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Econ Macro Canadian 1st Edition Mceachern Solutions Manual

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ECON Macro Canadian 1st Edition

McEachern Solutions Manual

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ECON Macro Canadian 1st Edition McEachern Solutions Manual



1.1 (Sunk Cost and Choice) Suppose you go to a restaurant and buy an expensive meal. Halfway through,
despite feeling quite full, you decide to clean your plate. After all, you think, you paid for the meal, so you
are going to eat all of it. What’s wrong with this thinking?

This question highlights the importance of ignoring sunk costs in marginal decision making. Once you have
purchased the meal, you cannot get your money back whether or not you finish the meal. There is no
benefit to overeating.

1.2 (Opportunity Cost) You can spend spring break either at home working for $80 per day for five days or go
to Florida for the week. If you stay home, your expenses will total about $100. If you go to Florida, the
airfare, hotel, food, and miscellaneous expenses will total about $700. What’s your opportunity cost of
going to Florida?

The opportunity cost is the total cost of going to Florida and includes dollar costs incurred as well as the
forgone opportunity of working. Assuming you would work for 5 days if you stayed home, the cost would
total $1,000: the $700 cost of going to Florida plus the net value of what you could have earned—$300
($400 in earnings less expenses of $100)—if you stayed home.

1.3 (Opportunity Cost) Let’s say that you simply love to work—it’s not just about the money you earn. Given
this assumption, what would be the opportunity cost of not working? How would this assumption affect
simply using monetary values to measure opportunity cost?

If working gives you pleasure, then not working imposes an additional opportunity cost on you. Not only do
you lose income, but your level of happiness or well-being is further diminished because you are also
sacrificing the pleasure or utility you gain from working with others. Simply using monetary values
underestimates the true opportunity cost of not working.

1.4 (Opportunity Cost) Determine whether each of the following statements is true, false, or uncertain. Explain
your answers:
a. The opportunity cost of an activity is the total value of all the alternatives passed up.
b. Opportunity cost is an objective measure of cost.
c. When making choices, people carefully gather all available information about the costs and benefits of
alternative choices.
d. A decision maker seldom knows the actual value of a forgone alternative based on future outcomes and
therefore must make decisions based on expected values.

a. False—opportunity cost relates to the next best alternative in use; b. True—from the perspective of the
firm, you can take an objective measure of what is being sacrificed when producing cars as opposed to
trucks. But consumers evaluate opportunity costs based on their preferences, which are subjective; c.
False—this would be too costly in a world of imperfect information and positive cost of processing this
information; d. True—if your forgone alternative is sometime in the future. Here, you either calculate
expected values if you know how to do this and appropriate information is available or you have to make
educated guesses about forgone alternatives. If the forgone alternative is more current, calculating
expected value is not required.

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Chapter 2 Economic Tools and Economic Systems C02-2

2.1 (Absolute and Comparative Advantage) You have the following information concerning the production of
wheat and cloth in Canada and the United Kingdom:

Labour Hours Required to Produce One Unit

United Kingdom Canada
Wheat 2 1
Cloth 6 5

a. What is the opportunity cost of producing a unit of wheat in the United Kingdom? In Canada?
b. Which country has an absolute advantage in producing wheat? In producing cloth?
c. Which country has a comparative advantage in producing wheat? In producing cloth?
d Which country should specialize in producing wheat? In producing cloth?

a. In the United Kingdom, the opportunity cost of one unit of wheat is 1/3 unit of cloth (producing one unit
of wheat takes 2 hours, the time that would allow you to produce only 1/3 of a unit of cloth). In Canada,
the opportunity cost of one unit of wheat is 1/5 unit of cloth (producing one unit of wheat takes 1 hour,
the time that would allow you to produce only 1/5 unit of cloth).
b. Canada has an absolute advantage in both goods; it is able to produce both products in less time than
the United Kingdom requires.
c. Canada has a comparative advantage in wheat because it has the lowest opportunity cost of production
(one-fifth cloth versus one-third cloth for the United Kingdom), while the United Kingdom has the
comparative advantage in cloth. (The opportunity cost of cloth in Canada is 5 wheat. The opportunity
cost of cloth in the United Kingdom is 3 wheat.)
d. Canada should specialize in wheat, and the United Kingdom should specialize in cloth. The country
with the lower opportunity cost of producing a good should specialize in producing that output.

2.2 (Specialization) Provide some examples of specialized markets or retail outlets. What makes the Web so
conducive to specialization?

