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Organic Chemistry 7th Edition Bruice Test Bank

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Organic Chemistry 7th Edition Bruice Test Bank

Organic Chemistry, 7e (Bruice)

Chapter 2 Acids and Bases: Central to Understanding Organic Chemistry

1) Which of the following is not a conjugate acid-base pair?

A) H2O, HO-
B) H2O, H3O+
C) HSO4-, H2SO4
D) -OH, O2-
E) NO3-, NO2-
Answer: E
Section: 2-1

2) What is the product formed from the following acid-base reaction when ammonia functions as
a base? The equilibrium lies far to the reactants.

A) CH3O- + +NH4
B) CH2OH + +NH3
C) CH3OH2+ + -NH2
D) CH3NH2 + H2O
E) CH4 + NH2OH
Answer: A
Section: 2-1

3) The conjugate acid of H2O is ________.

A) H3O-
B) H3O
C) H3O+
D) HO-
E) H2O+
Answer: C
Section: 2-1

4) Which of the following ions is the strongest acid?

A) H-
B) HO-
C) HSO4-
D) H2O
E) H3O+
Answer: E
Section: 2-1
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5) Which species act as bases in the following reaction?

A) 1 and 2
B) 3 and 4
C) 2 and 4
D) 1 and 3
E) 2 and 3
Answer: C
Section: 2-1

6) What is the conjugate acid of NH3?

A) +NH3
B) -NH
C) +NH4
D) -NH2
E) +NH2
Answer: C
Section: 2-1

7) What is the conjugate acid of CH3NH2?

A) CH3NH3+
C) NH4+
D) NH2-
Answer: A
Section: 2-1

8) What is the conjugate base of CH3NH2?

A) CH3NH3+
C) NH4+
D) NH2-
Answer: B
Section: 2-1

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9) Give the conjugate acid and the conjugate base for HSO4-.
Answer: conjugate acid: H2SO4
conjugate base: SO42-
Section: 2-1

10) Write a completed equation for the acid-base pair shown below.

HCO2H + -NH2 →

Answer: HCO2H + -NH2 → HCO2- + NH3

Section: 2-1

11) What is the pH of a 0.1 M solution of HCl? (Note: pKa for HCl is -6.)
A) 6
B) -6
C) 1
D) -8
E) -1
Answer: C
Section: 2-2

12) If H2O has a pKa value of 15.7 and HF has a pKa value of 3.2, which is a stronger base, HO-
or F-? Explain.
Answer: HO- is a stronger base than F- because HF is a stronger acid than H2O, and the
stronger the acid the weaker its conjugate base.
Section: 2-2

13) 2-Propanol is shown below. Draw the structure of its conjugate base.



Section: 2-3

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14) Which of the following is the strongest acid?
B) CH3OH2+
C) H2N-
E) CH3NH3+
Answer: B
Section: 2-6

15) The pKa of CH3COOH is 4.8 and the pKa of HCOOH is 3.8. Given this information, one
knows that ________.
A) CH3COOH completely ionizes in water
B) HCOOH is a weaker acid than CH3COOH
C) HCOO- is a weaker base than CH3COO-
D) CH3COOH reacts with HO- while HCOOH does not
E) HCOOH reacts with HO- while CH3COOH does not
Answer: C
Section: 2-6

16) Which of the following is the strongest acid?

B) H2O
C) : NH3
D) CH4
Answer: A
Section: 2-6

17) Which of the following is the strongest acid?

Answer: A
Section: 2-6

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18) Consider the set of compounds, NH3, HF, and H2O. Rank these compounds in order of
increasing acidity and discuss your rationale.
Answer: NH3 < H2O < HF

When determining relative acidity, it is often useful to look at the relative basicity of the
conjugate bases. The stronger the acid, the weaker (more stable, less reactive) the conjugate base.
In this case, one would look at the relative basicity of F-, OH-, and NH2-. The relative strengths
of these species can be gauged based on the electronegativity of the charged atom in each base.
Since fluorine is the most electronegative, F- is the most stable, least reactive base in the group.
This means that its conjugate acid, HF, is the strongest.
Section: 2-6

19) Identify the compound with the highest pKa.

D) H2O
E) CH3NH3+
Answer: A
Section: 2-6

20) Identify the compound with the highest pKa.

Answer: A
Section: 2-6

21) Identify the most acidic carboxylic acid.

Answer: D
Section: 2-7

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22) Which of the following is the strongest acid?

A) I
E) V
Answer: E
Section: 2-7

23) Explain why : NF3 is a weaker base than : NH3.

