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Lynch, Pacific Languages

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The book provides an introduction to the languages of the Pacific region, covering their geography, history and linguistic structures.

The book covers the geography and history of Pacific languages, including the settlement of the region, as well as the structure of sound systems, grammar and sentences across the main language families in Oceania.

The three main language families discussed are the Austronesian, Papuan and Australian language families.

Pacific Languages


John Lynch
© 1998 University of Hawai‘i Press
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lynch, John
Pacific languages: an introduction / [John Lynch].
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0–8248–1898–9 (alk. paper)
1. Pacific Area—Languages. I. Title.
P381.P3L96 1998
499—dc21 97–24552

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Illustrations x

Preface xiii

Acknowledgments xvii

Terms Used xix

Chapter 1 Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 1

1.1. The Structure of Language 1
1.2. Common Grammatical Categories and Functions 5
1.3. Reconstructing Linguistic History 9

Part 1: Geography and History 21

Chapter 2 The Languages of the Pacific 23

2.1. How Many Languages? 23
2.2. Linguistic Demography 27
2.3. Language Names 40
2.4. A Brief History of Pacific Language Research 41

Chapter 3 The History of the Austronesian Languages 45

3.1. The Austronesian Family 45
3.2. The Oceanic Languages 46

VIII Contents

3.3. The Settlement of Oceania 51

3.4. Reconstructing Culture 58

Chapter 4 The History of the Papuan and Australian Languages 60

4.1. Interrelationships of Papuan Languages 61
4.2. Interrelationships of Australian Languages 68
4.3. Possible External Links 69
4.4. Implications for Prehistory 69

Part 2: Structure 73

Chapter 5 Sound Systems 75

5.1. Oceanic Languages 75
5.2. Papuan Languages 87
5.3. Australian Languages 91
5.4. Orthographies 94
5.5. Summary 99

Chapter 6 Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 100

6.1. Pronouns 100
6.2. Nouns and Noun Phrases 105
6.3. Possessive Constructions 122
6.4. Verbs and the Verb Complex 130
6.5. Sentences 148
6.6. Similarities and Differences 165

Chapter 7 Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 166

7.1. Pronouns 166
7.2. Nouns and Noun Phrases 169
7.3. Possessive Constructions 171
7.4. Verbs and the Verb Complex 172
7.5. Sentences 177

Chapter 8 Australian Languages: Grammatical Overview 185

8.1. Pronouns 185
8.2. Nouns and Noun Phrases 187
8.3. Possessive Constructions 194
8.4. Verbs and the Verb Complex 195
8.5. Sentences 198
Contents IX

Part 3: The Social and Cultural Context 203

Chapter 9 Languages in Contact 205

9.1. The Social Context of Language Contact 205
9.2. The Linguistic Effects of Contact 208
9.3. Three Case Studies 213
9.4. Historical Implications 218

Chapter 10 Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines 220

10.1. Pidginization, Creolization, and Koineization 220
10.2. Melanesian Pidgin 221
10.3. The Pidgins of the Motu Traders 232
10.4. Fiji Hindi 235

Chapter 11 Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 237

11.1. The Vocabulary of Pacific Languages 237
11.2. Counting Systems 244
11.4. Languages in Use 256
11.5. Language Use in Pacific Nations 261
11.6. Shift, Survival, Death, Revival 268

Conclusion Ideas about Pacific Languages 272

Suggestions for Further Reading 279

Appendices 283

1. Data Sources 285

2. Phonetic Symbols 291
3. Sample Phoneme Systems 295
4. Glossary of Technical Terms 299

Notes 313

References 321

Index 345


1. Pacific languages by region and country

2. Polynesian Outliers
3. Languages of Melanesia
4. Papuan language families
5. Anejom̃ pronouns
6. Baniata independent pronouns


1. Genetic relationship
2. Subgroups of a family
3. Subgroups of Proto East-Central Papuan
4. Establishing migration patterns
5. Time limits on comparative linguistics
6. An Austronesian family tree
7. The Polynesian subgroup
8. Partial classification of Anejom̃ terms for marine life
9. A moiety system
10. Njamal kinship terms
11. Anejom̃ kinship terms

Illustrations XI


1. Reconstructing migration patterns

2. The Pacific
3. Languages of Polynesia
4. Languages of Micronesia
5. Languages of Fiji and Rotuma
6. New Caledonia
7. Vanuatu
8. Solomon Islands
9. Papua New Guinea
10. Irian Jaya
11. Australia
12. Austronesian languages
13. Oceanic subgroups in Melanesia
14. Austronesian migrations
15. Papuan language families
16. Possible wider groupings of Papuan families

This book was born out of frustration. I have lost count of the number of
times people have asked me to recommend to them a “good general book
on the languages of the Pacific.” There are any number of good specialist or
technical books on the Austronesian languages as a whole, or on the Papuan
languages, or on Australian languages, or on certain subgroups or individual
languages—but virtually all of these are aimed at readers who have studied
a considerable amount of linguistics.
There are, however, many nonlinguists who want or need to know some-
thing about the languages of this region. Language is an important topic of
conversation, an important political and social phenomenon, in many if not
all Pacific countries and territories. Pacific peoples want to know more about
their languages—what other languages they are related to, where they came
from, how they compare with, say, English and French, what the other lan-
guages in the region are like. People working in Pacific countries need some
general information on the languages of the country or the region to assist
them in their work and in their appreciation of the cultures and societies
of the Pacific. Teachers, sociologists, community workers, government offi-
cers, high school and university students—all are affected by language, and
most would like to know more.
Hence this book. It has been a long time in the making, but I hope that
it will serve a useful purpose. I have tried to steer a middle course between
being too simplistic and being too technical. Obviously, to provide detailed
coverage in any book of the sound systems and grammars of fourteen hun-
dred languages, their interrelationships and connections with languages
outside the region, their history and current status, and the relationships
between language, culture, and social organization is quite impossible.

XIV Preface

What I have tried to do is to give the general reader a feel for what these
languages are like (with a minimum of references) and at the same time
offer linguists something to get their teeth into (with references to sources
they can follow up).
The book has three major sections. Part 1 describes the geographical
distribution of Pacific languages and attempts to summarize what is known
of their history. Part 2 is an overview of the phonological and grammatical
structure of these languages. This discussion is far from exhaustive. Many
areas (e.g., complex sentences) and many thorny problems (e.g., the Polyne-
sian “passive”) are omitted or glossed over. But there is enough information
to give a general picture of what Pacific languages are like, in what ways
they are similar, and how they differ both from each other and from met-
ropolitan languages like English or French. Part 3 looks at the relationship
between Pacific societies and cultures and their languages from a number of
different points of view. In the Pacific as elsewhere, language is very much a
social and cultural phenomenon.
The careful reader will notice a bias toward Oceanic languages in part
2. This results partly from my own professional background and partly from
the fact that, while there are good general surveys of Papuan and Australian
languages (Foley 1986 and Dixon 1980), there is nothing comparable for
Oceanic languages.
The orthography I use in citing language data is generally the standard
orthography of the language. For languages lacking such an orthography,
I have used a standard set of phonetic symbols (see appendix 2). This has
often meant modifying the orthography of the original sources. Similarly, I
have consistently used the same name for the same language, even when
some sources use different names.
Phrase and sentence examples are presented as shown below.


E ā rai-ci irau na yalewa na cauravou.

he PAST see- (TRANS) them:two the woman the youth

‘The young man saw the two women.’

• The first line, in italics, is the phrase or sentence in that language,

with hyphens marking morpheme breaks within a word; underlin-
ing is used to focus on the particular aspect of grammar being
discussed (in this example, the transitive suffix -ci).

• The second line is a word-by-word and morpheme-by-morpheme

translation. Where a single morpheme expresses more than one
item of meaning, these are separated by a colon (thus irau ‘the
Preface XV

two of them’ is glossed as ‘them:two’). Grammatical categories are

given in capitals; a few of these are abbreviated (thus TRANS = tran-
sitive), and a list of all such abbreviations appears below. I have
tried not to be too technical with these grammatical terms, and
have used, for example, “the” or “with” rather than abbreviations
like ART (for article) and COM (for comitative), even if these are
sometimes too general. Readers interested in more technical as-
pects of the grammars of any languages cited should consult the
sources (appendix 1).

• The last line, in single quotation marks, is the free English translation.

I have tried to be consistent in my use of grammatical terms throughout

the book, even where this means using a different term from that in the orig-
inal source. So, for example, I consistently use “continuous,” even though
some writers may have used terms like “progressive” or “durative,” and I
use “completive” where others use “perfective.” I have used small capitals
when a technical term is introduced for the first time in the text. There is a
glossary of such terms in appendix 4.
I have generally not directly quoted sources of language data in the text,
since this would unnecessarily clutter the text with references. However, a
list of data sources for all languages from which data are cited can be found
in appendix 1, and the languages’ locations are indicated on maps 3 through
7. I have also provided suggestions for further reading at the end of the

This book originally appeared in 1993 as an in-house text for the University
of the South Pacific course “Structure of Pacific Languages.” I am grateful to
students for their feedback about this earlier version, and to Donn Bayard,
Barbara Hau‘ofa, Andrew Horn, Ross McKerras, Macha Paris, Mere Pulea,
Jeff Siegel, Matthew Spriggs, Jan Tent, Randy Thaman, Howard Van Trease,
Vilimaina Vakaciwa, and the Department of Geography of the University of
the South Pacific, who either commented on parts of the earlier version or
provided useful information.
I take particular pleasure in expressing my gratitude to Niko Besnier,
Terry Crowley, Ken Rehg, Malcolm Ross, and Nick Thieberger, without
whose assistance this book would not be what it is. I reserve, of course, all
blame for errors and misinterpretations.
I am also deeply indebted to a number of Pacific people who have
opened the doors of their languages to me. I am especially grateful to John
Davani, Tom Hiua, John Naupa, Julie Piau, Tu‘a Taumoepeau-Tupou, Philip
Tepahae, and Apenisa Tusulu, to the people of Uje and Anelcauhat (Ane-
ityum) and west Tanna in Vanuatu, and to my tambus in Kond and Anigl in
Papua New Guinea.
My sons Brendan and Steven have lived with this book over the past few
years, and the backs of discarded drafts have been of great use in helping to
develop their artistic talents. My wife Andonia has been a source of constant
encouragement, and I am eternally grateful for her love and support. I ded-
icate this book to them.

Terms Used

The following abbreviations are used in the text:

* (a) marks a phrase or sentence as ungrammatical; (b) marks a

phoneme or word as having been reconstructed for some
ø zero
1 first person
2 second person
3 third person
C:S construct suffix
DIFF:SUBJ different subject
EXC exclusive
INC inclusive
NOM nominalizer
O object
PL plural
POSS possessive
S subject
SG singular
SAME:SUBJ same subject
TRANS transitive
V verb


Some Basic Concepts

1.1. The Structure of Language

Linguistics is the systematic study of language, and descriptive lin-
guistics is the branch of linguistics that deals with the analysis and descrip-
tion of languages. Each language is a system with various units and rules
for the combination of these units into larger units. These rules are not al-
ways formulated in grammar books, but they are there nevertheless—in the
brains of speakers of the language.
One simple way of seeing the operation of these rules is through the mis-
takes children make when they are learning a language. When a four-year-
old says *The mans goed away, the sentence is clearly incorrect English. It
does, however, follow a pattern. First, the child has deduced that, to make a
noun plural in English, you add s to it. She has already produced large num-
bers of plural nouns, like dogs, cats, cups, bananas, and so on, following this
rule. Second, she has also deduced that, to put a verb into the past tense,
you add ed to it. Again, she has already produced many English verbs in the
past tense this way—laughed, cried, kicked, washed, etc.
In producing the sentence *The mans goed away, the child is not imitat-
ing what adults say, since no adult speaker of English would say that sen-
tence. Instead, she is applying two of the many rules she has formulated on
the basis of observing how English is spoken.



The only problem is that the noun man happens to be an exception to rule
(1), and the verb go an exception to rule (2). Looking at this ungrammatical


utterance gives us insight into how the child’s brain is functioning in terms
of rules that combine units into larger units.
What are these units I have been talking about? If you asked a non-
linguist that question, the answer would probably be sounds, words, and
sentences. Unfortunately, the situation is more complex than that.

1.1.1. The Sounds of Language

At the “lowest” level of language we have sounds, which linguists enclose in
square brackets [ ] to distinguish them from letters. Individual sounds, like
[t], [e], and [n] are meaningless in themselves. Only combinations of sounds
provide meaningful utterances: [t] + [e] + [n] = ten, [n] + [e] + [t] = net.
No language uses all the speech sounds human beings can make, and
the sound systems of different languages are organized in different ways.
The study of sounds is known as phonetics, and the study of the way in
which sounds are organized into a system in a language is called phonology
(or sometimes phonemics). (A chart of all phonetic symbols used in this
book appears in appendix 2.)
Let us take as an example the sounds [p] (represented by the letters p
or pp) and [f] (represented by f or ff). These are quite different sounds, but
is the difference between them important? In some languages, for example
English, it is, as the pairs of words below show.

pull full
pig fig
supper suffer
cup cuff

The only difference in sound between the words in each pair is the difference
between the sounds [p] and [f], but each word has a very different meaning.
In English, the sounds [p] and [f] belong to different phonemes; that is, they
are different significant units of sound in the language. And linguists write
phonemes in slant lines / / to distinguish them from both sounds and letters.
Thus English has the phonemes /p/ and /f/.
Compare the same two sounds in the Tok Pisin language of Papua New

paia faia both mean ‘fire’

pasim fasim both mean ‘tie’
mipela mifela both mean ‘we’
lap laf both mean ‘laugh’
Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 3

In this language, the difference between [p] and [f] is not significant. You can
use either sound without changing the meaning of a word. In Tok Pisin, [p]
and [f] belong to the same phoneme, usually written /p/. The same sounds in
different languages may therefore have quite different functions in the sys-
tems in which they occur, and quite different relationships with each other.
Note that we are dealing with sounds and phonemes here, not with the
letters that are used to write them. In the English words we looked at above,
the phoneme /f/ is represented by the letter f in full as well as by the combi-
nation ff in suffer. The same phoneme /f/ is also represented by ph in phone,
by gh in enough, and so on. Our principal concern is with the sound systems
of Pacific languages, though we will also look at their orthographies, or
writing systems.

1.1.2. The Composition of Words

Phonemes combine to form larger units. Consider the following English ex-


Each of these consists of a number of phonemes, and each is also a word, since it
has meaning by itself and, in the written language, appears with a space before
and after. The second and third words, however, can also be divided into two mean-
ingful parts, act ‘carry out’ + ed ‘past tense’ and re ‘back’ + act. The fourth word
consists of three meaningful parts: re + act + ed.
These smallest meaningful units are called morphemes. Some single mor-
phemes are words (act, dog, house, desire, for example). Other words (acted, re-
act, reacted, dogs, housewife, desirable, for example), consist of multiple mor-
phemes. The study of morphemes and of the way morphemes combine to form
words, is known as morphology, a term also used to refer to the patterns by which
morphemes combine to form words in a particular language.
The examples given above show one other feature of morphemes. While
act can stand on its own as a word (as a free morpheme), re and ed cannot.
Morphemes like re and ed are known as affixes, and they must be attached
to another morpheme. There are a number of different kinds of affixes, the
most common being prefixes, which, like re, come before the root in a word,
and suffixes, which, like ed, come after the root. The convention in linguis-
tics is to write prefixes with a following hyphen (re-) and suffixes with a
preceding hyphen (-ed), the hyphen indicating where the join takes place.

Another kind of affix occurs in some Pacific languages, namely, the infix,
which is placed within the root. In Roviana (Solomon Islands), for example,
verbs are converted to nouns by inserting the infix -in- (note the hyphens
both before and after the infix) before the first vowel of the root:

habu ‘to fish’ hinabu ‘a catch of fish’

kera ‘to sing’ kinera ‘a song’
moho ‘to be sick’ minoho ‘sickness, disease’
toa ‘to be alive’ tinoa ‘life’
zama ‘to talk’ zinama ‘language’

When morphemes combine to form words, the sounds at the boundaries

of these morphemes often change. For example, I said above that the four-
year-old had learned to form plurals by adding the suffix -s, but this is not
strictly true. The regular plural morpheme has two spellings and three or
four pronunciations in English. The pronunciation of the letter s in plurals
like cats, cups, socks is indeed the phoneme /s/, but the letter s of plurals
like dogs, bugs, homes is pronounced as the phoneme /z/, not as /s/; and the
same letter in plurals like inches, buses, dishes is pronounced /IZ/ or /əz/, de-
pending on the dialect. I also said that the child had learned to form the past
tense by adding -ed to verbs. Again, this is not strictly true. The pronunci-
ation of -ed is /ɪd/or/əd/ in words like banded and slotted, /d/ in killed and
conned, and /t/ in laughed and kissed.
In these examples, the sound at the end of the noun or verb determines
the pronunciation of the plural or past-tense suffix. The study of sound
changes that take place when morphemes combine to form words is known
as morphophonemics.

1.1.3. Above the Word Level

Words combine to form phrases. A phrase is a group of words that func-
tions as a unit in a sentence. Look at the following English sentence (where
/ marks the boundary between phrases):

The young boys / were killing / the cats / on the beach.

Each of these phrases is a unit. When each is moved to some other position
in the sentence, it must be moved as a whole entity. For example, the passive
equivalent of the sentence above is

The cats / were being killed / by the young boys / on the beach.

and not something like

* The young the cats were being killed by boys on the beach.
Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 5

(The asterisk marks the sentence as ungrammatical.) That is, it is not just
the noun boys that moves in this change from active to passive, but the
whole noun phrase the young boys.
There are different types of phrases. In this book, I refer to noun phrases,
which are phrases that function like nouns and can be replaced by a single noun
or a pronoun—the young boys and the cats in our sentence above are both noun
phrases (and could be replaced, for example, by they and them). I also refer to
prepositional phrases, which are noun phrases introduced by a preposition:
on the beach and by the young boys in the examples above are prepositional
phrases, introduced by the prepositions on and by. I use the term verb com-
plex to refer to phrases that function like verbs: were killing and were being
killed in the sentences above are both verb complexes.
Phrases combine to form clauses. A clause is a group of phrases containing
a subject (the topic being talked about) and a predicate (what is being said
about the topic). A sentence is a group of one or more clauses that can stand
alone. If we return to our example of the cat-killing boys, none of the following is
a sentence, since each requires other phrases to make it complete.

*The young boys

*Were killing the cats
*The young boys on the beach

English and many other languages usually require each predicate to con-
tain a verb complex, so that a sentence must have at least one verb. Many
languages of the Pacific, however, do not require this, since in these languages
there is no verb equivalent to English be (with its various forms is, are, etc.). So,
for example, English demands the verb be in equational sentences like That man
is a doctor, but many Pacific languages have no verb in equivalent sentences. In
the Lenakel language of Vanuatu, for example, the same sentence would be Wus
aan tokta, literally ‘man that doctor,’ with no verb.

1.2. Common Grammatical Categories and Functions

1.2.1. Subject and Object
The terms subject and object traditionally refer to the performer and re-
ceiver of the action of the verb, respectively. In the sentence The boy is
petting the pig, the performer of the action, the boy, is called the subject,
and the receiver, the pig, is the object. In many languages the verb changes
with a change of subject. In the sentence The boys are petting the pig, the
plurality of the subject, the boys, causes the verb to change from singular (is
petting) to plural (are petting).

This fact is important, because the subject is not always the performer
of the action. Look at these sentences:

The boy likes the pig.

The boy was bitten by the pig.

In these sentences, the boy is still the subject, because we can see the same
kinds of changes in the verb when the boy becomes plural:

The boys like the pig.

The boys were bitten by the pig.

In the second case, however, the boy is not performing the action. The pig is
performing the action on the boy.
In other languages, the subject and the object behave in ways different
from the way in which English subjects and objects behave, and we cannot
give a universal definition of these concepts. But the subject often performs
the action, and the object usually receives it.

1.2.2. Transitivity and Voice

A sentence that contains no object is intransitive, while one that does con-
tain an object is transitive. Examples:

Intransitive: Mele is eating.

The dogs are sleeping.

Transitive: Mele is eating a banana.

The dogs chased the children away.

An active sentence—a sentence in the active voice—is one in which the

subject performs the action or where the object has the action performed on
it. A passive sentence is one in which the action is performed on the subject.
For example:

Active: Mele ate the banana.

The men cut down the tree.

Passive: The banana was eaten by Mele.

The tree was cut down.

1.2.3. Adjectives and Verbs

Many Pacific languages do not distinguish between adjectives and verbs in the
same way English does. The distinction in English is related to the existence of
the verb be. In English, an adjective—like good, for example—can either pre-
Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 7

cede the noun it describes or follow the verb be (or similar verbs like seem or
appear), as in A good chief looks after his people and Our chief is/seems good.
In many Pacific languages, however, adjectives belong to a class of
stative verbs, verbs that indicate a state rather than an action. In Fijian, for
example, a verb is marked as stative by one of a number of markers (e.g., e
‘third person singular subject’). In the first sentence below, the verb is kana
‘eat,’ and the word levu ‘big’ follows the noun it modifies, vuaka ‘pig’:

E kana na vuaka leva oqō.

‘This big pig is eating.’ it eats the pig big this

In the next sentence, the word levu ‘big’ behaves like a verb, that is, just as
kana ‘eat’ does in the sentence above.

E levu na vuaka oqō.

‘This pig is big.’ it big the pig this

A stative sentence is an intransitive sentence expressing a state rather than

an action. Thus while Mele is eating expresses an action, Mele is fat or Mele
is a teacher express a state.

1.2.4. Person, Number, and Gender

In English, we are used to distinguishing first, second, and third person
pronouns as well as subject, object, and possessive forms. Both nouns and
pronouns occur in singular and plural, and in some cases they have mascu-
line, feminine, or neuter gender. The English subject, object, and possessive
pronouns illustrate this:

Singular Plural
First person I, me, my we, us, our
Second person you, your you, your
Third person
Masculine he, him, his they, them, their
Feminine she, her they, them, their
Neuter it, its they, them, their

Pacific languages differ in a number of ways from the English model.

1. Most Pacific languages do not show gender in pronouns. Raroton-

gan (Cook Islands) ia, or Fijian o koya, or Anejom̃ (Vanuatu) aen all
mean ‘he,’ ‘she,’ and ‘it.’
2. A large number of Pacific languages distinguish two types of first per-
son pronouns. Inclusive first person pronouns refer to the speaker
and the addressee(s). Exclusive first person pronouns refer to the
speaker and some other person(s), but not the addressee(s). In Bis-

lama, the national language of Vanuatu, for example, yumi is the first
person inclusive pronoun (‘I + you’), while mifala is the first person
exclusive pronoun (‘I + he/she/it/them [not you]’).
3. Many Pacific languages distinguish more than two numbers, the most
common (apart from singular and plural) being the dual number,
which refers to two and only two; the trial number, referring to three
and only three; and the paucal number, used for a few (three to six or
so), or to a small group that is part of a much larger one.
The function of the plural changes depending on how many num-
bers a language recognizes. In a language with a singular, a dual, a
trial or a paucal, and a plural, the role of the plural is much smaller
than it is in a language with only a singular and a plural. In Fijian, for
example, we have o koya ‘he/she/it’ (singular), o irau ‘they two’ (dual),
o ira-tou ‘they (a few)’ (paucal), and o ira ‘they (many)’ (plural).
4. Many Pacific languages have separate object and possessive forms
of the pronoun, as English does. But in addition, and unlike English,
many also distinguish between an independent pronoun and a sub-
ject pronoun. The independent pronoun can be used as an answer
to a question, and may be used as a subject, but when it is it is
usually emphatic. In Lenakel, for example, in is the third person
singular independent pronoun, and r- is the corresponding subject
pronoun. The sentences In r-am-apul and R-am-apul both mean ‘He/
she is asleep.’ But while the second one is a neutral statement, the
first emphasizes that it is he or she, not someone else, who is asleep.

1.2.5. Possessives and Classifiers

In languages like English, there is usually only one kind of possessive con-
struction. No matter what the possessed noun refers to, or what the posses-
sor’s relationship is to that noun, the same construction is used: my hand,
my father, my house, my dog are all possessed in the same way, by means of
the possessive, my.
Now look at translations of those four phrases in Motu (spoken around
Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea), in which the suffix -gu translates ‘my.’
The nouns are ima, tama, ruma, and sisia:

ima-gu ‘my hand’

tama-gu ‘my father’
e-gu ruma ‘my house’
e-gu sisia ‘my dog’

Here we can see that there are two different constructions: The words for
‘hand’ and ‘father’ attach -gu directly to the noun. I call this type a direct
Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 9

possessive construction. The words for ‘house’ and ‘dog’ do not attach -gu
directly to the noun, but attach it instead to the morpheme e-, and this word
(e-gu) precedes the noun. This I call an indirect possessive construction.
In one way or another, most Pacific languages distinguish two types of
possessive constructions to which different linguists have given different
labels, and which have different semantics. These two types could be classi-
fied as follows:

• Close, or subordinate, or inalienable possession is often manifested

by direct constructions. This involves the possession of something over
which the possessor has no control, and which cannot (normally) be ac-
quired or disposed of. It may be an integral part of the possessor (like a
hand), or a relative (we cannot control who our father is).
• Remote, or dominant, or alienable possession is frequently mani-
fested by indirect constructions. This involves the possession of
something over which the possessor has control. It can be acquired
and disposed of, given away or sold, like a house or a dog.

Some languages are more complex than this, using a system of classifiers,
often in both possession and counting, to show what type of thing the noun is,
just as in English we normally do not say ten cattle or four breads, but ten head
of cattle or four loaves of bread, using head and loaf as kinds of classifiers. Look
at the following examples from Ponapean (spoken in Pohnpei, Micronesia):

edible:thing-my breadfruit
‘my breadfruit’
nime-i uhpw
drinking:thing-my coconut
‘my drinking coconut’
sehu pah-sop
sugarcane four-stalk
‘four stalks of sugarcane’

Ponapean has more than twenty possessive classifiers (like kene- and nime-
above), and approximately thirty numeral classifiers (like -sop above).

1.3. Reconstructing Linguistic History

1.3.1. Genetic Relationship
All languages change. The process of change is gradual, but it is also con-
stant. There are various kinds of evidence for this. For example, earlier
written records show a version of the language different from the modern

version, though both are often still recognizable as the “same” language.
The two examples given below, of the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer in the
English of about 1400 and in modern English, illustrate this principle.
Oure fadir that art in heuenes halowid be thi name, thi kyngdom come to,
be thi wille don in erthe es in heuene.
Our Father, who is in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your king-
dom come into being. May your will be followed on earth, just as it is in
Even if a language does not have written records going back a long
time, the fact that people of different generations speak the same language
slightly differently shows that languages change. We can even observe
changes taking place in a language when we notice competing forms, like
the two different pronunciations of a word like either in English (one with an
initial vowel sound like that of niece and the other with a vowel like that of
nice), or the past tense of the verb dive—dived and dove—in many dialects of
American English. Perhaps the most obvious example of language change,
however, is the continual introduction of new words into all languages (and,
less obvious but also quite frequent, the gradual loss of words that, for one
reason or another, have become obsolete).
Imagine now that we have a single speech community speaking a lan-
guage we will call X. This community splits into four separate groups, A,
B, C, and D. Because language change is inevitable and continuous, after a
few hundred years these four communities would speak different dialects of
the same language. But after a thousand years or more, these four dialects
would have changed so much that they had become separate languages, as
shown in figure 1. The languages would share many similarities in vocabu-
lary and grammar, since language change is relatively slow. But a speaker
of language A would have considerable difficulty in holding a conversation
with a speaker of B, C, or D.
Languages A, B, C, and D in figure 1 are all genetically related to
each other, because they all descend from language X, which is their com-
mon ancestor. Languages A, B, C, and D are often referred to as daughter
languages of X, and all four languages belong to the same language fam-
ily. Figure 1, which represents their relationship, is their family tree.
Where there are historical records of the ancestor language and of the
whole period of change, it is easy to establish the relationship between the
daughter languages and to see how diversification took place. But in the
Pacific, as in many other parts of the world, such records do not go back any-
where near far enough for us to have concrete proof of diversification and
relationship. How, then, do linguists establish such languages’ relationship?
Related languages share a number of similarities in vocabulary, pronun-
Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 11

Figure 1. Genetic Relationship

ciation, and grammar. Linguists look for similarities between various lan-
guages, and if the similarities are numerous enough, they assume that the
languages involved are related despite the absence of documentary proof
and derive from a hypothesized common ancestor, which is referred to as a
But not all similarities between languages can be attributed to genetic re-
lationship. There are two other possible explanations. One is that the similar-
ities are purely accidental. In Motu, Fijian, and many other Pacific languages,
the word for ‘eye’ is mata, while in Modern Greek the word for ‘eye’ is mati.
This, however, is a purely accidental resemblance, as there are no other con-
nections between Greek and Motu or Fijian. If two or more languages share
only a few similarities, these are probably coincidental. It is virtually impossi-
ble, however, that languages could accidentally have hundreds of similarities.
The second explanation for similarities between languages is copying
or borrowing—that a language has adopted a word (or some other linguistic
feature) from some other language. For example, in many Pacific languages
the word for ‘radio’ is something like retio or ledio. This word has been
copied from English, but this does not mean that these languages are related
either to English or to each other.
Copying is a very common phenomenon in all languages (see chapter 9).
When new items of technology, new social practices, or new ideas are intro-
duced into a society from outside, often the words for them, modified to fit
local pronunciation, will be brought in at the same time. English is full of
words copied from other languages: Algebra, boomerang, coup, demonstra-
tor, ghetto, junta, taboo, thug, and yen are just a few examples.
Copying is more likely to take place in certain areas of the lexicon than
in others. For example, words like snow, coconut, ice cream, church, team,
and television could be easily introduced into a language, since they represent
things or concepts that are by no means found in all cultures or environments.

But words like hand, leg, one, two, black, white, eat, sleep are much less likely
to be taken from another language, since all languages probably have their
own words for these concepts, irrespective of the culture of their speakers or
the physical environment in which they live. There would be no need for a lan-
guage to supplement its vocabulary by borrowing them. For similar reasons,
certain aspects of grammar (the morphological structure of words, for exam-
ple) are less likely to be borrowed than others (like word order).
If similarities between two languages are only in areas where we might
expect to see copying, they do not constitute evidence of genetic relation-
ship. If, however, the similarities are in areas of vocabulary and grammar
where borrowing is much less likely to take place, we can reasonably con-
clude that these are not due to chance or borrowing, but to genetic in-
heritance. The words and structures were present in some form in an an-
cestor language and have been retained, usually in a modified form, in the
daughter languages. This then leads to the conclusion that the languages
sharing these similarities are related, belong to the same language family,
and derive from the same protolanguage.

1.3.2. Reconstructing a Protolanguage

In addition to being able to show, with reasonable confidence, that a set
of languages are related and derive from the same common ancestor,
historical-comparative linguists can reconstruct what many of the sounds,
words, and grammatical structures in the protolanguage were probably like.
An important principle in reconstruction, especially in dealing with simi-
larities in vocabulary, is that of the regularity of sound correspondences.
Look at the following examples from the Aroma, Hula, and Sinagoro lan-
guages spoken on the coast east of Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea:

Aroma Hula Sinagoro

‘father’ ama ama tama
‘milk’ laa laa lata
‘sew’ uli uli tuli
‘grandparent’ upu upu tubu
‘sago’ lapia lapia labia
‘pigeon’ pune pune pune
‘skin’ opi kopi kopi
‘bird’ manu manu manu
‘mosquito’ nemo nemo nemo

There are a number of correspondences between identical phonemes.

Aroma m corresponds to Hula m and Sinagoro m. This correspondence is
Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 13

abbreviated as m:m:m. We can also see all the vowels (a:a:a, i:i:i, and so
on). But there are also some correspondences between different phonemes:
First, although we have the set p:p:p (as in pune : pune : pune ‘pigeon’), we
also have another set p.p:b (as in lapia : lapia : labia ‘sago’). Then, we also
have the set θ:θ:t (where θ represents the absence of a sound), as in uli: uli:
tuli ‘sew.’ The important thing about both types of correspondence sets is
that they are regular. They are not random, but occur again and again in
many words. Even in the short list above, you can see a number of examples
of each.
In the case of correspondence sets of the type m:m:m, the original lan-
guage almost certainly had m, and the daughter languages have not altered
it. The protolanguage, then, had a phoneme *m, where the asterisk denotes
a reconstructed form.
In the case of correspondence sets of the type p:p:p and p:p:b, however,
one or more daughter languages has changed. The logical assumption here
is that the set p:p:p reflects an original *p, while the set p:p:b represents an
original *b, which Aroma and Hula have changed to p. The merger of pho-
netically similar phonemes is a very common phenomenon, and this is what
seems to have happened: The distinction between the two phonemes p and b
has been lost in these two languages (in the same way as the distinction be-
tween the voiced w in witch and the voiceless w in which is being lost in most
varieties of English). Similarly, the set θ:θ:t probably represents an earlier
*t, which has been lost in Aroma and Hula; again, loss of a phoneme is far
more common and natural than the addition of a phoneme.
Using this principle of regularity of correspondence, and also making
use of what linguists know generally about language change, it is possible
to reconstruct elements of a protolanguage—to make an educated guess
about what the phonemes, words, and grammar of the ancestor language
might have been. Given that Aroma nemo, Hula nemo, and Sinagoro nemo
all mean ‘mosquito,’ for example, and that the correspondences n.n.n, e:e:e,
m:m:m, and o:o:o are regular, linguists would reconstruct the word *nemo
‘mosquito’ in the language ancestral to these three languages. The full set of
protoforms for the words given above would be:

*tama ‘father’
*lata ‘milk’
*tuli ‘sew’
*tubu ‘grandparent’
*labia ‘sago’
*pune ‘pigeon’

*kopi ‘skin’
*manu ‘bird’
*nemo ‘mosquito’

1.3.3. Families and Subgroups

The original split of a community may be followed by later splits. Similarly,
the original split of a protolanguage may be followed by subsequent splits
in intermediate ancestral languages, sometimes called interstage lan-
guages. Look at the family tree in figure 2, which represents the following
historical sequence of events.
First, the original ancestral language, X, initially split into three daugh-
ter languages, P, Q, and R. Some time later, (1) language P suffered sufficient
divisions to result in the modern languages A and B; (2) language Q split
into Z and the modern language C; (3) language Z itself underwent a further
split, into the modern languages D and E; and (4) language R split, giving
rise to the modern languages F, G, and H.
All of these languages are related, since they all derive from a common
ancestor, X. There are, differing however, degrees of relationship in this fam-
ily tree. For example, languages A and B are more closely related to each
other than either is to any other modern member of the family because they
share a period of common development that the other languages do not—the
period when language P was separated from the others. Similarly, languages
F, G, and H are more closely related to each other than to any other modern
member of the family. Languages C, D, and E can also be grouped together,

Figure 2. Subgroups of a Family

Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 15

but within the group, D and E are more closely related to each other than ei-
ther is to language C.
Linguists generally use the term subgroup to refer to two or more lan-
guages within a family that are more closely related to each other than to
the rest of the family. In figure 2, A and B form one subgroup and F, G, and H
another. C, D, and E make up a third subgroup within which exists a further,
lower-level, subgroup (sometimes called a subsubgroup), D and E.
When the history of a language family is known through written records,
the subgrouping of languages within that family can also usually be estab-
lished by examining those records. But how do we determine subgroups of
a language family in an area like the Pacific, where written records of lan-
guages either do not exist at all or date only from recent times?
One technique for doing this is known as lexicostatistics. This involves
the comparison of the basic vocabulary of the languages we are interested
in (using a standard one-hundred-or two-hundred-word list), and expressing
the degree of relationship between any two languages in the sample as a
percentage, which represents the cognates (similar vocabulary items pre-
sumed to derive from the same original word in the protolanguage) shared
by each pair of languages. A higher percentage corresponds to a closer rela-
tionship, and members of subgroups should show the highest percentages.
Lexicostatistics has the advantage of allowing quick formulation and quan-
tification of the internal relationships of a language family, but it also has many
problems. Some of these are theoretical or methodological and need not concern
us here. One obvious problem, however, is that a list of even two hundred words
represents only an extremely small part of a whole language, and the figures ob-
tained from comparing such lists may not accurately represent the relationship
between two languages. Today, most linguists do not rely heavily on lexicostatis-
tics as a method for subgrouping languages, although they might use it to get a
preliminary indication of the possible subgrouping.
The chief method linguists use to establish subgroups is examination of
shared innovations. If you go back to the Aroma, Hula, and Sinagoro exam-
ples in the last section, you will see that two changes, or innovations, have
taken place: (1) original *t has been lost in both Aroma and Hula (but not in
Sinagoro); and (2) the distinction between original *b and *p has been re-
tained in Sinagoro, but it has been lost in both Aroma and Hula, where these
two phonemes merge as the single phoneme p.
Aroma and Hula share two innovations that Sinagoro does not, which
would suggest that the two languages are more closely related to each other
than either is to Sinagoro. The family tree in figure 3 shows how these three
descendants of Proto East-Central Papuan are related.
Rather than suggesting that Aroma and Hula both quite independently

Figure 3. Subgroups of Proto East-Central Papuan

made the changes *t > θ, *b > p inferred from a comparison of cognates, it

seems logical to assume that the changes happened only once, in the inter-
stage language, Proto Aroma-Hula. In this way Aroma and Hula came to
share two innovations missing in Sinagoro, which suggests that they belong
together in a subgroup.
There are various kinds of innovations which, if shared by two or more
languages exclusive of others in the family, can be solid evidence for assign-
ing those languages to the same subgroup. Phonological innovations (like
the example above) and innovations in morphology are fairly strong evi-
dence; innovations in vocabulary and syntax (sentence structure) are less
strong, since changes take place in vocabulary much more easily and rapidly
than in phonology or morphology. Quantity is also a factor. Generally speak-
ing, if languages share more innovations (of the stronger kind) the hypothe-
sis that they form a subgroup is more secure.

1.3.4. Reconstructing Linguistic and Cultural History

What use can linguists and others can make of the conclusions reached
about the relationships between languages, the subgroups of a language
family, and the reconstructed protolanguage?
The branch of linguistics I have been discussing is known as com-
parative linguistics or historical-comparative linguistics. It involves
comparing languages in order to find out something about their history.
This branch of linguistics is one of the disciplines contributing to the study
of prehistory, the time preceding the existence of written records. (Other
such disciplines include archaeology, social anthropology, the study of oral
literature and oral traditions, and so on.) So, what can comparative linguis-
tics tell us about prehistory?
Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 17

First, the fact that languages are related implies that they have a com-
mon origin. This often (though not always) implies that the people who
speak those languages have a common origin as well, telling us something
about the origins of and historical connections between the peoples of a
Second, information about subgroupings can give us an idea of the
chronology of language divisions (and presumably also divisions in a com-
munity), as well as providing indications about the directions in which peo-
ple migrated. As an example of this, let us consider just the following Pacific
languages: Fijian, Tongan, Pukapuka (spoken in the Cook Islands), Tahitian,
and Rapanui (Easter Island). A simple family tree for just these five lan-
guages would look like the one in figure 4.
The most recent split in this family (which includes hundreds of other
languages) is that between Tahitian and Rapanui, with the next most recent
that between Pukapuka and the ancestor of Tahitian and Rapanui. Some-
what earlier Tongan and “Proto Pukapuka-Tahitian-Rapanui” divided, and
the first split was between Fijian and all the other languages. As you can see
by looking at map 1, the splits proceeded from west to east.
On the basis of this subgrouping, most linguists would assume (1) that
the original homeland of this group of people was probably somewhere
around the Fiji-Tonga area; and (2) that the general direction of migration
of these peoples was probably from west to east, as shown in map 1. Note
that I have used the terms “assume,” “probably,” and “somewhere.” These
conclusions are merely the best educated guesses we can make from the
data. We would still want to find supporting evidence from other disci-
plines—archaeological dates, oral traditions, or the like—before adopting
these conclusions firmly.
Third, comparative linguistics can tell us something about the culture
of the people who spoke the protolanguage, and about the changes that
have taken place in that culture. If a set of words can be reconstructed for

Figure 4. Establishing Migration Patterns


Map 1. Reconstructing Migration Patterns

a protolanguage, the items or concepts they refer to were probably also

present in the protoculture. For example, if we could reconstruct for a pro-
tolanguage words for taro, yam, coconut, and breadfruit, then we could
presume that these items were in the original culture of the people who
spoke that language. And if the daughter languages have quite unrelated
words for peanut, rice, coffee, and sweet potato, then we could assume that
these items were not in the original culture, but represent later innovations.
The identification of copied words can also tell us quite a bit about another
aspect of linguistic and social history—cultural contact between groups of
people speaking (related or unrelated) languages.

1.3.5. Time Depths

Finally, a word of warning. The principles and techniques of comparative lin-
guistics allow linguists to trace relationships between languages going back
perhaps eight or ten thousand years, and to make associated conclusions
regarding migrations, cultures, and so on. If, however, the initial breakup
of a language family took place longer ago than about ten thousand years,
linguists often cannot find sufficient evidence to prove that the languages in-
volved are related. The changes that have taken place in each language over
the millennia are usually so great that very few similarities can be distin-
guished or reconstructed.
The hypothetical family tree in figure 5 helps illustrate this point. The
similarities currently existing between the modern languages P through Y
would probably lead comparative linguists to divide them into four unre-
lated families:
Linguistics: Some Basic Concepts 19

Figure 5. Time Limits on Comparative Linguistics

1. the C family, with members P and Q;

2. the D family, with members R, S, and T;
3. the E family, with members U and V; and
4. the F family, with members W, X, and Y.

The true historical picture is presented in the diagram, which shows

how all these languages are related, deriving from a common ancestor X.
Because of the length of time involved, however, the changes have been so
great that most similarities between, say, languages P and Y have been lost,
which is why linguists would treat these languages as belonging to four dis-
tinct families.
The study of prehistory relies heavily on comparative linguistics for
many different kinds of information. But it is important also to realize
that—at least with the techniques currently at our disposal—comparative
linguistics has limitations.

Geography and History


The Languages
of the Pacific

When different people speak of the Pacific region, they often mean different
things. In some senses, people from such Pacific Rim countries as Japan and
Korea, Canada and the United States, and Colombia and Peru are as much
a part of the region as are those from Papua New Guinea, Fiji, the Marshall
Islands, Tonga, and so on. In this book, however, I use the term “the Pacific”
to refer to the island countries and territories of the Pacific Basin, including
Australia and New Zealand.
This Pacific has traditionally been divided into four regions: Melanesia,
Micronesia, Polynesia, and Australia (see map 2). Australia is clearly sepa-
rate from the remainder of the Pacific culturally, ethnically, and linguisti-
cally. The other three regions are just as clearly not separate from one
another according to all of these criteria. There is considerable ethnic, cul-
tural, and linguistic diversity within each of these regions, and the bound-
aries usually drawn between them do not necessarily coincide with clear
physical, cultural, or linguistic differences. These regions, and the bound-
aries drawn between them, are largely artifacts of the western propensity,
even weakness, for classification, as the continuing and quite futile debate
over whether Fijians are Polynesians or Melanesians illustrates.
Having said this, however, I will nevertheless continue to use the terms
“Melanesia,” “Micronesia,” and “Polynesia” to refer to different geographi-
cal areas within the Pacific basin, without prejudice to the relationships of
the languages or the cultures of people of each region.

2.1. How Many Languages?

This book deals mainly with the indigenous languages of the Pacific region.
There are many other languages that can be called “Pacific languages,” for

Map 2. The Pacific
The Languages of the Pacific 25

example, languages that have developed fairly recently, such as Hawaiian

Creole, Fiji Hindi, Hiri Motu (Papua New Guinea), Melanesian Pidgin
(known as Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea, Pijin in Solomon Islands, and Bis-
lama in Vanuatu), Broken and Kriol (Australia), and others. There are also
the languages of the metropolitan powers, particularly English and French,
which are widely used throughout the region, but also Bahasa Indonesia in
Irian Jaya and Spanish in Easter Island. And there are small but substantial
numbers of speakers of various Chinese languages, of Vietnamese, and of
other “intrusive” languages in Pacific towns. (These languages receive some
attention in part 3.)
When it comes to what we might call “true” Pacific languages, we find
that this region is probably the most linguistically complex in the world.
There are, or were, almost fourteen hundred distinct languages spoken in
the Pacific, or about one quarter of the world’s languages. And these four-
teen hundred languages are spoken by not much more than 0.1 percent of
the world’s population! Further, so far as we can tell, these languages do
not all belong to a single language family. There are a number of language
families in the Pacific.
Let us look first at the nature of the differences between languages
in this region. Many people describe the languages of the Pacific as “di-
alects,” partly because most are spoken by small populations and are
unimportant in terms of world politics, and partly because many are un-
written. But linguists use the terms “language” and “dialect” with quite
specific meanings.
Speakers of the same language living in geographically separate
areas often speak differently, though these differences are usually not
great enough to prevent communication between them. For example,
many Americans say sidewalk, diaper, and flashlight where English peo-
ple would use footpath, nappy, and torch. And while most English people
pronounce words like half, past, and mast with the same vowel as the
first vowel in father, most Americans pronounce them with the same
vowel as in hat. But despite these obvious differences in vocabulary, in
pronunciation, and in grammar as well, the Americans and the English
can still communicate quite easily. We would therefore say that they are
speaking different dialects of the same language. But Americans or Eng-
lish people must learn French to understand a French person, as English
and French are different languages.
Mutual intelligibility—whether speakers from one group can or cannot
carry on a normal conversation with speakers of another—is just one way of
looking at the distinction between language and dialect. In many parts of the
Pacific, it is difficult to test for mutual intelligibility, because people not only

speak the language of their own community, but also acquire an understand-
ing, either active or passive, of the languages of neighboring communities
from a very early age. People from two communities can quite often carry on
a conversation in two different languages, so testing for mutual intelligibil-
ity is fraught with all sorts of problems. In cases like these, linguists have to
use their own judgment about how many languages are involved.
Perhaps more important than the issue of mutual intelligibility is the is-
sue of social identity. People believe that their language is the same as—or is
different from—another group’s language for a variety of social rather than
linguistic reasons. Here are two examples of this:

1. On the basis of mutual intelligibility, Hindi and Urdu would be

classified as dialects of the same language. Hindi is the national
language of India. It is written in the Devanagari script and is
closely associated in people’s minds with Hinduism. Urdu is the
national language of Pakistan. It is written in Arabic script and
is closely associated with Islam. For these nonlinguistic reasons,
most speakers would say that Hindi and Urdu are two different lan-
2. Many people refer to Fijian as if it were one language. It is associ-
ated with a group of people who are ethnically and culturally fairly
homogeneous, and there is just one written version, which all lit-
erate Fijians read and write. But people in the eastern part of Fiji
cannot understand people from the western area when they speak
(unless they have learned the western Fijian language).

There is a further problem with differentiating and counting languages

that relates to the phenomenon known as a dialect chain. A dialect chain
is found in a series of communities in which each community has a different
dialect. Close neighbors can quite easily understand each other, but people
have greater difficulty in understanding or communicating with people from
communities farther along the chain. Imagine that the following villages are
spread along the coast of a large island:


People from, say, village C can easily communicate with their close neigh-
bors (A and B to the west, D and E to the east); they have some difficulty
communicating with people from F and G; and they cannot communicate
well at all with people from H, I, and J. On the other hand, people from
village E can communicate easily with those from C, D, F, and G, have
some difficulty with those from B, H, and I, but find people from A and J
unintelligible. People from A would be unable to communicate with those
The Languages of the Pacific 27

from J, so it would seem from looking just at the two ends of the chain
that two different languages are involved. But there is nowhere in the
middle of the chain where we can draw a language boundary, since every-
one can communicate with their immediate neighbors. So are we dealing
with one language or two?
In one sense, this is really a problem only when one tries to count the
number of languages, to tidy up the situation with a neat classification.
Some linguists would say that the villages I have described share one lan-
guage, made up of a complex dialect chain. Others would say it is two, with,
however, no distinct boundary between the western language and the east-
ern one. Situations like this are found in Fiji, in the Caroline Islands of
Micronesia, and in a number of areas in Papua New Guinea. This is one rea-
son that different authorities give different numbers of languages for certain
areas of the Pacific.
Despite these complications, when I say that there are about fourteen
hundred languages spoken in the Pacific, I do mean languages, not dialects.
Some, of course, are quite similar to each other, as French is to Spanish and
Italian, or even as Hindi is to Urdu. But there are also differences of the
same order of magnitude as those between English and Chinese. And many
of these languages are spoken in a number of dialects as well.
There are two other reasons why we cannot be exact about the number
of languages in the Pacific. Some languages are moribund—that is, at last
report they were spoken by just a small number of old people—and there-
fore are almost extinct. Many Australian languages fall into this category,
but there are some in Melanesia as well. The other reason is that, at least
in certain parts of the Pacific, we have insufficient information. The interior
of Irian Java is an especially good example, though not the only one. In such
cases we are forced to make educated guesses.
Table 1 gives the number of languages spoken in each of the main re-
gions of the Pacific and in each of the countries and territories within each
region. For the reasons discussed above, the figures given are approximate.

2.2. Linguistic Demography

2.2.1. Polynesia and Micronesia
With a few exceptions, we can say that in Polynesia there is generally one
language per island or per island group. Ignoring minor problems (“Are they
two languages or two dialects?”), there are twenty-one languages spoken in
what is referred to as the Polynesian Triangle (including the extinct Moriori
language). Map 3 shows the location of all these languages.

Table 1. Pacific Languages by Region and Country

Melanesia 1151+
Irian Jaya 205+
Papua New Guinea 750+
Solomon Islands 63
Vanuatu 105
New Caledonia 28

Micronesia 16
Belau 1
Northern Marianas and Guam 2a
Marshall Islands 1
Kiribati 1
Nauru 1
Federated States of Micronesia 11

Fiji and Polynesia 22

Fiji, including Rotuma 3
Tonga 2
Niue 1
The Samoas 1
Tuvalu 1
Tokelau 1
Wallis and Futuna 2
Cook Islands 3
Hawai’i 1
French Polynesia 5
Easter Island 1
New Zealand 1

Australia 200b
Total 1389+
One of these is a dialect of Carolinian, other dialects of which are spoken in
the Federated States of Micronesia.
Many of these have become extinct or are moribund.

Speakers of many of these languages now live outside their home coun-
tries. There are significant communities of speakers of, for example, East
Uvea (Wallisian) in New Caledonia and Vanuatu, and of Tongan and Samoan
in both New Zealand and the United States. About as many Rarotongan
The Languages of the Pacific 29

speakers, and many more speakers of Niuean, live in New Zealand as in the
Cook Islands and Niue, respectively.
Some Polynesian languages have large numbers of speakers. Samoan
probably has about 250,000 speakers, Tongan, Tahitian, and New Zealand
Māori each approximately 100,000. Rarotongan, with more than 30,000
speakers, and Wallisian, with 10,000, are also large in Pacific terms. In con-
trast, some of the languages of French Polynesia other than Tahitian are
spoken by fewer than a thousand people.
Micronesia is similar to Polynesia in having—as a rule—only one language
per island or island group, although there are difficulties in deciding exactly
how many languages there are. Bender and Wang (1985, 54–56) have a good
brief discussion of this problem. While many of the speech traditions of Microne-
sia are clearly identifiable as discrete languages, the Trukic group of speech
communities, extending from Chuuk (Truk) Lagoon to Tobi, presents a major
problem. Different linguists have divided this complex continuum into three,
seven, and eleven distinct languages, which makes the exercise of counting lan-
guages difficult and probably futile. I have taken Bender and Wang’s figure of
three languages for this continuum, and this gives the somewhat arbitrary figure
of sixteen languages spoken in Micronesia. Map 4 shows the location of these
languages, but also indicates the named varieties of the three Trukic languages
that some linguists treat as distinct.
Many speakers of Micronesian languages also live outside their home coun-
tries, particularly in Guam and the United States. Fiji, Nauru, and Solomon Is-
lands possess sizable Kiribati-speaking communities. Kiribati and Chamorro,
each with more than 50,000 speakers, have the greatest number of speakers in
Micronesia. Lagoon Trukese, Ponapean, and Marshallese all have about 20,000
speakers, and most of the other languages (depending on how they are defined)
number in the thousands. A number of languages or dialects, how-
ever,—including Sonsorolese, Satawalese, Namonuito, Ngatikese, Kapingama-
rangi, and Nukuoro—have fewer than a thousand speakers.

2.2.2. Melanesia
For the purposes of this discussion, Melanesia is taken as including the in-
dependent states of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, the
Indonesian province of Irian Jaya, and the French overseas territory of New
Caledonia. Melanesia differs from Polynesia and Micronesia; here it is the
rule rather than the exception for there to be many languages per island. In
this general survey of the linguistic situation in Melanesia, maps 5 through
10 locate all the languages of Melanesia mentioned in this book.
The Languages of the Pacific 31

Fiji and Rotuma

Rotuma is home to a distinct language spoken by around 10,000 people,

but linguists disagree about how many languages are spoken in the rest of
Fiji. Certainly there are many different varieties of “Fijian” spoken by the
300,000 or so ethnic Fijians in Viti Levu, Vanua Levu, and the offshore is-
lands. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the dialect of the

Map 5. Languages of Fiji and Rotuma

The Languages of the Pacific 33

island of Bau, southeast of Viti Levu, has been adopted as the standard for
the written language, for education, and for certain public occasions, so that
many Fijians who speak another dialect also know that one. “Fijian” consists
of a chain of perhaps thirty or forty dialects. Most linguists would probably
divide this chain into two languages, Western Fijian (spoken in the western
half of Viti Levu), and Eastern Fijian (spoken in the rest of the country, ex-
cluding Rotuma).

New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands

There are twenty-eight languages in the French territory of New Caledonia,

all spoken by small populations. The two languages with the largest number
of speakers are Drehu, with about 7,000 speakers, and Paicî, with just under
5,000; but five of the territory’s twenty-eight languages have fewer than two
hundred speakers. (Map 6 shows only those languages that I mention in this

Map 6. New Caledonia (showing languages referred to in the text)



The Republic of Vanuatu is home to between one hundred and 110 lan-
guages (Tryon 1976). As in New Caledonia, all of these are spoken by very
small populations. Recent estimates (Tryon and Charpentier 1989) show
that Northeast Ambae on Ambae Island, with 4,300 speakers, Lenakel and
Whitesands on Tanna, each with 4,000, and Apma on Pentecost, with 3,800
have the largest number of speakers. Forty-one languages, or almost half
the languages of the country have two hundred speakers or fewer; five of
these forty-one have fewer than fifty speakers. (Map 7 shows only those lan-
guages mentioned in the text.)

Solomon Islands

The most recent linguistic survey of Solomon Islands (Tryon and Hackman
1983) lists sixty-three languages as being spoken in that country. Those with
the largest populations are the North Malaita dialect chain, with 13,500, and
Kwara’ae, with 12,500, both on Malaita. No other language has more than
10,000 speakers. Twelve languages have fewer than two hundred speakers;
six of these twelve have fewer than fifty. (Map 8 includes only those lan-
guages discussed in the text.)

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is probably the most linguistically diverse nation in

the modern world. A population of around four million people speak well
over seven hundred distinct languages. Wurm and Hattori’s (1981) lin-
guistic atlas of the region estimates that there are 750 languages spoken
in Papua New Guinea. This may be a slightly conservative figure. Other
estimates usually count more than these. Some differences lie in the dis-
tinctions made between dialect and language. Map 9 shows only a few
of these languages.
According to Wurm and Hattori’s figures, in the 1970s, nine of the lan-
guages of Papua New Guinea were spoken by more than 40,000 people. All
of these except Tolai are spoken in the Highlands. These languages are:

Enga 165,000 Huli 60,000

Kuman (Simbu) 140,000 Kewa 48,000
Hagen 100,000 Mendi 45,000
Kamano 85,000 Wahgi 45,000
Tolai 65,000

At the same time, a staggering 114 languages in Papua New Guinea are
listed as being spoken by populations of fewer than two hundred people.
The Languages of the Pacific 35

Map 7. Vanuatu (showing languages referred to in the text)

The Languages of the Pacific 37

Irian Jaya

The situation in Irian Jaya is less clear than anywhere else in the Melanesian
region, since much less research has been done on these languages than
on those of any other part of the Pacific. Wurm and Hattori (1981) believe
that slightly more than two hundred languages are spoken in this Indonesian
province, only four of them by 40,000 people or more. These four are:

Western Dani 100,000

Grand Valley Dani 75,000
Ekagi 65,000
Biak-Numfor 40,000

In contrast, Wurm and Hattori list forty languages—20 percent of those

in the province—as being spoken by two hundred or fewer people. (Map
10 names only the languages mentioned in this book.)

Map 10. Irian Jaya (showing languages referred to in the text)

The Languages of the Pacific 39

2.2.3. Australia

Dixon (1980) says that, at the time of first European settlement, there were
probably about two hundred different languages spoken in Australia. We will
never know the exact figure, since many languages had disappeared before
any linguistic work had been carried out on them. Of these two hundred, the
Western Desert language had the largest number of speakers, around 6,000.
It was spoken over an area of about 1.3 million square kilometers.
The survival of Australian languages (and of the people who speak them)
has been severely threatened in the last two centuries. Whole tribes and
their languages died out in many areas, while other tribes assimilated to
varying degrees to the invading culture, losing their languages in the
process. Of the current language situation in Australia, Dixon says:

Of the 200 languages spoken in Australia before the European

invasion 50 are now extinct, the last speakers having died some
years ago; in most cases there are still some people who would
claim tribal membership but they know only a dozen or so isolated
words of what was once a full and flourishing language. Then there

Map 11. Australia (showing languages referred to in the text)


are probably around 100 languages that are on the path towards
extinction. Some are remembered by only a handful of old peo-
ple, and will cease to be spoken or remembered within a very few
years; others may be being learnt by children in a few families but
the total number of speakers is so small—a few dozen or less—that
these languages seem bound gradually to drop out of use over the
next few generations. Finally, perhaps 50 languages are in a rel-
atively healthy state—spoken as first language by a few hundred
(or, in one or two cases, by a few thousand) people and preserving
their full range of use in everyday affairs and in ceremony and rit-
ual. (Dixon 1980, 18)

While the languages of the rest of the Pacific region are generally quite
viable, the Australian languages, which once spread right across the conti-
nent, are in rapid decline. The number of speakers of each diminishes with
the shift toward English and the decimation of the population.

2.3. Language Names

Language names in the Pacific can be problematic. Some languages are
known by one, and only one, name. It may be the people’s own name for the
language (Nakanamanga in Vanuatu), the name of the people themselves
(Motu in Papua New Guinea), an English version of a local name (Tongan),
or a compound expression referring to some feature of the language (Pitjan-
tjatjara, the name of a dialect of the Western Desert language of Australia,
which means “having the word pitjantja ‘come’”).
In some areas, however, people do not have a name for their own lan-
guage, but refer to it as “the language,” “our language,” or “correct/good
language.” The Tolai language of New Britain, for example, has been re-
ferred to in the literature as Tuna, from a tinata tuna ‘the real language.’
Languages of this kind are often named in the literature after the locality in
which they are spoken. For example, linguists call the languages spoken on
the islands of Paama and Mota in Vanuatu Paamese and Mota.
People sometimes invent names for languages lacking a specific
appellation. Discussing the names of some languages of the Torricelli Phy-
lum in the Sepik area of Papua New Guinea, Laycock (1975b, 774) says, “The
languages are named, when not after a village or area, by the translation
into that language of no or there u none; this practice has been widespread
in the Lumi area for some time, and may antedate European contact, and the
principle has been extended in naming languages outside the Lumi area.”
This practice explains why a number of languages in this area have very sim-
ilar names (Olo, Alu, Galu, Aru, Aruop, and so on).
The Languages of the Pacific 41

Even when people do have their own name for a language, some other
name is often given, usually a geographical one. On the island of Tanna
in Vanuatu, for example, the “real” names of the languages spoken in the
Lenakel and Whitesands areas are, respectively, Netvaar and Nɨrak. But
these languages are almost universally known as Lenakel and Whitesands
not only to outsiders but also to their speakers.
In many cases the same language goes by a number of different names,
a name in the local language and a geographical name, or a series of names
for different dialects or different localities in the language area, for example.
The language spoken (in two dialects) on the islands of Rennell and Bellona
in Solomon Islands is known variously as Rennell-Bellona, Rennellese, Bel-
lonese, Moiki, Munggava, and Munggiki. The Nakanamanga language of
central Vanuatu is perhaps better known to linguists as Nguna or Ngunese,
which is the dialect that has received the most attention.
Again, there are cases where names may refer only to different dialects.
West Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands), for example, has a number of named
dialects, some of which appear in the linguistic literature as if they were sep-
arate languages (Gari or Ghari. Kerebuto, Nggae, Sughu, and Vaturanga).
Early mission grammars or dictionaries often named the language after
the location of the mission, while the name in current use is different
(Lamalanga [name assigned by missionaries] for Raga, spoken in Pentecost
Island in Vanuatu). Hyphenated language names (e.g., Mono-Alu in Solomon
Islands) can indicate that there are (at least) two named dialects but no over-
all local name for the language. Spelling variations also occur. The name of
the Baniata language of Rendova in Solomon Islands has also been spelled
Bañata and Mbaniata, while another Solomons language, spoken in New
Georgia, has been variously spelled Bareke, Bariki, Mbareke, and Mbariki.
In this book I try to use the most generally accepted name for any lan-
guage with consistency, even if (1) the language has other names, and (2)
these other names are used in my sources.

2.4. A Brief History of Pacific Language Research

The first information on Pacific languages came from European navigators,
who published lists of words and occasional sentences in various languages
(and sometimes commented on the similarities between some of them). Mis-
sionaries followed, translating religious materials into various Pacific lan-
guages, but also producing grammars, dictionaries, and the like. Some colo-
nial government officials also made contributions.
Professional linguists were rather late on the scene. In general, their in-
terests have been threefold.

1. Comparative-historical: attempting to establish relationships be-

tween languages within the Pacific, and between Pacific languages
and languages outside the region, thus contributing to the study of
Pacific prehistory.
2. Descriptive: analysis of the grammars of Pacific languages,
compilation of dictionaries, and so on.
3. Theoretical: testing or formulating general claims about the nature
of language and of language change on the basis of data from Pa-
cific languages.

2.4.1. Fiji and Polynesia

Our knowledge of the Fijian and Polynesian languages is more complete
than our knowledge of most other Pacific languages for a number of reasons.
There is usually only one language per country (or island). The languages
are not especially difficult phonologically and are quite closely related, so
that a knowledge of one makes a good stepping-stone to learning another.
And in general, the Polynesian languages and Fijian have been studied for
far longer than have those of the rest of the region.
Missionary endeavors and the work of some colonial officials provided
a firm foundation for the description of many of these languages, with a
good number of grammatical studies and dictionaries being written in the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The first grammar and the first
dictionary of Fijian, for example, were published in 1850 (Hazlewood 1850a,
1850b), and there were also early studies of the languages of Tonga, Samoa,
and various parts of eastern Polynesia, including New Zealand. In many of
the countries of Polynesia, governments have also taken a keen interest in
the preservation of traditional culture and language, encouraging the use
of Polynesian languages in schools and churches, on radio and television, in
books and newspapers, and elsewhere in the public domain. So there are
good grammars and/or dictionaries for most of the languages of Fiji and
Polynesia, and there are numerous publications in and on these languages
of both an academic and a general nature.

2.4.2. Micronesia
Given Micronesia’s checkered colonial history, it is not surprising that little
was known about most of its languages until after the Second World War.
Some of the early information on Micronesian languages was written in Ger-
man or Japanese.
Bender (1984, viii–x) gives a brief summary of the history of Microne-
The Languages of the Pacific 43

sian linguistics since 1945. Initial studies focused on applied linguistics to

assist the American government in education and other areas. But these
studies often had a more academic side as well. The decision in 1966 to send
Peace Corps volunteers to Micronesia meant that language courses had to
be written, providing a fresh impetus for linguistic research. These language
lessons often developed into full-scale grammars and dictionaries, mainly
under the auspices of the University of Hawai’i, which continues to be the
major center for the study of Micronesian languages.
As a result of the last fifty years’ research good grammars or dictio-
naries exist for most Micronesian languages. Orthographies have been de-
veloped for virtually all the languages, and many are or have been used as
classroom languages in Micronesian educational systems.

2.4.3. Melanesia
In Melanesia, some languages have been well known to linguists for a long
time, but a very large number remain almost completely unstudied. Apart
from a few wordlists published by early explorers, it was once again the mis-
sionaries who undertook the first serious study of any of the Melanesian
languages. For many of these languages missionary grammars and dictio-
naries (in French, German, or Dutch as well as English) remain the only
publications of a linguistic nature. By the turn of the twentieth century, there
were publications on a handful of these languages, including the compara-
tive studies of von der Gabelentz (1861–1873). Codrington (1885), and Ray
(1926), which presented grammatical sketches of a number of languages.
But even into the 1920s, very little indeed had been published about the lan-
guages of Melanesia.
During the twentieth century, missionary linguistic work has continued
in anglophone Melanesia. Scholars from various universities have also pub-
lished grammatical and lexical studies of a number of Melanesian languages,
while the Summer Institute of Linguistics has engaged in a massive amount
of research into languages of the New Guinea area especially. Until recently,
the pioneering work of Leenhardt (1946) remained the major source of infor-
mation for the languages of francophone Melanesia, though recent work by a
number of French and other linguists has dramatically increased our knowl-
edge of the languages of New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands.