Students’ answers will vary according to their experiences. One specialized market is that for military
weapons. The stock exchange provides a specialized market for buying and selling company shares, and
there are specialized markets for selling government bonds and foreign currencies. Specialized retail
outlets could include movie theatres specializing in “art” films, wine shops, cheese shops, language
schools, and so forth. Media such as the Web allow firms in specialized markets to advertise their products
at relatively low cost and also permit customers to conduct interactive online searches for relatively
specialized goods and services.

2.3 (Specialization) Explain how the specialization of labour can lead to increased productivity.

With specialization, individuals end up doing what they are most capable of doing compared to other
individuals. Individuals end up doing what they are most productive at compared to other individuals. If
you do a little bit of everything, it is likely that you won’t be nearly as productive s you would otherwise be.
Automobile manufacturing plants are much more productive than one individual attempting to produce a
car by him or herself. This is one reason why factory production with specialization eventually dominated
the marketplace.

2.4 (Specialization) If specialization yields increased productivity, why do some people do various household
tasks on their own as opposed to hiring specialists to do these jobs?

To do household tasks costs time and money and most people have the time but not the money to have
household tasks done. Hence, most people end up doing their household work, investing the time but saving

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Chapter 2 Economic Tools and Economic Systems C02-3

on money. Many wealthy people engage the services of specialists to do household work because they have
the cash or the opportunity cost of doing household work is much too high. Other individuals do some
household work, such as childcare, because of the high utility and quality control generated by doing this
specific task.

3.1 (Shape of the PPF) Suppose a production possibilities frontier includes the following combinations:

Cars Washing Machines

0 1,000
100 600
200 0

a. Graph the PPF, assuming that it has no curved segments.

b. What is the cost of producing an additional car when 50 cars are being produced?
c. What is the cost of producing an additional car when 150 cars are being produced?
d. What is the cost of producing an additional washing machine when 50 cars are being produced? When
150 cars are being produced?
e. What do your answers tell you about opportunity costs?

a. The PPF drawn above is composed of two straight-line segments, AB and BC.
b. The cost of a car when 50 cars are produced is 4 washing machines. In the segment BA, as you move
from 0 to 100 cars, you must give up (1,000 − 600 = 400) washing machines. Thus, each additional car
costs 400/100 = 4 washing machines along segment BA of this PPF.
c. The cost of a car when 150 cars are produced is 6 washing machines. In the segment BC of this PPF, as
you move from 100 to 200 cars, you must forgo 600 washing machines. Thus, each additional car costs
600/100 = 6 washing machines along segment BC of this PPF. The 150th car costs you 6 washing
The cost of a washing machine when 50 cars are produced is one-quarter of a car. In the segment BA,
as you move from 600 to 1,000 washing machines, you must forgo 100 cars. {[100/(1,000 − 600)]} = ¼,
the slope of segment BA of the PPF. Note: The PPF would indicate that when 50 cars are produced,
800 washing machines can be produced.
d. When 50 cars are being produced, the cost of an additional washing machine is one-quarter (100/400) of
a car. The cost of an additional washing machine when 150 cars are produced is one-sixth of a car. In
the segment BC, as you move from 0 to 600 washing machines, you must forgo 100 cars. (100/600) =
1/6, the slope of segment BC of the PPF. Note: The PPF indicates that when 150 cars are produced,
only 300 washing machines are produced. Also note that the answers to this question are the inverse of
the answers to questions (b) and (c).

