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Design Guide for Metal

Cladding Fasteners
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................ .......... 1
2.0 SYMBOLS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.0 QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 PROTECTION AGAINST CORROSION AND HYDROGEN EMBRITTLEMENT ....................................................................... 5
5.0 PREVENTION OF FASTENER LOOSENING ............................................................................................................................. 8
6.0 SAFETY FACTORS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.0 FASTENER LOAD TABLES COMMENTARY ........................................................................................................................... 10
8.0 ALLOWABLE BEARING AT BOLT AND SCREW HOLES, AND SCREW TILTING .............................................................. 14
9.0 STANDARD AND SLOTTED BOLT HOLES ............................................................................................................................. 18
10.0 PULL-OUT STRENGTH ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
11.0 PULL-OVER OF SCREW HEAD IN CONTACT WITH ALUMINUM AND COLD-FORMED STEEL ..................................... 25
12.0 SCREW SLOTS (a.k.a. SPLINES, RACEWAY, RACES, BOSS ) ........................................................................................... 27
13.0 SLIDING FRICTION IN SCREW CHASE................................................................................................................................. 28
14.0 SCREW ENGAGEMENT IN SCREW CHASE ......................................................................................................................... 31
15.0 FASTENER SPECIFICATION CHECK LIST ........................................................................................................................... 32
16.0 FASTENER AVAILABILITY ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
17.0 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR LOAD TABLES .................................................................................................................. 34
18.0 CARBON STEEL FASTENER MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................... 40
19.0 STAINLESS STEEL FASTENER MATERIALS ...................................................................................................................... 41
20.0 FASTENER LOAD TABLES .................................................................................................................................................... 42
21.0 HOLE AND DRILL SIZE FOR SPACED THREADS TAPPING SCREWS ............................................................................. 55
22.0 PULL-OUT STRENGTH IN ALUMINUM SUBSTRATES ........................................................................................................ 64
23.0 FASTENER SELECTION EXAMPLES .................................................................................................................................... 81
24.0 APPENDIX (Screw Engagement in Screw Chase; Sliding Friction in Screw Chase ; Thread Root Area) ...................... 88
25.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS................................................................................................................................................... 92

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American Arcliitectural Manufacturers Association

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The purpose of this Technical Information Report is to provide metal curtain wall designers with the data necessary to select
fasteners for curtain wall framing members and components, and for anchoring the curtain wall to the building structure.

Technical information and data assembled in this report were drawn from a number of organizations. The relevant
publications of these organizations are listed under Section 25.0, "Applicable Documents."

Uniform coarse machine threaded fasteners and spaced threaded fasteners are covered in this report. The Unified Thread
Series are generally used in either clear holes with mating nuts or in tapped holes. Thread cutting screws with machine
threads are used to cut their own threads in pre-drilled holes. Spaced threaded fasteners, on the other hand, are generally used
only as tapping screws. This subject is covered in detail in Section 7, 'Fastener Load Tables Commentary.'

Metric fasteners are not addressed in this document, but the design parameters included apply equally well to metric
fasteners. If the user wishes to develop metric fastener load tables, the appropriate loads can be developed using the formulas
provided for each table with appropriate IP to Metric conversions.

Metals used in fasteners, on which the data in this report is based, include various types of carbon steel and stainless steel
alloys. The use of aluminum fasteners is not recommended for cmtain wall anchoring systems and no data on aluminum
fasteners is included. Carbon steel fasteners shall be plated or coated in accordance with the specifications in Section 4,
'Protection Against Corrosion.'

Tables giving allowable tension, shear and bearing loads for a range of different fastener sizes, for carbon steel and stainless
steel alloys, are included in this report. The four sizes at the small end of the size range, in ascending order, are designated
#6-32, #8-32, #10-24 and #12-24. For fasteners designated in this manner the number preceding the hyphen is related to the
fastener diameter. For larger size fasteners the number preceding the hyphen is the nominal diameter in inches and/or a
fraction thereof. The larger size fasteners range from 1/4-20 through 1-8. In both designation systems the number following
the hyphen is the number of threads per inch. Equations needed to calculate the allowable loads are included with the tables.

Section 22.0 of this document addresses the pullout strength of fasteners in aluminum substrates. The data in fastener load
Tables 22.1 to 22.12 was developed empirically using the formulas provided and verified through limited testing.

Please note that Inch-Pound (I.P.) units of measurement are used throughout this document.

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a = Angle defining limits of screw engagement in screw cbase, (degrees)
A. Total area of screw thread engagement in screw chase, (sq. in)
A(R) or AR Thread root area of fastener, (sq. in)
A(S) or A r Tensile stress area of fastener, (sq. in)
= Projected thread area of fastener = rr(R 2 - r2), (sq in)
A rs,;orTSA (E) Thread stripping area per thread, external, sq. in.
A T.S1 or TSA (I) Thread stripping area per thread, internal, sq. in
b Half length of engagement of screw thread in screw chase, (in)
C Half the angle between the faces of a thread, (degrees)
C Equation constant. Reference Section 8.0
C, to C1 Equation constants. Reference Section 10.0
CPOv = Equation constant. Reference Section 11.0
CSR Combined Stress Ratio
Cv = coefficient of variation
Dord = nominal thread diameter of fastener, (in)
DH nominal diameter of the hole in the material under the screw head, (in)
DHD = diameter ofround head or integral washer (hex washer-head); width across diametrically opposite
points of a hex head (no integral washer, (in)
DSMIN = Minimum major diameter of external threads, (in)
Dw diameter of steel washer. (in)
Dw, larger of the nominal washer diameter and the screw head diameter, (in). The washer may be
integral to the screw head.
D'w Effective pull-over diameter, (in)
e Edge distance, (in)
eM = Minimum Edge distance (in)
eA = Edge distance from the bolt's center to the edge of the connected part. (in)
ENMAX Maximum pitch diameter of internal threads, (in)
ESMIN Minimum pitch diameter of external threads, (in)
F = Tensile force exerted by tightening screw in screw chase, (lbs)
f = Coefficient of friction
Fsu = Minimum ultimate shear stress, aluminum, (psi)
Fr Allowable tensile stress, (psi)
Fro or Fu or Fu, = Minimum ultimate tensile strength, (psi)
Fro, = ultimate tensile strength of part in contact with head or washer, (psi)
Frr = Minimum yield tensile strength, (psi)
Fm = tensile yield strength of the part in contact with head or washer, (psi)
Fv Allowable shear stress, steel, (psi)
Fy = Minimum tensile yield strength, (psi)
H theoretical height of a thread. (in)
K = Basic minor diameter, external threads, (in)
K = statistical factor that accounts for size (y) of a sample
KM = factor for pull-out
kt == tension coefficient for aluminum alloy-tempers
KNMAX Maximum minor diameter of internal threads, (in)
Le clear distance in direction of the force, (i111)
LE = Length of engagement of fastener in threaded part, (in.)
M load factor (for LRFD design method)
mp = Load factor
Norn = Number of threads per inch
p = pitch of screw thread, (in)
PA = Allowable pull-out strength; allowable pull-out tension for a threaded fastener, (lbs)
PAD Allowable force for bolt bearing, (lbs)
PABE = Allowable force for bolt bearing limited by edge distance, (lbs)
PAPOV Allowable pull-over strength, (lbs)
PAS = ALiowable force for screw bearing, (lbs)
PASE Allowable force for screw bearing limited by edge distance, (lbs)

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not be reproduced, republished or distributed In My format without lhe express written consent ofAAMA.
the lesser of the screw's basic allowable shear strength and its allowable bearing strength, (lbs)
Allowable force for screw tilting, (lbs)
the least of three allowable values: basic tension strength of the screw, pull-out and pull- over,
PD design dead load (mullion reaction) for connection example, (lbs)
P d/ Dead load, (lbs)
Pe Equation constant. Reference Section 10.0
PF Equation constant. Reference Section 10.0
PJ Equation constant. Reference Section 10.0
PK Equation constant. Reference Section 10.0
PL Equation constant. Reference Section 10.0
PM Equation constant. Reference Section I 0.0
PN Equation constant. Reference Section I 0.0
PNOT Nominal pull-out strength, (lbs)
PR Equation constant. Reference Section 10.0
Ps Equation constant. Reference Section 10.0
PNST Nominal shear strength, (lbs). Reference Section 8.0
Pov,1 Allowable pull-over force, (lbs)
Pw Design wind load (mullion reaction) for connection example, (lbs)
Pwl Wind load (lbs)
r Minor radius of screw threads, (in)
R Major radius of screw threads, (in)
R. Ratio of engaged thread area to total ·thread area in screw chase
rm Mean radius of screw threads, (in)
Sample standard deviation
Safety factor
Thickness, (in)
Actual tensile load, (lbs)
the thickness of the component in contact with the fastener head, (in)
the thickness of the component not in contact with the fastener head, (in)
minimum thickness (t = tM ) of tapped material, (in)
Torque on screw or bolt, (lb-in)
required tension force; total calculated tension force, (lbs)
Allowable tension load (strength), (lbs)
thickness of steel washer, (in)
calculated shear load per fastener, (lbs)
required shear force; total calculated shear force, (lbs)
Allowable shear load, (lbs)
total resultant shear (vector sum of wind plus dead) for connection example, (lbs)
frictional resistance for V-thread fasteners in threaded round holes, (lbs)
Ultimate lateral frictional resistance to sliding of a screw in a screw chase parallel to walls
(length) of chase, (lbs)
statistical "lower bound", within limits
average (mean) value
number of samples
Length of screw engagement, (in); (see Fig 14.1, 24.1)
Nominal Safety Factor for ASD
Resistance Factor for LFRD
A factor which approximates the increase of stresses in the fastener due to deformations (elastic
and/or plastic) in attached materials.
The selection and use of proper fasteners is critically important to the safe and satisfactory performance of curtain wall
systems. This report provides the information necessary to select the proper fasteners and to specify them. Beyond this point,
however, it is essential that the manufacturers of fasteners maintain excellent quality control procedures in their plants to
ensure that their products meet the specifications for which they are designed. The purchasers, too, must have means for
determining that they are, in fact, getting fasteners that meet their specifications. Unfortunately, there has been a plague of
inferior bolts being sold in this country which have been fraudulently identified as bolts having quality which they do not
possess. Inadvertent use of such inferior bolts could have disastrous results.

The problem with inferior fasteners on the market has been serious during the past few years. Many fasteners may be found
to be substandard mechanically and dimensionally when checked even though marked as high performance grades. Protective
coatings on fasteners may also be a problem. As a result of more stringent environmental requirements and tightening
economic pressures, fewer manufacturers are applying adequate coatings. The quality and thickness of protective coatings in
today's market, particularly on low price fasteners, is somewhat unreuable. In order to be certain that the fastener needed to
meet design criteria is provided, the designer must not only specify fastener size and type, he must also specify material,
minimum mechanical properties, thickness and type of protective coating required. See the suggested Fastener Specification
Checklist, Section 13.0, for items to be included in fastener specifications.

This concern became so serious in the l 980's that the United States Congress passed the Fastener Quality Act (FQA) in 1990
and amended the FQA in 1999 to address fastener quality. This Fe·deral law was enacted to protect the public safety where
citizens were at risk due to faulty fasteners. However, the FQA covers only bolts, nuts, screws, studs and load indicating
washers of Y." diameter or greater or those requiring a grade mark. Products exempt from this act are those which are
produced under a recognized Quality Assurance Program such as ISO 9000. The user should consider adding this
requirement to all fastener specifications.

ASTM standards give the chemical and mechanical requirements for the steels used in fasteners. In addition, they set forth
requirements which the purchaser of fasteners may specify for the quality control procedures to be followed in connection
with his order. These include shipment lot testing, source inspection, alloy control, heat control, permeability, manufacturer's
identification and material identification. ASTM F606 sets forth in detail the test methods for determining the mechanical
properties of externally and internally threaded fasteners. Appropriate reference to these standards can provide the basis for
reliable quality assurance programs.

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Copyright by the American Arcllltectural Manufaciurers Association (AAMA). This doc;Umenl was purcl\ased by un .cillmo. of Chjna NaU losto{S1andatdlzali0Q on Thu Mar 19 2015. 11 may
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It is essential that fasteners have adequate protection against corrosion. If such protection is not provided, failures in
connections may ultimately occur. Curtain wall framing systems may contain and channel considerable amounts of water
both from rain and condensation of water vapor. This would tend to accelerate corrosive action where satisfactory protection
did not exist and this would be the case with unprotected carbon steel fasteners. In addition to corrosion resulting from
atmospheric conditions and moisture, protection shall also be provided against galvanic corrosion which occurs when
dissimilar metals are in contact in the presence of moisture. To protect against both types of corrosive action carbon steel
fasteners plated in accordance with the specifications listed in this standard or stainless steel fasteners are recommended for
use with aluminum curtain wall systems.