2.4.4. Australia
Apart from a few missionaries and colonial officials, very few of the early
white settlers paid much attention to Australian languages. Given their atti-

tudes toward Aboriginal people and Aboriginal society, which ranged from
classifying them as primitive, attempting to assimilate them, and treating
them with “benign neglect” to downright extermination and genocide, one
would not have expected much linguistic work to be done on these lan-
guages in the first century of contact.
In the earlier part of the twentieth century, some linguistic study accom-
panied anthropological studies. In his survey of the languages of Australia
Dixon notes that, in the fifty years between 1910 and 1960, there was only
one linguist, Arthur Capell, active in the field. In more recent years, linguists
from a number of universities in Australia and elsewhere, as well as those
working with the Summer Institute of Linguistics, have produced a consid-
erable body of descriptive and comparative work. Much of this falls into the
category of salvage linguistics, recording a language before it becomes ex-
tinct. Many salvage attempts are just sketches, containing gaps in lexicon
and grammar that can never be filled.

The History of the

Austronesian Languages

Comparative-historical linguists have divided the fourteen hundred or so

languages of the Pacific into three broad groups. About 450 are classified as
belonging to the Austronesian family, a very large family of languages with
another six or seven hundred members spoken outside the Pacific Basin.
Seven hundred or so languages spoken on the island of New Guinea, or on
islands not far from it, belong to a number of apparently unrelated families.
All are grouped under the cover term Papuan. The two hundred Australian
languages belong to a third broad genetic grouping. We know much more
about both the present and the past of the Austronesian languages of the Pa-
cific than we do about the Papuan or Australian languages. For this reason I
discuss the history of the Austronesian languages first.

3.1. The Austronesian Family

The Austronesian language family is one of the two largest language fami-
lies in the world in number of member languages. (The other is the Benue-
Congo family in Africa.) The family as a whole has somewhere between a
thousand and twelve hundred languages, spoken by almost three hundred
million people. Map 12 shows the distribution of Austronesian languages.
Outside the Pacific Basin, Austronesian languages are spoken in Taiwan, in
Malaysia and a few small pockets on the Asian mainland, in Madagascar, and
in almost all of island Southeast Asia. All the languages of the Philippines
and almost all the languages of Indonesia (excluding most of Irian Jaya) are
About 450 Austronesian languages are spoken within the Pacific region.
These include all the languages of Polynesia, Micronesia, Fiji, New Caledo-
nia, and Vanuatu, as well as almost all the languages of Solomon Islands.
Only about one quarter of the languages of the New Guinea area belong


Map 12. Austronesian Languages

to this family, however. Speakers of these languages generally occupy New

Guinea’s offshore islands and some coastal areas, but very few inhabit in-
land areas.
While linguists are still not in full agreement as to the major subgroups
of Austronesian, figure 6 shows one widely accepted view of the higher-or-
der branches of this family. Nearly all of the Austronesian languages dis-
cussed in this book belong to the Oceanic subgroup. The family tree sug-
gests an Asian origin for speakers of Austronesian, and the archaeological
evidence tends to corroborate this.

3.2. The Oceanic Languages

Two languages spoken in Micronesia, Palauan and Chamorro, belong to one
of the Western Malayo-Polynesian subgroups of Austronesian, and the Aus-
tronesian languages of the western part of Irian Jaya belong to the South
Halmahera–West New Guinea subgroup. All of the other Austronesian lan-
guages in the Pacific belong to the Oceanic subgroup. This subgroup was
originally established by the German linguist Dempwolff (1934–1938). He
referred to it as Urmelanesisch ‘Proto Melanesian.’ All Oceanic languages
share a number of phonological, grammatical, and lexical innovations that
are absent from the other Austronesian languages.

3.2.1. Internal Relationships of the Oceanic Languages

Scholars have been debating the internal relationships of Oceanic for some
time. They agree that the initial branching of Oceanic was in the western
The History of the Austronesian Languages 47

part of the Pacific, but the poor state of our knowledge of Melanesian lan-
guages has made it difficult to determine just what that initial branching
looked like. Fijian and the Polynesian languages have been thoroughly stud-
ied for more than a century, and their interrelationships are fairly clear.
They form, however, only one small subsubgroup of Oceanic, and studying
them has not helped a great deal in determining the overall structure of the
Oceanic subgroup.

Figure 6. An Austonesian Family Tree


Only in fairly recent years has a coherent picture of the Oceanic sub-
group begun to emerge. Currently the groups within this subgroup include:

1. Yapese, spoken on the island of Yap in Micronesia (Ross 1995). This

may prove to form part of the Admiralty Islands group.
2. The Admiralty Islands group, namely, the languages of Manus and
neighboring islands to the north of the New Guinea mainland.
3. The Saint Matthias Islands group, two languages spoken on small
islands immediately to the north of New Ireland in Papua New
Guinea. This also may prove to be part of the Admiralty Islands group.
4. The Western Oceanic group, a very large grouping consisting of:
a. The North New Guinea subgroup, comprising all the Oceanic
languages of western and southern New Britain plus those spo-
ken along the northern coast of Papua New Guinea from just
south of the Markham Valley westward to the Irian Jaya border.
b. The Papuan Tip subgroup, all the Oceanic languages of the
Papuan mainland and the neighboring islands.
c. The Meso-Melanesian subgroup, made up of the Oceanic lan-
guages of northern and eastern New Britain, New Ireland,
Bougainville (and their offshore islands), and the Oceanic lan-
guages of the western half of the Solomon Islands (excluding a
handful of Polynesian Outlier languages—see 3.2.2 below).
d. The Sarmi-Jayapura subgroup, made up of the Oceanic lan-
guages of the northeast coast of Irian Jaya (Ross 1996). (These
are included here because they may turn out to be part of the
North New Guinea subgroup.)
5. The Southeast Solomons group includes the Oceanic languages
of Guadalcanal, Malaita, and Makira, plus Bughotu on Isabel. This
group may possibly also include the languages of Utupua and
Vanikoro in the Temotu Province of Solomon Islands, though it is
more likely that these form one or even two separate subgroups.
6. The Southern Oceanic group (Lynch 1997), consisting of:
a. The North-Central Vanuatu subgroup, in which are the non-
Polynesian languages of north and central Vanuatu from the
Torres Islands in the north to Efate in the central south.
b. The Southern Melanesian subgroup, with the non-Polynesian
languages of Southern Vanuatu (Erromango, Tanna, and Ane-
ityum), New Caledonia, and the Loyalty Islands.
7. The Micronesian group, all non-Polynesian Oceanic languages in
geographical Micronesia, excluding Yapese; note that the status of
Nauruan within this group is still problematic.
The History of the Austronesian Languages 49

8. The Central Pacific group, consisting of Rotuman, the languages

of Fiji, and all Polynesian languages, including the Polynesian Out-
liers discussed below.

Attempts have been made to try to link two or more of these groupings
together into a higher-order group, but they have so far been unsuccessful.
Groups 5–8 above have recently been linked into a putative Central-Eastern
Oceanic subgroup (Lynch, Ross, and Crowley 1998) whose validity is still be-
ing investigated. Because of this, trying to present a family tree of Oceanic
would serve no real purpose at this stage of our research.

3.2.2. Oceanic Subgroups and Geographical Regions

Given the subgrouping of Oceanic just outlined, it should be obvious that the
boundaries dividing the three traditional geographical-cultural regions of the
Pacific—Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia—do not correspond to the lin-
guistic facts. About twenty languages are spoken in the geographical area
known as Polynesia. Outside Polynesia are fourteen other languages that are
very clearly genetically “Polynesian.” These are referred to as Polynesian
Outliers, and most scholars assume that they are the result of migrations into
Melanesia and Micronesia from western Polynesia after its settlement by the
ancestors of the modern Polynesians. Table 2 gives a list, with locations, of the
fourteen Polynesian Outliers. (See also maps 4, 6–9). Figure 7 shows the in-
terrelationships of the Polynesian languages and their immediate relatives in
the Central Pacific group. The primary split in Polynesian occurred between
the Tongic subgroup (consisting of just Tongan and Niuean) and the Nuclear
Polynesian subgroup (consisting of all other Polynesian languages including
the Outliers). The closest Outliers’ relatives within Polynesian appear to be
Samoan, Tokelauan, Tuvaluan, East Uvea, East Futuna, Niuafo‘ou‚ and Puka-
puka. Although all the languages of Polynesia are Polynesian in the genetic
sense, not all Polynesian languages are spoken in Polynesia.
In Micronesia the situation is somewhat different. The “Micronesian” sub-
group consists of most, but not all, of the languages of geographical Microne-
sia. Not only are two Polynesian Outliers, Nukuoro and Kapingamarangi, spo-
ken in Micronesia, but Yapese appears to be a single member of a subgroup
separate from all other Oceanic languages. To complicate matters further, the
nature of the relationship of Nauruan to the other Micronesian languages is
unclear, and Palauan and Chamorro are not even Oceanic languages at all, but
have as their closest relatives languages in Indonesia and the Philippines.
Nowhere, however, is the mismatch between so-called cultural areas
and linguistic classification more glaring than in Melanesia. Hundreds of
The History of the Austronesian Languages 51

Table 2. Polynesian Outliers

Country or territory Location Language

Federated States of Mi- Nukuoro Island Nukuoro
Kapingamarangi Island Kapingamarangi
Papua New Guinea Nukuria Island Nukuria
Mortlock Island Takuu
Tasman Island Nukumanu
Solomon Islands Ontong Java Luangiua
Stewart Island Sikaiana
Rennell Island, Bellona Rennellese
Duff Island Pileni
Tikopia Island, Anuta Tikopia-Anuta
Vanuatu Emae Island Emae
Port Vila harbor Ifira-Mele
Futuna Island, Aniwa West Futuna
New Caledonia Ouvéa, Loyalty Islands Fagauvea (West

Papuan languages are spoken in Melanesia, as are a number of Oceanic lan-

guages, including a dozen or so Polynesian Outliers (see table 3).
But more important is the fact that, although we can speak of a Polyne-
sian subgroup, and even of a Micronesian subgroup, that have some corre-
lation with geography, there is no such thing as a Melanesian subgroup of
Oceanic. Of the eight major subgroups of Oceanic, six are located wholly or
partly in Melanesia.

3.3. The Settlement of Oceania

Linguists construct hypotheses about the interrelationships of languages to
attempt to find out about the past. These theories about past languages and
language splits generally lead to theories about the origins and migrations
of peoples. In many cases, one can compare linguistic and archaeological hy-
potheses in an effort to put both on a firmer footing.

3.3.1. Origins of Oceanic Speakers

The Oceanic subgroup’s position on the Austronesian family tree (figure 6)
indicates that the speakers of Proto Oceanic migrated from Southeast Asia

Figure 7. The Polynesian Subgroup

The History of the Austronesian Languages 53

Table 3. Languages of Melanesia

Austronesian Papuan Total

New Caledonia 28 — 28
Vanuatu 105 — 105
Solomon Islands 56 7 63
Papua New Guinea 210 540 750
Irian Jaya 45 160 205
Totals 444 707 1151

to the Pacific region. This thesis is almost universally accepted. Some evi-
dence suggests that the closest external relatives of the Austronesian lan-
guages may be (1) the Thai-Kadai group of languages, spoken mainly in
Thailand and Laos, and (2) the languages of the neighboring Austroasiatic
group, spoken mainly in Cambodia and Vietnam. Both of these groups also
have members in southern China and in parts of Malaysia. Archaeologists
suspect that dramatic improvements in agricultural practices, accompanied
by significant population growth, led to expansions of human populations on
the Southeast Asian mainland around 5,000 B.C. (Bellwood 1995).
The Austronesians were one of these populations. The linguistic family
tree presented in figure 6 is compatible with the archaeological evidence
pointing to an Austronesian homeland on the Asian mainland. The first no-
ticeable expansion was into Taiwan, and then, after some centuries, from
Taiwan to the Philippines. Later some Austronesian speakers migrated to
Malaysia, Indonesia, and Madagascar.
The closest relatives of Oceanic are its immediate western neighbors
in the Cenderawasih Bay area and the Halmahera Islands in western Irian
Jaya. The immediate ancestors of the Proto Oceanic speakers migrated from
eastern Indonesia through western Irian Jaya into the Bismarck Archipelago
(Manus, New Britain, and New Ireland), and settled there—possibly around
the Willaumez Peninsula in New Britain—for some time. Map 14 gives some
idea of the various migrations.

3.3.2. The Dispersal of Oceanic Speakers

Oceanic speakers were not the first to arrive in the New Guinea area; speak-
ers of Papuan languages had been there for a long time. The New Britain
area, for example, has been settled for more than thirty thousand years,
and parts of the mainland of New Guinea for much longer even than that.
Contact between the original Papuan-speaking settlers and the invading

Map 14. Austronesian Migrations

Austronesians must have been varied in nature. In some situations the two
groups probably engaged in open warfare. In others, the relationship would
have been uneasy but not particularly hostile. Yet others no doubt involved
total integration and intermarriage.
Some speakers of Proto Oceanic and its early descendants limited their
settlements, moving slowly to settle the Admiralties and New Britain. Others
went farther: Yap may have been settled from the Admiralties, for example,
as were New Ireland and the western Solomons. Oceanic speakers also
crossed the Vitiaz Strait to reach the New Guinea mainland, with one group
progressively settling the north coast from east to west, and another moving
into the Milne Bay area and the south coast.
Some Oceanic speakers seem to have been more adventurous still. If
indeed they originated in the New Britain area, they have left no trace
there, but seem to have moved first southeast into the Solomons, then south
into northern and central Vanuatu and north into Micronesia, probably the
Kiribati–Marshall Islands area, from which location they settled the rest of
Micronesia. There were also movements further south, into southern Vanu-
The History of the Austronesian Languages 55

atu, the Loyalty Islands, and New Caledonia, and further east to Fiji, from
where Polynesia was settled. Map 14 outlines these movements.
We should be careful, however, not to think of all of these migrations
as major colonizing expeditions. Spriggs (1995), for example, suggests that
there were probably initial long-distance scouting parties, followed by more
than one movement of people along fairly well defined routes. Back-migra-
tions of some people also took place. The migrations may have been deliber-
ate, as such factors as population pressure, food shortages, or political tur-
moil forced people to seek somewhere else to live. They may also have been
accidental, at least initially, as fishermen were blown off course and ended
up on new islands. Many settlements succeeded, but a great number no
doubt failed because of disease, attacks by speakers of Papuan languages,
and all kinds of other reasons.
Such factors complicate the neat splitting of communities suggested by
family trees. On the one hand, a language community may not have actually split,
but rather slowly diversified as contact between its subgroups became less and
less intense. On the other hand, different related languages could have influ-
enced each other, blurring any innovations that might have been developing in
one or another of them. Speed of settlement is another complicating factor. In
the islands east of the Bismarcks no one seems to have stayed in one place long
enough for telltale linguistic innovations to appear. Under these circumstances,
definitive higher-order subgroups of Oceanic are hard to establish.
If the settlement of the Pacific proceeded in the direction and at the
speed discussed above, it begins to make sense that Micronesians and Poly-
nesians, although originating in Melanesia, nevertheless physically resem-
ble their Southeast Asian ancestors more than they do Melanesians. Some
Oceanic speakers moved through Melanesia quickly enough to retain Asian
genetic features, and these people “became” Polynesians and Micronesians.
Others remained in Melanesia, where centuries of intermarriage with the
physically different Papuan speakers have led to quite different genetic de-
velopments (Pawley and Ross 1995, 60).

3.3.3. Dating Dispersals: The “Lapita People”

Trying to establish a chronological framework for these migrations purely
on linguistic grounds is presently—and will probably remain—impossible. A
family tree provides relative datings of language divisions, telling us that
one such split occurred before or after another, but it does not offer any
absolute dating.
In the 1950s and 1960s, linguists made an attempt to derive actual dates
from lexicostatistical data. (The term for this is glottochronology.) Concrete

dates for the breakup of Proto Indo-European and its various subgroups were,
for example, proposed. Glottochronology, however, was strongly criticized by
many scholars, not only because of some of the dates it generated, but also be-
cause of inherent weaknesses in its methodology and underlying assumptions.
The practice has been almost universally abandoned.
But although there is no linguistic technique for determining absolute
dates for divisions in protolanguages or for migrations, linguists can try to
match their relative dating sequences with archaeological evidence, which
is on surer ground when it comes to absolute dating. In the Oceanic region,
this cooperative enterprise has led to some interesting results.
Archaeologists use the term Lapita to refer to a distinctive style of pot-
tery. (The name comes from a place in New Caledonia, one of the first sites
excavated with this pottery.) The term Lapita culture refers to the cul-
tural complex associated with this pottery style, including the introduction
of pigs, dogs, and chickens; distinctive stone adzes and shell ornaments;
the development of larger villages; and the intensification of agriculture
(Spriggs 1995; 116–118).
Lapita culture first appears in the archaeological record of the Bismarck
Archipelago about 1600 B.C. It seems to have reached as far as Vanuatu and
New Caledonia by about 1200 B.C., and Fiji and western Polynesia by about
1000 B.C. In Vanuatu and islands farther south and east, Lapita people were
the first settlers: There is no evidence of any pre-Lapita people (Papuans or
others) in eastern Melanesia and Polynesia, and this absence of competition
for land would have made settlement much easier than it was farther north
and west.
This notion of a very rapid movement of people through island Melane-
sia correlates very well with the linguistic subgrouping that I discussed in
the last section: That is, the fact that the Oceanic group seemed to have
a number of first-order subgroups (a “flat” tree), rather than two or three
subgroups that themselves have only two or three subsubgroups, suggests
fairly quick movement over a wide area. Much slower settlement patterns
would have allowed more time for distinctive innovations and would present
a more layered family tree, with the eastern languages much lower down the
tree than the western ones.
Archaeologists tell us that the original Polynesians settled in the Samoa-
Tonga area about 1000 B.C., remaining in that area for five hundred or even
a thousand years. At around the turn of the era, some moved into eastern
Polynesia, while others migrated to the western Pacific to establish the Out-
liers. By about A.D. 1000, all the major eastern Polynesian island groups had
been settled (Bellwood 1978; 318).
In Micronesia, there is evidence that the Mariana Islands may have been
The History of the Austronesian Languages 57

settled from Southeast Asia about 1000 B.C. The rest of Micronesia, however,
appears to have been settled for only about two thousand years—probably
by Lapita people from somewhere in Melanesia, though neither linguistics
nor archaeology is able to tell us precisely where.
Significantly less archaeological work has been done in the western and
northern parts of the Pacific than in the eastern part, so that linguists work-
ing on the Polynesian languages, who are dealing with a relatively short
period, have reliable archaeological information with which to correlate
their findings. But those working in Melanesia and Micronesia have to deal
with a longer period of time, much less archaeological information against
which to test their hypotheses, and, in some areas at least, occupation by
pre-Oceanic peoples.

3.3.4. Rapid Diversification in Melanesia

Many linguists have commented on and tried to explain the much greater
diversity exhibited by the Austronesian languages of Melanesia than by any
other part of the Austronesian family. This is partly a function of time. Aus-
tronesian languages have had more time to change in Melanesia than in
Polynesia or Micronesia, and so appear less similar to each other. But there
is more to the problem—and to Austronesian language history—than the
time factor. After all. Austronesians have not been in Melanesia for count-
less eons longer than they have been in Polynesia and Micronesia.
Some of the Austronesian languages of Melanesia seem to have
changed more rapidly than others. This is due in part to contact between
Austronesian and Papuan languages. Fairly clear evidence shows that some
languages of the Oceanic subgroup have changed radically as a result of
contact with Papuan languages. Among the most radical are languages like
Magori and Maisin in Papua New Guinea, where linguists have had difficulty
in deciding whether or not they are Austronesian at all! So the history of
the Austronesian languages of Melanesia—especially western Melanesia—is
complicated by the fact that they not only neighbor Papuan languages but
have in many cases been in intimate contact with them.
But certainly all of the major differences between Melanesian languages
cannot be explained by Papuan contact. Many of the more aberrant Oceanic
languages in Melanesia, like those of New Caledonia, are far away from the
nearest Papuan language. Rapid change can be an internal matter as well
as an external one, and many of the differences between languages in this
region have come about without external influence. The small scale of many
Melanesian societies can allow changes to spread more quickly than they
might in larger societies, although smallness does not cause rapid change.

The notion of the emblematic function (Grace 1981) of language in

Melanesia is an important one to mention here. Linguistic differences can
be important as badges of membership in a particular social group, and peo-
ple often focus on these differences as markers of in-group or out-group
status (in the same way that young people in many societies use slang ex-
pressions to mark their in-group status). In Melanesia especially, differences
between neighboring languages may have been exaggerated—even man-
ufactured—in order to preserve this emblematic function. Such a process
leads to more rapid diversification than normally expected.

3.4. Reconstructing Culture

Much of the effort of comparative-historical linguists has gone into the re-
construction of the vocabulary of Proto Oceanic. An examination of this
reconstructed vocabulary gives us insights into the culture of the speakers
of the language in a number of ways:

1. An examination of words that can be reconstructed for Proto

Oceanic can help us make inferences about the culture of the
speakers of that language.
2. Identification of widespread cultural items for which terms can not
be reconstructed for Proto Oceanic suggests that such items were
more recent introductions.
3. An examination of reconstructed Proto Austronesian words not re-
flected in Proto Oceanic can indicate which original Austronesian
cultural items were lost or abandoned by Oceanic speakers as they
moved eastward into the Pacific.

As an example of the last point, we can reconstruct Proto Austronesian

words referring to different kinds of rice and millet, and to rice and millet
cultivation, but no such reconstructions can be made for Proto Oceanic.
Presumably these crops were abandoned by Oceanic speakers in their mi-
gration from Southeast Asia to the Pacific.
Terms we can reconstruct for Proto Oceanic embrace a wide cultural
range. A few of the subject areas are:

• Canoes and fishing. Terms for two types of outrigger canoes (large and
small), outrigger float and boom, matting sail, paddle, bailer, launch-
ing rollers, rudder, and anchor, as well as terms for various parts of the
canoe and for steering and sailing. There are also many reconstructed
terms for a number of aspects of fishing technology, and of course
names of many different kinds of fish, shellfish, and crustaceans.
The History of the Austronesian Languages 59

• Pottery. Various kinds of pots, clay and techniques of clay pot manu-
facture, decorations, and accessories like lids, as well as terms for
different kinds of cooking (roasting, boiling, steaming, stone or earth
oven, etc.).

• Food crops. Several kinds of yam, taro, banana, pandanus, bread-

fruit, sago, and sugar cane, as well as terms associated with horti-
cultural practices.

• Fruits and nuts. A wide range of terms relating to the coconut has
been reconstructed, including those for different stages of growth
and parts of the fruit or tree. The words for a number of fruit and nut
trees, for betel nut, and for plants like ginger and turmeric have also
been reconstructed.

• Animals and birds. Proto Oceanic terms in this area include words
for wild and domesticated pig, dog, fowl, rat, bandicoot, cassowary,
cuscus (possum), and numerous bird names.

• Social structure. A fairly complete set of kinship terms has been re-
constructed, as have terms relating to chieftainship and the societal

These and other reconstructed words paint the following picture of early
Oceanic culture. The original speakers of Proto Oceanic were clearly a mar-
itime people. They used outrigger canoes, fished with hooks and nets, and
generally exploited the resources of the maritime environment. They grew a
number of crops, including yam, taro, banana, and sugar cane, and gathered
fruits and nuts. They had domesticated fowls, pigs, and dogs (and suffered the
rat!), used the spear and the bow and arrow for hunting or warfare, made clay
pots, and built houses with shelves and platforms (as well as probably build-
ing more temporary shelters in gardens or on the beach). They had a fairly
hierarchical society, with chiefs and probably other social ranks as well. They
believed in gods or spirits and probably practiced sorcery.
But some words cannot be reconstructed for Proto Oceanic despite the
fact that the items they name are found in most parts of the Pacific today. The
sweet potato, for example, is grown and eaten across the Pacific, yet there
is no Proto Oceanic reconstruction for it. Apparently the sweet potato was
introduced after the dispersal of Oceanic speakers. Archaeological evidence
confirms this. Other items that also fall into this category include the paw-
paw and the cassava (manioc). Our linguistic evidence, particularly when
paired with the archaeological testimony, gives us a partial understanding of
Pacific prehistory, although much remains to be done.

The History of the Papuan

and Australian Languages

Almost a thousand languages spoken in the Pacific region do not belong to

the Austronesian family. Of these, more than seven hundred are spoken in or
near New Guinea and are known by the general term “Papuan”; the remain-
ing two hundred or so are, or were, spoken in Australia. We know much less
about the history of these languages than about the history of the Austrone-
sian languages.
The majority of Papuan languages are located in the interior of the
island of New Guinea. This area experienced no European contact until
shortly before (and even in some cases some time after) World War II. So
while many of the languages east of New Guinea had been written for a
hundred years or more, and had been studied in some detail, most Papuan
languages were unknown to the outside world until very recently.
Missionary linguists (especially those working with the Summer Insti-
tute of Linguistics) were largely responsible for dramatically increasing our
knowledge of Papuan languages in the decades after 1945, and the picture
is considerably clearer than it was in, say, the 1960s. Nevertheless, there
are still very many Papuan languages about which almost nothing is known,
and the work of comparative linguistics has barely begun. Where Australia
is concerned, the death of many languages before they had been properly
recorded leaves us with gaps of a different Kind. Much of the evidence
needed to make historical inferences has disappeared, and formulating and
testing historical hypotheses is hampered at every turn.
As if these problems were not enough, we are faced with a much longer
period of human habitation in both Australia and New Guinea than in most
of the rest of the Austronesian-speaking world. The longer a group of lan-
guages have had to diversify, the fewer will be their apparent similarities.

The History of the Papuan and Australian Languages 61

In dealing with the history of both Papuan and Australian languages, I can
make only general and tentative statements.

4.1. Interrelationships of Papuan Languages

4.1.1. Papuan Language Families
The term Papuan refers to those languages of the Pacific region, excluding Aus-
tralia, that are not members of the Austronesian language family. It does not
refer to a single family of languages: “Papuan languages are not all genetically
related. They do not all trace their origins back to a single ancestral language.
On the basis of present knowledge, they belong to at least sixty different lan-
guage families, all with their own common ancestral language” (Foley 1986, 3;
emphasis mine). Some linguists prefer the label “Non-Austronesian” for these
languages, since it does not imply the genetic unity that a positive label like
“Papuan” does. “Non-Austronesian,” however, like any negative label, has its
own problems—Russian, Chinese, English, and Swahili, after all. are also non-
Austronesian languages—so I use the term “Papuan” in this book.
While Foley does not explicitly define the criteria he uses in deciding
membership or nonmembership of a family, it is clear from his conclusions
that relatively close relationship is involved. As far as these sixty or so fami-
lies are concerned, their “wider relations [are] not yet conclusively demon-
strated. Undoubtedly, with more careful and complete comparative work,
this picture will become simpler; a number of families will probably com-
bine into larger families, as Romance, Germanic and Slavic combine into the
Indo-European family” (Foley 1986, 3).
In this initial discussion of Papuan language families, I follow Foley’s
conservative view; later I discuss proposed combinations of these families.
The list of Papuan families in table 4 proceeds generally on a west-to-east
basis, with the number for each family corresponding to that on map 15. The
locations given in table 4 refer to geographical regions in Irian Jaya and to
province names in Papua New Guinea.
The situation is, however, even more complicated than table 4 indicates.
Not every Papuan language belongs in a (smaller or larger) family. A number
of Papuan languages are currently classified as isolates. The term isolate
refers to a one-member family, a language that, on the basis of current evi-
dence, appears to have no relatives.

4.1.2. Possible Wider Groupings of Papuan Families

Naturally enough, the existence of so many language families in such a rela-
tively small geographical area has caused many linguists to look for wider

Table 4. Papuan Language Families

Family Locationa Number of


West of the New Guinea mainlan.

1 Timor-Alor-Pantar Timor area 18
2 Northern Halmahera Halmahera Islands 11

Mainland Irian Jaya onlyb

3 West Bird’s Head Bird’s Head 6
4 Central Bird’s Head Bird’s Head 4
5 Borai-Hattam Bird’s Head 2
6 South Bird’s Head Bird’s Head 10
7 East Bird’s Head Bird’s Head 3
8 Mairasi–Tanah western 4
9 West Bomberai western 3
10 East Cenderwasih western 4
11 Tor–Lake Plain northern 20
12 Nimboran northeast 3
13 Kaure northeast 3
14 Pauwasi northeast 4
15 Sentani northeast 4
16 Dani-Kwerba central 11
17 Wissel Lakes central 4
18 Mek (Goliath) eastern 9
19 Kayagar southeast 3
20 Yelmek-Maklew southeast 2
21 Kolopom Frederick Hendrik 3

Both sides of the Irian Jaya–Papua New Guinea borderc

22 Sko north coast 8
23 Border northern 12
24 Kwomtari northern 5
25 Senagi northern 2
26 Central-South New central 54
27 Marind southern 6
28 Trans-Fly south coast 25
The History of the Papuan and Australian Languages 63

Mainland Papua New Guinea onlyd

29 Torricelli East & West Sepik, 48
30 Upper Sepik East Sepik 16
31 Ram West Sepik 3
32 Tama East and West Sepik 5
33 Yellow River West Sepik 3
34 Middle Sepik East Sepik 12
35 Sepik Hills East Sepik 15
36 Leonhard Schulze East Sepik and West- 6
37 Nor-Pondo East Sepik 6
38 Yuat East Sepik 6
39 Mongol-Langam East Sepik 3
40 Waibuk Enga, Madang 4
41 Arafundi East Sepik 2
42 Keram (Grass) East Sepik, Madang 5
43 Ruboni East Sepik, Madang 8
44 Goam Madang 11
45 Annaberg Madang 3
46 Arai East Sepik 6
47 Amto-Musian West Sepik 2
48 Mugil-Isumrud-Pi- Madang 28
49 Josephstaal-Wanang Madang 12
50 Brahman Madang 4
51 Mabuso Madang 29
52 Rai Coast Madang 29
53 East New Guinea all Highlands 42
Highlands provinces
54 Finisterre-Huon Morobe 65
55 Gogodala-Suki Western 3
56 Kutubuan Southern Highlands 5
57 Turama-Kikorian Gulf 4
58 Teberan-Pawaian Simbu, Gulf 3
59 Inland Gulf Gulf 5
60 Eleman Gulf 7
61 Angan Gulf 12
62 Binanderean Oro 16
63 Central-Southeast Central, Milne Bay 36
New Guinea

East of the New Guinea mainland

64 New Britain East New Britain, 8
New Ireland
65 South Bougainville Bougainville 4
66 North Bougainville Bougainville 4
67 Yele-Solomons Milne Bay, Solomon 5
68 Reefs–Santa Cruz Solomon Islands 4
Geographical designations in Irian Jaya; province names in Papua New Guinea.
There are a number of isolates in addition to the languages listed here.
The isolate Yuri belongs in this group.
Several isolates occur in this group.

relationships between them. If the neighboring Austronesian languages can

apparently be classified into a single large family, then can we not at least
reduce the number of Papuan language families? Scholars at the Australian
National University, particularly S. A. Wurm, have attempted to establish
larger groupings of Papuan languages on the basis of what seem to be
shared features. Lack of adequate information about many languages has
hampered this work. While some of the proposals rest on solid data, others
are much more impressionistic. Map 16 shows the locations of proposed
wider groupings.
Wurm borrowed terms from the biological sciences to refer to some
of these wider groupings of languages. A stock is a group of language
families that appear to be reasonably closely related to each other, while
a phylum is a group of distantly related families or stocks. In table
4, I have often treated as families groups that other linguists refer
to as stocks. The degree of relationship between Papuan languages of
the same stock roughly parallels that between geographically dispersed
members of the Austronesian family, but the concept of a phylum is
quite different, as it implies only a very distant relationship. The tech-
niques and procedures of comparative linguistics have not yet been able
to prove the existence of such attenuated relationships.
One proposed phylum is the West Papuan phylum, consisting of the
Northern Halmahera, West Bird’s Head, Central Bird’s Head, and Borai-Hat-
tam families (families 2 through 5 in table 4) along with the Amberbaken
isolate, for a total of twenty-four languages, all in the extreme west of Irian
Jaya. These languages have in common a certain amount of lexical similarity
The History of the Papuan and Australian Languages 65
The History of the Papuan and Australian Languages 67

and some grammatical features (e.g., the marking of subject and object by
verbal prefixes rather than suffixes [Wurm 1982, 208]).
Another suggested wider grouping is the Sepik-Ramu phylum,
consisting of more than one hundred languages belonging to sixteen differ-
ent families (numbered 30 through 45 in table 4) and spoken mainly in the
East Sepik, West Sepik, and Madang provinces of Papua New Guinea. (A few
nearby isolates would also be members of this phylum.) These languages
share a number of distinct phonological features, such as a very small num-
ber of vowel phonemes, and also have some common grammatical features
(Wurm 1982, 210).
The Torricelli family (29 in table 4) is treated by Wurm as the Torricelli
phylum, composed of perhaps five or six families. Foley (1986, 241–242),
however, treats this as a single family, largely because these languages
share a number of grammatical features not found elsewhere among Papuan
languages. (Subject prefixes and complex noun-class systems are two exam-
Wurm has also grouped the Papuan languages spoken east of the New
Guinea mainland into the East Papuan phylum. This consists of twenty-
five languages belonging to the New Britain, South Bougainville, North
Bougainville. Yele-Solomons, and Reefs–Santa Cruz families (64 through 68
in table 4). There appears to be some lexical and grammatical evidence for
the existence of this group, though it is not very strong, and the situation is
complicated by the heavy Austronesian-language influence on some of the
members of the phylum.
The largest and possibly most controversial genetic grouping Wurm
proposes is the Trans–New Guinea phylum. This hypothesis, in its most ex-
treme form, proposes that almost all the rest of the Papuan languages—with
the exceptions of a few small families and some isolates—belong to a single
genetic group of about five hundred languages stretching from Timor in the
west to Milne Bay in the east. It would include all of the languages of the
southern and central part of the mainland, as well as some spoken in the
north (1, 6, 8, 9, 11–21, 23, 25–27, and 48–63 in table 4). There are certain
phonological and grammatical features shared by at least some members of
this group, but the existence of the phylum as a whole—at least at this stage
of our research—seems tenuous, to say the least. Some support for the hy-
pothesis can be found in Pawley (1995).
A number of the families listed in table 4 cannot at present be assigned
to any phylum even under the most liberal application of the comparative
method. These lone families are the East Bird’s Head. Cenderawasih Bay
(plus the isolate Yava). Sko, Kwomtari, Arai, and Amto-Musian families
(see map 16).

4.2. Interrelationships of Australian Languages

4.2.1. Mainland Australia
Some linguists have divided the languages of mainland Australia into two
pseudogenetic groups. The Pama-Nyungan group of languages occupies
about three-quarters of the mainland. Its name comes from the words mean-
ing ‘man’ at the northeastern and southwestern extremes of the group
(Dixon 1980, 221). These languages are very similar typologically in both
phonology and grammar. The remaining languages—referred to by the neg-
ative term Non–Pama-Nyungan—occupy the northwest of the mainland
(see map 11 in chapter 2). They are phonologically fairly similar to the Pama-
Nyungan languages, but grammatically quite different.
In the 1960s a lexicostatistical classification of the Australian languages
divided the languages into twenty-six “phylic families” (those sharing 15
percent basic vocabulary or less). Of these groups, one was Pama-Nyungan,
and each of the remaining twenty-five—Non–Pama-Nyungan—groups was
held to be a “phylic family” on a par with Pama-Nyungan (Dixon 1980, 263).
Dixon himself is highly distrustful of this classification. A majority of lin-
guists now agrees that all the mainland languages belong to a single, Aus-
tralian, family. The differences between Pama-Nyungan and Non–Pama-
Nyungan languages are developmental rather than original: “It seems clear
… that nearly all the languages of Australia form one genetic family, going
back to a single ancestral language, proto Australian” (Dixon 1980, 228). Be-
cause of the thousands of years of contact between Australian languages,
however, shared innovations supporting subgrouping hypotheses are ex-
tremely hard to find: “Present knowledge of the relationships between Aus-
tralian languages is not sufficient to justify any sort of fully articulated ‘fam-
ily tree’ model…. It could perhaps be that the continual levelling due to
diffusion of features of every sort has obscured those genetic splits that did
take place in the development of Australian languages, so that it will not be
possible to reconstruct them” (Dixon 1980, 264–265).

4.2.2. Tasmania
Genocide in Tasmania has led to the loss of all Tasmanian languages. An
Aboriginal population of possibly five thousand people at the time of first Eu-
ropean contact, speaking somewhere between eight and twelve languages,
was exterminated in less than eighty years. The last full-blooded Tasmanian
died in 1888, although there are still about four thousand people of partial
Tasmanian Aboriginal descent living in Tasmania and elsewhere. So little
was recorded of these languages that it is almost impossible to say anything
The History of the Papuan and Australian Languages 69

about them (Crowley 1993). As regards their history, Dixon (1980, 233) says,
“All we can conclude is this—there is NO evidence that the Tasmanian lan-
guages were NOT of the regular Australian type. They have been separated
off for so long, and the available materials are so poor, that the likelihood of
a genetic connection cannot be confirmed. The genetic affiliation of Tasman-
ian is, and must remain, unproven.”

4.3. Possible External Links

Suggestions about the wider relationships of Papuan and Australian lan-
guages have not been lacking, but given the long periods of time involved,
most of these can remain no more than suggestions. Greenberg’s (1971)
Indo-Pacific Hypothesis attempts to link Papuan languages with those of
Tasmania (but not mainland Australia) and of the Andaman Islands in the
Indian Ocean. Greenberg speculated that Australian languages are related
to the Dravidian languages of South India. Scholars and amateurs have also
looked for relationships between Papuan or Australian languages and those
of Africa and Asia. None of these hypotheses seems to be based on any ev-
idence more solid than typological similarities or a few possibly accidental
lexical similarities.
Foley (1986, 271–275), however, has recently presented a small but tan-
talizing amount of evidence for the existence of a genetic link between Aus-
tralian languages and the languages of the Eastern Highlands of Papua New
Guinea. A small number of basic vocabulary items look as if they might be cog-
nate. But he says that this evidence “in no way constitutes proof of a genetic
relationship between Australian and Eastern Highlands languages…. Much
more detailed and careful research needs to be done before a convincing proof
is provided, and. given the time depth, that may never be possible. Rather, the
above data represent a first attempt at marshalling some evidence for a ge-
netic link between Australian and Papuan languages” (Foley 1986, 275).
Up until around eight thousand years ago. New Guinea and Australia
were one continent. Only then did sea levels start rising after the last Ice Age
to form what is now the Torres Strait. It is distinctly possible that Australia
was settled from the New Guinea area, so the idea of a genetic link between
the two areas cannot be ruled out.

4.4. Implications for Prehistory

4.4.1. Origins
The New Guinea mainland was probably occupied at least fifty thousand
years ago, presumably by the ancestors of the speakers of (some) Papuan

languages; Australia was also settled at about the same time. Since compar-
ative linguistics cannot reach back more than about eight or ten thousand
years, most of that fifty-thousand-year period is lost to linguistics.
It is possible that all the Papuan families are related, descending from a
single “Proto Papuan” ancestor that we cannot even dimly imagine. A single
language, spoken somewhere in the New Guinea area around 50,000 B.C.,
could have given rise, over time, to all of the modern Papuan languages, and
this language may have been the ancestral language from which all Aus-
tralian languages ultimately derive.
We also have no evidence to indicate the origins of the first speakers of
Papuan or Australian languages. Linguistic connections with Asia or Africa
are nothing more than highly speculative, nor would we expect otherwise.
If the time elapsed is too great to show interrelationships among all Papuan
languages, it is certainly too great to show genetic relationships between
these languages and those to the north, south, or west.
But perhaps this very lack of evidence for external relatives means that
the Papuan languages do, or did, form a genetic unity, and that the same could
be said about the Australian languages. If the diversity existing among mod-
ern Papuan and Australian families is due to different origins and different
migrations of people at various times from various locations, one might expect
to find some genetic connections between individual Papuan or Australian
families and Asian or African language families. The fact that we do not, while
not strong enough to be called evidence, does suggest that the Papuan lan-
guages may have formed a single linguistic grouping in the very distant past,
and that the same may be true of Australian, Tasmanian included.
In only a few instances has there been anything in the way of comprehen-
sive reconstruction of the phonology, grammar, and vocabulary of any of the
larger Papuan families, and the situation in Australia is pretty similar. Little
can be said about relations with other families, origins and migration routes,
and earlier stages of Papuan or Australian culture, and the little that has been
said on these topics must be treated as highly speculative.

4.4.2. Diversification
One question that must be asked in any study of the Papuan and Australian
situations is, if both New Guinea and Australia have been settled for about
the same length of time, why do we find such incredible genetic diversity
among Papuan languages, whereas Australian languages all seem to belong
to just a single family?
Physical geography, and its effect on wide-ranging human movement,
is one contributing factor: “Most of New Guinea is difficult country indeed,
The History of the Papuan and Australian Languages 71

steep, forest-covered mountains with precipitous drops, swirling rivers,

dense, nearly impenetrable rainforests and endless tracts of swampland.
The terrain thus poses some genuine barriers to human social interaction
and would certainly favour, rather than inhibit, linguistic diversity” (Foley
1986, 9). Geographical barriers like these were often bolstered by social
barriers. Hostile relations were the rule between neighboring communities,
and the tendency of language to take on emblematic functions and to be
considered as a mark of group identity throughout Melanesia is one sign of
communities’ desires to set themselves apart. People often created linguis-
tic differences, or exaggerated differences that already existed, in order to
preserve their group membership.
Kulick (1992, 2–3), for example, quotes the following observation made
by Ken McElhanon, who worked among Selepet speakers in Papua New
Guinea: “The people living in the Selepet-speaking village of Indu had gath-
ered together for a meeting. During this meeting, a decision was reached to
‘be different’ from other Selepet speakers. It was agreed that the villagers of
Indu would immediately stop using their usual word for ‘no,’ bia, which was
shared by all their fellow speakers of Selepet. Instead, they would begin say-
ing buŋε, which they did and have continued doing since that time.” There
are many other similar examples. In Buin (spoken in Bougainville), speakers
of the Usai dialect have reversed all gender agreements: masculine mark-
ers in other dialects become feminine in Usai, and feminine markers become
masculine (Laycock 1982a). Similar phenomena can be observed in Oceanic
languages. Speakers of Ririo (Choiseul. Solomon Islands) seem to have de-
liberately transposed the last consonant and vowel of words to make them
sound more different from their counterparts in the neighboring closely re-
lated language of Babatana (Laycock 1982b, 274–276):

Babatana Ririo
sosole susuel ‘naked’
vumi vuim ‘beard’
piru piur ‘wild’
bose bues ‘man’

The Australian continent is in some ways less difficult geographically

than New Guinea, and physical barriers to long-distance communication
are generally much less extreme. Though Australians belonged to distinct
tribal and linguistic groups, there was much more social interaction be-
tween those groups, typically accompanied by transfer of vocabulary items
from one group to another. Rather that accentuating differences, Austral-
ians seem to have made an active effort to keep different languages from
becoming too different. Dixon (1980, 239) refers to “a gradual but constant

shifting of tribal groups,” through which people came into contact with dif-
ferent languages. He also mentions mergers of different tribal groups whose
numbers had been reduced by famine or disease. Such factors conspired to
keep Australian languages more similar to each other than one might ex-
pect, especially in comparison to Papuan languages.

Both Papuan and Australian languages have been in the Pacific region for
a very long time indeed. We know nothing of where they came from and little
of how their speakers moved around the region. We do not know how far east
or west of the New Guinea mainland Papuan speakers might have originally
settled or much about their connections with Australian languages. All we can
reasonably deduce is that, by the time speakers of Austronesian languages
arrived in this area about four to five thousand years ago or so, speakers of
Papuan and Australian languages were very much entrenched.


Sound Systems

The sound systems of languages in different parts of the Pacific vary enor-
mously, sometimes even when the languages themselves are closely related.
Major similarities and differences exist between languages of the three
broad genetic groups—Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian. Below I dis-
cuss the vowel systems, consonant systems, stress and tone, and the way in
which words are structured in each group, touching briefly as well on the
development of orthographies.

5.1. Oceanic Languages2

5.1.1. Vowel Systems
The great majority of Oceanic languages have five vowel phonemes, which
is also the commonest system found among the world’s languages generally.
A vowel’s position in the diagram corresponds to how it is described, e.g., i
is a high front vowel.

i u
e o

This system is universal in the languages of Polynesia and widespread in

Melanesia, though among Micronesian languages only Kiribati has five
phonemic vowels. This same system has also been reconstructed for Proto
Oceanic. In many languages there is also a phonemic (significant) difference
between short vowels and long vowels, a long vowel being one that takes
almost twice as much time to articulate as a short vowel. The examples


below show, in various languages, that vowel length alone is sufficient to

distinguish two otherwise identical words. A long vowel is marked with a fol-
lowing colon: /a:/ is long, and /a/ is short.

/malo/ ‘loincloth’ /malo:/ ‘hard’
/lulu/ ‘barn owl’ /lu:lu:/ ‘shake’
/nui/ ‘coconut’ /nu:i/ ‘green’
/ahe/ ‘go back’ /ahe:/ ‘when?’
/men/ ‘it’s ripe’ /me:n/ ‘his tongue’
/vati/ ‘he stopped’ /va:ti/ ‘he’ll bite if’

A handful of languages have fewer than five vowels. One Micronesian

language, Marshallese, has been analyzed as having only four vowel
phonemes. These are written i,ę, e, and a, but they have wide variations in
pronunciation. The vowel e, for example, is variously pronounced [ε], [ә] and
[o], depending on the neighboring consonants. Some languages in the Mo-
robe Province of Papua New Guinea also have fewer than five vowels: Mari,
for example, has just /i a u/, Adzera /i a o u/.
Quite a few languages have more than five phonemic vowels. Rotuman,
for example, has ten. Almost all of the languages of Micronesia have more
than five vowels: Kosraean has twelve, Lagoon Trukese and Saipan Carolin-
ian each have nine, Yapese and Ulithian eight, Mokilese seven, and Nau-
ruan, Chamorro, and Palauan six. Some dialects of Ponapean have seven
vowel phonemes, others six. (See appendix 3 for the vowel inventories of
Kosraean and Mokilese.) Vowel length is also significant in Micronesian lan-
guages, as the example shows.

/paj/ ‘nest’ /pa:j/ ‘hollow of canoe’
/ros/ ‘darkness’ /ro:s/ ‘flower’

In Melanesia, most languages with more than five vowels have just one or
two extra ones. In Tanna and Malakula (Vanuatu), as well as in New Ireland
(Papua New Guinea), languages with six vowels generally add /ә/ (the sound of a
in English words like ago or sofa). Some languages in Melanesia have developed
seven-vowel systems, the basic five vowels plus either front rounded vowels (like
the vowels in French rue and heureux), or a contrast between two different e-
sounds and two different o-sounds (/e/ and /ε/, /o/ and /ͻ/).
The most complex Oceanic vowel systems, however, are almost cer-
tainly those of New Caledonia (see appendix 3). Iaai in the Loyalty Islands,
Sound Systems 77

for example, has eleven short vowels, all of which can also occur long;
while Xârâcùù, on the mainland, has ten oral and seven nasal vowel
phonemes, each of which can occur short or long, yielding thirty-four vowel
How do such complex vowel systems evolve out of an original five-vowel
system? The changes that took place in different Oceanic languages are very
different. Here I give just two kinds of examples. First, phonemes often have
more than one pronunciation, depending on their phonetic environment.
Imagine that the phoneme /a/ was pronounced [æ] (the sound represented
by a in English cat) when the vowel in the next syllable was /i/, but as [a] (like
in father) elsewhere. We would have pairs of words like:

/mati/ ‘sick’ [mæti]

/mata/ ‘eye’ [mata]

The pronunciation of phonemic /a/—[æ] or [a]—is totally predictable. Now

imagine that this language drops out all vowels at the end of words, as has
happened in many Oceanic languages. The following changes occur:

[mæti] > [mæt] ‘sick’

[mata] > [mat] ‘eye’

Now the contrast between [æ] and [a] creates a minimal pair, and /æ/ has
been added to the language’s phonemic (as opposed to phonetic) inventory.
Rotuman illustrates a second kind of process. Most Rotuman words
have “long” and “short” forms that are used in different grammatical con-
texts. In some cases, the short form simply drops the final vowel of the long
form. (Note that the symbol ŋ represents the ng sound in English sing, while
ʔ represents the glottal stop.)

Long form Short form
haŋa haŋ ‘feed’
heleʔu heleʔ ‘arrive’

Metathesis, however—two phonemes exchanging places—is more com-

mon. With some vowel combinations, metathesis has no further phonologi-
cal repercussions:

Long form Short form
hosa hoas ‘flower’
tiko tiok ‘flesh’
pepa peap ‘paper’

But with other combinations, the two vowels that came into contact have
fused to produce a third, different vowel. (The vowel ö is a bit like the vowel
in French heureux, while ü is the vowel in French rue.)

Long form Short form
mose (> moes >) mös ‘sleep’
futi (> fuit >) füt ‘pull’

Because of this Rotuman, which originally probably had five vowels, now has

5.1.2. Consonant Systems

Polynesian Languages

In general terms, the Polynesian languages have the simplest consonant

systems of all the Oceanic languages. Tongan has the largest inventory
of consonant phonemes of all of the Polynesian Triangle languages, with
twelve. A number of Polynesian languages, for example, Hawaiian, have only
eight consonants:

Tongan Hawaiian
P t k ʔ P k ʔ
v w
f s h h
m n ŋ m n
l l

The consonant systems of the Polynesian Outlier languages are gener-

ally slightly more complex (Krupa 1982). In some cases this is a result of
contact with neighboring non-Polynesian languages. First, unlike any Poly-
nesian Triangle language, quite a few Outliers, among them West Futuna,
Ifira-Mele, Emae, and Takuu, make a distinction between /l/ and /r/. Second,
in addition to the normal Polynesian stop consonants /p t k ʔ/, some Outliers
show a contrast with the aspirated stops /ph th kh/ (e.g., Takuu and Kapinga-
marangi), with the voiced stops /b d g/ (Fagauvea), or with the prenasal-
ized stops /mb nd/ (e.g., Emae and Pileni). Third, there is contrast between
the ordinary nasals /m n ŋ/ and one or more of the voiceless nasals /m̥ n̥ / in
Kapingamarangi, Fagauvea, and Pileni.


The consonant systems of the languages of Micronesia are quite different

from those of the Fijian and Polynesian languages. Lagoon Trukese is fairly
Sound Systems 79

typical of the majority of these languages. It has the following fourteen con-
sonants (/tʃ/ represents a sound something like ch in English church, but
with the tongue turned back).

Lagoon Trukese
p P t tʃ k
mw m n ŋ
f s
w y

All consonants except /w/ and /y/ have both short and long forms.

Lagoon Trukese
/sɨk/ ‘appear’ /s:ɨk/ ‘bleed’
/kamwe/ ‘clam’ /kamw:et/ ‘sweetheart’
/tʃi:mw/ ‘head’ /tʃ:in/ ‘speedy’
/takir/ ‘laugh’ /tak:itʃ/ ‘torch-fishing’

Most other Micronesian languages have similar consonant systems (in-

cluding the distinction between short and long consonants), although Kiri-
bati has no phonemic fricatives. A number have, in addition to the trilled /r̃/,
either a flapped /r/ or an /l/. Some, like Kosraean, Nauruan, and Yapese (see
appendix 3). have more complex systems of consonants.


There is a considerable variety of consonant systems in Melanesia, and al-

though neighboring languages often have similar systems, one cannot make
broad generalizations on a geographical basis. It is fair to say, however, that
the consonant systems of New Caledonia are considerably more complex
than those of the rest of this region.
Some of the simpler consonant systems in this region are found in the
New Guinea area. Below, for example, are the consonants of the Tigak lan-
guage of New Ireland:

p t k
b g
m n ŋ

Probably half of the Melanesian languages would fall into a category of

medium complexity as far as any classification of consonant systems is con-
cerned. This complexity usually involves one or more of the following: (1)
contrast between oral and prenasalized stops; (2) contrast between simple
and aspirated stops; (3) contrast between voiced and voiceless fricatives;
and (4) contrast between simple and labialized or velarized consonants.
Standard Fijian and the To‘aba‘ita dialect of North Malaita (Solomon Is-
lands) illustrate such phonological systems.

Fijian To‘aba‘ita
p t k t k kw ʔ
m n ŋ m n ŋ ŋ w
b d g b d g g
f s f θ s
v ð
m n ŋ m n ŋ
l l
w y w

An unusual phonological feature of some of the languages of north Malakula

and east Santo in Vanuatu are the apico-labial consonants /p̪ m̪/, which
are produced with the tip of the tongue touching the upper lip.
The most complex consonant systems in Melanesia are those of the languages
of New Caledonia (see appendix 3 for two examples). The Drehu language of the
Loyalty Islands has twenty-eight consonant phonemes, including a contrast be-
tween the alveolar stops /t d/ and the retroflex stops /ṭ ḍ/ (similar to that found in
many Indian languages)—a fairly rare contrast /t d/ (similar to that found in many
Indian languages)—a fairly rare contrast in Oceanic languages. Both Drehu and
Pije, a language of the northern mainland that has thirty-five consonant phonemes,
contrast voiced and voiceless nasal, lateral, and semivowel phonemes.

5.1.3. Prosodic Features

The system of consonants and vowels in a language is often referred to as
the segmental phonology of the language, since linguists break up (seg-
ment) a stream of speech into discrete units. Other features of speech that
do not belong to individual segments—consonants or vowels—but to sylla-
bles or words are known as suprasegmental or prosodic features. Stress
and tone are two of the most important of these.


The term stress refers to the relatively greater prominence given to one
syllable in a word through extra effort, extra loudness, a change in pitch,
or some combination of these factors. The underlined syllables in the Eng-
Sound Systems 81

lish words temptation, absolute, absolutely, and resist receive greater stress
than the other syllables in those words.
In the majority of Oceanic languages, the position of stress in a word is
predictable. Let us take Samoan as an example. The basic pattern in Samoan
is one of penultimate stress. Stress (marked here by an acute accent over
the vowel of the syllable) falls on the next-to-last syllable of the word.

/túli/ ‘dismiss’ /táma/ ‘child’
/tulíŋa/ ‘dismissal’ /tamáʔi/ ‘young of animals’

When a suffix is added to a word in Samoan, the stress shifts to the right so
that it still falls on the penultimate syllable: /túli/ becomes /tulíŋa/.
When a Samoan word ends in a diphthong (like /ae ai au/, for example)
or in a long vowel, stress falls on this final diphthong or long vowel:

/atamái/ ‘clever’ /faifeʔáu/ ‘pastor’
/tamá:/ ‘father’ /paʔú:/ ‘fall’

Most Oceanic languages seem to have a predictable pattern of penulti-

mate stress, but in some languages, while stress is predictable, the patterns
are different. One such language is Māori. There are three rules involved
in the assignment of stress in Māori: (a) The first long vowel in a word is
stressed, as in the examples in (a) below; (b) if there are no long vowels, the
first vowel cluster is stressed, as in (b); and (c) if there are no long vowels or
vowel clusters, as in (c), then the first vowel is stressed.

(a) /maná:ki/ ‘support’ /pá:tu:tahi/ ‘a village’
(b) /tamáiti/ ‘child’ /táutau/ ‘barking’
(c) /támariki/ ‘children’ /hóro/ ‘fast’

Languages with unpredictable stress patterns are relatively uncommon

in the Pacific, although they do exist. In many languages of this type, how-
ever, there seems to be one common stress pattern, other patterns being
very much in the minority. The Big Nambas language of Malakula in Vanuatu
is an example of this type of language. In it the majority of words are
stressed on the penultimate syllable:

Big Nambas
/áγau/ ‘go away!’ /patiráni/ ‘put it up’
/ipáli/ ‘he’ll burn it’ /iputakmáni/ ‘he’ll spoil it’

But sometimes stress falls on the final syllable. Compare the two pairs be-
low, identical except for stress:

Big Nambas
/áγau/ ‘go away!’ /aγáu/ ‘chief’s wife’
/ipáli/ ‘he’ll burn it’ /ipalí/ ‘he’ll tie it’

Further, as is not the case in Samoan, the stress remains in its original posi-
tion even when suffixes are added:

Big Nambas
/γápat/ ‘chief’ /γápatak/ ‘my chief’
/prápar/ ‘sow (pig)’ /práparan/ ‘his sow’


Phonemic tone refers to contrasting pitch occurring at the word level. The
same string of consonants and vowels can mean different things if the pitch
of the voice is high or low, rising or falling. While common in Asian and
African languages—and in Papuan languages as well—tone is fairly rare in
the rest of the Pacific. Among Oceanic languages, just a few in New Cale-
donia (like Cèmuhî) and a few more in the Morobe Province of Papua New
Guinea (like Yabêm), have phonemic tone.
Cèmuhî has three tones: high (marked here with an acute accent), mid
(marked with a macron), and low (marked with a grave accent), as exempli-
fied in the following words:

/tí:/ ‘destroy’
/tī:/ ‘gather’
/tì:/ ‘write’

Yabêm has two tones, high and low:

/áwá/ ‘valuables’ /àwà/ ‘his/her mouth’
/wá/ ‘mango’ /wà/ ‘crocodile’
/sá?/ ‘to hammer’ /sà?/ ‘put on top of’
/ólí/ ‘body’ /òlì/ ‘wages’

Because tone is a rare phenomenon in Oceanic, we assume that the few

languages that have it have developed it some time after they split off from
most of their other relatives. But how do languages develop tone systems?
Let us look briefly at what seems to have happened in Yabêm and closely re-
lated languages (Bradshaw 1979, Ross 1993).
At one time there was probably a rule in Yabêm that a syllable contain-
ing a voiceless stop or fricative (like p t k s) would have high tone, but one
with a voiced stop or fricative (b d g j) would have low tone. For exam-
ple, /kápúŋ/ ‘I plant’ and /kátáŋ/ ‘I make a sound,’ but /gàbù/ ‘I insult’ and
Sound Systems 83

/gàdùʔ/ ‘I bow.’ Some consonants that conditioned high or low tone have
since changed their voicing (or even disappeared), but they have left their
tone “trace” behind. For example, earlier *s remained /s/ in Yabêm and, be-
cause it is, and was, voiceless, it is associated with high tone.

*sipo > /sép/ ‘go down’
*saqit > /sí/ ‘sew’

On the other hand, earlier *j was voiced, and it conditioned low tone on the
following syllable, but later became voiceless /s/:

*jóŋi > /sóŋ/ ‘stop up, plug’
*joRi > /sò/ ‘tie’
*lejan > lέsέŋ ‘nit’

5.1.4. Word Structure

Some Oceanic languages allow only open syllables, meaning that each
syllable may begin with a consonant but may not end with one. These lan-
guages do not permit consonant clusters—two or more consonants com-
ing together without an intervening vowel. Using C for consonant, V for
vowel, and ( ) to indicate that whatever is enclosed is optional, the general
structure of words in languages of this type is built on the pattern (C)V(C)V
…, where vowels (and, in some languages, consonants) may be short or long.
Languages that allow only open syllables occur in some parts of Papua
New Guinea and Vanuatu, the southeastern Solomons, most of Fiji, and Poly-
nesia. Examples:

/akaikia/ ‘great’
/oisofai/ ‘off you go!’
/ekapaisau/ ‘he made me’

/taroha/ ‘news’
/amamu/ ‘your father’
/haʔaheuheu/ ‘change form’

/veitau/ ‘friends’
/vakasalataka/ ‘advise’
/mbatambata:/ ‘cold’

/pauloa/ ‘everything’
/hoaha:nau/ ‘cousin’
/ku:konukonu/ ‘excessive’

Probably the majority of Austronesian languages, however, allow both

open and closed syllables (syllables ending in a consonant). In some cases,
only a few consonants (most frequently nasals) can close a syllable. In such
cases there are few consonant clusters, and they mainly occur across mor-
pheme boundaries. Here are some Banoni examples (note that /ts/ repre-
sents a single phoneme in Banoni, not a consonant cluster):

/matam/ ‘your eye’
/βatamumam/ ‘make us eat’
/teŋtapatsi/ ‘broken off and scattered’

In other cases, however, consonant clusters are frequent and can occur in
syllable-initial position as well as across syllable boundaries:

/tatariʔ/ ‘fowl’
/romgam/ ‘yourself’
/tafa-ŋga- ʔ/ ‘our ancestors’

/fnakno/ ‘famous’
/kñaokñaroo/ ‘be stringy’
/snaplu/ ‘slip out’

Big Nambas
/prapar/ ‘sow (female pig)’
/vənmaran/ ‘old woman’
/kətəγsrasr/ ‘you’ve swept’

Most Oceanic languages have a large amount of reduplication, a

process wherein all or part of a word is repeated. Look at the following ex-
amples from Hawaiian:

/ʔaki/ ‘to take a nip and let go’
/ʔakiʔaki/ ‘to nibble (as a fish)’
/ʔaʔaki/ ‘to nip repeatedly’
Sound Systems 85

The basic verb is /ʔaki/. The verb /ʔakiʔaki/ shows complete reduplication,
with the whole verb root being repeated, while the verb /ʔaʔaki/ is an exam-
ple of partial reduplication, in which only part of the verb (in this case,
the first syllable) is repeated. Reduplication commonly has a number of
functions in the languages in which it is productive. Take a look at these ex-

1. Repetition or continuous action.

/paki/ ‘pat’ /pakipaki/ ‘clap’
/kimo/ ‘wink’ /kimokimo/ ‘blink, wink repeatedly’

2. Intensity.

/hiʔo/ ‘look at’ /hiʔohiʔo/ ‘stare at’
/parau/ ‘converse’ /parauparau/ ‘talk a lot’

3. Similarity or diminution. The reduplicated word refers to some-

thing similar to, but often smaller or more moderate than, its
unreduplicated counterpart.

/viku/ ‘wet all over’ /vikuviku/ ‘damp’
/havili/ ‘strong wind’ /havilivili/ ‘gentle wind, breeze’

4. Change in part of speech, e.g., making a noun into an adjective.

/pΛk/ ‘sand’ /pΛkpΛk/ ‘sandy’
/pweŋ/ ‘news’ /pweŋpweŋ/ ‘famous’

5. Change from transitive to intransitive. (In the transitive verbs be-

low, the suffix /-i/ marks the third person singular object.)

Transitive Intransitive

/nol-i/ ‘think about’ /nonol/ ‘be thinking’

/vis-i/ ‘hit him’ /visvis/ ‘fight’
/kalum-i/ ‘see it’ /kalkalum/ ‘look, appear’

6. Indication of plurality, usually of the subject of a verb, but some-

times of some other aspect of the action. (In the examples below,
the reduplicated form is used if the subject of the verb is plural.)

Singular Plural
/ʔai/ /ʔaʔai/ ‘eat’
/tu:/ /tutu:/ ‘stand’
/ŋalue/ /ŋalulue/ ‘work’

Nearly all the examples so far have been from Polynesian and Microne-
sian languages. Here is a set of examples from a Melanesian language, the
Nguna Island dialect of Nakanamanga (Vanuatu). The function of each ex-
ample of reduplication is given in the right-hand column.

Nakanamanga (Nguna dialect)

/kati/ ‘bite’ /katikati/ ‘nibble’ diminution
/ta:ki/ ‘throw’ /tata:ki/ ‘continually repetition
/namalo/ ‘piece’ /namalomalo/ ‘pieces’ plurality
/vano/ ‘go’ /vanovano/ ‘travel around’ randomness
/ta:re/ ‘white’ /ta:reare/ ‘very white’ intensification

When reduplication is partial, it may be prefixed, suffixed, or infixed, oc-

curring before, after, or in the middle of the root. A rare example of infixed
reduplication, given above, is Samoan /ŋalue/ ‘work (singular),’ /ŋalulue/
‘work (plural).’ Below are four examples from Manam. The first two show
partial prefixed reduplication and the last two partial suffixed reduplication:

/salaga/ ‘be long’ /sasalaga/ ‘long (plural)’
/eno/ ‘sleep’ /eneno/ ‘always sleep’
/sapara/ ‘branch’ /saparapara/ ‘having branches’
/ʔulan/ ‘desire’ /ʔulanlaŋ/ ‘desirable’

The last Manam example shows that there are often morphophonemic
changes involved with reduplication, so that the reduplicated part of the word
is not always phonologically identical to the unreduplicated part. In Tongan,
vowels undergo changes in many reduplicated words. Some of these changes
involve differences in length, others differences in vowel quality:

/poʔuli/ ‘be dark’ /po:po:ʔuli/ ‘be somewhat dark’
/mafi/ ‘powerful’ /ma:fimafi/ ‘almighty’
/teliŋa/ ‘ear’ /taliŋeliŋa/ ‘fungus’
/muʔa/ ‘front’ /muʔomuʔa/ ‘go in front’

In Ponapean, when certain categories of consonants come together

across a morpheme boundary as a result of reduplication, the first is re-
Sound Systems 87

placed by a nasal, as in (a) below. In other cases, a vowel is introduced to

break up the consonant cluster, as in (b).

