraints

Octet1 ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1))
Octet4 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4))
Octet8 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(8))
Octet16 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(16))
OctetTo16 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..16))
Octet32 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(32))

VersionType ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) -- major/minor/revision version are coded as

binary value on byte 1/2/3, e.g., '02 00 0C' for v2.0.12.
-- If revision is not used (e.g., v2.1), byte 3 SHALL be set to '00'.
Iccid ::= [APPLICATION 26] OCTET STRING (SIZE(10)) -- ICCID as coded in EFiccid,
corresponding tag is '5A'
RemoteOpId ::= [2] INTEGER {installBoundProfilePackage(1)}
TransactionId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..16))

-- Definition of OIDs
id-rsp-cert-objects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rsp 2}
-- value 0 in id-rsp-cert-objects was assigned in SGP.22 v2.x
-- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#

id-rspRole OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rsp-cert-objects 1}

-- Definition of OIDs for role identification in certificates

id-rspRole-ci OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 0}
id-rspRole-ciSubCa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-ci 0}

id-rspRole-eum OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-ciSubCa 0}

id-rspRole-eumSubCa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-eum 0}
id-rspRole-euicc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-eumSubCa 0}

id-rspRole-dpSubCa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-ciSubCa 1}

id-rspRole-dp-tls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dpSubCa 0}
id-rspRole-dp-auth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dpSubCa 1}
id-rspRole-dp-pb OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dpSubCa 2}

id-rspRole-dsSubCa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-ciSubCa 2}

id-rspRole-ds-tls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dsSubCa 0}
id-rspRole-ds-auth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dsSubCa 1}

-- The following OIDs are used in Variant O and OO Certificates

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id-rspRole-euicc-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 1}
id-rspRole-eum-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 2}
id-rspRole-dp-tls-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 3}
id-rspRole-dp-auth-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 4}
id-rspRole-dp-pb-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 5}
id-rspRole-ds-tls-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 6}
id-rspRole-ds-auth-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 7}

-- Definition of OIDs for RSP-specific extensions in Certificates

-- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
id-rsp-extensions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rsp-cert-objects 2}
id-rsp-extension-permitted-eins OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-rsp-extensions 0}

-- The extnValue field of the id-rsp-extension-permitted-eins extension SHALL be of

type PermittedEins:
PermittedEins ::= SEQUENCE OF PrintableString


2.4a.1.1 Data type: PprIds

The data type PprIds codes the identifiers for Profile Policy Rules defined in this document.

PprIds ::= BIT STRING {-- Definition of Profile Policy Rules identifiers
pprUpdateControl(0), -- defines how to update PPRs via ES6
ppr1(1), -- Indicator for PPR1 'Disabling of this Profile is not allowed'
ppr2(2) -- Indicator for PPR2 'Deletion of this Profile is not allowed'
For pprX: a bit set to '1' indicates that the corresponding PPR is set.

Further versions of this specification MAY introduce new Profile Policy Rule identifiers

2.4a.1.2 Data type: OperatorId

The data type OperatorId contains the identification of an Operator. This type is used to
identify a Profile Owner.
OperatorId ::= SEQUENCE {
mccMnc OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)), -- MCC&MNC coded as 3GPP TS 24.008
gid1 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- referring to content of EF GID1 (file identifier
'6F3E') in 3GPP TS 31.102 [54]
gid2 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL -- referring to content of EF GID2 (file identifier
'6F3F') in 3GPP TS 31.102 [54]
Coding of mccMnc: contains MCC (3 digits) and MNC (2 or 3 digits) on 3 bytes coded as in
3GPP TS 24.008 [32]. For instance, an Operator identified by 246 for the MCC and 81 for
the MNC will be coded as bytes 1 to 3: '42' 'F6' '18'.

Coding of gid1 and gid2: both are optional. If provided, their content SHALL be coded as
defined in 3GPP TS 31.102 [54].

In case the Profile contains multiple USIM applications, the OperatorId SHALL reflect the
values of one of the USIM applications.

NOTE: Additional mechanism for identifying MVNO/Service Providers is for further


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2.4a.1.3 Data type: RpmConfiguration
The data type RpmConfiguration defines the configuration on RPM support of a Profile.

RpmConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
managingDpList [0] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
managingDpOid [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- Managing SM-DP+ OID
rpmType [1] RpmType OPTIONAL,
pollingAddress [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- Tag '81'
allowedCiPKId [2] SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- eSIM CA RootCA PKID that is
allowed for managing SM-DP+s
profileOwnerOid [3] OBJECT IDENTIFIER

RpmType ::= BIT STRING{

enable(0), disable(1), delete(2), listProfileInfo(3), contactPcmp(4)

managingDpList contains a list of Managing SM-DP+s identified by their OIDs. Multiple

bits can be set in rpmType, where a bit set to '1' indicates that the Managing SM-DP+ is
allowed to perform the corresponding RPM Command, except for 'Update Metadata'. If a
Managing SM-DP+ is allowed to perform 'Update Metadata', then the list of data objects that
the Managing SM-DP+ can update SHALL be specified in the tagList (defined in section
pollingAddress contains the address of either SM-DP+ or SM-DS as an FQDN.
allowedCiPKId specifies the only eSIM CA RootCA public key that is allowed for
authentication of the Managing SM-DP+(s) specified by managingDpList. If
allowedCiPKId is absent then any eSIM CA RootCA public key may be used.
profileOwnerOid contains the OID of the Profile Owner.

2.4a.1.4 Data type: LocalisedTextMessage

The data type LocalisedTextMessage contains a text string and the language associated
with it.
LocalisedTextMessage ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
languageTag UTF8String DEFAULT "en", -- language tag as defined by RFC 5646
message UTF8String

2.4a.1.5 Data type: LprConfiguration

The data type LprConfiguration defines the configuration for the LPRd.

LprConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
pcmpAddress [0] UTF8String,
dpiEnable [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
triggerLprOnEnableProfile [2] NULL OPTIONAL

pcmpAddress contains the FQDN of the PCMP server.

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dpiEnable contains the DPI which if present is appended to the pcmpAddress if the LPR
is triggered upon local enabling.

If triggerLprOnEnableProfile is present, then the LPA SHALL trigger the LPR session
after local enabling the Profile.

2.4a.1.6 Data type: CertificateChain

The data type CertificateChain contains a chain of Certificates.

CertificateChain ::= SEQUENCE OF Certificate -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

Each subsequent Certificate in the list SHALL certify the one preceding it. The eSIM CA
RootCA Certificate SHALL be omitted.

2.4a.1.7 Data type: EnterpriseConfiguration

The data type EnterpriseConfiguration defines the configuration of an Enterprise
EnterpriseConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseOid [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
enterpriseName [1] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)),
enterpriseRules [2] SEQUENCE {
enterpriseRuleBits [0] BIT STRING {
referenceEnterpriseRule (0),
priorityEnterpriseProfile (1),
onlyEnterpriseProfilesCanBeInstalled (2)
numberOfNonEnterpriseProfiles [1] INTEGER -- that can be Enabled

enterpriseOid contains the OID of the Enterprise. This field SHALL NOT be modifiable
after the installation of an Enterprise Profile.
enterpriseName contains the name of the Enterprise.
enterpriseRules defines the Enterprise Rules of the Enterprise Profile as follows.
 referenceEnterpriseRule indicates that the Enterprise Rule of this Enterprise
Profile is the Reference Enterprise Rule. The next bits and
numberOfNonEnterpriseProfiles described hereunder affect the Enterprise
Capable Device only when this bit is set. The eUICC of an Enterprise Owned Device
SHALL ensure that at most one Enterprise Profile has this bit set among the installed
Enterprise Profiles.
 priorityEnterpriseProfile indicates that the End User can enable only this
Enterprise Profile or has to enable this Enterprise Profile before being able to enable
any other Profile.
 onlyEnterpriseProfilesCanBeInstalled indicates that the End User can
install only Enterprise Profiles.
 numberOfNonEnterpriseProfiles defines the maximum number of non-
Enterprise Profiles that can be Enabled on an eUICC.

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NOTE: This parameter may even be higher than the supported number of Profiles
being Enabled in parallel. Dependent on the latter and the parameter
priorityEnterpriseProfile, the actual number of non-Enterprise
Profiles that can be Enabled may be lower.

2.4a.1.8 Data type: VendorSpecificExtension

The data type VendorSpecificExtension is used to send additional extensions that are
not defined in this specification.

VendorSpecificExtension ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedFromV2.4.0#

vendorOid [0] OPENTYPE.&typeId, -- OID of the vendor who defined this specific
vendorSpecificData [1] OPENTYPE.&Type

2.4a.1.9 Data type: DeviceChangeConfiguration

The data type DeviceChangeConfiguration defines the configurations for the LPAd to
support the Device Change of the Profile.
DeviceChangeConfiguration ::= CHOICE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
requestToDp [0] SEQUENCE {
smdpAddressForDc UTF8String, -- SM-DP+ address that processes the Device
allowedCiPKId SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- PKID allowed for the SM-DP+
address that processes the Device Change
eidRequired NULL OPTIONAL, -- the EID of the new Device is required
tacRequired NULL OPTIONAL -- the TAC of the new Device is required
usingStoredAc [1] SEQUENCE {
activationCodeForDc UTF8String (SIZE(0..255)), -- Activation Code for Device
Change of this Profile
deleteOldProfile NULL OPTIONAL -- deletion of this Profile is required before
providing the Activation code to the new Device

The requestToDp consists of the following data objects for the LPAd to support the Device
Change of the Profile by requesting to the SM-DP+:

 smdpAddressForDc contains the SM-DP+ address that SHALL process the Device
Change of the Profile.
 allowedCiPKId specifies the only eSIM CA RootCA public key that is allowed for
authentication of the SM-DP+ in the smdpAddressForDc. If allowedCiPKId is
absent, then any eSIM CA RootCA public key may be used.
 eidRequired indicates that the EID of the new Device is required for the Device
Change of the Profile. If eidRequired is present, then the LPA SHALL retrieve the
EID from the new Device.

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 tacRequired indicates that the TAC of the new Device is required for the Device
Change of the Profile. If tacRequired is present, then the LPA SHALL retrieve the
TAC from the new Device.
The usingStoredAc consists of the following data objects for the LPAd to support the
Device Change of the Profile by using the Activation Code stored in the Profile Metadata:

 activationCodeForDc contains the Activation Code to be provided to the new

Device to download the Profile for the Device Change.

 deleteOldProfile indicates that the Profile has to be deleted before the Activation
Code is made available for the new Device.

2.4a.2 ASN.1 data type UTF8String

The size limits for UTF-8 strings apply to the number of UTF-8 characters, each coded on 1
to 4 bytes, see ISO/IEC 10646 [59]. Thus the length of the TLV object counted in bytes can
be up to 4 times the number of characters.

The eUICC is not mandated to analyse the character structure of UTF-8 strings provided in a
command. The LPA and a Managing SM-DP+ SHOULD be able to receive a string with 4
times as many UTF-8 characters as the ASN.1 size limit if such a string was previously
stored in the eUICC.

2.5 Profile Protection and Delivery

This section describes how an Operator’s Profile is protected within a Profile Package prior
to being downloaded to the eUICC. This also applies when the Profile Package is protected
during transmission between Roles within the system.

2.5.1 Profile Package Types Overview

From generation to download, the Profile Package will take different formats. This
specification uses the following terms:

 Unprotected Profile Package (UPP): Raw eUICC Profile Package TLV sequence.
 Protected Profile Package (PPP): Segmented and protected in BSP payload TLVs.
 Bound Profile Package (BPP): Prepended with session key agreement info, key
replacement package, ISD-P creation and configuration info.
 Segmented Bound Profile Package (SBPP): BPP segmented into STORE DATA
APDU script for loading into eUICC. This step is performed by the LPD when LPD is
in the Device.

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Figure 4: Profile Package stage Description

The above diagram describes the case where Profile Package is protected with keys
different from the session keys established during the key agreement with the eUICC
(S-ENC, S-MAC). It MAY also be possible to have a Profile Package protected with the
session keys; in that case the 'Profile Protection Keys' block SHALL NOT be present.

2.5.2 Unprotected Profile Package

The Unprotected Profile Package (UPP) is generated by the SM-DP+, within the Profile
Package Generation function. The Profile Package Generation takes as input the profile
specification established with the Operator and input data provided by the Operator. The
processes of profile specification and input data acquisition are out of scope of this

The Unprotected Profile Package consists of a sequence of Profile Element (PE) TLVs
according to the eUICC Profile Package specification [5].

2.5.3 Protected Profile Package

The Protected Profile Package (PPP) is generated by the SM-DP+, within the Profile
Package Protection function.

The PPP SHALL be protected by the BSP. Command TLV encryption and MACing follows
section During this step the internal UPP structure is not considered, and rather
seen as a unique block of data. That block of data is split into segments of a maximum size
of 1020 bytes (including the tag, length field and MAC). The eUICC SHALL support receiving
data segments of at least up to this size.

NOTE: When the BSP uses AES-CBC-128/AES-CMAC-128 or SM4-CBC/SM4-

CMAC, the following applies: From the 1020 bytes of each data segment,
only 1008 bytes are usable for payload (deducted the 1 byte tag, 3 bytes
length field and 8 bytes MAC). Considering the necessary padding during
encryption (16 bytes length block encryption and necessary '80' byte
padding), then each data segment can only contain 1007 bytes of the PPP
data block.

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Profile protection SHALL be performed using either:

 Session keys (S-ENC, S-MAC) resulting from the key agreement with eUICC.
 Or random keys per Profile (denoted PPK-ENC and PPK-MAC), generated by the
The SM-DP+ SHALL support the random key mode and SHOULD support Session keys. It
is the SM-DP+ choice (in line with the agreement with the Operator) as to which mode is

The eUICC SHALL support both modes.

The random key mode allows performing Profile Package Protection in advance without
having any eUICC knowledge. It may help to provide a better SM-DP+ scalability. If this
mode is selected by the SM-DP+, the initial MAC chaining value to be used for the first
segment of the PPP is provided together with the random keys (section 5.5.4) and the data
block counter for ICV calculation is reset to its initial state (i.e., the value on 16 bytes is '00…
01'). Otherwise, the MAC chaining method defined in section 2.6.4 SHALL be applied (i.e.,
the output of the previous segment SHALL be used as MAC chaining value).

S-ENC, S-MAC, PPK-ENC and PPK-MAC SHALL follow the key length defined in section

Each data segment of the PPP is identified by the tag '86'.

In case the random key mode is used, the PPP is not bound to any particular eUICC or ISD-
P AID value at this stage.

Session keys and, if used, the random keys SHALL only be used in the Profile download
process. They SHALL be deleted on the eUICC latest at the end of the process.

The process of Profile creation is out of scope of this specification; however, the Operator
MAY request the SM-DP+ to create multiple Profiles in advance. In this case the SM-DP+
SHALL create the Profiles in bulk, protect them using the random key mode, and store the
resulting PPPs for later use.

2.5.4 Bound Profile Package

The Bound Profile Package (BPP) is generated by the SM-DP+, within the Profile Package
Binding function. The purpose of this operation is to link a Protected Profile Package to a
particular eUICC. This is done within a key agreement between the eUICC and the SM-DP+.
See download and installation procedure (section 3.1.3).

The BPP comprises a sequence of TLV commands (in this order):

 TLV command for Key agreement in clear.

 Set of BSP payload TLVs (tag '87') containing TLV commands for ConfigureISDP
 Set of BSP payload TLVs (tag '88') containing TLV command for StoreMetadata
 Set of optional BSP payload TLVs (tag '87') containing TLV command for 'Profile
Protection Keys'
 Followed by the BSP payload TLVs (tag '86') of the PPP

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The encryption counter for ICV calculation is incremented each time a TLV with tag '86', '87'
or '88' is received.

The data structure of the Bound Profile Package is as follows:

BoundProfilePackage ::= [54] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF36'
initialiseSecureChannelRequest [35] InitialiseSecureChannelRequest, -- Tag
firstSequenceOf87 [0] SEQUENCE OF [7] OCTET STRING, -- sequence of '87' TLVs
sequenceOf88 [1] SEQUENCE OF [8] OCTET STRING, -- sequence of '88' TLVs
secondSequenceOf87 [2] SEQUENCE OF [7] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- sequence of
'87' TLVs
sequenceOf86 [3] SEQUENCE OF [6] OCTET STRING -- sequence of '86' TLVs

The following table describes the various sequences of '86', '87' and '88' TLV

Tag Length Value Description MOC

'A0' Var. firstSequenceOf87 M
'87' Var. BSP segment containing ConfigureISDP,
protected with session keys resulting from the
key agreement (S-ENC, S-CMAC) (section
2.6.4) M
Content: TLV for "ES8+.ConfigureISDP"
function (section 5.5.2)
'A1' Var sequenceOf88 M
'88' Var. BSP segment containing StoreMetadata, MAC
protected with session keys resulting from the
key agreement (S-CMAC) (See section 2.6.4)
(i.e., not encrypted). M
Content: TLV for "ES8+.StoreMetadata"
function (section 5.5.3)
'88' Var. Additional BSP segment(s) containing the
remainder of StoreMetadata, only present if
one '88' TLV is not able to contain the whole
data structure.
'A2' Var. secondSequenceOf87
SHALL be absent if no content
'87' Var. BSP segment containing the Profile Protection
Keys, protected with session keys resulting
from the key agreement (S-ENC, S-CMAC)
(section 2.6.4). O
Content: TLV for "ES8+.ReplaceSessionKeys"
function (section 5.5.4)
'A3' Var. sequenceOf86 M
'86' Var. BSP payload, segment b1 protected with
Profile Protection Keys (PPK-ENC, PPK-MAC)
or with session keys resulting from the key
agreement (S-ENC, S-CMAC) (section 2.6.4).
'86' Var. Subsequent BSP payload, segment b2…bn O

Table 4: Profile Installation sequences of TLV

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This block comprises the TLVs for opening a remote personalisation session with eUICC,
including key agreement.

These TLVs, part of the function "ES8+.InitialiseSecureChannel", are listed and described in
section 5.5.1. These TLVs SHALL NOT be encrypted. Integrity and authenticity are ensured
by the signatures.

The execution of this function by the eUICC will result in the generation of the BSP session
keys, denoted S-ENC, S-MAC and initial MAC chaining value, that will be used by the SM-
DP+ to protect subsequent TLVs. Description of 'ConfigureISDP' Block

This block comprises one TLV for ISD-P creation and configuration.

The TLV, part of the function "ES8+.ConfigureISDP", is listed and described in section
5.5.2 . This TLV SHALL be encrypted and MACed with the BSP session keys. Description of 'StoreMetadata' Block

This block comprises one or more TLV(s) containing the Profile Metadata.

The TLV(s), part of the function "ES8+.StoreMetadata", are listed and described in section
5.5.3. These TLV(s) SHALL be MACed only with the BSP session keys. Description of 'Profile Protection Keys' Block

The 'Profile Protection Keys' block contains the function "ES8+.ReplaceSessionKeys" to
replace the session S-ENC and S-MAC keys resulting from key agreement, by the keys
used for protecting the Protected Profile Package, PPK-ENC and PPK_MAC.

This function is protected by BSP with the S-ENC and S-MAC keys resulting from the key

This block is optional depending on the mode selected by the SM-DP+ to protect the Profile
Package (section 2.5.3).

2.5.5 Segmented Bound Profile Package

The Segmented Bound Profile Package (SBPP) is generated by the LPAd, to transfer the
Bound Profile Package to the eUICC using the local interface ES10b.

The segmentation SHALL be done according to the structure of the Bound Profile Package:

 Tag and length fields of the BoundProfilePackage TLV plus the

initialiseSecureChannelRequest TLV
 Tag and length fields of the first sequenceOf87 TLV plus the first '87' TLV
 Tag and length fields of the sequenceOf88 TLV
 Each of the '88' TLVs
 Tag and length fields of the sequenceOf87 TLV plus the first '87' TLV
 Tag and length fields of the sequenceOf86 TLV
 Each of the '86' TLVs

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Each segment of this list that is up to 255 bytes is transported in one APDU. Larger TLVs
are sent in blocks of 255 bytes for the first blocks and a last block that MAY be shorter.

At the beginning of each segment the block number of the STORE DATA commands SHALL
be reset.

2.5.6 Profile Installation Result

The Profile Installation Result SHALL be returned by the eUICC after the execution of the
last TLVs of the BPP, or right after the first BPP’s TLV executed with error. It MAY also be
returned when the installation is interrupted.

The Profile Installation Result contains the following data:

 Notification Metadata: The Notification Metadata includes:

o Sequence Number
o Profile Management Operation
o Recipient Address
o ICCID (Not provided if the Notification reports an error that has happened
before ICCID was known by the eUICC, otherwise it SHALL be present)
 Transaction ID: The Transaction Identifier given to the eUICC during the Profile
"Download and Installation" procedure (section 3.1.3).
 Final Result: provides the final Profile installation status.
 SM-DP+ OID: The SM-DP+ OID as contained in CERT.DPpb.SIG used during the
profile download and installation procedure (section 3.1.3).
 eUICC signature: A signature created by the eUICC ensuring the authenticity and the
integrity of the Profile Installation Result.
The notificationAddress in the profileInstallationResultData SHALL be set
to the serverAddress provided in "ES10b.AuthenticateServer".

Until the Profile Download and Installation process is completed or terminated, no Result is
available for the LPA.

The Profile Installation Result SHALL be kept by the eUICC (which can hold one or several
Profile Installation Results) until explicitly deleted by the LPA, after successfully delivered to
the SM-DP+. Before being deleted the Profile Installation Result(s) MAY be retrieved at any
time by the LPA.

When the eUICC needs to store a new Profile Installation Result, if there is not enough room
the eUICC SHALL delete one or more of the previously stored Profile Installation Results in
order of their Sequence Number, beginning with the lowest.

The Profile Installation Result SHALL be encoded in the ASN.1 data object as shown below.
It SHALL include an eUICC signature data object computed as defined in section 2.6.9,
using the eUICC private key SK.EUICC.SIG selected during the Profile Download and
Installation procedure, across the data object ProfileInstallationResultData (tag
'BF 27').

-- Definition of Profile Installation Result

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ProfileInstallationResult ::= [55] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF37'
profileInstallationResultData [39] ProfileInstallationResultData,
euiccSignPIR EuiccSign

ProfileInstallationResultData ::= [39] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF27'

transactionId[0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SM-DP+
notificationMetadata[47] NotificationMetadata,
smdpOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- SM-DP+ OID (value from CERT.DPpb.SIG)
finalResult [2] CHOICE {
successResult SuccessResult,
errorResult ErrorResult

EuiccSign ::= [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- Tag '5F37', eUICC’s signature

SuccessResult ::= SEQUENCE {

ppiResponse OCTET STRING -- contains (multiple) 'EUICCResponse' of the Profile
Package Interpreter as defined in [5]

ErrorResult ::= SEQUENCE {

bppCommandId BppCommandId,
errorReason ErrorReason,
ppiResponse OCTET STRING OPTIONAL -- contains (multiple) 'EUICCResponse' of the
Profile Package Interpreter as defined in [5]

BppCommandId ::= INTEGER {


ErrorReason ::= INTEGER {

installFailedDueToPEProcessingError (12),
enterpriseProfilesNotSupported(17), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseRulesNotAllowed(18), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseProfileNotAllowed(19), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseOidMismatch(20), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseRulesError(21), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseProfilesOnly(22), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
lprNotSupported(23), -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
unknownTlvInMetadata(26), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

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NOTE: Error reason values added since v3.0.0 are aligned with the cancel session
reason values in section 5.7.14. Profile Installation Result errors

ErrorReason data object contained in ErrorResult data object depends on the function
that generated an error during processing of the BoundProfilePackage. The following table
details authorised combinations:

ES8+ function
ErrorReason in ErrorResult Initialise Configure Store Replace Load
Secure ISDP Metadata Session Profile
Channel Keys Elements
incorrectInputValues(1)     
invalidSignature(2) 
invalidTransactionId(3) 
unsupportedCrtValues(4) 
unsupportedRemoteOperationType(5) 
unsupportedProfileClass(6) 
bspStructureError(7)    
bspSecurityError(8)    
installFailedDueToIccidAlreadyExistsO 
installFailedDueToInsufficientMemoryF   
installFailedDueToInterruption(11)     
installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(1 
installFailedDueToDataMismatch(13) 
testProfileInstallFailedDueToInvalidN 
pprNotAllowed(15) 
enterpriseProfilesNotSupported(17) 
enterpriseRulesNotAllowed(18) 
enterpriseProfileNotAllowed(19) 
enterpriseOidMismatch(20) 
enterpriseRulesError(21) 
enterpriseProfilesOnly(22) 
lprNotSupported(23) 
unknownTlvInMetadata(26) 
installFailedDueToUnknownError(127)     

Table 4a: Authorised combinations of ES8+ Errors

If an error is generated during the processing of a ProfileElement of the eUICC Profile
Package, ppiResponse SHALL be set as provided by the Profile Package Interpreter, and
a corresponding ErrorReason SHALL be set in the Profile Installation Result according to
the following table:

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eUICC Profile Package error status ErrorReason in ErrorResult
in PEStatus
pe-not-supported(1) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
memory-failure(2) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
bad-values(3) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
not-enough-memory(4) installFailedDueToInsufficientMemoryForProfile(10)
invalid-request-format(5) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
invalid-parameter(6) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
runtime-not-supported(7) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
lib-not-supported(8) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
template-not-supported(9) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
feature-not-supported(10) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
unsupported-profile-version(31) installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
Other eUICC Profile Package status installFailedDueToPEProcessingError(12)
codes except (0)

Table 4b: eUICC Profile Package error mapping to ErrorReason

For the following ErrorReason values, which indicate that Profile installation failed due to a
requirement in this specification, any eUICC Profile Package status code MAY be set:

The following ErrorReason values SHALL be treated by the SM-DP+ as temporary errors,
where the SM-DP+ SHALL allow retries of the Profile download as long as the download
retry limit is not exceeded:

All other ErrorReason values SHALL be treated as permanent errors.

2.6 Security Overview

This section provides an overview of the overall ecosystem security features.

2.6.1 Certification of the Entities

Functional compliance and security certification requirements according to SGP.24 [64]
SHALL apply for the eUICC, the EUM, the SM-DP+ and the SM-DS.

The Device and the LPA SHALL comply with the security features defined in this
specification and SGP.21 [4].

2.6.2 Remote Secure Communication

The RSP ecosystem relies on remote secure communication to achieve function execution
requests and data exchanges. Any of the remote secure communication defined for RSP
and not listed in the exceptions at the end of this section SHALL follow the rules below.

Mutual authentication:

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 The Server (the entity providing the function, e.g., SM-DP+) SHALL be authenticated
first by the Client (the entity requesting the function). Authentication SHALL include
the verification of a Server Certificate chain ending at an eSIM CA RootCA Certificate
(section 4.5.2).
 The Client SHALL be authenticated by the Server in a second step. In case the Client
is the eUICC, authentication SHALL include the verification of a eUICC Certificate
chain ending at an eSIM CA RootCA Certificate (section 4.5.2). Client authentication
does not apply to the LPA.
Data privacy:

The eUICC, as a Client, SHALL NOT reveal any private data to an unauthenticated
 The eUICC, as a Client, SHALL NOT generate any signed material before having
authenticated the Server.
Communication protection:

 Once authenticated, the remote entities SHALL negotiate a common cryptographic

suite for further communication.
 The communication SHALL be origin authenticated, as well as integrity and
confidentiality protected.
 Session keys SHALL be generated using Perfect Forward Secrecy.

 On the basis of authentication, the Server SHALL always check that the requesting
Client is authorised before delivering the requested function execution.
The following exception from these security rules exists:

 Other Notifications are origin authenticated, integrity and replay protected, in addition
to the protection provided by TLS as defined in section 2.6.6.
 For the communication between the LPA and the HRI Server, only the protection by
TLS as defined in section 2.6.6 SHALL be used.

2.6.3 Public Key Infrastructure

General security of the RSP ecosystem is based on a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

Any Certificate defined in this specification has a validation chain ending at an eSIM CA
RootCA Certificate (section 4.5.2), except TLS Certificates that MAY instead chain to a
Public CA.

Certificates MAY be revoked; Revocation status are managed and made available by their
issuer (see section 2.7).

Certificates are used for authentication of their owners via signatures created with the
associated private keys.

2.6.4 BPP Security Protocol

This section defines a security protocol for Profile Protection and eUICC Binding, named
BPP Security Protocol (BSP).

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NOTE: The protocol was initially derived from GlobalPlatform's SCP11a as specified
by the GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment F [13]. Key agreement

An Elliptic Curve Key Agreement Algorithm (ECKA) is used for the establishment of a shared
secret value. It shall follow the definition for the Anonymous Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement
in BSI TR-03111 [41]. The algorithm is executed

 by the SM-DP+ using otPK.EUICC.KA and otSK.DP.KA, and

 by the eUICC using otPK.DP.KA and otSK.EUICC.KA
to calculate the shared secret value.

NOTE 1: Ephemeral keys are renamed to one-time keys in this specification, as they
MAY live longer and are stored in non-volatile memory. With respect to
Perfect Forward Secrecy, they serve the same purpose.

NOTE 2: The BSP itself does not provide authentication. Authentication is provided by
signatures outside of the BSP. Key derivation

Session keys and an initial MAC chaining value are derived from the shared secret value as

 Concatenate the following values as SharedInfo as input for the Key Derivation
process (this data is the one given as input data in the function
 Key type (1 byte)
 Key length (1 byte)
 HostID-LV and EID-LV. HostID-LV comprises the length and the value field of
the HostID given in the input data; EID-LV comprises the length and value
field of the EID.

 Initial MAC Chaining value, S-ENC and S-MAC are taken from KeyData derived from
the shared secret value and the SharedInfo as defined in BSI TR-03111 [41] for the
"X9.63 Key Derivation Function". SHA-256 SHALL be used for the key derivation to
calculate KeyData of sufficient length. Data is assigned as defined in the following

KeyData Key
1 to L Initial MAC chaining value
L+1 to 2L S-ENC
2L+1 to 3L S-MAC

Table 4c: Key Data

The initial MAC chaining value is used for the computation of the MAC of the first data block
as defined below.

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The next two section describe how data is protected by the BSP.

NOTE: An earlier version of the protocol, named SCP03t, was derived from
GlobalPlatform's SCP03 [11] and can be found in SGP.02 [2]. As the
protocol in this document was further modified and not much is left of
SCP03, a new name is used.

BSP defines two options for protecting Command TLVs:

 MAC and encryption

 MAC only

Command TLVs do not create response TLVs. Command TLV MACing and Encryption

BSP C-MAC and C-ENCRYPTION are done as follows:

Figure 4a: TLV Command Data Field Encryption and C-MAC computation


1. The data field is padded according to the encryption algorithm and mode used, as
defined in table 4c.

If this algorithm is AES-CBC-128 or SM4-CBC, padding SHALL be done as follows:

 Append a byte with value '80' to the right of the data block;
 Append 0 to 15 bytes with value '00' so that the length of the padded data
block is a multiple of 16 bytes.

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2. The result of step 1 is encrypted according to the encryption algorithm and mode used,
as defined in table 4c.

If this algorithm is AES-CBC-128 or SM4-CBC, the following applies:

 The data blocks SHALL be numbered starting from 1
 The binary value of this number SHALL be left padded with zeroes to form a
full block.
 This block SHALL be encrypted with S-ENC to produce the ICV for command
3. The input data used for C-MAC computation comprises the MAC Chaining value, the tag,
the final length and the result of step 2.
 The initial MAC Chaining value is set as defined in or
 Subsequent MAC chaining values are the full result of step 4 of the previous
data block (which may also be a data block with C-MAC only).
4. The full MAC value is computed using the MACing algorithm as defined in table 4c.
5. The output data is computed by concatenating the following data: the tag, the final
length, the result of step 2 and the C-MAC value.

If the algorithm is AES-CBC-128 or SM4-CBC, the C-MAC value is the 8 most significant
bytes of the result of step 4. Command TLV MACing

BSP C-MAC only is done as follows:

Figure 4b: TLV Command C-MAC computation


1. Data used for C-MAC computation comprised MAC Chaining value, applicable tag (e.g.,
tag ‘88’ for Metadata data segment), length and data.

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In case algorithm is AES-CMAC-128 or SM4-CBC, the following applies:
 MAC chaining values are the full result of the previous data block (which may
also be a data block with C-ENCRYPTION and C-MAC).
2. C-MAC is computed according to symmetric algorithm used, as defined in table 4c.
3. The output data is computed by concatenating the following data: the tag, the final
length, the data and the C-MAC value.

If the algorithm is AES-CBC-128 or SM4-CBC, the C-MAC value is the 8 most significant
bytes of the result of step 2.

The data block counter for ICV calculation is incremented also for each segment with C-
MAC only. Key replacement

The session keys can be replaced by providing new keys and a new initial MAC chaining
value within a protected Command TLV, see section 5.5.4.
The data block counter used to calculate the ICV for encryption SHALL also be reset to its
initial value after a key replacement.

2.6.5 Cryptographic Negotiation, Algorithms and Key Length

This section describes the mechanism for cryptographic negotiation at application layer
between the eUICC and the RSP Server used on top of TLS. TLS provides its own
cryptographic negotiation (see section The cryptographic negotiation at the
application layer is independent of TLS.

The application layer cryptographic negotiation proceeds between the eUICC and the RSP
Server at the beginning of each RSP Session. All the cryptography is determined based on
the RSP Server Certificate selected for the Common Mutual Authentication procedure. See
section 3.0.1 for the detailed description of the procedure. Application layer cryptography is
constrained to a limited number of algorithm sets listed in Tables 4c and 4d. Additional
algorithm sets may be defined in the future.

The cryptographic negotiation starts with the eUICC providing the list of eSIM CA RootCA
Public Key Identifiers that it supports for signature verification and signature generation
within the ES9+.InitiateAuthentication function (see section 5.6.1).

Then the SM-DP+ selects a Certificate (CERT.XXauth.SIG) whose chain ends at one of the
eSIM CA RootCA Certificate(s) that the eUICC supports for signature verification (the
selection process is further detailed in section 5.6.1).

Each Public Key Identifier refers to an eSIM CA RootCA Certificate, which implicitly defines
other cryptographic algorithms that the RSP Server and the eUICC SHALL use during the
RSP session. This specification also mandates a simplification that all the Certificates in a
chain SHALL have the same signature algorithm (i.e., 'AlgorithmIdentifier.algorithm' and
'AlgorithmIdentifier.parameters' fields in the 'subjectPublicKeyInfo' have the same values in
all Certificates of the chain). This simplification ensures that a receiving party is able to verify
both the selected Certificate chain and the signature.

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Based on the signature algorithm mentioned in the CERT.XXauth.SIG, cryptographic
algorithms to be used during the RSP Session SHALL be determined according to the table

Signature algorithm and Key agreement Symmetric Hashing for SM-XX digital
parameters from algorithm and algorithms for signatures
CERT.XXauth.SIG parameters PPP
ECDSA(1), NIST P-256 ECKA(2), NIST P-256, AES-CBC-128 As indicated in the
SHA-256 AES-CMAC-128 CERT.XXauth.SIG(3)
ECDSA(1), BrainpoolP256r1 ECKA(2), BrainpoolP256r1, AES-CBC-128 As indicated in the
SHA-256 AES-CMAC-128 CERT.XXauth.SIG(3)
ECDSA(1), FRP256V1 ECKA(2), FRP256V1, SHA- AES-CBC-128 As indicated in the
256 AES-CMAC-128 CERT.XXauth.SIG(3)
SM2 Signature ECKA(2), SM2 Curve, SM3 SM4-CBC SM3
Note 1: ECDSA SHALL follow GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment E [12].
Note 2: The ECKA algorithm is defined in section 2.6.4.
Note 3: Currently restricted to SHA-256.

Table 4c: Cryptographic algorithm sets based on CERT.XXauth.SIG

NOTE: As per NIST SP 800-57 Part 1 [86], ECC256 (128-bit security strength) is
sufficient for implementations beyond year 2031.

Algorithm references:

 NIST P-256 is defined in Digital Signature Standard [29] (recommended by NIST).

 BrainpoolP256r1 is defined in RFC 5639 [18] (recommended by BSI).

 FRP256V1 is defined in ANSSI ECC [20] (recommended by ANSSI).

 AES-CBC-128, AES in CBC mode with key length of 128 bits, is defined in NIST SP
800-38A [83].

 AES-CMAC-128, CMAC with AES in CBC mode with key length of 128 bits, is
defined in NIST SP 800-38B [84].

 SM2 Curve is defined in RFC8998 [96]

 SM2 is defined in SM2 algorithm [93]

 SM3 is defined in SM3 algorithm [94]

 SM4 is defined in SM4 algorithm [95]

 SM4-CBC, SM4 in CBC mode, with CBC mode as defined in NIST SP 800-38A [83].

 SM4-CMAC, SM4 in CMAC mode, with CMAC mode as defined in NIST SP 800-38B

An eUICC SHALL have at least two sets of elliptic curve parameters preloaded by the EUM
during eUICC manufacturing, subject to support by the corresponding eSIM CA.

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For each eSIM CA trust chain to which it belongs, an RSP Server SHALL support all sets of
elliptic curve parameters that the corresponding eSIM CA supports.

The Key Agreement algorithm is used in RSP for the establishment of the session keys
between the eUICC and the SM-DP+.

The symmetric algorithms are used in RSP for the protection of the Profile Package
(Protected Profile Package), see section 2.5.

This specification allows the eUICC to use different signature algorithms than the RSP
server to generate its signatures, subject to their support by both parties. This is selected by
the RSP Server and indicated in ES9+.InitiateAuthentication response (field
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed, see section 5.6.1). The eUICC SHALL use the signature algorithm
selected by the RSP Server for all signatures generated by the eUICC during the RSP
Session, including for the Profile Installation Result and the Load RPM Package Result. For
all other signed Notifications related to a Profile, the eUICC SHALL use the digital signature
algorithm selected during the Profile Download and Installation procedure. The selection
SHALL be done according to the table below:

Digital signature algorithm and parameters from Hashing for eUICC digital signatures
ECDSA(1), NIST P-256(2) As indicated in the CERT.EUICC.SIG(3)
ECDSA(1), BrainpoolP256r1(2) As indicated in the CERT.EUICC.SIG(3)
ECDSA(1), FRP256V1(2) As indicated in the CERT.EUICC.SIG(3)
SM2 Signature SM3
Note 1: ECDSA SHALL follow GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment E [12].
Note 2: The ECC domain parameters are defined above.
Note 3: Currently restricted to SHA-256

Table 4d: Cryptographic algorithm sets for the eUICC Signature

2.6.6 TLS Requirements

RSP mandates use of TLS v1.2 as defined in RFC 5246 [16] as the minimal version for TLS

TLS with mutual authentication SHALL be used over ES12 and ES15.

TLS with server authentication SHALL be used over ES9+, ES11, ES20 and EShri.

TLS with mutual authentication MAY be used over ES2+. If TLS with mutual authentication is
not used over ES2+, ES2+ SHALL be protected with level of security equivalent to TLS.

On ES12 and ES15, the Root Certificate of a certificate chain used for mutual authentication
SHALL be an eSIM CA or any CA that both parties trust.

On ES9+, ES11 and EShri, the Root Certificate of a certificate chain used for server
authentication SHALL be an eSIM CA or a Public CA.

On ES20, the Root Certificate of a certificate chain used for server authentication SHALL be
a Public CA.

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On ES2+, if TLS is used, the Root Certificate of a certificate chain used for mutual
authentication can be any CA that both parties trust.

The certificates used for TLS SHALL fulfil the requirements described in the next section. Cipher suites and algorithms

In this specification, a number of cryptographic algorithms and security properties applicable
to TLS are specified to ensure a minimum security level and also to facilitate interoperability.

NOTE: for TLS certificates, RSP Servers are allowed to use Public CAs in addition
to eSIM CAs. Elliptic curves

For each eSIM CA that it supports, an RSP Server SHALL support the following elliptic
curve(s) for signing and key-agreement:

● NIST P-256 with the namedCurve secp256r1 (23) as defined in RFC 8422 [65].
In addition, for each eSIM CA that is supports, an RSP Server implementing TLS 1.3 [42]
MAY support one or more additional elliptic curves for signing and key-agreement, including
but not limited to:

● brainpoolP256r1(26) as defined in RFC 7027 [66],

● NIST P-384 with the namedCurve secp384r1 (24) as defined in RFC 8422 [65],
● Ed25519 as defined in RFC 8410 [90], and x25519 with the namedCurve x25519
(29) as defined in RFC 8422 [65]
For each eSIM CA that it supports, an RSP Client SHALL support the following elliptic
curve(s) for signing and key-agreement:

● NIST P-256 with the namedCurve secp256r1 (23) as defined in RFC 8422 [65].
In addition, for each eSIM CA that it supports, an RSP Client MAY support one or more
additional elliptic curves for signing and key-agreement, including but not limited to:

● brainpoolP256r1(26) as defined in RFC 7027 [66],

● NIST P-384 with the namedCurve secp384r1 (24) as defined in RFC 8422 [65],
● Ed25519 as defined in RFC 8410 [90], and x25519 with the namedCurve x25519
(29) as defined in RFC 8422 [65]. Digital signature algorithm for signing

The eSIM CA SHALL use the following digital signature algorithm for signing RSP Server
TLS certificates:

● ECDSA with NIST P-256 with SHA-256

NOTE: other digital signature algorithm for signing RSP Server TLS certificates
might be used.

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To fulfil the security requirements of the previous section, the client SHALL offer
sha256/ecdsa in the "supported_signature_algorithms" of TLS 1.2 [16] and the server
SHALL select this hash/signature pair.

RSP Servers implementing TLS 1.2 [16] (e.g., SM-DP+) SHALL support at least the
following cipher suites which provide(s) perfect forward secrecy:

 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 as defined in RFC 5289 [46]

 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 as defined in RFC 5289 [46]

RSP Servers implementing TLS 1.3 [42] SHALL support at least the following cipher suite(s)
which provide(s) perfect forward secrecy:

 TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 as defined in TLS 1.3 [42]

 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 as defined in TLS 1.3 [42]

RSP Servers implementing TLS 1.2 [16] MAY support one or more additional cipher suites
which SHALL provide perfect forward secrecy, including but not limited to:


7905 [91]

 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 as defined in RFC 5289 [46]

 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 as defined in RFC 5289 [46]

RSP Servers that need to support RSP V2 Clients as defined in SGP.22 V2 SHOULD
support TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 as defined in RFC 5289
[46]. However, the use of this cipher suite SHALL be limited to the case when it is the only
cipher suite commonly supported by the RSP Server and the RSP V2 Client.

RSP Servers implementing TLS 1.3 [42] MAY support one or more additional cipher suites
which SHALL provide perfect forward secrecy, including but not limited to:

 TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 as defined in TLS 1.3 [42]

Clients implementing TLS 1.2 [16] SHALL support at least the following cipher suite(s) which
provide(s) perfect forward secrecy:

 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 as defined in RFC 5289 [46]

Clients implementing TLS 1.2 [16] SHALL NOT support the following cipher suite(s).

 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 as defined in RFC 5289 [46]

NOTE: CBC encryption in MAC-then-Encrypt mode has repeatedly shown

weaknesses in the past, for which only imperfect fixes exist. For this reason,
such cipher suites should no longer be used.

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Clients implementing TLS 1.3 [42] SHALL support at least the following cipher suite(s) which
provide(s) perfect forward secrecy:

 TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 as defined in TLS 1.3 [42]

Clients implementing TLS 1.2 [16] MAY support one or more additional cipher suites that
provide perfect forward secrecy, including but not limited to:


7905 [91]

 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 as defined in RFC 5289 [46]

 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 as defined in RFC 5289 [46]

Clients implementing TLS 1.3 [142] MAY support one or more additional cipher suites that
provide perfect forward secrecy, including but not limited to:

 TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 as defined in TLS 1.3 [42]

 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 as defined in TLS 1.3 [42] Use of Server Name indication extension for ES9+ and ES11
Starting from version 3.0, the specification allows an RSP Server to use, over ES9+ and
ES11, a TLS certificate which chains to a Public CA, whereas versions 2.x required it to
chain to an eSIM CA. This flexibility, even if desirable, adds an additional burden on the RSP
Server to select a TLS certificate chain that the LPA is able to verify.
This section provides to the LPA and the RSP Server a mechanism to guide the RSP Server
selection of an appropriate TLS certificate chain.
The RSP Server and the LPA SHOULD support this mechanism. The Root SM-DS SHALL
support this mechanism. An RSP Server and an LPA that support this mechanism SHALL
comply with this section.

General principle:
In addition to its "base" FQDN, the RSP Server SHALL support a specific FQDN for v3
Devices. The v3-specific FQDN SHALL be the concatenation of the string "rsp3-" and the
"base" UTF-8 encoded FQDN. Therefore the RSP Server SHALL take care that neither the
resulting label nor the domain name in their final encoding violate the length limits of domain
A v3 Device SHALL include the "server_name" extension defined in RFC 6066 [60] in the
ClientHello with the v3-specific FQDN computed from the "base" FQDN known from the RSP

NOTE: This mechanism increases the probability that the LPA supports the TLS
certificate chain selected by the RSP Server, but there is still a risk that it is
not the case and the TLS handshake may fail. In that case the LPA MAY
retry and the RSP Server MAY select a different certificate chain.

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LPA/Device side:
The LPA SHALL compute the v3-specific FQDN computed from the "base" FQDN known
from the RSP Server (e.g., an address retrieved from the eUICC, an address read from an
Activation code).
The LPA SHALL perform a DNS resolution using the v3-specific FQDN. In case of DNS
lookup failure (e.g., this may happen if the RSP Server is a v2 server), the LPA SHALL
revert to the "base" FQDN and proceed with the TLS handshake, which SHOULD include
sending the "server_name" extension.
If the DNS resolution using the v3-specific FQDN succeeds, the LPA SHALL include the
"server_name" extension in the ClientHello message and containing the v3-specific FQDN. If
the RSP Server replies with a fatal-level alert, the LPA SHALL retry the TLS handshake
without sending the Server Name indication extension.

RSP Server side:

The RSP Server SHALL support the "server_name" extension to determine the TLS
certificate to use.
 If the received ClientHello message contains the "server_name" extension with the
v3-specific FQDN, the RSP Server SHOULD use a TLS certificate that chains to a
Public CA.
 If the received ClientHello message contains the "server_name" extension with an
unrecognized FQDN, the RSP Server SHALL take one of two actions: either abort
the handshake by sending a fatal-level unrecognized_name(112) alert or continue
the handshake with a TLS certificate that chains to a Public CA.
 If the received ClientHello message doesn't contain the "server_name" extension, the
RSP Server SHOULD use a TLS certificate that chains to an eSIM CA.

NOTE: An RSP Server cannot rely upon receiving a "server_name" extension for
"base" FQDNs (i.e., those without an "rsp3-" prefix). If the server can be
reached through multiple "base" FQDNs that resolve to the same IP
address, then it may be unable to select a TLS certificate containing the
FQDN expected by the LPA.

2.6.7 Void

2.6.8 Random Number Generation

To protect against attacks, a high quality random number generator is required.
Recommendations for appropriate random number generators are given by BSI [78] and
NIST [79].

2.6.9 Digital Signature Computation

When applied to an ASN.1 data object, the digital signature (using the algorithm determined
as described in section 2.6.5) SHALL be computed for the data object after encoding (i.e., in
its DER representation).

2.7 Certificate Revocation

See also section 4.5.2 that describes certificates’ chains of trust.

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The following certificates MAY be revoked at any time:

 eSIM CA RootCA Certificate (CERT.CI.SIG)

 eSIM CA SubCA Certificate (CERT.CISubCA.SIG)
 EUM Certificate (CERT.EUM.SIG) and EUM SubCA Certificate
 SM-DP+ SubCA Certificate (CERT.DPSubCA.SIG)
 SM-DP+ Certificates (CERT.DPauth.SIG, CERT.DPpb.SIG)
 SM-DP+ TLS Certificate (CERT.DP.TLS)
 SM-DS SubCA Certificate (CERT.DSSubCA.SIG)
 SM-DS Certificate (CERT.DSauth.SIG)
 SM-DS TLS Certificate (CERT.DS.TLS)
The means by which an eSIM CA RootCA Certificate revocation status is made available is
out of scope of this specification. However, as soon as such revocation status is known by
an RSP entity, it SHALL no longer accept or perform any RSP operation using a certificate
chain certified by this eSIM CA RootCA Certificate. Section 2.4.2 describes a means by
which the eUICC can be updated to reflect that an eSIM CA RootCA Certificate has been

Because of their potential number, eUICC Certificates (CERT.EUICC.SIG) are not revoked
individually. Also, it is unlikely that an individual eUICC would be compromised. It is instead
more probable that an eUICC model or an entire eUICC production batch would be declared
as compromised. This approach is reflected by revoking the EUM Certificate or the EUM
SubCA Certificate, if used by the EUM, attached to the production of the particular eUICC
model or batch.

As a consequence, it is up to the EUM to consider using distinct certificates

(CERT.EUM.SIG or CERT.EUMSubCA.SIG) for distinct eUICC models or production
batches. This is out of the scope of this specification.

The following RSP entities SHALL manage the revocation status of the Certificates they

 An eSIM CA.

 An EUM, for CERT.EUMSubCA.SIG, when the additional EUM SubCA is used.

 An SM-DP+ that uses an additional SM-DP+ SubCA, for CERT.DPauth.SIG,

CERT.DPpb.SIG, and CERT.DP.TLS, when these Certificates do not have a short
validity period.

 An SM-DS that uses an additional SM-DS SubCA, for CERT.DSauth.SIG, and

CERT.DS.TLS, when these Certificates do not have a short validity period.

NOTE: The notion of the short validity period is further defined in SGP.14 [45].

A revoked certificate SHALL NOT be automatically renewed. Renewal SHALL be upon the
eSIM Certification Authority agreement (see SGP.14 [45] section 5.6).

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RSP entities that manage certificate revocation (further called a CRL Issuer) SHALL publish
the revocation status by means of a CRL.

An RSP Server SHALL support revocation status verification only by means of CRLs.

2.8 Void
The content of this section has been moved to section 2.4a.

2.9 Profile Policy Management

Profile Policy Management provides mechanisms by which Profile Owners can enforce the
conditions of use under which services are provided.

Profile Policy Management comprises three main elements:

 Profile Policy Rules (PPR)

 Rules Authorisation Table (RAT)
 Profile Policy Enabler (PPE)
More details are provided in the next sub sections.

2.9.1 Profile Policy Rules

The Profile Policy Rules (PPRs) are defined by the Profile Owners and set by the SM-DP+ in
the Profile Metadata. They are also accessible by the LPA for verification or display to the
End User.

A Profile MAY have zero or more Profile Policy Rules.

A Test Profile SHOULD NOT contain any Profile Policy Rules.

When installed on the eUICC, Profile Policy Rules SHALL be contained in the associated

The following Profile Policy Rules are defined in this version of the specification:

 (PPR1) 'Disabling of this Profile is not allowed'

 (PPR2) 'Deletion of this Profile is not allowed'
The coding of PPRs is given in section 2.4a.1.1.

2.9.2 Rules Authorisation Table (RAT)

The Rules Authorisation Table (RAT) contains the description of the acceptable set of PPRs
that can be set in a Profile. The RAT is defined at eUICC platform level and is used by the
Profile Policy Enabler (PPE) and the LPA to determine whether or not a Profile that contains
PPRs is authorised and can be installed on the eUICC.

The RAT is initialised at eUICC manufacturing time or during the initial Device setup
provided that there is no installed Operational Profile. The Device manufacturer or EUM is
responsible for setting the content of the RAT.

The RAT SHALL NOT be affected by the ES10c.eUICCMemoryReset function (section


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The RAT contains a list of Profile Policy Authorisation Rules (PPAR).

A PPAR is composed of the following information:

Data Description
Identifies the Profile Policy Rules to which this PPAR applies. This
Profile Policy Rule
field SHALL contain one or several PPR(s) being set as defined in
List of Profile Owners, as defined in section 2.4a.1.2, allowed to use
this PPR.
Allowed Operators
Wildcards can be used to indicate that all, or a set of, Profile
Owners are allowed. See below.
End User Consent Indicates if the related PPR needs the End User Consent for the
Required Profile to be installed (true/false).

Table 5: PPAR description

The RAT MAY contain zero or more PPAR(s) related to a particular PPR. The order of the
PPARs in the RAT is significant (see below).

The RAT of an eUICC supporting MEP SHALL NOT contain any PPAR for PPR1.

'Allowed Operators' field

The 'Allowed Operators' field contains the identifier(s) of the Profile Owner(s) (explicitly listed
or matching a wild card) allowed to use the related PPR. It SHALL be compared against the
profileOwner field of the Metadata of the Profile.

Any of the digits of the mccMnc data object can be wildcard-ed by setting the appropriate
nibble to 'E'.

If present in the PPAR, a non-empty gid1 or gid2 value SHALL exactly match the
corresponding value in the profileOwner field.

The gid1 or gid2 data objects can be wildcard-ed by setting an empty value (length zero).

An omitted gid1 or gid2 value in the PPAR SHALL only match a profileOwner field
where the corresponding gid1 or gid2 value is absent.

NOTE: A PPR MAY be allowed for all Profile Owners by setting the 'Allowed
Operators' field with a unique OperatorId having the mccMnc field value set
to 'EEEEEE' and gid1 and gid2 data objects set with an empty value
(length zero).

A PPR MAY be 'forbidden' for all Profile Owners by not defining any related PPAR.

Case where multiple PPARs are defined for a PPR:

A PPR is allowed for a Profile Owner whose identifier appears in the 'Allowed Operators'
field (explicitly listed or matching a wild card) in one of the related PPARs.

'End User Consent required' field

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When set to 'true', it indicates that for all Profile Owners allowed by the 'Allowed Operators'
field the LPA SHALL get the End User Consent for the related PPR to install the Profile.

When set to 'false', it indicates that this End User Consent is not mandatory.

Case where multiple PPARs are defined for a PPR:

When a Profile Owner is allowed in several PPARs (explicitly listed or matching a wild card),
the 'End User Consent required' field value of the first of these PPARs SHALL be used.

Example of RAT configuration (for illustration only and not intended to represent a real

PPRid Allowed Operators End User Consent

PPR1 OP-A false
PPR2 OP-B false
PPR1, PPR2 * true

The '*' in the 'Allowed Operators' field denotes a PPR that is allowed for any Profile Owner;
and if there is no PPAR for a particular PPR, then that PPR is forbidden.

With this configuration, Operator OP-A:

 can use PPR1 without the End User consent

 can use PPR2 with the End User consent
With this configuration, Operator OP-B:

 can use PPR1 with the End User consent

 can use PPR2 without the End User consent
With this configuration, any other Profile Owner:

 can use PPR1 and PPR2 with the End User consent Notable RAT configurations

'All PPRs allowed for all Profile Owners, End User Consent required'

PPRid Allowed Operators End User Consent

PPR1, PPR2 * true

'All PPRs forbidden for all Profile Owners'

PPRid Allowed Operators End User Consent

<no entry>

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During the Profile Download and Installation procedure (see section 3.1.3), the LPA SHALL
verify that the PPRs defined in the Profile to install can be set by the Profile Owner, and if an
End User Consent is required.

The figure below describes the process to determine if all PPRs of a Profile can be set by
the Profile Owner, and if an End User consent is required, according to RAT configuration.

Figure 5: Profile's PPRs verification by LPA

The figure below describes the process to determine if a particular PPR can be set by the
Profile Owner, and if an End User consent is required, according to its related PPAR(s)

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Figure 6: Particular PPR verification by the LPA

2.9.3 Profile Policy Enabler

The Profile Policy Enabler on the eUICC has two functions:

 Verification that a Profile containing PPRs is authorised by the RAT.

 Enforcement of the PPRs of a Profile. PPRs Verification: Profile installation time

At Profile installation time the Profile Policy Enabler SHALL verify each of the PPRs as
described below, to determine if it allows the Profile installation to continue. If the verification
results in the Profile not being allowed, then the Profile installation SHALL be rejected and a
Profile Installation Result SHALL be generated and returned to the LPA.

The PPE cannot enforce that the End User consent, if any is required, is captured by the
LPA. As a consequence the 'End User Consent required' field SHALL NOT be considered
during the PPRs verification by the PPE.

The figure below describes the process that the PPE SHALL run to determine if a Profile
containing PPRs can be installed on the eUICC, according to the RAT configuration.

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Figure 7: Profile's PPRs verification by PPE

The figure below describes the process to determine if a PPR is allowed according to its
related PPAR(s) configuration.

Figure 8: Particular PPR verification by the PPE PPR Verification: PPR update after Profile is installed

A PPR in a Profile installed in the eUICC can be unset (using the "ES6.UpdateMetadata"
Function by the Profile Owner or the RPM Command 'Update Metadata'). The setting of a
PPR in the eUICC is for further study.

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The Profile Policy Enabler SHALL enforce the PPRs of a Profile when a Local Profile
Management Operation is requested upon this Profile. Each of the defined enforcement
cases are described in the concerned procedures (see section 3.2 and 3.3). Void
Table 6: Void Enforcement involving Test Profile

When a Test Profile is requested to be enabled whereas the currently Enabled Profile has a
PPR1 set, PPE SHALL NOT enforce this PPR1 to allow the Test Profile to be enabled. Void

2.10 Remote Profile Management

This section describes the structure of RPM Package composed of one or more RPM
Commands. This section also describes how an eUICC generates the execution result of an
RPM Package.

2.10.1 RPM Package

The SM-DP+ SHALL generate an RPM Package upon the request of Operator. The RPM
Package SHALL be encoded in the ASN.1 data object as shown below.

RpmPackage ::= SEQUENCE OF RpmCommand -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

RpmCommand ::= SEQUENCE {

continueOnFailure [0] NULL OPTIONAL,
rpmCommandDetails CHOICE {
enable [1] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid},
disable [2] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid},
delete [3] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid},
listProfileInfo [4] ListProfileInfo,
updateMetadata [5] SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid,
updateMetadataRequest UpdateMetadataRequest
contactPcmp [6] SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid,
dpiRpm UTF8String OPTIONAL

The SM-DP+ SHALL limit the size of the value part of one RpmPackage to a maximum of
1057 bytes. The eUICC SHALL be able to handle at least this size. If the eUICC receives an
RpmPackage too large to handle, it SHALL reject it with error code

NOTE 1: This allows transporting of one icon with maximum size (1024 bytes),
together with the icon type and continueOnFailure being set.

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NOTE 2: If more RPM Commands need to be sent, an SM-DP+ MAY use
rpmPending to chain multiple RSP sessions as defined in section 5.6.3.

The rpmCommandDetails identifies the type of an RPM Command. The following

limitations exist:

 In order to simplify handling of the REFRESH proactive command after processing of

the RPM Package, the SM-DP+ SHALL restrict Enable and Disable commands in one
RPM Package as follows:
 only one Enable command, or
 only one Disable command, or
 only one Disable command followed by only one Enable command.

The eUICC MAY terminate processing of a subsequent Enable or Disable command

in the RPM Package with error commandsWithRefreshExceeded.

 RPM Command 'Contact PCMP' SHALL NOT be followed by any other RPM
Command in the same RPM Package. Any subsequent command SHALL be rejected
with error commandAfterContactPcmp.
 An RPM Command requesting the enabling or disabling of a Test Profile via RPM
SHALL be rejected by the eUICC.
On the execution failure of an RPM Command: if continueOnFailure is present, then the
eUICC SHALL continue to execute the next RPM Command in the RPM Package.
Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL stop processing the RPM.

The iccid indicates the Target Profile.

RPM Command 'List Profile Info'

listProfileInfo SHALL be coded and processed as defined in section 5.7.15.

RPM Command 'Update Metadata'

updateMetadataRequest indicates the Profile Metadata to be updated. It SHALL be

coded and processed as defined in section 5.4.1.

2.10.2 Load RPM Package Result

The RPM Commands in the RPM Package are executed sequentially until the end is
reached or an error is encountered for a command where continueOnFailure is not
present. Each executed command produces an RPM Command Result.
Atomic processing by the eUICC is required only for each RPM Command.
In case of external interruptions (e.g., power loss), the eUICC MAY be unable to process
remaining commands. This SHALL be indicated by placing interruption into the RPM
Command Result.
If an RPM Command in the sequence is unknown or unsupported, or the command data
cannot be interpreted, the eUICC SHALL terminate processing of the command sequence
and return unknownOrDamagedCommand as RPM Command Result.

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The eUICC SHALL be able to create a finalResult with a value size of at least 1072

NOTE: This allows for the response to include one icon with maximum size (1024
bytes), together with the icon type and the ICCID.

If the processing of an RPM command would result in exceeding the maximum size the
eUICC can handle, independent of the presence of continueOnFailure, the eUICC
SHALL NOT process this and all subsequent commands and place resultSizeOverflow
into the RPM Command Result.
The Load RPM Package Result SHALL be returned at the end of executing an RPM
A signed Load RPM Package Result SHALL be kept by the eUICC (which can hold one or
several signed Load RPM Package Results) until explicitly deleted by the LPA, after
successfully delivered to the SM-DP+. Before being deleted the signed Load RPM Package
Result(s) MAY be retrieved at any time by the LPA.
When the eUICC needs to store a new signed Load RPM Package Result and/or Profile
Installation Result, if there is not enough room the eUICC SHALL delete one or more of the
previously stored signed Load RPM Package Results or Profile Installation Results in order
of their Sequence Number, beginning with the lowest.
The Load RPM Package Result SHALL be encoded in the ASN.1 data object as shown

LoadRpmPackageResult ::= [68] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF44' #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
loadRpmPackageResultSigned LoadRpmPackageResultSigned,
loadRpmPackageResultNotSigned LoadRpmPackageResultNotSigned

LoadRpmPackageResultSigned ::= SEQUENCE {

loadRpmPackageResultDataSigned LoadRpmPackageResultDataSigned,
euiccSignRPR EuiccSign

LoadRpmPackageResultDataSigned ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
notificationMetadata[47] NotificationMetadata,
smdpOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- SM-DP+ OID (value from CERT.DPauth.SIG)
finalResult [2] CHOICE {
rpmPackageExecutionResult SEQUENCE OF RpmCommandResult,
loadRpmPackageErrorCodeSigned LoadRpmPackageErrorCodeSigned

RpmCommandResult ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid OPTIONAL, -- SHALL be present, except for
listProfileInfoResult and rpmProcessingTerminated
rpmCommandResultData CHOICE {
enableResult [49] EnableProfileResponse, -- ES10c.EnableProfile
disableResult [50] DisableProfileResponse, -- ES10c.DisableProfile
deleteResult [51] DeleteProfileResponse, -- ES10c.DeleteProfile
listProfileInfoResult [45] ProfileInfoListResponse, -- ES10c.GetProfilesInfo
updateMetadataResult [42] UpdateMetadataResponse, -- ES6.UpdateMetadata
contactPcmpResult [0] ContactPcmpResponse,
rpmProcessingTerminated INTEGER {
resultSizeOverflow (1),
unknownOrDamagedCommand (2),
interruption (3),

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commandsWithRefreshExceeded (4),
commandAfterContactPcmp (5),
commandPackageTooLarge (6)

ContactPcmpResponse ::= CHOICE {

contactPcmpResponseOk SEQUENCE {
pcmpAddress UTF8String
contactPcmpResponseError INTEGER {

LoadRpmPackageResultNotSigned ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
loadRpmPackageErrorCodeNotSigned LoadRpmPackageErrorCodeNotSigned

LoadRpmPackageErrorCodeSigned ::= INTEGER { invalidSignature(2),

invalidTransactionId(5), undefinedError(127)}

LoadRpmPackageErrorCodeNotSigned ::= INTEGER { noSession(4), undefinedError(127)}


euiccSignRPR SHALL be created using the SK.EUICC.SIG selected during the RPM
Download procedure, and verified using the related PK.EUICC.SIG as described in section
2.6.9. euiccSignRPR SHALL apply on the concatenated data objects
loadRpmPackageResultDataSigned and smdpSignature3.

In case of the error invalidTransactionId, the transactionId in the

LoadRpmPackageResultDataSigned SHALL be set to the value from the

dpiRpm contains the DPI which if present in the command data is appended by the LPA to
the pcmpAddress received in the response in order to trigger the LPR.

NOTE: Error codes to RPM commands do not disclose any information about the
existence of a Profile unless the SM-DP+ is authenticated and authorised.

2.11 Overview of version interoperability

Depending on the interfaces, interoperability between parties implementing different versions
of this specification is enabled by SVN and/or RSP capability indication by one party and
appropriate reaction by the other party.
For (LPA and eUICC) to RSP Server communication related functions (ES8+, ES9+, ES10a,
ES10b, ES11), this specification provides a built-in mechanism for capability indication. Each
party compliant with version 3 or higher of this specification has to include its RSP capability.
When the RSP capability is absent, it indicates a party implementing a version prior to
version 3. This mechanism is described in section 3.0.1 Common Mutual Authentication
Procedure and related functions.
For RSP Server to RSP Server communication (ES2+, ES12, ES15), the RSP Server that
acts as a client indicates its SVN using the HTTP header X-Admin-Protocol (see section

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For information, the Device and the LPAd can determine the highestSvn of the eUICC by
using the ES10b.GetEUICCInfo function as described in section 5.7.8. The LPAd uses the
ES10 functions and associated parameters in line with the EuiccRspCapability for
further communication with the eUICC. The eUICC doesn't need to know the lpaSvn of the
LPAd and operates according to the LPAd requests.
To communicate on ES6 with the eUICC, the Operator SHALL use the protocol and
functions corresponding to the capabilities communicated by the eUICC in EUICCInfo2
during the Profile Download and Installation.
There is no SVN negotiation on EShri. But the HRI Server can version its services using
different URLs.

2.12 Multiple Enabled Profiles

This specification defines optional support of Multiple Enabled Profiles (MEP), where several
Profiles can be in Enabled state. This enables a Device with more than one baseband to use
more than one Profile at the same time for providing connectivity to different networks.

The multiplexing of the APDU streams to those Profiles on a single physical interface is
specified in ETSI TS 102 221 [6]. This specification uses the term "eSIM Port" for what ETSI
TS 102 221 [6] calls a logical SE interface (LSI).

eSIM Ports are identified by consecutive numbers starting from zero (and will be written as
eSIM Port 0, eSIM Port 1, etc.).

Each eSIM Port SHALL be assigned to at most one Enabled Profile at any point in time.
Each Profile SHALL be assigned to at most one eSIM Port at any point in time.

Profile Enabling assigns a Profile to an eSIM Port. Profile Disabling releases this
assignment. A Disabled Profile is not assigned to any eSIM Port.

Several options for different features are defined for MEP:

 APDU multiplexing can use any of the mechanisms defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [6],

o eSIM Port selection via the APDU MANAGE LSI (select LSI) when the
transmission protocol T=0 or T=1 is used.

o eSIM Port selection via the NAD byte when the transmission protocol T=1 is

 Three options are defined for the selection of the ISD-R and the assignments of eSIM

o MEP-A1: The ISD-R is selected on eSIM Port 0 only and Profiles are selected
on eSIM Ports 1 and higher, with the eSIM Port being assigned by the LPA.
I.e., Command Port and Target Port will always be different.

o MEP-A2: The ISD-R is selected on eSIM Port 0 only and Profiles are selected
on eSIM Ports 1 and higher, with the eSIM Port being assigned by the eUICC.
I.e., Command Port and Target Port will always be different.

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o MEP-B: Profiles are selected on eSIM Ports 0 and higher, with the ISD-R
being selectable on any of these eSIM Ports. ES10c.EnableProfile and, if
CAT is initialised on the Target Port, ES10c.DisableProfile are always sent on
the Target Port (i.e., Command Port and Target Port are identical). If CAT is
not initialised on the Target Port, ES10c.DisableProfile can be sent on any
eSIM Port. Other ES10 commands can be sent on any eSIM Port where CAT
is initialised.

 As already defined in v2 of this specification, two options exist for processing a

Profile switch:

o Profile switching requires a REFRESH proactive command to be issued by

the eUICC.

o Profile switching is performed without such a proactive command.

This specification treats these options independently and an eUICC MAY implement any
combination. Limitations for the LPA are given in sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.

MEP is only defined for non-removable eUICCs, where the options to be used can be pre-
agreed by the OEM and the EUM. Still, an optional setup mechanism is defined in section
3.4.1, which allows Devices and eUICCs to support several modes.

2.13 Overview of Push Service

A Push Service is a service that allows an application server to send push notifications to an
application on a Device. This specification allows an SM-DS and LDS to leverage a Push
Service so that the LDS is informed in a timely manner when a relevant Event Record is
available on the SM-DS.

Figure 8aa shows the entities required for Push Service. A Push Service is implemented by
a combination of a push server and a push client on the Device. The interfaces between the
push server and the push client, between the push client and the LPAd, and between the
SM-DS and the push server, as well as the interactions between them, are out of scope of
this specification.

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Figure 8aa: Entities for Push Service, LPA in the Device

The SM-DS and a Device MAY support one or more Push Services. The LPAd and SM-DS
perform the Push Service registration so that the SM-DS can subsequently send push
notifications to the LPAd, following the general sequence that follows:

The SM-DS indicates, during Common Mutual Authentication, one or more Push Service(s)
that it supports. If the Device supports at least one of these Push Services, the LPAd
requests the corresponding push client on the Device to allow the LPAd to use this Push
Service. The push client and its related push server perform an operation to generate a Push
Token dedicated to the LPAd. The LPAd then forwards its Push Token together with the EID
of its associated eUICC to the SM-DS (see section 3.6.5).

Later, to inform the LPAd that an Event Record is pending for this LPAd on the SM-DS, the
SM-DS requests the push server to send a push notification for this Push Token. The push
server routes this notification to the push client, which forwards it to the LPAd. The LPAd
MAY then perform an Event Retrieval procedure.
A Push Service MAY limit the validity of a Push Token depending on its implementation.
Upon expiration of the validity, the LPAd SHOULD re-register a Push Token to the SM-DS to
remain able to receive push notifications.
The SM-DS MAY also clean its database of Push Tokens to avoid keeping obsolete Push
Tokens. The LPAd and Push Service may not know about when this happens. An SM-DS
that enacts such a clean-up policy SHOULD instruct the LPAd of a maximum Push Token
retention time. It is the responsibility of the LPAd to register a Push Token, which was
previously used or is newly generated, to the SM-DS when this retention time expires.

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3 Procedures
This section specifies the procedures associated with Remote SIM Provisioning and
Management of the eUICC for consumer Devices.

Some call flows illustrate the case where the LPA is in the Device (LPAd). Such call flows
with an LPAe would be identical except that all ES10a, ES10b and ES10c calls become
internal to the eUICC and out of scope of this specification.

3.0 Common Procedures

3.0.1 Common Mutual Authentication Procedure

This section describes the common mutual authentication call flow that is used in various
others places in this document.

In this section the following notations are used:

SM-XX denotes either an SM-DP+ or an SM-DS.

CERT.XXauth.SIG denotes either CERT.DPauth.SIG or CERT.DSauth.SIG.
SK.XXauth.SIG denotes either SK.DPauth.SIG or SK.DSauth.SIG.
CERT.XX.TLS denotes either CERT.DP.TLS or CERT.DS.TLS.
SK.XX.TLS denotes either SK.DP.TLS or SK.DS.TLS.
ESXX denotes either ES9+ when communicating with an SM-DP+ or an ES11 when
communicating with an SM-DS.
 SM-XX SubCA Certificates denote one or more of CERT.CISubCA.SIG,
CERT.DPSubCA.SIG, CERT.DSSubCA.SIG, or SubCA Certificates in a trust chain
from CERT.XX.TLS to a public RootCA.
This procedure implies the use of CERT.XXauth.SIG. Following this common mutual
authentication procedure, if any other Certificates of the SM-XX are used, e.g., the
CERT.DPpb.SIG, these Certificates SHALL have a trust chain leading to the same eSIM CA
RootCA Certificate as CERT.XXauth.SIG.

hide footbox
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam sequenceArrowFontSize 11
skinparam noteFontSize 11
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid

participant "<b>SM-XX" as DP
participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as E
LPA -> E : [1a] [ES10b.GetEUICCInfo]
E --> LPA : [1b] [euiccInfo1]
rnote over LPA #FFFFFF
[1c] [Restrict the set of public keys in euiccInfo1
to the allowed CI PKId]
end rnote
LPA -> E : [2] ES10b.GetEUICCChallenge
rnote over E #FFFFFF : [3] Generate euiccChallenge
E --> LPA : [4] eUICCChallenge
rnote over DP, LPA #FFFFFF : [5] Establish HTTPS connection
LPA -> DP : [6] ESXX.InitiateAuthentication \n (eUICCChallenge, euiccInfo1, SM-XX
Address, lpaRspCapabiliy)
rnote over DP #FFFFFF

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- [Verify SM-XX Address]
- Verify euiccInfo1

DP --> LPA : [error]

rnote over DP #FFFFFF

- Generate TransactionID
- Generate serverChallenge
- Build serverSigned1 = {TransactionID, euiccChallenge,
serverChallenge, SM-XX Address[, sessionContext]}
- Compute serverSignature1 over serverSigned1
- [Retrieve CRL(s)]

DP --> LPA : [9] TransactionID, serverSigned1, serverSignature1,\

neuiccCiPKIdToBeUsed, CERT.XXauth.SIG [, otherCertsInChain][, crlList]
rnote over LPA #FFFFFF
- [Verify OID]
- Verify SM-XX Address
- [Verify CI restriction]
- Verify sessionContext
- Generate ctxParams1

LPA -> E : [11] ES10b.AuthenticateServer\n(serverSigned1, serverSignature1,\n

euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed, CERT.XXauth.SIG or serverCertChain, ctxParams1
[,otherCertsInChain][, crlList])
rnote over E #FFFFFF
- Verify server certificate chain
- Verify serverSignature1 over serverSigned1
- Verify serverSigned1
E --> LPA : [error]
rnote over E #FFFFFF
- Generate euiccSigned1 = {TransactionID, serverChallenge,
euiccInfo2, ctxParams1}
- Compute euiccSignature1 over euiccSigned1
E --> LPA : [14] euiccSigned1, euiccSignature1,\n euiccCertificate, nextCertInChain
[, otherCertsInChain]
LPA -> DP : [15] ESXX.AuthenticateClient \n (euiccSigned1, euiccSignature1,\n
euiccCertificate, nextCertInChain[, otherCertsInChain])

rnote over DP #FFFFFF

- Verify eUICC certificate chain
- Verify euiccSignature1 over euiccSigned1
- Verify euiccSigned1
DP --> LPA : [error]
LPA --> E : [ES10b.CancelSession]

rnote over DP, E #FFFFFF : [17] Continue...


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Figure 8a: Common Mutual Authentication Procedure

Start conditions:

The SM-XX is provisioned with its Certificate(s) (CERT.XXauth.SIG), its private key(s)
(SK.XXauth.SIG), the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate(s) (CERT.CI.SIG), its TLS Certificate(s)
(CERT.XX.TLS), its TLS Private Key(s) (SK.XX.TLS), and the SM-XX SubCA Certificates, if
any, in the trust chains of its CERT.XXauth.SIG and CERT.XX.TLS Certificates.

The eUICC is provisioned with its Certificate(s) (CERT.EUICC.SIG), its private key(s)
(SK.EUICC.SIG), the EUM Certificate(s) (CERT.EUM.SIG), the eSIM CA RootCA SubCA
Certificate(s), if any (CERT.CISubCA.SIG), the EUM SubCA Certificate(s), if any
(CERT.EUMSubCA.SIG), and the eSIM CA RootCA Public Key(s) (PK.CI.SIG).

The invocation of this procedure conditionally includes a restriction to a single allowed eSIM
CA RootCA public key identifier.


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1. (a) Optionally, the LPA MAY request eUICC Information euiccInfo1 from eUICC by
calling the "ES10b.GetEUICCInfo" function. This is required if the LPAd hasn’t
already retrieved this information.
1. (b) The eUICC returns the euiccInfo1 to the LPAd.
1. (c) If there is a restriction of the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key(s), the LPAd
SHALL create a new instance of euiccInfo1 for this invocation of the procedure by
removing all public key identifiers from euiccCiPKIdListForVerification that do not
match the given eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier or indicator. If this process
results in an empty list for euiccCiPKIdListForVerification, then the LPAd SHALL
inform the End User and the procedure SHALL stop.
2. The LPAd requests an eUICC Challenge from the eUICC by calling the "ES10b.
GetEUICCChallenge" function (section 5.7.7).
3. The eUICC SHALL generate an eUICC Challenge which SHALL be signed later by
the SM-XX for SM-XX authentication by the eUICC.
4. The eUICC returns the eUICC Challenge to the LPAd.
5. The LPAd establishes a new HTTPS connection with the SM-XX in server
authentication mode. The TLS session establishment SHALL perform a new key
exchange (it SHALL NOT reuse keys from a previous session). During this step, the
LPAd SHALL verify that CERT.XX.TLS is valid as described in section If
CERT.XX.TLS is invalid and all retries have been exhausted, the LPAd SHALL stop
the procedure. If there is a restriction of the allowed eSIM RootCA public key(s), it
SHALL NOT affect the establishment of the HTTPS connection.

NOTE 1: The TLS handshake as defined in RFC 5246 [16] doesn't allow the LPAd to
indicate in the "ClientHello" message the list of eSIM CA RootCA public keys
it supports for signature verification. Therefore, in a Multiple eSIM CA
environment, the SM-XX cannot provide with certainty a CERT.XX.TLS that
the LPAd will be able to verify, and the TLS handshake may fail. In that case
the LPAd MAY retry the TLS handshake, and the SM-XX MAY select a
different CERT.XX.TLS.

NOTE 2: The LPAd MAY use a non-empty session_id in the "ClientHello" as

described in RFC 5246 [16].

6. The LPAd SHALL call the "ESXX.InitiateAuthentication" function (sections 5.6.1 and
5.8.1) with its input data comprising the euiccChallenge, euiccInfo1, SM-XX Address
and its capability. SM-XX is the Address used by the LPAd to access the SM-XX. The
way the SM-XX Address is acquired depends on the procedure where this common
call flow is used.

7. The SM-XX SHALL verify that the SM-XX Address sent by the LPAd is valid. If the
SM-XX Address is not valid, the SM-XX SHALL return an error.

The SM-XX SHALL verify the list of eSIM CA RootCA Public Keys that are associated
to the eUICC credentials (euiccCiPKIdListForSigning and
euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 if present, as contained in euiccInfo1). If the SM-XX
does not accept any of these eSIM CA RootCA Public Keys it SHALL return an error.

The SM-XX SHALL verify the received eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifier list
(euiccCiPKIdListForVerification contained in the euiccInfo1). If it cannot provide a

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CERT.XXauth.SIG which chain can be verified by an eSIM CA RootCA Public Key
supported by the eUICC:

 If the LPAd RSP capabilities indicated euiccCiUpdateSupport, the SM-XX

SHOULD select its preferred CERT.XXauth.SIG.

 In all other cases, it SHALL return an error.

If the LPAd receives an error in this step, then the LPAd SHALL stop the procedure.

8. The SM-XX SHALL perform the following:

 Generate a TransactionID which is used to uniquely identify the RSP session and
to correlate the multiple ESXX request messages that belong to the same RSP
 Generate an SM-XX Challenge (serverChallenge) which SHALL be signed later
by the eUICC for the eUICC authentication.
 Select one eSIM CA RootCA Public Key among those provided within
euiccCiPKIdListForSigning or euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3, that is supported by
the RSP Server for signature verification and indicate it in euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed
or in euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 respectively.
 Generate a serverSigned1 data structure.
 Compute the serverSignature1 over serverSigned1 using the SK.XXauth.SIG
corresponding to the CERT.XXauth.SIG determined in step 7.
 If both eUICC and LPA indicate crlStaplingV3Support, retrieve the latest CRL for
each Certificate in the chain that has a cRLDistributionPoints extension set
(unless it is already available).
9. The SM-XX SHALL return to the LPAd the TransactionID, serverSigned1,
serverSignature1, euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed, Certificate(s) and conditionally the CRL(s).

10. The LPAd SHALL:

 If the SM-XX is an SM-DP+ and if its OID was provided earlier, verify the OID as
specified in the procedure where this call flow is used.
 Verify that the SM-XX Address returned by the SM-XX matches the SM-XX
Address that the LPAd has provided in step (6).
 If there is a restriction to a single allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier,
verify that the Subject Key Identifier of the eSIM RootCA corresponding to
CERT.XXauth.SIG matches this value.
 If the LPAd indicated euiccCiUpdateSupport, verify that the Subject Key
Identifier of the Root Certificate corresponding to CERT.XXauth.SIG is included in
euiccInfo1.euiccCiPKIdListForVerification. If the verification fails,
the LPAd SHALL inform the End User and stop the procedure, after which it MAY
perform the eUICC Root Public Key update procedure (section 3.10) indicating
that Subject Key Identifier.
 (Optional) Verify that each Certificate in the chain and each CRL in the list (if
present) is valid with respect to its time window, i.e., notBefore and
thisUpdate are in the past, and notAfter and nextUpdate are in the future,
with regard to the current time known by the Device.

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 If any verification fails, the LPAd SHALL inform the End User and stop the
 Generate a data structure, ctxParams1, to be given to the eUICC to be included
in signed data.
11. The LPAd SHALL call "ES10b.AuthenticateServer" function with input data
comprising the serverSigned1, serverSignature1, euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed if returned
by the SM-XX, CERT.XXauth.SIG, other certificates in the chain if returned by the
SM-XX, ctxParams1 and conditionally the CRL(s).

12. The eUICC SHALL:

 Verify the CERT.XXauth.SIG and other certificates in the chain, if any, starting
with CERT.XXauth.SIG, using the relevant PK.CI.SIG.
 Verify the serverSignature1 performed over serverSigned1.
 Verify that euiccChallenge contained in serverSigned1 matches the one
generated by the eUICC during step (3).
 Verify that the eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifier indicated in either
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed or euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 is supported and related
credentials are available for signing.
 If the sessionContext indicates crlStaplingV3Used, verify the validity of each CRL,
and verify that no Certificate in the chain is revoked.
If any verification fails, the eUICC SHALL return a relevant error status and the
procedure SHALL stop.

If all the verifications succeed, the SM-XX is authenticated by the eUICC.

13. The eUICC SHALL:

 Generate the euiccSigned1 data structure.

 Compute the euiccSignature1 over euiccSigned1 using SK.EUICC.SIG. When
generating the euiccSignature1, the eUICC SHALL use the credentials identified
in the previous step.
14. The eUICC SHALL return the euiccSigned1, euiccSignature1 and the eUICC
certificate chain related to the credentials used in the previous step.

15. The LPAd SHALL call the "ESXX.AuthenticateClient" function with input data
comprising euiccSigned1, euiccSignature1 and the eUICC certificate chain.

16. On reception of the "ESXX.AuthenticateClient" function call, the SM-XX SHALL:

 Correlate it with the "ESXX.InitiateAuthentication" function processed in steps (7)

and (8), by verifying the two TransactionIDs match.
 Verify that the Root Certificate of the eUICC certificate chain corresponds to the
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed or euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 that the SM-XX
selected when executing the "ESXX.InitiateAuthentication" function.
 Verify that the eUICC Certificate chain is valid as described in section
 Verify the euiccSignature1 performed over euiccSigned1 using the PK.EUICC.SIG
contained in the CERT.EUICC.SIG.
 Verify that serverChallenge contained in euiccSigned1 matches the one
generated by the SM-XX during step (7).

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 Verify that the eUICC and LPA RSP capabilities match those received in
If any verification fails, the SM-XX SHALL return a relevant error status to the LPAd.
If all verification succeeds, the SM-XX SHALL return a response comprising the
pending RSP operation to the LPAd depending on the procedure within which this
procedure is used.

If all verifications succeed but the SM-XX has no pending RSP operation for the

 The SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code as specified for the type of RSP
operation that was requested.
 The SM-DS SHALL return the TransactionID and an empty list of Event
Records in "ES11.AuthenticateClient" response.

If the LPAd receives an error status, or only the TransactionID from the SM-DP+ in
this step, then the LPAd SHALL send "ES10b.CancelSession" to the eUICC with a
reason sessionAborted.

17. This common call flow SHALL be followed by additional steps depending on the
procedure within which it is used.

3.0.2 Common Cancel Session Procedure

This section describes the cancel session call flow that is used in various other places in this

This procedure can occur due to an error, End User rejection, or timeout at the following
steps of the protocol:
 after the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient"
 after the response to "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage"
The LPAd MAY provide additional places where the End User would be offered to reject the
Profile or RPM download.
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "<b>Operator" as OP
participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as E

LPA -> E : [1] ES10b.CancelSession(TransactionID, reason)

rnote over E
- Generate euiccCancelSessionSigned = {
TransactionID, reason}
- Compute euiccCancelSessionSignature
over euiccCancelSessionSigned

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E --> LPA : [3] cancelSessionResponseOk

rnote over LPA

[Stop procedure if the reason is sessionAborted]

rnote over DP, LPA

[4] [Establish HTTPS connection]

LPA -> DP : [5] ES9+.CancelSession(TransactionID, cancelSessionResponseOk)

rnote over DP
- Retrieve the on-going RSP session
- Verify euiccCancelSessionSignature
- Verify the SM-DP+ OID
DP --> LPA : [ERROR]

alt Reason is one of {postponed, timeout}

DP --> LPA : [7] OK
else Otherwise
rnote over DP
- [Set the Profile in 'Error' state]
- [Delete Event, Refer to Event Deletion section 3.6.3]
DP -> OP : [9] ES2+.HandleNotification
OP --> DP : OK
DP --> LPA : [10] OK


Figure 8b: Common Cancel Session Procedure

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Start Conditions:

This procedure can be used in the following cases.

General reasons in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient":

 The LPAd receives an error in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient". In this

case the reason for step (1) SHALL be sessionAborted.
 The LPAd receives only the TransactionID in the response to
"ES9+.AuthenticateClient". In this case the reason for step (1) SHALL be
 The End User has rejected or postponed to the download of the Profile or the
execution of the RPM Command(s) (e.g., by selecting 'No' or 'Not Now'). In these
cases the reason for step (1) SHALL be endUserRejection or postponed,
 The End User has not responded to the LPAd prompt for User Confirmation within an
implementation-dependent timeout interval. In this case the reason for step (1)
SHALL be timeout.
Cancel reasons after "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" related to Profile download:

 The PPR(s) in the Profile Metadata are not allowed according to the Rules
Authorisation Table, or PPR1 is present in the Profile Metadata and an Operational
Profile is already installed on the eUICC. In these cases the reason code for step (1)
SHALL be pprNotAllowed.
 The Profile Metadata in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" includes an
Enterprise Configuration and the eUICC does not support Enterprise Profiles. In this
case the reason for step (1) SHALL be enterpriseProfilesNotSupported.
 The Profile Metadata in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" includes
Enterprise Rule(s), and the Device is a Non-Enterprise Capable Device, or the End
User disallowed the installation of Enterprise Profiles with Enterprise Rules. In this
case the reason for step (1) SHALL be enterpriseRulesNotAllowed.
 The Profile Metadata in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" contains an
Enterprise Configuration and there is an installed Profile with PPR1 set. In this case
the reason for step (1) SHALL be enterpriseProfileNotAllowed.
 The Profile Metadata in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" includes an
Enterprise OID that does not match the Enterprise OID of the already installed
Enterprise Profile(s). In this case the reason for step (1) SHALL be
 The Profile Metadata in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" includes at least
one error in the Enterprise Rule(s). In this case the reason for step (1) SHALL be
 The Reference Enterprise Rule prohibits the installation of non-Enterprise Profiles. In
this case the reason for step (1) SHALL be enterpriseProfilesOnly.
 The Profile Metadata in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" includes an LPR
Configuration and the Device or the eUICC does not support the LPR. In this case
the reason for step (1) SHALL be lprNotSupported.

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 The Profile Metadata in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" contains a
serviceProviderName and/or profileName data object with an empty string. If
the eUICC and the SM-DP+ both declare cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport in
respectively the euiccRspCapability and the serverRspCapability, the
reason for step (1) SHALL be emptyProfileOrSpName. Otherwise, the reason
SHALL be undefinedReason.
Cancel reasons after "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage":

 The Profile Metadata in the Bound Profile Package does not match the Profile
Metadata received previously in the response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient". In this
case the reason for step (1) SHALL be metadataMismatch.
 The LPAd has encountered an error while installing a Bound Profile Package. In this
case the reason for step (1) SHALL be loadBppExecutionError.
Cancel reasons after "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" related to RPM:

 The response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" includes an RPM Package and the RPM

operation is disabled in the LPA by the End User. In this case the reason for step (1)
SHALL be rpmDisabled.
 The response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" includes an RPM Package and the RPM
package violates any of the limitations defined in section 2.10.1. In this case the
reason for step (1) SHALL be invalidRpmPackage.
 The response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" includes an RPM Command 'Contact
PCMP' and the LPAd does not support the LPRd. In this case the reason for step (1)
SHALL be lprNotSupported.
 The response to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" includes an RPM Command 'Contact
PCMP', and the only available data connection is mobile network (cellular) data, and
the End User has disallowed use of mobile network data for the LPA Proxy. In this
case the reason for step (1) SHALL be lprNetworkDataNotAllowed.
 The LPAd has encountered an error while transferring an RPM Package to the
eUICC. In this case the reason code for step (1) SHALL be

1. The LPAd SHALL call the "ES10b.CancelSession" function with input data comprising
the TransactionID and the reason.


 Generate the euiccCancelSessionSigned data object containing the

TransactionID and the reason provided by the LPAd.
 Compute the euiccCancelSessionSignature over euiccCancelSessionSigned
using the SK.EUICC.SIG corresponding to the euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed as
received during the common mutual authentication procedure.

3. The eUICC SHALL return the euiccCancelSessionSigned and

euiccCancelSessionSignature. If the reason is sessionAborted, the LPAd SHALL
ignore the response from the eUICC and stop the procedure.

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NOTE: A version 3 or higher LPAd may send the reason sessionAborted, which
is added in version 3, to a version 2 eUICC.

4. If the HTTPS connection to the SM-DP+ in the RSP session is no longer alive, the
LPAd SHALL establish a new HTTPS connection with the SM-DP+ as described in
Common Mutual Authentication procedure.

5. The LPAd SHALL call the "ES9+.CancelSession" function with input data comprising
TransactionID, euiccCancelSessionSigned and euiccCancelSessionSignature.

6. On reception of the "ES9+.CancelSession" function, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Retrieve the on-going RSP session identified by the TransactionID. If the

TransactionID is unknown, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a function execution status
'Failed' with relevant status code and the procedure SHALL stop.
 Verify the euiccCancelSessionSignature performed over
euiccCancelSessionSigned using the PK.EUICC.SIG associated with the ongoing
RSP session. If the signature is invalid, the SM-XX SHALL return a function
execution status 'Failed' with relevant status code and the procedure SHALL stop.
 Verify that the received OID is the same value as the one contained in the
CERT.DPauth.SIG used during the common mutual authentication procedure. If
the value doesn't match, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a function execution status
'Failed' with relevant status code and the procedure SHALL stop.

7. If the reason contained in euiccCancelSessionSigned indicates 'postponed' or

'timeout', the SM-DP+ SHALL simply return a function execution status 'Executed-
Success' and keep the Profile download order or RPM download order available for a
further retry, and the procedure SHALL stop. If the reason contained in
euiccCancelSessionSigned indicates any other condition, the SM-DP+ SHALL
perform the following steps.

8. If the on-going RSP session is for Profile download order, the SM-DP+ SHALL set the
Profile associated with the on-going RSP session in 'Error' state (section 3.1.6). If an
SM-DS was involved in the RSP session identified by the TransactionID, the SM-DP+
SHALL delete the corresponding Event from the SM-DS.

9. Depending on the agreed behaviour with the Operator (out of scope of this
specification), the SM-DP+ SHALL call the "ES2+.HandleNotification" function with
the relevant notificationEvent set and a notificationEventStatus indicating 'Failed' with
status code value depending on the given cancel reason. The cancel session reason
mapping to status code is given in section 5.3.5.

10. The SM-DP+ SHALL return a function execution status 'Executed-Success' and the
procedure SHALL stop.

3.0.3 RSP Sessions and Error Handling

Several procedures implement RSP Sessions:

 the Profile Download and Installation Procedure (section 3.1.3),

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 the RPM Download Procedure together with the RPM Execution Procedure (sections
3.7.2 and 3.7.3),

 the Device Change Procedure (section 3.11.1),

 the Profile Recovery Procedure (section 3.11.2),

 the Event Retrieval Procedure (section 3.6.2), and

 the Push Service Registration Procedure (section 3.6.5).

