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Pharmacology 4th Edition Brenner Test Bank

Brenner: Pharmacology, 4th Edition

Chapter 02: Pharmacokinetics

Test Bank

Multiple Choice

1. A patient with renal disease exhibits zero-order elimination of a drug she is taking.
Which description of the drug’s elimination half-life is correct?

A. directly proportional to the drug’s clearance

B. inversely proportional to the drug’s volume of distribution
C. directly proportional to the plasma drug concentration
D. inversely proportional to the dose administered
E. varies with the route of drug administration

ANS: C. directly proportional to the plasma drug concentration

2. A drug with a first-order elimination rate constant of 0.23 L/hour is administered by

continuous intravenous infusion. About how long will it take to achieve a steady-
state plasma drug concentration?

A. 5 hours
B. 10 hours
C. 15 hours
D. 30 hours
E. 50 hours

ANS: C. 15 hours

3. Which description best characterizes drug metabolism involving conjugation of a

drug with glucuronate?

A. reduces the rate of biliary drug excretion

B. increases the rate of renal drug excretion
C. typically increases the pharmacologic activity of the drug
D. primarily occurs in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E. often induced or inhibited by other drugs

ANS: B. increases the rate of renal drug excretion

Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2006, 2000 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

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Pharmacology 4th Edition Brenner Test Bank

Test Bank 2-2

4. A patient with peptic ulcer disease is found to require larger than usual doses of
omeprazole to cure her peptic ulcer. Which drug metabolism phenotype is most
likely present in this patient?

A. CYP2D6 poor metabolizer phenotype

B. CYP2D6 extensive metabolizer phenotype
C. CYP2C19 poor metabolizer phenotype
D. CYP2C19 extensive metabolizer phenotype
E. rapid acetylation phenotype

ANS: D. CYP2C19 extensive metabolizer phenotype

Copyright © 2010 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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regarded as a natural tar resulting from the decomposition of various
organic substances. Many deposits of this mineral are known, and two of
them are particularly celebrated: those of the Dead Sea, in Syria, and the
Lake of Asphalt, in Trinidad. Both deposits consist of craters filled with
water on which the asphaltum floats in large cakes.
Several kinds of asphaltum are met with in commerce, ranging in
colour from brown to black. The preparation of the material as a pigment
is confined to grinding the mass, which is always of a low degree of
hardness. Being readily soluble in oil of turpentine and then furnishing
the most beautiful brown tones when laid on thinly, the pigment is
usually sold in this condition, although it is also ground in oil for the
same purpose.
Finally, it may be mentioned that various useless materials can be
transformed, by suitable treatment, into brown pigments closely
resembling Cologne earth and applicable to the same uses. Such
pigments can be prepared from brown-coal slack (from inferior brown
coal) or bituminised wood—a variety of brown coal looking like charred
wood—by treating these materials with a lye made from wood ashes and
lime, and washing and drying the residue.


A the number of green-coloured minerals is large, but few
of them are suitable for painters’ colours, because they occur so rarely in
Nature that their employment for this purpose is out of the question,
more especially since a very large number of green pigments can be
obtained by artificial means. The most important of the earth colours in
this category are Celadon green, or green earth, and malachite green—
the latter, however, less so, because the substance of which it is
composed can be prepared artificially.