(a) /pap/ ‘swim’ /pampap/
/kak/ ‘able’ /kaŋkak/
/sas/ ‘stagger’ /san̪ sas/
/t̪it̪/ ‘build a wall’ /t̪in̪ ti̪ t̪/
(b) /tsep/ ‘begin’ /tsepitsep/
/katso:re/ ‘subtract’ /katsikatso:re/
/kate̪ k/ ‘be kind’ /kata̪ kate̪ k/
/masukun̪ / ‘be blind’ /masamasukum̪/

5.2. Papuan Languages

5.2.1. Vowel Systems
The majority of Papuan languages have the standard five-vowel system
found among the Austronesian languages as well:

i u
e o

Although this is the most common system, some Papuan languages, in-
cluding many of those in the Sepik area of Papua New Guinea, have fewer
than five phonemic vowels, while others have more. Compare Iatmul’s three
vowels to Vanimo’s eight:

Iatmul Vanimo
ɨ i u
ə e ə o
ɛ ͻ
a a

Foley (1986, 54) says that no Papuan language with more than eight phone-
mic vowels has been attested.
A number of Papuan languages, for example, Pawaian, contrast oral and
nasalized vowels. (The examples below are all low tone.)

/sù/ ‘ginger’ /yè/ ‘ancestor’
/sṹ/ ‘road’ /yẽ̀/ ‘type of nut’

Distinctions of vowel length do occur in Papuan languages, though this fea-

ture is much rarer than it is in Oceanic languages.

5.1.2. Consonant Systems

Consonant inventories in many Papuan languages are relatively small (a
sample of Papuan consonant inventories is given in appendix 3). No lan-
guage in the world has a smaller consonant inventory than Rotokas (spoken
on Bougainville), which has only six consonant phonemes.

p t k
v r g

There are, however, Papuan languages with more complex consonant

systems. A number of languages distinguish prenasalized and simple stops,
while some languages (like Kâte, for example) have coarticulated labial-ve-
lar stops. In addition to the labial stops /p/ and /b/, made by closing the lips,
and the velar stops /k/ and /g/, made by putting the tongue up in the back of
the mouth, there are the coarticulated stops /kp/ and /gb/ produced by simul-
taneously closing the lips and raising the tongue at the back of the mouth.
Languages of the Highlands of Papua New Guinea are well known for,
among other things, their range of laterals (or l-like sounds). Kobon, for
example, has three laterals: an alveolar lateral /l/, rather like English l; a
retroflex lateral /ḷ/, with the tip of the tongue turned back to the roof of the
mouth; and a palatal lateral /λ/, a bit like the ly in the English word hal-
yard. Melpa also has three laterals: dental /l̪/ (made with the tongue between
the teeth), velar /ɫ/ (with the tongue raised at the back of the mouth), and
flapped (where the tongue flaps against the tooth ridge). Both Kobon and
Melpa also have an /r/ phoneme that contrasts with all of these laterals.
Perhaps the most complex Papuan phonological system, however, is
found in Yele (or Yeletnye), the language of Rossel Island. In addition to a
set of simple phonemes, Yele also has labialized, palatalized, prenasalized,
and postnasalized consonants, plus in some cases coarticulated consonants
as well. So in addition to simple /p/, there is labialized /pw/, palatalized /py/,
prenasalized /mp/, postnasalized /pm/, and coarticulated /tp/ and /kp/. And
similar statements could be made about many other Yele consonants!

5.2.3. Prosodic Features

Many descriptions of Papuan languages do not mention stress, perhaps
because it is often associated with tone, and it is difficult to find general pat-
terns. In some languages, stress appears to be predictable, though there is
a range of patterns. Waskia, for example, tends to stress the last syllable of
a word, whereas Kewa prefers the first.
Sound Systems 89

/kadí/ ‘man’
/naúr/ ‘coconut’
/bagesán/ ‘it stays’
/namerukó/ ‘he must go’

/póna/ ‘cut’
/rúmaa/ ‘portion out’
/rógoma/ ‘clay’

In other Papuan languages, though, stress is not predictable, as the fol-

lowing examples from Koita illustrate.

/ómo/ ‘head’ /omó/ ‘adze’
/γúdi/ ‘digging stick’ /γudí/ ‘lime’
/γúma/ ‘path’ /γumá/ ‘axe’

Quite a number of Papuan languages have phonemic tone. Tone lan-

guages are mainly found in the central Highlands and in parts of the Morobe
and Sepik provinces of Papua New Guinea, but they do occur in other parts
of the Papuan region as well. Most Papuan tone languages contrast only high
and low tones.

/sú/ ‘tooth’ /sù/ ‘ginger’
/yé/ ‘new’ /yè/ ‘ancestor’

/àsìyúwè/ ‘I stand up’ /àsìyùwè/ ‘I peel it’
/nàyà:né/ ‘my hair’ /nàyá:né/ ‘my kidney’

Foley (1986, 63) says that in many such languages tone is closely associated
with the stress system, with high tone correlating with accented syllables,
and that these are not, strictly speaking, tone languages.
In some languages—especially in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New
Guinea—tonal systems are more complex. These seem to be true tonal sys-
tems. The following words in Awa, which has four phonemic tones, illustrate

/pǎ/ ‘fish’ rising tone
/nâ/ ‘taro’ falling tone
/ná/ ‘breast’ high tone
/nà/ ‘house’ low tone

5.2.4. Word Structure

Some Papuan languages have only open syllables. A number of these lan-
guages allow combinations of vowels, sometimes quite a few vowels appear-
ing in sequence without any intervening consonant.

/pasisa/ ‘ladder’
/easo/ ‘fish spear’
/maeamariti/ ‘shame’
/eae/ ‘erroneously’

Mountain Koiari
/neinuvueabe/ ‘their mothers’
/neiniai/ ‘properly’
/saiamo/ ‘slow’
/ialelua/ ‘consequently’

Some Papuan languages that generally have open syllables (see the first
two words in the example below), allow syllables to be closed with a nasal.

/itaka/ ‘freshwater shrimp’
/topituumoru/ ‘fish-killer’
/kuikuiŋ/ ‘driftwood’
/rempo/ ‘battle axe’

Probably the majority of Papuan languages allow fairly widespread conso-

nant clustering. Words may end in a range of consonants.

/amŋa/ ‘yawn’
/oks̪nal̪/ ‘avoid’
/molmŋe/ ‘they were’
/e d̪ z̪mo/ ‘waste?’
/kops̪nde/ ‘cut open’
/kand̪ z̪Ip/ ‘they saw’

/beryi/ ‘bean’
/torbiŋ/ ‘mouth harp’
/fra gi/ ‘tomorrow’
/suŋgrum/ ‘type of grass’
/surog/ ‘caterpillar’
/wand/ ‘speech’
Sound Systems 91

Reduplication is a much less common feature of Papuan than of Oceanic


5.3. Australian Languages

In comparison with Oceanic and Papuan languages, Australian languages
are probably of moderate phonological complexity. None of them has
phonemic tone, for example, and in most stress is predictable, occurring
on the first syllable of the word. Many have quite small vowel inventories,
though a few Australian languages rival those of New Caledonia in their
large number of vowels. Consonant inventories are neither small nor

5.3.1. Vowel Systems

Most Australian languages have just three vowel phonemes, though many of
these also distinguish vowel length, for a total of six vowel contrasts.

i u i: u:
a a

Exceptions are generally of two kinds. First, there are a few languages
in Central Australia that have only two vowel phonemes: Kaitij, for example,
has just /ɨ/ and /a/ (though each of these has a number of different pronuncia-
tions in different phonetic contexts). Second, some languages in the north
and northwest have a four-or five-vowel system, for example, Alawa and

Alawa Kunjen
i u i u
e e o
a a

But a few languages, especially those in the Cape York area, have
developed complex vowel systems from what was probably an ancestral
three-vowel system. One such system, that of Anguthimri, appears in ap-
pendix 3.

5.3.2. Consonant Systems

In discussing the consonants of Australian languages it is helpful to use two
technical terms: Apical refers to sounds made with the tip of the tongue,
and laminal describes sounds made with the blade of the tongue. Many

Australian languages distinguish apical and laminal stops and nasals, and
many have two sets of apicals and two sets of laminals. Apicals include the
apico-alveolar (tongue tip on the tooth ridge) consonants /d t n/ and the
apico-postalveolar, or retroflex (tip on the roof of the mouth) consonants
/ḍṭṇ/. Laminals occur as laminodentals (tongue blade on the teeth), namely
/d̪ t̪n̪/, and laminopalatals (blade on the roof of the mouth), /dy ty ñ/.
Australian languages generally have bilabial (/b p m/) and velar (/g k
ŋ/) stops and nasals as well. Along the east coast, languages usually have
only one lateral, but elsewhere they have two or more. Most Australian lan-
guages have two rhotics, or r-sounds. One is usually a retroflex semivowel
/ṛ/ (rather like English r), and the other a flapped or trilled r.
Consonant inventories for four languages illustrate some general pat-
terns. Wargamay is an example of an east-coast language, with no contrast
between apicals or between laminals, and with one lateral. Kunjen is an east-
ern language with a laminal contrast but no apical contrast, and with one
lateral. Wajarri, a western language, exhibits apical contrast but no laminal
contrast, and has more than one lateral. Pitta-Pitta is a central Australian lan-
guage that contrasts both apicals and laminals and has more than one lateral.


b d̪ d g
m n̪ n ŋ

w y


p t̪ t ty k
b d̪ d dy g
f ð γ
m n̪ n ñ ŋ

w y


p t̪ t ṭ k
m n̪ n ṇ ŋ
l̪ l ḷ
r ṛ
w y
Sound Systems 93


p t̪ t ṭ ty k
m n̪ n ṇ ñ ŋ
l̪ l ḷ λ
r ṛ
w y

Two other patterns emerge from an examination of the four consonant

systems given above. First, contrast between voiceless and voiced stops, i.e.,
between /p t k/ and /b d g/, is not common, though it does occur in a minority of
languages. Second, fricative phonemes are rare. Of the languages above, only
Kunjen has fricative phonemes (/f ð γ/). (But in some languages stops like /b/
are pronounced as fricatives, say [f] or [v], in some phonetic contexts.)

5.3.3. Word Structure

Australian languages show remarkable similarity in the way in which conso-
nant and vowel phonemes combine to form words. As in other Pacific lan-
guages, words of one syllable are extremely rare. Most words contain two
syllables, some more than two. Words seldom begin with a vowel, and se-
quences of vowels are also rare. Two-consonant clusters are common in the
middle of words, but not initially or finally. Words may end in either a conso-
nant or a vowel. The typical pattern is CVC(C)V(C), and words of more than
two syllables simply build on this pattern.
There are commonly restrictions on where consonants occur. Typically,
laterals and rhotics do not occur in word-initial position, and stops do not
occur finally. Rules also govern the formation of two-consonant clusters in
medial position. Here are some examples from Bandjalang, showing the dis-
tribution of laterals, rhotics, and stops, as well as a limited range of medial
two-consonant clusters (rb, ñb, ŋb, mb):

/dya:dyam/ ‘child’ /ba:baŋ/ ‘grandmother’
/burbi/ ‘koala’ /ŋu:ñba/ ‘snake’
/guluŋbay/ ‘flu’ /yalañ/ ‘tongue’
/d imbaŋ/ ‘sheep’ /bala:ya/ ‘die’

There are exceptions to these constraints. Anguthimri, mentioned

above as an atypical Australian language for its vowel system, is excep-
tional in other ways as well. It contrasts voiceless and voiced prenasal-
ized stops and possesses five fricative phonemes. It also has a phonemic
glottal stop (see appendix 3). Besides these phenomena, Anguthimri has

many monosyllabic words and allows word-initial vowels and consonant

clusters. It does not, however, allow word-final consonants (except /w/
and /y/). Some examples:

/pwe:ke/ ‘groper’ /pæŋa/ ‘elbow’
/kyabara/ ‘alligator’ /iγiti/ ‘brown’
/ubu/ ‘red gum’ /baw/ ‘tooth’
/d̪ wa/ ‘eye’ /drya/ ‘wing’

Reduplication is often used in Australian languages to form the plural of

nouns and adjectives:

/bari/ ‘axe’ /baribari/ ‘axes’
/bulgan/ ‘big one’ /bulganbulgan/ ‘big ones’

It sometimes has such other functions as intensity (Kalkatungu),

diminution (Diyari), or unreality (Western Desert).

/jagabi/ ‘listen’ /jagabijagabi/ ‘listen intently’
/buyud/ ‘hot’ /buyudbuyud/ ‘Very hot’

/kinta̪ la/ ‘dog’ /kinta̪ lakinta̪ la/ ‘puppy’

Western Desert
/wati/ ‘man’ /watiwati/ ‘child playing at
being an adult’

5.4. Orthographies
No Pacific languages were written before European contact, and even to-
day, not all Pacific languages are written. This usually means that no mis-
sionaries or linguists have done sufficient work on these languages to design
an orthography. Languages in this category are found almost exclusively in
Melanesia and Australia.
Many languages in Melanesia and Australia are used for a much nar-
rower range of written purposes than are other Pacific languages: The main
writers are probably linguists! One reason for this has to do with the rela-
tively small numbers of speakers of these languages, and the fact that they
generally write in a more widely understood language (English, French, or
Melanesian Pidgin, for example).
Sound Systems 95

5.4.1. General Issues

The Latin alphabet (in which English and most European languages are writ-
ten) is universally applied to the writing of Pacific languages. Orthographies
for most of the written languages of the Pacific were developed by Chris-
tian missionaries during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, although
linguists have also made their contributions.
In developing orthographies for Pacific languages, missionaries and
linguists faced a number of problems that reliance on the spelling system
of, say, English or French could not always resolve. The first of these, of
course, is that the spelling systems of these two European languages are
themselves not always consistent—or at least not transparently so. In Eng-
lish, for example, we now spell Fiji as Fiji, but earlier explorers wrote it as
Fejee or Feejee; the French write it as Fidji. The “correct” Fijian spelling,
however, is Viti.
There are also distinctive phonological features in Pacific languages that
languages like English or French do not have. For these there is no “natural”
orthographic representation. Two examples common to many parts of the re-
gion are (1) the contrast between short and long vowels and (2) the glottal
stop phoneme. Different solutions were often found for these kinds of prob-
lems in different areas. For vowel length, the macron (as in ā, ē) has been used
in many Polynesian languages, although double vowels (aa, ee) are used in
others. The glottal stop has most often been indicated in Polynesia by a quota-
tion mark (as in Hawai‘i), though in some parts of Melanesia letters like c or q,
which are not otherwise needed in the spelling system, have been used.
The problem with additional marks like apostrophes and macrons is
that, because they are not perceived as “normal” letters, they are very
often left out by people when they are writing the language. For example,
although Hawaiian has both the glottal stop and the distinction between
long and short vowels, many people do not indicate either of these distinc-
tions when they write Hawaiian. Thus the words /pau/ ‘finished’ and /pa:ʔu:/
‘lavalava, sarong’ are often both written as pau, although a more accurate
writing system (and the one recently officially re-endorsed) would write the
word for ‘finished’ as pau and the word for ‘lavalava’ as pā‘ū.
The problems have not only been technical, however. There are general
principles on the basis of which a good orthography can be developed, but
there is often a certain amount of choice even after the application of these
scientific principles. For example, it makes equal scientific sense to write /a:/
as ā, as aa, or in a number of other ways (like ah in parts of Micronesia).
Orthographic design in many parts of the Pacific has often revolved around
these areas of choice, and reflects the fact that speakers of a language—and

outsiders—have very strong feelings about how a language ought to be writ-

ten, regardless of any scientific approach to the situation.
Factionalism of various kinds shows itself in spelling controversies all
over the Pacific. There has been a long debate in Kiribati over whether to
write b’ and m’ or bw and mw for the phonemes /bw/ and /mw/. The Nauruan
Language Board is currently preparing a Nauruan dictionary in two differ-
ent orthographies, pending a final decision on spelling. One of these systems
derives from the Protestant Bible translation, while the other was developed
by Catholics and endorsed by an earlier official body. In the spelling of Tok
Pisin in Papua New Guinea before the Second World War, there were the fol-
lowing competitive orthographic decisions.

/g/ /ŋ/
Lutherans g ŋ
Catholics g ng
Methodists q g

There have also been other nonlinguistic factors at work. English and
French, as international languages, have considerable prestige in the Pa-
cific. Although linguists have their own phonetic symbols for sounds, many
of these are not standard letters in the English or French writing systems—β
ð θ ʔ ə ŋ, for example. Attempts to use letters like these to represent sounds
in Pacific languages are often met with resistance by speakers of those lan-
guages, who don’t want their languages to look “funny” in comparison with
English or French.
Other problems are also related to the orthographies of the prestige lan-
guages. In general, a scientific approach to orthographic design requires
that, wherever possible, each phoneme should be represented by a single
letter. Following this principle, the early missionaries used the single let-
ter g to represent the phoneme /ŋ/ (the sound written ng in English singer)
in a number of Polynesian languages: Pago Pago, the capital of American
Samoa, for example, is pronounced /paŋopaŋo/. This principle was extended
by Methodist and related missionaries to some other parts of Polynesia, to
Fiji, and to certain areas in Melanesia.
But though this decision may follow scientific rationality, there is a
conflict with the spelling system of English, where the letter g has a very
different value. In Tongan, for example, original g was later changed to
ng, since it was felt that Tongans learning English would be confused
by the two different values of the letter g in these two languages. Many
languages in Melanesia and Micronesia use ng for this sound, but this
has led to problems of a different sort. On the one hand, English ng
represents both the sound /ŋ/ as in singer and the sounds /ŋg/ as in fin-
Sound Systems 97

ger, and outsiders often mispronounce words written in Pacific languages

with this letter combination (Tonga frequently being pronounced by Eng-
lish speakers as if it were Tongga, for example). On the other hand, if
ng is used for /ŋ/, then designers of writing systems are often forced to
use the somewhat unsightly three-letter combination ngg to represent
/ŋg/. There have, then, been a number of problems in the development of
spelling systems in the Pacific, by no means all of them having to do with
the nature of the languages.

5.4.2. Polynesia and Fiji

Because of their relatively simple phonological structures, the development
of writing systems for the Polynesian languages has been a fairly straightfor-
ward matter. There have been different approaches to the velar nasal
phoneme /ŋ/, written g or ng, and to long vowels, written with macrons or
with double vowels. Sometimes even in the same language some writers
have used macrons and some double letters, while others have ignored
vowel length altogether: Māori, Maaori, and Maori have all had some cur-
rency in New Zealand, for example, though the first seems now to be the
preferred spelling.
The designers of the Fijian writing system fairly consistently applied the
one-phoneme-one-letter principle, although not without controversy. In Fi-
jian, the prenasalized stops /mb nd ŋg/ have been written with the single
letters b, d, and q rather than mb, nd, and ngg. According to the same prin-
ciple, /ŋ/ is written as g and /ð/ as c (rather than the ng and th of English).
Where vowel length is written, the macron is used, but many writers of Fi-
jian ignore this feature.

5.4.3. Melanesia and Micronesia

In some parts of Melanesia, the early missionaries made similar kinds of de-
cisions as those made for Fijian and Polynesian languages. In a number of
languages in Vanuatu especially, g is used for /ŋ/, and in some c is used for
/γ/. Additional single symbols were created to try to adhere to this principle,
p̃ and m̃ being used to represent /pw/ and /mw/. Many of these languages,
along with those of the Solomons, have only five vowels, which caused no
problems. Vowel length (where it was recognized), however, was generally
represented by doubling vowels.
Further west, in the New Guinea area, the Methodist traditions from
Fiji and Polynesia had less influence, and orthography designers have gen-
erally kept fairy closely to English spelling, at least as far as consonants

are concerned. In these languages, for example, the prenasalized stops /mb
d ŋg/ tend to be written b, d, and g in word-initial position (where the pre-
nasalization is fairly weak), and mb, nd, and ngg in other positions. The
velar nasal [ŋ] is usually written ng, although in some areas where the
Lutheran church is strong, the letter ŋ is used. The occurrence of more
than one lateral in Highlands languages has required the use of two letters
to represent a single phoneme, like tl, dl, gl, and so on, in addition to sim-
ple l, while gh is frequently used for the velar fricative /γ/. In dealing with
languages which have more than five phonemic vowels, both digraphs
(two-letter combinations) and diacritics (additional marks like accents)
have been used. Thus where there is a contrast between /i/, /I/, and /e/ (as
in English seat, sit, set), for example, these vowels are written i, î, e; or i,
ê, e; or ii, i, e.
The complex nature of the consonant and vowel systems of most New
Caledonian languages has forced linguists to use both diacritics and combi-
nations of letters. The vowels of Xârâcùù, for example, are a â ä e é è ê ë i î o
ô ö u ù û ü, and the long vowels are written by doubling these letters. Writing
the consonant phonemes of Pije involves single letters (p, m, h, w), digraphs
(pw, ph, hm, hw) and even trigraphs—combinations of three letters repre-
senting a single phoneme—like phw, hmw, hny, hng.
In Micronesia, digraphs are usually used to help represent complex
vowel and consonant systems. A number of Micronesian languages use oa
for /ͻ/ when this contrasts with /o/ (written o), and h is often used to mark
long vowels: thus i represents /i/, while ih represents /i:/. Digraphs and tri-
graphs are also widely used in writing consonant phonemes. Carolinian, for
example, distinguishes bw, gh, mw, pw, rh, sch, and tch from b, g, m, p, r, s,
and t. Long consonants are usually represented by doubling the consonant
(as in ll for long /l:/). In the case of digraphs, only the first letter is doubled
(mmw represents long mw).

5.4.4. Australia
In general, the small number of vowel phonemes in Australian lan-
guages has not posed many problems for designers of orthographies. Long
vowels have sometimes been written as double vowels, sometimes with a fol-
lowing h; thus /a:/ is written aa in some languages, but ah in others.
Decisions made about writing consonants vary, but a common pattern
is to write retroflex sounds with a preceding r, dentals with a following h,
and palatals with a following y; palatal stops are sometimes written j. In
Gooniyandi, for example, the stop and nasal phonemes given on the left be-
low are written with the letters on the right:
Sound Systems 99


Phonemes Letters

b d̪ d ḍ dy g b th d rd j g
m n̪ n ṇ ñ ŋ m nh n rn ny ng

Similarly, multiple laterals are generally written lh, l, rl, and ly (or lj), while
the two rhotics are generally written r and rr.
I have adopted these spelling conventions here and transliterated sym-
bols in this way from sources that use phonetic symbols. Note, however, that
there is pressure to spell Australian languages following English conven-
tions. For example, the Bandjalang (/bañdyalaŋ/) people now choose to write
their language name Bundjalung, to avoid its possible mispronunciation as
/bæñdyəlæŋ/ by English speakers.

5.5. Summary
Pacific languages show a great diversity of phonological systems. Vocalically
they range from Australian languages with just three short vowels to New
Caledonian languages with seventeen short vowels. Consonant inventories
can be very small and simple, or extremely large and complex. Some lan-
guages have phonemic tone, others do not. Some allow a great deal of
consonant clustering; others allow none.
Various social issues surround and affect the development of orthogra-
phies for these languages. In the remainder of this book, I use the standard
writing system, in italics, for each language from which I give examples. In
the case of languages without a generally accepted writing system, I use a
modified set of phonetic symbols, also in italics.

Oceanic Languages:
Grammatical Overview

6.1. Pronouns
I use the term “pronoun” fairly loosely. Oceanic languages generally have
only one set of free pronouns, but they also have one or more sets of pronom-
inal forms that are more or less bound to nouns, verbs, or other morphemes.
While only the free forms might qualify as pronouns under a strict definition,
I discuss the other forms here as well.

6.1.1. Person
Almost all Oceanic languages make a distinction between inclusive first
person, referring to the speaker and the addressee or addressees (“I +
you”) and exclusive first person, referring to the speaker and some other
individual or individuals (“I + he/she/it/they”). For example:

Motu Mono-Alu Nakanamanga Puluwat

I lau maha kinau ngaang
you oi maito niigo yeen
he/she/it ia e‘a nae yiiy

we:INC ita maita nigita kiir
we:EXC ai maani kinami yáámem
you umui maang nimu yáámi
they idia relana‘i naara yiir

Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 101

Exceptions to this general statement are found in a few languages that seem
to have lost the inclusive/exclusive distinction. These include the five lan-
guages of the Siau family in the West Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea
(Sera, Sissano, Ali, Tumleo, and Ulau-Suain), Kiribati, and possibly also one
or two varieties of Fijian.

Sissano Kiribati
I ya ngngai
you e ngkoe
he/she/it i ngaia

we eit ngaira
you om ngkamii
they ri ngaiia

Very few Oceanic languages mark gender in pronouns. In all the exam-
ples above, the third person singular refers to male or female animates as
well as to inanimates. Maringe (Isabel, Solomon Islands) is one of the few
Oceanic languages that does have a gender distinction, though it differs
from the English one. Female speakers use only one set of third person
forms, but male speakers use two sets—one referring to males, and the other
in all other cases.


Male speaker Female speaker

he mana na‘a
she/it na‘a na‘a
they (males) mare re‘e
they (non-males) re‘e re‘e

Some languages in Melanesia have no third-person pronouns at all.

Mari (Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea) is one such: It uses demonstra-
tives (roughly translated, “this one,” “those ones”) instead of pronouns like
“he/she/it” or “they.”

6.1.2. Number
A three-way distinction between singular, dual, and plural number is per-
haps the commonest pattern in Oceanic languages, the dual number refer-
ring to two and only two. This pattern is found in Polynesian languages and

Rotuman, as well as in many languages in Melanesia and Micronesia. For ex-


Yapese Nakanai A‘jië Samoan

I gaeg eau gènya a‘u
you guur eme gèi ‘oe
he/she/it qiir eia ce ia

we two:INC gadow etalua görru tā‘ua
we two:EXC gamow emilua gövu mā‘ua
you two gimeew emulua göu ‘oulua
they two yow egirua curu lā‘ua

we:INC gadaed etatou gèvé tātou
we:EXC gamaed emiteu gèrré mātou
you gimeed emutou gëvë ‘outou
they yaed egiteu céré lātou

There are two common departures from this pattern. A number of lan-
guages in Melanesia and Micronesia show only a two-way distinction be-
tween singular and plural. The examples given in 6.1.1 above from Motu,
Mono-Alu, and Nakanamanga (in Melanesia), and Puluwat and Kiribati (in
Micronesia) illustrate this.
The other variation is quite common in Melanesia (including Fiji),
though not elsewhere in the Pacific. It involves a four-way distinction, be-
tween singular, dual, trial or paucal, and plural. Some of these languages
have a trial number, which refers to three and only three:

Tolai Anejom̃
Singular he/she/it ia aen
Dual they two dir aarau
Trial they three dital aattaj
Plural they (>three) diat aara

Others have a paucal number, which refers to a few (perhaps three to six or
so), or to a small group in comparison with a larger group.

Paamese Nadrau Fijian

Singular he/she/it kaie i kwaya
Dual they two kailue i kirau
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 103

Paucal they (a few) kaitelu i kiratou

Plural they (many) kaile i kira

6.1.3. Functions
The pronouns cited so far are known as independent pronouns. They may
stand alone as the answer to a question and may also act as subject of a
verb (though they often have an emphatic function in this usage). There are,
however, other pronominal forms in many Oceanic languages, although they
may not always be able to stand alone.

Most Oceanic languages, for example, have a separate set of subject

markers, which are formally different from the independent pronouns.
These subject markers mark the person and number of the subject and usu-
ally occur within the verb complex. In some languages they are preverbal
particles, in others prefixes to the verb. In many of these languages, the in-
dependent pronoun is used in subject position only for emphasis. Contrast
the following sentences in Lenakel:

‘I didn’t do it.’

Io i-es-ol-aan!
I I-not-do-not
‘I didn’t do it!,’ ‘It wasn’t I who did it!’

In both sentences, the person and the number of the subject are marked
within the verb by the prefix i- ‘I.’ The first sentence, with no independent
pronoun, is a neutral statement. In the second, however, emphasis is placed
on the subject, ‘I,’ through the use of the independent pronoun io.
Below are some examples—in just singular and plural num-
bers—illustrating the formal difference between independent pronouns and
subject markers. The Nehan and Fijian subject markers are free preverbal
particles, while the Trukese ones are verbal prefixes.

Nehan Trukese Fijian

I ingo ku ngaang wú- o yau au
you inga ko een ke- o iko o
he/she/it git ke iiy e- o koya e

we:INC ingeg ki kiich si- o keda da
we:EXC ingam king áám éwú- o keimami keimami
you ingam kung áámi wo- o kemunī nī
they gisit ka iir re- o ira ra

Rather fewer Oceanic languages have formally distinct object mark-

ers, many using the independent pronoun in this role. Above, for example,
we saw the use of the Lenakel independent pronoun io ‘I’ as an emphatic
subject. This same form is also used in object position.

R-ɨs-aamh-aan io.
he-not-see-not me
‘He didn’t see me.’

Languages with distinct object pronouns are found in Melanesia and Mi-
cronesia. In some of these languages (like Anejom̃ in the example below)
these are free forms, while in others (like Kiribati) they are suffixed to the

Anejom̃ Kiribati
I añak ñak ngngai -ai
you aek yic ngkoe -iko
he/she/it aen yin ngaia -ia
we:INC akaja caja ngaira -iira
we:EXC ajama cama
you ajowa cowa ngkamii -ingkami
they aara ra ngaiia -iia, -i

For more about the functions of both subject and object markers, see section
Virtually all Oceanic languages also have a set of possessive affixes
(normally suffixes) marking the person and number of the possessor. These
differ from independent pronouns and subject markers (though they are fre-
quently identical or similar to object markers). The grammar of possession
in Oceanic languages is quite complex (refer to section 6.3 below). For exam-
ple, the Fijian possessive suffix -qu ‘my’ is attached directly to certain types
of possessed nouns (like tama ‘father’ in the example below), but when used
with nouns of other types it is attached to a possessive marker or classifier
(as with vale ‘house’).
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 105

na tama-qou but na no-qau vale
the father-my the POSS-my house
‘my father’ ‘my house’

These affixes are almost always suffixes. But in a few languages they occur
as prefixes in some grammatical contexts.

Wayan Fijian
o mna-m but m-ulu
the mother-your your-head
‘your mother’ ‘your head’

A comparison between the singular and plural independent, object, and

possessive pronouns in Anejom̃ and Kiribati is given below.

Anejom̃ Kiribati
I añak ñak -k ngngai -ai -u
you aek yic -m̃ ngkoe -iko -m
he/she/it aen yin -n ngaia -ia -n(a)
we:INC akaja caja -ja ngaira -iira -ra
we:EXC ajama cama -ma
you ajowa cowa -mia ngkamii -ingkami -mii
they aara ra -ra ngaiia -iia, -i -ia

It follows from all of this that, while some Oceanic languages have a
pronoun system as simple as that of English, many have pronoun systems
of considerable complexity. Table 5 lists the full set of independent, object,
and possessive pronouns in Anejom̃, along with the three sets of subject
markers used in the aorist, past, and inceptive tenses, to illustrate this


The notion of parts of speech as we understand it in English, does not nec-
essarily apply to Oceanic languages. While some Oceanic languages clearly
distinguish nouns from other parts of speech in some formal or functional
way, many others do not. The Fijian word tagane, for example, can function
as a noun meaning ‘man,’ as a verb meaning ‘to be male,’ and as an adjective
meaning ‘male.’

Table 5. Anejom̃ Pronouns

1. INC 1. EXC 2. 3.
Singular — añak aek, aak aen, aan
Dual akajau ajamrau ajourau aarau
Trial akataj ajamtaj ajoutaj aattaj
Plural akaja ajama ajowa aara

Singular — ñak yic, -c yin, -n
Dual cajau camrau courau rau
Trial cataj camtaj coutaj ettaj
Plural caja cama cowa ra

Singular — -k -m̃ -n
Dual -jau -mrau -mirau -rau
Trial -taj -mtaj -mitaj -ttaj
Plural -ja -ma -mia -ra

Subject (aorist)
Singular — ek na et
Dual tau ekrau erau erau
Trial taj ettaj ettaj ettaj
Plural ta ekra eka era

Subject (past)
Singular — kis as is
Dual tus eris arus erus
Trial tijis eris atijis etijis
Plural eris ekris akis eris

Subject (inceptive)
Singular — ki an iñiyi
Dual tu ekru aru eru
Trial tiji etiji atiji etiji
Plural ti ekri aki eri
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 107

E lako mai na tagane oyā (tagane = noun).
he come here the man that
‘That man is coming.’

E tagane na vuaka oqō (tagane = verb).

he male the pig this
‘This pig is male.’

E mate na vuaka tagane (tagane = adjective).

he die the pig male
‘The boar died.’

In this and subsequent sections, when I use the word “noun,” I am referring
to words functioning as nouns in a particular context. For our purposes,
then, tagane is a noun in the first Fijian sentence above, though not in the
other two.

6.2.1. Form of the Noun

Nouns in Oceanic languages are generally invariable in form. That is, a noun
does not change form to mark singular and plural, nor generally do nouns
take prefixes and suffixes (apart from possessive affixes, discussed later). Fi-
jian vuaka and Hawaiian pua‘a, for example, both mean ‘pig’ or ‘pigs.’
In languages of this type, plurality is expressed either by a separate
morpheme in the noun phrase (see 6.2.5) or by a subject or object marker in
the verb complex. Often, a combination of strategies is used, as in the Vin-
mavis example below, in which the noun itself (matoro ‘old man’) remains

Matoro i-fwelem.
old:man he-come
‘The old man came.’

Matoro ar at-fwelem.
old:man PL they-come
‘The old men came.’

There are, however, some exceptions to the generalization that nouns

are invariable in form. First, in some languages of Polynesia and Melanesia,
there is a small set of nouns referring to human beings that form the plural
by a change in the position of stress or by partial reduplication, as in Motu,
or by lengthening a vowel, as in Māori and Hawaiian.

Singular Plural
tau ‘man’ tatau
hahíne ‘woman’ háhine
mero ‘boy’ memero
kekéni ‘girl’ kékeni

tangata ‘man’ tāngata
tupuna ‘ancestor’ tūpuna
tuahine ‘sister’ tuāhine

luahine ‘old woman’ luāhine
kahuna ‘priest’ kāhuna
kupuna ‘grandparent’ kūpuna

In Kiribati, vowel lengthening also occurs in nouns, but it indicates generic

reference rather than plurality:

te tina ‘(the) mother’ tiina ‘mothers in general’
te ika ‘(the) fish’ iika ‘fish in general’
te ben ‘(the) coconut’ been ‘coconuts in general’
te bong ‘(the) day’ boong ‘days in general’
te biti ‘(the) knife’ biiti ‘knives in general’

In Rotuman, the long form of a noun (see 5.1.1 above) marks a noun as
definite. Indefinite nouns occur in the short form.

Famori ‘ea.
people say
‘The people say.’

Famör ‘ea.
people say
‘(Some) people say.’

There are also some languages, geographically and genetically fairly

widespread, that mark plurality of nouns by a prefix or a suffix. Among these
are the non-Oceanic languages Palauan and Chamorro:

Singular Plural
chad ‘person’ rę-chad
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 109

kangkodang ‘tourist’ rę-kangkodang

sęchel-ik ‘my friend’ rę-sęchel-ik

estudiante ‘student’ man-estudiante
pale‘ ‘priest’ mam-ale‘
saina ‘parent’ mañ-aina

Some languages in Vanuatu have fairly complex pluralization strategies.

In Sye, for example, there is a general plural prefix ovn-. (This varies slightly
according to the following consonant.) Kinship terms without possessive suf-
fixes (like namou ‘mother’) may take this prefix and also the suffix -me: they
must take one of these. Kinship terms with possessive suffixes (like asu-g
‘my husband’ and ma-n ‘her brother’) must take the suffix -me, and may take
the prefix r(o)-. Thus:


Singular Plural
kuri ‘dog’ ovn-kuri
nakeh ‘axe’ ov-nakeh
neteme ‘person’ ovo-teme
namou ‘mother’ ov-namou, namou-me, ov-namou-me
asu-g ‘my husband’ asu-g-me, r-asu-g-me
ma-n ‘her brother’ ma-n-me, ro-ma-n-me

In Anejom̃, nouns beginning with n or in drop this in the plural. Nouns

referring to humans must take a plural prefix elpu-; those referring to the
higher animates may take this prefix; other nouns take no plural prefix.


Singular Plural
natam̃ añ ‘man’ elpu-atam̃ añ
natimi ‘person’ elpu-atimi
nepcev ‘shark’ elpu-epcev, epcev
incai ‘tree’ cai
inhat ‘stone’ hat

Some Oceanic languages make no formal distinction between nouns

and, say, verbs or adjectives. Those that do make this distinction (and also
some that do not), have one or more nominalizers—morphemes that con-
vert verbs or adjectives into nouns. Some examples are presented below.

aklha ‘steal’ i-aklha ‘thief’

n-aklha-aan ‘theft, robbery’

k-aklha ‘house-breaking tool’

karaja ‘explain’ karaja-poa ‘example’
wia ‘make’ wia-poa ‘construction’
woaroai ‘to last’ woaroai-n ‘duration’

kimi ‘to seek’ kimi-hanga ‘a search’
noho ‘sit’ noho-anga ‘seat’
inu ‘to drink’ inu-manga ‘a drink’

6.2.2. Articles
Articles are morphemes marking the class or reference of a noun. In
English, the article the marks a noun as definite, while a/an marks it as
singular indefinite; in French, un and le mark singular masculine nouns
(indefinite and definite, respectively), while une and la mark singular
feminine nouns.
Generally speaking, the languages of the New Guinea mainland and the
islands of Papua, and those spoken in Vanuatu, have no articles. Examples:

Tamoata roa to‘a i-ti‘in-i.
man his:spouse his:older:brother he-show-her
‘The man showed his wife to his older brother.’

E seki Kilagola yena guyau.
he give Kilagola fish chief
‘The chief gives Kilagola the fish.’

Natmonuc y-omonki nacave.
chief he:DISTANT:PAST-drink kava
‘The chief drank (the) kava.’

Most of the remaining Oceanic languages—those of the islands to the

northeast of New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Micronesia,
Fiji, and Polynesia—do have articles, although there are some exceptions.
Fijian languages generally have two articles. In Standard Fijian, o is the
proper article and is used before pronouns, proper nouns (names of specific
people or places), and some kinship terms. Na is the common article and is
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 111

used before other nouns that are definite in some sense. Indefinite nouns (like
yaqona in the second example below) are not marked by articles. Examples:

E gunu-va na yaqona o Seru.
he drink-TRANS the kava the:PERSONAL Seru
‘Seru is drinking the kava.’

E gunu yaqona o Seru.

he drink kava the:PERSONAL Seru
‘Seru is drinking kava.’

Polynesian languages have a slightly larger number of articles. In

Hawaiian, for example, the articles are:

ka, ke definite article, singular: ‘the’
nā definite article, plural: ‘the’
he indefinite article: ‘a’
a personal article

Mokilese and Yapese provide illustrations of different kinds of Microne-

sian article systems. In Mokilese, a noun may occur with no article (or
demonstrative). The reference is usually generic.

Mahnsang kin wia ahr paj in pohn suhkoa.
bird HABITUAL make their nest in top tree
‘Birds build their nests in treetops.’

A koah kak wiahda war?

QUESTION you can build canoe
‘Can you build canoes?’

When the reference is specific but indefinite—the addressee does not know
which individual is being referred to—Mokilese nouns take as a suffix the ap-
propriate numeral classifier (see 6.2.5 below) in the singular, and -pwi in the

Ngoah kapang lih-men o.
I see woman-CLASSIFIER there
‘I saw a woman there.’
Ngoah kapang lih-pwi o.
I see woman-a:PL there
‘I saw women there,’ or ‘I saw some women there.’

When the reference is both specific and definite, the suffix -o (sometimes-u)
is used.

Ngoah kapang lih-o.
I see woman-the
‘I saw the woman.’

Yapese is similar to Fijian or the Polynesian languages, in that it has

three articles, all of which come before the noun: fa definite, ba indefinite
singular, and ii, which is used optionally before personal names.

fa rea kaarroo
the SG car
‘the car’

ba kaarroo
a car
‘a car’

ii Tamag (or just Tamag)

the:PERSONAL Tamag
‘Tamag (a man’s name)’

Most languages of the Bismarck Archipelago and the Solomon Islands

also have a small number of articles that precede the noun. Gender distinc-
tion is not uncommon. To‘aba‘ita, for example, has a common article nga,
and two personal articles, tha (used with masculine names) and ni (used
with feminine names).

nga ‘ai lakoo ki
the wood this PL
‘the firewood’

ai tha Gerea
wife the:MASCULINE Gerea
‘Gerea’s wife’

maka ni ‘Oina
father the:FEMININE ‘Oina
‘Oina’s father’

The most complex article systems are those of New Caledonia. In these
languages articles precede the noun and mark—among other features—def-
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 113

initeness, number, and gender. Drehu has the following articles and article-
like particles:

la definite, near speaker, visible
lai definite, near addressee, visible
lo definite, not present or visible
ketre indefinite singular
xaa indefinite non-singular
isa ‘each’
itre, o paucal
nöjei plural
haa collective

Cèmuhî has an even more complex system. Its articles distinguish gen-
der—feminine and nonfeminine, which both treat the noun as a person or
individual, as well as neuter, which treats the noun as a thing or idea);
number—singular, dual, and plural; and reference—definite, indefinite, and
neutral. (Neutral reference marks the noun as a noun without specifying
whether it is definite or indefinite.)

Neutral Definite Indefinite
Singular Nonfeminine pā pācɛ pāli
Feminine ɛ̀ ɛ̀cɛ ɛ̀gi
Neuter ā ācɛ āli
Dual Nonfeminine lūpwɔ̄ lūpwɔ̄ cɛ lūpwɔ̄ li
Feminine lū lū cɛ lū li
Plural Nonfeminine lēpwɔ̄ lēpwɔ̄ cɛ lēpwɔ̄ li
Feminine lē lēcɛ lēli
Neuter ni cɛ li, ili

6.2.3. Demonstratives
Demonstratives are words that locate the noun in space and/or time, gen-
erally with reference to the speaker and the addressee, though sometimes
with reference to some other focus. English has a simple two-way distinction
(between this/these and that/those), and this system is found in a few
Oceanic languages in Melanesia.

Manam Maringe
ngae gne ‘this’
ngaedi gre ‘these’

ngara gno ‘that’

ngaradi gro ‘those’

Almost universal in Oceanic languages, however, is a three-way direc-

tional/locational/temporal distinction in demonstratives, corresponding to
the three grammatical persons. The three categories are often referred to
as proximate—near the speaker and corresponding to the first person (the
speaker); intermediate—near the addressee and corresponding to the sec-
ond person (the person spoken to); and distant—away from both speaker
and addressee and corresponding to the third person (some other person or
Some languages simply mark this distinction without specifying number:

Motu Fijian Māori

ina (o)qō nei PROXIMATE: ‘this’
ena (o)qori na INTERMEDIATE: ‘this/that’
una (o)yā ra DISTANT: ‘that (yonder)’

Others, however, not only make the three-way contrast but also indicate sin-
gular and plural:

Nakanai Kiribati Rotuman

aleie aei te‘isi PROXIMATE: ‘this’
ini aikai ‘i ‘these’

alele anne ta‘a INTERMEDIATE: ‘this/that’

ene akanne ‘o ‘these/those’

aleio arei tæe DISTANT: ‘that (yonder)’

unu akekei ‘ie ‘those (yonder)’

There are further complications in some languages. To‘aba‘ita, for ex-

ample, has not only a regular distant demonstrative labaa, but two others
specifying vertical orientation: loo ‘that, yonder and higher up,’ and fuu
‘that, yonder and lower down.’ Anejom̃ possesses not only the three-way dis-
tinction noted above, but also has a set of anaphoric demonstratives, which
mark a noun as having been previously referred to. Example:

niom̃ iyiiki
house that
‘that house (the one I was talking about before)’

In addition, Anejom̃ distinguishes number in demonstratives, and so has the

Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 115

Singular Dual Plural
Proximate iniñki erañki ijiñki
Intermediate enaanai — ijeknaa
Distant enaikou erañkou ijeknaikou
Anaphoric iyiiki eraaki ijiiki (recent)
ijekeñ (distant)

6.2.4. Adjectives
I mentioned earlier that there is often difficulty in rigidly assigning a word
to a specific part of speech in Oceanic languages. This is especially apparent
in the distinction, or lack of it, between verbs and adjectives.
Words that translate into English as adjectives generally have two func-
tional possibilities in most Oceanic languages. First, they may occur within
a noun phrase, almost always following the noun which they modify.

na waqa levu
the canoe big
‘the big canoe’

‘o le teine puta
FOCUS the girl fat
‘the fat girl’

Second, and more frequently, adjectives function as stative verbs. That is,
they function in the same way as other intransitive verbs (being marked for
subject, tense, and so on), but they express a state rather than an action,
with the subject being the experiencer of that state.

E levu na waqa.
it big the canoe
‘The canoe is big.’

Ua puta le teine.
STATIVE fat the girl
‘The girl is fat.’

Many languages in Melanesia, however, do have a category of adjectives

that differs from the category of stative verbs, although both of these cate-

gories include words that would translate as adjectives. Lenakel, for exam-
ple, has a set of stative verbs similar to those illustrated for Fijian and
Samoan: vɨt ‘good’ and esuaas ‘small’ may function as adjectives, following
the noun in a noun phrase:

R-ɨm-aamh nimwa vɨt ker.
he-PAST-see house good one
‘He saw a good house.’

Kova esuaas ka r-ɨ s-apul-aan.

child small that he-not-sleep-not
‘The small child is not asleep.’

They may also occur as the head of a verb complex, taking prefixes marking
subject and tense aspect just like any nonstative verb (compare the behavior
of vɨt and esuaas in the examples below with that of aamh ‘see’ and apul
‘sleep’ above).

Nimwa taha-n r-ɨm-vɨt akɨn.
house POSS-his it-PAST-good very
‘His house was/used to be very nice.’

Kova ka r-ɨs-esuaas-aan.
child that he-not-small-not
‘That child is not small.’

There is, however, a set of words that can only be adjectives, like vi ‘new’
and ituga ‘foreign.’ These also follow the noun in a noun phrase.

R-ɨm-ol nimwa vi.
he-PAST=make house new
‘He built a new house.’

Nɨkava ituga r-ɨs-vɨt-aan.

kava foreign it-not-good-not
‘Alcohol (lit., foreign kava) is not good.’

Words in this category never function as stative verbs, and utterances like
the following ones are unacceptable.

*Nimwa r-(ɨm)-vi.
house it-(PAST)-new
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 117

*Nɨkava r-ɨs-ituga-aan.
kava it-not-foreign-not

6.2.5. Numerals and Quantifiers

Two classes of words or morphemes relate to counting. Numerals are exact
numbers in a counting system: one, two, three, four, and so on. Oceanic
languages exhibit a range of numeral systems; the commonest are simple
decimal (base 10) or quinary (base 5) systems, but there are variations on
these systems, and other systems are also represented (see chapter 11 for
a detailed discussion). Quantifiers are morphemes that mark grammatical
number (singular, dual, plural) or express less mathematically exact quanti-
ties, like “some,” “many,” “few,” “all,” and so forth.
In many Oceanic languages, numerals and quantifiers function as sta-
tive verbs. The following Fijian examples illustrate this.

E moce na gone.
he sleep the child
‘The child slept/is sleeping.’

E dua na gone.
he one the child
‘(There is) one child.’

Two features of such systems are (1) that a noun modified by a numeral
occurs in what is effectively a relative clause in the sentence, and (2)
that numerals above one usually take singular rather than plural subject

Erau moce e rua na gone.
they:two sleep he two the child
‘The two children slept/are sleeping.’

Such systems are common in Polynesia and are also found in some lan-
guages in Melanesia.

‘Ua ho‘i mai na ta‘ata ‘e toru.
PAST return here the:PL person it:is three
‘Three people came back here.’

A noup̃an is ithii, is amen a natimi is esej.
at time it:PAST one, it:PAST live SUBJECT person PAST three
‘Once upon a time, there were three people.’

In most other Oceanic languages—which tend to be those that distin-

guish adjectives from stative verbs (like Lenakel in 6.2.4 immediately
above)—numerals and quantifiers function much like adjectives. That is,
they occur within the noun phrase, not as stative verbs. For example:

Manam Lenakel
aine rua peravɨn (mil) kiu
woman two woman (DUAL) two
‘two women’ ‘two women’

‘aleti ‘o‘o‘o neram ituga asuul (miin)

white:man many people foreign many (PL)
‘many Europeans’ ‘many foreigners’

This is perhaps the commonest pattern among the languages of Melanesia,

and it is also found in a few Micronesian languages.
There are in many of these languages, however, vestiges of an earlier
system in which the numerals were once stative verbs. Compare the Vin-
mavis and Lenakel numerals for two through five with the Proto Oceanic
forms from which they originate.

Proto Oceanic Vinmavis Lenakel

‘two’ *rua iru kiu
‘three’ *tolu itl kɨsil
‘four’ *vati ifah kuvɨr
‘five’ *lima ilim katilum

Here we can see that the roots of the numerals have something in front of
them: i in Vinmavis, k (+ vowel) in Lenakel. In Vinmavis, i- is a third person
singular non-future verbal prefix, and in Lenakel k (+ vowel) is a third per-
son non-singular verbal prefix. Many languages of this type may once have
treated numerals as stative verbs, but over time the verbal prefix has be-
come attached to the numeral, and the numeral has lost its verbal nature.
The third kind of system involves what are known as numeral clas-
sifiers. Some Micronesian languages have an elaborate system of these
classifiers, and they are perhaps the best known representatives of this type,
although such classifiers also occur in the Admiralty Islands languages. As
Rehg says of Ponapean: “Every concrete noun in Ponapean belongs to one or
more classes. When we use a numeral with a noun, an appropriate numeral
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 119

classifier must be employed. More simply stated, the choice of the numeral
system one uses is dependent upon what one is counting” (Rehg 1981, 125).
Here are three such numeral systems in Ponapean, with the forms of
the numerals one through nine. The words in the second column are used
with the word mwutin ‘heap or pile of.’ Those in the third column are used
to count stalks of things. And those in the last column are used for counting
slices or chips of something.

‘heaps of’ ‘stalks of’ ‘slices of’
1 emwut osop edip
2 riemwut riasop riadip
3 silimwut silisop silidip
4 pahmwut pahsop pahdip
5 limmwut limisop limadip
6 wenemwut wensop wenedip
7 isimwut isisop isidip
8 walimwut welisop welidip
9 duwamwut duwasop duwadip


mwutin dihpw pahmwut
pile:of grass four-CLASSIFIER
‘four piles of grass’

sehu pah-sop
sugarcane four-CLASSIFIER
‘four stalks of sugarcane’

dipen mei pah-dip

slice:of breadfruit four-CLASSIFIER
‘four slices of breadfruit’

As you can see from these examples, the numeral is made up of a mor-
pheme representing the number itself (sili- ‘three,’ pah- ‘four,’ etc.), and
a suffix, which is the classifier. Ponapean has twenty-nine such classifiers,
which include the following (the first three being those exemplified above).

-mwut used to count heaps or piles

-sop used to count stalks
-dip used to count slices, chips, or shavings of something
-pak used to count times

-pit used to count strips or strands of something

-mwodol used to count small round objects
-pali used to count body extremities
-pwoat used to count long objects
-men used to count animate beings

It has as well a general classifier -u, which can be used with a range of nouns.
These classifiers may also be used without any numeral, in which case they
function as indefinite articles (compare section 6.2.2 in relation to Mokilese).

pwihk men tuhke pwoat
‘a tree’ ‘a pig’

Other languages in Micronesia with elaborate systems of numeral

classifiers include Kiribati (with sixty-six classifiers), Ulithian (forty-three),
Trukese, Nauruan, and Yapese. In contrast, Mokilese has only four classi-
fiers and Marshallese only vestiges of a classifier system; Kosraean may
have never had a classifier system at all. (See Bender and Wang [1985, 79]
for a brief discussion of this.)
The languages of the Kilivila family in the Trobriand Islands in Papua
New Guinea (Kilivila, Muyuw, and Budibud) have sets of classifiers like those
of Ponapean, but they are used with other items in noun phrases as well (see
section 6.2.6). Other Oceanic languages have numeral classifiers, but these
systems are more limited than the Micronesian ones. Some Polynesian lan-
guages fall into this category. Tongan, for example, requires the classifier
toko when numerals refer to persons or animals.

ha kau faifekau ‘e toko fitu
a PL minister it:is CLASSIFIER seven
‘seven ministers’

Other quantifiers behave similarly. Compare the following Tongan phrase

with the one above.

ha kau faifekau ‘e toko fiha?
a PL minister it:is CLASSIFIER how:many
‘how many ministers?’

6.2.6. Noun Phrase Structure

As a general rule, articles (where they occur) precede the noun in a noun
phrase in Oceanic languages, while adjectives and demonstratives follow
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 121

the noun. The position of numerals and quantifiers is more variable. In some
languages, these precede the noun, in others they follow it. In the examples
below, the head noun is underlined to illustrate these patterns.

gwa kege ànì hanô anamô maipi lene
canoe small one house big five this
‘a small canoe’ ‘these five big houses’

na tavana kota numa ghoom bangana bubu
PL person all house new big red
‘all people’ ‘the big new red house’

roo wela loo ki nga fau ba‘ita
two child this PL the stone big
‘those two children’ ‘a/the big stone’

Port Sandwich
navüs xavoi minac ngail pwici isa-n rai
bow real other PL all POSS-his only
‘all his other real bows only’

pwutak reirei sili-men-o
boy tall three-CLASSIFIER-that
‘those three tall boys’

teni-ua te boki akanne
three-CLASSIFIER the book those
‘those three books’

na wai batabatā na vinivō damudamu oqō
the water cold the dress red this
‘(the) cold water’ ‘this red dress’

te mau pōti‘i purotu tē-ra ta‘ata ‘ino
the PL girl beautiful the-that man bad
‘the beautiful girls’ ‘that bad man’

The Kilivila language has a system of classifiers similar to, but much
richer than, the Bantu languages of Africa, with close to two hundred dif-

ferent classifiers altogether. Not only numerals, but also demonstratives

and adjectives have to be attached to a classifier. The examples below
illustrate the use of the classifiers to ‘male humans’ and bwa ‘trees or
wooden things.’

tau m-to-na to-kabitam
man this-CLASSIFIER-this CLASSIFIER-intelligent
‘this intelligent man’

ma-bwa-si-na bwa-tolu kai

this-CLASSIFIER-PL-this CLASSIFIER-three tree
‘these three trees’

6.3. Possessive Constructions

In virtually all Oceanic languages, the grammar of possession is more com-
plex than it is in English (as mentioned briefly in chapter 2). In this discus-
sion of possession we look first at those languages that most closely reflect
the reconstructed Proto Oceanic system, then at major departures from this

6.3.1. Possessive Constructions Similar to Proto Oceanic

The languages most closely reflecting the original Proto Oceanic system of
possession are found in parts of Island Melanesia, especially the more east-
erly parts of this region (including Fiji). These languages indicate whether
possession is direct or indirect, and then discriminate between several dif-
ferent types of indirect possession.
In direct possession, the possessive pronoun is attached directly to the
possessed noun. These constructions generally encode a semantic relation-
ship between the possessor and the possessed noun that has been referred
to as close, or subordinate, or inalienable. They most commonly imply that
the possessor has little if any control over the fact of possession and are typ-
ically used with normally irremovable and integral parts of the body and of
things, and with all or some kinship terms. For example:

nati-n mete-n
child-his/her eye-his/her/its
‘his/her child’ ‘his/her/its eye’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 123

na tina-qu na ulu-qu
the mother-my the head-my
‘my mother’ ‘my head’

In indirect possession, on the other hand, the possessive pronoun is

not attached to the possessed noun, but rather to a separate morpheme
that I refer to as a possessive marker. These constructions generally en-
code a relationship between possessor and possessed that can be called
remote, or dominant, or alienable. They most commonly imply that the pos-
sessor has control either over the possession itself or at least over the fact of
possession. Such constructions are typically used with items of disposable
property, nominalized verbs of which the possessor is the underlying sub-
ject, and nouns that the possessor owns or controls in some way or another.
The languages with which I am dealing in this section have a small
number of subclasses of indirect possession, each with its own possessive
marker. Paamese and Fijian, for example, have the following markers.

aa- food, passive
mo- drink or for domestic use
so- social relationship determined by law or custom
ono- general, active

ke- food, passive
me- drink
no- general, active

Some examples:

auh aa-k ipu aa-m
yam POSS:FOOD-my loss POSS:PASSIVE-your
‘my yam (to eat)’ ‘your loss/disadvantage’

oai mo-m aisin mo-n

water POSS:DRINK-your clothes POSS:DOMESTIC-his
‘your water (to drink)’ ‘his/her clothes’

meteimal so-m telai ono-m

village POSS:CUSTOM-your axe POSS:GENERAL-your
‘your village’ ‘your axe’

na ke-mu madrai na ke-na itukutuku
the POSS:FOOD-your bread the POSS:PASSIVE-his report
‘your bread (to eat)’ ‘his report (the one made
about him)’

na me-qu bia na no-na vale

the POSS:DRINK-my beer the POSS:GENERAL-his house
‘my beer (to drink)’ ‘his house’

When the possessor is a noun, what is known as a construct suffix

(abbreviated here C:S) is often added to the possessed noun in a direct
construction and to the possessive marker in an indirect construction. In
Paamese, for example, the construct suffix is -n:

mete-n huli kailu
eye-C:S dog DUAL
‘the two dogs’ eyes’

vakili one-n isei?

canoe POSS:GENERAL-C:S who
‘whose canoe?’

The distinction between direct and indirect possession, and between the
various types of indirect possession, depends partly on the semantics of the
possessed noun and partly on the nature of the relationship between the pos-
sessor and the possessed. It follows, therefore, that at least some nouns may
participate in more than one kind of possessive construction, depending on
the nature of that relationship. For example:

na yaca-qu na no-qu yaca
the name-my the POSS:GENERAL-my name
‘my name’ ‘my namesake’

na ke-na niu na me-na niu

the POSS:FOOD-his coconut the POSS:DRINK-his coconut
‘his coconut (meat, to eat)’ ‘his coconut (water, to drink)’

na ke-mu itaba na no-mu itaba

the POSS:PASSIVE-your photo the POSS:GENERAL-your photo
‘your photo (the one taken of ‘your photo (the one you took
you)’ or have)’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 125

6.3.2. Simplification of Indirect Possession

One common departure from this original system, the loss of contrast between
some or all of the half-dozen or so indirect possessive subtypes, is widespread
in western Melanesia and occurs also in parts of Micronesia (for example, in
Yapese and Kiribati). Many of the languages of New Guinea and Solomon Is-
lands distinguish direct and indirect constructions, but have only two indirect
possessive markers. One of these refers to food and drink (and often to items
involved in producing or cooking food), and the other to all other alienable
possessions. In Manam, the markers are ‘ana- (food and drink) and ne- (other):


mata-ng tama-gu
eye-your father-my
‘your eye’ ‘my father’

bang ‘ana-gu suru ‘ana-θ

taro POSS:FOOD-my soup POSS:FOOD-his
‘my taro’ ‘his soup’

uma ‘ana-ng ‘aula ‘ana-gu

garden POSS:FOOD-your fishhook POSS:FOOD-my
‘your garden’ ‘my fishhook’

‘usi ne-gu mata ne-da

lavalava POSS:GENERAL-my custom POSS:GENERAL-our:INC
‘my lavalava’ ‘our custom’

Other languages—distributed somewhat randomly throughout this

area—simply contrast direct and indirect constructions, with no subclassifi-
cation of indirect possession:

noru-g etme-n
hand-my father-his
‘my hand’ ‘his/her father’

nimo horu-g nup horo-m

house POSS-my yam POSS-your
‘my house’ ‘your yam’

tina-na kuni-u
mother-his skin-my
‘his mother’ ‘my skin’

a-na boki a-u ben

POSS-his book POSS-my coconut
‘his book’ ‘my coconut’

6.3.3. Development of Classifier Systems

By contrast, some Oceanic languages have developed a complex system
of classifiers (similar to those discussed in relation to the numerals) to
mark categories of indirect possession. Many Micronesian languages
fall into this category, as do a few in Melanesia (like Iaai in the Loyalty
Ponapean, like almost all Oceanic languages, distinguishes direct and
indirect constructions:

moange-i nime-i uhpw
head-my CLASSIFIER-my coconut
‘my head’ ‘my drinking coconut’

Indirectly possessed nouns belong to a number of different classes in Pona-

pean, the members of each class usually having some semantic feature that
distinguishes them from other nouns. Possessive classifiers mark the noun
as belonging to a particular class, and possessive suffixes and the construct
suffix are attached to these classifiers. There are more than twenty posses-
sive classifiers in Ponapean, some of which are:

Classifier Used with nouns referring to
kene- edible things
nime- drinkable things
sapwe- land
were- vehicles
kie- things to sleep on
ipe- things used as coverings
pelie- peers, counterparts, opponents
mware- garlands, names, titles
nah- small or precious things, and people or things over
which the possessor has a dominant relationship

There is also a general classifier ah-, which is used with nouns that do not
fall into any other class. Examples:

ah-i seht ‘my shirt’
ah-i pwutak ‘my boyfriend’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 127

ah-i mahi ‘my breadfruit tree’

ah-i rong ‘my news’

Many nouns may occur with more than one classifier, with slight seman-
tic changes. So the noun pwihk ‘pig’ may be possessed with the dominant
classifier nah-, the general classifier ah-, and the edible classifier kene-, each
with different meanings:

nah-i pwihk ‘my (live) pig’
ah-i pwihk ‘my (butchered) pig’
kene-i pwihk ‘my pork, my pig (as food)’

The system in Iaai is similar to that of Micronesian languages like Pon-

apean. Kinship terms, body parts, and certain other nouns closely related to
the possessor are directly possessed.

hinyö-k ba-n
mother-my head-his
‘my mother’ ‘his/her head’

hwakeci-m i-fuuc-in
custom-your NOM-speak-his
‘your custom’ ‘his/her way of speaking’

But there is also quite a large number of markers used in indirect con-

a- food
bele- drink
hanii- something caught (e.g., through hunting or fishing)
höne- a contribution
hwa- a noise
iie- a piece of something to chew
ii- land
dee- a road
hnââ- something done to one
anyi- general (none of the above)

Examples include:

anyi-k thaan a-n könying
‘my chief’ ‘his taro (to eat)’

bele-n trii hanii-ny wââ

‘her tea (to drink)’ ‘his fish (which he caught)’

There are also specific possessive markers in Iaai. These are derived from
nouns and are used to indicate possession of those same (or related) nouns.

umwö-k uma ‘my house’
nuu-k nu ‘my coconut tree’
huu-k hu ‘my boat’
waii-k wai ‘my reef’

6.3.4. Loss of Direct Constructions

A few languages in the New Guinea area, and Rotuman and all the Polyne-
sian languages, have for the most part lost the distinction between direct
and indirect constructions. Only indirect constructions are used. In Labu,
for example, there is only one set of possessive pronouns, and it is used with
all nouns.

yê na ana yê na hanô
you your mother you your house
‘your mother’ ‘your house’

Rotuman has two indirect possessive-markers: ‘e(n), used with possessed

nouns that refer to food, drink, a person’s turn at doing something, and with
some nouns to do with contests and challenges, and ‘o(n), used with all other
nouns, including kinship terms and nouns referring to parts of things.