These procedures comprise a sequence of operations between an RSP Server, the LPA,
and the eUICC over a period of time. In addition to errors reported by ES9+, ES11, and
ES10 functions, other conditions MAY impact the successful execution of these procedures.
The LPA SHOULD indicate such failures to the user; however, the specific presentation of
these errors is out of the scope of this document.

An MEP eUICC SHALL only handle one RSP session at any point in time. For MEP-A1 and
MEP-A2, RSP sessions SHALL happen on eSIM Port 0. For MEP-B, the LPA MAY select
any eSIM Port for an RSP session and the eUICC SHALL accept an RSP session on any
eSIM Port. However, the full session SHALL use the same eSIM Port.

The LPA SHOULD NOT initiate a new RSP Session while there is an active RSP Session.
However, in the event that this does occur, even on a different eSIM Port in case of MEP-B,
when a new RSP session is started with "ES10b.GetEUICCChallenge" the eUICC SHALL
discard its session state. Depending upon the specific procedure, this could include the
generated eUICC challenge, downloaded Profile Metadata, Profile contents, RPM Package
contents, Event Records, a Profile Installation Result, and/or a Load RPM Package Result.
However, an unused otPK/otSK.EUICC.KA MAY be stored for future retry.

For MEP-B, in the event that the LPA changes the eSIM Port during an RSP session, the
eUICC SHALL return an error and discard its session state.

The eUICC MAY discard its session state if a Profile switch occurs, even on a different eSIM
Port, during an RSP Session.

If an eUICC Memory Reset or eUICC Test Memory Reset is successfully processed during a
RSP Session, the eUICC SHALL discard its session state.

An RSP Session MAY fail because of a communications failure between the LPA and the
RSP Server. The LPA MAY retry for a period of time. The LPA SHALL reset its own session
state when all retry attempts have failed.

An RSP Session could fail while the LPA is invoking an ES10 function for reasons other than
an error status reported by the eUICC. Examples of such failures include:

 In the case of a removable eUICC card, the End User could remove the card.
 The End User could switch off the power or remove the battery.
 A software fault could cause a crash of the LPA, host Device, and/or baseband

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The LPA SHOULD provide an appropriate error indication to the End User when possible
(e.g., when power is restored). The specific presentation of such an error notification is out of
scope of this document.

3.1 Remote Provisioning

3.1.1 Profile Download Initiation

Figure 9: Profile Download Initiation

Start Conditions:

The End User has selected the Operator with whom to sign a contract.

The End User MAY initiate the process:

 From any other Device (e.g., PC)

 Through a Customer Agent of the Operator
 Or any other convenient means provided by the Operator

The download initiation procedure consists of the following sub-processes:

A. Contract subscription process

B. Download preparation process
C. Contract finalization process
D. Subscription activation process (Optional)
NOTE: This section describes the case where these sub-process are performed in
the described order. In this case, it is most likely that the download and
installation procedure will happen right after this procedure. There also are
cases where these sub-processes MAY be performed in different order like
B -> A -> C [-> D] or B -> C -> A [-> D] (e.g., for prepaid Subscription). In
these cases the download order requested from the SM-DP+ MAY remain
pending for a significant amount of time.

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NOTE: The following table summarizes the input data to be provided in
"ES2+.DownloadOrder" and "ES2+.ConfirmOrder" functions.

Profile Download Use Cases

ES2+ Function Default Activation
Parameters SM-DS
SM-DP+ Code
eid O O O
iccid O O O
(Section 5.3.1)
profileType C (1)
C (1)
C (1)
iccid M M M
eid C (2)
O C (2)
matchingId M (3) O (4) O (5)

ConfirmOrder confirmationCode O O O
(Section 5.3.2) Not
smdsAddress Not Present C (6)
rootSmdsAddress Not Present C (6)
releaseFlag M M M
NOTE 1: Required if iccid is not present for DownloadOrder
NOTE 2: Required if it is not present for DownloadOrder
NOTE 3: Value SHALL have zero-length
NOTE 4: If present, value SHALL have non-zero-length. If not present, SM-DP+
generates matchingId for ActivationCodeToken
NOTE 5: If present, value SHALL have non-zero-length. If not present, SM-DP+
generates matchingId. It is used as EventID
NOTE 6: One or both of smdsAddress and rootSmdsAddress SHALL be present

Table 6a: "ES2+.DownloadOrder" and "ES2+.ConfirmOrder" input data

As the address of a Default SM-DP+ is pre-configured on the eUICC or Device, no
MatchingID is required. However, in a typical deployment, an SM-DP+ is expected to handle
all kinds of requests, i.e., those triggered via SM-DS or Activation Code, as well as those in
the role of a Default SM-DP+. Plus an Operator MAY decide to specify the use of
MatchingIDs even if the Default SM-DP+ address has been pre-configured on the Devices.
To cover all such cases, this specification defines a tolerant behaviour, where the SM-DP+
will properly handle requests on ES9+ which target a Default SM-DP+ (i.e., no Matching ID
is provided), even if a MatchingID has been generated for the eUICC. Contract Subscription Process (Informative)

The contract selection process, while being out of scope of this specification, is given as it
SHALL happen prior to the Profile download and installation procedure (section 3.1.3). This
process description describes the information exchanged and data that are used as input
data for the Profile download and installation procedure.

This process can be performed at an Operator's Point of Sale (POS), using the Operator's
web portal from a Device which is not the one onto which the Profile will be downloaded
(e.g., a PC) or from a web browser on the Primary Device, or even using a companion
application on the Primary Device. Any other mean defined by the Operator can also be
possible as far as it provides a convenient End User experience and it provides the expected
output data required for the execution of the Profile download and installation procedure.

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During the execution of the process of contract Subscription, the Operator acquires the
necessary information, such as through acquisition of its Device Information Code. As part of
this data, the EID and IMEI of the target Device MAY be provided, and related Device
capabilities MAY be acquired (e.g., based on the TAC information comprised in the IMEI).
Acquisition and verification of these capabilities are out of scope of this specification. The
Root SM-DSs supported by the Device MAY also be acquired. Additional information such
as contract details, user details, payment details and similar are also out of scope of this

If the EID and the IMEI are provided, the Operator can verify if the target Device (both
eUICC and Device can be relevant for this verification) is supported, and determine the
Profile Type for the target Device and the offer given to the End User. If no information about
the target Device is provided, this preliminary verification cannot be performed and it will be
performed during the execution of the Profile download and installation procedure (section
3.1.3). For additional info see Annex F on Profile eligibility check.

If EID and IMEI are provided and the Operator cannot provide an appropriate Profile, the
process fails and stops at this point. Download Preparation Process

1. The Operator calls the "ES2+.DownloadOrder" (section 5.3.1) function of the SM-DP+
with the relevant input data.

'EID' is optional. If an SM-DS or a Default SM-DP+ is to be used for the Profile

download, then the EID SHALL be present. One of the value 'ProfileType' or 'ICCID'
SHALL be provided. If ICCID is given, the SM-DP+ SHALL verify that this ICCID is
available. If 'ProfileType' is given, the SM-DP+ SHALL pick one of the related ICCID
in its inventory.
The SM-DP+ MAY optionally verify additional compatibility between the eUICC (if EID
is provided) and the requested Profile Type. This verification is out of scope of this
2. The SM-DP+ reserves the ICCID for this request. At this stage the SM-DP+ MAY
simply pick the related Protected Profile Package from its inventory or generate and
protect the Profile corresponding to this ICCID.
3. The SM-DP+ returns the acknowledged ICCID (SHALL be the same value as the
received one, if any).
4. Optionally, the Operator MAY generate a MatchingID (section 4.1.1). If a Default SM-
DP+ is to be used for the Profile download, then the Operator MAY send an empty
string in the MatchingID value field.
At this stage the Operator knows the ICCID selected for this contract Subscription. If
an error occurs during this step, the process fails and stops at this point.
5. to 8. The Operator MAY perform any relevant operation on its back-end (e.g.,
provisioning of HLR). The Operator SHALL confirm the download order by calling the
"ES2+.ConfirmOrder" (section 5.3.2) function of the SM-DP+ with the ICCID and its
relevant input data.

 If EID is available, the EID SHALL be included in the input data. If the EID was
provided with previous "ES2+.DownloadOrder", the same EID SHALL be

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 If a MatchingID was generated by the Operator in Step 4 or if the Operator
provides a zero-length MatchingID, it SHALL be included in the input data and
then the SM-DP+ SHALL return the acknowledged value that is the same as the
received one. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL generate a MatchingID and return
the generated value to the Operator. The ICCID SHALL be associated to the
 If it is required for the End User to enter the Confirmation Code to download the
Profile, the Confirmation Code SHALL be included in the input data of the
"ES2+.ConfirmOrder" (section 5.3.2) function.
 The Operator MAY send one or two SM-DS addresses to the SM-DP+ as defined
in section 3.6.1. If SM-DS address(es) are given, the SM-DP+ SHALL perform
Event Registration to the specified SM-DS(s).
 If all necessary operations on Operator’s back-end provisioning has been
completed by this point, releaseFlag SHALL be set to 'true' in the input data.
Otherwise, releaseFlag SHALL be set to 'false' and additional
"ES2+.ReleaseProfile" function SHALL be called later in Subscription activation
 The SM-DP+ SHALL store the functionRequesterIdentifier and
functionCallIdentifier values of the "ES2+.ConfirmOrder" function call, which
SHALL be used as notificationReceiverIdentifier and notificationIdentifier,
respectively, in subsequent "ES2+.HandleNotification" calls related to this order.
The SM-DP+ MAY return an SM-DP+ address value. In this case the Operator
SHALL use this value to generate the Activation Code; otherwise the Default SM-DP+
address SHALL be used.

NOTE: If no EID is given at this stage, the Operator MAY be involved later during
the download and installation procedure to determine the right
'ProfileType'/'ICCID' in case the provided 'ProfileType'/'ICCID' is not
compatible with the eUICC identified by the EID once it is acquired by
SM-DP+ during the download and installation procedure. See Annex F on
Profile eligibility check. Contract Finalization (Informative)

The Operator provides the End User with relevant information necessary for the Profile

If the Activation Code is to be used for the Profile download, the MatchingID and SM-DP+
address are provided via the Activation Code as described in section 4.1. If the optional
Confirmation Code is to be used, it is provided to the End User separately from the
Activation Code.

If an SM-DS or Default SM-DP+ is to be used for the Profile download, the Operator informs
the End User of the condition that triggers the Profile download procedure, e.g., the very first
boot-up and/or IP connection of the device. Subscription Activation Process (Optional)

It is most likely that the Operator backend provisioning can be performed during the
download preparation process. But if it cannot be performed, the Subscription activation

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process can be performed as a separate process to decouple the download preparation
processes and Contract finalization process.

9. If all necessary operations on its back-end (e.g., provisioning of HLR) were not
performed in Step 5, they SHALL be performed in this stage.
10. The Operator calls the "ES2+.ReleaseProfile" function of the SM-DP+ with ICCID to
release the Profile to allow the download and installation procedure to be started by
the End User. If the download and installation procedure is initiated by the End User
before this function call, the download and installation procedure SHALL NOT be
allowed and SHALL return a specific error code.
11. The SM-DP+ SHALL return the result.

3.1.2 Void
Figure 10: Void

3.1.3 Profile Download and Installation

This section describes the Profile download and installation procedure.

hide footbox
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam sequenceArrowFontSize 11
skinparam noteFontSize 11
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid

participant "<b>Operator" as OP
participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as E

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF

[1] (a) Get SM-DP+ Address, Parse Activation Code Token, [SM-DP+ OID], [CI PK ind.]
from AC, or
(b) Get SM-DP+ Address and EventID from SM-DS, or
(c) Get Default SM-DP+ Address, [CI PKID] from eUICC or Device
End rnote

rnote over DP, E #FFFFFF : [2] [Refer to Common mutual authentication procedure
section 3.0.1]

rnote over DP #FFFFFF

- Look for Profile download pending order
- Eligibility Check using Device Info, euiccInfo2

Group Opt.
DP -> OP : [4] ES2+.HandleNotification(...)
OP --> DP : OK
DP --> LPA : [error]

rnote over DP #FFFFFF

- Check if download retry
- Build smdpSigned2 = {TransactionID,
Confirmation Code Required Flag, [bppEuiccOtpk], [rpmPending]}
- Compute smdpSignature2 over smdpSigned2 and euiccSignature1
- Build Profile Metadata

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DP -> LPA : [6] TransactionID, Profile Metadata, smdpSigned2, smdpSignature2,

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF

[7] Check if the Profile can be installed

Opt If required by LPAd

LPA -> E : [ES10b.GetRAT]
E --> LPA : [RAT]

LPA -> E : [ES10c.GetProfilesInfo]

E --> LPA : [ProfileInfoListOk]

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF

[8] [End User consent(s) with
optional Confirmation Code input]

alt Download rejection

rnote over OP, E #FFFFFF : [Refer to Common Cancel Session procedure section

else Download confirmation

rnote over OP, E #FFFFFF : [Refer to Sub-procedure Profile Download and
installation – Download confirmation]



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Figure 11: Profile Download and Installation

Start Conditions:

In addition to the start conditions required by the common mutual authentication procedure
defined in section 3.0.1, this procedure requires the following start conditions depending on
options in step 1:

 If this procedure uses an Activation Code (option a):

o The End User has an Activation Code that is coded as described in the
section 4.1.
o The End User has entered the Activation Code to the LPAd. Depending on
the Device capabilities, the LPAd SHALL support entry of the Activation
Code by manual typing and QR code scanning.
o If the Activation Code specifies an eSIM CA RootCA Public Key indicator,
the LPAd SHALL restrict the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key
identifiers to that value.
 If this procedure uses an SM-DS (option b):
o The LPAd has retrieved an SM-DP+ Address and EventID from the SM-

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o If there was a restriction of the eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier for
the SM-DS procedure, the LPAd SHALL apply the same restriction for the
Profile download and installation procedure.
 If this procedure uses a Default SM-DP+ (option c):
o The LPAd has retrieved the Default SM-DP+ Address and optionally an
allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier from the eUICC by calling
the "ES10a.GetEuiccConfiguredData" function or from the Device in an
implementation-dependent manner. If the retrieved data includes an
allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier, then the LPAd SHALL
restrict the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers to that value.
Further, for each Profile in Released state the SM-DP+ SHALL maintain a count of the
number of attempts to download that Profile and a count of the number of attempts to enter
the Confirmation Code during download of that Profile. The SM-DP+ SHALL limit the number
of download attempts and the number of Confirmation Code attempts, respectively.

A Provisioning Profile MAY be enabled by the LPAd upon End User request for RSP
operations as defined in SGP.21 [4], which SHALL include End User consent if an
Operational Profile is to be disabled and if establishment of the connectivity using the
currently Enabled Profile is not successful.

Finally, if there is already an enabled Profile with PPR1 set, the following has occurred: The
End User has been advised of this condition and has given consent for download. The LPA
MAY alternatively request this consent at any later point during the download procedure.


1. (Optionally for option (a)) The LPAd parses the Activation Code and finds the SM-
DP+ address, Activation Code Token, and optional SM-DP+ OID, and optional eSIM
CA RootCA Public Key identifier. If the format of the Activation Code is invalid, the
procedure SHALL stop with an error message provided by the LPAd to the End User.
2. The common mutual authentication procedure defined in section 3.0.1 SHALL be
executed, conditionally restricting the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers
as described in the Start Conditions above. In this procedure, SM-XX is SM-DP+.
CERT.XXauth.SIG, PK.XXauth.SIG and SK.XXauth.SIG are CERT.DPauth.SIG,
PK.DPauth.SIG and SK.DPauth.SIG respectively. ESXX is ES9+.

During the common mutual authentication procedure at step (1), if an Activation Code
is used and it includes an eSIM CA RootCA Public Key indicator, the LPAd verifies
that it matches one in the list of supported eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers in
eUICCInfo1, and if the verification fails, the LPAd stops the Profile download
procedure. After stopping the download procedure, if LPAd and eUICC both support
updating the set of eSIM CA RootCA Public Keys on the eUICC, then the LPAd MAY
perform the eUICC Root Public Key update procedure (section 3.10) indicating the
eSIM CA RootCA Public Key indicator in the Activation Code.

During the common mutual authentication procedure at step (10), the LPAd SHALL
verify that the SM-DP+ OID contained in the CERT.DPauth.SIG is identical to the SM-
DP+ OID if the LPAd has acquired it from the Activation Code at step (1). If the

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verification fails, the LPAd SHALL inform the End User, send "ES10b.CancelSession"
to the eUICC with a reason sessionAborted, and the procedure SHALL stop.

During the common mutual authentication procedure at step (10), the LPAd SHALL
build the ctxParams1 data object to provide the MatchingID, MatchingID Source,
Device Info and optionally operationType (when the eUICC is version 3 or higher), to
the eUICC for signature. operationType, if present, SHALL include 'profileDownload'.
Only when the eUICC indicates
EuiccRspCapability.serviceProviderMessageSupport, the Device Info
MAY include preferred languages for End User-readable messages from the SM-XX.
The value of the MatchingID and MatchingID Source SHALL be set as follows:
 If an Activation Code is used, the MatchingID value SHALL be set to Activation
Code Token and the MatchingID Source value SHALL be set to 'activationCode'.
 If an SM-DS is used, the MatchingID value SHALL be set to EventID and the
MatchingID Source value SHALL be set to the OID of the SM-DS that provided
the EventID.
 If a Default SM-DP+ is used, the MatchingID SHALL be missing and the
MatchingID Source value SHALL be set to 'none'.
3. The SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Verify that there is a related pending Profile download order for the provided
 If this Profile download order is already linked to an EID, verify that it matches the
EID of the authenticated eUICC.
 Verify that the Profile corresponding to the pending Profile download order is in
'Released' state, or, in case of a retry due to a previous installation failure, in
'Downloaded' state (section 3.1.6).
If any of these verifications fail, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a relevant error status and
the procedure SHALL stop. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL:
 Increment the count of download attempts for the identified Profile. If the
maximum number of attempts has been exceeded, the SM-DP+ SHALL terminate
the corresponding Profile download order and notify the Operator by calling the
"ES2+.HandleNotification" function with the notificationEventStatus
indicating 'Failed' with the relevant error status, and the procedure SHALL stop.
 Perform appropriate eligibility checks.
4. (Optional step) Depending on the agreed behaviour with the Operator (out of scope of
this specification), the SM-DP+ SHALL notify the Operator with the outcome of the
eligibility check using the function "ES2+.HandleNotification" with the
notificationEvent indicating 'Eligibility an attempt limit check'.

NOTE: This notification step MAY be done asynchronously.

5. If the eligibility check fails, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Set the Profile corresponding with the pending Profile download order in 'Error'
state (section 3.1.6).
 Return an error status to the LPAd and the procedure SHALL stop.
Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

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 Determine if a Confirmation Code is required for this pending order.
 Determine whether the Profile is already bound to the EID from a previous
unsuccessful download attempt. If so, the SM-DP+ MAY indicate in its response
the otPK.EUICC.KA it wants to use.
 Determine if an RPM Package for the eid is also pending.
 Generate an smdpSigned2 data structure containing associated data elements.
 Compute the smdpSignature2.
 Generate the Profile Metadata of the Profile.
6. The SM-DP+ returns "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" response to the LPAd.

7. On reception of the SM-DP+ response, the LPAd SHALL check if the Profile can be
installed as described hereunder. For this check, the LPAd MAY use previously
fetched Rules Authorisation Table and/or list of installed Profiles. If the LPAd has not
already fetched the required information, the LPAd SHALL request those from the
eUICC by calling the "ES10b.GetRAT" and/or "ES10c.GetProfilesInfo" functions.

 If the Profile Metadata contains PPR(s), the LPAd SHALL check if the PPR(s) are
allowed based on the Rules Authorisation Table. If one or more PPR(s) are not
allowed, the LPAd SHALL perform the Common Cancel Session procedure with
reason pprNotAllowed (See section for PPRs allowed for an eUICC
supporting MEP).
 If the Profile Metadata contains PPR1, and an Operational Profile is installed, the
LPAd SHALL perform the Common Cancel Session procedure with reason
 If the Profile Metadata contains an Enterprise Configuration and there is a Profile
with PPR1 set, the LPAd SHOULD perform the Common Cancel Session
procedure with reason code 'enterpriseProfileNotAllowed'.
 If the Profile Metadata contains any Enterprise Rule and the Device is a Non-
Enterprise Capable Device, the LPAd SHOULD perform the Common Cancel
Session procedure with reason enterpriseRulesNotAllowed.
 If the Profile Metadata contains any Enterprise Rule and the End User disallowed
the installation of Enterprise Profile with Enterprise Rules, the LPAd SHALL
perform the Common Cancel Session procedure with reason
 If the Profile Metadata contains an Enterprise Configuration and there is a Profile
with PPR1 set, the LPAd SHOULD perform the Common Cancel Session
procedure with reason enterpriseProfileNotAllowed.
 If the Profile Metadata contains an Enterprise OID which does not match the
Enterprise OID of the already installed Enterprise Profile(s) (if any), the LPAd
SHOULD perform the Common Cancel Session procedure with reason
 If the Profile Metadata contains Enterprise Rules with the referenceEnterpriseRule
bit set, the LPAd SHOULD perform the Common Cancel Session procedure with
reason enterpriseRulesError.

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NOTE: The referenceEnterpriseRule bit may be assigned to an Enterprise Profile
via RPM after its installation. It may be required to first enable the Enterprise
Profile in order for the Enterprise Rule update to succeed.

 For an Enterprise Capable Device, if the Reference Enterprise Rule prohibits the
installation of non-Enterprise Profile and the ProfileMetadata does not contain
Enterprise Configuration, the LPAd SHOULD perform the Common Cancel
Session procedure with reason enterpriseProfilesOnly.
 If the Profile Metadata contains an LPR Configuration and the Device or the
eUICC does not support the LPR, the LPAd SHOULD perform the Common
Cancel Session procedure with reason lprNotSupported.
 If the Profile Metadata contains an empty string profileName and/or
serviceProviderName, the LPAd MAY perform the Common Cancel Session
procedure with reason emptyProfileOrSpName if
cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport is supported by both the SM-DP+ and the
eUICC or with reason undefinedReason otherwise.

8. If the Profile Metadata contains Profile Policy Rule(s) and/or Enterprise Rule(s)
subject to End User consent, the LPAd SHOULD ask for Strong Confirmation by
showing relevant information. This information (the "LPA-generated message") MAY
include the consequences of the Profile Policy Rule(s) and/or the Enterprise Rule(s)
to the End User, if the Profile includes PPR(s) subject to additional End User consent
according to the RAT and/or the installation of the Enterprise Profile requires its
immediate enabling. The LPA-generated message SHALL be formulated in a
descriptive and non-discriminatory manner (e.g., for Enterprise Profile with "Non-
Delete" Profile Policy Rule: "The profile that you are about to install can be deleted
only under the terms you have agreed with your service provider, and it will be
automatically enabled after installation. Enter your PIN to approve installation?"). If
the Profile Metadata includes a Service Provider message, the LPAd MAY also
display that message. The LPAd SHOULD display this information to the End User
such that it can be read in full under the control of the End User. If the Profile
Metadata contains neither Profile Policy Rule(s) nor Enterprise Rule(s), the LPAd
SHALL ask for Simple Confirmation (e.g., simple 'Yes' or 'No' or 'Not Now') on the
Profile download.

If the Confirmation Code Required Flag is set in either the Activation Code Token or
in the smdpSigned2, then the LPAd SHALL ask for the End User to enter the
Confirmation Code which was provided by the Operator that MAY be considered as a
Strong Confirmation. If the Confirmation Code is not required, the LPAd SHALL ask
for Simple Confirmation (e.g., simple 'Yes' or 'No' or 'Not Now') on the Profile

The LPAd SHOULD ask for the Simple Confirmation on enabling the Profile to be
downloaded after its successful installation (e.g., "Do you want to automatically
enable the profile after installation YES/NO?"). This request MAY be prompted at any
point in time of the Profile Download and Installation procedure, or immediately

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The Confirmation Requests described above MAY:

 display ProfileName or any relevant information contained in the Profile Metadata

to the End User.
 be combined, if prompted, into a single prompt with the highest Confirmation
Level therefore requiring a single confirmation by the End User.
 be performed either at this step or after the BPP has been downloaded by the
LPAd (see section step (12)), since the same Profile Metadata will also be
available then. However, this exception does not apply to Confirmation Code input
which SHALL be obtained no later than this step.
If the End User does not agree to the download of the Profile (e.g., by selecting 'No'
or 'Not Now') on the Profile download, the LPAd SHALL continue with the Common
Cancel Session procedure with reason endUserRejection or postponed. If a
notification is sent to the Operator, the notificationEvent SHALL be set to
'Confirmation Failure'.

If the End User does not respond to the LPAd prompt within an implementation-
dependent timeout interval, the LPAd SHALL cancel the Profile download by
performing the Common Cancel Session procedure with the reason timeout.
If required, the LPAd SHALL calculate the hash of the UTF-8-encoded representation
of the Confirmation Code as follows:

Hashed Confirmation Code = SHA256 (SHA256 (Confirmation Code) |

TransactionID), where '|' means concatenation of data.
If Profile download has not been rejected in the steps above, the procedure SHALL continue
with the Sub-procedure "Profile Download and installation – Download confirmation" Void
Figure 12: Void Sub-procedure Profile Download and Installation – Download Confirmation

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participant "<b>Operator" as OP
participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as E

LPA -> E : [1] ES10b.PrepareDownload \n (smdpSigned2, smdpSignature2,

CERT.DPpb.SIG, [Hashed Confirmation Code])
rnote over E #FFFFFF
- Verify CERT.DPpb.SIG
- Verify CERT.DPauth.SIG and CERT.DPpb.SIG have same owner
- Verify smdpSignature2 over smdpSigned2
- Verify smdpSigned2
E --> LPA: [error]
rnote over E #FFFFFF

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- Generate one-time KA key pair
unless a valid otPK.EUICC.KA was provided
- Generate euiccSigned2=
{TransactionID, otPK.EUICC.KA, [Hashed Confirmation Code]}
- Compute euiccSignature2 over euiccSigned2 and smdpSignature2
E -> LPA: [4] euiccSigned2, euiccSignature2
LPA -> DP : [5] ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage \n (euiccSigned2, euiccSignature2)

rnote over DP #FFFFFF

- Verify euiccSignature2 over euiccSigned2
- Determine if Confirmation Code required

Group Cond. Confirmation Code handling

rnote over DP #FFFFFF
[7] [Verify Hashed Confirmation Code]
Group Cond. On CC retry exceeded
DP -> OP : ES2+.HandleNotification
OP --> DP : OK
DP --> LPA : [8] [error]

rnote over DP #FFFFFF

- [Generate one-time KA key pair (otPK.DP.KA, otSK.DP.KA)]
- [Generate Session Keys]
- Generate Bound Profile Package

Group Opt.
DP -> OP : [10] ES2+.HandleNotification(...)
OP --> DP : OK

DP --> LPA : [11] TransactionID, Bound Profile Package

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF

- Verify Metadata
- [Prompt/Display Profile Metadata to End User]
- [End User consent]

alt Verification failed or no End User consent

rnote over OP, E #FFFFFF : [13] [Refer to Common Cancel Session procedure
section 3.0.2]
else Otherwise
rnote over OP, E #FFFFFF : [14] [Refer to Sub-procedure Profile Installation]

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Figure 13: Sub-procedure Profile Download and Installation – Download Confirmation

Start Conditions:

The End User has agreed to the download of the Profile (e.g., by selecting 'Yes').


1. The LPAd SHALL call the "ES10b.PrepareDownload" function optionally including the
Hashed Confirmation Code.

 Verify that CERT.DPpb.SIG is valid.

 Verify that CERT.DPauth.SIG and CERT.DPpb.SIG belong to the same entity and
are certified by the same certificate.
 Verify smdpSignature2.
 Verify that the TransactionID contained in smdpSigned2 matches the
TransactionID of the on-going RSP session.

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If any of the verifications fail, the eUICC SHALL return a relevant error status and the
procedure SHALL stop.

 Use the one-time key pair associated with the bppEuiccOtpk if it is provided by
the SM-DP+ and it is still stored in the eUICC, or generate a new one-time key
pair (see section 5.7.5).
 Generate the euiccSigned2 data structure.
 Compute the euiccSignature2.
4. The eUICC SHALL return the "ES10b.PrepareDownload" response.
5. The LPAd calls the "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage" function.
6. The SM-DP+ SHALL verify the euiccSignature2.
If a Confirmation Code is required the SM-DP+ SHALL continue with step (7).
Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL continue with step (9).
7. The SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Retrieve the hashed Confirmation Code stored for this order by

"ES2.+ConfirmOrder" and calculate the expected hash value as:
expected hash value =
SHA256(stored hashed Confirmation Code | TransactionID)

 Verify that the received Hashed Confirmation Code matches the expected hash
 In case the Confirmation Code verification has failed, the SM-DP+ SHALL
increment the count of incorrect Confirmation Code attempts for the Profile. If the
maximum number of incorrect attempts has been exceeded, the SM-DP+ SHALL:
o set the Profile corresponding to the Profile download order in 'Error' state
(section 3.1.6).
o notify the Operator by calling "ES2+.HandleNotification" with the
notificationEvent indicating 'Confirmation Failure'.
8. If any verification in step 6 or 7 failed, the SM-DP+ SHALL return an error status to
the LPAd and the procedure SHALL stop. Unless the maximum number of incorrect
attempts for Confirmation Code entries has been exceeded, the LPAd MAY retry by
restarting the Profile download and installation procedure.
9. The SM-DP+ SHALL perform the following:

 Dependent on whether a re-usable BPP is present and whether the eUICC can
accept it, the SM-DP+ SHALL do one of the following:
o Reuse the BPP
o Rebind the BPP
o Return an error
o Create a new BPP
10. (Optional step) Depending on the agreed behaviour with the Operator (out of scope of
this specification), the SM-DP+ SHALL notify the Operator that the Profile is
downloaded using the function "ES2+.HandleNotification" with notificationEvent
indicating 'BPP download'.

NOTE: This notification step MAY be done asynchronously.

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11. The SM-DP+ returns "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage" response and set the Profile
corresponding to the Profile download order in 'Downloaded' state (section 3.1.6).
12. The LPAd SHALL perform additional processing using the Profile Metadata contained
within the Bound Profile Package:

If the LPAd previously used the Profile Metadata returned by

"ES9+.AuthenticateClient" (i.e., in section 3.1.3 step (7) and (8)) then
 The LPAd SHALL verify that the Profile Policy Rules and the Enterprise
Configuration have not changed. If this verification fails, the LPAd SHALL
execute the Common Cancel Session procedure with reason
pprNotAllowed or metadataMismatch.
 The LPAd SHOULD verify that all other Profile Metadata elements it used in
that earlier step (such as the Profile Name, Icon, etc.) have not changed. If the
verification fails, the LPAd MAY inform the End User and offer the End User to
postpone or reject the Profile installation. Alternatively, the LPAd MAY stop the
download by executing the Common Cancel Session procedure with reason
 If the LPAd has not previously captured the End User consent(s) related to the
Profile download as defined in section 3.1.3 step (8), it SHALL do so at this point
as described in that step.
13. If any of the cancel conditions given above is true, the Common Cancel Session
procedure SHALL be executed. If a notification is sent to the Operator within this
procedure, the notificationEvent SHALL be set to 'BPP download'.
14. Otherwise, sub-procedure Profile installation described in section hereafter SHALL be
executed. Sub-procedure Profile Installation

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participant "<b>Operator" as OP
participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as E

LPA -> E : [1] ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage x N\n(ES8+.InitialiseSecureChannel)

rnote over E #FFFFFF

- Verify InitialiseSecureChannel data
- Generate Session Keys
E --> LPA : Response APDU x N
LPA -> E : [3] ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage x N\n(ES8+.ConfigureISDP)
E --> LPA : Response APDU x N
LPA -> E : [4] ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage x N\n(ES8+.StoreMetadata)
E --> LPA : Response APDU x N

rnote over E #FFFFFF

[4a] Verify PPR(s) against RAT
[4b] [Verify Enterprise Configuration]

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LPA -> E : [5] [ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage x N]\n(ES8+.ReplaceSessionKeys)

E --> LPA : [Response APDU x N]
LPA -> E : [6] ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage x N\n(ES8+.LoadProfileElements)
E --> LPA : Response APDU x N \n(ProfileInstallationResult)

LPA -> DP : [7] ES9+.HandleNotification(ProfileInstallationResult)

DP --> LPA : OK

rnote over DP #FFFFFF

[8] [Terminate Download order]

DP -> OP : [9] [ES2+.HandleNotification]

OP --> DP : OK

rnote over DP #FFFFFF

[10] [Delete Event, Refer to Event Deletion section 3.6.3]

LPA -> E : [11] ES10b.RemoveNotificationFromList

rnote over E #FFFFFF

[12] Delete Notification

E --> LPA : OK

rnote over DP, E #FFFFFF

[13] [Next RSP session follows]


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Figure 14: Sub-procedure Profile Installation

Start Conditions:

The BPP has been downloaded to the LPA and all verifications by the LPA were successful.


In this sub-procedure the LPAd generates the Segmented Bound Profile Package according
to the description in section 2.5.5 and transfers it to the eUICC using a sequence of
"ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" commands. If the LPAd is unable to perform the
segmentation (e.g., because of an error in the BPP structure), or if any call of
"ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" returns status words other than '90 00' or '91 XX', the
LPAd SHALL perform the Common Cancel Session procedure with reason
loadBppExecutionError. If a subsequent notification is sent to the Operator, the
notificationEvent SHALL be set to 'BPP installation'.

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1. The LPAd SHALL transfer the part of Bound Profile Package containing the
"ES8+.InitialiseSecureChannel" function to the eUICC by repeatedly calling the
"ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" function.
2. The eUICC SHALL verify the received "ES8+.InitialiseSecureChannel". If the
verification succeeds, the eUICC SHALL generate the Session Keys using the input
data received in previous step and the key agreement algorithm determined
according to section 2.6.5.
3. The LPAd SHALL transfer the part of Bound Profile Package containing the
"ES8+.ConfigureISDP" function to the eUICC by repeatedly calling the
"ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" function.
4. The LPAd SHALL transfer the part of Bound Profile Package containing the
"ES8+.StoreMetadata" function to the eUICC by repeatedly calling the
"ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" function.
4a. If the Profile Metadata contains PPR(s), the eUICC SHALL verify each PPR
according to PPR verification section
4b. If "ES8+.StoreMetadata" contains an Enterprise Configuration, the eUICC SHALL
verify that this configuration is acceptable. If the Reference Enterprise Rule only
allows Enterprise Profiles to be installed, the eUICC SHALL verify that the Profile to
be installed is an Enterprise Profile.
5. If the Profile Protection Keys (PPK) were included in the Bound Profile Package, the
LPAd SHALL transfer the part of Bound Profile Package containing the
"ES8+.ReplaceSessionKeys" function to the eUICC by repeatedly calling the
"ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" function. The eUICC SHALL decrypt the Profile
Protection Keys and replace the current BSP Session Keys with the decrypted Profile
Protection Keys.
6. The LPAd SHALL transfer the Profile Elements included in the
"ES8+.LoadProfileElements" functions by repeatedly calling the
"ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" function.

If all the Profile Elements are successfully processed and installed, with or without
any warning, the last response of the "ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" function
SHALL deliver the signed Profile Installation Result as defined in section 2.5.6.
Installation notifications as configured in the Profile Metadata, if any, SHALL be
Otherwise, if an error occurs during the transfer and processing of the Profile
Elements, or any previous ES8+ function, which does not result in error status words,
the eUICC SHALL stop the procedure and SHALL report to the LPAd with a response
of the "ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" function including the Profile Installation

The eUICC SHALL store the Profile Installation Result in its non-volatile memory
before delivering it to the LPAd.
The eUICC SHALL erase the otSK.EUICC.KA attached to this RSP session no later
than the successful completion of the BPP installation.
The LPAd MAY inform the End User of the success or error status indicated by the
Profile Installation Result.

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7. The LPAd calls the "ES9+.HandleNotification" function in order to deliver the Profile
Installation Result to the SM-DP+. The SM-DP+ acknowledges the reception of the
Notification to the LPAd.
8. The SM-DP+ SHALL:

Retrieve the pending download order identified by the TransactionID. If

TransactionID is unknown, the SM-DP+ SHALL terminate its processing.
 (Conditional) Terminate the pending download order and set the corresponding
Profile in state 'Installed' or 'Error' (section 3.1.6) as indicated by the Profile
Installation Result.
9. (Conditional) The SM-DP+ SHALL call the "ES2+.HandleNotification" with:

 notificationEvent indicating 'BPP installation';

 notificationEventStatus reflecting the value received in
 notificationReceiverIdentifier reflecting the functionRequesterIdentifier
value of the associated ES2+.ConfirmOrder;
 notificationIdentifier reflecting the functionCallIdentifier value of the
associated ES2+.ConfirmOrder;
10. (Conditional) If this procedure is executed in the context of option (b), the SM-DP+
SHALL execute the SM-DS event deletion procedure (section 3.6.3).
11. On reception of the acknowledgement message from the SM-DP+ the LPAd SHALL
call "ES10b.RemoveNotificationFromList" with the corresponding seqNumber.
12. The eUICC SHALL delete the Profile Installation Result from its non-volatile memory.
13. (Conditional) If the LPAd has received rpmPending in the response of
"ES9+.AuthenticateClient" function call, the LPAd SHOULD initiate an additional RSP
Session with the SM-DP+, setting the operationType to indicate rpm. If this RSP
session was triggered by an Event Record from an SM-DS, the pending RSP session
with the SM-DP+ SHOULD be executed before continuing processing any remaining
Event Records from that SM-DS.

3.1.4 Limitation for Profile Installation

Several profiles MAY be installed on the eUICC, subject to non-volatile memory limitations.

3.1.5 Error Handling Within the Profile Download and Installation Procedure
During Profile Installation (section, when the next segment of an SBPP is to be sent
to the eUICC, the eUICC SHALL handle TLVs that are different from what is defined for the
SBPP in section 2.5.5 as follows:

 The eUICC SHALL process the commands "ES10b.GetEUICCChallenge" (indicating

the start of a new download session) and "ES10b.CancelSession" (indicating the
termination of the current download session) as specified.
 The eUICC MAY also process other ES10 commands.
 The eUICC SHALL reject other ES10 commands it does not process and any other
TLV with status words '69 85' (Conditions of use not satisfied) or '6A 88' (Reference
data not found).

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In the latter 2 cases, the eUICC SHALL NOT discard the download session state.

3.1.6 Profile Lifecycle at SM-DP+

The previous sections provide detailed procedures associated with Remote Provisioning.
Each Profile has state information on the SM-DP+ associated with it during the provisioning
into an eUICC. The Profile lifecycle state can be one of the states listed in the following

Additional states and additional or customised ES2+ functions MAY be agreed between the
Operator and the SM-DP+.

State Name Description

Available The Profile is available in the inventory of the SM-DP+.
Allocated The Profile is reserved for downloading without being linked to an EID.
Linked The Profile is reserved for downloading and is linked to an EID.
Confirmed The Profile is reserved for downloading (linked or not linked to an EID) with
Matching ID and Confirmation Code if required.
Released The Profile is ready for download and installation after Network
Configuration by the Operator (e.g.: HLR Registration).
Downloaded The Bound Profile was delivered to the LPA.
Installed The Profile was successfully installed on the eUICC.
Error The Profile has not been installed because of one of the following error
- Confirmation Code Retry Limit exceeded
- Download Retry Limit exceeded
- End User Rejection
- Permanent error during download and installation
Unavailable The Profile cannot be reused anymore by the SM-DP+.

Table 6b: Profile State in the SM-DP+

The following additional Profile states MAY be tracked by an SM-DP+ that receives
Notifications from an eUICC.

State Name Description

Enabled The last Notification received from the eUICC was an enable Notification.
Disabled The last Notification received from the eUICC was a disable Notification.
Deleted The last Notification received from the eUICC was a delete Notification.

Table 6c: Notified Profile States in the SM-DP+

The following two state transition diagrams show the Profile lifecycle state on the SM-DP+
and provide the details of the actions previously performed on a Profile together with the
possible next action.
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State Available {

state Allocated {

state Linked {

state Confirmed {

state Released {

state Downloaded {

state Installed {

state Error{

Available --> Allocated : ES2+.DownloadOrder (ICCID) or \n ES2+.DownloadOrder

(Profile Type)
Available --> Linked : ES2+.DownloadOrder (EID, ICCID) or \n ES2+.DownloadOrder
(EID, Profile Type)

Allocated --> Confirmed : ES2+.ConfirmOrder (ICCID, [EID], [MatchingID], [CCode],

Allocated --> Released : ES2+.ConfirmOrder \n(ICCID, [EID], \n [MatchingID], \
n[CCode], releaseFlag=true)
Linked --> Confirmed : ES2+.ConfirmOrder \n(ICCID, [EID], [MatchingID], \n[CCode],
[SM-DS address], \nreleaseFlag=false)
Linked --> Released : ES2+.ConfirmOrder \n(ICCID, [EID], [MatchingID], \n [CCode],
[SM-DS address(es)], \nreleaseFlag=true)

Confirmed --> Released : ES2+.ReleaseProfile (ICCID)

Released -down--> Downloaded : ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage

Downloaded --> Installed : ES9+.HandleNotification (Success)

Installed -[dashed]-> Released : optional: ES9+.HandleNotification \n(Success -

Installed -[dashed]-> Available : optional: ES9+.HandleNotification \n(Success -

Downloaded --> Downloaded : ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage (retry) \

nES9+.HandleNotification (temporary error)
Downloaded -down--> Error : ES9+.HandleNotification (Permanent error)
Downloaded --> Error : ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage (Fail) \n - Eligibility check
failed \n - Exceed CCode Try Limit \n - Exceed Download Try Limit \n - End User
Rejection \n – BPP not available for rebinding

Released --> Error : ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage (Fail) \n - Eligibility check

failed \n - Exceed CCode Try Limit \n - Exceed Download Try Limit \n - End User


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NOTE: "ES2+.HandleNotification" does not have any impact on the Profile state.

skinparam monochrome true

state Available {

state States {
state Allocated {
state Linked {
state Confirmed {
state Released {

state Error{

State Unavailable {

States -left--> Available : ES2+.CancelOrder (ICCID, EID, MatchingID) \n with

finalProfileStatusIndicator = Available
States -right--> Unavailable : ES2+.CancelOrder (ICCID, EID, MatchingID) \n with
finalProfileStatusIndicator = Unavailable
Error -up--> Available : ES2+.CancelOrder (ICCID, EID, MatchingID) \n with
finalProfileStatusIndicator = Available \n or Automatic Transition

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Error -up--> Unavailable: ES2+.CancelOrder (ICCID, EID, MatchingID) \n with
finalProfileStatusIndicator = Unavailable \n or Automatic Transition

Figure 15: Profile Instance Lifecycle State Transit Diagram at SM-DP+

3.2 Local Profile Management

The End User initiates Local Profile Management procedures using the LUI. As specified in
SGP.21 [4], User Intent is required for all procedures directed to Operational Profiles, except
List Profiles. For each procedure the LPA SHALL enforce the Confirmation Level that is
equal to or higher than the Confirmation Level defined in this specification. The specific
implementation of Confirmation Requests by the LPA is out of scope of this specification.

In all cases, if the End User refuses or does not respond to a Confirmation Request, then the
associated operation SHALL stop.

Confirmation Requests MAY be combined for consecutive operations to simplify the user
experience and avoid repeated input steps for the End User. For instance, when performing
a Profile download with an Activation Code, the Strong Confirmation for download and
Simple Confirmation for enabling the Profile MAY be combined. In the case of combined
Confirmation Requests, it SHALL be clear to the End User what operations will be
performed, and the highest level of confirmation SHALL be obtained.

The LUI implementation of Add Profile (section 3.2.5) and Update all Profiles (in section
3.2.7) MAY be combined. For instance, as a composite Add/Update All operation, the LPAd
MAY initiate Profile downloads and RPM downloads from the Default SM-DP+(s), Root SM-
DS(s), and all Polling Addresses of the installed Profiles.

Some Local Profile Management procedures provide two options: Using a REFRESH
proactive command to notify the Device about a change and performing such a change
without such a command. While both options are available for LPAd, the procedures SHALL
always use the option with the REFRESH proactive command for the LPAe.

3.2.1 Enable Profile

This procedure is used to enable a Profile already downloaded and installed on an eUICC.

The procedure applies for SEP and MEP. The following applies for Command Port and
Target Port:

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Command Port Target Port

MEP-A1/A2 0 >0
MEP-B >=0 Identical to Command Port
SEP Physical interface Physical interface

For MEP-A2, the eUICC SHALL select an eSIM Port which currently has no Profile enabled,
i.e., implicit disabling will never occur.

For MEP-B, the LPA SHALL set the refreshFlag.

For MEP-A2, the LPA SHALL NOT set the refreshFlag.

skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black

hide footbox

participant "End-user" as EndUser #FFFFFF

participant "LUId" as LPA #FFFFFF
participant "eUICC \n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices #FFFFFF
participant "Device baseband" as DevBB #FFFFFF

rnote over EndUser, LPA #FFFFFF

[0] End-user interactions
end rnote

Opt refreshFlag not set

rnote over LPA, DevBB #FFFFFF
[1] TP: The Device
a) Runs the application session termination procedure
b) Closes logical channels
c) Terminate an ongoing proactive command session
end rnote
end opt

LPA -> LPAServices: [2] CP: ES10c.Enable(ISD-P AID or ICCID, [TP], refreshFlag)
rnote over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[3] Verify Profile state
[4a] Enforce Profile Policy Rules
[4b] [Verify Reference Enterprise Rule]
[5] [Perform Test Profile checks]
end rnote
LPAServices --> LPA: [Error]

Alt REFRESH required

rnote over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[6a] TP: Determine if proactive session is ongoing
end rnote
LPAServices --> LPA: [Error: catBusy]
LPAServices -> LPA: [6b] Ok
LPAServices -> DevBB: [7] TP: REFRESH
DevBB -> LPAServices: Terminal Response or RESET
rnote over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[8] TP: The Target Profile is Enabled
end rnote

Else REFRESH not required

rnote over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[9] TP: The Target Profile is Enabled
end rnote
LPAServices -> LPA: [10] Ok

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LPA -> DevBB: [11] New Enabled Profile

rnote over DevBB #FFFFFF
[12] TP: Baseband executing a
network attach procedure with
the newly Enabled Profile
end rnote

rnote over LPA

[13] [trigger PCM session]
end rnote


Figure 16: Enable Profile

Start Conditions:

When the Profile to be enabled is an Operational Profile:

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 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4].
When the Profile to be enabled is a Test Profile:

 The Device is in Device Test Mode.

When the Profile to be enabled is a Provisioning Profile:

 The currently-enabled Operational Profile, if any, is unsuitable to provide the

connectivity required for an operation such as Add Profile.


0. The End User is presented with a user interface that displays the list of installed
Profiles within the eUICC, with their current states (Enabled or Disabled). The End
User selects the Profile to be enabled. The LPAd MAY check the Profile Policy Rules
of the Profiles and give appropriate warnings to the End User (e.g., that due to Profile
Policy Rules the Profile cannot be enabled). The enabling of a Provisioning Profile
can be initiated by the LPAd itself without any End User interaction. The enabling of a
Profile combined with its download can omit this step.
1. Before the LPAd calls the EnableProfile function with the refreshFlag not set, the
Device has the responsibility to ensure that the relevant conditions for use are met:

For SEP, MEP-A1 and MEP-B, if a Profile currently is enabled on the Target Port:

a) The Device SHALL run the application session termination procedure in

accordance with ETSI TS 102 221 [6] for every active application of the Profile
currently enabled on the Target Port.
b) The Device SHALL close all logical channels that were used to select these
c) The Device SHOULD take implementation-dependent action to terminate an
ongoing proactive command session.
For MEP-A2, the Device MAY verify if an eSIM Port is available which has currently
no Profile enabled.

Before the LPAd calls the EnableProfile function with the refreshFlag set, the Device
has the responsibility to ensure that CAT is initialised on the Target Port.
2. On the Command Port, the LPAd SHALL call the "ES10c.EnableProfile" (section
5.7.16) function of the ISD-R with its relevant input data, which includes the indication
if a REFRESH proactive command is needed. For MEP, the Target Port is
determined as follows:
o For MEP-A1, the Target Port SHALL be indicated in the input data.
o For MEP-A2, the Target Port SHALL be selected by the eUICC in step 9.
o For MEP-B, the command SHALL be sent on the Target Port.
3. The ISD-R SHALL verify the state of the Target Profile. If the Target Profile is not in
Disabled state, the ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating a failure, and the
procedure SHALL stop.

4a. If the Target Profile is not a Test Profile, the ISD-R SHALL check the Profile Policy
Rules of the Profile currently enabled on the Target Port (if any). If it has a Profile

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Policy Rule "Disabling not allowed", the ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating a
failure, and the procedure SHALL stop.
4b. If the eUICC contains a Profile with a Reference Enterprise Rule, it SHALL verify the
 If the Target Profile is not an Enterprise Profile or a Test Profile: That the
maximum number of non-Enterprise Profiles that can be Enabled is not
 If the Reference Enterprise Rule indicates "priorityEnterpriseProfile"
and the Profile with the Reference Enterprise Rule is currently disabled, that
itself or a Test Profile is the Target Profile.
If any of these verifications fail, the ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating a
failure, and the procedure SHALL stop.

5. If the Profile currently enabled on the Target Port is a Test Profile, the ISD-R SHALL
check if the Target Profile is either another Test Profile or the Operational profile that
was previously in Enable state. If this is not the case, the ISD-R SHALL return a
response indicating a failure, and the procedure SHALL stop.

If the refreshFlag is set, steps 6 to 8 SHALL be executed.

6a. If a proactive session is ongoing on the Target Port, the ISD-R MAY return a
catBusy error response to the LUId. If this occurs, the LPAd MAY take
implementation-dependent actions to terminate the proactive command session, after
which the LPAd MAY call again the "ES10c.EnableProfile” function without any
further End User interaction.
6b. If the ISD-R does not stop execution due to an ongoing proactive session, then it
SHALL return a response indicating result OK back to the LUId.
7. The eUICC SHALL trigger a REFRESH of the Target Port as follows:
 For SEP and MEP-B, the eUICC SHALL send a REFRESH proactive command
on the Target Port.
 For MEP-A1, the eUICC SHALL send an LSI COMMAND proactive command with
the action "Proactive session request" on the Command Port. This results in the
Device checking for pending proactive commands on the Target Port, whereupon
the eUICC sends a REFRESH proactive command on the Target Port.
8. Upon reception of the Terminal Response or after the RESET of the Target Port, the
ISD-R SHALL disable the currently Enabled Profile (if any) and then enable the
Target Profile on the Target Port.

If the refreshFlag is not set, steps 9 to 11 SHALL be executed.

9. For MEP-A2, the eUICC SHALL select an eSIM Port which currently has no Profile
enabled as Target Port. If no eSIM Port is available, the ISD-R SHALL return a
response indicating a failure, and the procedure SHALL stop. The ISD-R SHALL
disable the Profile currently enabled on the Target Port (if any). The ISD-R SHALL
enable the Target Profile on the Target Port.
10. The ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating result OK back to the LUId. For
MEP-A2, the response SHALL include the Target Port.
11. The Device SHALL discard any state, including the PIN state, and any cached file
content including EFICCID and EFDIR, and any proactive command session from the
previously enabled Profile, if any, on the Target Port. The LPA signals the baseband

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connected to the Target Port that a new Profile was enabled. The Device SHALL
proceed with the UICC activation procedure including TERMINAL PROFILE, as
defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [6] clause 14.5.1.

12. The baseband triggers the execution of a network attach procedure with the newly
Enabled Profile on the Target Port.
13. If the Device supports PCM, lprConfiguration.triggerLprOnEnableProfile
is present in the Profile Metadata of the enabled Profile, and appropriate connectivity
is available, then the LPRd SHALL trigger a Profile Content Management session
using the optional DPI in the Profile Metadata as described in section 3.9.

If the currently Enabled Profile is not a Provisioning Profile and is not able to provide
connectivity, there SHALL NOT be any fallback to the previously Enabled Profile. Further
action SHALL remain under the responsibility of the End User.

3.2.2 Disable Profile

This procedure is used to disable a Profile, already downloaded and installed on an eUICC,
and Enabled on the Target Port.

The procedure applies for SEP and MEP. The following applies for Command Port and
Target Port:

Command Target Port

MEP-A1/ 0 >0
MEP-B >=0 >=0
If CAT has been initialised on the Target Port, then identical to
Command Port.
Otherwise, MAY be different from Command Port.
SEP Physical Physical interface

For MEP, the Target Port is the eSIM Port where the Target Profile is currently enabled.

For MEP-B, the LPA SHALL set the refreshFlag.

For MEP-A2, the LPA SHALL NOT set the refreshFlag.

NOTE: There may be situations where a Profile is enabled on an eSIM Port which is
no longer accessible by the baseband, e.g., due to switching to a physical
SIM. For a Device typically using refresh mode when switching profiles, this
procedure allows gracefully handling of such situations: even if the
refreshFlag is set, the eUICC will skip the refresh if CAT is not initialised
(see step 6), and for MEP-B, the DisableProfile function can be sent on a
different eSIM Port.

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hide footbox

participant "End-user" as EndUser #FFFFFF

participant "LUId" as LPA #FFFFFF
participant "eUICC \n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices #FFFFFF
participant "Device baseband" as DevBB #FFFFFF

rnote over EndUser, LPA #FFFFFF

[0] End-user interactions
end rnote

Opt refreshFlag not set

rnote over LPA, DevBB #FFFFFF
[1] TP: The Device
a) Runs the application session termination procedure
b) Closes logical channels
c) Terminate an ongoing proactive command session
end rnote
end opt

LPA -> LPAServices: [2] CP: ES10c.Disable(ISD-P AID or ICCID, refreshFlag)

note over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[3] Verify Profile state
[4] Enforce Profile Policy Rules
end note

LPAServices --> LPA: [Error]

Alt REFRESH required

rnote over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[5a] TP: Determine if proactive session is ongoing
end rnote
LPAServices --> LPA: [Error: catBusy]
LPAServices -> LPA: [5b] Ok
LPAServices -> DevBB: [6] TP : REFRESH
DevBB -> LPAServices: Terminal Response or RESET
rnote over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[7] TP: The Target Profile is Disabled
end rnote

Alt If the Target Profile is a Test Profile, an Operational Profile was formerly
Enabled \nand this Operational Profile was not deleted while a Test Profile was
rnote over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[8] TP: Enable formerly Enabled Operational Profile
end rnote
rnote over DevBB #FFFFFF
TP: Baseband executing a
network attach procedure with
the newly Enabled Profile
end rnote

end Alt

Else REFRESH not required

rnote over LPAServices #FFFFFF

[9] TP: The Target Profile is Disabled
end rnote

Alt If the Target Profile is a Test Profile, an Operational Profile was formerly
Enabled \nand this Operational Profile was not deleted while a Test Profile was
rnote over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[10] TP: Enable formerly Enabled Operational Profile
end rnote
LPAServices -> LPA: [11] Ok

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rnote over LPA #FFFFFF
[12] TP: The Device SHALL discard:
- any state of the previously Enabled Profile
- any cached file content
- any proactive command session
end rnote

LPA -> DevBB: [13] New Enabled Profile

rnote over DevBB #FFFFFF
TP: Baseband executing a
network attach procedure with
the newly Enabled Profile
end rnote

else else
LPAServices -> LPA: [14] Ok
rnote over LPA #FFFFFF
[15] TP: The Device SHALL discard:
- any state of the previously Enabled Profile
- any cached file content
- any proactive command session
end rnote

LPA -> DevBB: [16] No Enabled Profile

end Alt



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Figure 17: Disable Profile

Start Conditions:

When the Profile to be disabled is an Operational Profile:

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 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4].
When the Profile to be disabled is a Test Profile:

 The Device is in Device Test Mode.

When the Profile to be disabled is a Provisioning Profile:

 The operation requiring connectivity from the Provisioning Profile, such as a Profile
download, has completed.

0. The End User is presented with a user interface that displays the list of installed
Profiles within the eUICC, with their current states (Enabled or Disabled), as
described in "List Profiles" procedure (section 3.2.4). The End User selects the Profile
to be Disabled. The disabling of a Provisioning Profile or a Test Profile can be
initiated by the LPAd itself without any End User interaction. The LPAd MAY check
the Profile Policy Rules of the Profile and give appropriate warnings to the End User.
1. Before the LPAd calls the DisableProfile function with the refreshFlag not set, the
Device has the responsibility to ensure that the relevant conditions for use are met on
the Target Port. I.e., the Device:

a) SHALL run the application session termination procedure in accordance with

ETSI TS 102 221 [6] for every active application of the currently enabled
Profile on the Target Port.
b) SHALL close all logical channels that were used to select these applications.
c) SHOULD take implementation-dependent action to terminate an ongoing
proactive command session.
2. On the Command Port, the LPAd SHALL call the "ES10c.DisableProfile" (section
5.7.17) function of the ISD-R with its relevant input data, which includes the indication
if a REFRESH proactive command is needed.
3. The ISD-R SHALL verify the state of the Target Profile. If the Target Profile is not in
the Enabled state, the ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating a failure, and the
procedure SHALL stop.
4. For non MEP-Capable eUICC: The ISD-R SHALL check the Profile Policy Rules of
the currently Enabled Profile.
If it has a Profile Policy Rule "Disabling not allowed", the ISD-R SHALL return a
response indicating a failure, and the procedure SHALL stop.

If refreshFlag is set, steps 5 to 8 SHALL be executed.

5a. If a proactive session is ongoing on the Target Port, the ISD-R MAY return a
catBusy error response to the LUId. If this occurs, the LPAd MAY take
implementation-dependent actions to terminate the proactive command session, after
which the LPAd MAY call again the "ES10c.DisableProfile" function without any
further End User interaction.
5b. If the ISD-R does not stop execution due to an ongoing proactive session, then it
SHALL return a response indicating result OK back to the LUId.
6. If the Target Profile is enabled on an eSIM Port where CAT has been initialised, the
eUICC SHALL trigger a REFRESH of the Target Port as follows:

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 For SEP and MEP-B, the eUICC SHALL send a REFRESH proactive command
on the Target Port.
 For MEP-A1, the eUICC SHALL send an LSI COMMAND proactive command with
the action "Proactive session request" on the Command Port. This results in the
Device checking for pending proactive commands on the Target Port, whereupon
the eUICC sends a REFRESH proactive command on the Target Port.
If the Target Profile is enabled on an eSIM Port where CAT has not been initialised,
the Device SHALL discard any state, including the PIN state, of the Target Profile and
any cached file content including EFICCID and EFDIR.
7. Upon reception of the Terminal Response or after the RESET of the Target Port, or
immediately if the Target Profile is enabled on an eSIM Port where CAT has not been
initialised, the ISD-R SHALL disable the currently Enabled Profile on the Target Port.
8. If the Target Profile is a Test Profile, an Operational Profile was in Enabled state
while the Test Profile was enabled on the Target Port and this Operational Profile was
not deleted while a Test Profile was Enabled, this previous Operational Profile SHALL
be enabled again on the Target Port.

If refreshFlag is not set, steps 9 to 16 SHALL be executed as specified below.

9. The ISD-R SHALL disable the Target Profile.

Check if a previous Operational Profile needs to be Enabled: If the Target Profile

is a Test Profile, an Operational Profile was in Enabled state on the Target Port
while the Test Profile was enabled and such Operational Profile was not deleted
while a Test Profile was Enabled, the procedure SHALL end with the execution
of steps 10 to 13:

10. This previous Operational Profile SHALL be enabled again on the Target
11. The ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating result OK back to the LUId.
12. The Device SHALL discard any state, including the PIN state, of the
previously Enabled Profile, any cached file content including EFICCID and
EFDIR, and any proactive command session.
13. The LPA SHALL signal the baseband that a new Profile was Enabled. The
baseband triggers the execution of a network attach procedure with the
newly Enabled Profile.

Otherwise: if no previous Operational Profile needs to be Enabled, the procedure

SHALL end with the execution of steps 14 to 16.

14. The ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating result OK back to the LUId.
15. The Device SHALL discard any state, including the PIN state, of the
previously Enabled Profile, any cached file content including EFICCID and
EFDIR, and any proactive command session.
16. The LPA SHALL signal the baseband that the Profile was disabled.

3.2.3 Delete Profile

This procedure is used to delete a Profile already downloaded and installed on an eUICC.

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The conditions under which the LPAd MAY delete a Provisioning Profile are implementation-
dependent and out of the scope of this specification. The eUICC implementation MAY not
support deletion of a Provisioning Profile or a preloaded Test Profile.

skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black
hide footbox

participant "End-user" as EndUser #FFFFFF

participant "LUId" as LPA #FFFFFF
participant "eUICC \n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices #FFFFFF
participant "Device Baseband" as Baseband #FFFFFF

note over EndUser, LPAServices #FFFFFF

[0] End-user interactions
end note

group If Profile to be deleted is enabled

note over LPA, Baseband #FFFFFF
[1] Steps 1-9 of the Disable Profile Procedure are executed
end note
LPA -> LPAServices: [2] ES10c.DeleteProfile(ICCID or ISD-P AID)

alt ISD-R checks the target Profile is in Enabled state or Profile Policy Rules
does not allow deletion
LPAServices -> LPA : [3] ERROR
else The target Profile is in a Disabled state and Profile Policy Rules allows
note over LPAServices #FFFFFF
[4] Delete Profile
end note
LPAServices -> LPA : [5] OK


Figure 18: Delete Profile

Start Conditions:

When the Profile to be deleted is an Operational Profile:

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 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4].
When the Profile to be deleted is a Test Profile:

 The Device is in Device Test Mode.

 The Test Profile to be deleted is not a pre-loaded Test Profile, or the eUICC
implementation permits deletion of the preloaded Test Profiles.

0. The End User is presented with a user interface that displays the list of installed
Profiles within the eUICC, with their current states (Enabled or Disabled), as
described in "List Profiles" procedure (section 3.2.4Error: Reference source not
found) The End User selects the Profile to be deleted. The LPAd SHALL ask for
Strong Confirmation by presenting the consequences. The LPA MAY check the
Profile Policy Rules of the Profile and give appropriate warnings to the End User
(e.g., that due to Profile Policy Rules the Profile cannot be deleted). The deletion of a
Provisioning Profile can be initiated by the LPAd itself without any End User
1. If the identified Profile to be deleted is Enabled on any eSIM Port then steps 1-9 of
the disable profile procedure SHALL be executed as defined in section 3.2.2.
2. The LPAd SHALL call the "ES10c.DeleteProfile" function of the ISD-R with its
relevant input data.
3. The ISD-R SHALL verify the state of the target Profile and check its Profile Policy
Rules. If the target Profile is in the Enabled state or the Profile Policy Rules do not
allow deletion, the ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating a failure, and the
procedure SHALL stop.
4. The eUICC SHALL delete the Profile.
5. The ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating result OK back to the LPAd.

3.2.4 List Profiles

This procedure is used by the LPAd to list the Profiles, and their current states, pre-installed
or previously downloaded and installed on an eUICC, in human readable format. The
procedure is initiated by the LPAd either implicitly (e.g., at first Device boot up) or explicitly
(e.g., through LUI user interface options).

skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black

hide footbox

participant "End-user" as EndUser #FFFFFF

participant "LUId" as LPA #FFFFFF
participant "eUICC \n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices #FFFFFF

note over EndUser, LPA #FFFFFF

[0] End-user interactions
end note
LPA -> LPAServices: [1] ES10c.GetProfilesInfo()
LPAServices -> LPA: [2] List of Profiles
LPA -> EndUser: [3] Display List

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Figure 19: List Profiles

Start Conditions:

 None.

0. The LPAd is started on the Device. The user MAY be presented with the user
interface options.
1. Either as part of the LPA launch procedure or through explicit user menu selection,
the LPAd SHALL call "ES10c.GetProfilesInfo" to request the list of Profiles from the
LPAd Services.
2. The eUICC SHALL return the Profile Metadata and status of the Profile(s) as defined
in section 5.7.15.
3. The LUId SHALL display a subset of the set of installed Profiles along with their
current states (Enabled or Disabled) to the End User in human readable format. This
subset could be empty. The displayed subset SHALL include the Operational Profiles
if the Device is not in Device Test Mode. It SHALL include the Test Profiles if the
Device is in Device Test Mode. It SHALL NOT include the Provisioning Profiles.

End Conditions:

Any Profile information presented to the user SHALL always be in human readable format.

The specific presentation of Profile information to the End User is out of the scope of this
document. However, it SHALL be possible for the End User to obtain the ICCID of each
installed Operational Profile.

3.2.5 Add Profile

This procedure will allow the End User to add a single Profile. This procedure can further
enable the downloaded Profile upon Confirmation Request, which consequently disables the
currently Enabled Profile (if any). Network connectivity is assumed. The download can be
initiated by the input of an Activation Code, by retrieval of a pending Profile download Event
from an SM-DS, or by retrieval of a pending Profile download from a Default SM-DP+. The
LPAd MAY implement a combination of these methods, as applicable, as a composite Add
Profile operation.

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If a Default SM-DP+ address is configured on the eUICC or Default SM-DP+ addresses are
configured on the Device, the LPAd SHALL allow the End User to perform Add Profile
operations using a configured Default SM-DP+ and to perform Add Profile operations using
the Root SM-DS(s) that it supports. As described above, the LPAd MAY implement this as a
composite Add Profile operation.

When the End User initiates the Add Profile procedure and the Profile Metadata indicates
that the Profile is not an Operational Profile, the LPAd SHOULD notify the End User and
stop the procedure.

skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black

hide footbox

participant "End User" as EndUser #FFFFFF

participant "LUId / LPDd" as LPA #FFFFFF
participant "eUICC \n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices #FFFFFF
participant "SM-DP+" as SMDP #FFFFFF
participant "SM-DS" as SMDS #FFFFFF

rnote over EndUser, LPA #FFFFFF

(1) End User interaction
end rnote

alt Activation Code

rnote over EndUser, LPA #FFFFFF
(2a) Activation Code input
end rnote

else SM-DS
rnote over LPA, SMDS #FFFFFF
(2b) Event Retrieval Procedure, see 3.6.2
end rnote
else Default SM-DP+
rnote over LPA, LPAServices #FFFFFF
(2c) Default SM-DP+ address retrieval
end rnote

rnote over LPA, SMDP #FFFFFF

(3) Profile Download and Installation Procedure, see 3.1.3
end rnote

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Figure 20: Add Profile

Start Conditions:

 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4].


1. The End User initiates the Add Profile operation within the LUId.
When performing subsequent Common Mutual Authentication procedure(s) with the SM-
XX(s), the LPAd SHOULD set operationType, which, if present, SHALL include
2. The LPAd obtains the parameters for the Profile to be downloaded:
a. If an Activation Code is used, the LUId SHALL obtain the Activation Code
from the End User (e.g., by manual entry or QR code scanning).
b. If an SM-DS is used, the LPAd SHALL retrieve the SM-DP+ address and
EventID from that SM-DS using the Event Retrieval Procedure (section 3.6.2).
c. If a Default SM-DP+ is used, the LPAd SHALL retrieve the Default SM-DP+
address from the eUICC or from the Device.
3. The Profile is downloaded from the SM-DP+ via the Profile download and installation
procedure as defined in section 3.1.3, with the Confirmation Request(s) as described

End Conditions:

1. The Profile and its associated Profile Metadata have been installed on the End User’s

3.2.6 Set/Edit Nickname

This procedure is used to add or change the Profile Nickname associated to a Profile
already downloaded and installed on an eUICC.

This procedure is not applicable to Provisioning Profiles.

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hide footbox
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam sequenceArrowFontSize 12
skinparam noteFontSize 12
skinparam monochrome true

participant "End User" as User

participant "LUId" as LUI
participant "eUICC \n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAsvc

rnote over User,LPAsvc #FFFFFF : [0] End User selects the target Profile
rnote over User,LUI #FFFFFF : [1] End User edits the nickname
LUI -> LPAsvc : [2] ES10c.SetNickname(ICCID, Nickname)

Figure 21: Set/Edit Nickname

Start Conditions:

When the Profile to be renamed is an Operational Profile:

 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4].

When the Profile to be renamed is a Test Profile:

 The Device is in Device Test Mode.


0. The End User selects the Profile to be modified. For example, the End User MAY be
presented with a user interface that displays the list of installed profiles within the
eUICC, as described in the "List Profiles" procedure (section 3.2.4) from which the
relevant Profile can be selected.
1. Through the LUId, the End User edits the Profile Nickname.
2. The LUId calls the function "ES10c.SetNickname" with the relevant ICCID and edited

End Conditions:

The new Profile Nickname is stored in the Profile Metadata of the relevant Profile.

3.2.7 Update Profile

This procedure is used to update Profile(s) already downloaded and installed on an eUICC
via RPM Command(s). Network connectivity is assumed.

hide footbox

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skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam sequenceArrowFontSize 12
skinparam noteFontSize 12
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "End User" as User

participant "LPA" as LPA
participant "eUICC \n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAsvc
participant "SM-DP+" as DP
participant "SM-DS" as DS

rnote over User, LPAsvc : [1] End User interactions

loop As many times as the number of Polling Addresses

rnote over LPA, LPAsvc : [2] Retrieve the Polling Address
rnote over LPA, DS : [3] [Event Retrieval Procedure, see 3.6.2]
rnote over LPA, DP : [4] RPM Download and Execution (section 3.7.2)


Figure 21a: Update Profile

Start Conditions:

A Polling Address is present in the Profile Metadata of the target Profile.

When the target Profile is an Operational Profile:

 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4].


1. The End User selects target Profile(s) to be updated. The implementation of selecting
the Profile is Device manufacturer specific. For instance:
a) 'Update a Profile': The End User is presented with a user interface that
displays the list of installed Profiles within the eUICC as described in "List

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Profiles" procedure (section 3.2.4). The End User selects a target Profile, and
confirms its update. When performing subsequent Common Mutual
Authentication procedure(s) with the SM-XX(s), the LPAd SHALL set
operationType to include rpm and SHALL provide the ICCID of the target
b) 'Update all Profiles': The End User is presented with a user interface
describing that all installed Profiles will be updated. The End User confirms the
update of all Profiles. When performing subsequent the Common Mutual
Authentication procedure(s) with the SM-XX(s), the LPAd SHALL set
operationType to include rpm and SHOULD provide the ICCID of the target

The LPAd iterates steps (2) to (4) for all Polling Addresses as required in step (1).

2. The LPAd retrieves the Polling Address of the target Profile.

3. (Optional) If the Polling Address is an SM-DS, the LPAd performs Event Retrieval
procedure as described in section 3.6.2.
4. The LPAd retrieves and executes the RPM Command(s) from the SM-DP+ as
defined in section 3.7.2, with the Confirmation Request(s) as described therein.

End Conditions:

The target Profile(s) is updated by the RPM Command(s).

3.2.8 Add/Update All

This procedure will allow the End User to add (a) new Profile(s) and update all installed
Profiles in a single action. Network connectivity is assumed. The LPAd MAY support this
procedure, as applicable, by combining Local Profile Management operations "Add Profile"
(see section 3.2.5) and "Update Profile" (see section 3.2.7). If the LPAd supports this
procedure, the LPAd SHALL set operationType to include both profileDownload and
rpm when performing subsequent Common Mutual Authentication procedure(s) with the SM-

3.3 Local eUICC Management

3.3.1 Retrieve EID

The Device SHALL provide means for the End User to access the EID in the numeric text
representation described hereunder. The Device SHOULD provide means for the End User
to access the EID in the QR code representation described hereunder. If the EID is provided
to the End User by the LPAd, it is retrieved by the LPAd over the ES10c interface using the
function "ES10c.GetEID" as described in section 5.7.20. The EID MAY also be provided to
the End User by any other means in any other representation.

The numeric text representation SHALL comprise 32 digits, where each digit is represented
by one character in the set [0123456789]. The QR code representation SHALL also be
prefixed with "EID:" and SHALL be encoded in alphanumeric mode according to ISO/IEC
18004 [15].

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When included in an Octet16 ASN.1 object, the first, third, fifth… digits SHALL be put into
the highest four bits of the first, second, third… bytes.

NOTE: Presentation of the EID on the package of a Device should use the same
QR code format or, alternatively, a barcode format. The EID should also be
printed on the package as a barcode.

3.3.2 eUICC Memory Reset

This procedure is used to delete all the Operational Profiles and their associated Profile
Metadata stored on the eUICC regardless of their status. The procedure is initiated by the
End User using the LUI of the LPAd.

skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black

hide footbox

participant "End User" as EndUser #FFFFFF

participant "LUId" as LPA #FFFFFF
participant "eUICC\n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices #FFFFFF
participant "Device Baseband" as Baseband #FFFFFF

note over EndUser, LPA #FFFFFF

[0] End User interactions
end note
LPA -> LPAServices: [1] ES10c.eUICCMemoryReset(deleteOperationalProfiles)

note over LPAServices #FFFFFF

[2] Delete all ISD-Ps with Operational Profiles
and associated Profile Metadata,
[reset Default SM-DP+ address to initial value]
end note

LPAServices --> LPA : [3] OK

alt SEP
LPAServices --> Baseband : [4] [REFRESH (UICC Reset)]
else MEP
LPAServices -> Baseband : [4] [LSI COMMAND (UICC Platform Reset)]
Baseband -> LPAServices: RESET


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Figure 22: eUICC Memory Reset

Start Conditions:

 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4].


0. The End User initiates the eUICC Memory Reset. The LPAd SHALL ask for Strong
Confirmation by presenting the consequences.
1. The LPAd SHALL call the "ES10c.eUICCMemoryReset" (section 5.7.19) function of
the ISD-R, specifying that Operational Profiles are to be erased.
2. If a proactive session is ongoing on the Command Port:
a) The function MAY return the appropriate error code and stop its execution. If
so, the LPAd MAY take implementation-dependent actions to terminate the
proactive command session, and MAY call again the
"ES10c.eUICCMemoryReset" function without any further End User
If the ISD-R does not stop execution due to an ongoing proactive session on the
Command Port, it SHALL:
b) Delete all ISD-Ps with Operational Profiles and their associated data and
Profile Metadata.
c) If required by the command: reset the Default SM-DP+ address to its initial
3. The ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating result OK back to the LUId.
4. If there was an Enabled Profile, the ISD-R SHALL send a proactive command to the
Device to reset the eUICC. For SEP, the ISD-R SHALL send a REFRESH with mode
"UICC Reset". For MEP, the ISD-R SHALL send an LSI COMMAND with "UICC
Platform Reset".

NOTE: Instead of fetching the proactive command, the Device MAY reset the
eUICC interface.

End Conditions:

The Operational Profiles and their associated Profile Metadata are deleted from the eUICC.

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3.3.3 eUICC Test Memory Reset
This procedure is used to delete all the field-loaded (non-preloaded) Test Profiles and their
associated Profile Metadata stored on the eUICC regardless of their status. The procedure is
initiated by the End User using the LUI while the Device is in Test Mode.

This procedure is only required if the Device supports Test Mode.

skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black

hide footbox

participant "End User" as EndUser #FFFFFF

participant "LUId" as LPA #FFFFFF
participant "eUICC\n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices #FFFFFF
participant "Device Baseband" as Baseband #FFFFFF

note over EndUser, LPA #FFFFFF

[0] End User interactions
end note
LPA -> LPAServices: [1] ES10c.eUICCMemoryReset(deleteFieldLoadedTestProfiles)

note over LPAServices #FFFFFF

[2] Delete all the ISD-Ps with Test Profiles
and associated Profile Metadata
end note

LPAServices --> LPA : [3] OK

alt SEP
LPAServices --> Baseband : [4] [REFRESH (UICC Reset)]
else MEP
LPAServices -> Baseband : [4] [LSI COMMAND (UICC Platform Reset)]
Baseband -> LPAServices: RESET


Figure 23: eUICC Test Memory Reset

Start Conditions:

 The Device is in Test Mode

 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4].

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0. The End User initiates the eUICC Test Memory Reset. The LPAd SHALL ask for
Simple Confirmation by presenting the consequences.
1. The LPAd SHALL call the "ES10c.eUICCMemoryReset" (section 5.7.19) function of
the ISD-R as defined in section 5.7.19, specifying that field-loaded (non-preinstalled)
Test Profiles are to be erased.
2. If the eUICC does not support Test Profiles then the ISD-R SHALL return an OK
result to the LPA and the procedure SHALL stop. Otherwise:
a) If a proactive session is ongoing on the Command Port:
The function MAY return the appropriate error code and stop its execution.
If so, the LPAd MAY take implementation-dependent actions to terminate
the proactive command session, and MAY call again the
"ES10c.eUICCMemoryReset" function without any further End User
b) If the ISD-R does not stop execution due to an ongoing proactive session on
the Command Port, it SHALL delete all the selected ISD-Ps with their Profiles
and their associated data and Profile Metadata.
3. The ISD-R SHALL return a response indicating result OK back to the LUId.
4. If there was an Enabled Profile, the ISD-R SHALL send a proactive command to the
Device to reset the eUICC. For SEP, the ISD-R SHALL send a REFRESH with mode
"UICC Reset". For MEP, the ISD-R SHALL send an LSI COMMAND with "UICC
Platform Reset".

NOTE: Instead of fetching the proactive command, the Device MAY reset the
eUICC interface.

End conditions:

The Test Profiles and their associated Profile Metadata are deleted from the eUICC.

3.3.4 Set/Edit Default SM-DP+ Address

This procedure is used to set or update the Default SM-DP+ address stored in an eUICC.
The LPAd MAY also support an implementation-specific procedure to set or update a Default
SM-DP+ address stored in the Device.

hide footbox
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam sequenceArrowFontSize 12
skinparam noteFontSize 12
skinparam monochrome true

participant "End User" as User

participant "LUI" as LUI
participant "eUICC\n LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAsvc

LUI -> LPAsvc : [1] ES10a.GetEuiccConfiguredData

LPAsvc --> LUI : defaultDpAddress, allowedCiPKId, CI List
rnote over User,LPAsvc #FFFFFF : <b>End User interactions\n[2] End User is shown
the current Default SM-DP+ address\n [and currently allowed CI]\n[3] End User
enters a new Default SM-DP+ address\n [and selects CI]
LUI -> LPAsvc : [4] ES10a.SetDefaultDpAddress(defaultDpAddress[, allowedCiPKId])

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Figure 23a: Set/Edit Default SM-DP+ Address

Start Conditions:

 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4].


1. The LUId calls the function "ES10a.GetEuiccConfiguredData" to retrieve the Default

SM-DP+ address and allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key, currently set in the
eUICC. Each MAY be an empty value. In addition, the function provides the list of
eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers that the eUICC supports for signature
verification together with eSIM CA names.
2. The End User MAY be presented with a user interface that displays the current
Default SM-DP+ address. The LUId MAY also display the currently allowed eSIM CA,
if any.
3. Through the LUId, the End User enters a new Default SM-DP+ address. The LUId
SHALL allow setting an empty value. The LUId MAY display the list of the names of
the eSIM CAs supported by the eUICC and allow the End User to select one or an
empty value.
4. The LUId calls the function "ES10a.SetDefaultDpAddress" with the new Default SM-
DP+ address and identifier of the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key chosen by the
End User, if any.

End Conditions:

The Default SM-DP+ address is updated with the value set by the End User. If the End User
selected an eSIM CA, then the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key is updated with its
identifier; otherwise, no allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key is set.

3.3.5 Retrieve DEV-IC

The Device supporting the DEV-IC SHOULD provide a means for the End User to access
the DEV-IC in the text and/or the QR code representation defined in section 4.X. If the
Device contains multiple eUICCs and the End User has selected one of the eUICCs, the
DEV-IC SHALL contain the EID of the selected eUICC in the Path field. The Device MAY

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also provide a means for the End User to access the DEV-IC in any other means in any
other representation.

3.4 Device and eUICC Initialisation

3.4.1 eUICC Initialisation

The eUICC SHALL indicate its support of eUICC functionality in ATR Global Interface byte
as defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [6].

An MEP-capable eUICC SHALL indicate its support of LSIs in the ATR Global Interface byte
and an MEP-Capable Device SHALL indicate in PPS2 if LSIs are to be used for the card
session as defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [6]. eSIM Port 0 SHALL always be implicitly selected
by the eUICC at the beginning of a card session.

Unless pre-configured between the MEP-Capable Device and the MEP-Capable eUICC, and
before using additional eSIM Ports, an MEP-capable Device SHALL perform the setup of the
LSI configuration as defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [6] with the additional TLVs defined in

NOTE: It is not required to perform the LSI configuration immediately after PPS.

Upon the indication of support for eUICC in the ATR, the LPAd MAY obtain additional eUICC
information, such as SVN, as described in this section below and in section 5.7.1.

If the eUICC contains an Enabled Profile on an eSIM port, the eUICC initialisation procedure
SHALL follow the UICC activation procedure as defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [6].

NOTE: For SEP, the term eSIM Port is considered as the physical interface.

If the eUICC does not contain an Enabled Profile on an eSIM Port, but only the default file
system as described in section 3.4.3, containing only a limited number of files, the Device
SHALL be able to initialise the eUICC and send a Terminal Profile command on this eSIM
Port as defined in ETSI TS 102 223 [31] indicating at least that REFRESH (UICC Reset
Mode) proactive command is supported.

The Device MAY select the ISD-R to determine if there is an Enabled Profile on the eUICC
during eUICC initialisation through FCI template of the ISD-R as defined in section 5.7.1. If
there is no Enabled Profile on the eUICC, the Device SHALL maintain the card session
between the Device and the eUICC.

If the ISD-R is selected by the Device during eUICC initialisation, the Device MAY send the
information contained in the ISDRProprietaryApplicationTemplate data object to the LPA.

The Device SHALL NOT expect the ISD-R to be multi-selectable. Additional TLVs for MANAGE LSI (Configure LSIs)

The command data of the MANAGE LSI (configure LSIs) SHALL contain the following
additional TLVs:

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Byte(s) Description Value Length

1 Tag for MEP mode(s) of the Device '90' 1
2 Length of next field N 1
3 to N+2 MEP mode(s) supported by the Device in the order of N=
priority 1 to 3
'01': MEP-A1
'02': MEP-A2
'03': MEP-B
N+3 Tag for maximum number of LSIs for Enabled Profiles '91' 1
of the Device
N+4 Length of next field 1 1
N+5 Maximum number of LSIs supported for Enabled 1

Table 6d: Configure LSIs additional command data

 The response data of the MANAGE LSI (configure LSIs) SHALL contain the following
additional TLVs:

Byte(s) Description Value Length

1 Tag for MEP modes '90' 1
2 Length of next field 1+M 1
3 Jointly supported MEP mode, see Table 6d for coding 1
Set to '00' in case of no jointly supported MEP mode.
4 to M+3 All MEP modes supported by the eUICC (including the M
mode given in byte 3) in arbitrary order, see Table 6d
for coding
M+4 Tag for jointly supported maximum number of LSIs for '91' 1
Enabled Profiles
M+5 Length of next field 1 1
M+6 Maximum number of LSIs jointly supported for 1
Enabled Profiles

Table 6e: Configure LSIs additional response data

If there is no jointly supported MEP mode, the eUICC SHALL set the value field of
the jointly supported MEP mode to '00'. Subsequent actions for the Device (e.g.,
switching to SEP mode) are out of scope.

NOTE 1: This setup mechanism allows Devices and eUICCs to support several

NOTE 2: As MEP is only defined for non-removable eUICCs, reconfiguration between

different MEP modes, between MEP and SEP or when changing the number
of eSIM Ports (e.g., assignment of Profiles to the eSIM Ports or implicit
disabling of Profiles) does not need to be defined.

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NOTE 3: For MEP-A1 and MEP-A2, Device and eUICC use the dedicated eSIM Port
0 for communication with the ISD-R in addition to the eSIM Ports for enabled
Profiles. For MEP-B, no additional eSIM Port is used.

(The value fields of the TLVs are highlighted.)

Example 1:

Command data for a Device supporting a maximum of 3 LSIs, MEP-B (preferred) and MEP-
A1, and a maximum of 2 Enabled Profiles:

'80 01 03 90 02 03 01 91 01 02'

Response data for an eUICC supporting MEP-A1 and MEP-A2, with 3 or more LSIs and 2 or
more Enabled Profiles:

'80 01 03 90 03 01 02 01 91 01 02'

Jointly supported and used for the card session: 3 LSIs, MEP-A1, and a maximum of 2
Enabled Profiles.

Example 2:

Device as in example 1. Response data for an eUICC supporting MEP-A1, MEP-A2 and
MEP-B, with 2 LSIs and 2 Enabled Profiles:

'80 01 02 90 04 03 01 02 03 91 01 02'

Jointly supported and used for the card session: 2 LSIs, MEP-B, and a maximum of 2
Enabled Profiles.

Example 3:

Device as in example 1. Response data for an eUICC supporting MEP-A2 only, with 3 LSIs
and 2 Enabled Profiles:

'80 01 03 90 02 00 02 91 01 02'

No jointly supported MEP mode.

Example 4:

Command data for a Device supporting a maximum of 5 LSIs, MEP-A1 (preferred) and
MEP-A2, with a maximum of 4 Enabled Profiles:

'80 01 05 90 02 01 02 91 01 04'

Response data for an eUICC supporting MEP-A2 and MEP-B, but only 4 LSIs and 3
Enabled Profiles:

'80 01 04 90 03 02 02 03 91 01 03'

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Jointly supported and used for the card session: 4 LSIs, MEP-A2, and a maximum of 3
Enabled Profiles.

3.4.2 RSP Device Capabilities

The eUICC SHALL request the Device to send the Terminal Capability command by setting
the related bit in the file control parameters of the MF.

The Device SHALL report its support of LPA functions using the Terminal Capability
command data defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [6]. This command SHALL be sent before the
SELECT ISD-R command defined in section 5.7.1.

Within the Terminal Capability template (tag 'A9'), the tag '83' is used for indicating the
Device’s support for eUICC related functions.

The support of LPA and some Device capabilities is indicated in the first byte within the TLV
object under tag '83':

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
- - - - - - - 1 Local User Interface in the Device (LUId) supported
- - - - - - - 0 Local User Interface in the Device (LUId) not supported
- - - - - - 1 - Local Profile Download in the Device (LPDd) supported
- - - - - - 0 - Local Profile Download in the Device (LPDd) not
- - - - - 1 - - Local Discovery Service in the Device (LDSd) supported
- - - - - 0 - - Local Discovery Service in the Device (LDSd) not
- - - - 1 - - - LUIe based on SCWS supported
- - - - 0 - - - LUIe based on SCWS not supported
- - - 1 - - - - Metadata update alerting supported
- - - 0 - - - - Metadata update alerting not supported
- - 1 - - - - - Enterprise Capable Device
- - 0 - - - - - Non-Enterprise Capable Device
- 1 - - - - - - LUIe using E4E supported
- 0 - - - - - - LUIe using E4E not supported
1 - - - - - - - LPR supported
0 - - - - - - - LPR not supported

Table 7: eUICC-related Device Capabilities byte 1

For LPAd implementations according to this version of the specification, b1, b2 and b3
SHALL either all be set to 1 or all be set to 0.

The eUICC SHALL only enable the functions of ES10c if the Device indicates support for the

The eUICC SHALL only enable the functions of ES10b if the Device indicates support for the

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The eUICC SHALL only enable the functions of ES10a if the Device indicates support for the

The conditions for enabling the LPAe are defined in section 5.7.1.

If the Device and eUICC are MEP-Capable, the Terminal Capability sent to the eUICC
SHALL be the same on all eSIM Ports.

Support for Metadata update alerting is optional for the Device. However, a Device that
caches any Metadata SHOULD support it in order to get informed about Metadata updates
that happen via ES6. If Metadata update alerting is supported, the Device SHALL also
indicate support for REFRESH with "Application Update" mode in the Terminal Profile
according to ETSI TS 102 223 [31] on each eSIM Port where the ISD-R can be selected
(i.e., eSIM Port 0 for MEP-A1 and MEP-A2; each eSIM Port where a Profile is enabled for
SEP and MEP-B).

For Non-Enterprise Capable Devices, the eUICC SHALL restrict the installation of Profiles
with Enterprise Rules as specified in this document. For Enterprise Capable Devices,
Enterprise Rules are allowed. For subsequent operation (e.g., enabling or Metadata update),
this bit in the Device Capabilities is not (again) evaluated.

A device supporting LUIe using E4E SHALL NOT set bits 1 to 6 of byte 1.

Subsequent bytes are RFU.

3.4.3 eUICC File Structure

If there is no Enabled Profile on the eUICC, the eUICC SHALL ensure a default file system is
available to the Device. This file system SHALL contain at least the MF and MAY contain the
MF-level EFs shown below.

It SHALL NOT be possible to modify either file via ES6 of a Profile.

EFENV-CLASSES SHALL never be present in any Profile Package, however if present, it SHALL
be ignored by the eUICC when installing the Profile.

EFUMPC MAY be present in a Profile Package. If present and EFUMPC is also present in the
default file system, the second byte of the default file SHALL take the content of the Profile
Package into account when this Profile is enabled: it SHALL be set to the higher of both
values. The eUICC SHALL ignore the content of all the other bytes of the file present in the
Profile Package. If present and EFUMPC is not present in the default file system, the whole file
from the Profile SHALL be taken into account.

When a Profile is enabled, the eUICC SHALL present a file system comprising that Profile's
file system and the EFs listed above if existing.

3.4.4 Device Setup and Power-on Profile Discovery

As part of Device setup, means SHALL exist for the End User to retrieve pending Profiles via
a Default SM-DP+(s) if configured, via Root SM-DS(s), and via the Activation Code

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procedure. The implementation is Device manufacturer specific. Profile discovery during
Device setup MAY be implemented as a special case of Device power-on Profile discovery
as described hereunder. Alternatively, it MAY be implemented in some other manner; for
example, by informing the End User how to retrieve the pending Profiles after Device setup
is completed.

The means by which the LPA detects Device setup is out of the scope of this specification.

When appropriate for the class and usage of the device, the LPA SHALL conditionally
perform Profile discovery when the Device is powered on, rebooted, or reset. In addition the
LPA MAY support an End User configurable parameter that enables or disables this

When it is supported, the initial value of the configuration parameter SHALL be 'Enabled',
and its value SHALL be persistent across Device reset and power cycles.

The specific point at which power-on Profile discovery occurs and the means by which the
LPA is launched to perform Profile discovery are Device-specific and out of the scope of this
specification. It SHALL be performed if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

Power-on Profile discovery is appropriate for the class and usage of the Device. (For
example, this could be inappropriate for an open-market cellular-enabled notebook
 No Operational Profile is installed on the eUICC.
 The value of the configuration parameter is 'Enabled'.
When all of these conditions are satisfied the LPA SHALL perform the following steps:

1. The LPA SHALL perform the following two sub-steps in any order:
a. If there is one or more configured Default SM-DP+ address in the eUICC or the
Device, then the LPA SHALL initiate the Profile download and installation
procedure with each Default SM-DP+ as defined in section 3.1.3, using the
Default SM-DP+ address and a missing Matching ID.
b. If there is one or more configured SM-DS address, then the LPA SHALL initiate
the event retrieval procedure with each SM-DS where events could be expected
as defined in section 3.6.2, with no EventID, and process any retrieved Profile
NOTE: It is out of scope of this specification how the LPA determines from
which SM-DS, if any, to expect events. This may be based e.g., on
regional or deployment information.
2. If no Operational Profile was downloaded in step 1, the LPA MAY prompt the End
User to add a Profile using an Activation Code (such as by manual entry or QR code

When downloading Profile(s) as part of Device setup, the LPA SHALL perform the
Confirmation Request(s) as described in section 3.1.3.

3.5 Notifications
This section describes the procedure to provide a report (in the context of this procedure
referred to as "Notification") to a remote entity (Recipient Address) that a Profile

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Management Operation was successfully performed on the eUICC or about the progress of
such an operation. The remote entity receiving the Notification is the SM-DP+ or the

Several types of Notifications are defined on ES9+: Profile Installation Results, generated as
an answer to the Profile installation, see section 2.5.6; Load RPM Package Result generated
as an answer to RPM command execution, see section 2.10.2; and Other Notifications,
generated due to the 'NotificationConfigurationInformation' data object defined in the
"ES8+.StoreMetadata" function. The eUICC SHALL manage the storage of these types of
Notifications separately.