Stainless steel fasteners come in a variety of alloy types. All stainless steel alloys referenced in this report have good
resistance to corrosion. However, some of these alloys have better resistance than others. Type 316, for example, has a higher
resistance than Type 304. Specifying the higher resistance and types of stainless steel for all fasteners does not address all
concerns with corrosion. Some fastener designs are not manufactured in all types of stainless steel because of the need for
hardening heads or points, or because of the capacities of the screw machines used to manufacture fasteners. The higher
resistance types of stainless steel generally cannot have the finishes applied which match anodized framing without resorting
to painting. Painting of screw heads is expensive and of dubious durability. Many types of fasteners are only available in
stainless steels having lower resistance to corrosion. Small order quantities, less than 100,000 fasteners per run, may also
limit the availability of the fastener desired or greatly increase its cost. The specifier and purchaser must be aware of these
matters and make the best compromise possible, all factors considered, in the selection of the fasteners.

Carbon steel fasteners may be plated with zinc, cadmium, nickel or chromium to provide adequate resistance to corrosion.
The severity of the service conditions, to which the fasteners will be exposed, must be considered in the specification. For
zinc and cadmium coatings the following specifications are recommended: (The specifier should select one or more
requirements as appropriate.)

Zinc plated fasteners shall meet the requirements of ASTM B633 for Class FE/ZN 5, 5µm coating thickness, service
condition SC 1 (mild), with Type III finish meeting corrosion resistance requirements after a 12-hour salt spray test.

Zinc plated fasteners shall meet the requirements of ASTM B633 for Class FE/ZN 8, 8µm coating thickness, service
condition SC 2 (moderate), with Type rr finish meeting corrosion resistance requirements after a 96-hour salt spray test.

Mechanically deposited zinc coated fasteners shall meet the requirements of ASTM B695 for Class 5 coating, 5 µm thick
with Type II finish, or Class 8 coating, 8 µm thick with Type II finish. Both Class 5 and Class 8 coatings shall meet the
corrosion resistance requirements after a 72-hour salt spray test. (Thicker coatings meeting this ASTM standard are available
if required.)

Cadmium plated fasteners shall meet the requirements of ASTM B766 for Class 5, 5 µm thick, Type III coating meeting
corrosion resistance requirements after a 12-hour salt spray test.

Cadmium plated fasteners shall meet the requirements of ASTM B766 for Class 8, 8 µm thick, Type II coating meeting
corrosion resistance requirements after a 96-hour salt spray test.

Mechanically deposited cadmium coated fasteners shall meet the requirements of ASTM B696 for Class 5 coating, 5 µm
thick with Type II finish, or Class 8 coating, 8 µm thick with Type 11 finish. Class 5 coatings with Type II finish shall meet
the corrosion resistance requirements after a 72-hour salt spray test. Class 8 coatings with Type II finish shall meet the
corrosion resistance requirements after a 96-hour salt spray test. (12 µm) coatings meeting this ASTM standard are available
if required.)

An advantage of mechanical deposition is that it does not p-roduce hydrogen embrittlement in hardened steel during the
coating process.

Type II and Type III finishes for zinc and cadmium receive supplementary colored chromate treatments. These
supplementary treatments produce a bright or semi-bright continuous, protective conversion coating of uniform color which
retards the formation of white corrosion products caused by exposure to stagnant water, moist atmosphere or stagnant
environments containing organic vapors. Colors produced can range from yellow through bronze and olive-drab to brown
and black. The salt spray test used to evaluate these treatments shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM B201.

The perfom1a11ce of both zinc and cadmium coatings depends largely on their coating thickness and the kind of environment
to which they are exposed. Without proof of satisfactory correlation, accelerated tests such as the salt spray test, cannot be
relied upon to predict performance in other environments, nor will the tests serve as comparative measures of the corrosion
protection afforded by the two different metals. Thus the superiority shown by cadmium coatings over zinc coatings of equal
thickness in the standard salt spray test cannot be construed as proof that this will hold true in all atmospheric environments.

The following specification is recommended for nickel or chrome plated fasteners: Nickel or chromium plated fasteners shall
meet the requirements of ASTM B456.

Zinc coatings may also be applied by the hot-dip process (Galvanizing). For such coatings the following specifications are

Zinc coating applied by the hot-dip process shall meet the requirements of ASTM Al53. For Class C hardware, which
includes threaded fasteners over 9 nun (3/8 in) in diameter, minimum weight of coating on surface, 40 mg/cm2 (1.25 oz/ft2)
For Class D hardware, which includes threaded fasteners 9 mm (3/8 in) and under in diameter, minimum weight of coating
on surface, 30 mg/cm2 (1.00 oz/ft:2).

Based on mathematical calculations, 30 mg/cm2 (1.00 oz/ft:2) corresponds to an average thickness of0.04 mm (1.7 mil).

Hydrogen Embrittlement is a condition of low ductility in metals resulting from the absorption of hydrogen, which may be
absorbed during the manufacturing process. Bolts and screws, with a hardness ofC35 or greater on the Rockwell C scale, are
particularly subject to embrittlement if hydrogen is permitted to remain in the steel and the steel is subjected to sufficient
tensile stress. This hardness range is typically associated with a tensile strength of 150 ksi or greater. The hazard caused by
hydrogen embrittlement is the unpredictable failure, which may occur, of a fastener under tensile load. Results ofsuch failure
could be disastrous. A sufficiently high tensile load can result when headed fasteners are tightened, especially if a drill or
power wrench is used in the tightening process.

Acid pickling and alkaline cleaning prior to the application of protective metallic coatings generate hydrogen which can be
absorbed in the fasteners and ifnot removed can be trapped by the coatings. Also, hydrogen as a by-product of electroplating
can be generated and trapped in the plating.

The mechanism ofhydrogen embrittlement failure is believed to be due to the migration ofhydrogen into microscopic cracks
when a sufficient load is applied to a fastener. This causes internal pressures and microscopic ruptures in the stressed areas.
This action continues under repeated or constant high tension loads and eventually leads to a failure of the fastener. Hydrogen
embrittlement is non-corrosion related and is often mistaken as the cause of failure when a corrosion process is active and the
true cause offailure is hydrogen-assisted stress-corrosion cracking.

For hot-dip galvanized steel fasteners, hydrogen can be absorbed during the pickling process. Heating to I50°C (300 °F) after
pickling and before galvanizing, in most cases, results in expulsion of the hydrogen absorbed during pickling. Reference may
be made to ASTM Al43 for more information on the subject ofembrittlement ofhot dip galvanized structural steel products.
Jn practice, hydrogen embrittlement of galvanized steel is usually ofconcern only if the steel exceeds approximately 150 ksi
in ultimate tensile strength. ASTM provides specifications for galvanizing A 325 bolts but galvanizing of A 490 bolts is not

Stress Corrosion is the effect of corrosion on a metal which is under stress. When metals are under stress the effect of
corrosion can be much more severe than when metals are not stressed. This is true for metals subjected to constant high
tension stresses as well as for metals subjected to cycling stresses which cause fatigue. Stress corrosion failures can occur
shortly after the load is applied but may not occur for months or years later. Such failures occur without warning. It is
believed that when corrosion occurs microscopic cracks develop in the high stress areas. The combined effects of stress and
corrosion cause the crack to grow inwardly which reduces the cross-sectional area. Eventually, when the cross-sectional area
can no longer support the load, the fastener breaks. The rate offailure depends on the level of stress, the corrosive conditions
and the metallurgical properties of the fasteners.

Hydrogen-Assisted Stress-Corrosion Cracking (HASCC) is similar to stress-corrosion cracking. HASCC takes place when
stress-corrosion cracking is accelerated by the presence of hydrogen which is generated in a service application. Hydrogen
generation may be due to a galvanic couple, for example, between aluminum and iron in the presence of water. Even
fasteners which might resist stress-corrosion cracking alone can fail ifservice-generated hydrogen is diffused into the surface
of the fastener. Sufficient tension stress for HASCC may be caused by normal tightening of the fastener during installation.

The Specification for Aluminum Structures (2005 and 2010 editions) requires that bolt and tapping screw materials, for
coated carbon steel, have hardness less than Rockwell C35. Only certain types ofstainless steel ( e.g., 300 series and at least
one particular type, which meets a chromium content criterion, in the 400 series) are permitted for fasteners that are to be
installed in aluminum. These provisions are intended to avoid the occurrence ofHASCC.

Stress Embrittlement is similar to hydrogen embrittlement and, like hydrogen embrittlement, it is non-corrosion related.
Hydrogen generated through the service environment, not in manufacture, causes stress embrittlement. For example,
hydrogen can be absorbed into the surface of an uncoated fastener when caustic substances, such as soap and detergents,
come in contact with nitrates and silicates. Metals most susceptible to stress embrittlement are steels heat-treated to high
strength levels and with high carbon content. In carbon steel fasteners, the higher the hardness, the greater the chance of
stress corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement and stress embrittlement. Hydrogen-assisted stress-corrosion cracking (HASCC)
may occur if an installed (tightened) fastener's hardness equals or exceeds Rockwell C35 and the fastener is in contact with
aluminum in the presence ofmoisture.

This review of hydrogen embrittlement, stress corrosion, hydrogen-assisted stress-corrosion cracking and stress
embrittlement has been presented to point out how dangerous failures may occur in high strength steel fasteners. Hardened,
high strength fasteners with a Rockwell hardness of C35 and greater are most susceptible. This hardness range is often
associated with tensile strengths of 150 ksi and greater. Reliable fasteners depend on carefully controlled manufacturing
processes which reduce to a minimum the chance of hydrogen embrittlement. Designs for curtain wall anchoring systems
must take into account the stresses for which fasteners must be selected and the coatings to be employed in order to eliminate
problems due to galvanic action and stress corrosion. ASTM standards and technical literature of reputable manufacturers
provide valuable information on these subjects.

Other significant factors, described in the following paragraphs, must be taken into consideration when galvanized high­
strength bolts and nuts are to be used.

Reduction of Mechanical Properties. The heat treatment temperatures for certain types of high-strength bolts, Type 2 A 325
for example, is in the range of the molten zinc temperatures for hot-dip galvanizing, and, therefore, there is a potential for
diminishing the heat treated mechanical properties by the galvanizing process. For this reason, AISC Specifications require
that such fasteners be tension tested after galvanizing to check the mechanical properties.

Nut Stripping Strength. Hot-dip galvanizing affects the stripping strength of the nut/bolt assembly because to accommodate
the relatively thick zinc coating on bolt threads it is usual practice to tap the nut oversize. This overtapping results in a
reduction in the amount of engagement between the steel portions of the male and female threads with a consequent
approximate 25% reduction in stripping strength. Only the stronger hardened nuts have adequate strength to meet
specification requirements with the reduction due to over-tapping.

Torque Involved in Tightening. Hot-dip galvanizing both increases the friction between the bolt and nut threads and also
makes the torque induced tension much more variable. Lower torque and more consistent results are provided if the nuts are
lubricated. Refer to ASTM A325 for specifications and ASTM A563 for testing requirements.

Shipping Requirements. Galvanized bolts and nuts are to be treated as assemblies and shipped together. Purchase of
galvanized bolts and galvanized nuts from separate sources is not recommended because the amount of over-tapping
appropriate for the bolt and the testing and application oflubricant would cease to be under the control of a single supplier. In
that case the responsibility for proper perfonnance of the nut/bolt assembly would become obscure.
There are many devices designed to keep the fasteners commonly used in curtain wall framing from loosening or turning out
due to thermal movements, building movements, wind forces or vibration. Those commonly used are the various types of
lock washers including pyramidal, internal tooth, external tooth, helical spring, serrated flanges and SEMS assemblies. Also
used, to a lesser degree, are locking devices or methods such as nylon patches, plastic screw inserts, nylon insert lock nuts,
thread locking compound, distorted threads, and dissimilar numbers of threads per inch for fasteners and their nuts or tapped
holes. These devices can effectively prevent loosening of fasteners due to building movements and vibration induced by wind
or other causes. Appropriate devices should be selected for the specific applications in which they will be used.

Another important criterion for choosing a locking device is its torque limiting ability. Where fasteners are used in extruded
aluminum screw chases there is a tendency for the threads in the aluminum to strip if too much torque is applied to the steel
fastener. However, if a lock washer is used, especially a toothed lock washer, the friction between the steel washer teeth and
the softer aluminum surface is usually great enough to cause the fastener to tighten before stripping of the aluminum chase
occurs. If a torque specification is given for a particular fastener application, it is important that the specification be followed
to prevent stripping.

Not all fasteners in a framing system require locking devices to resist vibration or torque Limiting devices. Generally those
fasteners which would be considered main structural fasteners or anchors in curtain wall applications, and those which attach
moving parts to the framing require the consideration of these types of devices. Fasteners which hold shear blocks in place,
perimeter fasteners for windows and storefronts and those which hold light trim in place do not require locking or torque
limiting devices.

The sources of fastener vibration are basically two: wind and machinery. Vibrations induced by changes in wind pressure
tend to be of low amplitude and rather long cycle times. Vibrations induced by machinery will tend to be of greater amplitude
and of much higher frequency. Most curtain wall framing applications do not encounter vibration sources other than those
induced by the wind. Machinery induced vibrations, though of infrequent occurrence, are serious in nature and should be
carefully analyzed. It will be assumed that only wind induced vibrations occur in the framing connections described herein.

