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Tarapen v. People

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TARAPEN v. PEOPLE to a nearby place. It was then that she heard people shouting.

When she
turned around, she saw James already slumped on the ground oozing with
TOPIC: Qualifications of Witnesses, Entries in Official Records, Presumptions blood.
3. Dr. Mensalvas and Dr. Cala - attended to the victim. They respectively
issued a medico-legal certificate containing the injuries sustained by the
 The RTC, as affirmed by the CA, convicted Peter Tarapen (petitioner) of the victim.
crime of homicide, committed against James Pangoden (James). Petitioner 4. SPO2 Meneses II – testified that when petitioner was brought to the police
was initially charged of frustrated homicide, but since James died due to the station, petitioner admitted to having inflicted injuries on the victim. He did
injuries he sustained, the Information was amended charging petitioner of not notice any injury on Peter’s body or face. He added that petitioner did not
homicide. request any medical treatment that morning. He brought Peter to the
BGHMC for possible identification, but the victim was still unconscious. Upon
VERSION OF THE PROSECUTION going back to the police station, he took the statement of the victim’s wife.
He likewise identified the steel shovel19 allegedly used in killing the victim.
 At around 7AM in June 8, 2000, a dump truck driven by Jimmy Pugoy
arrived at Zandueta St., Baguio City to collect garbage. He was VERSION OF THE DEFENSE
accompanied by petitioner and Edmon Ferrer.
 Petitioner testified that he was riding the garbage truck driven by Jimmy
 During this time, vendors, including the victim James Pangoden, Molly J.
Pugoy. Since the driver was continuously blowing the horn of the vehicle, he
Linglingen, Silmana Linglingen, and Virginia Costales were peddling their
went down the truck and saw a sack of eggplants under the vehicle. The
wares along said street.
owner of the sack of eggplants approached him and asked him to help her.
 Petitioner alighted from the truck and signaled to the driver to move slowly.
He helped the old woman remove the sack under the truck and carry it to the
Despite guiding the truck, said vehicle ran over the eggplants being sold by
side of the road.
Virginia Costales. Petitioner picked up the vegetables and threw them
 After that, he said James punched him at the right side of the head, which
towards the place where James was. This angered James because the
caused him to fall and sit on the road. As he was getting up with his hands
flowers he was selling were soiled. An exchange of words ensued between
raised, James said, “Nalastog kayo nga taga-gobierno,” and then punched
petitioner and James.
him for the second time. He was a little dizzy and was again getting up when
 Petitioner went to the back of the dump truck and got a shovel. While James
he was kicked on the left side of his body. Feeling very dizzy, he tried to pick
was facing downwards, petitioner, coming from behind and holding the up something to throw at James.
shovel with two hands, struck James on the head with the same, causing  While sitting, he got hold of a shovel which he swung, hitting James.
him to fall to the ground in a squatting position. As soon as James raised his Peter said he got up to run away, but James followed him. It was then
head, petitioner hit the former’s head again with the shovel.15 Petitioner that he hit him again with the shovel.
then ran away. James was brought to the Baguio General Hospital &  He went to their office and he was accompanied by his supervisor in
Medical Center (BGHMC) in a taxi. surrendering to the police. He added that he asked the policemen to bring
 The wife of James, Patricia Pangoden, arrived at the BGHMC and saw her him to the hospital, because his ear was aching. It was on July 16 2000 that
husband in the Emergency Room. Dr. Cala refused to operate on her he was able to have a medical examination of his ears.
husband, saying that it was already hopeless. She then requested for the o Dr. Tipayno performed an audio logic test on petitioner. She found
transfer of her husband to the Saint Louis University (SLU) Hospital. The out that petitioner had mild hearing loss on the left ear and severe
request was approved, and her husband was transferred to SLU. hearing loss on the right ear. She explained that the hearing loss in
 James was operated on, and Patricia was told that her husband had no both ears could have started years before.