G E , C G

This mineral is of a peculiar green colour, and the name “Celadon

green” has been universally adopted in the nomenclature of colour
shades. Green earth occurs native in many places, being the
decomposition product of an extensively distributed mineral, augite,
crystals of which are found in many of the deposits. The green earth of
Monte Valdo, on Lake Garda (Upper Italy) has been used for a very long
time as a pigment. It is chiefly prepared in Verona for distribution in
commerce, and from this circumstance has acquired the name “Verona
green,” or “Verona earth.” The earth is also found in Cyprus and
Bohemia, where it frequently occurs as the decomposition product of
basaltic tuff. However, whether obtained from Monte Valdo or
elsewhere, the product is always placed on the market as Verona earth.
Native green earth is always tough, mostly occurring in amygdalous
lumps, but occasionally in the crystalline form of augite. It has a fine-
grained fracture, a hardness between 1 and 2, and a sp. gr. between 2·8
and 2·9. The colour is not always quite uniform, pure lumps having the
characteristic Celadon green appearance, whilst impure lumps are olive
green to blackish green. In chemical composition it is chiefly ferrous
silicate, and this compound must be regarded as the actual pigmentary
principle of green earth. In addition, it contains varying quantities of
other compounds which influence the depth of shade of the product.
Verona earth chiefly consists of ferrous oxide in combination with
silica; alumina, magnesia, potash, soda and water being also present.
Analysis shows it to contain: ferrous oxide, 21%; silica, 51%; magnesia,
6%; potash, 6%; soda, 2%; and water, 7%.
The green earths from Gösen, Atschau and Männelsdorf, near
Kaaden (Bohemia) and the Giant’s Causeway (Ireland) have the
following composition:

Silica 41 56·4
Alumina 3 2·1
Ferrous oxide 23 5·1
Ferric oxide — 14·1
Lime 8 —
Magnesia 2 5·9
Potash 3 8·8
Carbon dioxide 19 —
Water — 6·8%

On account of the large quantity of mechanically associated water,

freshly dug green earth is greasy in character, like wet clay. In partial
drying, most of this water evaporates, the mass becoming earthy and
adherent to the tongue. Sometimes the colour is an ugly brownish-green,
owing to the presence of a considerable amount of ferric oxide formed as
the result of changes set up by exposing the mineral to the air. Ferrous
oxide is a very unstable compound, having an energetic tendency to
combine with more oxygen and thus undergo transformation into ferric
oxide; so that when green earth is left in the air for a long time, a
considerable proportion of its ferrous oxide is oxidised to ferric oxide,
the mass thereby assuming the brown tone in question.
Such an unsightly product can, however, be converted, by simple
treatment, into one of very bright and handsome appearance; and it is
this possibility that first enabled green earth to attain importance as a
painters’ colour. Formerly it was only used as a material for common
work, being added to whitewash or employed for indoor paints.
When the crude green earth is treated with very diluted hydrochloric
acid, the compound of ferrous oxide and silica is left intact, but most of
the extraneous admixtures are removed. Ferric oxide, in particular,
passes into solution, and the calcium carbonate largely present in some
kinds of green earth is also dissolved. After prolonged contact with the
crude earth, the acid liquor takes on a brownish coloration from the
dissolved ferric oxide. Since the presence of iron salts has no influence
on the purification of the green earth, the most impure, highly
ferruginous hydrochloric acid can be used, and the liquor can afterwards
be employed in the preparation of artificial ochre by leaving it in
prolonged contact with any strongly ferruginous mineral, such as brown
ironstone, which neutralises the surplus acid. This liquor is then
precipitated by lime, alkali, etc., the resulting deposit consisting mainly
of ferric hydroxide, the further treatment of which is conducted exactly
as described in dealing with the preparation of artificial ochre.
The treatment of the crude earth is best carried on in the same
vessels as are to be used in the subsequent levigation process. After the
acid liquor has been drawn off, the earth is brought into contact with
water, stirred up well, and the water run off, by opening tapholes in the
side of the vessel, into settling-tanks, where it is left until all the
suspended matter has completely subsided.
The colour of green earth can also be toned by the addition of yellow
ochre, thus producing a range of greens with a yellowish tinge. These
lighter shades, however, are seldom met with in commerce, the trade
judging the quality of green earth more particularly on the depth of
Green earth is a valuable pigment for all kinds of painting, on
account of its extreme permanence. It may be applied directly over lime
without suffering any change, whereas most of the cheap green colours
are destroyed in like circumstances. This behaviour renders green earth
specially valuable in fresco work, although it is also largely used as an
oil colour.
Augite is of frequent occurrence in volcanic districts; and in such
localities, deposits of green earth are certain to be found. The test for the
suitability of a green earth consists mainly in treatment with dilute
hydrochloric acid. If the mineral assumes a handsome green tone, it will
generally form a useful pigment. The test may be supplemented by
applying the colour to a fresh coating of whitewash, under which
conditions it should remain unaltered.