A.AMA TIR-A9-14 Page 8

Copyrighl by the American Archlleclural Manufac1urera Assodalloli (AAMA). This cloeument was purchased by Lill! CumiD. of ChfM Nau lnsf of Slanda<dlli\llon on Thu Mar 19 2015. It ma y
not be reproduced. republished or dislributed ln any format wllhoul the expt&SS written consent of AAMA.
The safety factors used in this document have been determined after a study of several industry standards. A working definition
of safety factor (SF ) is the ratio of an installed fastener's nominal strength to its allowable value, for a given failure mode.
Nominal strength is based on the specified value of minimum ultimate stress for the fastener or the joined material, as applicable.

A safety factor is used in the Allowable Strength Design (ASD) method. This method was used to determine the allowable
values presented in this document. There is also another design method, termed the Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD) method. In LRFD, the combined use of a load factor m (greater than 1) and a resistance factor <p (less than 1) is the
equivalent of using a safety factor. That is, SF = m/cp. Load factors are given in the governing building code. Resistance
factors, also termed strength-reduction or capacity factors, are given in the specification for the structural
material/components being connected. Currently, some specifications present design rules using both methods, but other
specifications use only one of tbe methods.

For fasteners of 1/4" or less in diameter, SF equal to 3.0 has been used in thisTIR to generate allowable values.This value is
used in both the North American Specification for Cold-formed Steel Structures (2007 and 2001) and the 2010 Specification
for Aluminum Structures for this size range of tapping screws. This value exceeds the largest implicit value (2.20) for at least
some fasteners, in this size range, that are addressed by the Specification/or Cold-formed Stainless Steel Structural Members
(ASCE 8). Both annealed and cold-worked conditions were evaluated. The value of 2.20 occurs for the annealed condition
and assumes a load factor of 1.6.

It is noted that design provisions for tapping screws (1/4" maximum diameter) first appeared in editions of the first two of the
above standards that were published after the first (1991) edition ofTIR A9, which used Sp equal to 2.5. Hence the allowable
values in the presentTIR, for this size range, are less than in the 1991 edition.

For fastener diameters that exceed 1/4", but are less than or equal to l ", the presentTIR uses a Sp equal to 2.5.This equals or
exceeds safety factors associated with the standards that were studied. For the range from 0.25" to less than 0.5", there is
limited guidance available in the reviewed standards. The largest value (2.40) determined is based on the stainless-steel
specification. It is for the annealed condition and a load factor of 1.6.

For diameters from 0.5" to I", the aluminum specification uses Sp= 2.34 for aluminum bolts. For implicit safety factors, the
cold-formed steel specification and the stainless-steel specification use maximum values of 2.31 and 2.42, respectively.The
AISC steel specification (Specification for Structural Steel Buildings; 2010) uses a nominal safety factor, designated as n,
equal to 2.0. This is a nominal value because the fasteners' nominal strength values are based on gross cross-section area
rather than tensile or root area, for tension and shear respectively. Note that the cold-formed steel specification also uses
gross areas. Because of this design simplification, the "true" value of the safety factor varies with the fastener diameter and
type of load (tension or shear).

To determine more accurate values of safety factor for each bolt diameter, the minimum-ultimate tension strengths for each
of several bolt types (A307, A325, A449 and A490) were calculated using tensile areas and AISC material properties.These
values were then divided by the corresponding allowable values based on the AISC procedure. Shear values were also
computed.The ultimate-to-allowable ratios (Sp) constitute more accurate values of the safety factors. For most diameters, the
ratios did not equal 2.0.The values of Sp range from 1.92 for 0.5'' diameter (A490, tension) in the 2005 edition to 2.48 for 1"
diameter (A307, shear) in the 1989 edition. Although the 1989 edition did not use n, it did use gross areas and allowable

For shear, in addition to use of root areas, the ultimate shear stress for each material (fasteners and tapped materials) was
approximated by (Fru /,/3). This is equal to about 0.577 Fru , where Fru is the minimum tensile strength of the given
material. The ratio of root area to tensile area varies from 0.911 to 0.929 for UNC fasteners with diameters of 0.5" to 1".
Using 0.75" diameter as an example, 0.577 (0.924) equals 0.533.This is the ratio of the fastener's shear strength to its tensile
strength. This value agrees with the ratio of shear to tension strengths (nominal stresses), for threads in the shear plane, for
values in the AISC specification (2005).

For fasteners with diameters from 0.5'' to l ", given the range of "true"· Sp values for the bolts in the AISC specification and in
other specifications, it was decided to select one value of Sp that would equal or exceed all of the "true" values. This is a
conservative approach for this TIR that simplified the calculation procedure and permitted the use of a consistent method
(using tensile and root areas) of determining allowable values for a broad range of fastener diameters and material types, and
several types of connected materials.
Fastener Load Tables provide numerical values for evaluating the loaded performance of threaded fasteners of various metals
and range of sizes. The performance (e.g., structural design) of the metal components being connected must be detennined
separately, except for items (e.g. bearing) included in the tables and other sections of the TIR. The values given are for
quality fasteners in round clearance holes or tapped holes as noted. When specifying fasteners, the designer, in addition to
specifying loaded performance, must specify fastener quality, corrosion resistance and minimum mechanical properties.
Specification of these items is usually done by appropriate reference to ASTM or other recognized standards. It is the
responsibility of the designer/engineer/architect to determine the availability of fasteners.

The two general types of fasteners described in this report have either machine threads or spaced threads. The thread angle of
both types of threads is 60 degrees. Machine threaded fasteners have threads which are closely spaced in accordance with the
diameter/pitch combinations of the Unified Coarse Thread Series (UNC), as shown in Figures 7.1 (external threads), 13.2
(external threads) and 13.3 (internal threads). The form of Unified Threads is specified in ANSI/ASME Bl.I, Unified Inch
Screws Threads (UN and UNR Forms). Fasteners with spaced threads, as shown in Figure 7.2, have an expanded thread pitch
which results in the spaced threaded fastener having fewer threads per inch than a fastener with machine threads of the same

Unified Coarse Machine Threaded Fasteners (UNC) are generally used in either clear holes with mating nuts or in tapped
holes. Thread cutting screws with machine threads are used to cut their own threads in pre-drilled holes. These screws carry
tensile and/or shear loads. Spaced threaded fasteners are generally used only as tapping screws. Most thread forming screws
and some thread cutting screws have spaced threads. Like fasteners with machined threads, these fasteners carry tensile
and/or shear loads. However, due to the smaller number of threads per inch, spaced threaded fasteners have smaller effective
tensile and shear areas than machine threaded fasteners of the same nominal diameter. Also, for a given length of external
and internal thread engagement, fewer threads will resist fastener tension. This in turn means that a spaced threaded fastener
will, in many cases, have lower pullout resistance than a comparable fastener with machine threads. However, this is not
always true for thin materials. To provide conservative values, the allowable tensile and shear strengths for fasteners with
spaced threads are based on a minimum cross-sectional area. This area is found by using the minimum minor diameter (root
diameter) and neglects any additional strength provided by the threads.

The following equations are used to determine the values shown within Tables 20.1 through 20.13.

Nominal Thread Diameter (D) values, for major diameter, are b ased on IFI Fastener Standards tables for both UNC and
spaced thread fasteners.

Tensile Stress Area A(S) for UNC Threads is based on a diameter approximately midway between the pitch diameter and
minor diameter.

(7.1) A(S) = n(D - 0.9743/N//4

Thread Root Area A(R) for UNC Threads is equal to the area of a circle with a diameter equal to the basic minor diameter of
the external thread.

(7.2) A(R) = n(D -1 .2269/N/ /4

Thread Root Area A(R) and the Tensile Stress Area A(S) for Spaced Thread use the basic minor diameter (K) in both

(7.3) A(R) = A(S) = nK 2 /4

Allowable Tensile stress values for UNC and Spaced Thread fasteners are based on the lesser of: l ) the tensile ultimate value
of the fastener material divided by the appropriate safety factor or 2) 0.75 of the tensile yield value. The allowable tension
load equals the tensile stress area (A(S)) x the allowable tension stress.

(7.4) TA = A(S)Fr

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noi 6ereproduced, republsh&d or dlslributec:t In any fonnal without Ille express written consent of AAMA.
Allowable Shear values for UNC and Spaced Thread fasteners are based on the lesser of the I) shear ultimate values of the
fastener material divided by the appropriate safety factor or 2) 0.75 of the shear yield values. Allowable shear loads equal the
shear stress area (Thread Root Area A(R)) x the allowable shear stress.

(7.5) VA = A(R)Fv
Allowable Bearing values for UNC and Spaced Thread fasteners are based in part on the steel or aluminum bearing ultimate
values of the connection or base material divided by the appropriate safety factor. Reference Section 8.0 for bearing
equations for both steel and aluminum.

The tapped material thickness needed to develop the allowable tensile capacity ofUNC and spaced thread fasteners, as shown
in Tables 20.1 through 20.13 is based on the largest thickness as governed by equations for the internal thread strength of the
tapped material or external thread strength of the fastener. Internal thread strength is determined by the lesser of: 1) pull-out
values (for thin, medium (transition) or thick material, as applicable) or 2) 0.75 shear yield of internal threads. External
thread strength for the fastener is the lesser of: 1) the thread's shear ultimate (thread stripping strength) divided by the safety
factor or 2) 0.75 shear yield of external threads. Equations use TSA(I), TSA(E), and N. By solving the equations (see Section
I 0.0) for thickness (t) and setting PA equal to the fastener's basic allowable tension TA , the equations, in Section I0.0, provide
the minimum thickness (t = tM ) of tapped material that is needed to develop TA , based on internal and external-thread
strength. Note that, typically, the length of thread engagement L 8 must equal or exceed tM. The greater value of tM, based on
internal and external thread strengths, governs. Reference Section I 0.0 for a more detailed explanation of pullout and of thin,
medium (transition) and thick material.

Maximum Tensile Load values, for Available 3/8" Plate Thickness, for both steel {A36) and aluminum (6063-T5 and 6063-
T6), are based on the least of: 1) the basic allowable tension for each fastener, 2) the allowable pull-out value of the internal
thread tapped material, and 3) the allowable value for the external fastener thread. Reference Section 10.0 and Section 21.0
for additional information.

Fasteners subjected to combined tensile and shear loads are limited by the below interaction equation, which applies to all
fasteners regardless of size. Reference Section 11.0 and the Cold Formed Steel Specification for additional interaction
considerations for fasteners installed in thin (t � 3/16 ") steel.

a.. .··.· ,· ... . .. '•
. ..
�.. . . . .. • :·• • •• • J, .

• ·: • ''1

. ..
....... ..
,, .
·. ·. •··.. · ··:MAJOR DL�METER/2'· :, ..
. :�.
:�,19·�_o". i°A�··� �t�rv2·:-�. - ·. ·._··-�-
.. . . . . : . . .I.
.. ..
N = THREADS/INCH · :·Mir�J°oR 01AMETE.Rti.. · -� ·
. "'1: . . ; •, •, •

FIGURE 7.1: Unified Coarse Threads, External

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FIGURE 7.2: Spaced Threads, External

8.1.1 BOLTS Per the cold-formed steel specification, the allowable force PA8 for bolt bearing is:

(8.1) PA8 = C mp d t Fu/D.

This is for cases where bolt-hole deformation is not a consideration. For allowable stress design, n = 2.5 for bolts. For the
case of dft < 10, C = 3.0. This applies to all of the fastener sizes in the tables, for t =0.125". For no washer, or only one
washer, in a single shear connection (or outer plies of double shear connections), mp = 0.75. Thus:

(8.2) PA8 = 0.9 d t Fu

This equation was used to generate the table values for bearing on steel. It applies when the edge distance (e), in the load
direction, is at least 1.8 d. For the above values of C and mp , it produces a somewhat lower value (about 5% lower) than the
equation for bolt-hole deformation considered. If dft c 10, the value of C is less than 3, and can be as low as 1.8 for large
d/t· For some conditions, such as a washer at both the head and nut, and/or the inside sheet of a double shear connection, an
mp value larger than 0.75 is permitted. Refer to the cold-formed steel specification for details.

For 1.8 d > e c 1.5 d, the allowable bolt bearing (PA85) is limited by edge distance (e) from center ofa standard hole to the
nearest edge ofthe connected part, in the load direction. The factor fl equals 2.0. The equation is:

(8.3) PABE = t e Fu/D. = 0.5 t e Fu

Note that if e equals 1.8 d, then PABE equals PA8 in Eq. 8.2. Minimum Spacing and Edge Distance

For bolts, the minimum spacing (between centers of standard holes) is 3d, and the minimum edge distance (center ofstandard
bole to edge ofpart) is l .Sd. For oversize and slotted holes, provide a minimum of 2d clear between edges ofadjacent holes
and a minimum of 1.0d between the hole edge and the member edge.

8.1.2 SCREWS For tapping screws, for which Q equals 3.0 and the edge distance (center of screw to edge of part, in load direction) is
at least 2.7d, the allowable bearing PAs is given by:

(8.4) PAs = 2.7 d t Fu/D. = 0.9d t Fu

This is the same equation as allowable bearing for bolts. Thus the table values for bearing on 1/8" thick steel apply to both
bolts (with nuts) that are installed in clear holes and to screws that are installed into tapped holes (no nuts) in a connected

For screws with edge distance e (in the direction ofload) less than 2.7 d, but c 1.5 d, the allowable bearing is:

(8.5) PASE = t e Fu/D. = t e Fu/3.0 = 0.333 t e Fu

Ife = 2.7 d, then PASE equals PAs in Eq. 8.4.