‘e-n ‘a‘ana ‘a‘an ‘e le Fauholi
POSS:FOOD-his taro taro POSS:FOOD the:PERSONAL Fauholi
‘his taro’ ‘Fauholi’s taro’

‘o-n lele‘a ‘o-n ‘ala

POSS:GENERAL-his children POSS:GENERAL-his teeth
‘his children’ ‘his teeth’

‘o-n ‘eap ‘eap ‘o le Fauholi

‘his mat’ ‘Fauholi’s mat’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 129

Almost all Polynesian languages (except Niuean and Takuu) have re-
tained the dichotomy between inalienable (or subordinate) and alienable
(or dominant) possession, but this is expressed by two different indirect
constructions. Generally speaking, inalienable or subordinate possession
is expressed by a possessive morpheme based on the vowel o, while
alienable or dominant possession is expressed with the vowel a. For ex-

‘o lo-‘u tama ‘o le ulu o Tavita
FOCUS POSS-my father FOCUS the head POSS DAVID
‘my father’ ‘David’s head’

‘o la-‘u ta‘avale ‘o le naifi a Tavita

FOCUS POSS-my car FOCUS the knife POSS David
‘my car’ ‘David’s knife’
to -no potu te potu o Soan
POSS-his wife the wife POSS John
‘his wife’ ‘John’s wife’

ta-na naivi te naivi a Soan

POSS-his knife the knife POSS John
‘his knife’ ‘John’s knife’

As in most other languages we have looked at, there are many examples
of the same noun being possessed in both constructions, with a concomitant
semantic difference.

to-ku ngavesi ta-ku ngavesi
‘POSS-my box ‘POSS-my box
‘my coffin’ ‘my storage box’

to-no potopoto ta-na potopoto

POSS-his short POSS-his short
‘his shortness (perma- ‘his shortness (temporary condition, as
nent condition)’ when hunched over)’

te kkai o Vave te kkai a Vave

the story POSS Vave the story POSS Vave
‘Vave’s story (told about ‘Vave’s story (that he tells)’

Niuean has lost even this distinction, using only a- forms in all cases:

haa-ku ihu haa-ku fale
POSS-my nose POSS-my house
‘my nose’ ‘my house’

6.4. Verbs and the Verb Complex

I use the term verb complex to refer to a phrase consisting of a verb, which
may be preceded and followed by particles of various kinds. In some
Oceanic languages, the verb itself is fairly simple in structure, but numer-
ous particles may occur in a verb complex. In others, a verb may take quite
a number of prefixes and suffixes, and the verb complex is usually simpler in

6.4.1. General Structure of the Verb

It is common in many Oceanic languages for the verb to consist simply of the
verb root (underlined in the next set of examples), with no prefixes or suf-
fixes. This is particularly true of the Micronesian and Polynesian languages,
but is also common in languages of Melanesia.

A mahoh ene pak-e rikin wah.
the old this should-he:NONPAST lie rest
‘This old man should lie down and rest.’

Nau ku bi‘i fula.
I I just:now arrive
‘I arrived just now.’

Gö yé vi köyö.
I will CONTINUOUS play
‘I am going to go on playing.’

Soulik kin pirida kuloak isuh.
Soulik HABITUAL get:up clock seven
‘Soulik gets up at seven o’clock.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 131

E lailai na vale.
it small the house
‘The house is small.’

‘Eap ta la hoa‘.
mat the FUTURE take
‘The mat will be taken.’

I kai te rangatira.
PAST eat the chief
‘The chief ate.’

Languages of this type do, however, have a fairly small set of verbal
prefixes and suffixes. The most frequently used prefixes mark causativity
(see the To‘aba‘ita example below) and reciprocality (A‘jië), while suffixes
commonly mark the person and number of the object (To‘aba‘ita, A‘jië),
transitivity (Fijian), or the passive (Māori).

Nia ‘e fa‘a-faalu-a rabo‘a.
he he CAUSATIVE-clean-it bowl
‘He cleaned the bowl.’

Curu vi-ya‘-ru.
they:two RECIPROCAL-hit-them:two
‘They hit each other.’

E rai-ci ira.
he see-TRANS them
‘He saw them.’

Ka pūhi-a te poaka e wai?
INCEPTIVE shoot-PASSIVE the pig by who
‘By whom was the pig shot?’

Grammatical features that are marked by particles in languages like

these are marked by prefixes in another set of languages found mainly in
Melanesia. In these languages, the verb root almost never occurs alone.
When it does, it marks the (singular) imperative.

‘Drink (it)!’

In such languages, however, verbs typically take prefixes and suffixes mark-
ing subject, tense-aspect, and a range of other grammatical features. In the
examples below, the verb root is underlined:

‘You looked for us.’

Ma‘asi-lo i-ngara-ngara.
ocean-in he-CONTINUOUS-swim
‘He is swimming in the ocean.’

Natu i-laba-doi.
child he-big-COMPLETIVE
‘The child has grown up.’

Robu‘a i-ro-ro‘a‘-i-ramo-la.
rubbish it-HABITUAL-throw-them-randomly-persistently
‘He keeps throwing rubbish all over the place.’

R-ɨm-kɨn mun akɨn.
he-PAST-eat again very
‘He ate a lot again.’

K-n-ai-ami ru apus am nɨkom.

they-COMPLETIVE-PL-urinate try extinguished just fire
‘They just tried to put the fire out by urinating on it.’

K-ɨm-am-ai-akar-atu-pn kam ilar miin.

they-PAST-CONTINUOUS -PL-talk- to they PL
‘They (pl.) were talking to one another.’

K-ɨm-uɨni-uas to nahuto.
they-PAST-DUAL-say-together to crowd
‘They were both talking at once to the crowd.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 133

6.4.2. Tense, Aspect, and Mood

Tense refers to the time of the action or state referred to by the verb. For
example, in English one makes a basic tense distinction between past, pre-
sent, and future. Aspect refers to the way in which the action is carried out
or is seen to be carried out. English distinguishes completive, habitual, con-
tinuous, and punctiliar aspects in each tense. In many languages, there are
some markers of tense, some of aspect, and some that mark a combination of
tense and aspect. Descriptions of these languages often refer to the tense-
aspect system.
Some languages have tense systems similar to or simpler than that of
English. For example, Fijian has only two markers of tense, ā ‘past’ and na ‘fu-
ture,’ which are particles coming before the verb. The past tense marker is
optional once the time has been established, as in the second example below:

E ā̱ lako mai o Jone.
he PAST go here the:PERSONAL John
‘John came.’

E nanoa, e (ā) lako mai o Jone.

on yesterday, he (PAST) go here the:PERSONAL John
‘John came yesterday.’

E na lako mai o Jone.

he FUTURE go here the:PERSONAL John
‘John will come.’

Rotuman has only one tense-marker, la (sometimes tæla), which marks the
future. The non-future is unmarked.

Ia ‘ea ia la leum.
he say he FUTURE come
‘He says he will come.’ or ‘He said he would come.’

Tͻn ta sun-‘ia.
water the hot-STATIVE
‘The water is (now) hot.’

Fā ta leume-a.
‘The man has already come.’

Other languages have more complex tense systems than that of English.
Lenakel, for example, distinguishes four non-future tenses:

n-ak-ol ‘you do it’
n-ɨm-ol ‘you did it’
n-n-ol ‘you have done it’
n-ep-ol ‘you did it (after you did something else)’

A future prefix, t-, can be used in combination with two of the tense prefixes
above to produce two different future tenses.

t-n-ak-ol ‘you will do it soon’
t-n-ep-ol ‘you will do it some time later’

In yet other languages, tense is not really marked at all. Let us consider
what Rehg (1981, 268) has to say about Ponapean:

Ponapean may be described as a tenseless language. This is not to say

that in Ponapean it is impossible to express notions of time…. What is
meant by saying that Ponapean is tenseless is that it expresses consid-
erations of time in a way different from English. Rather than using a
tense system to signal time relations, Ponapean employs what we will
call an aspect system. The basic difference between these two sys-
tems is this: in a tense system, when an event occurred is important;
in an aspect system, the time contour of the event is crucial.

This idea of a time contour can be clarified by looking at four aspects marked
in Ponapean:

1. Habitual aspect is marked by the preverbal particle kin: this im-

plies that the action is or was a customary or habitual one, which is
or was done regularly.
2. Continuous aspect (Rehg calls this “durative”), marked by redupli-
cating the verb, signals that the action or state of the verb is
carried out or takes place over some length of time.
3. Completive aspect, marked by the suffix -ehr, indicates that the
action has reached or is on the way to reaching some kind of con-
clusion or completion.
4. Irrealis aspect, marked by the preverbal particle pahn, implies
that the action is not complete or realized (often it corresponds to
a future tense in other languages).

Some examples:

Soulik kin kang rais.
Soulik HABITUAL eat rice
‘Soulik eats rice.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 135

Soulik kang-kang rais.

Soulik CONTINUOUS-eat rice
‘Soulik is eating rice.’

Soulik kang-ehr rais.

Soulik eat-COMPLETIVE rice
‘Soulik has eaten rice.’

Soulik pahn kang rais.

Soulik IRREALIS eat rice
‘Soulik will eat rice.’

A verb may also occur without any of these aspect markers, as in:

Soulik kang rais.
Soulik eat rice
‘Soulik is eating rice,’ ‘Soulik ate rice,’ etc.

This simply indicates that Soulik was involved in eating rice. No time is spec-
ified, although this can of course be included if it is necessary:

Soulik kang rais nan sounpar samwalahro.
Soulik eat rice on year last
‘Soulik ate rice last year.’

Soulik kang rais met.

Soulik eat rice now
‘Soulik is eating rice now.’

Ponapean illustrates the use of an aspect rather than a tense system. As

I mentioned above, however, many Oceanic languages have particles or af-
fixes that mark both tense and aspect. Here is the list of Māori tense-aspect

ka inceptive Beginning of a new action
i past Action in the past
kua completive Action (fairly recently) completed
kia desiderative Desirability of an action
me prescriptive Action should take place
e non-past Present or future (when used with ana
following the verb, indicates incomplete
or continuous action)

kei warning ‘Don’t’ or ‘lest’

ina conditional ‘If’ or ‘when’


Ka takoto te tamaiti ka moe.
INCEPTIVE lie the child INCEPTIVE sleep
‘The child lay down and slept.’

Kua mate ta-ku hoa.

COMPLETIVE die POSS-my friend
‘My friend has died.’

Me hoki te tamaiti ra ki te kāinga.

PRESCRIPTIVE return the child that to the home
‘That child should go home.’

E haere ana te wahine ki te moana.

NONPAST go CONTINUOUS the woman to the sea
‘The woman is going to the sea.’

Kia āta kōrero tātou kei rongo mai a-ku hoa.

DESIDE- careful talk we: INC LEST hear here POSS:PL-my friend

‘We should talk quietly lest my friends hear.’

A final set of examples, from Nakanamanga, illustrates a different fea-

ture, the concept of mood, and shows a pattern of root-initial consonant
alternation that is found in a few areas within Oceanic (particularly cen-
tral Vanuatu and the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea). Mood
(sometimes referred to as modality) does not relate so much to time as
to actuality. An actual state or event is said to be in the realis mood,
while a nonreal or non-actual state or event is in the irrealis mood.
Realis often refers to something that happened, is happening, or will def-
initely happen, whereas irrealis refers to something that only might take
place. Oceanic (and other) languages differ in the treatment of negatives.
In some languages, the negative is in the realis mode (because it actually
did not happen); in others, it is in the irrealis mode, because the action
was not real.
Nakanamanga has a set of preverbal particles marking tense-aspect.
Some of these are used in realis mood, others in irrealis mood. It is also
one of the many central Vanuatu languages in which there is alternation be-
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 137

tween some initial consonants of verbs. Verbs with initial v, w, k, and r retain
these consonants in irrealis mood, but change them to p, p̄, g, and t, re-
spectively, after any preverbal particle. (The verb root is underlined in the

Irrealis mood Realis mood
a ga vano e pano
‘I’m going’ ‘he goes’

e pe rogo e poo togo

‘if he hears’ ‘he has heard’

6.4.3. Subject
Most Oceanic languages mark the person and the number of the subject
somewhere in the verb complex—either as a prefix to the verb, or as a pre-
verbal particle. In some cases, a single morpheme marks both person and

Na-mū mon alok.
I-make:it pudding
‘I made the pudding.’

Ro-mūmon alok.
we:INC-make:it pudding
‘We (inclusive) made the pudding.’

Ma-mūmon alok.
we:EXC-make:it pudding
‘We (exclusive) made the pudding.’

E ata-ai.
he know-me
‘He knows me.’

A ata-ai.
they know-me
‘They know me.’

In other languages, person and number are marked by separate mor-


N-ak-am-kɨn menuk ua?
you-PRESENT-CONTINUOUS -eat chicken or
‘Are you (singular) eating chicken?’

N-ak-am-ia-kɨn menuk ua?

you-PRESENT-CONTINUOUS -DUAL-eat chicken or
‘Are you two eating chicken?’

N-ak-am-ar-kɨn menuk ua?

you-PRESENT-CONTINUOUS -PL-eat chicken or
‘Are you (plural) eating chicken?’

In a number of languages in Melanesia, the marking of tense-aspect or

mood is combined with the marking of the subject’s person and number in
a single morpheme. Manam, for example, has two sets of subject prefixes to
verbs, one used in realis mood and the other in irrealis mood:

Singular Plural
Realis Irrealis Realis Irrealis
1 u- m- 1 INC ta- ta-
2 ‘u- go- 1 EXC ‘i ga-
3 i- nga- 2 ‘a- ‘ama-
3 di- da-

For example:

Eu i-mate.
dog it:REALIS-die
‘The dog died.’

Eu nga-mate ‘ana.
dog it:IRREALIS-die likely
‘The dog’s going to die.’

In languages like these, the subject marker occurs whether the subject
is a full noun phrase or a pronoun, and whether that subject is expressed in
the sentence or not. By contrast, languages in western Polynesia use prever-
bal subject-marking pronouns only when the subject is a pronoun:
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 139

Na‘e ‘alu ‘a e tangata. (noun phrase subject)
PAST go SUBJECT the man
‘The man went.’

Na‘a ne ‘alu. (pronoun subject)

PAST he go
‘He went.’

Ua sau le ali‘i. (noun phrase subject)
COMPLETIVE come the chief
‘The chief has come.’

Ua ‘uo sau. (pronoun subject)

‘I have come.’

Languages in eastern Polynesia have lost this preverbal subject-marking

system altogether:

‘Ua tāpū te vahine ‘i te vahie. (noun
phrase subject)
PAST cut the woman OBJECT the wood
‘The woman cut the wood.’

‘Ua tāpū vau ‘i te vahie. (pronoun subject)

PAST cut I OBJECT the wood
‘I cut the wood.’

6.4.4. Object and Transitivity

Most Oceanic languages have suffixes that mark a verb as transitive —that
is, as having an object.

A ga munu.
‘I’ll drink.’

A ga munu-gi noai naga.

I INTENTIONAL drink-TRANS water that
‘I’ll drink that water.’

E bulu.
he bury
‘He/she/it is buried.’

E bulu-t-a na benu.
he bury-TRANS-it the rubbish
‘He/she buried the rubbish.’

There are a number of features of the marking of transitive and object.

The first is the form of the transitive suffix. In many languages this is simply-i:

Adap̃o-i upni yin aak!
cover-TRANS good him you
‘Cover him up well!’

In other languages, however, the transitive suffix is -Ci, where C is a the-

matic consonant. This consonant (1) is not present when the root occurs by
itself, (2) is present when the suffix is added, and (3) is different with differ-
ent verbs. Look at the following Fijian intransitive and transitive verbs (the
transitive is in the form used before a pronoun or proper noun).

Intransitive Transitive
bulu bulu-ti ‘bury’
rai rai-ci ‘see’
tuku tuku-ni ‘tell’
kaci kaci-vi ‘call’
viri viri-ki ‘throw at’
kila kila-i ‘know’

As you can see from the examples, the form of the suffix (which is sometimes
simply -i) is unpredictable. One simply has to learn that bulu, for example,
takes -ti, but rai takes -ci.
The second feature is that many Oceanic languages in fact have two
transitive suffixes, the first deriving from Proto Oceanic *-i and the second
from *-aki or *-akini. This second suffix is sometimes called the applicative.
It often refers to the instrument with which the action is carried out, the rea-
son for performing the action, or some other more indirect transitive notion.
In the Fijian examples below, I have used the form of the suffix that incor-
porates a third person singular object -a. In Fijian, -Ci-a becomes -Ca, and
-Caki-a becomes -Caka. In some cases the thematic consonant is the same in
both suffixes.
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 141

Transitive Applicative
cici-va ‘run for it’ cici-vaka ‘run with it’
cabe-ta ‘ascend it’ cabe-taka ‘ascend with it’
oso-va ‘bark at it’ oso-vaka ‘bark because of it’
uso-ra ‘poke it’ uso-raka ‘poke with it’

In other cases, the thematic consonants are different.

Transitive Applicative
kaki-a ‘scrape it’ kaki-taka ‘scrape with it’
yaqa-va ‘crawl to it’ yaqa-taka ‘crawl with it’
masu-ta ‘pray to it’ masu-laka ‘pray for it’
tala-a ‘send him’ taka-vaka ‘send it’

Mention of the Fijian third person singular object suffix -a brings us to

a third feature, the specific marking of object. Marking the object’s person
and number within the verb complex is less common than marking subject
or transitivity. For example, although in Lenakel separate prefixes mark both
the person and the number of the subject, and although some verbs take a
transitive suffix, the object is not marked in the verb complex at all. Even
pronominal objects occur as free forms.

R-ɨm-eiua-in mun iik.
he-PAST-lie-TRANS again you
‘He lied to you again.’

A large number of languages, however, do mark the person and the num-
ber of the object within the verb complex, either with a suffix to the verb (as
in Manam and Kiribati) or as a postposed verbal particle (as in Fijian):

Bang u-naghu-sere‘-i.
taro I:REALIS-pierce-split-it
‘I split the taro by piercing it.’

E ata-a tama-u.
he know-him father-my
‘He knows my father.’

E ā rai-ci irau na yalewa.
he PAST see-TRANS them:two the woman
‘He saw the two women.’

Generally, if a language has transitive and object suffixes, both occur suf-
fixed to the verb in that order.

Yule-mi-ya cale lee!
drink-TRANS-it water this
‘Drink this water!’

Xa-si-ya doxo cale laa!

carry-TRANS-it here water that
‘Bring that water here!’

In other languages, the object suffix occurs when the object is a pronoun,
but not when it is a noun or noun phrase.

A ga munu-gi-a.
I INTENTIONAL drink-TRANS-it (pronoun object)
‘I’ll drink it.’

A ga munu-gi noai naga.

I INTENTIONAL drink-TRANS water that (noun object)
‘I’ll drink that water.’

6.4.5. The Passive

Only a small number of Oceanic languages contrast active and passive voice.
A couple of Micronesian languages mark the passive by means of a suffix to
the verb (e.g., Kosraean -yuhk). The example below contrasts an active sen-
tence with the corresponding passive one.

Tuhlihk sacn tuhlakihn pinsuhl nuhtih-k ah.
child that snatch pencil CLASSIFIER-my the
‘That child snatched my pencil.’

Pinsuhl nuhtih-k ah tuhlakihn-yuhk (sin tuhlihk sacn).

pencil CLASSIFIER-my the snatch-PASSIVE (by child that)
‘My pencil was snatched (by that child).’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 143

Most languages of eastern Polynesia have a passive. This is usually marked

by the suffix -Cia, where C once again represents a thematic consonant.

Ua ‘ai ka māka‘i i ka poi.
COMPLETIVE eat the policeman OBJECT the poi
‘The policeman ate the poi.’

Ua ‘ai-‘ia ka poi (e ka māka‘i).

COMPLETIVE eat-PASSIVE the poi (by the policeman)
‘The poi was eaten (by the policeman).’

I inu te tangata i te wai.
PAST drink the man OBJECT the water
‘The man drank the water.’

I inu-mia te wai (e te tangata).

PAST drink-PASSIVE the water (by the man)
‘The water was drunk (by the man).’

‘Ua hohoni te uri ‘i te tamaiti.
PAST bite the dog OBJECT the boy
‘The dog bit the boy.’

Ua hohoni-hia te tamaiti (‘et e uri).

PAST bite-PASSIVE the boy (by the dog)
‘The boy was bitten (by the dog).’

In examples of the passive given so far, I have put the agent in paren-
theses. In these languages a passive sentence may occur with or without an

‘Ua hohoni-hia te tamaiti ‘e te uri.
PAST bite-PASSIVE the boy by the dog
‘The boy was bitten by the dog.’ (agent specified)

‘Ua hohoni-hia te tamaiti.

PAST bite-PASSIVE the boy
‘The boy was bitten.’ (no agent specified)

Very few languages in Melanesia have a passive. Those that do are spo-
ken in the western Solomons. In these languages, only the passive without
agent is permitted. Indeed, in Roviana at least, the passive is used only when
the agent is generic or is not recoverable from the context.

Seke-a sa tie sa siki.
hit-it the man the dog
‘The man hit the dog.’

Ta-seke sa siki.
PASSIVE-hit the dog
‘The dog was hit.’

6.4.6. The Causative and the Reciprocal

A very widespread causative prefix in Oceanic languages whose form de-
rives from Proto Oceanic *paka- expresses the notion that the subject makes
or causes the action of the verb to happen. The causative can convert a sta-
tive or an intransitive verb into a transitive one.

E davo-r-a.
he lie-TRANS-it
‘He lay on it.’

E vaka-davo-r-a.
‘He made him/her/it lie down.’

Further examples of this function are:

Dang i-a‘a-gita-i.
water he-CAUSATIVE-hot-it
‘He heated the water.’

Lopu va-mate tie si rau.
not CAUSATIVE-die person SUBJECT I
‘I didn’t kill anybody.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 145

Lih-o ka-loau-i mwingeh-u.
woman-the CAUSATIVE-be:cooked-TRANS food-the
‘The woman made sure the food was cooked.’

West Futuna
Ne-i faka-sara aia ta vetoka.
PAST-he CAUSATIVE-be:open he the door
‘He opened the door.’

The causative prefix often has a number of other functions in these lan-
guages. One common one is to form ordinal or multiplicative numerals from
cardinal numerals, which are stative verbs.

teniua ‘three’ ka-teniua ‘third’
nimaua ‘five’ ka-nimaua ‘fifth’

lua ‘two’ fa‘a-lua ‘twice’
tolu ‘three’ fa‘a-tolu ‘three times’

There is also a widespread reciprocal prefix deriving from Proto

Oceanic *paRi-, that marks both reciprocality (the subjects perform the ac-
tion on each other) and often also mutual, common, united, or concerted
action. The following pair of examples illustrates reciprocality.

E loma-ni koya.
he love-TRANS she
‘He loves her.’

Erau vei-loma-ni.
they:two RECIPROCAL-love-TRANS
‘They (two) love each other.’

The next examples show concerted action.

Era butu-k-a.
they tread-TRANS-it
‘They trod on it.’

Era vei-butu-yak-a.
they CONCERTED-tread-TRANS-it
‘They trampled it all over.’

Samoan has taken this one step further. There the reciprocal prefix fe-, in
addition to normal reciprocal functions, has also come to mark some verbs
as having plural subjects (perhaps deriving from the idea of united or con-
certed action).


Singular Plural
a‘a fe-a‘a ‘kick’
inu fe-inu ‘drink’
fefe fe-fefe ‘be afraid’
tagi fe-tagi-si ‘cry’
oso fe-oso-fi ‘jump’

6.4.7. The Structure of the Verb Complex

In some Oceanic languages, the verb root may take a fairly large number
of verbal affixes, but the verb complex usually contains relatively few parti-
cles. Languages of this type are mainly found in Melanesia, though not all
Melanesian languages fit this pattern. There is no clear correlation between
the morphological complexity of the verb and the geographical location or
genetic affiliation of the language.
In other languages—especially those of Polynesia, Micronesia, Fiji, and
some parts of Melanesia—the verb is simpler morphologically. The verb
complex usually contains a number of particles, marking tense, aspect, and
various other adverbial features.
This difference can best be illustrated by looking at a couple of verb
complexes in two languages: Fijian, which uses a range of preverbal and
postverbal particles, and Lenakel, which relies heavily on affixes. The Fijian
examples below are from Schütz (1985), while the Lenakel sentences are
translations of these. The verb root is underlined in each example.

E sā qai tau-r-a mai.
she ASPECT then bring-TRANS-it here
‘Then she brought it here.’

Eratou sā lako vata sara yani.

they:few ASPECT go together intensive there
‘They (few) went off there together.’

E ā wili-k-a tale.
he PAST read-TRANS-it again
‘He read it again.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 147

‘Then she brought it here.’

‘They (three) went off there together.’

R-ɨm-avhi-in mun.
he-PAST-read-TRANS again
‘He read it again.’

One further complication in Oceanic languages, as in members of

many other language families around the world, is that a single verb com-
plex may consist of more than one verb, through a process known as verb
serialization. Usually, the same participants (like subject and, if a verb is
transitive, object) are involved with each verb in the series. The following
examples illustrate simple intransitive serialization. Each serialized verb is

Totoso ene nuguru la ghami …
when walk enter go we:EXC
‘When we walked in …’

Turu saghe pule mae si rau.

stand rise return come SUBJECT I
‘I stood back up.’

In a transitive sentence, transitivity or an object’s features are usually

marked only once. In the following example, note that the transitive suffix
appears not on the first verb in the series (the transitive verb seke ‘hit’), but
on the last verb (the intransitive verb mate ‘die’).

Lopu seke mate-i rau pa lima-gu.
not hit die-TRANS:them I with hand-my
‘I didn’t kill them with my hands.’

Paamese is a language in which negation is marked by a discontinuous

affix (see 6.5.4 below), that is, a verb in the negative must take both the pre-
fix ro- and the suffix -tei.

Ni-ro-kan-tei ouh.
I:FUTURE-not-eat-not yam
‘I will not eat the yam.’

In serial constructions in Paamese, the first verb in the series takes the pre-
fix ro-, while the last verb takes the suffix -tei:

Ni-ro-kan vīs-tei ouh.
I:FUTURE-not-eat try-not yam
‘I will not try to eat the yam.’

6.5. Sentences
English normally requires sentences to contain (at least) one verb, but
Oceanic languages do not. Below I follow Krupa (1982) in distinguishing be-
tween verbal sentences and nominal sentences.

6.5.1. Nominal Sentences

Nominal sentences have no verb. They consist of a subject and a predicate
(sometimes referred to as a topic and a comment about that topic), but the
predicate is usually a noun phrase specifying a person, thing, place, and
so on. In languages in which the subject normally precedes the verb in a
verbal sentence (see below), the subject/topic comes before the predicate/
comment in nominal sentences:

Subject Predicate

Iau mamati.
I from:here
‘I am from here.’

Ia na tau bada-na.
he FOCUS man big-SG
‘He is a big/elderly man.’

Thata-mu ni tei?
name-your the:PERSONAL who
‘What is your name?’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 149

Pediro kahdilik-men.
Pediro Catholic-CLASSIFIER
‘Pedro is a Catholic.’

Ia gagaja-t.
he chief-a
‘He is a chief.’

In languages in which the verb normally precedes the subject (see below),
the predicate in a nominal sentence comes before the subject.

Predicate Subject

Chitamngii-g Tamag.
father-my Tamag
‘Tamag is my father.’

Vineki zingazingarana si asa.
girl light:skinned SUBJECT she
‘She is a light-skinned girl.’

Na ke-na i-liuliu na kānala.
the POSS-its NOM-lead the colonel
‘The colonel is its leader.’

Ko e faiako au.
FOCUS a teacher I
‘I am a teacher.’

He kātiro ātāhua a Mārama.
a girl beautiful the:PERSONAL Mārama
‘Mārama is a beautiful girl.’

Kiribati, in which the verb comes first in a verbal sentence, apparently al-
lows either subject + predicate or predicate + subject with little if any
difference in meaning.

Te berititenti ngaia. (subject + predicate)
the president he
‘He is the president.’

Ngaia te berititenti. (predicate + subject)

he the president
‘He is the president.’

The translations of all these sentences contain some form of the verb
“to be,” which is used in equational sentences (“He is the president.”), in
some kinds of locational sentences (“I am from here.”), and so on. Many
Oceanic languages have no such verb, expressing equational and locational
sentences as nominal sentences.

6.5.2. Accusative and Ergative Languages

In discussing the structure of verbal sentences in Pacific languages (Oceanic
and other), we need to introduce a distinction between accusative struc-
tures and ergative structures. English, for example, is a wholly accusative
language. The subjects of transitive and intransitive verbs are marked in the
same way, but the object of a transitive verb is marked differently.
For example:

1. She is sleeping.
2. She saw the man.
3. The man saw her.

Sentences (1) and (2) are intransitive and transitive, respectively. Both have
she as subject. In sentence (3), the form of the object is her, not she.
The majority of Oceanic languages are accusative languages. In the fol-
lowing examples, the subject is underlined:

Et amjeg a natam̃ añ iyii.
he sleep SUBJECT man that
‘That man is sleeping.’

Et ecta-i natam̃ añ iyii a kuri.

he see-TRANS man that SUBJECT dog
‘The dog saw that man.’

Et ecta-i kuri a natam̃ añ iyii.

he see-TRANS dog SUBJECT man that
‘That man saw the dog.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 151

Southwest Tanna
Kɨmlu i-ɨmn-la-gɨn.
we:two:EXC we-PAST DUAL-afraid
‘We (two) were afraid.’

K ɨ mlu i-ɨ mn-la-hai pukah.

we:two:EXC we-PAST DUAL-stab pig
‘We (two) stabbed the pig.’

Pa l- ɨ mn-hai amlu?
who he-PAST-stab us:two:EXC
‘Who stabbed us (two)?’

In Anejom̃, the subject of intransitive and transitive sentences is marked

with a preceding a, while the object is unmarked. In Southwest Tanna, the
subject pronoun in both intransitive and transitive sentences is the same in
form (kɨmlu ‘we two EXC’), but it is amlu as the object of a transitive verb. In
both languages, the subject is marked by its position in the sentence—at the
end in Anejom̃, at the beginning in Southwest Tanna.
Some Oceanic languages, however, have ergative structures. In these
structures, the subject of a transitive verb, called the agent, is marked in
one way (by the ergative case), while the subject of an intransitive verb (the
subject) and the object of a transitive verb (the object) are marked differ-
ently by the absolutive case.
Look at the following examples from Samoan. In the
first—intransitive—sentence, the subject is underlined, while in the second
and third—transitive—sentences, the agent is underlined.

Sa ma‘i le fafine.
STATIVE sick the woman
‘The woman is sick.’

Na mana‘o-mia le fafine e le tama.

PAST want-TRANS the woman ERGATIVE the child
‘The child wanted the woman.’

E salu-ina e le fafine le fale.

PRESENT sweep-TRANS ERGATIVE the woman the house
‘The woman sweeps the house.’

In Samoan, the absolutive case is unmarked: le fafine ‘the woman’ is subject

of the intransitive verb in the first sentence, and object of the transitive verb

in the second. In the second and third sentences, however, le tama ‘the child’
and le fafine are subjects of the transitive verb and are marked as such by
the ergative marker, e.
Note a similar pattern in Motu. Morea is unmarked in the first two sen-
tences, where it is subject of the intransitive verb and object of the transitive
verb, respectively. But when it occurs as subject of the transitive verb, as in
the third example, it is marked by the following ergative marker ese.

Morea e-mahuta.
Morea he-sleep
‘Morea is sleeping.’

Boroma ese Morea e-ala-ia.

pig ERGATIVE Morea he-kill-it
‘The pig killed Morea.’

Morea ese boroma e-ala-ia.

Morea ERGATIVE pig he-kill-it
‘Morea killed the pig.’

6.5.3. Basic Structure of Verbal Sentences

Different Oceanic languages have different basic phrase orders. The order
of subject, object, and verb within the simple verbal sentence varies from
language to language.

SV(O) Languages

In the majority of Oceanic languages, the subject (whether it is a pro-

noun or a noun phrase) precedes the verb in both intransitive and transitive
clauses. In transitive clauses, the object follows the verb. This order is found
in most languages of island Melanesia (including many of the Polynesian
Outliers), as well as in nearly all languages of Micronesia. For example:

Subject Verb Object

E pusi tetala eia parakukuru.
the cat his it black
‘His/her cat is black.’

E Baba kue-a la paia.

the Baba hit-it the dog
‘Baba hit the dog.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 153

Ase eme?
who come:PAST
‘Who came?’

Êmaha mô-sôhô hanô.

we:EXC we:EXC-build house
‘We built the house.’

Nau kwa-si mata‘i.
I I-not sick
‘I am not sick.’

Kini ‘e ngali-a redio.

woman she take-it radio
‘The woman took the radio.’

Mail he-to.
Mail he:DISTANT-bald
‘Mail is going bald.’

Letau kail a-mūmo-n alok.

woman PL they-make-TRANS pudding
‘The women made/are making the pudding.’

Nakankɨp r-ɨm-am-apul.
Nakankɨp he-PAST-CONTINUOUS-sleep
“Nakankɨp was sleeping.”

Pehe r-n-os nau ka?

who he-COMPLETIVE-take knife that
‘Who has taken that knife?’

Lamp-o pahn pwupwidi.
lamp-that FUTURE fall
‘That lamp will fall down.’

Kidi-e ngalis Soulik.

dog-this bite Soulik
‘This dog bit Soulik.’

S(O)V Languages

While the Oceanic languages of much of the mainland of Papua New

Guinea, particularly the southern part, also prefer subject + verb order in
intransitive sentences, in transitive sentences the preferred order is subject
+ object + verb.

subject Object Verb

Morea e-mahuta.
Morea he-sleep
‘Morea is sleeping.’

Morea ese boroma e-ala-ia.

Morea ERGATIVE pig he-kill-it
‘Morea killed the pig.’

Pita-ka i-maa-matu.
‘Peter is asleep.’

Tamaate-seng sikoo-ka ti-fune-si.

MEN-ERGATIVE pig-TOPIC they-cut-it
‘The men cut up the pig.’

Verb-Initial Languages

Languages whose rules demand that the verb complex come first in the
sentence are found in various parts of the Oceanic area. Anejom̃ in Vanu-
atu, many New Caledonian languages, a few languages in Micronesia, and
most Polynesian languages (especially those of the Polynesian Triangle) are
verb-initial languages. In some of these languages, the normal order is verb
+ object + subject.

Verb Object Subject

Ek hag añak.
I eat I
‘I am eating.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 155

Is ecet Deto a Tosei.

PAST see Deto SUBJECT Tosei
‘Tosei saw Deto.’

A me walak wanakat.
he CONTINUOUS play child
‘The child is playing.’

A me kot wanakat thaan.

he CONTINUOUS hit child chief
‘The chief is smacking the child.’

E a mataku Itaia.
he CONTINUOUS watch Itaia
‘Itaia is watching.’

E tenaa Itaia te kirii.

it bite Itaia the dog
‘The dog bit Itaia.’

In others verb + subject + object is the norm.

Verb Subject Object

Bea mool Tamag.
PRESENT sleep Tamag
‘Tamag is sleeping.’

Kea guy Tamag Tinag.

he see:her Tamag Tinag
‘Tamag saw Tinag.’

I kai te rangatira.
PAST eat the chief
‘The chief ate.’

I inu te tangata i te rongoa.

PAST drink the man OBJECT the medicine
‘The man drank the medicine.’

‘Ua tāmā‘a te vahine.
PAST eat the woman
‘The woman has eaten.’

‘Ua tāpū te vahine ‘i te vahie.

PAST cut the woman OBJECT the wood
‘The woman cut the wood.’

Flexibility of Phrase Order

To some extent, all Oceanic languages, like most other languages in the
world, allow some flexibility in basic phrase order. In English, for example,
emphasis or contrast can be laid on the object by moving it to sentence-ini-
tial position: Compare I just can’t stand that fellow with That fellow I just
can’t stand.
In Oceanic languages, it is generally possible to focus attention on any
noun phrase by moving it to the beginning of the sentence. In some lan-
guages, there is a pause (marked in the examples below by a comma) or
a special focusing morpheme after this phrase. The first set of examples is
from languages that are normally verb-initial. The focus is on the subject:

Subject Verb Object

Më‘u, wè, na kani.
yam, FOCUS, it grow
‘As for the yam, it’s growing well.’

Wanakat, a me walak.
child, 3SG CONTINUOUS play
‘As for the child, he/she is playing.’

Ko Wahieroa kua moe i a Kura.
‘Wahieroa [not someone else] has married Kura.’

The next couple of examples show focus on the object.

Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 157

Object Verb Subject

Nev-atimi iyii na ecta-i aek?
which-man that you see-TRANS you
‘Which man was it that you saw?’

Object Subject Verb

E dua na qito levu keimami ākī-tak-a.
it one the game big we:EXC:PL PAST do-TRANS-it
‘It’s a big game we played.’

The examples below are from normally subject-initial (either SVO or SOV)
languages, with attention focused on the object.

Object Subject Verb

La paia taume, eau kama hilo-a.
the dog your, I not see-it
‘As for your dog, I haven’t seen it.’

Niu ne‘e ki na ku ngali-a mai.
coconut this PL FOCUS I carry-it here
‘It was these coconuts that I brought.’

Boroma Morea ese e-ala-ia.
pig Morea ERGATIVE he-kill-it
‘The pig, Morea killed it.’

Nimwa aan nɨmataag-asuul r-ɨm-atakɨn.
house that wind-big it-PAST-destroy
‘That house was destroyed by the cyclone.’

The following extract from a Banoni story (Lincoln 1976, 229) shows
how discourse features influence word order in these languages. The noun
phrase we are interested in is natsu-ri ‘their child.’

Vi natsu-ri ke vakekariana me-ria
then child-their COMPLETIVE play with-them
‘Their child was playing with

na dzoko na kanisi. Vi ka teviri na-ria

the child the some then COMPLETIVE eat POSS-their
some youngsters. But they ate

borogho ke kota, ke tai-ma natsu-ri.

pig COMPLETIVE all, COMPLETIVE come-here child-their
‘all the pork (before) their child came.’

The story is about a man and his wife cooking pork. When their child
(natsu-ri) is introduced into the story, it is obviously in focus. It comes before
the verb of which it is the subject (ke vakekariana ‘he was playing’). Once
the child has been introduced, however, there is no necessity to focus on the
child again. In the last clause in the above example, natsu-ri follows the verb
of which it is the subject (ke tai-ma ‘he came’).
In some Oceanic languages, however, this variability in phrase order is
a requirement of grammar. Tolai, for example, has SV(O) in most sentence
types, but V(O)S in stative sentences. Compare examples 1 and 2 with exam-
ples 3 and 4.


Subject Verb Object

1. A pap i pot.
the dog it come
‘The dog came.’

2. Iau gire ra pap.

I see the dog
‘I saw the dog.’

Verb Object Subject

3. I ga buka ra evu rat.
it FAR:PAST full the two basket
‘Two baskets were filled.’

4. I ga tup dir a vinarubu.

it FAR:PAST tire them:two the fight
‘The fight tired them.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 159

Rotuman also has SV(O) as its normal order, but this can change to VS in
certain kinds of intransitive sentences (e.g., imperatives). Compare the first
two examples below with the last one.


Subject Verb Object

Fā ta joni-en.
man the run:away-he:STATIVE
‘The man ran away.’

Iris tauɔki-a fuag ta.

they repair-TRANS breach:in:wall the
‘They are repairing the breach (in the wall).’

Verb Subject
Leum ‘æe!
come you
‘(You) come!’

6.5.4. Negation
There is some variety in the ways in which negation is marked in Oceanic
languages. The most widespread pattern is for negation to be marked by a
preverbal negative particle:

Tamoata tago nga-te-a.
man not he:IRREALIS-see-me
‘The man will not see me.’

Ma to tai no, Ken ma to tai.
IRREALIS not go you, Ken IRREALIS not go
‘If you don’t go, Ken won’t go either.’

A ko taa munu.
I INCOMPLETE not drink
‘I haven’t drunk yet.’

Céré daa të ka‘u.
they not still big
‘They are not big yet.’

E aki kiba te moa.
it not fly the chicken
‘The chicken didn’t fly.’

Ia e te hano
he PRESENT not go
‘He is not going.’

Na‘e ‘ikai ‘alu ‘a Siale.
PAST not go SUBJECT Siale
‘Siale didn’t go.’

In a considerable number of Oceanic languages, negation is marked by

a discontinuous morpheme. Two separate particles must both occur, but
they are separated by some other elements (compare French Je suis malade
‘I am sick,’ with Je ne suis pas malade ‘I am not sick’). Generally, one of these
particles occurs before the verb and the other after it.

Ran hav gita-u tehe.
they:COMPLETIVE not see-me not
‘They didn’t see me.’

Taunæ‘ ta kat sok ra.
meeting the not:NON-FUTURE happen not
‘The meeting did not take place.’

Taunæ‘ ta kal sok ra.

meeting the not:FUTURE happen not
‘The meeting will not take place.’

West Futuna
A tata ni se kauna ma avau ki ta skul.
the parent PAST not send not me to the school
‘My parents didn’t send me to school.’
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 161

Special mention must be made of the Lewo language of Epi Island, Vanuatu,
which is probably unique in the world in requiring (in some grammatical
contexts) a triple marking of negation:

Pe ne-pisu-li re Santo poli.
not I-see-try not Santo not
‘I’ve never seen Santo.’

Sa-na puruvi lala pe ka-la kinan-ena re si poli.

POSS-his brother PL not POSS:FOOD-their eat-NOM not again not
‘His brothers didn’t have any more food.’

In languages with complex verbal morphology, the negative is often

marked by a verbal affix rather than by a particle. In a number of cases (like
Paamese and Lenakel below), this affix is a discontinuous morpheme, incor-
porating a prefix and a suffix to the verb:

‘I won’t see it.’

Inau na-ro-mesai-tei.
I I-not-sick-not
‘I am not sick.’

Wusuaas ka r-ɨs-ho-aan peravɨn taha-m.
boy the he-not-hit-not woman POSS-your
‘The boy didn’t hit your wife.’

Other Oceanic languages mark negation with a negative word that

comes at the beginning of the clause or sentence but is not part of the verb
complex. Discontinuous marking also occurs in some of these languages
(Rapanui in the examples below).

‘Aita te ta‘ata ‘i hohoni-hia ‘e te ‘uri.
not the man COMPLETIVE bite-PASSIVE by the dog
‘The man was not bitten by the dog.’

Kāhore ngā wāhine e kōrero ana.
not the:PL woman NONPAST talk CONTINUOUS
‘The women are not talking.’

Ina matou kai ma‘a i te vānaga Magareva.
not we:EXC not know OBJECT the language Mangareva
‘We ourselves don’t know the Mangareva language.’

In some Oceanic languages the negative is marked by a negative verb.

The first Southwest Tanna sentence below is in the affirmative, and the verb
(asim ‘to garden’) takes subject and tense prefixes.

Southwest Tanna
Magau l-ɨmn-asim niɨv.
Magau he-PAST-garden yesterday
‘Magau worked in the garden yesterday.’

In the negative equivalent of this sentence, person and tense marking oc-
curs on the negative verb apwah, and the verb asim is nominalized.

Southwest Tanna
Magau l-ɨmn-apwah n-asim-ien niɨv.
Magau he-PAST-not NOM-garden-NOM yesterday
‘Magau did not work in the garden yesterday.’

Fijian behaves similarly with the negative verb sega.

E sega na kākana.
it not the food
‘There is no food.’

Au sega ni kilā na vosa.

I not that know:TRANS:it the language
‘I don’t know the language.’

6.5.5. Prepositional and Postpositional Phrases

A preposition comes before a noun phrase and specifies that phrase’s
relationship to the verb or to other phrases in the sentence. Typically,
prepositions mark relationships like location, time, instrument, cause,
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 163

and so on. A prepositional phrase, therefore, is a noun phrase intro-

duced by a preposition.
Most Oceanic languages have a small, closed set of prepositions. To‘aba-
‘ita and Samoan are typical:

‘i location, direction
ni purpose, instrument
mala ‘like, as’
‘ana instrument, goal, comparison

i location, direction toward, instrument, cause
ma comitative, ‘with’
mā, mō beneficiary ‘for’ (the a/o distinction paralleling
that of
mai ablative, ‘from’

In the examples below, the prepositional phrases are underlined.

Thaina-mare‘a ‘e nii ‘i luma.
mother-our:two:EXC she be in house
‘Our mother is in the house.’

Kasi-a ‘oko ‘ena ‘ana nini ‘ena.

cut it rope that with knife that
‘Cut the rope with the knife.’

Ua sau le tama ma se ‘au-fa‘i.
STATIVE come the boy with a bunch-banana
‘The boy is coming with a bunch of bananas.’

‘O Malia oleā moe i le pō.

FOCUS Maria FUTURE sleep in the night
‘Maria will sleep in the evening.’

As if to compensate for the fairly small number of basic prepositions, most

of these languages make considerable use of compound prepositions. A
compound preposition (underlined in the examples below) is composed of a
general preposition plus a noun (often a body part) for greater specificity.

Ka takalo-a gano fuu ‘i maa-na bi‘u fuu.
he:then scatter-it soil that in face-its house that
‘Then he scattered the soil in front of the house.’

‘Ono ‘i ninima-ku.
sit:down at side-my
‘Sit down beside me.’

Ni ‘Oina ‘e nii ‘i laa luma.

the:FEMININE ‘Oina she be:located in inside house
‘Oina is inside the house.’

Although the languages of Polynesia and Micronesia and the majority of

the languages of Melanesia use prepositions, many of the languages of the
New Guinea mainland and the nearby offshore islands use postpositions to
mark the same kinds of grammatical functions. As the name implies, a post-
position comes after the noun phrase to which it refers rather than before
it. This kind of phrase is known as a postpositional phrase. There is a very
strong correlation among the world’s languages between SOV basic sen-
tence order and postpositions. Within Oceanic as well, the languages that
have postpositions are usually also those in which the object comes before
the verb.
Below are the postpositions of Manam and Sinagoro. The last two
Manam forms are suffixes; the Sinagoro forms are clitics, suffixed to the
last word in the noun phrase, whatever its grammatical category.

zaiza comitative, ‘with’
‘ana cause
ane, oti, ono instrument
bo‘ana ‘like, as’
-lo location
-o ‘on’

ai location, ‘in, at’
na instrument, ablative
γoti accompaniment
γana direction toward

Below are some examples in these two languages of sentences containing

postpositional phrases.
Oceanic Languages: Grammatical Overview 165

Roa-gu uma-lo i-malipi-lipi.
wife-my garden-in she-work-CONTINUOUS
‘My wife is working in the garden.’

Tanepwa zaiza ‘i-pura.

chief with we:EXC-come
‘We came with the chief.’

Au γe-γu koko-na a-kwari-a-to.
I POSS-my axe-with I-hit-it-PAST
‘I hit it with my axe.’

Kila na kwayalu baraki-na-γana γio piu-a-to.

Kila ERGATIVE dog old-SG-toward spear throw-it-PAST
‘Kila threw a spear toward the old dog.’

As with their preposition-using relatives, many of these languages have

compound postpositions, like the following in Sinagoro:

numa gabule-na-ai
house underneath-its-at
‘under the house’

numa muli-na-ai
house back-its-at
‘behind the house’

mimiga potiati-ai
hole gone:through-at
“through the hole”

6.6. Similarities and Differences

Oceanic languages exhibit a number of areas of similarity, but also many ar-
eas of difference. Given the period of time in which many of these languages
have been developing separately from their relatives, the quite large degree
of similarity is perhaps more surprising than the differences.

Papuan Languages: Gram-

matical Overview

The seven hundred or so Papuan languages of the Pacific belong to a num-

ber of distinct and apparently unrelated families. For this reason alone, it is
much more difficult to make grammatical generalizations about them than
about the Oceanic languages treated in chapter 6. I attempt here to give a
very general feel for the diversity of Papuan languages, focusing specifically
on differences between them and Oceanic languages. The interested reader
is referred to Foley’s excellent survey of these languages (Foley 1986).

7.1. Pronouns
Pronoun systems vary widely among Papuan languages, but in general they
are not so complex as Oceanic systems. Many Papuan languages distinguish
only singular and plural (sometimes only in some persons, like Kuman in the
examples below). Some languages in Irian Jaya do not even do this. They
simply distinguish person, though they usually have a special plural mor-
pheme preceding or following (like king- in Manem):

Manem Kuman Koita

I ga na da
you sa ene a
he/she/it angk ye au

we king-ga no no
you king-sa ene ya
they king-angk ye yau

Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 167

Some Papuan languages, however, have a dual as well as a plural number in


Wiru Alamblak
I no nan
you ne nin
he/she/it one rër

we two tota nën
you two kita nifɨn
they two kita rëf

we toto nëm
you kiwi nikëm
they kiwi rëm

The Wiru examples show another not uncommon feature of Papuan pro-
nouns, conflation of non-singular second and third persons.
A number of Papuan languages distinguish gender in pronouns, most
commonly in the third person singular, but occasionally in other persons as
well. Note the following singular pronouns in Abelam:

I wnǝ
you masculine mǝ nǝ
you feminine ñǝ nǝ
he dǝ
she lǝ

Very few Papuan pronominal systems distinguish inclusive and exclu-

sive first person. Nimboran in Irian Jaya is one language that makes this
distinction, though it does not distinguish singular and plural:

io I, we inclusive
ngo I, we exclusive
ko you (singular and plural)
no he, she, it, they

The Papuan languages of Solomon Islands also have the inclusive/exclu-

sive distinction. All of them distinguish gender in the third person, and some
languages do so in other persons as well. They also mark dual and in some

cases trial number. The most complex of these pronoun systems is that of Ba-
niata (see table 6).

Table 6. Baniata Independent Pronouns

Unspecifieda Masculine Feminine Neuter

1 eei
2 noe
3 zo vo na, ño

1INC be bebe
1EXC eere eerebe
2 bere berebe
3 sere robe rede

1INC meno menu
1EXC eebeno eebenu
2 mebeno mebenu
3 nomo numo nafi

1INC memo
1EXC eebo
2 mebo
3 mo mo no
Gender is not distinguished in these persons and numbers.

Many Papuan languages mark person and number of subject (and, less
often, object) by verbal affixes, usually suffixes, but sometimes prefixes. In-
terestingly, a number of languages make more distinctions in these affixes
than they do in free pronouns. Kuman is one such language:


Independent Subject suffixes

I na -i
you ene -n
he/she/it ye -uw
Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 169

we two — -bugl
you two — -bit
they two — -bit

we no -mun
you ene -iw
they ye -iw

Kuman (1) contrasts dual and plural in the subject pronoun suffixes; (2) like
Wiru, it conflates non-singular second and third persons in the subject suf-
fixes. Neither of these features appears in the independent pronouns.
Bilua, on the other hand, has subject prefixes. One small class of verbs
marks the object by prefixes, but most verbs take object suffixes. Here are the
singular forms of these pronouns (along with the independent pronouns).


Subject Object
Independent Prefixes Prefixes Suffixes
I anga a- l- -l
you ngo ngo- ng- -ng
he vo o- v- -v
she ko ko- k- -k

7.2. Nouns and Noun Phrases

7.2.1. Noun Class Systems
Many Papuan languages, especially those in the central north of the main-
land of New Guinea, have elaborate noun class systems. While a language
like French, for example, grammatically distinguishes two genders (mascu-
line and feminine), and a language like German three (masculine, feminine,
and neuter), Abu‘, the language I use to exemplify this system in Papuan lan-
guages (Nekitel 1986), has nineteen different noun classes. These classes
are based on a combination of semantic and phonological factors. So while
class 1 contains nouns referring to males and class 2 nouns referring to fe-
males, class 5 (which contains such diverse nouns as the words for “song,”
“leg,” “sago,” “vine,” and “tooth”) is distinguished by the fact that the singu-
lar form ends in h while the plural ends in lih.
What is of interest in these systems is that other words in a clause that re-
late to a noun—the verb of which it is subject, adjectives, demonstratives, and
so on—are all marked morphologically to indicate that they refer to a noun of a

particular class. The word order in the examples below is /noun + demonstra-
tive + adjective + verb/. The class marker is underlined in each case.

Noun Dem. Adj. Verb
Aleman ana afuni n-ahe‘ ‘This good man went.’
Alemam ama afumi m-ahe‘ ‘These good men went.’
Numata‘ au‘a afu‘i kw-ahe‘ ‘This good woman went.’
Numatawa awa afuweri w-ahe‘ ‘These good women went.’
Aul ala afuli l-ahe‘ ‘This good eel went.’
Akuh akuha afukuhi h-ahe‘ ‘These good eels went.’
Bahiataf afa afufi f-ahe‘ ‘This good river fish went.’
Ihiaburuh aha afuhi h-ahe‘ ‘This good butterfly went.’

7.2.2. Articles and Demonstratives

Articles are virtually nonexistent in Papuan languages. As far as demonstra-
tives are concerned, some Papuan languages show the three-way distinction
common to Austronesian languages.

o PROXIMATE: ‘this’
e INTERMEDIATE: ‘this, that’
vire DISTANT: ‘that’

Other Papuan languages are more like English, with a two-way contrast in
demonstratives between proximate (near the speaker) and distant (not near
the speaker). Barai, though closely related to Koita, is one such language,
but the demonstrative situation is complicated by the fact that other aspects
of the location of the noun referred to are also incorporated into the system.

Proximate Distant
ig- ij- general
— gar-, gur- to the side
— gam- down at an angle
— gaf- up at an angle
— gum- straight down
— guf- straight up

In languages with strongly developed noun class systems, the

demonstratives usually incorporate a marker of the class membership of the
noun referred to. The earlier examples from Abu‘ illustrate this.
Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 171

7.2.3. Noun Phrase Structure

Although there are exceptions, in general the noun phrase in Papuan lan-
guages has the head noun first and all modifying and descriptive words
following. Below are a few examples, with the head noun underlined in each

ata ahu inuhati vire
man old all that
‘all those old men’

gutut otu ame uiwa
story little that last
‘that last little story’

ba-kuh a-kuha bia-kuh afu-kuhi
stick-CLASS this-CLASS two-CLASS good-CLASS
‘these two good sticks’

akáli épé kitúmende dúpa
man good four those
‘those four good men’

7.3. Possessive Constructions

Possessive constructions are less complex in Papuan languages than in
Oceanic languages. Many Papuan languages simply mark a noun as being
possessed, with none of the various subtypes found in Oceanic languages.
In Koita, for example, the noun possessed is preceded by the independent
pronoun and takes the suffix -Ce, where the thematic consonant varies de-
pending on the noun to which it is suffixed.

di hete-re di ava-γe
I chin-POSS I mouth-POSS
‘my chin’ ‘my mouth’

di vaiγa-de di muni-ve
I spear-POSS I stone-POSS
‘my spear’ ‘my stone’

Other Papuan languages show a distinction between alienable and in-

alienable nouns rather like that of the simplest systems in Oceanic. In Daga,
for example, kinship nouns take possessive suffixes.

ne goani-na
I younger:sibling-my
‘my younger sibling’

nu mama-nu
we father-our
‘our father’

Other nouns do not take these possessive suffixes, but are followed instead
by an independent pronoun plus a possessive marker.

ne anu-t ne-ga
I thing-NOM I-POSS
‘my thoughts’

nu dugup nu-ga
we clan we-POSS
‘our clan’

7.4. Verbs and the Verb Complex

7.4.1. Person and Number; Tense and Aspect
The majority of Papuan languages mark person, number, and sometimes
noun class of the subject, as well as tense-aspect and related categories by
suffixes to the verb stem. In many cases, this leads to complex strings of suf-
fixes, with concomitantly complex morphophonemics. This complexity can
also mean that a clause, or indeed a whole sentence, may consist only of a
verb. In the following examples from widely separated languages, the verb
root is underlined.

‘He is going.’

‘You two go!’
Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 173

‘I will go now for a short time.’

‘Will you two not hear?’

‘Can they eat?’

‘I do not always eat.’

‘I will talk.’

‘You (fem.) will cry.’

‘I will not eat.’

There are Papuan languages, however, in which at least some of the

grammatical information is carried by prefixes rather than suffixes. In the
following examples from Yimas, the verb root is again underlined.

yan na-ka-kumprak-asa-t
‘I broke the tree.’

‘He’s likely to go.’

‘I would have gone.’

An almost bewildering variety of tense-aspect situations may be marked

in the verbs of Papuan languages. Let us take Korafe as an example. Korafe
verbs take one of a number of tense-aspect suffixes:

-e present
-are future
-ete immediate past (something that happened today)
-imuta very near past (something that happened yesterday)
-a recent past (something that happened before yesterday,
but not very long ago)
-ise far past
-erae habitual

These tense-aspect markers are followed by suffixes marking the subject’s

person and number, and then by a further set of suffixes marking
mood—indicative (statements), interrogative (yes-or-no questions), ques-
tion (information questions), hortative, subjunctive, and imperative. The
verb root is underlined in the examples.

‘You will go.’

Re-da y-are-s-i?
what-to go-FUTURE-you-QUESTION
‘Where will you go?’

‘You went (recently).’

Re-da y-a-s-i?
‘Where did you go (recently)?’

A further feature of the verb in Papuan languages is that complex

morphophonemic processes are involved. It is often difficult to break down
what follows a verb into its component suffixes. Here are a few examples
from Kuman:

Underlying form Surface form
/pit-i-ka-a/ > prika
‘I hear.’
Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 175

/kumbt-uw-ka-a/ > kumbrukwa

‘It twists.’

/ne-kit-mbugl-ka-a/ > nekulka

‘We two didn’t eat (it).’

/kan-nagl-mba-t-a/ > kanaglmbra

‘(I) will hope to see it.’

7.4.2. Adjunct and Serial Constructions

Adjunct and serial constructions, a feature of many Papuan languages, can
be introduced by examples from Kuman. Look first at the following sen-
tences (the relevant morphemes are underlined).

Bugla kinde suŋgwa.
pig bad it:hit
‘The pig is sick.’

Ambai giglaŋge duŋgwa.

girl song she:say
‘The girl is singing.’

These two sentences are examples of what are called adjunct con-
structions, in which the verb of the sentence is preceded by a morpheme of
some other word class, usually a noun or an adjective, which is known as an
adjunct. Some other examples in Kuman are:

ka di gaugl ere
word say laughter do
‘say’ ‘laugh’

kai ere nigl pai

tears do water lie
‘cry’ ‘wash (self)’

Serial constructions are similar but not identical to adjunct construc-

tions, as illustrated in the following examples.

Ye mbo mbat narukwa.
he sugarcane cut he:give
‘He cut sugarcane for me.’

Ye komboglo ake suŋgwa.

she stone hold she:hit
‘She hit it with a stone.’

In serial constructions, the final verb is preceded by one or more other

verbs. Some more examples include:

di te di pre
say give say perceive
‘tell’ ‘ask’
si bogl si gogl
hit cut hit die
‘sew’ ‘kill’
ere kan pre pol si
do see perceive undo hit
‘try’ ‘understand’

In all of these cases, what other languages often view as a single state or
event and express by a single verb is broken up into components. For exam-
ple, the sentence Ye komboglo ake suŋgwa is idiomatically translated ‘She
hit it with a stone,’ but is more literally ‘She held a stone and hit it.’ In the
more literal translation, the two components of holding the stone and hitting
something with it are separated.
While many Papuan languages, like Kuman, make quite frequent use of ad-
junct and serial constructions, “the closely related Kalam and Kobon are the
most remarkable in applying this idea in the most thoroughgoing fashion….
Kalam immediately strikes one as a language in which the speakers are exces-
sively specific in their description of events” (Foley 1986, 113). An example like
the following one gives an idea of just how specific these languages can be.

Yad am mon pk d ap ay-p-yn.
I go wood hit hold come put-COMPLETIVE-I
‘I fetched firewood.’

While the sentence “translates” as “I fetched firewood,’ the act of fetching is

broken down into its components in Kalam. What the Kalam speaker is saying
is something like ‘I went and chopped wood and got it and came and put it.’
Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 177

In languages with these kinds of constructions, the number of actual

verbs is often much smaller than in other languages. “Kalam has under 100
verb stems and, of these, only about twenty-five are commonly used” (Foley
1986, 115). The Kalam sentence above shows five verbs in a serial construc-
tion. Other serial constructions in Kalam include the following. (The hyphen
after the last element indicates where subject and tense suffixes occur.)

nb nŋ- ag tk-
consume perceive sound sever
‘taste’ ‘interrupt’

pwŋy md ay- d am yok-

poke stay put take go displace
‘fix (by insertion)’ ‘get rid of’

Kalam also uses adjunct constructions to a great degree.

wdn nŋ- tmwd nŋ-
eye perceive ear perceive
‘see’ ‘hear’

kwnk g- joŋb tmey g-

saliva do mouth bad do
‘spit’ ‘whine’

ywg ñ- mnm ag ñ-
lid give speech sound give
‘put a lid on’ ‘confide’

7.5. Sentences
7.5.1. Simple Sentences
Any generalization about word order in Papuan languages would state that
they tend to be verb-final languages. The order of the core constituents is SV
in intransitive clauses and SOV in transitive clauses.

Subject Object Verb

Bu bajae fiad-ia.
they body pain-they
‘They (i.e., their bodies) are in pain.’

Fu mave kana-e.
he pig hit-PAST
‘He hit the pig.’

Na wo-tang-n-al.
‘I will always come.’

Na mokine no-tang-ind.
I food eat-HABITUAL-I:have
‘I always ate food.’

Songgo borǝ me-fe-o.
fowl:egg broke-change-it:S
‘The wildfowl egg broke.’

Nindou ai songgo borǝma-r-ea-ndǝ.

man he fowl:egg broke-TRANS-it:S-it:O
‘The man broke the wildfowl egg.’

Grand Valley Dani

Ap nik-k-e.
man eat-REALIS-he
‘The man ate.’

Ap palu na-sikh-e.
man python eat-FAR:PAST-he
‘The man ate the python.’

While in many languages this is the usual order, in others word order is
not significant for indicating functions like subject or object. Many Papuan
languages “may be regarded as free word-order languages. Although the
verb is usually positioned clause-finally, this rule is rigid only in some lan-
guages. In a great many Papuan languages, peripheral nominals such as
locatives or temporals commonly occur after the verb…. The general im-
pression of clause structure in Papuan languages in comparison to English
is its overall looseness” (Foley 1986, 168).
Foley illustrates this statement using Yimas. The following sentence fol-
lows “standard” Papuan SOV order:
Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 179

Subject Object Verb
Pay-um nar-mang na-mpu-tay.
man-CLASS:PL woman-CLASS:SG her-they:MASCULINE-see
‘The men saw the woman.’

Each noun is marked as belonging to a particular noun class, and the verb
takes prefixes corresponding to the noun class of the object and the subject,
in that order. In the verb namputay in the sentence above, na- marks a third-
person singular object of the human female noun class, and mpu- marks a
third-person plural subject of the human male noun class. The verb nam-
putay on its own means ‘They (male human) saw her (human).’ Conse-
quently, it is clear which noun is subject and which is object without relying
on word order. The following Yimas sentences also mean ‘The men saw the

Narmang payum na-mpu-tay. (object-subject-verb)
Payum na-mpu-tay narmang. (subject-verb-object)
Narmang na-mpu-tay payum. (object-verb-subject)

Nominal sentences are far less common in Papuan languages than in

Oceanic languages, as many Papuan languages have existential verbs, often
more than one. Kuman, for example, has three: yoŋgwa is used when the
subject is inanimate, paŋgwa with animate and inanimate subjects that are
in a specific place, and molkwa with animate or inanimate subjects whose
existence is being declared.

Di ta yoŋgwa.
axe a it:be
‘There is an axe.’

Usi gagl mina paŋgwa.

cigarette bag in it:be:in:that:place
‘There are cigarettes in the bag.’

Togoi ta molkwa.
snake a it:exist
‘There is a snake.’

Many of the languages of the Highlands are similar to Kuman. Huli, for
example, has three existential verbs, Sinasina four, and Enga seven (Piau

An extreme case is Anggor in the Sepik, with eighteen verbs roughly

translating “be.” What is important is the shape of the object, its location,
and its posture (Litteral 1981, 128). So before choosing the appropriate
verb, one needs to know if the subject is masculine or feminine, elongated or
bunched up, inside something else or not, in a horizontal or vertical plane,
hanging on something, stuck to something, and so on. Some of the Anggor
existential verbs are:

amar- be sitting on or inside
anǝngg- be standing on
enggor- be lying, on a low plane
anangg- be lying, on a high plane
apeningg- be attached flat to
apaiyar- be attached and curling around
apuiyar- used only of liquids
ahetar- be hanging from a protrusion

This is not to say that there are absolutely no verbless sentences in

Papuan languages. They do occur, in both subject-predicate and predicate-
subject orders.

Subject Predicate

Ata bera yaga-uhu-gera.
man a house-in-the
‘A man is in the house.’

Yuŋgu-n awe?

house-your where
‘Where is your house?’

Predicate Subject

Ne tata-na ge.
I older:sibling-my you
‘You are my older sibling.’

7.5.2. Peripheral Cases

Peripheral cases—relations other than subject and object—are generally
marked by postpositions or suffixes in Papuan languages. More concrete
spatial notions tend to be expressed by postpositions.
Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 181

Kagl-e mina yoŋgwa.
foot-her on it:be
‘It is on her foot.’

Komboglo pagl siŋga.

stone with I:hit
‘I hit it with a stone.’

Ada ru-para pá-lua.
house inside-to go-I:FUTURE
‘I will go inside the house.’

Ada rolo-para pá-lua.

house underneath-to go-I:FUTURE
‘I will go under the house.’

But “the more basic case relations are expressed directly,” usually by suf-
fixes (Foley 1986, 93):

Mokona gagl-e krika.
greens bag-in I:pack
‘I put the greens in the bag.’

Ye nigl-e molkwa.
he water-at he:be:there
‘He is at the river.’

Ada-para pá-lua.
house-to go-I:FUTURE
‘I will go home.’

Ní-na méáá-ria.
I-for get-he:PAST
‘He got it for me.’