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"Thet's exactly it," said Sam Barringford, who sat by, cleaning and oiling
his rifle. "Barrin' a few like White Buffalo the critters ain't more'n half
human, to my way o' thinkin'. Look at the way they sculp folks, an' burn
'em at the stake, an' sech. It's enough to make one sick a-thinkin' on it."
"But some of the lawless trappers are almost as bad," replied Rodney.
"They do fearful things when they are in the humor for it."
"It's the liquor, Rodney," answered the old frontiersman. "Put liquor into a
hot-tempered man an' ye make a fiend o' him. Those fellers see the redskins
do things, an' then they want to go the red varmints one better, an' there ye
"Oh, I know that rum has caused a whole lot of trouble in this world,"
answered Rodney. "For my part, I'd like to see the manufacture and sale of
the stuff stopped."
"Won't never see that, lad—too many folks a-makin' money out o' the
traffic. Besides, ef they did try to stop it some would be makin' it on the sly,
an' drinkin' it, too."
"If the red men would only turn to farming all might go well," said Joseph
Morris, thoughtfully. "But they seem to hate work in the fields. An Indian
would rather hunt all day for a single turkey, or fish all day for a single
trout, than gather a bushel of corn if it was given to him. Even White
Buffalo won't work the ground if he can help it."
At last the snowstorms seemed at an end, and one day Dave, Rodney, and
White Buffalo went out to hunt. The red man had his bows and arrows with
him, and showed them how easy it was to bring down some birds on the
wing without disturbing the other game that was near. No large game was
discovered, but the three returned to the cabin loaded down with half a
dozen small animals and twenty-six birds of various kinds. They also laid
low two foxes, and the skins were given to Mrs. Morris for a muff.
One night Dave and Rodney were on the point of retiring when there came
a loud knock on the side of the cabin. Mrs. Morris, Nell, and the twins had
already gone to sleep, and the others were dozing near the fire.
"What's that?" exclaimed Dave, and by instinct he leaped for the gun behind
the door. Seeing this, Rodney reached for the weapon resting on the elk
The knock was repeated. It came from the side of the cabin where there was
no door. Joseph Morris roused up sleepily.
"Did you let something fall, boys?" he asked.
"No," answered Rodney. "Somebody is knocking on the side of the house."
Awakened by this declaration, Joseph Morris sprang up, and so did Sam
Barringford and White Buffalo. Again came the knock.
"Who is there?" demanded Joseph Morris, loudly.
"A friend! Let me in!" was the low answer.
"Who are you?"
"Ira Sanderson."
"Ira Sanderson!" ejaculated Dave. "Oh, he must bring news from the
trading-post!" He ran towards the door and started to open it.
"Wait—it may be a ruse," said his uncle, stopping him. "Sanderson, are you
alone?" he called out.
"Ye—yes. Let me in. I—I am hurt."
No more was said. Opening the door cautiously, Joseph Morris stepped
outside, followed by Dave and the others. At first they could see nobody,
but presently discovered the form of a man lying in a heap in the snow,
close to the wall of the cabin. The man was limp and almost unconscious,
and they had to carry him inside, where he was placed on the floor in front
of the fire and given stimulants.
They presently discovered the form of a man lying in a heap in the

As my old readers know, Ira Sanderson was a hunter and trapper well
known in that vicinity. He had accompanied James Morris on more than one
expedition to the west, and had once taken charge of the trading-post during
Mr. Morris's absence.
"Father must have sent him with news," said Dave. "Is he shot, or what is
the matter?"
It was soon ascertained that Sanderson had been struck in the side by an
arrow. The wound had been bound up in a rude way, but the loss of blood
had so weakened the hunter that he could no longer stand up. It was a good
hour before he felt strong enough to speak and then he said only a few
"I left the trading-post four weeks ago," he said. "Got captured by the
redskins. They carried me up the Monongahela, an' were goin' to burn me at
the stake, but I gave 'em the slip. Then comin' from Fort Pitt I got plugged
in the side, as you see. But I kept on, until I got in sight of the cabin, when
all my strength seemed to leave me."
"Is everybody safe at the trading-post?" asked Dave, eagerly.
"Safe so far, Dave. But there ain't no tellin' how long it will last. I—I—I'll
tell you all about it when—when I'm stronger. Here is a—a letter your
father—writ——" He pointed to his breast and then fainted.
While the others worked over the wounded messenger, Dave brought forth
the letter mentioned and perused it, not once but several times. It was
written in James Morris's characteristic style, and ran, in part, as follows:
"You will be glad to learn that so far the season has been a very
good one. I have made a bargain with some French as well as
English and Indian trappers for their furs, and they are bringing
in all that I can handle. A few of the Frenchmen tried to get the
best of me, but I showed them that I knew my business and
since that time they have not bothered me. They now realize that
the French cause in the Colonies is hopelessly lost.
"One of the French trappers used to be a personal friend of that
rascal, Jean Bevoir. He says Bevoir is recovering from his
wounds, and expects to go back to trading himself in the near
future. I do not care what he does, so long as he does not molest
us again. But if he tries any of his underhand work I am going to
do my best to put him in the hands of the authorities, for he
richly deserves a long term of imprisonment for his past
"Pontiac's failure to unite all the Indian tribes in a war against us
last year and the year before, has caused some of the
Wyandottes and Delawares to desert him. But the others seem to
stick to him still, and I am afraid they are plotting greater
mischief than ever. One trapper told me that the Indians up at
the Lakes are very restless, and hold a great many pow-wows
and war talks. Yesterday I had three strange Indians here,
Ottawas, and I did not like their manner in the least. They took
careful note of how the post was laid out, and asked one of the
men if we had any extra guns on hand. I half believe they were
spies, but as I could not prove it, I had to let them go.
"Henry wants to be remembered to all at home. He is well and
has had some great success at hunting. He fixed up a trap last
week and on Saturday night brought in the most ferocious
wolverine ever seen in these parts.
"Since penning the above, I have just come from interviewing
two other strange Indians. They did a little trading, but spent
most of their time in looking over the trading-post. They wished
to know what I wanted for four good guns, but told them I had
no firearms to sell. This angered them, and they went off
muttering to themselves. I must say I did not like their looks at
"Ira Sanderson is to start with this letter to-morrow. He can give
you more details than I can write. I am anxious to hear from
you, for I know the Indians must be as restless around Fort
Cumberland as they are here."