more chance to live. She was advised to bring home James; otherwise, they  Petitioner’s fellow garbage collectors Jimmy Pugoy and Edmon Ferrer
would just be spending so much. Patricia brought her husband to his rendered similar testimonies.
hometown in La Union, where he expired on June 10 2000.  In this petition, petitioner claims that:
o Petitioner brands Molly and Silmana Linglingen as biased
witnesses, thus, unreliable, because they were town mates and co-
WITNESSES FOR THE PROSECUTION vendors of the victim.
o Petitioner accuses the prosecution witnesses of deliberately
1. Molly Linglingen and Silmana Linglingen, co-vendors of James, claimed suppressing material evidence favorable to the petitioner.
that saw petitioner get a shovel from the rear of the garbage truck, approach o Virginia Costales is an unreliable witness due to the inconsistencies
James from behind, and hit him with it twice on the head. in her testimony and affidavit.
2. Virginia Costales – testified that he truck ran over the eggplants she was o Molly and Silmana Linglingen’s claim that James was hit on the
selling. Petitioner picked them up and threw them to where James was. right side of the head was negated by the findings of Dr. Mensalvas
While the two were exchanging words, she transferred her sack of eggplants
that James was facing Peter when hit by the shovel contrary to the  The findings of Dr. Mensalvas show that James suffered injuries on the “left
prosecution’s claim that James was hit by Peter from behind. frontoparietal and left frontotemporo parietal” areas of his head. This means
that James was facing Peter when hit by the shovel contrary to the
ISSUE #1: W/N Molly and Silmana Linglingen are biased witnesses – NO prosecution’s claim that James was hit by Peter from behind.
 HOWEVER, the defense relies too much on the findings made by Dr.
 Mere relationship of a witness to the victim does not impair the
Mensalvas and completely omits the findings made by Dr. Cala. The victim
witness’ credibility.
was brought to two hospitals where the attending doctors issued
o On the contrary, a witness’ relationship to a victim of a crime would
separate medico-legal certificates.
even make his or her testimony more credible, as it would be
o From the medico-legal certificate issued by Dr. Cala and with his
unnatural for a relative, or a friend as in this case, who is interested
testimony in court, it is clear that the victim suffered injuries on the
in vindicating the crime, to accuse somebody other than the real
right side of his head. Thus, the claim of Molly and Silmana
Linglingen that the victim was struck from behind on the right side
 A witness is said to be biased when his relation to the cause or to the
of his head is consistent with the findings of Dr. Cala.
parties is such that he has an incentive to exaggerate or give false
 Which medical findings should this Court believe? This Court believes that
color to his statements, or to suppress or to pervert the truth, or to
the findings, as embodied in the medical certificate, made by Dr. Cala
state what is false.
should be given more weight because the same was issued by a
 To warrant rejection of the testimony of a relative or friend, it must be
government doctor.
clearly shown that, independently of the relationship, the testimony
o By actual practice, only government physicians, by virtue of
was inherently improbable or defective, or that improper or evil
their oaths as civil service officials, are competent to examine
motives had moved the witness to incriminate the accused falsely.
persons and issue medical certificates which will be used by
 The friendship of Molly and Silmana Linglingen with the victim, per se, did
the government. As such, the medical certificate carries the
not impair their credibility. The defense failed to show any evidence that they
presumption of regularity in the performance of his functions
had improper or evil motives to testify falsely against petitioner.
and duties.
o Under Sec. 44, Rule 130, entries in official records made in the
performance of official duty are prima facie evidence of the
ISSUE #2: W/N the prosecution deliberately suppressed material evidence favorable facts therein stated. Dr. Cala’s findings that the victim
to the petitioner – NO sustained injuries on the right side of his head are, therefore,
conclusive in the absence of evidence proving the contrary.