For shear-loaded screws in tapped holes, another possible failure mode is screw tilting. This limit state is to be considered if
t2/c < 2.5, where t2 is the thickness ofthe component not in contact with the head. The tilting equation is:

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If 2/t � 1.0, then allowable shear is the least of the values based on fastener strength, tilting and bearing (for each of the
connected thicknesses). If1.0 < z/ti < 2.5, allowable shear is based on linear interpolation between the tilting and bearing
allowable values. Based on calculations, tilting does not govern for the case of d ::: 0.25" and t2 � 1/8". For t2 = 1/8" and d �
0.3125", the equations indicate that allowable shear is governed by screw tilting rather than bearing. For d � l"and t2 <
1/8", tilting may govern (calculation is needed), but the specification addresses only d � 0.25". Minimum Spacing and Edge Distance

Screw spacing is to be a minimum of 3d between screw centers. The edge distance is to be at least 1.5d, from screw center to
the edge of a connected part. If conditions differ from those described in the foregoing paragraphs, reference should be made to Sections E3 (bolts)
and E4 (screws), and the Appendix, of the 2007 edition of the North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members (AISI) for the procedures to be followed in determining the allowable bearing strength, minimum
spacing and minimum edge distances. Refer also to Supplement No. 2 (2010).

8.2 Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes for Steel (thickness > 3/16")

8.2.J BOLTS Per the AISC specification, the following equations provide the allowable bearing load PA8 based on the projected
area of bolts in shear connections with the clear distance Le (in the force direction, between edge of hole and edge of part or
of adjacent hole) not less than 2.0d, unless noted otherwise. The value of Q is 2.0.

The following equation, for connections where deformation at service load is a design consideration, applies to standard,
oversized or short-slotted holes (independent of loading direction), and to long-slotted holes (in a slip-critical connection; see
AISC specification) with load parallel to slot length:

(8.7) PA8 = 2.4 d t Fu/n = 1.2 d t Fu

In long-slotted holes with the slot's length perpendicular to the direction of the load:

(8.8) PAB = 2.0 d t Fu/n = 1.0 d t Fu

The above equations apply only if Le, in the load direction, is at least equal to 2.0d. Note that allowable bearing values are
less for Le < 2 d than for connections where Le � 2 d . If clear distance Le < 2 d, but Le is greater than the minimum,
then the following equations apply.

For bolts (in standard, oversized or short-slotted holes) for which Le < 2d:

(8.9) PAB = 1.2 Let Fu/n = 0.6 Let Fu

For a bolt in a long-slot, for which load is perpendicular to slot length and Le < 2d:

(8.10) PA8 = 1.0 Let Fu/n = 0.5 Let Fu

Based on the AISC equations, if 1.2 Fu is the allowable bearing stress, then Le must not be less than 2.0d. If Le < 2d but
edge distance e (center of hole to nearest edge of part or adjacent hole, in the load direction) is at least equal to the minimum
(eu) in the table below, then the applicable equation (Eq. 8.9 or 8.10) which includes Le is to be used. Minimum Spacing for Steel (t > 3/16")

The distance between centers of standard holes shall be not less than 2.67d. A distance of 3d is preferred. Note that, for the
nominal value of Le to be at least 2d between adjacent holes, a bolt spacing of at least (3d + 1/16") is needed for standard

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not f>e reproduced. rapubllslled 0< crsa tributed In any ronnat without the expreu written consent ofAAMA. Minimum Edge Distance for Steel (t > 3/ 16")
The distance e, from the center of a standard hole to the nearest edge of the connected part, shall be not less than the
applicable value of eM in the following table.

Bolt Diame ter d Min. Edi:.c Distance ellri

(in) (in)
1;? 3/4
s;R 7/
s 1-
1 1


If deformation around a hole is not a design consideration, oversized and slotted holes are involved, edge distances smaller
than tabulated minimums are proposed and/or conditions differ from those described in the foregoing paragraphs, reference
should be made to Section J3 (bolts) of the 2010 edition of the Specification/or Structural Steel Buildings (AISC) for washer
requirements and/or the procedures to be followed in determining the allowable bearing strength, minimum spacing and
minimum edge distances.

8.3 Allowable Bearing at Bolt and Screw Holes for Aluminum

8.3.1 BOLTS

For bolts connecting aluminum components, the allowable bolt-bearing load PA8 for standard round holes is given in the
following equation. This value shall be used for an edge distance (eA ) of2d or greater, where eA is the distance from the
bolt's center to the edge of the connected part. The value of Q is 1.95.

(8.11) PAB = 2 d t Fru /fl = 1.026 d t Fru

For edge distances (eA ) less than 2d, but� 1.5 d, the allowable bearing load is:


For bolts in slotted holes:

(8.13) PAs = 1.33 d t Fru ff>. = 0.682 d t Fru

This allowable load is equal to 2/3 of the allowable bearing for bolts in standard round holes. The clear distance Le (edge of
part to the near edge of slot; perpendicular to the slot length) and the slot length are both to be sized so as to avoid over­
stressing the aluminum between the slot and the part's edge.

8.3.2 SCREWS

For bearing of tapping screws joining aluminum components, for which Q equals 3 .0, the allowable bearing PAs is:

(8.14) PAs = 2 d t Fru /fl= 0.667 d t Fru

For the above equation, which was used to generate aluminum-bearing values in the load tables, the edge distance eA (screw
center to edge of connected part) is greater than or equal to 2d. Note that this equation, for screws in tapped holes, produces a
lower value than the equation for allowable bolt bearing, for bolts wiith nuts.
If the edge distance (eA) is less than 2d, but� 1.5d, then the allowable bearing is:
(8.15) PAs = t eA Fru /Q = 0.333 t eA Fru
Screw tilting is also a potential failure mode for shear-loaded screws in tapped holes, where t1 s; t2 and t2 is the thickness of
the part not in contact with the screw head. The allowable load PAsr for tilting is:


If tzft 1 s; 1.0, then allowable shear is the least of the values based on fastener strength, tilting and bearing (for each of the
connected thicknesses). Based on calculations, tilting does not govern for the case of d s; 0.5'' and t2 � 1/8". For t 2 =
1/8" and d� 0.5625", the equations indicate that allowable shear is governed by screw tilting rather than bearing. For
d s; 1" and t 2 < 1/8", tilting may govern (calculation is needed), but the specification addresses only d s; 0.25".

8.3.3 BOLTS & SCREWS Minimum Fastener Spacing for Aluminum

For both bolts and screws, the minimum distance between fastener centers shall be 2.5 times the nominal fastener diameter
(d). Minimum Fastener Edge Distance for Aluminum

For both bolts and screws, the distance eA from the center of the fastener to the edge of the connected part, in any direction,
shall not be less than 1.5 times the nominal fastener diameter (cl). Note that eA equals the sum of 0.5d and the clear distance
Le. For further information on allowable bearing strengths, spacing and edge distances, refer to Sections J3 (bolts) and J5
(screws) in the 2010 edition of Specification for Aluminum Structures (AA). Minimum tensile strengths for a number of
aluminum alloy-tempers can be found in Tables 22. l to 22.12. For fasteners located within I" of a weld, refer to the ADM
for reduced values of Fru for the welded aluminum part.
9.1 STEEL (t � 3/16")

It is recommended that holes for bolts not exceed the sizes specified in Table 9.1 (Table 1 in reference) for friction
connections. Slots longer than these dimensions may be used for expansion or anchor alignment purposes with appropriate
engineering analysis or testing.


Nominal Bolt
Standard Hole Oversized Hole Short-Slotted Hole
Diameter, Long-Slotted Hole Dimensions in.
Diameter, din. Diameter, din. Dimensions in.

1 1 1
< 1/2
d+ 3 d+- (d + 3\) by ( d + �) (d + 3 2 ) by ( 2 to 2 n d
2 16

� 1/2
1 1
(d + 3 ) by (d + {)
(d + t6) by ( 2 to 2 D d

TABLE 9.1 (Table 1 iin reference)

Standard holes shall be used in bolted connections, except that oversized and slotted holes may be used as approved by the
designer. The length of slotted holes shall be normal to the direction of the shear load. Washers or back-up plates shall be
installed over oversized or short-slotted holes in an outer ply unless suitable performance is demonstrated by load tests in
accordance with Section F of AISI S 100-2007 specification entitled, "North American Specification for the Design of Cold­
Formed Steel Structural Members," 2007 Edition.

9.2 STEEL (t > 3/16");from AJSC Specification (2010)

Hole Dimensions
Standard Oversize Short-Slot Long-Slot
Diameter, in.
(Dia.) ffiia.) (Width x Len2th) (Width X Len2th)
1/2 9/16 5/8 9/16 X 11/16 9/16 X 11/4
5/8 11/16 13/16 11/16 X 7/8 11/16 X 19/16
3/4 13/16 15/16 13/16 X 1 13/16 X 17/8
7/8 15/16 11/16 15/16 X 11/8 15/16 X 23/16
1 l 1/16 11/4 11/16 X 15/16 l 1/16 X 21/2
> l 1/8 d+ 1/16 d+ 5/16 (d + 1/16) X (d + 3/8) (d + 1/16) X (2.5 X d)

Table 9.2 (Table J3.3 in reference)

Size and Use ofHoles (Excerpted from ANSI/A/SC 360-10)

The maximum size of holes for bolts are given in Table J3.3 or Table J3.3M, except that larger holes, required for tolerance
on location of anchor rods in concrete foundations, are permitted in column base details.

Standard holes or short-slotted holes transverse to the direction of the load shall be provided in accordance with the
provisions of this specification, unless oversized holes, short-slotted holes parallel lo the load, or long-slotted holes are
approved by the engineer of record. Finger shims up to � in. (6 mm) are permitted in slip-critical connections designed on
the basis of standard holes without reducing the nominal shear strength of the fastener to that specified for slotted holes.

Oversized holes are permitted n any or all plies of slip-critical connections, but they shall not be used in bearing-type
connections. Hardened washers shall be installed over oversized holes in an outer ply.

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Short-slotted holes are permitted in any or all plies of slip-critical or bearing-type connections. The slots are permitted
without regard to direction of loading in slip-critical connections, but the length shall be normal to the direction of the load
in bearing-type connections. Washers shall be installed over short-slotted holes in an outer ply; when high-strength bolts are
used, such washers shall be hardened washers conforming to ASTM F436.

When Group B bolts over 1 in. (25 mm) in diameter are used in slotted or oversized holes in external plies, a single hardened
washer conforming to ASTM F436, except with 5/16-in. (8 mm) minimum thickness, shall be used in lieu of the standard

USER NOTE: Washer requirements are provided in the RCSC Specification, Section 6.

Long-slotted holes are permitted in only one of the connected parts of either a slip-critical or bearing-type connection at an
individual faying surface. Long-slotted holes are permitted without regard to direction of loading in slip-critical connections,
but shall be normal to the direction of load in bearing-type connections. Where long-slotted holes are used in an outer ply,
plate washers, or a continuous bar with standard holes, having a size sufficient to completely cover the slot after installation,
shall be provided. In high-strength bolted connections, such plate washers or continuous bars shall be not less than 5/J 6in.
(8 mm) thick and shall be of structural grade material, but need not be hardened. Ifhardened washers are required for use of
high-strength bolts, the hardened washers shall be placed over the outer surface ofthe plate washer or bar.


The aluminum specification does not provide a table ofhole diameters and slot dimensions, but there are some provisions.

Nominal diameter of bolt holes is to be no more than 1/16" larger than the nominal bolt diameter, unless slip-critical
connections are used. Nominal slot width for bolts is to be no more than 1/16" greater than nominal bolt diameter. Jfthe
nominal slot length exceeds 2.5d and/or the edge distance (bolt center lo part edge) is less than 2d, then the edge distance
(perpendicular to slot length) and the slot length are to be sized so as to avoid over stress in the aluminum along the slot. Slot
length is to be perpendicular to the force, unless slip-critical connections are desired.

For screws, the nominal diameter of clear holes is to be no more than 1/16" larger than nominal screw diameter. For threaded
(pilot) holes, see Tables 21.1 to 21.7. For screw pull-over meeting Eq. 11.2, smaller (tighter) clear holes are required. Refer
to Table 11.1.
The allowable pull-out strength (PA ), for a threaded fastener (screw) installed in a tapped hole, must equal or exceed the
design tension force for each fastener used in a tension connection. Allowable pull-out strength depends on the mechanical
properties of the fastener metal and the tapped-component metal including the allowable shear stress for each metal
(considering alloy and, where applicable, the temper), the fastener diameter (d) and number of threads per inch (n), the
internal and external thread-stripping areas (A rs, and A rsE respectively), the length of engagement (L E ) of the external thread
with the internal thread, and the safety factor (Sp ). Refer to Table 20.1 for dimensional information on Unified Coarse

Although the internal-thread strength (yield or ultimate), for the steel and aluminum materials considered in this Tffi., governs
in more cases than the fastener's external-thread strength, both need to be evaluated. The design value of stripping area, for
both UNC and spaced external-threads, is typically significantly less than that of the corresponding internal threads. For
external and internal thread-stripping areas for UNC threads, see Table 20.1. Thus internal-thread strength controls (i.e., is
less than external-thread strength) only if the fastener material's yield and ultimate stresses are sufficiently high, compared to
the internal-thread material, to compensate for the external threads' smaller stripping area.