Leaving Ira Sanderson to recover and tell his story to those at the Morris
homestead, let us journey westward and learn for ourselves what had
occurred at James Morris's trading-post during the months in which Dave
had been absent.
The new trading-post, built on the bank of the Ohio River after the first
post, located on the Kinotah, twenty miles away, had been destroyed, was a
substantial affair of heavy logs. The main building now consisted of four
rooms, and not far away was a storehouse of two rooms, to which was
attached a horse stable of fair size. The post was built on a tiny bluff
overlooking the broad Ohio, and close at hand was a small brook backed up
by rocks. A strong palisade of sharpened logs driven into the soil ran
around a portion of the grounds which was not protected by the water, and
here was located a heavy pair of gates, ten feet wide, secured by two strong
crossbars. At convenient distances loopholes were cut in the palisade, to be
used for shooting purposes in case of an attack.
On all sides of the trading-post the forest stretched for miles, broken only
by the river and smaller streams, with here and there a tiny waterfall or a
lake. In some spots the wilderness of trees and underbrush was so dense
that to cut a path through was next to impossible. For miles and miles the
only settlements were those of the Indians, who wandered from place to
place, as their fancy pleased them. And this was but a hundred and forty
odd years ago. To-day this same section of our country contains numerous
towns and cities, the river counts its hundreds of steamboats, and the
luxurious railroad trains dash by well cultivated farms. Truly the progress of
our country has been marvelous.
For several weeks after Dave was rescued from the Indians, and left to
continue his journey eastward, matters moved along smoothly at the
trading-post. Henry missed his cousin greatly, for the two young soldiers
had been like brothers since childhood. But he did not complain, for he
knew that his Uncle James must feel equally lonely.
Every day the hunters and trappers who made the post their stopping-place
came and went. Some were kind and considerate enough, but others were
brutal, and a few wished to carouse and fight, something which Mr. Morris
would not tolerate. A great many had been to the war and found it difficult
to settle down after so much fighting.
"The war spirit gets into a fellow's veins," said one old trapper to Henry. "It
seems so quiet with nothing going on."
"I know the feeling," answered Henry. "I was in the war myself."
"So Tony Jadwin was telling me, Henry; he said you saw lots of fighting,
too, you an' your cousin Dave."
"We did—more than I want to see again."
"The Injuns ain't done makin' trouble, Henry."
"I believe you," answered the youth, seriously.
It was the next day that the three strange Indians put in an appearance, as
described in James Morris's letter. Henry saw them, and he and his uncle
talked the matter over after the red men had departed.
"They certainty did act suspicious," declared the youth. "And they were
wicked-looking customers, too."
"I shall notify Jadwin to keep a sharp lookout in the future," answered
James Morris. Tony Jadwin was now his right-hand man at the post, a
hunter and trapper as well known as Sanderson and Sam Barringford.
Following this visit came the visit of the two other Indians. They caught
Henry cleaning up several guns and pistols, and this made them speak of
buying some firearms.
"They were actually angry because we wouldn't sell to them," said Henry.
"Uncle James, they certainly mean mischief."
"Just my notion, Henry. But they can't do much single-handed."
"Don't you think there are other Indians around?"
"Jadwin hasn't seen any—I mean any that are strange. Those Delawares
who train with White Buffalo are here, but I don't fear them."
"Have you any idea what has become of Pontiac?"
"A French trapper told me yesterday that Pontiac is reported to be in the
vicinity of Fort Detroit. They say he has some sort of a home on an island in
the Detroit River."
"If he was down here he'd be certain to make trouble."
"Pontiac isn't thinking of us just now, Henry. I believe he is plotting to
attack the big forts. He'll leave the under chiefs to attack the little posts and
the settlements."
For several days after Sanderson's departure for the east, matters ran along
smoothly at the trading-post. Only a few well-known Indians came in, to
exchange furs for other commodities. These Indians reported having seen
some Ottawas on the Ohio, moving to the northward.
"Perhaps they have left the vicinity," said James Morris, and breathed a
short sigh of relief. He had seen so much of excitement he wanted no more
of it.
On the following day Henry went out to do some fishing. He had with him
a strong pike pole and also the necessary lines and bait. He traveled a short
distance down the river, and finding a spot that suited him, cut a circular
hole in the ice with his pike pole and then started to fish.
It was a clear, cold day, and as the fish did not bite very lively the youth
occasionally walked around to keep his blood in circulation. Once he
walked a short distance up the shore, to look around a bend, and there to his
surprise saw six Indians, hurrying into the depths of the wilderness with a
