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Document Number PEC-QU-ITP-X-11076

Revision 1
Applicability All
[Sub-contractor LOGO]
Document Type Inspection & Test Plan




Updated Reference Documents &

1 14-01-2014 Sitaram Rajan Sikka Dr. Andrew Thomas
Notes/Typo Errors Rectified
0 03-Oct-2012 Burli Rao Rajan Sikka Dr. Andrew Thomas
(Issued For Implementation)

Rev. Date Description of Change Developer Reviewer Approver

Records of approval are retained in QMS

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 1 of 17
Document Number Document Title Revision

List of Verifying Documents (ITRs)

No. QMS Reference No. ITR No. Description
1 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11083 ITR-C-0102X Earth Work Survey Record
2 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11086 ITR-C-0201X Reinforced Concrete Pre-Pour Inspection Record
Reinforced Concrete Post-Pour Inspection
3 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11087 ITR-C-0202X
4 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11088 ITR-C-0203X Concrete Work Survey Record
5 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11089 ITR-C-0204X Field Concrete Pouring Record
6 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11090 ITR-C-0205X Cold Weather Concrete Inspection Record
7 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11091 ITR-C-0206X Hot Weather Concreting Inspection Record
Foundation Completion and Release to Next
8 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11092 ITR-C-0207X
Construction Discipline
9 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11093 ITR-C-0208X Concrete Precast Units Installation Check List
10 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11212 ITR-C-0209X Concrete Batching Plant Inspection Check Sheet
11 PEC-QU-ITR-X-11213 ITR-C-0210X Concrete Pouring Inspection Record

PEC-QU-PRO-X-11107 : QCP–Concrete Works
PEC-QU-PRO-X-11106 : QCP–Earth works
PEC-QU-ITP-X-11075 : ITP–Earth Works
PEC-CM-PRO-X-6964 : CMP–Concrete Operations
PEC-CM-PRO-X-6962 : CMP–Site Excavation and Backfill
PEC-CM-PRO-X-6961 : CMP–Construction Surveying
PEC-QU-PRO-X-11151 : QCP-Closed Loop RFI and Inspection Control Procedure
PEC-QU-PRO-X-11152 : QCP-Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment


This document and referenced ITRs shall be applied to Construction/Inspection & Test activities
carried out on OEC Project Sites.

This document is based on widely used international codes, standards and a good engineering
practice that is applied in Oil & Gas Projects and is intended to highlight the minimum tests and
inspections that ensure quality requirements are fulfilled within the scope of the document.

This document and referenced ITRs are generated to provide guidelines to Petrofac OEC Project
teams including their sub-contractors during preparation of project specific QCPs/ITRs and shall be
customized to meet specific requirements based on applicable project specifications and/or other
statutory and regulatory requirements. It may also be utilized at bidding/proposals stage.

In case of any conflict between this document and the Project specification, drawings and
applicable codes, the project specification shall take precedence over this QCP and applicable ITRs.

The referenced Inspection and Test Records (ITRs) are controlled independently. Therefore, the
latest revision of these ITRs, at the time of initiation, shall be utilized.

ITR number suffixed with letter “X” are classified as in-process Site/Field Quality Records and will
not be part of the Turnover System Process where as ITR number suffixed with letter “A” are part
of the Turnover Process and Turnover Records.

When filling ITRs do not leave any blanks. If an item/activity is not applicable, denote as N/A.

Use of Blanco, Tipp-ex etc. on ITR is forbidden.

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 2 of 17
Document Number Document Title Revision

Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP
 Testing equipment
shall be in good
working condition Testing
1.Verification of test
equipment calibration  Procedure for laboratory audit
 Testing equipment Sub contractor or report or
certificates and validity Inspection, shall be in accordance
1.0 Civil Material testing Measurement and Petrofac evidence of
2.Laboratory test with relevant test H R R I
Laboratory Testing Equipment appointed testing company
equipment list and standard agency approval of
maintenance register to proposed testing
be maintained laboratory
 Test equipment
calibration certificates
shall be current
 Procedure for
Control of Non
Non conformance report
Conformance Civil Non
or corrective action  Agreed disposition
Control of non (Project Specific) Superintendent Conformance
2.0 report shall be issued action taken and NCR H H R
conforming products  Procedure for (or) Corrective
when any non or CAR closed Civil QC Engineer
Corrective & action Report
conformance is noticed
Preventive action
(Project specific)
1.Carry out batching
 Project
plant inspection in
accordance with  Batching plant shall be
batching plant QC check approved by PEC QC in Civil
Batching Plant
3.0 list and approve accordance with QC Superintendent ITR-C-0207A H R RR I
 Batching plant QC
batching plant for use surveillance check list Civil QC Engineer
surveillance check
prior to use
2.Batching scales
calibration certificates
4.0 Cement Verification of cement  Project  Cement used in all Civil Cement mill H R RR I
mill certificates for Specification concrete shall be in Superintendent certificates or
cement received at site accordance with Civil QC cement test
 IFC Drawings project specification Inspector reports issued by