A G E (G O )

A product sometimes put on the market as green earth or green

ochre has nothing beyond its name in common with green earth properly
so called, except a certain similarity in colour. This pigment is prepared
by mixing yellow ochre to a thin pulp with water and adding about 2%
(of the weight of ochre) of hydrochloric acid. After a few days, a
solution of 2 parts of yellow prussiate of potash is added, and if the
liquor still gives a precipitate when tested with ferrous sulphate, this last-
named salt is added so long as such a precipitate continues to form.
The deposit is washed, and dried in the ordinary way. When the right
proportions have been taken, a pigment is obtained that coincides fairly
in point of tone with true Verona earth. It is, however, inferior in point of
permanence, the Berlin blue present being somewhat unstable and
decomposing very quickly when brought into contact with lime. The
reaction taking place in the production of so-called “artificial Celadon
green” is that the hydrochloric acid used dissolves ferric oxide from the
ochre, the addition of the yellow prussiate of potash then forming a blue
precipitate of Berlin (Paris) blue which, in conjunction with the yellow
of the ochre, gives a green-coloured mixture.


Although the pigment sold under this name is nearly always an

artificial product, it cannot be omitted from a work dealing with the earth
colours, because, in former times, it was prepared exclusively from the
mineral malachite. Owing to the fact that artificial malachite green is one
of the cheapest of colours, the troublesome work involved in the
mechanical preparation of the native pigment has been almost entirely
abandoned, and the malachite itself is now utilised to greater advantage
as a source of copper.
Malachite green (or mountain green) is found in nearly every case
where copper ores exist, and is still—though very rarely indeed—
prepared, in a few places, from the mineral, the dark-coloured lumps
being picked out because the lighter-coloured ones would furnish much
too pale a colour.
The treatment of malachite for the preparation of pigment presents
certain difficulties owing to the comparative hardness (3·5–4) of the
mineral, which is also rather heavy (sp. gr. 3·6–4·0). On the large scale,
the selected mineral is first put through a stamping-mill, and then
ground, very hard stones being required for this purpose. The fine
product from this (usually wet) process is levigated and dried.
The pit water of some copper mines contains certain quantities of
blue vitriol (copper sulphate) in solution; and such pit water is generally
treated for the recovery of a very pure form of copper, the so-called
cementation copper. The liquor might also be worked up into malachite
green, by collecting it in large tanks and precipitating the dissolved
copper oxide with milk of lime, the bluish-green deposit separating in
association with gypsum being transformed into a light malachite green
by washing and drying. A darker green, free from gypsum, could be
prepared by using a solution of carbonate of soda as precipitant.
Neither the native nor the artificial malachite green is particularly
handsome in colour; and both possess, in addition, the unpleasant
property of gradually going off colour in the air, all the copper
compounds being quite as sensitive to sulphuretted hydrogen as those of
lead, and finally turning quite black under the influence of that gas.


O three minerals are known to be suitable as pigments; and
indeed, at present, only two, the third, lapis lazuli, being now of merely
historical interest. Nowadays, no one would think of using this rare and
expensive mineral as a pigment, since ultramarine, which has the same
pigmentary properties, is extremely cheap, whereas the pigment from
lapis lazuli was worth its weight in gold. The only two blue earth colours
of any interest at present are malachite (copper) blue, and the blue iron
earth Vivianite; and even these, though by no means rare, are little used,
since artificial blues are now made which are far superior in beauty and
can be obtained so cheaply that the natural pigments are put out of

M B (L )

Lazulite and malachite (mountain blue) are of frequent occurrence in

copper mines, and the former is distinguished by its beautiful azure blue
colour, which, however, suffers considerably when the crystals are
reduced to powder. Both minerals are very similar in chemical
composition, and consist of cupric carbonate. The formula of malachite
is 2CuOCO2 + H2O, that of lazulite being 3CuO(CO2)2 + H2O, so that
the only difference between them is that of the relative proportions of the
substances in combination. Lazulite is also rather hard (3·5–4·0), but
owing to the small size and brittle character of the crystals it is not very
difficult to pulverise. In the air, malachite blue behaves in much the same
way as malachite green, turning black in presence of sulphuretted
Malachite blue is chiefly used for indoor work, and also as a water
colour; but it is always rather pale and dull.