heavy bundle among them.
"Can they be going to our post?" he asked himself. "If so, they are taking a
roundabout way of getting there."
He watched the Indians out of sight and then returned to his fishing. But he
had lost interest in the spoil, and soon wound up his lines and hurried back
to the post, where he told his uncle of what he had seen.
"Six Indians, and all strainers, eh?" said James Morris. "If they are coming
here they ought to arrive soon."
He hurried out and made his preparations to receive them. At the post at the
time were Tony Jadwin and three other frontiersmen—all the others, and the
friendly Indians, being out hunting or trapping. James Morris called the
crowd together.
"They may be friendly, but we must take no chances," he said. "Load your
guns and keep on guard."
These orders had been given so many times before, that the men knew
exactly what was expected of them. Jadwin took his station at the stockade
gates, and the others lounged around, each with his gun and a pistol ready
for instant use, should any shooting be necessary.
But the Indians did not come, and by nightfall the temporary alarm was
over. One of the frontiersmen began to poke fun at Henry and said he
"reckoned as how" the youth had made a mistake.
"No, I didn't make a mistake," answered Henry. "I saw them as plain as day.
Perhaps they were going to some other post."
"If so, they have a long tramp before them," returned the frontiersmen. "No
other post nigh to thirty miles from here." This was true.
On the following day two friendly Indians reported seeing a fine herd of
deer a short distance down the river. This interested those at the fort, and
two of the men went off shortly after noon to see if they could bring down
some of the game. Henry wanted to go along, but Mr. Morris demurred.
"I would rather have you here," he said to his nephew. "With those men
gone we may need you. You can go some other time."
Henry saw the wisdom of his uncle's reasoning and so contented himself by
working around the post, taking care of some hides which had recently
come in, and in exercising one of the horses. Henry loved a good horse
almost as much as he loved hunting, and he spent a full hour in the saddle.
"Rides as ef he was born to it," remarked Jadwin, who was looking on. "Just
see him stick when the horse makes that sharp turn!"
"Henry is an out-door young man if ever there was one," answered James
Morris. "And my Dave is about of the same nature," he added.
The winter sun was almost setting when two Indians appeared at the
stockade gates. They were strangers and set up a cry for admission.
"What do you want?" demanded James Morris, as he appeared at the top of
a small ladder, gun in hand.
"Want to sell skins," grunted one of the red men, a dirty individual with
particularly repulsive features.
The Indians had a big bundle on a drag, and each carried his bow and
arrows on his back. Seeing this, James Morris called to the others in the
post to be on guard, and then descended the ladder and opened one of the
"Where do you come from?" he asked, as the Indians came in, dragging
their big bundle.
"Come from the south," was the answer. "Two moons of hard hunting," and
the Indian pointed to the bundle, meaning that the latter contained the
results of a two months' hunting tour. "Make trade to-morrow," he
"To-morrow?" queried James Morris. "Don't you want to trade now?"
"No. Black Ear not here. Black Ear own some skins. He come to-morrow,
den all trade."
"You mean that some of the skins belong to Black Ear?"
"And he will be here to-morrow?"
"All right then, you come in to-morrow and trade. You can't stay here
overnight. I don't allow that sort of thing any more."
"Indians no want to stay. But want leave big bundle skins. Heavy bundle,
Indians tired. Put bundle in dare," and the red man pointed to the
"All right, you can put the bundle in there if you wish," answered James
Morris, carelessly.
"Bundle safe dare?"
"No touch bundle—Black Ear say wait—he angry if touch bundle skins."
"I shan't touch 'em, so don't worry," answered the owner of the post. "Come
on," and he showed the Indians where they might deposit the big bundle. It
was placed in a corner of the storehouse, and then, with a sharp look around
the post, the strangers prepared to depart.
"Give Indians rum?" said the one who could speak English.
"I haven't any rum."
"Give Indians a little tobacco."
"I'll do that," said James Morris, and handed over a fair-sized pouch full.
For this the red men seemed to be very grateful, and hurried away, saying
that they would come back with Black Ear in the morning and do their
"Very well," said Mr. Morris. "I'll do the best I can by you."
He followed the red men to the gates, and after they were gone barred the
barriers as carefully as before. The Indians did not look back, but plunged at
once into the depths of the forest. When they were out of sight of the post
one Indian looked suggestively at his companion.
"Think you did the white trader suspect?" asked one, in his native tongue.
"He suspected nothing," was the reply. "The plan was too well laid."
"We must hurry and tell Rain Cloud and let him gather the others. At the
cry of the whip-poor-will we must stand ready to fall upon the post and kill
all who are stationed there."

