org (ISSN-2349-5162)
India is said to be the country which can boost variety of cosmetics in their advanced
stage of preparation. The application of science becomes inevitable in almost all branches of
industry and business. Even though beauty care and health care product industry is a prominent
industry in India. It is also suffering from various draw backs. Ayurveda or the Science of Life
is an ancient holistic System for diagnosis and treatment, perhaps the oldest system of medicine
known to humanity. Fundamental to ayurveda is the use of well-balanced combination of plants
and other agents in synergistic formulas. This study enables to learn about the usage of
Himalayan Products by the consumer and to know their satisfaction level from its usage and
also the factors influencing to use the product.
Consumer, Satisfaction, Factors.
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© 2022 JETIR January 2022, Volume 9, Issue 1 (ISSN-2349-5162)
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© 2022 JETIR January 2022, Volume 9, Issue 1 (ISSN-2349-5162)
A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining sample from a given population. It
refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for
the sample.
Primary Data
Primary data has been the data originated by the researcher for the specific purpose
of addressing the research problem.
Here primary data is collected by administering the well structured questionnaire
from the respondents directly and collected the information from them in Erode Town.
Sampling Technique
Non probability convenience sampling has been adopted by the researcher in
selecting the respondents for conducting the survey.
Sample size
The size of the sample selected for the study is 75 respondents in Erode Town. The
samples are selected based on the convenient sampling technique and drawn from the
various segments of the Town.
Area of the Study
The study is confined to Erode Town only.
Johnston, s. Laurance (2015) “The Healing Power of Herbal Medicine” Years ago, a
friend shared with me his herbal health regimen in which he prevented spinal-cord-injury
(SCI)-related urinary-tract infections (UTIs) by taking cranberry extract. If he started to get the
flu or catch a cold, he took Echinacea, and when he had the blues he consumed St. John's Wort.
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© 2022 JETIR January 2022, Volume 9, Issue 1 (ISSN-2349-5162)
At that time, my inclinations as a scientist kept me from embracing such remedies because they
were based in tradition, not modern science.22
Shujia Pan (2016) “U.S. should legitimatize herbal medicine” (Daily Texan) (U-WIRE)
AUSTIN, Texas -- The growing use of herbal medicine has been discussed by columnists in
The Daily Texan, arguing that one medicine or another is a quack nostrum, or a cure-all, or just
a place. The real problem is that the U.S. government refuses to treat the medicine as
legitimate, and citizens remain uninformed of the uses and possible affects of the drugs. The
United States is one of the few countries in the world whose government does not recognize
herbal medicines as a special, usually over-the-counter, category of drug. A commission --
chartered a few months ago by President Clinton. 24
1. (Johnston, S. Laurance (2015) “The Healing Power of Herbal Medicine” Article from
Paraplegia News, January 1, 2015)
2. (Shujia Pan (2016) “U.S. should legitimatize herbal medicine” Article from University
Wire, October 1, 2016)
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© 2022 JETIR January 2022, Volume 9, Issue 1 (ISSN-2349-5162)
The Satisfaction level of consumer may vary at before and after purchase, the quality of
the Product, Price, Availability, Variety, Durability, Fragrance, Package and considered
analyzing in satisfaction level of the respondents.
1 Quality 38 34 3 75
2 Price 10 33 32 75
3 Availability 29 21 25 75
4 Variety 32 30 13 75
5 Durability 16 48 11 75
6 Fragrance 27 38 10 75
7 Package 16 34 25 75
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© 2022 JETIR January 2022, Volume 9, Issue 1 (ISSN-2349-5162)
S.No Opinion about Usage Total score
3 Availability 445 V
4 Packing 492 II
5 Advertisement 446 IV
From the above table it shows that the most influencing factor of Himalaya products is
no side effects with the score of (535), Packing is the second influencing factor with the score
of (493), Price is the third influencing factor with the score of (455), advertisement is the fourth
influencing factor with the score of (446), Availability is the fifth influencing factor with the
score of (445), Herbal content is the ,sixth influencing factor with the score of (394),
Traditional is the seventh influencing factors with the score of (389).
The price of Himalaya Herbal Product may be reduced to create more demand.
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© 2022 JETIR January 2022, Volume 9, Issue 1 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Special offers and free gifts can be offered to induce the consumer to buy the product once.
Making Awareness of Himalaya Herbal Products is fully herbal, sample pouches can be
given to the public and it may help in increasing the products popularity and it may also
promote its sales.
Try to cover small towns and villages to attract the new customers.
The company has to focus on advertisement in the existing position to get more attention of
Marketing plays a pivotal role in the development of country. The development of
marketing has always kept pace with the economic growth of the country. Now the modern
marketing faces the high competition in their activities. Competitions increasing order of the
day. Earning profit is possible only through consumer’s satisfaction.
The Study reveals that most of the respondents are aware about Himalaya Herbal
products. Now-a-days people are considering the cosmetic is not a luxurious one and also
consider the medicine for improving health condition. Himalaya Herbal manufacturing
company is a leading company to introduce best brand.The company has got good name and
fame for its quality and innovative products to satisfy the current demand for their customer.
On the basic of finding of the present study is given by the researcher some practicable
suggestions have been arrived. If the Himalaya Herbal Manufacture and its marketers have
executed these suggestions a desired result can be achieved in future.
Marketing Management, Philip Kotler, Prentice Hall of Indian Pvt. Ltd- New Delhi -2002.
Research Methodolgy- C.R.Kothari New Age International -2004.
Stastical Method- S..Gupta, Sultan Chand & Sons 23, New Delhi-2002.
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