This mineral—also termed blue ochre—is a transformation product

of various iron ores, and occurs native as fairly extensive deposits in
some places, especially in peat bogs. It forms ill-defined crystals, which
are of a low degree of hardness (2·0) and vary in specific gravity
between 2·6 and 2·7. The colour of the freshly won mineral is whitish or
pale blue, but soon changes to a dark blue in the air, owing to the
oxidation of the ferrous phosphate, originally present, into ferric
Vivianite can be transformed into a pigment by a simple process of
crushing and levigation; but the product is never very handsome, and, at
best, is only suitable for quite common paint work, though characterised
by considerable stability.


O two minerals are known that can be used as black earth
colours, namely black chalk or shale black, and blacklead or graphite.
Whereas the former of these is of merely subordinate importance, most
of the black chalks being prepared artificially, graphite is all the more so
because it is employed, not only as the sole material for lead pencils, but
also for making graphite crucibles, as blacklead stove polish, as a
lubricant, etc. One of its numerous applications is in connection with the
electro deposition of metals, its high electrical conductivity causing it to
be used for coating the interior of the moulds in which this deposition is

Graphite, also known as plumbago or blacklead, consists of carbon.

It is usually spoken of as pure carbon, but from a very large number of
carefully conducted analyses, it would appear that native graphite is
never quite pure, even the finest grades of the mineral containing 96·8%
of carbon at the most. The accompanying substances—which in some
cases form nearly 50% of the whole—are of divergent composition and
consist of iron, silica, lime, magnesia and alkalis. Even the combustible
constituent of graphite is not pure carbon, but always contains a certain
—though small—proportion of volatile substances. These slight traces of
volatile matter are of considerable importance in connection with the
hypothesis on the origin of the mineral.
Contrary to the old idea, it is now almost universally considered that,
instead of being of volcanic origin, graphite consists of the remains of
long-dead organisms, and in this respect is closely related to coal. This
hypothesis, however, fails to explain one point, namely the crystalline
nature of graphite; for even anthracites, which form the oldest coals
known to have had their origin in the decomposition of organic
substances, do not reveal the faintest traces of crystalline structure. The
upholders of the theory that graphite was formed by the action of
plutonic forces adduce, in support, the fact that graphite can actually be
produced, in certain chemical processes, at high temperature. Molten
cast-iron in cooling causes the separation of carbon in the form of
graphite; and the same substance is also formed, in large quantities, in
gas retorts, through the decomposition of certain carbonaceous
compounds when brought into contact with the glowing walls of the
retorts. Recent investigations, however, have shown that the temperature
necessary for the transformation of non-crystalline carbon into
crystalline graphite is by no means so high as was formerly supposed;
and it is now known that the change takes place at as low as red heat.
Possibly the two theories could be reconciled by the assumption of a
very old coal—such as is found, for instance, as anthracite in many parts
of the world—being so strongly heated, by plutonic action, as to change
into graphite.
Native graphite crystallises in the form of hexagons, mostly tabular;
but really well-developed crystals are of extremely rare occurrence, and
by far the greatest quantities of this mineral are found in the condition of
dense lumps, in which only the crystalline structure, and not any decided
crystals, can be discerned. The hardness of the mineral fluctuates within
fairly wide limits, ranging from 0·5 to 1·0. The sp. gr. averages 1·8018–
1·844, but, in the case of impure lumps may increase to 1·9–2·2.
The following analyses will give some idea of the considerable
divergence existing between graphites from different deposits:—
1 2
Carbon 94·28 40·55
Ash 5·72 56·56
Water — 2·80