If the engagement length is equal to the thickness, then L E = t. Ford � 1/4",SF equals 3.0. Ford � 5/ 16", Sp equals

Fsu is the shear ultimate strength for aluminum. Values of Fsu for various alloy-tempers are given in Table A.3.4 of Part 1 of
The Aluminum Association's "Aluminum Design Manual". For the purposes of this TIR, values for Fsu , for both aluminum
and steel, are conservatively based on Fsu = Fru /,/3, where Fru is the tensile ultimate.

Both ultimate-strength and yield-strength criteria have been considered in determining each fastener's basic allowable tension
and allowable external-thread strengths, as well as the tapped material's allowable internal-thread strength. The following
equations relate the yield-based and ultimate-based allowable stress values, for shear (thread stripping and fastener cross­
section) and tension, respectively:


(10.2) 0. 7 5 Fry = Fru /SF

Solving each of the above equations, for the ratio of yield to ultimate, results in the same equation:

(10.3) Fr rf Fru = 1/ (0.75 SF )

Thus, for Sp equal to 3.0, if the yield-to-ultimate ratio is greater than 0.4444, then the allowable stress value is generally
governed by ultimate strength. Similarly, for Sp equal to 2.5, ultimate strength generally governs the allowable stress value if
FryI Fru exceeds 0.5333. However, for pull-out from "thin" aluminum, the allowable value based on the tapped aluminum
depends on yield, regardless of the Frrf Fru ratio of the aluminum alloy-temper.

The basic allowable tension strength (TA ) for a UNC fastener, where A r is the tensile stress area, is given by the lesser of the
following two equations:



For a spaced-thread fastener, where AR is the root area, the basic allowable tension strength (TA ) is given by the lesser of the
following two equations:



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Copyright by !he American Atehltectural Manufacturers Assoclalion (AAMA� This document waspurchased by J.QdCW!all of ChlOHNad Inst ol $1J1Qdardiza11on oo Thu Mar 19 2015. tt may
not be reproduced. repub5shed or dislributad In any format \\itlloul the express written consent of AAMA.
The allowable pull-out force PA , based on the UNC or spaced-t'hread fastener's external-thread stripping strength (for ultimate
and yield), is given by the lesser of the following two equations:

(10.8) PA = t n ArsE Fr ul(SF../3 )

(10.9) PA = t n ArsE (0.75 Fry) /../3

By solving the above equations for thickness (t) and setting PA equal to the fastener's basic allowable tension TA , the
following equations provide the minimum thickness (t = t M) of tapped material that is needed to develop TA , based on the
fastener's external-thread strength. Note that, typically, the length of thread engagement LE must equal or exceed tM. The
greater value of t M governs for external-thread strength.


(10.J J)

For aluminum components (for a variety of aluminum alloy-tempers) with tapped holes, the equations for allowable pull-out,
based on internal threads only, are given in Section 22.0. These equations are mathematically equivalent (within rounding
accuracy) to the pull-out equations in the specification in the Aluminum Design Manual. There are three behavior regions,
based on thickness: thin (yield controls), thick (shear strength of internal threads governs) and a transition region between
these two.

Note that pull-out values, based on internal threads, are to be divided by k1 if this parameter exceeds 1.0 for the alloy-temper
being considered. Refer to the 20 IO ADM (Part 1: table A3.3 and Chapters D and F) for information on this notch-sensitivity
parameter. Correspondingly, if k1 exceeds 1.0, the minimum thickness (tM) values are to be multiplied by k,. Unless
otherwise noted, the tabulated values of pull-out and minimum thickness in this TIR are for alloy-tempers with k1 = 1.0.

The aluminum pull-out equations were solved for thickness t, in order to determine the minimum thickness (t = tM) of
aluminum needed to develop a UNC fastener's basic allowable tension (TA ). In the following equations, Fru and Fry are for
the alloy-temper used for the tapped aluminum component. The overall range of thickness considered is 0.060" S t S
0.375". See below for the specific thickness range for a particular equation, and for definitions of the quantities C1 and C2 ,
and P1 through PN . The equations are:

Thin (/or 0.060" !: I< 0.080" and P1 STA < PK)


Thin (/or 0.080":;: t:;: 0.125" and P1, STA < PM ):


Thick (/or t � 0.25" and TA � PN ):


Transition (tor 0.125":;: t:;: 0.25" and PM STA S PN ):

The quantities C1 and C2 , and P1 through PN , are given below:

P1 = 0.56 1t d (0.060) Frd(SF./3)

PK = 0.56 1t d (0.080)Fryj(SF ./3)

Pl = 0.665 1t d (0.080) Fry /(Sp ./3)

PM = 0.665 7t d (0.125) Frd(SF ./3)

Similarly, the pull-out equations were solved to find the minimum thickness (t = tM ) of aluminum needed to develop a
spaced-thread fastener's basic allowable tension (TA ). For spaced-thread fasteners, the set of equations is considered to apply
in the thickness range from 0.038" to 0.375", inclusive. As noted, however, individual equations apply to smaller ranges of
thickness. See below for the quantities C3, PR and P5. See UNC equations for Ci , and P1 to Pl . The resulting equations are:

Thin ( for 0.060 � t < 0.080, and P1 $ TA <PK ):


Thin (tor 0.080" $ t $ 2/n, and Pl $ TA $ PR ):


Thick (fort� 4/n and TA � P5 ):


Transition (for 2/n � t::, 4/n and PR STA :;;; P5 ):


The quantities C3 , and PR and Ps , are given below. See UNC equations for Ci , and P1 to Pl .

P1 = 0.56 1t d (0.060) Frd(SF./3)

PK = 0.56 1t d (0.080)Fryj( SF ./3)

PL = 0.665 7t d (0.080) Frd(SF,/3)

PR = 0.665 7t d (2/n) Fryj(SF ,/3)

Ps = 0.9n (4/n) d tFru/(SF./3)

AAMA Tffi-A9-14 Page 22

Copyright by the American Arehltecl\1ral Manufacturen, Association (MMA). This document wa, purch81ed by Llll1 C!.lw!n of China Nau lastA(Standatdlzat)on on Thu Mar 19 2015. 11 may
noi6ereproduced. republished or distributed In any formal wilhoul lhe express writlen con11en1 otAAMA.
For A36 steel components with tapped holes, there are also three behavior regions (thin, thick and transition). For both UNC
and spaced threads, the thin region is conservatively considered to apply to t :5 0.25", and the thick region applies to
t � 0.375". For spaced threads, however, the strength of the internal threads for the thick region (t � 0.375") and the
transition region (0.25" < t < 0.375") is conservatively taken to be the same as for UNC threads.

The pull-out equations used for UNC-thread fasteners, installed in tapped holes in A36 steel, follow. Fru applies to the
tapped steel component. Note that the thin-region equation also applies to spaced-thread fasteners. For the transition and
thick regions for spaced-thread fasteners, n and Ars, are the same as the UNC fastener of the same diameter. For spaced­
thread fasteners, the thin region is considered to begin at 0.038".

Thin (0.060" :5 tM :5 0.25"):


Thick (tM � 0.375"):


Transition (0.25" < tM < 0.375"):

(10.22) PA = (t - 0.25)[3 n ATS/ Fru /(SF .,/3)] + (0.375 - t)[1.7 d Fru fSF]

The preceding equations were solved for thickness t, in order to detennine the minimum thickness (t tM) of steel needed to =
develop a UNC fastener's basic allowable tension (TA ). See below for definitions of PE and PF . For spaced thread fasteners, use
the fastener's basic allowable tension for TA , and use n and A rs, for the UNC fastener of the same diameter. Also, for spaced­
thread fasteners, the thin region is considered to begin at 0.038". The resulting equations are:

Thin (for 0.060 St S 0.25, and TA :5 Pe ):


Thick (fort 2: 0.375" and TA � PF ):


Transition (tor 0.25 < t <0.375, and P8 :5 TA :5 Pp ):



Pe = 0.85 d(0.25) Fru /S F

The minimum thickness (tM ), required to develop a fastener's basic allowable tension strength TA , is given in the preceding
equations based on internal-thread strength. The minimum thickness is based on the greater of the thickness values based on
internal threads and external threads. The length of thread engagement must also equal or exceed tM in order to develop the
basic allowable tension TA . Determination of tM is based on solving the pull-out equations for a required thickness (t = tM)
for a given value of allowable tension (PA = TA ) for the screw. For fasteners with UNC and spaced threads installed in a
particular tapped material, the table values of tM were determined by comparing the basic TA for each fastener with the
maximum value of PA for the thin region (denoted by Pe for steel) and the minimum value for the thick region (denoted by PF
for steel). The equation for the appropriate region was then used to calculate the required tM value. A similar approach was
used for tapped aluminum.

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not be reproduced. republished o, dlsltlboled ln any fonnat without the express written conS6nt ofAAMA.
The values given for minimum thickness t,., in the load tables (Tables 20.1 to 20.13), for both Unified Coarse Threads and
spaced threads, are calculated using the greatest value oft,., (considering pull-out based on internal threads and external
threads) from the applicable preceding equations. Values oft,., that are less than those shown in the tables should not be
used without adequate testing which demonstrates their acceptability. However, for pull-out from steel with thickness less
than 0.038" (spaced thread), the reader may refer to the cold-formed steel specification for design guidance.

Tables 20.1 to 20.13 also list the allowable pull-out values for screws installed in tapped 3/8" thick components, both steel
(A36) and aluminum (6063-TS and 6063-T6). Full engagement of the screw and tapped threads is presumed. For these
tables, three strength items were considered and the least of the three was listed in the table as the allowable value: basic
allowable tension strength of fastener, pull-out allowable based on internal-thread strength, and pull-out allowable based on
external-thread strength.

In addition, Tables 22.1 to 22.12 in Section 22.0, for a variety of aluminum alloy-tempers, present allowable pull-out values
for a range of fastener diameters (UNC and spaced thread) installed in aluminum ofvarious thicknesses. The tables in Section
22.0 are based only on internal-thread strength. In using the tables in Section 22.0, the designer must also consider the
fastener's basic allowable tension strength and its external-thread strength.

There is a limit to the benefit ofincreasing the length ofengagement. In many but not all cases, little, ifany, added allowable
strength is gained by exceeding a length equal to twice the nominal thread diameter. For spaced threads, the effective length
of fasteners with tapered points begins at the point of full diameter threads.
For the case of the screw head in contact with aluminum, per the Aluminum Association's ADM 2010 (Section J.5), there are
three equations to determine allowable pull-over force (PovA ): one for non-countersunk screws, one for non-countersunk
screws with all-metal washers and another for countersunk screws with an 82° nominal head angle.

Non-countersunk screws (* ):

(J 1.1)

Non-countersunk screws with all-metal washers (integral or non-integral with head; t1 ;::: 0.040"; if t1 I Dws > 0.5, use t1 I
Dws = 0.5; see** for hole sizes):


Countersunk screws (0.060" ::: t1 < 0.190"; if t1 Id> 1.1, use t1 Id= 1.1):
(11.3) PovA = (0.27 + 1 .45 t1 /d)d t1 FrnfSF

Cpov = 1.0 for valley fastening and 0.7 for crown fastening, for corrugated roofing and siding; equals 1.0 for
two joined components in contact at the screw
t1 = nominal thickness of the part in contact with the screw head or washer
Fr ui = tensile ultimate stress of part in contact with head or washer
Frn = tensile yield strength of the part in contact with head or washer
Dws = larger of the nominal washer diameter and the screw head diameter, but no greater than 5/8 in.
(16mm). The washer may be integral to tlhe screw head.
Dn = nominal diameter of the hole in the material under the screw head
d = nominal diameter of screw
SF = safety factor ( SF equals 3.0 ford $ 1/4"; SF equals 2.5 ford 2: 5/16")

For * (Eq. 11.1), the allowable pull-over for non-countersunk screws need not be less than the value based on Eq. 11.3 for
countersunk screws. The holes may be as much as 0.062" oversize (i.e., hole diameter$ d + 1/16").

For** (Eq. 11.2), the following nominal hole sizes (average of0.013" oversize) apply:

Screw size d = screw diam. {nom.} Du. = hole size {nom.} Drill bit size

#8 0.164" 0.177" 16
#10 0.190" 0.201" 7
#12 0.216" 0.228" 1
1/4 0.250" 0.266" H

TABLE 11.1

For the case of the screw head in contact with a cold-formed steel member (t $ 3/16"), per the AISI specification (Section
E4), the allowable pull-over force is given by:
(11.4) PovA = 1.5 t1 D'w FTu /Sp

t1 = thickness of connected member in contact with screw head or washer
FTu = tensile ultimate stress of steel member in contact with head or washer
Sp = safety factor (SF equals 3.0 for d $ 1/4"; SF equals 2.5 ford?. 5/16")
Dno = [see definition ofD'w 'J: diameter of round head or integral washer (hex washer-head); width across
diametrically-opposite points of a hex head (no integral washer)
D'w = effective pull-over diameter based on item (1) or (2) below, as applicable:
l ) for no independent washer used beneath a round head, hex washer-head, or hex head:
D'w = Dno $ 0.5''
2) for independent (non-integral; solid) steel washer beneath a round head, hex washer-head, or hex
D'w = Dno + 2 tw + t 1 $ Dw
tw = thickness of steel washer (0.050" minimum for t1 > 0.027")
Dw diameter of steel washer

For requirements for domed (non-solid) washers, refer to the AISI s.pecification.

