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Philosophy PreMid Reviewer

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Philosophy- The word philosophy is derived from philosophia (φιλοσοφία) which is a

combination of the Greek terms philos (love) and sophia (wisdom). Thus, philosophy means
“love of wisdom.”
Arche- as the element or principle of a thing, which although indemonstrable and intangible in
itself, provides the conditions of the possibility of that thing; the subject of inquiry of the Pre-
Ethics- As a normative study, it deals with norms or standards of right and wrong applicable to
human behavior.
Metaphysics- This branch of philosophy analyzes whether everything is material, and if life,
energy, and mind are their different manifestations that includes the nature of reality
Aesthetics- The analysis is directed toward the nature of aesthetic judgment, standards of
beauty, and the objectivity of these standards in response to the questions raised about the
meaning of aesthetic experience.
Epistemology- This branch of philosophy deals with various problems concerning knowledge.
Among the major concerns in epistemology are the origin of knowledge.
Logic- Logic is the branch of philosophy that investigates whether there are rules or principles
that govern reasoning.
Speculation- is derived from the Latin word specula, which means “watch tower” this is where
insights formed and allows you to expand your perspective as well
Bertrand Russell- Philosophy primarily aims at knowledge and the knowledge it aims at is the
kind of knowledge that gives unity and system to the body of the sciences, and the kind that
results from a critical examination of the grounds of a person’s convictions, prejudices, and
Edmund Husserl- was a German philosopher who established the school of phenomenology. 
Gabriel Marcel – introduced two types of reflection: the Primary reflection which divides the
experience, and the Secondary reflection which unifies the “I” and the “body”.
John Dewey- the proponent of reflective thinking which for him it’s a “kind of thought where
the grounds of the belief is deliberately sought and the adequacy to support the belief
Thales of Miletus- Known as the first philosopher and the father of philosophy for him the
basic principles of all things is water
Heraclitus- claimed the unity of opposites in characterizing the cosmos and famous on his
maxim that “change is the only constant thing in this world”.
Socrates- teacher of Plato, best known for the Socratic Method which uses question and
answer format.
Plato- student of Socrates taught about the unconditioned basis of phenomena with his famous
work The Republic
Aristotle- student of Plato which philosophy is very intensive in the topics concerning human
anatomy, ethics, logic and metaphysics.
Reflective thinking or inquiry – systematic, rigorous, disciplined and rooted on scientific
inquiry that has to happen in a community and in interaction with others.
Philosophy as critical thinking or analysis- questions, judges, and evaluates any and all
principles and premises that may be gained through speculation.
Logical Analysis – a statement is reduced to its simplest form called elementary sentence,
which is then verified through observation.
Linguistic Analysis – requires a clear definition of words to avoid ambiguity or vagueness to
ensure quality of claims; the meaning of the words are analyzed for their clarity and
Embodied Spirit- specifically refers to the inseparable union of body and soul. Thus, when we
say “embodied spirit” we mean that the body is not separate from the soul, just as the soul is
not separate from the body.

Kagandahang-loob- are terms that show sharing of one’s self to others. Loob puts one in
touch with his fellow beings.

Filipino Philosophy of Time -Filipinos believes in the concept of gulong ng palad and looks at
life as a series of ups and downs. This philosophy of life makes the Filipino an unmitigated

Bahala na -the Filipino subconsciously accepts the bahala na attitude as a part of life. Bahala
na literally means to leave everything to God who is Bathala in vernacular.

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