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Student Teachers Reading Habits and Preferences

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Article  in  Journal on English as a Foreign Language · December 2015

DOI: 10.23971/jefl.v3i2.65


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1 author:

Nana Priajana
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon


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Nana Priajana
State University of Malang

Abstract: This study investigates the reading habit and preferences of the
Student Teachers studying in their first year at the graduate school in Malang.
Although with the advance of technology, media and many factors influencing
reading habits and their preferences, the subjects of the study still have good
reading habit and positive attitude towards reading activities. To collect the
data, the researcher employs the questionnaire with 40 items adapted from
a similar research. The items were designed for evaluating reading habits,
general attitudes towards reading, and reading preferences of the students.
As a result of the study, it is shown that more than half of the students like
reading in leisure time and consider it as indispensable part of their lives.

Keywords: Reading habits, Preferences, Positive attitude, Student Teacher

In Indonesian Civil Aviation Institutes Ogeyik and Akyay’s (2009) notions that reading,
(henceforth ICAI) particularly pilot and ATC which is a long-term habit starting with the
students, the main focus of English instruction very early ages, is the prominent gateway to
is to enable them skilled and proficient in the knowledge room. Therefore, reading is
speaking and listening skills (ICAO descriptor a crucial process of individual development
in Emery & Roberts, 2008). It is due to the of capacities in understanding prevailing
fact that they shall be able to communicate information of the world.
authentically and spontaneously for flight. Have reading habit is not a simply stride for
However, reading is considered important since most readers. A habit is a product of learning
it provides comprehensible input for students and reading habits are activities of reading
in acquiring new language. Furthermore, the done routinely, consciously and intentionally
language they learned is exposed to English for (Iftanti, 2012). This view shows that readers are
aviation that inevitable related to English for required to rehearse their reading to become
specific purpose. Therefore, they are supposed a good habit. Therefore, to spur the students’
to introduce to new knowledge, context and reading habit, it is recommended to encourage
specific vocabulary that might impede them a desire to read and the texts should be varied
to comprehend the text and communication and based on the purposes for which the
as well. Reading plays an important role in students want to read for instances, books,
enriching and enlarging readers’ knowledge magazines, newspapers, fiction, non-fiction,
and insights in certain fields with no matters texts that inform, texts that entertain, general,
readers read particular texts in their native specialized, light, or serious (Tamrackitkun,
language (L1) or second/foreign language. In 2010). Thus, by doing that way the students
this sense, reading can become effective ways are triggered to have reading habits.
for people to be knowledgeable. Thus, reading Healthy reading habits are essential for younger
is generally viewed as a way of reaching new generations particularly students to compete
information and knowledge. It is line with in the global marketplaces of the future. Not

Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 3, Number 2, September 2013| 71

surprisingly, many countries have much attention varied reading preferences due to the advance
to reading habits for their people especially in of technology and media.
early ages. The importance of reading habit in The aim of this study is to portray the reading
early ages can equip children with the skills of habits and preferences of student teachers
learning to read and reading to learn to improve of graduate program in English Language
their overall capacity for life-long learning and Teaching and to determine their tendencies
whole-person development. Therefore, reading and attitude towards reading. From this study,
habits should never be undervalued in order the findings will provide insight of reading
to make people aware of reading is a need as attitudes, preferences, and its effects.
part of their lives. Many studies have been conducted to
In the context of education, many factors may investigate students’ reading habits for different
influence whether the students have high or low level of readers such as, ages, language proficiency,
reading habits and motivation. Iftanti (2012) and education (Laksmi, 2007; Ogeyik & Akyay,
argues that reading motivation of EFL students 2009; Janthong & Sripetpun, 2010; Noor, 2011).
is influenced with good literacy environment, In this context, reading habits should be
parents’ reading aloud, phenomenal literary taken into consideration important in various
works and good reading habits in L1. In this situations. Indeed, factors influencing reading
sense, to have good reading habit the students habits also need to be well paid attention since
require to have supportive and conducive they can determine the process of students’
circumstances either their close environments reading habits.In addition to that, the readers’
or reading preferences. As a result, in the sense preferences or interest also may influence the
of continuous and regular progress in education reading attitudes.
process, the students need to enhance their In relation to the students’ reading habits
reading habits to fulfill individual improvement and their preferences of reading, there are
(Ogeyik & Akyay, 2009).Therefore, reading habits many notions offered by many researchers. A
have a very crucial role in the development of good reading habit is necessary for a healthy
the students’ competences improvement in the intellectual growth and plays a very crucial
education field. role in enabling a person to achieve practical
With the advance of technology and media, efficiency (Noor, 2011). Furthermore, she describes
however, it may be said that students have less that an individual’s interests are determined
reading time or even no time for reading. The to a considerable extent by the amount he
students mostly may spend their leisure times will read and the intensity with which he will
for watching TV, listening to music, playing pursue his reading activity. In her study, she
electronic games, and involving at social reveals that reading habits are associated with
networks such as Facebook and Twitters. As a students’ gender, age, educational background,
result, the students spend more time for those academic performance and professional growth.
things than for reading so that their reading Moreover, Abidin (2011) defines that a good
preferences are getting less. In connection reading habit isan important tool for the
with student teacher, since they are considered development of personalities and mental
as prospectus teachers, student teachers are capacities. He examines the reading habits of
supposed to have more time for reading to Malaysian Chinese students in the current era
make them prepared being competent teachers. of technology and electronics. The research
Therefore, investigating the student teachers’ findings reveal that the participants prefer the
reading habits and preferences will be worth electronic media when reading for leisure but
conducting to see whether they are influenced prefer the printed media to pass exams.
of this condition and if the student teachers have Seen from the findings above, reading