For a bolt or screw head in contact with a steel member (t > 3/16"), there are no specific design rnles for pull-over in the
AISC specification (20 IO or 2005 editions).

Combined Shear and Pull-over: Interaction Equation for Steel ( t1 $ 0.0445")

In Supplement #2 (issued 2010; Section E4.5.l) to the cold-formed steel specification, there is an interaction equation for
combined shear and pull-over. This applies to certain screw diameters (#12 and #14 screws) and to a particular thickness
range (0.0285" $ t1 $ 0.0445" ). Also, it applies to t2 / t1 ?. 2.5 , where t1 is the sheet in contact with the head,
Fu1 $ 70 ksi, and Dw $ 0.75". Here, Dw is the larger of the head or washer diameter. The supplement's equation has
been written in an equivalent ASD format using allowable shear and pull-over:


V = required shear force (not factored)
T = required tension force (not factored)
PAs = allowable shear strength = 0.9 t1 d Fu 1 = 2.7 t1 d Fu 1 /3.0 = allowable bearing
PAPOV = allowable pull-over strength = 0.5 t1 Dw Fu1 = 1.5 t1 d w Fu1 /3.0

In addition, V $ PASH and T $ PA T must also be satisfied. Here, PAsH is the lesser of the screw's basic allowable shear strength
and its allowable bearing strength on each of components I and 2 ( t1 and t2 ). PA T is the least of three allowable values:
basic tension strength of the screw, pull-out and pull-over. For eccentrically-loaded connections that produce a non-uniform
pull-over force on the screw, a reduced allowable pull-over value (equal to 50% of the normal allowable value) is to be used
in the above equation.

Note that Eq. 11.5 applies only to particular screw diameters used to connect components in a limited thickness range. The
basic interaction equation (see Section 7.0) must also be considered. The basic interaction equation is a function of the
square of two ratios (tension to basic allowable tension, and shear to basic allowable shear) and pertains to all screws and

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 26

Copynghl by the Amef1can Architectural Manufacturers Association (MMA). This clocumenl was purcha$8d by LIii Clmlln ol China Na)I IIJSIPl$1ilodrudl2atlon on Thu Mar 19 2015. It niay
not be reproduced, republished or dislribuled in eny fonnal wilhoul lhe express wrillen oonsenl of AAMA.

Typical location away from corner

.' i,eatet of o.oso In. Of' 1/'l

Typical corner location

Figure J.5.1

Screw Size Screw Diameter D (in.) D .. (in.\ ± 0.007 in.

8 0.164 0.147
10 0.190 0.169
12 0.216 0.190
0.250 0.228

TABLE 12.1: Screw Slot Dimensions(Table J.5.3 in reference)

Reprinted with permissionfrom The Aluminum Association's "Aluminum Design Manual"



-� o � (V, /2.34), max. LJ
J ]

1 1
-- -
1 f
! -.. �- .
screw chase
I ;::; .

r­ ... ..



. f) [ [(2 4)(R - r)] + (8.SP) l

Re (r.Tm) [P± (2rrr.m [(2 4)(R - r))
2 2

V� = ��-='-���-:-;==================--=-
(24)(R - r)] 2 + (8.SP) 2
(Zrrr.m ) + (P. f) [ [
[(2 )(R - r)] 4

Coefficient of friction. For mild steel on aluminum, f= 0.47.


p Pitch of screw, 1/N= Pitch, (in.)


R Major radius of screw thread, (in.)= D/2

Minor radius of screw thread, (in.)
Ratio of area of screw thread engagement (per thread) in screw chase from Equation 14. l .
Mean radius of screw thread, (in.)

Ultimate lateral frictional resistance to sliding of a screw in a screw chase parallel to walls (length) of chase,


T Torque on screw or bolt= Lrm, (lb-in.)

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 28

Copyright by Iha Amet'lcan ArcMectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). This dOCumenl was purchased by LIii Cumin of CIJioaNau IMI o( Standardlz;atlon on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
not be reproduced, republished or distributed In any format \\ilhout Ule express written consent ofAAMA.
Equation 13.1 is based on external threads as shown in Figure 13.2. The ultimate lateral frictional resistance to sliding as
given by this equation is used to determine the shear strength of a screw in a screw chase when loaded parallel to the walls
(length) of the screw chase. Equation 13. l is expressed in tenns of the torque; the major, mean and minor radii of the screw;
the pitch of the screw; and the coefficient of friction between the fastener metal and the aluminum extmsion. Note that the
number of engaged threads is not in this equation, but must be determined separately. To determine an allowable value,
divide Vs/ by a suitable safety factor. For derivation of Equation 13.l, see the Appendix. Figure 13.2 conforms to




FIGURE 13.2: External Threads FIGURE 13.3: Internal Threads

Sample Calculation for 1/4-20 Screw:

R = 0.125 in
r = 0.0944 in
Tm= 0.110 in
P= 0.05 in
T= 50 lb-in
/= 0.47

2nrm 2n(0.110) 0.691=
21lTm f = (0.691(0.47)) = 0.325
Pf= (0.05) (0.47) = 0.0235
24 (R- r) = 24 (0.125 -0.0944) = 0.734
(24 (R- r)J = (0.734) 2 = 0.539
(8 P) = ((8.5) (0.05)) 2 = 0.181

Re = 0.325 from sample calculation for Equation 14.1.

Substituting foregoing values in Equation 13.1 to find the ultimate lateral frictional resistance, parallel to length of chase:

(0.53 co.1s1)
(0.325)( i�o) { co.o5) + (0.325)[ �\;4 }
Vst = ------�----::-;========::--�
(O.S3 (0.l8l)
(0.691) - (0.0235) · [ �\; 4

(147. 7)(0.4257)
Vst =

Vs/ = 94.693 lbs

To detennine the allowable value, divide V5 r by the recommended safety factor.

94.693 lbs
Allowable = = 40.47 lbs
NOTE 1: Reference Figure 13. J for example ofa screw in screw chase when addressing Section 14.0

b b

Figure 14.1 Figure 14.2

a = Angle defining limits of screw engagement in screw chase, (degrees)

= 2cos- 1 (r/R)
A,, = Total area of screw thread engagement, for one thread, in screw chase, (sq. in.)
A,h = Projected thread area of fastener per thread = 1t(R2 - r2);(sq. in.)
R = Major radius of screw thread, (in.)= D/2
r = Minor radius of screw thread or !4 of screw chase dimension (whichever is greater), (in.)
� = Ratio of engaged thread area to total thread area, for one thread, in screw chase = �
2b = Length of engagement, (in.)


R 8
(rr (1:0) - sin a)
A = R 2 ...:....-:.::;,=;,a....--:,.,--
=- _..:..
2 - 2
e Ath r )

See the Appendix 24.0 for derivation of Equation 14.1

Sample calculation for 1/4 - 20 screw:

R = 0.125 in, r = 0.0944 in

a= 2cos-1(r/ )
R = 2cos-1( 0.0944/0.125)
= 2cos- (0.755) = 81.9
1 °

( [�io
9 1)- sin[81.9]
Re =R 2
rr(R 2 - r 2 )
_ 1.4 29 - 0.990
- (O.l25) 2 ( r[ 1 )
r (0. 25) 2 - (0.0944) 2 )
0.4 39
= 0.0156 ( 0.0211 ) = 0.325
or 32.5% thread engagement, per thread

1. Description (including drawing)

a. Size (nominal diameter)
b. Length
c. Head Style
d. Thread Type
e. Point Type
f. Special Features ( e.g., undercut head)
g. Other
2. Metal
3. Minimum Yield Strength
4. Minimum Tensile Strength
5. Hardness (Contact with aluminum)
6. Other (i.e. Manufacturer proprietary coating or plating)


I. Clear or Natural
2. Colored
a. Painted
b. Burned
3. Other


l. As Fabricated
2. Plated
(Refer to appropriate ASTM Standards)
a. Zinc
b. Cadmium
c. Nickel
d. Chromium
3. Black Oxide
4. Waxed
5. Other

D. Fastener Exposure

1. Outside Face ofBujlding

2. Inside Exterior Cover But High Exposure
3. Inside Glazing Pocket
4. Behind Inner Seal Line
5. Visible Inside Building

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 32

Copynght by the American Ardvtectmal ManufaCILlrers Association (AAMA). Tills document was purchased by LQII CWmQ or ChlQft Nau lost of Standa«fifatlpn on Thu Mar 19 2015. tt may
nol be reproduced. republished or distributed In any lcnnat w\lhoul lhe eXl)l'&ss written consent of AAMA
This report contains load tables for 21 different sizes/types of fasteners manufactured from a number of different carbon steel
and stainless steel alloys. Types of fasteners included are Unified Coarse thread machine screws and bolts, and spaced thread
tapping screws. Metric fasteners are not included in this standard. Recommended specifications for protective metallic
coatings for carbon steel fasteners cover zinc, cadmium, nickel and chromium. The stainless steel alloys included have a
range of corrosion resistant properties.

Obviously, it is economically impractical for a fastener manufacturer or supplier to make available in stock all of the fastener
types and sizes in all of the different alloys with all of the different protective coatings available. As pointed out in the
"Protection Against Corrosion" section of this report, many types of stainless steel fasteners are readily available only in
alloys having lower resistance to corrosion than Type 316. SAE Grade 2 and Grade 5 carbon steel fasteners, while generally
available in 6 mm (1/4 in) diameter and larger sizes, may not be readily available in screws less than 6 mm (1/4 in) diameter.
On the other hand, structurally equivalent fasteners for the smaller screws made from commercial grades of steel wire are
readily available. Such items as the type of threads, heads, points and lot size will further influence availability.

Commonly used fasteners are generally available from stock and can be reasonably purchased in small quantity orders.
Fasteners are also available on a custom order basis but will usually require a large quantity of fasteners if a reasonable price
is to be obtained. Often the cost of fasteners in small quantity, custom orders could be so great as to economically rule out
their use.

The designer of curtain wall (fenestration) systems must recognize these limitations in availability and make acceptable
compromises in the selection of fasteners which will assure structural adequacy, effective resistance lo corrosive actions,
satisfactory over-all performance, and a cost which will not adversely affect the economic viability of the wall system.
Stainless-Steel Fastener: Alloy Groups 1, 2 and 3; Condition A; 1/4-20 Screw

Nominal Thread Diameter D=0.250 in

Threads Per Inch N = 20

Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength Fu = 75,000 psi Fu! 3.0 = 2s,ooo psi
Minimum TeDsile Yield Strength Fy = 30,000 psi 0.75 Fy = 22,500 psi

TABLE 17.1

0.75 Fyis the smaller allowable tensile stress, and thus is used to ca lculate allowable loads in Load Table 10.
Also, yield controls because: FrdFru = 30,000/75,000 = 0.40 < 0.444 = 1/(3.0(0.75)) = 1/(0.75 S p)
A(S) = Ar= Tensile Stress Area = (1t/4)(D - (0.9743/N))
= (1t/4)(0. 2 5- (0.9743/ 20))
= 0.0318 2 in 2 ; rounds to 0. 0318 in 2

A(R) =A R=Thread Root Area = (1t/4)(D - (1. 2 263/N))
= (1t/4)(0. 2 5 - (1. 2 263/20))
= 0.0 2 795 in2 ; rounds to 0. 0 2 80 in 2 O

Allowable Tension = TA = 0.75 F y (A r )

= 0.75 (30,000) (0.0318 2 )
= 715.95 lbs; rounds to 716 lb

Allowable Shear (Single) = (0.75 Frf"3)(Ar)

= 0.75(30,000/"3)(0.02795)
= 363.08 lbs; rounds to 363 lbs

Allowable Shear (Double) = 2 (363.08) = 726.16 lbs; rounds to 726 lbs

Allowable Bearing for A36 Steel = 0.9 Fu D t; for I= 1/8" and Fu = 58,000 psi

= 0.9(58,000)(0. 2 5)(0.1 2 5)
= 1,631 lbs
Allowable Bearing for 6063-TS Aluminum = (2/Q)Fru D t; fort = 1/8" and Fru = 22,000 psi
= ( 2 / 3.0) (2 2 ,000) (0. 2 5) (0.1 2 5)

= 458 lbs
Allowable Bearing for 6063-T6 Aluminum = (2/0.)Fru D t; forI - 1/8" and Fru - 30,000 psi
= ( 2 / 3.0) (30,000) (0. 2 5) (0.1 2 5)
= 625 lbs

NOTE 2: Limitations on minimum spacing and minimum edge distance in Section 8. 0

External-Thread Stripping Area (square inches per thread)= TSA(E) = A rsE

= =
TSA(E) ArsE 3.1416(KNMAX) ((1/( 2N)) + 0.57735(ESM/N - KNMAX))
= 3.1416(0. 207) ((1/40) + 0.57735 (0. 2 13 - 0. 207))
= 0.01851 in2 per thread; rounds to 0. 018 in 2 per thread
where: KNMAX = Maximum minor diameter of internal thread (see Table 20.1)
ESMIN = Minimum pitch diameter of external thread (see Table 20.1)
Find minimum thickness (tM ) of tapped material, based on the fastener's external threads, lo develop the fastener's basic
allowable tension. Refer to Section 10.0 (Pull-Out). The larger of the following equations governs.

