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Pattern of Ocular Diseases Among Patients Attending Ophthalmic Outpatient Department - A Cross-Sectional Study

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ISSN: 2577-140X

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Submitted: 31 August 2020 | Approved: 28 September 2020 | Published: 29 September 2020

Home How to cite this article: Ademe S, Edmealem A. Pattern of ocular diseases among patients attending ophthalmic
outpatient department: A cross-sectional study. Int J Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2020; 4: 049-053.
DOI: 10.29328/journal.ijceo.1001033

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Copyright Licence: © 2020 Ademe S, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
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Keywords: Pattern; Ocular disease; Morbidity; Borumeda Hospital; Ethiopia

Abbreviations: BMPH: Borumeda Primary Hospital; BRVO: Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion; CRVO: Central Retinal Vein
Occlusion; D: Diopter; IAPB: International Agency for Prevention of Blindness; IOP: Intra Ocular Presses; MRN: Medical
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Registration Number; NLDO: Naso Lacrimal Duct Obstruction; OPD: Out Patient Department; SD: Standard Deviation;
SPSS: Statistical Package of the Social Sciences; UCVA: Uncorrected Visual Acuity; VA: Visual Acuity

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Pattern of ocular diseases

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 Special Issues  among patients attending
 ophthalmic outpatient
department: A cross-sectional
Sewunet Ademe1* and Afework Edmealem2
Wollo University, Department of Comprehensive Nursing, Ethiopia
Department of Comprehensive Nursing, Ethiopia

*Address for Correspondence: Sewunet Ademe, Wollo University, College of Medicine and
Health Sciences. Department of Comprehensive Nursing, Ethiopia, Tel: + 251918126233;


Background: Ocular diseases affect every individual in this world,

with the only difference being in the pattern of occurrence of
disease depending on age, gender, region, and climatic conditions.
In Ethiopia there is shortage of literatures stating pattern of ocular
diseases which is very important for planning preventive, curative
and rehabilitative health service concerning prevalence of eye

Objective: This study is aimed to determine the pattern of eye

diseases at Borumeda Hospital, Amhara region, Ethiopia from July
10 to December 15, 2018.

Method: Institutional based cross- sectional retrospective study was

conducted among 384 patients attending in ophthalmic OPD of
Borumeda primary hospital. Nine hundred three newly diagnosed
patients who were registered on OPD registration book in the study
period were study population. Systematic random sampling was
conducted to select study participants from study population. The
collected data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean
and frequency percentage).

Results: From all study participants who had ocular disorders

92(24%) of them were came by Allergic conjunctivitis, followed by
cataract 16.9%, refractory disorders 13%, Glaucoma 7.1%, infective
conjunctivitis 4.7%, Pterygium 3.1%, Blepharitis 3.1%, NLDO 2.6%,
Pseudoaphekia 2.4% and Corneal opacity 2.1%.

Conclusion: Significant number of patients 182(47.5%) of them

came for treatment of adnexa (lid, margin, conjunctiva, lacrymal
system) disorders. So every health professional should be
responsible to deliver preventive, curative and rehabilitative
services to control the most prevalent ocular disorders.

Significance of study: This study will be very important for health

managers to distribute medical resources and staffs according to
the prevalence of ocular disorders. This study result will be useful
for health care workers for planning preventive, curative and
rehabilitative health services for those common eye disorders.


Ocular diseases affect every individual in this world, with the only
difference being in the pattern of occurrence of disease depending
on age, gender, region, and climatic conditions. The majority of
these ocular conditions which can lead to blindness are either
potentially preventable or curable [1].

Disease pattern is in a state of constant flux, over a period of time.

The pattern of eye diseases differs in developing and developed
countries and often in communities [2]. The common ocular
diseases worldwide are cataract, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, corneal
ulcers, uveitis, refractive errors, and pterygium. From Benin City
(Nigeria) reported that refractive errors, conjunctivitis, cataract,
and glaucoma were reported to be the common eye diseases. In
Sudan and other African countries, studies carried out on the
pattern of ocular diseases in children have shown that refractive
errors, allergic, and infective conjunctivitis are the most common
causes of ocular morbidity [3-6].