Many Papuan languages have a very wide range of morphemes marking

peripheral case relations. Koita, which uses clitics to mark these relations,
is a good example.

-γe ‘to (rivers)’
-va ‘to (things)’
-γasina ‘to (persons)’
-he ‘at’

-da, -na ‘on, to’

-γore ‘with (accompaniment), singular’
-ruta ‘with (accompaniment), plural’
-γahara ‘for’
-ni ‘for’
-γa, -ma ‘with (instrument)’
-ka partitive
-Ce possessive (includes thematic consonant)

Some examples:

vani be-he
time some-at

di dehiye-he
I back-at
‘behind me’

‘with you’

idi umuka-va
tree root-to
‘near the tree’

7.5.3. Complex Sentences

I discuss one syntactic feature of complex sentences in Papuan languages,
switch reference, briefly here. This feature is typical of most groups of
Papuan languages (and is also found, for example, in a number of
Amerindian language groups), but it is rare in the Pacific.
The following examples from Enga illustrate what I am going to talk
about. First, here are some basic verbs.

Baá p-é-á.
he go-PAST-he
‘He went.’

Baa-mé kalái p-i-á.

he-ERGATIVE work do-PAST-he
‘He worked.’
Papuan Languages: Grammatical Overview 183

Nambá p-é-ó.
‘I went.’

In each case the verb takes a suffix marking the tense and another marking
the subject’s person and number.
When two or more clauses are put together to form a complex sentence,
the last verb in the clause (final verb) retains this subject-tense marking,
but the other verbs (medial verbs) do not. Rather, they incorporate a suffix
indicating whether the subject of the verb is the same as, or different from,
the subject of the following verb. Look now at the following Enga examples:

Baa-mé pá-o kalái p-i-á.
he-ERGATIVE go-SAME:SUBJ work do-PAST-he
‘He went and worked (at the same time).’

Nambá p-e-ó-pa baa-mé kalái p-i-á.

‘I went and he worked.’

In both of these sentences, the final verb, ‘do,’ has the suffix marking subject
and tense, but the verb preceding it does not. In the first example, the verb
pá ‘go’ takes the suffix -o, which indicates that the subject of this verb is the
same as the subject of the next one, and the actions happened at the same
time. In the second case, the verb ‘go’ (now with the form p) takes both tense
and subject markers and the suffix -pa, which indicates that the subject of
the next verb is going to be different from the subject of this verb. This is
what is meant by switch-reference.
Languages with switch-reference systems are generally a little more
complex than I have shown. For example, in the first sentence we find the
suffix -o, which marked the verb as having the same subject as the next one
and indicated that the actions of the two verbs were roughly simultaneous.
If the second action occurred after the first, however, we would have to use
the suffix -(a)la rather than -o. Here are some suffixes found on Enga medial

-o same subject, simultaneous action
-(a)la same subject, sequential action
-pa different subject, simultaneous or sequential action
-nya same subject, next verb expresses purpose or desire
-ní-mi same subject, next verb expresses intense desire

Some other Papuan languages have even more complex switch-reference

Languages with switch-reference systems generally have no, or few,
conjunctions. The information that is carried by conjunctions in most Aus-
tronesian languages—and in languages like English—is carried by the
switch-reference verbal suffixes.

Australian Languages:
Grammatical Overview

In attempting to make generalizations about the structure of the two hun-

dred or so languages of the Australian continent, we have to remember that
many of them have disappeared virtually without trace, while many others
became extinct after only a small amount of linguistic work—and that lit-
tle usually the effort of linguistically untrained people—was done on them.
To some extent any general statement about Australian languages is an
extrapolation from the languages for which we have reasonable amounts of
data and an educated reanalysis of those languages recorded by amateurs
in the last century.

8.1. Pronouns
Almost all Australian languages distinguish at least three numbers in pro-
nouns—singular, dual, and plural—though a few have a trial or a paucal as
well. About half the languages of Australia have an inclusive/exclusive dis-
tinction, like nearly all Oceanic languages, while the rest (like most Papuan
languages) do not. There appear to be no geographical correlates of these
different systems. They are scattered fairly randomly across the continent.
Below are examples of the two most common types of pronoun systems.

Wargamay Wajarri
I ngayba ngaja
you nginba nyinta
he/she/it nyunga palu


we two ngali we two INC ngali
we two EXC ngalija
you two nyubula nyupali
they two bula pula

we ngana we INC nganyu
we EXC nganju
you nyurra nyurra
they jana jana

In many Australian languages, the third person “pronouns” are not really
pronouns at all, especially in the singular, but rather demonstratives, with a
meaning something like “this one” or “that one” as opposed to “he/she/it”.
Apart from languages with two or four numbers, there are some other
variations in these general patterns. Pitta-Pitta, for example, distinguishes
between masculine and feminine in the third person singular. In addition, all
third person pronouns have to take a locational suffix, so the full range of
third person pronouns is:

Singular Dual Plural
‘he ‘she’ ‘they two’ ‘they’
Near nhuwayi nhanpayi pulayi thanayi
General nhuwaka nhanpaka pulaka thanaka
Far nhuwaarri nhanpaarri pulaarri thanaarri

Lardil is one of a number of languages in which non-singular pronouns

take different forms depending on the relationship between the people in-
volved. One set is used for people of the same generation or two generations
apart, the other for people who are one or three generations apart. Here are
the dual pronouns:

Same generation or two One or three
generations apart generations apart
we two INC ngakurri ngakuni
we two EXC nyarri nyaanki
you two kirri nyiinki
they two pirri rniinki

Pronouns generally vary in form according to case, that is, their function
in the sentence. These case suffixes are usually the same as those for nouns.
Australian Languages: Grammatical Overview 187

As well as the free or independent pronouns discussed above, many Aus-

tralian languages also have a set of bound pronouns, which must be attached
to some other constituent in the sentence. Bound pronouns typically mark
subject or object, and they are often attached to verbs:

Western Desert
‘I will hit you.’

‘You will hit me.’

In some languages bound pronouns are attached to an auxiliary—a special

word in the sentence whose main function is to carry these suffixes—rather
than to the verb. In the Walmajarri example below, the verb is yi- ‘give,’ but
the bound pronouns are attached to the auxiliary ma-.

Yi-nya ma-rna-ny-pilangu-lu kakaji.
give-PAST AUXILIARY-we:EXC:PL-to:you:two-DUAL:O -PL:S goanna
‘We gave the goanna to you two.’

8.2. Nouns and Noun Phrases

In Australian languages, nouns are sometimes reduplicated to mark plural-
ity or other features. The major feature of interest in the morphology of
nouns in Australian languages, however, is the marking of case.

8.2.1. Case Marking

In most Australian languages, a noun phrase must take a suffix indicating its
function in the sentence. Pronouns also take these case-marking suffixes.
Yidiny illustrates the kinds of case-marking systems common in Aus-
tralian languages. It marks a number of cases, as listed below. (Different
forms of the same case marker occur after different noun-final phonemes.
See the discussion of Wargamay on pp. 189–190 below for an example of

absolutive ø
ergative -nggu, -du, -bu, -ju

locative, allative, instrumental -la, -da, -ba, -ja

ablative, causal -mu, -m
dative -nda
purposive -gu
causal -mu, -m
aversive -jida, -yida
possessive -ni

The absolutive case marks the subject of an intransitive verb and the ob-
ject of a transitive verb. The ergative case marks the agent (the subject of a
transitive verb).

Wagaal-du mujam wawa-l.
‘(My) wife is looking at Mother.’

The locative, allative, and ablative cases have to do with direction and loca-
tion. Locative refers to the location, allative marks direction toward, and
ablative marks direction from.

Mujam gali-ng digarra-mu.
‘Mother is going from the beach.’

Here are some examples of some of the other case suffixes:

Yingu gurnga mangga-ng waguja-nda.
this:ABSOLUTIVE kookaburra: laugh-PRESENT man-DATIVE
‘This kookaburra is laughing at the man.’

Mujam dubuurrji wuna-ng minya-m.

mother:ABSOLUTIVE full:up lie-PRESENT meat-CAUSAL
‘Mother is lying down satiated with meat.’

Yingu waguuja garba-ng bama-yida.

‘This man is hiding for fear of the people.’

The possessive case suffix -ni marks the possessor. A noun with this suf-
fix also takes the case suffix of the possessed noun (since it functions like an
adjective describing that noun):
Australian Languages: Grammatical Overview 189

Wagal-ni-nggu gudaga-nggu mujam baja-l.

‘(My) wife’s dog is biting Mother.’

Case markers in Australian languages play the same kind of role as

prepositions or postpositions in other languages of the Pacific. They indicate
various kinds of grammatical relations between a noun phrase and the verb
or between the noun phrase and another noun phrase. Because of this, Aus-
tralian languages have no prepositions or postpositions.
Nouns in Australian languages may also take other suffixes, referred to
as derivational suffixes. Dyirbal illustrates some typical kinds of nominal

-jarran plural
-garra one of a pair
-manggan one of a group
-mumbay ‘all’
-barra ‘belonging to a place’
-bila comitative, ‘with’
-ngarru similative, ‘like, as’

For example:

‘tablelands people’

‘a white woman and someone else’

Morphophonemic changes are common when suffixes are added to

nouns and verbs. Two patterns are particularly widespread. First, in many
languages the initial consonant of some suffixes changes according to the fi-
nal phoneme of the root to which it is suffixed. In Wargamay, for example,
the ergative suffix has (at least) five forms.

-nggu after a vowel bari-nggu ‘stone’
-ndu after l maal-ndu ‘man’
-dyu after ny munyininy-dyu ‘black ant’

-du after n, rr gururr-du ‘brolga’

-bu after m walam-bu ‘tick’

Second, in some languages there is vowel copying. The vowel of a suf-

fix mimics the final vowel of the root to which the suffix is attached. For
example, Anguthimri has an ergative suffix on nouns of the form -gV, with
the vowel repeating the final vowel of the root.

Root Ergative
kyabara ‘crocodile’ kyabara-ga
ßüyi ‘ashes’ ßüyi-gi
ku ‘stick’ ku-gu

8.2.2. Noun Classes

Quite a number of Australian languages, especially in the northern part of
the continent, have a gender or noun class system. Nouns belong to one of
a number of classes, determined partly at least on a semantic basis. The
class membership of a noun may be marked on the noun by an affix (a pre-
fix in some languages, a suffix in others) or a particle, and it is often also
marked on adjectives and other modifiers referring to the noun. In prefix-
ing languages, the noun class membership of subjects or objects may also be
marked in the verb.
Tiwi has a noun class system rather like that of French. Nouns are either
masculine or feminine. Inherently masculine or feminine nouns may not be
overtly marked as such, but other nouns often take a suffix. (What is inher-
ently masculine or feminine is, of course, culturally defined: Crocodiles, for
example, are thought of as masculine, [some] crabs as feminine.)

Masculine Feminine
tini ‘male person’ tinga ‘female person’
matani ‘male friend’ matanga ‘female friend’
kirijini ‘boy’ kirijinga ‘girl’

In Tiwi, adjectives, demonstratives, and possessives have to agree with the

class membership of the noun they refer to:

Masculine Feminine
arikula-ni yirrikipayi arikula-nga kiripuka
big-MASCULINE crocodile big-FEMININE crab
‘a big crocodile’ ‘a big crab’
Australian Languages: Grammatical Overview 191

ngi-nanki kirijini angi-nanki pilimunga

MASCULINE-this boy FEMININE-this road
‘this boy’ ‘this road’

ngini-wutawa alawura angi-wutawa pulagumoka

MASCULINE-they boss FEMININE-they female:dog
‘their boss’ ‘their bitch’

Yanyuwa has sixteen noun classes, each one marked by a prefix that oc-
curs also with adjectives and numerals. (The class marker is underlined in
each example below.)


rra-muwarda rra-walkurra rra-jakarda

‘many big dugout canoes’

na-lungundu na-walkurra na-jakarda

‘many big bark shelters’

ma-murala ma-walkurra ma-jakarda

FOOD-wild:cucumber FOOD-big FOOD-many
‘many big wild cucumbers’

narnu-yabi narnu-arrkula
‘one good thing’

nya-yabi nya-arrkula
‘one good man/boy’

The last two examples show how noun class prefixes can occur even without
an accompanying noun. The class marker makes the referent clear.

8.2.3. Modifiers to Nouns


Australian languages have no articles, but they do have a number of demon-

stratives referring to spatial relations. The complexity of the demonstrative
system varies from language to language. Here are the demonstratives in
three Australian languages.

yaam ‘this, these, here’
yarang ‘that, those, there’

adyi, ngadyi ‘this, these, here’
ila, yila ‘here’
dyaadyi ‘there (not too far away)’
alaara, yalaara ‘there (a long way off)’

dhuwai ‘this, these, here’
dhuwali ‘that, those, there (nearby)’
ngunha ‘that, those, there (a long way off)’
ngunhi anaphoric, ‘the one we are talking about’


Adjectives behave like nouns in many ways. They take the same case suffixes
and very often occur as the head of a noun phrase. (In these examples from
Gumbaynggir, the ergative suffix takes the forms -du and -dyu.)

Niiga-du barway-dyu buwaa-ng giibar dyunuy.
man-ERGATIVE big-ERGATIVE hit-PAST child:O small:O
‘The big man hit the small child.’

Barway-dyu buwaa-ng dyunuy.

big-ERGATIVE hit-PAST small:O
‘The big one hit the small one.’

8.2.4. Noun Phrase Structure

The tendency in Australian languages is for possessives and demonstratives
to precede the head noun in the noun phrase, while adjectives follow it. The
following examples illustrate this tendency. (The head noun is underlined in
each case.)

nganya-ri murra wima
I-POSS stick big
‘my big stick’

Guugu Yimidhirr
nambal warrga-al
stone big-with
‘with a big stone’
Australian Languages: Grammatical Overview 193

rtathinta pirwanta ngawu pirtiya
that their dog bad
‘that nasty dog of theirs’

This is, however, only a tendency. As with other areas of grammar in

Australian languages, word order in the noun phrase is usually relatively
free. In the Gumbaynggir sentence (repeated from the previous section) the
adjectives follow the noun.

Niiga-du barway-dyu buwaa-ng giibar dyunuy.
man-ERGATIVE big-ERGATIVE hit-PAST child:O small:O
‘The big man hit the small child.’

But either or both could precede the noun in a noun phrase, yielding these

Barway-dyu niiga-du buwaa-ng giibar dyunuy.
big-ERGATIVE man-ERGATIVE hit-PAST child:O small:O
‘The big man hit the small child.’

Barway-dyu niiga-du buwaa-ng dyunuy giibar.

big-ERGATIVE man-ERGATIVE hit-PAST small:O child:O
‘The big man hit the small child.’

This freedom of order sometimes extends beyond the phrase: “Not only
can words occur in any order in a phrase and phrases in any order in a
sentence, [but] in addition words from different phrases may be freely scat-
tered through a sentence” (Dixon 1980, 442). Look first at the following

Yibi-yibi ngulmburu- wurrbi- buudi-lganiy malan-gu.
nggu bajun-du
child-PL woman- big-very- take-CONTINUOUS river-to
‘The very big woman is taking the children to the creek.’

In this sentence, the adjective wurrbi-bajun-du ‘very big’ immediately fol-

lows the noun ngulmburu-nggu ‘woman,’ and it also clearly refers to it,
because both adjective and noun are marked with the ergative suffix (mor-

phophonemically-nggu and -du). Because of this, other orders are possible.

The same sentence could be said:

Ngulmburu-nggu buudi-lganiy malan-gu yibi-yibi wurrbi-bajun-du.
woman- take- river-to child-PL big-very-
‘The very big woman is taking the children to the creek.’

Here the noun subject ngulmburu-nggu ‘woman’ is separated from its mod-
ifying adjective wurrbi-bajun-du ‘very big’ by the verb, the allative phrase,
and the object.

8.3. Possessive Constructions

One case suffix added to nouns and pronouns in many Australian languages
is a possessive suffix.

djamarrkurli‘ Milyin-gu
children Milyin-POSS
‘Milyin’s children’

ngarra-ku-ny dhuway-‘mirringu-ny
I-POSS-EMPHATIC ‘my husband’ husband-kinship-EMPHATIC

Many Australian languages also distinguish between alienable and inalien-

able possessive constructions. Alienable possession is marked by the
possessive suffix, as in the examples above, and is used with all possessed
nouns except parts of wholes. The part-to-whole relationship uses an in-
alienable construction in which there is no specific marking. Possessed and
possessor nouns are just put one after the other, in that order.

Dharpu-ngal ngarra-n dhandurrung-dhu gatapanga-y.
pierce- I-OBJECT horn-ERGATIVE buffalo-ERGATIVE
‘The buffalo’s horn has pierced me.’

Rluku ngarra gara-thi-n.

‘My foot has been speared.’
Australian Languages: Grammatical Overview 195

8.4. Verbs and the Verb Complex

In the verb system, a major grammatical difference exists between Pama-
Nyungan languages and those of the rest of Australia. The Pama-Nyungan
languages are nonprefixing: They use suffixes exclusively to mark verbal
categories like tense, aspect, and the like. Many of the languages of Arnhem
Land and the Kimberleys use both prefixes and suffixes.

8.4.1. Verbs in Pama-Nyungan Languages

The general structure of the verb in nonprefixing languages is root + (de-
rivational suffixes) + inflection. There may be one or more derivational
suffixes following a root, and there will definitely be an inflectional suffix.

Derivational Suffixes

Some derivational suffixes convert a transitive verb into an intransitive one,

or an intransitive verb into a transitive one. Others mark continuous, habit-
ual, and other aspects of the verb, as well as expressing meanings for which
other languages often use adverbs.
Below are some examples of a number of derivational suffixes in two
languages, Pitta-Pitta and Wargamay. In each case, only the verb root (plus
derivational suffix) is given; the final hyphen means that a tense-aspect in-
flection needs to be added.

kathi- ‘climb’ kathi-la- ‘put up’
mari- ‘get’ mari-la- ‘get for’
mirrinta- ‘scratch’ mirrinta-mali- ‘scratch self’
ngunytyi- ‘give’ ngunytyi-mali- ‘exchange’
thatyi- ‘eat’ thatyi-li- ‘want to eat’
thatyi- ‘eat’ thatyi-linga- ‘going to eat’
rtinpa- ‘run’ rtinpa-ma ‘run around’
thatyi- ‘eat’ thatyi-yarnrta- ‘eat while walking along’

baadi- ‘cry’ baadi-ma- ‘cry for’
dyinba- ‘spear’ dyinba-ma- ‘spear with’
mayngga- ‘tell’ mayngga-ba- ‘tell each other’
dyuwara- ‘stand’ dyuwara-bali- ‘be standing’
bimbiri- ‘run’ bimbiri-yandi- ‘run away’

Inflectional Suffixes

Inflectional suffixes to verbs mark tense (or tense-aspect). They often mark a
verb as being imperative or as occurring in a subordinate clause. Most Aus-
tralian languages, like Latin, have more than one conjugation or conjuga-
tional class of verbs. Verbs in the same conjugation take the same suffixes,
but verbs in another conjugation take a different set of suffixes, and there
is no semantic explanation for why a particular verb belongs to a particular
conjugational class.
To illustrate both the idea of conjugations and the kinds of grammatical
functions they mark, here are some data from the Atampaya dialect of
Uradhi, which has four conjugations (labeled I, II, III, and IV):

past -γal, -kal -n -ñ -n
present -ma -al -ña -ø
future -maŋka -awa -ñaŋka -ŋka
imperative -ði, -t̪i -ri -yi -γu

For the verb roots wa- ‘burn,’ rima- ‘twirl,’ lapu- ‘blow,’ and ruŋka- ‘cry,’
which belong to conjugations I, II, III, and IV, respectively, the verb forms in
each tense are:

‘burn’ ‘twirl’ ‘blow’ ‘cry’
past wa-γal rima-n lapu-ñ ruŋka-n
present wa-ma rima-al lapu-ña ruŋka
future wa-maŋka rima-awa lapu-ñaŋka ruŋka-ŋka
imperative wa-ði rima-ri lapu-yi ruŋka-γu

8.4.2. Verbs in Prefixing Languages

Verbs in the prefixing languages of Australia have a quite different, and usu-
ally more complex, structure. I take the Wunambal language as an example
In Wunambal, there are two classes of verbs, which I call I and II. There
appears to be no good semantic explanation as to why any particular verb
belongs to one class rather than the other. In class I verbs, features of the
subject are marked by a prefix, but features of the object are marked by a
suffix. In class II verbs, prefixes mark both subject and object.
Australian Languages: Grammatical Overview 197

Class I verbs begin with one of the prefixes marking person of the sub-
ject (and, if third person, noun class membership).

ng- first person
g- second person
b-, w-, m-, a-, n-, nj- third person, different noun classes

The number of the subject is variously marked: Non-singular is marked by a

prefix, but specifically dual and trial subjects take an additional suffix. For

gu-r-wanban gu-r-wanban-miya
you-NON:SG-fall you-NON:SG-fall-DUAL
‘you (pl.) fall’ ‘you two fall’

Some tense-aspects and moods are marked by prefixes, others by suffixes.

gu-nu-ma gu-ma-ya
you-not-come you-come-FUTURE
‘you didn’t come’ ‘you will come’

For class I verbs, the object’s person and number are indicated by a suffix.

ba-nbun-bun-wuru ba-nbun-bun-ngu
he-spear-PRESENT-them he-spear-PRESENT-it
‘he spears them’ ‘he spears it’

Class II verbs have much the same tense-aspect marking system as class
I verbs. The difference lies in the fact that the object’s person and number
are marked by prefixes (underlined in the examples below), which precede
the subject prefixes.

gu-nga-nbun gu-r-nga-nbun
you:OBJECT-I-hit you:OBJECT-PL-I-hit
‘I hit you’ ‘I hit you (pl.)’

bu-r-nga-nbun bu-r-nga-ru-nbun
him-PL-I-hit him-PL-I-PL-hit
‘I hit them’ ‘we hit them’

Both classes of verbs also have a set of derivational suffixes along the
lines of those found in nonprefixing languages.

8.4.3. The Verb Complex

So much semantic information is contained in the verb itself, especially
because of the system of derivational suffixes, that the verb complex in Aus-
tralian languages often consists of no more than the fully inflected verb.
(Numerous examples of this have been given in preceding sections.) But a
verb complex may include adverbs or locative demonstratives, as in:

Birmading yilaaming.
run:PAST here:PAST
‘(She) ran over here.’

Mudang giduudaming yaraang yilaa.

unable:PAST on:sand:PAST there near:speaker
‘(He) was unable to go on the sand here.’

8.5. Sentences
8.5.1. Nominal Sentences
Equational, stative, and locational sentences generally have no verb in Aus-
tralian languages. The most common order is subject + predicate.

Subject Predicate

Pakarli maparnpa.
man sorcerer
‘The man is a sorcerer.’

Warla parnti.
egg good
‘The egg is good.’

Kuwiyari marta-ngka.
goanna rock-on
‘The goanna is on the rock.’

Angu rtalawati.
I red
‘I am red.’

Ma ngu-tyana.
man clothes-without
‘The man is naked.’
Australian Languages: Grammatical Overview 199

8.5.2. Verbal Sentences

In discussing the structure of verbal sentences in Oceanic languages, I intro-
duced the distinction between accusative and ergative structures. Most Aus-
tralian languages have ergative structures, so that the subject of a transitive
verb (the agent) is marked differently from the subject of an intransitive
verb. The subject of a transitive verb is in the ergative case, that of an intran-
sitive verb in the absolutive case. The object of a transitive verb is also in the
absolutive case.
Look at the following examples from Wargamay.

Subject/Agent Object Verb
Maal gagay.
‘The man is going.’

Maal-ndu ganal ngunday.

‘The man is looking at the frog.’

Ganal-ndu maal ngunday.

‘The frog is looking at the man.’

In Wargamay, the absolutive case is unmarked, so the noun maal ‘man’

appears as maal when it is the subject of an intransitive verb (as in the first
sentence), and also when it is the object of a transitive verb (as in the third
one). The ergative case is marked by one of a number of suffixes (cf. 8.2.1,
above), one of which is -ndu. When maal ‘man’ or ganal ‘frog’ is the agent
(the subject of a transitive verb), as in the last two sentences, it must take
the ergative suffix.
In many Australian languages, however, pronouns behave differently
from nouns in marking subjects and objects. Look now at the following set of

Subject/Agent Object Verb
Ngali gagay.
we:two go
‘We two are going.’

Ngali ganal ngunday.

we:two frog:ABSOLUTIVE see
‘We two are looking at the frog.’

Ganal-ndu ngali-nya ngunday.

frog-ERGATIVE we:two-OBJECT see
‘The frog is looking at us two.’

These sentences show that, although the noun ganal ‘frog’ behaves erga-
tively, the pronoun ngali ‘we two’ behaves accusatively. It has the same form
(ngali) when it is subject either of an intransitive or a transitive verb, but a
different form (ngali-nya) when it is the object of a transitive verb. In this
respect it behaves exactly like its equivalent we/us in English. Australian
languages like Wargamay that treat nouns and pronouns differently are re-
ferred to as split-ergative languages.
Because Australian languages clearly mark the case or function of noun
phrases in a sentence by affixes to the noun phrase (as in Wargamay), by
affixes to the verb, or in both of these ways, it is obvious from looking at a
noun phrase what its function in a sentence is. Because of this, “the order
of words and phrases can, in most Australian languages, be extraordinarily
free; it has little or no grammatical significance. A preferred order can usu-
ally be perceived….But there can be unlimited deviation from this preferred
order, dictated partly by discourse considerations (‘topic,’ and the like) and
partly by the whim of the speaker” (Dixon 1980, 441).
Where there is a preferred word order, it is usually subject + verb in in-
transitive sentences, and agent + object + verb in transitive sentences, as
in the Wargamay examples above. Object + agent + verb, however, is just as
frequent. Both versions of this Wargamay sentence are acceptable:

Agent Object Verb
Ganal-ndu ngali-nya ngunday.
frog-ERGATIVE we:two-OBJECT see
‘The frog is looking at us two.’

Object Agent Verb

Ngali-nya ganal-ndu ngunday.
we:two:OBJECT frog-ERGATIVE see
‘The frog is looking at us two.’

This is possible because (1) it is clear from the suffix -ndu that ganal-ndu
‘frog’ is the agent, and (2) it is also clear from the suffix -nya that ngali-nya
‘us two’ is the object.
Other phrases are also relatively free as far as their order is concerned,
sometimes occurring before the verb and sometimes after it. It is rare,
however, for the verb to occur in sentence-initial position. In the following
examples the verb complex is underlined.
Australian Languages: Grammatical Overview 201

Mali-yu ngagam-bu yalany-dyu giyay bunybeh-la.
the-ERGATIVE dog-ERGATIVE tongue-with salt lick-PRESENT
‘The dog is licking salt with its tongue.’

Waguuja-nggu wagal bunja-ng banggaal-da.
man-ERGATIVE wife hit-PRESENT axe-with
‘The man hit his wife with an axe.’

Yamaji-lu kuka marlu ngura-ki kangkarni-manya.
man-ERGATIVE meat kangaroo camp-to bring-PRESENT
‘A man is bringing kangaroo meat to the camp.’

Australian languages do not have a passive construction, but they do have

something similar. In accusative languages, the original object in an active
sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence, and the original active
subject is either moved to a peripheral phrase (The man chopped down the
tree > The tree was chopped down by the man), or deleted altogether (The
tree was chopped down). Some Australian languages have what is called an
antipassive. Look first at the following normal ergative Dyirbal sentence:

Object Agent Verb
Bala yugu banggul yara-nggu gunba-n.
it tree he:ERGATIVE man:ERGATIVE cut-PAST
‘The man was cutting the tree.’

In the antipassive, the agent (banggul yara-nggu ‘the man’) becomes the
subject of what is now an intransitive verb, and the object (bala yugu ‘the
tree’) becomes a peripheral phrase—in this case, a dative phrase. The verb
is also marked differently. Here is the antipassive form of the sentence

Subject Verb Dative
Bayi yara gunbal-nga-nyu bagu yugu-gu.
‘The man was cutting the tree.’

Note that the translations of the two sentences are the same. Dixon says
that, in Dyirbal at least, “a regular transitive sentence and its antipassive
correspondent … have the same basic meaning and differ only in emphasis,

rather like an active and its corresponding passive in English” (Dixon 1980,
449). Like the peripheral agent in a passive sentence, the peripheral dative
phrase in an antipassive sentence can be deleted.

Subject Verb
Bayi yara gunbal-nga-nyu.
‘The man was cutting.’

A small group of languages, mainly in Arnhem Land, the Pilbara region,

and the Kimberleys in the northwest of the continent, offer exceptions to
these generalizations. They are accusative, not ergative, in structure; the
preferred order is frequently SVO (though OVS is also common); and some
have a passive. Lardil illustrates these languages’ structure.

Subject Verb Object/Other
Pirngen rikur.
woman cry
‘The woman is crying.’

Pirngen rnethakun rtang-an.

woman hit man-OBJECT
‘The woman hit the man.’

Rtangka rnethakun pirngen-in.

man hit woman-OBJECT
‘The man hit the woman.’

Rtangka rneyikun pirngen-in.

man hit:PASSIVE woman-OBJECT
‘The man was hit by the woman.’

But these languages are in the minority, and most Australian languages ad-
here to the ergative model.

The Social
and Cultural Context

Languages in Contact

Languages are normally not spoken in totally isolated communities. People

speaking one language usually come into contact, either occasionally or on
a more regular basis, with speakers of one or more other languages, and the
smaller the society that speaks a particular language, the greater is the like-
lihood of their being in contact with outsiders. This social contact very often
has both major and minor linguistic effects.

9.1. The Social Context of Language Contact

9.1.1. Peaceful Contact between Settled Societies
One common kind of social contact between different language communi-
ties in the Pacific is that between relatively equal and settled societies.
In many parts of the region, for example, marriage regulations require a
man to marry a woman from outside his own clan and community. This
practice of exogamy often means that husband and wife speak different
languages. Where a number of men in the same village choose wives from
the same outside community, a foreign-language enclave will form, at least
temporarily, in the village. Since women have the primary responsibility for
looking after younger children, those children will often grow up hearing
two languages spoken in the home. The women may not much influence
the way the men speak, but they do influence how their children speak.
These children often end up incorporating some aspects of their mothers’
language into their own.
A second kind of peaceful contact involves regular trade. There are nu-
merous cases in the Pacific where, for example, people of a coastal village


trade with inland villagers—the former supplying fish and other marine pro-
duce, the latter vegetables and other non-maritime commodities. Such a
situation occurred in Central Papua, where the coastal Motu traded with the
inland Koita and Koiari people. Many words for maritime concepts in Koita
are originally Motu words, while the Motu have taken into their language
Koita words for non-maritime things.

9.1.2. Peaceful Contact Involving Travel

Not all trade takes place between sedentary peoples; it may also involve
some or all of the parties traveling considerable distances. In the western
Pacific, for example, anthropologists have documented such large-scale
trading complexes as the hiri of the Gulf of Papua, the kula of the islands of
the Milne Bay area, and the moka of the highlands of Papua New Guinea. A
great deal of long-distance trade in all kinds of commodities seems to have
occurred in nearly every part of Australia and the Pacific.
Such trading expeditions, of course, bring people speaking different lan-
guages together, at least for short periods, and also often bring new things
and ideas into at least one of the societies involved. In such cases, borrow-
ing or copying often takes place. That is, the society into which something
new is introduced often takes the word for that thing from the language of
those introducing it. This is how English acquired such words as alcohol,
curry, tomato, pasta, tapioca, sago, and hundreds of others.
Migration—either temporary or permanent—also brings people speak-
ing different languages together. Temporary migration, at least in the Pa-
cific, generally means that people leave their home area to work in towns
or on plantations or ships for a period of time and then return home, often
bringing with them new things and ideas—along with the words for them in
some other language. Permanent migration involves long-term settlement
in a new area, often because of overcrowding or sociopolitical problems at
home, or because of natural disasters like volcanic eruptions. A smallish
community speaking one language may live in the middle of a larger com-
munity speaking a different language, and the potential exists for each lan-
guage to influence the other.
The whole of the Pacific region was settled from its western extremes,
and Australia was probably settled from the north. Some of these migrants
would have been the first people to settle a particular area, while others
would have come into contact with descendants of the original settlers.
In more recent times, not only have rural people moved into urban areas,
but whole communities have been relocated: Mission stations all over the
region, government settlements in Australia, and the resettlement of the Ba-
Languages in Contact 207

nabans on Rabi Island in Fiji represent three such cases. There have also
been significant movements of populations from Micronesia and Polynesia
into the United States and New Zealand (see chapter 2). All of these situa-
tions bring languages into contact, with various degrees of closeness.

9.1.3. Conquest, Colonization, and Conversion

Politico-military takeovers by one society of another represent a less peace-
ful kind of social and linguistic contact. Once again, the Pacific abounds
in examples, of which the Tongan domination of the Lau group in Fiji and
the warlike Orokaiva and Mailu in Papua New Guinea, who enslaved con-
quered peoples, are three. As with the Norman conquest of England a
thousand years ago, these takeovers produced dramatic changes in lan-
guage, as the conquered peoples were forced to learn their conquerors’
language to survive.
European and Asian colonization of Australia and the Pacific rep-
resents a more recent, but thoroughgoing, example of politico-military
conquest. The Spanish, Dutch, Germans, French, and Japanese, as well as
English speakers from a number of nations, have all made incursions into
the region over the last four centuries, French and English currently being
the dominant metropolitan languages in the Pacific. These outsiders intro-
duced new forms of government and education, brought in a vast number
of new technological items and social customs, and were responsible for
the establishment of plantations and urban centers. English and French
have been the major languages of government, education, and inter- and
intraregional communication, and are looked on in many parts of the Pa-
cific as the prestige languages. Because of both the attitudes toward these
two European languages and the new concepts introduced by Europeans,
English and French have had a considerable influence on most Pacific lan-
The founding of missions preceded colonization in some cases, and fol-
lowed it in others. This process could be viewed as a conquest of a different
kind—the displacement of traditional religious systems in favor of western
Christian beliefs and religious practices, as missionaries aimed for a con-
quest of the souls and minds of aboriginal Australians and Pacific Islanders.
The establishment of churches and schools, as well as the more or less suc-
cessful abolition of some traditional customs, resulted in the introduction of
new words for new concepts—in some cases even new ways of speaking, as
formal prayers and hymns were developed.
In multilingual Melanesia particularly, missions were responsible for
setting up certain vernaculars as church languages, for example, Tolai,

Gedaged, Yabêm, Kâte, Dobuan, Suau, and Wedau in Papua New Guinea,
Roviana in Solomon Islands, and Mota in Vanuatu. Faced with a multiplicity
of languages in a relatively small area, missionaries often chose one lan-
guage as the language of the mission, requiring speakers of neighboring
and usually related languages to use the chosen language in religious con-
texts. This practice has helped create a complex situation in which both
European and Pacific church languages influence other languages in the

9.2. The Linguistic Effects of Contact

9.2.1. Lexical Change
Virtually all languages borrow or copy words from other languages. English
is an excellent example, as it has taken in thousands of words from very
diverse sources. In the Pacific, the influence of both local and intrusive lan-
guages on other Pacific languages has led to the incorporation of new words
into those languages.
Speakers of the non-Polynesian languages of Southern Vanuatu, who
have probably been in the area for well over two thousand years, came into
contact with speakers of the Polynesian language West Futuna about a thou-
sand years ago. These immigrant Polynesians introduced their neighbors to
kava-drinking and refined their maritime skills, especially those involving
deep-sea fishing. The words below are West Futuna loans into Kwamera, a
Tanna language, suitably adapted to Kwamera’s phonological and grammat-
ical structure (Lynch 1994, 1996):

Kwamera Loans from West Futuna

Kava terminology
Kwamera West Futuna
nɨkava ‘kava’ kava
tapuga ‘chief’s kava’ tapuga
tamafa ‘ritual spitting of kava’ taumafa
nafunu ‘food eaten after drinking kava’ fono
akona ‘drunk’ kona
taporoka ‘kind of canoe-shaped ta poruku ‘kind of canoe’
kava bowl’
nafáu ‘kava strainer’ fao ‘coconut branch
used as a kava
Languages in Contact 209

Maritime terminology
Kwamera West Futuna
tira ‘mast’ shira
nɨkiatu ‘outrigger boom’ kiato
kwan-metau ‘fishhook’ metao
takwarau ‘prevailing wind’ tokorau
tafra ‘whale’ tafora
tataua ‘barracuda’ tatao
tagarua ‘sea snake’ tagaroa

Trukese provides a good example of the influence of succeeding colonial

powers. Much of western and central Micronesia was under Spanish control
from the late seventeenth century until the Spanish-American War in 1898,
when Guam was ceded to the United States, and the rest of Spain’s posses-
sions went to Germany, which had already colonized the Marshall Islands to
the east. Japan succeeded Germany at the outbreak of World War I, and the
United States succeeded Japan at the end of World War II. The influence of
each of these colonial languages can be seen in borrowed words in Trukese
(Goodenough and Sugita 1980):

antiyos ‘fishing goggles’ < Spanish anteojos
koopwure ‘corrugated iron’ < Spanish cobre ‘copper’
paatere ‘priest’ < Spanish padre

kiiwúfer ‘suitcase’ < German Koffer

kkumi ‘rubber’ < German Gummi
maak ‘money’ < German Mark (monetary unit)

kooyeng ‘playground’ < Japanese kōen ‘park’

osiroy ‘baby powder’ < Japanese oshiroi
ramúne ‘marbles’ < Japanese ramune

miniyon ‘million’ < English million

pinakpwoot ‘blackboard’ < English blackboard
sekit ‘jacket’ < English jacket

Samoan is a good example of missionary influence on a language. Many

new words came into it from the biblical languages Greek, Latin, and He-

peritome ‘circumcise’ < Greek peritome
agelu ‘angel’ < Greek angelos

ti‘āpolo ‘devil’ < Greek diabolos

sātauro ‘cross’ < Greek stauros
‘aila ‘deer, gazelle’ < Hebrew ‘ayyal
‘oreva ‘vulture’ < Hebrew ‘orebh ‘raven’
‘urosa ‘bear’ < Latin ursus

9.2.2. Semantic Change

Contact may also bring about changes in the meanings of existing words
in a language. This may involve expanding the meaning of a word to refer
to something newly introduced. For example, Fijian dakai originally meant
‘bow (for shooting),’ and Lenakel kopwiel means ‘stone,’ but both have taken
on the additional meaning ‘gun, rifle.’ In Ponapean, sakau originally referred
only to kava, but now it refers to any intoxicating beverage. Nting meant ‘to
tattoo’ in Ponapean but now also means ‘to write.’
Semantic change may also involve narrowing the meaning of a word.
Lenakel niko originally meant both ‘canoe’ and ‘moiety’ (since it was be-
lieved that the first members of the two moieties arrived on the island in two
different canoes). But the form kenu (from English via Bislama) is now the
common word for ‘canoe’ and for most Lenakel speakers, niko now means
only ‘moiety.’

9.2.3. Phonological Change

When a language takes in words from another language, it often adapts
them to its own phonology. The English words restaurant, miracle, prince,
royal, and court, for example, all derive from French, but they are not
pronounced as the French pronounce them: They have been adapted to
English phonological patterns. Sometimes, however, the copying of words
from one language into another may bring about a change in the phonolog-
ical system of the borrowing language, either through the introduction of a
totally new sound, or through the reorganization of the existing sounds in
a language.
Dyirbal, for example, is typical of many Australian languages, in that
the phoneme /l/ is not permitted at the beginning of words. However, the
introduction of words like lada ‘ladder’ and laymun ‘lemon’ from English has
brought about a change in the phonological structure of Dyirbal, which now
permits word-initial /l/.
Motu originally had no contrast between the sounds [t] and [s]: [s] oc-
curred before [i] and [e], while [t] occurred before other vowels. English
words copied into Motu originally fit this pattern.
Languages in Contact 211

[sesi] ‘shirt’
[makesi] ‘market’
[sini] ‘tin’
[tupu] ‘soup’
[topu] ‘soap’

Due to the persistent influence of English, however, younger generations

now pronounce these words as follows:

[seti] ‘shirt’
[maketi] ‘market’
[tini] ‘tin’
[supu] ‘soup’
[sopu] ‘soap’

What has happened here is that the distribution of [s] and [t] has changed,
and there is now contrast between them.
In addition to changing the distribution of existing sounds in a language,
contact may also lead to the introduction of a new sound. Samoan, for exam-
ple, originally had an l but no r. As the result of contact with other languages,
however a number of words with r have been introduced:

‘Aperila ‘April’ < English
‘areto ‘bread’ < Greek artos
‘ario ‘silver’ < Tahitian ario
faresaio ‘pharisee’ < Greek farisaios
misionare ‘missionary’ < English
‘oreva ‘vulture’ < Hebrew ‘orebh ‘raven’
rosa ‘rose’ < English
teropika ‘tropics’ < English
‘urosa ‘bear’ < Latin ursus

9.2.4. Grammatical Change

Finally, contact between languages may also bring about changes in gram-
matical structure. Polynesian Triangle languages are normally verb-initial
(see chapter 6):

Verb Subject Object
‘Ua tāpū te vahine ‘i te vahie.
PAST cut the woman OBJECT the wood
‘The woman cut the wood.’

Polynesian Outlier languages, however, are much more flexible, allowing

both VSO and SVO orders, with SVO probably being more common:

Verb Subject Object
Ne kake ia te nui.
PAST climb he the coconut
‘He climbed the coconut.’

Subject Verb Object

Ia ne kake te nui.
he PAST climb the coconut
‘He climbed the coconut.’

This has almost certainly come about at least in part from contact with
neighboring non-Polynesian languages, which are almost exclusively SVO.
A similar change seems to have occurred on the mainland of New
Guinea. The original Oceanic languages spoken there almost certainly had
verb + object order (whether SVO or VOS is a matter of some discussion,
but is irrelevant here). Then they came into contact with Papuan speakers,
for whom SOV was the basic order, and this contact led to a change in the
Oceanic languages’ word order, from SVO (or VOS) to SOV. (Some examples
of languages with this order were given in chapter 6.)
Let us look at one more example, this time from the Papuan language Yi-

The formation of a negative verb from a positive one in Yimas is a

complicated affair, involving alteration of the form and the position
of certain verbal affixes. Many younger speakers do not know this
method of negation, but negate a verb by merely placing a particle ina
before it. This is clearly a borrowing from Tok Pisin i no [= PREDICATE
MARKER + NEGATIVE], but these speakers were totally unaware of its ori-
gin, regarding it as a native Yimas word until I pointed out its similarity
to the Tok Pisin negative. (Foley 1986, 40)
Languages in Contact 213

9.3. Three Case Studies

Direct and indirect inheritance of vocabulary in Rotuman, borrowing as a
result of word taboo in Australia, and contact between Austronesian and
Papuan languages in northwest New Britain are three cases illustrating the
effects of language contact.

9.3.1. Rotuman
The Rotuman vowel system has undergone some interesting developments
(chapter 5). But Rotuman is also a language where contact has led to a com-
plex situation for the historical-comparative linguist.

Rotuman words exhibit two sets of correspondences with proto-

forms…. I propose to speak of directly [set I] and indirectly inherited
words [set II] rather than inherited and loan words in order to em-
phasize that all of the words with etymologies were once part of a
language ancestral to Rotuman in the comparativist’s sense. Some of
them however re-entered Rotuman from a collateral related language
after undergoing changes other than those which affected forms which
had remained continuously in the Rotuman line. (Biggs 1965,

I am concerned here exclusively with the development of some of the conso-

nants in Rotuman.
What appears to have happened in Rotuman is this. The original settlers
would have brought with them a version of Proto Central Pacific (PCP). Over
time, some of the consonants changed their pronunciation, with the result
that the following regular developments can be identified (Biggs’ directly in-
herited, or Set I, correspondences).

PCP *v *p,*b *t *d *r *dr *l *k *g *ʔ

Rotuman (Set I) h p f t r t l ʔ k ø

Some examples of this set of sound correspondences are given below:

Proto Central Pacific Rotuman (SetI)

*vitu ‘seven’ hifu
*kuli ‘skin’ ʔuli
*ʔatu ‘line, row’ afu
*viri ‘plait’ hiri

Subsequent to the original settlement of Rotuma, there seem to have

been at least two later “invasions” by people speaking languages different

from but related to pre-Rotuman. These invasions resulted in fairly large-

scale borrowings of vocabulary. Biggs (1965, 411) sums up the situation as
follows: “It is clear that Rotuman has borrowed extensively from a related
language or languages…. Rotuman traditions are definite in associating at
least two occupations of their island with the Samoa-Tonga area, particu-
larly the islands of Savaiʔi [in Samoa] and Niuafoʔou [in Tonga].” The lan-
guages of the invaders had made somewhat different changes to the Proto
Central Papuan consonant inventory. Of Biggs’ corpus of Rotuman words
with known etymologies, 38 percent belong to Set I (as above), but 29 per-
cent belong rather to the set of indirectly inherited correspondences (Set II),
which are given below along with Set I for comparison.

PCP *v *p,*b *t *d *r *dr *l *k *g *ʔ

Rotuman (Set I) h p f t r t l ʔ k ø
Rotuman (Set II) f p t t r,ø r r k k ʔ

Here are some examples of words containing Set II correspondences;

in each case, the expected, but non-occurring, Set I form is given as well
(marked with a double asterisk).

Proto Central Pacific Rotuman (Set II)

*viti ‘spring up’ fiti (expected Set I **hifi)
*tuki ‘pound’ tuki (expected Set I **fuʔi)
*kolo ‘desire’ koro (expected Set I **ʔolo)
*robe ‘overhang’ ope (expected Set I **rope)

In some cases the same word has come into the language twice, first di-
rectly (Set I) and later indirectly (Set II), though with slight differences in
meaning. For example:

PCP Rotuman
Set I Set II
*kuli ‘skin’ ʔuli ‘skin’ kiria ‘leprosy’
*vidi ‘jump, spring’ hiti ‘start with surprise’ fiti ‘jump’
*toka ‘come ashore’ foʔa ‘come ashore’ toka ‘settle down’

9.3.2. Word Taboo in Australia

Australian languages—as well as many others in the Pacific—are character-
ized by a system of word taboo. This can take a number of forms: One very
common one is that “a person’s name cannot be spoken for some time af-
ter his death. What is more, any normal vocabulary item—noun, adjective,
verb etc.—that is similar in form to the banned name must also be tabooed”
(Dixon 1980, 28). Imagine if this were to apply in English: When someone
Languages in Contact 215

called Bill dies, we could not use the word bill (meaning either ‘account’ or
‘beak of a bird’), nor probably could we use phonologically similar words like
build, billet, billy, and perhaps pill. We would have to find new words… at
least for a time.
In Australia, the tabooed word is sometimes replaced by a synonym or
near synonym from within the language. In our imaginary example above,
bill could then be replaced by (1) check or account and (2) beak. “But more
often a new word will be borrowed from the language of a neighboring tribe”
(Dixon 1980, 28). Examples:

1. “In 1975 a man named Djäyila died at Yirrkala and as a result the
common verb djäl- ‘to want, to be desirous of was proscribed and
replaced by d̪ukt̪uk-, probably a verb from another Yolŋu dialect
that did have this set of meanings” (Dixon 1980, 28).
2. “In 1977 a Djapu man named Djewiny died and the loanword dhe
‘tea’ was at once tabooed at Yirrkala; another loanword gopi ‘cof-
fee’ had its meaning extended also to cover ‘tea’ (little coffee is in
fact drunk at Yirrkala; if disambiguation is necessary it can be re-
ferred to as gopi yuwalk ‘real coffee’)” (Dixon 1980, 122).

9.3.3. Northwest New Britain

In a series of studies, Thurston (1982, 1987, 1992) has documented the ef-
fects of language contact among a number of languages spoken in the north-
west of New Britain. The area Thurston discusses is currently occupied by a
number of Oceanic languages (important to this discussion are the coastal
languages Kabana, Amara, Kove, and Lusi), and the Papuan language Anêm.
“The Anêm are now completely surrounded by speakers of Austronesian lan-
guages…. Evidence suggests that Anêm is the sole surviving member of a
non-Austronesian language family that once extended over much of what
is now West New Britain Province. West of the Willaumez Peninsula, all of
these languages, except Anêm, have been replaced by Austronesian lan-
guages which retain features of a non-Austronesian substratum” (Thurston
1992, 125).
Contact in this area between speakers of different languages, related and
unrelated, has been going on for a long time, with quite far-reaching effects:

Generations of marriage and trade across linguistic boundaries, the

longstanding tradition of regional multilingualism, and the spread of
languages by way of language shift have all conspired to produce
regional similarity in phonology, syntax, semantics, social structure,
economy, cosmology and values…. Aside from lexical form, the speak-

ers of Austronesian languages in northwestern New Britain share

much more with the Anêm than they do with speakers of distant Aus-
tronesian languages that are lexically more similar. (Thurston 1992,

There has been a large amount of lexical copying in both directions be-
tween the Oceanic languages and Anêm, but of more interest are changes
in grammar as a result of this prolonged contact. Some of the grammatical
features of Lusi (and some of the other Oceanic languages in the area) that
seem to have been introduced from Anêm or its extinct relatives are de-
scribed below.

1. The reciprocal is marked by a suffix to the verb, rather than by a pre-

fix, as is widespread in Oceanic languages (see 6.4.6 above).

‘They fought each other.’

‘They fought each other.’

2. Tense/aspect, negation, and similar categories are marked at the end

of the verb phrase, rather than by prefixes or preverbal particles, as
is common in Oceanic languages (see 6.4.2 above).

I-rau γaea mao.
he-hit pig not
‘He didn’t kill a pig.’

I-la pa Rabaul γasili.

he-go to Rabaul COMPLETIVE
‘He has (already) gone to Rabaul.’

U-b-ɨ aba mantu.
he-kill-it Pig not
‘He didn’t kill a pig.’

U-k axɨ Rabaul bizang.

he-go to Rabaul COMPLETIVE
‘He has (already) gone to Rabaul.’
Languages in Contact 217

3. Lusi has two postpositions, aea purposive and iai locative, as well
as a handful of prepositions. Oceanic languages with postpositions
tend to be restricted to the New Guinea mainland. Although Anêm
does not have postpositions, Thurston suggests that Lusi probably
acquired its postpositions as a result of contact with one of the now
extinct Papuan languages of the area.

The contact has not been one way, however. An inclusive/exclusive dis-
tinction in the first person is almost universal in Oceanic languages, but is
exceedingly rare among Papuan languages (see 7.1 above). Anêm shows this
distinction in possessive suffixes (though not in other pronominal forms),
and it also has the inalienable/edible/neutral contrast in possessive con-
structions, typical of western Oceanic languages, but nonexistent in Papuan
languages (Thurston 1987, 91). The long-term intimate contact between lan-
guages in this area has clearly produced major changes in the structure of
these languages.

9.3.4. “Mixed” Languages?

The Anêm-Lusi situation just described gives rise to the following question:
How much can Language A be influenced by Language B and still remain
Language A? Or in different words, can a language be truly “mixed,” not
deriving from just one ancestor, but in a sense from two? There are numer-
ous theoretical and philosophical questions involved here, and they have
generated considerable debate—not to mention heat and acrimony—in the
discussion of certain languages in the Pacific, especially in Melanesia.
I do not wish to go into these philosophical and theoretical questions
here. There are, however, a number of cases where the influence of one or
more languages on another has led different reputable linguists to classify
languages differently. To take some extreme examples, the following have
been classified as Papuan by some linguists and as Austronesian by others:
Maisin in the Oro Province of Papua New Guinea; Magori and its neighbor-
ing moribund relatives on the south coast of Papua; the languages of Santa
Cruz and the Reef Islands in Solomon Islands; and the languages of Ane-
ityum, New Caledonia, and the Loyalty Islands.
In all except the Reefs-Santa Cruz situation, the general view today is that
the languages involved are originally Austronesian. Maisin and Magori have
been very heavily influenced by Papuan languages, whereas Aneityum and
the New Caledonian languages are probably so aberrant in their phonologi-
cal and grammatical histories that they happen not to look very Austronesian.
The Reefs-Santa Cruz languages, however, were probably originally Papuan
languages that have been very heavily influenced by Austronesian languages.

These decisions have been reached by ignoring vocabulary for the most part
and looking instead at the core of the languages’ grammatical systems.
Even languages like these are not truly mixed, in the sense of having two
co-equal ancestors. They are, however, cases where the influence of another
language has been so strong as to make genetic affiliation very difficult to

9.4. Historical Implications

In chapter 1, I discussed the way in which historical inferences can be drawn
from an examination of the relationships between languages. Borrowing of
vocabulary, phonology, and grammar does not constitute genetic relation-
ship: The fact that the Fijian words sitoa and sitaba have been copied from
English “store” and “stamp” does not mean that Fijian is related to English.
But although the relationship between Fijian and English is not a ge-
netic one, there is still a historical connection between them. An examina-
tion of English words copied into Fijian, for example, provides us with in-
formation of a cultural-historical nature. They indicate what kinds of things
were introduced to Fijian society and culture by English colonials, mission-
aries, and settlers, and what kinds of changes took place in Fijian society
and culture as a result of external influence.
Let us go back to the example of Kwamera loans from West Futuna to
illustrate this in a bit more detail. (Recall that this copying took place long
before Europeans came to the area.) The following words relating to kava
and kava-drinking were borrowed by Kwamera:

nɨkava ‘kava’
tapuga ‘chief’s kava’
tamafa ‘ritual spitting of kava’
nafunu ‘food eaten after drinking kava’
akona ‘drunk’
taporoka ‘kind of canoe-shaped kava bowl’
nafáu ‘kava strainer’

Clearly, this indicates a significant change in Kwamera culture. This list of

words represents not just the random borrowing of a few items, but the tak-
ing over of a whole cultural complex—the preparation and drinking of kava,
with its attendant rituals and behaviors (Lynch 1996).
Nor is this the end of the story of cultural contact between the Polyne-
sian and non-Polynesian societies of southern Vanuatu. The non-Polynesian
Languages in Contact 219

languages have also borrowed heavily from Futuna maritime vocabulary,

especially where long-distance voyaging or deep-sea fishing is concerned
(Lynch 1994). Futuna, on the other hand, has borrowed a number of words
for varieties of yam, taro, and breadfruit from their more horticulturally
inclined non-Polynesian neighbors. And perhaps most interesting of all, Fu-
tuna speakers appear to have been responsible for introducing a moiety
system to neighboring Tanna. This system fell into desuetude on Futuna, but
was reintroduced … by the Tannese (Lynch and Fakamuria 1994)! An exam-
ination of borrowed items in a language can give us significant information
about the nature of contact-induced cultural change. The influence of non-
Pacific languages on those of the Pacific has been considerable over the past
couple of centuries or so, but Pacific Islanders have been moving around the
region for thousands of years, and contact between languages has been part
of the linguistic scene in the Pacific for the whole period.


Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines

Contact may have quite drastic effects on a language. But it may also lead to
the creation of totally new languages, which in some senses at least qualify
as “mixed” languages. Three of these new languages are, in terms of num-
ber of speakers, among the largest languages spoken in the Pacific today
(although not all speakers of any of these languages speak them as their
mother tongue). I use the term Melanesian Pidgin as a cover term for the
three languages/dialects known as Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea, Pijin in
Solomon Islands, and Bislama in Vanuatu, spoken in all by perhaps three mil-
lion people. Hiri Motu is spoken in Papua New Guinea by about a quarter of
a million people. And Fiji Hindi, one of the two major languages of Fiji, has
more than 300,000 speakers. This chapter looks at these three languages
and at similar languages in various parts of the Pacific.

10.1. Pidginization, Creolization, and Koineization

How do languages like Melanesian Pidgin develop? What is it about certain
kinds of contact situations that gives rise to new languages?
The term pidgin or pidgin language refers to a language that develops
in a multilingual contact situation, where the contact between the different
groups is prolonged but relatively restricted. Trade relationships, planta-
tions, and ships’ companies are typical breeding grounds for such lan-
guages, and in situations like these the process of pidginization begins to
take place. All speakers of a pidgin language use it as a second language, to
communicate with speakers of other languages when there is no other com-
mon language. In comparison with the first languages of its speakers, a pid-

Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines 221

gin is usually simplified in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. In many

cases, especially in colonial situations, the vocabulary of the pidgin is drawn
mainly from the politically dominant (i.e., colonial) language, whereas the
grammar is often based on the language(s) of the colonized people.
Urbanization and marriage between people from different linguistic
backgrounds can turn a pidgin into people’s first language, especially when
those people are the children of such mixed marriages growing up in towns.
In these cases, the pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary of the original
pidgin language tends to expand rapidly and considerably. The language
becomes more complex because it is being used for all the communicative
purposes of a “normal” language. This process of expansion is referred to
as creolization. A creole, or a creole language, is a language that has de-
veloped from a pidgin, but which is now the first language of many of its
A different kind of mixing—what is known as dialect mixing—produces
a different kind of language. When people speaking different geographical
dialects of a language are relocated and thrown together in a new commu-
nity, what is known as a koine often develops, through a process known as
koineization. Each dialect contributes some elements, and the resultant
koine is a blend of the original dialects. While Melanesian Pidgin and Hiri
Motu are the result of the processes of pidginization and creolization, Fiji
Hindi is a koine.

10.2. Melanesian Pidgin

Melanesian Pidgin and various Australian creoles are referred to as
“English-based” or “English-lexifier” creoles. This means simply that the
bulk of their vocabulary is derived from English, though some vocabulary,
and much of the grammar, may have different origins. (This does not mean
that these languages are “broken English” or “baby-talk” languages; after
all, although a very significant proportion of the vocabulary of English
comes from Romance languages like Latin and French, we don’t consider
English to be “broken Romance”!)

10.2.1. Historical Background

The late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries saw the first prolonged
and continuous contact between people living in the Pacific and outsiders. In
the Pacific Islands, European explorers and missionaries were followed by
whalers, sandalwooders, pearlers, bêche-de-mer fishermen, and traders,
all of whom had regular, if sporadic, contact with at least some people in
222 CHAPTER 10

some Pacific islands. In Australia and New Zealand, of course, contact was
more intense in many areas as a result of European settlement. This contact
intensified during the nineteenth century as labor recruiters began recruit-
ing Pacific Islanders to work on plantations in various parts of the region,
especially Samoa, Fiji, and Queensland. In Queensland there was also some
contact between Pacific Islanders and aboriginal Australians, who them-
selves were often moved from their tribal homelands into situations where
they lived and worked with speakers of other languages.
In all of these situations, numerous fairly unstable pidgins developed.
In Melanesia and parts of Australia, these unstable pidgins developed into
relatively stable languages as people who had learned different varieties
in different parts of the Pacific came into contact. The contact between
Europeans, mainly English speakers, Pacific Islanders (almost exclusively
speakers of Oceanic languages), and aboriginal Australians was responsible
for the very significant English input into the vocabulary of these creoles.
But it was not just this contact that was significant in the development of
Melanesian Pidgin. The contact between Pacific Islanders from different lin-
guistic backgrounds was important from the beginning, became even more
so later on, and was probably responsible for the Austronesian contribution
to the grammar of Melanesian Pidgin.
By the latter part of the nineteenth century, English-based pidgins were
spoken, in various forms and with various levels of sophistication, in almost
the whole of the Pacific Basin: from New Guinea to Pitcairn Island, and from
the Marshalls and Hawai‘i to New Caledonia and New Zealand. In most of
these places, however, the pidgins died out. In some places, like New Cale-
donia and the British colony of Papua (the southern half of what is now Papua
New Guinea), this was as a result of government policy. The governments
were strongly opposed to a “bastard” form of English being used, though
possibly for different reasons (the British in Papua because they saw it as a
“bastard” language, the French probably because they saw it as a form of
English!). In other places, like most of the countries of Polynesia, the pidgin
simply became unnecessary as people from other parts of the Pacific stopped
being recruited to work on plantations in these countries, and as educational
levels improved. In Samoa, for example, the cessation of labor recruiting and
the establishment of schools meant that pidgin English was no longer needed.
Samoan was the language of communication between Samoans, while first
German and then English were used for communicating with foreigners.
The situation in Melanesia and Australia was very different. First, the
countries are geographically larger and linguistically more diverse than
those of Polynesia and Micronesia, and it was more difficult for governments
to exercise strong control over language use. Second, although recruitment
Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines 223

of Melanesian laborers to overseas plantations stopped soon after 1900, this

simply meant that laborers began moving around their own country work-
ing on newly established plantations, frequently outside their own language
communities. Any plantation might have a labor force drawn from a large
number of different language groups. Third, as a result of this internal mo-
bility, men often married women who spoke a different language, and the
pidgin would have been the only language used in the home. Finally, the
establishment of urban centers attracted people speaking a multiplicity of
languages from far and wide.
Social conditions in Melanesia and in parts of Australia, therefore, were
ripe not just for the preservation and retention of the pidgin but also for
its development into a creole. Children grew up speaking it as their first
language; adults who had not returned to their traditional homes for many
years found that they were using the pidgin/creole more and more, and their
own language less and less. As the twentieth century progressed, Melane-
sian Pidgin became the language of the people in what were to become the
independent states of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.
Australian creoles and varieties of English spoken by Aboriginal people ac-
quired similar importance.

10.2.2. Different Histories

The Melanesian Pidgin spoken by Papua New Guineans, Solomon Islanders,
and ni-Vanuatu is recognizably the same language—with recognizable dif-
ferences between how it is spoken in each of these three countries. The
following examples show both the similarities and the differences between
these three varieties:

Tok Pisin
Dispela pikinini i sindaun i stap na kaikai kiau wantaim kek.

Desfala pikinini i sidaon an kaekae eg weitim kek.

Pikinini ya i stap staon mo kakae eg wetem gato.
‘This child is sitting down and eating eggs and cake.’

Where do these kinds of differences come from? To answer this question, we

need to look more closely at the historical development of this language.
Men from Vanuatu were first recruited to work on plantations in
Queensland and Fiji in the 1860s, and a little later men from the Solomon Is-
224 CHAPTER 10

lands were recruited for the same work, so there was considerable contact
between ni-Vanuatu and Solomon Islanders at this time. Only a few people
from this part of the Pacific, however, were recruited to work in Samoa, and
then only for a short time.
Men from the German colony of New Guinea, however, did not go to
Queensland or to Fiji, which were British colonies. Rather, starting in the
1880s, they went to work on the plantations in Samoa, then a German
colony. For a few years they were in contact with ni-Vanuatu and Solomon
Islanders, from whom they would have learned the basics of Melanesian Pid-
gin, but for the next few decades, the New Guinea version of Melanesian
Pidgin, known today as Tok Pisin, developed in isolation both from other
varieties of the language and from English. The German and Samoan lan-
guages contributed some words to early Tok Pisin, although many of these
have disappeared. The major contributing languages (other than English)
have been Tolai (cf. kiau ‘egg’ in the example above) and other Austronesian
languages of New Britain and New Ireland, since Rabaul (where Tolai is spo-
ken) was the headquarters of German New Guinea, and the place where
most of the laborers were recruited from or returned to.
Pijin and Bislama did not undergo any of these influences. However, be-
cause the French jointly ruled the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) with the
British for most of the twentieth century, Bislama has incorporated a num-
ber of words of French origin (like gato ‘cake’ in the example above). It has
also taken in quite a few words from local languages. Neither French (for
obvious reasons) nor local languages (for less obvious reasons) have made
any significant contribution to Pijin in Solomon Islands, however. The differ-
ent colonial histories of each country, along with different labor-recruitment
patterns, meant that there were significant differences in the contact situa-
tions while each version of the language was developing.

10.2.3. The Structure of Melanesian Pidgin

In recent years, the influence of English on Melanesian Pidgin has become
even more dominant than in the past, not only in terms of vocabulary, but to
some extent also in pronunciation and grammar as well. At the same time,
there is considerably more contact today between Melanesians from differ-
ent countries, and interdialectal influence is also beginning to be seen. One
of the features of a language undergoing creolization is that different peo-
ple speak it with different degrees of fluency. For some people, it is their
first language. For others, it is very much a second language, and the way
they speak it is often influenced by their first language. Those who have
been educated in English often incorporate words and other linguistic fea-
Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines 225

tures from English into their Pidgin, while less educated speakers do this
much less frequently. And although all languages are changing, languages
like Melanesian Pidgin are changing much faster than others.
Hence, it is often difficult to say exactly what is or is not “in” a language
like Melanesian Pidgin. I try to describe the variety spoken by fluent but not
highly educated speakers, but comment from time to time on common vari-
ations from these patterns.