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Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP
and as per general
notes for concrete

 Cement mill certificate

shall be submitted for
every 1500 cubic
meter concrete testing agency

 If required, cement
sample may be
collected for testing in
any laboratory of
choice by Petrofac QC
 Cement shall be stored
1.Daily inspection of
in weather tight silos
cement storage and
quantity of cement in
 Project  It is preferred to paint
batching plant Civil Supervisor
Specification cement silos white
5.0 Cement Storage Civil QC None S S S I
2.Inspection findings to Inspector
 IFC Drawings  Cement silos may have
be documented in
provision to check
general inspection
temperature of
1.Daily inspection of  Project  Aggregate storage area Civil Supervisor H R S I
6.0 Storage of aggregate and Aggregate storage and Specification flooring shall be Civil QC
tests quantity of aggregate in  IFC Drawings minimum 150 mm Inspector Aggregate test
batching plant thick concrete to reports issued by
ensure that aggregate testing agency
2.Inspection findings to is not contaminated
be documented in with soil at the base
general inspection  Aggregate stock piles
record shall be covered to

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Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP
ensure that aggregate
is not contaminated
with windblown dust
 Fine and coarse
3.Collect samples for aggregate shall be
routine tests as per separated by
specification permanent
substantially high
partitions in the
storage area
 Water used for
concrete production
and curing shall be
Witnessing of water  Project
Water used for concrete tested as per guideline Civil Supervisor Water test
sampling and Specification
7.0 production and curing in BS 3148 or ASTM C Civil QC report issued by H R RR I
Verification of water  IFC Drawings
94 and any other Inspector testing agency
test report
specific requirements
specified in project
 Admixtures shall be
 Project proved satisfactory by
Verification of
Specification trials prior to use
admixture technical
 IFC Drawings Civil Supervisor
data sheet to confirm Technical data
8.0 Admixture  Technical Data  Dosage used in Civil QC H R RR I
that proposed product is sheet
Sheet for concrete mix shall be Inspector
in compliance with
Admixture within the limit
Project Specification
specified in technical
data sheet

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Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP

 Laboratory mix design

1.Witness laboratory mix  Project
Laboratory mix design shall be tested to Concrete mix
design activity in Specification
ensure the proposed design
laboratory  IFC Drawings
Note: If supplier or the design complies with Civil laboratory test
9.0  Internal standard H H W I
mix is of proven record, all properties specified Superintendent dossier
2.Compile concrete for concrete mix
laboratory mix design in project specification Civil QC Engineer
laboratory mix design design testing in
testing may be waived. and general notes for
dossier laboratory
concrete works
 Proposed mix design
 Project
shall be tested in field
batching plant to
Witness field trial  IFC Drawings Concrete mix
ensure the proposed Civil
activity in construction  Internal standard design field trial
10.0 Field trial mix design complies with Superintendent H H W I
site specific concrete for concrete mix test dossier
all properties specified Civil QC Engineer
batching plant design testing in
in project specification
and general notes for
concrete works
 Rebar supplied to site Reinforcement
 Project shall be in accordance mill test
Review of rebar mill Specification with project Civil Supervisor certificates (or)
11.0 Reinforcement Civil QC H R S I
certificates  IFC Drawings specification and specific samples
general notes for Inspector laboratory test
concrete works reports
12.0 Storage of reinforcement 1.Daily inspection of  Project  Reinforcement shall be Civil Supervisor None S S S
at construction site reinforcement storage Specification stored above ground Civil QC
area on racks and shall Inspector
 IFC Drawings always be covered
2.Inspection findings to
be documented in  Reinforcement shall be
general inspection stored in separate lots
record by size and marked
legibly for inspection

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 6 of 17
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Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP
 New shipment of rebar
which are not
inspected and cleared
by PEC QC shall not be
mixed with approved
 Formation surface
shall be compacted to
minimum 95% of LMDD
or as per project
specification prior to Compaction test
 Project placing blinding report issued by
Specification concrete Civil Supervisor Laboratory
Inspection of formation
Formation surface Civil QC and H W S I
surface for compaction
 IFC Drawings  If the formation Inspector
surface is in cut areas, ITR-C-0201X
compaction test is not
mandatory but the
surface shall be proof
rolled prior to placing
blinding concrete
14.0 Assembly of Formwork 1.Surveillance inspection  Project  Before placing rebar, Civil Supervisor None S S S
of surface of form work Specification internal surfaces of Civil QC
that faces concrete form work shall be Inspector
surface  IFC Drawings clean & release agent
shall be applied to the
2.Surveillance inspection faces of form work to
of form work design and, prevent adherence of
supports concrete
 Temporary openings
3.Surveillance inspection shall be provided
of form work dimension where necessary to
in plan for compliance drain away rubbish
against IFC drawing prior to concreting