_ TA sF../3
tM -(
I )-(
715.95(3.o)../3 / .
-0 134 .
/ (N A rsE Fru ) I
((20)(0.01851)(75,000)))- · m

tM = TA ../3/(0.75 N ArsEFry) = 715.95 ../3/((0.75)(20)(0.01851)(30,000)) = 0.1489 in; controls

Note that the yield-to-ultimate ratio (0.40), which is less than the limit of 0.444 calculated previously, also indicates that the
second equation, based on yield, governs.

Internal-Thread Stripping Area (square inches per thread)= TSA(l) = Ars,

TSA(I) =A TS/ = 3.1416(DSM/N) ((1/(2N)) + 0.57735(DSMIN- ENM AX))

= 3.1416(0.241) ((1/40) + 0.57735 (0.241- 0.222))

= 0.02723 in2 per thread ; rounds to 0. 027 in2 per thread
where: DSMIN= Minimum major diameter of external thread (see Table 20.1)
ENMAX= Maximum pitch diameter of internal thread (see Table 20.1)

Find minimum thickness (tM ) of tapped material, based on internal threads, to develop the basic allowable tension of
fastener. See also Figures 17.1, 17.2, 17.3.

A36 steel: P6 = 0.85Fu Dt/SF = 0.85(58,000)(0.25)(0.25)/3.0; for "thin" region

PE = 1,027 lbs > 716 lbs , which is the fastener's basic allowable tension
tM = TA SF /(0.85 D Fru) = 715.95(3.0)/(0.85(0.25)(58,000)) = 0.1743 in
Since 0.1743 in > 0.1489 in for external threads, internal thread strength governs.

6063-T5 aluminum:
PN = 0.25N Ars,Fru f(SF../3) ; lower limit for "thick" region
PN =0.25(20)(0.02723)(20,000)/(3.0../3) =576 lbs< 716 lbs
tM = TA SF ../3/(N ArssFru) = 715.95(3.0) (../3)/(20(0.02723)(22,000)) = 0.3105 in
Since 0.3105 in > 0.1489 in for external threads, internal thread strength governs.

6063-T6 aluminum:
PN = 0.25N Ars,Fru l(SF ../3); lower limit for "thick" region
PN = 0.25(20)(0.02723)(30,000)/(3.0../3) = 7'86 lbs> 716 lbs; thus check next limit
PM = 0.6651t D(0.125)FTv/(Sp ../3) = 0.665 1t (0.25)(0.125)(25,000)/((3.0)../3)
PM = 314 lbs < 716 lbs ; thus use transition equation
tM = (TA -0.25 C1 + 0.125C2)/CC2 -C1 )

where: C1 = 0.6651t D FTY/(SF ../3) = 0.66S 1t (0.25)(25,000)/((3.0)../3) = 2,512.9

C2 = 2 NArs,Fru/(SF ../3) = 2 (20) (0.02723)(30,000)/(3.0)../3 = 6,288.5
tM = (715.95 -0.25(2,512.9) + 0.125 [6,288.5))/(6,288.5- 2,512.9 ) = 0. 2314 in
Since 0.2314 in > 0.1489 in for external threads, internal thread strength governs.

Find allowable tension (least of allowable tension values based on tensile area [TA ], internal thread and external thread) for
tapped 3/8 in plates:

A36 steel: PA =t NArs,Fru /(SF../3) = 0.375 (20) (0.02723) (58,000)/(3.0../3)

= 2,280 lbs; based on internal thread
PA = 2,280 lbs > 716 lbs, which is the fastener's basic allowable tension (TA )
Since 0.375 in > 0.1489 in for external threads to develop TA , the plate can develop TA .
Thus maximum allowable tension equals 716 lbs.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 35

Copyright by the Amenean Archlteetural Menufacturen, Assoclallon (AAMA). This document was purcha88d by L!lll Cwmll of China NoU to!\12( staodacdifatlgn on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
noi 6e reproduced, repubOslled 0< distnbuted In any f0<mat w,thout u,e e,q,rass wnllen consent or AAMA.
6063-TS aluminum:
PA = t N Ars,Fru / (Sp ,/3) = 0.375 (20) (0.02723) (22,000) / (3.0 ,/3)
= 865 lbs; based on internal thread
PA = 865 lbs > 716 lbs,wh ci h is the fastener's basic allowable tension (TA )
Since 0.3 75 in > 0.1489 in for external threads to develop TA , the plate can develop TA ­
Thus maximum allowable tension equals 716 lbs.

6063-T6 aluminum:
PA = t N ATS! FTu / (Sp ,/3) = 0.375 (20) (0.02723) (30,000) / 3.0
= 1,179 lbs; based on internal thread
PA = 1,179 lbs > 716 lbs,wh ci h s i the fastener'sbasic allowable tension (TA )
Since 0.375 in > 0.1489 in for external threads to develop TA , the plate can develop TA.
Thus maximum allowable tension equals 716 lbs.

*NOTE 3: For 6063-T5 aluminum , of thickness less than or equal to 0.500" (12.50 mm), the tensile ultimate strength is
22,000 psi (150 MPa) and the tensile yieldis 16,000 psi (110 MPa). For thicknesses from 0.501" (12.51 mm) to
1.000" (25.00mm), use 21,000 psi (145 MPa)for tensile ultimate and 13,000 psi ( (105 MPa)for tensile yield.
For all thicknesses of 6063-T6 aluminum, the tensile ultimate strength is 30,000 psi (205 MPa) and the tensile
yield is 25,000 psi (170 MPa). SJ values, in parentheses, are per the Aluminum Specification (2010 ed.).
Allowable Tension vs. Thickness; A36 steel, 1/4-20 (st. stl.; cond. A)
(Reference Table 20. 7)

I "r
I I '.�'('
A31 steel ,.P"
' l...ol
I I P' I
0!375 1...11
- I•

.·:.l Ii . .i...,,
I .•
. .,,,
C 2,000

:I I
I .. T�
C ....
,r r:. - • Exterior thrd

, •.
0 I- -interior thrd
.iii 1,600 I .·1
.............. int
..·· .•
. ..·
�-- q - � basic allow

,,"� I

I 'P
_g 1,200 I -min thick
< I I )·· 1
A v- ,,,
.. -- 0 25"
,,•' I
i I
· · , K-�
I . I
H:,,� - �- .


--z16 ..· � !;ii I

....· .i J.,il
. I I
! L.
..·· ....i...•
400 II
... £&Q 1 I
.. 0.06" I

. ·f
I I 0,1141'. I I


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Thickness (inches)


AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 37

Copyright by the American Architocturel Manufocl\Jrers Association (AAMA). This c1ocumen1 was purthasod by .f.!ld ldlmlll ot Cljna Nap Jnsl of S1ao<1a1t11zation on Thu Mar , 9 2015. It may
not be reoroooced. reoubli9hed o,; distributed In anv fcxmat "'1thout lhe express written conseni ofAAMA.
Allowable Tension vs. Thickness; 6063-TS aluminum, 1/4-20 (st. stl.; cond. A)
(Reference Table 20. 7)
I l
I •


- • Exterior thrd
2,000 I -interior thrd

I 1...-

. .v
.............. int
l I
I . .,.;,
- � basic allow
� -min thick

lI I •1,

g 1,500
� I I/ --+--
C ',
0 I�


. ·'"' --....

3 1,000 I �
1,..' I I

-�--... - - - - -
II""' �

.- - - - ._. - - - - - -

6063-TS a ni ,um

- -- -- .�
- l..ol�

� 16 i-- I I
_l,,,I I

I ...•J.111i.-- I !
, I ! --· �
0 �� I


. I
.... - - �---

. I
...... '
0 Q8 .... .... ····· L.,i....


· ·r. ,_ ooi · · ·· ...0.1 ,S'

.... ··· · ,_, I 0.3io5"
I Ii
... I 'V i
0 . ,•'

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Thickness (inches)


AAMA Tffi-A9-14 Page 38

Copyright by the American Architectural Manufacturers Assoculoon (AAMA). Thls document was purdlasod by l.m1 Q.imm ol Ct:,na NaulastpfStangargw,tion co Thu Mar 19 2015. II may
noc b<I reproducec:t, n,pubUshed °' dislributed In any roonat Wllhwt the express wntten consen1 of AAMA.
Allowable Tension vs. Thickness; 6063-TG aluminum, 1/4-20 (st. stl.; cond. A)
(Reference Table 20. 7)

1111 : 111 1111111111 I 111111111111 i I ! 1111 l111JI I 111

i I 1. 1111 1!A11
2,500 I

I I 111111111111111 : I ! I ; I 111111111111111 I i ' i • ' 1 ,�r; I I

2,000 fflfflffl I ..x

-- ffiHE, . �
fl 11111 jl I I lpj,'1 I
11. I ; I
:, 1 500 u I I I I
I I r,_I I


C - · Exterior thrd

n. 1 111 1�1·


I 1. 1I 11I I •i II Ii II I! ! I I I---I I I .1,Ff'; LI UJO:Pld-f! 111 ' I

I- -interior thrd
.............. int

1 1 1
OOO � "1 1

11 I - � basic allow

L I- ).... !- -1-1-t--L-_L� -� �- -- I _ CLPITTTri- 1 �1 L1

t-H1��141++ 1 L1
� -min thick



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Thickness (inches)

FIGURE 17. .3

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 39

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amrzalioo on Thu Mar 19 2015. 11may



Mac:hlne Machine Machine

Fun SizeO'. Full SizoC" Test Test M'achlne
'Bolts, Bolts, Specimens Specimens Test
Screws, Sct'OWS, Specimens
orBolfs, or Bolts, Spec:imens Surface Core Core
Nominal Stud11, Studs, of Bolts, Grade
Grade Prod- Screws, Screws, of Boll$, Hardness Hardness Hardness
S1"8 Ola, Sems, Sems, Screws, Identification
Oeslg- QJtd Studs and Studs Screws, Rockwell Rockwell Rockwell
uets In Proof Tensllo and Studs Marking!'!
.n;,tion YleldPI Tcnsllo and Studs JON Max Min Max
Load Strcmgth Strength Rcduc11on
Strength Elongation
(Slress), (Stress) . (Stress) of Arca
(Stress) Min,%
psi Mln,psl Min.psi

Sc,ews, 1/4 thru
33.000-"l 60,000 36.000 60,000
18 35 - B70 8100 None
Studs \

1/4 thru
Bo�s. 314>1) 55,00()('i 74,000 57,000 74,000 18 35 - B80 B100 Ncne
2 Screws,
Sh.Ids OvOf 314
thru 1-112
33,000 60,000 36,000 60,000 18 35 - B70 8100 Nor.e

4 Sh.Jds
1/4 lhni
65,000 115,000 100,000 115,000 10 35 - C22 C32 Nooe

Bolts, 1(,l thru 1 85,000 120,000 92,000 120,000 14 35 54 C2S C34
Screws, OVer1
stu:ts thru 1-112 74,000 105,000 81,000 105.000 14 35 50 C19 C30 I
5.1!'1 SEMS
85,000 120,000 . . . - 59.5 C25 C40 -- I
1/4 lhl\l 1 85,000 120,000 92.000 120,000 14 35 5o C26 C36 ,....,I ,,, .