Sound System

Melanesian Pidgin has the same five-vowel system as is found in the major-
ity of the languages of the Pacific:

i u
e o

Educated speakers, however, sometimes incorporate English vowels into

their speech. An educated Papua New Guinean might say /bæŋ/ or /bæŋk/
for ‘bank,’ whereas someone less educated will say /beŋ/.
The basic consonant system is also similar to that found in many of the
Oceanic languages of Melanesia:

P t k
b d g
f s h
v ʤ
m n ŋ
w y

Notable omissions, as a result of the pidginization process, are the common

Melanesian fricatives /x/ and /γ/, which don’t occur in English, and the Eng-
lish fricatives /θ ð z ʃ ʒ/, which are rare in Melanesian languages. Both open
and closed syllables may occur, and consonant clusters are common.
Variation in the pronunciation of consonants is of two kinds. Pidgin
speakers who also speak English often introduce phonemic distinctions from
that language that are not made by less educated speakers. So an educated
speaker might say /ʃu/ ‘shoe’ and /tʃetʃ/ or /tʃətʃ/ ‘church’ whereas an unedu-
cated speaker would be more likely to say /su/ and /sios/.
226 CHAPTER 10

The other kind of variation is probably related to first-language interfer-

ence. Many speakers “confuse” similar sounds, probably because these
sounds are not phonemically distinct in their own languages. Among the
pairs of sounds commonly confused by some speakers of Melanesian Pidgin
are /p/ and /b/; /t/ and /d/; /k/ and /g/; /p/ and /f/; /t/ and /s/; /h/ and absence
of a consonant; /b/ and /v/; /s/ and /ʤ/; /f/ and /v/; /l/ and /r/; /v/ and /w/;
and /n/ and /ŋ/. For example, some speakers of Tok Pisin say /pis/ ‘fish,’ and
others /fis/; /tasol/ ‘only’ is often heard as /tatol/; and while some speakers
say/haumas/ ‘how much?’ others would say /aumas/ or /aumat/.
The orthography is fairly straightforward, with ng being used to repre-
sent /ŋ/ (and j for /ʤ/ in Pijin and Bislama). For most speakers, voiced stops
do not occur word-finally, but etymological spellings are used in Pijin and
Bislama: /pik/ ‘pig’ and /gut/ ‘good’ are written pig and gud in Pijin and Bis-
lama, but pik and gut in Tok Pisin. The diphthongs /ai/, /oi/ and /au/ are
written ai, oi, and au in Tok Pisin, but ae, oe, and ao in Pijin and Bislama, so
the words for ‘right,’ ‘boy,’ and ‘house’ are rait, boi, haus in Tok Pisin, but
raet, boe, haos in Bislama.

Sentence Structure

Melanesian Pidgin is a subject-predicate language and has both verbal and

verbless sentences. In verbal sentences, the phrase order is SV in intransi-
tive sentences and SVO in transitive sentences.

Tok Pisin
Subject Verb Object
Wanpela man i kam. 0
one man PREDICATE come 0
‘A man came/is coming.’

Maria i kilim pik bilong mi.

Maria PREDICATE kill TRANS pig POSS me
‘Maria killed/is killing my pig.’

Although there is no passive, attention can be focused on the object of a

transitive clause by moving it to the front of the sentence, where it can be fol-
lowed by the particle ia and a pause. This often translates a passive English
sentence. Here is the object-focused version of the second sentence above:

Tok Pisin
Object Subject Verb
Pik bilong mi ia, Maria i kilim.
Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines 227

‘As for my pig, Maria killed/is killing it.’

‘My pig was killed/is being killed by Maria.’

Verbless sentences follow a pattern similar to verbal sentences, with

subject preceding predicate.

Subject Predicate
Hem i man blong mi.
‘He is my husband.’


Pronouns in Melanesian Pidgin follow the Austronesian pattern: They distin-

guish at least three numbers and also show the inclusive/exclusive distinc-
tion in the first person non-singular. While the dual is common, the trial is
considerably rarer. Here are the pronouns of Bislama:

I mi
you yu
he/she/it hem

we two INC yumitu
we two EXC mitufala
you two yutufala
they two tufala

we three INC yumitrifala
we three EXC mitrifala
you three yutrifala
they three trifala

we INC yumi
we EXC mifala
you yufala
they olgeta
There is virtually no morphophonemic variation in the pronouns. The
same form is used as an independent pronoun, as subject or object, or after
a preposition:
228 CHAPTER 10

Mi hang-em ol klos blong mi long laen.
I hang-TRANS PL clothes POSS me on line
“I hung my clothes on the line.”

Hem i givim gato ya long yufala from

he PREDICATE give:TRANS cake this to you:PL because
hem i laekem yufala tumas.
he PREDICATE like:TRANS you:PL very
‘He/she gave the cake to you (pl.) because he/she likes you a lot.’

Nouns, Noun Phrases, and Prepositions

Nouns are almost universally invariable in form. There are no articles and
only a small number of demonstratives. Tok Pisin has dispela and Pijin des-
fala ‘this’ (sometimes ‘that’), both of which precede the noun. Bislama ya
‘this, that’ follows the noun. The following sentences all mean much the
same thing.

Tok Pisin
Dispela man i laik-im dispela meri.
this man PREDICATE like-TRANS this woman

Desfala man i laek-em desfala woman.
this man PREDICATE like-TRANS this woman

Man ya i laekem woman ya.
Man this PREDICATE like:TRANS woman this
‘This man likes this/that woman.’

Adjectives, numerals, and other quantifiers normally precede the noun

in a noun phrase, although there are some modifiers that follow the head.
In Tok Pisin, all monosyllabic adjectives and numerals, as well as some that
have two or more syllables, must occur with the suffix -pela in this context.
In Pijin and Bislama, the corresponding suffix -fala is less frequently used,
often occurring only when the adjective is emphasized. Here are some ex-
amples of noun phrases. The head noun is underlined.

Tok Pisin
tupela liklik meri
two small girl
‘two little girls’
Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines 229

ol gutpela pikinini
PL good child
‘the good children’

dispela tripela bikpela popo tasol

this three big pawpaw only
‘just these three big pawpaws’

tufala boe nomoa
two boy only
‘only two boys’

wanfala pua woman

one poor woman
‘a poor woman’

tu big haos ya
two big house this
‘these two big houses’

tu big-fala haos ya
two big-EMPHATIC house this
‘these two particularly big houses’

wan smol blu trak nomo

one small blue car only
‘just a small blue car’

There is only a small number of prepositions (but not so small a number

as some writers would have us believe). The following are the commonest
prepositions in Bislama:

long location, direction, source, instrument, time
blong possession, purpose, beneficiary
olsem ‘like, as
wetem accompaniment, instrument
from cause


Mi kam long Vila from wan kos.
I come to Vila because:of one course
‘I came to Vila for a course.’
230 CHAPTER 10

Papa blong yu i stap wok wetem huia?

father POSS you PREDICATE CONTINUOUS work with who
‘Who is your father working with?’

Fis olsem hemia, yu mas kat-em hem long

fish like this:one, you must cut-TRANS it with
sap-fala naef.
sharp-EMPHATIC knife
‘For a fish like this one, you have to cut it with a sharp knife’

The other two dialects are slightly different. From does not occur in
Tok Pisin, which uses the compound form bilong wanem ‘for what?’ to mark
cause instead. Pijin has the same prepositions as Bislama plus fo, which is
used to indicate purpose or tendency:

Mifala laek fo go.
we:EXC want for go
‘We want to go.’

Hem i man fo dring.

he PREDICATE man for drink
‘He is a drunkard.’

There are no special possessive pronouns in Melanesian Pidgin. The

possessive preposition (Tok Pisin bilong, Pijin and Bislama blong) may be fol-
lowed by either a noun or a pronoun possessor:

nem blong yu belo blong sios
name POSS you bell POSS church
‘your name’ ‘the church bell’

Verbs and the Verb Complex

Verbs are morphologically quite simple in Melanesian Pidgin. The only com-
mon affix is the transitive suffix.

Tok Pisin
Em i rit i stap.
‘He/she is reading.’

Em i rit-im dispela buk i stap.

he PREDICATE read-TRANS this book PREDICATE be
‘He/she is reading this book.’
Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines 231

With certain verbs, while the transitive form takes the suffix, the intran-
sitive form is often reduplicated.

Tok Pisin
Mama i was-im ol pikinini.
mother PREDICATE wash-TRANS PL child
‘Mom washed the children.’

Ol pikinini i was-was.
‘The children washed/swam.’

The verb complex does, however, contain a number of particles marking

tense-aspect and other functions. Verbs (and nonverbal predicates) take a
preverbal particle i, which marks what follows as a predicate. This use of i
can be seen in almost every example above. In recent years, however, the
use of this predicate marker has become more and more optional, especially
in Tok Pisin and Pijin. Thus the two Tok Pisin sentences above are just as of-
ten heard as Mama wasim ol pikinini and Ol pikinini waswas.
The verb is very often unmarked for tense, and lack of marking can
indicate either present or past. Other tenses and aspects are marked by
particles, some preverbal, others postverbal.

Tok Pisin
bai future pinis completed
bin incomplete past i stap continuous
ken optative, potential
inap ability
laik intention
save habitual

Three of these particles are, or derive from, verbs: laik, from laikim, ‘like,
want,’ save, which as a verb means ‘know, know how to,’ and i stap, which as
a verb means ‘to be (in a place).’ Some examples of these tense-aspect par-
ticles (plus the negative preverbal particle no) follow.

Tok Pisin
Em i no save kaikai mit.
he PREDICATE not HABITUAL eat meat
‘He/she doesn’t eat meat.’

Yu bai wok-im pinis.

‘You will have done it.’
232 CHAPTER 10

Pita i inap karim ol kago bilong yu.

Peter PREDICATE able carry:TRANS PL cargo POSS you
‘Peter can carry your things.’

Mamok i no bin kam.

Mamok PREDICATE not PAST come
‘Mamok didn’t come.’

Reduplication of the verb for other purposes than to indicate intransitiv-

ity is relatively common, especially in Bislama. There reduplication can have
the following functions: reciprocal action, random action, repeated action,
plurality, intensity, and the distributive.

Leg blong hem i solap.
leg POSS he PREDICATE swell
‘His/her leg is swollen.’

Leg blong hem i sol-solap.

‘His/her leg is really swollen.’

Ol lif oli foldaon.

‘The leaves fell down.’

Ol lif oli fol-foldaon long hariken.

PL leaf PL: PREDICATE RANDOM-fall in cyclone
‘The leaves fell all over the place in the cyclone.’

10.3. The Pidgins of the Motu Traders

The Motu people, who live around Port Moresby, speak an Oceanic lan-
guage. The western Motu particularly, “at the time of European contact
(and for an unknown number of years before) … were involved in a complex
network of trading relationships with linguistically related and unrelated
groups east, west and inland of their present position. The most spectac-
ular and important part of this trade … was the hiri, or annual trading
voyage to the Gulf of Papua some 300 kilometres away to the west” (Dut-
ton 1985, 20).
In the course of the hiri expedition, two separate (and apparently un-
named) pidgins developed. One was based mainly on the Koriki language of
the western Gulf of Papua, the other on the Eleman languages of the east-
ern part of the Gulf. Dutton (1985) calls these the Hiri Trading Language
Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines 233

(Koriki variety) and the Hiri Trading Language (Eleman variety), respec-
That, however, is by no means the end of the story. The Motu also used a
pidginized version of their own language (Dutton calls this Simplified Motu)
with other foreigners—originally probably in trade with their Oceanic-
speaking neighbors, and later with newcomers to the area. After European
contact in the late nineteenth century, they also used a variety of Melanesian
Pidgin with early colonial officials and other outsiders.
The two Hiri Trading Languages were restricted to use on the hiri, and
when that trading expedition finally ceased toward the middle of the twen-
tieth century, the languages also died a natural death. The English-based
pidgin died a less natural death: it was proscribed by the British govern-
ment, which adopted instead the pidginized version of Motu as the language
of contact.
The first British police force in Papua consisted of Fijians, Solomon Is-
landers, and Kiwais from the Daru area of western Papua. By the time the
police force was being established, there were a number of other foreigners
of various origins settling in the Port Moresby area. Simplified Motu soon
became the lingua franca of this motley collection of people. It was spread
outside Port Moresby mainly by the police on their patrols along the coast
and into the interior, but also by released prisoners who were given posi-
tions of authority as village constables. The language acquired the name
Police Motu, but in the 1970s, as the connotations of the word “police” were
deemed pejorative, the name Hiri Motu was chosen—in the mistaken belief
that Police Motu was a continuation of the language(s) spoken on the hiri.
The differences between the Hiri Trading Languages and Hiri (or Po-
lice) Motu can be seen in the following sentences (from Dutton 1985,

Hiri Trading Language (Koriki Variety)

Enane pu miai anea! Na okuai!
go sago get come me give
‘Go and bring some sago!’ ‘Give it to me!’

Hiri Trading Language (Eleman Variety)

Abuari pai avaia abusi! Ara porohalaia!
go sago get come me give
‘Go and bring some sago!’ ‘Give it to me!’

Hiri (Police) Motu

Oi lao rabia oi mailaia! Lau oi henia!
you go sago you bring me you give
‘Go and bring some sago!’ ‘Give it to me!’
234 CHAPTER 10

Two features give an idea of the simplified nature of Hiri Motu in

comparison with Motu itself. First, Motu has the normal Oceanic contrast
between direct and indirect possessive constructions and, in indirect pos-
session, contrasts food (marked with a-) and other possessions (marked
with e-):

(lau) tama-gu
(I) father-my
‘my father’

(lau) a-gu aniani

(I) POSS:FOOD-my food
‘my food’

(lau) e-gu ruma

(I) POSS:GENERAL-my house
‘my house’

Hiri Motu simply uses the general possessive form for all nouns: lauegu
tamana ‘my father,’ lauegu aniani ‘my food,’ lauegu ruma ‘my house.’
Second, Motu has independent pronouns, as well as subject prefixes and
object suffixes to verbs. Hiri Motu uses free pronouns in all of these environ-

Motu Hiri Motu

Independent Subject Object All environments
I lau na- -gu lau
you oi o- -mu oi
he/she/it ia e- -(i)a ia
we INC ita ta- -da ita
we EXC ai a- -mai ai
you umui o- -mui umui
they idia e- -dia idia

Hiri Motu was once widely spoken in Papua (although virtually not at
all in New Guinea, the northern half of Papua New Guinea), and it is one
of the three official languages of Papua New Guinea (alongside English and
Tok Pisin). In recent years, however, the number of its speakers, and conse-
quently its status, have tended to decline, partly as a result of inroads into
Papua by Tok Pisin, and partly because people who have been educated tend
to use English in preference to Hiri Motu.
Pidgins, Creoles, and Koines 235

10.4. Fiji Hindi

Beginning in the late nineteenth century, more than sixty thousand in-
dentured laborers were recruited from India to work on plantations in Fiji.
Initially, these recruits came mainly from northern India, where languages
of the Indo-European family are spoken. Many laborers spoke various di-
alects of Hindi, but many also spoke what was probably a pidgin, known
as Bazaar Hindustani. By the early part of the twentieth century, however,
almost half the laborers were being recruited from South India. These work-
ers spoke the quite unrelated languages of the Dravidian family. The plan-
tation environment brought into contact Hindi speakers from different di-
alects (numerically the largest group of Indians), speakers of Hindi and
other Indian languages (related and unrelated), speakers of Indian lan-
guages, Fijian, and English, and finally, Indians and some of the twenty-
seven thousand Pacific Islanders who were also recruited to work on Fijian
A number of languages developed or were used on the Fiji plantations,
an early variety of Melanesian Pidgin, a pidginized variety of Fijian, and a
pidginized variety of Hindi among them. The first of these has died out in
Fiji, but the other two are still used to some extent between people of differ-
ent ethnic groups who have no other common language.
In addition, however, another language also developed among Indians in
Fiji. Through koineization, Fiji Hindi, or Fiji Bāt (= ‘language’) evolved, espe-
cially among ethnic Indians born in Fiji. Fiji Hindi incorporates elements from
a number of Hindi dialects. Some examples of the mixture of dialects involved
in the development of Fiji Hindi can be seen in the pronoun system.

Fiji Hindi Hindi dialect source

I ham Bhojpuri ham
you (intimate) tum Awadhi, Braj tum
you (formal) āp Awadhi āp(u)
he/she/it (near) ī Bhojpuri, Awadhi ī
he/she/it (remote) ū Awadhi, Bhojpuri ū

The formation of plural pronouns by the addition of log ‘people’ to the singu-
lar, as in ham log ‘we,’ is characteristic of Magahi.
There were other contributors to Fiji Hindi as well: Bazaar Hindustani,
the Pidgin Hindi spoken on the plantations, English (as one might expect),
and also Fijian. Some examples from Fijian follow.

Fiji Hindi Fijian source

dakāu ‘reef’ cakau
kūmāla ‘sweet potato’ kumala
nangonā ‘kava’ na yaqona
236 CHAPTER 10

tabāle ‘wife’s brother’ tavale ‘brother-in-law’

tāmabūā ‘whale’s tooth’ tabua

The result of this koineization process is a new form of Hindi different from
any spoken in India.
A final complicating factor in the Hindi situation in Fiji has been the
fact that, although Fiji Hindi is the first language of virtually all Fiji In-
dians, who speak it in informal contexts, it is not the language of formal
situations. Standard (Indian) Hindi is used in schools, on radio, in print,
and in other formal contexts. A situation of diglossia has developed in
which people use one variety (Standard Hindi) in public meetings, for reli-
gious occasions, and in other formal situations, and the other variety (Fiji
Hindi) in informal situations.


Language, Society, and Cul-

ture in the Pacific Context

11.1. The Vocabulary of Pacific Languages

Westerners often evaluate people and their societies on the basis of their
technology. People without advanced technology are considered primitive
not just technologically, but intellectually as well.
Linguists studying Australian and Pacific languages are often asked how
many words there are in those languages. Underlying such a question is the
assumption that such “primitive” people must speak simple languages: “By
and large, the white population of present-day Australia has little knowledge
of the structure or nature of Aboriginal Australian languages. Moreover,
they have serious misconceptions about them. If you strike up a conversa-
tion with even well-educated white Australians you may hear that … ‘[Abo-
riginal languages] have only a few score words—names for common ob-
jects’” (Dixon 1980, 4).
Nothing could, as we have seen, be further from the truth. The gram-
mars of Pacific languages are by no means simple or primitive. How do
Pacific languages stand in terms of lexicon?

11.1.1. How Many Words?

When linguists are asked how many words there are in a particular language,
the idea seems to be that the more words a language has, the more sophisti-
cated it is. By implication, Pacific languages probably have many fewer words
than English does, and so are less sophisticated or more primitive.
Even trying to compare dictionaries of two languages for this purpose is
fraught with difficulties:

238 CHAPTER 11

How do we measure the number of words in a language? First, what is

a word? For instance, should the compound ‘firehose’ be treated as a
single word different from ‘fire’ and ‘hose’? Languages differ widely as
to what is considered a word. Second, are we talking about all words
ever used by any speakers of that language? Or about all words used
currently? Or about all the words used by an individual speaker and,
presumably, stored somehow in that speaker’s mind? Or about all the
words ever recorded of the language? These questions show how hard
it is to compare languages with respect to the number of words in
them. (Simpson 1993, 123)

The other aspect of this problem relates to what forms the basis of our
comparison. The simplest way to compare languages in this way is to count
the entries in a dictionary (ignoring for the moment all the other problems
Simpson has pointed out). But some languages (like English) have a much
longer and more intensive history of dictionary compilation than do others
(like those of the Pacific). So even if this were a valid way of making com-
parisons, it would not be a particularly productive one.
Let us pursue this a little further. Crystal (1987, 108) notes that the 1987
edition of the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, for ex-
ample, contains some 260,000 headwords (“the bold-face items that occur
at the beginning of each entry”). No dictionary of a Pacific language comes
anywhere near that figure: The monolingual Fijian dictionary currently in
preparation has considerably fewer than twenty thousand entries (Paul Ger-
aghty, personal communication), and this will probably be one of the largest
Pacific dictionaries when it is published. Does this mean that Pacific lan-
guage vocabularies are considerably more limited than those of European
In a sheer numerical sense, of course, it does. But we need to look a little
more deeply into this question. Let us do a quick experiment. Below are thirty
consecutive words beginning with the letter q, as listed on pages 1415–1416
of the 1981 edition of the Macquarie Dictionary. How many of these do you
think are in common use? How many could you give the meaning of?

quincuncial quinoline quinquepartite

quincunx quinone quinquereme
quindecagon quinonoid quinquevalent
quindecennial quinoxaline quinsy
quinella quinquagenerian quint
quinic acid Quinquagesima quintain
quinidine quinque- quintal
quinine quinquefoliate quintan
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 239

quinoid quinquennial quinte

quinol quinquennium quintessence

Dictionaries of languages like English include a vast number of highly tech-

nical, obsolete, or obscure words (like many of those listed above), nearly all
of which are not known to the ordinary speaker of the language.
The average speaker of any language probably knows and uses some-
where between five and ten thousand words in everyday life, and may
vaguely recognize a few thousand more. People in a particular profession,
or people who have a particular hobby or interest, will have another set of
vocabulary related to that profession or interest, but other speakers of the
language may probably not know those words—or at least not know how to
use them accurately. Most of the 260,000 words in the Random House dictio-
nary, for example, are probably unknown to almost all speakers of English.
When we take all of this into account, Pacific languages are not so differ-
ent from English as might at first be assumed. The average speaker of a
Pacific language also probably knows and uses between five and ten thou-
sand words. People who specialize in fishing, weaving, or other professions
and crafts will, of course, know additional technical terms not familiar to
other people. The difference with European languages lies in the fact that
most Australian and Pacific societies are relatively small-scale ones. The
range of specialization of professions, crafts, and hobbies is much smaller,
and hence the size of the technical or specialized vocabulary in those lan-
guages tends to be much smaller as well.

11.1.2. Specialization, Classification, and Abstraction

A second common misconception about Australian and Pacific languages
concerns the degrees of abstraction they are capable of. I quote Dixon
(1980, 5) again: “Some missionaries and amateur linguists who attempted to
study an Australian language have contributed to the misconceptions [about
them]. They have put it about that although there may be a superfluity of
terms for particular objects, the languages are totally lacking in generic
terms such as ‘fish’ or ‘fowl’; this is, of course, taken as a lack of mental
sophistication. The fact is that Australian languages do have quite as many
generic terms as European languages.”

Specific Terms

Things of cultural importance are usually obvious from a language’s lexicon.

The motor vehicle, for example, is of vital importance to western society, and
in English we have a large number of words referring to kinds of motor ve-
hicles (car, truck, lorry, van, bus), to brands of vehicles (Toyota, Cadillac,
240 CHAPTER 11

Mercedes-Benz, Rolls-Royce), to models (Toyota Corolla, Toyota Cressida,

Toyota Camry), as well as many hundreds of words referring to components
of motor vehicles. In many Pacific languages, in contrast, there is often just
one word, meaning ‘motor vehicle (of any kind).’
But in English we have just the one word yam to describe a particular
root-crop, and we have had to borrow the word taro to describe another
root-crop. Because these are not important food crops in English-speaking
society, one word for each is probably adequate. In the Anejom̃ language of
Vanuatu, where these are important sources of food, there are, according
to my count so far, names for forty different varieties of yam, and words for
over sixty named varieties of taro.
A language’s vocabulary reflects what is important to its speakers.
Where fine degrees of specialization are necessary or desirable, they will
show up in the lexicon. Stages of growth are one common area of specializa-
tion in these languages. The coconut, of course, is perhaps the prototypical
Pacific plant, and one should not be surprised to find lexical specialization in
this area. In Kwamera, for example, the generic term for coconut is napuei;
the fruit itself goes through the following named stages of development:

iapwas small coconut, coconut fruit bud
kwanapuirahákw larger coconut fruit bud
kwatigɨs small coconut (about four inches in diameter)
kapkapeki (intermediate stage between kwatig ɨs and tafa)
tafa young coconut before meat has begun to form
nafweruk nut with soft meat and effervescent water
kahimaregi nut with hard, well-developed meat
napuei mhia ripe nut with developed flesh, which falls from
the tree
kwarumahákw fallen nut which has begun to sprout
nuvera sprouted nut

In addition to these terms, there are terms for different parts of the nut, of
the tree, and of the fronds, as well as for different varieties of coconuts and
different coconut products.
The existence of areas of lexical specialization like this is not surprising.
We would expect coastal people to have numerous words for different kinds
of fish and fishing equipment, horticulturalists to have specialist terms for
plants and their parts and growth stages, warriors to have detailed vocabu-
lary relating to weapons, and so on. But there are also a few less expected
areas of lexical specialization, like the following set of names for different
kinds of noises in Yidiny:
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 241

dalmba sound of cutting
mida the noise of a person clicking his tongue against the
roof of his mouth, or the noise of an eel hitting the wa-
maral the noise of hands being clapped together
nyurrugu the noise of talking heard a long way off when the
words cannot quite be made out
yuyurunggul the noise of a snake sliding through the grass
gangga the noise of some person approaching, for example,
the sound of his feet on leaves or through the
grass—or even the sound of a walking stick being
dragged across the ground

Generic Terms

Why have even the more charitably disposed observers held the view that
Pacific languages have no generic terms? There are a few possible explana-
tions. One is that “when objects are being named one is generally expected
to be as specific as possible. If, say, a snake is seen it should be described
by its species name; the generic term ‘snake’ would only be employed if just
the tail were noticed and the species could not be identified, or in similar
circumstances” (Dixon 1980, 5). A second factor is that certain abstract
concepts grounded in western philosophy and culture are foreign to Pacific
cultures. In a society without money, for example, terms like money, poverty,
interest, devaluation, and so on are rare or nonexistent.
A third point is that, while abstractions do occur in Pacific languages, their
nature, or the concepts they represent, may be quite different from similar con-
cepts in European languages, because the way people look at and classify the
world is different. Kinship terms are a good example of this (see 11.3).
Pacific languages also classify the natural world taxonomically (al-
though, as we should by now expect, this classification might not necessarily
exactly match a classification of the same items in a European language). A
taxonomy is a way of classifying things or concepts in a hierarchical orga-
nization. At the “top” is a general term; the further down the hierarchy one
goes, the more specific the terms become; and each lower term is included
in the meaning of a higher term. If we take the generic term fish, then tuna,
mackerel, snapper, mullet, and so on are all kinds of fish; skipjack, bluefin,
yellow-fin, and so on are all kinds of tuna (which is a kind of fish); and so on.
Figure 8 shows a very partial classification of terms for marine life in Ane-
jom̃. The generic term numu refers to all fish, crustaceans, sea-urchins, sea
snakes, shellfish, etc. (though in common speech numu often means simply
242 CHAPTER 11

numu numu-sgan nepcev nepcev-apeñ

marine (sea) fish shark nepcev-awaraji
life nepcev-legeñhap
inhar farfaroa
stingray inher-edej
nedum̃ nedm̃ -alis
triggerfish nedm̃ -asin-
nedum̃ -hocou
nedum̃ -huoc
inmokom inmokm-arakei
parrotfish inmokm-ilcai
numu-ñwai (numerous) (numerous)
numu-taregit nijvañ inhaklin-najis
crustaceans crayfish, nah
lobster najis-alp̃as
num̃ an num̃ an-amidae
hermit crab num̃ an-hol
nesgaamu (numerous) (numerous)
Figure 8. Partial Classification of Anejom̃ Terms for Marine Life
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 243

‘fish’). There are a number of first-order specific terms, among them numu-
sgan ‘fish in the sea, including sharks, whales, stingrays, etc.,’ numuñwai
‘freshwater fish,’ numu-taregit ‘crustaceans,’ nesgaamu ‘shellfish,’ nahau
‘turtles,’ and so on. Each of these has a number of subvarieties. In addition to
the words given in the third column as subvarieties of sea fish (nepcev ‘shark,’
inhar ‘stingray,’ etc.), there are hundreds more: inhet ‘needlefish,’ inhos ‘sil-
verside,’ necna ‘sea mullet,’ najaj ‘flatfish,’ nilcam ‘wrasse,’ and so on. Many
of these third-order terms are further divided into more specific terms still, as
partially illustrated in figure 8. Similar taxonomies could be presented in all
Pacific languages for flora and fauna, especially those of economic or ritual im-
portance to the people who speak that language.
These taxonomies reflect people’s perceptions of nature, and they do
not always correspond with the perceptions held by speakers of other lan-
guages. In parts of the highlands of New Guinea, for example, the cassowary
is classified as an animal, not as a bird, because it does not fly. In many
cultures, bats and flying foxes are classified as birds, because they do fly.
Indeed, “the criteria for defining a generic term will [often] vary between
neighbouring languages; in Dyirbal yugu ‘tree’ does not include within its
scope stinging trees … or trees like pandanus which are less than a certain
height, whereas the [cognate] Yidiny noun jugi … does include pandanus
and stinging trees and in fact appears to be roughly coextensive with the
English lexeme tree” (Dixon 1980, 113).
Let us look briefly at the noun classes of an Australian language,
Murrinh-Patha (M. Walsh 1993). Murrinh-Patha has ten noun classes, each
marked with a particle preceding the noun. These are:

kardu- Aboriginal people and spirits
ku- Non-Aboriginal people, animals, birds, fish, insects,
and their products (like nests, meat, eggs, and honey)
kura- fresh water
mi- food and food plants, including their products (like fe-
thamul- spears
thu- things used for striking: offensive weapons (other than
spears), along with thunder, lightning, and playing
cards (which are thrown into the center of a group)
thungku- fire, firewood, matches, etc.
da- times and places
murrinh- speech and language
nanthi- everything else
244 CHAPTER 11

There are a number of features of interest in this system. Let us look at

the first two classes first: “As in English, the category of ‘higher animates’
is culturally conceived. In Murrinh-Patha the category of ‘higher animates’
is often thought of as just involving Aboriginal people while non-Aboriginal
people are classified along with other animates like snakes, birds and fish”
(M. Walsh 1993, 114). The ku-class of other animates includes the word ku:
this means ‘meat’ (the product of animals), but it also has come to mean
‘money’ (the product of non-Aboriginal people).
Each of the next five Murrinh-Patha classes—those marked by kura,
mi, thamul, thu, and thungku—includes things with a prominent place in
Murrinh-Patha culture: fresh water and its sources, fire and fire-making,
spears, boomerangs and clubs, and so on. The da-class groups together
places and times (seasons and the like), while the murrinh-class also sug-
gests that speech and language are important to the culture. The final class,
marked by nanthi, is a residual class, and includes nouns that do not fit into
any of the other classes.

11.2. Counting Systems

Some Oceanic languages have an elaborate system of numeral classifiers (see
chapter 6). Other aspects of counting systems in Pacific languages provide
an example of the variety of semantic systems within this region. As Laycock
(1975a, 219) says, “Number systems can be studied as philosophical systems
in their own right, or as guides to ethnic thinking on number concepts.”

11.2.1. Decimal Systems

I will begin with the system with which English speakers are most familiar,
the true decimal system, in which there are separate individual words for
the numbers one to ten, each composed of only a single morpheme, and
which may also have separate individual words for hundred and thousand
(and perhaps higher multiples of ten as well).
The majority of the Oceanic languages have this system, although no
Australian language does (at least natively), and “decimal systems do not
appear to exist at all in the non-Austronesian languages of the New Guinea
area” (Laycock 1975a, 224). True decimal systems are found throughout
Polynesia and Micronesia, in the majority of southeastern Solomons and
northern Vanuatu languages, and in a minority of mainland New Guinea
Oceanic languages. Some examples of decimal systems are given below
(the Kiribati numerals one through nine incorporating the general classi-
fier ua):
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 245

Tongan Fijian Kiribati Arosi Nakanai

1 taha dua te-ua-na ta‘ai isasa
2 ua rua uo-ua rua ilua
3 tolu tolu teni-ua oru itolu
4 fā vā a-ua hai ivaa
5 nima lima nima-ua rima ilima
6 ono ono ono-ua ono iuolo
7 fitu vitu iti-ua biu ivitu
8 valu walu wani-ua waru iualu
9 hiva ciwa ruai-ua siwa ualasiu
10 hongofulu tini tabuina tangahuru savulu-sa
100 teau drau tebubua tangarau salatu-sasa
1000 afe udolu tengaa meru salatu-savulu

Micronesian languages are unusual in the world context in having dis-

tinct numerals for ten-power bases, in some cases as high as 109 (Harrison
and Jackson 1984). For example:

Kiribati Ponapean Woleaian

100 tebubua epwiki sebiugiuw
1000 tengaa kid songeras
10,000 terebu nen sen
100,000 tekuri lopw selob
1,000,000 teea rar sepiy
10,000,000 tetano dep sengit
100,000,000 tetoki sapw sangerai
1,000,000,000 lik

In many languages with decimal systems, there are special ways of

counting certain things, especially food produce and other things of value.
For example:

bola ‘ten fish,’ ‘a hundred canoes’
bewa ‘ten bunches of bananas’
vulo ‘ten tabua (whale’s teeth)’
uduudu ‘ten canoes’
koro ‘a hundred coconuts’
selavo ‘a thousand coconuts’

asoa ‘two coconuts’
sava‘a ‘ten pigs, cows, fowls, eggs, cuttlefish’
246 CHAPTER 11

sͻiga ‘ten fish’

poa ‘twenty ͻlili (kind of shellfish)’
kato‘a ‘a hundred fish’

Motu and its close relatives show a system that might be referred to as
an imperfect decimal system, in which some numerals represent multiplica-
tions. Here are the numerals from one through ten in Motu:

1 ta 6 taura-toi
2 rua 7 hitu
3 toi 8 taura-hani
4 hani 9 taura-hani-ta
5 ima 10 gwauta

Although there are separate words for seven and ten, six and eight appear to
be ‘(one) two-threes’ and ‘(one) two-fours,’ and nine is ‘(one) two-fours-one.’
There are also imperfect decimal systems that involve subtraction. Here
are the numerals one through ten in Titan (Oceanic) and Buin (Papuan). (The
Buin numerals are those used with the noun class referring to things.)

Titan Buin
1 si nonumoi
2 luo kiitako
3 talo paigami
4 ea korigami
5 lima upugami
6 wono tugigami
7 ada-talo paigami tuo
8 ada-lua kiitako tuo
9 ada-si kampuro
10 akou kiipuro

In Titan and Buin, there are normal numerals from one through six and ten.
In Titan, seven is ada-3, 8 is ada-2, and 9 is ada-1. Clearly subtraction is in-
volved, although ada is not the word for ten. In Buin, seven is ‘three less’ and
eight is ‘two less’; nine, however, means something like ‘completed.’

11.2.2. Quinary Systems

The other common numeral system in Pacific languages is a quinary sys-
tem—one based on five. These systems have individual morphemes for the
first five numerals (five may be the same word as hand). The numerals six to
nine, however, are compounds whose underlying meaning is five-plus-one,
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 247

five-plus-two, and so on. The numerals ten and twenty may be compounds
as well, or may be separate morphemes. Such systems are found in much
of New Guinea (among both Oceanic and Papuan languages), as well as in
parts of Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia. The examples below
are from Oceanic languages, with the exception of Daga, which is Papuan.

Lenakel Tigak Jawe Daga

1 karena sakai siic daiton
2 kiu pauak seluk dere
3 kɨsil potul seen yampo
4 kuvɨr poiat phoec bayabayapa
5 katilum palmit nim nani yamunaet
6 katilum-karena palmit sakai ni-siic nani yamu daiton
7 katilum-kiu palmit pauak ni-seluk nani yamu dere
8 katilum-kɨsil palmit potul ni-seen nani yamu yampo
9 katilum-kuvɨr palmit poiat ni-phoec nani yamu
10 katilum-katilum sangaulung paidu aonagaet

Lenakel and Tigak form numerals above five by compounding on the actual
numeral five, while Jawe and Daga use a modified version of the form for
five. Tigak, Jawe, and Daga have independent morphemes for ten, but the
Lenakel form involves addition.
Expansions of these systems are interesting. Lenakel simply continues
building on the base katilum until nineteen (which is katilum-katilum-katilum-
kuvɨr= 5–5–5–4 = 19). Twenty is expressed as:

ieramím karena r-ɨka
person one he-is:not
which is similar to the system in Jawe, where the word for twenty is siic kac
‘one man.’ Both of these derive from counting all fingers and toes—“com-
pleting” a single person.
Daga is different: Here the form given above for five is nani yamu-naet
‘hand other-nothing’; so seven is nani yamu dere ‘two on the other hand.’
Ten is ao-na-gaet ‘up-my-INTENSIFIER’—i.e., ‘only my upper appendages,’ or,
in other words, ‘my two hands.’ Counting from one to ten proceeds on the
fingers, counting from eleven to nineteen on the toes, and twenty represents
a complete person.

aonagaet pusinawan daiton
ten my:foot one
248 CHAPTER 11

aonagaet pusin yamunaet

ten my:foot five

aonagaet pusin yamunaet pusin yamu daiton

ten my:foot five my:foot other one

apane daiton
man one

Drehu shows an interesting variation on the standard quinary systems.

The Drehu numerals one through twenty are given below:

1 caa 6 caa-ngömen 11 caa-ko 16 caa-hwaihano
2 lue 7 lue-ngömen 12 lue-ko 17 lue-hwaihano
3 köni 8 köni-ngömen 13 köni-ko 18 köni-hwaihano
4 eke 9 eke-ngömen 14 eke-ko 19 eke-hwaihano
5 trii-pi 10 lue-pi 15 köni-pi 20 caatr

In Drehu, the numerals five, ten, and fifteen are trii-pi, lue-pi, and köni-pi.
There seems to be a unit of five, based on a form pi, and these numerals are
There seems to be a unit of five, based on a form pi, and these numerals are
effectively 1-pi, 2-pi, and 3-pi. Between these units, the numerals one to four
take suffixes: -ngömen is used between six and nine, -ko between eleven and
fifteen, and -hwaihano between sixteen and nineteen. The Drehu word for
twenty, caatr, is actually caa atr ‘one man.’

11.2.3. Other Systems

Huli (Cheetham 1978), spoken in the Southern Highlands Province of
Papua New Guinea, is quite unusual in having a base of 15, although “the
last three numerals of the series, 13, 14 and 15, are also the words for body
parts, even though these body parts are not referred to when counting, and
the words now appear to be true numerals” (Smith 1988, 13). The Kapauku
(Ekagi) of Irian Jaya (Price and Pospisil 1966) have an even more com-
plex system—a decimal system as far as the base of 60, with higher units
of 600 and 3,600, similar to the system of the ancient Babylonians (Smith
1988, 12). But most other systems that are neither decimal nor quinary
have bases smaller than five.
Oceanic languages are almost exclusively decimal or quinary. The ma-
jor exceptions to this generalization are some of the Oceanic languages of
the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea, which have presumably been
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 249

influenced by their Papuan-speaking neighbors (Smith 1988). Adzera, for

example, has only two numerals. Counting above two proceeds by addition
to the base ‘two.’ Mapos has numerals for only one, two, and three, with
four being a compound (2 + 2) and five involving the word orund ‘hand.’

Adzera Mapos
1 bits ti
2 iruc lu
3 iruc da bits lal
4 iruc da iruc lu-mba-lu
5 iruc da iruc da bits orund vandu
6 iruc da iruc da iruc, etc. orund vandu mb-ti, etc.

Australian languages tend to have quite simple numeral systems. “The

one obvious gap in Australian vocabularies is the lack of any system of num-
bers. It is usually said that there are only numbers ‘one’, ‘two’, ‘several’
and ‘many’; some languages appear also to have ‘three’ although this is fre-
quently a compound form…. No special significance attaches to the absence
of numeral systems in Australian languages; it is simply a reflection of the
absence of any need for them in traditional culture” (Dixon 1980, 107–108).
Here are some examples from three widely separated Australian languages:

Margany Wajarri Wargamay

1 wakanyu kurriya yunggul
2 ura kujarra yaga
3 — marnkurr garbu
many dhiwala yalypa dyaginy

As in so many other ways, the Tiwi language is an exception to general-

izations about Australian languages, having a quinary system.

1 yati 6 kiringarra (yati)
2 yirrara 7 kiringarra yirrara
3 yirrajirrima 8 kiringarra yirrajirrima
4 yatapinti 9 kiringarra yatapinti
5 punginingita 10 wamutirrara

Papuan languages exhibit a great variety of numeral systems. There are

quite a few languages with a binary system, with numerals greater than two
formed by compounding. Wantoat exemplifies the classical type, while Nu-
manggang uses the word for hand to express five; Salt-Yui allows both ways
of representing five—ana holulu meaning roughly ‘one fist,’ while sui sui tai
dire = ‘two two one together.’
250 CHAPTER 11

Wantoat Numanggang Salt-Yui

1 tapatu kutnung taniga
2 tapaya lufom sutani
3 tapaya tapatu lufom kutnung sui tai dire
4 tapaya tapaya lufom lufom sui sui dire
5 tapaya tapaya kafong ko ana holulu, sui sui
tapatu tai dire
6 tapaya tapaya kafong ko kutnung sui sui sui dire

Other Papuan languages have a ternary system, with three basic numer-
als. In Som the system simply involves addition (so seven is 3–3–1, etc.), while
in Guhu-Samane the word for boto ‘hand’ occurs in the numeral five.

Som Guhu-Samane
1 koweran tena
2 yarə eseri
3 kabmə tapari
4 oyarə oyarə eseri sa eseri
5 oyarə oyarə kowe boto tena
6 okabmə okabmə boto tena ma tena

Kewa is one of the few Papuan languages with a base-four system:

1 pameda
2 laapo
3 repo
4 ki (= ‘hand’)
5 (kina) kode (= ‘[hand’s] thumb’)
6 kode laapo (= ‘thumb + two’)
7 kode repo (= ‘thumb + three’)
8 ki laapo (= ‘two hands’)
9 ki laapona kode (pameda) (= ‘two hands, one thumb’)
10 ki laapona kode laapo, etc. (= ‘two hands, two thumbs’)

Laycock (1975a, 224) reports that there are also a few languages with a
base-six system.

11.2.4. Tally Systems

One other type of counting system needs mentioning here. This is a tally
system. Based on body parts, it counts the fingers of one hand, up the arm,
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 251

across the face or the chest, and down to the fingers of the other hand; these
are often used for counting valuables—pigs, shell-money, or other things
given—and also calendrical events, such as the preparations needed for a
festival. Tally systems “are used only for direct counting, or ‘mapping’ of a
set of objects against some other measuring code. There are no ‘numerals’
in a tally system, so that one may not receive a reply to the question ‘how
many?’ or find the points of the tally-system qualifying nouns, as do true nu-
merals” (Laycock 1975a, 219).
As well as having a base-four numeral system, Kewa also has a tally sys-
tem, involving a counting cycle called a paapu. Counting begins with the
little finger on the left hand, goes through the other fingers (1–5), from the
heel of the thumb up to the upper arm (6–14), the shoulder and neck (15–18),
the jaw (19), the left ear (20), cheek (21), eye (22), the inside of the left eye
(23) until the mid point is reached: rikaa ‘between the eyes’ = 24. Counting
then proceeds in the reverse order, ending with the little finger on the right
hand, which is 47.

11.3. Kinship
Kinship systems are intricately bound up with the system of social relations
of a particular society. They show very clearly how language is tied in with
social life and social behavior.

11.3.1. Njamal Kinship Terms

In Njamal society of northwestern Australia (Burling 1970, 21–27), as in most
Australian societies, every person belongs to a moiety, one of two units into
which a society is divided on the basis of descent. In Njamal, moieties are pa-
trilineal: A person belongs to the same moiety as his or her father. In addition,
they are exogamous—a person must marry someone from the opposite moi-
ety. Figure 9 shows the implications in relation to a man (labeled “Ego,” from
the Latin word meaning ‘I’), his grandparents, his parents and their siblings,
his siblings and their spouses, his wife, and his children and their spouses. In
this figure and the next, triangles represent males, circles represent females,
and the equals sign indicates marriage. Members of Ego’s moiety are shaded
black, while members of the other moiety are unshaded.
Now let us see how a system of social organization like a moiety system,
which is quite different from the system English speakers are used to, re-
lates to the kinship terminology of a society. Figure 10 is the same set of
relatives as in figure 9, but with a few additions. It shows the terms a male
Njamal speaker uses to refer to each of those relatives.
252 CHAPTER 11

Figure 9. A Moiety System

There are a number of very significant differences between the Njamal

system and that of English. Some examples follow.

1. In Ego’s parents’ generation, four terms are used:

mama all males in this generation of the same moiety—Ego’s fa-
ther, father’s brother, and mother’s sister’s husband
karna all males in this generation of the other moiety—Ego’s
mother’s brother and father’s sister’s husband
midari all females in this generation of the same moiety—Ego’s fa-
ther’s sister and mother’s brother’s wife
ngardi all females in this generation of the opposite moiety—Ego’s
mother and her sister, and his father’s brother’s wife
2. The moiety system is reflected again in kinship terms for Ego’s
grandparents’ generation. The paternal grandfather (maili), for ex-
ample, is called by a different term from the maternal grandfather
(mabidi), since they belong to different moieties.
3. For Ego’s grandchildren’s generation, the terms maili and mabidi
are used again. Maili refers to any grandchild or any grandchild’s
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 253

Figure 10. Njamal Kinship Terms

spouse, irrespective of sex, who is of the same moiety as Ego.

Mabidi applies to any grandchild or grandchild’s spouse, again ir-
respective of sex, who is of the other moiety.

Moiety membership is one of the major criteria in classifying kin. “A Nja-

mal can apply one of these kinship terms to any Njamal however distantly
he may be related. They recognize no boundary beyond which people are no
longer counted as kinsmen” (Burling 1970, 23). The term maili, for example,
not only applies in the grandparental generation to one’s father’s father, but
also to one’s father’s father’s brother, mother’s mother’s brother, mother’s
father’s wife’s brother, father’s mother’s husband, father’s mother’s sister’s
husband, father’s mother’s wife’s brother, that is, to any male of this gener-
ation belonging to the same moiety.
254 CHAPTER 11

One other feature of Njamal kinship terms is widespread in the Pacific:

the reciprocal use of terms between kin two generations apart. In Njamal,
for example, a man and his father’s father call each other maili. There is
often both a close bond and a fairly relaxed relationship between grandpar-
ents and grandchildren in Pacific societies, whereas the relationship be-
tween one’s own generation and one’s parents’ (or children’s) is often char-
acterized by greater social tension. Hence the use of nonreciprocal terms,
which imply more of a relationship of domination and subordination. Njamal
also presents additional complications.

1. Figure 10 shows the terms for ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ as kurda and
turda, respectively. These terms are used to refer only to brothers or
sisters who are older than the speaker. Younger brothers and sisters
are both referred to by the term maraga. Relative age is a factor in de-
termining which term should be used within Ego’s generation.
2. Differences in the referent of some terms may depend on the sex of
the speaker.

Male speaker Female speaker

njuba wife, brother’s wife husband, sister’s husband
ngarbari wife’s brother, sister’s [not used]
julburu [not used] husband’s sister, brother’s wife
ngaraija sister’s daughter brother’s daughter
tjilja brother’s daughter sister’s daughter

The social facts of moiety membership, relative age, and the sex of the
speaker are all important in Njamal society, as the system of kinship termi-
nology indicates.

11.3.2. Kinship and Marriage in Anejom̃

The regulation of marriage often has a great effect on the system of kinship
terminology. This short case study deals with Aneityum society and the Ane-
jom̃ language (Tepahae and Lynch 1998).
Figure 11 shows some kinship terms in Anejom̃. A man calls his wife
egak, and this term also applies to his mother’s brother’s daughter and his
mother’s sister’s daughter. The reason for this is that, in traditional Ane-
jom̃ society, a man was supposed to marry one of these cross-cousins. The
term egak is probably better translated as ‘marriageable female relative
of the same generation.’ The father of egak is called matak, meaning not
only ‘maternal uncle’ but also ‘father-in-law,’ since one of one’s maternal un-
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 255

cles would also be one’s father-in-law. The kinship terminology of Anejom̃ is

very intricately involved with the regulation of marriage in traditional Ane-
ityumese society.
There is a further interesting twist to this system. No system works the
way it should a hundred percent of the time. A young man becomes smitten
with a young woman who is not one of his prescribed marriage partners, and
the elders reluctantly agree for them to marry. Suppose, for example, that
one of the boys in my grandchildren’s generation marries my daughter. Be-
cause he is of that generation, I should call him m̃ ap̃ok ‘my grandchild.’ But
because he is now my son-in-law, I should also call him nohowanig uñak ‘my
son-in-law.’ Neither of these sits well with me, the grandfather and father-in-
law. How can the dilemma be resolved?

Figure 11. Anejom̃ Kinship Terms

256 CHAPTER 11

The Aneityumese have resolved it by developing a new term, numulai.

This term comes from numu ‘a living person’ + lai ‘to grow or develop in an
unexpected way.’ By referring to my grandson and son-in-law as numulai,
I am very specifically recognizing the fact that our relationship has changed
due to an “irregular” marriage.
Kinship systems have fascinated anthropologists and linguists for over
a century. There is a finite number of possible kinship systems. Each system,
however, has developed the way it has in order to express a complex network
of social relations and a complex system of social organization. Although I
have looked at just two systems here, these demonstrate how wholly lan-
guage is bound up with other aspects of the life of a society.

11.4. Languages in Use

Since most Pacific languages are spoken by a few thousand people at most,
one might expect them to be used in a fairly simple and uncomplicated man-
ner—no frills, no special styles, just straightforward, down-to-earth, face-to-
face communication. This view, however, is a gross oversimplification.

11.4.1. Language and Gender

In the discussion of Njamal kinship terms in 11.3.1 above, we saw that some
terms are used differently depending on whether a man or a woman is speak-
ing. The same is true of Anejom̃ (see 11.3.2). For example, the term etwak
means ‘my same-sex sibling’—my brother if I am a man, but my sister if I
am a woman. There are two other Anejom̃ terms for siblings, and each is re-
stricted to one sex: Nataheñ erak ‘my sister’ can be used only by men, while
natam̃ añ erak ‘my brother’ can be used only by women. Most Pacific lan-
guages probably express some distinctions in kin terms based on the sex of
the speaker.
Men and women in all societies use language differently. Some differ-
ences are based on sex differences like those of the glottis and vocal folds,
which result in men’s generally having a lower-pitched voice than women.
I am not interested in these differences here. Of much greater interest are
differences based on gender, or the social roles of men and women.
The traditional division of labor between men and women leads, in most so-
cieties, to a difference in the vocabulary with which a speaker is familiar. In a
maritime Pacific society, for example, men probably know and use more words
related to house building, deep-sea fishing, hunting, warfare, and kava prepa-
ration; women tend to have a wider (active or passive) vocabulary than men in
areas like basket-making and mat-weaving, shellfish, and food preparation.
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 257

Often, however, differences go deeper than this. On the island of Ngatik

(near Pohnpei in Micronesia) there is reported to be a special “men’s lan-
guage” that incorporates quite a number of words from an early variety of
Pacific Pidgin English (Clark 1979–1980, 35). Among the Big Nambas in Van-
uatu, on the other hand, there is a special “women’s language.” Women could
not traditionally say the name of the chief or any senior male relative, and had
to substitute other words for these names or for any word that sounded like
them. If a chief or other senior male had a name that sounded like tau or nauei,
then the verb tau ‘put’ would be replaced by uln ‘let go of,’ and the word nauei
‘water’ by the special replacement term tarah (H. Fox 1997).
Many Australian societies have special secret languages taught by older
men to boys during their initiation and used only by men in certain ceremonies.
Because of their ritual importance, such secret registers are not supposed to be
used in front of women or uninitiated boys. “Of these registers it can in general
be said that they are brilliant creations in which a very small stock of special
words is made to do all the work of framing any proposition that a speaker wants
to express” (Alpher 1993, 102). These secret male registers use either totally
different words, or else operate on a kind of “pig Latin” basis, turning a normal
word into something quite different. In some cases, the secret register involves
sounds that do not occur in the standard language (Dixon 1980, 66–67).

11.4.2. The Language of Respect

In all Pacific languages, there is a right way to speak, depending on the partic-
ular context in which one is speaking. There are obscene words, which can usu-
ally only be used in the most informal—or insulting—contexts. There are eu-
phemisms, which are used in more public circumstances or in mixed company.
And there are oratorical styles, in which the underlying meanings of what is said
are often obscured (at least to the uninitiated) by a series of metaphors.
In the chiefly societies of western Polynesia, there are rather more dra-
matically distinct speech styles, depending on whom one is talking to or
about. Tongan, for example, has three styles—one for commoners, another
for nobles, and the third for the king—distinguished by different vocabulary
items for the same thing (Philips 1991). For example:

Commoners Nobles King
kai ‘ilo taumafa ‘eat’
mate pekia hala ‘die’
fa ‘itoka mala ‘e mo‘unga ‘cemetery’
kaukau tākele fakamālū ‘bathe’
‘alu me‘a hā‘ele ‘go’
258 CHAPTER 11

These words are supposed to be used to and about a member of the social
category concerned: “Thus [Tongan] people will say that when using Tongan
words for ‘go’, ‘alu is used to and about Commoners, me‘a is used to and
about Nobles, and hā‘ele is used to and about the King” (Philips 1991, 374).
This is what Tongans say should happen. In practice, however, things
are a little different. Philips notes, for example, that kingly terms are also
used when addressing God in prayers. Noble terms are used not only to and
about nobles, but also to and about people in nontraditional positions of au-
thority. She documents one case, for example, where a magistrate and the
public prosecutor use noble terms to each other, but commoner terms to wit-
nesses. Noble terms are, however, used “to raise the level of formality and
politeness in public discourse generally” (378), and also in poetry “to en-
hance the beauty and persuasiveness of what is said” (379). The system is
not rigid: It can be manipulated.
Samoan is similar to Tongan in that there are different registers, though
only two, used depending on whether one is talking to or about a matai (a
chief, an orator, or some other titled person) or a commoner. It is also sim-
ilar in the way in which one can manipulate these registers: “When we test
the accuracy of status/rank features to account for the actual use of RWs [re-
spectful words] in everyday interaction, we realize that such features of the
context are good predictors of performance only in some contexts” (Du-
ranti 1992, 83; emphasis in the original). Formality and politeness can be
signaled by the use of the respect register even when those involved do not
merit this by virtue of their status. On the other hand, intimacy or common
purpose can be conveyed by using the ordinary register even if one or more
of the participants is matai.
In addition to this lexical marking, all Samoan words that contain t or n
have two quite different pronunciations, depending on whether one is talk-
ing in a formal or an informal context. Formal Samoan t and n become k and
g (=/ŋ/) in informal or colloquial speech. The word meaning ‘bury’ is tanu in
more formal contexts, but kagu in informal contexts.
The fairly widespread Australian and Pacific practice of word taboo, or
replacement by some other term of a word that is or sounds like the name
of a recently dead person or of a chief, is one example of an avoidance
style. There are other kinds of avoidance styles in the Pacific as well. Two
such styles relate to the way one behaves linguistically (1) in the presence of
certain relatives, usually in-laws, and (2) during certain kinds of food gath-
ering and preparation. For example, “In every Australian community there
are certain kin relations that demand special behaviour; typically, two peo-
ple in mother-in-law/son-in-law relationship should avoid close contact and
sometimes may not address one another directly. Most (perhaps all) Aus-
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 259

tralian tribes have or had a special ‘avoidance’ speech style which must be
used in the presence of a taboo relative” (Dixon 1980, 58–59). In Dyirbal,
perhaps the most extreme case of this kind in Australia, there are two words
for almost every concept, one in the Guwal (everyday) style and another in
the Jalnguy (avoidance) style (Dixon 1980, 61). Thus, for example, buynyjul
means ‘red-bellied lizard,’ but in the presence of a taboo relative one has to
use the term jijan instead; for midin ‘ring-tail possum’ one must substitute
jiburray; and so on.
The Maisin of Papua New Guinea have a similar avoidance style. There,
it is not just the presence of the in-law that is important. In Maisin, one is not
allowed to use the name of an in-law in any circumstances, nor can one use
any word that sounds like that in-law’s name. One must substitute another
word instead. This necessitates the generation of many pairs of words refer-
ring to the same thing. Speakers choose the one that is not like the name of
an in-law. For example,

isu gungguti ‘nose’
ikosi dobong ‘coconut’
mimisi jenje ‘sandfly’
wo iriri ‘fire’
gaiti sisari ‘dirty’
borung ombi ‘rain’
kimi damana ‘star’

If one has an in-law whose name is, or is like, kimi, one cannot use this word,
but must use damana to mean ‘star’ instead.
The Kalam of Papua New Guinea have a similar in-law avoidance style.
In addition, however, they have what has come to be called “Pandanus Lan-
guage” in the literature.

Pandanus Language is used in two ritually restricted contexts, both

connected with the forest and with the preparation and consumption
there of a special category of food. When people go to the forest to
collect and cook alxaw [pandanus] nuts it is essential that they avoid
Ordinary Language—otherwise, the Kalam say, the nuts will turn out to
be rotten, watery or empty or the skins too hard to eat. Pandanus Lan-
guage must be used throughout such expeditions, which, at least until
very recently, often lasted for about three weeks. Ordinary Language
must also be avoided when cassowaries, which were once fairly com-
mon in the forest, are being cut up, cooked and eaten. (Pawley 1992,
260 CHAPTER 11

Some examples of the differences between Ordinary Language and Pan-

danus Language are given below.


Ordinary Language Pandanus Language

Yakt magi ki-p. Wjblp mdup yok-p.
bird egg excrete-it bird egg put-it
‘The bird has laid eggs.’

Kañm ñb-sp-un. Sml ñab g-sp-un.

banana consume- banana consuming do-PRESENT-
‘We are eating bananas.’

The Kalam are not unusual in this. Many Pacific languages have special
varieties that must be used in collecting forest produce, in hunting or fish-
ing, in initiations and other rituals, and so on. In many of these cases,
people believe that if they use ordinary language, the spirits guarding
their prey will be alerted, and the hunting or fishing expedition will be
unsuccessful. They disguise their intentions from these protective spirits
by speaking in a special language in order to ensure the success of their

11.4.3. Language and Socialization

Children learn their first language from the people around them—parents,
siblings, and other members of the extended family. As Edith Bavin points
out in her discussion of language and socialization among the Warlpiri of
central Australia, however:

Not all cultures have the same expectations of children. For example,
in white middle-class society, preverbal children are generally consid-
ered to be potential conversation partners and a care-giver carries on
‘conversations’ with a child. When the child starts producing words,
the care-giver often points to things and asks the child to name the
object or picture. Or the care-giver helps the child to develop com-
municative skills by telling the child what to say to a third person.
However, in other cultures, children are not necessarily encouraged
to speak until they have some knowledge to give, and question-answer
routines are not part of the adult-child interaction. (Bavin 1993, 86–87)

The Taiap-speakers of Gapun village in the East Sepik Province of Papua

New Guinea evidence similar behavior and attitudes. In discussing Taiap
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 261

views of social behavior, Kulick (1992) says that they distinguish between
hed and save. Hed (Tok Pisin for ‘head’) refers to personal will and auton-
omy, but often has the negative connotations of unacceptable individualism
or selfishness; save (Tok Pisin ‘know, knowledge’), on the other hand, refers
to the ability to behave appropriately and to fulfill one’s roles in society. Chil-
dren are born with hed. Save, so the people of Gapun say, “breaks open”
in a child somewhere in the second or third year. “Teaching and learning
are two distinct processes and … one can occur independently without the
other. Parents consider that they can tell their children to ‘call the names of
things,’ but that the children will only ‘start to learn’ once their save breaks
open inside of them” (Kulick 1992, 120). Much of the talk Taiap villagers
direct toward young children is what Kulick calls a “distraction routine.”
Parents do not have conversations with children; they seem simply to want
to stop them from crying.
Like adults in most societies, Taiap adults have a set of baby-talk words
they use to children, because the proper words are “too hard.” Among them
are the following (Kulick 1992, 197):

Adult form Baby-talk form
mambrag mamak ‘spirit’
kakamatɨk kakam ‘millipede’
min mimi ‘breast’
yewɨr pipi ‘excrement’
nok soso ‘urine’
min atukun mimi naka ‘drink the breast!’
atɨtɨŋgarana puparəŋgarana ‘you’d better not fall!’

This concept of proper words being too hard, however, is taken much
further in Gapun village. Adults believe that the Taiap language is hard.
Because children have no save, they will not be able to learn it well. They
therefore very often use Tok Pisin in talking to children, since it is a much
“easier” language. Children learn Taiap from older siblings rather than
from adults.

11.5. Language Use in Pacific Nations

European colonization of the Pacific brought new religions, new social and
political institutions, new fashions, foods, and recreational pursuits. It also
brought new languages and new ways of using language, widening the lin-
guistic repertoires of Pacific Islanders and aboriginal Australians (and being
widened by them).
262 CHAPTER 11

11.5.1. Colonial and Other Intrusive Languages

The major colonial powers in the Pacific in recent times have been the
British, Americans, Australians, New Zealanders (all of whom speak Eng-
lish), and the French. English and French are the two most important in-
trusive languages in the Pacific today. French is the official language in
the French overseas territories of New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, and
French Polynesia, and is one of the official languages (alongside Bislama and
English) in Vanuatu. In almost all other Pacific countries or territories, Eng-
lish is the major language of external—and often internal—communication.
It is also the major language of regional organizations in the Pacific (though
French is sometimes used as well).
In all of these countries, some or all formal education is carried on in English
or French. Educated Pacific Islanders have a reasonable knowledge of one or
both of these languages, and they use them in official and often also informal
situations. In many Pacific countries, a dialect of English (or French) is devel-
oping that differs from the varieties of that language spoken in metropolitan
countries. These Pacific dialects often incorporate vocabulary items from ver-
nacular languages or from languages like Melanesian Pidgin (e.g., Papua New
Guinea English bilum ‘string bag’ or Vanuatu English nakamal ‘meeting place,
kava bar’), and they also show phonological differences, often as a result of the
effects of the first languages of their speakers. More interesting, however, is the
development of grammatical differences from neighboring first-language vari-
eties of English, used in a highly consistent manner by virtually all well-educated
and fluent speakers of English in these countries. For example:

Papua New Guinea English Metropolitan English

Did he come or? Did he come?
I read it on the newspaper. I read it in the newspaper.
He can’t cope up with it. He can’t cope with it.
Let’s discuss about it. Let’s discuss it.
Do it sometimes tomorrow. Do it some time tomorrow.
Where’s the book which you read Where’s the book which you
it? read?

In the region I have been dealing with, there are now only two other intru-
sive or colonial languages in use at the national level: Spanish is the official
language of Easter Island, which is a territory of Chile, while Bahasa Indone-
sia is the official language of the Indonesian province of Irian Jaya. Other
colonial powers used their own languages in their Pacific colonies before they
were displaced. Spanish, German, and Japanese were used in parts of Mi-
cronesia, German also in New Guinea and Samoa, and Dutch in Irian Jaya.
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 263

In addition to the languages of colonial powers, other languages have

entered the area. Indian laborers coming to Fiji, for example, spoke not only
varieties of Hindi, but a wide range of other Indian languages, many of which
(like Gujarati, Tamil, and Telugu) are still spoken there. Various Chinese lan-
guages are spoken by the small Chinese populations of almost all Pacific
countries. There are immigrant communities speaking Vietnamese in Vanu-
atu and New Caledonia, Javanese in New Caledonia, and Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Lao, Vietnamese, and various Philippine languages in Hawai‘i.
And the large numbers of European and, more recently, Asian immigrants
into Australia and New Zealand have brought numerous ethnic languages to
those two countries.
There have also been substantial movements of people within the Pa-
cific. One can hear Kiribati being spoken in Solomon Islands, Tuvaluan in
Nauru, East Uvea (Wallisian) and Tahitian in Vanuatu, Samoan and Tongan
in Hawai‘i, and most Polynesian languages in New Zealand. In a sense, these
Pacific languages are also intrusive, in that they have come from somewhere
From the point of view of speakers of Pacific languages, languages like
Melanesian Pidgin, Australian creoles, and so on could also be classed as
intrusive. These languages are often used between speakers of different Pa-
cific languages, and they are probably the primary source of borrowings
into those languages. In urban areas particularly, their intrusions have pro-
gressed so far that they have become the first (and often only) language of
many people.