 The defense failed to specify which evidence was suppressed. It simply o We cannot consider the contents of the medical certificate issued
made a general statement that the prosecution witnesses allegedly did not by Dr. Mensalvas sufficient to controvert the findings of Dr. Cala.
tell the truth and thus deliberately suppressed material evidence favorable to An unverified medical certificate not issued by a government
the petitioner. physician is unreliable.
 The adverse presumption of suppression of evidence is not applicable  Though there can be inconsistencies of the testimonies of the witnesses with
in the following instances. Dr. Mensalvas’ other findings this does not mean that we should totally
o The suppression is not willful doubt and discard the other portions of their testimonies.
o The evidence suppressed or withheld is merely corroborative o The testimony of a witness may be believed in part and
or cumulative. disbelieved in another, depending on the corroborative
o The evidence is at the disposal of both parties evidence or the probabilities and improbabilities of the case.
o The suppression is an exercise of a privilege. o From the two medical certificates issued, what cannot be doubted
 In this case, the prosecution witnesses who allegedly suppressed material is the fact that the victim sustained head injuries, whether on the
evidence were presented in court and were cross-examined by the defense left or the right, which caused his demise.
counsel. How then can the defense claim there was suppression? The
defense counsel was able to question these witnesses, but failed to elicit the ISSUE #4: W/N the petitioner is guilty of homicide – YES
answer he wanted or needed to hear for the exoneration of his client.
 The Linglingen’s declared in unison that they saw petitioner get a shovel
from the back of the garbage truck and, coming from behind, twice struck
James on the head with it. Both Molly and Silmana Linglingen never
ISSUE #3: W/N the findings of Dr. Mensalvas that James was facing Peter when hit witnessed the events prior to petitioner’s act of getting the shovel.
by the shovel negate Molly and Silmana Linglingen’s claim that James was hit on the  This void was substantially filled up by the testimony of Virginia Costales,
right side of the head – NO who actually witnessed the altercation between the petitioner and the victim.
Through the testimony of Mrs. Costales, it became clear why petitioner got
the shovel, which he used in striking James twice on the head. By combining
the testimonies of the 3 ladies, a picture of the incident has been wholly
painted. The rage that Peter had in him was brought about by his squabble
with James. The defense cannot, therefore, claim that Peter took the life of
James for no reason at all.
 Even though Costales’ testimony that she did not see petitioner and the
victim engage in a fistfight contradicted her sworn affidavit stating that she
saw a fistfight, such inconsistency will not discredit her.
o Sworn statements, being taken ex parte, are almost always
incomplete and often inaccurate for various reasons,
sometimes from partial suggestion or for want of suggestion
and inquiries. They are generally inferior to the testimony of
the witness given in open court.
o When Mrs. Costales was confronted with this contradiction, she
explained that she never told the police that the petitioner and the
victim had a fistfight. What she said was they had a quarrel; that is,
they faced each other and exchanged words.
 Petitioner cannot invoke self-defense, primarily because there was no
unlawful aggression:
o It is inconceivable how petitioner could have hit the victim twice in
the head while petitioner was allegedly in a sitting position and
holding the shovel by the middle part of its shaft.
o It simply goes against the grain of human experience for the victim
to persist in his attack against petitioner after getting hit in the head
with a steel shovel, considering that he is unarmed and had nothing
to match petitioner’s weapon on hand. That the victim still had the
resolution and power for a second assault on petitioner after getting
hit with a steel shovel in the head flouts ordinary human capacity
and nature.
o Petitioner himself admitted walking away from the crime scene
immediately after the incident. Flight strongly indicates a guilty mind
and betrays the existence of a guilty conscience, for a righteous
individual will not cower in fear and unabashedly admit the killing at
the earliest possible opportunity if he were morally justified in doing
o If petitioner hit the victim just to defend himself, it certainly defies
reason why he had to aim for the head and do it twice. The nature
and number of the fatal injuries inflicted upon the victim negate
petittioner’s claim of self-defense.

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