Carbon 42·69
Water (chemically combined) 3·96
Ash 53·35
1 2
Carbon 61·01 69·04
Alumina 7·80 6·86
Silica 17·34 14·18
Magnesia 1·03 0·53
Lime 2·56 0·80
Ferric oxide 5·54 4·00
Potash 0·87 0·91
Water and volatiles 3·24 2·89
Sulphur 0·51 0·62
1 2 3
Carbon 85·00 87·16 82·21
Ash 14·89 12·66 17·92
4 5 6
Carbon 82·40 81·10 55·50
Silica 12·38 11·61 21·00
Alumina 3·90 5·60 14·56
Ferric oxide 0·53
Manganese protoperoxide 0·62 2·00 4·84
Lime 0·02 2·00 4·84
Alkalis Trace Trace 0·62
Sulphur — — 0·30
Loss on incineration — — 2·43

Of these Styrian specimens, Nos. 1–4 are crude kinds, of sp. gr.
2·1443; No. 5 was levigated in the laboratory, and No. 6 was levigated
from an inferior quality at the mine.
According to the character of the crystalline structure, the colour of
graphite varies, but is mostly deep black. Very pure specimens, such as
the beautiful graphite blocks (from the renowned Alibert graphite mines
in Siberia) which, as a rule, are only to be seen in exhibitions and
mineralogical collections, have the appearance of unpolished steel or
white pig iron (spiegeleisen). The most important property of native
graphite is its low hardness and cohesion, in consequence of which it
leaves a streak when drawn over the surface of paper.
Graphite seems to be of frequent occurrence all over the world,
though only few deposits are known which yield a product that is
suitable for all the purposes to which graphite is applied.
In European countries, Austria is particularly rich in graphite; and
very large deposits of this mineral are found in Bohemia. Considerable
deposits also occur in Bavaria, where they have long been worked.
English graphite is celebrated for its excellent quality. All these
European deposits, however, are surpassed, both in extent and in the
quality of their products, by those discovered in Siberia, the largest being
that producing the aforesaid Alibert graphite and situated, near the
Chinese frontier, in eastern Siberia. At one time, America imported all
her blacklead pencils from Europe, having, at that period, no known
graphite deposits furnishing a suitable product. At present, however,
deposits of this kind have been found in California, and there can be little
doubt but that many others of this valuable mineral remain to be
discovered in that enormous continent, the geological investigation of
which is still far from being complete.
The graphite of some deposits is so highly contaminated by
extraneous minerals that it cannot be utilised, since the cost of
purification would exceed the value of the product. On the other hand,
the purer kinds, when suitably refined, yield a graphite that is fully
adapted to all requirements.
The refining process may be either chemical or mechanical, the
choice of methods depending entirely on the character of the associated
minerals. If these mainly consist of coarse, stony fragments, preference
should be given to mechanical treatment; but if they are of such a
character that they cannot be eliminated in this way, chemical methods
must be employed. Sometimes the two systems are combined, by first
subjecting the graphite to a rough mechanical purification, and then
completing the operation with chemical reagents.
The mechanical treatment consists in first removing as many of the
impurities as possible by hand-picking, and grinding the remainder in
edge-runner mills, along with water. The turbid liquid, containing the
powdered graphite and extraneous minerals in suspension, is led through
long launders, the sides of which are notched at intervals to allow the
water to overflow into large pits. The graphite settling in the first of these
pits contains numerous particles of the heavy associated minerals; but
that remaining suspended in the water and carried on to the further pits
constitutes the bulk. The water is left to clarify completely in the pits,
and is then drawn off, the pasty residue being shaped into prisms, which
are compressed under heavy pressure, to increase their density, when
partially dry.
Although levigation will remove most of the accompanying
extraneous minerals, it cannot eliminate the ash constituents of the
graphite. Experiments made in this direction have demonstrated that the
ash content of the levigated graphite is exactly the same as that of the
crude material. Whilst these ash constituents do not affect the quality of
graphite for certain of its uses, they nevertheless impair its beautiful
black colour to a considerable degree. The chemical treatment necessary
to eliminate these constituents is attended with many difficulties, the
chief of which resides in the fact that the ferric oxide present is in a form
that is not readily accessible to the action of chemicals. For this reason,
attempts to purify graphite with crude hydrochloric acid are hardly likely
to prove successful, since both the ferric oxide and the accompanying
silicates obstinately resist the action of this acid.
In order to obtain graphite of a high state of purity, the attempt must
be made to bring this ferric oxide and the silicates into a soluble
condition. This can be accomplished in various ways, and the choice of
the method will depend on the purpose for which the graphite is
intended. For example, the operations may either be confined to
purification, or else include the attainment of a maximum condition of
subdivision. When foliaceous graphite has to be treated—and this kind
