Module 6 Answer STS
Module 6 Answer STS
Module 6 Answer STS
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M Present-day Mexico,Belize,Guatemala,ElSalvadorandHonduras
A Location
Agriculture Mayan cultivated maize beans, squash, and chili peppers.
N Astronomy/ TheMayansalsodiscoveredanaccuratecalendar.Theritualcalendarth
Calendar atdevelopedinMesoamerica used a count of 260 days. This
C calendar gave each day a name, much more like ourdaysof
I theweek. There are20-day names,representedby theirrespective
V symbols
L Tools and They crafted variety of tools and weapons such as arrows, clubs,
I Weapons bows, and spears.
Z Medicine Mayans used variety of medicinal herbs and plants to treat wide
A range of illness.
T Other They developed advanced systems, used a hieroglyphic writing
Scientific system, and created a variety of carvings and sculptures.
N Developmen
Present-day City of Tenochtitlan, Mexico City in 1325 A.D, Central and South
A Location America.
Z Agriculture They featured intensive cultivation of all available land, as well as
T elaborate systems of irrigation and reclamation of swampland
E through the use of raised fields known as chinampas (“floating
C gardens”). They have three crops they grow in the fertile soil
around their capital such as corn, beans and squash.
C Astronomy/ They developed calendar based on a cycle of 260 days, as well as
I Calendar 365-day solar calendar.
V Tools and Aztec tools were made with obsidian and chert. Near the time
I Weapons they were overcome by Spanishconquistadors, advances in Aztec
L technology led to the experimentation of making tools withcopper.
I Axe blades, bows and arrows were being made with either stone
Z or copper. Aztectechnologywassoadvanced that they evenmade
A drillswhich weremade ofreedor bone
T Medicine Aztecs were advancedin the development of medicine. Infact,
I Aztec medicine was found
O inmanyforms,suchasointment,drinks,and salves
N Other Aztecsdevelopeddugoutcanoeswithwhichtheytransportedthemselv
Scientific esandtheirgoodsthroughout thedaycanals,
Developmen lakes,andwaterwaysfoundin the ValleyofMexico, they were also
ts veryadvancedscientificthinkersandmathematics,
numbersystemwasfarmoreadvancedthan other culturesatthe time
I Present-day South America
N Location
C Agriculture They are rich in maize (corn) and dried llama, cocoa leaves and
A alcohol; other consumable goodsinclude sweet potatoes, quinoa,
beans and chili peppers. Cocoa leaves were used in
moderateamounts to lessen hunger and pain during work, but
were mostly used for religious and healthpurposesas wellas
I duringsurgeries as ananesthetic.
L Astronomy/ Incacalendarswerestronglytiedto astronomy. The Inca calendar
I Calendar wasessentially lunisolar, as two calendarswere maintained in
Z parallel, one solarand one lunar. Twelve lunar monthsfall11 days
A shortofa full365-daysolaryear.Equinoxes,solstices,andVenuscycles
T are observed.
I Tools and The Inca weaponry included: Bronze or bone-tipped spears; Two-
O Weapons handed wooden swords withserrated edges; Clubs with stone and
N spiked metal heads; Woolen slings and stones; Stone
orcopperheaded battle-exes;Bolas(stones
Medicine The Inca made many discoveries in medicine. They performed
successful skull surgeries, whichinvolved cutting holes in the skull
in order to alleviate fluid buildup and inflammation caused byhead
wounds, they also used variety of herbs and plants to cure illness.
Other They developed advance irrigation systems, used a quipu as a
Scientific record keeping system, and created a different sculptures and
Developmen carvings.
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