A Notification on ES9+ is made up of the following fields:

 Sequence Number (generated by the eUICC)

 Profile Management Operation (i.e., the event whose occurrence SHALL be notified)
 Recipient Address (i.e., SM-DP+ address)
 ICCID, present as specified below
 Additional data in case of a Profile Installation Result, see section 2.5.6
 Additional data in case of a Load RPM Package Result, see section 2.10.2
 eUICC signature
 eUICC certificate chain in case of an Other Notification, see section 5.7.10
Sequence Number is used to protect the recipient against replay attacks. Each time a new
Notification is generated by the eUICC, the Sequence Number SHALL be incremented.
There SHALL be a single Sequence Number counter per eUICC, which SHALL be used
across all Profiles and for all types of Notifications. Neither an eUICC Memory Reset nor a
reset of the eUICC SHALL affect this Sequence Number.

The ICCID is used to identify the Profile upon which the operation, leading to the generation
of the Notification, has been performed. ICCID SHALL conditionally be present as follows:

 For a Profile Installation Result, ICCID SHALL be present if known by the eUICC.
 For a Load RPM Package Result, ICCID SHALL NOT be present.
 For an Other Notification, ICCID SHALL be present.
Each Profile Metadata MAY contain Notification Configuration Information for Other
Notifications, made up of the following:

 Profile Management Operation

 Recipient Address (i.e., SM-DP+ address)
When the Profile Management Operation indicated in the Notification Configuration
Information is successfully performed, the eUICC SHALL generate and store a Notification.

When an eUICC Memory Reset is successfully performed, a Local Delete Notification

SHALL be generated for all the deleted Profiles for which the local delete Profile operation is
indicated in the Notification Configuration List.

When an Enable Profile is successfully performed and the currently enabled Operational
Profile is implicitly disabled as a consequence of the enable Profile, the Notifications on both
the disable Profile and enable Profile SHALL be generated, provided that each operation is
indicated in the Notification Configuration List.

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The LPA retrieves the pending Notifications and SHALL send the Notifications one at a time.
Each Notification is sent on a best-effort basis, as described below, to the recipient when
connectivity is available.

After the LPA receives the acknowledgement from the SM-DP+ that the Notification was
received, it SHALL communicate to the eUICC to remove that Notification.

When the eUICC needs to store a new Other Notification and if there is not enough space,
the eUICC SHALL delete one or more of the previously stored Other Notifications in order of
their Sequence Number, beginning with the lowest.

The LPA SHALL sort the Notifications and group them by SM-DP+. The LPA SHALL send
Notifications of a group one by one according to the sequence number, lowest number
(oldest Notification) first. The next Notification of a group SHALL NOT be sent until LPA
receives a success or failure response from the SM-DP+ for the previous Notification. The
LPA MAY send Notifications from different groups sequentially or in parallel (i.e., there is no
need to wait for the acknowledgment of a Notification from one group before sending a
Notification from another group).

The SM-DP+ SHALL forward notifications as agreed with the Operator owning the Profile.

hide footbox
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participant "Operator " as Operator1 #FFFFFF

participant "SM-DP+" as SMDP1 #FFFFFF
participant "LPAd" as LPA #FFFFFF
Participant "eUICC" as eUICC #FFFFFF

alt Notifications are retrieved from the eUICC LPA -> eUICC : [1]
eUICC -> LPA : [2] [List of pending Notification Metadata]

LPA -> eUICC : [3] ES10b.Retrieve PendingNotificationsList

eUICC -> LPA : [4] List of pending Notifications
else Notifications are retrieved from another LPAd (e.g., in Device Change)
rnote over LPA #FFFFFF
[4a] LPAd receives Notification(s) from another LPAd
end rnote
rnote over LPA #FFFFFF
[4b] LPAd sorts the Notifications according to the SM-DP+s
end rnote
loop for each SM-DP+
rnote over SMDP1, LPA #FFFFFF
[5] TLS session establishment
end rnote
loop for each Notification (sent to this SM-DP+)
LPA -> SMDP1 : [6] ES9+.HandleNotification(notification)
alt Notification ack failed
SMDP1 --> LPA : \n[7a] Error
else Notification ack successful
SMDP1 -> LPA : \n[7b] Ok
rnote over SMDP1 #FFFFFF
[7c] Verify signature
[7d] [Verify ICCID]

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[7e] Handle sequence number
end rnote
SMDP1 -> Operator1 : [8] ES2+.HandleNotification(notification)
Operator1 -> SMDP1 : [9] Ok
LPA -> eUICC : [10] ES10b.RemoveNotificationFromList(SeqNumber)
rnote over eUICC #FFFFFF
[11] eUICC removes
this Notification
from the storage
end rnote


Figure 24: Sending of Notifications

The figure above illustrates the sending of Notifications to two distinct SM-DP+s in a
sequential manner for ease of representation. However, the LPA MAY send Notifications to
SM-DP+ n and SM-DP+ m in parallel. The figure illustrates also the forwarding of
Notifications to two distinct Operators.

Start Conditions:
A Profile has been Enabled, Disabled, Installed or Deleted.


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The following steps 1 to 4 are performed if the LPAd retrieves Notification(s) from the

1. Optionally, the LPAd queries the eUICC for the List of Pending Notifications.
2. The eUICC provides the LPAd with the List of Pending Notification Metadata.
3. The LPAd queries the eUICC for the Pending Notifications List.
4. The eUICC provides the LPAd with the Pending Notifications List.
The following step 4a is performed if the LPAd retrieves Notification(s) from another LPAd
(e.g., in case of Device Change):

4a. The LPAd (e.g., the LPAd of new Device in Device Change) receives Notification(s)
from another LPAd (e.g., the LPAd of old Device in Device Change).

4b. The LPAd sorts the Notifications according to the addressed SM-DP+s.

The following steps 5 to 11 are performed for each addressed SM-DP+:

5. The LPAd establishes a TLS secure channel with the SM-DP+.

The following steps 6 to 11 are performed for each Notification for this SM-DP+ in order
of their sequence numbers:

6. The LPAd sends the Notification to the SM-DP+.

7a. The SM-DP+ SHOULD return one of HTTP status code 4XX or 5XX for an error
preventing the PendingNotification from being processed.
7b. The SM-DP+ SHALL return HTTP status code 204 if the PendingNotification has
been successfully received, even if the sequence number is lower than or equal to
the highest sequence number of all valid Notifications received so far.
7c. The SM-DP+ SHALL verify the signature of the notification. Processing for
Notifications failing this verification SHALL stop.
7d. If the SM-DP+ has the information which Profile was loaded onto which eUICC, it
SHALL verify that EID and ICCID of the notification are matching.
Actions upon a failure of these verifications are out of scope of this specification.
7e. If the sequence number is lower than or equal to the highest sequence number of all
valid Notifications received so far, the SM-DP+ SHALL NOT update the Profile state
and SHOULD NOT forward the notification to the Operator.
8. The SM-DP+ forwards the Notification to the Operator.
9. The Operator acknowledges Notification reception.
10. The LPAd:
 SHALL call the "ES10b.RemoveNotificationFromList" function upon receiving
HTTP status code 204.
 SHALL NOT call the "ES10b.RemoveNotificationFromList" function upon
receiving HTTP status code 5XX.
 MAY call the "ES10b.RemoveNotificationFromList" function upon receiving HTTP
status code 4XX.
11. The eUICC removes the Notification from the Pending Notifications List.
Steps 6 – 11 SHALL be repeated per each Notification in the Pending Notifications List.

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3.6 SM-DS

3.6.0 Requirements
A Root SM-DS SHALL process Event Registrations and Event Retrieval in a non-
discriminatory manner.

An SM-DS SHOULD protect itself to avoid becoming a point of injection for DoS or spam

An SM-DS MAY limit the lifetime of Event Records based upon service agreements for
operational reasons. If this was a cascaded registration to a Root SM-DS, the SM-DS
SHALL first delete the cascaded event on that Root SM-DS.

NOTE: the lifetime of an Event Record can expire if, e.g., it is not retrieved or processed by
the LPA due to any reason including filtering, or it is not properly deleted by the SM-DP+.

3.6.1 Event Registration

Profile download events and RPM events are registered to a Root SM-DS specified by the
Operator, optionally cascaded through an Alternative SM-DS specified by the Operator.

If the Operator specifies an SM-DS using the string '.unspecified', the SM-DP+
SHOULD determine the SM-DS in an implementation-dependent manner. (As one example,
the SM-DP+ could default to the GSMA Root SM-DS.) The SM-DP+ MAY also interpret
additional strings that begin with the prefix '.x-' (e.g., '.x-example') in an
implementation-dependent manner. Event Registration without Cascade

This procedure applies when the SM-DP+ registers an event directly to a Root SM-DS.

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participant "<b>Operator" as O
participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>SM-DS" as DS

O -> DP : ES2+.ConfirmOrder or\nES2+.RpmOrder

DP -> DS : [1] ES12.RegisterEvent\n(EID, SM-DP+ address, EventID,

ForwardingIndicator=false,\nEventType, [HashedIccid(s)], [Salt],
[ServiceProviderName], [OperatorId])

rnote over DS #FFFFFF

[2] Store the Event Record
together with SM-DP+ OID
DS --> DP : [3] OK

DP --> O : OK


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Figure 25: Event Registration Procedure without Cascade

Start Conditions:

The Operator places a Profile download or RPM order to the SM-DP+ with a Root SM-DS
Address, as described in section 3.6.1.

The SM-DP+ generates an EventID that is used to uniquely identify within its context either
the Profile download order or RPM order.

EventIDs SHALL be unique per SM-DP+ and SHALL NOT be reused.

NOTE: This allows the LPA to keep a trace of already processed events and detect
events still pending at an SM-DS that have been already processed.

The SM-DP+ and SM-DS are mutually authenticated. The SM-DP+ OID has been retrieved
from the TLS certificate used for mutual authentication.


1. The SM-DP+ calls "ES12.RegisterEvent" function comprising of EID, RSP Server

address, EventID, ForwardingIndicator set to 'false', EventType, and optionally
HashedIccid(s), Salt, ServiceProviderName, and OperatorId.
2. The SM-DS stores the received Event Record, together with the SM-DP+ OID
retrieved from the SM-DP+ Certificate. The value of ForwardingIndicator SHALL be
ignored by the Root SM-DS.
3. The SM-DS acknowledges the registration. Event Registration with Cascade

This procedure applies when the SM-DP+ registers an event to an Alternative SM-DS, which
in turn registers it to a Root SM-DS.

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participant "<b>Operator" as O
participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>Alt SM-DS" as ADS
participant "<b>Root SM-DS" as RDS

O -> DP : ES2+.ConfirmOrder or\nES2+.RpmOrder

DP -> ADS : [1] ES12.RegisterEvent\n(EID, SM-DP+ address, EventID1,

ForwardingIndicator=true, Root SM-DS address\nEventType, [HashedIccid(s)], [Salt],
[ServiceProviderName], [OperatorId])

rnote over ADS #FFFFFF

[2] Generate EventID2
[3] Store the Event Record
together with EventID2, SM-DP+ OID, Root SM-DS address

ADS -> RDS : [4] ES15.RegisterEvent\n(EID, Alt SM-DS address, EventID2,

ForwardingIndicator=false,\nEventType, [HashedIccid(s)], [Salt],
[ServiceProviderName], [OperatorId])

rnote over RDS #FFFFFF

[5] Store the Event Record
together with Alt SM-DS OID

RDS --> ADS : [6] OK

ADS --> DP : [7] OK
DP --> O : OK


Figure 26: Event Registration Procedure with Cascade

Start Conditions:

The Operator places a Profile download or RPM order to the SM-DP+ with an Alternative
SM-DS address and/or a Root SM-DS address, as described in section 3.6.1.

The requirements for EventIDs in section SHALL also apply to EventID1 and
EventID2; the latter SHALL be unique, and not be re-used, per Alternative SM-DS.

The SM-DP+ and Alternative SM-DS are mutually authenticated. The SM-DP+ OID has
been retrieved from the TLS certificate used for mutual authentication.

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The Alternative SM-DS and Root SM-DS are mutually authenticated. The Alternative SM-DS
OID has been retrieved from the TLS certificate used for mutual authentication.


1. The SM-DP+ calls "ES12.RegisterEvent" function comprising of EID, RSP Server

address of SM-DP+, EventID1, ForwardingIndicator set to 'true', Root SM-DS address
(FQDN), EventType, and optionally HashedIccid(s), Salt, ServiceProviderName, and
2. As the ForwardingIndicator indicates forwarding of the registration, the Alternative
SM-DS generates a new EventID2.
3. The Alternative SM-DS stores the received Event Record, together with EventID2, the
SM-DP+ OID retrieved from the SM-DP+ Certificate, and the address of the Root
4. The Alternative SM-DS calls "ES15.RegisterEvent" function of the Root SM-DS
comprising EID, RSP Server address of the Alternative SM-DS, generated EventID2,
ForwardingIndicator set to 'false', and EventType. This function call further comprises
HashedIccid(s), Salt, ServiceProviderName, and OperatorId if these are received in
step (1).
5. The Root SM-DS stores the received Event Record, together with the SM-DS OID
retrieved from the Alternative SM-DS Certificate.
6. The Root SM-DS acknowledges the registration.
7. The Alternative SM-DS acknowledges the registration.

3.6.2 Event Retrieval

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participant "<b>SM-DS" as DS
participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as E

rnote over DS, E #FFFFFF : [1] [Refer to Common mutual authentication procedure
section 3.0.1]

rnote over DS #FFFFFF

- Look for pendingEvent Record(s) for the eUICC

group Cond MatchingId not found.

DS --> LPA : error
group Cond. eUICC indicated signedSmdsResponseV3Support
rnote over LPA, E : Refer to Common Cancel Session procedure section 3.0.2

alt LPA and SM-DS both support signed Event Records

rnote over DS #FFFFFF
- [Build smdsSigned2 = {TransactionID, list of Event Records, [ECID],
- [Compute smdsSignature2 over smdsSigned2 and euiccSignature1]

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DS --> LPA : [4] TransactionID, smdsSigned2, smdsSignature2

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF : [5] Verify SM-DS response

group Cond. signed Event Records are missing

rnote over LPA, E : Refer to Common Cancel Session procedure section 3.0.2
group Cond. eUICC supports signed Event Records

LPA -> E : [6] ES10a.VerifySmdsResponse

rnote over E #FFFFFF : [7] Verify smdsSignature2
E --> LPA : ok/error

else Otherwise
DS --> LPA : [8] TransactionID, Event Records
end alt

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF

[9] [Filter the Event Record(s)]
[10] [Process the Event Record(s) sequentially]

opt ECID is received

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF : [11] Store and associate the ECID with the SM-DS address
end opt


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Figure 27: Event Retrieval Procedure

Start Conditions:

In addition to the start conditions required by the common mutual authentication procedure
defined in section 3.0.1, Event(s) are registered on the SM-DS by one or more

The LPAd has determined the set of configured Root SM-DS addresses. It MAY retrieve one
or more Root SM-DS addresses configured on the eUICC (using
ES10a.GetEuiccConfiguredData). In addition, it MAY retrieve them from where they are
configured on the Device.

As a result of previous Event Retrieval(s), if the LPAd received ECID(s) for the
corresponding SM-DS(s) and stored them into the Device, the LPAd SHOULD initiate the
Event Checking procedure, as described in section 3.6.4, to the SM-DS prior to the Event
Retrieval procedure. The LPAd SHOULD use the Root SM-DS address(es) configured on a
removable eUICC.

The event retrieval procedure is used in the following cases:

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a) To retrieve Events from an SM-DS (a Root SM-DS or a Profile Polling Address) when
there is no EventID. This includes, but is not limited to, the following trigger

o The End User MAY manually query for pending Event Records from the
configured SM-DS(s). The LUId MAY implement this query in combination
with other related operations, for example, as a composite 'Add Profile'
o The LPAd MAY query the configured SM-DS(s) as part of Device power-on
Profile discovery as described in section 3.4.4.
o The LPAd MAY query the SM-DS(s) if the received isPendingEvent was
set to true as a response of the ES11.CheckEvent from the configured
o In the case of the Profile Polling Address, if an allowed eSIM CA RootCA
public key identifier is stored in the Profile, the LPAd SHALL restrict the
eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers to that value.
o The LPAd MAY query the SM-DS(s) if the LPAd received a push
notification of the SM-DS(s) from the push client hosted on the Device.
o In the case of the Root SM-DS(s) the LPAd SHALL NOT restrict the eSIM
CA RootCA public key identifiers that are used for this procedure.
b) To retrieve an Event from an SM-DS with a specific EventID. This corresponds to the
retrieval of a cascaded Event from the alternative SM-DS. If there was a restriction to
a single eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier to obtain the EventID, then the LPAd
SHALL apply the same restriction in this procedure.


1. The common mutual authentication procedure defined in section 3.0.1 SHALL be

executed. When this procedure is used for SM-DS, SM-XX, CERT.XXauth.SIG,
PK.XXauth.SIG, SK.XXauth.SIG, and ESXX are SM-DS, CERT.DSauth.SIG,
PK.DSauth.SIG, SK.DSauth.SIG, and ES11, respectively.

In addition, the LPAd SHALL build the ctxParams1 data object to provide the
MatchingID, the MatchingID Source, the operationType, and Device Info to the
eUICC for signature. The value of the MatchingID and MatchingID Source SHALL be
set as follows:

 For case a), the MatchingID SHALL be missing, and the MatchingID Source value
SHALL be set to 'none'.
 For case b), the MatchingID value SHALL be set to the EventID found in the
Event Record that LPAd is processing, and the MatchingID Source value SHALL
be set to the OID of the Root SM-DS that provided the EventID.
2. After having successfully authenticated the eUICC at the end of the step (1), the
SM-DS SHALL ignore the matchingIdSource, and iccid (if any) parameters contained
in the "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" function call, and check if there are pending Event
Records matching the following criteria, where the absence of operationType SHALL
be regarded as a Profile Download request:

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 If MatchingID is missing: the EID and the EventType in an Event Record match
the EID in the CERT.EUICC.SIG obtained during step (1) and the operationType
in the function call, respectively (Case a)). The resulting list MAY be empty.
 If MatchingID has a value of non-zero-length:
 the EventID2, the EID, and the EventType in an Event Record match the
EventID in the MatchingID, the EID in the CERT.EUICC.SIG obtained during
step (1), and the operationType in the function call, respectively (case b)).
 If no Event Record is found, an appropriate error status SHALL be returned to
the LPAd. If the eUICC indicated signedSmdsResponseV3Support, the
LPAd SHALL send "ES10b.CancelSession" to the eUICC with a reason
sessionAborted. The procedure SHALL stop.

If the LPAd indicated signedSmdsResponseV3Support and the SM-DS indicated

eventListSigningV3Support during Common Mutual Authentication, the procedure
continues with step 3; otherwise, it continues with step 8.
3. The SM-DS SHALL generate an smdsSigned2 data structure containing the
TransactionID, Event Record(s) , optionally the ECID, and
pushServiceRefreshTime and compute the smdsSignature2 over
smdsSigned2 and euiccSignature1 using the SK.DSauth.SIG. The Event
Record(s) SHALL be ordered as registered in the SM-DS.
4. The SM-DS SHALL respond to the LPAd with TransactionID, smdsSigned2, and
5. If smdsSigned2 or smdsSignature2 is missing, then the LPAd SHALL send
"ES10b.CancelSession" to the eUICC with a reason sessionAborted, and the
procedure SHALL stop.
If the eUICC indicated signedSmdsResponseV3Support during Common Mutual
6. The LPAd SHALL call the "ES10a.VerifySmdsResponse" function to verify the SM-
DS signature.
7. The eUICC SHALL verify smdsSignature2 and return success or an error status to
the LPAd. If the eUICC returns an error the procedure SHALL stop, otherwise the
procedure SHALL continue with step 9.

NOTE: If the eUICC did not indicate signedSmdsResponseV3Support, the LPAd

MAY verify smdsSignature2 itself.

If either the LPAd or SM-DS does not support signed Event Records:

8. The SM-DS SHALL respond to the LPAd with TransactionID and unsigned Event
Records. The Event Record(s) SHALL be ordered as registered in the SM-DS.


9. The LPAd SHOULD filter the received Event Record(s) based upon the information
contained therein and Profile Metadata of the installed Profile(s). Example of the
filtering includes, but not limited to:
 The LPAd can check if the Profile that will be installed by the Event Record is
already installed. If so, the LPAd can ignore the Event Record.

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 The LPAd can check if the target Profile(s) of the RPM Package that will be
received by the Event Record is available. If not, the LPAd can ignore the Event
 The LPAd can check if the Service Provider and/or Operator is Profile Owner of
the target Profile(s). If not, the LPAd can ignore the Event Record.
10. If the filtered Event Record list is not empty, the LPAd SHALL process the received
Event Records in the order received, by sequentially contacting each RSP Server
with the corresponding EventID with MatchingID source set to the OID of the SM-DS
from which the Events were retrieved.

NOTE: The LPA MAY also process the Event Record that are filtered out in step

11. If the ECID was received in the response from an SM-DS, the LPAd SHOULD store
and associate the ECID with the SM-DS address.

3.6.3 Event Deletion Event Deletion without Cascade

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participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>SM-DS" as DS

DP -> DS : [1] ES12.DeleteEvent (EID, EventID)

rnote over DS #FFFFFF

- Retrieve the Event Record

DS --> DP : [error]

rnote over DS #FFFFFF

- Delete the Event Record
DS --> DP : [3] Deletion Status


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Figure 28: Event Deletion Procedure without Cascade

Start Conditions:

An Event Record is stored in the SM-DS, which is identified by the EID, EventID and

The related Registration was not cascaded.

The SM-DP+ and SM-DS are mutually authenticated. The SM-DP+ OID has been retrieved
from the TLS certificate used for mutual authentication.


1. The SM-DP+ calls "ES12.DeleteEvent" function including the EID and EventID.
2. The SM-DS SHALL verify that there is an Event Record identified by the SM-DP+
OID and EventID. If no Event Record is found, the SM-DS SHALL return the relevant
error status and the procedure SHALL stop.
2a. The SM-DS SHALL delete the Event Record identified by the SM-DP+ OID and
3. The SM-DS SHALL return the deletion status. Event Deletion with Cascade

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participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>Alt SM-DS" as ADS
participant "<b>Root SM-DS" as RDS

DP -> ADS : [1] ES12.DeleteEvent (EID, EventID1)

rnote over ADS #FFFFFF


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- Retrieve the Event Record and
associated Root SM-DS address

ADS --> DP : [error]

ADS -> RDS : [3] ES12.DeleteEvent\n(EID, EventID2)

rnote over RDS #FFFFFF

- Retrieve the Event Record

RDS --> ADS : [error]

rnote over RDS #FFFFFF

- Delete the Event Record

RDS --> ADS : [5] Deletion Status

rnote over ADS #FFFFFF

- [Delete the Event Record]

ADS --> DP : [7] Deletion Status


Figure 29: Event Deletion Procedure with Cascade

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Start Conditions:

Start condition is same as for section except the following:

The related Registration was cascaded. The Alternative SM-DS has stored the Root SM-DS
associated with each cascaded Event Record.


1. The SM-DP+ calls "ES12.DeleteEvent" function including the EID and EventID1.
2. The Alternative SM-DS SHALL verify that there is a stored Event Record identified by
the SM-DP+ OID and EventID1. If no Event Record is found, the SM-DS SHALL
return the relevant error status and the procedure SHALL stop.
3. As EventID2 is not empty, i.e., the Alternative SM-DS previously cascaded the
registration according to, the Alternative SM-DS calls "ES12.DeleteEvent"
function including the EID and EventID2 which were used in the registration to the
Root SM-DS whose address it stored along with the Event Record when the event
was registered.
4. The Root SM-DS SHALL verifies that there is a stored Event Record identified by the
SM-DS OID and EventID2. If no Event Record is found, the Root SM-DS SHALL
return the relevant error status.
4a. Otherwise, the Root SM-DS SHALL delete the Event Record identified by the SM-DS
OID and EventID2.
5. The Root SM-DS SHALL return the deletion status.
6. If, at the Root SM-DS, the deletion of the Event Record is successful or the Event
Record is not found, the Alternative SM-DS SHALL delete the associated Event
Record from its storage.
7. The Alternative SM-DS SHALL return the deletion status.

3.6.4 Event Checking

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participant "<b>SM-DS" as DS
participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA

rnote over DS, LPA #FFFFFF : [1] Establish HTTPS connection

LPA -> DS: [2] ES11.CheckEvent \n (ECID)

rnote over DS #FFFFFF : [3] Verify the ECID

alt If ECID is not valid
DS --> LPA: error
rnote over LPA #FFFFFF : [4] Delete the ECID
else IF ECID is valid
rnote over DS #FFFFFF : [5] Look for pending Event Record(s) for the ECID

DS --> LPA: [6] isPendingEvent

End alt
group If isPendingEvent is true or ECID is not valid
rnote over DS, LPA #FFFFFF : [7] Refer to Event Retrieval procedure section 3.6.2

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Figure 29aa: Event Retrieval Procedure

Start Conditions:

The LPAd has determined the set of configured Root SM-DS addresses. It MAY retrieve one
or more Root SM-DS addresses configured on the eUICC (using

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ES10a.GetEuiccConfiguredData). In addition, it MAY retrieve them from where they are
configured on the Device.

As a result of previous Event Retrieval(s), the LPAd received ECID(s) for the corresponding
SM-DS(s) and stored them into the Device. If the LPAd cannot determine the ECID for the
corresponding SM-DS, the LPAd SHOULD initiate Event Retrieval procedure to the SM-DS
as described in section 3.6.2 instead of the Event Checking procedure.

The Event Checking procedure is used to determine the presence of an Event on an SM-DS.
This includes, but is not limited to, the following trigger conditions:

o The End User MAY manually query to check the presence of pending Event
Records from the configured SM-DS(s). The LUId MAY implement this query in
combination with other related operations, for example, as a composite 'Add
Profile' operation.
o The LPAd MAY query the configured SM-DS(s) as part of Device power-on Profile
discovery as described in section 3.4.4.

1. The LPAd establishes a HTTPS connection with the SM-DS as defined at step (5) of
the Common Mutual Authentication procedure in section 3.0.1.
2. The LPAd SHALL call the "ES11.EventCheck" function with the ECID corresponding
to the SM-DS.
3. The SM-DS SHALL verify that the received ECID is valid. If the verification fails, the
SM-DS SHALL return an error status "ECID – Unknown". Otherwise, the procedure
continues at step (5).
4. The LPAd SHALL delete the ECID which was used in step (2) and the procedure
continues at step (7).
5. The SM-DS SHALL check if there is a pending Event Record associated with the
received ECID. If there is a pending Event Record associated with the ECID, the SM-
DS SHALL set isPendingEvent to true. Otherwise, the SM-DS SHALL set
isPendingEvent to false.
6. The SM-DS SHALL respond to the LPAd with the isPendingEvent.
7. The LPAd SHOULD perform the event retrieval procedure as defined in section 3.6.2
if the LPAd has received isPendingEvent set to true or has received an error
status "ECID – Unknown" or "ECID – Expired". Otherwise, the LPAd SHALL
terminate the Event Checking procedure.

3.6.5 Push Service Registration

This procedure is used to register to the SM-DS a Push Token for a Push Service, so that
the SM-DS can subsequently send push notifications to the LPAd.

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participant "<b>SM-DS" as DS

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participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as E

rnote over DS, E #FFFFFF : [1] [Refer to Common mutual authentication procedure
section 3.0.1]

LPA -> DS : ES11.AuthenticateClient request \n


rnote over DS #FFFFFF

- Verify the pushServiceRegistration
- Store the pushToken and associate the pushToken with the EID

group Cond. verification fails

DS --> LPA : error
rnote over LPA, E : Refer to Common Cancel Session procedure section 3.0.2

rnote over DS #FFFFFF

- Build smdsSigned2 = {TransactionID, [pushServiceRefreshTime]}
- Compute smdsSignature2 over smdsSigned2 and euiccSignature1

DS --> LPA : [4] TransactionID, smdsSigned2, smdsSignature2

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF : [5] Verify SM-DS response

group Cond. smdsSigned2 or smdsSignature2 is missing

rnote over LPA, E : Refer to Common Cancel Session procedure section 3.0.2
group Cond. eUICC supports signed SM-DS response
LPA -> E : [6] ES10a.VerifySmdsResponse
rnote over E #FFFFFF : [7] Verify smdsSignature2
E --> LPA : ok/error

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF

[8] Enable the Push Service for corresponding SM-DS


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Figure 29ab: Push Service Registration Procedure

Start Conditions:

In addition to the start conditions required by the common mutual authentication procedure
defined in section 3.0.1, the LPAd supports a Push Service and the eUICC supports

The LPAd has retrieved the list of configured Root SM-DS addresses. It MAY retrieve one or
more Root SM-DS addresses configured on the eUICC (using
ES10a.GetEuiccConfiguredData). In addition, it MAY retrieve them from where they are
configured on the Device.

The LPAd SHOULD use the Root SM-DS address(es) configured on a removable eUICC.

Push Service registration MAY be used in following cases:

 To register a new Push Token to the Root SM-DS(s).

 To re-register a Push Token when:

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o the LPAd detects the Push Token, which was used for the Push Service, is not

o the time indicated in the pushServiceRefreshTime has been reached.


1. The common mutual authentication procedure defined in section 3.0.1 SHALL be

executed. When this procedure is used for SM-DS, SM-XX, CERT.XXauth.SIG,
PK.XXauth.SIG, SK.XXauth.SIG, and ESXX are SM-DS, CERT.DSauth.SIG,
PK.DSauth.SIG, SK.DSauth.SIG, and ES11, respectively.

During the common mutual authentication procedure at step (10), if both the LPAd
and the SM-DS indicated their support of a Push Service, in lpaRspCapability
and serverRspCapability respectively, and the SM-DS provided
supportedPushServices at step (9), the LPAd SHALL select one Push Service
supported by both the LPAd and the SM-DS from the supportedPushService.

NOTE: The LPAd may perform additional operations to retrieve an appropriate

Push Token for the selected Push Service, e.g., interaction with the push
server, which are out of scope of this specification.

In addition, the LPAd SHALL build the ctxParams1 data object with
ctxParamsForPushServiceRegistration comprising the
selectedPushService and the pushToken.

2. After having successfully authenticated the eUICC at the end of the step (1), the
SM-DS SHALL verify that the selectedPushService indicated in the
pushServiceRegistration is supported by the SM-DS. If supported, the SM-DS
SHALL store the receivied Push Token and associate the Push Token with the EID.
Otherwise, an appropriate error status SHALL be returned to the LPAd and the
procedure SHALL stop.
3. The SM-DS SHALL generate an smdsSigned2 data structure containing the
TransactionID and optionally pushServiceRefreshTime and compute the
smdsSignature2 over smdsSigned2 and euiccSignature1 using the
4. The SM-DS SHALL respond to the LPAd with TransactionID, smdsSigned2, and
5. If smdsSigned2 or smdsSignature2 is missing, then the LPAd SHALL send
"ES10b.CancelSession" to the eUICC with a reason sessionAborted, and the
procedure SHALL stop.

If the eUICC indicated signedSmdsResponseV3Support during Common Mutual

6. The LPAd SHALL call the "ES10a.VerifySmdsResponse" function to verify the SM-
DS signature.
7. The eUICC SHALL verify smdsSignature2 and return success or an error status to
the LPAd. If the eUICC returns an error, the procedure SHALL stop.

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NOTE: If the eUICC did not indicate signedSmdsResponseV3Support, the LPAd MAY
verify smdsSignature2 itself.

8. The LPAd enables the selected Push Service for a corresponding SM-DS. If
pushServiceRefreshTime was received in the response from the SM-DS, the
LPA SHALL store the value.

3.7 Remote Profile Management

The Operator initiates Remote Profile Management (RPM) procedure using the ES2+
RPM is executed by a Managing SM-DP+. A Profile MAY be configured to allow RPM by
several Managing SM-DP+s. This specification assumes that a Managing SM-DP+ that
prepares an RPM Package has full knowledge of the state of a Profile. How this state is
synchronised among multiple Managing SM-DP+s, or procedures where a Managing SM-
DP+ does not have full knowledge of the state of a Profile are out of the scope of this
The LPA downloads an RPM Package using the ES9+ interface as described in section
3.7.2. An RPM Package MAY contain one or more RPM Commands.
Each RPM Command SHALL require Confirmation Request enforced by the LPA as
described in section 3.7.2. The specific implementation of Confirmation Request by the LPA
is out of scope of this specification.
Confirmation Request on multiple RPM Commands for consecutive operations MAY be
combined to simplify the user experience and avoid repeated input steps for the End User.
For instance, when executing two RPM Commands in an RPM Package, the Strong
Confirmation for the first RPM Command and the Simple Confirmation for the second RPM
Command MAY be combined. In the case of combined Confirmation Requests, it SHALL be
clear to the End User what RPM Commands will be executed, and the highest Confirmation
Level SHALL be obtained.
If End User accepts the execution of the RPM Package, the LPA transfers the RPM Package
to the eUICC as described in section 3.7.3. The eUICC executes the RPM Command(s)
contained in the RPM Package in the received order and generates the Load RPM Package
Result specified in section 2.10.2.
Upon completing the execution of an RPM Package, the Operator receives the Load RPM
Package Result. Based upon the outcome, the Operator can choose to initiate additional
RPM operations. For instance, if a 'Contact PCMP' command resulted in a
noLprConfiguration error, the Operator could request a new RPM Package containing
both an 'Update Metadata' command with pcmpAddress and a 'Contact PCMP' command.

3.7.1 RPM Initiation

This procedure is used by Operator to issue an RPM Command(s).
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participant "<b>Operator" as OP

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participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>SM-DS" as DS

rnote over OP : [1] [Generate a MatchingID]

OP -> DP : [2] ES2+.RpmOrder(eid, rpmScript, [MatchingID], [rootSmdsAddress [,
rnote left DS
[3] Verify Profile Owner
[4] Prepare RPM Package
[5] [Generate a MatchingID]
rnote over DP, DS : [6] [Event Registration]
DP --> OP : [7] MatchingID

Figure 29a: RPM Initiation

Start Condition:

 The target eUICC has already installed a Profile from the Operator.
 The SM-DP+ is a Managing SM-DP+ of the target Profile.

1. Optionally, the Operator MAY generate a MatchingID.
2. The Operator calls the "ES2+.RpmOrder" (section 5.3.6) function for the SM-DP+
with the relevant input data.
The Operator SHALL send the rpmScript.
The Operator MAY send the MatchingID generated in step (1). If a Default SM-DP+
is to be used for the RPM download, then the Operator MAY send an empty string in
the MatchingID value field.
The Operator MAY send the address of a Root SM-DS, and optionally also the
address of an Alternative SM-DS, to the SM-DP+ as defined in section 3.6.1. If the
Default SM-DP+ is to be used, then the SM-DS address SHALL NOT be present.
The SM-DP+ SHALL store the functionRequesterIdentifier and functionCallIdentifier
values of the "ES2+.RpmOrder" function call, which SHALL be used as
notificationReceiverIdentifier and notificationIdentifier, respectively, in subsequent
"ES2+.HandleNotification" calls related to this order.
3. If an rpmScript is provided, the SM-DP+ SHALL verify that the Operator is the Profile
Owner of all targeted Profiles.

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4. The SM-DP+ prepares an RPM Package.
5. If the MatchingID is not provided in step (2), the SM-DP+ SHALL generate a
MatchingID in this step. The RPM Package SHALL be associated to the MatchingID.
6. As an optional step, if the SM-DS address is given in step (2), then the SM-DP+
SHALL perform Event Registration to the specified SM-DS.
7. The SM-DP+ returns MatchingID to the Operator. If the Operator provided a
MatchingID in step (2), then the returned MatchingID SHALL be the same.

3.7.2 RPM Download

This procedure is used by LPA to download an RPM Package and to get End User consent
on RPM Execution.
The procedure applies for SEP and MEP. The following applies for Command Port:

Command Port
MEP-A1/A2 0
MEP-B >=0
SEP Physical interface

All communication between the LPA and the eUICC in the RPM Download procedure
SHALL use the Command Port.

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participant "<b>Operator" as OP
participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as E

rnote over LPA, E

[1] (a) Get SM-DP+ Address [and CI PKid] from Polling Address, or
(b) Get SM-DP+ Address and EventID from SM-DS, or
(c) Get Default SM-DP+ Address [and CI PKID] from eUICC or Device, or
(d) Reuse SM-DP+ Address [and CI PKID] from the previous RSP session

rnote over DP, E : [2] Refer to Common mutual authentication procedure section

rnote over DP
[3] Look for pending RPM Package

DP --> LPA : [ERROR]

group Opt.
DP -> OP : [4] ES2+.HandleNotification(...)
OP --> DP : OK

rnote over DP

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- Build smdpSigned3 = {TransactionID, RpmPackage, [rpmPending]}
- Compute smdpSignature3 over smdpSigned3 and euiccSignature1

DP -> LPA : [6] TransactionID, smdpSigned3, smdpSignature3

opt RPM disabled, RPM Package contains unsupported command, or invalid RPM Package
rnote over OP, E : Refer to Common Cancel Session procedure section 3.0.2

LPA -> E : [7] [ES10c.GetProfilesInfo]

E --> LPA : [ProfileInfoListOk]

rnote over LPA

- Check RPM Package against PPR(s)
- [User Consent]
- [User Confirmation]
- [Invalidate cached Metadata]

alt Download rejection

rnote over OP, E : Refer to Common Cancel Session procedure section 3.0.2
else Download confirmation
rnote over OP, E : Refer to Sub-procedure RPM Execution


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Figure 29b: RPM Download

Start Condition:
In addition to the start conditions required by the common mutual authentication procedure
defined in section 3.0.1, this procedure requires the following start conditions depending on
options in step (1):
 If this procedure uses a Polling Address (option a):
o The LPAd has retrieved the SM-DP+ Address and allowed eSIM CA RootCA
public key identifier, if any, from the Profile Metadata, if the Polling Address
indicates the SM-DP+; or
o The LPAd has retrieved the SM-DP+ Address and EventID from the SM-DS,
if the Polling Address indicates the SM-DS.
o The LPAd has retrieved the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier
associated with the Polling Address, if any, from the eUICC. If the retrieved
data includes an allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier, then the
LPAd SHALL restrict the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers to
that value.

 If this procedure uses an SM-DS (option b):

o The LPAd has retrieved an SM-DP+ Address and EventID from the SM-DS.
If there was a restriction of the eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier for
the SM-DS procedure, the LPAd SHALL apply a restriction to the same
eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier for the RPM download and
installation procedure.
 If this procedure uses a Default SM-DP+ (option c):
o The LPAd has retrieved the Default SM-DP+ Address and allowed eSIM CA
RootCA public key identifier, if any, from the eUICC or the Device. If the
retrieved data includes an allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier,
then the LPAd SHALL restrict the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key
identifiers to that value.
 If this procedure is triggered by rpmPending returned in a previous RSP session
(option d):
o The LPAd SHALL reuse the SM-DP+ Address from the previous RSP
session. The LPAd SHALL apply a restriction to the same eSIM CA RootCA
public key identifier on the allowed CI public key identifiers.
A Provisioning Profile MAY be enabled by the LPAd upon End User request for RSP
operations as defined in SGP.21 [4], which SHALL include End User consent if an
Operational Profile is to be disabled and if establishment of the connectivity using the
currently Enabled Profile is not successful.

1. The LPAd has retrieved an SM-DP+ address from either SM-DS, eUICC or Polling
Address and allowed eSIM CA RootCA Public Key identifier, if any.
2. The common mutual authentication procedure defined in section 3.0.1 SHALL be
executed, conditionally restricting the allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers

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to a single allowed value as described in the Start Conditions above. In this
procedure, SM-XX is SM-DP+. CERT.XXauth.SIG, PK.XXauth.SIG and
SK.XXauth.SIG are CERT.DPauth.SIG, PK.DPauth.SIG and SK.DPauth.SIG
respectively. ESXX is ES9+.
During the common mutual authentication procedure at step (10), the LPAd SHALL
build the ctxParams1 data object to provide the MatchingID, MatchingID Source,
Device Info, operationType and iccid (optional) to the eUICC for signature. The
operationType SHALL include 'rpm'. If this function is called in the context of polling
RPM for a specific Target Profile, the iccid of the Target Profile SHALL be present;
otherwise, it SHALL NOT be present. The value of the MatchingID and MatchingID
Source SHALL be set as follows:
 If a Default SM-DP+ or Polling Address (which indicates an SM-DP+) is used, the
MatchingID SHALL be missing and the MatchingID Source value SHALL be set to
 If an SM-DS is used, the MatchingID value SHALL be set to EventID and the
MatchingID Source value SHALL be set to the OID of the SM-DS that provided
the EventID.
 If rpmPending was received in the previous RSP session, the matchingId
SHALL be missing and the matchingIdSource value SHALL be set to none.
3. The SM-DP+ SHALL:
 Verify that there is a pending RPM Package for the EID of the authenticated
 If there is a pending RPM Package, then verify that the eUICC indicates
rpmSupport in EuiccRspCapability.
 If MatchingID is provided, then verify that it matches the MatchingID bound to the
pending RPM Package.
If any of these verifications fail, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a relevant error status and
the procedure SHALL stop.
4. (Optional step) Depending on the agreed behaviour with the Operator (out of scope
of this specification), the SM-DP+ SHALL notify the Operator using the function
"ES2+.HandleNotification" with the notificationEvent indicating 'Eligibility and
attempt limit check.
NOTE: This notification step MAY be done asynchronously.

5. The SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Determine if another RPM Package for the eid is pending.
 Generate an smdpSigned3 data structure containing associated data elements.
 Compute the smdpSignature3.
6. The SM-DP+ returns the "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" response to the LPAd. The LPAd
SHALL check the following.
 If the RPM operation is disabled in the LPA by the End User, then the LPAd
SHALL cancel the RPM download by performing the Common Cancel Session
procedure with the reason rpmDisabled.

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 If the RPM Package violates any of the limitations defined in section 2.10.1, then
the LPAd SHOULD cancel the RPM Package download by performing the
Common Cancel Session procedure hereunder with the reason
 If the RPM Package contains an RPM Command 'Contact PCMP':
o If the LPAd does not support the LPRd, then the LPAd SHOULD cancel the
RPM download by performing the Common Cancel Session procedure with
the reason lprNotSupported.
o If the only available data connection is mobile network (cellular) data, and if
the End User has disallowed use of mobile network data for the LPA Proxy,
then the LPAd SHALL cancel the RPM download by performing the
Common Cancel Session procedure with the reason
7. As an optional step, if the LPAd does not already have the Profile Metadata of the
Target Profile(s) identified by the ICCID(s) in the RPM Package (if any), then the
LPAd SHALL request the information from the eUICC by calling the
"ES10c.GetProfilesInfo" function.
8. The LPAd SHALL check the Profile Metadata of the Target Profile(s). If the Profile
Metadata of the Target Profile includes any PPR and/or Enterprise Rule, then the
LPAd SHOULD ask for the End User consent by showing relevant information
concerning the Profile and PPR(s) and/or Enterprise Rule(s). This information MAY
include the consequences of the Profile Policy Rule and/or Enterprise Rule to the
End User. This message SHALL be formulated in a descriptive and non-
discriminatory manner (e.g., for "Non-Disable" Profile Policy Rule: "The RPM
Command for Profile X that you are about to allow can be undone only under the
terms you have agreed with your service provider. Approve RPM Command
The LPAd MAY show relevant information to the End User if the RPM Command
results in PPR(s) being unset.
The LPAd SHALL ask for Confirmation Request(s) on the execution of RPM
Commands, either combined or separated, by showing any relevant information in
the RPM Package and the Profile Metadata of the Target Profile(s). The Confirmation
Request(s) MAY be combined with the End User consent on PPR and/or Enterprise
Rule above. The Confirmation Level for each RPM Command SHALL be higher than
or equal to the following:

No User Confirmation: List Profile Info, Update Metadata (except for the case
below), Contact PCMP
 Simple Confirmation: Enable Profile, Disable Profile, Update Metadata (only if
the command sets the Reference Enterprise Rule)
 Strong Confirmation: Delete Profile
NOTE: For MEP-A1 and MEP-B, if there are several eSIM Ports available, the LPAd
may select an eSIM Port for Profile enabling via RPM. This may include
some End User interaction.

If the End User refuses the execution of any RPM Command (e.g., by selecting 'No'
or 'Not Now' in combined or separate User Confirmation(s)), the LPAd SHALL

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continue with the Common Cancel Session procedure with the reason
endUserRejection or postponed.
If the End User does not respond to the LPAd prompt within an implementation-
dependent timeout interval, the LPAd SHALL cancel the RPM Package download by
performing the Common Cancel Session procedure with the reason timeout.
If the RPM Package contains (an) Update Metadata command(s) and the LPAd
caches such Profile Metadata objects, the LPAd SHOULD invalidate these objects.
If the execution of the RPM Command(s) has not been rejected in the steps above, the
procedure SHALL continue with the sub-procedure "RPM Execution".

3.7.3 RPM Execution

This procedure is used by LPA to transfer RPM Package to eUICC. The eUICC sequentially
executes the RPM Command(s) contained in the RPM Package.
The procedure applies for SEP and MEP. The following applies for Command Port and
Target Port:

Command Port Target Port

MEP-A1/A2 0 >0
MEP-B As selected in the >=0, identical to or different
RPM Download from Command Port
SEP Physical interface Physical interface

The Target Port is selected in the procedure depending on the presence of Disable or
Enable commands.

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participant "<b>Operator" as OP
participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP
participant "<b>LPAd" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as E
participant "<b>Device baseband" as DevBB

LPA -> E : [1] CP: ES10b.LoadRpmPackage\n (smdpSigned3, smdpSignature3,

rnote over E
- Verify CERT.DPauth.SIG
- Verify smdpSignature3 over smdpSigned3
- Verify smdpSigned3

loop Up to the number of\n transferred RPM Commands

rnote over E

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[3] Execute an RPM Command
(see sections to

rnote over E
[3a] Generate LoadRpmPackageResult

E --> LPA : Response APDU\n(LoadRpmPackageResult)

opt Any marked Profile

E -> DevBB: [3b] TP: REFRESH

DevBB -> E: Terminal Response or RESET

rnote over E
[3c] The marked Profile(s) are
enabled, disabled or deleted

rnote over DevBB

[Network attach procedure
with the newly Enabled Profile]
end rnote

end opt

LPA -> DP : [4] ES9+.HandleNotification\n (LoadRpmPackageResult)

DP --> LPA : OK

rnote over LPA

[Trigger PCM session]

rnote over DP
[5] [Terminate RPM order]

DP -> OP : [6] [ES2+.HandleNotification]

OP --> DP : OK

rnote over DP
[7] [Delete Event, Refer to Event Deletion section 3.6.3]

LPA -> E : [8] CP: ES10b.RemoveNotificationFromList

rnote over E
[9] Delete Notification

E --> LPA : OK

rnote over DP, E

[10] [Next RSP session follows]


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Figure 29c: Sub-procedure RPM Execution

Start Conditions:

The RPM Download procedure was successfully executed.


If any call of "ES10b.LoadRpmPackage" in this sub-procedure returns status words other

than '90 00' or '91 XX', the LPAd SHALL perform the Common Cancel Session procedure
with reason code 'loadRpmPackageError'.

1. On the Command Port, the LPAd SHALL transfer smdpSigned3 and

smdpSignature3, plus for MEP-A1 and MEP-B optionally targetEsimPort (the
eSIM Port to be used for enabling a Profile via RPM) to the eUICC by calling the
"ES10b.LoadRpmPackage" function.


 Verify smdpSignature3.

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 Verify that the TransactionID contained in smdpSigned3 matches the
TransactionID of the on-going RSP session.

If any of the verifications fails, the eUICC SHALL skip to step 3a and return a relevant
error status in the generated result.

3. The eUICC SHALL execute the RPM Commands contained in the RPM Package.
Processing of a command MAY involve the Device Baseband. An error within one
command MAY terminate processing. No RpmCommandResult is generated for the
remaining commands.

3a. The eUICC SHALL generate the LoadRpmPackageResult data structure

comprising the RpmCommandResult data structure(s) generated during the
processing and execution of the RPM Command(s).

The eUICC SHALL store a signed Load RPM Package Result in its non-volatile
memory and return it to the LPAd.

The LPAd MAY inform the End User of the success or error status(es) indicated by
the LoadRpmPackageResult.
3b. If any Profile is marked as "to be disabled", "to be disabled and deleted", or "to be
enabled", the eUICC SHALL trigger a REFRESH of the Target Port as follows:

 For SEP and MEP-B if the Target Port is identical to the Command Port, the
eUICC SHALL send a REFRESH proactive command on the Target Port.
 For MEP-A1, MEP-A2 and MEP-B if the Target Port is not identical to the
Command Port, the eUICC SHALL send an LSI COMMAND proactive command
with the action "Proactive session request" on the Command Port. This results in
the Device checking for pending proactive commands on the Target Port,
whereupon the eUICC sends a REFRESH proactive command on the Target Port.

NOTE: Enabling or Disabling via RPM always uses REFRESH. A mode which does
not require a REFRESH is only defined for Local Profile Management.

3c Upon reception of the Terminal Response or after the RESET, the ISD-R SHALL:

 If a Profile is marked "to be disabled": disable the marked Profile.

 If a Profile is marked "to be disabled and deleted": disable the marked Profile
and then delete it.
 If a Profile is marked "to be enabled": enable the marked Profile.
 If any marked Profile is successfully enabled, disabled or deleted in the
previous steps, generate as many Notifications as configured in each Profile
Metadata (notificationConfigurationInfo) in the format of
 Unmark all marked Profiles.
If a Profile is now in Enabled state, the Device baseband executes the network attach
procedure on the Target Port.

4. The LPAd calls the "ES9+.HandleNotification" function in order to deliver the Load
RPM Package Result to the SM-DP+. The SM-DP+ SHALL acknowledge the

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reception of the Notification to the LPAd. If the Load RPM Package Result was not
signed by the eUICC, the procedure SHALL stop.

If the Device and the eUICC support the LPA Proxy and if appropriate connectivity is

 If the Load RPM Package Result includes the FQDN of PCMP server, the
LPRd SHALL trigger a Profile Content Management session, with the DPI in
the RPM Command (if present), as described in section 3.9.

 If the Load RPM Package Result includes a successful

EnableProfileResponse and
lprConfiguration.triggerLprOnEnableProfile is present in the
Profile Metadata of the enabled Profile, the LPAd SHALL trigger a Profile
Content Management session using the DPI in the Profile Metadata (if
present) as described in section 3.9.

5. The SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Retrieve the RPM order identified by the TransactionID. If TransactionID is

unknown, the SM-DP+ SHALL terminate its processing.
 (Conditional) Terminate the RPM order.

6. (Conditional) The SM-DP+ SHALL call the "ES2+.HandleNotification" with:

 notificationReceiverIdentifier reflecting the functionRequesterIdentifier

value of the associated "ES2+.RpmOrder";
 notificationIdentifier reflecting the functionCallIdentifier value of the
associated "ES2+.RpmOrder";
 notificationEvent indicating 'RPM execution';
 notificationEventStatus reflecting the value received in
 resultData containing the result of the execution of the RPM Package.

NOTE: The content of resultData is generated by the eUICC while processing the
ES10b.LoadRpmPackage command, and before the Device Baseband
processes a potential REFRESH proactive command. This implies that
resultData, and accordingly, notificationEventStatus, cannot reflect
any error that may occur afterwards, such as, network attachment failure.

7. (Conditional) If this procedure is executed in the context of option (b), the SM-DP+
SHALL execute the SM-DS event deletion procedure (section 3.6.3).

8. On the Command Port, the LPAd SHALL call "ES10b.RemoveNotificationFromList"

with the corresponding seqNumber. For MEP-B, this function MAY use a different
Command Port.

9. The eUICC SHALL delete the Load RPM Package Result from its non-volatile

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10. (Conditional) If the LPAd has received rpmPending in the response of
"ES9+.AuthenticateClient" function call, the LPAd SHOULD initiate an additional RSP
Session with the SM-DP+, setting the operationType to indicate rpm. If this RSP
session was triggered by an Event Record from an SM-DS, the pending RSP session
with the SM-DP+ SHOULD be executed before continuing processing any remaining
Event Records from that SM-DS. For MEP-B, a subsequent RPM session MAY use a
different Command Port. Enable Profile

This procedure is used to remotely enable a Profile already downloaded and installed on an

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skinparam ArrowColor Black
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "<b>eUICC\n<b>LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices

rnote over LPAServices

[1] Find the Target Profile
[2] Verify authorisation of the SM-DP+
[3] Verify Profiles type
[4] Verify Profile state
[5] Enforce Profile Policy Rules and Enterprise Rules
[6] Verify preceding Disable or available Port
[6a] [Set Target Port]
end rnote
rnote over LPAServices
[7] Mark Target Profile "to be enabled"

rnote over LPAServices

[8] Generate an RpmCommandResult
data structure

rnote over LPAServices

[9] [If required:
Stop processing of the RPM Package]


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Figure 29d: Enable Profile

Start Conditions:

In addition to the start conditions described in section 3.2.1 "Enable Profile", an RPM
Command 'Enable Profile' is received within an "ES10b.LoadRpmPackage".


1. The ISD-R SHALL find the Target Profile with the ICCID. If the Target Profile is not
found, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (8) with a result indicating a failure.
2. The ISD-R SHALL verify the authorisation of the SM-DP+ for the RPM Command. If
the verification fails, then the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (8) with a result indicating
a failure.
3. The ISD-R SHALL verify the type of the Target Profile and the currently Enabled
Profile (if any). If at least one of them is a Test Profile, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to
step (8) with a result indicating a failure.
4. The ISD-R SHALL verify the state of the Target Profile. If the Target Profile is not in
Disabled state, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (8) with a result indicating a failure.
5. The ISD-R SHALL check the Profile Policy Rules of the currently Enabled Profile (if
any) and the Reference Enterprise Rule (if any). If the target Profile cannot be
enabled, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (8) with a result indicating a failure.
6. For SEP, the ISD-R SHALL verify that either no Profile is currently Enabled or the
currently Enabled Profile is marked "to be disabled" or "to be disabled and deleted".
Otherwise, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (8) with a result indicating a failure.
6a. For MEP, if the Target Port was not already set in a previous RPM Disable command:
 The ISD-R SHALL verify that at least one eSIM Port is available (i.e., has no
Enabled Profile assigned). Otherwise, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (8)
with a result indicating a failure.

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 For MEP-B, if the LPAd did not indicate an eSIM Port to be used in the
"ES10b.LoadRpmPackage" and if the Command Port is available, the eUICC
SHALL select the Command Port as Target Port.
 For MEP-A1 and MEP-B, if the LPAd indicated an eSIM Port to be used in the
"ES10b.LoadRpmPackage" and if the indicated eSIM Port is available, the
eUICC SHALL select this eSIM Port as Target Port.
 For other cases for MEP-A1 and MEP-B, the behaviour of the eUICC is
implementation specific. (E.g., no eSIM Port or a non-available eSIM Port
indicated for MEP-A1 and the eUICC selecting the eSIM Port or the eUICC
generating an error.) However, it SHALL NOT result in the implicit disabling of
an Enabled Profile.
 For MEP-A2, the eUICC SHALL select an available eSIM Port as Target Port.
7. The eUICC SHALL mark the Target Profile "to be enabled".
8. The eUICC SHALL generate an RpmCommandResult data structure indicating the
result of the RPM Command 'Enable Profile'.
9. If the execution of this RPM Command fails and continueOnFailure is not
present, the ISD-R SHALL stop the execution of the remaining RPM Command(s).

End Conditions:

The Target Profile is marked "to be enabled" and, for MEP, the Target Port is defined. An
RpmCommandResult data structure containing the result of Enable Profile is stored in the
eUICC. Disable Profile

This procedure is used to remotely disable an Enabled Profile already downloaded and
installed on an eUICC.

skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "<b>eUICC\n<b>LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices

rnote over LPAServices

[1] Find the Target Profile
[2] Verify authorisation of the SM-DP+
[3] Verify Profile type and state
[4] Enforce Profile Policy Rules
end rnote
rnote over LPAServices
[5] Mark Target Profile "to be disabled"
[5a] [Set Target Port]
end rnote

rnote over LPAServices

[6] Generate an RpmCommandResult
data structure

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rnote over LPAServices
[7] [If required:
Stop processing of the RPM Package]


Figure 29e: Disable Profile

Start Conditions:

In addition to the start conditions described in section 3.2.2 "Disable Profile", an RPM
Command 'Disable Profile' is received over "ES10b.LoadRpmPackage".


1. The ISD-R SHALL find the Target Profile with the ICCID. If the Target Profile is not
found, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (6) with a result indicating a failure.
2. The ISD-R SHALL verify the authorization of the SM-DP+ for the RPM Command. If
the verification fails, then the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (6) with a result indicating
a failure.
3. The ISD-R SHALL verify the type and the state of the Target Profile. If the Target
Profile is a Test Profile or if it is not in the Enabled state, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to
step (6) with a result indicating a failure.
4. The ISD-R SHALL check the Profile Policy Rules of the currently Enabled Profile. If it
has a Profile Policy Rule "Disabling not allowed", the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step
(6) with a result indicating a failure.

NOTE: The eUICC may check in addition if the eSIM Port of the Target Profile
matches the eSIM Port indicated in the "ES10b.LoadRpmPackage". The
response to a mismatch is implementation specific. It may silently be ignored
or result in an error.

5. The eUICC SHALL mark the Target Profile "to be disabled" and, for MEP, set the
Target Port to the eSIM Port where the Target Profile is currently Enabled.

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6. The eUICC SHALL generate an RpmCommandResult data structure indicating the
result of the RPM Command 'Disable Profile'.
7. If the execution of this RPM Command fails and continueOnFailure is not
present, the ISD-R SHALL stop the execution of the remaining RPM Command(s).

End Conditions:

The Target Profile is marked "to be disabled" and, for MEP, the Target Port is defined. An
RpmCommandResult data structure containing the result of Disable Profile is stored in the
eUICC. Delete Profile

This procedure is used to remotely delete a Profile already downloaded and installed on an

The conditions under which the RPM Command MAY delete a Provisioning Profile are
implementation-dependent and out of the scope of this specification. The eUICC
implementation MAY not support deletion of a Provisioning Profile or a preloaded Test

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skinparam ArrowColor Black
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "<b>eUICC\n<b>LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices

rnote over LPAServices

[1] Find the target Profile
[2] Verify authorisation of the SM-DP+
[3] Enforce Profile Policy Rules
end rnote
alt If the Profile is in Disabled state and\n is not marked "to be enabled"
rnote over LPAServices
[4a] Delete the target Profile
else If the Profile is marked "to be disabled"
rnote over LPAServices
[4b] Mark the target Profile "to be disabled and deleted"
else Otherwise
rnote over LPAServices
[4c] Failure


rnote over LPAServices

[5] Generate an RpmCommandResult
data structure

rnote over LPAServices

[6] [If required:
Stop processing of the RPM Package]

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Figure 29f: Delete Profile

Start Conditions:

In addition to the start conditions described in section 3.2.3 "Delete Profile", an RPM
Command 'Delete Profile' is received over "ES10b.LoadRpmPackage".


1. The ISD-R SHALL find the target Profile with the ICCID. If the target Profile is not
found, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (5) with a result indicating a failure.
2. The ISD-R SHALL verify the authorisation of the SM-DP+ for the RPM Command. If
the verificationfails then the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (5) with a result indicating
a failure.
3. The ISD-R SHALL check the Profile Policy Rules of the target Profile. If it does not
allow deletion, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (5) with a result indicating a failure.
4a. If the target Profile is in Disabled state and not marked "to be enabled": The eUICC
SHALL delete the Profile. If the target Profile is successfully deleted, the eUICC
SHALL generate as many Notifications as configured in its Profile Metadata
(notificationConfigurationInfo) in the format of
4b. If the Profile is in Enabled state and marked "to be disabled": The eUICC SHALL re-
mark the target Profile "to be disabled and deleted".

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4c. If the target Profile is in Enabled state and is not marked "to be disabled", or the
target Profile is in Disabled state and is marked "to be enabled", the ISD-R SHALL
proceed to step (5) with a result indicating a failure.
5. The eUICC SHALL generate an RpmCommandResult data structure indicating the
result of the RPM Command 'Delete Profile'.
6. If the execution of this RPM Command fails and continueOnFailure is not
present, the ISD-R SHALL stop the execution of the remaining RPM Command(s).

End Conditions:

The target Profile is deleted. An RpmCommandResult data structure containing the result of
Delete Profile is stored in the eUICC. List Profile Info

This procedure is used to list information about Profiles on an eUICC.

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skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "<b>eUICC\n<b>LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices

rnote over LPAServices

[1] Find the target Profile(s)
[2] Verify authorisation of the SM-DP+
rnote over LPAServices
[3] Generate an RpmCommandResult
with the ProfileInfo of the target Profile(s)

rnote over LPAServices

[4] [If required:
Stop processing of the RPM Package]


Figure 29g: List Profiles Info

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Start Conditions:

An RPM Command 'List Profile Info' is received over ES10b.LoadRpmPackage.


1. The ISD-R SHALL find the target Profile(s) with the ICCID or the Profile Owner OID. If
no matching Profile is found, the ISD-R SHALL generate an empty response, and
proceed to step (3).
2. For all identified Profiles, the ISD-R SHALL verify the authorisation of the SM-DP+ for
the RPM Command. If the verification fails, the ISD-R SHALL remove this Profile from
the list of identified Profiles.
3. The ISD-R SHALL generate an RpmCommandResult data structure for the found
4. If the execution of this RPM Command fails and continueOnFailure is not
present, the ISD-R SHALL stop the execution of the remaining RPM Command(s).

End Conditions:

An RpmCommandResult data structure containing the ProfileInfo data object(s) that a

Managing SM-DP+ is authorised to receive. Update Metadata

This procedure is used to remotely update the Profile Metadata of a Profile already
downloaded and installed on an eUICC.

skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "<b>eUICC\n<b>LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices

rnote over LPAServices

[1] Find the target Profile
[2] Verify authorisation of the SM-DP+
[3] [Verify Enterprise Configuration]
rnote over LPAServices
[4] Update the Profile Metadata
of the target Profile
[5] [Remove referenceEnterpriseRule]

rnote over LPAServices

[6] Generate an RpmCommandResult
data structure

rnote over LPAServices

[7] [If required:
Stop processing of the RPM Package]


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Figure 29h: Update Metadata

Start Conditions:

An RPM Command 'Update Metadata' is received over "ES10b.LoadRpmPackage".


1. The ISD-R SHALL find the target Profile with the ICCID. If the target Profile is not
found, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (6) with a result indicating a failure.
2. The ISD-R SHALL verify the authorisation of the SM-DP+ for the RPM Command.If
the verification fails, then the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (6) with a result indicating
a failure.
3. If an Enterprise Configuration is to be updated: The ISD-R SHALL verify that this
update is permitted as defined in section 5.4.1. If the verification fails, the ISD-R
SHALL proceed to step (6) with a result indicating a failure.
4. The ISD-R SHALL update the Profile Metadata of the target Profile by using the
UpdateMetadataRequest specified in the RPM Command.
5. If the UpdateMetadataRequest contains an Enterprise Rule with the
referenceEnterpriseRule bit set: the ISD-R SHALL unset the referenceEnterpriseRule
bit of the Enterprise Profile for which it is currently set, if any.
6. The eUICC SHALL generate an RpmCommandResult data structure indicating the
result of the RPM Command 'Update Metadata'.
7. If execution of this RPM Command fails and continueOnFailure is not present,
the ISD-R SHALL stop the execution of the remaining RPM Command(s).

End Conditions:

The Profile Metadata of the target Profile is updated, and optionally the target Profile is
enabled. An RpmCommandResult data structure containing the result of RPM Command
'Update Metadata' is stored in the eUICC.

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GSM Association Non-confidential
RSP Technical Specification Contact PCMP
The support of the RPM Command 'Contact PCMP' is optional for the eUICC.

This procedure is used to fetch the PCMP address configured in the enabled Profile.

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skinparam ArrowColor Black
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "<b>eUICC\n<b>LPA Services (ISD-R)" as LPAServices

rnote over LPAServices

[0] Verify eUICC support of LPA Proxy
[1] Verify ICCID
[2] Verify authorisation of the SM-DP+
[3] Verify Profile state
[4] Fetch PCMP Address
[5] Generate an RpmCommandResult data structure

Figure 29i: Contact PCMP

Start Conditions:

An RPM Command 'Contact PCMP' is received over "ES10b.LoadRpmPackage".


0. If the eUICC does not support the RPM Command 'Contact PCMP', the ISD-R
SHALL proceed to step (5) with a result indicating unknownOrDamagedCommand.
1. If the target Profile cannot be identified by the ICCID, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to
step (5) with a result indicating commandError.
2. The ISD-R SHALL verify the following:

 The SM-DP+ OID specified in the RPM Command is included in the

managingDpList and is authorised to perform the RPM Command. Otherwise,
the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (5) with a result indicating commandError.
 If the Profile Metadata specifies an allowed CI public key identifier: the Subject
Key Identifier of the CI corresponding to CERT.DPauth.SIG matches that value.

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Otherwise, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (5) with a result indicating

3. If the target Profile is not currently enabled, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (4) with
a result indicating profileNotEnabled.
4. The ISD-R SHALL fetch the LPR Configuration of the target Profile to include the
PCMP Address in the RpmCommandResult. If the target Profile does not contain an
LPR Configuration, the ISD-R SHALL proceed to step (5) with a result indicating
5. The eUICC SHALL generate an RpmCommandResult data structure indicating the
result of the RPM Command 'Contact PCMP'.

End Conditions:

An RpmCommandResult data structure containing the result of Contact PCMP is stored in

the eUICC.

NOTE: See section 3.7.3 for triggering of a PCM session.

3.8 Remote Management by the Operator

3.8.1 Metadata Update via ES6

This procedure is used by the Profile Owner to update Metadata of an enabled Profile.

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skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "<b>Operator" as OP
participant "<b>Device" as Device
participant "<b>eUICC" as eUICC

OP -> eUICC: [1] ES6.UpdateMetadata(...)

rnote over eUICC
[2] Verify command and update Metadata
Opt Metadata update alerting supported
eUICC -> Device: [3] REFRESH (tag list)
rnote over Device, eUICC : [4] [Invalidate or update\n cached Profile Metadata]
end opt


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Figure 29j: Metadata Update

Start Condition:
The Profile owned by the Operator is enabled.

1. The Operator sends an UpdateMetadata via ES6 to the enabled Profile.
2. The eUICC verifies the command and updates the Metadata as defined in section
Steps 3 and 4 apply for a Device that supports Metadata update alerting:
3. The eUICC alerts the Device as follows:
 For SEP and MEP-B, the eUICC sends a REFRESH proactive command on the
eSIM Port of the Profile with mode "Application Update" and providing the tag list of all
Metadata objects updated or deleted by the UpdateMetadata.
 For MEP-A1 and MEP-A2, the eUICC first sends an LSI COMMAND proactive
command with the action "Proactive session request" for eSIM Port 0 on the eSIM Port
of the Profile. This results in the Device checking for pending proactive commands on
eSIM Port 0, whereupon the eUICC sends a REFRESH proactive command on eSIM
Port 0 with mode "Application Update", providing the ICCID of the Profile and the tag
list of all Metadata objects updated or deleted by the UpdateMetadata.
 The internal processing of the "Application Update" REFRESH command in the
Device, especially how the LPA is alerted, is out of scope.

4. For Profile Metadata objects that are cached in the LPA, the Device invalidates or
updates these objects.
NOTE: A Device not supporting Metadata update alerting SHOULD NOT cache
Profile Metadata to avoid using outdated information after Metadata updates
via ES6.

3.8.2 Pending Operation Alerting

This procedure is used by the Profile Owner to alert the LPA of pending RSP operations.


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skinparam monochrome true
skinparam ArrowColor Black
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
hide footbox

participant "<b>SM-DS\n<b>SM-DP+" as SM
participant "<b>Operator" as OP
participant "<b>Device" as Device
participant "<b>LPA" as LPA
participant "<b>eUICC" as eUICC
participant "<b>Profile" as P

OP -> P: [1] Application specific message

P -> Device: [2] REFRESH (server to check)

alt Default SM-DP+
rnote over SM, eUICC #FFFFFF
- Retrieve Default SM-DP+ address
- Profile Download and Installation Procedure
or RPM Download and Execution Procedure
end rnote
else Root SM-DS
rnote over SM, eUICC #FFFFFF
[4] For all configured Root SM-DSs:
- Event Retrieval Procedure
- Process Events
end rnote
else Polling Address
rnote over SM, eUICC #FFFFFF
- Retrieve Polling Address
- [Event Retrieval procedure]
- Profile Download and Installation Procedure
or RPM Download and Execution Procedure
end rnote
else explicit address
rnote over SM, eUICC #FFFFFF
- [Event Retrieval procedure]
- Profile Download and Installation Procedure
or RPM Download and Execution Procedure
end rnote


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Figure 29k: Pending Operation Alerting

Start Condition:
The Profile owned by the Operator is enabled.
The Device supports pending operation alerting.

NOTE: An SM-DP+ can know from

LpaRspCapability.pendingOperationAlertingSupport whether
this feature is supported on the Device and can use this feature.

1. The Operator sends an application specific message to an application in the enabled

NOTE: For remote management, ETSI TS 102 226 [39] specifies a command
'Immediate Action' that can be used to trigger a proactive REFRESH
command. However, the support of this command by the eUICC is not
mandatory and error responses are not specified.

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2. The application triggers the LPA by sending a REFRESH proactive command on the
eSIM Port of the enabled Profile with mode "Application Update" to the Device,
providing the indication of the server to be checked for pending operations. (The
internal processing of this command in the Device, especially how the alert is
forwarded to the LPA, is out of scope). When connecting to a Server as described
below, the operation type SHALL indicate all possible operations.
3. If the command indicates the Default SM-DP+, the LPAd SHOULD retrieve the
Default SM-DP+ address(es) from the eUICC and the Device to download Profile(s)
or RPM package(s) from the SM-DP+ as defined in section 3.1.3 or 3.7.2.
4. If the command indicates the Root SM-DS, the LPAd SHOULD retrieve pending
events from all configured SM-DSs using the Event Retrieval Procedure defined in
section 3.6.2 and process the events accordingly.
5. If the command indicates the Polling Address of the Profile, the LPAd SHOULD
retrieve the Polling Address of the Enabled Profile from the eUICC. If the Polling
Address is an SM-DS, the LPAd performs the Event Retrieval procedure as
described in section 3.6.2 and processes the events accordingly. If the Polling
Address is an SM-DP+, the LPAd downloads a Profile or an RPM package from the
SM-DP+ as defined in section 3.1.3 or 3.7.2.
6. If the command indicates an explicit address: if the address is an SM-DS, the LPAd
performs the Event Retrieval procedure as described in section 3.6.2 and processes
the events accordingly. If the address is an SM-DP+, the LPAd downloads a Profile
or an RPM package from the SM-DP+ as defined in section 3.1.3 or 3.7.2.

3.9 Profile Content Management

This procedure applies when a PCM session is triggered.

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skinparam sequenceArrowFontSize 11
skinparam noteFontSize 11
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid
skinparam noteBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam participantBackgroundColor #FFFFFF

autonumber "[0]"

participant "<b>Device\n<b>App" as App

participant "<b>LPRd" as LPR
participant "<b>PCMAA" as AA
participant "<b>PCMP" as PCMP
participant "<b>Profile" as P

App -> LPR : [ES21.InitiateProfileContentManagement]

rnote over LPR

PCM trigger received
Calculate initial URI
end rnote

LPR -> AA: Start PCM (initial URI)

loop until done

AA -> PCMP: HTTP request
AA -> LPR : notify(HTTP request)
LPR -> App : [ES21.PcmProgressInformation(HTTP request)]

PCMP --> AA: HTTP response

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AA -> LPR : notify(HTTP response)
LPR -> App : [ES21.PcmProgressInformation(HTTP response)]

loop for each part of the multipart response

alt progress message
AA -> LPR : notify(progress message)
LPR -> App : [ES21.PcmProgressInformation(progress message)]
else script part
loop for each APDU in the script part
AA -> P : APDU header and data
P --> AA : SW1,SW2 and response data
end loop
AA -> LPR : notify(script part delivery)
LPR -> App: [ES21.PcmProgressInformation(script part delivery)]
end alt
end loop

end loop

AA -> LPR: notify(end of PCM session)

LPR -> App: [ES21.PcmProgressInformation(end of PCM session)]


Figure 29l: Profile Content Management

This section is normative with respect to the LPRd and – if applicable – its interaction with a
Device Application. The behaviours of the PCMAA, PCMP, and Enabled Profile within a

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Profile Content Management session are specified in GP SERAM [74]; the description of
their behaviours in this specification is informative.

Start Conditions:

Three methods may trigger PCM:

 A Profile is enabled which has PCM triggering enabled. The optional DPI is
configured in the Profile Metadata.
 An RPM command sent from a SM-DP+ to the LPRd, which MAY contain a DPI.
 An API command sent from a Device Application to the LPRd, which MAY contain a

The LPRd SHALL calculate the initial URI by concatenating the PCMP address it retrieved
from the Metadata of the enabled Profile and the DPI if provided.

Additionally, at least one of the following conditions SHALL be satisfied:

 The End User has not disallowed mobile network data (cellular data) to be used for
the LPA Proxy/PCM session, and mobile network data is available; or
 Some other data connectivity is available (e.g., WiFi).


1. A Device Application MAY initiate the PCM session by invoking

ES21.InitiateProfileContentManagement. The Device Application MAY request the
LPRd to send it progress notifications during the PCM session. The PCM session
MAY also be triggered by a Profile enabling or a 'Contact PCMP' RPM command.
Upon receipt of a trigger, the LPRd SHALL calculate the initial URI.
2. The LPRd SHALL request the PCMAA to start a new PCM session, passing it the
initial URI.

The PCMAA repeatedly sends HTTP requests to the PCMP and processes the HTTP
responses until all work within the PCM session is completed. For each iteration:

3. The PCMAA sends an HTTP request to the PCMP. Dependant on information in the
previous HTTP response, this request may go to a different server.
4. The PCMAA sends a notification to the LPRd of the HTTP request it sent to the
5. If a Device Application has requested progress notifications, the LPRd SHALL send
an ES21.PcmProgressInformation notification to the Device Application, indicating an
HTTP request along with the targeted URI.
6. The PCMP sends an HTTP response to the PCMAA.
7. The PCMAA sends a notification to the LPRd that it has received the HTTP response
from the PCMP.
8. If a Device Application has requested progress notifications, the LPRd SHALL send
an ES21.PcmProgressInformation notification to the Device Application, indicating an
HTTP response was received from the PCMP along with the number of script parts it

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The HTTP response from the PCMAA may contain multiple HTTP parts, each of which
may either contain a progress message or a script part. For each HTTP part:

If the HTTP part contains a progress message:

9. The PCMAA sends a notification to the LPRd containing the progress message.
10. If a Device Application has requested progress notifications, the LPRd SHALL
send an ES21.PcmProgressInformation notification to the Device Application
containing the progress message.

Otherwise (the HTTP part contains a script part):

For each APDU within the script part:

11. The PCMAA sends the APDU to the Enabled Profile.

12. The Enabled Profile returns status words and response data.

After all APDUs in the script part have been sent:

13. The PCMAA sends a notification to the LPRd containing the result of the script
14. If a Device Application has requested progress notifications, the LPRd SHALL
send an ES21.PcmProgressInformation notification to the Device Application
containing the script part number, the delivery status of the script part, and the
status words of all APDUs that were processed by the Enabled Profile.

Upon completion of the PCM session:

15. The PCMAA send a notification to the LPRd that the PCM session has ended.
16. If a Device Application has requested progress notifications, the LPRd SHALL send
an ES21.PcmProgressInformation notification to the Device Application indicating the
termination status of the session.
If the PCM session was triggered via RPM, the LPA SHALL start any subsequent RSP
session only after the PCM session ended.

3.10 eUICC Root Public Key Update

The Device and eUICC MAY provide a mechanism to update the set of eSIM CA RootCA
Public Keys in the ECASD of the eUICC. The mechanism, where provided, is Device
Manufacturer/EUM-specific and SHALL be secure.
A Certificate installed into the ECASD SHALL be from an eSIM CA.
This LPAd MAY start this procedure when either:
 The LPAd has determined that the eSIM CA RootCA Public Key indicator in an
Activation Code is not supported by the eUICC, or
 During the Common Mutual Authentication procedure, the SM-XX has returned a
CERT.XXauth.SIG that chains to a Root Certificate that is not supported by the
If supported, the LPAd SHOULD initiate the secure update mechanism (section 2.4.2) with
the eUICC indicating the requested eSIM CA RootCA Public Key indicator or identifier, which
MAY include communication with an external EUM-specific server. This MAY provision

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additional related eSIM CA RootCA Public Keys (e.g., one for each curve supported by the
requested eSIM CA). As part of this process, the Device SHALL inform the End User of the
proposed update and SHALL obtain End User consent.
Upon successful completion of the credential update, the LPAd MAY retry the Profile
Download procedure again.

3.11 Device Change and Profile Recovery

3.11.1 Device Change

This procedure will allow the End User having a Profile in the old Device to add a Profile
related to the same Subscription in the new Device. This procedure can further enable the
downloaded Profile upon End User consent, which consequently MAY disable a currently
Enabled Profile of the new Device (if any). Network connectivity is assumed.
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participant "End User" as EU

box "Old Device"
participant "LPAd" as LPA1
participant "eUICC\nLPA Services (ISD-R)" as EUICC1
end box
participant "SM-DP+" as DP
box "New Device"
participant "LPAd" as LPA2
participant "eUICC\nLPA Services (ISD-R)" as EUICC2
end box
participant "Service Provider" as SP

rnote over EU, LPA1 : [1] End User interactions

LPA1 -> EUICC1 : [2] ES10c.GetProfilesInfo

EUICC1 --> LPA1 : Profile Metadata
rnote over LPA1 : Check Device Change Configuration

LPA1 -> LPA1 : [3] Identify the SM-DP+ Address

opt If new Device's information is required
LPA1 <- LPA2 : [4] Retrieval from new device ([EID], [TAC])
rnote over LPA1, DP : [5] Common Mutual Authentication Procedure, see 3.0.1
LPA1 -> DP : ES9+.AuthenticateClient request (ctxParamsForDeviceChange)
Opt If ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest is configured by the Service Provider
DP -> SP : [6] [ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest (ICCID, [EID], [TAC])]
SP --> DP : [OK (isNewProfileRequired, [Service Provider Message for Device
Change], [Confirmation Code])]
alt Device Change is not supported or not allowed
DP --> LPA1 : [7] Error
else Otherwise - Device Change is allowed
Opt If ES2+.HandleNotification is configured by the Service Provider
DP -> SP : [8] [ES2+.HandleNotification (Device Change Request)]
SP --> DP : [OK]

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DP --> LPA1 : [9] ES9+.AuthenticateClient response \n (transactionId, smdpSigned4,
smdpSignature4, [Service Provider Message for Device Change])

opt If isNewProfileRequired = TRUE or depending on a service agreement

rnote over DP, SP : [10] Prepare Profile Download section 3.1.1\n (this process can
be performed in parallel to steps 6 to 19)

rnote over EU, LPA1 : [11] \n – [Display Service Provider Message for Device
Change] \n – Confirmation Request\n – [Confirmation Code entry]

LPA1 -> EUICC1 : [12] ES10b.PrepareDeviceChange \n (smdpSigned4, smdpSignature4,

Hashed Confirmation Code)
EUICC1 --> LPA1 : ES10b.PrepareDeviceChange response
LPA1 -> DP : [13] ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange request \n (transactionId,
DP -> SP : [14] [ES2+.HandleNotification (Device Change Confirmation or
Confirmation Failure)]
SP --> DP : [OK]
alt If End User confirmed
opt If isNewProfileRequired=FALSE or if configured by the Service Provider
rnote over DP : [15] Prepare the Profile \n identified by ICCID
Opt If ES2+.HandleNotification is configured by the Service Provider
DP -> SP : [ES2+.HandleNotification (Profile preparation for Device Change)]
SP --> DP : [OK]
DP --> LPA1 : [16] ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange response
rnote over LPA1, EUICC1 : [Disable the target Profile]
LPA1 -> EUICC1 : ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange (deviceChangeConfirmation)
EUICC1 --> LPA1 : [OK]
opt If the installed Profile has to be deleted
rnote over LPA1, EUICC1 : [17] Delete the installed Profile
LPA1 -> DP : [18] [ES9+.HandleNotification (Delete Notification)]
opt If the SM-DP+ supports the Delete Notification for Device Change and \n the
Delete Notification was not transmitted
LPA1 -> LPA1 : Generate an Activation Code containing the Delete Notification for
Device Change

LPA1 -> LPA2 : [19] Provide the Activation Code (e.g., via LUI)
rnote over EUICC2, DP : [20] Profile Download and Installation Procedure, see 3.1.3

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Figure 29m: Device Change

Start Conditions:

 The Service Provider has provided to the SM-DP+ the relevant information and
configuration for the Device Change (see Annex O).
 The End User has an old Device containing a Profile.
 The eUICC and the LPAd of the old Device support Device Change.
 The Profile on the old Device contains a Device Change Configuration with the
information as provided by the Service Provider.
 None of the Profile Policy Rules is set for the Profile with a Device Change
 The End User gets a new Device.

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 User Intent is acquired as defined in SGP.21 [4] in the old Device.

1. The End User initiates the Device Change operation from the LPAd of the old Device
and selects the Profile to be installed in their new Device.
2. The LPAd of the old Device retrieves the DeviceChangeConfiguration from the
Profile Metadata of the selected Profile. The LPAd of the old Device SHALL check the
retrieved DeviceChangeConfiguration and proceed based upon its value as

 If the DeviceChangeConfiguration indicates requestToDp, the

procedure continues with step (3).

 If the DeviceChangeConfiguration indicates usingStoredAc, the

procedure continues with step (17).

3. The LPAd of the old Device SHALL determine the SM-DP+ address from
smdpAddressForDc in DeviceChangeConfiguration of the Profile.
4. If the DeviceChangeConfiguration indicates any of the EID and/or TAC of the
new Device is required, the LPAd of the old Device SHALL retrieve the required
information from the new Device. The detailed interface and mechanism to retrieve
the required information is out of scope of the specification.

NOTE: For instance, the LPAd of the old Device can guide the End User to use
"Show EID" menu of the LPAd of the new Device, and then provide a
means to scan/input the EID in a QR code format or human-readable text

If the DeviceChangeConfiguration indicates that any of the EID and/or TAC of

the new Device is required but the LPAd of the old Device cannot retrieve the
required information, the LPAd SHALL display an appropriate error state to the End
User and stop the procedure.

5. The LPAd of the old Device initiates the Common Mutual Authentication procedure
defined in section 3.0.1 to the retrieved SM-DP+ address. During the Common
Mutual Authentication procedure, if the DeviceChangeConfiguration includes an
allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier, the LPAd SHALL restrict the allowed
eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers to that value.
During the Common Mutual Authentication procedure at step (10), the LPAd SHALL
build the ctxParams1 data object with ctxParamsForDeviceChange comprising
the ICCID of the selected Profile and, if indicated as required in
DeviceChangeConfiguration, any of the EID and/or TAC of the new Device.

6. If configured by the Service Provider, the SM-DP+ SHALL call

ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function comprising the ICCID and, if present in
the ctxParamsForDeviceChange data object, the EID and/or TAC of the new
Device. The Service Provider SHALL provide isNewProfileRequired and optionally
a Service Provider Message for Device Change in the response of
ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function.

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If it is required for the End User to enter a Confirmation Code in order to proceed with
the Device Change of the Profile, the Service Provider SHALL provide the value of
the Confirmation Code in the response of ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest

7. If the SM-DP+ does not support Device Change, the SM-DP+ SHALL return an error
status "Device Change – Unsupported" and the procedure SHALL stop. If the Device
Change is not allowed for the Profile identified by the ICCID, the SM-DP+ SHALL
return an error status "Device Change – Not Allowed" and the procedure SHALL

If the LPAd of the old Device receives any error status, the LPAd of the old Device
MAY display an appropriate error state to the End User and SHALL stop the

NOTE: This provides compatibility with SM-DP+ that does not understand or
cannot appropriately process the Device Change request (e.g., v3 SM-
DP+ not supporting the Device Change feature or v2 SM-DP+).

NOTE: If the procedure stopped due to an error, the LPAd MAY send
"ES10b.CancelSession" to the eUICC with a reason sessionAborted.

8. If configured by the Service Provider, the SM-DP+ SHALL notify the Service Provider
of the Device Change request by calling ES2+.HandleNotification function.
9. If the Device Change is allowed for the Profile identified by the ICCID, the SM-DP+
returns ES9+.AuthenticateClient response comprising transactionId,
smdpSigned4, smdpSignature4 and optionally Service Provider Message for
Device Change.
10. If isNewProfileRequired was set to TRUE in the response to
ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function and/or if there is an agreed behaviour
between the Service Provider and the SM-DP+ on the Profile identified by the ICCID,
the Service Provider SHALL run the Download Preparation Process, as defined in and optionally the Subscription Activation Process, as defined in

NOTE: This process can be performed in parallel to steps 6 to 19. The Profile
identified by the ICCID has to be in 'Released' state before step 20.

11. The LPAd of the old Device SHALL ask for the Strong Confirmation on the Device
Change. If Service Provider Message for Device Change was provided in the
ES9+.AuthenticateClient response, it SHOULD be presented to the End User.

If ccRequiredFlag is set to TRUE in smdpSigned4, the LPAd of the old Device

SHALL ask for the End User to enter the Confirmation Code which was provided by
the Operator that MAY be considered as a Strong Confirmation.

The Confirmation Requests described above MAY:

 display profileName or any relevant information contained in the Profile

Metadata and smdpSigned4 to the End User.

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 be combined, if prompted, into a single prompt with the highest Confirmation
Level therefore requiring a single confirmation by the End User.

If the End User does not confirm the Device Change of the Profile, the LPAd SHALL
continue with the Common Cancel Session procedure with reason code
'endUserRejection'. If the End User does not respond to the LPAd prompt within an
implementation-dependent timeout interval, the LPAd SHALL cancel the Profile
download by performing the Common Cancel Session procedure with the reason
'timeout'. For both cases, the notificationEvent SHALL be set to 'Device Change
confirmation failure' if a notification is sent to the Service Provider.

12. The LPA of the old Device SHALL call the "ES10b.PrepareDeviceChange" function
including the smdpSigned4, smdpSignature4 and optionally the Hashed
Confirmation Code. The Hashed Confirmation Code SHALL be calculated with the
UTF-8-encoded representation of the Confirmation Code as follows:

Hashed Confirmation Code = SHA256 (SHA256(Confirmation Code) | TransactionID),

where '|' means concatenation of data
13. The LPAd of the old Device SHALL call ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange function
comprising transactionId, prepareDeviceChangeResponse.
14. If configured by the Service Provider or if isNewProfileRequired was set to TRUE
in the response to ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function, the SM-DP+ SHALL
notify the Service Provider of the End User's confirmation result by calling
ES2+.HandleNotification function. If the End User accepted the Device Change, the
procedure continues with the next step. Otherwise, the procedure continues with step
15. If isNewProfileRequired was set to FALSE in the response to
ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function or if configured by the Service Provider,
the SM-DP+ SHALL prepare a Profile for download and the associated MatchingID. If
an EID was provided in the Device Change Request in the step 5, the SM-DP+
SHALL link the prepared Profile download with the EID. The SM-DP+ SHALL
determine the deletion of the Profile on the old Device as per Service Provider's
configuration and SHALL generate the associated Activation Code. If the Activation
Code is to be encrypted as per section 5.6.6, the SM-DP+ SHALL use a MatchingID
that has not previously been used in the Activation Code. The SM-DP+ SHALL notify
the Service Provider of the Profile preparation result by calling
ES2+.HandleNotification function if configured by the Service Provider.
16. If the End User accepted the Device Change, the SM-DP+ SHALL return the
ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange response comprising the Device Change response.
Upon receiving the response, the LPAd of the old Device SHOULD disable the
installed Profile if the response contains encryptedDeviceChangeData, and
SHALL call "ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange" function comprising
deviceChangeConfirmation to verify the SM-DP+ signature and optionally
decrypt the Device Change Response via eUICC as described in section 5.7.27. If
the eUICC returns a profileNotInDisabledState error, the LPA MAY disable
the installed Profile and retry the "ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange" function call. If the
eUICC returns any other error or the LPA does not retry the
"ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange" function call, the procedure SHALL stop.

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NOTE 1: The use of an SM-DS in the context of Device Change is FFS.

NOTE 2: If the LPA does not retry the "ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange" function call,
the LPA can terminate the RSP session by calling "ES10b.CancelSession"
with the reason sessionAborted.

If the End User rejected the Device Change, the SM-DP+ SHALL return the
ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange response without the Device Change response, and the
procedure SHALL stop.
17. If the LPAd of the old Device has been instructed in the Device Change Response to
delete the installed Profile or the DeviceChangeConfiguration indicates that the
deletion of the installed profile is required, the LPAd of the old Device SHALL delete
the installed Profile from the eUICC using ES10c.DeleteProfile and retrieve the
corresponding Delete Notification from the eUICC. Additionally, if the
DeviceChangeConfiguration indicates requestToDp and the SM-DP+ has
indicated in the Device Change Response that it supports the recovery of the deleted
Profile, the LPAd of the old Device SHOULD store the following values of the deleted
 ICCID, and
 from DeviceChangeConfiguration: the smdpAddressForDc and, if
present, the allowedCiPKId.
If the deletion of the installed Profile is not required, the procedure continues with
step (19).

NOTE: The LPA of the old Device should store the Profile Recovery Information
until the expiration of time indicated in
profileRecoveryValidityPeriod in the deviceChangeResponse
or successful Profile Recovery, whichever comes first.

18. The LPAd of the old Device SHALL send the Delete Notification of the deleted Profile
to the corresponding Recipient Address. For that, the LPAd MAY perform one of the

 The LPAd MAY call ES9+.HandleNotification function (as defined in section

3.5) and receive the acknowledgement of the Delete Notification.
 The LPAd MAY send the Delete Notification to the LPAd of the new Device
via implementation-specific channel. In this case the LPAd of the new Device
SHALL relay the Delete Notification by calling ES9+.HandleNotification
function (as defined in section 3.5) before executing step (20).
 If the SM-DP+ has indicated that it supports the Delete Notification for Device
Change of the deleted Profile in the Device Change Response, the LPAd
MAY embed the Delete Notification for Device Change corresponding to the
notificationAddress in the Device Change Response in an Activation
Code (as defined in section 4.1 and 4.1.3).

The procedure SHALL stop if the LPAd of the old Device cannot send the Delete

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NOTE1: The Recipient Address may not be the FQDN of the SM-DP+ in figure
21b. In such a case, it is out of scope of this document how the
Notification receiver delivers the Delete Notification to the SM-DP+ in
figure 21b.

NOTE2: The LPAd of the old Device MAY send additional Notifications to the SM-
DP+(s) other than the SM-DP+ in figure 21b.

NOTE3: Execution of this step MAY require an extended period of time. For
instance, if the LPAd does not presently have network connectivity, it can
wait until connectivity is available in order to deliver the notification.

19. The LPAd of the old Device provides the Activation Code to the LPAd of the new

 If the DeviceChangeConfiguration indicates requestToDp, the LPAd

SHALL use the Activation Code in the ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange response
or the Activation Code at step (18), if generated.

 If the DeviceChangeConfiguration indicates usingStoredAc, the LPAd

SHALL use the Activation Code from the activationCodeForDc.

The LPAd of the old Device SHOULD provide to the new Device the state of the
Profile during the procedure in order to allow the LPAd of the new Device to restore
the state of the Profile of the old Device.

The LPAd of the old Device MAY present the information via the LUI. Additional
means to provide the information to the LPAd of the new Device is out of scope of
this specification.

20. The Profile is downloaded from the SM-DP+ to the new Device via the Profile
download and installation procedure as defined in section 3.1.3, based upon the
Activation Code.

 If the Activation Code, provided at step (19), contains the Delete Notification
for Device Change, the LPAd of the new Device SHALL provide the Delete
Notification for Device Change by calling ES9+.AuthenticateClient function
comprising a deleteNotificationForDc.
 If the Activation Code, provided at step (19), indicates Confirmation Code
Required Flag, the Confirmation Code that was used in this procedure has to
be used at step (8) of the Profile download and installation procedure defined
in section 3.1.3.

End Conditions:

The Profile and its associated Profile Metadata have been installed on the End User’s
eUICC of the new Device.