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Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP

 Shall be constructed
such as to permit easy
removal, shall be tight
enough to prevent
grout loss and secured
so as to be strong
enough to withstand
self-weight, lateral
pressure and stresses
from placement and
vibration of concrete

 Permanently exposed
edges of concrete
member shall have 25
mm chamfer
 Reinforcement shall be
free of loose scale or
rust, grease, oil paint
1.Surveillance inspection or any other
of rebar size, numbers deleterious matter
and shape of bend prior to placement
 Project
during installation
Specification Civil Supervisor
Installation of  Ends of binding wire
15.0 Civil QC None S S S
reinforcement 2.Inspection of cover to shall be tucked
 IFC Drawings Inspector
rebar and for inwards
cleanliness during final
inspection prior to  Cover to rebar shall be
concreting in accordance with
specification for
concrete works
16.0 Anchor Bolts/Embedded 1.Verification of anchor  Project  Anchor bolts and Civil Supervisor Anchor bolt test H H S

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Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP
embeds shall comply
with requirements of
relevant IFC and
standard drawing for
anchor bolts

 Embedded items shall

bolt/embeds test be securely fixed, if
certificates Specification required templates or
other supports shall be
2.Inspection of anchor  IFC Drawings provided
bolts and embeds Civil QC
Items installation certificates
installation for position  Embedded items shall Inspector
in plan and elevation be clean and free from
rust, oil, grease or any
3.Inspection of provision foreign material
of grout pocket
 Exposed thread of
anchor bolts shall be
protected from
damage during and
 After concreting by
wrapping using
protective tape
17.0 Pre-cast elements 1.Inspection of form  Project  Pre-cast elements shall Civil Supervisor H H RR
casting and installation, work and rebar installed Specification be stored in such a Civil QC ITR-C-0202X
manner which Inspector ITR-C-0208X
2. Inspection of bedding  IFC Drawings eliminates the
surface prior to possibility of damage.
installation.  Precast elements shall
be marked with cast
3.Review of survey date and foundation
report prior to identification.
installation  Before lifting from

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 9 of 17
Document Number Document Title Revision

Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP
casting beds, pre-cast
elements will have
achieved sufficient
strength (70% of
required characteristic
strength) to prevent
any damage to
 Initially, trials shall be
conducted by placing
concrete samples
adjacent to pre-cast
member and curing
them similar to curing
pre-cast members and
testing them at 3 or
more days to
determine number of
days required to reach
70% characteristic

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 10 of 17
Document Number Document Title Revision

Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP

 Installation of form
work, rebar and
embed items shall be
in accordance with
latest revision of IFC
 Project
Joint inspection with Specification ITR-C-0201X
Pre-pour Inspection of construction and Civil Supervisor ITR-C-0203X
18.0  Form work shall be Civil QC H H W
structural members Company  IFC Drawings
clean and free of Inspector

 Contraction joints,
expansion joints shall
be in accordance with
the drawings

1.Inspection of moisture
content in aggregates at  Approved concrete  Correction for Moisture
batching plant mix design content in aggregate
shall be calculated
2.Verification of mix  Project prior to mixing of
design used at the Specification for concrete
batching plant Concrete Works. Civil
19.0 Concrete production and Superintendent ITR-C-0204X H W RR I
 During hot weather
transportation Civil QC Engineer
3.Inspection of fresh  Internal standard truck mixers drum
concrete slump and for concrete shall be insulated
temperature for first production and
load in the morning and transportation  Every truck load
in the afternoon delivered to site will
have a delivery ticket

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 11 of 17
Document Number Document Title Revision

Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP
 Slump shall be as per
approved mix design
 Temperature shall be
within maximum per
project specification.
 Slump and
temperature shall be
tested at pouring
location for first load
and thereafter for
every alternate truck
concrete poured
 Details of each truck
arrived at site shall be
 Approved concrete
recorded in pour card
mix design
Inspection of fresh  Cylinders/cubes shall Civil
Fresh Concrete sampling
20.0 concrete delivered to be cast as per concrete Supervisor/Civil ITR-C-0204X H W RR
and testing  Project
site prior to pouring specification. Minimum QC Inspector
Specification for
2 specimens shall be Testing Agency
Concrete Works
cast for each age
 Strength of concrete
sample at any age is
the average of
minimum 2 specimens
tested at that age
 Test specimen cast
shall be protected
from sun, wind and
contamination and
transported to curing
tank early next
morning to the
laboratory for curing