"Uncle Jim, I didn't like the looks of those Indians at all," said Henry, after
the red men were out of sight.
"Oh, they didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary," answered James
Morris. "They've got a pretty big bundle of skins with 'em."
"Perhaps they stole the skins. To me they looked like Indians who couldn't
be trusted."
"I'll question them closely when they come in again, Henry. I certainly want
no stolen skins, in trade or otherwise."
"Did you ever see those redskins before?"
"I believe I saw one of them last year, but where I can't remember. They
were about as dirty as any around here," added the trader. "I wouldn't let
them sleep here even if I knew it to be safe. I'd have the place alive with
"It's queer how some of them hate a bath, especially in cold weather," said
the youth, with a laugh. "Perhaps they think the dirt helps to keep 'em
The night was cold and clear. There was no moon, but the stars shone
brightly, so it was not as dark as it might otherwise have been. Only a faint
breeze was blowing, not sufficient to move the stark tree branches of the
great wilderness which surrounded the lonely post.
Ever since the last uprising of the Indians, Mr. Morris had made it a point to
have somebody on guard during the night. All the trappers who remained at
the post knew that such duty was expected of them, and that they were
doing it as much for their own protection as for the good of others. Guard
duty began at six in the evening and ended at six in the morning, and the
twelve hours were divided equally among whoever happened to be at the
post during that period of time.
Tony Jadwin was the first to do guard duty that evening, and it was
arranged that Henry should be the one to relieve him. But though free from
duty, Henry was not disposed to lie down, and he wandered around, from
the stable to the general living room.
"Why don't you go to sleep, Henry?" asked his uncle. "You'll be tired out
when it comes your turn to go on guard."
"I don't feel a bit like sleeping, Uncle Jim. I'm as wide awake as an owl."
"Better lie down, anyway. It's a good night for sleeping."
"I can't get those Indians out of my mind," went on the youth.
To this James Morris did not answer, and presently Henry left the main
building of the post and walked back to the stable, to get a pair of gloves
which he had forgotten.
As he passed the horses one of the animals gave an uncertain snort, as of
fear. The youth stopped by his side and patted him.
"What is it, Nelson?" he asked softly.
But the horse could not answer and merely rubbed his nose against Henry's
face. The youth patted him again and then passed on, secured the gloves,
and prepare to leave the stable.
"Guess I'll take a look at that bundle of skins," he said to himself. "It won't
do any harm to turn it over and see what it looks like."
Henry's experience as a hunter and trapper had given him a good idea of the
value of hides and furs, and James Morris often appealed to him when in
doubt over a certain skin that was offered in trade. He had seen a peculiar
looking skin sticking from the end of the bundle and he wondered what it
was and if it was of great value.
On his journey to the stable, the youth had carried a lantern,—a big, old-
fashioned affair,—and this was still in his hand. Coming to the storeroom
door he flashed the rays of the light inside.
What he saw caused him to start back in amazement, and for the moment he
could not believe the evidence of his senses. The bundle was moving!
Henry stared for several seconds and as he did this he saw the hand of an
Indian come forth from the bundle and clutch at one of the thin rawhides
which held the skins together. Then he discovered that the foot of an Indian
was sticking out of the other end of the bundle.
The perils of the wilderness, and of army life, had taught Henry to act
quickly in case of an emergency, and setting down the lantern, he drew his
hunting knife and rushed forward.
"Stop right where you are, you skunk!" he cried. "Don't dare to move
another inch, or I'll stick you with this!" And as he uttered the words he let
the point of the sharp hunting knife fall on the back of the Indian's hand.
There was a disappointed grunt from inside the bundle, and the hand was
pulled back several inches. Henry had caught the rascal inside in the very
act of liberating himself.
Stepping to the storehouse doorway the youth blew upon a whistle he
carried. It was the signal that something was wrong, and in a moment Tony
Jadwin came running to the spot.
"What's up, Henry?" he cried.
"I've got a prisoner. Collared him bound hand and foot too," and the youth
had to smile at his own little joke.
"A prisoner? Where?" quickly asked James Morris, who was behind
"Here, in the bundle, Uncle Jim. I knew all along that those Indians couldn't
be trusted."
"In the bundle—what do you mean?"
"There's a redskin in this bundle. I caught him in the very act of trying to
get out."
"It must be a plot to capture the post!" ejaculated James Morris. "Jadwin,
get back to the stockade at once, and fire on the first redskin who shows
