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tssignment -I

|Subijeet : Soltaate Qualiy And Rolabty

Slot: C2+ TC2
Tepic: Wuaical Lnstiumerd Jhanagunant

Name: Waween . R
Req- Ne: 21M15 0317
Softiae Reguisament 5,pocficatior
Muaical Inatumental Waragenment Sytem
1. Intoutin

Musial nshument Management

Jhe purpae. the
is o yprouicb the comprehensiue and ficiant
Byaim meital inatument.
platom tor the managiment chalenge atociatel
cdabrel the
This ayean aims to mainlenane,
ma|nenane an hental,
with inatment inventoy, and inatuchnent
kenelting both inuidluad tnanagement
contraliging inhumnt
tental businses. By proeses , the 6yatim intende to
ond automalng elatad sr 2nperiencw, and imphoe
epuation , euhonae instunut Jenll
tuomline ffoeiense of
ovwsall lfeclny and
13 Dument Conwention
aloument fo% a Jluaical
when theating a 5R6 , it's impotaht
inhumental management in
claument connenlion for clatity,
o Jlolaw
londiatinuy,and Prcaclabilit,
4. Titilb Page

3 Deument Headers and Foos

6. Font ancb Tent Fomating
bo Figwes and Tables
1. Relerencw
8 Veruion Contiol

10.A ppendlias.
I3 I ntnded tudience ane
Reading bygGSe.
J.ceniyng the intndecd aucliona for the lsical
Sncbumande Jhonagement Bybm -anod Prouling Readig
buggutions tailocl to thest heda d cssential fo
euetommunicatin nd Sucossfal winmplemendatin
e the
1- Gyutbm laess C Musicians and Rental Busireue)
Read Buggelionsi
"Uan Manual: Grucle saplaining
muaicad ntumant managamend Gysim platolms.
2. Syatim tolministraltu
Read uggston,
Gystom tolminchoton
3. Junstument Boners
Reacing Suggation
Snsbumend hisling Guacle
Maintanance bta!
Reading bugqatian
Maintenana looiklao Gutle
5. II ound
Technical buppot Teame
.TRchnical Socumentaton
b degal cund Complince Teamu
Reacling Suggutkon
"Compilance Jocumendation
7: Encl -Usesa o Analya
" Repot intnpatatin bick
$. Cuatomen Suppt Represontatins
Reacing Suggetions
FAqS and Trsbleshesting Gide

The yrojt bcopo fo a Musial Snahumnt Managenait

|Sysim Bilines the baudaties ved the Prjt and
Specles chat will be inhucled and eeuded in

Scopa (eep
and enswe thet the rject stoya track
WWW. w35chpel. Com
Www. dley gHau -Com
www. Gole. Com
2-Ovenal Duiptie:
The "Pradat Poospetie ot musical instument manaqemu
oudies hos the musieal
wnhumenta managment ita into the broaer cotnt
the oganiylion syetams anl
cJasiles the Jaladienspljps sand inoatone
the music al inaturnenta managemet ayilem and
hew thia prejid wll pehate thin the Organisotion

dasined to iciently manage nd sab usial

inhnen Such as uial
Schoel ,cntal aicas ,efuhuthaa ,and muic dspardrd
* Inshuumnt Snuentoy Manaqzmnd
Bockng vond Gchduding
* Maintenace sracking
203 Uaen Clasaes and chaatiniatia,
Sn the contt od a Jhusical Jnbuments Mlanagemud
|5yam thee ae 5.avehad uen caues ach usith
ditinet hanaroiatis nd Yols wtin the byotm
uses Jbase and dailoing t
tenctinaliu to mot thuin peaie nde.
4 Snstumurnt Cwes (Individaals ef Brganigationa):
* Muaic achd and Jnttuthen
* Snitument Rental Busines
* holminatiutors cnd Maintenana bta!.
* Rada dnalyi and apetting Tiame.