Ethiopia was one of the highest blindness prevalence rates in the

world, with 1.6 million blind people and an estimated 3.7 million
people suffering from visual impairment. Although over 90% of
blindness and visual impairment in the region is preventable [7].
The most common eye diseases seen among patients attending
ophthalmic outreach services in a rural area in Ethiopia were
conjunctivitis (29%), cataract (16.3), presbyopia (15.4%), refractive
errors (7.9%), and blepharitis (7.5%) [7]. In general, the pattern of
ocular diseases varies in different parts of the world and is
influenced by racial, geographic, socioeconomic and cultural factors

In Ethiopia particularly in the study region there is shortage of

literatures stating pattern of ocular diseases which is very
important for planning preventive, curative and rehabilitative
health service concerning eye problems. The aim of this study is to
determine the pattern of eye diseases at Borumeda Hospital Dessie
town and it is hoped that this study will show the trend of ocular
morbidities in our community and help to provide basic data for
planning and provision of adequate eye care services, appropriate
treatment, and intervention for those diseases. The study will also
be used as baseline study for regional health policy makers and for
those who need to conduct similar study in Ethiopia.


Study Design: Institutional based cross-sectional retrospective study

deign was conducted.

Study Period: The study was conducted from July 10 to December

15, 2018.

Source Population: The source population were all patients who

were registered on BMPH eye OPD registration book.

Study population: The study population was all newly diagnosed

patients who were registered on BMPH eye OPD registration book
from July 10 to December 15, 2018.
Sample size determination
The number of study participants that were recruited in to the
research was calculated using the single Population proportion
Z α/ (p(1−p)
N = 2

Sample size was calculated by considering level of confidence of

95%, and margin error 5% Where p - Proportion of patients (50%)
who would have ocular disease q- Proportion of patients (50%) who
didn’t have ocular diseases, d2-margin of error, N- minimum
sample size. Substituting the values for each of these variables in
the above formula,
(1.96) (0.5(1−0.5)
N = 2
= 384

Therefore the final sample size was = 384

Sampling technique and procedure

Systematic random sampling was conducted through calculating Kth
value by dividing 903(sample frame) to 384(sample size) =2 then
selected by lottery method for 1st 2 patients from documents so we
take cases or patients for every other patient (cases). After that, we
had taken the patient chart from the chart room and collected the
data based on questionnaire adopted from different literatures by

Operational definition
 Other adnexal diseases –relatively rare adnexal diseases those
were not included in the check list of our study like pingueclua,
conjunctival nevus, squamous cell carcinoma, dry eye, preseptal
cellulitis etc...

 Other anterior segment diseases –diseases of anterior segment of

the eye those who were not included in the check list of our study
like corneal staphyloma, band keratopathy, spheroidal degeneration

 Other posterior segment diseases–diseases of posterior segment of

the eye those were not included in the check list of our study like
macular scar, macular hole, optic atrophy etc...

 Others- ocular problems those can’t be specified in adnexa,

anterior segment or posterior segment of the eye like refractive
error, strabismus, endophthalmitis etc…

Ensuring data quality

Every patient visual acuity (VA) and IOP were first measured by
trained health workers then, patients were examined by
optometrist, ophthalmic nurses or cataract Surgeons and the
patients who need senior examination were examined by
ophthalmologist by using slit lamp, direct ophthalmoscope or 90D
lens as needed. The data was collected by well oriented ophthalmic
nurses after we had tested the checklist and the diagnosis was
selected based on the most senior diagnosis of patient chart.

Data Processing and Analysis: Data was entered and analyzed using
the Statistical Package of the Social Sciences (SPSS) software and
presented as simple frequencies, pie-chart cross-tabulations or bar

Ethical Consideration: The ethical issue of this study was approved

by the ethical committee of the college of Medicine and Health
science. We had communicated with Borumeda primary hospital
about the study through letter written by Wollo University, and
official permission was taken from the BMPH office to conduct the


Out of the total three hundred eighty four ocular patients 197(51.3
%) of them were females and 186(48.4%) were males. From all
72(18.8%) of them were within age 21-30 years, out of all 61(15.9%)
of them were within the age of 31-40 years 56(14.6%) of them were
within the age of 51-60 years. From all study subjects who came to
Borumeda hospital for treatment of ocular disorders 381(99.2%) of
them came from the Amhara region (Table 1).

Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics among study participants in Borumeda hospital

Eye OPD, December, 2018. (n = 384).

Variables Category Frequency Percent

Female 197 51.4

Male 186 48.6

1-10                                               31 8

Age 11-20 44 11.5

21-30 72 18.75

  31-40 61 15.9

  41-50 55 14.3

  51-60 56 14.6

  61-70 41 10.7

  71-80 17 4.4

  >80 3 0.8
Amhara 381 99.2
Others 3 0.8

South Wollo 311 81

Other zones 73 19

Pattern of ocular disease

The findings of this study had shown that out of all 384 study
participants, 182(47.5%) of patients came for treatment of adnexa
(lid, margin, conjunctiva, lacrymal system) disorders, Among this
adnexa disorders; from all study participants 92(24%) of them were
came by Allergic conjunctivitis patients, 18(4.7%) of them came by
infective conjunctivitis,12(3.1%) of them came by blepharitis,
26(6.8%) of them came by adnexa disorders of eye, the findings of
this study had shown that among 384 study participants 118(30.7%)
of them came to Borumeda hospital by anterior segment(cornea,
sclera, Iris, pupil, AC, lens)disorder. Among this anterior segment
disorders 65(16.9%) of them came by cataract, of them 9(2.4%) of
respondents came by uveitis, 9(2.4%) of them by pseudoaphekia,
8(2.1%) of them by corneal opacities and 21(5.5%) of them came by
other anterior segment disorders. Among all study participants
82(21.4) of them came to Borumeda hospital by other posterior
segment disorders, among this 50(13%) of them were come by
refractive errors, 27(7.1) of them came by glaucoma (Table 2)
(Figures 1,2).

Table 2: Pattern of ocular disease among study participants in Borumeda hospital Eye OPD, December, 2018

Variables  Class of disease Frequency Perc

Adnexa disorders 10 2.6

T. Trichiasis
Adnexa disorders 1 0.3

10 2.6
Allergic conjunctivitis
Adnexa disorders 92 24
Infective conjunctivitis
Adnexa disorders 18 4.7

Pterygium adnexa disorders 12 3.1

Chalazion adnexa disorders 1 0.3

Blepharitis adnexa disorders 12 3.1

Other adnexal disorders   26 6.8

Anterior segment
Cornial opacity 8 2.1

Anterior segment
Keratitis 6 1.6

Anterior segment
9 2.4
Anterior segment
65 16.9

Anterior segment
Pseudoaphekia 9 2.4
Other anterior disorders   posterior
segment disorders 21 5.5
posterior segment 27 7.1
disorders 2 0.6
AMD posterior segment 2 0.6
Retinal detachment disorders

Posterior segment
Diabetic retinopathy   0.3

Other posterior disorders   2 0.5

Other posterior
Refractive Error  50 13
segment disorders

Download Image

Figure 1: The pattern of ocular disease among patients in

Borumeda hospital Eye OPD clinic, December, 2018,
Dessie, Ethiopia (n = 384).

Download Image

Figure 2: The pattern of ocular disease among patients in

Borumeda hospital Eye OPD clinic, December, 2018,
Dessie, Ethiopia (n = 384).

From the total of 384 study participant’s 92(24%) of them had

Allergic conjunctivitis, out of this 65(16.9%) of them had Cataract
and 50(13%) of them had refractory disorders.


Data coming from this study ascertained that 197(51.3%) of them
were females and 186(48.4%) were males, but the study conducted
in western Nepal had shown that from total of 915 patients out of
which 617(67.5%) were females and 298(32.5 %) were males, study
conducted in India had shown that 47.3% were males and 52.7%
were female and in Nigeria 56% of study participants were females
and 44% of them were males. In other study conducted on ocular
morbidity of patients attending ophthalmic outreach services in
rural Ethiopia by the year 2013, indicated that, a total of 214
patients were examined, where males comprised of 50.5%
[7,11,13,14]. This might be due to difference in sample size and
gender pattern of countries.