of graphite cannot, in its original condition, be used for making lead
pencils—it is preferable to employ a method which will produce both the
above results. The purification may consist in crushing the graphite to
powder, and fusing this with a mixture of sulphur and carbonate of soda,
whereby the silicates present are converted into soluble compounds, and
the ferric oxide into ferric sulphide. On extracting the melt with water, a
portion of the contained salts pass into solution and is carried off. The
residue is then treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, which dissolves out
the ferric sulphide, with liberation of sulphuretted hydrogen, and leaves
the graphite in a very pure condition after washing.
In order to render foliaceous graphite suitable for lead pencils, a
different method is pursued, but should only be employed in special
circumstances, on account of the expense entailed.
According to the process recommended by Brodie, the graphite,
ground to coarse powder, is mixed with about one-fourteenth of its own
weight of chlorate of potash, this mixture being heated, with two parts by
weight of sulphuric to each part of graphite, in a water bath so long as
fumes of hypochlorous acid continue to be disengaged. The heating must
be performed in stoneware or porcelain vessels, those made of any other
materials being strongly corroded by the chlorine compounds formed.
When the evolution of fumes ceases, the mass is allowed to cool,
and is carefully washed with a large volume of water, the residue being
then dried and heated to redness. During this calcination the graphite
undergoes a peculiar change, increasing considerably in bulk and
forming an exceedingly soft powder which, after another washing,
consists almost entirely of chemically pure carbon.
Graphite purified in this way can be used for any purpose for which
this material is employed, and may be made into the finest lead pencils.
However, as already mentioned, this process is usually too expensive for
general application.
The use of graphite for writing is more ancient than is usually
supposed, having been tentatively employed between 1540 and 1560. It
was during this period that the graphite mines in Cumberland were
discovered; and the extremely pure graphite found there soon began to
be used as a writing material.
Up to the close of the eighteenth century, lead pencils were made by
selecting pure lumps of graphite and sawing them into thin rods, which
were then encased in wooden sticks. Apart from their high price, these
pencils exhibited various defects, one of the chief being that a stick of
such pencil was seldom of uniform hardness throughout its length, most
of them being so soft in parts as to make a deep black, smeary mark,
whilst other parts would hardly give any mark at all.
The defects inherent in native graphite are completely removed by
the method now generally employed in making lead pencils; and on this
account the old process of sawing the lumps has been abandoned.
Graphite with a fine earthy texture alone is suitable for lead pencils,
scaly varieties being useless for this purpose, unless specially prepared,
since they will not give a solid black streak. By means of the Brodie
process, however, even the most highly crystalline kinds can be rendered
suitable for this purpose. Siberian graphite is distinguished by extremely
high covering power, and is specially preferred for the manufacture of
pencils. Excellent varieties for this purpose are also found in many parts
of Europe; and indeed, a large proportion of all the lead pencils used
throughout the world are made from Bohemian, Styrian and Bavarian
At present, all pencils are made from ground graphite, the extremely
finely ground and levigated material being kneaded into a paste with
clay. This operation fulfils a twofold purpose, the plasticity of the clay
increasing the cohesion of the individual particles of graphite, whilst the
amount of clay used determines the hardness of the pencil.
The larger the proportion of clay, the harder the pencil when baked,
and therefore the paler the mark the pencil will make on paper. In the
pencil factories, the clay is incorporated in special machines; and the
operation requires extreme care, since only a perfectly uniform mixture
will give a composition of regular character in all cases.
The intimately mixed material is formed into thin rods, which are
dried and then baked, the heat driving out the water in the clay and
transforming it into a solid mass.
An addition to this main application of graphite, the mineral is also
used for making crucibles, chiefly for melting the noble metals.
Crucibles of this kind are largely manufactured near Passau, Bavaria, and
similar crucibles are made in England from Ceylon graphite.
Another important use for graphite is as a coating for iron articles to
protect them from rust. For this purpose, however, only the inferior kinds
are employed; and these can also be made up into excellent cements
capable, in particular, of offering considerable resistance to the action of
heat and chemicals.
To complete the tale of the applications of graphite, its employment
as a lubricating agent for machinery, especially for reducing friction in
machines made of wood, may be mentioned. Latterly also, the finest
levigated graphite has come into use, in admixture with solid fats or
mineral oils, for lubricating large engines, for which purpose it is
excellently adapted.