The poating nisonmnt foJlusical Snatiucmenta

Mangemet Systam fss to the Kenditione and Yegunimsad
unds o otich the Syeibm pralaa st incuda
dreth thu
the yatim do ynction coetly.
Foacluere Reguirument:


Aatabase magqument Syalem CD8M5)

Enwienendod conaiolerationy
1: Phydical Enuinegnnt.
2-5 ReigR and Jrementalon lonahaind

2 Time Consbain
3. Techneloyg Cenghaid
be Reguktoy comiance
5. Suity Conbaint
b 9pn AI GGPT-3 APE Usage.
aypially wuibtn intu
Uan-riendly ond awsible manns ond may inlude
Ceraplexity o the pYecuct. Here ae some Kommon

her biude.

3. Jnatollation Guicle

5. FAQCFrequently Auked Qustion).

b" Relec4e Notes
7: oine Help bystm.
I. Reseusce Availaiity
2 Buceil Conabainti
3. Useh Engagement

(: Thitd -faty Sewices
Technology Dapendenas
4. Venden Support
and heption
3.1-1 Desonipton and Pioili
alla utoen to browse aniola ble
This featins
musical Tumand
Intumenda musician, and Booking th muslead
nstuume Jor Rental dn Gotse they ase inlehestecl .

3.)·2: 9 imutus / Respense Senencet

do regut inunund hoping fo
geeee cdates.
Calendas Vaiew
vit do shos instnenil
Responso : Prsuie a
availabi lity
conlrmaln notlicalin to laes
Stinudas: bend boebing

3.b3: Funetional Reg uiremen

Snatiument catalog dplay
’ Snabment details age
Boking Confismation
oekng Prouss
32-1 Eeschipition and prioily
’ User Reqitbation nd huthenteaton
usor Reqisthaton

Fehback to the lses

323 Fundena Res isomende
’ Boking ond Bcheddlirg
> Maindenance tracking
Rapoding and Analytica .

·Provitle wiaanes mockapt of elaign prstoky

tliyation Resowe
Gcalabdity "
Thrsughput "
TLS/592). TPs, HT(eq.
is ata "Aascribe
seuseytansmild VaPious
TCPAp). T , M@ (eg
HTTP, inlo<os
acd tomnunicalion
for prelocah
data ord proloel Verkions,
ftnse auquind taabet delaia "Jnclude
vand ayiom the bho hnge. |clala
ntiiu nleral Rescribe
the aanla<acs each puspoe
with. inetact mut Syaton the thet vdeuies
raquisumonl compolibility Ound
hiveu, Lommnialien
prslocel 6,pcify "
tode Senelk, es, with inotact dyam tothat
empentnt etduuice hacunte cuny "hiat
Emehgency Bhuddoon
Reol-Time Monitering

" Sta Encyplin

Data Poiyay
Peneaben Teating
Cot tilicienay

thentication , eplayment, GuI, tle..

API, Bug
DFD3, Packagediagtan;
clasclgsami, ERD, ,
Ae Case ,
Prioity i Deceijpk on,
IAue ID, Title /Scumnaty
Resotion, vehlen
Verien /Ralease.
Jde cene for the applicalin
which yow hau chosen based on 6Ps.

Caligory Gupal Atbibut Jetida)
Functonalit Endute Cote
|untionalh ookad
enpected -Conpletine -Percaptage ef tet

RelinbllityEndute Syatm -voilablilly -6ycem pime

-Falt tolÛante-mean Tima
8/ w FaclrelnTe

Pofomonoepliniye Sglan-Repense time -Avg repone tie

Sesd ond gfcny
-Thaeug btput -Thansation pes
usabilitmake teSyuim user intala deign -usabiáty tatingSun
Tine to a
Photact tasyalin-Rata enoy sien -No ewihy
Joriendy -Acesa Cool bseaches
- Time to dec
Aecity breachus

Masainabt mainenana say-Codemaintaitibty -Gode compbaity

foahta andl
Documentotien: Jecumertation

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