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GSM Association Non-confidential
RSP Technical Specification Profiles Device Change
The LPA supporting Device Change SHALL be able to allow the End User to perform the
Device Change procedure for one or more Profiles installed in the eUICC.
The LUId SHOULD present to the End User all applicable Profiles and allow their selection
for the Device Change operation.
For each selected Profile, steps from 2 to 20 of section 3.11.1 are repeated. When multiple
Profiles have been selected for Device Change, if one of these steps fails due to an error,
the LPAd SHOULD continue the Device Change procedure with the other Profiles.
If more than one Profile is selected for Device Change, the LPAd of the old Device SHOULD
provide all Activation Codes to the LPAd of the new Device in one step. In this case, step 19
of section 3.11.1 is put on hold until all Activation Codes are ready to be provided to the new

3.11.2 Profile Recovery

This procedure will allow the End User to recover the deleted Profile on the old Device.
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participant "End User" as EU

box "Old Device"
participant "LPAd" as LPA1
participant "eUICC\nLPA Services (ISD-R)" as EUICC1
end box
participant "SM-DP+" as DP
participant "Service Provider" as SP

rnote over EU, LPA1 : [1] End User interactions

rnote right EU
Get ICCID, SM-DP+ Address,

rnote over LPA1, DP: [3] Common Mutual Authentication Procedure, see 3.0.1

LPA1 -> DP: ES9+.AuthenticateClient request \n (ctxParamsForProfileRecovery)

rnote left SP
[4] Verify the Profile Installation Result of
the new Device for Device Change
DP --> LPA1: [error]
rnote over DP, SP: [5] Prepare Profile Download and Activation Code
DP --> LPA1: [6] ES9+.AuthenticateClient response \n (transactionId, smdpSigned4,

Opt If eUICC supports Device Change

LPA1 -> EUICC1: [7] ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange\n(profileRecoveryResponse)

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alt If verification fails

EUICC1 --> LPA1 : error
else Otherwise
EUICC1 --> LPA1 : OK
rnote over DP, LPA1
[8] Profile Download and Installation Procedure, see 3.1.3

Figure 29n: Profile Recovery procedure

Start Conditions:

 The LPAd of the old Device has deleted the installed Profile as instructed by the SM-
DP+ during the Device Change procedure.
 The SM-DP+ has indicated to the LPAd of the old Device the support of the recovery
of the deleted Profile in the Device Change Response.

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 The relevant information for the recovery of the deleted Profile has been stored and
validity period of the Profile Recovery is not expired in the LPAd of the old Device.
 The Profile Installation on the eUICC of the new Device has failed due to a
permanent error described in section
 The LPAd of the new Device has delivered the Profile Installation Result to the SM-
DP+ by calling the "ES9+.HandleNotification".


1. The End User initiates the Profile Recovery operation within the LUId of the old
Device by selecting the Profile that was deleted for Device Change.
2. The LPAd of the old Device retrieves the SM-DP+ address and an optional allowed
eSIM CA RootCA Public Key identifier for recovery of the selected Profile. If the LPAd
of the old Device cannot retrieve the SM-DP+ address, the procedure SHALL stop.
3. The LPAd of the old Device initiates the Common Mutual Authentication procedure
defined in section 3.0.1 to the retrieved SM-DP+ address. If an allowed eSIM CA
RootCA public key identifier was retrieved, the LPAd SHALL restrict the allowed eSIM
CA RootCA public key identifiers to that value.
During the Common Mutual Authentication procedure at step (10), the LPAd SHALL
build the ctxParams1 data object with ctxParamsForProfileRecovery
comprising the ICCID of the selected Profile to be recovered.
4. On reception of the "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" function call comprising
ctxParamsForProfileRecovery, the SM-DP+ SHALL verify that there was a
permanent error in installing the prepared Profile on the new Device for Device
Change, corresponding to the ICCID therein. If verification fails, the SM-DP+ SHALL
return a status code "Profile – Not allowed".
5. The SM-DP+ SHALL prepare a Profile for recovery and the associated Activation
Code for the old Device. The SM-DP+ MAY interact with the Service Provider for the
Profile preparation.
6. The SM-DP+ SHALL return the ES9+.AuthenticateClient response comprising
transactionId, smdpSigned4 and smdpSignature4.
7. Upon receiving the response, if the eUICC supports Device Change, the LPAd of the
old Device SHALL call "ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange" function comprising
profileRecoveryResponse to verify the SM-DP+ signature via eUICC as
described in section 5.7.27. If the eUICC returns an error, the procedure SHALL stop.
8. The LPAd of the old Device initiate Profile download and installation procedure, as
defined in section 3.1.3, by opening a new RSP session to the SM-DP+ identified by
the Activation Code contained in the smdpSigned4 (see step 6 above).

End Conditions:

The Profile for recovery and its associated Profile Metadata have been installed on the End
User’s eUICC of the old Device.

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4 Data Elements

4.1 Activation Code

The Activation Code SHALL be coded to be the concatenation of the strings listed in the
following table:

Name Description MOC

Format of the Activation Code. SHALL be set to "1" for this format of the M
Activation Code and any subsequent backward compatible format
NOTE: The value "2" designates an Advanced Activation Code, as
described in section 4.1a
Delimiter SHALL be set to "$" M
FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the SM-DP+ M
(e.g., SMDP.EXAMPLE.COM) restricted to the Alphanumeric mode
character set defined in table 5 of ISO/IEC 18004 [15] excluding "$"
Delimiter SHALL be set to "$" M
AC_Token MatchingID as described in section () M
SHALL be present and set to "$" if any of the following optional C
parameters is present
SHALL be present and set to "$" if any of the following optional C
parameters is present
Confirmation SHALL be present and set to "1" if Confirmation Code is required; O
Code Required otherwise it SHALL be absent
SHALL be present and set to "$" if any of the following optional
Delimiter C
parameters is present
CI Public Key
If present, it specifies an indicator of an eSIM CA RootCA public key as O
specified below.
SHALL be present and set to "$" if any of the following optional
Delimiter C
parameters is present
Delete #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
Notification for If present in an Activation Code, it specifies the Delete Notification for O
Device Change Device Change. See section 4.1.3.

Table 8: Activation Code Structure

The maximum length of an Activation Code which does not contain a Delete Notification for
Device Change SHALL be 255 characters, but in practise it is recommended to consider the
user experience when choosing the length. When the Activation Code contains a Delete
Notification for Device Change, the length of the Activation Code MAY be longer than 255

To support extension by future versions of this specification, the Device SHALL ignore a
delimiter and any further parameters following those defined in Table 8.

The Device SHALL treat an AC_Format other than "1" or "2" as invalid.

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Examples of the Activation Code are as follows:

 1$SMDP.EXAMPLE.COM$04386-AGYFT-A74Y8-3F815
(if SM-DP+ OID and Confirmation Code Required Flag are not present)
 1$SMDP.EXAMPLE.COM$04386-AGYFT-A74Y8-3F815$$1
(if SM-DP+ OID is not present and Confirmation Code Required Flag is present)
 1$SMDP.EXAMPLE.COM$04386-AGYFT-A74Y8-3F815$$1
(if SM-DP+ OID and Confirmation Code Required flag are present)
 1$SMDP.EXAMPLE.COM$04386-AGYFT-A74Y8-3F815$
(If SM-DP+ OID is present and Confirmation Code Required Flag is not present)
(If SM-DP+ OID is present, Activation token is left blank and Confirmation Code
Required Flag is not present)
(If SM-DP+ OID and CI Public Key indicator are present)
When entered manually, the Activation Code SHALL be used as defined above.

When provided in a QR code according to ISO/IEC 18004 [15], the Activation Code SHALL
be prefixed with "LPA:".

4.1.1 Matching ID
The MatchingID is mandatory information (but MAY be zero-length) that SHALL be set-up
between the Operator and the SM-DP+, to identify the context of a specific management
order given to the SM-DP+. The MatchingID is generated during the download initiation
procedure (section 3.1.1) or RPM initiation procedure (section 3.7.1).

The MatchingID included in an Activation Code is equivalent to the "Activation Code Token"
as defined is SGP.21 [4].

The format and content of the MatchingID is subject to the following constraints:

The MatchingID, when not a zero-length value, SHALL be a unique identifier in the context
of the Operator and the SM-DP+ to:

 Match a download order initiated by the Operator with a Profile Download or RPM
request coming from an LPD.
 As a protection for the SM-DP+: the SM-DP+ SHALL only process requests
containing a MatchingID known to the SM-DP+ (and therefore inherently valid).
It SHALL consist only of upper case alphanumeric characters (0-9, A-Z) and the "-" in any

NOTE: This selection allows more compact alphanumeric QR code encoding and is
expected to be supported for manual entry.

On ES9+ and ES11, the data object containing the MatchingID MAY also be missing
completely. Whenever this specification refers to a "missing MatchingID", this refers to this
data object either to be missing or to having a length of zero.
In turn, a MatchingID being present refers to the data object having a non-zero-length value.

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4.1.2 eSIM CA RootCA Public Key indicator
The eSIM CA RootCA Public Key indicator is the potentially truncated hexadecimal
representation of the eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier. It SHALL consist of an even
number of hexadecimal characters with letters written in upper case and no inserted spaces.
"-" characters MAY be inserted at any place for better readability.

NOTE: As the number of eSIM CA RootCAs is limited, a short string can be

sufficient to uniquely identify one of these.

4.1.3 Delete Notification for Device Change

Delete Notification for Device Change contains a part of Delete Notification of the deleted
Profile excluding EUM Certificate, Sub-EUM Certificate (if any), and eUICC Certificate

DeleteNotificationForDc is defined as follows:

DeleteNotificationForDc ::= SEQUENCE {
notificationMetadata NotificationMetadata,
euiccNotificationSignature EuiccSign

The notificationMetadata and euiccNotificationSignature data object SHALL

contain the value of tbsOtherNotification and euiccNotificationSignature data
object in the retrieved the OtherSignedNotification TLV of the deleted Profile,

When the LPA of the old Device generates an Activation Code containing a Delete
Notification for Device Change, the LPA SHALL use the ASN.1 DER encoded
DeleteNotificationForDc TLV in hexadecimal byte expression using the character set
0 to 9 and A to F in any combination.

4.2 Device Information

Device Information is mainly in destination of the SM-DP+ for the purpose of Device
eligibility check. The SM-DP+/Operator is free to use or ignore this information at their

Device Information includes:

 Device capabilities: The Device SHALL set all the capabilities it supports
 Radio access technologies, including release.
 Contactless: the SWP and HCI interfaces as well as the associated APIs
 Card Application Toolkit support.
 eUICC form factor type
 IMEI (optional)
 Preferred languages (optional)

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 Device Test Mode
 RSP functions supported:
 CRL stapling
 RSP Server certificate chain variant A, B, and C
 Enterprise Capable Device
 LPA Proxy (Profile Content Management)
 Signed SM-DS responses
 CI update on the eUICC
 Event Checking
 Push Service
 Pending operations alerting
Device Information

DeviceInfo is defined as follows:

DeviceInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
tac Octet4,
deviceCapabilities DeviceCapabilities,
imei Octet8 OPTIONAL,
preferredLanguages SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL, --
deviceTestMode NULL OPTIONAL, -- #DeviceInfoExtensibilitySupported# if present
the Device is operating in Device Test Mode
lpaRspCapability LpaRspCapability OPTIONAL -- #DeviceInfoExtensibilitySupported#

DeviceCapabilities ::= SEQUENCE { -- Highest fully supported release for each

-- The device SHALL set all the capabilities it supports
gsmSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
utranSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
cdma2000onexSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
cdma2000hrpdSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
cdma2000ehrpdSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
eutranEpcSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
contactlessSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
rspCrlSupportedVersion VersionType OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#
nrEpcSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL, --
nr5gcSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL, --
eutran5gcSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL, --
lpaSvn VersionType OPTIONAL, -- #DeviceInfoExtensibilitySupported# provided for
information only
catSupportedClasses CatSupportedClasses OPTIONAL, --
euiccFormFactorType EuiccFormFactorType OPTIONAL --

CatSupportedClasses ::= BIT STRING {

a(0), b(1), c(2), d(3), e(4), f(5), g(6), h(7), i(8), j(9),
k(10), l(11), m(12), n(13), o(14), p(15), q(16), r(17), s(18), t(19),
u(20), v(21), w(22), x(23), y(24), z(25), aa(26), ab(27), ac(28), ad(29)

-- Definition of EuiccFormFactorType
EuiccFormFactorType ::= INTEGER {

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removableEuicc (0), -- eUICC can be removed
nonRemovableEuicc (1) -- eUICC cannot be removed

-- Definition of LpaRspCapability
LpaRspCapability ::= BIT STRING {
crlStaplingV3Support (0),
certChainV3Support (1),
apduApiSupport (2),
enterpriseCapableDevice (3),
lpaProxySupport (4),
signedSmdsResponseV3Support (5),
euiccCiUpdateSupport (6),
eventCheckingSupport (7),
pushServiceSupport (8),
pendingOperationAlertingSupport (9)

The TAC and IMEI are defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [35].

The TAC SHALL be represented as a string of 4 octets that is coded as a Telephony Binary
Coded Decimal String as defined in 3GPP TS 29.002 [63].

The IMEI (including the check digit) SHALL be represented as a string of 8 octets that is
coded as a Telephony Binary Coded Decimal String as defined in 3GPP TS 29.002 [63],
except that the last octet contains the check digit (in low nibble) and an 'F' filler (in high
nibble). The check digit SHALL be computed according to 3GPP TS 23.003 [35]. The IMEI
SHOULD be present if the Device contains a non-removable eUICC.

Example: If IMEI (14 digits) is: 12345678901234, then the check digit is 7 and the value part
of the imei ASN.1 object is '21 43 65 87 09 21 43 F7'. The value part of the tac ASN.1
object is '21 43 65 87'.

NOTE: The SM-DP+ and the Operator should be aware that the IMEI in version 2 of
this specification defines an encoding where the order of the nibbles in the
last octet is different.

The Device Information MAY include preferred languages. If provided, the preferred
languages SHALL be represented as a sequence of language tags as defined by RFC 5646
[70] in decreasing order of preference.

NOTE: The method by which the Device determines the preferred languages is out
of scope of this specification.

The Device SHALL indicate whether it is currently operating in Device Test Mode.

The capabilities SHALL be represented as follows:

 gsmSupportedRelease – if GSM/GERAN is supported, this SHALL be the highest

3GPP release N fully supported by the device, encoded as the octet string {N, 0, 0}. If
GSM/GERAN is not supported this SHALL NOT be present.
 utranSupportedRelease – if UMTS/UTRAN is supported, this SHALL be the highest
3GPP release N fully supported by the device, encoded as the octet string {N, 0, 0}. If
UMTS/UTRAN is not supported this SHALL NOT be present.

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 cdma2000onexSupportedRelease – if cdma2000 1X is supported, this SHALL be
encoded as the octet string {1, 0, 0}. If cdma2000 1X is not supported this SHALL
NOT be present.
 cdma2000hrpdSupportedRelease – if cdma2000 HRPD is supported, this SHALL
be encoded as the octet string {R, 0, 0}. If cdma2000 HRPD is not supported this
SHALL NOT be present. The value R SHALL represent the EVDO revision as follows:
o Rev 0 SHALL be encoded as 1
o Rev A SHALL be encoded as 2
o Rev B SHALL be encoded as 3
 cdma2000ehrpdSupportedRelease – if cdma2000 eHRPD, is supported this SHALL
be the highest 3GPP release N fully supported by the device, encoded as the octet
string {N, 0, 0}. If cdma2000 eHRPD is not supported this SHALL NOT be present.
 eutranEpcSupportedRelease – if LTE/E-UTRAN using a 4G core network (Evolved
Packet Core) is supported, this SHALL be the highest 3GPP release N fully
supported by the device, encoded as the octet string {N, 0, 0}. If LTE/E-UTRAN is not
supported this SHALL NOT be present.
 contactlessSupportedRelease – if NFC is supported, this SHALL be the highest
(version, revision) number of TS.26 [40], encoded as the octet string {version,
revision, 0}. If NFC is not supported this SHALL NOT be present.
 rspCrlSupportedVersion – if load eUICC CRL as it was defined in section 5.7.12 of
version 2 of this specification is supported, this SHALL be the highest SGP.22 version
number supported by the Device for this function. If this function is not supported, this
field SHALL NOT be present.

LPA SHOULD NOT send the following fields to the eUICC unless the eUICC indicates

NOTE: If LPA sends the following fields to an eUICC that does not indicate
deviceInfoExtensibilitySupport, the eUICC may reject them (see
also section 2.4a).

 nrEpcSupportedRelease – if NR (5G New Radio) using a 4G core network (Evolved

Packet Core) is supported, this SHALL be the highest 3GPP release N fully
supported by the device, encoded as the octet string {N, 0, 0}. If NR using a 4G core
network is not supported this SHALL NOT be present.
 nr5gcSupportedRelease – if NR using a 5G core network is supported, this SHALL
be the highest 3GPP release N fully supported by the device, encoded as the octet
string {N, 0, 0}. If NR using a 5G core network is not supported this SHALL NOT be
 eutran5gcSupportedRelease – if LTE/E-UTRAN using a 5G core network is
supported, this SHALL be the highest 3GPP release N fully supported by the device,
encoded as the octet string {N, 0, 0}. If LTE/E-UTRAN using a 5G core network is not
supported this SHALL NOT be present.
 lpaSvn – indicates the highest Specification Version Number of this specification
supported by the LPA. The SVN SHALL have the same three digit number as the
highest supported specification version. Example of value: '3.0.0'. A version 3, or

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higher, Device SHALL include this information. The lpaSvn is provided for
information only (see Annex M).
 catSupportedClasses – indicates the set of supported Card Application Toolkit letter
classes as defined in [31] and [76]. A version 3, or higher, Device SHALL include this
 euiccFormFactorType – indicates whether the eUICC is removable or non-
removable. A version 3, or higher, Device SHALL include this information. If this
element is omitted the form factor type of the eUICC is unspecified.
Description of LpaRspCapability:

A version 3 or higher Device SHALL include this data object in DeviceInfo. Refer to Annex
M that describes how a version 3 LPA SHALL be configured.

 The crlStaplingV3Support bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the LPA supports
the CRL stapling during the Common Mutual Authentication procedure.

 The certChainV3Support bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the LPA supports
RSP Server certificate chain Variant A, B and C.

 The apduApiSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the Device supports the

 The enterpriseCapableDevice bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the Device is
an Enterprise Capable Device. The bit SHALL be identical to the corresponding
setting in the RSP Device Capabilities.

 The lpaProxySupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the Device supports the
LPA Proxy. The bit SHALL be identical to the corresponding setting in the RSP
Device Capabilities.

NOTE: The LPA Proxy is usable only if the Local Proxy Configuration (section
2.4a.1.5) is also present in the Profile Metadata of the Enabled Profile.

 The signedSmdsResponseV3Support bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the

LPA supports the handling of SM-DS signed Event Records.

 The euiccCiUpdateSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the Device
together with the eUICC supports update of eSIM CA RootCA Public Keys on the
eUICC. The method by which the Device determines its compatibility with the eUICC
for update is proprietary to the Device Manufacturer and EUM.

 The eventCheckingSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the LPA supports
the Event Checking procedure as defined in section 3.6.4.

 The pushServiceSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the LPA supports
the Push Service.

 The pendingOperationAlertingSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if

the LPA supports the pending operations alerting defined in this specification. If this
bit is set to '1', the Device SHALL also indicate support for REFRESH with

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"Application Update" mode in the Terminal Profile according to ETSI TS 102 223 [31]
on each eSIM Port where a Profile is enabled.

4.3 eUICC Information

The eUICC information comprises EUICCInfo1 and EUICCInfo2. EUICCInfo1 is a subset of
EUICCInfo2, designed to be sent to an RSP Server before it is authenticated. EUICCInfo2
contains the full eUICC information and is disclosed to an RSP Server only after it is

The eUICC information SHALL be generated by the eUICC and MAY be requested by the
LPA at any point in time.

The eUICC information includes:

 Profile Package Versions

 Specification Version Numbers
 Firmware version
 Available amount of non-volatile memory
 UICC capabilities
 ETSI TS 102 241 version
 GlobalPlatform version
 RSP capabilities
 Lists of supported eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers
 eUICC Category
 Forbidden PPRs
 Protection Profile version
 SAS Accreditation Number
 Certification Data Object
 TRE properties
 TRE product reference
 LPA Mode
 EUM specific information
eUICC Information

EUICCInfo1 and EUICCInfo2 are defined as follows:

EUICCInfo1 ::= [32] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF20'
lowestSvn [2] VersionType,
euiccCiPKIdListForVerification [9] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of
eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers supported on the eUICC for signature
euiccCiPKIdListForSigning [10] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of eSIM
CA RootCA Public Key Identifier supported on the eUICC for signature creation that
can be verified by a certificate chain Variant O
euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 [17] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# List of eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers supported on
the eUICC for signature creation that can be verified by a certificate chain
different from Variant O.
euiccRspCapability [8] EuiccRspCapability OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#
highestSvn [19] VersionType OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

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EUICCInfo2 ::= [34] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF22'

baseProfilePackageVersion [1] VersionType, -- Base eUICC Profile package
version supported
lowestSvn [2] VersionType,
euiccFirmwareVersion [3] VersionType, -- eUICC Firmware version
extCardResource [4] OCTET STRING, -- Extended Card Resource Information
according to ETSI TS 102 226
uiccCapability [5] UICCCapability,
ts102241Version [6] VersionType OPTIONAL,
globalplatformVersion [7] VersionType OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#
euiccRspCapability [8] EuiccRspCapability,
euiccCiPKIdListForVerification [9] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of
eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers supported on the eUICC for signature
euiccCiPKIdListForSigning [10] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of eSIM
CA RootCA Public Key Identifier supported on the eUICC for signature creation that
can be verified by a certificate chain Variant O
euiccCategory [11] INTEGER {
} OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#
forbiddenProfilePolicyRules [25] PprIds OPTIONAL, -- Tag '99'
ppVersion VersionType, -- Protection Profile version
sasAcreditationNumber UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)),
certificationDataObject [12] CertificationDataObject OPTIONAL, --
treProperties [13] BIT STRING {
usesRemoteMemory(2) -- refers to the usage of remote memory protected by
-- the Remote Memory Protection Function described in SGP.21 [4]
} OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#
treProductReference [14] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
Platform_Label as defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA specification [57]
additionalProfilePackageVersions [15] SEQUENCE OF VersionType OPTIONAL, --
lpaMode [16] LpaMode OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0# active LPA
euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 [17] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# List of eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers supported on
the eUICC for signature creation that can be verified by a certificate chain
different from Variant O.
additionalEuiccInfo [18] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)) OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# EUM specific eUICC information
highestSvn [19] VersionType OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

-- Definition of EuiccRspCapability
EuiccRspCapability ::= BIT STRING {
additionalProfile(0), -- at least one more Profile can be installed
loadCrlSupport(1), -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0# Support for ES10b.LoadCRL
rpmSupport(2), -- Remote Profile Management
testProfileSupport (3), -- support for test profile
deviceInfoExtensibilitySupport (4), -- #SupportedFromV2.2.2# support for ASN.1
extensibility in the Device Info
serviceSpecificDataSupport (5), -- #SupportedFromV2.4.0# support for Service
Specific Data in the Profile Metadata
hriServerAddressSupport (6), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for storing HRI
server address
serviceProviderMessageSupport (7), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Service Provider
message is allowed within Profile metadata
lpaProxySupport (8), -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0# support for LPA Proxy
enterpriseProfilesSupport (9), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0# support for
enterprise profiles
serviceDescriptionSupport (10), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for storing
Service Description

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deviceChangeSupport (11), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for Device change
encryptedDeviceChangeDataSupport (12), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for
encrypted Device Change data in Device Change response
estimatedProfileSizeIndicationSupport (13), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for
including estimated profile size
profileSizeInProfilesInfoSupport (14), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for
profile size in GetProfilesInfo
crlStaplingV3Support (15), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for CRL stapling
certChainV3VerificationSupport (16), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for
certificate chain verification Variant A, B and C
signedSmdsResponseV3Support (17), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for SM-DS
signed response
euiccRspCapInInfo1 (18), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# EUICCInfo1 includes
osUpdateSupport (19), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for eUICC OS Update
cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport (20), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for cancel
session reasons empty SPN and empty Profile Name
updateNotifConfigInfoSupport (21), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for updating
NotificationConfigurationInfo as defined in section 5.4.1
updateMetadataV3Support (22) -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for the modified
update metadata mechanism defined in section 5.4.1

-- Definition of CertificationDataObject
CertificationDataObject ::= SEQUENCE {
platformLabel UTF8String, -- Platform_Label as defined in GlobalPlatform
DLOA specification [57]
discoveryBaseURL UTF8String -- Discovery Base URL of the SE default DLOA
Registrar as defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA specification [57]

-- Definition of LpaMode
LpaMode ::= INTEGER {
lpad (0), -- LPAd is active
lpae (1) -- LPAe is active

The baseProfilePackageVersion field indicates:

 the lowest major version number and

 the associated highest minor version number

of the TCA eUICC Profile Package: Interoperable Format Technical Specification [5]
supported by the eUICC. In order to provide backward compatibility, the major version
number SHALL indicate 2 and the associated highest minor version number SHALL indicate
at least 3.1 (e.g., baseProfilePackageVersion = 2.3.1).

NOTE: Backward compatibility may be removed in future version of this


The additionalProfilePackageVersions field lists additional major versions

including the associated highest minor version number of the TCA eUICC Profile Package:
Interoperable Format Technical Specification [5] supported by the eUICC. This field SHALL
be present only when the eUICC supports additional versions of [5] with the major version
higher than the one indicated in baseProfilePackageVersion field. This sequence, if
present, SHALL contain version 3.1 or higher and SHOULD contain version 3.2 or higher.

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The lowestSvn field is deprecated and is only present for backward compatibility with the
previous version of this specification. The highestSvn field indicates the highest
Specification Version Number of this specification supported by the eUICC and is provided
for information only. These fields SHALL be set as defined in Annex M.

NOTE: The lowestSvn field was called svn in the previous versions of the

The euiccFirmwareVersion field indicates the version information of the eUICC’s

platform and the OS. This value is EUM specific.

The extCardResource field is defined in ETSI TS 102 226 [39]. This field includes the
current total available memory, expressed in bytes, for Profile download and installation. The
"number of installed application" value field of extCardResource SHALL be set to '00'.

The uiccCapability field contains the UICC capabilities supported by the eUICC. The
related type definition SHALL be imported from the following version of the TCA eUICC
Profile Package: Interoperable Format Technical Specification [5]:

 for the eUICC, the highest version declared in

additionalProfilePackageVersions, the minimum being version 3.2;
 for the SM-DP+, the highest version supported by this server, the minimum being
version 3.2; and
 for other entities, version 3.2 or higher.
The ts102241Version field indicates the latest version of ETSI TS 102 241 [53] supported
by the eUICC. This field SHALL NOT be present if the eUICC doesn't support this Java

The globalplatformVersion field SHALL indicate the latest version of GlobalPlatform

Card Specification [8] supported by the eUICC.

The euiccRspCapability field contains the optional RSP capabilities supported by the

The euiccCiPKIdListForVerification field indicates the list of eSIM CA RootCA

Public Key Identifiers supported on the eUICC for RSP Server signature verification.

The euiccCiPKIdListForSigning data object contains the list of eSIM CA RootCA

Public Key Identifiers supported on the eUICC for signature creation that can be verified by a
certificate chain Variant O. The euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 contains the list of
eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers supported on the eUICC for signature creation that
can be verified by a certificate chain of one of the other Variants. A version 3 or higher
eUICC not supporting signature creation that can be verified by a certificate chain Variant O,
SHALL include an empty euiccCiPKIdListForSigning data object. A version 3 or
higher eUICC not supporting signature creation that can be verified by one of the other
certificate chain Variants SHALL omit the euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 data object.
A version 3 or higher eUICC SHALL provide at least one identifier in one of the two lists.

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Elements in euiccCiPKIdListForVerification, euiccCiPKIdListForSigning
and euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 SHALL be set in decreasing order of priority by the
eUICC, where the first element in the list is the most preferred and the last element in the list
is the least preferred.

NOTE: By indicating a Public Key identifier in the

euiccCiPKIdListForVerification for supporting signature
verification, the eUICC also indicates support for key agreement associated
to the Public Key identifier, see section 2.6.5.

The euiccCategory field indicates the eUICC category as described below. A version 3 or
higher eUICC SHALL include this data object; it was optional before version 3.

Basic eUICCs SHALL be compliant with at least the following features:
 Memory size available when no Profiles are installed (EEPROM): 64kB
 ISO interface PPS 96
 BIP over HTTPS features

Medium eUICCs SHALL be compliant with at least the following features:

 Memory size available when no Profiles are installed (EEPROM): 384kB
 ISO interface PPS 97
 BIP over HTTPS features
 Processor >= 25MHz
 Crypto processor >= 100MHz
 Memory Protection Unit

Contactless eUICCs SHALL be compliant with at least the following features:

 Memory size available when no Profiles are installed (EEPROM): 1024kB
 ISO interface PPS 97
 BIP over HTTPS features
 Processor >= 25MHz
 Crypto processor >= 100MHz
 Memory Protection Unit
 In combination with an enabled Operational NFC Profile, a contactless
eUICC SHALL support all requirements specified in the SGP.03 GSMA
NFC UICC Requirements Specification [55]

The forbiddenProfilePolicyRules data object SHALL contain the list of PPRs that
are 'forbidden' to be set in any Profile (the PprIds type is defined in section A PPR
is 'forbidden' when there is no PPAR related to this PPR. In addition, PPR1 is 'forbidden' if
an Operational Profile is currently installed on the eUICC.

The information contained in forbiddenProfilePolicyRules data object SHALL be

used during the eligibility check performed by the SM-DP+: the SM-DP+ SHALL NOT deliver
a Profile containing a PPR 'forbidden' by the eUICC.

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The ppVersion data object indicates the version of the GSMA eUICC Protection Profile for
Consumer Devices [92] against which the eUICC has been certified. ppVersion
V255.255.255 indicates a Field-Test eUICC.

NOTE: An eUICC certified during the interim period, when certification against the GSMA
eUICC Protection Profile for Consumer Devices [92] was not available, has a
ppVersion of the form V0.X.Y.

The sasAcreditationNumber data object indicates the SAS for RSP accreditation
number obtained by the EUM (according to the SAS UP specification [77]).

Description of EuiccRspCapability:

A version 3 or higher eUICC SHALL include this data object with identical content in
euiccInfo1 and euiccInfo2. Refer to Annex M that describes how a version 3 eUICC
SHALL be configured.

 The additionalProfile bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if at least one more
Profile can be installed.

 The loadCrlSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC supports the
optional function ES10b.LoadCRL.

NOTE: Prior to version 3, this bit indicated that the eUICC implemented the
ES10b.LoadCRL function which is no longer supported. Setting this bit to 0
in a eUICC version 3 prevents the LPAd, in case a removable eUICC
version 3 is inserted in a Device prior to version 3, to use the
ES10b.LoadCRL function.

 The rpmSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC supports the
Remote Profile Management feature.

 The testProfileSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC supports
the Test Profile feature.

 The deviceInfoExtensibilitySupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the

eUICC supports the extensibility in the DeviceInfo.

 The serviceSpecificDataSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the

eUICC supports the Service Specific Data in the Profile Metadata.

 The hriServerAddressSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC
supports the HRI server address in the Profile Metadata.

 The serviceProviderMessageSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the

eUICC can accept a Service Provider message within the Profile Metadata.

 The lpaProxySupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC supports
the features for the LPA Proxy.

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 The enterpriseProfilesSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the
eUICC supports the features for Enterprise Profiles.

 The serviceDescriptionSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC
supports the service description in the Profile Metadata.

 The deviceChangeSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC
supports the features defined for Device Change and Profile Recovery (tagged with
#SupportedForDcV3.0.0#) except the encrypted device change data.

 The encryptedDeviceChangeDataSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if

the eUICC supports the encrypted Device Change data in Device Change response.

NOTE: this bit can be set to '1' if and only if deviceChangeSupport is set to '1'.

 The estimatedProfileSizeIndicationSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and

only if the eUICC accepts an estimated Profile size in the Profile Metadata.

 The profileSizeInProfilesInfoSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if

the eUICC provides an estimated Profile size in ES10c.GetProfilesInfo.

 The crlStaplingV3Support bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC
supports the CRL stapling and certificate revocation status verification during the
Common Mutual Authentication procedure.

 The certChainV3VerificationSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the

eUICC supports the verification of RSP Server certificate chain Variant A, B and C.

 The signedSmdsResponseV3Support bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the

eUICC supports the handling of SM-DS signed response, e.g., Event Records, i.e.,
implements the function ES10a.VerifySmdsResponse.

 The euiccRspCapInInfo1 bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if

euiccRspCapability is present in EUICCInfo1.

 The osUpdateSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC supports
the OS Update capability.

 The cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the

eUICC supports cancel session reason code "emptyProfileOrSpName".

 The updateNotifConfigInfoSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the

eUICC supports updating of the NotificationConfigurationInfo as defined
in section 5.4.1.

 The updateMetadataV3Support bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the eUICC
supports the modified update metadata mechanism defined in section 5.4.1.

Within the CertificationDataObject, the platformLabel SHALL identify the DLOA

in the DLOA Registrar. This value SHALL be coded as defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA

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specification [57] section 7.1.1. The discoveryBaseURL MAY be an empty string or
contain a value allowing to discover alternate DLOA Registrar(s) (in complement to the well-
known DLOA Registrar, see section 2.2) where the corresponding DLOA(s) MAY be
retrieved. This value SHALL be coded as defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA specification [57]
section 7.1.2.

The lpaMode indicates whether the LPAd or the LPAe is active.

The additionalEuiccInfo contains information about the eUICC as defined by the EUM.
It MAY correlate with the additional issuer information contained in the EID.
The treProperties field describes properties of the TRE that the eUICC is based upon. It
SHALL be present for an Integrated eUICC and MAY be present for a Discrete eUICC. This
field SHALL contain one of the following settings:

 isDiscrete
 isIntegrated
 isIntegrated, usesRemoteMemory
The treProductReference SHALL be present for an Integrated eUICC. This value
SHALL be coded as defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA specification [57] section 7.1.1 and
contain an unique reference of the Integrated TRE product that the eUICC is based upon.
This field SHALL NOT be modifiable.

4.3.1 eUICC identifier (EID)

The EID SHALL uniquely identify an eUICC. The owner of the EIN SHALL guarantee the
uniqueness of the EID, also with respect to eUICCs produced according to previous versions
of this specification and to all versions of SGP.02 [2].

This section specifies the general structure of the EID. The different parts of the EID may
have different sizes depending on the EID assignment scheme.

The EID SHALL have the following general structure:

 The EID SHALL be 32 digits long

 The EID SHALL be built of
o An EUM Identification Number (EIN) of M digits.
o An EUM-Specific Identification Number (ESIN) of 30-M digits.
o A final two digits (31st to 32nd digits) containing check digits calculated over all
32 digits as specified below.

When stored as a byte string, the first digit SHALL be put into the highest four bits of the first

The EUM SHALL construct the EIN and ESIN, according to the requirements of one of the
following EID assignment schemes:
 The assignment scheme defined in SGP.29 [89]
 The E.118-based assignment scheme specified in

The two check digits are calculated as follows:

1. Replace the two check digits by two digits of 0,

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2. Using the resulting 32 digits as a decimal integer, compute the remainder of
that number on division by 97,

3. Subtract the remainder from 98, and use the decimal result for the two check

 If the result is one digit long, its value SHALL be prefixed by one digit
of 0.

Verification of the check digits of an EID is performed as follows:

 Using the 32 digits as a decimal integer, compute the remainder of that number on
division by 97.
 If the remainder of the division is 1, the verification is successful; otherwise the EID is

NOTE: Examples of valid EIDs are:

 8900 1012 0123 4123 4012 3456 7890 1224
 8900 1567 01020304 0506 0708 0910 1152
 8904 4011 1122 3344 1122 3344 1122 3321
 0090 9231 2229 9992 3581 2903 6544 3008 Details of the EID structure according to the E.118-based assignment scheme
The EIN SHALL have the following structure:

o A Major Industry Identifier digit of 8 (1st digit), as defined in ISO/IEC 7812

Error: Reference source not found.
o An additional digit of 9 specifying telecommunications, as defined in ISO/IEC
7812 Error: Reference source not found,
o An additional three digits for country code (3rd to 5th digits).
 If the country code is one digit long, its value SHALL be prefixed by
two digits of 0,
 If the country code is two digits long, its value SHALL be prefixed by
one digit of 0.
o An additional three digits for issuer identifier (6th to 8th digits).
 If the issuer identifier is one digit long, its value SHALL be prefixed by
two digits of 0,
 If the issuer identifier is two digits long, its value SHALL be prefixed by
one digit of 0.

The country code and issuer identifier SHALL be assigned as specified in ITU E.118 Error:
Reference source not found.

NOTE: The EIN according to this scheme was called IIN in former versions of this

The ESIN SHALL have the following structure:

o Ten digits for issuer specific information (9th to 18th digits),

o An additional twelve digits for the individual identification number (19th to 30th

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4.4 Profile Metadata
During the Profile download and installation procedure, Profile Metadata needs to be
provided to the LPAd for display and to the eUICC. Profile Metadata is generated by the SM-
DP+ in plain text to be readable by the LPA. Profile Metadata is also contained protected in
BPP to be loaded into the eUICC, so that the LPA will be able to access the same
information any time after the Profile has been successfully loaded into the eUICC, using the
"ES10c.GetProfilesInfo" function.

Profile Metadata values, like any other Profile data, are under the responsibility of, and
defined by, the Profile owner. Profile Metadata is communicated to the SM-DP+ by means
which are out of scope of this specification.

Profile Metadata includes:

 ICCID of the Profile

 Profile Name (corresponds to "Short description" in SGP.21 [4]) as a plain text
information: content free information defined by the Operator
 Service Provider name, as a plain text information: content free information defined
by the Operator/Service Provider (e.g., 'Orange', 'AT&T'…)
 End User’s Profile Nickname
 Icon
 Profile Class: indicates the sort of profile among the defined values: 'Test',
'Operational' and 'Provisioning' (section 4.4.1)
 Notification Configuration Information, defined in section 3.5 "Notifications"
 Profile owner, including MCC, MNC, GID1 and GID2 if the Profile is not PIN protected
 Profile Policy Rules (PPRs) (section 2.9.1 and 4.4.2)
 The address of the HRI Server (section 4.4.3)
 Enterprise Configuration (section 4.4.4)
 RPM Configuration (section 2.4a.1.3)
 Service Provider Message (section 2.4a.1.4)
 Local Proxy Configuration (section 2.4a.1.5)
 Service Description (section 4.4.5)
Profile Metadata is available to the LPA during Profile download to provide information to the
End User about the Profile to be installed. But it is out of scope of this implementation what
the LPA does exactly with this Profile Metadata, e.g., the LPA can display all or only part of
this information.

4.4.1 Profile Class

A Profile can be defined as a Test Profile, an Operational Profile or a Provisioning Profile.
The Profile Class is set in the Profile Metadata and indicates to the LPA and the eUICC
which rules to apply.

4.4.2 Profile Policy Rules

The PPRs are provided within the ES8+.StoreMetadata function of the Bound Profile
Package. The pol field of the ProfileHeader PE of the TCA Profile Package (UPP in
section 2.5.2) SHALL NOT be used.

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The PPRs defined in this document are coded using the ASN.1 data type PprIds, see
section 2.4a.1.1. pprUpdateControl has no meaning when provided in

4.4.3 High Resolution Icons

In addition to the (standard) icon provided directly in the Metadata, which has only limited
graphical capabilities, a second mechanism is defined, which allows for better graphics.

The Metadata includes the address of an HRI Server, which together with some other
parameters can be used by the LPA to retrieve an icon with higher resolution and a different
shape. Such an icon SHOULD be used by the LPA instead of the standard icon. Different
icons can be retrieved by the LPA for different usages: During Profile download, for Profile
selection, etc.

The LPA MAY store icons it retrieved in local memory for later re-use.
See section 5.11.2 for handling by the LPAe.

4.4.4 Enterprise Configuration

The Enterprise Configuration SHALL be provided if and only if a Profile is an Enterprise
Profile. The Enterprise Configuration includes the OID and name of the Enterprise, and
optionally the Enterprise Rules associated with the Enterprise Profile.

4.4.5 Service Description

The Service Description MAY be provided by the Profile Owner to indicate the services offered by its
associated subscription. This field is for information only and no action is specified in this document
based on this field.

4.5 Keys and Certificates

4.5.1 Keys and Certificates Naming Conventions

The keys and Certificates used in this specification are named according to the conventions
described in this section.
The general name structure is: <XX>.<YY>.<ZZ>
 <XX> designates the nature of the element, the following values are defined:
o PK: the public key of an asymmetric key pair
o SK: the private key of an asymmetric key pair
o CERT: a Certificate containing a public key
o otPK: a public key of an asymmetric one-time key pair
o otSK: a private key of an asymmetric one-time key pair
 <YY> designates the owner of the element, the following values are defined:
o CI: an eSIM CA
o CISubCA: an eSIM CA SubCA
o DP: an SM-DP+ when no further qualification is required

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o DPauth: the Authentication function of an SM-DP+
o DPpb: the Profile Package Binding function of an SM-DP+
o DPSubCA: an SM-DP+ SubCA
o DS: an SM-DS when no further qualification is required
o DSauth: the Authentication function of an SM-DS
o DSSubCA: an SM-DS SubCA
o EUM: an EUM
o EUMSubCA: an EUM SubCA
 <ZZ> designates the usage of the element, the following values are defined:
o SIG: for a digital signature
o KA: for a key agreement
o TLS: for TLS connection establishment

- PK.EUICC.SIG: Public key of an eUICC, used to verify an eUICC signature.
- CERT.DP.TLS: Certificate of the SM-DP+, used to establish TLS connection
- CERT.DPauth.SIG: Certificate of the SM-DP+, used to verify an SM-DP+ signature
for its authentication.
Table 9: Void

4.5.2 Certificates
A Certificate Issuer issues certificates for Remote SIM Provisioning system entities and acts
as a trusted root for the purpose of authentication of the entities of the system. The
specification supports X.509 certificate format as defined in Section

Certificates used in this specification all chain to an eSIM CA RootCA Certificate, except TLS
Certificates that MAY chain to a Public CA Certificate.

Certificates according to v2 of this specification have the following drawbacks:

 The values used in the Certificate Policies extension are not assigned as specified in
RFC 5280 [17].

 The Name Constraints extension for EUM and eUICC Certificates are not used as
specified in RFC 5280 [17].

 EUM, SM-DP+ and SM-DS Certificates are directly signed by the offline eSIM CA
RootCA, which is not the best practice.

For backwards compatibility, v2 Certificates are still covered as Variant O in this specification
and eSIM CAs that issued v2 Certificates may still need to support them.

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However, for new eSIM CAs where support of v2 Certificates is not required (e.g., if they use
an SM2 Signature), it is strongly recommended to only issue Certificates according to
Variants Ov3, A, B or C. eUICC Certificate chains

The eUICC Certificate chains are described in the figure below.

Figure 30: eUICC Certificate Chain

- Variant O (Original) and Variant Ov3: the eUICC Certificate chains to the eSIM CA
RootCA Certificate through only the EUM Certificate.

- Variant A: the eUICC Certificate chains to the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate through
the EUM SubCA and EUM Certificates.

- Variant B: the eUICC Certificate chains to the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate through
the EUM and eSIM CA SubCA Certificates.

- Variant C: the eUICC Certificate chains to the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate through
the EUM SubCA, EUM and eSIM CA SubCA Certificates.

Variant O eUICC and EUM Certificates contain Certificate Policies and Name Constraints
extensions as defined in v2 of this specification.

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All Certificates of the eUICC Certificate chains of all other Variants (including Variant Ov3)
contain Certificate Policies, Name Constraints and Permitted EINs extensions as defined in
this version of this specification.

Variants A and C may be used, for example, to provide to the EUM the capability to split its
eUICC production under different EUM SubCA Certificates while not involving the eSIM CA
for that (see section 2.7). If this additional level of EUM SubCA Certificate is used, the EUM
SHALL manage its revocation status.

Even though each eUICC SHALL support at least two sets of elliptic curve parameters
(section 2.6.5), which can be chosen from by an RSP server for its signatures and key
agreement, an eUICC SHALL have at least one CERT.EUICC.SIG. RSP Servers certificate chains

The RSP Server certificate chains are described in the figure below.

Figure 30a: RSP Server Certificate Chains

- Variant O (Original): the RSP Server Certificates chain directly to the eSIM CA
RootCA Certificate (no intermediate SubCA), and containing a Certificate Policies
extension as defined in v2 of this specification.

- Variant A: the RSP Server Certificates chain to the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate
through intermediate SubCA Certificates under the control of the RSP Server
providers (CERT.DPSubCA.SIG or CERT.DSSubCA.SIG), each containing a
Certificate Policies extension as defined in this version of this specification.

- Variant B: the RSP Server Certificates chain to the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate
through an intermediate SubCA Certificate under the control of the eSIM CA

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(CERT.CISubCA.SIG), each containing a Certificate Policies extension as defined in
this version of this specification.

- Variant C: the RSP Server Certificates chain to the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate
through two levels of intermediate SubCA Certificates, each containing a Certificate
Policies extension as defined in this version of this specification.

At least one of the variants A, B or C SHALL be supported by the eSIM CA. Variant O MAY
be supported. The SM-DS and SM-DP+ SHALL be able to request their certificate(s)
following any of the variants supported by the eSIM CA.

If the Variant A or C is used, the RSP Server MAY choose not to manage revocation status
of its leaf certificates. In that case the RSP Server SHALL adopt an appropriate renewal
policy in order to mitigate the risk of a compromised certificate being used (i.e., limit their
validity periods).

The RSP Server TLS certificate chains are described in the figure below.

Figure 30b: RSP Server TLS Certificate Chains with eSIM CA

- Variant O (Original): the RSP Server TLS certificates chain directly to the eSIM CA
RootCA Certificate (no intermediate SubCA), and containing a Certificate Policies
extension as defined in v2 of this specification.

- Variant A: the RSP Server TLS certificates chain to the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate
through intermediate SubCA certificates under the control of the RSP Servers
(CERT.DPSubCA.SIG or CERT.DSSubCA.SIG), each containing a Certificate
Policies extension as defined in this version of this specification.

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- Variant B: the RSP Server TLS certificates chain to the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate
through an intermediate SubCA certificate under the control of the eSIM CA
(CERT.CISubCA.SIG), each containing a Certificate Policies extension as defined in
this version of this specification.

- Variant C: the RSP Server TLS certificates chain to the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate
through two levels of intermediate SubCA certificates, each containing a Certificate
Policies extension as defined in this version of this specification.

Figure 30c: RSP Server TLS Certificate Chains with Public CA

- Variant OO: the RSP Server TLS certificates chain to a Public CA Root Certificate,
with zero, one or several Public CA SubCA Certificates in the chain.

- Variant AA: the RSP Server TLS certificates chain to a Public CA Root Certificate,
through an intermediate SubCA certificate under the control of the RSP Servers, and
zero, one or several Public CA SubCA Certificates in the chain.

At least one of the variants A or B or C SHALL be supported by the eSIM CA. Variant O
MAY be supported. The SM-DS and SM-DP+ SHALL be able to request their certificate(s)
following any of the variants supported by the eSIM CA or Public CA.

If the Variant A or AA is used, the RSP Server MAY choose not to manage revocation status
of its leaf certificates. In that case the RSP Server SHALL adopt an appropriate renewal
policy in order to mitigate the risk of a compromised certificate being used (i.e., limit their
validity periods).

The RSP Servers MAY select different variants for certificate chains for TLS and
CERT.X.SIG Certificates.

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The Algorithm Identifiers of all certificates of a certificate chain SHALL point to the same

The SM-DP+ has 2 Certificates for digital signature (CERT.DPauth.SIG and

CERT.DPpb.SIG). The CERT.DPauth.SIG is used for authentication to the eUICC, and the
CERT.DPpb.SIG is used for Profile binding.

These certificates are described in the next sections. X.509 Certificate Profile

This section describes the X.509 certificate profile. Those certificates SHALL follow RFC
5280 [17], with the specific coding given in this section.

In particular:

 'Issuer' and 'Subject' fields SHALL be limited to standard attributes defined in ITU-T
X.520 [24] and RFC 4519 [28].
 Certificates SHALL contain all extensions defined in their respective profile, except if
stated otherwise.
 Certificates SHALL NOT contain the freshestCRL extension (use of Delta CRL is not
 The Subject Key Identifier SHOULD be computed using method 1 specified in section in RFC 5280 [17] for all the certificates listed in section
Entities SHALL perform certificate verification according to section

NOTE: Certificates are described using table representation for easiness, but
conform to the ASN.1 format given in RFC 5280 [17]. Certificates description Certificates common fields

The table below describes the common fields that all certificates defined in this section
SHALL contain. A certificate MAY have additional fields or a different content for a field; in
that case it will be indicated in its specific description.

Certificate common fields

Field Value Description
tbsCertificate Data to be signed
Field Value Description
version Version SHALL be 3 (value is 2) as extensions are
used in all certificates defined in this specification.
serialNumber Certificate serial number.
signature Contains the algorithm identifier used by the issuer to
compute the value of the field 'signatureValue'
NOTE: The algorithm identifier value SHALL be the
same as the one of the field 'signatureAlgorithm'.

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issuer Distinguished Name of the entity that has signed the

certificate. It SHALL match the 'subject' field of the
issuing entity certificate.
validity Validity period of the certificate. The validity period
allowed for each certificate is defined in SGP.14 [45].
subject Distinguished Name of the entity owning the
Example of eSIM CA DN:
cn = GSMA Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
ou = GSMA Trust Network
o = GSMA
c = UK

subjectPublicKeyInfo Contains the algorithm identifier, parameters and

public key value.
Algorithm identifier and parameters SHALL be set
according to section
subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey contains the
public key value and SHALL be coded as defined in
RFC 5480 [27].
extensions Extension for Subject Key Identifier. (RFC 5280 [17]
section This extension SHALL be set with:
extnID = id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier
critical = false
extnValue = <Identifier of the public key bound in the
signatureAlgorithm Section
signatureValue Signature computed accordingly to one of the possible algorithm listed in
Table 9a: Certificates common fields eSIM Certificate Issuer

Field Value Description
issuer This SHALL be identical to 'subject' field value.
Extension for Key usage extnID = id-ce-keyUsage
(RFC 5280 [17] section critical = true extnValue = {
keyCertSign (5),
cRLSign(6) }
Extension for Certificate extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Policies (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = id-rspRole-ci (Annex H)
To indicate the eSIM CA role.

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Extension for Basic extnID = id-ce-basicConstraints

Constraints (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = {
cA = true }
Extension for extnID = id-ce-subjectAltName
subjectAltName (RFC 5280 critical = false
[17] section extnValue = {
registeredID (8) = CI OID }

Table 10: CERT.CI.SIG

NOTE: The CERT.CI.SIG is a self-signed certificate, there is no need to include the
Extension for Authority Key Identifier.

The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.CISubCA.SIG in complement of the
description given in section
Field Value Description
subject Distinguished Name of the eSIM CA SubCA.
Extension for Authority Key extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier
Identifier (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this certificate>
Extension for Key usage extnID = id-ce-keyUsage
(RFC 5280 [17] section critical = true extnValue = {
keyCertSign (5),
cRLSign (6)}
Extension for Certificate extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Policies (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = id-rspRole-ciSubCa (Section 2.4a.1.0)
To indicate that this is an eSIM CA SubCA Certificate.
Extension for It SHALL contain the same value as for CERT.CI.SIG of that same
subjectAltName (RFC 5280 eSIM CA.
[17] section
Extension for Basic extnID = id-ce-basicConstraints
Constraints (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = {
cA = true
To indicate that this certificate is a SubCA with no limit on the
number of non-self-issued intermediate CA certificates that may
Extension for CRL extnID = id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints
Distribution Points (RFC critical = false
5280 [17] section extnValue = section

Table 10a: CERT.CISubCA.SIG

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The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.EUICC.SIG in complement of the
description given in section

Field Value Description

subject Distinguished Name of the EUICC. It SHALL include,
at least, 'organization' and 'serialNumber' attributes.
Others attributes MAY be included for information.
The 'organization' attribute SHALL have one of the
values allowed in the nameConstraints extension of
the EUM Certificate (CERT.EUM.SIG). See note 1.
The 'serialNumber' attribute SHALL be the EID as a
decimal PrintableString (see note 2). The EID SHALL
start with one of the EINs allowed in the EUM
Certificate (CERT.EUM.SIG).
Example of an eUICC DN:
o = ACME
serialNumber = 89049032123451234512345678901235

Extension for extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier

Authority Key critical = false
Identifier (RFC 5280 extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this
[17] section certificate>
Extension for Key extnID = id-ce-keyUsage
usage (RFC 5280 critical = true
[17] section extnValue = digitalSignature (0)
Extension for extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Certificate Policies critical = true
(RFC 5280 [17] extnValue = id-rspRole-euicc or id-rspRole-euicc-v2
section (Section 2.4a.1.0)
To indicate that this is an eUICC Certificate.
NOTE: id-rspRole-euicc-v2 indicates a Certificate in a
chain following Variant O (see figure 30)
NOTE 1: X.509 mandates that each Certificate in in a certification path obeys
the nameConstraints extensions defined in preceding Certificates of the
certification path.
NOTE 2: former versions of this specification mandated a nameConstraints
extension in the EUM Certificate that conflicts with the requirement that
attribute 'serial number' of the Subject of the eUICC Certificate SHALL be the
EID. Variant O maintains this conflict for backwards compatibility. See
section for a recommendation as to how the servers can work around
this issue.

The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.EUM.SIG in complement of the
description given in section

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Field Value Description

subject Distinguished Name of the EUM. It SHALL include at least
'organization' and 'commonName' attributes.
Example of EUM DN:
c = US
l = New York
o = ACME
cn = ACME Public CA
e =

Extension for extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier

Authority Key critical = false
Identifier (RFC 5280 extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this certificate>
[17]): section
Extension for Key extnID = id-ce-keyUsage
usage (RFC 5280 critical = true
[17] section extnValue = {
keyCertSign (5),
cRLSign(6) --[Conditional] }
cRLSign indicator SHALL be set if the EUM uses the additional
EUM SubCA (see section 2.7).
Extension for extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Certificate Policies critical = true
(RFC 5280 [17] extnValue = id-rspRole-eum or id-rspRole-eum-v2 (Section
section 2.4a.1.0)
To indicate that this is an EUM Certificate.
NOTE: id-rspRole-eum-v2 indicates a Certificate in a chain following
Variant O (see figure 30)
Extension for extnID = id-ce-subjectAltName
subjectAltName critical = false
(RFC 5280 [17] extnValue = {
registeredID (8) = EUM OID }
Extension for Basic extnID = id-ce-basicConstraints
Constraints (RFC critical = true
5280 [17] section extnValue = {
cA = true
pathLenConstraint = 1 }
To indicate that this certificate is a SubCA allowed to issue another
level of EUM SubCA Certificate.
pathLenConstraint SHALL be set to 0 when the Certificate Policies
extension is set to id-rspRole-eum-v2.
Extension for CRL extnID = id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints
Distribution Points critical = false
(RFC 5280 [17] extnValue = section

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Extension for Name extnID = id-ce-nameConstraints

Constraints (see critical = true
RFC 5280 [17] extnValue NameConstraints ::= {
permittedSubtrees ::= {
(See Notes 1 and 2)
base directoryName : rdnSequence : {
type { <id-at-organizationName oid> }
value : <organization name>
minimum 0
This restriction contains the organization name(s) that the EUM
owning this certificate is allowed to set in the eUICC Certificates.
This restriction applies on the subject name (containing the
'organization' attribute).
The extension MAY contain several possible 'organization' values.
Field 'minimum' has no meaning in this specification.
Extension for extnID = id-rsp-extension-permitted-eins
permitted EINs critical = false
extnValue PermittedEins ::= {<ein1>, <ein2>,… }

This extension contains the EINs that the EUM owning this
Certificate is allowed to use in the EID of the eUICC.
The EUM SHALL add this extension for Variants other than O.

NOTE 1: As per RFC 5280 [17], the name constraints applies to all subject names
in subsequent Certificates in a certification path (i.e., EUM SubCA and EUICC
NOTE 2: A former version of this specification included a restriction on the
'serialNumber' attribute in the nameConstraints extension to be one of the EUM’s
IINs. Variant O certificate chains maintain such restrictions for backwards
compatibility. See section for a recommendation as to how the servers can
work around this issue.
Table 12: CERT.EUM.SIG
The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.EUMSubCA.SIG in complement of
the description given in section

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Field Value Description

subject According to the name constraints set in CERT.EUM.SIG, the
subject SHALL contain the 'organization' attribute with one of the
value defined in the name constraints extension.
Others attributes MAY be included for information.

Example of EUM SubCA DN:

o = ACME

Extension for Authority Key extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier

Identifier (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this certificate>
Extension for Key usage extnID = id-ce-keyUsage
(RFC 5280 [17] section critical = true extnValue = keyCertSign (5)
Extension for Certificate extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Policies (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = id-rspRole-eumSubCa (Annex H)
To indicate that this is an EUM SubCA Certificate.
Extension for extnID = id-ce-subjectAltName
subjectAltName (RFC 5280 critical = false
[17] section extnValue = {
registeredID (8) = EUM OID}
The OID SHALL be the same as in CERT.EUM.SIG
Extension for Basic extnID = id-ce-basicConstraints
Constraints (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = {
cA = true,
pathLenConstraint = 0 }
To indicate that this certificate is a SubCA limited to issue only
"leaf" certificate.
Extension for CRL extnID = id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints
Distribution Points (RFC critical = false
5280 [17] section extnValue = see section


The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.DPSubCA.SIG in complement of the
description given in section

Field Value Description

Extension for Authority Key extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier
Identifier (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this certificate>

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Extension for Key usage extnID = id-ce-keyUsage

(RFC 5280 [17] section critical = true extnValue = {
keyCertSign (5),
cRLSign (6) -- [Conditional]}
cRLSign indicator SHALL be set if the SM-DP+ SubCA manages
certificate revocation (see section 2.7).
Extension for Certificate extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Policies (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = id-rspRole-dpSubCa (Section 2.4a.1.0)
To indicate that this is an SM-DP+ SubCA Certificate.
This extension MAY be absent or contain a different value when
the Certificate is part of a chain following Variant AA (figure 30c).
Extension for extnID = id-ce-subjectAltName
subjectAltName (RFC 5280 critical = false
[17] section extnValue = {
registeredID (8) = SM-DP+ OID}
Extension for Basic extnID = id-ce-basicConstraints
Constraints (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = {
cA = true,
pathLenConstraint = 0 }
To indicate that this certificate is a SubCA limited to issue only
"leaf" certificate for the SM-DP+.
Extension for CRL extnID = id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints
Distribution Points (RFC critical = false
5280 [17] section extnValue = section

Table 12b CERT.DPSubCA.SIG

The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.DPauth.SIG/CERT.DPpb.SIG in
complement of the description given in section

Field Value Description

subject Distinguished Name of the SM-DP+. It SHALL include at least
'organization' and 'commonName' attributes.
Example of an SM-DP+ DN for DPauth usage:
c = US
l =New York
o = ACME
cn = ACME DPauth
e =

Extension for Authority extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier

Key Identifier (RFC 5280 critical = false
[17] section extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this certificate>

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Extension for Key usage extnID = id-ce-keyUsage

(RFC 5280 [17] section critical = true extnValue = digitalSignature (0)
Extension for Certificate extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Policies (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = id-rspRole-dp-pb or id-rspRole-dp-pb-v2 (Section
2.4a.1.0) for CERT.DPpb.SIG,
extnValue = id-rspRole-dp-auth or id-rspRole-dp-auth-v2 (Section
2.4a.1.0) for CERT.DPauth.SIG,
'extnValue' SHALL be one of the above OIDs to indicate the role of
this SM-DP+ Certificate (authentication to the eUICC or Profile
NOTE: id-rspRole-dp-auth-v2 or id-rspRole-dp-pb-v2 indicates a
Certificate in a chain following Variant O (see figure 30a).
Extension for extnID = id-ce-subjectAltName
subjectAltName (RFC critical = false
5280 [17] section extnValue = {
registeredID (8) = SM-DP+ OID}
Extension for CRL extnID = id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints
Distribution Points (RFC critical = false
5280 [17] section extnValue = section
This extension SHALL be absent for Certificates issued by SM-DP+
SubCA not managing revocation (see section 2.7).

Table 13: CERT.DPauth.SIG / CERT.DPpb.SIG

All the field values of the CERT.DPauth.SIG and CERT.DPpb.SIG SHALL be identical
except for the following fields:

 subject
 serialNumber
 extension (extnValue=id-ce-certificatePolicies)
 subjectPublicKeyInfo
 signatureValue
 extension (extnID = id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier) SM-DP+ TLS

The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.DP.TLS in complement of the
description given in section

Field Value Description

subject Refer to table defining CERT.DPauth.SIG / CERT.DPpb.SIG. Both
have identical attributes except 'cn' that SHALL match one of the SM-
DP+ hostname (FQDN) entries contained in the subjectAltName

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Extension for Authority Key extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier

Identifier (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this certificate>
Extension for Key usage extnID = id-ce-keyUsage
(RFC 5280 [17] section critical = true extnValue = digitalSignature (0)
Extension for Certificate extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Policies (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = id-rspRole-dp-tls or id-rspRole-dp-tls-v2 (Section
To indicate that this is an SM-DP+ Certificate for TLS.
This extension MAY be absent or contain a different value when the
certificate is part of a Variant OO or AA (see figure 30c).
NOTE: id-rspRole-dp-tls-v2 indicates a certificate in a chain following
Variant O (see figure 30c).
Extension for Extended extnID = id-ce-extKeyUsage
Key usage (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = ExtKeyUsageSyntax ::{
Certificate SHALL NOT contain any other extended key usage.
Extension for extnID = id-ce-subjectAltName
subjectAltName (RFC 5280 critical = false
[17] section extnValue = GeneralNames ::= {
dNSName '<SM-DP+ hostname (FQDN) value>'
registeredID '<SM-DP+ OID value>'
This extension SHALL contain at least one dNSName entry, and only
one registeredID entry.
A dNSName entry MAY contain the wildcard character * as allowed
by RFC 2818 [67].
Extension for CRL extnID = id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints
Distribution Points (RFC critical = false
5280 [17] section extnValue = section
This extension SHALL be absent for Certificates issued by SM-DP+
SubCA not managing revocation (see section 2.7).

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The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.DSSubCA.SIG in complement of the
description given in section

Field Value Description

Extension for Authority Key extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier
Identifier (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this certificate>
Extension for Key usage extnID = id-ce-keyUsage
(RFC 5280 [17] section critical = true extnValue = {
keyCertSign (5),
cRLSign (6) -- [Conditional]}
cRLSign indicator SHALL be set if the if the SM-DS SubCA
manages certificate revocation (see section 2.7).
Extension for Certificate extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Policies (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = id-rspRole-dsSubCa (Section 2.4a.1.0)
To indicate that this is an SM-DS SubCA Certificate.
This extension MAY be absent or contain a different value when
the Certificate is a chain following Variant AA (figure 30c).
Extension for extnID = id-ce-subjectAltName
subjectAltName (RFC 5280 critical = false
[17] section extnValue = {
registeredID (8) = SM-DS OID}
Extension for Basic extnID = id-ce-basicConstraints
Constraints (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = {
cA = true,
pathLenConstraint = 0 }
To indicate that this certificate is a SubCA limited to issue only
"leaf" certificate for the SM-DS.
Extension for CRL extnID = id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints
Distribution Points (RFC critical = false
5280 [17] section extnValue = section

Table 14a CERT.DSSubCA.SIG

The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.DSauth.SIG in complement of the
description given in section

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Field Value Description

subject Distinguished Name of the SM-DS. It SHALL include at least
'organization' and 'commonName' attributes.
Example of an SM-DS DN:
c = US
l = New York
o = ACME
e =

Extension for Authority Key extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier

Identifier (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this certificate>
To identify the PK.CI.SIG that has to be used to verify this
Extension for Key usage extnID = id-ce-keyUsage
(RFC 5280 [17] section critical = true extnValue = digitalSignature (0)
Extension for Certificate extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Policies (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = id-rspRole-ds-auth or id-rspRole-ds-auth-v2 (Section
To indicate that this is an SM-DS SIG Certificate for authentication
to the eUICC.
NOTE: id-rspRole-ds-auth-v2 indicates a Certificate in a chain
following Variant O (see figure 30a).
Extension for extnID = id-ce-subjectAltName
subjectAltName (RFC 5280 critical = false
[17] section extnValue = {
registeredID (8) = SM-DS OID}
Extension for CRL extnID = id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints
Distribution Points (RFC critical = false
5280 [17] section extnValue = section
This extension SHALL be absent for Certificates issued by SM-DS
SubCA not managing revocation (see section 2.7).

Table 15: CERT.DSauth.SIG SM-DS TLS

The table below describes the specific fields of a CERT.DS.TLS in complement of the
description given in section

Field Value Description

subject Refer to table defining CERT.DSauth.SIG. Both CERT.DSauth.SIG
and CERT.DS.TLS SHALL have identical attributes except 'cn' that
SHALL match one of the SM-DS hostname (FQDN) entries
contained in the subjectAltName extension.

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Extension for Authority Key extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier

Identifier (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this certificate>
Extension for Key usage extnID = id-ce-keyUsage
(RFC 5280 [17] section critical = true extnValue = digitalSignature (0)
Extension for Certificate extnID = id-ce-certificatePolicies
Policies (RFC 5280 [17] critical = false
section extnValue = id-rspRole-ds-tls or id-rspRole-ds-tls-v2 (Section
To indicate that this an SM-DS TLS Certificate.
This extension MAY be absent or contain a different value when the
certificate is part of a Variant OO or AA (see figure 30c).
NOTE: id-rspRole-ds-tls-v2 indicates a Certificate in a chain following
Variant O (see figure 30c).
Extension for Extended extnID = id-ce-extKeyUsage
Key usage (RFC 5280 [17] critical = true
section extnValue = ExtKeyUsageSyntax ::{
Certificate SHALL NOT contain any other extended key usage.
Extension for extnID = id-ce-subjectAltName
subjectAltName (RFC 5280 critical = false
[17] section extnValue = GeneralNames ::= {
dNSName '<SM-DS hostname (FQDN) value>'
registeredID '<SM-DS OID value>'
This extension SHALL contain at least one dNSName entry, and only
one registeredID entry.
A dNSName entry MAY contain the wildcard character * as allowed
by RFC 2818 [67].
Extension for CRL extnID = id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints
Distribution Points (RFC critical = false
5280 [17] section extnValue = section
This extension SHALL be absent for Certificates issued by SM-DS
SubCA not managing revocation (see section 2.7).

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Table 16: CERT.DS.TLS Algorithm Identifiers and Parameters

This section provides the values to be set in 'AlgorithmIdentifier.algorithm' and
'AlgorithmIdentifier.parameters' fields of the certificate for each of the algorithms used in this

For section 'subjectPublicKeyInfo' the following settings SHALL apply:

'AlgorithmIdentifier.algorithm' field SHALL be set to: "iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-

X9-62(10045) keyType(2) ecPublicKey(1)" as defined in RFC 5480, or

"iso(1) standard(0) digital-signature-with-appendix(14888) part3(3) algorithm(0) sm2(14)" as

defined in ISO 14888-3.

'AlgorithmIdentifier.parameters' field SHALL be set to:

 for BrainpoolP256r1: "iso(1) identified-organization(3) teletrust(36) algorithm(3)

signatureAlgorithm(3) ecSign(2) ecStdCurvesAndGeneration(8) ellipticCurve(1)
versionOne(1) brainpoolP256r1(7)" as defined in RFC 5639 [18]
 for NIST P-256: "iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) curves(3)
prime(1) prime256v1(7)" as defined in RFC 5480 [27]
 For FRP256V1: "iso(1) member-body(2) fr(250) type-org(1) 223 101 256 1" as
defined in ANSSI ECC [20]
 For SM2 public keys: 'AlgorithmIdentifier.parameters' field SHALL be omitted
For sections 'signature' and 'signatureAlgorithm' the following settings SHALL apply:

 'AlgorithmIdentifier.algorithm' field SHALL be set as following for ECDSA with

 "iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) signatures(4) ecdsa-with-
SHA2(3) ecdsa-with-SHA256(2)" as defined in RFC 5758 [25] and RFC 5759
 'AlgorithmIdentifier.parameters' field SHALL be omitted as defined in RFC 5758
[25] section 3.2.
 'AlgorithmIdentifier.algorithm' field SHALL be set as following for SM2:
"iso(1) standard(0) digital-signature-with-appendix(14888) part3(3) algorithm(0)
sm2(14)" as defined in ISO 14888-3.
'AlgorithmIdentifier.parameters' field SHALL be omitted. Extension CRL Distribution Point

A CRL Issuer (see section 2.7) SHALL include the cRLDistributionPoints extension in
the Certificates they issue.

The cRLDistributionPoints extension in a certificate indicates the location(s) where a

CRL can be retrieved, which lists this certificate upon its revocation.

The extension MAY contain several DistributionPoint entries. Nevertheless it is

recommended to set only one entry in the Certificates part of a server certificate chain in
order to limit their size, because of the eUICC constrained resources.

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If an eSIM CA supports the issuance of version 2 Certificates, it SHALL also support the
generation of the segmented CRL form as defined in version 2 of this specification.

A DistributionPoint entry SHALL only have the distributionPoint field set. The
optional reasons field SHALL NOT be present; each revoked certificate SHALL have its own
reason set. The cRLIssuer field SHALL NOT be present, because the CRL SHALL be
issued by the Certificate Issuer.

The distributionPoint field MAY contain several general names, each describing a
different mechanism to obtain the same CRL (the field nameRelativeToCRLIssuer is not
used in this specification). But distributionPoint SHALL contain at least a general name
of type URI with an HTTP scheme, indicating that the CRL can be retrieved as an HTTP
resource. Certificate Verification

Certificate verifiers SHALL only accept certificate chains defined in section and They SHALL verify the Certificate according to RFC 5280 [17] with the exception
given below.

The SM-DP+ and SM-DS SHALL verify that the EID in the eUICC Certificate
CERT.EUICC.SIG is consistent with the EINs permitted in the EUM Certificate
CERT.EUM.SIG (see section For Variant O, the list of permitted EINs is given in
the nameConstraints extension; for all other variants, it is given in the separate extension
Permitted EINs.

For compatibility reasons, and as an exception to the verification requirements specified by

RFC 5280 [17], the SM-DP+ and SM-DS SHALL NOT enforce the 'serialNumber' part of the
nameConstraints extension when verifying the eUICC Certificate in Variant O.

In addition, verifiers of certificate chains for TLS establishment MAY verify restrictions to
Certificate Profiles specified in section for these Certificates. Restrictions to
Certificate Profiles defined in section for other Certificate chains SHALL be verified.

Certificate revocation status of each Certificate in the chain SHALL be verified:

o RSP Servers SHALL perform this verification as described in RFC 5280 [17],
using the CRLs that they can retrieve as defined in section 4.6.4.
o The LPAd SHALL perform this verification for TLS Certificates using a revocation
mechanism supported by the certificate issuers in the trust chain (e.g., CRL
validation as described in RFC 5280 [17]).
o The eUICCs SHALL perform this verification as indicated in
ES10b.AuthenticateServer, section 5.7.13.
NOTE: Verification of the revocation status of TLS Certificates by the LPAe is FFS.

If any of these verifications fail, the certificate SHALL be considered as invalid and the
operation for which it was used, SHALL be rejected.

4.6 Certificate Revocation List

The CRL can be empty or contain one or several revoked certificates from among all the
unexpired certificates in scope of the CRL.

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The CRL SHALL follow RFC 5280 [17] with the specific coding and rules given in this
section. The CRL SHALL have all the extensions described in table 17. The CRL MAY have
additional extensions except deltaCRLIndicator and freshestCRL (Delta CRLs are not

A certificate listed in a CRL SHALL be considered as definitively revoked (i.e., the 'Hold'
state is not considered).

NOTE: CRL is described using table representation for easiness, but conforms to
the ASN.1 format given in RFC 5280 [17].

Field Value Description

tbsCertList Data to be signed
Field Value Description
version Version SHALL be 2.
signature Contains the algorithm identifier and parameters used
by the issuer to compute the value of the field
'signatureValue' (section
The algorithm identifier value and parameters values
SHALL be the same as the one of the field
issuer Distinguished Name of the CRL Issuer. This DN
SHALL be the same as the one used for issuing
certificates (i.e., DN set in the issuer field of the
thisUpdate Time stamp of the CRL.
nextUpdate Indicates the date by which the next CRL will be
issued. The next CRL could be issued before the
indicated date, but it will not be issued any later than
the indicated date.
revokedCertificates Sequence of "revocation entry" as described in table
crlExtensions Extension for Authority Key Identifier (RFC 5280 [17]
section 5.2.1):
extnID = id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier
critical = true
extnValue = <Identifier of the public key to verify this

Extension for CRL Number (RFC 5280 [17] section

extnID = id-ce-cRLNumber
critical = false
extnValue = CRL number, starting from 0.

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Extension for Issuing Distribution Point (RFC 5280

[17] section 5.2.5):
extnID = id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint
critical = true
extnValue = {
distributionPoint [0] -- section
Fields indirectCRL and onlyContainsAttributeCerts
SHALL be set to FALSE. onlySomeReasons SHALL
be omitted.
signatureAlgorithm Section
signatureValue Signature computed accordingly to one of the possible algorithm listed in
signatureAlgorithm field

Table 17: CRL Description

Field Value Description

userCertificate Serial number of the revoked certificate
revocationDate Date of revocation
crlEntryExtensions Extension for Reason code(1) (RFC 5280 [17] section 5.3.1):
extnID = id-ce-cRLReasons
critical = false
extnValue = a reason code
NOTE: A version 3 RSP entity SHALL ignore a Certificate Expiration Date extension, as defined in
previous versions of this specification, which may be present in a CRL entry.

Table 18: Revocation entry

4.6.1 CRL publication rules

Each CRL Issuer SHALL issue a new CRL 1) no later than the nextUpdate date indicated
in the previous CRL with the same scope (even if no new revocation has occurred during the
period), and 2) whenever at least one additional certificate is revoked.

NOTE: The publication periodicity is not defined in this document. This SHALL be
defined in GSMA eUICC PKI Certificate Policy [45].

The SM-DP+, SM-DS or any relying party SHALL ensure it uses the up-to-date CRL(s)
required to perform the on-going transaction.

The CRL and Certificates that are in scope of the CRL SHALL be signed with the same key;
that allows to limit the amount of data to be passed to the eUICC during the Common Mutual
Authentication procedure (see section 3.0.1). It implicitly means that the CRL and these
Certificates have the same issuer.

In order to limit the maximum size of a CRL, the CRL Issuer SHOULD limit the scope of their
CRL(s). This is beneficial to the overall performance of the system where the CRL has to be
provided to the eUICC. However, this specification doesn't mandate any particular method

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for defining the CRL scope. E.g., an eSIM CA SubCA may define a different scope for each
type of Certificate it issues: one scope for CERT.DSauth.SIG, one for CERT.DS.TLS, one for
CERT.DPauth.SIG; a (Sub)CA may limit the number of Certificates per scope.

The CRL base list SHALL be complete (i.e., contain all previously revoked certificates, plus
the newly revoked certificates). Delta CRLs as defined in RFC 5280 [17] SHALL NOT be

The CRL Issuers SHALL manage the cRLNumber extension according to RFC 5280 [17].
This number SHALL be incremented by one at each new CRL publication.

4.6.2 Void

4.6.3 eUICC Considerations

The eUICC faces a general issue regarding time management and CRL. It does not have a
time reference internally and can only rely on time provided from an off-card entity (with the
question on reliability of this information).

This section provides the rule for the eUICC to address this concern:

 The eUICC derives a lower time reference indicating "it must be later than" from the
CRLs which are signed by the eSIM CA(s). These are considered reliable and are in
addition subject to consistency checks by the SM-DP+ (mandatory) and the LPA
(optional), see section 3.0.1.
 The eUICC validates the time information of all certificates and CRLs: As each of
these provides a time window within which they are valid, and assuming all are
neither expired nor not yet valid, "now" must be in the overlap of all these time
windows. Plus at least a part of this overlap must be later than the lower time
reference on the eUICC. Lower time reference on the eUICC

The eUICC SHALL maintain a lower time reference (LTR), which is used for certificate
checks. An initial value SHALL be set during production. A unique value SHALL be used
across all eSIM CAs.

The CRL 'tbsCertList.thisUpdate' field contains a reference for a time that has already
passed and is considered to be reliable if it is signed by an eSIM CA. Both CRLs signed by
an eSIM CA RootCA and those signed by an eSIM CA SubCA SHALL be taken into account.
Once the signature of such a CRL has been verified by the eUICC and
'tbsCertList.thisUpdate' is higher than LTR, LTR SHALL be updated to
'tbsCertList.thisUpdate'. This SHALL be done independently of the result of the time checks
specified in the next section.

An eUICC supporting OS update SHOULD also provide a secure mechanism to reset LTR. Time checks on the eUICC

The eUICC SHALL check the validity of the time information provided by all Certificates and
CRLs of one transaction by performing the following calculations:

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 TWL (time window low) is set to the highest value of the 'tbsCertList.thisUpdate'
values from all CRLs, the 'tbsCertificate.validity.notBefore' values from all Certificates,
and LTR.
 TWH (time window high) is set to the lowest value of the 'tbsCertList.nextUpdate'
values from all CRLs, and the 'tbsCertificate.validity.notAfter' values from all
 If TWH is higher or equal to TWL, the time check is successful. Otherwise the check
fails, because at least one item is either expired or not yet valid, resulting in a
negative time window.

4.6.4 Retrieving a CRL

A CRL can be retrieved by navigating the URI indicated in a distribution point entry of the
cRLDistributionPoints extension of any Certificate in its scope. When using the HTTP
scheme the CRL SHALL be returned in the HTTP response body as a DER encoded
CertificateList data object which in turn is Base64 encoded, as defined in RFC 5280
[17] section At least one distribution point entry SHALL contain an URI with the
HTTP scheme, see section

4.7 Confirmation Code

A Profile download order and/or Device Change of the Profile MAY be protected by a
specific Confirmation Code. The Confirmation Code is provided by the Operator to the SM-
DP+ and the End User during the Profile download initiation procedure (section 3.1.1) or the
Device Change procedure (section 3.11.1). The means by which the Confirmation Code is
provided to the End User is out of scope of this specification.

In case of the Profile Download order, during the Profile download and installation procedure
(section 3.1.3), if the Profile download order is protected by a Confirmation Code, the SM-
DP+ SHALL verify that the Confirmation Code provided by the End User matches the
Confirmation Code provided by the Operator.

In case of the Device Change, during the Device Change procedure (section 3.11.1), if the
Device Change is protected by a Confirmation Code, the SM-DP+ SHALL verify that the
Confirmation Code provided by the LPAd of the old Device matches the Confirmation Code
provided by the Service Provider.

In addition, the SM-DP+ SHALL protect against excessive incorrect entries of the
Confirmation Code. The maximum number of incorrect Confirmation Code attempts allowed
to a Profile download order or a Device Change of the Profile is defined by the Operator and
communicated to the SM-DP+ by means out of scope of this specification.

Once the maximum number of incorrect Confirmation Code attempts is exceeded for a
Profile download order, the Profile download order or the Device Change of the Profile
SHALL be terminated and the SM-DP+ SHALL communicate the final status to the Operator.
The Operator is free to request a new Profile download order corresponding to the same
Profile, with the same or a different Confirmation Code.

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4.8 Device Information Code
The Device Information Code (DEV-IC) is a set of Device and eUICC-related information
fields including EID, SM-DS address, etc. The DEV-IC SHALL be coded as a concatenation
of the strings listed in Table X1 using a URI format as defined in RFC 3986 [72]:

Name Description MOC

Scheme SHALL be set to either "eid" or "EID". M
Delimiter SHALL be set to ":". M
EID of the eUICC, the numeric text representation SHALL comprise 32 M
Path digits, where each digit is represented by one character in the set
SHALL be present and set to "?" if any of the following query C
components is present.
Query Additional Device-related information in the form of "key=value" pairs. O

Table X1: Device Information Code fields

Each key/value pair is defined in Table Y1, and SHALL be concatenated by using "&" as a
delimiter if there are more than one key/value pair in the DEV-IC. Any of keys can appear
more than once in any order. Additional proprietary information MAY be included in the DEV-
IC by using a key starting with "x-".

Key Value MOC

EID of an additional eUICC, the numeric text representation SHALL O
aeid comprise 32 digits, where each digit is represented by one character in
the set [0123456789].
TAC of the Device, the numeric text representation SHALL comprise 8 O
tac digits, where each digit is represented by one character in the set
IMEI of the Device, the numeric text representation SHALL comprise O
imei 15 digits, where each digit is represented by one character in the set
FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of an Root SM-DS O
ds (e.g.,MYDS.COM) stored on the eUICC indicated in the Path field of
the DEV-IC or stored within the Device.

Table Y1: Query component in DEV-IC

If the DEV-IC contains multiple EIDs, the EID value in the Path field SHALL be used for SM-
DS Event Registration by using an SM-DS address(es) in the query component.
The DEV-IC SHOULD be represented in a case-sensitive text string restricted to Byte mode
character set defined in table 6 of ISO/IEC 18004 [15] and the equivalent QR code. The QR
code representation SHALL be encoded according to ISO/IEC 18004 [15].
Examples of the DEV-IC are as follows:

 EID:89001012012341234012345678901224
(if only one EID is present)

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 EID:89001012012341234012345678901224?
(if multiple EIDs are present)

 EID: 89001012012341234012345678901224?tac=35123451&tac=35123452
(if an EID and two TACs are present)

 EID:89001012012341234012345678901224?
(if an EID and two IMEIs are present)

 EID:89001012012341234012345678901224?ds=MYDS-1.COM&ds=MYDS-2.COM
(if an EID and SM-DS addresses are present)

 EID:89001012012341234012345678901224?
(if multiple EIDs and SM-DS addresses are present)

5 Functions
This section specifies the Functions associated with the Remote SIM Provisioning and
Management of the eUICC for consumer Devices.

General rules for the function description:

 Wherever it says in the description of the steps to be taken within a function that the
function provider "… SHALL return an error …", this implies that processing of the
function ends at this point.
 A function provider is not mandated to perform the checks in the exact sequence of
the description. This implies that different error codes may result from error situations
that affect more than one verification step.

5.1 Overview of Functions per Interface

Provides the description of the interfaces and functions within the Remote SIM Provisioning
and Management system involving the eUICC, including the following:

eUICC Interfaces
 ES6: The interface used by the Operator to manage the content of their Profile.
 ES8+: Provides a secure end-to-end channel between the SM-DP+ and the eUICC
for the administration of the ISD-P and the associated Profile during download and
 ES10a: Used by the LPAd to get the configured addresses from the eUICC for Root
SM-DS(s), and optionally the Default SM-DP+.
 ES10b: Used by the LPAd to transfer a Profile Package or RPM Package to the
eUICC, and to perform Device Change or Profile Recovery.
 ES10c: Used by the LPAd for local End User management of Profiles installed on the
eUICC (e.g., Enable, Disable, Delete).
 ES25: Used between the UIMe and the LUIe to transfer End User related interaction.
Server to Server Interfaces

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 ES2+: Interface between the Operator and the SM-DP+ used by the Operator to
order Profile Package preparation and to receive notifications, and by the SM-DP+ to
get a confirmation for the Device Change of the Profile from the Operator.
 ES12: Interface between the SM-DP+ and an SM-DS (Alternative SM-DS or Root
SM-DS) for the Event management.
 ES15: Interface between an Alternative SM-DS and a Root SM-DS for the Event
LPA to Server Interfaces
 ES9+: Used to provide a secure transport between the SM-DP+ and the LPA for the
delivery of the Profile Package, the delivery of the RPM package and sending the
 ES11: Interface between the LPA and an SM-DS (Alternative SM-DS or Root SM-DS)
for the Event retrieval, Event Checking and Push Service registration.
 EShri: Interface between the LPA and a server providing the High Resolution Icons
for a Profile.
Profile Content Management Interfaces
 ES20: Interface between the PCMP and PCMAA for managing the contents of an
Enabled Profile.
 ESaa: Interface between the PCMAA and the eUICC for managing the contents of an
Enabled Profile.
These correspond to the Administrative Agent interfaces defined in GP SERAM [74].
Device Internal Interfaces
 ES21: Interface between a Device Application and the LPRd for the LPR session.

ESop (interface between the End User and the Operator), ESeum (Interface between the
EUM and the eUICC) and ESeu (Interface between the End User and the LUI) are out of
scope of this document.

The following table presents the normative list of all the functions that are defined in this

Request-Response Functions:

Functions provider Feature support (*)


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RpmOrder #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

HandleDeviceChangeRequest Operator #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

ES6 UpdateMetadata ISD-P

ES8+ ConfigureISDP
ES9+ AuthenticateClient SM-DP+
ConfirmDeviceChange #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
GetEuiccConfiguredData ISD-R
ES10a SetDefaultDpAddress (LPA
VerifySmdsResponse Services) #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
ES10b AuthenticateServer (LPA
CancelSession Services)
LoadRpmPackage #SupportedForRpm#

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DisableProfile ISD-R
DeleteProfile (LPA
ES10c eUICCMemoryReset Services)

LpaAlerting LPAd #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

ES21 LPRd #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
EShri RetrieveIcon #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

Table 19: Request-Response Functions

(*) If empty, the relevant function exists since version 2.

Notification Handler Functions:

Interface Notification handler functions

ES2+ HandleNotification Operator

ES9+ HandleNotification SM-DP+

Table 20: Notification Handler Functions

5.2 LPA to Server and Server to Server Function Commonalities

Each function represents an entry point that is provided by a Role (function provider) and
that can be called by other Roles (function requester).

5.2.1 Common Data Types

The functions provided in this section deal with management of the eUICC and Profile, so
that the common data defined in this section needs to be used in most of the functions.

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Type name Description Type definition

Hexadecimal String of even length composed of characters
String between '0' to '9' and 'A' to 'F' or 'a' to 'f'.
The AID (Application Identifier) of an Executable
Hexadecimal string representation
AID Load File, an Executable Module, a Security
of 5 to 16 bytes.
Domain, or an Application.
Any date and time used within any interface of String format as specified by W3C:
this specification. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD

YYYY = four-digit year
MM = two-digit month (01=Jan,
DATETIME DD = two-digit day of month (01-
hh = two digits of hour (00 -23)
mm = two digits of minute (00 - 59)
ss = two digits of second (00 - 59)
TZD = time zone designator (Z,
+hh:mm or -hh:mm)
Ex: 2001-12-17T09:30:47Z
The EID type is for representing an eUICC-ID. An
eUICC-ID is primarily used in the "Embedded
UICC Remote Provisioning and Management
EID System" to identify an eUICC. See SGP.02 [2] String of 32 decimal characters.
section for EID description.
This value SHALL NOT be modified during the
lifetime of the eUICC.
String, as a list of domain labels
concatenated using the full stop
(dot, period) character as
separator between labels. Labels
The FQDN type is for representing a Fully
are restricted to the Alphanumeric
FQDN Qualified Domain Name (e.g.,
mode character set defined in table
5 of ISO/IEC 18004 [15] and the
lower-case equivalents of the
alphabetic characters within that
The FQDN-extended type is either a FQDN or a String, as defined for the FQDN
FQDN-Ext designated alternative string as defined in this type, possibly starting with a full
specification (e.g., '.unspecified'). stop character (i.e., '.') .

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String representation of 19 or 20
digits, where the 20th digit MAY
optionally be the padding character
The ICCID type is for representing an ICCID F.
(Integrated Circuit Card Identifier). The ICCID is
Ex: 8947010000123456784F
primarily used to identify a Profile.
ICCID A 19 digit ICCID with and without
ICCID is defined according to ITU-T
padding SHALL identify the same
recommendation E.118 [21]. However, the ICCID
SHALL either consist of 19 or 20 digits.
NOTE: In some markets, the
ICCID may include hexadecimal
digits and may omit the check digit.
String representation of an OID,
OID An Object Identifier. i.e., of integers separated with dots
(e.g.: '1.2', '3.4.5').
The Version type is for indicating a version of any String representation of three
VERSION entity used within this specification. A version is integers separated with dots (e.g.:
defined by its major, minor and revision number. '1.15.3').

Table 21: Common data types

5.2.2 Request-Response Function

As defined in SGP.02 [2].

5.2.3 Notification Handler Function

As defined in SGP.02 [2].

5.2.4 Functions Input Header

As defined in SGP.02 [2] subject to the following constraints:

 The field Validity Period SHALL NOT be present in Functions Input Headers.
 The field Function Requester Identifier SHALL contain the string
representation of the function requester identity. For ES12/ES15, it MAY be the OID
contained in the subjectAltName field of the certificate used by the function
requester for its authentication, an OID in the sub-tree of this value, or any other
value. It MAY also be the identity of an entity on behalf of which the function
requester operates.
This information MAY be used by the function provider for the purpose of
authorisation, accounting and billing.

5.2.5 Functions Output Header

As defined in SGP.02 [2] subject to the following constraint:

 The fields Processing Start, Processing End and Acceptable Validity

Period SHALL NOT be present in Functions Output Headers.
 The Executed-WithWarning and Expired values SHALL NOT be used in Function
Execution Status field in Functions Output Headers.

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5.2.6 Status Code
This specification relies on subject codes and reason codes as defined in SGP.02 [2]. In
addition this specification defines the additional codes. Subject codes

Hereunder are listed the subject codes used in this specification:

1. Generic (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

1.1. Function Requester (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

1.2. Function Provider (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

1.3. Protocol (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

1.3.1. Protocol Format (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

1.3.2. Protocol Version (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

1.6. Function (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

8. eUICC Remote Provisioning (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

8.1. eUICC (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

8.1.1. EID (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

8.1.2. EUM Certificate

8.1.3. eUICC Certificate

8.2. Profile (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

8.2.1. Profile ICCID (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

8.2.5. Profile Type (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

8.2.6. Matching ID

8.2.7. Confirmation Code

8.2.8. PPR

8.2.9. Profile Metadata

8.2.10. Bound Profile Package

8.2.11. Managing SM-DP+

8.2.12. Profile Owner

8.2.13. Enterprise

8.2.14. LPA Proxy

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8.8. SM-DP+

8.8.1. SM-DP+ Address

8.8.2. Security configuration

8.8.3. Specification Version Number (SVN)

8.8.4. SM-DP+ Certificate

8.8.5. Download order

8.8.6. RPM Order

8.9. SM-DS

8.9.1. SM-DS Address

8.9.2. Security configuration

8.9.3. Specification Version Number (SVN)

8.9.4. SM-DS Certificate

8.9.5. Event Record

8.9.6. ECID

8.9.7. Push Service

8.10. RSP Operation

8.10.1. TransactionId

8.10.2. RPM Script

8.10.3. Device Change

8.10.4. Event Checking

8.10.6. Push Service Registration

8.11. eSIM CA

8.11.1. Public Key (PK)

8.12. LPA Reason codes

Hereunder are listed the reason codes used in this specification:

1. Access Error (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

1.1. Unknown (Identification or Authentication) (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

1.2. Not Allowed (Authorisation) (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

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2. Format Error (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

2.1. Invalid (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

2.2. Mandatory Element Missing (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

2.3. Conditional Element Missing (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

3. Conditions of Use Not Satisfied (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

3.1. Unsupported (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

3.3. Already in Use (Uniqueness) (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

3.7. Unavailable (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

3.8. Refused (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

3.9. Unknown (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

3.10. Invalid Association

3.11. Value has Changed

3.12. Invalid Match

4. Processing Error (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

4.2. Execution Error (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

4.3. Stopped on Warning (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

4.8. Insufficient Memory (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

4.10. Time to Live Expired

5. Transport Error (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

5.1. Inaccessible (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

6. Security Error (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

6.1. Verification Failed (as defined in SGP.02 [2])

6.3. Expired

6.4. Maximum number of attempts exceeded Common Function Status Code

As defined in SGP.02 [2].

5.3 ES2+ (Operator -- SM-DP+)

The ES2+ interface is used by the Operator to order and manage RSP operations for
specific eUICC(s).