Black chalk, slate black, Spanish chalk, crayon, etc., is not a chalk at
all, in the mineralogical sense, but consists of clay shale of varying
colour. Some kinds of this shale are pure black, almost velvet black, and
these are considered the best. Others have a more greyish or bluish tinge
and are of low value as pigments.
The purer the black, the finer the grain of the material, and therefore
the greater its value to the colour-maker. The variety obtained from
Spain is generally admitted to be the best, and for this reason the name of
Spanish chalk has been applied to all similar minerals.
In all cases the black colour of Spanish chalk is due to carbon; but
the particular modification of carbon present has not yet been accurately
identified. According to some, it is chiefly graphite, whereas others
ascribe the colour to amorphous carbon. Apparently, the material found
in different deposits contains either one or the other of these
modifications of carbon.
Deposits of black chalk are fairly plentiful, but in many of them the
material is so contaminated with extraneous minerals that a somewhat
troublesome method of preparation is needed to fit them for the purpose
of the draughtsman. With this object, the native product must be ground
extremely fine, and the powder levigated; and owing to the expense of
these processes, they are now seldom used, it being possible to obtain a
good black chalk far more cheaply than by levigating the natural
This artificial black chalk is prepared by mixing ordinary white
chalk, or white clay, with a black colouring matter, shaping the mass into
prisms, and sawing these into suitable pieces when dry. The white
pigment may either be mixed with some very deep black substance, such
as lampblack, or stained with an organic dyestuff, which is, in reality, not
black, but either very dark blue or green.
The usual colouring matter used with white chalk is lampblack,
mixed to a uniform paste with thin glue, a suitable amount of clay or
chalk being incorporated with the mass. The production of a perfectly
homogeneous mixture entails subjecting the paste to a somewhat
protracted mechanical treatment. When the mass has become perfectly
uniform throughout, it is shaped into prisms, which are exposed to the air
to dry and are then cut up with a saw. Instead of prisms, the mass can be
shaped into thin sticks, which dry more quickly.
A very handsome black chalk can be made, with comparatively little
trouble, by treating chalk with a suitable quantity of logwood decoction
previously mixed with sufficient green vitriol solution to render the
liquid a deep black. This liquid is added to the dry chalk, intimately
mixed therewith, and the pasty mass shaped into sticks. The colouring
agent may be replaced by a solution of logwood extract blackened by the
addition of a small quantity of chromate of potash; or black dyestuffs
may be used.