72 |Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 3, Number 2, September 2013

habits of individuals may vary depending on Table 1. General attitude toward reading
various factors. In general sense, Ogeyik & No Statements Yes No
Akyay (2009) suggest that choosing reading f % F %
1 I like reading in my leisure 18 69 8 31
texts may also depend on those factors. For time.
instance, in education environments, learners 2 I like borrowing books 13 50 13 50
from the library for
as readers are generally directed for reading as reading.
a compulsory task and the materials for reading 3 I like reading only the 11 42 15 58
recommended books from
are chosen as the requirement of education the lecturers.
process. Therefore, this present research tries 4 Formal features of a book 18 69 8 31
(thickness, font size,
to investigate the following questions: 1) How illustrations, etc.) affect my
preference for reading it
are the reading habits of the student teachers or not.
at Graduate Program in ELT? 2) What types 5 I usually read the book in 13 50 13 50
electronic version (E-books)
of books or texts are the students teachers
6 I usually find the book I 10 38 16 62
preferred by the students teacher? will read from the library
7 I usually buy the book I 12 46 14 54
METHOD will read.
8 I initially learn about the 10 38 16 62
In this study, in order to explore the reading book I will read if my
habits and their preferences among student friends read it.
9 I think reading is an 21 81 5 19
teachers of Graduate Program in English indispensable part of life
LanguageTeaching, a small survey research 10 I read a text in the internet 20 77 6 23
due to its low cost.
method was applied. That is, a questionnaire
In Table 1, the findings of the students’
was given to 26 the first years of Indonesian
general attitude towards reading are displayed.
students studying at State University of Malang,
It is clearly seen that from all student, only 69%
Graduate Program in ELT.
students like reading in their leisure time but
The questionnaire with 40 items adapted by
interestingly reading is considered as indispensable
the researcher from a similar research was used
part life 81% of students. In connection with
for data collection. The items were designed
the books that the students read, a half or 50%
for evaluating reading habits, general attitudes
of the students like reading the books from the
towards reading, and reading preferences of
library but 62% do not find the books they want
the students. Each item has two choices –yes
from the library. As the alternative ways, 77% of
or no-. The questionnaire was completed bythe
students prefer reading the text in the internet
students for 10-15 minutes. Of 40 items, 10 items
due to its low cost and 50% of the students like
search for general attitudes towards reading,
reading electronic version (E-books) while,
13 items pertain to the participants’ reading
only 46% of students will buy the books for
preferences, 10 items seek out the effects of
reading. In addition, 42 % students read the
reading, and 7 items investigate the negative
books recommended by their lecturers, almost
aspects of reading. The order of the positive and
70% students consider the features of the books
negative expressions was arranged carefully so
and only 38 % students will read the books as
as not to affect the subjects’ objectiveness.
their friends read them.
Table 2. Reading preferences of students
To make the data more specific, the researcher Yes No
analyzed and displayed data taken from the f % f %
questionnaire separately. 11
I like reading textbook of
18 69 8 31
Indonesian authors.
I like reading textbook of
12 25 96 1 4
foreign authors.
I like reading journals or
13 14 54 12 46
research reports.

Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 3, Number 2, September 2013| 73

I like reading instructional 32 Reading develops our 26 100 0 0
14 15 58 11 42
material. imaginary world
15 I like reading newspapers. 22 85 4 15 33 Reading opens the door of 24 92 2 8
16 I like reading on-line texts. 20 77 6 23 the unknown world
I read academic articles The findings of reading’ effects on students’
17 because I learn about new 26 100 0 0
studies in my field. performance are described in this table. The
I follow at least one monthly/ students, in common, believe that reading can
18 weekly culture, art and/or 9 35 17 65
literature magazine. be effective in many aspects of their lives. In
I prefer watching a movie of this sense, all students (100%) clearly state that
19 a literary book rather than 16 62 10 38
reading it. reading can enhance and develop their mental
My favorite literary text is
22 85 4 15 capacity and imaginary world respectively.
novel or short story
My favorite literary text is In addition, 92 % students also consider that
21 6 23 20 77
poetry reading can give aesthetic pleasure, develop
22 I like reading drama texts 11 42 15 58
multi reasoning, and open the door of the
like reading books on all
23 12 46 14 54
topics unknown world as well as 96% students read
for fostering learning and for the success during
Students’ reading preferences are presented the exam times. Moreover, 77% students believe
in Table 2. Almost all students like reading the that reading enable them express their feeling
books of foreign authors 96% but 69% students and 73% students can gain the habit of fast
prefer Indonesian authors. And all students reasoning.
100% like reading academic articles because
Table 4. Negative views of students about
they learn something new of the field, 54%
like reading research reports, 58% student like
No Yes No
reading instruction material, newspaper 85%, Statements
F % F %
on-line readers 77% and they do not follow any
34 I don’t like reading 3 12 23 88
types of magazine 65%. In relation to literary 35 I find reading as a boring 7 27 19 73
works, 60% students prefer watching movies activity
of a literary book rather than reading it and 36 I do not have time for 7 27 19 73
85% students like novel or short story but they
37 Due to my heavy workload, 14 54 12 46
do not like poetry 77% and drama texts 58%. I do not have spare time for
reading on any other topic
The last, more than half students do not like
38 I do not read because I 6 23 20 77
reading all topics 54%. think the books are too
Table 3. Effects of reading on students’ 39 I do not read because I am 3 12 23 88
performances of the opinion that reading
is just a waste of time.
Yes No
Statements 40 I fi n d r e a d i n g a s a n 3 12 23 88
F % f % unnecessary activity
24 I read for learning. 25 96 1 4
25 I read for pleasure. 24 92 2 8
As the students’ negative views about
26 Reading makes us gain the 19 73 7 27 reading are examined, it is clearly shown that
habit of fast reasoning.
only 12 % students do not like reading and
27 Reading is a channel 23 88 3 12
for gaining real world consider reading as unnecessary and waste
of time activities.Moreover, 27% student state
28 I think ‘reading’ positively 25 96 1 4
affects my success during reading as boring activities and do not have time
the exams times
for reading. Differently, due to the students’
29 Reading enables me to 20 77 6 23
express my feelings. heavy workload, they do not have spare time
30 Reading develops multiple 24 92 2 8 for reading any other topics 54% and only 23%
31 Reading enhances our 26 100 0 0 students do not read because they think the
mental capacity books are too expensive.

74 |Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 3, Number 2, September 2013

CONCLUSION literary works such as novel or short story but
Seen from the overall findings of the study, they do not really like poetry and drama. The
it reveals that student teachers studying in last, more than half students do not like reading
the first year at graduate program in English
all topics. From the data obtained, the researcher
Language Teaching, University of Malang
have good reading habit and positive attitude can conclude that the students tend to read
towards reading activities. It is shown that topics that support for their studies or academic
more than half of the students like reading in purposes rather reading for pleasure.
leisure time and consider it as indispensable With regard to the effects of reading on
part of their lives. From the data obtained, it
students’ performances, the findings show
shows the students are quite selective since
the students consider the feature of the books that generally the students believe that reading
before reading them and are not influenced by can be effective in many aspects of their lives.
friends’ preferences. However, the students They believe that reading can enhance and
have problems in finding the books from the develop their mental capacity and imaginary
library since they may not find the books they
world. In addition, the students also consider
look for. As the result, they sometimes read
the books in electronic version (E-books) and that reading can give aesthetic pleasure,
frequently read a text from the internet rather develop multi reasoning, and see unknown
than buy the books. Such findings are similar in the world to foster learning and prepare
to former studies conducted by Abidin (2010) the exam. Furthermore, students believe that
and Noor (2011). The former studies revealed
reading enables them to express their feeling
that the participants prefer the electronic media
and the internet materials. The phenomenon and the habit of fast reasoning. Therefore,
has been more popular since they students the students’ reading habits are beneficial to
can access the desired texts from the internet develop individual capacity, to express feeling
much easier and simple than search them in and pleasure.
the library.
The final aspect of this study is related to the
In relation to reading preference of the
students, the students like reading the books negative views of the students towards reading.
of foreign authors rather than Indonesian The surveyed data show that most students do
authors. In addition, the students like reading not show negative response on reading habits.
academic articles because of something new of
Differently, due to the students’ heavy workload,
the field, research reports, instruction material,
they do not have spare time for reading and
newspaper, and they do not follow any types
of magazine. However, In relation to literary the students do not read because they think
works, the students have different kinds of the books are too expensive.

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76 |Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 3, Number 2, September 2013

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