11.5.2. Multilingualism
The arrival of these intrusive languages, and the increased social mobility of
people in recent times, has led to quite complex sociolinguistic situations in
the Pacific. Most people in the Pacific are at least bilingual; they use two lan-
guages on a fairly regular basis. Many people are in fact multilingual, using
three or more languages regularly.
Bilingualism and multilingualism are not new in the Pacific. Particularly
in Melanesia, but also to some extent in Australia, people—especially,
though not exclusively, men—have always been exposed to languages other
than their own, and have often used foreign languages in certain contexts.
There was often considerable kudos to be gained by being multilingual. Sal-
isbury’s (1962) classic study of the Siane of the Eastern Highlands Province
in Papua New Guinea, for example, showed that the overt use of a foreign
language, Chuave, on formal and even informal occasions was a way of
achieving and maintaining high social status.
264 CHAPTER 11

In modern times the use of two or more languages has become more com-
mon and is no longer a male preserve. In general terms, we can differentiate
between Australia, Polynesia, and Micronesia, where people tend to be bilin-
gual, and Melanesia, where they tend to be multilingual. On most Polynesian
and Micronesian islands, only one language is spoken. People speak this as
their vernacular; it is the language they use within their own community, but
normally not outside it. These people speak some other language as their lin-
gua franca, the language used when dealing with (at least certain types of)
outsiders. The lingua franca throughout almost all of Polynesia and Microne-
sia is English, except in French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna, where it is
French. Similarly, many aboriginal Australians know one Australian vernacu-
lar and use a creole or some variety of English as a lingua franca.
By contrast, most islands in Melanesia contain more than one language,
and each country or territory contains a large number. Many Melanesians,
therefore, speak their own vernacular, and often one or more neighboring
vernaculars as well (particularly if there is a vernacular that has acquired
some prestige as the result of missionary activity). Except in Irian Jaya and
New Caledonia, they can usually also speak the national variety of Melane-
sian Pidgin (or Hiri Motu) to communicate with people from other parts of
the country. And if they have been educated, they speak Bahasa Indonesia
(in Irian Jaya), English (in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanu-
atu), or French (in Vanuatu and New Caledonia), both to other citizens of
their country and to outsiders. (Some educated ni-Vanuatu, in fact, speak
both English and French, as well as Bislama and one or more vernaculars.)
Fiji falls somewhere between. Most Fijians speak their own dialect of
Fijian plus the standard dialect; many also speak English. Similarly, most
Indians speak Fiji Hindi and Standard Hindi, and many speak English. Not
many Fijians speak Hindi, and not many Indians speak Fijian. English, or in
some contexts Pidgin Fijian or Pidgin Hindi, is the language of interethnic
In these kinds of multilingual situations, various aspects of the context de-
termine the appropriate language to use. In the market in Vila, for example,
a ni-Vanuatu would use the vernacular if the person selling vegetables came
from the same language community (or possibly a nearby one), but Bislama if
she didn’t. During a coffee break in a Honiara office, the staff would probably
talk in Pijin if they were all Solomon Islanders, but would most likely use Eng-
lish if some expatriates were taking part in the conversation.
Another feature of these multilingual situations is what is known as
code-switching. Very often, even in the same conversation, people switch
from one language to another. This may be because certain topics are easier
to talk about in one of the languages all the participants know rather than in
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 265

another, or it may be because something just sounds better in one language

than in another. Whatever the reason, code-switching is a very common fea-
ture of social interaction in the multilingual Pacific.
Conversations are often carried out in two languages when the partici-
pants understand both languages fairly well, but each speaks only one of
them fluently. In a Port Moresby office, for example, a Papuan worker (for
whom Hiri Motu rather than Tok Pisin would be the lingua franca) might well
listen to a conversation in Tok Pisin, but make his or her contribution to it in

11.5.3. Language in the National Context

Very few Pacific constitutions make specific reference to which language is
the national language and which is the official language. Generally, the clos-
est one gets to such a statement are sections in the constitution defining
which language is authoritative, or which one(s) may be used in parliament.
Constitutional provisions like the two below (from the constitutions of Kiri-
bati and Fiji) are common.

127. The provisions of this constitution shall be published in a Kiribati

text as well as this English text, but in the event of any inconsistency
between the two texts, this English text shall prevail. (Kiribati)

56. The official language of Parliament shall be English, but any mem-
ber of either house may address the chair in the House of which he is a
member in Fijian or Hindustani [i.e., Hindi]. (Fiji)

The only reference to language in the Constitution of Papua New Guinea

is the following statement in “National Goals and Directive Principles”:
“2(11). All persons and governmental bodies to endeavour to achieve univer-
sal literacy in [Tok] Pisin, Hiri Motu or English, and in tok ples or ita eda tano
gado [i.e., vernaculars].”
In most Pacific countries, the metropolitan language (usually English)
functions as the official language, although there may be no constitutional
provision for this. It is the language of government, of the law and the higher
courts, of higher education, and of sections of the media. The vernacular lan-
guage functions as a de facto national language. It is used by the people in
daily communication, in stores and offices, on public transport and in sec-
tions of the media, and often in early education and the lower courts.
This is even more true of Australia, where aboriginal vernaculars and
the languages of immigrants have no official constitutional status. English is
the official and national language, though there have recently been some ef-
forts to give minority languages some limited status.
266 CHAPTER 11

In Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, vernaculars also have no

official place in the national life of the country. English is the official lan-
guage, and it is very much also a de facto national language, as it is often the
language people use to talk to each other. English is the language of govern-
ment, of the law and the courts, of the media, and of all levels of education.
Melanesian Pidgin has some status as an additional national language, as it
is commonly used in daily communication and gets some exposure in the me-
dia, but its status is not comparable with that of, say, Tongan or Samoan in
Tonga and Samoa.
Vanuatu is different. It is one of the few Pacific states where the national
and official languages are spelled out in the constitution:

3 (1) The national language of the Republic is Bislama. The official

languages are Bislama, English and French. The principal lan-
guages of education are English and French.

(2) The Republic shall protect the different local languages which
are part of the national heritage, and may declare one of them as a
national language.

Pre-independence Vanuatu (then known as the New Hebrides) was in the

rather unusual position of having two colonial masters, the British and the
French, who ruled jointly. Some ni-Vanuatu were educated in French, others
in English, and the political lines were drawn as much on the basis of lan-
guage as anything else at the time of independence. Bislama was the neutral
language in this situation, and it still remains the only common language,
even among educated ni-Vanuatu. Although Bislama is not used in the edu-
cational system, and although laws and official government correspondence
are in English and French, Bislama is used in parliament, in churches, in the
media, and in other areas of daily communication.

11.5.4. Formal Education

Melanesia differs from the rest of the Pacific in terms of the languages used
in the educational system. In Melanesia, schools start from the first grade in
the official language, and students begin learning a totally foreign language,
French or English, as soon as they enter school. One major reason for this
is the multiplicity of languages in these countries. Christian missions used
vernaculars to some extent in primary education in the past, but now that
education is a governmental concern, this no longer happens. And although
there are some vernacular preschools and primary schools in some areas of
Papua New Guinea, they are still in the early stages of being set up.
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 267

One interesting consequence of these policies is that almost no speakers

of the largest nonmetropolitan language in the Pacific, Melanesian Pidgin,
have learned to read and write their language through any formal educa-
tional system! A few have learned it through adult literacy classes; many
others have taught themselves, having first learned to read and write in
some other language. But the Pacific language with the largest number of
speakers continues to have no place in formal education.
The Australian situation is slightly different. Some use is made of Aus-
tralian languages in some areas, often through bilingual programs, where
English and an Australian language are used side-by-side. For two centuries,
however, there have been only negative attitudes toward aboriginal Aus-
tralians and their languages. As a result, many people of aboriginal ancestry
know only a variety of English, and teaching them in an Australian language
is not of much help to their education.
Much more use is made of vernaculars in Polynesia and Micronesia. In
many of these countries, students begin their schooling in the vernacular,
not in English. English is only one subject until the middle (in Samoa or rural
Fiji) or the end (in Tonga) of the primary curriculum, and vernaculars often
remain subjects after the switch to English-language instruction has been
made. In these countries, since the educational system has to deal with only
one, or at most just a few, vernaculars, taking such an approach is relatively
easy. The status of vernaculars in different parts of the Pacific relates very
much to this issue of education.

11.5.5. Literacy
Literacy is often achieved through the formal educational system. In Polyne-
sia and Micronesia, literacy rates are generally quite high, and people have
usually learned to read and write their own language, often adding English
later. In Melanesia, by contrast, literacy rates tend to be much lower, and
those who have learned to read and write through formal education do so in
English or French.
The Christian missions and the Summer Institute of Linguistics have
sponsored literacy training in vernacular languages in at least some parts of
Melanesia and Australia. More recently, however, there has been a burgeon-
ing interest in vernacular literacy. Preschool programs have been estab-
lished in many parts of Papua New Guinea to teach children basic literacy in
their own language before they go to school. In many cases, these have op-
erated totally or almost totally outside government education agencies.
Adult vernacular literacy has also undergone a major expansion, espe-
cially in the last few years. There are, for example, over fifteen hundred
268 CHAPTER 11

community-based literacy programs operating in Papua New Guinea, and

a number of similar programs have begun in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
(Faraclas 1994). The success of these programs has caused the government
of Papua New Guinea to subject its English-only policy for formal education
to a critical review.

11.5.6. The Media

Almost all Pacific countries make some use of vernaculars in the media,
although metropolitan languages also get considerable exposure. The bal-
ance depends on a number of factors, including how much foreign news
and other material is printed or broadcast, and whether there are enough
trained translators to translate foreign material into local languages. Even
in Australia, where English dominates the media, minority languages still
get some exposure.
The Papua New Guinea media show an interesting mixture of languages
from all levels. While television is almost exclusively in English (apart from
a few commercials in Tok Pisin), radio is different. National radio stations
mainly use English, but have some programs in Tok Pisin and Hiri Motu.
Provincial stations use mainly Tok Pisin or Hiri Motu (depending on which
part of the country the station is in), but also make some use of the larger or
more prominent vernaculars in the province. The two national daily newspa-
pers are in English, and there are two weeklies, one in English and one in
Tok Pisin. In the provinces, some attempt is made to use both Tok Pisin and
a vernacular in provincial newsletters.

11.6. Shift, Survival, Death, Revival

The fourteen hundred languages of Australia and the Pacific are spoken by
tiny populations in world terms. In addition, they have been subjected to in-
vasion—from without, by such languages as English and French, and from
within, by such languages as Melanesian Pidgin and Kriol. Australians and
Pacific Islanders have incorporated these new languages into their tradi-
tional communication systems. There are, of course, a number of indigenous
Pacific people who do not speak an Oceanic, Papuan, or Australian language.
But for most people in the Pacific, the vernacular language exists side by
side with widespread lingua francas like English or Melanesian Pidgin. At
the same time, some languages have already died out as a result of depop-
ulation, population movements, and pressure from other languages. At the
beginning of the last century, for example, there were five languages spo-
ken on the island of Erromango in Vanuatu: Today there is only one, with a
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 269

few remnants of another. The situation in Australia is even more dramatic:

Most of the languages spoken there two hundred years ago will not survive
the next fifty years, as people of Aboriginal descent shift to English for their
main, or sole, means of communication.
Linguists and other outside observers generally view such situations
with alarm. The loss of a language is seen as a bad thing, and efforts should
be made to preserve these languages—to the extent of running language
maintenance programs, teaching children to speak their mother’s tongue
(which is not their mother tongue), and so on. This attitude may be an al-
truistic one or a paternalistic one, depending on one’s point of view. But it
is very much an outsider’s view. What do speakers of these threatened lan-
guages themselves think of the imminent loss of their languages?
Up until the Second World War, New Zealand Māori was a dynamic lan-
guage, even though it was mainly spoken in rural areas. But the war, and
the movement of rural Māori to towns after it, changed all that. English
came to be seen as the language with which one could get things—educa-
tion, jobs, better living conditions—and the urban Māori began to abandon
their language. There is evidence that this was a fairly conscious and
deliberate act: Parents chose to speak English rather than Māori to their
children, to give them as much of a head start as possible. A fairly recent
survey by the New Zealand Department of Statistics showed that there
were about 270,000 New Zealanders who claimed at least 50 percent
Māori ancestry, and almost 100,000 more who claimed some Māori an-
cestry. Of those 370,000 people, only about 70,000 said they were fluent
speakers of the Māori language, although another 45,000 said they could
understand but not speak it.
Although the number of Māori speakers looks large from a Melanesian
point of view, there was very serious concern in the Māori community, not
least because very few of those fluent speakers of Māori were children or
young people. It seemed likely that the number of speakers would dimin-
ish rapidly in the next couple of generations. So a number of Māori-lan-
guage kindergartens called Kōhanga Reo (‘language nests’) were estab-
lished. Preschool children in these did just what other preschoolers do, but
through the medium of Māori rather than English. This step, combined with
a resurgence of pride and interest in the language among the Māori commu-
nity more generally, has probably arrested the decline, and the language will
probably survive.
Similar revival programs have taken place in other parts of the Pacific.
The Hawaiian language was, and probably still is, in far greater danger than
Māori of totally disappearing, but intensive efforts there are also beginning
to see the decline arrested.
270 CHAPTER 11

The interesting point about these two cases—and similar cases else-
where in the region—is that the languages involved are spoken by people
who were the traditional sole occupiers of their territory, who have been
invaded and colonized, but who are now reasserting their rights and identi-
ties. Following a century or more of not particularly successful assimilation,
the Māori and the Hawaiians are becoming increasingly vocal on the po-
litical stage in their own country. The emblematic function of language, to
which I referred in part 1, is perhaps operative here. To be a Māori, rather
than just a New Zealander, involves a number of things, and one of these is
the ability to speak the Māori language.
These are cases where there are active programs to revive dying lan-
guages. Some areas of Melanesia show the opposite trend. Many of the
languages concerned have very small populations. In Papua New Guinea,
Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, there are over 160 languages spoken by two
hundred people or fewer, and many of these are under threat of extinction.
As people from these societies intermarry, as children go to school outside
their home areas, and as young men and women drift to the towns looking
for paid employment, the chances that they and their children will continue
to speak their language are fairly remote. But the attitudes of these peo-
ple toward the impending death of their languages seem to be somewhat
different. Speaking of parts of the Sepik area of Papua New Guinea, for
example, Foley (1986; 27–28) says: “Tok Pisin … is seen as an avenue by
which to acquire the goods of this [Western] culture … with the result that
in certain areas the vernacular indigenous languages are being abandoned
in favour of Tok Pisin, which is being acquired as a first language. This is
occurring not just in urban areas, but also in rural areas. Murik, a language
of the lake country west of the mouth of the Sepik river … is dying, and is
not spoken by younger people in the villages. It is being replaced by Tok
I have already referred to Kulick’s (1992) important study of the Taiap
speakers of Gapun village in the Sepik. Tok Pisin was introduced into the vil-
lage by men returning from working on plantations, and for some years it
was a men’s language only. Christianization and other social changes after
the Second World War exposed women to Tok Pisin, with the result that all
adults now know both Taiap and Tok Pisin.
But this in itself is no explanation for the fact that children in Gapun vil-
lage, as in some other parts of Papua New Guinea, are learning Tok Pisin
rather than (in this case) Taiap as their first language. In many parts of the
Pacific, people retain their own vernacular even though they use another lan-
guage on a daily basis. Why are Gapun children growing up speaking Tok
Pisin rather than Taiap as their first language? “The reasons for the enthusi-
Language, Society, and Culture in the Pacific Context 271

asm toward and the spread of Tok Pisin throughout the verbal repertoires of
all villagers, eventually even those who rarely if ever left Gapun, were not
so much ‘pragmatic’ or ‘socioeconomic,’ as those terms are commonly used
in the sociolinguistic literature, as they were ‘cosmological,’ in the broadest
anthropological sense of that word” (Kulick 1992, 249). That is, the arrival
of Europeans, or new conditions, and of a new religion was seen as “the
harbinger of a new way of life. Their presence in New Guinea came to be un-
derstood in terms of an impending metamorphosis that would transform every
aspect of the villagers’ lives, including their physical beings…. In their ea-
gerness for the metamorphosis to occur, villagers immediately seized upon
language as a ‘road,’ a way of making it happen” (Kulick 1992, 249).
To some extent, of course, these attitudes are similar to those of the
postwar urban Māori. The new language is seen as the key to change, to ad-
vancement, to success, however measured and perceived. The difference is
that the people Foley and Kulick are talking about see themselves as Papua
New Guineans, as citizens of a country with the same rights as other citi-
zens. A shift from one language to another does not really threaten this
identity. In contrast, the Māori and the Hawaiians view language as a mark
not only of cultural but also of ethnic identity, and they manipulate language
as a political tool.

Ideas about Pacific Languages

When I first went to see the man who has become our family doctor in Port
Vila, he asked what I did, and then said that he had visited the university
library here and had seen rows and rows of dictionaries and grammars of
languages spoken by just a few hundred speakers. “Fascinating”, he said,
“fascinating … but bloody useless!”
Attitudes like these are held by both westerners and many Pacific Is-
landers, though perhaps for different reasons. Many westerners see Pacific
Island languages as not being really serious subjects of study: They do not
have a “literature,” they are not used in education, they have no real place in
the national—let alone the international—domain. Linguists who study these
languages are seen as dilettantes who should be doing something more “se-
rious.” Many Pacific Islanders have slightly different views. For example,
they often look on a dictionary as an important archive or museum piece
recording “old” words that are dropping out of the language. But they feel
that their language really does not have much of a future when faced with
competition from international languages.
Most Pacific languages have neither been vilified to the extent that
Melanesian Pidgin or Fiji Hindi have nor subjected to the extreme pressures
of survival that Māori, Hawaiian, Murik, or Taiap have felt. Virtually all of
them, however, have well and truly entered the twentieth century, and are
spoken side-by-side with introduced languages or other recently developed
lingua francas.
Rapid social changes in the Pacific have affected Pacific languages no
less rapidly. This is perhaps most evident in the area of lexical borrowing,
as discussed in chapter 9. Grandparents shudder when their grandchildren
interlard their vernacular with English-derived terms—and are sure that
their language will not survive another generation!

Ideas about Pacific Languages 273

To a large extent, this could be construed as just the typical conser-

vatism of the elderly: “Things were better in our time, these modern fads
and fashions are no good.” But there are some cases where the grandpar-
ents may have a point. Clark (1982), in studying words of English origin
borrowed into Ifira-Mele, distinguishes between necessary and unneces-
sary’ borrowings. A necessary borrowing is one where the thing or concept
to which the word refers is new to the culture and, even though the possi-
bility of a compound using existing words, a monomorphemic loan is usually
simpler. Some examples of necessary borrowings are:

aeani ‘iron’ fooko ‘fork’
marseni ‘medicine’ laemu ‘lemon, lime’
nakitae ‘necktie’ peelo ‘bell’

Unnecessary borrowings are those that replace an already existing word in

the language. This has happened in Ifira-Mele with most of the numerals,
possibly because of the constant use of English/Bislama numerals in count-
ing money, telling time, and in mathematics classes, and partly also because
the higher numerals in Ifira-Mele are longer than their English/Bislama
equivalents. But there are other cases, like the following:

Borrowing Original word
taemu ‘time’ malo
staaji ‘start’ tuulake
insaiji ‘inside’ iroto
auji ‘go out’ tave
puroomu ‘broom’ niisara
wooka ‘work’ wesiwesi

In discussing the replacement of wesiwesi ‘work’ by wooka, Clark (1982,

139) says that his middle-aged informants “condemned wooka as an abusive
borrowing, when a perfectly good indigenous synonym existed.” In a sense,
older speakers of the language have, in many cases, come reluctantly to ac-
cept necessary change. But they often also see the unnecessary incorporation
of foreign words into their language as a sure sign that the language is not go-
ing to survive. As one elderly ni-Vanuatu man said to me, “My grandchildren
think they’re speaking our language, but they’re really speaking Bislama.”
Change has, of course, been taking place for millennia. The Pacific region
has had a long and complex history. When the first settlers came, and where
they came from, we don’t really know—but we can be fairly sure that it was
at least fifty thousand years ago. By the time the Anglo-Saxons were subduing
274 Ideas about Pacific Languages

the Celtic people of Britain, virtually all the islands of the Pacific had been set-
tled, many by successive waves of people speaking different languages.
Many westerners—and indeed many Pacific Islanders as well—hold the
view that, once a particular island or area was settled, the inhabitants re-
mained in place. Only with the coming of Europeans were their eyes opened
to the outside world. But of course the Pacific region was not like this at all.
Contact of various kinds—warfare, invasion, trade, intermarriage, ceremo-
nial exchange, and so on—took place between near neighbors or between
peoples whose homes were thousands of kilometers apart, between people
who spoke similar or at least related languages and between those whose
languages were unrelated. The European intruders who entered this region
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were really just the latest of a se-
ries of “foreigners” who contacted Pacific peoples. Pacific languages have
been changing throughout this whole period as a result of external pres-
sures and internal processes. They have survived these changes and will
continue to survive others.

When the first Fiji Hindi dictionary ever published appeared some years
ago (Hobbs 1985), it was greeted with howls of protest and derision from the
Fiji Hindi-speaking community. “There is no such language as Fiji Hindi!”
said one writer to a newspaper. “Hindi in Fiji is a sub-standard Bhojpuri
which has been corrupted,” said another.
Attitudes like these toward creoles and similar languages are common
throughout the world. Such languages are often seen by outsiders as “bro-
ken,” “bastardized,” or “baby-talk” versions of proper languages. Speaking
of what is now known as Tok Pisin, for example, Sir Hubert Murray (1924,
10), an Australian colonial administrator, said, “It is a vile gibberish … and
should be discouraged.” Major Eustace Sanders, a British colonial official who
served on Malaita in Solomon Islands, had similar views about Pijin: “The only
lingua franca [is] pigeon English which consists of the English word in the
Melanesian context. It is a queer sounding garbled business and not in any
way satisfactory” (quoted in Keesing 1990, 156). Even the names of these lan-
guages—Pidgin, Pijin, Broken, and so on—have negative connotations.
This could all be simply dismissed as another example of western ethno-
centrism if many speakers of these languages did not share the same
views—as the case of Fiji Hindi illustrates. Speaking of Solomon Islands,
Keesing (1990, 162) says:

It is perhaps surprising … that so many Solomon Islanders have ac-

cepted uncritically an ideology depicting Pijin as a bastardized form
of English…. Many well educated Solomon Islanders echo the colonial
Ideas about Pacific Languages 275

view that Pijin has ‘no grammar,’ even though in speaking and under-
standing Pijin, those who express this view use (unconsciously) a
grammar so complex and intricate and powerful that (like the gram-
mars of all languages) it defies formal description.

The attitude of many speakers of Melanesian Pidgin toward their language

could be described as schizophrenic. On the one hand, they use it frequently,
in all kinds of situations; on the other, they see it as not a “real” language.
This schizophrenia is perhaps most pronounced in Vanuatu. Bislama has
higher constitutional status in Vanuatu than any nonmetropolitan language
in any other Pacific country. It is the language of parliament, of churches, of
government offices, and of social functions. Because half the educated pop-
ulation is English-educated and the other half French-educated, Bislama is
the linguistic cement holding the nation of Vanuatu together. Highly edu-
cated ni-Vanuatu from different islands prefer to speak to each other in
Bislama rather than in English, and there is a distinct feeling of national
pride in the public use of Bislama.
But Bislama is not used in the school system, either as a medium of in-
struction or as a subject, and attempts to introduce it have met with the kind
of attitudes expressed in Keesing’s description of the Solomon Islands situ-
ation: “it’s not a real language,” “it has no grammar,” “it’s only a language
for casual conversation.” Vanuatu may be unique among the countries of the
world in allowing a child to be punished for speaking the constitutionally
recognized national language on school grounds!
Yet another aspect of this complex issue concerns the replacement of
vernaculars by Melanesian Pidgin in parts of Melanesia. People in some
parts of Papua New Guinea are abandoning their vernacular in favor of Tok
Pisin. They see Tok Pisin as the key to the future, rather than as a “rubbish”
language to be used only where no other can serve.
The situation in Fiji is somewhat different. Fiji Indians grow up speaking
Fiji Hindi at home. At school, they are exposed to two prestige languages,
Standard Hindi and English. Unlike Melanesian Pidgin, Fiji Hindi is never
written. Literacy is taught in Standard Hindi, and the association of the
standard language with the sacred books of Hinduism gives Standard Hindi
great prestige. English too is obviously a prestigious language in Fiji—the
language of higher education, the international language, the language of
business, and, increasingly, the language Fiji Indians need to know to emi-
grate from post-coup Fiji. The result has been that Fiji Hindi has very low
status in Fiji, especially among its native speakers.
Pacific Islands languages, whether indigenous or more recently devel-
oped, are worthy subjects of study in their own right. A language represents
276 Ideas about Pacific Languages

a culture of a people. Even if that people is numerically small and does not
play an important part on the world stage, its culture and, by implication, its
language, are no less worthy of study than the languages of larger or more
influential peoples. It is true that the usefulness in a global sense of even lan-
guages like Fijian or Samoan pales into insignificance beside the usefulness
of English or French. But that does not mean that these languages should be
discounted altogether.
Change in the languages of Pacific Islanders, as in all languages, is
inevitable, natural, and not something to be universally deplored. Certain
changes may be undesirable for all sorts of reasons, but it is in the nature of
language to change, and resisting change is counterproductive.
What of the future? Dixon (1990, 230–231), in suggesting that every lan-
guage with fewer than ten thousand speakers is at risk of extinction, rather
gloomily predicts that 80 percent of the languages in the Pacific and Asia
may have died out by the end of the twenty-first century. Even languages like
Melanesian Pidgin are seen by some as being under threat from English: “It
would seem that in the future Tok Pisin has nowhere to go but down…. This
does not mean that Tok Pisin will die a rapid, or even an easy, death…. But
it does mean that, in perhaps 50 years’ time, Tok Pisin will most likely be
being studied by scholars among a small community of old men” (Laycock
1985, 667). Although the potential for language death is a serious one for
some Pacific languages, I feel that Dixon and Laycock are unnecessarily pes-
simistic. The vast majority of Pacific languages are not, or not yet, moribund.
As long as a community is sufficiently viable to remain a community (irre-
spective of absolute size), and as long as such a community has pride in its
language as part of its overall cultural heritage, the language will survive. It
will change, as internal and external mechanisms cause it to develop differ-
ent words, pronunciations, and expressions, and these changes will be rued
by the older generation—as they always are. But change is endemic to lan-
guage and is an element of its vitality.
There are, of course, languages that have died out or are currently under
serious threat. For some threatened languages, there are programs of reinvig-
oration and resurgence: Hawaiian and Māori are probably the best known of
these. Both involve serious attempts to teach young children the language in a
structured or semistructured environment, in the hope that, unlike their par-
ents, they will become fluent in the language of their ancestors.
Arguments rage, of course, about the worth of such programs. At one
end of the spectrum are those who feel that all languages should be pre-
served and, if possible, used more widely than they are now, and who pro-
pose programs to encourage—and even almost to force—young people, and
often adults, to learn their “own” language. At the other end are those who
Ideas about Pacific Languages 277

say that languages should be left alone. If people want to shift to another lan-
guage that they think is more useful, it is their right to do so. Very often this
debate is held in the rarefied circles of academe, without much input from
the speakers of the languages themselves. Those speakers will, of course,
have the final say (and perhaps the last laugh) by choosing the course of ac-
tion that seems most sensible and practical from their perspective.
The Pacific area has probably seen more change taking place in its lan-
guages than any other part of the world—certainly than any other region
with a comparable population. The multiplicity of different languages and
language types, with different histories, has always been one of the intrigu-
ing features of this region for both Pacific Islanders and outsiders alike. As
long as Pacific Islanders continue to recognize that their languages are both
their past and their future, the unity in diversity so characteristic of the Pa-
cific will continue to make this region unique.
Suggestions for Further Reading

Chapter 1
Crystal’s Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (1987, 2d ed. 1998) pro-
vides a wealth of information on many of the topics covered in this chapter
in a very readable and accessible format.
There are hundreds of general introductions to descriptive linguis-
tics. Aitchison (1978) provides a good, readable general introduction. Fine-
gan and Besnier (1979) and Crowley, Lynch, Siegel, and Piau (1995) go into
rather more technical detail; these are useful because many of their exam-
ples are from Pacific languages.
Aitchison (1981) is a very readable discussion of language change,
while Crowley (1992, 3d ed. 1997) not only provides perhaps the clearest in-
troduction to historical and comparative linguistics currently available
but also uses Pacific examples to illustrate many technical concepts.

Chapter 2
Sebeok (1971) and Wurm (1975, 1976) contain a number of articles relevant
to the distribution of and history of research into Pacific languages. Schütz
(1972, 1994) provides thorough and sensitive treatments on the history of
research into Fijian and Hawaiian, respectively. Schütz (1994) is a particu-
larly fine piece of scholarship. The language atlas of the Pacific region edited
by Wurm and Hattori (1981) is worth detailed examination.

Chapter 3
Various aspects of the establishment of the Austronesian family and its sub-
groups are covered by Blust (1978a, 1984a, 1984b), Clark (1979), Dem-

280 Suggestions for Further Reading

pwolff (1934–1938), Geraghty (1983), Grace (1955, 1959, 1968), Jackson

(1983), Lynch, Ross, and Crowley (1998), Lynch and Tryon (1985), Pawley
(1972), Pawley and Ross (1995), Ross (1988), Tryon (1976, 1995), Tryon and
Hackman (1983), and Wurm (1976). (References to some of the classics of
the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth can be found in
the bibliography of Ross 1988.)
Readers interested in cultural reconstruction should consult Blust
(1980), Chowning (1991), Pawley and Ross (1995), and a number of papers
in Geraghty (1998), Lynch and Pat (1996), and Pawley and Ross (1994),

Chapter 4
The major general comprehensive works on the history of Papuan lan-
guages are Foley (1986) and Wurm (1975, 1982). McElhanon and Voorhoeve
(1970) provides an illustration of the kinds of techniques used in estab-
lishing a Papuan phylum, while Pawley (1995) shows how the comparative
method can be applied to these languages.
Good general works on Australian languages include Dixon (1980) and
Yallop (1981). O’Grady and Tryon (1990) is a collection of articles in which
the comparative method is applied to a number of Australian language

Chapter 5
There is no single volume dealing with the sound systems of the Austrone-
sian languages, such descriptions generally being incorporated in larger
comparative or grammatical studies. Haudricourt et al. (1979) provides con-
siderable information on New Caledonian phonologies, as does Krupa
(1982) for Polynesian. Tryon (1994) and Lynch, Ross, and Crowley (1998)
give briefer outlines of the phonologies of a wide range of Austronesian lan-
Foley (1986, chap. 3) and Dixon (1980, chaps. 6 and 7) provide general
overviews of the phonology of Papuan and Australian languages, respec-
tively. A fairly representative sample of Australian phonologies can be found
in the handbooks edited by Dixon and Blake (1979, 1981, 1983).

Chapter 6
Lynch, Ross, and Crowley (1998) provides a general coverage of Oceanic
grammar, as well as sketch grammars of almost four dozen Oceanic lan-
guages. Ross (1988) contains general information on the grammars of West-
ern Oceanic languages, while Blust (1978b), Tryon (1973), and Haudricourt
(1971) contain general grammatical information on the languages of the Ad-
Suggestions for Further Reading 281

miralties, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia, respectively. Bender (1971, 1984)

provide general information on Micronesian languages, as does Krupa
(1982) for Polynesian languages. For further details on any specific Oceanic
language, consult appendix 1, below.

Chapter 7
The best general introduction to the structure of Papuan languages is Foley
(1986). Wurm (1975, 1982) also provide useful general information on a
range of Papuan languages. Collections of articles on a number of languages
include Dutton (1975) and Franklin (1973, 1981). More detailed information
on individual languages can be found in the bibliographies to these works or
in appendix 1, below.

Chapter 8
Dixon (1980) is a very good general survey of Australian languages, and
it contains as well quite a detailed description of grammatical structure.
Sketch grammars of particular languages, or treatments of particular gram-
matical categories across a range of Australian languages, may be found in
Dixon (1976) and in Dixon and Blake (1979, 1981, 1983). Appendix 1, below,
gives sources for a number of individual languages.

Chapter 9
Apart from the studies by Biggs on Rotuman and Thurston in northwest
New Britain, mentioned in this chapter, there are a number of other useful
works about this topic. Collections of articles include Dutton (1992), Dutton
and Tryon (1994), and Pawley and Ross (1994). Implications for prehistoric
contact on the classification of modern languages are discussed by Lynch
(1981a, 1981b) and Pawley (1981). Among case studies of individual lan-
guages or language communities, those by Siegel (1987) on Fiji and J. Lee
(1987) on the Tiwi of Australia are of considerable interest.

Chapter 10
Verhaar (1990) is a collection of articles on Melanesian Pidgin. For specific
varieties of Melanesian Pidgin, the following should be consulted:

1. Tok Pisin: Dutton with Thomas (1985), Mihalic (1971), Mühlhäusler

(1979), Verhaar (1995), and Wurm and Mühlhäusler (1985).
2. Pijin: Simons and Young (1978).
3. Bislama: Crowley (1990a, 1990b), Tryon (1987).
282 Suggestions for Further Reading

On Hiri Motu and the Hiri Trading Languages, Dutton (1985) is the
best historical source. Grammatical treatments may be found in Wurm and
Harris (1963) and Dutton and Voorhoeve (1974).
For Fiji Hindi and other contact languages in Fiji, Siegel (1987) is the
authoritative source. Siegel (1977) is a brief introduction to the grammar of
Fiji Hindi, and Hobbs (1985) is a dictionary of the language.
Among discussions of Australian creoles, the following are of interest:
for Broken (Torres Strait Creole), see Schnukal (1988); for Kriol (Northern
Territory Creole), see Harris (1986) and Sandefur (1986).

Chapter 11
General coverages of the relationship between language, culture, and
social organization, and the nature of the lexicons of Pacific languages,
can be found in Dixon (1980), Foley (1986), Walsh and Yallop (1993), and
Wurm (1975, 1976, 1977). Smith (1988) provides a good discussion of the
range of numeral and counting systems found in parts of the region.
There is a growing literature on languages in use in both traditional
and modern societies. Important studies on socialization include Kulick
(1992) and Schieffelin (1990) on New Guinea societies and Ochs (1988) on
Samoa. There are a number of Pacific-oriented studies in Duranti and Good-
win (1992) dealing with various aspects of the context of language use.
As far as language and education are concerned, Baldauf and Luke
(1990), Benton (1981), Brumby and Vászolyi (1977), and Mugler and Lynch
(1996) provide a fairly wide coverage.

Most of the general surveys I have referred to above contain some reference
to attitudes toward and ideas about Pacific languages. There are a number
of articles specifically on this topic in the Handbook of Tok Pisin (Wurm and
Mühlhäusler 1985).

Data Sources

Below is a list of all languages from which data have been quoted in the
book, arranged on a broad genetic basis, together with their general loca-
tions (see the maps in chapter 2) and the sources from which the data were
taken. JL indicates that some or all of the data are from my own knowledge
or unpublished research; PNG = Papua New Guinea.

Location Sources

Austronesian Languages

Chamorro Micronesia Topping (1973)
Palauan Micronesia Josephs (1975)

Adzera PNG Holzknecht (1989),
Smith (1988)
A‘jië New Caledonia Fontinelle (1976), Lichtenberk
Anejom̃ Vanuatu Lynch (1982a, 1998), JL
Aroma PNG Crowley (1992), JL
Arosi Solomon Is. Capell (1971), Lynch and Horoi
Banoni PNG Lincoln (1976)
Big Nambas Vanuatu G. Fox (1979)
Carolinian Micronesia Jackson and Marck (1991)
Cèmuhî New Caledonia Rivierre (1980)


Drehu New Caledonia Moyse-Faurie (1983), Tryon

Fijian Fiji Geraghty (1983),
Milner (1972),
Schütz (1985), Schütz and
Komaitai (1971), JL
Hawaiian Polynesia Elbert and Pukui (1979)
Hula PNG Crowley (1992)
Iaai New Caledonia Ozanne-Rivierre (1976), Tryon
Ifira-Mele Vanuatu Clark (1982)
Jawe New Caledonia Haudricourt and Ozanne-Rivierre
Kilivila PNG Senft (1986)
Kiribati Micronesia Groves, Groves, and Jacobs
Kosraean Micronesia K. Lee (1975)
Kwamera Vanuatu Lindstrom (1986), Lindstrom and
Lynch (1994)
Labu PNG Siegel (1984)
Lagoon Trukese Micronesia Dyen (1965), Goodenough and Sugita
Lenakel Vanuatu Lynch (1978), JL
Lewo Vanuatu Early (1994)
Lusi PNG Thurston (1982, 1987, 1992)
Maisin PNG Ross (1984), JL
Manam PNG Lichtenberk (1983)
Māori Polynesia Bauer (1993), Biggs (1969), Ho-
hepa (1967)
Mapos PNG Smith (1988)
Mari PNG Holzknecht (1989)
Maringe Solomon Is. Ross (1988), White (1988)
Marshallese Micronesia Bender (1969)
Mekeo PNG Jones (1992)
Mokilese Micronesia Harrison (1976)
Mono-Alu Solomon Is. Fagan (1986), Ross (1988)
Motu PNG Lister-Turner and Clark (n.d.),
Crowley (1992), JL
Nadrau Fijian Fiji Geraghty (1983)
Nakanai PNG Johnston (1980)
Nakanamanga Vanuatu Schütz (1969)
Data Sources 287

Nauruan Micronesia Kayser (1936), Rensch (1993)

Nehan PNG Ross (1988), Todd (1978)
Niuean Polynesia McEwen (1970)
Nukuoro Micronesia Carroll (1965)
Paamese Vanuatu Crowley (1982)
Pije New Caledonia Haudricourt and Ozanne-Rivierre
Ponapean Micronesia Rehg (1981)
Port Sandwich Vanuatu Charpentier (1979)
Puluwat Micronesia Elbert (1974)
Raga Vanuatu D. Walsh (1966)
Rapanui Polynesia Krupa (1982), Langdon and
Tryon (1983)
Rarotongan Polynesia Savage (1980)
Ririo Solomon Is. Laycock (1982b)
Rotuman Fiji Churchward (1940),
Biggs (1965)
Roviana Solomon Is. Ross (1988), Corston (1998)
Samoan Polynesia Duranti (1992),
Marsack (1962),
Milner (1966),
Pawley (1966b)
Sinagoro PNG Crowley (1992), Kolia (1975)
Sissano PNG Laycock (1973)
Southwest Tanna Vanuatu Lynch (1982b)
Sye Vanuatu Crowley (1995), Lynch (1983)
Tahitian Polynesia Tryon (1970)
Tigak PNG Beaumont (1979)
Titan PNG Ross (1988)
To‘aba‘ita Solomon Is. Lichtenberk (1984)
Tolai PNG Mosel (1980, 1984),
Ross (1988)
Tongan Polynesia Churchward (1953), Philips
Trukese (see Lagoon Trukese)
Ulithian Micronesia Sohn and Bender (1973)
Vinmavis Vanuatu Crowley (1998)
Wayan Fijian Fiji Pawley and Sayaba (1990)
West Futuna Vanuatu Dougherty (1983)
Woleaian Micronesia Harrison and Jackson (1984)
Xârâcùù New Caledonia Haudricourt et al. (1979)

Yabêm PNG Bradshaw (1979), Ross (1993)

Yapese Micronesia Jensen (1977)

Papuan Languages

Abelam PNG Laycock (1965)

Abu‘ PNG Nekitel (1986)
Alamblak PNG Bruce (1984), Foley (1986)
Anêm PNG Thurston (1982, 1987, 1992)
Anggor PNG Litteral (1981)
Awa PNG Loving and Loving (1975)
Baniata Solomon Is. Todd (1975)
Barai PNG Olson (1975)
Bilua Solomon Is. Todd (1975)
Buin PNG Laycock (1975b, 1982a)
Daga PNG Murane (1974)
Enga PNG Lang (1973)
Fore PNG Scott (1978)
Grand ValleyDani Irian Jaya Foley (1986)
Guhu-Samane PNG Smith (1988)
Huli PNG Cheetham (1978)
Iatmul PNG Foley (1986)
Kalam PNG Pawley (1966a, 1992), Foley
Kamasau PNG Sanders and Sanders (1980)
Kapauku (Ekagi) Irian Jaya Price and Pospisil (1966), Smith
Kâte PNG Foley (1986)
Kewa PNG Franklin (1971), Franklin and
Franklin (1978)
Kobon PNG Davies (1980)
Koita PNG Dutton (1975)
Korafe PNG Farr and Farr (1975)
Kuman PNG Piau (1981, 1985), JL
Magi PNG Thomson (1975)
Manem Irian Jaya Foley (1986)
Melpa PNG Cochran (1977)
Mountain Koiari PNG Garland and Garland (1975)
Nimboran Irian Jaya Foley (1986)
Numanggang PNG Smith (1988)
Pawaian PNG Trefry (1969)
Rotokas PNG Firchow and Firchow (1969)
Data Sources 289

Salt-Yui PNG Irwin (1974)

Selepet PNG Kulick (1992)
Som PNG Smith (1988)
Taiap PNG Kulick (1992)
Toaripi PNG Franklin (1973)
Vanimo PNG Ross (1980)
Wahgi PNG Phillips (1976)
Wantoat PNG Smith (1988)
Waskia PNG Ross and Paol (1978)
Wiru PNG Foley (1986)
Yeletnye PNG Henderson (1975)
Yimas PNG Foley (1986)

Australian Languages

Alawa Sharpe (1972)

Anguthimri Crowley (1981)
Bandjalang Crowley (1978, 1992)
Diyari Dixon (1980)
Djapu Morphy (1983)
Dyirbal Dixon (1980)
Gooniyandi McGregor (1994)
Gumbaynggir Eades (1979)
Guugu Yimidhirr Haviland (1979)
Kaitij Dixon (1980)
Kalkatungu Dixon (1980)
Kunjen Sommer (1969)
Lardil Dixon (1980)
Margany Breen (1981)
Murrinh-Patha M. Walsh (1993)
Njamal Burling (1970)
Pitta-Pitta Blake (1979)
Tiwi J. Lee (1987)
Uradhi Crowley (1983)
Wajarri Douglas (1981)
Walmajarri Dixon (1980)
Wargamay Dixon (1981)
Warlpiri Bavin (1993)
Western Desert Dixon (1980)
Wunambal Vászolyi (1976)
Yanyuwa Bradley (1992)
Yaygir Crowley (1979)

Yidiny Dixon (1980)

Yukulta Keen (1983)

Creoles, Pidgins, and Koines

Bislama Vanuatu Crowley (1990a, 1990b),

Tryon (1987), JL
Fiji Hindi Fiji Siegel (1977, 1987)
Hiri Trading PNG Dutton (1985)
Hiri Motu PNG Dutton (1985)
Melanesian Pidgin (see Bislama, Pijin, Tok Pisin)
Pijin Solomon Is. Simons and Young
Police Motu (see Hiri Motu)
Tok Pisin PNG Dutton with Thomas
(1985), Mihalic
(1971), JL

Phonetic Symbols

As much as is possible in this book, I use the standard orthographies of the

languages I describe. In discussing the sound systems of these languages,
however, phonetic symbols representing the sounds are used. In addition,
some Pacific languages do not have a standard—or any—orthography, so
phonetic symbols are used in quoting data from these languages.
The symbols I use are given in the following charts, with a brief descrip-
tion of some of the sounds they represent. Different linguists occasionally
use different symbols to represent the same sound. I have tried to be as
consistent as possible with the use of phonetic symbols in this book, often
changing the orthography of some of the original sources for this purpose.
The system used here is based on the International Phonetic Alphabet, but
deviates from it in a number of respects.
Symbols not on these charts, usually representing sounds referred to
only once in this book, are explained when they are used.

Vowel Symbols
Front Central Back

Unrounded Rounded Unrounded Rounded

Close i ü ɨ u
Open I U

Close e ö ə o
Open ɛ ɔ


Close æ œ ʌ
Open a ɒ

Length is marked by a colon following the vowel: /a/ is a vowel of normal

length, whereas /a:/ is a long vowel. Nasalization is marked by a tilde above
a vowel: /ã/ is the nasalized version of /a/.
The technical terms used in describing consonants and vowels may be
found in the glossary at the end of the book. A very brief guide to the pro-
nunciation of the sounds symbolized above, especially the vowels and some
of the unfamiliar consonant symbols, follows.


Approximate pronunciations of some of these vowels are as follows.

(Pronunciation is in educated Australian English unless otherwise indi-

Front Vowels

[i] as in heed [ü] as in French rue ‘street’

[I] as in hit
[e] as in French été ‘summer’ [ö] as in French feu ‘fire’
[ɛ] as in bet [æ] as in French peur ‘fear’
[æ] as in bat

Central Vowels Back Vowels

[ɨ] as in New Zealand English this [u] as in pool

[U] as in pull
[ə] as in ago, father [o] as in saw
[ɔ] as in pot
[Λ] as in but
[a] as in bard [ɒ] as in BBC English party


Symbols that look like, and are pronounced roughly like, the
corresponding English letter are not discussed here. Less familiar symbols
are briefly explained below.
Consonant Symbols

velarized bilabial labio dental alveo- retro- alveo palatal velar labio glottal
bilabial dental lar flex palatal velar
w y
voiceless stops: P P t̪ t ṭ t c k kw Ɂ
m w m n n n n y ñ ŋ ŋ w ŋ
prenasalized p P t̪ t ṭ t c k k Ɂ
w y w
voiced stops: oral b b d̪ d ḍ d j g g
m w m n n n n y n̄ ŋ ŋ w
prenasalized b b d̪ d ḍ d j g g
voiceless affricates t̪s̪ ts tʃ
voiced affricates d̪ z̪ dz dʒ
voiceless fricatives fw Φ f θ s ṣ ʃ x xw h
w w
voiced fricatives v β v ð z ẓ ʒ γ γ
voiced nasals mw m n̪ n ṇ ñ ŋ ŋw
voiced laterals l̪ l ḷ λ ɫ
voiced flap r

Phonetic Symbols
voiced trill:
oral r̃
prenasalized r̃
voiced semivowels w r y


English Sounds with Unfamiliar Symbols

The following are English sounds, though the symbols are not always fa-

[tʃ] as in church [dʒ] as judge

[θ] as in think [ð] as in they
[ʃ] as in shirt [ʒ] as in rouge
[ŋ] as in singing [ṛ] as in run

Non-English Sounds
Stops. Prenasalized stops are made with a nasal sound at the same time as
the stop: [mb], for example, is a bit like the mb in timber, but is a single
sound rather than two. Dental stops have the tongue tip touching the teeth,
retroflex stops have the tongue tip curled back to the roof of the mouth,
and palatal stops are made with the blade of the tongue on the roof of the

Fricatives. The bilabial fricatives [β ϕ] are very similar to English [f v], ex-
cept that both lips are used, and the teeth are not. The velar fricatives [x γ]
parallel the stops [k g], except that a little air is allowed to escape.

Nasals. [ñ] is pronounced as in Spanish señor.

Laterals. [λ] is pronounced like ly run quickly together, while [ɫ] is pro-
nounced like gl run together.

Flaps and trills. [r] is a single flap, as in Spanish pero ‘but,’ while [r̃] is a trill
or roll, as in Spanish perro ‘dog.’

Sample Phoneme Systems

Vowel Systems


Kosraean Mokilese
i ɨ u i u
e ǝ o e o
ɛ Λ ɛ ɔ
æ a ɒ a

Melanesia: Austronesian

Port Sandwich Labu

i ü u i u
e ö o e o
ɛ ɔ
a a

Iaai Xârâcùù

i ü u i ĩ ɨ ɨ̃ u ũ
e ö ǝ o e ǝ o
ɛ œ ɔ ɛ ɛ̃ ɔ ɔ̃
a a ã


i i: ĩ ü u u:
e e: ẽ ö o
æ æ: æ̃
a a: ã

Consonant Systems

Note: The symbol /R/ is used here to refer to a Nauruan consonant described
as “a kind of r whose exact nature is unknown. It may be palatalized…. It
sounds partially devoiced and appears to be quite fortis” (Nathan 1973, 482).

pw p t k kw
bw b d g gw
m m n ŋ ŋw
m : m: n: ŋ: ŋw:

w y

pw p tw t kw k
w w
f f s ʃ ʃ
mw m nw n nw ŋ
l l

p p̕ t t̕ ṭ k k̕ ʔ
b d ḍ g
f fʼ θ θʼ ṣ h
m m̕ n n̕ ŋ ŋ'
l l̕

w w' y y'
Sample Phoneme Systems 297

Melanesia: Austronesian

Port Sandwich Banoni

Pw P t c k P t ts k
bw b d g b d dz g
m w m n ŋ
b b r g
s x s h
v v v γ
mw m n ŋ m n ŋ
l r̃

Ririo Adzera

p t ts k ʔ P t c k ʔ
m n ñ ŋ ŋ
P t c k ʔ
b d j g
m n n ŋ ñ
b d dz g j
s f s h
v z γ
m n ŋ m n ŋ
r r
w y

Pije Drehu

Phw Ph th kh
pw p t c k p t ṭ c k
m w m n ñ ŋ
b b d j g b d ḍ g
ɸ f s x f θ s x h
v ð z
mw m n ñ ŋ m n ñ ŋ
̥ ̥
m̥w m̥ n̥ ñ̥ ŋ m̥ n̥ ñ̥ ŋ
l l
l̥ l̥
w y w
w̥ y̥ w̥

Melanesia: Papuan

Awa Abau
P t k ʔ p k
b g
s s h
m n m n
r r
w y w y

Kobon Kâte

p t k p
b d g b d g b
f s x h f s h
ts ts
dz dz
m n ñ m n ŋ
l ḷ λ
r̃ r
w y ŋ y


P t k
m n n
b d g
d̪ z̪

m n̪ n ŋ
l̪ l ɫ
w y


P t̪ t tr ty k ʔ
m n n n r n y
b d̪ d d d g
v ð Ʒ γ
m n̪ n ñ ŋ
w y

Glossary of Technical Terms

This glossary of technical terms used in the text is intended to assist the
general reader to understand the basic meanings of those terms. For this
reason, many technicalities and intricacies have been deliberately omitted.

ablative. A case marking the direction from which the action proceeds.
absolute dating. In prehistory, the assignment of an actual (approxi-
mate) date for a particular event (say, the breakup of a language family).
See also relative dating.
absolutive. The case of the object and the intransitive subject in an erga-
tive language.
accusative language. A language (like English) where the subjects of
transitive and intransitive verbs are marked in the same way and the
object of transitive verbs is marked differently. Also called nominative-
accusative languages.
active voice. A sentence is in the active voice when the subject of the
verb is also the performer of the action, as in John hit the dog. See also
passive voice.
adjective. A class of words whose function is to describe nouns.
adjunct, adjunct construction. A construction, common in Papuan lan-
guages, in which a noun or an adjective (an adjunct) is bound closely
with a verb, expressing an idea that is often expressed by a single verb
in other languages.
affix. A morpheme attached to a root. An affix may not occur by itself. See
also infix, prefix, suffix.
affricate. A consonant combining a stop with a fricative release, like the
sound of ch [tf] in English chin.


agent. (1) The performer of an action; often the semantic (but not the gram-
matical) subject in a passive sentence, like Fred in The window was broken
by Fred. (2) The subject of a transitive verb in an ergative language.
alienable possession. A construction in which the possessor is in con-
trol of the relationship with what is possessed. See also inalienable
allative. A case marking the direction toward which action proceeds.
alveolar. Made by the tip of the tongue touching the ridge behind the top
teeth, as for [t d].
alveopalatal. Made with the front part of the tongue touching the front
of the roof of the mouth as far forward as the alveolar ridge, as for [ʃ].
anaphoric. Referring to something already mentioned.
antipassive. A structure found in ergative languages to derive intransi-
tive sentences from underlying transitive ones.
aorist. A tense that marks an action as non-future but does not specify
whether it is present or past.
apical. Made with the tip of the tongue, like [t].
apicolabial. A sound produced with the tip of the tongue touching the
top lip.
applicative. Marking the instrument with which the action was per-
formed, the reason for the performance of the action, and similar roles.
Often referred to as the “remote transitive.”
article. A morpheme that marks some aspect of the class or reference of
a noun. The English articles a and the, for example, mark a noun as in-
definite and definite, respectively.
aspect. Expresses the duration of the event or state referred to by the
verb, or the manner in which the action or state is carried out. The dif-
ference between He went and He was going in English is one of aspect
(punctiliar vs. continuous). See also tense.
aspiration. The puff of air accompanying the production of certain
sounds. English p and t in words like peach and tick are aspirated; in
words like speech and stick they are not aspirated.
asterisk (*). Symbol used to mark an utterance as not (normally) occur-
ring, either (1) because it is ungrammatical, e.g., *They will went today or
(2) because it is a reconstruction for a particular protolanguage, and has
not actually been attested, e.g., Proto Oceanic *paka- ‘causative prefix.’
Australian. A language family consisting of nearly all aboriginal lan-
guages of Australia.
Austronesian. A large family of languages, whose members are found in
a few areas on the Asian mainland, in island Southeast Asia, Madagas-
Glossary of Technical Terms 301

car, parts of the New Guinea area, most of the rest of Melanesia, and in
Micronesia and Polynesia.
auxiliary. A morpheme with little semantic content that functions to
carry tense and sometimes other grammatical information in the verb
phrase, like did in Did you see it?
avoidance style. A variety of a language in which the speaker has to
avoid certain terms (e.g., names of recently dead people or of in-laws).
back vowel. A vowel made with the highest part of the tongue in the back
of the mouth, like those in English sue and saw.
benefactive. A case marking the beneficiary of an action.
binary numeral system. A system of counting based on two.
bilabial. A consonant made with both lips, like [m].
borrowing. A process whereby speakers of one language adopt some
features of another language. Sometimes called copying.
bound morpheme. See affix.
case. An indication of the role of a noun phrase in a clause or sentence.
causative. Bringing about the action of a verb or the quality of a noun or
adjective. Compare Tongan mohe ‘to sleep’ and fakamohe ‘to put (some-
one) to sleep,’ with the causative prefix faka-.
central vowel. A vowel in which the highest part of the tongue is in the
center of the mouth, as in English bird and bard.
classifier. A morpheme marking a noun as belonging to a particular class.
clause. A group of phrases containing one predicate.
clitic. An affix attached to a phrase rather than a word, like the English
possessive suffix ’s, which is attached to the last word in the possessor
noun phrase, as in the President of the United States of America’s hat.
close vowel. A vowel made with more tension than its open equivalent;
the vowel in English seat is close, but the vowel in sit is open.
closed syllable. A syllable ending in a consonant. See open syllable.
coarticulated sound. A single sound involving two simultaneous but dif-
ferent articulations. The labial-velar stop /kp/ is an example.
code-switching. A situation in a bilingual or multilingual context where
people switch from using one language to using another one.
cognate. Words in different languages whose meanings correspond and
whose forms are related through regular sound correspondences. Cog-
nates by implication all derive from a single protoform.
comitative. A marker of accompaniment, like with in He came with me.
common ancestor. The language ancestral to a group of related languages. A
common ancestor may be either known through documentary records or else
hypothesized or inferred (in which case it is referred to as a protolanguage).

common article. An article used with common nouns.

common noun. A noun that is not the name of a specific individual.
comparative linguistics. See historical-comparative linguistics.
completive. An aspect that marks an action as completed.
compound preposition/postposition. A compound of a locational noun
and a preposition (or postposition) introducing a prepositional (or post-
positional) phrase—for example, in back of, compared with behind.
conjugation. A set of verbal affixes. Different verbs take different af-
fixes, which thus distinguish different conjugational classes or conjuga-
tions (as in Latin).
conjunction. A morpheme joining two clauses, like and, if or.
consonant cluster. Two or more consonants coming together with no in-
tervening vowel.
consonant length. A long consonant takes almost twice as long to ar-
ticulate as a short consonant. Difference in consonant length is phone-
mic in many languages.
construct suffix. A suffix added to a directly possessed noun, or to a pos-
sessive marker when the possessor is a noun phrase.
continuous. An aspect marking action as continuing over a period of time.
copying. See borrowing.
creole. A pidgin language that becomes the first language of a signifi-
cant number of people and that (in comparison with the pidgin) is much
less simplified. The process by which creoles develop is known as cre-
dative. A case marking the receiver of the object or the person spoken to.
daughter language. A descendant of a protolanguage.
decimal numeral system. A system of counting based on ten.
demonstrative. A morpheme locating a noun in space (or time), often
with reference to its position with respect to the speaker and the ad-
dressee, like English this, that.
dental. Made by the tongue touching the top teeth, like the two English
th-sounds [θ ð].
derivational affix. An affix that turns one part of speech into another,
like English -ize, which turns nouns into verbs.
descriptive linguistics. The branch of linguistics that deals with the
analysis and description of the grammars of languages.
diacritic. Any mark added to a letter. Accents are the most common dia-
dialect. Differences between communities’ ways of speaking the same
language that are not great enough to prevent normal communication
Glossary of Technical Terms 303

between the communities concerned. Dialectal differences may be

phonological, grammatical, or lexical.
dialect chain. A series of dialects without any clear language boundary
between any two neighboring dialects, although people whose dialects
are not neighboring speak what seem to be different languages.
dialect mixing. See koine.
diglossia. A situation in which two quite different dialects of a language
are used side by side, one in formal contexts and the other in informal
contexts (such as Standard Hindi and Fiji Hindi in Fiji).
digraph. Two letters representing a single phoneme. In English (and
many other languages), for example, the digraph ng represents the sin-
gle sound [ŋ].
direct possession. A type of construction in which a possessive pronoun
is directly attached to the possessed noun, e.g., Motu tama-gu ‘my fa-
ther,’ where -gu ‘my’ is directly suffixed to tama ‘father.’ See also indi-
rect possession.
directional particle. A particle marking the direction of the action or
some other spatial or contextual reference.
discontinuous morpheme. A morpheme occurring in two separate parts,
like the French negative ne preceding the verb and pas following it.
distant demonstrative. A demonstrative referring to someone or some-
thing distant from both speaker and addressee.
dual number. Referring to two and only two.
emblematic function of language. The use of linguistic fea-
tures—often deliberately exaggerated or created—to mark a group’s
identity and to accentuate its differences from other groups.
ergative (or ergative-absolutive) language. A language in which the
subject of a transitive verb is marked in one way and the subject of an
intransitive verb and the object of a transitive verb are marked in a dif-
ferent way. The ergative case is the case of the transitive subject.
exclusive first person. A pronoun referring to the speaker and some
other person or persons, but not the person(s) being spoken to, for ex-
ample, Bislama mifala ‘we (he and I, they and I).’ See also inclusive
first person.
family tree. A schematic representation of the subgroups of a language
family and thus of the degrees of relationship between member lan-
final verb. The last verb in the sentence. In a language with a
switch-reference system, this is the verb fully marked for tense-aspect
and features of the subject.

flap. A consonant made by one very fast strike of the tongue on the alveolar ridge.
In fast casual speech, the dd in English ladder is often pronounced as a flap [r].
free morpheme. A morpheme that may stand on its own as a word.
fricative. A consonant made by allowing a small amount of air to escape
under considerable friction, as with English [f v s z].
front vowel. A vowel made with the highest part of the tongue in the
front of the mouth, as in English seat and set.
genetic inheritance, genetic relationship. Descended from a com-
mon ancestor (said of languages). Deriving from phonemes or words in
the ancestor language (said of phonemes, words, and so on).
glottal. Made in the glottis, like [h].
glottal stop. A consonant, symbolized [ʔ], in which the stream of air is
completely stopped in the glottis. (Cockneys are supposed to substitute
a glottal stop for tt in words like butter and better.)
glottalization. Simultaneous closure of the glottis in the production of a
nonglottal consonant.
glottochronology. A technique, now shown to be unreliable, for dating
the splits in a protolanguage.
goal. The noun phrase at which the action of the verb is aimed.
habitual. An aspect indicating that an action is performed regularly as a
habit or custom.
head. The main word in a phrase.
high vowel. A vowel made with the tongue high in the mouth, like the
vowels in English see and sue.
historical-comparative linguistics. The branch of linguistics that
seeks to discover the history of a group of languages through comparing
them. Sometimes referred to as comparative linguistics.
imperative. The modality of a command.
imperfective. An aspect indicating that action is not seen as completed.
inalienable possession. A construction in which the possessor does not control
possession. Often used of body parts or relatives. See alienable possession.
inceptive. An aspect indicating that action is seen as beginning.
inchoative. Inceptive.
inclusive first person. A pronoun including the speaker and the person
or persons spoken to, e.g., Bislama yumi ‘we (you and I).’ See also
exclusive first person.
independent pronoun. A pronoun that may occur alone, as opposed to
other types of pronouns, which occur only as prefixes or suffixes.
indirect possession. A construction in which a possessive pronoun is not
attached to the possessed noun (as in direct possession) but to some
Glossary of Technical Terms 305

other morpheme, e.g., Motu e-gu ruma ‘my house,’ where -gu ‘my’ is at-
tached to the possessive marker e- and not to the noun ruma ‘house.’
infix. An affix inserted inside a root. Tolai, for example, changes verbs into
nouns with the infix -in-, as in mat ‘die,’ m-in-at ‘death.’ See also prefix, suffix.
instrumental. A case marking the instrument with which the action is
intentional. An aspect marking the fact that the subject intends to per-
form the action.
intermediate demonstrative. A demonstrative referring to someone or
something near the addressee but not near the speaker.
interstage language. An intermediate protolanguage, which is both a
daughter of the common ancestor of a whole family and the ancestor of
one subgroup of that family.
intransitive. A verb with no object; a clause or sentence containing such
a verb as the main verb: e.g., They are sleeping. See also transitive.
irrealis. An aspect or mood marking an action or state as not real, i.e.,
not having taken place or existing. See also realis.
isolate. A language that appears to be related to no other language.
koine. A language that develops (through a process known as koineiza-
tion, sometimes called dialect mixing), out of contact between and
mixing of a number of dialects.
labiodental. Consonants produced by touching the top teeth to the bot-
tom lip, like [f v].
labiovelar. Velar consonants produced with simultaneous lip-rounding,
like [kw].
laminal. Made with the blade of the tongue, like sh in English (phoneti-
cally [ʃ]).
language family. A group of related languages deriving from a common
ancestor (actual or hypothesized).
Lapita. A distinctive pottery style found in the Pacific. Lapita culture
refers to the culture associated with this pottery style, assumed to be
the culture of speakers of Proto Oceanic and its immediate descendants.
lateral. A sound made when air passes around the sides of the tongue; [l]
is a typical lateral.
lexicostatistics. A statistical technique for measuring the degree of re-
lationship between languages by comparing similarities in basic or non-
cultural vocabulary.
lingua franca. A language used as a common language between peo-
ple who speak different vernaculars.
linguistics. The systematic study of language.

locative. A case marking the place where an action takes place.

long consonant. See consonant length.
long vowel. See vowel length.
low vowel. A vowel made with the tongue low in the mouth, like the vow-
els in English back and bark.
macron. A bar over a vowel, used in many Pacific (and other) languages
to indicate vowel length: e.g., ā = [a:].
medial verb. In a language with a switch-reference system, any but the
last verb in a sentence. Medial verbs usually do not mark tense or sub-
ject but do indicate whether the next subject is the same or different.
Melanesian Pidgin. Cover term for the different English-lexifier pid-
gins/creoles spoken in Melanesia, specifically Tok Pisin (Papua New
Guinea), Pijin (Solomon Islands), and Bislama (Vanuatu).
metathesis. A morphophonemic process by which phonemes change
places. Adding the Lenakel trial suffix -hel to the pronoun kami- ‘you’
produces kamhiel ‘you three’ (not *kamihel), with metathesis of i and h.
mid vowel. A vowel made with the tongue between the high and low po-
sitions, like the vowels in English bed and bird.
“mixed” language. A language that has been so heavily influenced by-
one or more unrelated languages that its family membership is not
modality. See mood.
moiety. One of two units into which is a society is divided, all members of
the society belonging to one or the other moiety.
mood. Marker of whether the event or state described by the verb is seen
as being actual/realized or non-actual/unrealized.
morpheme. The smallest meaningful unit in a language. The English
word ungodly contains three morphemes, the prefix un-, the root god,
and the suffix -ly.
morphology. (1) The study of morphemes; (2) the way in which mor-
phemes combine to form words in a language.
morphophonemics. The study of sound changes that take place when
morphemes combine to form words.
nasal. A sound produced through the nose. Consonants like [m n] are
nasals, and vowels like those in French vin blanc are nasal vowels.
nominal sentence. A sentence in which the predicate is not a verb
phrase. See also verbal sentence.
nominalizer. A morpheme that converts a verb into a noun; the process
is called nominalization.
non-Austronesian. See Papuan.
Glossary of Technical Terms 307

non-Pama-Nyungan. Languages in the north-west of Australia, distin-

guished from Pama-Nyungan languages by having prefixes as well as
noun class. Nouns that take a different set of affixes for the same func-
tions belong to different noun classes (like the Latin declensions).
noun phrase. A phrase in which the head is a noun.
number. The marking in a noun, verb, or some other word of linguisti-
cally recognized categories relating to the number of participants—like
singular, dual, plural.
numeral. An exact number (two, three, seventeen, etc.). See quantifier.
numeral classifier. A classifier used with a numeral in a noun phrase to
mark the class of the head of the phrase.
object. The goal of the action of an active verb. In the sentence The boy
hit the dog, the object is the dog.
object marker. A form of a pronoun that occurs within a verb complex to
mark the person and number of the object.
Oceanic. A subgroup of the Austronesian family. It includes all the lan-
guages of Polynesia and almost all the Austronesian languages of
Melanesia and Micronesia.
open syllable. A syllable ending in a vowel. See closed syllable.
open vowel. See close vowel.
orthography. The letters used to represent the sounds or phonemes of a
language; spelling.
palatal. Produced by touching the blade of the tongue to the palate. The
y sound of many languages is a palatal consonant.
Pama-Nyungan. Cover term for a large group of Australian languages
distinguished mainly by a suffixing morphology.
Papuan. Cover term for a number of language families in Melanesia not
belonging to the Austronesian family.
particle. Words whose principal function is grammatical. Particles are
pronounced and/or written as separate words rather than as affixes.
passive voice. A sentence is in the passive voice when the subject of the verb
is the goal of the action: e.g., The dog was hit by John. See active voice.
paucal. Referring to a small number, though more than two.
penultimate stress. Stress applied to the next-to-last syllable of words.
phoneme. A significant unit of sound in a particular language.
phonemics. See phonology.
phonetics. The study of the sounds used in languages.
phonology. (1) The study of the significant sounds and the sound pat-
terns of a particular language; (2) the sound system of a language.

phrase. A group of words functioning as a unit in a clause.

phylum. A group of related stocks.
pidgin. A simplified language, usually no one’s first language, which de-
velops (through the process of pidginization) in a multilingual contact
situation to allow for intergroup communication.
Polynesian Outliers. Genetic members of the Polynesian linguistic sub-
group that are spoken outside geographical Polynesia.
possessive affix. A pronominal form marking the person and number of
the possessor.
possessive classifier. A classifier used in a possessive construction to
mark the class of the possessed noun.
possessive marker. A marker used in an indirect possessive construc-
tion, to which pronoun affixes are attached.
postpositions. Grammatical markers that follow noun phrases, marking
them as postpositional phrases, and that either indicate the relationship
between them and other noun phrases or mark their function in the sen-
tence. See preposition.
predicate. That part of a clause that comments on the topic or subject. In
a verbal sentence, the predicate is a verb phrase, but in a nominal sen-
tence it may be a noun phrase, an adjective phrase, etc.
prefix. An affix that precedes the root, like re- in rewrite. See also infix,
prehistory. That part of the past before the period covered by written
prenasalization. The production of a nasal immediately before, and as
part of, the production of a following sound. For example, both the d and
b in Fijian dabe ‘sit’—phonetically [ndambe]—are prenasalized.
prepositions. Grammatical markers that precede a noun phrase and in-
dicate the relationship between it and other noun phrases or mark its
function in the sentence. Prepositions in English include in, to, for, from,
by, with, at, and so on. See also postpositions.
prepositional phrase. A noun phrase introduced by a preposition; e.g.,
In the morning they walked to the store.
proper article. An article used with proper nouns.
proper noun. The name of a specific individual.
prosodic features. See suprasegmental phonology.
Proto Australian. The protolanguage from which all Australian lan-
guages are presumed to have derived.
Proto Austronesian. The protolanguage from which all members of the
Austronesian family are presumed to have derived.
Glossary of Technical Terms 309

protolanguage. The hypothesized common ancestor of a group of lan-

guages that, on the basis of comparative evidence, appear to be geneti-
cally related.
Proto Oceanic. The protolanguage from which all members of the
Oceanic subgroup of Austronesian are presumed to have derived.
proximate demonstrative. A demonstrative referring to someone or
something near the speaker.
quantifier. A morpheme marking approximate number (like some, few, many).
quinary numeral system. A system of counting based on five.
realis. An aspect or mood marking the fact that the action or state actu-
ally happened or existed. See also irrealis.
reciprocal. Performing an action on each other, as in They kissed each
reconstruction. A procedure by which, through comparison of cognate
forms, an educated guess is made about the phonemes, words, or gram-
matical structures of a protolanguage.
reduplication. A process whereby all (complete reduplication) or part
(partial reduplication) of a word or root is repeated, usually involving
a different grammatical function or a slight change in meaning: e.g.,
Hawaiian ‘aki ‘to take a nip and let go,’ ‘aki-‘aki ‘to nibble (as a fish),’
‘a-‘aki ‘to nip repeatedly.’
regular sound correspondence. In cognate words in two or more lan-
guages, the systematic and predictable correspondence of a particular
sound in one language to a particular sound in the other language(s).
related languages. Languages descended from a common ancestor.
relative dating. In prehistory, a statement that one event took place
before (or after) another, without the assignment of an actual date to ei-
ther event. See absolute dating.
relative pronoun. The pronoun that takes the place of a noun when one
sentence is embedded in another, like who in The man who came yester-
day will come again today.
retroflex. Produced with the tip of the tongue turned back to the roof of
the mouth.
rhotic. Any r- like sound.
root. A morpheme to which affixes can be attached.
rounded vowel. A vowel made with the lips rounded, like [u] in do and
[o] in short.
segmental phonology. That area of phonology dealing with the seg-
ments of speech—consonants and vowels. See also suprasegmental

semivowel. A consonant with vowel-like qualities, like [w] and [y], which
are similar in some ways to [u] and [i].
sentence. A group of one or more clauses that can stand alone without
requiring the addition of any more phrases.
sequential. An aspect indicating that an action follows the action of the
previous verb.
serial construction. A construction involving the stringing together of
two or more verbs in a single clause.
shared innovation. A change from the protolanguage shared only by
certain members of the family. Shared innovations are one of the criteria
for delimiting a subgroup.
short consonant. See consonant length.
short vowel. See vowel length.
sound correspondence. See regular sound correspondence.
split-ergative language. One in which certain nouns function erga-
tively and others (including pronouns) function accusatively.
stative. Expressing a state rather than an event or an action.
stock. A group of related families. See also phylum.
stop. A sound whose production involves the complete blockage of the air
flow, like English [p t k].
stress. Emphasis placed on one of the syllables of a word, making it more
prominent than the others, as in the third syllable of university.
subgroup. A group of languages within a family, more closely related to
each other than any is to any other language.
subject. The topic in a nominal sentence, or the doer of the action or ex-
periencer of the state in a verbal sentence.
subject marker. A form of a pronoun occurring within a verb complex to
mark the person and the number of the subject.
suffix. An affix following the root, like -ing in raining. See also infix, prefix.
suprasegmental phonology. The area of phonology that deals with as-
pects of speech that cannot be segmented, like stress, tone, and intona-
tion. See also segmental phonology.
switch-reference. A grammatical category marked on verbs that indi-
cates whether the subject of a verb is the same as, or different from, the
subject of some other verb.
taxonomy. A classification of words in which there is a generic, overarch-
ing term and a number of levels of specific terms. The lower-level terms
are members of the higher-level terms’ families.
tense. The time of the action or state referred to by the verb in relation to
the time of speaking or writing (or, occasionally, in relation to some other
Glossary of Technical Terms 311

time): The difference between I went, I am going, and I will go, is one of
tense—past, present, and future. In many cases, a marker of tense also
marks aspect; such markers are referred to as tense-aspect markers.
ternary numeral system. A system of counting based on three.
thematic consonant (vowel). A consonant (or vowel) not present when
the root occurs alone, but which surfaces when an affix is added: e.g.,
in Palauan char ‘price,’ one must add the thematic vowel a before any
possessive suffix. Historically, thematic vowels or consonants may have
been part of the root that were lost except in such environments.
tone. For our purposes, changes in pitch that causes changes in mean-
ings of a word. Such tone is phonemic tone.
transitive. Having an object (of a verb); containing such a verb as the
main verb (of a clause or a sentence). Example: They are eating ice
cream. See intransitive.
trial number. Referring to three and only three.
trigraph. Three letters representing a single phoneme.
trill. A series of very fast flaps giving a rolling sound (phonetically [r])
found, for example, in Scots English.
unrounded vowel. A vowel made with the lips not rounded, like the vow-
els of seed and sad.
velar. Made in the back of the mouth, like [k].
velarized bilabial. A bilabial sound produced by simultaneously raising
the tongue at the back of the mouth, giving an accompanying w-sound:
e.g., [mw].
verb. A class of words expressing actions and states.
verb complex. A phrase in which the head is a verb.
verb root. The form of the verb with no affixes.
verb serialization. See serial construction.
verbal sentence. A sentence whose predicate is a verb complex. See
also nominal sentence.
vernacular. The language of a community, which is little used outside
that community.
voice. See active voice; passive voice.
voiced and voiceless sounds. A sound is voiced if the vocal folds vibrate
during its production, and voiceless if they do not: The voiced sounds [b
v z] have voiceless equivalents [p f s].
vowel copying. Occurs in an affix whose vowel is a complete copy of
some other vowel in the root. In Bislama, when the verbs kuk ‘cook’, kil
‘hit,’ and sem ‘shame’ take the transitive suffix vowel +m, the vowel is a
copy of the vowel of the root: kuk-um, kil-im, sem-em.

vowel length. A long vowel takes almost twice as long to articulate as

a short vowel. Difference in vowel length is phonemic in many lan-
word. The smallest freely pronounceable unit in a language.
word taboo. A practice whereby the name of a relative of a particular
category, or of a recently dead person, or any word that sounds like that
name, may not be uttered. A synonym or a borrowed word must be used
in its place.