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Figure 31: ES2+

The Operator communicates with the SM-DP+ through a secure connection. The level of
security requested on this interface and the level of data encryption is defined in GSMA SAS
SM specification [23].

The SM-DP+ SHOULD be able to support a framework of interchange and execution

prioritisation for transactions over the ES2+ interface. For the purpose of assigning priority,
there SHOULD be a categorisation of transactions passing over the ES2+ interface, the
Operator SHOULD be able to preset the priority, and the SM-DP+ SHOULD handle the
transactions according to this prioritisation. In particular, the SM-DP+ SHOULD ensure that
transactions marked with the same priority are handled on a first in first out (FIFO) basis.

On an implementation that handles queues for Notifications, the SM-DP+ SHALL be able to
prioritise as required by the Profile Owner the exchanges required on the ES2+ to manage
the delivery of the Profiles regarding the Notifications issued on the ES2+ interface.

A Profile Owner SHALL be able to query about:

 The current state or state history of a Profile identified by ICCID, or a not empty

 The current state or state history of a one of more Profiles when queried by EID or
empty MatchingID.

The possible Profile states are defined in section 3.1.6.

The following sections describe a standardised set of operations between the Operator and
the SM-DP+. However, for a specific implementation, both parties MAY agree on
exchanging only a subset of the standardised messages. The SM-DP+ MAY also perform
additional functions, which are out of scope of this specification.

5.3.1 Function: DownloadOrder

Related Procedures: Download initiation

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function is used to instruct the SM-DP+ of a new Profile download request.

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The EID is optional and MAY not be known at this stage. If the EID is known, the SM-DP+,
with the Operator, MAY verify if the EID is compatible with the requested Profile Type (see
also Annex F). If an SM-DS or Default SM-DP+ is to be used for the Profile download, then
the EID SHOULD be present; if not present, the EID SHALL be provided later in

Upon reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Reserve an ICCID in its inventory. If the ICCID was provided as input data, the
reservation SHALL use this value. Otherwise, the reservation SHALL be done
corresponding to the requested Profile Type with a value available in the SM-DP+'s
 Optionally, if not already done, the SM-DP+ performs the 'Profile generation' and
'Profile protection' steps, as described in section 2.5.3, for the Profile identified by its
 If the EID is known, the ICCID is linked to this EID and the Profile state SHALL be set
to "Linked". Otherwise, the Profile state SHALL be set to "Allocated".
The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the ICCID has
been reserved.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in table
24 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

eid Identification of the targeted eUICC. EID 1 O

Identification of the Profile to download and install

iccid ICCID 1 C(1)
in the eUICC.
profileType Identification of the Profile Type to download and String 1 C(1)
install in the eUICC.
NOTE 1: At least one of iccid and profileType SHALL be present. If only profileType is provided, the
SM-DP+ SHALL select a Profile of that Profile Type from its inventory.

Table 22: DownloadOrder Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

Output data
Description Type No. MOC
Identification of the Profile to download and install
in the eUICC. If ICCID was provided as an input
data, the returned value SHALL be the same. If not
iccid provided as an input data the returned value ICCID 1 M
SHALL be one of the values available in the SM-
DP+ inventory and corresponding to the Profile

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Table 23: DownloadOrder Additional Output Data
Specific status codes

t Subject Reason Description
Profile Indicates that the Profile, identified by this ICCID
8.2.1 3.9 Unknown
ICCID is unknown to the SM-DP+.
Profile 1.2 Not Allowed Indicates that the function caller is not allowed to
ICCID (Authorisation) perform this function on the target Profile.
Profile Indicates that the Profile identified by the
8.2.1 3.3 Already in Use
ICCID provided ICCID is not available.
Profile 3.9 Unknown Indicates that the Profile Type identified by this
Type Profile Type is unknown to the SM-DP+.
Profile Not Allowed Indicates that the function caller is not allowed to
8.2.5 1.2
Type (Authorisation) perform this function on the Profile Type.
Profile No more Profile available for the requested
8.2.5 3.7 Unavailable
Type Profile Type.
Indicates that the Profile Type identified by this
8.2.5 3.8 Refused Profile Type is not aligned with the Profile Type of
Profile identified by the ICCID.

Table 24: DownloadOrder Specific Status Codes

NOTE: If the Profile identified by the ICCID is already in state "Linked" or "Allocated"
and this function would result in exactly this state when performed on an
unallocated Profile, the function may return 'Executed-Success' and take no
other action.
This allows graceful handling of resends in case a response on ES2+ gets

5.3.2 Function: ConfirmOrder

Related Procedures: Download initiation

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function is used to confirm a previously requested download order.

If an SM-DS or Default SM-DP+ is to be used for the Profile download and the EID has not
been provided within the DownloadOrder function, then the EID SHALL be present. If EID is
not present, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a
status code "EID - Mandatory Element Missing".

If the EID is present in both the DownloadOrder and ConfirmOrder functions it SHALL be the
same value. If EID is different, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a 'Function execution status'
indicating 'Failed' with a status code "EID - Invalid Association".

On reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

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 Confirm the allocation of an ICCID in its inventory.
 Generate a MatchingID (section 4.1.1) if it is not provided by the Operator.
 If the Operator has provided a non-zero-length MatchingID:
o If its format is invalid, then the SM-DP+ SHOULD return a status code "Matching
ID - Invalid".
o If it conflicts with one already stored, then the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status
code "Matching ID - Already in Use".
 Store the MatchingID.
 Store the EID if available.
 If the Confirmation Code is provided by the Operator, calculate the hash of the UTF-
8-encoded representation of the Confirmation Code and store the hash value
together with the MatchingID, where the hash value is SHA256(Confirmation Code).
 If a Root SM-DS address (rootSmdsAddress) is provided with a non-empty value:
o If the Root SM-DS address begins with a full stop character (e.g.,
'.unspecified'), the SM-DP+ MAY determine the applicable Root SM-DS for
this Profile in an implementation-dependent manner.
o Verify that the MatchingID is not a zero-length value. Otherwise, the SM-DP+
SHALL return a status code "Matching ID - Invalid".
o Store the Root SM-DS address with the Profile to be used later for Event
Registration and Event Deletion.
o If an Alternative SM-DS address (smdsAddress) is also provided with a non-
empty value:
 If the Alternative SM-DS address begins with a full stop character (e.g.,
'.unspecified'), the SM-DP+ MAY determine the applicable Alternative
SM-DS for this Profile in an implementation-dependent manner.
 Store the Alternative SM-DS address with the Profile to be used later for Event
Registration and Deletion.
 If the releaseFlag is set to true, perform Event Registration to the Root SM-DS
address stored with the Profile, cascaded through the Alternative SM-DS address
stored with the Profile – if any, as defined in section 3.6.1. The MatchingID, SHALL
be used as the EventID. If the releaseFlag is set to false, the Event Registration at
this point in time is optional. If it is not done in this step, it will be done during the
ReleaseProfile function.
 If a single SM-DS address (smdsAddress) is provided with a non-empty value (as in
v2 of this specification):
o Verify that the MatchingID is not a zero-length value. Otherwise, the SM-DP+
SHALL return a status code "Matching ID - Invalid".
o The SM-DP+ MAY determine, in an implementation-dependent manner, whether
this is the address of a Root SM-DS or an Alternative SM-DS, and – if it is an
Alternative SM-DS – the applicable Root SM-DS for the cascaded Event
o Store the SM-DS address with the Profile to be used later for Event Registration
and Event Deletion.
o If the releaseFlag is set to true, perform Event Registration to the SM-DS address
stored with the Profile as defined in section 3.6.1, where the MatchingID SHALL
be used as the EventID. Otherwise, the Event Registration at this point in time is

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optional. If it is not done in this step, it will be done during the ReleaseProfile
The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations.

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the ICCID has
been reserved.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Identification of the Profile to download and install
iccid ICCID 1 M
in the eUICC
eid Identification of the targeted eUICC EID 1 O
matchingId The MatchingID as defined in section (), when String
1 O
generated by the Operator
confirmationCode A code used to authorise the usage of the String
MatchingID to confirm the download and 1 O
installation of the Profile
smdsAddress The SM-DS address to be used for Event FQDN-Ext
Registration. If rootSmdsAddress is also present,
smdsAddress SHALL be the address of the 1 O
Alternative SM-DS used for cascaded Event
rootSmdsAddress Root SM-DS address to be used for Event FQDN-Ext
1 O
releaseFlag If 'true', the Profile SHALL be immediately released Boolean
1 M
for Profile download and installation

Table 25: ConfirmOrder Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

Output data
Description Type No. MOC
Identification of the targeted eUICC. EID SHALL be EID
eid 1 C
returned if bound to this order.

matchingId The MatchingID as defined in section (). String 1 M

The SM-DP+ address to be used for this specific FQDN

download order. This SHALL be a valid fully-
smdpAddress 1 O
qualified domain name that can be resolved by a
public DNS server.

Table 26: ConfirmOrder Additional Output Data

Specific Status Codes

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t Subject Reason Description
Profile Indicates that the Profile, identified by this ICCID
8.2.1 3.9 Unknown
ICCID is unknown to the SM-DP+.
Profile 1.2 Not Allowed Indicates that the function caller is not allowed to
ICCID (Authorisation) perform this function on the target Profile.
Matching 2.1 Invalid Matching ID provided by the Operator is not
ID valid.
Matching Already in Use
8.2.6 3.3 Conflicting MatchingID value.
ID (Uniqueness)
SM-DS 5.1 Inaccessible Indicates that the smdsAddress is invalid or not
SM-DS 4.2 Execution Error The cascade SM-DS registration has failed. SM-
DS has raised an error.
Indicates that the EID is missing in the context of
Mandatory Element
8.1.1 EID 2.2 this order (SM-DS address provided or
MatchingID value has zero-length).
Indicates that a different EID is already
8.1.1 EID 3.10 Invalid Association
associated with this ICCID.

Table 27: ConfirmOrder Specific Status Codes

NOTE: If the Profile identified by the ICCID is already in state "Confirmed" and this
function would result in exactly this state when performed on the Profile in a
previous state, the function may return 'Executed-Success' and take no
other action.
If the Profile identified by the ICCID is already in state "Released" or any
subsequent state and this function would result in state "Released" when
performed on the Profile in a previous state, the function may return
'Executed-Success' and take no other action.
This allows graceful handling of resends in case a response on ES2+ gets

5.3.3 Function: CancelOrder

Related Procedures: Profile Download Initiation, RPM Initiation

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function is used to cancel a pending Profile or RPM download order request.

On reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL determine the context:

 If this function is called in the context of cancelling a Profile download order:

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o Confirm that the Profile identified by the provided iccid is allocated and not yet
downloaded. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Profile ICCID -
Already in Use".
o If there is a MatchingID provided in the cancelOrder function, then check that the
provided matchingId is the one associated with the ICCID. Otherwise, the SM-
DP+ SHALL return a status code "MatchingID - Invalid Association".
o If there is an EID already associated with the ICCID, then check that the provided
eid is the one associated with the ICCID. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a
status code "Profile ICCID - Invalid Association".
 If this function is called in the context of cancelling an RPM download order:

o Verify that the RPM Package identified by the provided eid and matchingId is
not yet downloaded. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "RPM
Package - Already in Use".
 Cancel the pending order:
o If this function is called in the context of cancelling a Profile download order,
return the ICCID to inventory or mark it as not available for future use, based on
the provided final Profile status indicator.
 If the order was previously linked to an Event Registration, the SM-DP+ SHALL
subsequently execute the Event deletion procedure for the SM-DS where it was
The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations.

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A functionExecutionStatus with Executed-Success indicating that the ICCID or

RPM Package has been released from the MatchingID and the associated Profile or
RPM Package will not be downloaded.
 A functionExecutionStatus indicating Failed with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the table here after.

Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Identification of the Profile to be
iccid cancelled from previously requested ICCID 1 C
download order.
eid eUICC identifier. EID 1 C
matchingId The MatchingID as generated in String 1 C
finalProfileStatusIndicato Indicator to determine whether the String 1 C
r Profile will be available for future use
after a download order is cancelled, as
described in Table 29.

Table 28: CancelOrder Additional Input Data

The iccid and finalProfileStatusIndicator SHALL be provided if and only if this
function is called in the context of cancelling a Profile download order.

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The eid SHALL be provided if an EID has been associated for the Profile download order to

The matchingId SHALL be provided if a MatchingID is known by the Operator for the Profile
download order to cancel.

NOTE: If a response to an earlier function call was lost, then a MatchingID may
have been allocated by the SM-DP+ but is not known by the Operator.

The eid and matchingId SHALL be provided in the context of cancelling an RPM download

Final Profile Status

Indicates that the download order for this Profile, identified by this ICCID
Available will be cancelled; and the Profile is released back to the inventory and
available for future use.
Unavailable Indicates that the download order for this Profile, identified by this ICCID
will be cancelled; and the Profile is not available for future use.

Table 29: Definition of Final Profile Status Indicator

Additional Output Data:

No additional output data.

Specific Status Codes

SubjectCode Subject Reason Description
Profile Indicates that the Profile, identified by this
8.2.1 3.9 Unknown
ICCID ICCID is unknown to the SM-DP+.
Not Allowed Indicates that the function caller is not
8.2.1 1.2 (Authorisation) allowed to perform this function on the
target Profile.
Mandatory Indicates that the ICCID or the
Profile Element Missing finalProfileStatusIndicator is missing in the
8.2.1 2.2
ICCID context of cancelling a Profile download
Profile 3.3 The profile, identified by this ICCID, is
8.2.1 Already in Use
ICCID already downloaded.
Profile Indicates that a different EID is associated
8.2.1 3.10 Invalid Association
ICCID with this ICCID.
Matching Indicates that a different MatchingID is
8.2.6 3.10 Invalid Association
ID associated with this ICCID or RPM order.
Indicates that the function caller is not
Not Allowed
8.1.1 EID 1.2 allowed to perform this function on the
target EID.
8.1.1 EID 2.2 Mandatory Indicates that the EID is missing in the

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Element Missing context of this order.

Indicates that the eUICC, identified by this
8.1.1 EID 3.9 Unknown
EID is unknown to the SM-DP+.
Indicates that the RPM Package is
8.1.1 EID 3.10 Invalid Association
associated with different EID.
MatchingI Mandatory Indicates that the MatchingID is missing in
8.2.6 2.2
D Element Missing the context of this order.
RPM The RPM Package is already
8.12 3.3 Already in Use
Package downloaded.

Table 30: CancelOrder Specific Status Codes

5.3.4 Function: ReleaseProfile

Related Procedures: Download initiation

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function is used to release the Profile in order to allow the End User to start the
download and installation procedure after the Operator performs any relevant operation on
its back-end (e.g., provisioning of HLR).

On reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Verify that the Profile identified by the provided ICCID has been processed with
"ES2+.DownloadOrder" and "ES2+.ConfirmOrder", but not released yet. If this
verification fails, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Profile ICCID - Unknown"
or "Profile ICCID - Invalid transition"
 Set the Profile state as 'Released' to allow the download.
 If SM-DS address(es) were stored with the Profile and if the Event Registration was
not already done, perform Event Registration to the SM-DS(s) as defined in section
3.6.1, where the MatchingID SHALL be used as the EventID. If the SM-DS if not
reachable, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "SM-DS - Inaccessible". If the
SM-DS returns an execution error, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "SM-DS
- Execution Error".
The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the Profile

identified by the provided ICCID has been released and is ready to download.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the table here after.

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Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Identification of the Profile to be released from
iccid ICCID 1 M
previously requested download order.

Table 31: ReleaseProfile Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

No additional output data.

Specific Status Codes

SubjectCode Subject Reason Description
Profile Indicates that the Profile, identified by this
8.2.1 3.9 Unknown
ICCID ICCID, is unknown to the SM-DP+.
Profile Indicates that the target Profile cannot be
8.2.1 3.5 Invalid transition
ICCID released.
Indicates that the smdsAddress is invalid or
8.9 SM-DS 5.1 Inaccessible
not reachable.
The cascade SM-DS registration has failed.
8.9 SM-DS 4.2 Execution Error
SM-DS has raised an error.

Table 1Table 32: ReleaseProfile Specific Status Codes

If a Profile has already been released this function returns 'Executed-Success' and take no
other action.

5.3.5 Function: HandleNotification

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation, RPM Download and Execution,
Local/Remote Profile Management

Notification Handler/Recipient: Operator

NOTE: Prior to version 3, this function was called HandleDownloadProgressInfo.


This function is used by the SM-DP+ to notify the Operator of the progress of a pending
Profile download or RPM order. This function MAY be used at several points of the Profile
Download and Installation or RPM Download and Execution procedure. In addition, it is used
by the SM-DP+ to notify the Operator owning the Profile that a Profile Management
Operation (install, enable, disable or delete) has successfully been performed on the eUICC.

Upon reception of an ES9+.HandleNotification, the SM-DP+ SHALL correlate it to a Profile

download order, an RPM order or an installed Profile and notify the related Operator

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NOTE 1: The ICCID and EID are enough to identify the related Profile download order
and to retrieve the information (e.g., notificationReceiverIdentifier and
notificationIdentifier) to notify the Operator.

NOTE 2: The MatchingID and EID are enough to identify the related RPM order and
to retrieve the information (e.g., notificationReceiverIdentifier and
notificationIdentifier) to notify the Operator.

NOTE 3: In the case of other ES9+ Notifications, the ICCID and EID are enough to
retrieve the information to notify the Operator.

What is performed by the Operator receiving this notification is out of scope of this

Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Identifies the targeted eUICC.
eid This information SHALL be set if available to EID 1 C
the SM-DP+.
Identifies the Profile to download to and install
in the eUICC. This SHALL only be present if
iccid this function is called in the context of Profile ICCID 1 C
Download and Installation and for Profile
Management Operations.
Identifies the RPM order to download to the
eUICC. This SHALL only be present if this
matchingId String 1 C
function is called in the context of RPM
Download and Execution.
Echoes the Function Requester Identifier of
the relevant Profile download order or RPM
order. This SHALL be present if this function
notificationReceiverIdentifier String 1 C
is called in the context of Profile Download
and Installation or RPM Download and
Echoes the Function Call Identifier of the
relevant Profile download order or RPM order.
notificationIdentifier This SHALL be present if this function is String 1 C
called in the context of Profile Download and
Installation or RPM Download and Execution.
Identifies the Profile Type to download to and
install in the eUICC. This SHALL only be
profileType String 1 C
present if this function is called in the context
of Profile Download and Installation.
timestamp Indicates the date/time when the operation DATETIME 1 M
has been performed or when the notification
has been received by the SM-DP+.
NOTE: In the latter case, this is not the time

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when the notification was generated.

Indicates the step reached within the Profile
Download and Installation or RPM Download
procedure or the Profile Management
Operation that was executed.
Defined events are (1):
1 -> Eligibility and attempt limit check
2 -> Confirmation Failure
3 -> BPP download or RPM download
4 -> BPP installation or RPM execution (3)
5 -> notificationInstall (2)

notificationEvent 6 -> notificationLocalEnable (2) (4) INTEGER 1 M

7 -> notificationLocalDisable (2) (4)
8 -> notificationLocalDelete (2) (4)
9 -> notificationRpmEnable (2) (4)
10 -> notificationRpmDisable (2) (4)
11 -> notificationRpmDelete (2) (4)
12 -> Device Change request
13 -> Device Change confirmation
14 -> Device Change confirmation failure
15 -> Profile preparation for Device Change
Indicates the status after the execution of the
notification event.
The ExecutionStatus type is re-used to specify
the result of processing of the operation
related to the notification event (Executed-
Success, Failed), and optionally to provide
notificationEventStatus information on any encountered problem 1 C
(status code, data/object that causes the
status code, and message to provide textual
and human readable explanation of the status
This field SHALL be absent for certain
operations, see NOTE 3.
The finalResult data object as contained in the
ProfileInstallationResult or
resultData Binary 1 C
LoadRpmPackageResult, when received from
the eUICC.
NOTE 1: This specification reserves values from 16 to 99 for future use. The Operator and the SM-
DP+, based on agreed behaviour, MAY define additional custom notification events. In that case,
values >=100 SHALL be used.
NOTE 2: As on ES9+ these events are provided in a BIT STRING starting with bit 0, they have to be
remapped to the given integer values.
NOTE 3: when notificationEvent indicates 'RPM execution', the notificationEventStatus SHALL be:
 'Executed-Success' if all RPM commands in the corresponding RPMPackage have been
executed successfully.
 Otherwise, 'Failed', with a Status Code as specified in Table 32c.

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NOTE 4: notificationEventStatus SHALL NOT be sent for notificationEvent values 6 to 11.

Table 32a: HandleNotification Additional Input Data

The following table provides the mapping between the cancel session reason received within
the ES9+.CancelSession and the status code that SHALL be set in the
notificationEventStatus input data.

Cancel session reason Status code

endUserRejection(0) '8.8.5 Download Order - 3.8 Refused'
pprNotAllowed(3) '8.2.8 PPR - 1.2 Not Allowed'
'8.2.9 Profile Metadata - 3.11 Value has
'8.2.10 Bound Profile Package – 4.2
Execution Error'
enterpriseProfilesNotSupported(17) '8.2.13 Enterprise – 3.1 Unsupported'
enterpriseRulesNotAllowed(18) '8.2.13 Enterprise – 1.2 Not Allowed'
enterpriseProfileNotAllowed(19) '8.2.13 Enterprise – 3.8 Refused'
enterpriseOidMismatch(20) '8.2.13 Enterprise – 3.12 Invalid Match'
enterpriseRulesError(21) '8.2.13 Enterprise – 3.8 Refused'
enterpriseProfilesOnly(22) '8.2.13 Enterprise – 3.8 Refused'
'8.2.14. LPA Proxy – 3.1 Unsupported' or
'8.8.6 RPM Order – 3.1 Unsupported'
lprNetworkDataNotAllowed(24) '8.8.6 RPM Order – 3.8 Refused'
emptyProfileOrSpName(25) '8.2.9 Profile Metadata – 3.8 Refused'
rpmDisabled(27) '8.8.6 RPM Order – 3.8 Refused'
invalidRpmPackage(28) '8.8.6 RPM Order – 2.1 Invalid'
loadRpmPackageError(29) '8.8.6 RPM Order – 4.2 Execution Error'
'8 eUICC Remote Provisioning - 4.2.
Execution Error'

Table 32b: Cancel session reason code mapping to Status code

NOTE: postponed(1), timeout(2) and sessionAborted(22) cancel session
reasons do not terminate the download order, and thus do not lead to a
notification to the Operator.

The following table provides additional status codes that can be set in the
notificationEventStatus input data by the SM-DP+:

Reason Status code

Maximum number of attempts
of Profile Download has been '8.8.5 Download Order - 6.4 Maximum number of retries exceeded'
Maximum number of incorrect '8.2.7 Confirmation Code – 6.4 Maximum number of retries exceeded'
attempts of Confirmation
Code verification has been

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Execution of at least one
RPM command within an '8.10.2. RPM Script - 4.2. Execution Error'
RPM package has failed

Table 32c: Additional Status Codes

5.3.6 Function: RpmOrder

Related Procedures: RPM Initiation

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function is used to instruct the SM-DP+ of a new RPM Package.

The rpmScript as defined in section 2.10.1 SHALL include one or more RPM Command(s)
for the target EID.
On reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL:
 Verify that the eid is present. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code
"EID - Mandatory Element Missing".
 Identify the eUICC by using the eid. If it cannot be identified, the SM-DP+ SHALL
return a status code "EID - Unknown".
 Generate a MatchingID (section 4.1.1) if it is not provided by the Operator.
 If the Operator has provided the MatchingID:
o If its format is invalid, then the SM-DP+ SHOULD return a status code
"Matching ID - Invalid".
o If it conflicts with one already stored, then the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status
code "Matching ID - Already in Use".
 Store the MatchingID and the EID.
 Prepare an RPM Package as follows.
o If the rpmScript includes RPM Command 'Enable Profile', 'Disable Profile',
'Delete Profile', 'List Profile Info' (with ICCID), 'Contact PCMP' or 'Update
Metadata' coded as defined in section 2.10.1, the SM-DP+ SHALL for each of
these commands:
 Identify the Profile associated with the ICCID. If the ICCID is not
provided, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Profile ICCID -
Conditional Element Missing". If the Profile cannot be identified, the
SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Profile ICCID - Unknown".
 Verify that the function caller is the Profile Owner of the Profile. If it is
not, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Profile ICCID -
 Verify that the Profile is installed in the target eUICC. If it is not, the
SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "EID - Invalid Association".
 For RPM Command 'Update Metadata', validate the provided
updateMetadataRequest field. If no Metadata object is present, the
SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Profile Metadata - Conditional

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Element Missing". If it is invalid, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status
code "Profile Metadata - Invalid".
o If the rpmScript includes RPM Command(s) 'List Profile Info' (with Profile
Owner OID) coded as defined in section 2.10.1, for each of these commands,
the SM-DP+ SHALL verify that the function caller correctly presented its
Profile Owner OID in the RPM Command. If not, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a
status code "Profile Owner - Invalid Association".
 Associate the RPM Package with the EID and MatchingID.
 If a Root SM-DS address is provided and optionally also an Alternative SM-DS
address with non-empty value(s):
o Verify that the MatchingID is not a zero length value. If the MatchingID is a
zero length value, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Matching ID -
o Store the SM-DS address(es) with the RPM Package to be used later for
Event Registration and Event Deletion.
 If the Root SM-DS address begins with a full stop character (e.g.,
'.unspecified'), the SM-DP+ MAY determine the applicable Root
SM-DS for this Profile in an implementation-dependent manner.
 If the Alternative SM-DS address begins with a full stop character (e.g.,
'.unspecified'), the SM-DP+ MAY determine the applicable
Alternative SM-DS for this Profile in an implementation-dependent
o Perform Event Registration as defined in section 3.6.1, where the MatchingID
SHALL be used as the EventID. If the SM-DS is not reachable, the SM-DP+
SHALL return a status code "SM-DS - Inaccessible". If the Event Registration
fails, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "SM-DS - Execution Error".
 If an Alternative SM-DS was specified, this SHALL be a cascaded
registration as defined in section Otherwise, it SHALL be a non-
cascaded registration as defined in section
The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations.
This function SHALL return one of the following:
 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the RPM
Package has been created.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the table here after.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

eid Identification of the target eUICC. EID 1 M
rpmScript RpmPackage as defined in section 2.10.1. Binary 1 M
The MatchingID as defined in section 3.7.1,
matchingId String 1 O
when generated by the Operator.
The Root SM-DS address to be to be used for
rootSmdsAddress FQDN-Ext 1 O
the Event Registration.
altSmdsAddress The Alternative SM-DS address to be used for FQDN-Ext 1 C(1)

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cascaded Event Registration.

NOTE 1: This field MAY be provided only if rootSmdsAddress is present.

Table 32d: RpmOrder Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

Output data name Description Type No. MOC

matchingId The MatchingID as defined in section 3.7.1 String 1 M

Table 32e: RpmOrder Additional Output Data

Specific status codes:

SubjectCode Subject Reasoncode Reason Description

Indicates that the EID is
8.1.1 EID 2.2 missing in the context of this
Element Missing
Indicates that the eUICC,
8.1.1 EID 3.9 Unknown identified by this EID is
unknown to the SM-DP+.
Indicates that a different EID
8.1.1 EID 3.10 Invalid Association is already associated with this
Indicates that the ICCID is
Profile Conditional
8.2.1 2.3 missing in the context of the
ICCID Element Missing
RPM Command.
Indicates that the Profile,
8.2.1 3.9 Unknown identified by this ICCID is
unknown to the SM-DP+.
Matching Matching ID provided by the
8.2.6 2.1 Invalid
ID Operator is not valid.
Matching ID provided by the
Matching Already in Use
8.2.6 3.3 Operator is already in use at
ID (Uniqueness)
the SM-DP+.
Profile Indicates that the provided
8.2.9 2.1 Invalid
Metadata Profile Metadata is not valid.
Indicates that no Metadata
Profile Conditional object is provided in the
8.2.9 2.3
Metadata Element Missing context of the RPM
8.2.12 Profile 3.10 Invalid Association The Operator provided

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Owner incorrect Profile Owner OID.

The cascade SM-DS
8.9 SM-DS 4.2 Execution Error registration has failed. SM-
DS has raised an error.
Indicates that the
8.9 SM-DS 5.1 Inaccessible smdsAddress is invalid or not
Indicates that the RPM Script
8.10.2 RPM Script 2.2 is missing in the context of
Element Missing
this order.

Table 32f: RpmOrder Specific Status Codes

NOTE: If an RPM order with exactly the same parameters in the input data already
exists, the function may return 'Executed-Success' and take no other action.
This allows graceful handling of resends in case a response on ES2+ gets

5.3.7 Function: HandleDeviceChangeRequest

Related Procedures: Device Change

Function Provider Entity: Service Provider


The SM-DP+ supporting Device Change SHALL be able to call

ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function as per Service Provider's configuration.

This function requests for Service Provider's confirmation on the Device Change of a Profile.
If it was requested as per Service Provider's configuration, the SM-DP+ SHALL call this
function on the reception of Device Change request for the Profile.

On reception of this function call, the Service Provider SHALL:

 Identify the Profile by ICCID. If the Profile cannot be identified, the Service Provider
SHALL return an error status "ICCID – Unknown".
 Verify that the identified Profile is eligible for the Device Change. If not, the Service
Provider SHALL return an error status "Device Change – Not Allowed".
 Set the isNewProfileRequired to true if a new Profile is required for the Device
 If the End User requires to enter a Confirmation Code to proceed the Device Change
procedure: generate a Confirmation Code.
Additionally, the Service Provider MAY:

 Generate Service Provider Message for Device Change to be confirmed by the End
The Service Provider MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this

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This function SHALL return one of the following:

A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the Service
Provider has confirmed the Device Change of the Profile.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6, or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Identification of the Profile installed in the eUICC of
iccid ICCID 1 M
the old eUICC.
eid Identification of the target eUICC in the new Device EID 1 O
tac TAC value of the new Device. String 1 O

Table 32g: HandleDeviceChangeRequest Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

Output data name Description Type No. MOC

Indicates if the new Profile is required for
isNewProfileRequired Boolean 1 M
the Device Change.
Service Provider specific message for
serviceProviderMessageForDc Device Change to be confirmed by the String 1 O
End User.
A Confirmation Code to be verified for the
cc String 1 O
Device Change of the Profile.

Table 32h: HandleDeviceChangeRequest Additional Output Data

Specific status codes

t Subject Reason Description
Profile Indicates that the installed Profile, identified by
8.2.1 3.9 Unknown
ICCID this ICCID, is unknown to the Service Provider.
Device Indicates that the installed Profile is not eligible
8.10.3 1.2 Not Allowed
Change for Device Change.

Table 32i: HandleDeviceChangeRequest Specific Status Codes

5.4 ES6 (Operator -- eUICC)

This interface is present between the Operator and their Enabled Profile in eUICC. It allows
the Operator to make modifications on their Profile in the eUICC using legacy OTA

The ES6 functions are addressed to the eUICC through a secure channel, as defined in
ETSI TS 102 225 [38] and ETSI TS 102 226 [39], established between the Operator and the
MNO-SD of the Enabled Profile. This interface is the same as the one used with UICCs.

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The initial OTA Key sets are part of the Profile and are loaded by the SM-DP+ during the
"Profile Download and Installation" (section 3.1.3), or loaded by the EUM before eUICC

Figure 32: ES6

5.4.1 Function: UpdateMetadata

Related Procedures: Metadata Update

Function Provider Entity: ISD-P


This function allows updating the following Profile Metadata of the target Profile:

 Service Provider name

 Profile Name
 Icon type and Icon
 Profile Policy Rule
 Notification Configuration Info
 Service Specific Data stored in eUICC
 RPM Configuration
 Address of the HRI Server
 LPA Proxy Configuration
 Enterprise Configuration
 Device Change Configuration
All Metadata elements that can be updated by this function can also be deleted from the
Metadata except Service Provider name and Profile Name.

As this function is provided by the ISD-P, the STORE DATA command message defined
hereunder has to be preceded by an INSTALL [for personalisation] as defined in SGP.02 [2]

 The reserved AID value for Profile’s ISD-P (Annex D) SHALL be used to indicate that
the Security Domain target by the INSTALL [for personalisation] command is the ISD-
P of the Profile containing the MNO-SD.
 According to GlobalPlatform Card Specification [8], INSTALL [for personalisation]
command can only be used on applications associated with a Security Domain. As an

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exception to this rule, the eUICC SHALL allow the MNO-SD to receive this command
sequence with data destined to the ISD-P.
If supported by the Device, after a successful update of Metadata objects, the eUICC SHALL
alert the LPA as specified in section 5.7.23.

Command Message

This function uses the command message STORE DATA as defined in GlobalPlatform Card
Specification [8] with the specific coding defined in this section.

Code Value Meaning

CLA '80' GPCS [8] section 11.11
P1 '10' or '90' See below
P2 xx Block number
Lc xx Length of data field
Data 'xx xx…' See below

Table 33: UpdateMetadata Command Message

Parameter P1

The P1 SHALL be coded as follows:Error: Reference source not found

b8 b7 b b5 b b b b Meaning
6 4 3 2 1
0/ - - - - - - -
More blocks / Last block
- 0 0 - - - - - No general encryption information or non-
encrypted data
- - - 1 0 - - - BER-TLV format of the command data field
- - - - - - - 0 Case 3 command as defined in GlobalPlatform
Amd A [9]
- - - - - X X - RFU

Table 34: UpdateMetadata P1

If the provided Profile Metadata values do not fit in a single STORE DATA command, the
Operator SHALL split them into several STORE DATA commands. A transfer of an
intermediate command SHALL be done by indicating "More blocks". The last or only
command SHALL be transferred indicating "Last block".

The command can also be sent via RPM. In this case, the eUICC SHALL perform the
following before processing the command data:

 Verify that the Profile identified by the ICCID exists. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an error code commandError.
 Verify that the SM-DP+ that sent the RPM Command is included in the Managing
SM-DP+ List of the target Profile and is authorised to update all the given Metadata
objects. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code commandError.

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 If the Profile Metadata of the target Profile specifies an allowed eSIM CA RootCA
public key identifier for the Managing SM-DP+: verify that the Subject Key Identifier of
the eSIM CA RootCA corresponding to CERT.DPauth.SIG matches that value.
Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code commandError.

Data Field

The data field SHALL be coded as follows:

UpdateMetadataRequest ::= [42] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2A'
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '92'
iconType [19] IconType OPTIONAL, -- Tag '93'
icon [20] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '94'
profilePolicyRules [25] PprIds OPTIONAL, -- Tag '99'
serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc [34] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV2.4.0# Tag 'BF22'
notificationConfigurationInfo [22] SEQUENCE OF
NotificationConfigurationInformation OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag 'B6'
tagsForDeletion [APPLICATION 28] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- for tagList
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# tag '5C'
rpmConfiguration [26] RpmConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag
hriServerAddress [27] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9B'
lprConfiguration [28] LprConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
Tag 'BC'
enterpriseConfiguration [29] EnterpriseConfiguration OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0# Tag 'BD'
deviceChangeConfiguration [32] DeviceChangeConfiguration OPTIONAL --
#SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF20'

Even though all objects directly contained in the UpdateMetadataRequest are optional, at
least one SHALL be present. An update always applies to the whole object.

Unless defined otherwise below, the following general processing rules SHALL apply for all
objects except tagsForDeletion:

 If an object is present, the eUICC SHALL update the Profile Metadata with the
provided value. It the object was not present in the Metadata before, it SHALL be
added to the Metadata.

 If an object is absent, the eUICC SHALL NOT update the corresponding Profile
Metadata object.

 If there is an error while processing the UpdateMetadata, the Profile Metadata

SHALL remain unchanged.

If present, tagsForDeletion SHALL contain a concatenated list of tags of objects to be

deleted from the Metadata. An object that is to be created or updated by the function SHALL
NOT also appear in the list for deletion. The eUICC SHALL delete objects as follows:

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 If Service Provider name or Profile Name or any non-updateable objects are listed,
the eUICC SHALL return an error code deleteNotAllowed. These objects cannot
be deleted.

 If an object indicated by a tag is not present in the Metadata, the eUICC SHALL
silently ignore the tag.

 For all other tags, the eUICC SHALL delete the object.

NOTE: Version 2 defined a different mechanism for the deletion of Metadata

objects. An OTA server that wants to delete a Metadata object or update a
Metadata object with a zero-length value should take these differences into
account. An SM-DP+ can know from
EuiccRspCapability.updateMetadataV3Support whether the new
mechanism is supported on the eUICC and can forward this information to
the OTA server.

An OTA server SHALL add or remove iconType and icon together. The eUICC is not
mandated to check for both being present or both being absent as a result of a Metadata

For profilePolicyRules:

 This version of the specification only defines unsetting PPRs. For this operation, the
pprUpdateControl bit SHALL be set to zero. In case of a value of one, the eUICC
SHALL return an error code pprUpdateInvalidSetting.

 If pprUpdateControl is set to zero, the following SHALL apply: Each PPR bit of
the Profile SHALL be logically ANDed with the corresponding bit of the

For notificationConfigurationInfo: Version 2 did not include this object in the list of
Metadata objects that can be updated via ES6. An SM-DP+ can know from
EuiccRspCapability.updateNotifConfigInfoSupport whether updating of this
object is supported on the eUICC and can forward this information to the OTA server.

hriServerAddress being present in the command, even if it contains the same value as
the one already stored in the Metadata on the eUICC, SHALL be taken by the LPA as
indication that the icon on the server has changed.

The following processing SHALL apply if rpmConfiguration is contained in the


 If the object in the command contains a zero-length value, the command SHALL be
rejected with error code invalidRpmConfiguration.

 If an RPM Configuration already exists in the target Profile and if the

profileOwnerOid in the command does not match the Profile Owner OID in the
RPM Configuration of the target Profile, the command SHALL be rejected with error
code invalidRpmConfiguration.

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The following processing SHALL apply if enterpriseConfiguration is contained in the

 If the target Profile is not an Enterprise Profile or the object in the command contains
a zero-length value, the command SHALL be rejected.

 If the enterpriseOid in the command is different from the value stored in the
Metadata of the target Profile, the command SHALL be rejected.

 If it contains enterpriseRules and the Metadata of the target Profile does not
already contain Enterprise Rules, the command SHALL be rejected.

 If it contains enterpriseRules with the referenceEnterpriseRule bit being

set, the eUICC SHALL verify the following:

o If the enterpriseRules indicate

onlyEnterpriseProfilesCanBeInstalled and
numberOfNonEnterpriseProfiles contains a value different from 0, the
command SHALL be rejected.

o If the enterpriseRules indicate "priorityEnterpriseProfile" and

the Target Profile is Disabled, the command SHALL be rejected.

o If more non-Enterprise Profiles are enabled than allowed by

numberOfNonEnterpriseProfiles, the command SHALL be rejected.

 For all errors listed above, the eUICC SHALL return an error code

 If the previous steps did not result in the rejection of the command, the
enterpriseConfiguration SHALL be updated.

 If the enterpriseConfiguration contains enterpriseRules with the

referenceEnterpriseRule bit being set, the eUICC SHALL unset the
referenceEnterpriseRule bit of the Enterprise Profile for which it is currently
set, if any.

Response data if the command is sent via RPM

UpdateMetadataResponse ::= [42] INTEGER { -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag 'BF2A'
ok (0),
enterpriseConfigurationNotAllowed (6), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
commandError (7),
pprUpdateInvalidSetting (12),
invalidRpmConfiguration (14),
deleteNotAllowed (15),

Response Message for ES6

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Data Field

The data field of the response message SHALL NOT be present.

Processing State Returned in the Response Message

See GlobalPlatform Card Specification [8] section

The following additional status bytes are defined:

 '69 85': enterpriseConfigurationNotAllowed
 '6A 80': deleteNotAllowed
 '6A 81': pprUpdateInvalidSetting or invalidRpmConfiguration

5.5 ES8+ (SM-DP+ -- eUICC)

The ES8+ is an interface defined between the Profile Package Binding function of the SM-
DP+ and the eUICC. This interface is intended to be tunnelled over the ES9+ and ES10b

Figure 33: ES8+

The ES8+ functions are addressed to the eUICC through a secure channel established
between the Profile Package Binding function of the SM-DP+ and the eUICC.

The secure channel is established by:

Mutual authentication of the eUICC and the SM-DP+ using SK.DPauth.SIG /
 Session keys agreement based on exchanged one-time public keys of both parties
during mutual authentication.
The SM-DP+ authenticates the eUICC by:

Verifying the CERT.EUICC.SIG Certificate chain.

Verifying the signature of the eUICC computed over an SM-DP+ challenge with
PK.EUICC.SIG extracted from the verified CERT.EUICC.SIG.
The eUICC authenticates the SM-DP+ by:

Verifying the CERT.DPauth.SIG Certificate chain.

Verifying the signature of the SM-DP+ with the PK.DPauth.SIG extracted from the
verified CERT.DPauth.SIG.
The data exchanged after channel establishment are secured using the BSP as defined in
section 2.6.4. The eUICC SHALL support the BSP with:

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 The symmetric algorithm related to the selected signature algorithm, see section
 Use of C-MAC and C-DECRYPTION.
As a result the SM-DP+ and eUICC are mutually authenticated, all data sent from the Profile
Package Binding function of the SM-DP+ to the eUICC are MACed and encrypted, except
the 'StoreMetadata' command which is only MACed.

Response data generated by the eUICC when processing the BPP received on ES8+ is
returned protected by a signature generated by the eUICC.

5.5.1 Function: InitialiseSecureChannel

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R


This function is used by the SM-DP+ to initialise the secure channel for a Profile Download
and Installation with the target eUICC. The function carries the identifier of the remote
operation type to be performed by the eUICC (e.g., installation of a new Bound Profile
Package) and the necessary material for key agreement with Perfect Forward Secrecy
(PFS), allowing a secure end-to-end communication between the SM-DP+ and the eUICC:

 Transaction ID
 Description of the keys to generate
 One-time public key for key agreement generated by SM-DP+ (otPK.DP.KA)
 Signature upon material (including the previously generated otPK.EUICC.KA, also
acting as an eUICC challenge) to ensure its integrity and authenticity.
The level of security is implicitly deduced from the remote operation type to execute.

The reception of the InitialiseSecureChannel function SHALL be rejected if a secure channel

session is already ongoing.

On reception of this command the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify the SM-DP+ signature using the PK.DPpb.SIG; if the signature is invalid the
command SHALL be rejected, an invalidSignature error SHALL be returned in
the Profile Installation Result, Profile installation SHALL be aborted, and any
contextual data associated to its Profile installation (like the SM-DP+ Certificate)
SHALL be discarded.
 Verify that the requested Remote operation type is one of the defined types.
Otherwise an unsupportedRemoteOperationType error SHALL be returned in
the Profile Installation Result.
 Verify that the received transaction ID matches the transaction ID of the on-going
RSP session (section 5.7.5 "ES10b.PrepareDownload" function). Otherwise an
invalidTransactionId error SHALL be returned in the Profile Installation Result.
 Verify that Control Reference Template describing the keys to generate matches the
values defined here under (Command message part). Otherwise an
unsupportedCrtValues error SHALL be returned in the Profile Installation Result.

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Generate the session keys (S-ENC and S-MAC) and the initial MAC chaining value
from received otPK.DP.KA and previously generated otSK.EUICC.KA, using the key
agreement algorithm determined according to section 2.6.5.
Command Data

The command data for this function is encoded in the ASN.1 data object as described below.
--Definition of data objects for InitialiseSecureChannel Request
InitialiseSecureChannelRequest ::= [35] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF23'
remoteOpId RemoteOpId, -- Remote Operation Type Identifier (value SHALL be set
to installBoundProfilePackage)
transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SM-DP+
controlRefTemplate[6] IMPLICIT ControlRefTemplate, -- Control Reference Template
(Key Agreement). Current specification considers a subset of CRT specified in
GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment F [13] section for the Mutual
Authentication Data Field
smdpOtpk [APPLICATION 73] OCTET STRING, ---otPK.DP.KA in accordance with
GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment F [13] section for ePK.OCE.KA,
tag '5F49'
smdpSign [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- SM-DP's signature, tag '5F37'

ControlRefTemplate ::= SEQUENCE {

keyType[0] Octet1, -- Key type according to GlobalPlatform Card Specification
[8] Table 11-16, Tag '80'
keyLen[1] Octet1, --Key length in number of bytes. Tag '81'
hostId[4] OctetTo16 -- Host ID value , Tag '84'

NOTE: The tag '90' for 'SCP identifiers and parameters' is not used. This
specification only uses one SCP type derived from SCP11a defined in
GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment F [13]. The tag '95' for 'Key
Usage Qualifier' is also not used. This is determined by the 'Remote
operation type identifier' (see hereunder).

The eUICC SHALL verify the values provided for key type and key length match the
expected symmetric encryption algorithm according to section 2.6.5:

 When AES-128 is selected by the SM-DP+, keyType SHALL contain value '88' and
keyLen SHALL contain '10'.

 When SM4 is selected by the SM-DP+, keyType SHALL contain value '89' and
keyLen SHALL contain '10'.

NOTE: Key type values are assigned in the GlobalPlatform Card Specification [8].

SM-DP+ signature (smdpSign) is computed as described in section 2.6.9, using the SM-DP+
private key SK.DPpb.SIG across the following concatenated data objects:

 remoteOpId
 transactionId
 controlRefTemplate
 smdpOtpk

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 euiccOtpk, as provided earlier in the prepareDownloadResponse data object received
in the "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage" function.
As the signature includes the otPK.EUICC.KA, the eUICC can authenticate the SM-DP+.

When remoteOpId is installBoundProfilePackage , the implicit Key Usage Qualifier


5.5.2 Function: ConfigureISDP

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R


This function is used by the SM-DP+ to provide data to the eUICC for configuring the ISD-P.
For this version of the specification, this data element only contains the optional SM-DP+
proprietary data.

NOTE: Information like the amount of assigned memory MAY be added in future

On reception of this command the eUICC SHALL:

Create the ISD-P for the Profile and assign an AID value from the range reserved for
ISD-Ps in SGP.02 [2].
 If the length of the SM-DP+ proprietary data exceeds the maximum size, terminate
with error 'incorrectInputValues'.
 Store the SM-DP+ proprietary data in the ISD-P.
Command data

The command data for this function is encoded in the ASN.1 data object below.

--Definition of data objects for ConfigureISDPRequest
ConfigureISDPRequest ::= [36] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF24'
dpProprietaryData [24] DpProprietaryData OPTIONAL -- Tag 'B8'

DpProprietaryData ::= SEQUENCE { -- maximum size including tag and length field:
128 bytes
dpOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- OID in the tree of the SM-DP+ that created the
-- additional data objects defined by the SM-DP+ MAY follow

5.5.3 Function: StoreMetadata

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R


This function is used by the SM-DP+ to provide Profile Metadata of the Profile to the eUICC.

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On reception of this command the eUICC SHALL verify the following:

 The Profile Class is supported. Otherwise, the reported error SHALL be

 The ICCID is different than that of all other installed profiles. Otherwise, the reported
error SHALL be installFailedDueToIccidAlreadyExistsOnEuicc.
 If PPRs are provided in the Profile Metadata: the Profile Owner data object is present
and the PPRs are allowed for the Profile Owner. This verification SHALL be done as
described section Otherwise, the reported error SHALL be pprNotAllowed.
 If enterpriseConfiguration is provided in the Profile Metadata:
o That it supports Enterprise Profiles. Otherwise, the reported error SHALL be
o If it contains enterpriseRules: that the Device is an Enterprise-Capable
Device. Otherwise, the reported error SHALL be
o That none of the installed Profiles has PPR1 set. Otherwise, the reported
error SHALL be enterpriseProfileNotAllowed.
o If an Enterprise Profile is already installed on the eUICC: that the
enterpriseOid in the command is identical to the value of an Enterprise
Profile already installed on the eUICC. Otherwise, the reported error SHALL
be enterpriseOidMismatch.
o If it contains enterpriseRules: that the referenceEnterpriseRule bit
is not set. Otherwise, the reported error SHALL be

 If there is a Profile with a Reference Enterprise Rule installed on the eUICC and this
rule prohibits the installation of non-Enterprise Profiles: that the Profile to be installed
is an Enterprise Profile. Otherwise, the reported error SHALL be
 If lprConfiguration is provided in the Profile Metadata: that it and the Device
both support the LPA Proxy. Otherwise, the reported error SHALL be
 If an unknown TLV is encountered, the eUICC SHALL report an error
If any verification fails, the eUICC SHALL report the indicated error and stop the profile
installation procedure. Otherwise, store the data elements for future use.

Command data

The command data for this function is identified by the data structure defined hereunder.
StoreMetadataRequest ::= [37] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF25'
iccid Iccid,
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)), -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)), -- Tag '92' (corresponds to 'Short
Description' defined in SGP.21 [2])
iconType [19] IconType OPTIONAL, -- Tag '93' (JPG or PNG)
icon [20] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '94' (Data of the icon.
Size 64 x 64 pixel. This field SHALL only be present if iconType is present)

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profileClass [21] ProfileClass DEFAULT operational, -- Tag '95'
notificationConfigurationInfo [22] SEQUENCE OF
NotificationConfigurationInformation OPTIONAL,
profileOwner [23] OperatorId OPTIONAL, -- Tag 'B7'
profilePolicyRules [25] PprIds OPTIONAL, -- Tag '99'
serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc [34] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV2.4.0# Tag 'BF22'
serviceSpecificDataNotStoredInEuicc [35] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV2.4.0# Tag 'BF23'
rpmConfiguration [26] RpmConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag
hriServerAddress [27] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9B'
serviceProviderMessage [30] LocalisedTextMessage OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag 'BE'
lprConfiguration [28] LprConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
Tag 'BC'
enterpriseConfiguration [29] EnterpriseConfiguration OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0# Tag 'BD'
serviceDescription [31] ServiceDescription OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
Tag '9F1F'
deviceChangeConfiguration [32] DeviceChangeConfiguration OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF20'
estimatedProfileSize [33] INTEGER OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9F21'

NotificationEvent ::= BIT STRING {

notificationRpmEnable(4), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
notificationRpmDisable(5), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
notificationRpmDelete(6), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
loadRpmPackageResult(7) -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

NotificationConfigurationInformation ::= SEQUENCE {

profileManagementOperation NotificationEvent,
notificationAddress UTF8String -- FQDN to forward the notification

ServiceDescription ::= BIT STRING { -- 1: service is on, 0: service is off

voice (0), -- Operator-provided voice service
data (1) -- Operator-provided data service

Unless specified otherwise below, the eUICC SHALL store a data object which is present in
the command.

Each bit indicating a specific event MAY appear several times in the sequence of
notificationConfigurationInfo data object. In that case, it specifies several
recipient addresses for the same notification event. The loadRpmPackageResult has no
meaning when provided in the notificationConfigurationInfo.

The data object profileOwner SHALL be present if the profilePolicyRules data

object is present. In this instance the mccMnc field SHALL NOT specify any wildcard ('E')

The SM-DP+ SHALL NOT specify an empty string in the data objects profileName and

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The data object profilePolicyRules SHALL NOT be present for a Profile that has no
PPR set. Otherwise, the profilePolicyRules SHALL identify all the PPRs set in the
Profile. If the profilePolicyRules data object is not present, all PPR bits of the Profile
SHALL be considered zero. The PprIds type is defined in section 2.4a.1.1.

The data object lprConfiguration SHALL be present only if the eUICC supports the LPA

The eUICC SHALL NOT store the data object

serviceSpecificDataNotStoredInEuicc if present.

The SM-DP+ SHALL not include the data objects

serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc and/or
serviceSpecificDataNotStoredInEuicc unless the eUICC indicated

The information defined in serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc and

serviceSpecificDataNotStoredInEuicc SHALL neither impact the functionalities
and Profile Management Operations defined in this specification that are not vendor specific,
nor the interoperability of the solution defined in this specification (incl. Devices, Profiles, and
The SM-DP+ SHALL include the data object rpmConfiguration only if the eUICC
indicated rpmSupport.

The SM-DP+ SHALL include the data object hriServerAddress only if the eUICC
indicated hriServerAddressSupport.

The SM-DP+ SHALL include the data object serviceProviderMessage only if the eUICC
indicated serviceProviderMessageSupport. The eUICC SHALL NOT store this data
object if present.
The SM-DP+ SHALL include the data object lprConfiguration only if the eUICC
indicated lpaProxySupport.

The SM-DP+ SHALL include the data object enterpriseConfiguration if and only if the
Profile is an Enterprise Profile, and only if the eUICC indicated

The SM-DP+ SHALL include the data object serviceDescription only if the eUICC
indicated serviceDescriptionSupport.

The SM-DP+ SHALL include the data object deviceChangeConfiguration if and only if
the Profile supports Device Change, and only if the eUICC indicated

The estimatedProfileSize data object includes an estimated size of the installed

Profile in the non-volatile memory, expressed in bytes. The SM-DP+ SHALL include this
data object only if the eUICC indicated estimatedProfileSizeIndicationSupport. If
present, it SHALL NOT be stored in the eUICC.

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5.5.4 Function: ReplaceSessionKeys
Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R


This function is used to replace the BSP session keys (S-ENC and S-MAC) during the
loading of a Bound Profile Package by a new set of session keys (typically the PPK-ENC
and PPK-CMAC (section 2.5). Note that both keys are replaced; this function doesn't allow
replacement of only one of the session keys.

On reception of this function the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the new keys are of same length as the old keys. Otherwise the eUICC
SHALL return an error, and the loading of the BPP SHALL be aborted.
 Replace the current session keys with the new set of keys.
Once the function is successfully executed, the eUICC SHALL use this new set of keys for
decryption and MAC verification of subsequent BSP payload blocks of data. The key type of
the new set of keys is the same as the session keys they replace.

Command data

The command message for this function is encoded in the ASN.1 data object below.
-- Definition of request message for command ReplaceSessionKeys
ReplaceSessionKeysRequest ::= [38] SEQUENCE { -- tag 'BF26'
-- The new initial MAC chaining value
initialMacChainingValue OCTET STRING,
-- New session key value for encryption/decryption (PPK-ENC)
-- New session key value of the session key C-MAC computation/verification (PPK-

5.5.5 Function: LoadProfileElements

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R


This function is used by the SM-DP+ to provide the Profile Elements defined by eUICC
Profile Package specification [5] to the eUICC.

Command messages, response messages and the processing on the eUICC are defined in
eUICC Profile Package specification [5].

The eUICC SHALL ignore the ICCID value provided in the 'ProfileHeader' PE.

The eUICC SHALL verify that the following values provided in the Profile Metadata via
"ES8+.StoreMetadata" are reflected in the content of EFs of the Profile:

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 The ICCID provided in the Profile Metadata is identical to the value of EFICCID.

 If profileOwner is provided in the Profile Metadata:

o The mccMnc value provided in the Profile Metadata SHALL match the MCC
and MNC values in EFIMSI.

o If gid1 or gid2 is provided in the Profile Metadata: The corresponding EFGID1

or EFGID2 SHALL be present and contain the same value as provided in the
data object and the related service in EFUST SHALL indicate "available".

o If gid1 or gid2 is not provided in the Profile Metadata: The corresponding

service in EFUST for EFGID1 or EFGID2 SHALL indicate "not available".

Any failure SHALL be indicated by an installFailedDueToDataMismatch error.

If the Profile is a Test Profile, the eUICC SHALL check if the key(s) for network
authentication follow the requirements defined in section

On any error during the processing of a Profile Element, the Profile installation SHALL stop
and the ISD-P and all the related Profile Components SHALL be deleted.

If the Profile is successfully installed, the eUICC SHALL first generate the Profile Installation
Result and then as many Notifications as configured in its metadata
(notificationConfigurationInfo) in the format of OtherSignedNotification.

Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL only generate the Profile Installation Result with an error

5.6 ES9+ (LPA -- SM-DP+)

ES9+ is the interface between:

 The LPA entity (more specifically the LPD endpoint)and,

 the SM-DP+ (more specifically the Profile Package Delivery endpoint, which is in
charge to deliver the input data from the LPA to the Profile Package Binding function,
and deliver the output data from the Profile Package Binding function to the LPA).

Figure 34: ES9+

The LPA SHALL communicates with the SM-DP+ secured by HTTPS in server
authentication mode as described in section 2.6.6.

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The format of the TLS Certificates (CERT.DP.TLS) used for TLS connections is described in

During TLS establishment, the LPA SHALL verify the received CERT.DP.TLS according to
section If any of these verifications fail, the TLS connection SHALL be rejected, and
the on-going procedure SHALL fail.

5.6.1 Function: InitiateAuthentication

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function requests the SM-DP+ authentication. This is following the

"GetEUICCChallenge" between the eUICC and the LPAd, where the LPAd retrieves material
from the eUICC to be provided to the SM-DP+.

On reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Verify that the received address matches its own SM-DP+ address, where the
comparison SHALL be case-insensitive. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a
status code "SM-DP+ Address - Refused".
 If euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 is present, verify it supports one of these
eSIM CA RootCA Public Keys against which eUICC signatures can be verified, and
select the eSIM CA RootCA Public Key. If the SM-DP+ does not have any other
priorities defined, the SM-DP+ SHALL follow the priority order given by the eUICC in
euiccCIPKIdListForSigningV3. If an eSIM CA public key is selected, then:
o the public key identifier SHALL be returned in
o and in addition: if LPA indicates certChainV3Support,
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed SHALL be omitted, otherwise it SHALL be present
with a zero-length value.
 If no eSIM CA RootCA Public Key has been selected from
euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3, verify it supports one of the keys indicated by
euiccCiPKIdListForSigning (again using its own defined priority or priority
from the list). If not, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code (Security configuration -
Unsupported). The key identifier SHALL be returned in euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed,
and sessionContext.euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 SHALL be omitted.
NOTE: A version 2 eUICC only sends euiccCiPKIdListForSigning, therefore
the SM-DP+ can only select an eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifier
among this list. A version 3 eUICC can send various combinations of
euiccCiPKIdListForSigning and euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3
(see section 5.7.8). If the SM-DP+ selects an eSIM CA RootCA Public Key
identifier in euiccCiPKIdListForSigning, the SM-DP+ has to support
the verification of the certificate chain Variant O.

 Determine the set of CERT.DPauth.SIG that satisfy the following criteria:

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o Part of a certificate chain ending at one of the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate,
whose Public Keys is supported by the eUICC (indicated by
o Using a certificate chain that the eUICC and the LPA both support:
o If the eUICC indicates certChainV3VerificationSupport and the
LPA indicates certChainV3Support, then it SHALL belong to a chain
following one of the Variants O, A, B or C (see section
o Otherwise, it SHALL belong to a chain following Variant O.
 Depending on the number of Certificates in the set, do the following:
o If there is one, selects this CERT.DPauth.SIG.
o If there are more than one, selects the CERT.DPauth.SIG preferably according
to the priority provided by the eUICC for the eSIM CA RootCA Public Keys.
o If there is none, and the LPA indicated euiccCiUpdateSupport, it SHOULD
selects its preferred CERT.DPauth.SIG.
o Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "SM-DP+ Certificate -
 If both eUICC and LPA indicate crlStaplingV3Support, verify it can provide an
up-to-date CRL corresponding to each Certificate in the chain that has a
cRLDistributionPoints extension set. The SM-DP+ can retrieve each of them from the
Distribution Point(s) indicated in the corresponding Certificate (see section 4.6.4), or
from a local repository if the CRL copy is still not outdated. If the SM-DP+ cannot
provide the necessary CRL(s), it SHALL return a status code (SM-DP+ Certificate -
 Generate a TransactionID which is used to identify the ongoing RSP session. The
TransactionID SHALL be unique within the scope and lifetime of each SM-DP+.
NOTE: TransactionIDs not being reused protects against attacks which replay
CancelSession messages.

 Generate a serverChallenge for eUICC authentication attached to the ongoing RSP

 Generate a serverSigned1 data object as expected by the eUICC and described in
section 5.7.13 "ES10b.AuthenticateServer". If and only if both eUICC and LPA
indicate crlStaplingV3Support, the SM-DP+ SHALL indicate
crlStaplingV3Used in sessionContext.
 Generate a signature (serverSignature1) as described in section 5.7.13
"ES10b.AuthenticateServer" using the SK related to the selected CERT.DPauth.SIG.
The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success', indicating that the RSP

session has been successfully initiated at the SM-DP+.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

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Input data name Description Type No. MOC

euiccChallenge generated by the eUICC. LPDd
can retrieve the euiccChallenge from the eUICC
euiccChallenge Binary[16] 1 M
by calling "ES10b.GetEUICCChallenge"
(section 5.7.7).
euiccInfo1 of the eUICC. LPDd can retrieve the
euiccInfo1 euiccInfo1 by calling "ES10b.GetEUICCInfo" Binary(1) 1 M
(section 5.7.8).
smdpAddress The SM-DP+ Address as known and provided M
by the LPA.
lpaRspCapability #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
Binary(2) 1 C(3)
The RSP capability supported by the LPA.
NOTE 1: euiccInfo1 SHALL be provided as an encoded EuiccInfo1 data object.
NOTE 2: lpaRspCapability SHALL be provided as an encoded data object including the tag
defined for it in the DeviceInfo data object as defined in section 4.2.
NOTE 3: lpaRspCapability SHALL be provided by a version 3 or higher compliant LPA.

Table 35: InitiateAuthentication Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

Output data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated
transactionId Binary[1-16] 1 M
by the SM-DP+ (section 3.0.1).
The data object signed by the
serverSigned1 Binary(1) (3) 1 M
serverSignature1 SM-DP+ signature. Binary(1) 1 M
If present and not empty,
indicates the Variant O
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed certificate chain related to the Binary(1) (6) 1 C(4)
Private Key that the eUICC
SHALL use for signing.
SM-DP+ Certificate
serverCertificate Binary(1) 1 M
The remaining part of the
CERT.DPauth.SIG Certificate
otherCertsInChain Binary(1) 1 C(2)
chain (If any). It contains a
CERT.CISubCA.SIG, or both.
crlList #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Binary(1) 1 C(5)
The list of CRLs needed to
verify the revocation status of
each Certificate that contains a
extension in the returned

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Certificate chain.
NOTE 1: serverSigned1, serverSignature1, euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed, serverCertificate,
otherCertsInChain and crlList are data objects defined in section 5.7.13 (function
"ES10b.AuthenticateServer"). They SHALL be returned as encoded data objects including the
tags defined for them in the AuthenticateServerRequest data object.
NOTE 2: otherCertsInChain SHALL be omitted if the CERT.DPauth.SIG is directly signed by
an eSIM RootCA. If present, this list SHALL contain one or two Certificate(s) according to the
Certificate chain variant used by the server (section This may be extended in future
version of this specification.
NOTE 3: sessionContext and serverRspCapability SHALL be omitted in serverSigned1 if
the euiccRspCapability was not present in the input data.
NOTE 4: if the eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifier has been selected from
euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3, euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed SHALL either be omitted or
have a zero-length value as described above.
NOTE 5: crlList SHALL only be present if both eUICC and LPA indicated
NOTE 6: euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed is not protected by a signature. However, the SM-DP+ assures
its integrity by verifying that the eUICC Certificate in the subsequent call to
ES9+.AuthenticateClient chains to the root public key identified by this value.

Table 36: InitiateAuthentication Additional Output Data

Specific Status Codes

Subjectcode Subject Reasoncode Reason Description

8.8.1 3.8 Refused Invalid SM-DP+ Address.
None of the proposed Public Key
8.8.2 3.1 Unsupported Identifiers is supported by the SM-
The SM-DP+ has no
CERT.DPauth.SIG which chains to
8.8.4 3.7 Unavailable one of the eSIM CA RootCA
Certificate with a Public Key
supported by the eUICC.

Table 37: InitiateAuthentication Specific Status codes

5.6.2 Function: GetBoundProfilePackage

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function SHALL be called to request the delivery and the binding of a Profile Package
for the eUICC.

This function is correlated to a previous normal execution of an "ES9+.AuthenticateClient"

function through a TransactionID delivered by the SM-DP+.

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On reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Verify that the received transactionId is known and relates to an ongoing RSP
session. If not, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "TransactionId - Unknown".
 Verify the euiccSignature2 computed over euiccSigned2 and
smdpSignature2 using the PK.EUICC.SIG attached to the ongoing RSP session. If
the signature is invalid, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "eUICC -
Verification failed".
 Check if this order requires a Confirmation Code verification; if yes, the SM-DP+
SHALL verify that the received Hashed Confirmation Code matches the value known
by the SM-DP+. If the Confirmation Code is not received, the SM-DP+ SHALL return
a status code "Confirmation Code - Mandatory Element Missing". If the values do not
match, the SM-DP+ SHALL increment the number of incorrect Confirmation Code
attempts. If the maximum number of incorrect attempts for Confirmation Code
verification is not exceeded the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Confirmation
Code - Refused". If it is exceeded, the corresponding Profile download order SHALL
be terminated and the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Confirmation Code -
Maximum number of attempts exceeded".
If the Bound Profile Package has been previously generated for this eUICC, the SM-DP+
SHALL check if the otPK.EUICC.KA provided by the eUICC is the same as the one used to
generate this BPP. If so, the BPP can be re-used: only the signature for
InitialiseSecureChannel needs to be recalculated.

If the Bound Profile Package has been previously generated for this eUICC, but the
otPK.EUICC.KA provided by the eUICC is different than the one previously used to generate
this BPP, the SM-DP+ SHALL re-bind the PPP as described below.

To bind the PPP, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Attach the otPK.EUICC.KA to the ongoing RSP session.

 Link the Profile to the EID of CERT.EUICC.SIG if the Profile is not already linked.
 Generate a one-time KA key pair (otPK.DP.KA, otSK.DP.KA) for key agreement
using the parameters indicated by the
subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithmIdentifier.parameters field of
 Generate the session keys (S-ENC and S-MAC) and the initial MAC chaining value
using the CRT, otPK.EUICC.KA and otSK.DP.KA.
 Generate the Profile Metadata of the Profile.
 Generate the Bound Profile Package as described in (section 2.5.4), optionally
including the Profile Protection Keys (PPK).
 Erase otSK.DP.KA immediately once BPP is generated.
The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the

BoundProfilePackage has been successfully built and is part of the output data.

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 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated
transactionId by the SM-DP+ (section Binary[1-16] 1 M
prepareDownloadResponse data object defined in section Binary(1) 1 M
NOTE 1: prepareDownloadResponse SHALL be provided as an encoded
PrepareDownloadResponse data object

Table 38: GetBoundProfilePackage Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

Output data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated by the SM-DP+
transactionId Binary[1-16] 1 M
(section 3.0.1).
Bound Profile Package data object to be
transferred to the eUICC using
boundProfilePackage Binary(1) 1 M
"ES10b.LoadBoundProfilePackage" (section
NOTE 1: boundProfilePackage SHALL be provided as an encoded BoundProfilePackage data object

Table 39: GetBoundProfilePackage Additional Output Data

Specific Status Codes

Subjectcode Subject Reasoncode Reason Description

8.1 eUICC 6.1 eUICC signature is invalid.
BPP is not available for a new
8.2 Profile 3.7 Unavailable
TransactionI The RSP session identified by the
8.10.1 3.9 Unknown
d TransactionID is unknown.
Confirmation Mandatory
8.2.7 2.2 Confirmation Code is missing.
Code Element Missing
8.2.7 3.8 Refused Confirmation Code is refused.
The maximum number of incorrect
Confirmation number of
8.2.7 6.4 attempts for the Confirmation Code
Code attempts
has been exceeded.

Table 40: GetBoundProfilePackage Specific status codes

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5.6.3 Function: AuthenticateClient
Related Procedures: Common Mutual Authentication

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function SHALL be called by the LPA to request the authentication of the eUICC by the

This function is correlated to a previous normal execution of an "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication"

function through a Transaction ID delivered by the SM-DP+.

On reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Verify the validity of the eUICC certificate chain, as defined in section If the
eUICC Certificate (or any of the certificates in the chain) is invalid or expired, the SM-
DP+ SHALL return a status code "eUICC Certificate - Verification failed" or "eUICC
Certificate - Expired" respectively. If any of the certificates is missing in the chain, the
SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "eUICC Certificate - Verification failed".
 Verify that the Root Certificate of the eUICC certificate chain corresponds to the
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed or euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 that the SM-DP+ selected
when executing the "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" function. If it doesn't correspond, or
if the chain variant doesn't match, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "CI Public
Key - Unknown".
 Verify the eUICC signature (euiccSignature1) using the PK.EUICC.SIG as described
in section 5.7.13 "ES10b.AuthenticateServer". Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return
a status code "eUICC - Verification failed".
 Verify that the transactionId is known and relates to an ongoing RSP session.
Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "TransactionId - Unknown".
 Verify that the serverChallenge attached to the ongoing RSP session matches the
serverChallenge returned by the eUICC. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a
status code "eUICC - Verification failed".
 If the SM-DP+ determines that the related Profile download order or RPM order has
expired before being downloaded, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code
"Download order - Time to Live Expired".
 If the maximum number of attempts for Profile or RPM download has been exceeded,
the corresponding Profile download order or RPM order SHALL be terminated, and
the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Download order - Maximum number of
attempts exceeded".
 If euiccRspCapability.euiccRspCapInInfo1 is set to '1', verify that
euiccRspCapability was present in euiccInfo1 as received in
ES9+.InitiateAuthentication and that euiccRspCapability in euiccInfo2
matches the value received in euiccInfo1. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a
status code "eUICC - Value has Changed".
 Verify that lpaRspCapability in deviceInfo matches the value received in
ES9+.InitiateAuthentication. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code
"LPA - Value has Changed".

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Additionally, if the expired/terminated Profile download order or RPM order was
accompanied by an Event Registration, the SM-DP+ SHOULD send "ES12.DeleteEvent" to
the corresponding SM-DS to delete the relevant Event Record.

In addition, the SM-DP+ SHALL perform additional verification depending on the use case
where this function is involved and the received ctxParams1.

The SM-DP+ SHALL identify the type of operation requested by the LPA checking the
content of ctxParams1.

 If it contains ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication, the SM-DP+ SHALL refer to

the value of the operationType:
o If operationType is not present, the SM-DP+ SHALL regard this as a
Profile download request from the LPA that conforms to version 2 of this
o If profileDownload bit is set, the SM-DP+ SHALL regard this as a Profile
download request.
o If rpm bit is set, the SM-DP+ SHALL regard this as an RPM download
o If all bits in the operationType are set, or more than one Profile download
orders and/or RPM orders are pending, the SM-DP+ SHALL prioritize the
Profile downloads and/or RPMs as per Operator's request.
 If it contains ctxParamsForDeviceChange, the SM-DP+ SHALL regard this as a
Device Change request.
 If it contains ctxParamsForProfileRecovery, the SM-DP+ SHALL regard this as
a Profile Recovery request.
 Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL regard this as an error and SHALL return a status
code "Function – Unsupported".
NOTE 1: In the context of a Device Change, a Profile download request from the new
Device MAY additionally contain a deleteNotificationForDc. The
presence of this field does not indicate a separate operation.

NOTE 2: If the operationType is set to profileDownload only, the data object

will be absent in the DER encoding, which makes the function call
backwards compatible to how it is defined in version 2 of this specification.

Beginning of Profile Download operation


 Verify there is a pending Profile download order for the incoming eUICC. For that, the
 If there is a pending Profile download order associated with this EID:
 If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a MatchingId then
verify that it matches the MatchingID for this pending Profile download order.
o The SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "MatchingID - Refused"
o If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a
matchingIdSource data object set to an SM-DS OID, the SM-DP+

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SHOULD delete the Event Record from the SM-DS identified by that OID
(see Note 4).
 If the MatchingID is missing in ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication,
any pending Profile download order associated to this EID MAY be selected.
 If there is no pending Profile download order associated with this EID:
 If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a MatchingId, then:
o verify that there is a pending Profile download order associated with this
MatchingID, and the pending Profile download order is not associated with
an EID. Otherwise:
 The SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "MatchingID - Refused".
 If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a
matchingIdSource data object set to an SM-DS OID, the SM-
DP+ SHOULD delete the Event Record from the SM-DS identified
by that OID (see Note 4).
 If the MatchingID is missing in ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication,
this SHALL be considered as verification failure and a status code "EID -
Refused" SHALL be returned.
 In case of a Profile download related to a Device Change that requires the deletion of
the installed Profile, verify that either the Delete Notification of the installed Profile has
been received or the previous Device Change response included encrypted Device
Change data. If so, the SM-DP+ SHALL ignore the Delete Notification for Device
Change received in this function call (if any). Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL:
o If the SM-DP+ supports the processing of the Delete Notification for Device
 Retrieve the Delete Notification for Device Change contained in the
deleteNotificationForDc. If it is not received in this function call, the
SM-DP+ SHALL return an errors status "Profile – Not Allowed".
exists), and the ICCID attached to the pending Profile download order. If any
retrieval fails, the SM-DP+ SHALL return an error status "Profile – Not
 Restore the Delete Notification by combining CERT.EUICC.SIG,
CERT.EUM.SIG, and CERT.EUMSubCA.SIG (if it exists) with the Delete
Notification for Device Change retrieved above.
 Validate the restored Delete Notification by verifying the eUICC signature and
checking if the ICCID contained in the Delete Notification matches to the
ICCID attached to the pending Profile download order. If either fails, the SM-
DP+ SHALL return an error status "Profile – Not Allowed"
NOTE: The Recipient Address of the restored Delete Notification may not be
the FQDN of the SM-DP+ processing this function call. In such a case,
it is out of scope of this document how the SM-DP+ interacts with the
Notification receiver.
o Otherwise, return an error status "Profile – Not Allowed".

 Identify the Profile corresponding to the pending Profile download order.

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 Verify that the identified Profile has been released (Profile state is Released, see
section 3.1.6). Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Profile - Not
 Increment the number of attempts for the Profile.
 Perform the following eligibility checks:
o Check if the eUICC can install one more Profile. Otherwise, the SM-DP+
SHALL return a status code "eUICC - Insufficient memory".
o If the Profile is a Test Profile, the SM-DP+ SHALL check if the Device is
operating in Device Test Mode. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a
status code "Profile type - Stopped on warning".
o If the Profile is an Enterprise Profile, the SM-DP+ MAY check if the Device
is an Enterprise Capable Device and if the eUICC supports Enterprise
Profiles. If this check fails, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "Profile
type - Stopped on warning".
o If the Profile Owner has disallowed Profile download to Field-Test eUICCs:
If the target eUICC indicates V255.255.255 in ppVersion, the SM-DP+
SHALL return a status code "Profile Type – Stopped on warning"
o The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional Eligibility checks as described in
Annex F.
 Attach the PK.EUICC.SIG to the ongoing RSP session.
 Verify if this order requires a Confirmation Code verification. If yes, the SM-DP+
SHALL set the ccRequiredFlag data field of the smdpSigned2 data object to true.
 Determine if the Profile is already bound to the EID from a previous unsuccessful
download attempt. If yes, the SM-DP+ MAY include the otPK.EUICC.KA obtained in
the previous session in the smdpSigned2 data object.
 Determine if an RPM Package is pending for the eid. If yes, the SM-DP+ MAY
include the rpmPending in the smdpSigned2 data object.
 Generate an smdpSigned2 data object as defined in
 Compute the smdpSignature2 over the concatenated data objects smdpSigned2
and euiccSignature1 using the SK.DPpb.SIG.
 Generate the Profile Metadata of the Profile. If the Profile Metadata contains Profile
Policy Rules and the eUICC Info indicates
EuiccRspCapability.serviceProviderMessageSupport, then the SM-DP+
MAY include a Service Provider message to be displayed to the End User. If the
Device Info includes language preferences, the SM-DP+ SHOULD provide a Service
Provider message using the most preferred language that it can support. The method
by which the SM-DP+ receives this/these localised message(s) from the
Operator/Service Provider is out of the scope of this specification.

NOTE 3: When providing messages for delivery by the SM-DP+, the

Operator/Service Provider should consider challenges displaying
lengthy text on a device with a limited display.

NOTE 4: Deleting the Event Record corresponding to a MatchingId that is no

longer valid allows to avoid repeated attempts to download the same
package. The SM-DP+ should consider whether it is appropriate to

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delete an Event Record corresponding to a MatchingId that it has
never known.

End of Profile Download operation

Beginning of RPM operation


 Verify there is a pending RPM order for the incoming eUICC. For that, the SM-DP+
 If there is a pending RPM order associated with this EID and ICCID is received:
 If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a MatchingId, then:
o Verify that it matches the MatchingID for this pending RPM order.
 The SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "MatchingID - Refused".
 If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a
matchingIdSource data object set to an SM-DS OID, the SM-
DP+ SHOULD delete the Event Record from the SM-DS identified
by that OID (see Note 4 above).
o Verify that the received ICCID matches the target Profile of this pending
RPM order. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "ICCID -
 If the MatchingID is missing in ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication,
any pending RPM order for the target Profile associated to this EID MAY be
 If there is a pending RPM order associated with this EID and ICCID is not
 If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a MatchingId, then:
o Verify that it matches the MatchingID for this pending RPM order.
 The SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "MatchingID - Refused"
 If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a
matchingIdSource data object set to an SM-DS OID, the SM-DP+
SHOULD delete the Event Record from the SM-DS identified by that
OID (see Note 4 above).
 If the MatchingID is missing in ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication,
any pending RPM order associated to this EID MAY be selected.
 If there is no pending RPM order associated with this EID, this SHALL be
considered as verification failure and a status code "EID - Refused" SHALL be
 Identify the RPM Package corresponding to the pending RPM order.
 Increment the number of attempts for the Profile.
 Determine if another RPM Package is pending for the eid. If yes, the SM-DP+ MAY
include rpmPending in the smdpSigned3 data object.
 Generate an smdpSigned3 data object as defined in "ES10b.LoadRpmPackage".

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 Compute the smdpSignature3 over the concatenated data objects smdpSigned3
and euiccSignature1 using the SK.DPauth.SIG.

End of RPM operation

Beginning of Device Change operation


 Return an error status "Device Change – Unsupported" if the SM-DP+ does not
support Device Change.
 Identify the Profile for Device Change by ICCID contained in the
ctxParamsForDeviceChange. If the Profile cannot be identified, the SM-DP+
SHALL return an error status "ICCID – Unknown".
 Verify that the identified Profile is associated with the EID of the incoming eUICC, i.e.,
the eUICC of the old Device. If the Profile is not associated with the EID, the SM-DP+
SHALL return an error status "EID – Refused".
 Call ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function with the ICCID and, if present in
the ctxParamsForDeviceChange data object, the EID and/or TAC of the new
Device contained in the ctxParamsForDeviceChange as per Service Provider's
configuration. If the SM-DP+ receives any error status, the SM-DP+ SHALL return
the received error status.
 Verify that the identified Profile is eligible for Device Change. If the Profile is not
eligible for Device Change, the SM-DP+ SHALL return an error status "Device
Change – Not Allowed".
 Attach the EID of the new device, if present, to the ongoing RSP session.
exists) received in this function call to the ongoing RSP session.
 If a Confirmation Code verification is required for the Device Change of the identified
Profile, set the ccRequiredFlag data field of the smdpSigned4 data object to true;
otherwise set to false.
 Generate an smdpSigned4 data object as defined in
 Compute the signature smdpSignature4 over the concatenated data objects
smdpSigned4 and euiccSignature1 using SK.DPauth.SIG.
 Prepare Service Provider Message for Device Change if either configured as per
Service Provider's configuration or received in ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest.
 Notify the Service Provider of the Device Change progress by calling
"ES2+.HandleNotification" function with the identification 'Device Change request
(12)' and an the notificationEventStatus indicating 'Execution-Success' if configured
as per Service Provider's configuration.
End of Device Change operation

Beginning of Profile Recovery operation


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 Identify the Profile by ICCID contained in the ctxParamsForProfileRecovery,
and verify that the Profile was processed for Device Change previously. If the Profile
cannot be identified or the Profile was not processed for Device Change previously,
the SM-DP+ SHALL return an error status "ICCID – Unknown".
 Verify that the identified Profile is associated with the EID of the incoming eUICC, i.e.,
the eUICC of the old Device. If the Profile is not associated with the EID of the eUICC
of the old Device, the SM-DP+ SHALL return an error status "EID – Refused".
 Verify that there was a permanent error whilst installing the prepared Profile on the
new Device for Device Change, corresponding to the ICCID contained in the
ctxParamsForProfileRecovery. If verification fails, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a
status code "Profile – Not allowed".
 Prepare a Profile for recovery and the associated Activation Code for the old Device.
The SM-DP+ MAY interact with the Service Provider for the Profile preparation.
 Generate an smdpSigned4 data object including the Activation Code for Profile
Recovery as defined in "ES10b.PrepareDeviceChangeRequest".
 Compute the signature smdpSignature4 over the concatenated data objects
smdpSigned4 and euiccSignature1 using SK.DPauth.SIG.
End of Profile Recovery operation

The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the eUICC has
been successfully authenticated.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated by the
transactionId Binary[1-16] 1 M
SM-DP+ (section 3.0.1).
authenticateServerResponse Authenticate Server Response. Binary(1) 1 M
deleteNotificationForDc Delete Notification for Device Change Binary 1 O(2)
NOTE 1: AuthenticateServerResponse data object defined in section 5.7.13 (function

Table 41: AuthenticateClient Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

Output data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated by the SM-DP+ Binary[1-16]
transactionId 1 M
(section 3.0.1).
Profile Metadata for the purpose of display by the Binary(1)
profileMetadata 1 C(4)
smdpSigned2 The data to be signed by the SM-DP+. Binary(1) 1 C(4)

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smdpSignature2 SM-DP+ signature. Binary(1) 1 C(4)
smdpCertificate SM-DP+ Certificate (CERT.DPpb.SIG). Binary(1) 1 C(4)
smdpSigned3 The data to be signed by the SM-DP+. Binary(2) 1 C(5)
smdpSignature3 SM-DP+ signature. Binary(2) 1 C(5)
smdpSigned4 The data to be signed by the SM-DP+. Binary(3) 1 C(6)
smdpSignature4 SM-DP+ signature. Binary(3) 1 C(6)
Service Provider Message for the purpose of Binary
display by the LPA to provide information for 1 O(6)
Device Change as defined in Section
NOTE 1: profileMetadata is the data object StoreMetadataRequest defined in section 5.5.3 (function
"ES8+.StoreMetadata"); smdpSigned2, smdpSignature2 and smdpCertificate are data objects defined in
section 5.7.5 (function "ES10b.PrepareDownload"). They SHALL be returned as encoded data objects including
the tags defined for them in the StoreMetadataRequest/PrepareDownloadRequest data object.
NOTE 2: smdpSigned3 and smdpSignature3 are the data objects defined in section 5.7.25 (function
"ES10b.LoadRpmPackage"); they SHALL be returned as encoded data objects including the tags defined for
them in the LoadRpmPackageRequest data object.
NOTE 3: smdpSigned4 and smdpSignature4 are the data objects defined in section 5.7.26 (function
"ES10b.PrepareDeviceChange"); they SHALL be returned as encoded data objects including the tags defined for
them in the PrepareDeviceChangeRequest data object.
NOTE 4: profileMetadata, smdpSigned2, smdpSignature2 and smdpCertificate SHALL be provided when
this function is called in the context of the Profile Download and Installation procedure as described in section
NOTE 5: smdpSigned3 and smdpSignature3 SHALL be provided when this function is called in the context of the
RPM Download and Execution procedure as described in section 3.7.2.
NOTE 6: smdpSigned4 and smdpSignature4 SHALL be provided when this function is called in the context of the
Device Change procedure as described in section 3.11.1. and the Profile Recovery procedure as described in
section 3.11.2. Additionally, serviceProviderMessageForDc MAY be provided when this function is called in the
context of the Device Change procedure as described in section 3.11.1.

Table 42: AuthenticateClient Additional Output Data

Specific Status Codes

Subjectcode Subject Reasoncode Reason Description

eUICC Verification eUICC Certificate or any Certificate
8.1.3 6.1
Certificate Failed in the trust chain is invalid.
eUICC eUICC Certificate or any Certificate
8.1.3 6.3 Expired
Certificate in the trust chain has expired.
Verification eUICC signature is invalid or
8.1 eUICC 6.1
Failed serverChallenge is invalid.
Insufficient eUICC does not have sufficient
8.1 eUICC 4.8
Memory space for this Profile.
Unknown eSIM CA RootCA Public
Key. The eSIM CA is not a trusted
8.11.1 CI Public Key 3.9 Unknown root for the SM-DP+, or not the root
elected by the SM-DP+ in
InitiateAuthentication response.

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8.2 Profile 1.2 Not allowed Profile has not yet been released.
TransactionI The RSP session identified by the
8.10.1 3.9 Unknown
d TransactionID is unknown.
MatchingID (AC_Token or EventID)
8.2.6 MatchingID 3.8 Refused
does not match a valid order.
EID doesn’t match the expected
8.1.1 EID 3.8 Refused value, or there is no pending RSP
session for this eUICC.
Stopped on No eligible Profile for this
8.2.5 Profile Type 4.3
warning eUICC/Device.
Download Time to Live
8.8.5 4.10 The Download order has expired.
order Expired
The maximum number of attempts
Download number of
8.8.5 6.4 for the Profile download order has
order attempts
been exceeded.
Value has eUICC RSP Capabilities have
8.1 eUICC 3.11
Changed changed compared to those
previously received.
Time to Live #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
8.8.6 RPM Order 4.10
Expired The RPM order has expired.
Maximum #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
number of The maximum number of attempts
8.8.6 RPM Order 6.4
attempts for the RPM Package has been
exceeded exceeded.
Value has LPA RSP Capabilities have changed
8.12 LPA 3.11
Changed compared to those previously
8.10.3 1.2 Not Allowed Device Change is not allowed for the
identified Profile.
8.10.3 3.1 Unsupported Device Change is not supported by
the SM-DP+.
8.2.1 Profile ICCID 3.9 Unknown The Profile identified by the ICCID is
unknown to the SM-DP+.
1.6 Function 3.1 Unsupported The requested function is not
supported by the SM-DP+.

Table 43: AuthenticateClient Specific Status Codes

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5.6.4 Function: HandleNotification
Related Procedures: Notifications

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function SHALL be called by the LPA to notify the SM-DP+ that a Profile Management
Operation has successfully been performed on the eUICC.

The SM-DP+ SHALL manage the Notification according to section 3.5 and acknowledge the
LPA of the processing.

The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations which are out of scope of this specification.

Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

pendingNotificatio PendingNotification data object as defined in
Binary(1) 1 M
n section 5.7.10
NOTE 1: pendingNotification SHALL be provided as an encoded PendingNotification data

Table 44: HandleNotification Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

No additional output data.

5.6.5 Function: CancelSession

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation, Remote Profile Management

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function is to request the cancellation of an on-going RSP session upon a decision of
the End User. This function MAY be used in different procedures.

This function is correlated to a previous normal execution of an "ES9+.AuthenticateClient"

function through a transactionId delivered by the SM-DP+.

On reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Verify that the received transactionId is known and relates to an ongoing RSP
session. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "TransactionId -
 Verify the eUICC signature (euiccCancelSessionSignature) using the
PK.EUICC.SIG attached to the ongoing RSP session as described in (section 5.7.14
"ES10b.CancelSession"). Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code
"eUICC - Verification Failed".

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 Verify that the received smdpOid corresponds to the SM-DP+ (i.e., is the same value
as the one contained in the CERT.DPauth.SIG used during the Common Mutual
Authentication Procedure). Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "SM-
DP+ - Invalid Association".
The SM-DP+ SHALL perform additional operations depending on the context and the reason
received, as described hereunder.

When used within a Profile Download and Installation procedure, and if the cancel session
reason contained in euiccCancelSessionSigned indicates a terminal code (see section
5.7.14), the SM-DP+ SHALL:

1. Notify the Operator using the function "ES2+.HandleNotification" function with the
identification of the step reached in the on-going procedure and an operation status
indicating 'Failed' with status code according to mapping given in section 5.3.5.
2. Terminate the corresponding pending download process.
3. If required, execute the SM-DS Event Deletion procedure described in section 3.6.3.

NOTE: The operations 1), 2) and 3) are described as performed in the context of
this function execution. Alternatively they MAY be done asynchronously by
the SM-DP+. Operation 2) and 3) MAY not be performed depending on the
agreed SM-DP+ behaviour with the Operator. If the operations are not
performed, the Operator has the responsibility to take care of the
management of the Download Order, e.g., by calling the
"ES2+.CancelOrder" on reception of the notification

The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the RSP session
has been cancelled.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated by the
transactionId Binary[1-16] 1 M
SM-DP+ (section 3.0.1).
Defined in "ES10b.CancelSession" Binary(1)
cancelSessionResponse 1 M
function, section 5.7.14
NOTE 1: cancelSessionResponse SHALL be provided as an encoded CancelSessionResponse data

Table 45: CancelSession Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

No output data.

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Specific Status Codes

Subjec Reason
Subject Reason Description
t Code code
The RSP session identified by the
8.10.1 TransactionId 3.9 Unknown
TransactionID is unknown.
8.1 eUICC 6.1 Verification Failed eUICC signature is invalid.
8.8 SM-DP+ 3.10 Invalid Association The provided SM-DP+ OID is invalid.

Table 46: CancelSession Specific status codes

5.6.6 Function: ConfirmDeviceChange

Related Procedures: Device Change

Function Provider Entity: SM-DP+


This function is to deliver the confirmation result of the Device Change upon a decision of
the End User.

This function is correlated to a previous normal execution of an "ES9+.AuthenticateClient"

function in the context of the Device Change through a transactionId delivered by the SM-

On reception of this function call, the SM-DP+ SHALL:

 Verify that the received transactionId is known and relates to an ongoing RSP
session. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "TransactionId –
 Verify the euiccSignature3 computed over euiccSigned3 and
smdpSignature4 using the PK.EUICC.SIG attached to the ongoing RSP session. If
the signature is invalid, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "eUICC –
Verification failed".
 If Confirmation Code verification is required: verify that the received Hashed
Confirmation Code matches the expected hash value as follows:
o If the Hashed Confirmation Code is not received, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a
status code "Confirmation Code – Mandatory Element Missing".
o The SM-DP+ SHALL calculate the expected hash value by using the Confirmation
Code value known by the SM-DP+ and TransactionId.
expected hash value = SHA256(SHA256(Confirmation Code) | TransactionId)
If the value does not match, the SM-DP+ SHALL increment the number of
incorrect Confirmation Code attempts. If the maximum number of incorrect
attempts for Confirmation Code verification is not exceeded, the SM-DP+ SHALL
return a status code "Confirmation Code - Refused". If it is exceeded, the
corresponding Device Change procedure SHALL be terminated and the SM-DP+
SHALL return a status code "Confirmation Code - Maximum number of attempts

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1. If configured by the Service Provider or the Service Provider set the
isNewProfileRequired to true in the response to
ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function, notify the Service Provider using
"ES2+.HandleNotification" function with the notificationEvent indicating 'Device
Change confirmation (13)' and the notificationEventStatus indicating 'Executed-
2. If the Service Provider set the isNewProfileRequired to true in the response to
ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function or if it is configured by the Service
Provider, wait for the completion of the Download Preparation Process, as defined in and optionally the Subscription Activation Process, as defined in
If the Service Provider set the isNewProfileRequired to false in the response to
ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function or if it is configured by the Service
Provider, the SM-DP+ SHALL:
 Prepare a Profile for download with the Profile Package of the same Profile
 If an EID was provided in the Device Change Request of a previous normal
execution of an "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" function, link the prepared Profile
download with the EID.
 Prepare the Activation Code by either generating it on behalf of the Service
Provider or being provided by the Service Provider.
 Associate the Activation Code Token of the Activation Code to the Profile for
3. Prepare deviceChangeData and append the Service Provider Message for Device
Change if configured by the Service Provider.
 If the deletion of the installed Profile is required, the SM-DP+ SHALL include a
deleteOldProfile data object in the deviceChangeData. The SM-DP+
SHALL include a deleteOldProfile data object if the same Profile Package
was prepared for Profile download.
 If the SM-DP+ supports the processing of the Delete Notification for Device
Change, the SM-DP+ SHALL:
o Include a deleteNotificationForDcSupport and
notificationAddress data object in the deviceChangeResponse.
o Attach the ICCID of the Profile that has to be deleted and the certificates
attached to the ongoing RSP session (i.e., CERT.EUICC.SIG,
CERT.EUM.SIG and CERT.EUMSubCA.SIG as described in section 5.6.3)
to the prepared Profile download.
 If the SM-DP+ supports the Profile Recovery of the deleted Profile in the old
Device, the SM-DP+ SHALL:
o Include a profileRecoverySupport and
profileRecoveryValidityPeriod data object in the
o Maintain the association of the deleted Profile and the EID of the old Device
until the expiration of time indicated in
profileRecoveryValidityPeriod, successful Device Change, or
successful Profile Recovery, whichever comes first.

