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Menopause and Its Treatment in Homoeopathy

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

11(07), 913-917

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/17300



Prof. (Dr.) Chandra Mukhi Gupta1, Ass. Prof. (Dr.) Manjeet Kanwar2 and Ass. Prof. (Dr.) Krishna Kant
1. HOD of OBG Dept. at Bakson HMC&Hospital, Greater Noida.
2. Dept of OBG at Bhargava Homoeopathic Medical College, Anand.
3. Dept of OBG at Shaheed Raja Hariprasad Mall, State Government Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Menopause is a natural process in women life. It is not a disease. It is a
Received: 25 May 2023 natural part of aging. It marks the end of menstrual cycle. Menopause
Final Accepted: 28 June 2023 is also known as climacteric. Some women don’t have any trouble. For
Published: July 2023 other women, the menopausal transition can bring symptoms like hot
flashes, trouble sleeping, and pain during sex, depression, moodiness,
Key words:-
Menopause, Menstrual Cycle, Hormone irritability, and low energy. There are many effective treatments
Replacement Therapy (HRT), available from lifestyle adjustments to hormone therapy. As new data
Homoeopathy, Hormones shows that the commonly prescribed combination drug containing
estrogen and progestin may cause more harm than good. Homoeopathy
is effective alternative to HRT. Homoeopathic medicines have no side
effects and can be safely given. Homoeopathic remedies serve as a
catalyst. They kick start the body’s own appropriate production of
hormones. Medicines strengthen the immune system to restore the
health balance and sense of well being.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2023,. All rights reserved.

Menopause defines as a permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian
follicular activity(1). It marks the end of a woman's reproductive years. Menopause refers to a point in time that
follows 1 year after the complete cessation of menstruation.

Menopause means the "end of monthly cycles" (the end of monthly periods or menstruation), from the Greek word
pausis ("pause") and mēn ("month").

The word "menopause" was coined specifically for human females, where the end of fertility is traditionally
indicated by the permanent stopping of monthly menstruations. The average age of women experiencing their final
menstrual period (FMP) is 51.5 years2. Estrone ( E1)-is predominant hormone during menopause while
Estradiol(E2) level falls and FSH, LH level increases, antral follicular count and ovarian volume decreases at
menopause3.Perimenopause/ Menopause transition4 - MT begins on an average 4 years before the FMP and extends
to 1yr after permanent cessation of menses. Typically it spans 4 to 7 years 2. It is characterized by irregular menstrual
cycles, Abnormal uterine bleeding, endocrine changes, and symptoms such as hot flushes that may affect a woman's
quality of life (QOL)2. Premature ovarian failure (POF)/ Premature menopause/ Premature ovarian insufficiency
(POI)2: Cessation of menses before the age of 40 years. The European Society of Human Reproduction and

Corresponding Author:- Ass. Prof. (Dr.) Krishna Kant Singh 913

Address:- Dept of OBG at Shaheed Raja Hariprasad Mall, State Government Homoeopathic
Medical College & Hospital, Gorukhpur.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(07), 913-917

Embryology (ESHRE 2015) laid the following diagnostic criteria for POI- oligomenorrhea /amenorrhea for at least 4
months and an elevated FSH level >25 IU/l on two occasions >4 weeks apart. . The estimated average age of
menopause in India is reported to be 46 years. From the available Indian data, it is hypothesized that an early age of
menopause predisposes a women to chronic health disorders like osteoporotic fractures, Myocardial infarction, type
2 diabetes mellitus, breast cancer.It is related to lactation, use of oral pills, socioeconomic condition, race, height.
Thinner women, cigarette smoking, severe malnutrition, chemotherapy, pelvic radiation, and ovarian surgery may
lead to earlier menopause2. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Indian women, and the incidence peaks
before the age of 50 years11. Postmenopause3 - It is the span of time dating from the final menstrual period (FMP). It
describes years following that point. Postmenopausal endometrium is thin and uniform. Induced menopause3: It is
cessation of menstruation that follows bilateral oophorectomy or iatrogenic ablation of ovarian function .According
to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) data published in 2018, the life expectancy in India for a female is
70.3 years, expected to increase to 77 years by 2050.The first classification of stages of female reproductive aging
were developed in 2001 and updated in 2012 at the Stages of Reproductive Aging workshop (STRAW). STRAW
(2001) aimed to classify the woman's life in three phases2. (1) Reproductive, (2) Menopause transition and (3)Post
menopause based on the menstrual cycle, endocrine parameters, and ovarian reserve markers. This was applicable
only to healthy women. The 2012 STRAW + 10 provides a greater clarity for menstrual pattern and is applicable to
most women except for those with POI.

Table 1:- Showing three phases of woman’s life2:

Aetiology –
Hormonal imbalance is due to ovarian atrophy. Which leads to estradiol fall, progesterone fall, DHEA decreases as
the age advances, prolactin fall. After menopause only adrenal gland synthesizes hormones.