From all study participants 72(18.8%) of them were within age 21-
30 years, out of all 61(15.9%) of them were within the age of 31-40
years 56(14.6%) of them were within the age of 51-60 years. Out of
the total study participants 311(81%) of them were came from south
Wollo zone and the remaining 19% of them were came from other
zones. From all study subjects who came to Borumeda hospital for
treatment of ocular disorders 381 (99.2%) of them came from the
Amhara region. Out of all study participants 99(25.8%) of them were
came from Dessie.

The findings of this study had shown that out of all study
participants, 182(47.5%) of patients came for treatment of adnexa
(lid, margin, conjunctiva, lacrymal system) disorders, Among this
adnexa disorders from all study participants 92(24%) of them were
came by Allergic conjunctivitis, followed by cataract 16.9%,
refractive errors 13%, glaucoma 7.1%, infective conjunctivitis 4.7%,
Pterygium 3.1%, Blepharitis 3.1%, NLDO 2.6%, Pseudoaphekia 2.4%,
Cornial opacity 2.1%.

But the study conducted in western Nepal had shown that refractive
error was the most common ocular morbidity accounting 26.8%
followed by conjunctivitis20.6%, cataract 11.8%, pterygium 6%,
chalazion/sty 4%, ectropion/entropion 3.9%, keratitis 3.8%, dry eyes
2.8%, and corneal opacities 2.3% [11].

The study conducted in pakistan had shown that patients who

presented with infectious conjunctivitis (mostly trachoma) (24%)
and with cataract (23.1%), followed by those who presented with
refractive error (17.4%). Presentation of pterygium and corneal
ulcer was 11.0% and 3.02% respectively. Cases of glaucoma and
strabismus were 2.8% and 1.28% respectively [13]. The study
conducted in Nigeria, indicated that, the common ocular conditions
seen were presbyopia (28.3%), allergic conjunctivitis (22.6%),
pingueculae (18.0%), ocular hypertension (8.8%), pterygium (8.3%),
cataract (7.8%), and uncorrected refractive error (6.0%) [15]. Study
conducted in Sudan had shown that the most common eye disorder
encountered was cataract (26.66%); this was followed by allergic
conjunctivitis (23.77%) and infective conjunctivitis (23.35%).
Refractive errors (16.42%) and presbyopia (11.29%). In other study
conducted on ocular morbidity of patients attending ophthalmic
outreach services in rural Ethiopia by the year 2013, indicated that,
a total of 214 patients were examined, where males comprised of
50.5%. Ocular diseases were quite prevalent among the study group.
Conjunctivitis was the primary ocular morbidity accounting for
29%, followed by cataract (16.3%), presbyopia (15.4%), refractive
errors (7.9%), Blepharitis (7.5%) [6,13,15].

This might be due to difference in sample size, place study

conducted, socio-economic status of the population and health
service of the country like mass treatment of population, screening
service for each ocular diseases and decentralized timely treatment.

In this study we are facing difficulties of getting some of the socio-

demographic characteristics, Limitation of related literatures to
compare and discuss some of the findings and because the data are
cross sectional, the direction of causal relationship between
variables can’t always be determining.


The findings of this study revealed that Allergic conjunctivitis,
cataract, refractory disorders, glaucoma, and infective
conjunctivitis were the most prevalent ocular disorders in the area
so regional health officials and all clinicians should target to solve
this problems by extending the health care service to rural areas.


This article was sponsored by the deputy of research and

technology of Wollo University college of Medicine and health
sciences. The authors would like to appreciate the Clinical Research
of Wollo University College of medicine and health science as well
as Borumeda general hospital staffs and officials of the hospital
who helped us in this research.

Funding: The study was funded by Wollo University.

Availability of data and materials: Data are available by
contacting the corresponding author.

Authors ‘contributions: SA and AE contributed to designing the

study, SA collected the data, SA analyzed the data and AE and wrote
the final report and manuscript. All the authors read and approved
the version for submission.

Ethics approval and consent to participate: Ethical approval was

obtained from the Ethical Review Committee of Wollo University.
Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.

Consent for publication: All the participants consented to publish

the study in this journal.


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