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3a. If the eUICC indicates encryptedDeviceChangeDataSupport and the deletion
of the installed Profile is required, the SM-DP+ SHALL:
 Generate a one-time KA key pair (otPK.DP.KA, otSK.DP.KA) for key agreement
using the parameters indicated by the
subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithmIdentifier.parameters field of
 Generate the session keys (S-ENC and S-MAC) and the initial MAC chaining
value using the CRT, otPK.EUICC.KA and otSK.DP.KA.
 Generate encrypted and MACed sequenceOf87 with the deviceChangeData
TLVs, and erase otSK.DP.KA.
4. Generate an smdpSigned5 data object as defined in section 5.7.27,
5. Compute the smdpSignature5 over the concatenated data objects smdpSigned5
and euiccSignature3 using the SK.DPauth.SIG.
6. If configured by the Service Provider, notify the Service Provider using
"ES2+.HandleNotification" function with the notificationEvent indicating 'Profile
preparation for Device Change (15)' and the notificationEventStatus indicating

NOTE: Depending on the agreed behaviour between the Service Provider and the
SM-DP+, from step 2 to step 5 MAY be performed by the Service Provider
using "ES2+.DownloadOrder", "ES2+.ConfirmOrder", and
"ES2+.ReleaseProfile" functions as defined in section 3.1.1.

 Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL notify the Operator using the function
"ES2+.HandleNotification" function with the notificationEvent indicating ''Device
Change confirmation Failure (14)' and the notificationEventStatus indicating 'Failed'
with status code according to mapping given in section 5.3.5.

The SM-DP+ MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the Device

Change request has been successfully processed.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated by the SM- Binary[1-
transactionId 1 M
DP+ (section 3.0.1). 16]
PrepareDeviceCHangeResponse data
prepareDeviceChangeResponse Binary(1) 1 M
object defined in section 5.7.5.
NOTE 1: prepareDeviceChangeResponse SHALL be provided as an encoded
PrepareDeviceChangeResponse data object.

Table 46a: ConfirmDeviceChange Additional Input Data

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Additional Output Data:

Output data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated by the
transactionId Binary[1-16] 1 M
SM-DP+ (section 3.0.1).
The data to be signed by the SM- Binary(1)
smdpSigned5 1 C
smdpSignature5 SM-DP+ signature Binary(1) 1 C
NOTE 1: smdpSigned4 and smdpSignature4 are the data objects defined in section 5.7.26 (function
"ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange"); they SHALL be returned as encoded data objects including the tags
defined for them in the VerifyDeviceChangeRequest data object.

Table 46b: ConfirmDeviceChange Additional Output Data

Specific Status Codes

Subjec Reason
Subject Reason Description
t code code
The RSP session identified by the
8.10.1 TransactionId 3.9 Unknown
TransactionID is unknown.
8.1 eUICC 6.1 Verification Failed eUICC signature is invalid.
Confirmation Mandatory
8.2.7 2.2 Confirmation Code is missing.
Code Element Missing
8.2.7 3.8 Refused Confirmation Code is refused.
Confirmation The received hashed Confirmation Code is
8.2.7 3.12 Invalid Match
Code different from the expected value.
Maximum number The maximum number of incorrect attempts
8.2.7 6.4 of attempts for the Confirmation Code has been
exceeded exceeded.

Table 46c: ConfirmDeviceChange Specific status codes

5.7 ES10x (LPA -- eUICC)

ES10 contains 3 different interfaces described below.

The ES10a is an interface defined between the LDSd and ISD-R (LPA Services).

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Figure 35: ES10a

The ES10b is an interface defined between the LPDd and ISD-R (LPA Services).

Figure 36: ES10b

The ES10c is an interface defined between the LUI and ISD-R (LPA Services).

Figure 37: ES10c

Even if originally specified for Local Profile Management, some of the functions specified in
this section are also used for RPM. If applicable, this is indicated in the "Related
Procedures" entry.

For MEP, the functions specified in this section are executed on the Command Port. The
rules for the different MEP modes on which eSIM Port can be used as Command Port and
which eSIM Port can be the Target Port, as well as the mapping for SEP are defined in the
procedures section.

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5.7.1 ISD-R Selection and LPAe Activation
Before sending any command to the eUICC, the LPAd SHALL establish a logical channel
and select the ISD-R.

The opening of the logical channel and the selection of the ISD-R SHALL be done explicitly
using, respectively, the MANAGE CHANNEL command and the SELECT command defined
in GlobalPlatform Card Specification [8]. This MANAGE CHANNEL and SELECT commands
can be intrinsically used via a dedicated Device OS API (e.g., OMAPI defined by
GlobalPlatform [69] if provided).

The Device SHALL ensure that only the LPAd, but no other application on the Device, is
permitted to select the ISD-R, except that the ISD-R MAY also be selected during eUICC
initialisation as defined in section 3.4.1.

In order to provide information about the capabilities supported by the eUICC at an early
point in time, additional information is provided by the ISD-R.
On the reception of the SELECT ISD-R Command, the following data SHALL be returned
within the FCI template after the objects defined in GlobalPlatform Card Specification [8]:

ISDRProprietaryApplicationTemplate ::= [PRIVATE 0] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'E0'
lowestSvn [2] VersionType,
euiccConfiguration BIT STRING {
lpaeUsingCatSupported(0), -- LPA in the eUICC using Card Application Toolkit
lpaeUsingScwsSupported(1), -- LPA in the eUICC using Smartcard Web Server
enabledProfile(2), -- eUICC contains an Enabled Profile
lpaeUsingE4ESupported(3) -- LPA in the eUICC using 'E4' ENVELOPEs
} OPTIONAL -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#

NOTE: eUICCs according to version 1.X of this specification will not return this data

The lowestSvn field is deprecated and is only present for backward compatibility with the
previous version of this specification. The LPAd SHALL determine the capabilities of the
eUICC by using the ES10b.GetEUICCInfo function.

NOTE: The lowestSvn field was called svn in the previous versions of the

If the Device supports the requirements for the LPAe using CAT or SCWS as defined in
section 5.11 and the eUICC indicated support for that option in the
ISDRProprietaryApplicationTemplate, the Device MAY activate this option by sending an
LpaeActivationRequest to the ISD-R.

NOTE: The Device can deactivate LPAe by performing a reset of the eUICC.

If the Device indicates support for LUId, LPDd and LDSd and it does not send an
LpaeActivationRequest, the eUICC SHALL NOT activate the LPAe.

If the Device indicates support for LPAe using E4E, the eUICC SHALL activate the LPAe
using E4E.

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NOTE: This requirement assumes that a device supporting LUIe using E4E will
always be paired with an eUICC supporting LPAe using E4E. Otherwise, the
first "E4" ENVELOPE command sent by the Device will be terminated with
an error as defined in ETSI TS 102 223 [31].

In all other cases, the eUICC MAY activate the LPAe.

The LpaeActivationRequest SHALL be sent to the ISD-R using the transport mechanism
defined in section 5.7.2.

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

LpaeActivationRequest ::= [66] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF42'
lpaeOption BIT STRING {
activateCatBasedLpae(0), -- LPAe with LUIe based on CAT
activateScwsBasedLpae(1) -- LPAe with LUIe based on SCWS

The Device SHALL set exactly one bit in lpaeOption.

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

LpaeActivationResponse ::= [66] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF42'
lpaeActivationResult INTEGER {ok(0), notSupported(1)}

5.7.2 Transport Command

One generic APDU is used on the interfaces ES10a, ES10b and ES10c to transport all
command request and command response data.

Command Message

All functions use the command message STORE DATA as defined in GlobalPlatform Card
Specification [8] with the specific coding defined below.

Code Value Meaning

CLA '80'-'83' See GlobalPlatform Card Specification [8] section 11.1.4
P1 '11' or See below
P2 'xx' Block number
Lc Var. Length of data field
Data 'xx xx…' The data field SHALL be one of the data object command DER
encoded defined in ES10x
Le '00'

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Table 47: ES10x STORE DATA command APDU
Parameter P1

The P1 SHALL be coded as defined in the following table.

b8 b7 b b5 b b b b Meaning
6 4 3 2 1
0/ - - - - - - -
More blocks/Last block
- 0 0 - - - - - No general encryption information or non-
encrypted data
- - - 1 0 - - - BER-TLV format of the command data field
- - - - - - - 1 Case 4 command as defined in GlobalPlatform
Amd A [9]
- - - - - X X - RFU

Table 48: ES10x STORE DATA P1

This interface is defined with command functions that are mostly handled with a single
APDU command and response pair. When multiple STORE DATA commands are required,
it is indicated by the use of the 'more commands' bit in the P1 byte as defined in
GlobalPlatform Card Specification [8], and procedure bytes controlling the return of
additional data (e.g., '61 XX'). In particular if the size of the response is bigger than 256
bytes, the chaining of the commands SHALL be done as defined in ISO/IEC 7816-4 [14].
The responses SHALL be retrieved by the Device using several GET RESPONSE

Data Field

The command data field contains the command request data for each function.

Response Message

Data Field

The response data field contains the command response data for each function.

Processing State Returned in the Response Message

eUICC SHALL indicate an APDU header coding error as defined in GlobalPlatform Card
Specification [8] section

A successful execution of the APDU command SHALL be indicated by the status bytes
'90 00' if no proactive command is pending and by '91 XX' if a proactive command (e.g.,
REFRESH) is pending. All function specific errors SHALL be indicated in the response data

An incorrect/invalid data field encoding (i.e., not a DER data object) SHALL be indicated by
status bytes '6A 80' (Incorrect values in command data).

An unsupported or unknown command request in the data field SHALL be indicated by

status bytes '6A 88' (Reference data not found).

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While a Profile state change is ongoing, i.e., a command was sent to the eUICC which
mandates a REFRESH, but the REFRESH was not yet successfully executed (i.e., no
Terminal Response with result "command performed successfully" received or reset of the
eUICC), the eUICC MAY reject any other ES10 command with the status word '69 85'
(Conditions of use not satisfied).

5.7.3 Function (ES10a): GetEuiccConfiguredData

Related Procedures: SM-DS / Default SM-DP+ address Retrieval

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)

NOTE: Prior to version 3, this function was called GetEuiccConfiguredAddresses.


This function retrieves the following, if configured:

the Root SM-DS address(es)

the Default SM-DP+ address and its allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier
from the eUICC
 the list of eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers supported by the eUICC for
signature verification together with a human-readable name of each eSIM CA, which
MAY be used by the LUI when the End User selects an allowed eSIM CA for a new
Default SM-DP+.
Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

EuiccConfiguredDataRequest ::= [60] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3C'

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

EuiccConfiguredDataResponse ::= [60] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3C'
defaultDpAddress UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- Default SM-DP+ address
rootDsAddress UTF8String, -- Root SM-DS address
additionalRootDsAddresses SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL, --
allowedCiPKId SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# PKID
allowed for the Default SM-DP+
ciList SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
ciPKId SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers
ciName UTF8String -- on the eUICC together with a readable name

Server addresses are coded as FQDN.

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For compatibility with previous versions of this specification, the first Root SM-DS address is
provided in rootDsAddress and additional Root SM-DS addresses (if any) are provided in
additionalRootDsAddresses. If no Root SM-DS address is configured, then
rootDsAddress SHALL contain a zero-length string.
A removable eUICC SHALL have at least one Root SM-DS address configured.

5.7.4 Function (ES10a): SetDefaultDpAddress

Related Procedures: Set/Edit Default SM-DP+ Address

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function is used to update the Default SM-DP+ address and associated allowed eSIM
CA RootCA public key identifier.

allowedCiPKId SHALL NOT be present if the version of the eUICC is lower than 3.

If allowedCiPKId is present then the eUICC SHALL verify that it supports this public key
identifier for verification. If this verification fails then the eUICC SHALL return the error status

If the provided UTF8 string (defaultDpAddress) is not empty, it SHALL constitute the new
Default SM-DP+ address. If allowedCiPKId is present then it SHALL replace the allowed
eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier list in the eUICC; otherwise, the allowed eSIM CA
RootCA public key identifier in the eUICC SHALL be removed.

If the provided UTF8 string (defaultDpAddress) is empty, an existing Default SM-DP+

address and its associated allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier SHALL be
removed, irrespective of the value of allowedCiPKId.

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

SetDefaultDpAddressRequest ::= [63] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3F'
defaultDpAddress UTF8String, -- Default SM-DP+ address as an FQDN
allowedCiPKId SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# PKID
allowed for the Default SM-DP+

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

SetDefaultDpAddressResponse ::= [63] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3F'
setDefaultDpAddressResult INTEGER {
ok (0),
unsupportedCiPKId(8), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
undefinedError (127)}

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5.7.5 Function (ES10b): PrepareDownload
Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function initiates a Bound Profile Package download after a successful authentication of
an SM-DP+.

On reception of this command, the eUICC SHALL:

Verify that the SM-DP+ has been previously authenticated. Otherwise, the eUICC
SHALL return an error code noSession.
 Verify the validity of the CERT.DPpb.SIG (using the ECASD service) as defined in
section Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code
 Verify that CERT.DPauth.SIG and CERT.DPpb.SIG belong to the same entity (i.e.,
same OID in subjectAltName). Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code
 Verify that CERT.DPauth.SIG of the on-going RSP session and CERT.DPpb.SIG are
certified by the same certificate. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code
 Upon any error returned in these verifications, the eUICC SHALL terminate the RSP
 Extract the public key of the CERT.DPpb.SIG and attach it to the RSP session.
 Verify the smdpSignature2 using the PK.DPpb.SIG. If the signature is invalid, the
eUICC SHALL return an error code invalidSignature.
 Verify that the received transactionId contained in the smdpSigned2 matches
the one of the on-going RSP session. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error
code invalidTransactionId.
 If bppEuiccOtpk is provided in smdpSigned2 and it corresponds to a stored one-
time KA key pair (otPK.EUICC.KA, otSK.EUICC.KA) for this SM-DP+: use this key
pair for the RSP session. Otherwise: generate a new one-time KA key pair
(otSK.EUICC.KA, otPK.EUICC.KA) using the parameters indicated by the
subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithmIdentifier.parameters field of the
CERT.DPpb.SIG, and attach otSK.EUICC.KA to the RSP session.
 Generate euiccSigned2 data object as defined hereunder which MAY include
vendor-specific additional information (e.g., as described in Annex P).
 Compute the euiccSignature2 over the concatenated data objects
euiccSigned2 and smdpSignature2 using the SK.EUICC.SIG that was used in
the "ES10b.AuthenticateServer response".
Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows.

PrepareDownloadRequest ::= [33] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF21'
smdpSigned2 SmdpSigned2, -- Signed information

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smdpSignature2 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'
hashCc Octet32 OPTIONAL, -- Hash of confirmation code
smdpCertificate Certificate -- CERT.DPpb.SIG

SmdpSigned2 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the
ccRequiredFlag BOOLEAN, -- Indicates if the Confirmation Code is required
already used for binding the BPP, tag '5F49'
rpmPending NULL OPTIONAL -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows.

PrepareDownloadResponse ::= [33] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF21'
downloadResponseOk PrepareDownloadResponseOk,
downloadResponseError PrepareDownloadResponseError

PrepareDownloadResponseOk ::= SEQUENCE {

euiccSigned2 EUICCSigned2, -- Signed information
euiccSignature2 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'


transactionId [0] TransactionId,
euiccOtpk [APPLICATION 73] OCTET STRING, -- otPK.EUICC.KA, tag '5F49'
hashCc Octet32 OPTIONAL, -- Hash of confirmation code
additionalInformation VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

PrepareDownloadResponseError ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
downloadErrorCode DownloadErrorCode

DownloadErrorCode ::= INTEGER {invalidCertificate(1), invalidSignature(2),

noSession(4), invalidTransactionId(5), undefinedError(127)}

In case of the error invalidTransactionId, the transactionId in the

PrepareDownloadResponse SHALL be set to the value from the

5.7.6 Function (ES10b): LoadBoundProfilePackage

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function transfers a Bound Profile Package to the eUICC. The transfer is done by
calling repeatedly this function with blocks of 255 bytes or lower according to the structure of
the Bound Profile Package, i.e., each TLV of the BPP that is up to 255 bytes is transported

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in one APDU. Larger TLVs are sent in blocks of 255 bytes for the first blocks and a last block
that MAY be shorter.

The eUICC SHALL erase the otSK.EUICC.KA attached to this RSP session no later than the
successful completion of the BPP installation.

If this function is called when there is no RSP session, or if it is called with a TLV that is not
expected according to the structure of the Bound Profile Package, the eUICC SHALL return
the status words '6A 88' (Reference data not found) or '69 85' (Conditions of use not
satisfied) as the response of the transport command defined in section 5.7.2. See section
3.1.5 for more details on error handling.

NOTE: The LPA may respond to these errors by calling ES10b.CancelSession.

Command Data

The command data SHALL contain a block of data of the BPP. The transfer and slicing in
blocks of data SHALL follow description given in section 2.5.5.

Response Data

The data presence in the response message depends on the block status:

 For an intermediate block of data of a BPP TLV, the response message SHALL NOT
contain data field.
 For the last block of data of a BPP TLV, a response message containing a Profile
Installation Result SHALL be present or absent as specified in section 2.5.6.
After delivering the Profile Installation Result, the eUICC SHALL end the RSP session.

5.7.7 Function (ES10b): GetEUICCChallenge

Related Procedures: Common Mutual Authentication

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function initiates a RSP session between an RSP Server and the ISD-R. The initiation
of the RSP session is materialized on the eUICC by the creation of a context containing an
eUICC challenge.

Only one RSP session can be managed by the ISD-R at a time. So an on-going RSP
session SHALL be completed before requesting the opening of a new one.

On reception of this function, the eUICC SHALL:

 Determine if a previous session was not completed. If so, then:

 The eUICC MAY store the unused otPK.EUICC.KA and otSK.EUICC.KA, together
with the SM-DP+ OID, for future retry.
 An eUICC supporting the re-use of unused one-time key pairs SHALL limit the
number of sessions in which one key pair can be used.
 The eUICC SHALL discard the previous session context.

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Create a new session context and generate a new random challenge attached to this
RSP session.
Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

GetEuiccChallengeRequest ::= [46] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2E'

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

GetEuiccChallengeResponse ::= [46] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2E'
euiccChallenge Octet16 -- random eUICC challenge

5.7.8 Function (ES10b): GetEUICCInfo

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function gets the eUICC Information as defined in section 4.3. This function MAY be
called at any time.

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows to retrieve EUICCInfo1:

GetEuiccInfo1Request ::= [32] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF20'

The command data SHALL be coded as follows to retrieve EUICCInfo2:

GetEuiccInfo2Request ::= [34] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF22'

Response Data

EUICCInfo1 or EUICCInfo2 SHALL be returned for GetEUICCInfo1Request or

GetEUICCInfo2Request, respectively, as specified in section 4.3.

5.7.9 Function: (ES10b): ListNotification

Related Procedures: Notifications

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Function Provider Entity: ISD-R


This function is used by the LPA to list all available pending notifications from an eUICC
before retrieving a specific notification.

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

ListNotificationRequest ::= [40] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF28'
profileManagementOperation [1] NotificationEvent OPTIONAL

The profileManagementOperation data object can be used to filter the list of

notifications that the eUICC SHALL return. A bit set to 1 in the
profileManagementOperation indicates that the eUICC SHALL return all the
notifications corresponding to this type. The type notificationInstall SHALL include

If profileManagementOperation data object is omitted, the eUICC SHALL return all

stored notifications whatever their type.

If profileManagementOperation data object indicates no event (all bits set to 0), the
eUICC SHALL return an empty list or undefinedError(127).

Response Data

The response data SHALL contain the 'List Notification Response' data object if available,
and filtered according to profileManagementOperation data object received in the
command data. The eUICC MAY provide the notifications in any order. The list SHALL be
empty if there are no pending notification matching the filtering criteria.
ListNotificationResponse ::= [40] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF28'
notificationMetadataList SEQUENCE OF NotificationMetadata,
listNotificationsResultError INTEGER {undefinedError(127)}

NotificationMetadata ::= [47] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2F'

seqNumber [0] INTEGER,
profileManagementOperation [1] NotificationEvent, -- Only one bit SHALL be set
to 1
notificationAddress UTF8String, -- FQDN to forward the notification
iccid Iccid OPTIONAL

5.7.10 Function (ES10b): RetrieveNotificationsList

Related Procedures: Notifications

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)

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This function retrieves the list of Pending notifications for installed Profiles including their
confirmation required and the related data.

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

RetrieveNotificationsListRequest ::= [43] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2B'
searchCriteria CHOICE {
seqNumber [0] INTEGER,
profileManagementOperation [1] NotificationEvent

The searchCriteria data object can be used to filter the list of notifications that the
eUICC SHALL return, filtering can be done on sequence number or notification type. A bit
set to 1 in the profileManagementOperation indicates that the eUICC SHALL return all
the notifications corresponding to this type. The type notificationInstall SHALL
include ProfileInstallationResult.

If searchCriteria data object is omitted, the eUICC SHALL return all stored Notifications.

Response Data

The response data SHALL contain the list of PendingNotification data objects. The list
SHALL be filtered according to the notification seqNumber or indicated operation type that
generates notifications provided in the command data. The eUICC MAY provide the
notifications in any order. The list SHALL be empty if there are no pending notifications
matching the filtering criteria.

The following is the definition of the RetrieveNotificationsListResponse data object

RetrieveNotificationsListResponse ::= [43] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF2B'
notificationList SEQUENCE OF PendingNotification,
notificationsListResultError INTEGER { undefinedError(127)}

PendingNotification ::= CHOICE {

profileInstallationResult [55] ProfileInstallationResult, -- tag 'BF37'
otherSignedNotification OtherSignedNotification,
loadRpmPackageResultSigned [1] LoadRpmPackageResultSigned

OtherSignedNotification ::= SEQUENCE {

tbsOtherNotification NotificationMetadata,
euiccNotificationSignature EuiccSign,
euiccCertificate Certificate, -- eUICC Certificate (CERT.EUICC.SIG)
nextCertInChain Certificate, -- The certificate certifying the eUICC Certificate
otherCertsInChain [1] CertificateChain OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Other
Certificates in the eUICC certificate chain, if any

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euiccNotificationSignature SHALL be created using the SK.EUICC.SIG and verified
using the PK.EUICC.SIG as described in section 2.6.9. euiccNotificationSignature
SHALL apply on the tbsOtherNotification data object.

When generating the euiccNotificationSignature, the eUICC SHALL use credentials

related to the euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed parameter received from the SM-DP+ during the
Profile Download and Installation Procedure.

The nextCertInChain data object SHALL contain the Certificate certifying the

The otherCertsInChain data object, if present, SHALL contain the remaining part of the
certificate chain certifying the nextCertInChain data object. See section

NOTE: The nextCertInChain data object was called eumCertificate in

previous versions of this specification.

5.7.11 Function (ES10b): RemoveNotificationFromList

Related Procedures: Notifications

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function informs the eUICC that a specific Notification has been sent to the recipient

On reception of this command, the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the Notification identified by its sequence number exists. Otherwise, the
eUICC SHALL return an error code nothingToDelete.

 Remove such Notification from the Pending Notifications List.

 Return deleteNotificationStatus with value ok.

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

NotificationSentRequest ::= [48] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF30'
seqNumber [0] INTEGER

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

NotificationSentResponse ::= [48] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF30'

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deleteNotificationStatus INTEGER {ok(0), nothingToDelete(1),

5.7.12 Function (ES10b): LoadCRL

Related Procedures: None

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function, that was defined prior to version 3, is no longer supported by the eUICC.

5.7.13 Function (ES10b): AuthenticateServer

Related Procedures: Common Mutual Authentication

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function performs the authentication of the RSP Server by the eUICC.

On reception of this command, the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that a RSP session exists (i.e., "ES10b.GetUICCChallenge" function has been
previously called). Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return a noSession error code.
 Verify the validity of the RSP Server Certificate chain for authentication (using the
ECASD service), as described in section using the PK.CI.SIG identified by the
Authority Key Identifier contained in the last Certificate of the chain. If the PK.CI.SIG
is unknown, the eUICC SHALL return a ciPKUnknown error code. If the RSP Server
Certificate or the Certificate chain is invalid the eUICC SHALL return an
invalidCertificate error code.
 Verify that the RSP Server Certificate is either a CERT.DPauth.SIG or a
CERT.DSauth.SIG, as described in section Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an invalidOid error code.
 Verify the signature (serverSignature1) of the RSP Server created over
serverSigned1 as described hereunder. If the signature is invalid the eUICC
SHALL return an invalidSignature error code.
 Verify that the euiccChallenge attached to the ongoing RSP session matches the
serverSigned1.euiccChallenge returned by the RSP Server. Otherwise, the
eUICC SHALL return an euiccChallengeMismatch error code.
 Verify that the eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifier indicated in either
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed or euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 is supported and related
credentials are available for signing. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an
unsupportedCurve error code. If both values are empty or omitted, the eUICC
SHALL also return an unsupportedCurve error code.
 If RSP Server indicates crlStaplingV3Used:
o Verify that the crlList data object is present. If not, the eUICC SHALL return a
missingCrl error code.

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o Verify the signature of each CRL in the list, as defined in RFC 5280 [17], using the
Public Key identified in its authorityKeyIdentifier extension (this Public Key may be
contained in one of the received Certificate(s) or may be an eSIM CA RootCA
Public Key known by the eUICC). If a CRL signature is invalid, the eUICC SHALL
return an invalidCrlSignature error code.
o Update its time reference as described in section using the received CRL
from the eSIM CA RootCA, and the CRL from the eSIM CA SubCA, if any.
o Verify that no Certificate in the chain is revoked as follows:
 Verify that the time information contained in all the Certificates and the CRLs
is acceptable as described in section Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an invalidCertOrCrlTime error code.
 For each Certificate in the chain that contains a cRLDistributionPoints
o Search for the CRL in the crlList input data that has the same issuer,
same authority key identifier in its authorityKeyIdentifier extension,
and contains a matching distribution point name in its
issuingDistributionPoint (IDP) extension (i.e., search for the CRL
that has the Certificate in its scope). If not present, the eUICC SHALL
return a missingCrl error code.
o If onlyContainsUserCerts is set in the IDP CRL extension, verify that
the Certificate does not include the basicConstraints extension with
cA set. If not, the eUICC SHALL return an
invalidCertOrCrlConfiguration error code.
o If onlyContainsCACerts is set in the IDP CRL extension, verify that the
Certificate includes the basic constraints extension with cA set. If not, the
eUICC SHALL return an invalidCertOrCrlConfiguration error
o Verify that onlyContainsAttributeCerts is not set. If not, the eUICC
SHALL return an invalidCertOrCrlConfiguration error code.
o Verify that deltaCRLIndicator and freshestCRL extensions are not
set in the CRL. If at least one is set, the eUICC SHALL return an
invalidCertOrCrlConfiguration error code.
o Verify that the keyUsage extension in the CRL issuer’s Certificate contains
the cRLSign indicator. If not, the eUICC SHALL return an
invalidCertOrCrlConfiguration error code.
o Verify that the Certificate serial number is not present in the CRL. If it is
present, the eUICC SHALL return a revokedCert error code.
NOTE: As the number of SubCAs is unpredictable, the eUICC is not expected to
track CRL numbers.

 If ctxParams1 includes ctxParamsForDeviceChange, verify that the Profile

identified by the iccid is installed in the eUICC. If not, the eUICC SHALL return an
invalidIccid error code.
 Upon any error returned in these verifications, the eUICC SHALL terminate the RSP
 Attach the received transactionId to the RSP session.

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Attach the received RSP Server Certificate to the RSP session.
Generate euiccSigned1 data object as defined hereunder.
Generate the euiccSignature1 as defined hereunder, with the SK.EUICC.SIG
related to the CERT.EUICC.SIG as requested by the RSP Server.
Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows.

AuthenticateServerRequest ::= [56] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF38'
serverSigned1 ServerSigned1, -- Signed information
serverSignature1 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- eSIM CA RootCA Public Key
Identifier to be used; MAY also have zero length
serverCertificate Certificate, -- RSP Server Certificate CERT.XXauth.SIG
ctxParams1 CtxParams1,
otherCertsInChain [1] CertificateChain OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# The
remaining part of the CERT.XXauth.SIG certificate chain (if any)
crlList [2] SEQUENCE OF CertificateList OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# as
specified in RFC 5280

ServerSigned1 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The Transaction ID generated by
the RSP Server
euiccChallenge [1] Octet16, -- The eUICC Challenge
serverAddress [3] UTF8String, -- The RSP Server address as an FQDN
serverChallenge [4] Octet16, -- The RSP Server Challenge
sessionContext [5] SessionContext OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
serverRspCapability [6] ServerRspCapability OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

CtxParams1 ::= CHOICE {

ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication[0] CtxParamsForCommonAuthentication,
ctxParamsForDeviceChange [1] CtxParamsForDeviceChange,
ctxParamsForProfileRecovery [2] CtxParamsForProfileRecovery,
ctxParamsForPushServiceRegistration [3] CtxParamsForPushServiceRegistration
-- New contextual data objects MAY be defined for extensibility.

CtxParamsForCommonAuthentication ::= SEQUENCE {

matchingId [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- The MatchingId could be the Activation
code token or EventID or empty
deviceInfo [1] DeviceInfo, -- The Device information
operationType [2] OperationType DEFAULT {profileDownload}, --
iccid Iccid OPTIONAL, -- ICCID, tag '5A' #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
matchingIdSource [3] MatchingIdSource OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
vendorSpecificExtension [4] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL --

CtxParamsForDeviceChange ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

iccid Iccid,
deviceInfo [1] DeviceInfo,
targetEidValue [APPLICATION 26] Octet16 OPTIONAL,
targetTacValue [2] Octet4 OPTIONAL,
vendorSpecificExtension [3] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL

CtxParamsForProfileRecovery ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

iccid Iccid,
deviceInfo [1] DeviceInfo,
vendorSpecificExtension [2] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL

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CtxParamsForPushServiceRegistration ::= SEQUENCE { --

selectedPushService [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
pushToken [1] UTF8String

MatchingIdSource ::= CHOICE {

none [0] NULL,
activationCode [1] NULL,

OperationType ::= BIT STRING {


-- Records information agreed along the session

SessionContext ::= SEQUENCE {
serverSvn [0] VersionType, -- RSP Server SVN (provided for information only)
crlStaplingV3Used [1] BOOLEAN, -- Indicates CRLs were attached to the RSP Server
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 [2] SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL,

-- Definition of ServerRspCapability
ServerRspCapability ::= BIT STRING {
crlStaplingV3Support (0), -- support for CRL stapling
eventListSigningV3Support (1), -- support for Event Record signing
pushServiceV3Support (2), -- support for Push Service
cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport (3)
serverSignature1 SHALL be created using the private key associated to the RSP Server
Certificate for authentication, and verified by the eUICC using the contained public key as
described in section 2.6.9. serverSignature1 SHALL apply on serverSigned1 data

serverSvn indicates the highest Specification Version Number of this specification

supported by the RSP Server and is provided for information only (see Annex M).

Either euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed or euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 SHALL contain an eSIM

CA RootCA Public Key Identifier. euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed indicates the Variant O
certificate chain related to the Private Key that the eUICC SHALL use for signing.
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 indicates one of the other certificate chain Variants related to
the Private Key that the eUICC SHALL use for signing.

If the CERT.DPauth.SIG or CERT.DSauth.SIG is in a certificate chain Variant O,

otherCertsInChain SHALL be omitted. Otherwise it SHALL be present and contain the
remaining part of the CERT.DPauth.SIG or CERT.DSauth.SIG certificate chain (see table 36
in section 5.6.1 and section 5.8.1).

If matchingIdSource is not present, the source is unknown.

A vendorSpecificExtension data object MAY provide additional implementation-

specific information.

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A supportedPushServices data object MAY be present in case of the SM-DS supporting
at least one Push Service and indicates the list of supported Push Service by the SM-DS.

Description of ServerRspCapability:

Refer to Annex M that describes how a version 3 RSP Server SHALL be configured.

 The crlStaplingV3Support bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the RSP Server
supports the CRL stapling during the Common Mutual Authentication procedure.

 The eventListSigningV3Support bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the SM-DS
supports signing the list of Event Records in the response of ES11.AuthenticateClient.

 The pushServiceV3Support bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the SM-DS
supports at least one Push Service.

 The cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport bit SHALL be set to '1' if and only if the SM-
DP+ supports the cancel session reason codes defined for eSIM V3 in the command
data of ES10b.CancelSession.

The eUICC SHALL neither check the values provided in ctxParams1 other than ICCID in
ctxParamsForDeviceChange nor correlate them with subsequent session activities (e.g.,
whether OperationType.rpm was set for an RPM session).

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows.

AuthenticateServerResponse ::= [56] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF38'
authenticateResponseOk [0] AuthenticateResponseOk,
authenticateResponseError [1] AuthenticateResponseError

AuthenticateResponseOk ::= SEQUENCE {

euiccSigned1 EuiccSigned1, -- Signed information
euiccSignature1 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, --EUICC_Sign1, tag 5F37
euiccCertificate Certificate, -- eUICC Certificate (CERT.EUICC.SIG)
nextCertInChain Certificate, -- The Certificate certifying the eUICC
otherCertsInChain [0] CertificateChain OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Other
Certificates in the eUICC certificate chain, if any

EuiccSigned1 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
serverAddress [3] UTF8String, -- The RSP Server address as an FQDN
serverChallenge [4] Octet16, -- The RSP Server Challenge
euiccInfo2 [34] EUICCInfo2,
ctxParams1 CtxParams1

AuthenticateResponseError ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
authenticateErrorCode AuthenticateErrorCode

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AuthenticateErrorCode ::= INTEGER {invalidCertificate(1), invalidSignature(2),
unsupportedCurve(3), noSession(4), invalidOid(5), euiccChallengeMismatch(6),
transactionIdError (8), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingCrl(9), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
invalidCrlSignature(10), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
revokedCert(11), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
invalidCertOrCrlTime(12), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
invalidCertOrCrlConfiguration(13), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
invalidIccid(14), -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

euiccSignature1 SHALL be created using the SK.EUICC.SIG and verified using the
PK.EUICC.SIG as described in in section 2.6.9. euiccSignature1 SHALL apply on
euiccSigned1 data object.

The nextCertInChain data object SHALL contain the Certificate certifying the

The otherCertsInChain data object, if present, SHALL contain the remaining part of the
certificate chain certifying the nextCertInChain data object. See section

NOTE: The nextCertInChain data object was called eumCertificate in

previous versions of this specification.

In case of a missing or damaged Transaction ID in the command data,

transactionIdError SHALL be reported in the AuthenticateServerResponse with
the transactionId value being empty.

5.7.14 Function (ES10b): CancelSession

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation, Remote Profile Management,
Remote eUICC Management

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function allows the LPAd to cancel an on-going RSP session on the eUICC and to get a
signed data structure that is necessary for the LPAd to request the same session
cancellation to the RSP Server.

On reception of this command the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the Transaction ID provided as input data is known and matches the one
of the ongoing RSP session. Otherwise the eUICC SHALL return an error code
 Generate an euiccCancelSessionSigned data object as defined hereunder.
 Generate the euiccCancelSessionSignature, as defined hereunder, with the
 If the reason is postponed or timeout, the eUICC MAY store the unused
otPK.EUICC.KA and otSK.EUICC.KA, together with the SM-DP+ identity, for future

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 Discard the on-going RSP session.
 Respond with cancelSessionResponseOk defined hereunder.
The eUICC MAY perform additional internal operations, which are out of scope of this

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows.

CancelSessionRequest ::= [65] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF41'
transactionId TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the RSP Server
reason CancelSessionReason

CancelSessionReason ::= INTEGER {

sessionAborted(16), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
enterpriseProfilesNotSupported(17), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
enterpriseRulesNotAllowed(18), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseProfileNotAllowed(19), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseOidMismatch(20), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseRulesError(21), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseProfilesOnly(22), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
lprNotSupported(23), -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
lprNetworkDataNotAllowed(24), -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
emptyProfileOrSpName(25), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
rpmDisabled(27), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
invalidRpmPackage(28), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
loadRpmPackageError(29), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

NOTE: Cancel session reason values added since v3.0.0 are aligned with the error
reason values in section 2.5.6.

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows.

CancelSessionResponse ::= [65] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF41'
cancelSessionResponseOk CancelSessionResponseOk,
cancelSessionResponseError INTEGER {invalidTransactionId(5),

CancelSessionResponseOk ::= SEQUENCE {

euiccCancelSessionSigned EuiccCancelSessionSigned, -- Signed information
euiccCancelSessionSignature [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'

EuiccCancelSessionSigned ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId TransactionId,
smdpOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- SM-DP+ OID as contained in CERT.DPauth.SIG
reason CancelSessionReason

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euiccCancelSessionSignature SHALL be created using the SK.EUICC.SIG and

verified using the PK.EUICC.SIG as described in section 2.6.9.
euiccCancelSessionSignature SHALL apply on the data object

5.7.15 Function (ES10c): GetProfilesInfo

Related Procedures: Local and Remote Profile Management – List Profiles

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function retrieves the list of Profile information for installed Profiles including their
current state (Enabled/Disabled) and their associated Profile Metadata. This function MAY
also be used to retrieve this information for a particular Profile.

If there is a Profile state change ongoing (i.e., during an enable, disable or

eUICCMemoryReset command requiring a REFRESH) and the Profile state is requested,
the eUICC SHALL terminate the command with the status word '69 85' (Conditions of use
not satisfied) for Local Profile Management and with error profileChangeOngoing for
Remote Profile Management (if the LoadRpmPackage command which contained this
command was not rejected by the eUICC, see section 5.7.2).

Command Data

The command data consists of the search criteria and the tag list. For Local Profile
Management, it SHALL be coded as follows:
ProfileInfoListRequest ::= [45] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2D'
searchCriteria [0] CHOICE {
isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16, -- AID of the ISD-P, tag '4F'
iccid Iccid, -- ICCID, tag '5A'
profileClass [21] ProfileClass -- Tag '95'

For Remote Profile Management, it SHALL be coded as follows:

ListProfileInfo ::= [5] SEQUENCE {
searchCriteria [0] CHOICE {
iccid Iccid,
profileOwnerOid [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER

The following SHALL apply for Local Profile Management:

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 It SHALL be possible to search for all the Profiles using no search criterion.

The following SHALL apply for Remote Profile Management:

 If an ICCID is specified in the command, the eUICC SHALL identify the target Profile,
and SHALL verify that:
o the SM-DP+ that sent the RPM command is included in the Managing SM-
DP+ List of the target Profile. Otherwise, an empty ProfileInfoListOk
SHALL be returned.
o the allowed CI public key identifier (if present) matches the Subject Key
Identifier of the CI corresponding to the CERT.DPauth.SIG of the SM-DP+
that sent the RPM Command. Otherwise, an empty ProfileInfoListOk
SHALL be returned.
 If a Profile Owner OID is specified in the command, the eUICC SHALL identify all
Profiles where the RPM configuration fulfils all of the following conditions:
o Profile Owner matches the Profile Owner OID in the RPM Command, and
o Managing SM-DP+ List includes the SM-DP+ that sent the RPM Command,
o allowed CI public key identifier (if present) matches the Subject Key Identifier
of the CI corresponding to the CERT.DPauth.SIG of the SM-DP+ that sent the
RPM Command.
For each identified Profile, the eUICC SHALL return a ProfileInfo data object in
profileInfoListOk. profileInfoListOk SHALL be empty if the list of identified
Profiles is empty.

The content of each ProfileInfo data object is defined by the tag list as follows:

The value field of the tag list (tag '5C') contains a concatenation of tags (without delimitation)
indicating the data objects to include in the response for each Profile matching all given
search criteria.

If a requested data object is not present for a matching Profile, the data object SHALL simply
be omitted in the response for that Profile.

The eUICC SHALL support the following tags in the tag list:

 ICCID, tag '5A' (*)

 ISD-P AID, tag '4F' (*)
 Profile state, tag '9F70' (*)
 Profile Nickname, tag '90' (*)
 Service provider name, tag '91' (*)
 Profile name, tag '92' (*)
 Icon type, tag '93' (*)
 Icon, tag '94' (*)
 Profile Class, tag '95' (*)
 Notification Configuration Info, tag 'B6'
 Profile Owner, tag 'B7'
 SM-DP+ proprietary data, tag 'B8'

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 Profile Policy Rules, tag '99'
 Service Specific Data stored in eUICC, tag 'BF22'
 RPM Configuration, tag 'BA'
 HRI Server address, tag '9B'
 LPR Configuration, tag 'BC'
 Enterprise Configuration, tag 'BD'
 Service Description, tag '9F1F'
 Device Change configuration, tag 'BF20'
 Enabled on eSIM Port, tag '9F24'
 Profile Size, tag '9F25'
If no tag list is present, the eUICC SHALL return the default ProfileInfo: the ProfileInfo data
objects marked with (*) for each Profile matching the selection criterion.

NOTE: For RPM, the SM-DP+ SHOULD take the maximum result size supported by
the eUICC into account when constructing the command.

Example of use for Local Profile Management:

 Retrieve the default ProfileInfo for all installed Profiles. The command data field
SHALL be coded as 'BF2D 00'.
 Retrieve ICCID, Profile State, Profile name, Profile Class and Profile Owner of a
particular Profile/ISD-P having the following AID: A0 00 00 05 59 10 10 FF FF FF FF
89 00 00 10 00. The command data field SHALL be coded as 'BF2D 1C A0 12 4F 10
A0 00 00 05 59 10 10 FF FF FF FF 89 00 00 10 00 5C 06 5A 9F70 92 95 B7'.
 Retrieve ICCID and Profile state for all installed Profiles. The command data field
SHALL be coded as 'BF 2D 05 5C 03 5A 9F70'.
Response Data

The following is the definition of the ProfileInfoListResponse data object:

-- Definition of ProfileInfoListResponse
ProfileInfoListResponse ::= [45] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF2D'
profileInfoListOk SEQUENCE OF ProfileInfo,
profileInfoListError ProfileInfoListError

ProfileInfo ::= [PRIVATE 3] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'E3'

iccid Iccid OPTIONAL,
isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16 OPTIONAL, -- AID of the ISD-P containing the
Profile, tag '4F'
profileState [112] ProfileState OPTIONAL, -- Tag '9F70'
profileNickname [16] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '90'
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '92'
iconType [19] IconType OPTIONAL, -- Tag '93'
icon [20] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '94',
profileClass [21] ProfileClass OPTIONAL, -- Tag '95'
notificationConfigurationInfo [22] SEQUENCE OF
NotificationConfigurationInformation OPTIONAL, -- Tag 'B6'
profileOwner [23] OperatorId OPTIONAL, -- Tag 'B7'
dpProprietaryData [24] DpProprietaryData OPTIONAL, -- Tag 'B8'
profilePolicyRules [25] PprIds OPTIONAL, -- Tag '99'
serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc [34] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV2.4.0# Tag 'BF22'

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rpmConfiguration [26] RpmConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag
hriServerAddress [27] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9B'
lprConfiguration [28] LprConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
Tag 'BC'
enterpriseConfiguration [29] EnterpriseConfiguration OPTIONAL,
-- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0# Tag 'BD'
serviceDescription [31] ServiceDescription OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
Tag '9F1F'
deviceChangeConfiguration [32] DeviceChangeConfiguration OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF20'
enabledOnEsimPort [36] INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForMEPV3.0.0# Tag '9F24'
profileSize [37] INTEGER OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9F25'

IconType ::= INTEGER {jpg(0), png(1)}

ProfileState ::= INTEGER {disabled(0), enabled(1)}
ProfileClass ::= INTEGER {test(0), provisioning(1), operational(2)}
ProfileInfoListError ::= INTEGER {
profileChangeOngoing (11), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

For SEP, RPM, MEP-A1 and MEP-A2, the profileState data object SHALL indicate the
current state of the Profile. For LPM with MEP-B, the value of the data object is EUM

The enabledOnEsimPort data object is applicable for LPM with MEP only and SHALL
indicate on which eSIM Port a Profile is in Enabled state. It SHALL NOT be provided by the
eUICC for a Profile in Disabled state, for SEP and RPM.

The profileOwner data object can only be returned if Profile Owner has been provided in
Profile Metadata or if files EFIMSI, EFGID1 or EFGID2 are not PIN protected.

The profilePolicyRules data object SHALL contain the identifiers of all Profile Policy
Rules of the Profile.

The profileSize data object contains the estimated size of the installed Profile in the
non-volatile memory, expressed in bytes. The indicated size MAY be a rounded value. The
way the eUICC estimates and rounds the Profile size is implementation dependent. It is
optional for the eUICC to support this data object.

5.7.16 Function (ES10c): EnableProfile

Related Procedures: Local and Remote Profile Management – Enable Profile

Function Provider Entity: LPA Services


This function is used to enable a Profile on the eUICC. The function makes the Target Profile
enabled, and disables implicitly the Profile currently enabled on the Target Port, if any. This
SHALL be performed in an atomic way, meaning that in case of any error during the
command execution, the command SHALL stop and SHALL leave the involved Profiles in
their original states prior to command execution.

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If this function is called by RPM, it SHALL be treated as if the refreshFlag is set.

NOTE: Before calling the EnableProfile function with the refreshFlag not being set,
the Device has the responsibility to ensure that the relevant conditions for
use are met, as indicated in section 3.2.1.

For SEP, MEP-A1, and MEP-B, upon reception of the EnableProfile function, if the
refreshFlag is not set, the eUICC SHALL:

 Check whether there is a proactive session ongoing on the Target Port (which the
Device did not terminate). If so, the eUICC SHALL do one of the following:
o terminate the EnableProfile command and return an error code catBusy.
o internally terminate the proactive session on the Target Port and ignore any
incoming TERMINAL RESPONSE from that proactive session.
 Close all logical channels on the Target Port which still have an application of the
currently enabled Profile selected (which the Device did not close), without generating
an error.
Regardless of the value of refreshFlag, the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the Profile identified by its AID or ICCID exists. Otherwise, the eUICC
SHALL return an error code iccidOrAidNotFound for LPM and commandError
for RPM.
 If the command is sent via RPM:
o Verify that the SM-DP+ that sent the RPM Command is included in the Managing
SM-DP+ List and is authorised to perform the RPM Command. Otherwise, the
eUICC SHALL return an error code commandError.
o If the Profile Metadata specifies an allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier
for the Managing SM-DP+: verify that the Subject Key Identifier of the eSIM CA
RootCA Certificate corresponding to CERT.DPauth.SIG matches that value.
Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code commandError.
 Verify that the Target Profile is in the Disabled state. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an error code profileNotInDisabledState.
 If the command is sent via RPM:
o If the Enable command was preceded by a Disable command in the same
LoadRpmPackageRequest, the eSIM Port where the Profile was disabled is the
Target Port for the Enable command. Otherwise, the Target Port SHALL be set as
 If no eSIM Port is available (i.e., has no Enabled Profile assigned), the eUICC
SHALL return an error code noEsimPortAvailable.
 For MEP-B, if targetEsimPort is not provided in the
LoadRpmPackageRequest and if the Command Port is available, the eUICC
SHALL select the Command Port as Target Port.
 For MEP-A1 and MEP-B, if targetEsimPort is provided in the
LoadRpmPackageRequest and if the indicated eSIM Port is available, the
eUICC SHALL select this eSIM Port as Target Port.
 For MEP-A2, the eUICC SHALL select any available eSIM Port as Target Port.

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NOTE: The behaviour of the eUICC for all other combinations is implementation
specific. (E.g., no eSIM Port or a non-available eSIM Port indicated for MEP-
A1 and the eUICC selecting the eSIM Port or the eUICC generating an

o Verify that the Target Profile is not a Test Profile. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an error code disallowedForRpm.
 If the Target Profile is not a Test Profile: check if the Profile Policy Rules of the Profile
currently Enabled on the Target Port allow its disabling. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an error code disallowedByPolicy.
 If the Target Profile is not an Enterprise Profile or a Test Profile: verify that the
maximum number of non-Enterprise Profiles that can be Enabled according to the
Reference Enterprise Rule is not exceeded. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an
error code disallowedByEnterpriseRule.
 If the Reference Enterprise Rule indicates priorityEnterpriseProfile and the
Profile with the Reference Enterprise Rule is currently disabled: verify that the Target
Profile is the correct Enterprise Profile or a Test Profile. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an error code disallowedByEnterpriseRule.
 If the Profile currently Enabled on the Target Port is a Test Profile: verify
o that the Target Profile is (another) Test Profile, or
o if an Operational Profile was in Enabled state before the (first) Test Profile was
enabled on the Target Port, that the Target Profile is this Operational Profile.
o Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code wrongProfileReenabling.
If the refreshFlag is not set:

 For MEP-A2, the eUICC SHALL select an available eSIM port as Target Port. If no
eSIM port is available, then the eUICC SHALL return an error code
 the eUICC SHALL reset the PIN status on the Target Port
 the eUICC SHALL disable the Profile currently Enabled on the Target Port (if any),
Enable the Target Profile and implicitly select the MF on the basic logical channel.
 The eUICC SHALL return OK to the LPAd
NOTE: For subsequent actions by the Device see section 3.2.1.

If the refreshFlag is set:

 If CAT is not initialised, the eUICC SHALL return an error code commandError.
 For MEP-A2, the eUICC MAY return an error code commandError.
 If there is a proactive session ongoing on the Target Port, the eUICC SHALL do one
of the following:
o terminate the EnableProfile command and return an error code catBusy.
o internally terminate the proactive session on the Target Port. If a TERMINAL
RESPONSE is still outstanding, the REFRESH command according to the step
below SHALL only be sent after reception of the TERMINAL RESPONSE.
NOTE: In the case of the catBusy error, the Device MAY take implementation-
dependent action to terminate the proactive command session, and MAY
send the Enable command again without any further End User interaction.

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 The eUICC SHALL mark the currently enabled Profile (if any) as "to be disabled",
mark the Target Profile as "to be enabled" on the Target eSIM Port and return a
status ok to the LPAd.
 The eUICC sends a REFRESH proactive command via one of following methods:
o For MEP-A1, the eUICC SHALL first send an LSI COMMAND proactive command
with the action "Proactive session request" on the Command Port. The "Proactive
session request" action includes the Target Port number where a proactive
command is pending. When the Device checks for pending proactive commands
on the Target Port, the eUICC SHALL send the REFRESH command with "eUICC
Profile State Change" mode (if supported by the Device) or "UICC Reset" mode to
the Device on the Target Port where the Target Profile SHALL be enabled.
o For SEP and MEP-B, the eUICC SHALL send the REFRESH command with
"eUICC Profile State Change" mode (if supported by the Device) or "UICC Reset"
mode to the Device on the Target Port where the Target Profile SHALL be
An MEP-Capable Device SHALL reset the Target Port instead of the UICC Interface when
receiving a REFRESH with mode "UICC Reset" as specified in ETSI TS 102 223 [31].

 Upon reception of the Terminal Response with result "command performed

successfully" or upon reset of either the eUICC or the Target Port in case of an MEP-
Capable eUICC, the eUICC SHALL disable the currently Enabled Profile (if any) and
Enable the Target Profile on the Target Port.
 Upon reception of the Terminal Response with result "temporary problem with
executing command" or "permanent problem with executing command", the eUICC
SHALL NOT disable the currently Enabled Profile (if any) nor Enable the Target
Profile. Subsequent actions are implementation specific.
NOTE: In the case the Device supports the Single Wire Protocol interface to the
eUICC, the Device SHOULD take the appropriate actions regarding this
interface when Profile state is changed.

The eUICC MAY start a new proactive UICC session on the Target Port only after a new
TERMINAL PROFILE command is executed.

If a previously Enabled Profile was successfully disabled, the eUICC SHALL generate
as many Notifications as configured in its metadata
(notificationConfigurationInfo) in the format of
 If the Target Profile is successfully enabled, the eUICC SHALL generate as many
Notifications as configured in its metadata (notificationConfigurationInfo) in
the format of OtherSignedNotification.
 However, no Notifications SHALL be generated if the Target Profile or the previously
Enabled Profile is a Test Profile.
 In failure cases, the eUICC SHALL not generate any notifications.
Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

EnableProfileRequest ::= [49] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF31'

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profileIdentifier CHOICE {
isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16, -- AID, tag '4F'
iccid Iccid -- ICCID, tag '5A'
refreshFlag BOOLEAN, -- indicating whether REFRESH is required
targetEsimPort INTEGER OPTIONAL-- #SupportedForMEPV3.0.0#

The LPA SHALL only provide targetEsimPort for MEP-A1.

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

EnableProfileResponse ::= [49] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF31'
enableResult INTEGER {
disallowedByEnterpriseRule(6), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
commandError(7), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
disallowedForRpm(9), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
noEsimPortAvailable(10), -- #SupportedForMEPV3.0.0# and
-- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
targetEsimPort INTEGER OPTIONAL -- #SupportedForMEPV3.0.0#

targetEsimPort SHALL only be present in the response of a successful enabling of a

Profile with LPM for MEP-A2.

Alternative Case 3 Command

In addition to the command data exchange described above, the following alternative
command is defined for the function. The eUICC SHALL support this alternative if it supports
only SEP. Otherwise, the usage of this alternative is out of scope of this specification.

The command data is sent to the eUICC in a Case 3 STORE DATA command:

 The STORE DATA APDU SHALL be coded as defined in section 5.7.2, with the
exception of P1 which SHALL be set to '90'.
 The command data SHALL be coded as defined above, the response data SHALL
NOT be present.
 The following additional status bytes are defined:
'6A 82': Profile not found
'69 85': Profile not in disabled state, command not allowed by Profile Policy Rules,
Enterprise Rule or for RPM, or re-enabling wrong Profile
'93 00': CAT is busy. Command cannot be executed at present, further normal
commands are allowed

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5.7.17 Function (ES10c): DisableProfile
Related Procedures: Local and Remote Profile Management – Disable Profile

Function Provider Entity: LPA Services


This function is used to disable a Profile on the eUICC.

If this function is called by RPM, it SHALL be treated as if the refreshFlag is set.

NOTE: Before calling the DisableProfile function with the refreshFlag not being set,
the Device has the responsibility to ensure that the relevant conditions for
use are met, as indicated in section 3.2.2.

Upon reception of the DisableProfile function, if the refreshFlag is not set, the eUICC

 Check whether there is a proactive session ongoing on the Target Port (which the
Device did not terminate). If so, the eUICC SHALL do one of the following:
o terminate the DisableProfile function and return an error code catBusy.
o internally terminate the proactive session on the Target Port and ignore any
incoming TERMINAL RESPONSE from that proactive session.
 Close all logical channels which still have an application of the currently enabled
Profile selected (which the Device did not close), without generating an error.
Regardless of the value of refreshFlag, the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the Profile identified by its AID or ICCID exists. Otherwise, the eUICC
SHALL return an error code iccidOrAidNotFound for LPM and commandError
for RPM.
 If the command is sent via RPM:
o Verify that the SM-DP+ that sent the RPM Command is included in the Managing
SM-DP+ List and is authorised to perform the RPM Command. Otherwise, the
eUICC SHALL return an error code commandError.
o If the Profile Metadata specifies an allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier
for the Managing SM-DP+: verify that the Subject Key Identifier of the eSIM CA
RootCA Certificate corresponding to CERT.DPauth.SIG matches that value.
Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code commandError.
o Verify that the Target Profile is not a Test Profile. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an error code disallowedForRpm.
 Verify that the Target Profile is in the Enabled state. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an error code profileNotInEnabledState.
 If the currently Enabled Profile is not a Test Profile: check if the Profile Policy Rules of
the Target Profile allows its disabling. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error
code disallowedByPolicy.

If the refreshFlag is not set:

 the eUICC SHALL reset the PIN status.

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 the eUICC SHALL disable the currently Enabled Profile.
 If the Target Profile is a Test Profile and an Operational Profile was in Enabled state
before the (first) Test Profile was enabled on the Target Port: enable this Operational
Profile on the Target Port. If this Operational Profile was deleted while the Test Profile
was enabled, no error SHALL be generated and the function execution SHALL
 The eUICC SHALL implicitly select the MF on the basic logical channel.
 The eUICC SHALL return OK to the LPAd.
NOTE: For subsequent actions by the Device see section 3.2.2.

If the refreshFlag is set:

 For MEP-A2, the eUICC MAY return an error code commandError.

 If there is a proactive session ongoing, the eUICC SHALL do one of the following:
o terminate the DisableProfile function and return an error code catBusy
o internally terminate the proactive session on the Target Port. If a TERMINAL
RESPONSE is still outstanding, the REFRESH command SHALL only be sent
after reception of the TERMINAL RESPONSE.
NOTE: In the case of the catBusy error, the Device MAY take implementation-
dependent actions to terminate the proactive command session, and MAY
send the Disable command again without any further End User interaction.

 The eUICC SHALL mark the currently enabled Profile as "to be disabled" and return
a status ok to the LPAd.
 If CAT has been initialised on the Target Port, the eUICC SHALL send a REFRESH
command via one of following methods:

o For MEP-A1, the eUICC SHALL first send an LSI COMMAND proactive command
with the action "Proactive session request" on the Command Port. The "Proactive
session request" action includes the Target Port number where a proactive
command is pending. When the Device checks for pending proactive commands
on the Target Port, the eUICC SHALL send the REFRESH command with "eUICC
Profile State Change" mode (if supported by the Device) or "UICC Reset" mode to
the Device on the Target Port where the Target Profile SHALL be disabled.
o For SEP and MEP-B, the eUICC SHALL send the REFRESH command with
"eUICC Profile State Change" mode (if supported by the Device) or "UICC Reset"
mode to the Device on the Target Port where the Target Profile SHALL be
An MEP-Capable Device SHALL reset the Target Port instead of the UICC Interface when
receiving a REFRESH with mode "UICC Reset" as specified in ETSI TS 102.223 [31].

 Upon reception of the Terminal Response with result "command performed

successfully" or upon reset of either the eUICC or the Target Port in case of an
MEP-Capable eUICC or immediately if CAT has not been initialised on the Target
Port, the eUICC SHALL disable the currently Enabled Target Profile on the Target
Port. If the Target Profile is a Test Profile, an Operational Profile was in Enabled
state before the (first) Test Profile was enabled on the Target Port and this
Operational Profile was not deleted while a Test Profile was Enabled: the eUICC

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SHALL enable this Operational Profile on the Target Port. If this Operational Profile
was deleted while the Test Profile was enabled, no error SHALL be generated and
the function execution SHALL continue.
 Upon reception of the Terminal Response with result "temporary problem with
executing command" or "permanent problem with executing command", the eUICC
SHALL NOT disable the currently Enabled Profile. Subsequent actions are
implementation specific.
NOTE: In the case the Device supports the Single Wire Protocol interface to the
eUICC, the Device SHOULD take the appropriate actions regarding this
interface when Profile state is changed.

The eUICC MAY start a new proactive UICC session on the Target Port only after a new
TERMINAL PROFILE command is executed.

If the Target Profile is successfully disabled, the eUICC SHALL generate as many
Notifications as configured in its metadata (notificationConfigurationInfo) in
the format of OtherSignedNotification.
 However, no Notifications SHALL be generated if the Target Profile is a Test Profile.
 In failure cases, the eUICC SHALL not generate any notifications.
Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

DisableProfileRequest ::= [50] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF32'
profileIdentifier CHOICE {
isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16, -- AID, tag '4F'
iccid Iccid -- ICCID, tag '5A'
refreshFlag BOOLEAN -- indicating whether REFRESH is required

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

DisableProfileResponse ::= [50] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF32'
disableResult INTEGER {
commandError(7), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
disallowedForRpm(10), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

Alternative Case 3 Command

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In addition to the command data exchange described above, the following alternative
command is defined for the function. The eUICC SHALL support this alternative if it supports
only SEP. Otherwise, the usage of this alternative is out of scope of this specification.

The command data is sent to the eUICC in a Case 3 STORE DATA command:

 The STORE DATA APDU SHALL be coded as defined in section 5.7.2, with the
exception of P1 which SHALL be set to '90'.
 The command data SHALL be coded as defined above, the response data SHALL
NOT be present.
 The following additional status bytes are defined:
'6A 82': Profile not found.
'69 85': Profile not in enabled state or command not allowed by Profile Policy Rules or
for RPM.
'93 00': CAT is busy. Command cannot be executed at present, further normal
commands are allowed.

5.7.18 Function (ES10c): DeleteProfile

Related Procedures: Local and Remote Profile Management – Delete Profile

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function deletes a Profile from eUICC. This function can be used at any time by the
LPAd. The Profile to be deleted can be identified by ISD-P AID or ICCID.

On reception of this command the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the target Profile identified by its AID or ICCID exists. Otherwise, the
eUICC SHALL return an error iccidOrAidNotFound for LPM and commandError
for RPM.
 If the command is sent via RPM:
o Verify that the SM-DP+ that sent the RPM Command is included in the Managing
SM-DP+ List and is authorised to perform the RPM Command. Otherwise, the
eUICC SHALL return an error code commandError.
o If the Profile Metadata specifies an allowed eSIM CA RootCA public key identifier
for the Managing SM-DP+: verify that the Subject Key Identifier of the eSIM CA
RootCA Certificate corresponding to CERT.DPauth.SIG matches that value.
Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code commandError.
 Verify that the target Profile is not in Enabled state. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an error profileNotInDisabledState.
 Verify that the Profile Policy Rules allow the deletion of the target Profile. Otherwise,
the eUICC SHALL return an error disallowedByPolicy.
 If the currently enabled Profile is a Test Profile and the target Profile is not a Test
Profile, the eUICC SHALL return an error disallowedInTestMode.
 Delete the ISD-P containing the target Profile and its related Profile Metadata.

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If the target Profile is successfully deleted, the eUICC SHALL generate as many
Notifications as configured in its metadata (notificationConfigurationInfo) in the
format of OtherSignedNotification and return deleteResult with status code ok.

In failure cases, the eUICC SHALL not generate any notifications.

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

DeleteProfileRequest ::= [51] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF33'
isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16, -- AID, tag '4F'
iccid Iccid -- ICCID, tag '5A'

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

DeleteProfileResponse ::= [51] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF33'
deleteResult INTEGER {
disallowedInTestMode(4), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
commandError(7), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

Alternative Case 3 Command

In addition to the command data exchange described above, the following alternative
command is defined for the function. The eUICC SHALL support this alternative if it supports
only SEP. Otherwise, the usage of this alternative is out of scope of this specification.

The command data is sent to the eUICC in a Case 3 STORE DATA command:

 The STORE DATA APDU SHALL be coded as defined in section 5.7.2, with the
exception of P1 which SHALL be set to '90'.
 The command data SHALL be coded as defined above, the response data SHALL
NOT be present.
 The following additional status bytes are defined:
'6A 82': Profile not found.
'69 85': Profile not in disabled state or command not allowed by Profile Policy Rules
or command not allowed in Test Mode.

5.7.19 Function (ES10c): eUICCMemoryReset

Related Procedures: eUICC Memory Reset

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Function Provider Entity: LPA Services


This function deletes selected subsets of the Profiles stored on an eUICC regardless of their
enabled status or any Profile Policy Rules. The following subsets are defined:

 Operational Profiles
 Test Profiles that were not pre-installed (i.e., Test Profiles that were "field loaded")
 Test Profiles that were pre-installed (i.e., Test Profiles that were loaded in the factory)
 Provisioning Profiles
NOTE: The identification of pre-installed Test Profiles is out of the scope of this

The eUICC returns a status indicating whether any Profiles were deleted.

This function can also be used to reset the Default SM-DP+ address to its initial value.

Any combination MAY be specified.

If the eUICC does not support Test Profiles, then a request to delete them is ignored.

The eUICC Memory Reset SHALL be performed in an atomic and non-reversible way in
case of external interruptions (e.g., power loss): the eUICC SHALL continue the processing
of that command upon the next eUICC power on. In case of any other error during the
command execution, the command SHALL stop and SHALL leave the eUICC and the
involved Profiles in their original states prior to command execution.

Upon reception of the eUICCMemoryReset function and dependent on the parameters set,
the eUICC SHALL do the following:

 In case there is a proactive session ongoing on the Command Port, the eUICC
SHALL do one of the following:
o terminate the command and return an error code catBusy.
o internally terminate the proactive session and send the REFRESH command(s)
as the next proactive command on the Command Port. If a TERMINAL
RESPONSE is still outstanding, the REFRESH command SHALL only be sent
after reception of the TERMINAL RESPONSE.
NOTE: In the case of the catBusy error, the Device MAY take implementation-
dependent action to terminate the proactive command session, and MAY
send the eUICC Memory Reset command again without any further End
User interaction.

 Delete all the selected ISD-Ps with their Profiles regardless of their enabled status or
Profile Policy Rules and all related Profiles Metadata stored in the ISD-R. The ISD-R
SHALL send a proactive command to the Device to reset the eUICC. For SEP, the
ISD-R SHALL send a REFRESH with mode "UICC Reset". For MEP, the ISD-R
SHALL send an LSI COMMAND with "UICC Platform Reset".
 Reset the Default SM-DP+ address and its associated allowed eSIM CA RootCA
public key to their default values, respectively.

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For each deleted Profile, the eUICC SHALL generate as many Notifications as
configured in its Profile Metadata (notificationConfigurationInfo) in the
format of OtherSignedNotification.
 If the command was sent while a Test Profile was in Enabled state and this Profile
was deleted by the command and an Operational Profile was in Enabled state before
the (first) Test Profile was enabled and this Operational Profile was not deleted by the
command, then this previous Operational Profile SHALL be enabled again.
For each deleted Profile, the eUICC SHALL generate as many Notifications as configured in
its Profile Metadata (notificationConfigurationInfo) in the format of

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

EuiccMemoryResetRequest ::= [52] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF34'
resetOptions [2] BIT STRING {
deletePreLoadedTestProfiles(3), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
deleteProvisioningProfiles(4)} -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
-- setting bits 0, 1, 3 and 4 wipes all Profiles

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

EuiccMemoryResetResponse ::= [52] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF34'
resetResult INTEGER {ok(0), nothingToDelete(1), catBusy(5), undefinedError(127)}

5.7.20 Function (ES10c): GetEID

Related Procedures: Profile Download Initiation

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function gets the EID from the eUICC. This function can be used at any time by the
LPA, and for instance during the Profile Download Initiation when the End user MAY have to
provide the EID to the contracting Service Provider/Operator, and when the EID is not
available by another mean, e.g., the End User MAY have lost the physical material where it
was printed on.

Command Data

The data field SHALL indicate EID data object '5C 01 5A' (tag '5A' identifies the EID).

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The command data SHALL be coded as follows:
GetEuiccDataRequest ::= [62] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3E'
tagList [APPLICATION 28] Octet1 -- tag '5C', the value SHALL be set to '5A'

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

GetEuiccDataResponse ::= [62] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3E'
eidValue [APPLICATION 26] Octet16 -- tag '5A'

In case the provided tagList is invalid or unsupported, the eUICC SHALL return an error
status word.

5.7.21 Function (ES10c): SetNickname

Related Procedures: Set/Edit Nickname

Function Provider Entity: LPA Services


This function is used to add or update a Profile Nickname associated to one Profile present

Upon reception of the SetNickname function, the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the target Profile is present on the eUICC. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL
return an error code iccidNotFound.
 Update the target Profile nickname with the provided data and return
setNicknameResult with status code ok.
In case a Profile Nickname already exists for the indicated Profile, the Profile Nickname
SHALL be updated with the new value. In case the new value is an empty string, the Profile
Nickname SHALL be removed. Removing a non-existing Profile Nickname SHALL NOT be
considered an error.

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

-- Definition of Profile Nickname Information
SetNicknameRequest ::= [41] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF29'
iccid Iccid,
profileNickname [16] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64))

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Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

SetNicknameResponse ::= [41] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF29'
setNicknameResult INTEGER {ok(0), iccidNotFound (1), undefinedError(127)}

5.7.22 Function (ES10b): GetRAT

Related Procedures: Profile Download and Installation

Function Provider entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function retrieves the Rules Authorisation Table (RAT) from the eUICC. It can be called
at any time. The RAT is used by the LPA to determine if a Profile containing PPRs can be
installed, conditionally with End User Consent, on the eUICC as defined in section

Command data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

GetRatRequest ::= [67] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF43'
-- No input data

Response data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

GetRatResponse ::= [67] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF43'
rat RulesAuthorisationTable

RulesAuthorisationTable ::= SEQUENCE OF ProfilePolicyAuthorisationRule

ProfilePolicyAuthorisationRule ::= SEQUENCE {
pprIds PprIds,
allowedOperators SEQUENCE OF OperatorId,
pprFlags BIT STRING {consentRequired(0)}
The list of ProfilePolicyAuthorisationRule data objects SHALL be returned in the
same order as stored in the eUICC. This list MAY be empty.

The pprIds data object SHALL identify at least one PPR. The LPA SHALL ignore the
pprUpdateControl bit.

The allowedOperators data object SHALL follow the description given in section

The consentRequired bit set to 1 indicates that the End User consent is required.

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5.7.23 Function (ES10c): LPA alerting
Related Procedures: Metadata Update, Pending operation alerting

Function Provider Entity: LPAd


This function alerts the LPAd about:

 Changes in the Metadata of a Profile after the execution of an Update Metadata

function on ES6 (see section 5.4.1), which MAY require the LPAd to take an
 Pending events, which the LPAd is requested to retrieve.

If support for Metadata update alerting is indicated in the RSP Device Capabilities and
Metadata objects are updated via ES6, the eUICC SHALL alert the LPA by sending a
REFRESH proactive command to the Device with the following parameters:

 Refresh mode SHALL be set to "Application Update".

 AID SHALL contain the AID of the ISD-R.

 Refresh enforcement policy SHALL be absent.

 The value field of the application specific refresh data SHALL contain the
AlertData object defined below.

An application within a Profile MAY also use this command to alert the LPAd about pending
RSP operations. Support for pending operation alerting is optional for the Device. If
supported, it SHALL be indicated by setting pendingOperationAlertingSupport in
LpaRspCapability. This allows a Profile Owner to appropriately configure an application
within a Profile.

Definition of AlertData:

AlertData ::= [74] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF4A' #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
metadataUpdateEnabledProfile [0] MetadataUpdateEnabledProfile,
pendingOperationAlert [1] ServerWithPendingOperation

MetadataUpdateEnabledProfile ::= SEQUENCE {

iccid Iccid OPTIONAL,
tagList [APPLICATION 28] OCTET STRING -- tag '5C'

ServerWithPendingOperation ::= CHOICE {

pollingAddress [0] NULL,
rootSmds [1] NULL,
defaultSmdp [2] NULL,
explicitAddress [3] UTF8String

The iccid SHALL be provided for MEP-A1 and MEP-A2 and MAY be provided for SEP and
MEP-B. If provided, it SHALL contain the ICCID of the Profile processing the ES6 command.

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The tagList SHALL contain all tags of objects that were included in the UpdateMetadata
function (see section 5.4.1).

If the Device supports refresh mode "Application Update" and accepts other AlertData
settings (e.g., for Metadata update alerting) where the AID indicates the ISD-R, but does not
support event alerting, it SHALL respond with "command data not understood by terminal" to
the proactive command.

NOTE: This is the same error code that the Device will use to indicate that it does
not have interest for the refresh information related to a given AID, see ETSI
TS 102 223 [31].

5.7.24 Function (ES10a): VerifySmdsResponse

Related Procedures: Event Retrieval and Push Service Registration

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)



This function verifies the signature of smdsSigned2 returned to the LPA by the SM-DS as a
response from "ES11.AuthenticateClient" function.

On reception of this command the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the transactionId matches the one in the ongoing RSP session.
Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code invalidTransactionId.

 Verify that the SM-DS has been previously authenticated and a CERT.DSauth.SIG is
attached to the ongoing RSP session. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error
code noSession.

 Verify that smdsSignature2 created over the concatenated data objects

smdsSigned2 (as described hereunder) and euiccSignature1 is valid.
Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error code invalidSignature.

 Return verifySmdsResponseOk if all of these verifications succeed.

 End the RSP session in both cases (error and ok).

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

VerifySmdsResponseRequest ::= [69] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF45' #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
smdsSigned2 [1] SmdsSigned2, -- must have tag [1]

SmdsSigned2 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
requestSpecificData CHOICE {

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eventList [0] SEQUENCE {
eventEntries [1] SEQUENCE OF EventRecordV3,
ecId [2] OCTET STRING(SIZE(16..32)) OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0# Event Checking ID
pushServiceRefreshTime [3] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL --
#SupportedForPushServiceV3.0.0# date and time to re-register a Push Token to the
pushServiceRegistrationResult [1] SEQUENCE {
pushServiceRefreshTime [3] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL --
#SupportedForPushServiceV3.0.0# date and time to re-register a Push Token to the

EventRecordV3 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

eventId UTF8String,
rspServerAddress UTF8String,
eventType INTEGER, -- either 1 (for Profile Download) or 2 (for RPM)
calculated as either SHA256(ICCID) or SHA256(ICCID|Salt)
salt OCTET STRING (SIZE(8..16)) OPTIONAL, -- optional salt to be concatenated
with ICCID(s) for hashing
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)) OPTIONAL,
operatorId [23] OperatorId OPTIONAL
smdsSignature2 SHALL be created by the SM-DS using the SK.DSauth.SIG and verified
by the eUICC using the PK.DSauth.SIG as described in section 2.6.9. The eUICC is not
required to verify the validity and format of content within smdsSigned2 other than
transactionId. If the eUICC does verify other content within smdsSigned2, it SHALL
ignore any unknown tags.

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

VerifySmdsResponseResponse ::= [69] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF45' #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
verifySmdsResponseOk NULL,
verifySmdsResponseError INTEGER {

5.7.25 Function (ES10b): LoadRpmPackage

Related Procedures: RPM Download and Execution

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function initiates execution of an RPM Package.

On reception of this command, the eUICC SHALL:

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 Verify that the SM-DP+ has been previously authenticated. Otherwise, the eUICC
SHALL return an unsigned error code noSession.
 Verify smdpSignature3 created over the concatenated data objects smdpSigned3
and euiccSignature1 using the PK.DPauth.SIG contained in CERT.DPauth.SIG of
the on-going RSP session. If the signature is invalid, the eUICC SHALL return an
invalidSignature error code.
 Verify that the transactionId contained in the smdpSigned3 matches the one of
the on-going RSP session. If it does not match, the eUICC SHALL return an
invalidTransactionId error code.
 Execute the RPM Command(s) contained the RPM Package.
 Generate and return LoadRpmPackageResult containing the execution result of the
RPM Package.

The eUICC SHALL end the RSP session in any case after processing this function.

Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows:

LoadRpmPackageRequest ::= [68] SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag 'BF44'
smdpSigned3 SmdpSigned3,
smdpSignature3 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'

SmdpSigned3 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SM-DP+
rpmPackage [1] RpmPackage,
rpmPending [2] NULL OPTIONAL

Response Data

The LoadRpmPackageResult as specified in section 2.10.2.

5.7.26 Function (ES10b): PrepareDeviceChange

Related Procedures: Device Change

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Services)


This function initiates a Device Change or Profile Recovery after a successful authentication
of an SM-DP+.

On reception of this command, the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the SM-DP+ has been previously authenticated. Otherwise, the eUICC
SHALL return an error code noSession.

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Verify the smdpSignature4 using the PK.DPauth.SIG contained in
CERT.DPauth.SIG of the on-going RSP session. If the signature is invalid, the eUICC
SHALL return an error code invalidSignature.
 Verify that the received transactionId contained in the smdpSigned4 matches
the one of the on-going RSP session. Otherwise, the eUICC SHALL return an error
code invalidTransactionId.
 Upon any error returned in these verifications, the eUICC SHALL terminate the RSP
 If the eUICC supports the encrypted Device Change data in Device Change
response: generate a new one-time KA key pair (otSK.EUICC.KA, otPK.EUICC.KA)
using the parameters indicated by the
subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithmIdentifier.parameters field of the
CERT.DPauth.SIG, and attach otSK.EUICC.KA to the RSP session.
 Generate euiccSigned3 data object as defined hereunder which MAY include
vendor-specific additional information (e.g., as described in Annex P).
 Compute the euiccSignature3 over the concatenated data objects
euiccSigned3 and smdpSignature3 using the SK.EUICC.SIG that was used in
the "ES10b.AuthenticateServer response".
Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows.

PrepareDeviceChangeRequest ::= [77] SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF4D'
smdpSigned4 SmdpSigned4, -- Signed information
smdpSignature4 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'
hashCc Octet32 OPTIONAL -- Hash of confirmation code

SmdpSigned4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the
ccRequiredFlag BOOLEAN, -- Indicates if the Confirmation Code is required
activationCodeForProfileRecovery [1] UTF8String (SIZE(0..255)) OPTIONAL --
presents only in ES9+.AuthenticateClient response for a profileRecoveryRequest

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows.

PrepareDeviceChangeResponse ::= [77] CHOICE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF4D'
downloadResponseOk PrepareDeviceChangeResponseOk,
downloadResponseError PrepareDeviceChangeResponseError

PrepareDeviceChangeResponseOk ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

euiccSigned3 EUICCSigned3, -- Signed information
euiccSignature3 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'

EUICCSigned3 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId,

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hashCc Octet32 OPTIONAL, -- Hash of confirmation code
additionalInformation VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL

PrepareDeviceChangeResponseError ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
downloadErrorCode DownloadErrorCode

In case of the error invalidTransactionId, the transactionId in the

PrepareDownloadResponse SHALL be set to the value from the

5.7.27 Function (ES10b): VerifyDeviceChange

Related Procedures: Device Change, Profile Recovery

Function Provider Entity: ISD-R (LPA Service)


This function is used by the LPAd to verify the smdpSignature5 returned by the SM-DP+
contained in the response of ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange during the Device Change
procedure or the smdpSignature4 returned by the SM-DP+ contained in the response of
ES9+.AuthenticateClient during the Profile Recovery procedure, via the eUICC.

On the reception of this command, the eUICC SHALL:

 Verify that the SM-DP+ has been previously authenticated. Otherwise, the eUICC
SHALL return an error code noSession.
 Verify that the transactionId contained in the smdpSigned4 or the
smdpSigned5 matches the one of the on-going RSP session. If it does not match,
the eUICC SHALL return an error code invalidTransactionId.
 If the LPAd provide the deviceChangeConfirmation, then:
o Verify the smdpSignature4 using the PK.DPauth.SIG attached to the ongoing
RSP session. If the signature is invalid, the eUICC SHALL return an error code
o If DeviceChangeResponse in smdpSigned4 contains
encryptedDeviceChangeData, then:
 If the eUICC does not support encrypted Device Change data, an
invalidData error SHALL be returned.
 Verify that Control Reference Template describing the keys to generate
matches the values defined here under (Command message part). Otherwise,
an unsupportedCrtValues error SHALL be returned.
 Generate the session keys (S-ENC and S-MAC) and the initial MAC chaining
value from received otPK.DP.KA and previously generated otSK.EUICC.KA,
using the key agreement algorithm determined according to section 2.6.5.
 Perform decryption and MAC verification of sequenceOf87 data object with
the session key. On any failure during the processing of sequenceOf87, an
invalidData error SHALL be returned.

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If the Profile identified by the ICCID is not in disabled state, a
profileNotInDisabledState error SHALL be returned.
 Delete the Profile identified by the ICCID.
 Return verifyDeviceChangeData containing decrypted
DeviceChangeData TLV.
o Otherwise:
 Return verifyDeviceChangeNull.
 If the LPAd provide the profileRecoveryResponse, then:
o Verify the smdpSignature2 using the PK.DPauth.SIG attached to the ongoing
RSP session. If the signature is invalid, the eUICC SHALL return an error code
o Return verifyDeviceChangeNull if all the above verifications succeed.
 Discard the RSP session in both cases.
Command Data

The command data SHALL be coded as follows.

VerifyDeviceChangeRequest ::= [75] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF4B' #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
deviceChangeConfirmation [0] SEQUENCE {
smdpSigned5 SmdpSigned5, -- Signed information
profileRecoveryResponse [1] SEQUENCE {
smdpSigned4 SmdpSigned4, -- Signed information
smdpSignature4 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'

SmdpSigned5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
deviceChangeResponse [1] DeviceChangeResponse OPTIONAL

DeviceChangeResponse ::= CHOICE {

deviceChangeData [0] DeviceChangeData,
encryptedDeviceChangeData [1] EncryptedDeviceChangeData

DeviceChangeData ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

iccid Iccid,
activationCodeForDc [0] UTF8String (SIZE(0..255)),
deleteOldProfile [1] NULL OPTIONAL, -- Deletion of the installed Profile
deleteNotificationForDcSupport [2] NULL OPTIONAL, -- Delete Notification for
Device Change supported
notificationAddress [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- FQDN that processes the Delete
Notification for Device Change
profileRecoverySupport [4] NULL OPTIONAL,
profileRecoveryValidityPeriod [5] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL -- Absolute date and
time for Profile Recovery

EncryptedDeviceChangeData ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

controlRefTemplate [6] IMPLICIT ControlRefTemplate,
sequenceOf87 [1] SEQUENCE OF [7] OCTET STRING -- sequence of '87' TLVs

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sequenceOf87 data object contains protected TLV of DeviceChangeData. The
concatenated TLVs are protected with session keys resulting from the key agreement (S-
ENC, S-CMAC) (section 2.6.4).

The eUICC SHALL verify the values provided for key type and key length match the
expected symmetric encryption algorithm according to section 2.6.5:

 When AES-128 is selected by the SM-DP+, keyType SHALL contain value '88' and
keyLen SHALL contain '10'.

 When SM4 is selected by the SM-DP+, keyType SHALL contain value '89' and
keyLen SHALL contain '10'.

NOTE: Key type values are assigned in the GlobalPlatform Card Specification [8].

Response Data

The response data SHALL be coded as follows:

VerifyDeviceChangeResponse ::= [75] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF4B' #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
verifyDeviceChangeOk CHOICE {
verifyDeviceChangeNull [0] NULL,
verifyDeviceChangeData [1] DeviceChangeData
verifyDeviceChangeError INTEGER {
If the eUICC indicates profileNotInDisabledState error, the LPA MAY disable the
target Profile and retry ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange function call.

5.8 ES11 (LPA -- SM-DS)

ES11 is the interface between:

 The LPA entity (more specifically the LDS endpoint).

 The SM-DS.

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Figure 38: ES11

The LPA SHALL communicate with the SM-DS secured by TLS in server authentication
mode as described in section 2.6.6.

The format of the TLS Certificates (CERT.DS.TLS) used for TLS connections is described in

During TLS establishment, LPA SHALL verify the received CERT.DS.TLS according to
section If any of these verifications fail, the TLS connection SHALL be rejected, and
the on-going procedure SHALL fail.

5.8.1 Function: InitiateAuthentication

Related Procedures: Common Mutual Authentication for Event Retrieval

Function Provider Entity: SM-DS


This function is identical to "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" where the SM-DS plays the role of
SM-DP+ and where:

 The SM-DP+ SHALL be replaced by the SM-DS.

 CERT.DPauth.SIG SHALL be replaced by CERT.DSauth.SIG.

NOTE: The input data object 'smdpAddress' contains an SM-DS address in this

Specific Status Codes

Subjec Reason
Subject Reason Description
t Code code
8.9.1 3.8 Refused Invalid SM-DS Address.
Security None of the proposed Public Key Identifiers is
8.9.2 3.1 Unsupported
configuration supported by the SM-DS.
8.9.4 SM-DS 3.7 Unavailable The SM-DS has no CERT.DS.SIG which
Certificate chains to one of the eSIM CA RootCA
Certificate Public Key supported by the

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Table 48a: InitiateAuthentication Specific Status codes

5.8.2 Function: AuthenticateClient

Related Procedures: Common mutual authentication for Event Retrieval or Push Service

Function Provider Entity: SM-DS


This function SHALL be called by the LPA to request the authentication of the eUICC by the

This function is correlated to a previous normal execution of an "ES11.InitiateAuthentication"

function through a Transaction ID delivered by the SM-DS.

On reception of this function call, the SM-DS SHALL:

 Verify the validity of the eUICC certificate chain, as defined in section If the
eUICC Certificate (or any of the certificates in the chain) is invalid or expired, the SM-
DS SHALL return a status code "eUICC Certificate - Verification failed" or "eUICC
Certificate - Expired" respectively. If any of the certificates is missing in the chain, the
SM-DS SHALL return a status code "eUICC Certificate - Verification failed".
 Verify that the Root Certificate of the eUICC certificate chain corresponds to the
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed or euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 that the SM-DS selected
when executing the "ES11.InitiateAuthentication" function. If it doesn't correspond or
the chain variant doesn't match, the SM-DS SHALL return a status code "CI Public
Key - Unknown".
 Verify the eUICC signature (euiccSignature1) using the PK.EUICC.SIG as
described in section 5.7.13 "ES10b.AuthenticateServer". Otherwise, the SM-DS
SHALL return a status code "eUICC - Verification failed".
 Verify that the transactionId is known and relates to an ongoing RSP session.
Otherwise, the SM-DS SHALL return a status code "TransactionId - Unknown".
 Verify that the serverChallenge attached to the ongoing RSP session matches the
serverChallenge returned by the eUICC. Otherwise, the SM-DS SHALL return a
status code "eUICC - Verification failed".
 If euiccRspCapability.euiccRspCapInInfo1 is set to '1', verify that
euiccRspCapability was present in euiccInfo1 as received in
ES11.InitiateAuthentication and that euiccRspCapability in euiccInfo2
matches the value received in euiccInfo1. Otherwise the SM-DS SHALL return a
status code "eUICC - Value has Changed".
 Verify that lpaRspCapability in deviceInfo matches the value received in
ES11.InitiateAuthentication. Otherwise the SM-DS SHALL return a status code "LPA -
Value has Changed".
The SM-DS SHALL identify the type of operation requested by the LPA by checking the
content of ctxParams1.

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 If it contains ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication, the SM-DS SHALL regard
this as an Event Retrieval request.
 If it contains ctxParamsForPushServiceRegistration, the SM-DS SHALL
regard this as a Push Service Registration request.

 Otherwise, the SM-DS SHALL regard this as an error and SHALL return a status
code "Function – Unsupported".

Beginning of Event Retrieval operation


 Ignore the iccid (if any), and retrieve the Event ID, RSP Server address, Event type,
optional hashed ICCID, optional Salt, optional Service Provider name, and optional
Operator ID tuple(s) for the requesting eUICC.

 Generate the list of Event Records. The list of Event Records SHALL be determined
depending on the content of the received ctxParams1:

o The SM-DS SHALL retrieve the operationType value contained in

ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication. If it is not present, the SM-DS
SHALL use the value of "Profile Download" in the following steps.
o If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains no matchingId data object
or an empty value for matchingId, the SM-DS SHALL retrieve and return a list of
the Event Records of which the EID and Event type match the requesting eUICC
and operationType, respectively. This list MAY be empty. In addition to a list of
the Event Records, if the SM-DS and the LPA use a Push Service, the SM-DS
MAY return pushServiceRefreshTime.
o If ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a matchingId data object
with an eventId value, the SM-DS SHALL retrieve and return the Event Records
of which the EID, Event ID, and Event Type match the requesting eUICC,
eventId, and operationType, respectively. If no Event Record is identified:
o if ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication contains a matchingIdSource
data object set to an SM-DS OID, the SM-DS SHOULD delete the Event
Record from the SM-DS identified by that OID.
o the SM-DS SHALL return a status code "Event Record - Unknown".

 If the LPA indicates eventCheckingSupport and the SM-DS supports the Event
Checking, generate an ECID randomly and associate the ECID with the EID in the
CERT.EUICC.SIG. The ECID SHALL be unique within the scope of the SM-DS and
SHALL NOT contain the EID in plaintext.
NOTE: SM-DS may implement proprietary mechanisms to detect and delete unused

 If the LPA indicates signedSmdsResponseV3Support, generate an smdsSigned2

data object containing the Transaction ID, list of Event Records, optionally the ECID
and pushServiceRefreshTime, and compute the signature smdsSignature2 over
the concatenated data objects smdsSigned2 and euiccSignature1 as defined in
"ES10a.VerifySmdsResponse" (section 5.7.24). Otherwise, create a response

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comprising the Transaction ID and list of Event Records as defined in version 2 of this

End of Event Retrieval operation

Beginning of Push Service Registration operation


 Return an error status "Push Service – Unsupported" if the SM-DS does not support
the Push Service
 Verify that the Push Service contained in the selectedPushService field is
supported by the SM-DS. If verification fails, the SM-DS SHALL return an error status
"Push Service Registration – Unsupported".
 Store the received Push Token and associate the Push Token with the EID of the
requesting eUICC.
NOTE: The SM-DS may perform additional operations to enable the selected
Push Service e.g., interaction with the push server, which are out of scope
of this specification.

 Generate an smdsSigned2 data object containing the Transaction ID and optionally

pushServiceRefreshTime, and compute the signature smdsSignature2 over
the concatenated data objects smdsSigned2 and euiccSignature1as defined in
"ES10a.VerifySmdsResponse" (section 5.7.24).

End of Push Service Registration operation

The SM-DS MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this specification.

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that Event Retrieval

has been successfully executed.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated by the
transactionId Binary[1-16] 1 M
SM-DS (section 3.0.1).
authenticateServerResponse Authenticate Server Response. Binary (1) 1 M
NOTE 1: AuthenticateServerResponse data object defined in section 5.7.13 (function

Table 49: AuthenticateClient Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

Output data name Description Type No. MOC

Transaction ID as generated by the SM-DS
transactionId Binary[1-16] 1 M
(section 3.0.1).

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The list of Event Records (Event ID and

eventEntries EVENT_RECORD 0..N C(2)
RSP Server address pair(s)) for the EID.
Either Event Record(s) for the EID or Push
smdsSigned2 Binary(1) 1 C(2)
Service Registration result.
smdsSignature2 SM-DS signature Binary(1) 1 C(2)
NOTE 1: smdsSigned2 and smdsSignature2 are the data objects defined in section 5.7.24 (function
"ES10a.VerifySmdsResponse"). They SHALL be returned as encoded data objects including the tags
defined for them in the VerifySmdsResponseRequest data object.

NOTE 2: In case of an Event Retrieval request, when the LPA indicates

signedSmdsResponseV3Support, the SM-DS SHALL return smdsSigned2 and
smdsSignature2 data objects, otherwise it SHALL return an eventEntries data object.

Table 50: AuthenticateClient Additional Output Data

The EVENT_RECORD type is used only when the LPA does not support signed SM-DS
event records. It is defined by the following data structure:

Data name Description Type No. MOC

eventId Identification of the Event. String 1 M
RSP Server address where the operation
rspServerAddress corresponding to the Event can be FQDN 1 M


Specific Status Codes

Subjec Reason
Subject Reason Description
t Code code
eUICC eUICC Certificate or any certificate in the
8.1.3 6.1 Verification Failed
Certificate trust chain is invalid.
eUICC eUICC Certificate or any certificate in the
8.1.3 6.3 Expired
Certificate trust chain has expired.
eUICC signature is invalid or serverChallenge
8.1 eUICC 6.1 Verification Failed
is invalid.
The RSP session identified by the
8.10.1 TransactionId 3.9 Unknown
TransactionID is unknown.
Unknown eSIM CA RootCA Public Key. The
eSIM CA is not a trusted root for the SM-DS,
8.11.1 CI Public Key 3.9 Unknown
or not the root elected by the SM-DS in
InitiateAuthentication response.
No Event identified by the Event ID for the
8.9.5 Event Record 3.9 Unknown
EID exists.
Value has
8.1 eUICC 3.11 eUICC RSP Capabilities have changed
compared to those previously received.
Value has
8.12 LPA 3.11 LPA RSP Capabilities have changed
compared to those previously received.
8.9.x Push Service 3.1 Unsupported
Push Service is not supported by the SM-DS.

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Push Service
8.10.x 3.1 Unsupported Selected Push Service is not supported by
the SM-DS
Push Service The Selected Push Service and/or Push
8.10.x 3.12 Invalid Match Token contained in Push Service Registration
is different from those contained in
1.6 Function 3.1 Unsupported The requested function is not supported by
the SM-DS.

Table 52: AuthenticateClient specific Status Codes

5.8.3 Function: CheckEvent

Related Procedures: Event Checking

Function Provider Entity: SM-DS


This function SHALL be called by the LPA to check the presence of pending Event
Record(s) for the eUICC.

