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Topic 1: Unpacking the dynamics of collegial networks in relation to the job attitudes of

beginning teachers

Keywords:  beginning teachers, job attitudes, professional collegial support

a. Across the globe, a high number of early career teachers (ECTs) leave the field
during their initial years of employment. This chapter describes Flemish study
that used mixed-methods social network analysis to examine the role of collegial
support networks in retaining ECTs in the profession. Links to Communities of
Practice are established, and recommendations are given to ECTs, their
colleagues, mentors, school administrators, policymakers, teacher education
colleges, and pedagogical advisory services.

Source: Thomas, L., Tuyten, M., The Collegial Networks of Early Career
Teachers in Primary Education.

b. Strong and healthy collegial relationship among school teachers is regarded as

an essential component of school effectiveness and teacher enhancement.
Based on literature review, the present article highlights the importance of
collegiality among educators and determines the major outcomes and benefits of
highly collaborative and collegial cultures in educational organizations. The study
suggests that teacher collegiality plays a vital role in augmenting teacher
professional growth and development, job satisfaction, organizational and
professional commitment as well as school quality and student performance.

Source: Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr.
Hüseyin Uzunboylu.(2012). The importance and benefits of teacher collegiality in
schools a literature review.

c. A teacher’s mindset is a powerful driver in the quality and commitment of their

work. When things are tough, it is possible teachers may not give their best
effort. This post will cover a variety of topics related to teachers in the workplace.
We will look at job involvement, job satisfaction, and institutional commitment,
among other issues


d. It is essential that the beginning teacher receives a high level of support,

especially in their first term in the school. Keep in mind that, at this stage, the
beginning teacher may not be ready to be ‘mentored’ in terms of intensive
professional dialogue.


Why is the research about ‘: Unpacking the dynamics of collegial networks in relation to
the job attitudes of beginning teachers’ is important?

1. It will provide the understanding why collegial networks in relation to the job
attitude is important.
2. It will guide the students on how collegiality works in.
3. It will help the students to take action on how to act properly as a beginning

Topic 2: Understanding the value of Arts and Culture in Education

Keywords: value of arts, culture in education, arts and culture
a. Arts and culture are hands-on subjects that offer immediate recompenses, for
they focus on constructive developments. They develop tangible products and
foster associations. For instance, learning helps students to appreciate different
things in society and understand how to relate with individuals in various settings.
On the other hand, arts offer unique chances for learners to showcase their
capacities through authentic presentations and exhibitions.
These subjects help learners grow in as
assertiveness, think profoundly, and definitely about themselves and others.
b. Culture and education are two inseparable parameters and they are
interdependent. Any educational pattern gets its guidance from the cultural
patterns of a society.  For instance, in a society with a spiritual pattern of culture,
the educational focus would be on the achievement of moral and eternal values
of life. On the contrary, if the culture of a society is materialistic, then its
educational pattern will be shaped for the attainment of materialistic values and
comforts. A society which does not follow any culture definitely has no definite
educational organization. So, the culture of a country has a very powerful impact
on its educational system.
c. Participation in arts and culture may produce engaged citizens, promoting not
only civic behaviours such as voting and volunteering, but also helping articulate
alternatives to current assumptions and fuel a broader political imagination. All
are fundamental to the effectiveness of democratic political and social systems.
Arts and cultural engagement help minority groups to find a voice and express
their identity. They can engage people in thinking about climate change when
used not didactically but as a basis for reflection and debate. Governments also
deploy culture internationally to build influence and trust, though the report notes
the very limited evidence about the success of such programmes.

d. Culture is the foundation of education, sustainable development, and governance

in culture-based education. Culture provides perspective, methodology, principle,
assessment, framework, and evaluation upon which abilities, skills, and
knowledge regarding a person and the world are disseminated. It is a teaching
strategy and a philosophy of education where student learning is grounded on
the unique values, norms, cultural beliefs, knowledge, practices, heritage,
language, experiences of the community. The Filipinos develop a great
understanding, awareness, and appreciation of their history, arts, heritage, and
geography towards the perception that will enhance the quality of life. With the
implementation of culture-based education the Philippines visualizes to progress
as a nation of culturally empowered and literate Filipinos who are committed
global citizens as well as ardent nationalists and patriotic people.
Significance: Why is researching about ‘Understanding the value of culture and arts are
important? ‘
1. It will provide understanding why culture and arts are important.
2. It will guide the teacher, students and parents on how the culture and arts
affecting our life.
3. It will help the student to understand the value of culture and arts.

Topic 3: The role of culture and arts in the academic of CAED students
Keywords: role of culture, culture and arts, CAED
a. Teachers and pedagogues have a special responsibility to make sure that all
children have an opportunity to come into close contact with art and culture every
day. At a fundamental level, cultural and practical experiences shape us as
human beings, strengthen our ability to learn, and cultivate us as democratic
b. Arts and culture are a life-enhancing and essential part of our existence. They
bring pleasure, participation, self-expression and essential skills into children’s
lives. By speaking with one voice and working together, we can realise our
ambition for all children and young people to have an entitlement to quality
cultural learning.
c. Arts and culture allow learners to stay together in harmony, making schools
safer, and creating excellent environments for learning. These are some of the
benefits of integrating arts and culture in school. The paybacks are immense for
both individual learners and the community at large.
d. Art does matter in the classroom, delivering a wide range of advantages for
students. Educators can make the most of that potential by equipping themselves
to offer creative practice as a central feature in the curriculum and show
decisionmakers how these initiatives can achieve transformative results. The
University of Florida’s online Master of Arts in Art Education (MAAE) program
helps teachers make a difference. This program features courses that prepare
educators to work in a variety of learning environments, support students of all
ages, incorporate digital tools into their pedagogy, and foster critical thinking.
Significance: Why is researching about ‘ The role of culture and arts in the academic of
CAED students is important?
1. It will provide the understanding why student need to know the important role of
culture and arts.
2. It will guide the teacher on how the students encourage to understand the role of
culture and arts
3. It will help the students to take conscious effort on learning the culture and arts.

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