M has already been made of the great confusion prevailing in
the nomenclature of pigments, and that many of these are put on the
market under a variety of names taken from different languages.
Although the number of the earth colours is far smaller than that of
the artificial colouring matters, the nomenclature is in a no less confused
Most frequently, earth colours are named after the localities where
they are either discovered or prepared, in combination with the word
indicating the colour of the product—for example: Cologne white,
Vienna white—or the term “earth” (Verona earth, Veronese green, etc.).
Whilst these names give, to some extent, an indication of the nature of
the pigment, others have no reference to it at all; such as colcothar, bole,
umber, etc. Finally, a number of other names in use are calculated to
produce the impression that the earth colours in question are of an
entirely different nature to their real one. As an example, we may cite the
name “French chalk,” which is not a chalk at all, but consists of the
mineral talc. Black chalk, again, is not chalk (calcium carbonate), but a
black shale; and graphite is often termed blacklead, although it contains
no lead at all, and the name is merely a survival from the time when
pencils of metallic lead were used for drawing.
In order to bring some kind of order into the various names which
are applied to the earth colours, a list of those in current use is appended.
Many of these names, it may be stated, have been selected in a purely
arbitrary manner, some manufacturers, for instance, selling ordinary
chalk under a variety of foreign names, for the purpose of thereby
obtaining higher prices. These borrowed names would seem to be
superfluous, to say the least. Pure and properly levigated chalk is the
same article everywhere, whether prepared from English, French or
German limestone; and in all cases the simple name, “chalk,” with an
explanatory “single,” “double,” or “triple” levigated, should be quite
In the case of earth colours that are really obtained of special quality
in certain localities, such as terra di Siena, green earth from Verona, or
the like, the corresponding name might be retained, even if the pigment
did not originate from the locality in question, as a generic term for a
pigment possessing certain properties and of a certain composition.
In the following classification, the names of the earth colours are
given in accordance with their colour and chemical composition.


Carbonate of Lime:
Chalk; levigated chalk; Vienna white; Spanish white; marble white;
artists’ white; Bougival white; Champagne chalk; Paris chalk; Cologne
chalk; Mountain chalk; craie; blanc minéral; Blanc de Champagne;
Blanc de Meudon; Blanc de Bougival; Blanc de Troyes; Blanc
d’Orleans; Blanc de Rouen; Blanc de Briançon.
Basic Carbonate of Lime:
Vienna white; Vienna lime; pearl white; whiting; Blanc de chaux;
Blanc de Vienne.
Note.—The calcareous marls, consisting of carbonate of lime and
clay, are also frequently sold under the above names, the same being the
case with gypsum.
Silicate of Alumina:
White earth; pipeclay; Dutch white; Cologne earth; terre d’Argile;
Argile blanc; Terre blanche.
Silicate of Magnesia (mineralogically, talc and soapstone):
Talc; Venetian earth; French chalk; Venetian white; glossy white;
feather white; shale white; face-powder white; Blanc de Venise; Blanc
d’Espagne; Blanc de fard.
Note.—Fine grades of white lead are also sold as Venetian white,
Spanish white and shale white; but can easily be recognised by their
weight. The term “prepared” white, frequently applied to earth colours in
the trade, usually indicates that the material in question has been either
levigated, ground or burnt—in short, put through some kind of
preparatory treatment—and is therefore in frequent use for all the
Barium sulphate:
Heavy spar; barytes; heavy earth; mineral white.
Precipitated colours:
Permanent white; blanc fixe.


Ferric hydroxide, with admixtures of ferric oxide, clay, lime, ferric

silicate, basic ferric sulphate, etc.
Ochre; iron ochre; golden ochre; satin ochre (satinober); pit ochre;
vitriol ochre; Mars yellow; Chinese yellow; Imperial yellow; permanent
yellow; terra di Siena; umber; Italian earth; Roman earth; bronze ochre;
oxide yellow, etc.
Yellow ochre; Jaune de Mars; Terre d’Italie.
Ferric Silicate:
Yellow earth; Argile jaune; yellow wash.


Ferric oxide (with alumina and silica).

Bolus; bole; Terra sigillata; Lemnos earth; red chalk; raddle;
Striegau earth.
Ferric oxide:
Colcothar; English red; angel red; Pompeii red; Persian red; Indian
red; Berlin red; Naples red; Nuremberg red; crocus; chemical red;
Crocus Martis iron saffron; caput mortuum; raddle; rouge de fer; Rouge
de Perse; Rouge des Indes; Rouge de Mars; Rouge d’Angleterre.

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