"Shall I go, too?" asked Henry.
"Yes. I'll take care of this rascal, and then I'll join you," answered the trader.
Waiting to hear no more, the youth ran for the main building of the trading-
post and secured his rifle, and also an extra rifle and a pistol. Tony Jadwin
was equally armed, and each ran for a corner of the inclosure.
"We'll have some hot work cut out for us, if an attack comes," said the old
trapper. "Reckon as how that redskin meant to kill us while we slept, or
throw open the gates on the sly."
"You're right, Tony. I wish the rest of the men were back. Wouldn't it be a
good idea to fire a signal for them?"
"It ain't likely they are in sound o' a gun, lad."
No more was said, and each took his place at the palisade and gazed
through one loophole and another anxiously. All was quiet outside and not a
single human being was in sight.
A quarter of an hour passed, and then James Morris joined his nephew,
carrying several loaded guns and pistols.
"Well?" he questioned, laconically.
"Haven't seen anybody yet," answered Henry.
"I tied that rascal up good and hard," said the trader.
"What did he have to say for himself?"
"He tried to worm out of it by saying he was drunk yesterday and his
friends must have tied him in the bundle for fun while he was sleeping. He
professes to be friendly and says he will fight the others for playing such a
trick on him."
"Do you believe such a yarn, Uncle Jim?"
"No, and I told him so. If any of those redskins appear don't let them get too
James Morris went off, to interview Tony Jadwin. He was gone but a
minute when Henry saw something dark moving cautiously along a mass of
brushwood down near the brook.
"An Indian, I'll wager a shilling," he murmured to himself, and raised his
rifle. "More than likely he is waiting for a signal from the rascal we
caught." And in this surmise the youth was correct.
The Indian outside passed behind some trees and was followed by a second
red man and presently a third. Henry gave a low whistle, which brought his
uncle to the spot once more.
"Saw three of 'em," said he. "They are back of yonder trees. It is too dark to
get much of a look at 'em."
"Tony saw two," answered the trader. "Henry, I am afraid we are in for it,"
he continued, seriously. "Had you not found that rascal in the bundle we
might have all been murdered by this time."
"I wish there was some way of letting the others know how we are
"There is no way just now. One of us might try to go out toward sunrise—if
we can keep them off that long. I presume they are waiting anxiously to
hear from the fellow we have captured."
"To be sure. I think—There is another, and he is coming pretty close!"
added Henry, excitedly.
"Wait—I'll talk to him. There is no use of our keeping silent any longer,"
said James Morris. He raised his voice. "Hold, there!" he shouted. "What do
the red men want around this post at this hour of the night?"
The Indian addressed was evidently taken by surprise, for he stood stock
still for fully a minute before replying.
"Who calls to Rain Cloud?" he asked at last.
"I call, the owner of this place," answered the trader. "This is no hour for
coming here, and Rain Cloud knows it."
"Rain Cloud would speak to his white brother," said the Indian, smoothly.
"What about?" and there was a peculiar sharpness in James Morris' voice as
he spoke.
Again the red man hesitated before answering.
"Rain Cloud and two of his warriors come for aid. A white hunter is sick in
their camp."
"Who is it?"
"Rain Cloud knows not his name. He has eaten of some bad meat and is
very sick. He must have medicine or he will die. He begged Rain Cloud to
come to you for aid."
"Don't you believe him!" whispered Henry. "It's another yarn, Uncle Jim."
"If Rain Cloud wanted help why did he not come alone?" questioned the
"Rain Cloud is alone," answered the Indian.
"It is a lie—Rain Cloud had many of his warriors with him. We have seen
them—hiding behind the trees and rocks. What is more, we have captured
one of Rain Cloud's men—he who thought to play the fox in the bundle of
At this there was a murmur of rage from the Indian, a murmur that was
taken up by others who had heard the conversation. They now knew why
they had not received the signal agreed upon.
"Then my white brother will not give aid—will not open the gates?"
questioned Rain Cloud.
"I'll not open the gates to-night," answered James Morris. "And I want Rain
Cloud and his warriors to go away. He can come in the morning, but he
must come alone, and he can bring the sick man with him if he will. Then,
if all goes well, I will release the rascal I caught in the bundle."
"My white brother will not give medicine now—will not let the warrior in
bundle go?"
"But if Rain Cloud attack post, what then? My white brother's warriors are
gone—he cannot fight. Better be friends with Rain Cloud and open gates."
"If you start to fight we'll do our best to defend ourselves," answered James
Morris. "And, remember, at the first shot fired by you, the red man who was
in the bundle dies," he added, determinedly.