On reception of this function call, the SM-DS SHALL:

 Return an error status "Event Checking – Unsupported" if the SM-DS does not
support Event Checking.
 Verify that the received address matches its own SM-DS address, where the
comparison SHALL be case-insensitive. Otherwise, the SM-DS SHALL return a
status code "SM-DS Address - Refused".
 Verify that the received ECID is valid. If the received ECID is known by the SM-DS
but has been expired, the SM-DS SHALL return an error status "ECID – Expired". If
the received ECID is unknown by the SM-DS, the SM-DS SHALL return an error
status "ECID – Unknown".
NOTE: the lifetime of an ECID and its history is SM-DS implementation specific.

 Check if there exist any Event Record(s) corresponding to the received ECID.
 Set isPendingEvent to true if at least one Event Record corresponding to the
received ECID exists. Otherwise, the SM-DS SHALL set it to false.
The SM-DS MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this specification.

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the Event

Checking has been successfully processed.
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.

Additional Input Data:

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Input data name Description Type No. MOC

ecId EventCheckingID for the SM-DS Binary[16-32] 1 M

The SM-DS Address as known and provided by

smdsAddress FQDN 1 M
the LPA.

Table 52a: CheckEvent Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

Output data name Description Type No. MOC

Indicates if an Event Record corresponding to
isPendingEvent Boolean 1 M
the received ECID is pending

Table 52b: CheckEvent Additional Output Data

Specific Status Codes

Subjec Reason
Subject Reason Description
t code code
8.10.5. 3.1 Unsupported Event Checking is not supported by the SM-
8.9.6 ECID 6.4 Expired
Expired ECID
8.9.6 ECID 3.9 Unknown
Unknown ECID
8.9.1 3.8 Refused Invalid SM-DS Address.

Table 52c: CheckEvent specific Status Codes

5.9 ES12 (SM-DP+ -- SM-DS)

The ES12 is used by the SM-DP+ to manage Event registration.

Figure 39: ES12

The SM-DP+ communicates with the SM-DS through a secure connection, by establishing a
TLS connection with mutual authentication using CERT.DP.TLS and CERT.DS.TLS. Service
level authorisation is required between SM-DS and SM-DP+. This is out of scope of this

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specification. Additional details about security requested on this interface and the level of
data encryption are defined in section 2.6 and GSMA SAS SM specification [23].

5.9.1 Function: RegisterEvent

Related Procedures: Event Registration

Function Provider Entity: SM-DS (Alternative SM-DS or Root SM-DS)


This function registers an Event Record in the SM-DS (an Alternative SM-DS or a Root SM-

The function caller MAY provide Hashed ICCID(s) and Salt in the input data. This
information can be used by the LPA to identify the target Profile(s) of the Event Record.
Hashed ICCID(s) SHALL be generated as follows, where a 19-digit ICCID SHALL be
followed by the padding character 'F' for hashing, and the ICCID and Salt are encoded as
UTF-8 strings.

 If Salt is not provided: SHA256(ICCID) for each target Profile.

 If Salt is provided: SHA256(ICCID|Salt) for each target Profile, where '|' means
concatenation of data and Salt is randomly generated per function call. The same
Salt SHALL be used to generate multiple hashes in one event.
The function caller MAY provide Service Provider Name and Operator ID in the input data.
This information can be used by the LPA to identify the Service Provider and/or Operator of
the Event Record.

The function caller MAY require that the Event registration is cascaded to a Root SM-DS
using the input data 'forwardingIndicator'. If cascaded registration is requested, the
function caller MAY also specify the Root SM-DS using the input data 'rootSmdsAddress'.
If cascading is requested but the function caller did not specify the Root SM-DS, then the
Root SM-DS used by the function provider is implementation-dependent.

A Root SM-DS SHALL ignore 'forwardingIndicator' and 'rootSmdsAddress'.

On reception of this function call, the SM-DS SHALL:

 Verify that the EventID is not already used by the function caller. Otherwise, the SM-
DS SHALL return a status code "Event Record - Already in Use".
 Store the received Event Record, consisting of the EID, the RSP Server address, the
EventID, the EventType, the HashedIccids (optional), the Salt (optional) the
ServiceProviderName (optional), and the OperatorId (optional), all provided as
function input data, together with the function caller identity (either an SM-DP+ or an
SM-DS OID) received in the TLS Certificate. Additionally:
o If EventType is not provided by the function caller, the SM-DS SHALL
regard this as a function call from a version 2 SM-DP+ and SHALL use the
value denoting 'Profile Download' in the Event Record.
 If required (forwardingIndicator input data set to 'true'), and if the function
provider is an Alternative SM-DS

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 store the FQDN of the Root SM-DS with the Event Record for later use during
Event Deletion.
 cascade the Event registration to the Root-SM-DS by calling the
"ES15.RegisterEvent" with the relevant input data:
o Same EID value.
o Its own SM-DS address to be used for Event retrieval.
o Its own generated Event ID corresponding to this incoming registration
o Same EventType value.
o Same HashedIccids, Salt, ServiceProviderName, and OperatorId values (if
o forwardingIndicator input data set to 'false'
 If registration cascading fails the SM-DS SHALL delete the locally stored Event
Record and return a status code "SM-DS - Inaccessible" or "SM-DS - Execution
The SM-DS MAY perform additional verifications and operations, which are out of scope of
this specification.

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the Event has
been registered (and cascaded if required).
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

eid Identification of the targeted eUICC. EID 1 M

RSP Server address where the operation

rspServerAddress corresponding to the registered Event can be FQDN 1 M
eventId Identification of the Event. The EventID SHALL String 1 M
be unique in the context of the function caller.
forwardingIndicator Indicates if the registration has to be made to Boolean 1 M
the Root SM-DS. The Root SM-DS SHALL
ignore this input data.
rootSmdsAddress Indicates the Root SM-DS to be used when FQDN 1 C(4)
forwardingIndicator is TRUE.
eventType Type of the RSP Operation associated with the
Event. This SHALL be one of the following
values: INTEGER 1 C(1)
1 -> Profile Download
2 -> RPM
hashedIccids Identification of the target Profile(s). Binary[32] 1..N O
salt Random string to be concatenated with
Binary[8-16] 1 C(2)
ICCID(s) for hashing.

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serviceProviderName Name of the Service Provider that requested
String 1 O
the RSP Operation.
operatorId Identification of the Operator that requested the
Binary(3) 1 O
RSP Operation.
NOTE 1: This field SHALL be provided if SM-DP+ is v3.
NOTE 2: This field MAY be provided if and only if hashedIccids is present.
NOTE 3: This field SHALL use the ASN.1 format defined in section 2.4a.1.2.
NOTE 4: This field MAY be provided if and only if forwardingIndicator is TRUE.

Table 53: RegisterEvent Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

No additional output data.

Specific Status Codes

Subjec Reason
Subject Reason Description
t Code code
The Event Record already exist in the SM-DS
8.9.5 Event record 3.3 Already in use
(EventID duplicated).
The cascade SM-DS registration has failed.
8.9 SM-DS 5.1 Inaccessible
Root SM-DS was unavailable.
The cascade SM-DS registration has failed.
8.9 SM-DS 4.2 Execution error
Root SM-DS has raised an error.

Table 54: RegisterEvent specific status codes

5.9.2 Function: DeleteEvent

Related Procedures: Event Deletion

Function Provider Entity: SM-DS


This function deletes an Event Record in the SM-DS (an Alternative SM-DS or a Root SM-

On reception of this function call, the SM-DS SHALL:

 Retrieve the Event Record corresponding to the provided Event ID and the function
caller identity (SM-DP+ or SM-DS OID) received in the TLS Certificate. If the Event
Record doesn't exist the SM-DS SHALL return a status code "Event Record -
 Determine if the Event Record registration has been cascaded to Root SM-DS(s).
 If the Event Record registration was not cascaded, then the SM-DS SHALL delete the
retrieved Event Record.
 If the Event Record registration was cascaded, then
o the SM-DS SHALL retrieve the FQDN of the Root SM-DS that was stored with the
Event Record.

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o the SM-DS SHALL cascade the deletion of the Event Record to the Root SM-DS
by calling the "ES15.DeleteEvent" with the Event ID value generated by the SM-
DS during Event Record registration.
o If deletion at the Root SM-DS fails:
- Because the Event record was not found (the ES15.DeleteEvent call has
returned a status code "Event Record - Unknown"), the SM-DS SHALL
ignore this error case and consider the deletion at the Root SM-DS has
- For any other reason, the SM-DS SHALL return a status code "SM-DS -
Inaccessible" or "SM-DS - Execution error".
o If deletion at the Root SM-DS has succeeded, the SM-DS SHALL delete the
retrieved Event Record.
The SM-DS MAY perform additional verifications and operations, which are out of scope of
this specification.

This function SHALL return one of the following:

 A 'Function execution status' with 'Executed-Success' indicating that the Event has
been deleted (and cascaded if required).
 A 'Function execution status' indicating 'Failed' with a status code as defined in
section 5.2.6 or a specific status code as defined in the following table.
Additional Input Data:

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

eid Identification of the targeted eUICC. EID 1 M
eventId Identification of the Event. The EventID SHALL be String 1 M
unique in the context of the function caller.

Table 55: DeleteEvent Additional Input Data

Additional Output Data:

No additional output data

Specific Status Codes

Subjec Reason
Subject Reason Description
t Code code
8.9.5 3.9 Unknown The targeted Event Record doesn’t exist.
The cascade SM-DS deletion has failed. Root
8.9 SM-DS 5.1 Inaccessible
SM-DS was unavailable.
The cascade SM-DS deletion has failed. Root
8.9 SM-DS 4.2 Execution error
SM-DS has raised an error.

Table 56: DeleteEvent specific Status Codes

5.10 ES15 (SM-DS -- SM-DS)

This interface is a particular case of the ES12 interface where an Alternative SM-DS is
communicating to the Root SM-DS to manage the cascading of Events. This interface is

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functionally identical to ES12.

Figure 40: ES15

The Alternative SM-DS and the Root SM-DS communicate through a secure connection, by
establishing a TLS connection with mutual authentication using their CERT.DS.TLS. Service
level authorisation is required between both SM-DSs. This is out of scope of this
specification. Additional details about security requested on this interface and the level of
data encryption are defined in section 2.6 and GSMA SAS SM specification [23].

5.10.1 Function: RegisterEvent

Related Procedures: Event Registration

Function Provider Entity: (Root) SM-DS


This function is identical to "ES12.RegisterEvent".

5.10.2 Function: DeleteEvent

Related Procedures: Event Deletion

Function Provider Entity: (Root) SM-DS


This function is identical to "ES12.DeleteEvent".

5.11 ES25 (UIMe -- LUIe)

The implementation of the LUIe uses ES25 between the LPAe and the User Interface
Module for the LPAe (UIMe) in the device.

For LUIe using CAT, the UIMe is the CAT interpreter, which is not RSP specific.

For LUIe using SCWS, the UIMe is the browser with its interface to the SCWS, which is not
RSP specific.

For LUIe using E4E (ENVELOPE commands with tag 'E4'), the UIMe is implementation
specific. It SHALL implement all requirements for the LPA related to the user interface.

A Device supporting LUIe SHALL support at least one of the mechanisms defined in this

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NOTE 1: DeviceCapabilities MAY be empty if provided by the LPAe.

NOTE 2: Support of MEP on ES25 is FFS.

5.11.1 LUIe using CAT

In order to support this option, the Device SHALL support at least the CAT mechanisms
defined in Annex C.4.

5.11.2 LUIe using SCWS

In order to support this option, the Device SHALL support at least the CAT mechanisms
defined in Annex C.4.

In addition, the eUICC and the Device SHALL support the Smartcard Web Server as defined
in [7].

When using High Resolution Icons, it is recommended to embed the URLs to retrieve the
HRIs from the HRI server (see section 5.12.1) into the web pages created by the SCWS.
This avoids passing the (large) HRI data through the eUICC.

5.11.3 LUIe using E4E

In order to support this option, the Device SHALL support at least the CAT mechanisms
defined in Annex C.4.

The following data structure SHALL be sent by the device to the eUICC in an ENVELOPE
E4ERequest ::= [PRIVATE 4] CHOICE { -- Tag 'E4'
startDownload [0] SEQUENCE {
activationCode [0] UTF8String (SIZE(0..255))
}, -- Start Download
confirmDownload [1] SEQUENCE {
enable [0] NULL OPTIONAL, -- enable Profile after download
confirmationCode [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- confirmation code
pinCode [2] UTF8String (SIZE(4..8)) OPTIONAL -- LPAe PIN if used
}, -- Confirm Download
listProfiles [2] NULL, -- List Profiles
enableProfile [3] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid}, -- Enable Profile
disableProfile [4] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid}, -- Disable Profile
deleteProfile [5] SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid,
pinCode [1] UTF8String (SIZE(4..8)) OPTIONAL -- LPAe PIN if used
}, -- Delete Profile
euiccMemReset [6] SEQUENCE {
pinCode [0] UTF8String (SIZE(4..8)) OPTIONAL -- LPAe PIN if used
}, -- eUICC Memory Reset
changeConfirmationPin [7] UTF8String (SIZE(9..17)), -- Change confirmation PIN
setRpmAllow [8] BOOLEAN, -- Turn on/off Remote Profile Management
pollRpmPackage [9] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid OPTIONAL},
-- Check for RPM packages for profile with iccid. No iccid means 'Update All'
confirmRpmPackage [10] SEQUENCE {
pinCode [0] UTF8String (SIZE(4..8)) OPTIONAL
-- LPAe PIN, if used, with Strong Confirmation
}, -- Confirms the pending RpmPackage
cancelSession[11] NULL
-- Cancels the pending profile download or RpmPackage execution

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For startDownload, the UTF8 string, if non-zero length, SHALL contain the Activation
Code as defined in section 4.1. A UTF8 string of zero length SHALL indicate to the eUICC to
check for a new Profile at the Default SM-DP+ (if configured) and the SM-DS.

Even though the ASN.1 definition would allow larger data, each request and response
SHALL be limited so that it can be included in a single APDU.

For changeConfirmationPin, the UTF8 string SHALL contain the old PIN followed by the
new PIN, separated by a semicolon (which is not allowed as PIN character).

Operation pollRpmPackage starts the 'Update Profile' procedure as defined in section

3.2.7. The value of pollRpmPackage makes LPAe to behave as follows:

 'Update' single Profile if the value includes the ICCID of the Profile. Error
errorProfileDoesNotExist is returned if there is not an installed Profile with
that ICCID.

 'Update All' Profiles, if no ICCID is provided.

Operation cancelSession instructs the LPAe to perform the Common Cancel Procedure
as defined in section 3.0.2, with the reason 'endUserRejection'.

NOTE: ENVELOPE commands with tag 'E4' (which is reserved by ETSI for GSMA)
are also used in SGP.02 [2], starting from version 4.0. However, the first
byte of the value part of the TLV is limited to '00' to '03', allowing easy
discrimination from the values defined here.

Depending on the function contained in the ENVELOPE command, the UIMe SHALL return
a response structure to the UIMe, either directly in the response to the ENVELOPE
command, or via a subsequent REFRESH proactive command to the Device with the
following parameters:

 Refresh mode SHALL be set to "Application Update".

 AID SHALL contain the AID of the ISD-R.

 Refresh enforcement policy SHALL be absent.

 The value field of the application specific refresh data SHALL contain the
E4EResponse object defined below.

In case of the REFRESH command in "Application Update" mode is not supported by the
Device, the E4EResponse object is stored in a EF AS-RD (Application Specific – Response
Data) located in the DFGSMA (which resides under the MF and has file ID '7F26' as specified
in ETSI TS 102 221 [6]), and a REFRESH proactive command is sent to the Device with the
following parameters:

 Refresh mode SHALL be set to "NAA File Change Notification".

 AID SHALL contain the AID of the ISD-R.

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 Refresh enforcement policy SHALL be absent.

 The value field of the file list SHALL contain a reference to EFAS-RD.

In the case of a profile state change after the E4E Response, a REFRESH in "UICC Reset"
or "eUICC Profile State Change" mode is sent.

Table 56a below defines the correspondence between the functions and related responses,
and how the responses SHALL be conveyed to the UIMe. Figure 40aa below specifies the
flow visible from the UIMe for a Profile download.

Function contained in Data in the response to the Response data sent in a

the ENVELOPE ENVELOPE command subsequent proactive
command command
startDownload None startDownloadResponse
confirmDownload None confirmDownloadResponse
listProfiles None listProfilesResponse
enableProfile None None
disableProfile None None
deleteProfile None None
euiccMemReset None None
changeConfirmationPin None None
setRpmAllow None None
pollRpmPackage None pollRpmPackageResponse
confirmRpmPackage None None
cancelSession None None

Table 56a: Functions and their responses for E4E

Responses startDownloadResponse and pollRpmPackageResponse requires the
User to confirm them using confirmDownload and confirmRpmPackage, respectively.

The structure of the response data is defined below:

E4EResponse ::= [PRIVATE 4] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'E4'
resultCode [0] E4EResultCode,
resultData [1] CHOICE {
startDownloadResponse [0] SEQUENCE {
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)), -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)), -- Tag '92'
ccRequired [0] NULL OPTIONAL -- confirmation code required
listProfilesResponse [3] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid, -- Profile ICCID
profileState [112] ProfileState, -- Tag '9F70'
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)), -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)) -- Tag '92'
-- the eUICC MAY truncate these names so that the response fits
-- into one APDU
pollRpmPackageResponse [4] SEQUENCE {

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rpmPackage [0] RpmPackage, -- RPM Package to be confirmed by user
rpmPending [1] NULL OPTIONAL -- There are pending RPM Packages after this
confirmDownloadResponse [5] SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid -- Profile ICCID

E4EResultCode ::= INTEGER {

success (0),
errorBusy (1), -- CAT not available due to another operation
errorComm (2), -- Communication error with server
errorAuth (3), -- Mutual Authentication Error
errorNoProfile (4), -- No Profile available for download at SM-DP+
errorEligibility (5), -- SM-DP+ rejected download due to Eligibility Check
errorInstall (6), -- Error during Profile installation
errorPin (7), -- Invalid PIN
errorProfileRef (8), -- Referenced Profile does not exist
errorAlreadyEnabled (9), -- Referenced Profile is already enabled
errorAlreadyDisabled (10), -- Referenced Profile is already disabled
errorConfirmationCode (11), -- Invalid Confirmation Code,
errorRpmDisabled (12), -- Cannot pollRpmPackage, RPM is disabled
errorProfileDoesNotExist (13), -- There is no profile with provided ICCID
undefinedError (127)


NOTE: If there is no pending RPM command, rpmPackage data element in

pollRpmPackageResponse is a zero-length sequence.

The flow for a profile download is defined below:

hide footbox
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam sequenceArrowFontSize 11
skinparam noteFontSize 11
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam lifelinestrategy solid

participant "<b>End-User" as U
participant "<b>LPAe" as LPA
participant "<b>Device" as D
participant "<b>SM-DP+" as DP

U-->D: [Trigger addition of Profile]

D-->LPA: E4E with startDownload

rnote over LPA #FFFFFF

(a) Get SM-DP+ Address, Parse Activation Code Token, [SM-DP+ OID], [CI PK ind.]
from AC, or
(b) Get SM-DP+ Address and EventID from SM-DS, or
(c) Get Default SM-DP+ Address, [CI PKID] from eUICC, or
End rnote

LPA-->D: Acnowledge E4E

LPA-->D: Open BIP Channel
LPA-->DP: [Contact server, Common Mutual Authenitcation, retrieve Profile metadata]

LPA-->D: Alerting with startDownloadResponse

D-->U: [Present content to user]

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U-->D: [Optional confirmation code and/or LPAe PIN]
D-->LPA: E4E with confirmDownload
LPA-->D: Acnowledge E4E

LPA-->DP: [Retrieve BPP]

LPA-->LPA: [install Profile]

LPA-->D: Alerting with confirmDownloadResponse

D-->U: [Present result to user]
alt enable profile
LPA-->D: REFRESH "UICC Reset" or "eUICC Status Change"

Figure 40aa: Profile download using E4E

After a startDownload, the eUICC SHALL return the serviceProviderName and the
profileName from the Metadata of the Profile to download. Thereafter, the eUICC SHALL be
informed with confirmDownload if the End User accepts the download. After Bound Profile
Package download and install process is performed, the eUICC SHALL inform the status of the
download with confirmDownloadResponse.

The listProfilesResponse SHALL contain a list of all Profiles on the eUICC. enableProfile,
disableProfile, and deleteProfile SHALL reference a Profile using its ICCID as returned by

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5.12 Other functions

5.12.1 Function: RetrieveIcon

Related Procedures: may be used in different procedures.

Function Provider Entity: HRI Server


This function is used to retrieve an icon related to the Profile from the HRI Server. This
function MAY be used in different procedures.

The HRI Server MAY be operated by any entity, e.g., the SM-DP+, the Operator or any other
party. If it is operated by the SM-DP+, the server infrastructure of the SM-DP+ SHALL allow
the same TLS connection that is established for any other RSP procedure to be used for
retrieving one or several icons.

On reception of this function call, the HRI Server SHALL:

 If required, customise the icon data (resize, crop, etc.) so that the resulting icon
matches the request parameters.
 In the response send the icon to the LPA.
The HRI Server MAY perform additional operations, which are out of scope of this

This function SHALL use an HTTP GET request instead of the function binding defined in
sections 6.5 and 6.6.

The URL of the request SHALL be formatted as follows:


<iconLocation> is the string provided in the Metadata of the Profile. The other parameters
SHALL be added by the LPA.

<width> is the width of the icon in pixels. Permitted range: 64 to 1024.

<height> is the height of the icon in pixels. Permitted range: 64 to 1536.

Permitted range of aspects ratios (height / width): 1.5 to 0.25.

<format> is the icon format. Permitted values: "jpg", "png".

Example for a valid request:

The HRI Server SHALL return an icon in the requested format in the HTTP response.

See section 5.11.2 for handling by the LPAe.

5.13 ES22 (Device Application -- LPDd)

The ES22 is an interface defined between the Device Application and the LPDd.

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Figure 40a: ES22

The access to the LPDd via the ES22 interface SHALL be authorised by a Device
manufacturer implementation-specific access control mechanism.

The coding and function binding of ES22 functions are Device manufacturer implementation-

5.14 ES21 (Device Application -- LPRd)

ES21 is an interface defined between the Device Application and the LPRd, which initiates
Profile Content Management sessions and optionally relays progress information from the

Figure 40b: ES21

The Device SHALL provide an implementation-specific mechanism by which the Device

Application can determine whether the LPA Proxy feature is supported on the Device and
the eUICC.

The specific function binding for the Command, Response, and Notification Data on the
ES21 interface is Device manufacturer-specific.

5.14.1 Function: InitiateProfileContentManagement

Related Procedures: Profile Content Management

Function Provider Entity: LPRd


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This function is used by the Device Application to trigger a Profile Content Management
session, optionally with a specified DPI parameter, and to request progress information from
the PCM session.
On reception of this command, the LPRd SHALL:
 Verify that there is an enabled Profile; otherwise, return the error
 Retrieve the Profile Metadata for the currently enabled Profile by calling the
"ES10c.GetProfilesInfo" function.
 Verify that the Device Application is authorised to trigger a PCM session on the
enabled Profile; otherwise, return the error deviceApplicationNotAuthorised.
The mechanism by which this authorisation is performed is Device manufacturer-
 Verify that the Profile Metadata contains an lprConfiguration with a non-empty
PCMP address; otherwise, return the error noLprConfiguration.
 Verify that either the End User has not disallowed mobile network data to be used
for the LPA Proxy/PCM session and mobile network data is available, or that some
other data connectivity is available. If data connectivity is unavailable, return the
error dataConnectivityNotAvailable.
 If the Device Application has requested progress information, initialise the Device
manufacturer-specific mechanism by which it is delivered. (For example, this could
register a callback function, create a message channel, etc.).
 Calculate the initial URI by concatenating the PCMP address from the Metadata of
the enabled Profile, and the DPI provided by the Device Application, if available.
 Trigger the PCMAA with the initial URI.
 Return ok (success) to the Device Application.

Command Data

Input data name Description Type No. MOC

Delegated Platform Identifier to be used for the
dpi UTF-8 String 1 O
PCM session.
progressRequest Indicates that the Device application wishes to Boolean 1 O
receive PCM progress information.

Response Data

Output data name Description Type No. MOC

status Status of the requested operation Integer 1 M

Status Values

Status Description
ok Success (PCM session was triggered)
noEnabledProfile No Profile is enabled

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deviceApplicationNotAuthorise Device Application is not authorised to trigger PCM on the

d enabled Profile
No LprConfiguration or empty PCMP address in the
Metadata of the enabled Profile
The PCM session cannot be triggered because there is no
data connection

5.14.2 Notification: PcmProgressInformation

Related Procedures: Profile Content Management

Function Provider Entity: LPRd


A Device Application that triggers a Profile Content Management session MAY request
progress information from that session. The method by which this information is delivered is
Device manufacturer-specific. There are several notification types:

 A progress message delivered from the Profile Content Management Platform

(server), containing binary data whose format and content is Profile Owner-specific.

 An indication of a script part delivery to the UICC, optionally along with the set of
UICC status words for each processed APDU.

 An indication that an HTTP request has been sent to the PCMP, including the
targeted URI and conditionally the ending status of a delegated PCM dialog.

 An indication that the PCM session has ended and its ending status.

The progress information MAY include additional content that is Device manufacturer-

Notification Data

The progress information SHALL indicate the notification type and contain at least the
following information based upon the type, as described hereunder. It MAY include
additional content that is Device manufacturer-specific.

Progress Message:

Data name Description Type No. MOC

progressMessage Progress information message from the PCMP Binary 1 M

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Script Part Delivery:

Data name Description Type No. MOC

partIndex Index of the executed script part INTEGER 1 M

The status of the script delivery to the eUICC,

scriptStatus containing one of the values defined for X- String 1 M
Admin-Script-Status in [74] section
The status words from each processed APDU in
a script part. This MAY not be present if there
apduStatus Binary 1 C
are no status words (e.g., if an error prevented
the script from being processed).

HTTP Request to PCMP:

Data name Description Type No. MOC

uri Targeted URI String 1 M

The last dialog status, containing one of the

values defined for X-Admin-Dialog-Status in
dialogEndingStatus [74] section This is provided when the String 1 C
HTTP request immediately follows the end of a
dialog with each PCMP.

HTTP Response From PCMP:

Data name Description Type No. MOC

The number of script parts received from the
partsCount INTEGER 1 M
PCMP in the HTTP response.
The ending status of the dialog with the PCMP,
containing one of the values defined for X-
dialogEndingStatus Admin-Dialog-Status in [74] section String 1 C
This is provided for the final HTTP response in a
PCMP dialog.

End of PCM Session:

Data name Description Type No. MOC

The ending status of the PCM session,
dialogEndingStatus containing one of the values defined for X- String 1 M
Admin-Dialog-Status in [74] section

6 Interface binding over HTTP

This section defines how to use HTTP/1.1, defined in RFCs 7230 [81] and 7231 [82], and
TLS, defined in RFC 5246 [16], as the transport layer to exchange ES2+, ES9+, ES11,
ES12, and ES15 function requests and responses.

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On ES9+ and ES11, the LPA always acts as an HTTP client and is in charge of managing
the connection establishment to the RSP Server. The LPA SHALL use either JSON binding
defined in section 6.5 or ASN.1 binding defined in section 6.6. The LPAe SHALL exchange
the HTTPS POST requests and responses defined in this section using BIP over TCP.

On ES2+, ES12, and ES15 any RSP Server MAY act as an HTTP client or an HTTP server.
JSON binding defined in section 6.5 SHALL be used.

In case of communication failure, the HTTP client is responsible for retry and reconnection

6.1 TLS Security

Transport Layer Security (TLS) secures the messages exchanged between a function
requester and function provider. Refer to section 2.6.6 for TLS version and security details
that the HTTP Client and the HTTP Server SHALL follow.

In case a procedure defined in section 3 is restarted, a new TLS session SHALL be

established. In case of failure within a procedure, the TLS session MAY be resumed or re-

6.1.1 Identification/Authentication/Authorisation
If applicable on the interface, authentication of the sending party of a JSON message SHALL
rely on the Transport layer security (using TLS Certificate of the sending party).

6.1.2 Integrity
The integrity of the message SHALL exclusively rely on the Transport Layer Security (TLS).

6.1.3 Confidentiality
The confidentiality of the message SHALL exclusively rely on the Transport Layer Security

6.2 HTTP request and response

An HTTP POST request SHALL be used to transport a single function execution request.
The corresponding function execution response SHALL be returned as defined in SGP.02
[02] depending on the used Message eXchange Pattern (MXP).

This specification uses the following MXPs:

Synchronous Request-Response: the request payload SHALL be sent in the HTTP
POST request, and the function execution response SHALL be returned in the HTTP
POST response.
 Notification: the notification payload SHALL be sent in the HTTP POST request and
the HTTP POST response body SHALL be empty.
NOTE: Following common practice in the Internet, Devices typically convert the FQDN
contained in the Activation Code to lowercase when providing it in the SNI
(Server Name Indication) extension of TLS and in the "Host" header field of the
HTTP POST request. However, the Devices are not mandated to perform this
conversion. Therefore, an issue may occur if the SM-DP+ or SM-DS does not
perform a case-insensitive comparison.

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HTTP POST request for ES9+ and ES11 SHALL contain a "User-Agent" header field
defined according to RFC 7231 [82] as either of the following:

User-Agent: <product>
User-Agent: <product> (<comment>)
where <product> is either gsma-rsp-lpad or gsma-rsp-lpae. Additional information MAY
be included in a comment delimited by parentheses as defined by RFC 7230 [81].

Alternatively, the "User-Agent" field MAY contain additional information after a semicolon,
as defined in version 2 of this specification. An SM-XX compliant to this version of this
specification SHALL accept this format. However, the LPA SHOULD NOT use this format;
instead it SHOULD provide any additional information within an RFC 7230 [81] compliant
NOTE: The use of a semicolon to indicate additional information is not compliant
with RFC 7231 [82] and its support may be removed in a future version of
this specification.

HTTP POST request and response SHALL contain an "X-Admin-Protocol" header field as
defined hereunder:

X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v<x.y.z>
<x.y.z> indicates a SVN of SGP.22 [This document].

On ES2+, ES12 and ES15, this indicates the highest SVN supported by the RSP Server
acting as the function requester. The RSP Server acting as the function provider SHALL
return an HTTP response as defined in the SGP.22 [This document] version corresponding
to the lower of the function requester SVN and the function provider SVN.

On ES9+ and ES11, this field is deprecated and SHALL be set to v2.1.0 in both HTTP
request and HTTP response.

NOTE: this value is required for interoperability with version 2 of this specification.

HTTP POST request and response SHALL contain a "Content-type" header field to
indicate the nature of the binding. A JSON binding SHALL be indicated by the value
"application/json;charset=UTF-8", which also mandates UTF-8 encoding. An ASN-1
binding SHALL be indicated by the value "application/x-gsma-rsp-asn1". The
"Content-type" header field of an HTTP response SHOULD NOT be set when the body is
empty (e.g., case of notification function response). If present, it SHALL be ignored.

NOTE: In version 2, the JSON encoding was not specified (see also Annex N).

HTTP POST request and response MAY contain additional header fields. Their use is out of
scope of this specification.

6.3 HTTP response status codes

Standard HTTP status codes SHALL apply to this section.

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Status codes '1xx' (Information), '3xx' (Redirection), '4xx' (HTTP client error) and '5xx' (HTTP
server error) MAY be used by the RSP Server (i.e., the HTTP server).

The retry policy for HTTP request answered with status codes '4xx' and '5xx' is out of scope
of this specification.

A normal request-response function execution status (MXP Synchronous request-response)

SHALL be indicated by the HTTP status code '200' (OK) in the HTTP response, regardless
whether the function response is an error or a success, as defined in SGP.02 [02].

A normal notification function execution status (MXP Notification) SHALL be indicated by the
HTTP status code '204' (No Content) with an empty HTTP response body as defined in
SGP.02 [02].

Other status codes '2xx' SHALL NOT be used by the RSP Server.

6.4 Secure Channel Set-Up on ES2+

The process of setting up secure channel is out of scope of this document. This process
includes the exchange of the following information:

 Function requester and Function provider OIDs and identity SHALL be registered to
GSMA Policy Authority and respective values have been communicated to each
 Function requester and Function provider URL SHALL have been communicated to
each party.
 Function requester and Function provider parties’ trust SHALL have been established
on an X-509 certificate chain basis.

6.5 Function Binding in JSON

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is based on a
subset of the JavaScript Programming Language. JSON is a text format that is completely
language independent.

Only the characters that are mandatory to escape (Quotation mark, reverse solidus, and the
control characters) SHALL be escaped in a JSON string value as specified in RFC 7159 [68]
section 7. Other characters SHALL NOT be escaped.

6.5.1 JSON message definition

The Function Requester and the Function Provider SHALL exchange the JSON objects in
HTTP messages as follows.

 HTTP Request SHALL have the following format.

Host: <Server Address>
User-Agent: <User Agent>
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v<x.y.z>
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: <Length of the JSON requestMessage>

<JSON requestMessage>

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The <HTTP Path> is used to indicate which function execution is requested by the HTTP
client. The list of defined <HTTP Path> are described in section 6.5.2.

 HTTP Response SHALL have the following format.

HTTP/1.1 <HTTP Status Code>
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v<x.y.z>
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: <Length of the JSON responseMessage>

<JSON responseMessage> Definition of <JSON requestMessage>

<JSON requestMessage> is the combination of:

 <JSON requestHeader>
 <JSON body> which depends on the function called
HTTP messages for ES9+ and ES11 SHALL NOT contain the <JSON requestHeader>. Definition of <JSON responseMessage>

<JSON responseMessage> is the combination of:

 <JSON responseHeader>
 <JSON body> which depends on the function called
The HTTP POST response body SHALL be empty for MXP notification message (see
section 6.3). Definition of <JSON requestHeader>

The <JSON requestHeader> maps the function input header.

"header": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"functionRequesterIdentifier": {
"type": "string",
"description": "identification of the function requester, or the entity
on behalf of which the function requester operates"
"functionCallIdentifier": {
"type": "string",
"description": "identification of the function call"
"required": ["functionRequesterIdentifier", "functionCallIdentifier"]
} Definition of <JSON responseHeader>

The <JSON responseHeader> maps the function output header.

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"header": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"functionExecutionStatus": {
"type": "object",
"description": "Whether the function has been processed correctly or
"properties": {
"status": {
"type": "string",
"description": " Executed-Success, Failed"
"statusCodeData": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"subjectCode": {
"type": "string",
"description": "OID of the subject code"
"reasonCode": {
"type": "string",
"description": "OID of the reason code"
"subjectIdentifier": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Identifier of the subject "
"message": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Textual and human readable explanation"
"required": ["subjectCode", "reasonCode"]
"required": ["status"]
"required": ["functionExecutionStatus"]
} Details on JSON types

"format": "base64": unless specified otherwise below, the value of a JSON field of this
format SHALL contain the base64 coding defined in RFC 4648 [71] of the DER encoded
ASN.1 data object (including its tag and length fields), referenced in "description".

NOTE In most of the cases, the ASN.1 data object is defined in ES10x
request/responses. Otherwise, the 'description' of the base64 field
references the section where the ASN.1 type is specified.

"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{n,m}$": specifies the hexadecimal representation of the data

referred to in "description".

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6.5.2 List of functions
Function Path MXP
ES2 DownloadOrder /gsma/rsp2/es2plus/downloadOrder Synchronous
+ ConfirmOrder /gsma/rsp2/es2plus/confirmOrder Synchronous
CancelOrder /gsma/rsp2/es2plus/cancelOrder Synchronous
ReleaseProfile /gsma/rsp2/es2plus/releaseProfile Synchronous
RpmOrder /gsma/rsp3/es2plus/rpmOrder Synchronous
ConfirmDeviceChange /gsma/rsp3/es2plus/confirmDeviceChange Synchronous
HandleNotification /gsma/rsp3/es2plus/handleNotification Notification
ES9 InitiateAuthentication /gsma/rsp2/es9plus/initiateAuthentication Synchronous
+ AuthenticateClient /gsma/rsp2/es9plus/authenticateClient Synchronous
GetBoundProfilePackage /gsma/rsp2/es9plus/getBoundProfilePackage Synchronous
HandleNotification /gsma/rsp2/es9plus/handleNotification Notification
HandleDeviceChangeRequest /gsma/rsp3/es9plus/handleDeviceChangeRequest Synchronous
CancelSession /gsma/rsp2/es9plus/cancelSession Synchronous
ES11 InitiateAuthentication [As ES9+] [As ES9+]
AuthenticateClient [As ES9+] [As ES9+]
ES11 InitiateAuthentication [As ES9+] [As ES9+]
ES12 RegisterEvent /gsma/rsp2/es12/registerEvent Synchronous
DeleteEvent /gsma/rsp2/es12/deleteEvent Synchronous
ES15 RegisterEvent [As ES12] [As ES12]
DeleteEvent [As ES12] [As ES12]

Table 57: List of Functions "ES2+.DownloadOrder" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.DownloadOrder" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"eid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{32}$",
"description": "EID as desc in SGP.02"
"iccid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{19}[0-9F]?$",
"description": "ICCID as described in section 5.2.1"
"profileType": {
"type": "string",
"description": "content free information defined by the Operator"

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Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
responseMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.DownloadOrder" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"iccid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{19}[0-9F]?$",
"description": "ICCID as described in section 5.2.1"
"required": ["iccid"]
} "ES2+.ConfirmOrder" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.ConfirmOrder" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"iccid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{19}[0-9F]?$",
"description": "ICCID as described in section 5.2.1"
"eid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{32}$",
"description": "EID as described in section 4.3.1"
"matchingId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section {5.3.2}"
"confirmationCode": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section {5.3.2}"
"smdsAddress": {
"type": "string",
"description": "SM-DS to register the event as defined in section {5.3.2}"
"rootSmdsAddress": {
"type": "string",
"description": "#SupportedFromV3.0.0# Root SM-DS addresses as defined in
section 5.3.2"
"releaseFlag": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "as defined in section {5.3.2}"
"required": ["iccid", "releaseFlag"]

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Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
responseMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.ConfirmOrder" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"eid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{32}$",
"description": "EID as desc in SGP.02"
"matchingId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section {5.3.2}"
"smdpAddress": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section {5.3.2}"
"required": []
} "ES2+.CancelOrder" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.CancelOrder" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"iccid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{19}[0-9F]?$",
"description": "ICCID as described in section 5.2.1"
"eid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{32}$",
"description": "EID as desc in SGP.02"
"matchingId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section {5.3.2}"
"finalProfileStatusIndicator": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section {5.3.4}"
} "ES2+.ReleaseProfile" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.ReleaseProfile" function:

"type": "object",

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"properties": {
"iccid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{19}[0-9F]?$",
"description": "ICCID as described in section 5.2.1"
"required": ["iccid"]
} "ES2+.HandleNotification" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.HandleNotification" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"eid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{32}$",
"description": "EID as described in SGP.02"
"iccid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{19}[0-9F]?$",
"description": "ICCID as described in section 5.2.1"
"matchingId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section 5.3.5"
"notificationReceiverIdentifier": {
"type": "string",
"description": "#SupportedFromV3.0.0# as defined in section 5.3.5"
"notificationIdentifier": {
"type": "string",
"description": "#SupportedFromV3.0.0# as defined in section 5.3.5"
"profileType": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Content free information defined by the Operator
"timestamp": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(Z|
"description": "String format as specified by W3C: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
(E.g., 2001-12-17T09:30:47Z)"
"notificationEvent": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "Identification of the step reached in the procedure or the
forwarded event"
"notificationEventStatus": {
"type": "object",

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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"description": "ExecutionStatus Common Data Type",
"properties": {
"status": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Executed-Success, Failed"
"statusCodeData": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"subjectCode": {
"type": "string",
"description": "OID of the subject code"
"reasonCode": {
"type": "string",
"description": "OID of the reason code"
"subjectIdentifier": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Identifier of the subject"
"message": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Textual and human readable explanation"
"required": ["subjectCode", "reasonCode"]
"required": ["status"]
"resultData": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "finalResult data object contained in the
ProfileInstallationResult or LoadRpmPackageResult"
"required": ["timestamp", "notificationEvent"]
} "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"euiccChallenge": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "base64 encoding of the value field of the eUICC Challenge
defined in Section 5.6.1 (without tag and length fields)"
"euiccInfo1": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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"description": "euiccinfo1 defined in Section 5.6.1"
"smdpAddress": {
"type": "string",
"description": "SM-DP+ Address as defined in Section 5.6.1"
"lpaRspCapability": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "#SupportedFromV3.0.0# lpaRspCapability defined in Section
"required": ["euiccChallenge", "euiccInfo1", "smdpAddress"]

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
responseMessage> corresponding to the "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"transactionId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{2,32}$",
"description": "TransactionID defined in Section 5.6.1"
"serverSigned1": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "The data object as required by ES10b.AuthenticateServer"
"serverSignature1": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "The signature as required by ES10b.AuthenticateServer"
"euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "The CI Public Key to be used as required by
"serverCertificate": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "The server Certificate as required by
"otherCertsInChain": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "#SupportedFromV3.0.0# The remaining part of the server
Certificate chain as described in 5.6.1"
"crlList": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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"description": "#SupportedFromV3.0.0# The CRL list as described in
"required": ["transactionId", "serverSigned1", "serverSignature1",

NOTE: LPA is in charge of transcoding the transactionId. "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"transactionId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{2,32}$",
"description": "TransactionID defined in Section 5.6.2"
"prepareDownloadResponse": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "PrepareDownloadResponse defined in Section 5.6.2"
"required": ["transactionId", "prepareDownloadResponse"]

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
responseMessage> corresponding to the "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"transactionId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{2,32}$",
"description": "TransactionID defined in Section 5.6.2"
"boundProfilePackage": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "Bound Profile Package defined in Section 5.6.2"
"required": ["transactionId", "boundProfilePackage"]
} "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" function:

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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"type": "object",
"properties": {
"transactionId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{2,32}$",
"description": "TransactionID defined in Section 5.6.3"
"authenticateServerResponse": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "AuthenticateServerResponse defined in Section 5.6.3"
"deleteNotificationForDc": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "#SupportedForDcV3.0.0# containing deleteNotificationForDc
TLV, see section"
"required": ["transactionId", "authenticateServerResponse"]

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
responseMessage> corresponding to the "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"transactionId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{2,32}$",
"description": "TransactionID defined in Section 5.6.3"
"required": ["transactionId"],
"oneOf": [
"properties": {
"profileMetadata": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "StoreMetadataRequest defined in section 5.5.3"
"smdpSigned2": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "SmdpSigned2 encoded data object"
"smdpSignature2": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "SM-DP+ signature as defined in ES10b.PrepareDownload"
"smdpCertificate": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "The Certificate as required by ES10b.PrepareDownload"

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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"properties": {
"smdpSigned3": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "SmdpSigned3 encoded data object"
"smdpSignature3": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "SM-DP+ signature as defined in ES10b.LoadRpmPackage"
"required": ["smdpSigned3","smdpSignature3"]
"properties": {
"smdpSigned4": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "SmdpSigned4 encoded data object"
"smdpSignature4": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "SM-DP+ signature as defined in
"serviceProviderMessageForDc": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "#SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Service Provider Message For
Device Change defined in section"
"required": ["smdpSigned4","smdpSignature4"]

Depending on the targeted RSP Server (SM-DP+ or SM-DS) the response MAY be a
<JSON body> corresponding to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" or "ES11.AuthenticateClient"
function. "ES9+.HandleNotification" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES9+.HandleNotification" function.

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"pendingNotification": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "PendingNotification defined in section 5.7.10"

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"required": ["pendingNotification"]
} "ES9+.CancelSession" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES9+.CancelSession" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"transactionId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{2,32}$",
"description": "TransactionID defined in Section 5.6.5"
"cancelSessionResponse": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "CancelSessionResponse data object defined in Section
"required": ["transactionId", "cancelSessionResponse"]

The "ES9+.CancelSession" function has no <JSON body> part of the <JSON

responseMessage>. "ES11.InitiateAuthentication" Function

The <JSON body> part of the <JSON requestMessage> and <JSON body> part of the
<JSON responseMessage> corresponding to the "ES11.InitiateAuthentication" function is
identical to the one defined for the "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" function. "ES11.AuthenticateClient" Function

The <JSON body> part of the <JSON requestMessage> corresponding to the
"ES11.AuthenticateClient" function is identical to the one defined for the
"ES9+.AuthenticateClient" function. Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the
<JSON body> part of the <JSON responseMessage> corresponding to the
"ES11.AuthenticateClient" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"transactionId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{2,32}$",
"description": "TransactionID, see Section 5.8.2"
"required": ["transactionId"],
"oneOf": [

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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"properties": {
"eventEntries": {
"type": "array",
"description": "#SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"description": "data containing EVENT_RECORD, see section 5.8.2",
"properties": {
"eventId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Identification of the event"
"rspServerAddress": {
"type": "string",
"description": "RSP Server address where the event can be
"required": ["eventId", "rspServerAddress"]
"required": ["eventEntries"]
"properties": {
"smdsSigned2": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "#SupportedFromV3.0.0# SM-DS response as defined in
"smdsSignature2": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "#SupportedFromV3.0.0# SM-DS signature as defined in
"required": ["smdsSigned2", "smdsSignature2"]

Depending on the targeted RSP Server (SM-DP+ or SM-DS) the response MAY be a
<JSON body> corresponding to "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" or "ES11.AuthenticateClient"
function. "ES12.RegisterEvent" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES12.RegisterEvent" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"eid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{32}$",

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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"description": "EID as desc in SGP.02"
"rspServerAddress": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section 5.9.1"
"eventId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section 5.9.1"
"forwardingIndicator": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "indicates whether the event is cascaded to a Root SM-DS"
"rootSmdsAddress": {
"type": "string",
"description": "the FQDN of the Root SM-DS for cascaded registration"
"eventType": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "denotes the RSP Operation of this Event Record, see
Section 5.9.1"
"hashedIccids": {
"type": "array",
"description": "identification of the target Profile(s), each calculated
as SHA256(ICCID) or SHA256(ICCID|Salt)",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{64}$"
"salt": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{16,32}$",
"description": "random value to calculate hashedIccids"
"serviceProviderName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "name of the Service Provider that requested the RSP
Operation of this Event Record"
"operatorId": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "identification of the Operator that requested the RSP
Operation of this Event Record, see Section 5.9.1"
"required": ["eid", "rspServerAddress", "eventId", "forwardingIndicator"],
"dependencies": {
"salt": {
"$comment": "salt can be present only if hashedIccids is present",
"required": [ "hashedIccids" ]
"rootSmdsAddress": {
"$comment": "smdsAddress can be present only if forwardingIndicator is
"properties": {

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"forwardingIndicator": { "const": true }

This function has no <JSON body> part of the <JSON responseMessage>. "ES12.DeleteEvent" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES12.DeleteEvent" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"eid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{32}$",
"description": "EID as desc in SGP.02"
"eventId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section 5.9.2"
"required": ["eid", "eventId"]

This function has no <JSON body> part of the <JSON responseMessage>. "ES2+.RpmOrder" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.RpmOrder" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"eid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{32}$",
"description": "EID as described in SGP.02"
"rpmScript": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "RpmPackage defined in section 2.10.1"
"matchingId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section 5.3.6"
"rootSmdsAddress": {
"type": "string",

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"description": "as defined in section 5.3.6"
"altSmdsAddress": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section 5.3.6"
"required": ["eid","rpmScript"],
"dependencies": { "altSmdsAddress": [ "rootSmdsAddress" ] }

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
responseMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.RpmOrder" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"matchingId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "as defined in section {5.3.6}"
"required": ["matchingId"]
} "ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"iccid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{19}[0-9F]?$",
"description": "ICCID as described in section 5.2.1"
"eid": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{32}$",
"description": "EID as described in SGP.02"
"tac": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{8}$",
"description": "TAC as described in section 4.2"
"required": ["iccid"]

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
responseMessage> corresponding to the "ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest" function:

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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"type": "object",
"properties": {
"isNewProfileRequired": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "as defined in section 5.3.7"
"serviceProviderMessageForDc": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "Service Provider Message For Device Change defined in
"cc" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "as defined in section 5.3.7"
"required": ["isNewProfileRequired"]
} "ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"transactionId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{2,32}$",
"description": "TransactionID defined in Section 5.6.5"
"prepareDeviceChangeResponse": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "PrepareDeviceCHangeResponse defined in Section 5.7.26"
"required": ["transactionId","prepareDeviceChangeResponse"]
Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
responseMessage> corresponding to the " ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"transactionId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{2,32}$",
"description": "TransactionID defined in Section 5.6.5"
"smdpSigned5": {
"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "SmdpSigned5 encoded data object as defined in
"smdpSignature5": {

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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"type": "string",
"format": "base64",
"description": "SM-DP+ signature as defined in
"required": ["transactionId"],
"$comment": "smdpSigned5 and smdpSignature5 are either both present or both
"dependencies": {
"smdpsigned5" : ["smdpSignature5"],
"smdpSignature5": ["smdpSigned5"]
} "ES11.CheckEvent" Function

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
requestMessage> corresponding to the "ES11.CheckEvent" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"ecId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9,A-F]{32,64}$",
"description": "Event Checking Identifier"
"smdsAddress": {
"type": "string",
"description": "SM-DS Address"
"required": ["ecId", "smdsAddress"]

Hereunder is the definition of the JSON schema for the <JSON body> part of the <JSON
responseMessage> corresponding to the "ES11.CheckEvent" function:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"isPendingEvent": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Indicates if an Event Record corresponding to the received
ECID is pending"
"required": ["isPendingEvent"]

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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6.6 Function Binding in ASN.1

6.6.1 ASN.1 message definition

The Function requester and the Function Provider SHALL exchange the DER encoded
ASN.1 objects in HTTP messages as follows.

 HTTP Request SHALL have the following format.

HTTP POST gsma/rsp2/asn1 HTTP/1.1
Host: <Server Address>
User-Agent: <User Agent>
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v<x.y.z>
Content-Type: application/x-gsma-rsp-asn1
Content-Length: <Length of the ASN.1 RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest>

<ASN.1 RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest>

Any function execution request using ASN.1 binding SHALL be sent to the generic HTTP
path 'gsma/rsp2/asn1'.

The body part of the HTTP POST request SHALL contain one Remote Profile Provisioning
Request objects defined as follows:
RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest ::= [2] CHOICE { -- Tag 'A2'
initiateAuthenticationRequest [57] InitiateAuthenticationRequest, -- Tag 'BF39'
authenticateClientRequest [59] AuthenticateClientRequest, -- Tag 'BF3B'
getBoundProfilePackageRequest [58] GetBoundProfilePackageRequest, -- Tag 'BF3A'
cancelSessionRequestEs9 [65] CancelSessionRequestEs9, -- Tag 'BF41'
handleNotification [61] HandleNotification, -- tag 'BF3D'
confirmDeviceChangeRequest [76] ConfirmDeviceChangeRequest, -- Tag 'BF4C'
checkEventRequest [70] CheckEventRequest -- Tag 'BF46'

HTTP Response SHALL have the following format:

HTTP/1.1 <HTTP Status Code>
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v<x.y.z>
Content-Type: application/x-gsma-rsp-asn1
Content-Length: <Length of the ASN.1 RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse>

<ASN.1 RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse>

The body part of the HTTP POST response SHALL contain one Remote Profile Provisioning
Response object defined as follows:
RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse ::= [2] CHOICE { -- Tag 'A2'
initiateAuthenticationResponse [57] InitiateAuthenticationResponse, -- Tag
authenticateClientResponseEs9 [59] AuthenticateClientResponseEs9, -- Tag 'BF3B'
getBoundProfilePackageResponse [58] GetBoundProfilePackageResponse, -- Tag
cancelSessionResponseEs9 [65] CancelSessionResponseEs9, -- Tag 'BF41'
authenticateClientResponseEs11 [64] AuthenticateClientResponseEs11, -- Tag
confirmDeviceChangeResponse [76] ConfirmDeviceChangeResponse, -- Tag 'BF4C'

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checkEventResponse [70] CheckEventResponse -- Tag 'BF46'
-- ASN1STOP Common status codes

The following values map the common status codes defined in section that can be
returned by any function.
invalidInputData(124) -- maps status code "Function-Invalid"
missingInputData(125) -- maps status code "Function - Mandatory Element Missing"
and "Function - Conditional Element Missing"
functionProviderBusy(126) -- maps status code "Function provider - Busy"
undefinedError(127) -- maps status code "Function provider - Execution Error"

NOTE: Status codes "Function requester - Unknown (Identification or

Authentication)", "Function requester - Not allowed (authorisation)" and
"Validity period - Refused" are not relevant for ES9+ and ES11 interfaces.

6.6.2 List of functions "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" Function

The "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" request function is defined as follows:
InitiateAuthenticationRequest ::= [57] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF39'
euiccChallenge [1] Octet16, -- random eUICC challenge
smdpAddress [3] UTF8String,
euiccInfo1 EUICCInfo1,
lpaRspCapability LpaRspCapability OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

The "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" response function is defined as follows:

InitiateAuthenticationResponse ::= [57] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF39'
initiateAuthenticationOk InitiateAuthenticationOkEs9,
initiateAuthenticationError INTEGER {
euiccVersionNotSupportedByDp(2), -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
undefinedError(127) -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

InitiateAuthenticationOkEs9 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0]TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SM-DP+
serverSigned1 ServerSigned1, -- Signed information
serverSignature1 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- Server Sign1, tag '5F37'
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- The CI Public Key to be
used as required by ES10b.AuthenticateServer
serverCertificate Certificate,
otherCertsInChain [1] CertificateChain OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

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crlList [2] SEQUENCE OF CertificateList OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# From
RFC 5280
-- ASN1STOP "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" Function

The "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" request function is defined as follows:
AuthenticateClientRequest ::= [59] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3B'
transactionId [0] TransactionId,
authenticateServerResponse [56] AuthenticateServerResponse, -- This is the
response from ES10b.AuthenticateServer
deleteNotificationForDc [1] DeleteNotificationForDc -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
Delete Notification for Device Change, see section 4.1.3

The "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" response function is defined as follows:

AuthenticateClientResponseEs9 ::= [59] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF3B'
authenticateClientOk AuthenticateClientOk,
authenticateClientError INTEGER {
ciPKMismatch(12), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
euiccRspCapabilityHasChanged(13), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
lpaRspCapabilityHasChanged(14), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
deviceChangeNotSupported(15), -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
deviceChangeNotAllowed(16), -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
iccidUnkwon(17), -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
authenticateClientOkRpm AuthenticateClientOkRpm, -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
authenticateClientOkDeviceChange AuthenticateClientOkDeviceChange --

AuthenticateClientOk ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
profileMetadata [37] StoreMetadataRequest OPTIONAL,
smdpSigned2 [1] SmdpSigned2 OPTIONAL, -- Signed information
smdpSignature2 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- tag '5F37'
smdpCertificate Certificate -- CERT.DPpb.SIG

AuthenticateClientOkRpm ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
smdpSigned3 [3] SmdpSigned3,

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AuthenticateClientOkDeviceChange ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
smdpSigned4 [1] SmdpSigned4, -- Signed information
smdpSignature4 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'
serviceProviderMessageForDc [1] LocalisedTextMessage OPTIONAL -- Service
Provider Message For Device Change
-- ASN1STOP "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage" Function

The "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage" request function is defined as follows:
GetBoundProfilePackageRequest ::= [58] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3A'
transactionId [0] TransactionId,
prepareDownloadResponse [33] PrepareDownloadResponse

The "ES9+.GetBoundProfilePackage" response function is defined as follows:

GetBoundProfilePackageResponse ::= [58] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF3A'
getBoundProfilePackageOk GetBoundProfilePackageOk,
getBoundProfilePackageError INTEGER {
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

GetBoundProfilePackageOk ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
boundProfilePackage [54] BoundProfilePackage

NOTE: The eUICC MAY start processing of the BPP before having received the full
package and having been able to check for a correct TLV structure. "ES9+.HandleNotification" Function

The "ES9+.HandleNotification" request function SHALL consist of the data structure defined
for PendingNotification in section 5.7.10. The function is defined as follows:
HandleNotification ::= [61] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3D'
pendingNotification PendingNotification

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The function has no response. "ES9+.CancelSession" Function

The "ES9+.CancelSession" request function is defined as follows:
CancelSessionRequestEs9 ::= [65] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF41'
transactionId TransactionId,
cancelSessionResponse CancelSessionResponse -- data structure defined for
ES10b.CancelSession function

The "ES9+.CancelSession" response function is defined as follows:

CancelSessionResponseEs9 ::= [65] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF41'
cancelSessionOk CancelSessionOk,
cancelSessionError INTEGER {
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

CancelSessionOk ::= SEQUENCE { -- This function has no output data

-- ASN1STOP "ES11.InitiateAuthentication" Function

The InitiateAuthenticationRequest and InitiateAuthenticationResponse
for the binding of the "ES11.InitiateAuthentication" function are identical to the ones defined
for the "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" function. "ES11.AuthenticateClient" Function

The AuthenticateClientRequest for the binding of the "ES11.AuthenticateClient"
function is identical to the one defined for the "ES9+.AuthenticateClient" function.

The "ES11.AuthenticateClient" response data object is defined as follows:

AuthenticateClientResponseEs11 ::= [64] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF40'
authenticateClientOk AuthenticateClientOkEs11V2, -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#
authenticateClientError INTEGER {
ciPKUnknown(8), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
ciPKMismatch(9), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

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euiccRspCapabilityHasChanged(10), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
lpaRspCapabilityHasChanged(11), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
pushServiceNotSupport(12), -- #SupportedForPushServiceV3.0.0#
pushServiceRegistrationNotSupported(13), -- #SupportedForPushServiceV3.0.0#
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
authenticateClientOkV3 AuthenticateClientOkEs11V3 -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

AuthenticateClientOkEs11V2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
eventEntries [1] SEQUENCE OF EventRecord

EventRecord ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#

eventId UTF8String,
rspServerAddress UTF8String

AuthenticateClientOkEs11V3 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
smdsSigned2 [1] SmdsSigned2,
smdsSignature2 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'

-- ASN1STOP "ES11.CheckEvent" Function

The "ES11.CheckEvent" request function is defined as follows:
CheckEventRequest ::= [70] SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0# Tag
ecId [0] OCTET STRING(SIZE(16..32)), -- Event Checking Identifier
smdsAddress [1] UTF8String

The "ES11.CheckEvent" response function is defined as follows:

CheckEventResponse ::= [70] CHOICE { -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0# Tag
checkEventOk CheckEventOk,
checkEventError INTEGER {
eventCheckingNotSupported(2), -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0#
expiredEcid(3), -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0#
unknownEcid(4), -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0#
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
undefinedError(127) -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

CheckEventOk ::= SEQUENCE {

isPendingEvent [0] BOOLEAN -- Indicates if an Event Record corresponding to the
received ECID exists

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GSM Association Non-confidential
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The "ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange" request function is defined as follows:
ConfirmDeviceChangeRequest ::= [76] SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF4C'
transactionId TransactionId,
prepareDownloadResponse [33] PrepareDownloadResponse

The "ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange" response function is defined as follows:

ConfirmDeviceChangeResponse ::= [76] CHOICE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF4C'
confirmDeviceChangeOk ConfirmDeviceChangeOk,
confirmDeviceChangeError INTEGER {

ConfirmDeviceChangeOk ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
smdpSigned5 SmdpSigned5,
smdpSignature5 OCTET STRING
The following ASN.1 definition shall stay at the end of any ASN.1 definitions.

Annex A Use of GlobalPlatform Privileges (Normative)

The eUICC architecture defined in this specification relies on the ISD-R, ISD-P, MNO-SD
and ECASD Security Domains defined in SGP.02 [2].

The GlobalPlatform privileges allocation defined in SGP.02 [2] SHALL be applicable for the
ISD-R, ISD-P, MNO-SD and ECASD Security Domains as well as Applications inside a

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Annex B Data Definitions (Normative)

 Coding of the IMEI
The value of the IMEI SHALL be coded as defined in section 4.2.

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Annex C Device Requirements (Normative)

C.1 Functional Device Requirements

DEV1 For connectivity the Device SHALL support at least one of the network access
technologies defined by 3GPP or 3GPP2:
 UDP over IP as defined in RFC 768 [34] (subject to the right support of
access network technology)
 TCP over IP as defined in RFC 793 [19].
DEV2 For Network connection control the Device SHALL support:
 RPLMN details (LAC/TAC, NMR).
 QoS (failures, duration, power, location).
 New network selection after SIM/USIM update.
DEV3 The Device SHALL contain a unique IMEI (International Mobile Equipment
Identity) value compliant with the format defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [35] and/or
a unique MEID as defined in 3GPP2 S.R0048-A [36].
DEV4 The Device SHALL support, as a minimum, the following set of proactive
 PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION (location information, IMEI, NMR,
date and time, access technology, at least).
 REFRESH Command (At least mode 4 - "UICC reset")
DEV5 The Device SHALL comply with the IMEI security requirements defined in the
GSMA-EICTA document "Security Principles Related to Handset Theft" [22].
DEV6 A Device SHALL be able to handle an eUICC without any installed Profiles.
DEV7 If a Companion Device does not have the capability itself to communicate
directly with the SM-DP+, it SHALL use a Primary Device as a conduit, allowing
it to communicate with the SM-DP+.
DEV8 At least one of the Primary or Companion Device SHALL have a UI that allows
the secure capture of User Intent.
DEV9 At least one of the Primary or Companion Device SHALL have a UI that allows
the user to initiate a Profile Download or Local Profile Management.
DEV10 The Device SHALL conform to the terminal requirements within ETSI
TS 102 221 [6].
DEV11 A Device implementation of personalisation ("SIM lock") as defined by
3GPP TS 22.022 SHALL operate the same with an enabled eUICC Profile as
with a legacy UICC.
DEV12 (Deprecated in this formulation, currently expanded into Annex C.5).
DEV13 Void
DEV14 The Device SHALL operate with an eUICC comprising a default file system (i.e.,
with no Enabled Profile) as described in section 3.4.1. In particular, neither the
modem nor the eUICC SHALL be shut down.

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DEV15 It SHALL be possible for the End User to perform a Device Reset without
affecting the status of the eUICC. (The Device MAY also allow the End User to
perform a combined Device Reset and eUICC Memory Reset.)

Table 58: Device requirements

C.2 Requirements for Companion Device Scenarios

Interface between the Primary Device and the Companion Device
The implementation of the interface between the Primary Device and the Companion Device
is optional and Device Manufacturer specific. The OCF Easy Setup specification [i2] provide
a potential implementation of this interface, for which the following SHOULD be considered:

 The Primary Device and the Companion Device defined in this document act as the
Mediator and the Enrollee, respectively, defined in [i2].
 The JSON binding of the interface defined in [i2] limits the maximum size of the data
objects as follows. If a Remote SIM Provisioning procedure over this interface uses
a data object that exceeds the defined limits, the interface MAY reject relaying the
data object:
o euiccInfo2 (eUICC Information in [i2])
o deviceInfo (Device Information for RSP in [i2])
o Activation Code (Activation Code in [i2])
o Profile Metadata (eSIM Profile Metadata in [i2])
o Confirmation Code (Confirmation Code in [i2])

NOTE: OCF provides an open source implementation for the OCF Easy Setup
specification [i2]:

Secure interaction between the Primary Device and the Companion Device
The LPAd of the Companion Device SHALL support secure capture of the User Intent for the
purpose of RSP operations through the Primary Device when the Companion Device has to
rely on the Primary Device for UI function. This SHALL further include a secure pairing and
secured communication between the Primary and Companion Device. The End User MAY
request RSP operations towards the eUICC in the Companion Device using the Primary

A secure point to point proximity link at transport level between the Primary Device and the
Companion Device SHALL either be implemented by the Primary and Companion Devices’
Device manufacturer(s), or it SHALL be established as follows:

1. The End User connects the Companion Device to a router (e.g., the Primary Device
which shares the network) which will assign an address for the Companion Device.

NOTE: This step MAY be performed at any time prior to step 2.

2. The End User uses the LPAd on the Companion Device to generate a HTTPS URL
which includes the Companion Device address (e.g., private local IP address) and
security information (i.e., 128-bit random secret key).

In order to achieve the interoperability between different Device manufacturer

Devices, the HTTPS URL SHALL be specified as https://hpath/LPA_access_token,

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where "hpath" is the Companion Device address and "LPA_access_token" is the
security information.
3. The LPAd on the Companion Device indicates the HTTPS URL including the
Companion Device address and the security information to the Primary Device using
one of following non-exhaustive example means:

 The Companion Device transfers the HTTPS URL to the Primary Device, e.g.,
using NFC.
 The Companion Device displays the HTTPS URL which could be input by the
End User to the Primary Device.
 The Companion Device transforms the HTTPS URL into a QR code or bar
code so that the Primary Device can scan the code to obtain the HTTPS URL.
 The Companion Device transfers the HTTPS URL through a wired connection,
such as a USB link to the Primary Device.
4. Using the Companion Device address and the security information obtained from the
HTTPS URL, a software component (e.g., LPAd) on the Primary Device establishes a
HTTPS session with the LPAd on the Companion Device:

 Firstly, the software component uses the LPA_access_token in step 2 as the

PSK to initiate the PSK-TLS connection as defined in RFC 4279 [47] with the
LPAd on the Companion Device. During the TLS handshake, the software
component in the Primary Device performs mutual authentication with the
LPAd on the Companion Device and negotiates the session key.
 After the TLS connection is established, the software component on the
Primary Device sends an HTTP request over the TLS session to the
Companion Device to retrieve the UI presentation of the LUId. Upon receiving
the HTTP request, the LPAd on the Companion Device sends the HTTP
response containing the UI presentation to the Primary Device.
5. The End User uses the UI provided by the software component on the Primary
Device to access the LUI on the Companion Device via the HTTPS session to
perform the Local Profile Management Operations towards the eUICC in the
Companion Device. The LUI on the Companion Device MAY restrict the actions that
can be performed from the Primary Device. For example:

 It MAY not offer the eUICC Memory Reset.

 It MAY only expose the 'enable' and 'disable' operations.
 It MAY expose a Profile for enabling only if no Profile is already enabled on the
Companion Device.

C.3 General LPA Requirements

LPA functions

There SHALL be at most one instance of the LPAd per active eUICC.

The LPA SHALL support all the functions related to Profile download and Installation via the
LPA’s Local Profile Download (LPD) functions as defined in section 3.1.3.

The LPA SHALL support Notifications as defined in sections 3.1.3, 3.5, 5.6.4, 5.7.9, 5.7.10,

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The LPA SHALL support the following Local Profile Management Operations and Remote
Profile Management Operations via the LPA’s Local User Interface (LUI) function:

 Initiate an RSP session for Profile Download as defined in section 3.2.5 and 3.2.8.
 Initiate an RSP session for RPM download as defined in section 3.2.7 and section
 Enable a Disabled Profile locally as defined in section 3.2.1 and remotely as defined
in section
 Disable an Enabled Profile locally as defined in section 3.2.2 and remotely as defined
in section
 Delete a Profile locally as defined in section 3.2.3 and remotely as defined in section
 Query the Profile Metadata and states of Profiles installed on the eUICC locally as
defined in section 3.2.4 and remotely as defined in section
 Update the Profile Metadata of Profiles installed on the eUICC as defined in section
 Perform eUICC Memory Reset, as defined in section 3.3.2.
 Perform eUICC Test Memory Reset, as defined in section 3.3.3, if the Device
supports Device Test Mode as described hereunder.
The LPA SHOULD support the following Local Profile Management Operation via the LPA’s
Local User Interface (LUI) function:

 Set/Edit Profile Nicknames associated with installed Profiles as defined in section

3.2.6. If the LPA does not support Set/Edit Nickname, alternative Device-specific
methods to distinguish Profiles on the LUI SHOULD be provided by the LPA.
 Set/Edit Default SM-DP+ Address as defined in section 3.3.4. If the LPA does not
support Set/Edit Default SM-DP+ Address, alternative Device-specific methods to edit
the Default SM-DP+ address(es) SHALL be provided to the End User.
The LPA SHALL allow the End User to enable or disable the Remote Profile Management
Operations of the LPA. This SHOULD be enabled by default.

For an Enterprise Capable Device without any Enterprise Profile with Enterprise Rules
installed, the LPA SHALL permit the End User to allow or disallow the installation of
Enterprise Profiles with Enterprise Rules. The default setting SHOULD be disallowed.

The LPA SHALL support retrieval of eUICC Information as defined in section 4.3.

The LPA SHALL support retrieval of Event Records as defined in section 3.6.2.

The LPA MAY support implementation-specific storage, retrieval and update (set/edit) of one
or more Default SM-DP+ addresses stored on the Device.

The LPAd SHOULD advise the End User when it determines that an RSP operation would
fail (or has failed) because network connectivity is not available, or an error occurs. The LPA
MAY retry the RSP operation for a period of time as appropriate. The specific means by
which the connectivity failure is detected, and the manner in which it is communicated to the
End User, are out of scope of this specification.

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If the LPAd supports the LPA Proxy, it MAY be possible for the End User to prevent the use
of mobile network data for that purpose. The use of mobile network data for this purpose
SHALL be allowed by default.

LPAd Functions and Security Protection

The specific mechanisms for securing the operation of the LPAd, ensuring its integrity, and
ensuring the privacy and integrity of the data it handles are out of scope of this specification.
As appropriate for the class of Device, the proper security level associated with LPAd
functions SHOULD be ensured based on industry-proven implementations of:

 A secure boot OS.

 An implementation-dependent software/hardware secure execution environment for
capturing, storing and verifying the passcode or biometric input.
 Verification of proper Device manufacturer signature of LPAd related software
 Application-level secure pairing and un-pairing methods between Primary and
Companion Devices. This MAY be independent of pairing technologies and
associated link layer security (e.g., Bluetooth or Wi-Fi).
The Device specific security implementation SHALL:

 Verify the integrity of the LPAd and authorise it to be used.

 Provide access to the trusted LUId user interface only for the authorised LPAd.
 Provide access to the ISD-R of the eUICC only for the authorised LPAd. This
restriction to the LPAd SHALL be enforced regardless of any rule stored in the Profile
according to GlobalPlatform SEAC [56] which may allow it.
 Restrict access to the LPAd to only those applications and services that are provided
by the Device manufacturer to enable the services and functions of the LPAd.
 Protect the LPAd and the data it handles from unauthorised access and modification.
Such data includes, but is not limited to, the EID, Activation Code, Confirmation
Code, End User credentials for Strong Confirmation, Profile Metadata, Profile
Download and Notification payloads, and Event Records.
Depending on the device class, Devices SHALL implement protection mechanisms as
shown in the table below.

Device class Description Example of Devices

Devices with an open operating Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops,
system where mechanisms such as Advanced Wearables
Advanced secure boot and platform signing of
applications are available and used
to protect the LPA.
Devices without possibility to install Connected sensors, Simple
applications. The attack surface of Wearables, Single use case devices
the LPA is minimal due to the locked
Basic down nature of these Devices.
Simple mechanisms to ensure that
the LPA is not compromised SHALL
be taken.

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Table 58a: Device Classes
Where technically feasible, the Device SHALL implement a mechanism allowing the End
User to protect the access to the Device and its Profile Management Operations with
personal data. Implementation is Device specific. If such a mechanism is implemented:

 The Device SHOULD enforce the mechanism by default, and

 The End User SHOULD be able to enable/disable the mechanism, and
 The End User SHALL be able to configure the personal data.
The Device SHALL provide mechanisms to obtain Strong Confirmation and Simple
Confirmation in a Device specific implementation.

As examples, the recommended Strong Confirmation could include:

 Repeating Simple Confirmations, or

 Biometric (e.g., fingerprint) verification, or
 Device passcode verification

Device Test Mode

The Device and LPAd MAY support Device Test Mode. The method of entering Device Test
Mode, exiting Device Test Mode, and Device testing functionality that is not related to
Remote SIM Provisioning are implementation-specific and out of the scope of this

The LPAd SHALL only provide access to Test Profiles when the Device is operating in
Device Test Mode.

When the Device exits Device Test Mode, the LPAd SHALL disable any enabled Test Profile
as defined in section 3.2.2 or 3.2.1.


A Device MAY support Enterprise Rules. The support (or non-support) of Enterprise Rules
SHALL NOT change during the lifetime of the Device.

The Device SHALL identify itself as an Enterprise-Capable Device in both the TERMINAL
CAPABILITY (section 3.4.2) and the DeviceInfo (section 4.2) if and only if it supports the
installation and enforcement of Enterprise Rules as described in this specification.

C.4 Support for CAT Mechanisms

Dependent on the deployment, the Devices SHALL support at least the CAT mechanisms
(ETSI TS 102 223 [31]) indicated in the table below.

CAT mechanism LPAd LPAe with LPAe with LPAe with

LUIe based LUIe based LUI based
on CAT on SCWS on E4E

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screen available
REFRESH with "UICC Reset" or
"eUICC Profile State Change"
OPEN CHANNEL related to
X X X (1) X
packet data service bearer
OPEN CHANNEL related to X (1)
UICC Server Mode
ENVELOPE with tag 'E4' X
REFRESH with "Application
Update" or "File Change X
NOTE 1: The Device SHALL support running these 2 BIP channels in parallel.

Table 59: CAT Mechanisms

NOTE: The table also includes requirements for ES6.

In addition, the following CAT mechanisms SHALL be supported by a Device supporting


CAT mechanism LPAd LPAe with LPAe with LPAe with

LUIe based LUIe based LUI based
on CAT on SCWS on E4E
X(1) X X X
Profile State Change"
REFRESH with "Application X

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X(1) (2) X X X
Proactive session request
LSI COMMAND with Platform
NOTE 1: This CAT mechanism is optional for MEP-A2 without RPM
NOTE 2: This CAT mechanism is optional for MEP-B

Table 59a: Additional CAT Mechanisms for MEP support

C.5 APDU Access Interface

An NFC Device SHALL support an APDU access interface as described in this section. A
Device that is not an NFC Device SHOULD support this interface.

The APDU access interface MAY be provided by a Device component external to the LPA
provided that when it is used with an eUICC it satisfies the following requirements. (As an
example, the Device may implement the interface using the GlobalPlatform Open Mobile API
transport layer [69].)

The APDU access interface SHALL permit authorised Device Applications to send APDUs to
the Enabled Profile and receive the responses. Authorised Device Applications SHALL only
be able to access the file system, applications, and security domains within the hierarchy of
the MNO-SD.

If the APDU access interface is supported in an MEP-Capable Device, the interface of Open
Mobile API [69] handling multiple readers SHOULD be implemented to provide simultaneous
access to multiple Enabled Profiles.

The Device MAY implement the GlobalPlatform SEAC specification [56]. If so, the Device
SHALL authorise Device Applications by retrieving and enforcing Access Rules as specified
in the GlobalPlatform SEAC specification [56]. The Access Rules for the Enabled Profile
SHALL be stored as part of the Profile. The Device SHALL NOT enforce Access Rules
stored in a Disabled Profile.
The APDU access SHALL be implemented using logical channels on the eUICC. When used
in an NFC Device, the APDU access interface SHALL NOT provide access to the eUICC
basic channel (channel 0).

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Annex D Coding of the AIDs for 'Remote SIM Provisioning'

The Coding of the AID for ISD-R, ISD-P and ECASD SHALL be as defined in SGP.02 [2].

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Annex E List of Identifiers (Informative)


The following identifiers for remote provisioning are created under a dedicated OID tree
under ISO branch:

 ASN.1 notation: {ISO(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4)

 dot notation:
 IOD-IRI notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1
The private enterprise numbers may be found under the Internet Assigned Numbers

EUM Identifiers

Identifie Uniqueness Registration Entity

EUM OID within eSIM the ISO
EIN within eSIM the GSMA as per SGP.29 [89] or ITU-T as per E.118 [21],
ecosystem depending on the EID assignment scheme (see section 4.3.1)

Table 60: EUM Identifiers

Identifiers on the eUICC

Identifier Uniqueness Registration Entity

EID within the eSIM See Table 60 for EIN
ecosystem EUM for ESIN
ECASD AID within the eUICC GSMA ESIM Technical Specification SGP.02 [2]
ISD-R AID within the eUICC GSMA ESIM Technical Specification SGP.02 [2]
ISD-P AID within the eUICC eUICC within a range defined in GSMA ESIM Technical
Specification SGP.02 [2]
ICCID Global ITU-T E.118 [21]
ISD-R TAR within the eUICC GSMA ESIM Technical Specification SGP.02 [2]
MNO-SD Within the Profile ETSI TS 101 220 [33]
MNO-SD Within the Profile ETSI TS 101 220 (ISD TAR) [33]

Table 61: Identifiers on the eUICC

SM-DP+ Identifier

Identifier Uniqueness Registration Entity

SM-DP+ OID within the eSIM ecosystem ISO

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Table 62: SM-DP+ Identifier
SM-DS Identifier

Identifier Uniqueness Registration Entity

SM-DS within the eSIM ecosystem ISO

Table 63: SM-DS Identifier

MNO Identifiers

Identifier Uniqueness Registration Entity

MNO OID within the eSIM ecosystem ISO
MCC+MNC Global ITU-T for MCC and National Regulators for MNC

Table 64: MNO Identifiers

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Annex F Profile Eligibility Check (Informative)

Prior to any Profile download, the Operator or the SM-DP+ verifies if the selected Profile
Type is compatible with the targeted Device.

Two types of checking are possible:

 Static eligibility check (SEC): a check based on the static capabilities of the Device
and / or the eUICC. These capabilities could be retrieved based on the knowledge of
the EID and the TAC. These eUICC capabilities MAY be acquired by various means:
information contained in the EID itself, additional tables locally handled by the
Operator or communication with an external entity like the EUM. Device capabilities
can be retrieved by the Operator based on the TAC. This Static eligibility check is
under the responsibility of the Operator; it MAY be done by the SM-DP+ on behalf of
the Operator. The means to establish the compatibility of the Profile Type with a
Device type and eUICC type is out of scope of this specification.
 Dynamic eligibility check (DEC): a check based on the eUICC Info and / or the Device
capabilities signed by the eUICC during Profile Download and Installation procedure.
This Dynamic eligibility check is under the responsibility of the SM-DP+ on behalf of
the Operator.
The following figure Figure 41: Eligibility Check" describes the global eligibility process
depending on the knowledge of the target Device.

Figure 41: Eligibility Check

Annex G Void

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Annex H ASN.1 Definitions (Normative)

RSPDefinitions {joint-iso-itu-t(2) international-organizations(23) gsma(146) rsp(1)
spec-version(1) version-three(3)}

IMPORTS Certificate, CertificateList, Time FROM PKIX1Explicit88 {iso(1) identified-

organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-
SubjectKeyIdentifier FROM PKIX1Implicit88 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6)
internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-pkix1-implicit(19)}
UICCCapability FROM PEDefinitions {joint-iso-itu-t(2) international-
organizations(23) tca(143) euicc-profile(1) spec-version(1) version-three(3)};
-- The UICCCapability import module version is defined in section 4.3

id-rsp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-itu-t(2) international-organizations(23)

gsma(146) rsp(1)}

-- Basic types, for size constraints

Octet1 ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1))
Octet4 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4))
Octet8 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(8))
Octet16 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(16))
OctetTo16 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..16))
Octet32 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(32))

VersionType ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) -- major/minor/revision version are coded as

binary value on byte 1/2/3, e.g., '02 00 0C' for v2.0.12.
-- If revision is not used (e.g., v2.1), byte 3 SHALL be set to '00'.
Iccid ::= [APPLICATION 26] OCTET STRING (SIZE(10)) -- ICCID as coded in EFiccid,
corresponding tag is '5A'
RemoteOpId ::= [2] INTEGER {installBoundProfilePackage(1)}
TransactionId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..16))

-- Definition of OIDs
id-rsp-cert-objects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rsp 2}
-- value 0 in id-rsp-cert-objects was assigned in SGP.22 v2.x
-- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#

id-rspRole OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rsp-cert-objects 1}

-- Definition of OIDs for role identification in certificates

id-rspRole-ci OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 0}
id-rspRole-ciSubCa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-ci 0}

id-rspRole-eum OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-ciSubCa 0}

id-rspRole-eumSubCa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-eum 0}
id-rspRole-euicc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-eumSubCa 0}

id-rspRole-dpSubCa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-ciSubCa 1}

id-rspRole-dp-tls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dpSubCa 0}
id-rspRole-dp-auth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dpSubCa 1}
id-rspRole-dp-pb OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dpSubCa 2}

id-rspRole-dsSubCa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-ciSubCa 2}

id-rspRole-ds-tls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dsSubCa 0}
id-rspRole-ds-auth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole-dsSubCa 1}

-- The following OIDs are used in Variant O and OO Certificates

id-rspRole-euicc-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 1}
id-rspRole-eum-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 2}
id-rspRole-dp-tls-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 3}
id-rspRole-dp-auth-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 4}

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id-rspRole-dp-pb-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 5}
id-rspRole-ds-tls-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 6}
id-rspRole-ds-auth-v2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rspRole 7}

-- Definition of OIDs for RSP-specific extensions in Certificates

-- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
id-rsp-extensions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-rsp-cert-objects 2}
id-rsp-extension-permitted-eins OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-rsp-extensions 0}

-- The extnValue field of the id-rsp-extension-permitted-eins extension SHALL be of

type PermittedEins:
PermittedEins ::= SEQUENCE OF PrintableString

PprIds ::= BIT STRING {-- Definition of Profile Policy Rules identifiers
pprUpdateControl(0), -- defines how to update PPRs via ES6
ppr1(1), -- Indicator for PPR1 'Disabling of this Profile is not allowed'
ppr2(2) -- Indicator for PPR2 'Deletion of this Profile is not allowed'

OperatorId ::= SEQUENCE {

mccMnc OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)), -- MCC&MNC coded as 3GPP TS 24.008
gid1 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- referring to content of EF GID1 (file identifier
'6F3E') in 3GPP TS 31.102 [54]
gid2 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL -- referring to content of EF GID2 (file identifier
'6F3F') in 3GPP TS 31.102 [54]

RpmConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

managingDpList [0] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
managingDpOid [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- Managing SM-DP+ OID
rpmType [1] RpmType OPTIONAL,
pollingAddress [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- Tag '81'
allowedCiPKId [2] SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- eSIM CA RootCA PKID that is
allowed for managing SM-DP+s
profileOwnerOid [3] OBJECT IDENTIFIER

RpmType ::= BIT STRING{

enable(0), disable(1), delete(2), listProfileInfo(3), contactPcmp(4)

LocalisedTextMessage ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

languageTag UTF8String DEFAULT "en", -- language tag as defined by RFC 5646
message UTF8String

LprConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#

pcmpAddress [0] UTF8String,
dpiEnable [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
triggerLprOnEnableProfile [2] NULL OPTIONAL

CertificateChain ::= SEQUENCE OF Certificate -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

EnterpriseConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#

enterpriseOid [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
enterpriseName [1] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)),
enterpriseRules [2] SEQUENCE {
enterpriseRuleBits [0] BIT STRING {
referenceEnterpriseRule (0),
priorityEnterpriseProfile (1),
onlyEnterpriseProfilesCanBeInstalled (2)
numberOfNonEnterpriseProfiles [1] INTEGER -- that can be Enabled

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VendorSpecificExtension ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedFromV2.4.0#

vendorOid [0] OPENTYPE.&typeId, -- OID of the vendor who defined this specific
vendorSpecificData [1] OPENTYPE.&Type

DeviceChangeConfiguration ::= CHOICE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

requestToDp [0] SEQUENCE {
smdpAddressForDc UTF8String, -- SM-DP+ address that processes the Device
allowedCiPKId SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- PKID allowed for the SM-DP+
address that processes the Device Change
eidRequired NULL OPTIONAL, -- the EID of the new Device is required
tacRequired NULL OPTIONAL -- the TAC of the new Device is required
usingStoredAc [1] SEQUENCE {
activationCodeForDc UTF8String (SIZE(0..255)), -- Activation Code for Device
Change of this Profile
deleteOldProfile NULL OPTIONAL -- deletion of this Profile is required before
providing the Activation code to the new Device

BoundProfilePackage ::= [54] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF36'

initialiseSecureChannelRequest [35] InitialiseSecureChannelRequest, -- Tag
firstSequenceOf87 [0] SEQUENCE OF [7] OCTET STRING, -- sequence of '87' TLVs
sequenceOf88 [1] SEQUENCE OF [8] OCTET STRING, -- sequence of '88' TLVs
secondSequenceOf87 [2] SEQUENCE OF [7] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- sequence of
'87' TLVs
sequenceOf86 [3] SEQUENCE OF [6] OCTET STRING -- sequence of '86' TLVs

-- Definition of Profile Installation Result

ProfileInstallationResult ::= [55] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF37'
profileInstallationResultData [39] ProfileInstallationResultData,
euiccSignPIR EuiccSign

ProfileInstallationResultData ::= [39] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF27'

transactionId[0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SM-DP+
notificationMetadata[47] NotificationMetadata,
smdpOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- SM-DP+ OID (value from CERT.DPpb.SIG)
finalResult [2] CHOICE {
successResult SuccessResult,
errorResult ErrorResult

EuiccSign ::= [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- Tag '5F37', eUICCs signature

SuccessResult ::= SEQUENCE {

ppiResponse OCTET STRING -- contains (multiple) 'EUICCResponse' of the Profile
Package Interpreter as defined in [5]

ErrorResult ::= SEQUENCE {

bppCommandId BppCommandId,
errorReason ErrorReason,

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ppiResponse OCTET STRING OPTIONAL -- contains (multiple) 'EUICCResponse' of the
Profile Package Interpreter as defined in [5]

BppCommandId ::= INTEGER {


ErrorReason ::= INTEGER {

installFailedDueToPEProcessingError (12),
enterpriseProfilesNotSupported(17), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseRulesNotAllowed(18), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseProfileNotAllowed(19), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseOidMismatch(20), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseRulesError(21), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseProfilesOnly(22), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
lprNotSupported(23), -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
unknownTlvInMetadata(26), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

RpmPackage ::= SEQUENCE OF RpmCommand -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

RpmCommand ::= SEQUENCE {

continueOnFailure [0] NULL OPTIONAL,
rpmCommandDetails CHOICE {
enable [1] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid},
disable [2] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid},
delete [3] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid},
listProfileInfo [4] ListProfileInfo,
updateMetadata [5] SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid,
updateMetadataRequest UpdateMetadataRequest
contactPcmp [6] SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid,
dpiRpm UTF8String OPTIONAL

LoadRpmPackageResult ::= [68] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF44' #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

loadRpmPackageResultSigned LoadRpmPackageResultSigned,
loadRpmPackageResultNotSigned LoadRpmPackageResultNotSigned

LoadRpmPackageResultSigned ::= SEQUENCE {

loadRpmPackageResultDataSigned LoadRpmPackageResultDataSigned,
euiccSignRPR EuiccSign

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LoadRpmPackageResultDataSigned ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
notificationMetadata[47] NotificationMetadata,
smdpOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- SM-DP+ OID (value from CERT.DPauth.SIG)
finalResult [2] CHOICE {
rpmPackageExecutionResult SEQUENCE OF RpmCommandResult,
loadRpmPackageErrorCodeSigned LoadRpmPackageErrorCodeSigned

RpmCommandResult ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid OPTIONAL, -- SHALL be present, except for
listProfileInfoResult and rpmProcessingTerminated
rpmCommandResultData CHOICE {
enableResult [49] EnableProfileResponse, -- ES10c.EnableProfile
disableResult [50] DisableProfileResponse, -- ES10c.DisableProfile
deleteResult [51] DeleteProfileResponse, -- ES10c.DeleteProfile
listProfileInfoResult [45] ProfileInfoListResponse, -- ES10c.GetProfilesInfo
updateMetadataResult [42] UpdateMetadataResponse, -- ES6.UpdateMetadata
contactPcmpResult [0] ContactPcmpResponse,
rpmProcessingTerminated INTEGER {
resultSizeOverflow (1),
unknownOrDamagedCommand (2),
interruption (3),
commandsWithRefreshExceeded (4),
commandAfterContactPcmp (5),
commandPackageTooLarge (6)

ContactPcmpResponse ::= CHOICE {

contactPcmpResponseOk SEQUENCE {
pcmpAddress UTF8String
contactPcmpResponseError INTEGER {

LoadRpmPackageResultNotSigned ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
loadRpmPackageErrorCodeNotSigned LoadRpmPackageErrorCodeNotSigned

LoadRpmPackageErrorCodeSigned ::= INTEGER { invalidSignature(2),

invalidTransactionId(5), undefinedError(127)}

LoadRpmPackageErrorCodeNotSigned ::= INTEGER { noSession(4), undefinedError(127)}

DeleteNotificationForDc ::= SEQUENCE {

notificationMetadata NotificationMetadata,
euiccNotificationSignature EuiccSign

DeviceInfo ::= SEQUENCE {

tac Octet4,
deviceCapabilities DeviceCapabilities,
imei Octet8 OPTIONAL,
preferredLanguages SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL, --
deviceTestMode NULL OPTIONAL, -- #DeviceInfoExtensibilitySupported# if present
the Device is operating in Device Test Mode
lpaRspCapability LpaRspCapability OPTIONAL -- #DeviceInfoExtensibilitySupported#

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DeviceCapabilities ::= SEQUENCE { -- Highest fully supported release for each

-- The device SHALL set all the capabilities it supports
gsmSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
utranSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
cdma2000onexSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
cdma2000hrpdSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
cdma2000ehrpdSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
eutranEpcSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
contactlessSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL,
rspCrlSupportedVersion VersionType OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#
nrEpcSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL, --
nr5gcSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL, --
eutran5gcSupportedRelease VersionType OPTIONAL, --
lpaSvn VersionType OPTIONAL, -- #DeviceInfoExtensibilitySupported# provided for
information only
catSupportedClasses CatSupportedClasses OPTIONAL, --
euiccFormFactorType EuiccFormFactorType OPTIONAL --

CatSupportedClasses ::= BIT STRING {

a(0), b(1), c(2), d(3), e(4), f(5), g(6), h(7), i(8), j(9),
k(10), l(11), m(12), n(13), o(14), p(15), q(16), r(17), s(18), t(19),
u(20), v(21), w(22), x(23), y(24), z(25), aa(26), ab(27), ac(28), ad(29)

-- Definition of EuiccFormFactorType
EuiccFormFactorType ::= INTEGER {
removableEuicc (0), -- eUICC can be removed
nonRemovableEuicc (1) -- eUICC cannot be removed

-- Definition of LpaRspCapability
LpaRspCapability ::= BIT STRING {
crlStaplingV3Support (0),
certChainV3Support (1),
apduApiSupport (2),
enterpriseCapableDevice (3),
lpaProxySupport (4),
signedSmdsResponseV3Support (5),
euiccCiUpdateSupport (6),
eventCheckingSupport (7),
pushServiceSupport (8),
pendingOperationAlertingSupport (9)

EUICCInfo1 ::= [32] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF20'

lowestSvn [2] VersionType,
euiccCiPKIdListForVerification [9] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of
eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers supported on the eUICC for signature
euiccCiPKIdListForSigning [10] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of eSIM
CA RootCA Public Key Identifier supported on the eUICC for signature creation that
can be verified by a certificate chain Variant O
euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 [17] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# List of eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers supported on
the eUICC for signature creation that can be verified by a certificate chain
different from Variant O.
euiccRspCapability [8] EuiccRspCapability OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#
highestSvn [19] VersionType OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

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EUICCInfo2 ::= [34] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF22'

baseProfilePackageVersion [1] VersionType, -- Base eUICC Profile package
version supported
lowestSvn [2] VersionType,
euiccFirmwareVersion [3] VersionType, -- eUICC Firmware version
extCardResource [4] OCTET STRING, -- Extended Card Resource Information
according to ETSI TS 102 226
uiccCapability [5] UICCCapability,
ts102241Version [6] VersionType OPTIONAL,
globalplatformVersion [7] VersionType OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#
euiccRspCapability [8] EuiccRspCapability,
euiccCiPKIdListForVerification [9] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of
eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers supported on the eUICC for signature
euiccCiPKIdListForSigning [10] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of eSIM
CA RootCA Public Key Identifier supported on the eUICC for signature creation that
can be verified by a certificate chain Variant O
euiccCategory [11] INTEGER {
} OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#
forbiddenProfilePolicyRules [25] PprIds OPTIONAL, -- Tag '99'
ppVersion VersionType, -- Protection Profile version
sasAcreditationNumber UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)),
certificationDataObject [12] CertificationDataObject OPTIONAL, --
treProperties [13] BIT STRING {
usesRemoteMemory(2) -- refers to the usage of remote memory protected by
-- the Remote Memory Protection Function described in SGP.21 [4]
} OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#
treProductReference [14] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
Platform_Label as defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA specification [57]
additionalProfilePackageVersions [15] SEQUENCE OF VersionType OPTIONAL, --
lpaMode [16] LpaMode OPTIONAL, -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0# active LPA
euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 [17] SEQUENCE OF SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# List of eSIM CA RootCA Public Key Identifiers supported on
the eUICC for signature creation that can be verified by a certificate chain
different from Variant O.
additionalEuiccInfo [18] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)) OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# EUM specific eUICC information
highestSvn [19] VersionType OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

-- Definition of EuiccRspCapability
EuiccRspCapability ::= BIT STRING {
additionalProfile(0), -- at least one more Profile can be installed
loadCrlSupport(1), -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0# Support for ES10b.LoadCRL
rpmSupport(2), -- Remote Profile Management
testProfileSupport (3), -- support for test profile
deviceInfoExtensibilitySupport (4), -- #SupportedFromV2.2.2# support for ASN.1
extensibility in the Device Info
serviceSpecificDataSupport (5), -- #SupportedFromV2.4.0# support for Service
Specific Data in the Profile Metadata
hriServerAddressSupport (6), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for storing HRI
server address
serviceProviderMessageSupport (7), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Service Provider
message is allowed within Profile metadata
lpaProxySupport (8), -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0# support for LPA Proxy
enterpriseProfilesSupport (9), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0# support for
enterprise profiles
serviceDescriptionSupport (10), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for storing
Service Description

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deviceChangeSupport (11), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for Device change
encryptedDeviceChangeDataSupport (12), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for
encrypted Device Change data in Device Change response
estimatedProfileSizeIndicationSupport (13), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for
including estimated profile size
profileSizeInProfilesInfoSupport (14), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for
profile size in GetProfilesInfo
crlStaplingV3Support (15), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for CRL stapling
certChainV3VerificationSupport (16), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for
certificate chain verification Variant A, B and C
signedSmdsResponseV3Support (17), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for SM-DS
signed response
euiccRspCapInInfo1 (18), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# EUICCInfo1 includes
osUpdateSupport (19), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for eUICC OS Update
cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport (20), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for cancel
session reasons empty SPN and empty Profile Name
updateNotifConfigInfoSupport (21), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for updating
NotificationConfigurationInfo as defined in section 5.4.1
updateMetadataV3Support (22) -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# support for the modified
update metadata mechanism defined in section 5.4.1

-- Definition of CertificationDataObject
CertificationDataObject ::= SEQUENCE {
platformLabel UTF8String, -- Platform_Label as defined in GlobalPlatform
DLOA specification [57]
discoveryBaseURL UTF8String -- Discovery Base URL of the SE default DLOA
Registrar as defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA specification [57]

-- Definition of LpaMode
LpaMode ::= INTEGER {
lpad (0), -- LPAd is active
lpae (1) -- LPAe is active

UpdateMetadataRequest ::= [42] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2A'

serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '92'
iconType [19] IconType OPTIONAL, -- Tag '93'
icon [20] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '94'
profilePolicyRules [25] PprIds OPTIONAL, -- Tag '99'
serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc [34] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV2.4.0# Tag 'BF22'
notificationConfigurationInfo [22] SEQUENCE OF
NotificationConfigurationInformation OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag 'B6'
tagsForDeletion [APPLICATION 28] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- for tagList
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# tag '5C'
rpmConfiguration [26] RpmConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag
hriServerAddress [27] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9B'
lprConfiguration [28] LprConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
Tag 'BC'
enterpriseConfiguration [29] EnterpriseConfiguration OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0# Tag 'BD'
deviceChangeConfiguration [32] DeviceChangeConfiguration OPTIONAL --
#SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF20'

UpdateMetadataResponse ::= [42] INTEGER { -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag 'BF2A'

ok (0),
enterpriseConfigurationNotAllowed (6), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
commandError (7),
pprUpdateInvalidSetting (12),
invalidRpmConfiguration (14),
deleteNotAllowed (15),

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--Definition of data objects for InitialiseSecureChannel Request

InitialiseSecureChannelRequest ::= [35] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF23'
remoteOpId RemoteOpId, -- Remote Operation Type Identifier (value SHALL be set
to installBoundProfilePackage)
transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SM-DP+
controlRefTemplate[6] IMPLICIT ControlRefTemplate, -- Control Reference Template
(Key Agreement). Current specification considers a subset of CRT specified in
GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment F [13] section for the Mutual
Authentication Data Field
smdpOtpk [APPLICATION 73] OCTET STRING, ---otPK.DP.KA in accordance with
GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment F [13] section for ePK.OCE.KA,
tag '5F49'
smdpSign [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- SM-DP's signature, tag '5F37'

ControlRefTemplate ::= SEQUENCE {

keyType[0] Octet1, -- Key type according to GlobalPlatform Card Specification
[8] Table 11-16, Tag '80'
keyLen[1] Octet1, --Key length in number of bytes. Tag '81'
hostId[4] OctetTo16 -- Host ID value , Tag '84'

--Definition of data objects for ConfigureISDPRequest

ConfigureISDPRequest ::= [36] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF24'
dpProprietaryData [24] DpProprietaryData OPTIONAL -- Tag 'B8'

DpProprietaryData ::= SEQUENCE { -- maximum size including tag and length field:
128 bytes
dpOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- OID in the tree of the SM-DP+ that created the
-- additional data objects defined by the SM-DP+ MAY follow

StoreMetadataRequest ::= [37] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF25'

iccid Iccid,
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)), -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)), -- Tag '92' (corresponds to 'Short
Description' defined in SGP.21 [2])
iconType [19] IconType OPTIONAL, -- Tag '93' (JPG or PNG)
icon [20] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '94' (Data of the icon.
Size 64 x 64 pixel. This field SHALL only be present if iconType is present)
profileClass [21] ProfileClass DEFAULT operational, -- Tag '95'
notificationConfigurationInfo [22] SEQUENCE OF
NotificationConfigurationInformation OPTIONAL,
profileOwner [23] OperatorId OPTIONAL, -- Tag 'B7'
profilePolicyRules [25] PprIds OPTIONAL, -- Tag '99'
serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc [34] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV2.4.0# Tag 'BF22'
serviceSpecificDataNotStoredInEuicc [35] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV2.4.0# Tag 'BF23'
rpmConfiguration [26] RpmConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag
hriServerAddress [27] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9B'
serviceProviderMessage [30] LocalisedTextMessage OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag 'BE'
lprConfiguration [28] LprConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
Tag 'BC'
enterpriseConfiguration [29] EnterpriseConfiguration OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0# Tag 'BD'
serviceDescription [31] ServiceDescription OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
Tag '9F1F'
deviceChangeConfiguration [32] DeviceChangeConfiguration OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF20'
estimatedProfileSize [33] INTEGER OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9F21'

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NotificationEvent ::= BIT STRING {

notificationRpmEnable(4), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
notificationRpmDisable(5), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
notificationRpmDelete(6), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
loadRpmPackageResult(7) -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

NotificationConfigurationInformation ::= SEQUENCE {

profileManagementOperation NotificationEvent,
notificationAddress UTF8String -- FQDN to forward the notification

ServiceDescription ::= BIT STRING { -- 1: service is on, 0: service is off

voice (0), -- Operator-provided voice service
data (1) -- Operator-provided data service

-- Definition of request message for command ReplaceSessionKeys

ReplaceSessionKeysRequest ::= [38] SEQUENCE { -- tag 'BF26'
-- The new initial MAC chaining value
initialMacChainingValue OCTET STRING,
-- New session key value for encryption/decryption (PPK-ENC)
-- New session key value of the session key C-MAC computation/verification (PPK-

ISDRProprietaryApplicationTemplate ::= [PRIVATE 0] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'E0'

lowestSvn [2] VersionType,
euiccConfiguration BIT STRING {
lpaeUsingCatSupported(0), -- LPA in the eUICC using Card Application Toolkit
lpaeUsingScwsSupported(1), -- LPA in the eUICC using Smartcard Web Server
enabledProfile(2), -- eUICC contains an Enabled Profile
lpaeUsingE4ESupported(3) -- LPA in the eUICC using 'E4' ENVELOPEs
} OPTIONAL -- #MandatoryFromV3.0.0#

LpaeActivationRequest ::= [66] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF42'

lpaeOption BIT STRING {
activateCatBasedLpae(0), -- LPAe with LUIe based on CAT
activateScwsBasedLpae(1) -- LPAe with LUIe based on SCWS

LpaeActivationResponse ::= [66] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF42'

lpaeActivationResult INTEGER {ok(0), notSupported(1)}

EuiccConfiguredDataRequest ::= [60] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3C'


EuiccConfiguredDataResponse ::= [60] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3C'

defaultDpAddress UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- Default SM-DP+ address
rootDsAddress UTF8String, -- Root SM-DS address
additionalRootDsAddresses SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL, --
allowedCiPKId SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# PKID
allowed for the Default SM-DP+
ciList SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
ciPKId SubjectKeyIdentifier, -- List of eSIM CA RootCA public key identifiers

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ciName UTF8String -- on the eUICC together with a readable name

SetDefaultDpAddressRequest ::= [63] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3F'

defaultDpAddress UTF8String, -- Default SM-DP+ address as an FQDN
allowedCiPKId SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# PKID
allowed for the Default SM-DP+

SetDefaultDpAddressResponse ::= [63] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3F'

setDefaultDpAddressResult INTEGER {
ok (0),
unsupportedCiPKId(8), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
undefinedError (127)}

PrepareDownloadRequest ::= [33] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF21'

smdpSigned2 SmdpSigned2, -- Signed information
smdpSignature2 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'
hashCc Octet32 OPTIONAL, -- Hash of confirmation code
smdpCertificate Certificate -- CERT.DPpb.SIG

SmdpSigned2 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SMDP+
ccRequiredFlag BOOLEAN, -- Indicates if the Confirmation Code is required
already used for binding the BPP, tag '5F49'
rpmPending NULL OPTIONAL -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

PrepareDownloadResponse ::= [33] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF21'

downloadResponseOk PrepareDownloadResponseOk,
downloadResponseError PrepareDownloadResponseError

PrepareDownloadResponseOk ::= SEQUENCE {

euiccSigned2 EUICCSigned2, -- Signed information
euiccSignature2 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'


transactionId [0] TransactionId,
euiccOtpk [APPLICATION 73] OCTET STRING, -- otPK.EUICC.KA, tag '5F49'
hashCc Octet32 OPTIONAL, -- Hash of confirmation code
additionalInformation VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

PrepareDownloadResponseError ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
downloadErrorCode DownloadErrorCode

DownloadErrorCode ::= INTEGER {invalidCertificate(1), invalidSignature(2),

noSession(4), invalidTransactionId(5), undefinedError(127)}

GetEuiccChallengeRequest ::= [46] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2E'


GetEuiccChallengeResponse ::= [46] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2E'

euiccChallenge Octet16 -- random eUICC challenge

GetEuiccInfo1Request ::= [32] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF20'


GetEuiccInfo2Request ::= [34] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF22'

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ListNotificationRequest ::= [40] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF28'

profileManagementOperation [1] NotificationEvent OPTIONAL

ListNotificationResponse ::= [40] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF28'

notificationMetadataList SEQUENCE OF NotificationMetadata,
listNotificationsResultError INTEGER {undefinedError(127)}

NotificationMetadata ::= [47] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2F'

seqNumber [0] INTEGER,
profileManagementOperation [1] NotificationEvent, -- Only one bit SHALL be set
to 1
notificationAddress UTF8String, -- FQDN to forward the notification
iccid Iccid OPTIONAL

RetrieveNotificationsListRequest ::= [43] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2B'

searchCriteria CHOICE {
seqNumber [0] INTEGER,
profileManagementOperation [1] NotificationEvent

RetrieveNotificationsListResponse ::= [43] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF2B'

notificationList SEQUENCE OF PendingNotification,
notificationsListResultError INTEGER { undefinedError(127)}

PendingNotification ::= CHOICE {

profileInstallationResult [55] ProfileInstallationResult, -- tag 'BF37'
otherSignedNotification OtherSignedNotification,
loadRpmPackageResultSigned [1] LoadRpmPackageResultSigned

OtherSignedNotification ::= SEQUENCE {

tbsOtherNotification NotificationMetadata,
euiccNotificationSignature EuiccSign,
euiccCertificate Certificate, -- eUICC Certificate (CERT.EUICC.SIG)
nextCertInChain Certificate, -- The certificate certifying the eUICC Certificate
otherCertsInChain [1] CertificateChain OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Other
Certificates in the eUICC certificate chain, if any

NotificationSentRequest ::= [48] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF30'

seqNumber [0] INTEGER

NotificationSentResponse ::= [48] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF30'

deleteNotificationStatus INTEGER {ok(0), nothingToDelete(1),

AuthenticateServerRequest ::= [56] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF38'

serverSigned1 ServerSigned1, -- Signed information
serverSignature1 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- eSIM CA RootCA Public Key
Identifier to be used; MAY also have zero length
serverCertificate Certificate, -- RSP Server Certificate CERT.XXauth.SIG
ctxParams1 CtxParams1,
otherCertsInChain [1] CertificateChain OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# The
remaining part of the CERT.XXauth.SIG certificate chain (if any)
crlList [2] SEQUENCE OF CertificateList OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# as
specified in RFC 5280

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ServerSigned1 ::= SEQUENCE {
transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The Transaction ID generated by
the RSP Server
euiccChallenge [1] Octet16, -- The eUICC Challenge
serverAddress [3] UTF8String, -- The RSP Server address as an FQDN
serverChallenge [4] Octet16, -- The RSP Server Challenge
sessionContext [5] SessionContext OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
serverRspCapability [6] ServerRspCapability OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

CtxParams1 ::= CHOICE {

ctxParamsForCommonAuthentication[0] CtxParamsForCommonAuthentication,
ctxParamsForDeviceChange [1] CtxParamsForDeviceChange,
ctxParamsForProfileRecovery [2] CtxParamsForProfileRecovery,
ctxParamsForPushServiceRegistration [3] CtxParamsForPushServiceRegistration
-- New contextual data objects MAY be defined for extensibility.