1. Some linguists use the term “verb phrase” to represent this type of unit, but
others use it to refer to the verb complex together with the object. I do not use the
term in this book.
2. The first and third sentences could stand on their own with the assistance of
context, that is, they would both be acceptable answers to the question “Who were
killing the cats?” They could not, however, stand in isolation, or as, say, the first sen-
tence in a conversation.
3. See section 2.1 in the next chapter for a discussion of the concept of dialect.


1. In the absence of other evidence, the number of speakers in the region would
lead us to predict the existence of about six languages, not fourteen hundred, as-
suming that all the world’s languages had an equal number of speakers.
2. The points of the Polynesian Triangle are Hawai‘i to the north, New Zealand
to the southwest, and Easter Island to the southeast.
3. Crowley (1994) estimates that Paamese currently has about 4,750 speakers, al-
though Tryon and Charpentier (1989) put the number of speakers at around 2,400. Even
with changes of this order in the figures for some other languages, however, no Vanuatu
language has anywhere near 10,000 speakers.
4. The Western Desert language has a variety of local dialect names, but no in-
digenous name for the whole language.
5. The name Nakanamanga, both widely and commonly used by speakers of the lan-
guage, may have been avoided by missionaries who had some experience with Fijian,
since this term is obscene in that language.

314 Notes


1. The family was for a long time called “Malayo-Polynesian,” but because this
term appeared to exclude the languages of Melanesia and Micronesia, most schol-
ars have adopted the term “Austronesian” (lit., southern islands).
2. Most of the groups mentioned here correspond to those listed in Pawley and
Ross 1995, an admirable summary of the current state of research. (Exactly how
a small group of Oceanic languages in northeast Irian Jaya is related to the rest
of the languages of the subgroup is still not clear.) In a few cases, I have incorpo-
rated more recent research. In such cases I have specified the source. Lynch, Ross,
and Crowley (1998) suggest that groups five through eight may belong to a single
Central-Eastern Oceanic group.
3. For a brief discussion of lexicostatistics, see 1.3.3, above.
4. I do not list the actual terms here. For both a list and more detailed discus-
sion, see Chowning (1991) and Pawley and Ross (1995).


1. Recall from the discussion in chapter 1 that the sounds of languages are
organized into a number of sound units, or phonemes. In discussing individual pro-
nunciations of words, linguists use square brackets [ ], while phonemes are written
between slant lines / /. I use italics for single letters. Appendix 2 provides a chart of
the phonetic symbols used in this book, and appendix 3 gives some examples of the
vowel and consonant systems of a number of Pacific languages.
2. I make occasional reference in this section to the two non-Oceanic languages
spoken in Micronesia, Palauan and Chamorro.
3. The contexts need not concern us here. But see 6.2.1 below and Churchward
(1940, 14).
4. The phonetic explanation for this seems to be that the production of voice-
less obstruents involves greater muscle tension and a higher larynx than does the
production of voiced obstruents, and greater muscle tension and a higher larynx
are associated with higher pitch (Clark and Yallop 1990, 282–283).
5. The Rotokas voiced phonemes /v r g/ are pronounced as nasals [m n ŋ] in
some phonetic environments.
6. Tone marking has been omitted from these examples so as not to obscure the
placement of stress.
7. “On the whole these [tonal systems] seem better analyzed as pitch-accent
systems rather than as genuine tonal systems. The vast majority of such Papuan
languages have a single contrast between high and low tone, and this suggests a
pitch-accent system with a contrast between accented syllables and unaccented
ones” (Foley 1986, 63).
8. Unfortunately, the sources do not show full contrast, as there appears to be
no word /nǎ/ that would contrast with the other three words listed here.
9. The Rapanui (Easter Island) rongorongo may be an exception to this, although
it was apparently a system of mnemonics rather than a writing system per se.
Notes 315

10. Many nonlinguists do not conceive of the glottal stop as a proper consonant,
but more as a “break” between two vowels. In his grammar of Tongan, Churchward
is at pains to correct this misconception and to stress the consonantal nature of the
glottal stop: “To call it the break, as is sometimes done, is convenient but is rather
misleading” (Churchward 1953, 1).
11. The Catholic forms have eventually been adopted, partly because they cor-
respond most closely to the English system, and partly due to the influence of
Wantok newspaper, the first Tok Pisin newspaper, which was originally produced by
the Catholic Church.
12. This principle was taken to its ridiculous extreme in Erromango (Vanuatu),
where early missionaries wrote /au/ as x and /oi/ as c.
13. The only violation of this principle has been the use of the digraph dr to rep-
resent /nr̃/. The controversy, which surfaces every so often, usually takes the form of
pressure to revise Fijian orthography more in the direction of English, and to write
mb, th, and so on for what are currently written as b and c.
14. This convention is based on German orthography.


1. Note that the Fijian pronouns given here (and elsewhere) have a preposed
personal article (see 6.2.2 below), which is i in the Nadrau dialect given here and o
in Standard Fijian and some other dialects. I sometimes refer to Standard (Bauan)
Fijian simply as “Fijian,” but specify other varieties by name (e.g., “Nadrau Fijian”).
2. The Nehan forms are those used in past tense. Non-past forms are slightly
different, involving the loss of initial k in most persons and the replacement of k
with m in the first person exclusive and the second person plural.
3. The variation in the third person plural in Kiribati is between animate (-iia)
and inanimate (-i) objects.
The forms given for the subject markers in table 5 are what appear to be the
underlying forms. There is considerable variation in current usage as a result of
changes in progress in this system (see Lynch 1995).
4. In citing Rotuman data, I use standard orthographic symbols for consonants,
but phonetic symbols for vowels, since the system of vowel diacritics in Rotuman
orthography is somewhat unwieldy.
5. Many of these languages probably once did have at least one article, deriving
from the Proto Oceanic common article *na. In Vanuatu especially, however, this ar-
ticle has become attached to the noun and now forms part of the noun root, though
it may be removed in certain contexts (cf. the discussion on pluralization in Anejom̃
in the previous section).
6. In Fijian, ko tends to be used quite often in writing where o is used in speech,
while a is sometimes used instead of na. This variation is not important for our
purposes here. I will continue to gloss articles as “a” or “the,” adding additional in-
formation (personal, plural, etc.) where relevant.
7. Ke is most often used before words beginning with a, e, o, and k, while ka
tends to precede words beginning with i, u, and any consonant except k.
316 Notes

8. The numeral for one does not usually follow the same pattern in these lan-
9. The vowels of some of the possessive markers in both languages undergo
morphophonemic changes in various environments. Note that, in both Paamese
and Fijian, the markers for food and for passivity are formally identical. As some
languages mark these two categories differently, there is good reason for believing
that these were distinct in Proto Oceanic.
10. Generally, however, the form, function, and semantics of possessive classi-
fiers are different from those of numeral classifiers. Some languages, like Kiribati
and Kilivila, for example, have elaborate numeral classifier systems but no corre-
spondingly elaborate possessive classifier systems.
11. I say “for the most part” because there are vestiges of the direct construc-
tion in some of these languages (cf. Wilson 1982, 35–40).
12. The Nukuoro orthography used here differs slightly from that in the original
source (Carroll 1965): I write the simple stops p t k and the long stops pp tt kk; Car-
roll writes the simple stops b d g and the long stops p t k.
13. I use the term “verb complex” in place of “verb phrase,” which has different
meanings in different theoretical approaches to linguistics. The term “particle”
refers to words that have a grammatical function (marking tense or negation, for
example) rather than a lexical one (denoting some thing, action, or quality in the
real world), but which are pronounced and written as separate words and not as
prefixes or suffixes.
14. Thus I had drunk (completive), I used to drink (habitual), I was drinking
(continuous), and I drank (punctiliar) illustrate different aspects of the English verb
in the past tense.
15. Rotuman is somewhat unusual in having no preverbal subject markers and
in marking the person and number of the subject of a stative verb by a suffix:

Iris la joni-eris.
they FUTURE run:away-they:STATIVE
“They will run away.”

16. To some extent, this consonant reflects an earlier morpheme-final conso-

nant that has been lost in word-final position. Take, for example, Fijian kini ‘pinch,’
whose transitive form is kini-ti. This verb derives from Proto Oceanic *giñit, and the
intransitive form kini has lost the final *-t quite regularly. The transitive form kini-ti
derives from *giñit-i, from which *-t- was not lost because it was no longer word-fi-
nal. By no means all thematic consonants, however, can be explained in this way.
On the basis of comparative evidence, one would expect the transitive form of the
Fijian verb gunu ‘drink’ to be gunu-mi, but it is in fact gunu-vi.
17. The fact that the pronoun object is not part of the verb complex but a sep-
arate phrase can be seen from sentences that emphasize the object by placing it

Iik ka, r-ɨm-eiua-in mun.

you that, he-PAST-lie-TRANS again
‘He lied to you again.’
Notes 317

18. In some of these languages both transitive and object marking occur to-
gether only when the object is human or animate.
19. Passive and transitive are closely linked concepts, and this suffix is presum-
ably the same historically as the -Ci transitive suffix. There has been considerable
debate in the literature over whether the -Ci suffix marks passive or transitive in
other Polynesian languages, a matter I do not take up here. See, for example, Biggs
(1974), Chung (1977, 1978), Clark (1973, 1981), Hohepa (1969), Lynch (1972), Mil-
ner (1973), and Tchekhoff (1973).
20. The Kiribati numerals given here include the general classifier -ua.
21. “Accusative” here is short for “nominative-accusative” (subject in the
nominative case, object in the accusative case). “Ergative” is short for “ergative-ab-
solutive,” defined later.
22. This is probably a result of influence from one or more neighboring non-
Austronesian languages (most of which have SOV preferred order) on a language
ancestral to the Oceanic languages of southern mainland Papua New Guinea. See
chapter 9 for further discussion.
23. Verb-initial languages do allow some flexibility when the subject or object is
emphasized. Some Oceanic languages have flexible phrase order, but certain gram-
matical contexts may require one order and others another.


1. The marking on nouns and other noun phrase constituents varies for number
(aleman n-ahe‘ ‘the man went,’ alemam m-ahe‘ ‘the men went’), and in some classes
the markers are not phonologically identical in all environments (numata‘ kw-ahe‘
‘the woman went’).
2. The Anggor verbs in the examples below are more complex morphologically
than illustrated here, but I have simplified the analysis for purposes of illustration.
3. The numerous morphophonemic changes in Enga verb roots and suffixes
need not concern us here, but note that the root meaning “go” appears as both p-
and as pá-in the examples.


1. Given my lack of first-hand experience with Australian languages, I have

relied very heavily in this chapter on Dixon’s The Languages of Australia (1980),
which is an excellent introduction to the topic; and I am grateful to Terry Crowley
and Nick Thieberger for their assistance.
2. Pronouns may take case suffixes, and in many cases the combination pro-
noun + case suffix has fused to produce a pronoun form impervious to analysis. In
such cases I give the intransitive subject form of the pronoun.
3. This discussion of case marking relies heavily on the discussion in Dixon
(1980), especially his treatment of case in Yidiny (294–301).
4. The Tiwi language of Bathurst and Melville Islands is an exception. Dixon
(1980, 488) says that Tiwi “is probably unique in Australia in having no case inflec-
tions of any type; local relations are shown by prepositions.”
318 Notes

5. The last example is the version used by female speakers. Male speakers dis-
pense with the prefix nya- with nouns of this class, saying simply yabi arrkula “one
good man/boy.”
6. When the consonant-initial prefixes are followed by a consonant, a vowel in-
7. In some split-ergative languages, proper nouns—or even all nouns referring
to humans—behave like pronouns, while other nouns behave ergatively.


1. Note also that these words have adapted to another phonological feature of
Motu—the fact that every syllable must be open. (Examples are from Crowley 1992,
2. Not all consonants are included in these tables. In order not to clutter the
picture, I have concentrated only on those pertinent to the point I am making.
3. A third of his correspondences are classed as indeterminate. There are no
diagnostic differences between the two sets (since, for example, phonemes like *m
and *n are reflected as m and n in both set I and set II).
4. Readers interested in this debate might wish to consult, in the first instance,
the summaries in Lynch (1981b) or Thurston (1987, 89–93), and the more detailed
discussions in Capell (1976) for mixed languages and Biggs (1972) against them.


1. Recall the discussion in chapter 2 relating to the indeterminacy of the terms

“language” and “dialect.” This is another case in point. Tok Pisin, Pijin, and Bislama
are mutually intelligible, and under this criterion should be classified as dialects of
a single language. Each, however, functions as the national language of the country
in which it is spoken, and under this sociopolitical criterion each could be viewed
as a separate language.
2. As to the origin of these terms, the term “pidgin” may derive from the China
Coast Pidgin English word pijin, meaning ‘business’: thus Pidgin English meant
‘business (trading) English.’ The term “creole” comes originally from Portuguese
crioulo, meaning a person of European descent brought up in the colonies. Koine
is the Greek word meaning ‘common,’ and was used to refer to the standard Attic
Greek that replaced other Greek dialects.
3. Bêche-de-mer is sometimes translated ‘sea-cucumber.’ The name Bis-
lama—the Vanuatu variety of Melanesian Pidgin—ultimately derives from the word
“bêche-de-mer.” “Bêche-de-mer English” was one name given to this early trade
4. One exception to this statement is Hawai‘i. Because of the recruitment of
Asian laborers, the need for a pidgin remained.
5. There are one or two very minor exceptions to this statement, most notably
the widespread pronunciation of the third person singular pronoun em as en after
a preposition in Tok Pisin, as in, Em i givim long en ‘He gave it to him.’
Notes 319

6. A notable exception is the adjective meaning ‘bad,’ which follows the noun,
as in Pijin Mi kaekae fis nogud ‘I ate a/some bad fish.’
7. If the subject is mi ‘I,’ yu ‘you,’ or yumi ‘we (inclusive),’ i is not used. In Bis-
lama, i is replaced by oli if the subject is third person plural.

Ol pikinini oli spolem garen blong yu.

PL child PL:PREDICATE damage:TRANS garden POSS you
‘The kids have messed up your garden.’

8. The Hiri Motu word tamana ‘father’ derives from the Motu form tama-na ‘his/
her father.’ The Motu third person suffix -na has become part of the Hiri Motu root.
Hiri Motu has also fused the (optional) Motu free pronoun and the possessive pro-
noun as a single form: (lau) e-gu > lauegu ‘my,’ (oi) e-mu > oiemu ‘your,’ etc.


1. Even the spellcheck on my computer doesn’t recognize four of these words:

quinic (acid), quinquagenerian, quinque-, and quinquefoliate.
2. In a study of German children aged between eighteen months and eleven
years, Wagner (1985, quoted in Crystal 1987, 244) found that they used on average
three thousand different words in a single day, with the eleven-year-old using five
thousand words in a day!
3. In fact, in some dialects of English, yam refers to the sweet potato, an en-
tirely different root-crop.
4. In some languages with a decimal system the word for “ten” includes the
word for “one”: “one-ten” = “ten,” parallelling “two-ten” = “twenty,” “three-ten” =
“thirty,” and so on.
5. Many languages have borrowed numerals from other languages either be-
cause they do not have higher ones, because their own higher numerals are incon-
veniently long compounds, or simply because such numerals are used mainly in
“modern” contexts (money, time, airline flight numbers, and so on).
6. The length of such compounds is one reason for borrowing numerals. Most
Lenakel speakers today do not express the numeral nineteen by the long-winded
compound katilum-katilum-katilum-kuvɨr, but instead use the much more concise
Bislama borrowing naintin.
7. Forms for numerals vary depending on what is counted. Where there is vari-
ation, I have cited the forms for (male) humans.
8. Even though all kinship terms can be extended almost without limit, my
translations include only the more immediate relatives.
9. The suffix -k on some of these kin terms means ‘my.’ Note that some kinship
terms are directly possessed (grandparents, all relatives in the parents’ generation,
same-sex siblings, wife, and grandchildren), but others are indirectly possessed
(opposite-sex siblings and children are the most notable of these).
10. The verb lai is generally used of plants and trees that are much shorter or
taller than the norm, or that have developed flowers of the “wrong” color or leaves
of the “wrong” shape.
320 Notes

11. Clark cites Fischer’s (1957, 27) report that all the male inhabitants of
Ngatik are said to have been massacred by some European sailors (who presum-
ably spoke some variety of Pidgin English). These sailors then married the local
women and remained on the island.
12. Kalam words like wjblp ‘bird’ look unpronounceable because Kalam orthog-
raphy does not mark the neutral vowel /ə/, which occurs predictably between any
two consonants. Wjblp is phonemically something like /wəjəbələp/.
13. This behavior has obvious implications for a shift in language-use patterns.
See 11.6 below.
14. In Vanuatu, some schools are English medium, others French medium.


1. I say “words of English origin” because in many cases, in Ifira-Mele as in

most parts of Melanesia, the immediate source is much more likely to be the local
variety of Melanesian Pidgin (in this case, Bislama).
2. There ought perhaps to be an attempt to find some less negatively loaded
name for languages like Melanesian Pidgin. Gillian Sankoff, for example, has re-
ferred to the varieties of Melanesian Pidgin as “the Bislamic languages,” and cer-
tainly the name Bislama does not have the negative connotations to an English
speaker that names like Pijin or Broken might have.
3. Interestingly, French-educated ni-Vanuatu tend to use French with each
other much more than English-educated ni-Vanuatu use English in these situations.
This may, however, have more to do with attitudes emanating from metropolitan
France than from any local view of Bislama.

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The following do not appear in this index:

1. Names of authors listed in the References.
2. Names of languages listed in Appendix 1 or located on Maps 3–11.
3. Names of Papuan language families which appear only in Table 4.
4. Technical terms listed alphabetically in Appendix 4.
5. English, French, etc., where these languages are used to illustrate a point
of grammar.

General categories (such as Polynesia, languages of) are indexed only

where a generalization is made about that category, and not when a specific
member of the category (e.g., Hawaiian or Tongan) is referred to.

Abau, 298 Adzera, 76, 84, 249, 297

Abelam, 167, 173 affix, 3
ablative case, 188 agent (in ergative structures), 151,
absolutive case, 151, 187–188, 199–200 199–200
Abu‘, 169–170, 171, 317 Aitchison, Jean, 279
accusative structures, 150, 317 A‘jië, 102, 130, 131, 156, 159
in Australian languages, 200, 202 Alamblak, 167
in Oceanic languages, 150–151 Alawa, 91
active (voice), 6 Ali, 101
adjectives, 6–7 alienable possession, 9, 122–123, 172,
adjectives vs. verbs, 6–7, 115–117 194, 217
in Australian languages, 190, 192 allative case, 188
in Melanesian Pidgin, 228–229 Alpher, Barry, 257
in Oceanic languages, 115–117 Amara, 215
adjunct constructions, 175–177 Amto–Musian family, 67
Admiralty Islands group, 48 anaphoric demonstratives, 114–115

346 Index

Anejom̃, 7, 102, 104, 105, 106, 109, avoidance styles, 258–260

114–115, 118, 140, 150, 154, 156, Awa, 89, 298
217, 240, 241–243, 256, 315 Awadhi, 235
Anêm, 215–217
Anggor, 178, 179–180, 317 Babatana, 71
Anguthimri, 91, 93–94, 190, 296, 298 baby-talk words, 261
anitpassive, 200–201 Bahasa Indonesia, 25, 262, 264
apicals, 91–93 Baldauf, Richard, 282
apico-labials, 80 Banaban people, 206
Apma, 34 Bandjalang, 93, 99, 200
applicative, 140 Baniata, 41, 168
Arai family, 67 Banoni, 84, 121, 157–158, 159, 297
Aroma, 12–13, 15–16 Barai, 170, 177–178
Arosi, 83, 245 Bareke, 41
articles, 110 Bauan Fijian, 315
absence of Bauer, Winifred, 286
in Australian languages, 191 Bavin, Edith, 260, 289
in Melanesian Pidgin, 228 Bazaar Hindustani, 235
in Papuan languages, 170 Beaumont, Clive H., 287
common, 110–111 Bêche-de-mer English. See Bislama
gender marking in, 112–113 Bellwood, Peter, 53, 56
in Oceanic languages, 110–113 Bender, Byron W., 30, 42, 120, 281,
proper, 110–111 286, 287
aspect, 133. See also tense-aspect Benton, Richard A., 282
asterisk, use of, xvii Bhojpuri, 235, 274
Australia Biak-Numfor, 38
languages of, 39–40 Biggs, Bruce, 213–214, 281, 286, 287,
death of, 269 317, 318
demography of, 28, 39–40 Big Nambas, 81–82, 84, 257
external relatives of, 69–70 bilingualism. See multilingualism
history of research into, 43–44 Bilua, 169
origins of, 69–70 binary numeral system, 249–250
orthographies of, 98–99 Bislama, 8, 25, 210, 220, 223–224, 226,
relationships between, 68–69 227–230, 232, 264, 273, 281, 304,
word taboo in, 214–215 311, 318, 319, 320;
See also names of individual lan- status of, 262, 266, 275
guages as per Map 12 See also Melanesian Pidgin
settlement of, 60–61, 70, 206 “Bislamic languages”, 320
Australian creoles, 221, 223, 263, 282 Blake, Barry J., 280–281, 289
Australian family, 68–69 Blust, Robert A., 279, 280
Austronesian family, 45, 279–280, 314 borrowing. See copying
dispersal of, 53 Bradley, John, 289
distribution of, 45–46 Bradshaw, Joel, 82, 288
external relatives of, 53 Braj, 235
origins of, 51, 53–54 Breen, J. G., 289
subgroups of, 46–47 Broken, 25, 274, 282, 320
auxiliary, 187 Bruce, Les, 288
aversive case, 188 Brumby, Ed, 282
Index 347

Budibud, 120 clause, 5

Bughotu, 48 Cochran, Anne M., 288
Buin, 71, 90, 246 code-switching, 264–265
Burling, Robbins, 251, 253, 289 Codrington, R.H., 43
cognate, 15
Capell, Arthur, 44, 285, 318 common ancestor, 10–11
Carolinian, 76, 98 compound postpositions, 165
Carroll, Vern, 287, 316 compound prepositions, 163
case, 180 conjugation(al class), 196–197
ablative, 188 conjunctions
absolutive, 151, 187–188, 199–200 absence of in Papuan languages, 184
allative, 188 consonant cluster, 83–84, 90, 93–94
in Australian languages, 187–190 consonant length, 79, 98
aversive, 188 consonant systems
causal, 188 in Australian languages, 91–93
dative, 188, 201 in Oceanic languages, 78–80
ergative, 151, 187–188, 199–200 in Papuan languages, 88
instrumental, 188 constitutional status of languages,
locative, 188 265–266
peripheral cases, 180–182 construct suffix, 124
possessive, 188–189, 194 copying, 11–12, 206, 272–273
in pronouns, 186–187, 317 ‘necessary’ and ‘unnecessary’, 273
purposive, 188 of numerals, 319
causal case, 188 Corston, Simon, 287
causative, 131, 144–145 counting systems. See numerals
Cèmuhî, 82, 113 creole (language), 221
Cenderawasih Bay family, 67 origin of term, 318
Central-Eastern Oceanic group, 50, 314 creolization, 221, 223
Central Pacific group, 50 Crowley, Terry, 50, 69, 278, 279, 280,
Chamorro, 46, 50, 76, 108–109, 314 285, 286, 287, 289, 290, 313, 314,
change in language, 9–12 317, 318
deliberate, 71 Crystal, David, 238, 279, 319
rate of, 57–58
Charpentier, Jean-Michel, 34, 287, 313 Daga, 171, 172, 180, 247–248
Cheetham, Brian, 248, 288 Dani
China Coast Pidgin English, 318 Grand Valley Dani, 38, 178
Chinese in the Pacific, 25, 263 Western Dani, 38
Chowning, Ann, 280, 314 dating, 55–57
Chuave, 263 archaeological, 56–57
Chung, Sandra L., 317 relative vs. absolute, 55
church languages, 207–208 dative case, 188, 200–201
Churchward, C. Maxwell, 287, 314, 315 daughter language, 10
Clark, J.B., 286 Davies, H.J., 288
Clark, John, 314 decimal numeral systems, 244–246
Clark, Ross, 257, 273, 279, 286, 317, 320 demonstratives, 113
classifiers, 9, 121–122 in Australian languages, 191–192
numeral, 9, 111, 118–120 kinds of, 114–115
possessive, 9, 126–128 in Melanesian Pidgin, 228
348 Index

in Oceanic languages, 113–115 Enga, 34, 171, 179, 182–184, 317

in Papuan languages, 169, 170 English in the Pacific, 25, 207,
Dempwolff, Otto, 46, 279–280 221–223, 224, 234, 235, 262, 264,
derivational suffixes, 189, 195 275, 320
diacritics, 98 constitutional status of, 265–266
dialect, 10, 25–27, 313, 318 in education, 266–268, 320
dialect chain, 26–27 influence on Australian languages,
dialect mixing. See koineization 210
diglossia, 236 influence on Melanesian Pidgin,
digraph, 98 224–225
direct possessive constructions, 8–9, influence on Oceanic languages, 209,
122ff, 234 210–211, 272–273
distant demonstratives, 114–115, 170 in the media, 268
Dixon, R. M. W., 39–40, 44, 68, 69, Pacific dialects of, 262
71–72, 193, 200–201, 214–215, equational sentence, 5, 198
237, 239, 241, 243, 249, 257, ergative case, 151, 187–188, 199–200
258–259, 276, 280, 281, 282, ergative structures, 151, 317
289, 290, 317 in Australian languages, 199–200
Diyari, 94 in Oceanic languages, 151–152
Djapu, 192, 194, 215 split-ergative languages, 199–200,
Dobuan, 208 318
Dougherty, Janet W. D., 287 Erromango, language death on,
Douglas, Wilfred H., 289 268–269
Drehu, 33, 80, 113, 248, 297 exclusive first person. See inclusive/ex-
dual (number), 8, 101–102, 167, clusive distinction
Duranti, Alessandro, 258, 282, 287 Fagan, Joel L., 286
Dutch in the Pacific, 207, 262 Fagauvea, 78
Dutton, Tom, 232–233, 281, 282, 288, Fakamuria, Kenneth, 219
290 family tree, 10
Dyen, Isidore, 286 Faraclas, Nicholas, 268
Dyirbal, 94, 189, 200–201, 210, 243, Farr, Cynthia, 288
259 Farr, James, 288
Eades, Diana, 289 languages of, 32–33
Early, Robert, 286 language use in, 264–265
East Bird’s Head family, 67 See also Fijian, Fiji Hindi; Rotuman
Easter Island. See Rapanui settlement of, 55–56
East Futuna, 50 Fijian, xiv, 7–8, 11, 17, 26–27, 42, 83,
East Papuan phylum, 67 101, 103–105, 107, 110–111, 114,
East Uvea, 28, 30, 50, 263 115, 117, 121, 123–124, 131, 133,
education system, 266–268, 282 140–142, 144, 145, 146, 149, 157,
Ekagi, 38, 248 162, 210, 218, 245, 264, 308, 313,
Elbert, Samuel H.‚ 286, 287 315, 316
Eleman languages, 232–233 Bauan Fijian, 315
Emae, 78 dictionary of, 238
emblematic function of language, Eastern vs. Western, 32–33
57–58, 71, 270 history of research, 42, 278
Index 349

influence on Fiji Hindi, 235–236 glottal stop, 93, 315

Nadrau Fijian, 102, 315 and orthography design, 95
orthography of, 97, 315 glottochronology, 55–56
pidginized, 235, 264 Goodenough, Ward H., 209, 286
Standard Fijian, 33, 80, 110–111, 315 Goodwin, Charles, 282
status of, 265, 276 Gooniyandi, 98–99
Wayan Fijian, 105 Grace, George W., 57, 280
Fiji Hindi 25, 220–221, 235–236, 264, Grand Valley Dani, 38, 178
272, 274–275, 282, 303 Greek influence on Oceanic languages,
Firchow, Irwin B., 288 209–210, 211
Firchow, Jacqueline, 288 Greenberg, Joseph H., 69
Fischer, J. L., 320 Groves, Gordon W., 286
flaps, 294 Groves, Terab’ata R., 286
Foley, William A., 61, 67, 69, 71, 89, Guhu-Samane, 250
166, 176–177, 178, 270, 280, 282, Gujarati, 263
288, 289, 314 Gumbaynggir, 192, 193, 198
Fontinelle, Jacqueline de la, 285 Guugu Yimidhirr, 192
Fore, 89 Guwal style (in Dyirbal), 259
Fox, G. J., 285
Fox, Helen, 257 Hackman, B. D., 34, 280
Franklin, Joice‚ 288 Hagen, 34
Franklin, Karl J., 281, 288, 289 Harris, J. W., 282
French in the Pacific, 25, 207, 262, 264, Harris, John B., 282
268, 275, 320 Harrison, Sheldon P., 245, 286, 287
constitutional status of, 266 Hattori, Shirô, 34, 38, 279
in education, 266–267, 320 Haudricourt, André-G., 280, 286, 287
influence on Bislama, 224 Haviland J.B., 289
Pacific dialects of, 262 Hawaiian, 78, 84, 95, 107–108, 111,
fricatives, 79, 80, 93, 294 143, 309
Futuna. See East Futuna; West Futuna history of research, 279
language shift and revival, 269–271,
Gabelentz, H. C. von der, 43 272, 276
Gapun village, 260–261, 270–271 Hawaiian Creole, 25, 318
Garland, Roger, 288 Hazlewood, David, 42
Garland, Susan, 288 Hebrew influence on Oceanic lan-
Gedaged, 208 guages, 210, 211
gender (grammatical), 7 Henderson, J.E., 289
in articles, 112–113 Hindi, 235–236, 263
in pronouns, 101, 167–168, 186 constitutional status of, in Fiji, 265
gender (sociological), 256–257 pidginized, 235, 264
and kinship terms, 254, 256 Standard, 236, 264, 275, 303
genetic inheritance, 12 See also Fiji Hindi
genetic relationship, 10ff Hiri Motu, 25, 220–221, 232–234,
Geraghty, Paul, 238, 280, 286 264–265, 282, 319
German in the Pacific, 207, 222, 262 constitutional status of, 265
influence on Oceanic languages, 209 in the media, 268
influence on Tok Pisin, 224 hiri trading complex, 206, 232–233
Gilbertese. See Kiribati Hiri Trading Languages, 232–233, 282
350 Index

Hobbs, Susan, 274, 282 Jawe, 247

Hohepa, Patrick W., 286, 317 Johnston, R. L., 286
Holzknecht, Susanne, 285, 286 Jones, Alan A., 286
Horoi, Rex, 285 Josephs, Lewis S., 285
Hula, 12–13, 15–16
Huli, 34, 179, 248 Kabana, 215
hyphen, use of, 3–4 Kalam, 176–177, 259–260, 320
Kalkatungu, 94
Iaai, 76–77, 126, 127–128, 155, 156, 295 Kamano, 34
Iatmul, 87 Kamasau, 90
identity, social, 26 Kapauku. See Ekagi
Ifira-Mele, 78, 273, 320 Kapingamarangi, 30, 50, 78
inalienable possession, 9, 122–123, Kâte, 88, 208, 298
172, 194, 217 Kayser, Alois, 287
inclusive/exclusive distinction, 7–8, Keen, Sandra, 290
100–101, 167–168, 185–186, 217, Keesing, Roger M., 274
227 Kewa, 34, 88–89, 181, 250, 251
inclusive first person. See inclusive/ex- Kilivila, 110, 120, 121–122, 316
clusive distinction Kilivila family, 120
independent pronouns, 8, 103–105, kinship, 241, 251–256
168–169, 185–187 Anejom̃ kinship terms, 254–256
indirect possessive constructions, 8–9, distinctions in pronouns, 186
122ff, 234 Njamal kinship terms, 251–254
Indo-Pacific Hypothesis, 69 reciprocal use of kin terms, 254
infix, 4 Kiribati, 30, 75, 79, 96, 101, 102, 104,
infixed reduplication, 86 105, 108, 114, 120, 121, 125–126,
inflectional suffixes, 196 137, 141, 145, 149–150, 155, 159,
instrumental case, 188 244–245, 263, 315, 316, 317
intermediate demonstratives, 114–115, constitutional status of, 265
170 Kobon, 88, 176, 298
interstage language, 14 Koiari people, 206
intransitive, 6–7, 231. koine, 221
See also transitive/transitivity origin of term, 318
Irian Jaya: languages of, 38. koineization, 221, 235
See also names of individual lan- Koita, 89, 166, 170, 171, 180, 181–182,
guages as per Map 10 206
irrealis (aspect/mood), 134, 136–137, Koita people, 206
138 Kolia, J. A., 287
Irwin, Barry, 289 Komaitai, Rusiate T., 286
isolate, 61 Korafe, 174
Korean, 263
Jackson, Frederick H., 245, 280, 285, Koriki, 232–233
287 Kosraean, 76, 79, 85, 120, 142, 295,
Jacobs, Roderick, 286 296
Jalnguy style (in Dyirbal), 259 Kove, 215
Japanese in the Pacific, 207, 262, 263 Kriol, 25, 268, 282
influence on Oceanic languages, 209 Krupa, Viktor, 78, 280, 281, 287
Javanese, 263 kula trading complex, 206
Index 351

Kulick, Don, 71, 261, 270–271, 282, Lee, Kee-dong, 286

289 Leenhardt, Maurice, 43
Kuman, 34, 166, 168–169, 174–175, Lenakel, 5, 8, 34, 41, 103, 104,
176, 179, 180, 181 109–110, 116–117, 118, 132,
Kunjen, 91, 92 133–134, 138, 141, 146–147,
Kwamera, 208–209, 218–219, 240 153, 157, 161, 210, 247, 306,
Kwara‘ae, 34 316, 319
Kwomtari family, 67 Lewo, 160
lexicostatistics, 15, 55–56, 314
Labu, 121, 128, 152–153, 295 Lichtenberk, Frantisek, 285, 286,
Lagoon Trukese. See Trukese 287
laminals, 91–93 Lincoln, Peter C., 157, 285
Lang, Adrienne, 288 Lindstrom, Lamont, 286
Langdon, Robert, 287 lingua francas, 264
language contact. linguistic rules, 1–2
in Australia, 72, 206, 214–215 linguistics, 1
between Austronesian and Papuan comparative-historical, 16–19, 42,
languages, 53–54, 57, 67, 206, 212, 58–59, 279
215–218, 317 descriptive, 1, 42, 279
effects on grammar, 211–212 salvage, 44
effects on lexicon, 208–210 theoretical, 42
effects on phonology, 210–211 See also Chapter 1
effects on semantics, 210 Lister-Turner, R., 286
between intrusive and indigenous lan- literacy, 267–268
guages, 209–211, 218 Litteral, Shirley, 180, 288
between Melanesian Pidgin and in- locative case, 188
digenous languages, 212 long consonant. See consonant length
between Pacific and Indian languages, long vowel. See vowel length
235–236 Loving, Aretta, 288
between Polynesian and non-Polyne- Loving, Richard, 288
sian languages, 78, 208–209, Loyalty Islands. See New Caledonia
211–212, 218–219 Luke, Allan, 282
See also Chapter 9 Lusi, 215–217
language family, 10 Lynch, John, 48, 50, 208, 218–219, 254,
language revival programs, 269–271 279, 280, 281, 285, 286, 287, 314,
language vs. dialect, 25–27, 318 315, 317, 318
Lao, 263
Lapita, 56 macron, use of, 95
culture, 56 Magahi, 235
people, 56–57 Magi, 172–173
pottery, 56 Magori, 57, 217
Lardil, 186, 202 Mailu people, 207
laterals, 88, 92–93, 98, 99, 294 Maisin, 57, 154, 217, 259
Latin influence on Oceanic languages, Malayo-Polynesian, 314.
210, 211 See Austronesian
Laycock, D. C., 40, 71, 244, 250, 251, Manam, 86, 110, 113–114, 118, 125,
276, 287, 288 132, 138, 141, 144, 159, 164
Lee, Jennifer, 281, 289 Manem, 166
352 Index

Māori (New Zealand), 30, 81, 85, status of, 223

107–108, 110, 114, 131, 135–136, structure of, 224–232
143, 149, 155, 156, 161 See also Bislama; Pijin; Tok Pisin
language shift and revival, 269–271, Melpa, 88
272, 276 Mendi, 34
Mapos, 249 merger (of phonemes), 13
Marck, Jeffrey C., 285 Meso-Melanesian subgroup, 48
Margany, 249 Micronesia
Mari, 76, 101 languages of
Maringe, 84, 101, 113–114 articles in, 111–112
marriage in Aneityum, 254–256 consonant systems of, 78–79
Marsack, C. C., 287 demography of, 28, 30, 31
Marshallese, 30, 76, 120 history of research into, 42–43,
McElhanon, Kenneth A., 71, 280 279
McEwen, J. M., 287 interrelationships between, 50
McGregor, William, 289 numeral classifiers in, 118–120
media, languages in, 268 numeral systems in, 244–245
Mekeo, 83 orthographies of, 97–98
Melanesia passive in, 142
languages of, 30–38 possessive classifiers in, 126–127
articles, presence or absence of, vowel systems of, 76
110–113 See names of individual languages
consonant systems of, 79–80 as per Map 4
demography, 28, 30–38 settlement of, 54–57
history of research, 43, 279 Micronesian group, 48, 50
interrelationships between, 50–51 Mihalic, F., 280, 290
mission/church languages in, Milner, G. B., 286, 287, 317
207–208 mission languages. See church lan-
multilingualism in, 263–265 guages
numeral systems in, 244–251 “mixed” languages, 217–218, 220
orthographies of, 97–98 modality. See mood
passive, presence or absence of, moiety, 210, 219, 251–254
143–144 moka trading complex, 206
vowel systems of, 76–77 Mokilese, 76, 110, 111–112, 120, 144,
See also under individual countries 148, 295
linguistic diversification in, 57–58, Mono-Alu, 41, 100, 102
70–71 mood, 136–137, 174
settlement of, 51, 53–57 Moriori, 27
Melanesian Pidgin, 212, 220–221, 233, morpheme, 3–4
235, 262, 263, 264–265, 267, 268, free morpheme, 3
272, 275, 276, 280, 320 morphology, 3
differences between varieties of, morphophonemics, 4
223–224ff., 230 in case-markers, 189–190
first-language interference in, 226 of reduplication, 86–87
history of, 221–224 in verbs, 172, 174–175, 317
orthography of, 96, 226 Morphy, Frances, 289
phonology of, 225–226 Mosel, Ulrike, 287
pronouns of, 227–228 Mota, 40, 208
Index 353

Motu, 8–9, 11, 40, 100, 102, 107–108, New Guinea area,
114, 148, 151–152, 154, 157, 161, linguistic diversification in, 70–71
206, 210–211, 232–234, 246, 303, settlement of, 53–57, 60–61, 69–70
305, 318, 319 See also Irian Jaya; Papua New
Motu people, 206, 232–233 Guinea
Simplified Motu, 233–234 Ngatikese, 30
Mountain Koiari, 90 men’s language, 257, 320
Moyse-Faurie, Claire, 286 Ngunese. See Nakanamanga
Mugler, France, 282 Nimboran, 167
Mühlhäusler, Peter, 281, 282 Niuafo‘ou, 50
multilingualism, 263–265 Niuean, 30, 50, 129, 130
Murane, Elizabeth, 288 Njamal, 251–254, 256
Murik, 270, 272 nominalizers, 109–110
Murray, Sir Hubert, 274 nominal sentences, 148
Murrinh-Patha, 243–244 in Australian languages, 198
mutual intelligibility, 25–26 in Melanesian Pidgin, 227
Muyuw, 120 in Oceanic languages, 148–150
in Papuan languages, 179
Nadrau Fijian, 102, 315 Non-Austronesian. See Papuan
Nakanai, 102, 114, 152, 157, 245 Non-Pama-Nyungan group, 68,
Nakanamanga, 40‚ 41, 86, 100, 102, 195–197
136–137, 139, 142, 159, 313 North-Central Vanuatu subgroup, 48
Namonuito, 30 North Malaita, 34, 79
nasal, 78, 294 North New Guinea subgroup, 48
nasalized vowels, 87 Northeast Ambae, 34
voiceless nasals, 78, 80 noun classes, 126, 169–170, 179,
national languages, 266 190–191, 243–244
Nauruan‚ 48, 50, 76, 79, 96‚ 120, noun phrase structure, 5
296 in Australian languages, 192–194
negation, negatives‚ 136‚ 212‚ 216 in Melanesian Pidgin, 228–230
discontinuous, 160–161 in Oceanic languages, 120–122
in Melanesian Pidgin, 231–232 in Papuan languages, 171
negative verbs, 161–162 nouns, 105, 107
in Oceanic languages, 159–162 plurality in, 107–109, 187
in serial constructions, 147–148 Nuclear Polynesian subgroup, 50
Nehan‚ 103–104, 130, 315 Nukuoro, 30‚ 50‚ 76, 129, 159, 212, 316
Nekitel, Otto‚ 169, 288 Numanggang, 249–250
New Caledonia number (grammatical)‚ 7–8
languages of 33, 57 in demonstratives, 114–115
articles in, 112–113 in pronouns, 101–103, 166–167,
consonant systems of, 80 185–186, 227
history of research into, 43 in verbs, 197
orthographies of, 98 numeral classifiers, 9, 111, 118–120
phonemic tone in, 82 numerals, 117–120, 228–229, 244–251,
vowel systems of, 76–77 319
See also names of individual lan- binary systems, 249–250
guages as per Map 6 decimal systems, 244–246
settlement of, 55–56 formation of ordinals, 145
354 Index

quinary systems, 246–248 families of, 45

tally systems, 250–251 location of, 60, 62–64
ternary systems, 249–250 relationships between, 61, 64–67
origins of, 69–70
object, 5–6 See also names of individual lan-
in ergative structures, 151 guages as per Map 9
object marker, object pronoun, Papuan Tip subgroup, 48
104–105, 131, 140–142, 169, 187, passive (voice), 6
196–197, 227, 234 absence of in Australian languages,
Oceanic subgroup 200
dispersal of members of, 53–57 absence of in Melanesian Pidgin, 226
distribution, 46 in Oceanic languages, 142–144, 317
origins of, 51, 53 Pat, Fa‘afo, 280
subgroups of, 46–51, 56 paucal (number), 8, 102–103
Ochs, Elinor, 282 Pawaian, 87, 89
official languages, 265–266 Pawley, Andrew, 55, 67, 259, 280, 281,
O’Grady, G. N., 280 287, 288, 314
open syllable, 83–84, 90 person, 7–8, 100–101, 166–168
Orokaiva people, 207 Philippine languages, 263
orthography, 3, 94–99 Philips, Susan U., 257–258, 287
orthography design, 96–99 Phillips, Donald J., 289
in Australia, 98–99 phoneme, 2–3, 314
in Melanesia and Micronesia, phonemics. See phonology
97–98 phonetics, 2
in Polynesia and Fiji, 97 phonology, 2
problems in development of, 95–97 segmental phonology, 80
Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise, 286, 287 phrase, 4–5
phylum, 67
Paamese, 40, 76, 102, 122, 123, 137, Piau, Julie Anne, 179, 279, 288
147–148, 153, 161, 313, 316 pidgin (language), 220–221, 222
Paicî, 33 origin of term, 318
Palauan, 46, 50, 76, 108–109, 311, pidginization, 220, 222, 225
314 Pije, 80, 98, 297
Pama-Nyungan group, 68, 195–196 Pijin, 25, 220, 223–224, 226, 227–230,
“Pandanus Language,” 259–260 264, 274–275, 281, 318, 319, 320.
Paol, John Natu, 289 See also Melanesian Pidgin
Papua New Guinea Pileni, 78
language in the media, 268 Pitjantjatjara, 40
languages of, 34, 37 Pitta-Pitta, 92–93, 186, 192, 195
constitutional status of, 265 plural (number), 8, 101–103, 107–109,
national and official languages, 266 146, 187
orthographies of, 97–98 Police Motu, see Hiri Motu
phonemic tone in, 82–83, 88–89 Polynesia
See also names of individual lan- languages of
guages as per Map 9 articles in, 110–111
literacy programs in, 267–268 chiefly styles in, 257–258
Papuan languages, 60, 61, 280 consonant systems of, 78
external relatives of, 69–70 demography of, 27–30
Index 355

history of research into, 42, 279 in Melanesian Pidgin, 229–230

interrelationships between, 50 in Oceanic languages, 162–163
numeral systems in, 244–245 Price, D. J. de Solla, 248, 288
orthographies of, 97 pronouns, 7–8
passive in, 142–143 in Australian languages, 185–187,
possessive constructions in, 199–200
128–130 in Fiji Hindi, 235
vowel systems of, 75–78 independent pronouns, 8, 103–105,
See also names of individual lan- 167–168, 185–186, 217, 227, 234
guages as per Map 3 and Table 2 in Melanesian Pidgin, 227–228
settlement of, 55–56 object pronouns, 104–105, 131,
Polynesian Outliers, 50–51, 78, 212 140–142, 169, 187, 196–197, 227,
Polynesian subgroup, 50 234
internal subgrouping, 50, 52 in Oceanic languages, 100–105
Ponapean, 9, 30, 76, 86–87, 118–120, in Papuan languages, 166–169
121, 126–127, 130, 134–135, 153, possessive pronouns, 104–105
210, 245 subject pronouns, 8, 103–104, 132,
Port Sandwich, 121, 295, 297 137–139, 168–169, 172–174, 187,
Portuguese, 263 196–197, 227, 234, 316
Pospisil, Leopold, 248, 288 prosodic features, 80
possessive case, 188–189, 194 in Australian languages, 91
possessive classifiers, 9, 126–128 in Oceanic languages, 80–83
possessive constructions, 8–9 in Papuan languages, 88–89
alienable vs. inalienable, 9, 122–123, Proto Austronesian, 47, 58
172, 194, 217 Proto Central Pacific, 213–214
in Australian languages, 194 Proto Oceanic, 316
direct vs. indirect, 8–9, 122ff, 234 article, 315
in Melanesian Pidgin, 230 causative, 144, 300
in Oceanic languages, 122–130 location of, 53–54
in Papuan languages, 171–172 numerals, 118
possessive markers, 123ff, 172 possessive constructions in, 122ff,
possessive pronoun, possessive affix, 316
104–105, 171–172, 194 reciprocal, 145
postpositional phrases, 163–165 reconstruction of, 58–59
in Oceanic languages, 164–165 transitive and applicative, 140
in Papuan languages, 180–182 protolanguage, 11
postpositions, 163–164 proximate demonstratives, 114–115,
in Oceanic languages, 163–165, 170
216–217 Pukapuka, 17, 50
in Papuan languages, 180–181 Pukui, Mary Kawena, 286
predicate, 5 Puluwat, 100, 102
prefix, 3 purposive case, 188
prefixed reduplication, 86
prehistory, 16–19 quantifiers, 117–120
prepositional phrases, 5, 162 quinary numeral systems, 246–248
in Oceanic languages, 163
prepositions, 5, 162, 317 Raga, 41, 160
compound prepositions, 163 Rapanui, 17, 161, 314
356 Index

Rarotongan, 7, 30 Sarmi-Jayapura subgroup, 48

Ray, S. H., 43 Satawalese, 30
realis (aspect/mood), 136–137, 138 Savage, Stephen, 287
reciprocal, 131, 145–146, 216 Sayaba, Timoci, 287
reconstruction Schieffelin, Bambi B., 282
of culture, 18 Schnukal, Anna, 282
of Proto Oceanic culture, 58–59 Schütz, Albert J., 146, 279, 286
of languages, 12–14, 17–18 Scott, Graham K., 288
Australian languages, 70 Sebeok, Thomas A., 279
Papuan languages, 70 secret languages, 257
Proto Oceanic, 58–59 Selepet, 71
reduplication, 84–87, 91, 94, 231, 232 Senft, Gunter, 286
functions of, 85–86, 94, 187, 231, 232 sentence, 5
kinds of, 85–86 Sepik-Ramu phylum, 67
morphophonemics of, 86–87 Sera, 101
Reef Islands language, 217 serial constructions. See verb serializa-
regular sound correspondences, 12–13 tion
Rehg, Kenneth L., 118–119, 134, 287 shared innovations, 15–16, 55
Rennellese, 41 Sharpe, Margaret C., 289
Rensch, Karl H., 287 short vowel See vowel length
respectful styles, 257–258 Siane, 263
rhotics, 92–93, 99 Siau family, 101
Ririo, 71, 297 Siegel, Jeff, 279, 281, 282, 286, 290
Rivierre, Jean-Claude, 285 Simons, Linda, 281, 290
root, 3 Simpson, Jane, 238
Ross, Malcolm, 48, 50, 55, 82, 280, Sinagoro, 12–13, 15–16, 164–165
281, 286, 287, 288, 289, 314 Sinasina, 179
Rotokas, 88, 314 singular (number), 8
Rotuman, 32, 76, 77–78, 102, 108, 114, Sissano, 101
128, 131, 133, 149, 160, 212–214, Sko family, 67
245–246, 281, 315, 316 Smith, Geoffrey P., 248, 249, 282, 285,
Roviana, 4, 143–144, 147, 149, 208 286, 288, 289
socialization, 260–261
Saint Matthias Islands group, 48 Sohn, Ho-min, 287
Salisbury, Richard, 263 Solomon Islands
Salt-Yui, 249–250 languages of, 34, 36
Samoan, 28, 30, 50, 76, 81, 86, 102, national and official languages, 266
115, 129, 139, 145, 146, 151, See also names of individual lan-
162–163, 209–210, 211, 258, 263 guages as per Map 8
influence on Melanesian Pidgin, 224 settlement of, 54–55
influence on Rotuman, 214 Som, 250
status of, 266, 276 Sommer, Bruce A., 289
Sandefur, J. R., 282 Sonsorolese, 30
Sanders, Arden G., 288 sounds, 2–3
Sanders, Joy, 288 Southeast Solomons group, 48
Sanders, Major Eustace, 274 Southern Melanesian subgroup, 48
Sankoff, Gillian, 320 Southern Oceanic group, 48
Santa Cruz languages, 217 Southwest Tanna, 150–151, 161–162
Index 357

Spanish in the Pacific, 25, 207, 262 in Oceanic languages, 133–137, 138
influence on Oceanic languages, 209 in Papuan languages, 172–175,
split-ergative languages, 199–200, 318 182–184
Spriggs, Matthew, 55, 56 Tepahae, Philip, 254
stative verb, 7, 115–116 ternary numeral system, 249–250
stock, 64 thematic consonant/vowel, 140–141,
stops, 78, 80, 92–93, 294 142, 171
aspirated, 78, 80 Thieberger, Nicholas, 317
coarticulated, 88 Thomas, Dicks, 281, 290
glottal, 93, 315 Thomson, N. P., 288
prenasalized, 78, 80, 97–98, 294 Thurston, William R., 215, 217, 281,
retroflex, 80, 92–93, 294 286, 288, 318
voicing distinction in, 78, 93 Tigak, 79, 85, 247
stress, 80–82, 88–89, 91 Titan, 246
Suau, 208 Tiwi, 190–191, 249, 281, 317, 318
subgroup, 15–17 To‘aba‘ita, 80, 112, 114, 121, 130, 131,
subject, 5–6 148, 153, 157, 162–163
in ergative structures, 151 Toaripi, 90
subject-marker, subject pronoun, 8, Todd, Evelyn M., 287, 288
103–104, 132, 137–139, 168–169, Tok Pisin, 2–3, 25, 96, 212, 220,
172–174, 187, 196–197, 227, 234, 223–224, 226–232, 234, 261,
316 270–271, 274, 275, 276, 281, 282,
and switch reference, 182–184 315, 318
suffix, 3 constitutional status of, 265
suffixed reduplication, 86 in the media, 268
Sugita, Hiroshi, 209, 286 See also Melanesian Pidgin
Summer Institute of Linguistics, 43, 44, Tokelauan, 50
60, 267 Tolai, 34, 40, 102, 148, 158, 207, 305
suprasegmental features. See prosodic influence on Tok Pisin, 224
features tone, 80, 82–83, 89, 91, 314
switch reference, 182–184 Tongan, 17, 28, 30, 40, 50, 78, 85, 86,
Sye, 109, 110, 125 96, 120, 139, 149, 160, 245,
257–258, 263, 301, 315
Tahitian, 17, 30, 85, 117, 121, 139, 143, influence on the Lau group, 207
155–156, 161, 212 influence on Rotuman, 214
loans in Samoan, 211 status of, 266
Taiap, 260–261, 270, 272 Tongic subgroup, 50
Takuu, 78, 129 topic and comment, 148
tally systems of counting, 250–251 Topping, Donald M., 285
Tamil, 263 Torricelli phylum, 40, 67
Tasmania, languages of, 68–69, 70 transitive/transitivity, 6
taxonomies, 241–244 accusative vs. ergative, 150–152
Tchekhoff, Claude, 317 in Melanesian Pidgin, 230–231
Telugu, 263 in Oceanic languages, 139–142, 317
tense, 133 Trans–New Guinea phylum, 67
tense-aspect, 132, 216 Trefry, David, 288
in Australian languages, 196–197 trial (number), 8, 102
in Melanesian Pidgin, 231–232 trigraph, 98
358 Index

trills, 294 in education, 266–267

Trukese, 30, 76, 78–79, 103–104, 120, 209 in the media, 268
Trukic languages, 30 Vietnamese in the Pacific, 25, 263
Tryon, D. T., 34, 280, 281, 286, 287, Vinmavis, 107, 118
290, 313 vocabulary
Tumleo, 101 of Pacific languages, 237–244
Tuvaluan, 263 specialized/technical, 239
specific vs. generic, 239–244
Ulau-Suain, 101 taxonomic classification of,
Ulithian, 76, 120, 142 241–244
Uradhi, 196 Voorhoeve, C. L., 280, 282
Uvea. See Fagauvea; East Uvea vowel copying, 190
vowel length, 75–76, 87, 91
Vanimo, 87 and orthography design, 95, 98
Vanuatu vowel systems
languages of, 34, 35 in Australian languages, 91
consonant alternation in verbs, in Oceanic languages, 75–78
136–137 in Papuan languages, 87
constitutional status of, 266
orthographies of, 97 Wagner, K. R., 319
See also names of individual lan- Wahgi, 34, 90, 173, 178, 298
guages as per Map 7 Wajarri, 92, 185–186, 200, 249
settlement of, 54–56 Wallisian. See East Uvea
Walmajarri, 187
Vászolyi, Eric 282, 289 Walsh, D. S., 287
verb, 6–7 Walsh, Michael, 243–244, 282, 289
existential verbs, 179–180 Wang, Judith W., 30, 120
final verb, 183 Wantoat, 249–250
internal structure Wargamay, 92, 185–186, 189–190,
in Australian languages, 195–197 193–194, 195, 199–200, 249
in Melanesian Pidgin, 230–232 Warlpiri, 260
in Oceanic languages, 130–132 Waskia, 88–89
in Papuan languages, 172–175 Wayan Fijian, 105
medial verb, 183 Wedau, 208
stative verb, 7 West Futuna, 78, 145, 160, 208–209,
verb root, 130 218–219
verb complex, 5, 130, 313, 316 West Guadalcanal, 41
in Australian languages, 198 West Papuan phylum, 64, 67
in Melanesian Pidgin, 230–232 West Uvea. See Fagauvea
in Oceanic languages, 146–148 Western Dani, 38
verb phrase, 313. Western Desert language, 39, 94, 187,
See also verb complex 313
verb serialization, 147–148, 175–177 Western Oceanic group, 48
verbal sentence structure, 152ff, 177ff, White, Geoffrey M., 286
199–202, 317 Whitesands, 34, 41
Verhaar, John W.M., 281 Wilson, William H., 316
vernaculars, 264 Wiru, 167, 169
constitutional status of, 265 Woleaian, 245
Index 359

word structure Yallop, Colin, 280, 282, 314

in Australian languages, 93–94 Yanyuwa, 191
in Oceanic languages, 83–87 Yapese, 48, 50, 76, 79, 102, 112, 120,
in Papuan languages, 90–91 125, 155, 296
word taboo, 214–215, 258–260 Yaygir, 192
Wunambal, 196–197 Yele (or Yeletnye), 88
Wurm, S. A., 34, 38, 64, 67, 279, 280, Yidiny, 187–189, 200, 240–241, 243,
281, 282 317
Yimas, 173, 178–179, 212
Xârâcùù, 77, 98, 295 Yolŋu, 215
Young, Hugh, 281, 290
Yabêm, 82–83, 208 Yukulta, 193
About the Author

John Lynch is professor of Pacific languages at the University of the South

Pacific’s Emalus Campus in Vanuatu. He is the author of Lenakel Dictionary,
A Grammar of Lenakel, and An Annotated Bibliography of Vanuatu Lan-
guages. He is co-author of The Design of Language and The Oceanic Lan-
guages, and co-editor of Pacific Languages in Education.

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