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 12 of 17
Document Number Document Title Revision

Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP

 Concrete shall be
placed in horizontal
layers as per project

 Concrete shall be
vibrated to the full
depth without causing
 Project Civil Supervisor
1.Inspection of concrete  Vibration of rebar or
21.0 Concrete placement and Specification for Civil QC ITR-C-0210X H R RR
placement and vibration formwork during
vibration Concrete Works Inspector
concrete vibration is
not permitted

 Vibrator shall be
inserted and
withdrawn so that
proper consolidation
takes place and
segregation does not

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 13 of 17
Document Number Document Title Revision

Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP

 Concrete temperature
shall not exceed
maximum allowed per

 Aggregate storage shall

be shaded

 Ice and / or chilled

water shall be used for
concrete production
Inspection of hot Project
 Concreting shall be Civil Supervisor
weather concreting Specification for
22.0 Hot weather concreting done during early Civil QC ITR-C-0206X H W RR
measures in batching Concrete Works
hours or late night Inspector
plant and at pouring site
 Concreting shall start
only during ambient
decreasing period
 Concreting will be
stopped when ambient
start rising No
concreting shall be
carried out at ambient
45ºC and rising.

23.0 Inspection of protection  Project  Immediately after Civil Supervisor H R RR

Finished Concrete of concrete surface soon Specification for finishing concrete, top Civil QC ITR-C-0202X
surface protection and after finishing and after Concrete works surface shall be Inspector
curing setting the next day covered with
early morning  IFC Drawings polyethylene sheet
ensuring sufficient

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 14 of 17
Document Number Document Title Revision

Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP

 After final set, wet

hessian shall be placed
over the concrete
surface and kept
continuously wet by
pouring water
polyethylene sheet for
7 days

 Curing can be
terminated if cylinders
kept adjacent to
structure and cured
along with the
structure reach 70% of
specified strength

 On vertical surfaces,
after striking form
work, concrete surface
shall be wrapped with
wet Hessian and
covered with
polyethylene sheet.
Hessian shall be kept
wet continuously for
minimum of 7 days
24.0 Hardened concrete post Inspect the concrete  Project Post pour inspection Civil Supervisor ITR-C-0202X H H W
pour inspection finished surface and Specification for shall be jointly carried Civil QC
document any defect Concrete works out with client Inspector

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Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP
Defects if any shall be
documented in the
relevant ITR
 IFC Drawings
Repair of defects if any
shall be in accordance
with approved repair
 Strength test shall be
in accordance with
 Project 1. Compression
relevant standard
Specification for test report
Concrete works issued by testing
Civil Supervisor laboratory.
Witness of hardened  Acceptance criteria for
25.0 Hardened Concrete  IFC Drawings and H W W
concrete test strength strength test and
Strength test Civil QC Engineer 2.Concrete test
actions in case of non-
 Concrete test register
compliance shall be in
accordance with
specification for
concrete works
1.Batching plant
 Cold weather
inspection for cold
concreting precautions
weather concreting
at batching plant and Civil Supervisor
precautions Project
at pouring site shall be and
26.0 Cold weather concreting Specification for ITR-C-0205X H R RR I
in accordance with Civil QC
2.Inspection of pouring Concrete Works
internal standard and Inspector
site for post pour
specification for
concrete protection
concrete works
 Standard deviation and Standard
Project Civil Supervisor
statistical analysis deviation for
Verify standard Specification for and
27.0 shall be in accordance every 40 sets H R RR
Standard Deviation deviation calculation Concrete Works Civil QC
with ACI 214 or BS-EN production
206 Engineer. samples

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Inspection Codes: SC: Subcontractor PEC: Petrofac C: Company/Client TP: Third Party
I: Inspection/ Test R: Document/Report Review S: Surveillance RR: Random Review
H: Hold Point (Notification required & presence is mandatory) W: Witness Point (Notification required but presence is not mandatory)

Responsible Verifying Intervention Points

Item Control Activity Action to be verified Reference Document Acceptance Criteria
Party Document SC PEC C TP
 All inspection relevant
check sheets and test
reports for each sub Civil
Compile civil completion  Civil QC records
Foundation completion system shall be Superintendent
28.0 dossier for relevant sub- compiled during ITR-C-0210A H H RR
certificate compiled, signed off and
system construction
and foundation handed Civil QC Engineer
over to next
construction discipline

ITP-CIV-0002 Page 17 of 17

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