CtxParamsForCommonAuthentication ::= SEQUENCE {

matchingId [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- The MatchingId could be the Activation
code token or EventID or empty
deviceInfo [1] DeviceInfo, -- The Device information
operationType [2] OperationType DEFAULT {profileDownload}, --
iccid Iccid OPTIONAL, -- ICCID, tag '5A' #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
matchingIdSource [3] MatchingIdSource OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
vendorSpecificExtension [4] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL --

CtxParamsForDeviceChange ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

iccid Iccid,
deviceInfo [1] DeviceInfo,
targetEidValue [APPLICATION 26] Octet16 OPTIONAL,
targetTacValue [2] Octet4 OPTIONAL,
vendorSpecificExtension [3] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL

CtxParamsForProfileRecovery ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

iccid Iccid,
deviceInfo [1] DeviceInfo,
vendorSpecificExtension [2] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL

CtxParamsForPushServiceRegistration ::= SEQUENCE { --

selectedPushService [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
pushToken [1] UTF8String

MatchingIdSource ::= CHOICE {

none [0] NULL,
activationCode [1] NULL,

OperationType ::= BIT STRING {


-- Records information agreed along the session

SessionContext ::= SEQUENCE {
serverSvn [0] VersionType, -- RSP Server SVN (provided for information only)
crlStaplingV3Used [1] BOOLEAN, -- Indicates CRLs were attached to the RSP Server
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 [2] SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL,

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-- Definition of ServerRspCapability
ServerRspCapability ::= BIT STRING {
crlStaplingV3Support (0), -- support for CRL stapling
eventListSigningV3Support (1), -- support for Event Record signing
pushServiceV3Support (2), -- support for Push Service
cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport (3)

AuthenticateServerResponse ::= [56] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF38'

authenticateResponseOk [0] AuthenticateResponseOk,
authenticateResponseError [1] AuthenticateResponseError

AuthenticateResponseOk ::= SEQUENCE {

euiccSigned1 EuiccSigned1, -- Signed information
euiccSignature1 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, --EUICC_Sign1, tag 5F37
euiccCertificate Certificate, -- eUICC Certificate (CERT.EUICC.SIG)
nextCertInChain Certificate, -- The Certificate certifying the eUICC
otherCertsInChain [0] CertificateChain OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Other
Certificates in the eUICC certificate chain, if any

EuiccSigned1 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
serverAddress [3] UTF8String, -- The RSP Server address as an FQDN
serverChallenge [4] Octet16, -- The RSP Server Challenge
euiccInfo2 [34] EUICCInfo2,
ctxParams1 CtxParams1

AuthenticateResponseError ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
authenticateErrorCode AuthenticateErrorCode

AuthenticateErrorCode ::= INTEGER {invalidCertificate(1), invalidSignature(2),

unsupportedCurve(3), noSession(4), invalidOid(5), euiccChallengeMismatch(6),
transactionIdError (8), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingCrl(9), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
invalidCrlSignature(10), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
revokedCert(11), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
invalidCertOrCrlTime(12), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
invalidCertOrCrlConfiguration(13), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
invalidIccid(14), -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

CancelSessionRequest ::= [65] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF41'

transactionId TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the RSP Server
reason CancelSessionReason

CancelSessionReason ::= INTEGER {

sessionAborted(16), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
enterpriseProfilesNotSupported(17), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
enterpriseRulesNotAllowed(18), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseProfileNotAllowed(19), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseOidMismatch(20), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
enterpriseRulesError(21), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#

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enterpriseProfilesOnly(22), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
lprNotSupported(23), -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
lprNetworkDataNotAllowed(24), -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
emptyProfileOrSpName(25), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
rpmDisabled(27), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
invalidRpmPackage(28), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
loadRpmPackageError(29), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

CancelSessionResponse ::= [65] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF41'

cancelSessionResponseOk CancelSessionResponseOk,
cancelSessionResponseError INTEGER {invalidTransactionId(5),

CancelSessionResponseOk ::= SEQUENCE {

euiccCancelSessionSigned EuiccCancelSessionSigned, -- Signed information
euiccCancelSessionSignature [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'

EuiccCancelSessionSigned ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId TransactionId,
smdpOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- SM-DP+ OID as contained in CERT.DPauth.SIG
reason CancelSessionReason

ProfileInfoListRequest ::= [45] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF2D'

searchCriteria [0] CHOICE {
isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16, -- AID of the ISD-P, tag '4F'
iccid Iccid, -- ICCID, tag '5A'
profileClass [21] ProfileClass -- Tag '95'

ListProfileInfo ::= [5] SEQUENCE {

searchCriteria [0] CHOICE {
iccid Iccid,
profileOwnerOid [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER

-- Definition of ProfileInfoListResponse
ProfileInfoListResponse ::= [45] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF2D'
profileInfoListOk SEQUENCE OF ProfileInfo,
profileInfoListError ProfileInfoListError

ProfileInfo ::= [PRIVATE 3] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'E3'

iccid Iccid OPTIONAL,
isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16 OPTIONAL, -- AID of the ISD-P containing the
Profile, tag '4F'
profileState [112] ProfileState OPTIONAL, -- Tag '9F70'
profileNickname [16] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '90'
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '92'
iconType [19] IconType OPTIONAL, -- Tag '93'
icon [20] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024)) OPTIONAL, -- Tag '94',
profileClass [21] ProfileClass OPTIONAL, -- Tag '95'
notificationConfigurationInfo [22] SEQUENCE OF
NotificationConfigurationInformation OPTIONAL, -- Tag 'B6'
profileOwner [23] OperatorId OPTIONAL, -- Tag 'B7'
dpProprietaryData [24] DpProprietaryData OPTIONAL, -- Tag 'B8'
profilePolicyRules [25] PprIds OPTIONAL, -- Tag '99'
serviceSpecificDataStoredInEuicc [34] VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedFromV2.4.0# Tag 'BF22'

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rpmConfiguration [26] RpmConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag
hriServerAddress [27] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9B'
lprConfiguration [28] LprConfiguration OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForLpaProxyV3.0.0#
Tag 'BC'
enterpriseConfiguration [29] EnterpriseConfiguration OPTIONAL,
-- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0# Tag 'BD'
serviceDescription [31] ServiceDescription OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
Tag '9F1F'
deviceChangeConfiguration [32] DeviceChangeConfiguration OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF20'
enabledOnEsimPort [36] INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedForMEPV3.0.0# Tag '9F24'
profileSize [37] INTEGER OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# Tag '9F25'

IconType ::= INTEGER {jpg(0), png(1)}

ProfileState ::= INTEGER {disabled(0), enabled(1)}
ProfileClass ::= INTEGER {test(0), provisioning(1), operational(2)}
ProfileInfoListError ::= INTEGER {
profileChangeOngoing (11), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

EnableProfileRequest ::= [49] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF31'

profileIdentifier CHOICE {
isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16, -- AID, tag '4F'
iccid Iccid -- ICCID, tag '5A'
refreshFlag BOOLEAN, -- indicating whether REFRESH is required
targetEsimPort INTEGER OPTIONAL-- #SupportedForMEPV3.0.0#

EnableProfileResponse ::= [49] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF31'

enableResult INTEGER {
disallowedByEnterpriseRule(6), -- #SupportedForEnterpriseV3.0.0#
commandError(7), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
disallowedForRpm(9), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
noEsimPortAvailable(10), -- #SupportedForMEPV3.0.0# and
-- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
targetEsimPort INTEGER OPTIONAL -- #SupportedForMEPV3.0.0#

DisableProfileRequest ::= [50] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF32'

profileIdentifier CHOICE {
isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16, -- AID, tag '4F'
iccid Iccid -- ICCID, tag '5A'
refreshFlag BOOLEAN -- indicating whether REFRESH is required

DisableProfileResponse ::= [50] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF32'

disableResult INTEGER {
commandError(7), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
disallowedForRpm(10), -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#

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DeleteProfileRequest ::= [51] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF33'

isdpAid [APPLICATION 15] OctetTo16, -- AID, tag '4F'
iccid Iccid -- ICCID, tag '5A'

DeleteProfileResponse ::= [51] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF33'

deleteResult INTEGER {
disallowedInTestMode(4), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
commandError(7), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

EuiccMemoryResetRequest ::= [52] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF34'

resetOptions [2] BIT STRING {
deletePreLoadedTestProfiles(3), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
deleteProvisioningProfiles(4)} -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
-- setting bits 0, 1, 3 and 4 wipes all Profiles

EuiccMemoryResetResponse ::= [52] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF34'

resetResult INTEGER {ok(0), nothingToDelete(1), catBusy(5), undefinedError(127)}

GetEuiccDataRequest ::= [62] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3E'

tagList [APPLICATION 28] Octet1 -- tag '5C', the value SHALL be set to '5A'

GetEuiccDataResponse ::= [62] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3E'

eidValue [APPLICATION 26] Octet16 -- tag '5A'

-- Definition of Profile Nickname Information

SetNicknameRequest ::= [41] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF29'
iccid Iccid,
profileNickname [16] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64))

SetNicknameResponse ::= [41] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF29'

setNicknameResult INTEGER {ok(0), iccidNotFound (1), undefinedError(127)}

GetRatRequest ::= [67] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF43'

-- No input data

GetRatResponse ::= [67] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF43'

rat RulesAuthorisationTable

RulesAuthorisationTable ::= SEQUENCE OF ProfilePolicyAuthorisationRule

ProfilePolicyAuthorisationRule ::= SEQUENCE {
pprIds PprIds,
allowedOperators SEQUENCE OF OperatorId,
pprFlags BIT STRING {consentRequired(0)}

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AlertData ::= [74] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF4A' #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
metadataUpdateEnabledProfile [0] MetadataUpdateEnabledProfile,
pendingOperationAlert [1] ServerWithPendingOperation

MetadataUpdateEnabledProfile ::= SEQUENCE {

iccid Iccid OPTIONAL,
tagList [APPLICATION 28] OCTET STRING -- tag '5C'

ServerWithPendingOperation ::= CHOICE {

pollingAddress [0] NULL,
rootSmds [1] NULL,
defaultSmdp [2] NULL,
explicitAddress [3] UTF8String

VerifySmdsResponseRequest ::= [69] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF45' #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

smdsSigned2 [1] SmdsSigned2, -- must have tag [1]

SmdsSigned2 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
requestSpecificData CHOICE {
eventList [0] SEQUENCE {
eventEntries [1] SEQUENCE OF EventRecordV3,
ecId [2] OCTET STRING(SIZE(16..32)) OPTIONAL, --
#SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0# Event Checking ID
pushServiceRefreshTime [3] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL --
#SupportedForPushServiceV3.0.0# date and time to re-register a Push Token to the
pushServiceRegistrationResult [1] SEQUENCE {
pushServiceRefreshTime [3] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL --
#SupportedForPushServiceV3.0.0# date and time to re-register a Push Token to the

EventRecordV3 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

eventId UTF8String,
rspServerAddress UTF8String,
eventType INTEGER, -- either 1 (for Profile Download) or 2 (for RPM)
calculated as either SHA256(ICCID) or SHA256(ICCID|Salt)
salt OCTET STRING (SIZE(8..16)) OPTIONAL, -- optional salt to be concatenated
with ICCID(s) for hashing
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)) OPTIONAL,
operatorId [23] OperatorId OPTIONAL

VerifySmdsResponseResponse ::= [69] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF45' #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

verifySmdsResponseOk NULL,
verifySmdsResponseError INTEGER {

LoadRpmPackageRequest ::= [68] SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0# Tag 'BF44'

smdpSigned3 SmdpSigned3,
smdpSignature3 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'

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SmdpSigned3 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SM-DP+
rpmPackage [1] RpmPackage,
rpmPending [2] NULL OPTIONAL

PrepareDeviceChangeRequest ::= [77] SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF4D'

smdpSigned4 SmdpSigned4, -- Signed information
smdpSignature4 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'
hashCc Octet32 OPTIONAL -- Hash of confirmation code

SmdpSigned4 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SMDP+
ccRequiredFlag BOOLEAN, -- Indicates if the Confirmation Code is required
activationCodeForProfileRecovery [1] UTF8String (SIZE(0..255)) OPTIONAL --
presents only in ES9+.AuthenticateClient response for a profileRecoveryRequest

PrepareDeviceChangeResponse ::= [77] CHOICE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF4D'

downloadResponseOk PrepareDeviceChangeResponseOk,
downloadResponseError PrepareDeviceChangeResponseError

PrepareDeviceChangeResponseOk ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

euiccSigned3 EUICCSigned3, -- Signed information
euiccSignature3 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'

EUICCSigned3 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
hashCc Octet32 OPTIONAL, -- Hash of confirmation code
additionalInformation VendorSpecificExtension OPTIONAL

PrepareDeviceChangeResponseError ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
downloadErrorCode DownloadErrorCode

VerifyDeviceChangeRequest ::= [75] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF4B' #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

deviceChangeConfirmation [0] SEQUENCE {
smdpSigned5 SmdpSigned5, -- Signed information
profileRecoveryResponse [1] SEQUENCE {
smdpSigned4 SmdpSigned4, -- Signed information
smdpSignature4 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'

SmdpSigned5 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
deviceChangeResponse [1] DeviceChangeResponse OPTIONAL

DeviceChangeResponse ::= CHOICE {

deviceChangeData [0] DeviceChangeData,
encryptedDeviceChangeData [1] EncryptedDeviceChangeData

DeviceChangeData ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

iccid Iccid,
activationCodeForDc [0] UTF8String (SIZE(0..255)),
deleteOldProfile [1] NULL OPTIONAL, -- Deletion of the installed Profile

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deleteNotificationForDcSupport [2] NULL OPTIONAL, -- Delete Notification for
Device Change supported
notificationAddress [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- FQDN that processes the Delete
Notification for Device Change
profileRecoverySupport [4] NULL OPTIONAL,
profileRecoveryValidityPeriod [5] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL -- Absolute date and
time for Profile Recovery

EncryptedDeviceChangeData ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

controlRefTemplate [6] IMPLICIT ControlRefTemplate,
sequenceOf87 [1] SEQUENCE OF [7] OCTET STRING -- sequence of '87' TLVs

VerifyDeviceChangeResponse ::= [75] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF4B' #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#

verifyDeviceChangeOk CHOICE {
verifyDeviceChangeNull [0] NULL,
verifyDeviceChangeData [1] DeviceChangeData
verifyDeviceChangeError INTEGER {

E4ERequest ::= [PRIVATE 4] CHOICE { -- Tag 'E4'

startDownload [0] SEQUENCE {
activationCode [0] UTF8String (SIZE(0..255))
}, -- Start Download
confirmDownload [1] SEQUENCE {
enable [0] NULL OPTIONAL, -- enable Profile after download
confirmationCode [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- confirmation code
pinCode [2] UTF8String (SIZE(4..8)) OPTIONAL -- LPAe PIN if used
}, -- Confirm Download
listProfiles [2] NULL, -- List Profiles
enableProfile [3] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid}, -- Enable Profile
disableProfile [4] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid}, -- Disable Profile
deleteProfile [5] SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid,
pinCode [1] UTF8String (SIZE(4..8)) OPTIONAL -- LPAe PIN if used
}, -- Delete Profile
euiccMemReset [6] SEQUENCE {
pinCode [0] UTF8String (SIZE(4..8)) OPTIONAL -- LPAe PIN if used
}, -- eUICC Memory Reset
changeConfirmationPin [7] UTF8String (SIZE(9..17)), -- Change confirmation PIN
setRpmAllow [8] BOOLEAN, -- Turn on/off Remote Profile Management
pollRpmPackage [9] SEQUENCE {iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid OPTIONAL},
-- Check for RPM packages for profile with iccid. No iccid means 'Update All'
confirmRpmPackage [10] SEQUENCE {
pinCode [0] UTF8String (SIZE(4..8)) OPTIONAL
-- LPAe PIN, if used, with Strong Confirmation
}, -- Confirms the pending RpmPackage
cancelSession[11] NULL
-- Cancels the pending profile download or RpmPackage execution

E4EResponse ::= [PRIVATE 4] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'E4'

resultCode [0] E4EResultCode,
resultData [1] CHOICE {
startDownloadResponse [0] SEQUENCE {
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)), -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)), -- Tag '92'

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ccRequired [0] NULL OPTIONAL -- confirmation code required
listProfilesResponse [3] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid, -- Profile ICCID
profileState [112] ProfileState, -- Tag '9F70'
serviceProviderName [17] UTF8String (SIZE(0..32)), -- Tag '91'
profileName [18] UTF8String (SIZE(0..64)) -- Tag '92'
-- the eUICC MAY truncate these names so that the response fits
-- into one APDU
pollRpmPackageResponse [4] SEQUENCE {
rpmPackage [0] RpmPackage, -- RPM Package to be confirmed by user
rpmPending [1] NULL OPTIONAL -- There are pending RPM Packages after this
confirmDownloadResponse [5] SEQUENCE {
iccid [APPLICATION 26] Iccid -- Profile ICCID

E4EResultCode ::= INTEGER {

success (0),
errorBusy (1), -- CAT not available due to another operation
errorComm (2), -- Communication error with server
errorAuth (3), -- Mutual Authentication Error
errorNoProfile (4), -- No Profile available for download at SM-DP+
errorEligibility (5), -- SM-DP+ rejected download due to Eligibility Check
errorInstall (6), -- Error during Profile installation
errorPin (7), -- Invalid PIN
errorProfileRef (8), -- Referenced Profile does not exist
errorAlreadyEnabled (9), -- Referenced Profile is already enabled
errorAlreadyDisabled (10), -- Referenced Profile is already disabled
errorConfirmationCode (11), -- Invalid Confirmation Code,
errorRpmDisabled (12), -- Cannot pollRpmPackage, RPM is disabled
errorProfileDoesNotExist (13), -- There is no profile with provided ICCID
undefinedError (127)

RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest ::= [2] CHOICE { -- Tag 'A2'

initiateAuthenticationRequest [57] InitiateAuthenticationRequest, -- Tag 'BF39'
authenticateClientRequest [59] AuthenticateClientRequest, -- Tag 'BF3B'
getBoundProfilePackageRequest [58] GetBoundProfilePackageRequest, -- Tag 'BF3A'
cancelSessionRequestEs9 [65] CancelSessionRequestEs9, -- Tag 'BF41'
handleNotification [61] HandleNotification, -- tag 'BF3D'
confirmDeviceChangeRequest [76] ConfirmDeviceChangeRequest, -- Tag 'BF4C'
checkEventRequest [70] CheckEventRequest -- Tag 'BF46'

RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse ::= [2] CHOICE { -- Tag 'A2'

initiateAuthenticationResponse [57] InitiateAuthenticationResponse, -- Tag
authenticateClientResponseEs9 [59] AuthenticateClientResponseEs9, -- Tag 'BF3B'
getBoundProfilePackageResponse [58] GetBoundProfilePackageResponse, -- Tag
cancelSessionResponseEs9 [65] CancelSessionResponseEs9, -- Tag 'BF41'
authenticateClientResponseEs11 [64] AuthenticateClientResponseEs11, -- Tag
confirmDeviceChangeResponse [76] ConfirmDeviceChangeResponse, -- Tag 'BF4C'
checkEventResponse [70] CheckEventResponse -- Tag 'BF46'

InitiateAuthenticationRequest ::= [57] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF39'

euiccChallenge [1] Octet16, -- random eUICC challenge
smdpAddress [3] UTF8String,
euiccInfo1 EUICCInfo1,
lpaRspCapability LpaRspCapability OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

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InitiateAuthenticationResponse ::= [57] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF39'

initiateAuthenticationOk InitiateAuthenticationOkEs9,
initiateAuthenticationError INTEGER {
euiccVersionNotSupportedByDp(2), -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
undefinedError(127) -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

InitiateAuthenticationOkEs9 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0]TransactionId, -- The TransactionID generated by the SM-DP+
serverSigned1 ServerSigned1, -- Signed information
serverSignature1 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- Server Sign1, tag '5F37'
euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed SubjectKeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- The CI Public Key to be
used as required by ES10b.AuthenticateServer
serverCertificate Certificate,
otherCertsInChain [1] CertificateChain OPTIONAL, -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
crlList [2] SEQUENCE OF CertificateList OPTIONAL -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0# From
RFC 5280

AuthenticateClientRequest ::= [59] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3B'

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
authenticateServerResponse [56] AuthenticateServerResponse, -- This is the
response from ES10b.AuthenticateServer
deleteNotificationForDc [1] DeleteNotificationForDc -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
Delete Notification for Device Change, see section 4.1.3

AuthenticateClientResponseEs9 ::= [59] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF3B'

authenticateClientOk AuthenticateClientOk,
authenticateClientError INTEGER {
ciPKMismatch(12), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
euiccRspCapabilityHasChanged(13), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
lpaRspCapabilityHasChanged(14), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
deviceChangeNotSupported(15), -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
deviceChangeNotAllowed(16), -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
iccidUnkwon(17), -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0#
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
authenticateClientOkRpm AuthenticateClientOkRpm, -- #SupportedForRpmV3.0.0#
authenticateClientOkDeviceChange AuthenticateClientOkDeviceChange --

AuthenticateClientOk ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
profileMetadata [37] StoreMetadataRequest OPTIONAL,
smdpSigned2 [1] SmdpSigned2 OPTIONAL, -- Signed information

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smdpSignature2 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- tag '5F37'
smdpCertificate Certificate -- CERT.DPpb.SIG

AuthenticateClientOkRpm ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
smdpSigned3 [3] SmdpSigned3,

AuthenticateClientOkDeviceChange ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
smdpSigned4 [1] SmdpSigned4, -- Signed information
smdpSignature4 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, -- tag '5F37'
serviceProviderMessageForDc [1] LocalisedTextMessage OPTIONAL -- Service
Provider Message For Device Change

GetBoundProfilePackageRequest ::= [58] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3A'

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
prepareDownloadResponse [33] PrepareDownloadResponse

GetBoundProfilePackageResponse ::= [58] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF3A'

getBoundProfilePackageOk GetBoundProfilePackageOk,
getBoundProfilePackageError INTEGER {
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

GetBoundProfilePackageOk ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
boundProfilePackage [54] BoundProfilePackage

HandleNotification ::= [61] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF3D'

pendingNotification PendingNotification

CancelSessionRequestEs9 ::= [65] SEQUENCE { -- Tag 'BF41'

transactionId TransactionId,
cancelSessionResponse CancelSessionResponse -- data structure defined for
ES10b.CancelSession function

CancelSessionResponseEs9 ::= [65] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF41'

cancelSessionOk CancelSessionOk,
cancelSessionError INTEGER {
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

CancelSessionOk ::= SEQUENCE { -- This function has no output data

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AuthenticateClientResponseEs11 ::= [64] CHOICE { -- Tag 'BF40'

authenticateClientOk AuthenticateClientOkEs11V2, -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#
authenticateClientError INTEGER {
ciPKUnknown(8), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
ciPKMismatch(9), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
euiccRspCapabilityHasChanged(10), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
lpaRspCapabilityHasChanged(11), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
pushServiceNotSupport(12), -- #SupportedForPushServiceV3.0.0#
pushServiceRegistrationNotSupported(13), -- #SupportedForPushServiceV3.0.0#
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
authenticateClientOkV3 AuthenticateClientOkEs11V3 -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

AuthenticateClientOkEs11V2 ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
eventEntries [1] SEQUENCE OF EventRecord

EventRecord ::= SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedOnlyBeforeV3.0.0#

eventId UTF8String,
rspServerAddress UTF8String

AuthenticateClientOkEs11V3 ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
smdsSigned2 [1] SmdsSigned2,
smdsSignature2 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING -- tag '5F37'

CheckEventRequest ::= [70] SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0# Tag

ecId [0] OCTET STRING(SIZE(16..32)), -- Event Checking Identifier
smdsAddress [1] UTF8String

CheckEventResponse ::= [70] CHOICE { -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0# Tag

checkEventOk CheckEventOk,
checkEventError INTEGER {
eventCheckingNotSupported(2), -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0#
expiredEcid(3), -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0#
unknownEcid(4), -- #SupportedForEventCheckingV3.0.0#
invalidInputData(124), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
missingInputData(125), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
functionProviderBusy(126), -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#
undefinedError(127) -- #SupportedFromV3.0.0#

CheckEventOk ::= SEQUENCE {

isPendingEvent [0] BOOLEAN -- Indicates if an Event Record corresponding to the
received ECID exists

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ConfirmDeviceChangeRequest ::= [76] SEQUENCE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF4C'

transactionId TransactionId,
prepareDownloadResponse [33] PrepareDownloadResponse

ConfirmDeviceChangeResponse ::= [76] CHOICE { -- #SupportedForDcV3.0.0# Tag 'BF4C'

confirmDeviceChangeOk ConfirmDeviceChangeOk,
confirmDeviceChangeError INTEGER {

ConfirmDeviceChangeOk ::= SEQUENCE {

transactionId [0] TransactionId,
smdpSigned5 SmdpSigned5,
smdpSignature5 OCTET STRING


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Annex I JSON Request Response Examples (Informative)

An example for the "ES9+.InitiateAuthentication" function is shown below:

 HTTP Request (from LPA to SM-DP+):

The following example is in the case where the SM-DP+ supports the v3-specific FQDN as
described in section

HTTP POST /gsma/rsp2/es9plus/initiateAuthentication HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: gsma-rsp-lpad
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v2.1.0
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: XXX

"euiccChallenge": "ZVVpY2NDaGFsbGVuZ2VFeGFtcGxlQmFzZTY0oUFZuQnNZVE5D",
"euiccInfo1": "RmVHRnRjR3hsUW1GelpUWTBvVUZadVFuTlpWRTU",
"smdpAddress": "",
"lpaRspCapability": "ODAwMjAzRjg="

 HTTP Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v2.1.0
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: XXX

"header": {
"functionExecutionStatus": {
"status": "Executed-Success"
"transactionId": "0123456789ABCDEF",
"serverSigned1": "VGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIHZhbHVl",
"serverSignature1": "RKNFZsbFVUa05qUm14e",
"serverCertificate": "RUU2NTQ0ODQ5NDA0RlpSRUZERA==...",
"otherCertsInChain": ["q83vASM..."]

An example for the "ES2+.DownloadOrder" function is shown as follows.

 HTTP Request (from Operator to SM-DP+):

HTTP POST /gsma/rsp2/es2plus/downloadOrder HTTP/1.1
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v3.0.0
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: XXX

"header": {
"functionRequesterIdentifier": "RequesterID",
"functionCallIdentifier": "TX-567"

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"eid": "89001567010203040506070809101152",
"iccid": "8947010000123456784F",
"profileType": "myProfileType"

 HTTP Response for a successful execution:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v3.0.0
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: XXX

"header": {
"functionExecutionStatus": {
"status": "Executed-Success"
"iccid": "8947010000123456784F"

 HTTP Response for a failed execution:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v3.0.0
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: XXX

"header": {
"functionExecutionStatus": {
"status": "Failed",
"statusCodeData": {
"subjectCode": "8.2.5",
"reasonCode": "3.7",
"message": "No more Profile"

An example for the "ES2+.HandleNotification" function is shown as follows:

 HTTP Request (from SM-DP+ to Operator):

HTTP POST /gsma/rsp3/es2plus/handleNotification HTTP/1.1
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v3.0.0
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: XXX

"header": {
"functionRequesterIdentifier": "RequesterID",
"eid": "89001567010203040506070809101152",
"iccid": "8947010000123456784F",

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"profileType": "myProfileType",
"timeStamp": "2015-12-16T09:30:47Z",
"notificationEvent": 4,
"notificationEventStatus": {
"status": "Executed-Success"

 HTTP Response for a successful execution:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
X-Admin-Protocol: gsma/rsp/v3.0.0

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Annex J Tag allocation (Normative)

This annex lists the tags allocated to data objects that SHALL be used for the definition of
the eUICC functions.

Tag Data name Value

'BF20' GetEuiccInfo1Request or EUICCInfo1 32
'BF21' PrepareDownloadRequest or PrepareDownloadResponse 33
'BF22' GetEuiccInfo2Request or EUICCInfo2 34
'BF23' InitialiseSecureChannelRequest 35
'BF24' ConfigureISDPRequest 36
'BF25' StoreMetadataRequest 37
'BF26' ReplaceSessionKeysRequest 38
'BF27' Reserved 39
'BF28' ListNotificationRequest or ListNotificationResponse 40
'BF29' SetNicknameRequest or SetNicknameResponse 41
'BF2A' UpdateMetadataRequest or UpdateMetadataResponse 42
'BF2B' RetrieveNotificationsListRequest or RetrieveNotificationsListResponse 43
'BF2D' ProfileInfoListRequest or ProfileInfoListResponse 45
'BF2E' GetEuiccChallengeRequest or GetEuiccChallengeResponse 46
'BF2F' NotificationMetadata 47
'BF30' NotificationSentRequest or NotificationSentResponse 48
'BF31' EnableProfileRequest or EnableProfileResponse 49
'BF32' DisableProfileRequest or DisableProfileResponse 50
'BF33' DeleteProfileRequest or DeleteProfileResponse 51
'BF34' EuiccMemoryResetRequest or EuiccMemoryResetResponse 52
'BF35' Reserved 53
'BF36' BoundProfilePackage 54
'BF37' ProfileInstallationResult 55
'BF38' AuthenticateServerRequest or AuthenticateServerResponse 56
'BF39' InitiateAuthenticationRequest or InitiateAuthenticationResponse 57
'BF3A' GetBoundProfilePackageRequest or GetBoundProfilePackageResponse 58
'BF3B' AuthenticateClientRequest or AuthenticateClientResponseES9 59
'BF3C' EuiccConfiguredDataRequest or EuiccConfiguredDataResponse 60
'BF3D' handleNotification 61
'BF3E' GetEuiccDataRequest or GetEuiccDataResponse 62
'BF3F' SetDefaultDpAddressRequest or SetDefaultDpAddressResponse 63
'BF40' AuthenticateClientResponseEs11 64
'BF41' CancelSessionRequest or CancelSessionResponse or cancelSessionRequestEs9 65
or cancelSessionResponseEs9

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Tag Data name Value

'BF42' LpaeActivationRequest or LpaeActivationResponse 66
'BF43' GetRatRequest or GetRatResponse 67
'BF44' LoadRpmPackageRequest or LoadRpmPackageResult 68
'BF45' VerifySmdsRespnseRequest or VerifySmdsResponseResponse 69
'BF46' CheckEventRequest or CheckEventResponse 70
'BF4A' AlertData 74
'BF4B' VerifyDeviceChangeRequest or VerifyDeviceChangeResponse 75
'BF4C' ConfirmDeviceChangeRequest or ConfirmDeviceChangeResponse 76
'BF4D' PrepareDeviceChangeRequest or PrepareDeviceChangeResponse 77

Table 66: Tag Allocation

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Annex K OID allocation (Informative)

This annex provides some background on the schema of the OID allocation used in this

For the purpose of assigning OIDs, a root OID for GSMA was registered within the RSP

The value of this root OID is:

joint-iso-itu-t(2) international-organizations(23) gsma(146)

For the purpose of this project, a first node was allocated under this node:


All OIDs allocated in this version and in version 1.X of this specification belong to the rsp
node. OIDs not defined in the ASN.1 (Annex H) are out of scope of this specification, and
allocated by their respective owners.

At the time of writing of this specification, Mr. Gary Waite (GSMA) was responsible for the
allocation of additional OIDs under the gsma node, i.e., acting as Registration Authority.

Other GSMA projects should use a similar approach: register a project specific node under
the gsma node and then define sub-nodes in the project specific documentation.

Within the rsp node, the following schema is used:

rsp(1) – root for the RSP project

spec-version(1) – root for identifying the ASN.1 module of the different versions

version-one(1) – ASN.1 module of version 1.X

version-two(2) – ASN.1 module of version 2.X

version-three(3) – ASN.1 module of version 3.X

… - future ASN.1 modules SHOULD use additional sub-nodes here

cert-objects(2) – root for nodes identifying objects and roles

used in certificates

id-rspExt(0) – root for certificate extensions defined in version 2.x of this

id-rspRole(1) – root for roles used in certificates
(see section 2.4a.1.0 for further details)

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Annex L DLOA document (Normative)

The DLOA is an XML document as defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA [57].

The following table describes the specific coding and rules of the Platform_DLOA used in
this specification to represent the certification, evaluation, approval, qualification, or
validation granted to an eUICC platform.

Field Description
Authority_Label This field SHALL contain the DLOA Authority OID in doted notation:
'' (GSMA RSP node).
LOA_Identifier This field SHALL contain the identifier of the LOA assigned by the DLOA
LOA_Scope This field SHALL contain a string indicating the scope of the certification,
evaluation, approval, qualification, or validation covered by the LOA.
The string SHALL contain the following: "RSP SGP.22
v<version>/<compliance level>"

- <version> SHALL identify the version of specification against which the

eUICC platform has been certified. Value SHALL be coded as a string of
major/minor/revision values (each on possibly several digits) separated by '. '.
If revision is not used, it SHALL be omitted. E.g., "RSP SGP.22 v2.0.12",
"RSP SGP.22 v1.0".
- <compliance level> value SHALL be "Basic" for this version of specification.
Platform_Label This field SHALL contain a string as the concatenation of the
OID of the platform manufacturer and the Unique Identifier of the platform,
separated by a '/':
"<OID platform manufacturer>/<Unique Identifier of the platform>"

- <OID platform manufacturer > = OID in doted notation of the entity being the
manufacturer of the eUICC platform. E.g., ""
- <Unique Identifier of the platform> = a value defined by the platform
manufacturer (out of scope), but SHALL follow rules defined in
GlobalPlatform DLOA [57].
Issuance_Date This field SHALL contain the date of issuance of the related LOA.
Expiration_Date The Expiration_Date SHALL be set with the value defined by the applied
compliance process.
LOA_Url This field SHALL contain the URL where the original LOA as issued by the
DLOA Authority can be retrieved.
Signature The signature SHALL be done as defined in GlobalPlatform DLOA [57].
In order to limit the cryptographic requirements on Management System side,
this specification limits to the signature algorithm
'', with one of the
curves defined in 2.6.5.
NOTE: The OID of the platform manufacturer and the EIN part of the EID represent the same entity.
Both values could be used interchangeably to identify the entity.

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Table 67: Platform_DLOA description
NOTE: The implementation details for Platform_DLOA will be indicated in SGP.24
[64] when the DLOA service becomes active. The Application_DLOA is not
used in this specification.

Annex M Configuration for RSP Server, LPA and EUICC

An eUICC stating conformance to this version of this specification SHALL:
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.loadCrlSupport bit to '0'.
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.deviceInfoExtensibilitySupport bit to '1'.
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.serviceProviderMessageSupport bit to '1'.
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.crlStaplingV3Support bit to '1'.
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.certChainV3VerificationSupport bit to '1'.
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.signedSmdsResponseV3Support bit to '1'.
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.euiccRspCapInInfo1 bit to '1'.
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport bit to '1'.
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.updateNotifConfigInfoSupport bit to '1'.
- Set the EuiccRspCapability.updateMetadataV3Support bit to '1'.
- Include euiccCategory in EuiccInfo2.
- Set the lpaMode in EUICCInfo2 corresponding to the active LPA (LPAd or LPAe).
- Set the EuiccInfo1.lowestSvn, EuiccInfo2.lowestSvn, and
ISDRProprietaryApplicationTemplate.lowestSvn to v2.1.0.
NOTE: this value is required for interoperability with version 2 RSP servers.

- Set the EuiccInfo1.highestSvn and EuiccInfo2.highestSvn to v3.0.0.

NOTE: this value is provided for information only.

- Set the EuiccInfo2.baseProfilePackageVersion to lowest major and highest

minor version of the eUICC Profile Package Specification [5] supported by the
NOTE: this value is required for interoperability with version 2 RSP servers.

- Set the EuiccInfo2.additionalProfilePackageVersions with the list of

additional eUICC Profile Package Specification [5] supported by the eUICC, if any
(e.g., 3.2.0, 4.1.0).
An integrated eUICC stating conformance to this version of this specification SHALL:
- Include treProperties in EuiccInfo2.
- Include treProductReference in EuiccInfo2.

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An LPA stating conformance to this version of this specification SHALL:
- Set the LpaRspCapability.crlStaplingV3Support bit to '1'.
- Set the LpaRspCapability.certChainV3Support bit to '1'.
- Set the LpaRspCapability.signedSmdsResponseV3Support bit to '1' if there
is any SM-DS address configured in the Device or eUICC.
- Set the DeviceInfo.lpaSvn to v3.0.0.
- Set the euiccFormFactorType in DeviceInfo.
- Indicate the followings in Terminal Capability:
o Metadata update alerting support
o Enterprise Capable Device

An SM-DP+ stating conformance to this version of this specification SHALL:
- Set the SessionContext.serverSvn to v3.0.0.
- Set the ServerRspCapability.crlStaplingV3Support bit to '1'.
- Set the ServerRspCapability.cancelForEmptySpnPnSupport bit to '1'.

An SM-DS stating conformance to this version of this specification SHALL:
- Set the SessionContext.serverSvn to v3.0.0.
- Set the ServerRspCapability.crlStaplingV3Support bit to '1'.
- Set the ServerRspCapability.eventListSigningV3Support bit to '1'.
- Support Event Registration and Event Retrieval with HashedIccid(s), Salt,
ServiceProviderName, and OperatorId.

Annex N Version Interoperability (Informative)

There is no need to indicate that an eUICC no longer supports version 2 certificate
verification because such eUICC would be configured with only a version 3 certificate itself.
The version 2 server will see an empty list of euiccCiPKIdListForSigning that will cause
ESXX.InitiateAuthentication to fail.
Assumption that should be verified on LPA version 2:

 When an eUICC version 3 is configured with version 3 certificate chain and is

inserted in a device with LPA version 2, an RSP Server version 3 will generate
ESXX.InitiateAuthentication response with an empty euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed. The
LPA version 2 should accept that empty value.

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An SM-DP+ (and the Operator) may see IMEIs with differently coded last octets coming from
LPAs implementing version 2 or version 3 of this specification.
For HTTP layer:

 Version 3 RSP Server or LPA should be ready to handle an HTTP request or

response with a Content-type having no character set encoding information coming
from a version 2 peer. In turn a version 2 RSP server or LPA is expected to accept a
character set encoding being present.

Annex O Device Change (Informative)

The Service Provider is expected to provide to the SM-DP+ a configuration for the Device
Change procedure.
This configuration informs about behaviour requested by the Service Provider upon Device
Change requests.
This configuration includes, but is not limited to, the following indications:

 If the SM-DP+ is requested, upon reception of a Common Mutual Authentication with

a Device Change request (i.e., ES9+.AuthenticateClient with
ctxParamsForDeviceChange), to:
o call the ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function, including the ICCID of
the Profile with the EID and/or TAC of the new Device (if requested by the
DeviceChangeConfiguration of the profile),
o notify the Service Provider with the ES2+.HandleNotification functionafter
Common Mutual Authentication if the Device Change request is accepted,
 If the SM-DP+ is requested, upon reception of ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange with
indication of the End User’s confirmation result (e.g., accepted, rejected, no
response) to notify the Service Provider with the ES2+.HandleNotification function.
If the SM-DP+ is not requested to call the ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest function, the
configuration could include, but is not limited to, information to be provided to the LPAd in
the different steps of the Device Change procedure:

 For ES9+.AuthenticateClient response:

o The Service Provider Message for Device Change, if it has to be delivered by
the SM-DP+ to the old Device (i.e., serviceProviderMessageForDc in
ES9+.AuthenticateClient response),
o If the SM-DP+ is requested to ask to the End User to enter a Confirmation
Code, (i.e., ccRequiredFlag set to TRUE in smdpSigned2) and the
related Confirmation Code to allow the SM-DP+ to verify it,
 For ES9+.ConfirmDeviceChange response:
o If SM-DP+ has to deliver to the new Device a new Profile or the same Profile
as the one currently installed in the old Device (i.e., deleteOldProfile in
The means for the Service Provider to provide a configuration for the Device Change
procedure to the SM-DP+ is out of scope of this specification.

Annex P Use of VendorSpecificExtension (informative)

This annex provides examples of ASN.1 type definitions that can be referenced by

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A data object with the following type can be included in VendorSpecificExtension that
is carried within euiccSigned3 for Device Change:

SecureUserIntent ::= SEQUENCE {

secureUserIntentCaptured BOOLEAN,

Annex Q Document Management (Informative)

Q.1 Document History

Versi Date CR N° Brief Description of Change Approval Editor /

on Authority Company
13 Duncan Macadam
V1.0 January New PRD Publication PSMC
2016 GSMA

14 April Yolanda Sanz

V.1.1 Minor Change to fix bugs Phase one PSMC
2016 GSMA
V2.0 July 2016 Major Change to include new PSMC Yolanda Sanz
features GSMA
V2.1 Jan 2017 Minor Change to fix bugs and PSM Yolanda Sanz
maintenance changes GSMA
V2.2 31 Aug CR2455R02 Clarification about mutual RSPLEN Yolanda Sanz
2017 authentication GSMA
CR2456R01 Align ASN.1 for BPP not available for
new binding
CR2457R01 Clarification on the OID allocation
CR2458R00 Definition of certificates validity
CR2460R03 Update on CRL following
CR2461R00 Fix EID format in eUICC certificate
CR2462R01 DLOA introduction
CR2463R01 Clarify ECC support requirements
CR2464R01 Fix version on JASON Binding
CR2465R00 Clarification on Get Default SM-DP+
CR2466R01 Bug fix on
CR2467R02 Clarify removal of icon via
CR2468R01 Remove Le for STORE DATA on
CR2469R00 ESci alignement with SGP.14
CR2470R01 Align initial device setup to SGP.21

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CR2471R00 Adding UI to Abbreviations
CR2472R01 Change Symantec by GSMA in
Certificates description
CR2473R03 Verifying Profile state for download
CR2475R01 SM-XX Verification
CR2476R02 Fix JSON pattern for timestamp field
CR2477R00 Fix error code in ES12.DeleteEvent
CR2479R01 Access to the ISD-R vs. SEAC
CR2480R02 Provide more indication on Multi CI
support for TLS
CR2481R02 ECC reference in TLS
CR2482R00 Align ES9+ and
ES11.AuthenticateClient errors
CR2483R00 Clarification of SIMalliance error code
CR2484R01 Clarification of UpdateMetadata
operation for PPR
CR2487R01 Clarification on ES8+ interface
CR2488R00 Fix profileClass in GetProfilesInfo
CR2451R02 Update of Profile Package
specification reference
CR2459R05 Update of Certificates following
CR2485R00 Editorial correction in Sub-procedure
Profile Installation
CR2489R00 Clarification on ES9+ interface
CR2490R01 Clarification on the ES9+
CR2491R01 JSON string escaping clarification
CR2493R01 DLOA: LOA_Scope and Expiration
date definition
NA Various improvements following TF
CR2494R01 Clarification of Profile Owner
CR2495R00 Editorial correction to terminal
CR2496R00 TF comments
CR2497R01 Gender neutrality
V2.2.1 29th Nov Minor minor change to fix minor Yolanda Sanz
2018 changes GSMA
V2.2.2 05th June Minor minor change to fix minor Yolanda Sanz
2020 changes GSMA
SGP.2 30 June CR2701R0 Simplified End User confirmation ISAG Yolanda Sanz
2 v2.3 2021 1 GSMA
CR2702R0 Removal of mandatory RAT
0 configuration

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CR2705R0 Clarifications on v2.2.2 Application

0 Notes
CR2703R0 Optional Edit Default SM-DP+
1 Address funtions
CR2706R0 SGP.22 Mirror CR for integrated
CR2704R0 Allowing LPA to accept TLS
0 Certificate chain to Public CA
CR2710R0 Update for changes in LPA45
CR2709R0 Alignment of Discrete eUICC
0 definition with SGP.21 v2.3
CR2711R0 treProperties mandatory for
1 integrated
CR2708R03 More changes related to SGP.29
CR2712R03 References updated
CR2714R01 Profile download retry upon
temporary errors
(mirror to CR3486)
CR2715R02 Optional LPAd support for Profile
Download with PPRs on Removable
CR2717R05 Editorial Clarification on disabling a
Test Profile
CR2718R00 Update version numbers in HTTP
CR2719R02 References cleanup
CR2722R00 More SIMAlliance clean up
CR2721R00 Optional support of Brainpool and
CR2724R00 ASN.1 corrections
CR2725R00 Allow multiple eUICC Profile
Package versions
V2.4 28 CR2801R02 Field-test eUICC
October CR2802R02 Clarification on outdate ppVersion Yolanda Sanz
2021 ISAG
during oudate interm period GSMA
CR2803R02 Add Profile Metadata Extensibility
SGP.2 19 CR3001R01 eUICC Memory Reset for ISAG Denis Praca,
2 v3.0 October Provisioning and pre-loaded Test Thales
2022 Profiles
CR3003R02 eUICC initialization without enabled
CR3004R03 Alignment of ISD-R selection
CR3005R02 Optimization during eUICC
CR3006R04 High Resolution Icon
CR3007R06 RPM Procedures
CR3009R02 SMXX check for incorrect signing CI

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CR3012R00 High Resolution Icon on ES10c
CR3014R02 Unsetting of Policy Rules via Update
CR3015R03 Adding OperationType in
ES9+.AuthenticateClient Request
CR3016R06 RPM functions
CR3017R01 RPM Package
CR3018R01 Setting OperationType and ICCID in
CR3011R01 Removal of icon via
CR3020R01 Version negotiation during device
CR3022R01 APDU access API
CR3023R01 Service provider message during
Profile download
CR3019R01 Introduce server version number in
common mutual authentication
CR3025R01 Clean some yellow highlighted
content in RPM related sections
CR3013R07 LPA alerting of Metadata updates
CR3026R07 Multi-CI Security
CR3027R01 ES2+ and SMDP new Requirements
CR3028R02 OS Update Requirements
CR3029R01 OS Update capability ELG16
CR3030R01 Metadata Update procedure
CR3033R00 Update reference for application
update refresh
CR3038R01 General compliance checking rules
CR3042R00 Network attachment in Local Profile
CR3045R00 Shall be stopped fixed
CR3052R01 Add minor comments from Plenary in
SGP.22 v2.2
CR3044R00 Add missing error codes in
ES2+.releaseProfile function
CR3031R02 ES2+.RpmOrder
CR3032R04 RPM clean up
CR3034R01 RSP version numbers (editorial)
CR3035R06 RPM Command 'Contact PCMP'
CR3039R05 ES10b.CancelSession
CR3010R13 Add SubCAs
CR3041R04 Enterprise
CR3043R02 Add missing error codes binding in
CR3046R00 CancelSession reason codes

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serverAddressMismatch and
CR3047R01 Clarify calculation of confirmation
code hash
CR3049R01 Clarify download attempt limits
CR3050R03 Clarification of the usage of the
Function Requester Identifier field
CR3051R01 Clarification of HTTP client retry and
reconnection management
CR3053R06 Common Cancel Session
CR3055R05 Clarification on common mutual
authentication, profile download
procedure, subject key identifier and
minor reference correction
CR3056R01 STORE DATA block number count
CR3057R01 CancelOrder JSON fix
CR3058R04 Unified Notifications
CR3060R02 Make catBusy optional
CR3062R01 Editorial corrections
CR3063R00 Apply CERTPK12 restriction only to
server PKIds
CR3064R01 Align ES9+ and ES11
CR3065R01 TF Comments on SGP.22 v3.0
CR3067R01 finalProfileStatusIndicator rewording
CR3074R00 Fix ASN.1 in RpmPackageResult
CR3075R01 Remove Cert in RPM Package
CR3080R01 No use case to store
serviceProviderMessage on eUICC
CR3070R02 LPA API support for companion
CR3061R01 Change RPM type to CHOICE
CR3088R01 RPM type twice in Annex H and other
Allocation of missing tag values
CR3048R02 Download Test Profile only in Device
Test Mode
CR3059R03 Reference to Sub-procedure Cancel
CR3071R03 Adding notificationReason in Phase 3
CR3082R00 Clarify Service Provider vs. Operator
CR3083R00 Clarify that RPM always uses refresh
CR3084R02 Event alerting mechanism
CR3085R00 LPA API PlantUML update
CR3086R02 Adding matchingIdSource in

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CR3087R01 SM-DS operation when no pending
Event during CMA
CR3089R01 Remove Cert in
ES9+.AuthenticateClient for RPM
CR3090R02 Restructure RPM package and add
RPM notifications
CR3091R02 Rename rpmPackageResult to
CR3095R01 Allow option to postpone download
with PPRs
CR3097R00 Fix references to non-existent section
CR3102R02 Correction to GlobalPlatform
CR3069R04 Integrity protection of SM-DS
CR3076R02 Limit RpmPackage size
CR3077R04 Limit RpmPackageResult size
CR3081R03 Clear cached data upon RPM Update
CR3092R02 rpmConfiguration in
UpdateMetadata, StoreMetadata,
and GetProfilesInfo
CR3096R01 JSON and ASN.1 binding of
CR3099R02 LPA PCMP Address configuration
CR3106R00 End User access to ICCID of
Operational Profiles
CR3068R05 Advanced activation code
CR3094R03 CI public key and credential update
for eUICC
CR3098R02 Verifying MatchingID of Command
CR3100R05 Validation of Device Application
CR3104R03 Public CA for TLS
CR3107R02 Simplify description of RPM package
CR3108R02 Limit RPM to one command with
CR3109R03 End User consent on enabling a
Profile after its installation
CR3110R00 ES2+ HandleNotification renaming
CR3111R02 Alignment of SGP22 with SGP21 on
eUICC category which is a
mandatory information to be shared
CR3112R01 Cleanup of description of
CR3113R01 Removal of implicit enabling of
Enterprise Profiles

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CR3114R01 Editorial cleanup of function binding
for ES22
CR3117R01 LPA API procedure update with
ES2+ interworking
CR3119R01 Rewording of notificationPointId and
CR3120R01 OperationType for Profile Download
and Installation
CR3121R01 Local Profile Management operation
Add-Update All
CR3125R00 TLS certificate for HRI server
CR3127R00 Addition of missing error codes for
CR3101R07 Removing unknown Event from SM-
CR3122R01 eUICC capability for v3
CR3126R04 RPM and ReM clarification as per TF
CR3128R01 Notification alignment between ES9+
and ES2+
CR3129R01 Removal of implicit enabling of
Enterprise Profiles in section 3.1
CR3132R01 Resolve three Verizon review issues
CR3103R09 Rework version negotiation
CR3130R03 Start conditions for RPM regarding
v2 interoperability
CR3131R03 LPA API error codes regarding v2
CR3133R01 Forward compatibility of activation
CR3134R01 Backward compatibility with v2
CR3138R01 Optional Operation Type for
Command Code
CR3139R02 Various backward+forward
compatibility fixes
CR3140R01 RPM Execution reference fix
CR3141R01 Editorial clean-up of StoreMetadata
CR3142R02 ES10b.CancelSession reason codes
CR3143R01 REFRESH correction in RPM
CR3144R01 Align UICCCapability with SIMa v2.1
CR3145R01 Clarify RSP session
CR3146R00 Editorial corrections
CR3147R01 Revising Function Input Header of
CR3150R01 RSP session definition
CR3151R01 Remove overlap in 3.1.5

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CR3152R01 Clean up VendorSpecificExtension
CR3154R01 Protected Profile clarification
CR3157R01 JSON binding of
CR3158R01 HRI and LPAe
CR3159R01 Clarification in DS event deletion
CR3163R00 Cancel session related procedures
CR3036R04 LPA Proxy based on GP SERAM –
1st CR
CR3135R02 Backward compatibility with v2
CR3136R04 Server Certificate revocation
CR3148R02 Adding MatchingID in
ES2+.HandleNotification regarding
TF input
CR3149R02 Returning a rpmPending flag in
ES9+.AuthenticateClient response
CR3153R01 ELG15 Implementation
CR3155R05 Certificate chain support negotiation
CR3160R02 No notifications when switching with
test profiles
CR3162R01 Enterprise profiles cleanup
CR3165R00 Fixing a reference in LPA API
CR3168R01 otherSignedNotification clarification
CR3169R05 Test mode restrictions
CR3170R03 Clarify Enterprise Owned Device
CR3172R01 Add LPA API to architecture
CR3173R02 Remove reference to ASCII
CR3174R01 security note regarding
CR3176R01 Grouping of Enterprise Features
CR3177R01 LPAe and BIP
CR3178R01 Deprecating X-Admin-Protocol in
ES9+ and ES11
CR3181R00 Add missing User Agent indication in
CR3182R01 Fix compilation issue in
ES9+.AuthenticateClient binding
CR3183R00 Fix issues in ES11.AuthenticateClient
CR3184R00 Fix in OtherNotification definition
CR3185R00 Simplify RpmConfiguration
CR3187R00 Remove unused reference
CR3190R01 Revising wrong section numberings
CR3192R00 Remove Context from

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CR3193R01 General description on RPM
CR3194R01 Change Profile Download and Local
Profile Management to RSP
Operation in Annex C.2
CR3199R00 Removing two Editors Notes on
combining Profile Download and
CR3164R01 Time checks on the eUICC
CR3166R02 Review description of all functions
CR3180R01 Simplify eUICC implementation of
Update Metadata
CR3191R02 Adding description on Command
Code for RPM and Event Retrieval
CR3196R01 Clarifying contextual operation
CR3197R05 Improve AC coding
CR3198R02 Fix in VerifyCommandCommand
error codes
CR3200R01 Missing No columns
CR3201R01 Clarify updateMetata in RPM order
CR3202R00 Enterprise Profile and Enterprise
CR3204R01 eUICC handling of
CR3209R00 Clarify LPA handling of failed Profile
CR3212R01 Add CAT letter classes to device
CR3207R03 Clarify RPM errors
NA To remove the CR3148R02
MatchingID in
ES2+.HandleNotification regarding
TF input
CR3118R04 Replace RSP by eSIM
CR3167R04 Load RPM Package Result
CR3179R02 ES10x interoperability description in
section 2.4.14 (overview on SVN
CR3189R05 PCM procedure
CR3195R07 Framework for RspCapability
CR3203R00 SAS-UP Reference
CR3206R01 Clarification on ECKA and
CR3208R04 Allow empty MatchingID in download

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CR3211R01 Pending operation alerting procedure
CR3215R01 CR3136 cleanup
CR3216R02 Remove superfluous profile owner
checks for RPM
CR3217R00 Remove variant Ov3 for server
CR3218R00 Truncated CI Public Key Identifier
CR3219R01 Add certificate chains variant for
CR3220R01 eUICC session termination
CR3221R01 New functions defined in V3
CR3222R02 Security Overview: adding paragraph
regarding Notifications
CR3223R01 Switching RPM Enabled and
Disabled in LPA by End User
CR3224R02 Clarification for keys profile binding
and random key clarification
CR3225R01 OSUpdate Clarifications
CR3226R01 SGP.22 Phase 1 backward
CR3227R01 Cleanup of wording in 5.7.14a
CR3228R01 Invalid Transaction ID error cases
CR3229R06 Make SVN negotiation obsolete
CR3230R01 ES2+ cover SMDP43-44-45-46-47-
CR3231R02 Remove CERT.DPauth.ECDSA from
CR3232R01 End user control over LPA proxy
network usage
CR3234R01 Remove
CR3235R02 Service Indication in Profile Metadata
CR3236R02 Simplifying procedure descriptions in
CR3237R02 Editorial changes from TF on Draft 9
CR3238R00 Consecutive user confirmations
CR3240R01 Limit the number of ot key re-use
CR3241R01 Explicitly state the rebinding error
CR3242R02 User friendly way for setting the
allowedCiPKId for the default DP
CR3243R04 LPA Proxy API
CR3244R01 Device capabilities for LPA API, LPA
proxy, and APDU API
CR3245R01 TLS certificate revocation
CR3246R01 Changing Root CI to GSMA Root CI

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RSP Technical Specification
CR3247R00 Correcting attemps to attempts
CR3248R01 SetNickname is optional for the LPA
CR3250R03 Fix loss of backward compatibility
around euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed
CR3253R04 Clearly define notificationEvent
CR3254R01 Clean up description of enable,
disable and eUICC memory reset
CR3255R03 Eliminate references to enterprise
owned device
CR3188R04 Fix error handling in RPM execution
CR3251R02 Simplifying procedure descriptions in
section 3.1
CR3256R02 New error code rejecting Reference
Enterprise Rules
CR3257R02 Clean up enterprise checks on the
CR3259R01 Update description of LPA Services
CR3260R00 Clarify AAC procedure and AAC
CR3261R00 Align wording for root certificates
CR3262R01 Clarify LPA API usage as per Telenor
CR3263R02 eUICC capability for service provider
CR3264R00 Add optional AAC to initial device
CR3265R03 Encode AAC as a version 2 AC
CR3267R01 OperationType in Add Profile and
Update Profile
CR3268R01 Clarify definition of ES12
CR3269R01 Removing Editor's Notes on RPM
Package and LPA API
CR3270R01 ASN.1 Restructuring
CR3271R06 Description on the elements in
CR3273R02 TLS optional in ES2+
CR3274R01 Intro comments from TF on Draft 11
CR3275R01 Clarification about options numbering
in RPM
CR3276R01 Clarification about the
CR3277R01 Additional clean-up around svn
CR3278R02 Remove dependency on svn for
EventList signing
CR3279R01 Add a capability on eUICC for
CR3280R00 LoadRpmPackageREsultData

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missing references
CR3281R01 Processing for an eUICC not
supporting enterprise
CR3283R03 LPAe always uses REFRESH
CR3284R01 Move ASN.1 for update metadata
response to 5.4.1
CR3286R00 Clarify LPA behaviour for enabling a
Provisioning Profile
CR3290R01 ICCID and EID clarifications
CR3291R01 Editorial changes in Device Info
CR3292R01 New error codes for ASN.1 binding of
CR3293R01 Certificates comments from TF on
Draft 11
CR3205R09 CI public key and credential update
for eUICC
CR3239R01 Definitions and Abbreviations
comments from TF on Draft 9
CR3252R01 Simplifying procedure descriptions in
section 3.7
CR3258R01 Clarify catBusy in local profile
management procedures
CR3285R01 Extend error handling in 3.1.5 to
include RPM
CR3288R03 AAC Comments
CR3289R04 eUICC removable or not
CR3294R01 Restrict Profile Owner update via
CR3297R00 Error code alignment
CR3298R04 ES12 TLS requirements
CR3299R02 Interoperability between v2.x LPA
and v3 eUICC
CR3300R03 Clarify CommandCode signing
CR3301R00 Update GP CS Amd. F to v1.1
CR3302R01 Add event alerting in the starting
conditions of affected procedures
CR3303R01 Removal of one Editor's Note on
CR3304R02 User Confirmation for RPM Update
CR3305R01 Removal of one Editor's Note on
CR3307R01 Add AES keys description
CR3309R01 Remove limitation on validity period
for SubCA issued Certificate
CR3310R03 Mark a Profile 'to be deleted' on RPM
Delete Profile (RSPTEC38_AP13)
CR3313R00 Consistently refer to CI PK indicator

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CR3315R02 TF comment (TFTEC38_Doc019) on

CR3319R00 Definition of Enterprise Rule
CR3320R01 LPA behaviour on ASN.1 size limit of
UTF-8 string
CR3306R03 Add cancelSession in Event Retrieval
CR3308R00 Fix in ES11.AuthenticateClient
CR3312R00 Remove constraint on certs to have
same subject name
CR3314R01 Add missing data objects for ASN1
CR3316R02 Additional eUICC info
CR3317R01 Cleanup description of RPM
CR3318R02 Extension of the sequence of 88
TLVs for Profile metadata
CR3322R00 Clarifying RPM Contact PCMP error
CR3323R01 Modify EF UMPC handling
CR3324R04 Revising implicit disable in RPM
Enable Profile
CR3325R00 Remove UI specifics from
SetNickname procedure
CR3326R00 Bug fix in ES2+.HandleNotification
CR3327R01 Editorial corrections to section 2
CR3328R00 Fix specification of LPA46 condition
CR3329R02 Align User-Agent header to RFC7231
CR3330R00 Action RSPTEC392_AP02&03
CR3332R03 Mandatory from version 3.0.0
acronym for feature support
CR3334R01 Clarify ES2+.SignCommandCode
CR3335R00 Clarify use of server_name extension
for TLS
CR3336R00 Clarify use of subCAs in common
mutual authentication start conditions
CR3337R00 No CI public key restriction for TLS
CR3338R00 Allow Variant C in
ES9+.InitiateAuthentication response
CR3339R03 Fix IMEI encoding definition
CR3340R00 Discovery of non-released Profiles
CR3341R01 Rework section for Cert verification
CR3344R01 Enterprise Capable Devices

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optionally rejecting Enterprise Rules
CR3345R01 Revise ReM operation
CR3347R01 GetProfilesInfo example retrieving all
CR3350R01 Support of minimal file system eSIMs
CR3354R01 lpaMode in EUICCInfo2 should be
CR3357R00 Revert to v2 serialNumber
description (RSPTEC41_AP09)
CR3359R01 Editorial correction to Annex P
CR3362R01 DLOA support mandatory
CR3311R05 Version interoperability in Annex O
CR3321R04 Deprecating LPA SVN and Server
SVN in the specification
CR3333R00 edit Default SM-DP+ is optional for
the LPA
CR3355R08 Providing new HTTP status codes for
HandleNotification response
CR3356R05 Clarify MatchingID usage on ES2+
CR3358R01 Clarifying mention of default file
CR3360R01 Clarifying Managing SM-DP+ check
in ES10c function calls via RPM
CR3363R02 Consistent use of GSMA CI RootCA
and GSMA CI terms
CR3364R01 Rewording 'Phase 3'
CR3365R00 Abbreviation of API
CR3366R01 euiccRspCapability and LPA API
CR3367R02 Revising implicit disable in RPM
Enable Profile
CR3368R01 Clarifying ES22 functions
CR3369R01 Clarification about NotificationEvent
CR3371R00 Profile Installation Result upon
CR3374R01 Clarify GetProfilesInfo response
CR3375R00 Store only signed Load RPM
Package Results in eUICC
CR3376R00 Fix UML in Event Retrieval
CR3377R01 Clarifications around Metadata
CR3379R01 Make DP certs subject name unique
CR3380R00 ASN.1 comment style
CC3381R01 Revise description on RPM
Execution procedures
CR3382R07 Cryptographic negotiation description
CR3383R01 Cleanup related to TF draft 15

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CR3384R01 Align ES21 to GP SERAM
CR3385R01 Editorial in PrepareDownload for
curve designation
CR3387R01 Activation Code example
CR3388R02 Editorial guidelines for capitalisation
and ASN.1 comments
CR3389R03 HTTP header for JSON
CR3390R02 ASN.1 tag fixes
CR3391R01 Editorial change in triggering PCM
via RPM
CR3392R01 Remove obsoleted HTTP RFC
CR3394R01 Correct interface description in
section 5.1
CR3397R01 Remove duplication of GP SERAM
CR3398R00 Remove ed note on RSA
CR3400R00 Version reference in section
CR3401R00 Fix eUICC hardware characteristics
CR3393R07 eUICC support for LPA Proxy
CR3399R00 Remove ed note on rebind error
CR3404R00 Change Auditing eUICC to Audit
CR3405R00 Maximum size of RPM packages
CR3406R02 PCM Script definition
CR3407R01 Correction of Open Mobile API
CR3409R01 Cleanup of tags for RPM packages
CR3410R01 Cleanup of OIDs
CR3412R01 Informative reference to Generic Test
CR3413R02 Clarify meaning of LPA Proxy
CR3414R00 Fix references to ETSI TS 102 221
CR3416R01 Clarify ICCID in notification metadata
CR3418R01 RPM rejection by LPAd during RPM
CR3422R00 EnterpriseProfilesNotSupported error
code revised
CR3403R03 Revising FunctionExecutionStatus
and NotificationEventStatus
CR3402R09 BPP Security Protocol
CR3408R04 Privacy of RPM Commands
CR3411R08 Adding Status Code to ES9+
Authentication Client
CR3415R04 Adding Status Code to ES2+ Cancel

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CR3419R00 Removing "Normal Case" from
CR3420R01 Fulfilling action RSPTEC392_AP05
CR3421R01 Fulfilling action RSPTEC392_AP04
CR3423R02 Add 5G RAT to DeviceInfo
CR3424R01 Deactivating LPAe
CR3425R01 ES2+ Download Order clarification
CR3426R00 Clean up naming of Event Records
CR3428R00 Remove trusted-ca-keys
CR3430R01 Update EID definition
CR3429R06 Editor’s note for backwards
CR3433R01 Clarify (former) TF comments on
Draft 15
CR3436R01 TLS handshake with a non-empty
CR3437R00 X-Admin-Protocol values in Annex I
CR3438R00 Multiple editorial changes
CR3440R01 Fix HTTP path for ES9 ASN.1
CR3443R00 Fulfilling voided AC6 requirement
CR3444R01 Fulfilling revised Device requirements
on EID
CR3446R01 Remove discovery ordering between
SM-DS and Default SM-DP+
CR3447R00 Device reset without eUICC Memory
CR3451R01 Clarify that JavaCard is mandatory
CR3417R03 Addition of 5G related UICC
CR3445R05 LPAe using E4 ENVELOPEs
CR3448R09 Clean nameConstraints definition in
EUM Certificate
CR3450R06 Add integrated euicc in eligibility
CR3455R03 Simplified End User confirmation
CR3456R00 Clarification in section 5.1
CR3457R00 simaResponse is conditional
CR3458R01 Allow ES2 resends
CR3459R02 SAIP supported versions indication
CR3460R00 Clarify LPAe activation
CR3463R02 Case-insensitive SM-DP+ FQDN
CR3466R04 Update the ordering of v3 capabilities
in deviceInfo
CR3470R01 Reference to GSMA TSG TS.43 as

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example protocol specification for
ESapp Ineterface
CR3471R00 Change by
CR3472R01 HTTP header correction
CR3473R00 AC Format clarification
CR3476R01 Allow cancel order with ICCID only
CR3477R01 Allow more than one Root SM-DS
CR3478R00 Cleanup of CR3450
CR3479R01 Integrated eUICC REQ ID01
CR3480R01 Reference to OCF Easy Setup
CR3481R00 Align CR3479 with M2M CR4104R01
CR3482R02 Reference SGP.29 EID assignment
CR3487R01 Adding a section for Device Change
CR3486R00 Profile download retry upon
temporary errors
CR3488R11 Device Change terms and definitions,
and procedure details
CR3489R08 Device Change procedure to support
v2 eUICC
CR3490R07 Function description and function
bindings for Device Change
CR3491R06 Use of an elementary file for Device
Change to support v2 eUICC
CR3504R02 MEP - Reserve MEP abbreviation for
Multiple Enabled Profiles
CR3505R06 Adding estimated profile size in
Profile Metadata
CR3507R01 Updated Device requirements
CR3508R00 Update for removal of LPA45
CR3509R00 DS stands for Discovery Service
CR3510R07 ES12 enhancement
CR3511R00 Rewording "Device-specific" in
Annex C
CR3512R00 Removal of mandatory RAT
CR3513R01 Policy rule updates for WG1
CR3523R02 Reference update to OCF Easy
CR3148R06 Add identifiers in
CR3442R07 Clarify profile metadata field
CR3492R06 Profile Recovery for Device Change
CR3518R17 Add MEP support in Procedures
section of SGP.22
CR3519R11 Add MEP support in Functions

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section of SGP.22
CR3525R01 Presence of OperationType
parameter in
CR3526R01 Mirror to V3.0 of CR2711R01
(treProperties mandatory for
CR3528R01 Add informative reference section
CR3531R00 Replace deprecated ASN.1 ANY type
by an open type
CR3533R01 Removing Command Code
CR3534R02 Get Profile Size from GetProfilesInfo
CR3536R01 Correction of explanation of
CR3543R01 Field-test eUICC
CR3544R01 Clarification on outdated ppVersion
during interim period
CR3494R06 Delivery of the Delete Notification for
Device Change
CR3506R09 Device Information Code
CR3515R13 TLS Security requirement update
CR3527R03 Clarification on ICCID in Enhanced
CR3529R03 Editorial Clarification on disabling a
Test Profile
CR3530R03 Device Change Configuration
description annex R
CR3535R05 Enhanced Discovery Service – Event
CR3538R06 MEP: General Description
CR3540R07 Enhanced Discovery Service - Push
CR3541R01 MEP - Fix enable response for
eUICC assigned port
CR3542R00 MEP - Fix disable response in
CR3546R00 Editorial fix for DPpb keys
CR3547R03 MEP: Case 3 commands out of
CR3548R02 Fix profile size description
CR3549R01 Update Annex O - RPM optional
CR3550R01 Fix ICCID and EID examples
CR3555R01 MEP – Clean-up related to
Command/Target Port/Profile
CR3556R00 Command Code clean up
CR3557R00 DEV-IC_fix EID example
CR3558R01 Adding DeviceChangeConfig in

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CR3559R00 MEP - Forbidden Policy Rules
CR3564R03 MEP – Clarify Command/Target Port
in Enable/Disable Procedures
CR3565R01 Java Card section update
CR3566R00 Remove advanced activation code
CR3568R02 Device Change using a stored
Activation Code
CR3569R02 Function description and function
bindings of ES2+ functions for
Device Change
CR3571R02 Clarifying smdsSigned3
CR3573R03 MEP - refresh handling for enabling a
CR3575R03 MEP – Clean-up of port selection for
Enable procedure
CR3577R00 Resolving MEP EN in Clause 3.4
CR3578R00 Resolving EN in Clause 3.4.1
CR3579R01 Resolving EN in Clause 5.7.1
CR3570R01 Clarification on the length of
Activation Code for Device Change
CR3574R02 MEP – Mode setup
CR3580R05 Clause 7.5.16 – MEP-A2 error code
CR3581R03 MEP – CAT mechanism in C.4
CR3583R00 Clean up
pushServiceRegistrationResult in
Push Service Registration procedure
CR3584R00 MEP – Remove isdrIsMepSelectable
CR3585R04 MEP – enterprise requirements
CR3586R03 MEP - Mode setup examples
CR3587R02 MEP - Mode setup error response
CR3588R00 Add a reference to SGP.25
CR3590R02 Rename to priorityEnterpriseProfile
CR3592R01 Clause 5.7.16 – MEP-A2 with (no)
CR3469R07 RPM support in LPAe using E4
CR3517R09 Add MEP Definitions in SGP.22
CR3567R08 Server support for multiple Root SM-
CR3589R07 Clause 2.12 – Clarify profile
assignment to eSIM Port.
CR3593R03 MEP – refresh handling for disabling
a Profile
CR3596R04 Update of TCA Profile Package
specification version

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CR3597R05 RPM with MEP - procedures
CR3599R01 New Error code for expired ECID
CR3600R02 MEP - simplify memory reset
CR3602R00 MEP - align test memory reset
CR3603R02 MEP - align memory reset function
CR3604R02 Clarify handling of
euiccRspCapability in
CR3605R02 Align ASN.1 tags with v2
CR3606R06 Common JSON and ASN.1 request
binding for ESXX.AuthenticateClient
CR3607R06 UICC Capability in TCA Profile
Package specification
CR3609R00 Clause 2.12 – Add Requirements for
profile assignment to eSIM Port - Alt
to CR3608
CR3612R01 Format of lpaRspCapabilities in
CR3614R02 MEP - align test memory reset
CR3615R02 Fix reference to section
CR3620R02 APDU Access Interface comments
CR3622R05 Algorithm related comments
CR3624R01 Removing solved ED in Enable
Profile Procedure
CR3626R01 JSON base64 + hex cleanup
CR3627R01 MEP - outdated ed note on mem
CR3629R03 MEP - Cleanup of port selection for
Enable function
CR3468R05 Independent CI – Definition and
CR3532R09 Ensure SPN and Profile Name
metadata are never empty
CR3595R04 Device Change – Notification and
profile lifecycle clarification
CR3617R05 RPM with MEP - eSIM Port indication
by LPA
CR3625R01 MEP - reconfiguration of number of
ePorts out of scope
CR3628R01 Other Notifications Generation
CR3630R01 RPM with MEP - eSIM Port selection
during RPM download
CR3631R03 Some push service cleanup
CR3632R00 Removal of obsolete ed notes in
enable procedure

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RSP Technical Specification
CR3633R05 eUICC initialisation section clean-up
CR3634R05 RSP sessions and MEP
CR3635R00 Fixing RSP Device Capabilities
CR3636R02 Update of operation alerting
CR3637R00 Removal of ed note in
CR3639R03 MEP - Clarify content of profileState
CR3641R01 RPM – Clean-up Get Profiles Info
CR3647R01 EN resolution on Event Checking
CR3648R04 ES25 E4E API download result
CR3649R02 EN resolution on Device Change
CR3654R00 RPM with MEP - no implicit disabling
CR3655R03 MEP - update of enable and disable
CR3660R00 Fixing step 7 in the notification
CR3661R02 Editorial: FQDN extended type
CR3662R01 TIMESTAMP correction
CR3663R03 Editorial: MEP Removal EN in
Disable procedure
CR3665R02 MEP – Remove ENs regarding to list
APDU multiplexing in the 2.12
CR3666R04 MEP – Proposed way-forward for EP
on an UP
CR3667R01 Clarify location of
CR3485R08 eUICC OS update security
Signed Event Record is optional for
CR3640R02 LPA without SM-DS Address
CR3643R03 PKI – Support of Variant O
CR3658R00 Reorder misplaced sections
Fix optionality in common mutual
CR3659R00 authentication procedure
Generalization of
CR3670R05 VerifySmdsResponse
Removal of last EN in RPM
CR3672R00 execution
CR3673R00 Cleanup of delete function
CR3674R01 Clarify CRL distribution point
Fixing if statements in
CR3675R03 ES9+.AuthenticateClient
CR3676R00 Cleanup of section 5.7.1
Fix wording on disable in section
CR3677R01 2.12
CR3678R00 Remove ed note on renaming MEP

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CR3679R02 Combinations of MEP options
CR3681R03 PPR2 handling for Device Change
CR3684R00 Remove reference to ITU-T X.509
CR3685R01 Update reference to GP SERAM
CR3686R00 Remove obsolete editor's notes
Clarify disabling with CAT not
CR3689R00 initialised
CR3611R09 eUICC capability on Device Change
Removal of last EN in enable
CR3671R01 function
Confirmation Code for Device
CR3680R06 Change
CR3687R04 Fix RPM object deletion
CR3688R04 MEP and test profiles
Cleanup related to metadata
CR3692R01 extensibility
Consistently apply
CR3693R02 euiccRspCapability
CR3694R03 Add notification configuration to RPM
CR3695R02 Fix signature wording
CR3696R00 Fix errors in JSON bindings
CR3697R02 Recommend certificate variant usage
CR3698R00 Remove ed notes on SMx crpyto
CR3699R00 Remove ed note on double errors
CR3700R00 Add EID example
Remove ed note on TLS security
CR3701R00 level
CR3702R00 Fix format of hashedIccid
Remove ed note on filtered event
CR3704R01 record
CR3708R00 Fix missing change from CR3148R06
CR3709R00 Remove yellow for CC definition
CR3710R00 Remove note on ETSI TS 102 223
CR3711R00 Resolve yellow in section 3.4.2
CR3638R01 Some Device Change clarifications
Clarify content of
CR3644R01 ES2+.handleNotification/resultData
CR3657R06 Reworking ES9+.AuthClient
Clarifying pre-configured Activation
CR3683R06 Code for Device Change
CR3703R04 Resolve ed note in cancel session
CR3705R01 Replace SIMalliance wording
CR3706R01 Fixes related to enterprise
CR3707R01 SM-DS support for hashedIccid
CR3712R01 Event retrieval at Device setup

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TLS - Removing ED about
CR3713R02 deprecating AES CBC cipher
CR3714R00 Update ETSI references for MEP
CR3715R01 Resolve 2 ed notes in GetProfilesInfo
CR3716R00 Resolve ed note on SM4 key type
Resolve ed note on unsigned RPM
CR3717R00 errors
Resolve ed note on Notification
CR3718R02 within Device Change
CR3719R00 Resolve miscellaneous ed notes
Fix references to
CR3725R00 ES10b.VerifyDeviceChange
Missing functions in
CR3726R01 RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest
CR3727R00 Fix PCM section reference
CR3728R02 Annex R Removal of Editor’s note
Sort new sub-sections in function
CR3732R00 binding section
Device Change – Multiple Profiles
CR3664R10 transfer
CR3721R03 Remove LPA API sections
CR3724R00 Consistency statement for LPR
Support Device storage of Default
CR3582R01 SM-DP+ addresses
Clarify content of
CR3645R04 ventStatus for RPM
CR3722R04 Clarify tags for base64 JSON fields
Clarify ES9+.AuthClient for Profile
download related with Device
CR3738R01 Change
Always return smdsSigned2 to a v3
CR3720R04 LPA discovery request
CR3729R04 Device Change Clean up
CR3733R00 Correct ES10b.GetProfilesInfo
CR3735R00 upport
CR3737R00 Fix bullet list in Device Info
Remove customised rpmScript
CR3739R01 format
Remove dependency on
asynchronous Download Preparation
Process during Device Change
CR3740R03 Procedure
Clarify ES12 deletion of stale Event
CR3741R02 Records
CR3743R02 Fix clause numbering
CR3744R02 Editorial clean up

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CR3746R00 Enterprise clean up
Changing DPpb to DPauth in Device
CR3749R03 Change and Profile Recovery
CR3753R00 Fix pending operations alerting
Encrypted Activation Code for Device
CR3730R04 Change

CR3734R01 Various fixes in AuthenticateClient

Clarify the meaning of 'empty'
CR3742R01 euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed
CR3745R01 Remove ReM
No tag-length for eUICCChallenge
CR3751R01 before base64 encoding
CR3752R00 Add MEP in 1.9 feature support
CR3754R02 Fix metadata update alerting
Clarifying additional Profile Package
CR3757R02 versions in euiccInfo2
Clarifying GlobalPlatform version in
CR3758R00 euiccInfo2
Consider LPA certChainV3Support
CR3760R02 when selecting cert chain variant
Change INTEGER to NULL for LPA
CR3761R00 alerting
Common command to trigger LPA
CR3762R03 pending operation alerting
ES2+.ConfirmDeviceChange to
CR3763R03 ES2+.HandleDeviceChangeRequest
Resolving yellows in
CR3764R00 ES10b.PrepareDeviceChange
CR3766R00 Enterprise Profiles clarification
Resolving yellowed text in Device
CR3767R00 Change procedure
NA Correction of SmdpSigned5 definition
Correction of SmdpSigned5 definition
NA in Annex H

Q.2 Other Information

Type Description
Document Owner Yolanda Sanz / GSMA
Editor / Company Denis Praca / Thales

It is our intention to provide a quality product for your use. If you find any errors or omissions,
please contact us with your comments. You may notify us at

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RSP Technical Specification
Your comments or suggestions & questions are always welcome.

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