Clinical symptoms1,2 –
a) Menstrual pattern –short cycle, long cycle, irregular bleeding.
b) Vasomotor symptoms –hot flushes, night seat, sleep disturbances
c) Psychological symptoms- worsening PMS, irritability, mood swings, poor memory.
d) Sexual dysfunction –vaginal dryness, decrease libido, dyspareunia.
e) Somatic symptoms – headache, dizziness, palpitation, breast pain, joint pain, back pain.
f) Others- dry, itchy skin, weight gain, urinary incontinence.
Symptoms that come due to estrogen deficiency2 –
a) Hot flashes- 75% of menopausal women complain of hot flushes, 20% seek therapy, Self limited to 1-5
b) Sleep disturbance
c) Urogenital Atrophy
d) Osteoporosis- A bone thinning disease. Osteoporosis is associated with fracture (A major proportion of
bone strength is determined by bone mineral density (BMD)

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(07), 913-917

e. Skin Dryness- Estrogen deficiency can lead to reduced collagen content of the skin and bones, increased
aging and wrinkling of the skin.
f. Risk of cardiovascular disease is more.

Diagnosis2,3 –
Cessation of menses for consecutive 12 months, Appearance of menopausal symptoms , serum FSH > 40IU/L done
at least 4weeks apart is a reliable marker for menopause and associated with serum estradiol <20pg/ml and LH >

Lifestyle modification -
1. Follow biological clock. Mind diet is more important than body diet. In the famous journal ‘The Wall Street
Journal’ the doctor’s advice 20 min of meditation twice a day because stress causes hormonal imbalances. By
just doing meditation for 7 days decrease in level of stress hormone has been seen.
2. Brisk walking 5 times a week for 30min is must.
3. Best foods for menopause that support healthy estrogen levels are flax seeds (rich in antioxidants and lignans),
sesame seeds, millets, leafy greens, legumes, dark fruits, oats, whole grains ( are high in fibre), lean protein (
imp for making muscles mass, and bone density), healthy fats (omega 3 fatty acids found in nuts, chia seeds,
flaxseeds walnuts). Avoid processed foods and limit added sugar and lastly safe sun exposure.
4. Exercise – Kegel exercises strengthens the pelvic floor muscles to help the urinary incontinence.
5. Supplementary calcium- much better to take from plant based diet like sesame seeds, lotus seeds, poppy seeds,
Ragi etc
6. Vit D- take 60k unit/monthly.
7. Stop taking alcohol and smoking.
8. Take Vit E (Reduces hot flashes 25%)
9. Drink plenty of water.

Homoeopathy Treatment –
The most effective way of treating menopause is with constitutional treatment. Homoeopath select a remedy as an
individual, based on the totality of presenting symptoms. This remedy strengthen the immune system to restore a
healthy balance and sense of well – being.

Homeopathy addresses the issue rather than just symptom. It is the powerful, gentle, effective, safe and natural way
of treatment. It is very effective in replacing HRT. You don’t need to suffer with mood swings and hot flushes.
Homoeopathic medicine has no side effect because only the small amount of the original substance is used. Minute
amount of these healing substances cannot act to replace the body’s hormones but instead serve as catalyst, that kick
start the body’s own appropriate production of hormones. Some important homeopathic remedies are given below to
treat menopause symptoms:
1. Glonoinum5

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(07), 913-917

 Headache, headache instead of menses, from recent exposure to sun.

 Hot flushes during climacteric and also with catamenia.
 Pressure on the vertex.
2. Graphites5,6
 For climacteric age women.
 Women who inclined to obesity, habitual constipation and delayed menstruation.
 Burning heat of foot soles, uncovers them.
 Obstinate dryness of skin and absence of sweat.
 Cracks, fissures, keloids, dryness, bleeding of skin.
3. Lachesis mutus5
 Never well since climacteric.
 Many complaints connected with menopause: hot flushes, hot sweats, burning vertex headaches, haemorrhoids,
 Complaints aggravate during climacteric, touch, pressure, sun- heat, after sleeping.
 Broken down constitution of climacteric age.
4. Sanguinaria Canadensis7
 It has marked vaso-motor disturbances, as seen in the circumscribed redness of the cheeks, flushes of heat,
burning in palms and soles,chest and leucorrhoea during climacteric.
 Headaches during climacteric; begin in the morning, increases during the day,and last until evening, spread
upwards and forwards, and settle over right eye; >> by sleep; urination.
 Painful enlargement of breasts at climaxis
5. Sepia officinalis8
 Wonderful remedy for women with hormonal imbalances.
 Hot flashles at menopause with weakness and perspiration and great tendency to faint
 Metrorrhagia during the climacteric or during pregnancy, tendancy to abort especially at the fifth and seventh
 Hair falls out; after chronic headache, at climaxis.
6. Sulphur 5
 Congestions to single parts: eye; nose; chest; abdomen; ovaries; arms; legs; or any organ of the body, marking
the onset of tumours or malignant growths, especially at climacteric.
 Hot flushes at climaxis, with hot head, hands, and feet, and great goneness in stomach.
7. Amylenum nitrosum8
 For nervou, sensitive women during or after menopause.
 Palpitation of the heart and similar conditions are readily cured by it, especially the flushings and other
discomforts at climacteric.
 Flushings, followed by sweat at climacteric.
 Climacteric headache and flushes of heat, with anxiety and palpitation .
8. Sulphuricum acidum7,8
 Suited to topers; old persons esp. women; in climacteric years
 Pains at climacteric .
 Climacteric age with constant hot flushes, and a feeling of tremor all over body, with great debility, and as
if everything must be done in a hurry; spitting of blood; constipation; symptoms are agg. by smelling (not
drinking) coffee.

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