Answer: Fluorine has an electron withdrawing effect that reduces the availability of the pair of
electrons on nitrogen. Thus the basicity of : NF3 is less than that of : NH3.
Section: 2-7

24) Would you predict trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, CF3SO3H, to be a stronger or weaker acid
than methanesulfonic acid, CH3SO3H? Explain your reasoning.
Answer: Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid is a stronger acid. Compare the strengths of the
conjugate bases and remember that the weaker the base, the stronger the conjugate acid. In the
case of the trifluoro derivative, the presence of the highly electronegative fluorine atoms serves
to delocalize the negative charge to a greater extent. This additional delocalization makes
trifluoromethanesulfonate a weaker base.
Section: 2-7

25) Which of the following anions, CH3CHBrCO2- or CH3CHFCO2- is the stronger base?
Explain your choice.
Answer: CH3CHBrCO2- is the stronger base. The more electronegative F atom can more
effectively delocalize the negative charge via induction. This greater delocalization stabilizes
CH3CHFCO2- relative to CH3CHBrCO2- and makes it a weaker base.
Section: 2-7

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
26) Draw a resonance contributor and the resonance hybrid for HOCO2-.
Answer: resonance contributor: resonance hybrid:

Section: 2-8

27) The pKa of CH3COOH is 4.8. If the pH of an aqueous solution of CH3COOH and
CH3COO- is 4.8, then one knows ________.
A) CH3COOH is completely ionized
B) [CH3COOH] > [CH3COO-]
C) [CH3COOH] = [CH3COO-]
D) [CH3COOH] < [CH3COO-]
E) CH3COOH is completely unionized
Answer: C
Section: 2-10

28) When a small amount of hexanoic acid [CH3(CH2)4CO2H, pKa~4.8], is added to a

separatory funnel which contains the organic solvent diethyl ether and water with a pH of 2.0, it
is found mainly in the ________ phase as ________.
A) ether; CH3(CH2)4CO2-
B) water; CH3(CH2)4CO2-
C) ether; CH3(CH2)4CO2H
D) water; CH3(CH2)4CO2H
E) none of the above
Answer: C
Section: 2-10

29) When a small amount of hexanoic acid [CH3(CH2)4CO2H, pKa~4.8], is added to a

separatory funnel which contains the organic solvent diethyl ether and water with a pH of 12.0, it
is found mainly in the ________ phase as ________.
A) ether; CH3(CH2)4CO2-
B) water; CH3(CH2)4CO2-
C) ether; CH3(CH2)4CO2H
D) water; CH3(CH2)4CO2H
E) none of the above
Answer: B
Section: 2-10

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30) At what pH will 25% of a compound with a pKa of 5.3 be in its basic form?
Answer: 4.8
Section: 2-10

31) The amino acid glycine (H3N+CH2CO2H) has two acidic Hs, one with pKa = 2.34 and the
other with pKa=9.60. Draw the structure of the form of glycine that predominates at a pH of 12.

Section: 2-10

32) H-A is an acid with a pKa of 4.5. Which of the following statements about an aqueous
solution of H-A is true?
A) At pH = 4.5, the solution contains much more H-A than A-
B) At pH = 4.5, the solution contains much more A- than H-A
C) At pH- 3.5, the solution contains about 90% A- and 10% H-A
D) At pH = 6.5, the soluton contains about 80% A- and 20% H-A
E) At pH = 5.5, the solution contains about 90% A- and 10% H-A
Answer: E
Section: 2-10

33) At what pH will the concentration of a compound with a pKa of 5.7 be 100 times greater in
its acidic form than in its basic form?
Answer: 3.7
Section: 2-10

34) HCN has a pKa = 9.1. What form of the compound, HCN or CN-, will predominate in a
solution of pH = 7.0
Answer: HCN
Section: 2-10

35) Propanoic acid, CH3CH2COOH, has a pKa =4.9. Draw the structure of the conjugate base
of propanoic acid and give the pH above which 90% of the compound will be in this conjugate
base form.
Answer: CH3CH2COO-; 5.9
Section: 2-10

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Organic Chemistry 7th Edition Bruice Test Bank

36) Buffering is used to maintain the pH of human blood in the relatively narrow 7.3 - 7.4 range.
What acid/base pair serves to buffer the blood?
A) H2O / HO-
B) H3O+ / H2O
C) H2CO3 / HCO3-
D) NH4+ / NH3
E) HCl / Cl-
Answer: C
Section: 2-11

37) Explain why AlCl3 is a Lewis acid.

Answer: A Lewis acid is an electron pair acceptor. Aluminum in AlCl3 has an empty p orbital
that can accommodate the pair of electrons provided by a Lewis base.
Section: 2-12

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