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Upper Extremity Exercise Program: Patient Information Booklet

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Upper Extremity Exercise Program


This booklet has exercises to help you prevent the loss of:
• Movement.
• Strength.
• Endurance.
This can occur due to decreased activity while you are in the hospital. The arm exercises will help you work on a
range of muscle groups. Do the exercises as your occupational or physical therapist taught you.

General Instructions

• Do these exercises slowly to get the most from them.

• Wear clothes that are comfortable and do not restrict your movement.
• Do the exercises lying in bed or sitting up straight in a chair. You can also try to do them while sitting at the
edge of your bed or standing. If you do them this way, make sure another adult is around. This will help to
ensure your safety and to reduce your risk of falling.
• Breathe deeply throughout all exercises. Try to breathe from your diaphragm. This will relax your body. It may
enable you to have a greater range of movement with your arms. Counting out loud will help you remember
to breathe.
• Stop and/or alter the exercises if you feel any pain. You can alter any exercise by doing only part of the
• If you have weakness in one arm, adapt the exercises. Do this as described in the instructions.
• Discuss any questions or concerns about this exercise program with your:
– Doctor.
– Occupational therapist.
– Physical therapist.

Upper Extremity Exercise Program [ 1 of 8 ]

Exercise 1

Shoulder Elevation/Depression

Shrug your shoulders up towards your ears

and then drop them down.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.

Exercise 2

Shoulder Retraction/Protraction
A. Retraction (pull back)
Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
Hold for ______ counts.
Relax and repeat ______ times.
B. Protraction (draw forward)
Round your shoulders forward. Hold for
______ counts.
Relax and repeat ______ times.

______ repetitions; ______ times per day.

Upper Extremity Exercise Program [ 2 of 8 ]

Exercise 3

Composite Shoulder Circles

Roll your shoulders forward in a circle ______ times and roll
them backwards ______ times. Relax and repeat the exercise.
______ repetitions; _____ times per day.

Exercise 4

Modified Horizontal
Clasp your hands together with arms
extended to shoulder height. Without
rotating from the waist, move your arms
to the left side, return to the center, then
to the right side. Repeat ______ times.
______ repetitions; ______ times per

Exercise 5

Shoulder Flexion/Extension
(A) Begin with your arms at your side. Extend
your arms in front of you with your palms
facing each other. Raise your arms up as far
as you can and then return to starting posi-
tion. Repeat _______.
(B) Begin with your arms at your side. Raise
your arms behind you as far as you can.
Return to starting position. Repeat _______.
If one arm is weaker than the other, adapt the
exercise. Do this by clasping your hands togeth-
er and raising them over your head.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.

Upper Extremity Exercise Program [ 3 of 8 ]

Exercise 6
Shoulder Abduction/Adduction
Begin with your arms extended out to the side. Slowly
raise your arms above your head, then return to the
starting position. Repeat ______ times.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.

If one arm is weaker than the other, have someone

help you with your weaker arm.

Exercise 7

Internal Rotation
Place your hands behind your back and use one hand to grasp
your other wrist. Slowly slide your hands up the center of your
back as far as possible. Hold ______ seconds, then return to
starting position. Repeat ______ times.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.
If one arm is weaker than the other, adapt the exercise. Do
this by using your stronger arm to help your weaker arm slide
up your back.

Exercise 8
External Rotation
Clasp your hands together on your lap.
Slowly raise your hands over your head
until you reach the back of your neck.
Spread your elbows as far apart as possible.
Hold for ______ counts. Return to starting
position. Repeat ______ times.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.

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Exercise 9

Elbow Extension/Flexion
Begin with your arms at your sides. Bend at your
elbows, palms up, and touch your shoulders.
Return to starting position. Repeat ______ times.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.
If one arm is weaker than the other, clasp the
wrist of your weaker hand and bend your

Exercise 10

Forearm Supination/Pronation
Begin by resting your forearms on your lap
with your palms down. Turn your palms up
towards the ceiling and return to starting
position with palms down. Repeat ______
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.
If one arm is weaker than the other, clasp
the wrist of your weaker arm. Rotate your
forearm turning palms up and down.

Exercise 11

Wrist Extension/Flexion
Position your arms on a supported surface leaving
your wrists free to move. Turn your palms up
towards the ceiling and bend your wrists up and
down. Repeat ______ times.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.
If one arm is weaker than the other, use your
stronger hand to clasp the weaker wrist. Bend it
up and down.

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Exercise 12
Wrist Radial/Ulnar Deviation
Position your arms on your lap or a table. Without
moving your elbow or forearm, move your wrists side
to side. Repeat ______ times.
______ repetitions;
______ times per day.
If one arm is weaker than the other, use your
stronger hand to help the weaker hand. Bend your
wrist side to side.

Exercise 13

Gross Finger Flexion/Extension

Begin with your forearms supported on a surface such as your
lap or an armrest. Make a tight fist, and then open your hand
and extend your fingers out until they are straight. Repeat
______ times.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.
If one arm is weaker than the other, use your stronger hand
to bend and straighten the fingers of the weaker hand.

Exercise 14

Finger Abduction/Adduction
Position your hands on a supported surface such as your lap or a
table. Slowly spread your fingers apart, then bring them back
together. Repeat _____ times.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.

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Exercise 15

Finger Opposition
Touch each fingertip to your thumb.
Repeat ______ times. 1.

______ repetitions; ______ times per day.




Exercise 16

Pendulum Exercise
Lean over a table and support yourself with your
uninvolved arm. Allow involved arm to hang
down freely. Swing involved arm in clockwise
and counterclockwise circles and forward and
back. Let gravity assist your arm with the
Repeat ______ times.
______ repetitions; ______ times per day.

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Exercise 17

Cane Exercise
Lie on your back with your arms at
your side, holding a cane or stick. Lift
the cane up toward the ceiling, over
your head, keeping both arms level.
Return your arms to the starting posi-
Repeat ______ times.
______ repetitions;
______ times per day.


While you are less active, doing these exercises will help maintain your:
• Mobility.
• Strength.
• Endurance.
Remember to adapt or stop doing the exercises if you feel any pain. Please share any questions or concerns with
your occupational or physical therapist.

Important Telephone Number

Occupational or Physical Therapist __________________________

Telephone Number ______________________________________

©1999 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

1275 York Avenue, New York, New York 10065
Revised 2002; reviewed 2004; revised 2005, 2008a; reviewed 2010

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