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Table Setting Cot

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DATE: MARCH 9, 2023

TIME: 2:00 – 3:00 PM

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in
Technology and Livelihood Education
(Cookery 9)

I. Objectives

A. Define Formal and Informal Table Setting;

B. Perform the proper procedures in setting a table for formal and informal
occasions; and,
C. Observe the acquisition of skills involving the proper setting of a table.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Formal and Informal Table Setting

Reference: Xandra S. Caballero, Career Pathways in T.L.E., Home
Economics, pages 275-280.
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, visual aids, table appointments

III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
1. Prayer
A student will lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
3. Checking of classroom environment
4. Review
Who among you can recall our topic last meeting?
Can you define what a table appointment is?
What are the different items that are referred to as table appointments?
5. Motivation
The learners will be divided into three groups. Each group will have to
work on a blank plate. They need to assemble the mock-up table appointments on
each plate. The learners will be given enough time to finish their task.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Pre-discussion and Unlocking of Difficulty
The teacher will discuss the significance of Formal and Informal
Table Setting in different occasions, together with the functions of each table
appointment, and to be followed by an actual demonstration on how to set a table
for formal and informal events.

C. Application
The class will conduct a collaborative performance task. Each group
will have their own tools that correspond to the given activity. The learners will
synthesize their own observations on how to set a table neatly and correctly. They
will apply the skills that they have acquired in setting formal and informal table
arrangements. The learners will be given 15 minutes to finish their tasks, after
that, they will report their final output to their teacher.
D. Generalization

1. What is a table setting?

2. How does formal table setting differ from the informal one?
3. Why setting a table is important?

IV. Evaluation

Your performance will be guided by the following criteria:

V. Assignment

Have an advanced reading on the different types of Table Service. You may surf the
internet or search on Food Service Management books about the topic. You will be having a
culminating activity for tomorrow.

Prepared by:


Teacher I



Master Teacher I School Principal I

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