For the moment after James Morris made the announcement that he might
kill the Indian discovered by Henry in the bundle of skins, there was silence
on the part of the Indian chief outside the palisade of the trading-post.
"My white brother is hard-hearted," said Rain Cloud at last. "Why must
there be trouble between us?"
"The trouble is not of my making," answered the trader. "Rain Cloud is
playing false. The Indian in the bundle was not drunk. Rain Cloud and his
warriors must go away. I have had my say."
"Rain Cloud will go away," answered the Indian, and turning he vanished
into the wilderness from whence he had come.
"Do you think he will really go away?" questioned Henry.
"I wish I could answer that question truthfully," said his uncle. "Perhaps he
will go—for fear we may kill our prisoner."
"Who is the prisoner?"
"Some kind of an under chief, by his outfit. He will not tell his name."
Jadwin was anxious to know the result of the conference, he having been
too far away to hear all that was said. The trader hurried to the old hunter
and explained the situation.
"Don't trust 'em," said Jadwin. "We've got to do our best to hold the post till
"I'd like to know how many of the enemy there are."
"No telling that, now."
With hearts that beat anxiously the men and Henry remained on guard,
moving from one part of the inclosure to another. Once Henry thought he
saw two warriors stealing along the frozen brook, but he was not sure.
"If they are going to do anything at all, they'll do it soon," thought the
youth. "It's too cold for them to stand around and do nothing," and he
slapped his hands to keep them warm.
An hour passed—a long time just then to those in the inclosure. Henry was
sleepy and gaped more than once. To keep himself awake he commenced to
walk briskly from one loophole to another.
"What's up, Henry?" called out his uncle.
"Trying to keep warm."
"This doesn't look like an attack," went on James Morris. "You can go in for
a few minutes and get warm, if you wish."
"All right, Uncle Jim. If you want me, call."
The fire in the main living room of the post had been stirred up and Henry
hurried inside, to enjoy the cheerful blaze. In one corner was the Indian who
had been discovered in the bundle—Mr. Morris having brought him in to
keep him from being frozen to death. He was tightly bound and glared
wickedly at the youth as he entered.
"Caught you nicely, didn't I?" said Henry.
"Let poor Indian go," said the red man.
"Not just yet."
Henry turned toward the fire and prepared himself a cup of hot coffee. He
had just taken one swallow of the beverage when there came a whistle from
outside, followed by a shot.
"The attack must be on," he muttered, and catching up his rifle he darted
away to where he had left his uncle. He found James Morris at the gates,
with one bar already down.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Quick, Henry, two of the men are outside—the redskins are after 'em,"
answered the trader.
There was no need to say more, and Henry leaped to pull away the other
bar. Only one gate was opened and through this dashed the two hunters who
had gone out in the morning after the deer. Then the gate was again closed
and barred.
"Jadwin fired the shot," said James Morris. "He saw the redskins coming
after these men. Are you hurt?" he questioned of the hunters who had
"Got a nip in the arm, that's all," answered one, Bill Lemington by name,
who had drifted to the post from the Mohawk Valley. "We had to scoot for it
though, I can tell you," he added, panting.
"We didn't see the red varmints until we were almost on top of them," said
the second hunter, a tall, slim individual who rejoiced in the name of
"Peaceful" Jones, as he was such a fighter. Peaceful Jones came from the
South, and it was said upon good authority that he had once fought seven
Indians single-handed, and come out of the battle with only three wounds,
none of them serious. He was very meek usually, but when aroused was a
regular tiger for rage. On more than one occasion Peaceful Jones had served
as a guide to Sir William Johnson, the Indian Superintendant.
"But how happened it that you were on the move at this hour of the night?"
questioned James Morris.
"We got wind that something was wrong about sundown, and we have been
trying to get in to tell you ever since," answered Bill Lemington. "We made
two attempts before, but thought the redskins too many for us. I didn't think
it best to risk an open fight, although Peaceful was willing enough."
"There were only nine Injuns that we see," explained Peaceful Jones. "I
could have had a beautiful shot at two on 'em. But Bill wanted to come in
quiet-like if we could, so we done it. Any trouble here yit?"
"A little," and James Morris related how the Indian had been found in the
bundle. Both hunters laughed loudly and congratulated Henry on what he
had done. They were so accustomed to fighting that the thought of an attack
in the near future did not bother them.
From Jones and Lemington it was learned that the other hunters were
several miles away, but that six expected to return to the post by noon of the
next day, along with several of the friendly Indians.

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