Bolts, ,•....1 ......
1/4 th!V
8 Screws, 120.000 150,000 130,000 150,000 12 35 58.6 C33 C39
Stvds ...... ......
1/4 trru
8.1 SIUC!!I 120,000 150,000 130,000 160,000 10 35 SU C33 C39 None

8.2 1/4 lhru 1 120,000 150,000 130.000 150,000 10 35 58.6 C33 C39

1. See footnote 2 of the Scope.

2. Yield strength ls stress al which a permanent set of 0.2% of gage length occurs.
3. Not applicable to studs or slotted and cross recess head products.
4. Proof load test. Requirements in these grades only apply to stress relleved products.
5. Grade 2 requirements for sizes 1/4 through 3/4 in. apply only to bolts and screws 6 in. and shorter In length, and to studs of all
lengths. For bolts and !;crews longer than 6 in., Grade 1 requirements shall apply.
6. Grade 5 material heat treatment before assembly with a hardened washer is an aoceptabie substitute.
7. "Full Size· means a tension test specimen consisting of a completed fastener for testing in the ready to use conclltlon without

TABLE 18.1 (Table 1 in reference, s•h Edition IFI Fastener Handbook)

Reprinted, with pennission, from SAE 1429-2011, Mechanical and Material Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners, copyright SAE
International, 400 Ccmmonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096. A copy of the complete standard may be obtainedfrom SAE Intemationa/,

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Copy,jghl by 1he American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). This document was purchased by Lin CIIIIll!l of Gbioa Nad lost pl Standatdjzatlpn on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
not be reproduced. rel)Ubished or dlslributed In any lonnat wlU10Ut the el(l)r8SS written consent of AAA1A.
TABLE 2 Mechanical Property Requirements"
Full.stze TeslS Machined SPeetrnoo TeslS
Stain· Nomnal Tensile Yield Elon·
Alloy Mechanical Tensile Yield
IOSSAl• Con<lil� Dlame le-, Rockwell s 1h Slrengtl, gaion
Properly Marldng Slr lh Slreoglh,
In. Hardness i:,
loy Group � 1<.,JO,O ksio.o ln-4 D %
AUSlenill:: All s
AF F593A Y, lo I 'h. ircl 65 1085 20 885 max 60 20 40

A F593B v, lol'h. lrct 75 lo 100 30 865 lo 95 70 30 30

(303,304, CW1 F593C •,4 lo%, incl 100 to 150 65 895 lo C32 95 60 20

3CM L , 305, CW2 F5930 ¥, lo 1 •h. lrcl 85 to 140 45 880 lo C32 80 40 25

3&1, SH1 F593A v. lo%,incl 120 lo 160 95 C24 lo C36 115 90 12

SH2 �,inct 110 lo 150 75 C20 lo C32 105 70 15

SH3 � 1 'A, lo 1'.4, ilCI 100 10 140 60 895 loC30 95 55 20

45 B90 lo C28 90 40 28
SH4 fiilQ 1� lo 1'h. incl 95 lo180

AF F593E Y, to 1 'h, lrcl GS lo85 20 885 max 60 20 40

A F593F Y, lo 1 'h,lrcl 75 lo100 30 865 lo 95 70 30 30

CW1 F593G V. lo%,incl 100 lo150 65 895 loC32 95 60 20

2 CW2 F593H ;y, lo 1 V..,Incl 85 lo140 45 880 loC32 80 40 25


] SH1


•,4 lo%, incl

120 lo160


C24 lo C36

C20 lo C32




SH3 F593G 1'4 lo 1 v,. incl 100 lo 140 60 895 lo C30 95 55 20

SH4 F593H 1� lo l•h, Ind 95 lo 130 45 890 lo C28 90 40 28

20 40
AF F593J Y, 1o 1v...1rc1 65 lo 85 20 885 max 60
A F5931< Y, lo 1 V..,Incl 75 lo 100 30 865 lo 95 70 30

60 20
CW1 F59SI.. y, lo%,incl 100 to 150 65 895 lo C32 95

CW2 F593M 'Y, lo1 v... lrcl 85 lo 140 45 880 lo C32 80 40 25

(321,347) 115 90 12
SH1 fill:! V, lo�.Incl 120 lo 160 95 C24 lo C36
SH2 F593K :V.lo1,incl 110lo 150 75 C20 lo C32 105 70
SH3 � 1',f,lo1•.4,ilCI 100 lo 140 60 895 loC30 95 55
SH4 ,� 1o 1v
... incl 95 lo 130 45 890 loC28 90 40 28
Fe-lllicAI s
4 AF F593X v, lo 1 'h. 1rc1 55 lo 75 30 885 max 50 25
(430,430F) A F593N Y, loI •h,lrcl 55 lo 75 30 885 max 50 25

CW1 F593V y, lo �. Incl 6 0 lo 105 40 875 lo98 55 35

CW2 F593W ¥,1o 1 'h lrcl 55 lo 100 30 865 lo95 50 25
Martensllic Alois
5 H F593P y, lo I 'At,incl 110 lo 140 90 C20 lo 30 110 90 18
(410,416, HT F593R Y, lo 1 'h,lrcl 160 lo 190 120 C34 lo 45 160 120 12
6 H F593S v, lo 1 •h. lrcl 125 lo 150 100 C25 lo32 125 100 15
(431! HT F593T V, lo1 v..,
ircl 180 lo 220 MO C40 lo48 180 140 10
Pr!9!!ta� Har<l9!!!!! Allo:i!!
7 AH F593U Y, lo IV... ircl 135 llo 170 105 C28 lo38 135 105 16
"Minimum valUes excepl -e shown as maximum or as a range.
8 Legend of eondlllons:
A-Macl'llned from annealed or sotuton-amealed stock flus relalning h properles of lhe original material,or hOl·lormed and solUlon-annearea.
AF-tteaded and roaed tom amealed stock and tlen reannealea.
AH-Solullon annealed and age-hardenea·afler forming.
CW-Hoaded and rolled from annealed stock thus acquitlng a degee of cold work.; Sizes 0.75 in. and larger may be hot worked and Solullon-annealod.
H-Haldened and lempered al 1050'F (S65°C) mlrimum.
HT-Hardened and lernpered al 525°F (274"C) mhimum.
SH-Macl'kted from strain hardened stock « cold-worked 10 deVelop lhe specined properlles.
o The yield and leoSlle slrenglh values for IUll-size prodlclS shall be compuled by dM<lng the yield and maximum lo nslle load valU8S bV lhe stross area for 1he
Sile and UYead series detennlned In accordance wilh Tosi MelhodS F606 (see Table 4).
0 Yield slrenglh Is lh8 stress al wtich an offset of 02 % gage lenglh OCCU"s.

TABLE 19.1 (Table 2 in reference, S'h Edition IFI Fastener Handbook)

Reprinted, with pennission.from dSIM.EJ.21-LJ.a S.€f!.tJfli!rd.S!JJ:.,i{katiQ!J. [Q.t:. S./JiJ./.JJ.lw :lJ.'1:.l/Jg.fts., lf.g_Q1R�CW!t go{!_S.tud� copyright ASTM lntemational, JOO
Bair Harbor Drili'I!, West C-Onshohocken, PA /9428. A copy ofthe complete standard may be obtainedfrom ASTM lntemational, www.rutm Qrg.

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not &ereproduced, republished or dlstl1bu1ed In any formal wilhoul the express wrillen oonsenl ofAAMA
TABLE 20.1: Fastener Stress Areas and Tap Drill Sizes Unified Coarse Threads (UNC)

l'bmal lSA(E) TSA(O External Threads - Cass 2A htemal Threads -Cass 28 Tapots
Thread 0� A(S) Sa. h/Thread Mlioc Clarreter Alch Clarreter Iffier Clarreter Rich llan'eter KBasi: Comrerciat Dis
llarreter & Thread Tensile A(R) Iffier
Thread Alf Clarreter Stress Area Thread fb)I llarreter Dec.
heh heh Sa. h. Area Sq. h. External hternal Mix. Mn. Mix. Mn. Mn. Mix. Mn. Mix. heh �./Size fquiv�t
f/6..32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 0.0060 0.0090 0.1370 0.1310 0.1170 0.1140 0.1040 0.1140 0.1180 0.1210 0.0997 36 0.1065
#a-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 0.0070 0.0100 0.1630 0.1570 0.1430 0.1400 0.1300 0.1300 0.1440 0.1480 0.1257 29 0.1360
#10-24 0.1900 0.0175 0.0152 0.0110 0.0170 0.1890 0.1820 0.1620 0.1590 0.1450 0.1560 0.1630 0.1670 0.1389 25 0.1495
#12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 0.0130 0.0190 0.2150 0.2080 0.1880 0.1850 0.1710 0.1810 0.1890 0.1930 0.1649 16

1/4-20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0280 0.0180 0.0270 0.2490 0.2410 0.2160 0.2130 0.1960 0.2070 0.2180 0.2220 0.1887 7 0.2010
5/16-18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 0.0260 0.0380 0.3110 0.3030 0.2750 0.2710 0.2520 0.2650 0.2760 0.2820 0.2443 F 0.2570
318-16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 0.0360 0.0520 0.3740 0.3640 0.3330 0.3290 0.3070 -0.3210 0.3340 0.3400 0.2983 5/16 0.3125
7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 . 0.0480 0.0700 0.4360 0.4260 0.3900 0.3850 0.3600 0.3760 0.3910 0.3970 0.3499 u 0.3680
1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 0.0600 0.0860 0.4990 0.4880 0.4490-- 0.4440 0.4170 0.4340 0.4500 0.4570 0.4056 27/64 0.4219
9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 0.0740 0.1060 0.5610 0.5500 0.5070 0.5020 0.4720 0.4900 0.5080 0.5150 0.4603 31/64 0.4844
0.6250 0.2260 0.2071
0.7500 -·0.3345 0.3091
0.0910 -0.1300
0.1210 0.1720
0.5640 0.5590-
0.6830 0.6770
0.5270 0.5460
0.6420 0.6630
7/8·9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4286 0.1590 0.2250 0.8730 0.8590 0.8010 0.7950 0.7550 0.7780 0.8030 0.8110 0.7387 49164 0.7656
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 0.2070 0.2920 0.9980 0.9830 0.9170 0.9100 0.8650 0.8900 0.9190 0.9280 0.8466 7/8 0.8750
Formulae Used in calculating Table Values Annlieable Material
A(�= n{D-(!).9743/N)f /4
- -�·
- -
UNC Fasteners /Ill Diameters --------
- -
-- -- -- -----

A(R) = njD-(1.2269/N}f/4 - - - - · - . UNC Fasteners /Ill Diameters - � - . - -

A(S)=nK2/4 -- -·
- -·--
-- /Ill Spaced Thread Fasteners
A(R)=nK2/4 ___ -
-- -
/Ill Spaced Thread Fasteners .__ ... _, _ ....... - - .. .
TSA(I) = (!!XDSW!Nl{(1/(2N J+!@).'.':)(DSMIN-�NIMX)) /Ill UNC Fasteners
----- -
TS}{E)= (n�MAX){ (1/(2N)+[(3)VZX.ESMIN-K NIMX)) ---------- - � .All UNC Fasteners
T�(I) = T�I) f2_r UNC �as�ners �I Spa� Thread i:aslene'! _ -
TA.S(E) = TSA(E) for UNC F��er!_ -· - --- ..-- ------------ - - - -
--- - --------- -
.All Spaced Thread Fasteners
.Allowable Tension= lesser of: {(Fu)(A(S) J)/SF and 0.75 F1(A(S)J
.Allowable Tension= lesser of: {(Fu)[A(R)�F and 0.75 F1(A( Rll _
·------ - UNC Fasteners .All Diameters - -
/Ill Spaced Thread Fasteners
Pllowabl : Single ��r= (Fv HA(R)) =Fu/ ( SF xsq rt (3)) - /Ill Fasteners ---- -- ----. -- ---
Pllowable l?_o�ble �h�= (2)(FvHA(R))= (2)Fu / ( SF xsq rt (3))
------- /Ill Fasteners - -�-- -----
--� -
----------- --·--_ _
___________ -----
Pllowable Bearing A'36 = (0.9)( FU"36XDXta)
- .All Fasteners .. .. -· � ...
.Allowable Bearing 6063·TS = (Fers)(D)(ta) .All Fasteners " .. -�
Pl�wable Bearing 60_6 3-T6 = {�mXD)(ta) /Ill Fasteners
Pitch· P= 1M
K = ID· (1.2269/Nll
-- -----

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no1 be reproduced, republished °' di41ributed In any fonnat wlihout thAI express written consent olAAMA.
TABLE 20.2: Fastener Capacity

SAE Grade 2 Steel for llameters up lhru 9116' (U'IC Threads)

Mnirrum 11/aterial Thickness (lbs)

A(R) to Equal Tensile Capacity of Maximum TensUe Load (lbs) for
Norrinal D
Fastener Norrinal A(S) Thread Allow able Shear Allowable Beam Clbsl Fastener (in) Available 318' Rate Thickness
Tensile �t Allowable 118' 118' 118' 318' 318' 318'
llameter Thread
& Threads llameter Stress Area Area Tension Single Double Steel Alurrinum Alurrinum Sleet Aluninum Alurrinum
Clbsl Clbs l (lbsJ A36 6063-T5 6063-TS A36 6063-T5 6063-T6 A36 6063-TS 6063-T6
oer Inch (inl (in2) Un 1
0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 224 111 222 900 253 345 0.0988 0.2005 0.1522 224 224 224
#8-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 346 177 353 1,070 301 410 0.1282 0.2487 0.1900 346 346 346
0.0175 0.0151 432 216 431 1,240 348 475 0.1385 0.2524 0.1951 432 432 432
#10-24 0.1900
#12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 596 304 608 1,409 396 540 0.1679 0.3044 0.2274 596 596 596
0.0318 0.0280 785 398 796 1,631 458 625 0.1911 0.3404 0.2497 785 785 785
114-20 0.2500
0.0524 0.0469 1,552 801 1,603 2,039 573 781 0.2507 >318' 0.3276 1,552 1,303 1,552
5/16-18 0.3125
0.0775 0.0699 2,294 1,194 2,389 2,447 688 938 0.2742 > 318' >318' 2,294 1,572 2,144
318-16 0.3750
0.1063 0.0961 3,147 1,643 3,286 2,855 802 1,094 0.2945 >318' >318' 3,147 1,873 2,554
7116-14 0.4375
0.1419 0.1292 4,200 2,208 4,417 3,263 917 1,250 0.3183 >318' >318' 4,200 2,140 2,918
112-13 0.5000
0.1819 0.1664 5,386 2,843 5,687 3,670 1,031 1,406 0.3511 >318' >318' 5,386 2,444 3,333
9116-12 0.5625

SAE Grade 2 Steel (Spaced Threads\

Mnimum 11/aterial Thickness (lbs)
A(R) to Equal Tensile Capacity of Maxirrum Tensile Load (lbs) for
Norrinal D
Fastener t«>ninal K Thread Allow able Shear Allowable Bearin , llbs\ Fastener (in Available 318' Rate Thickness
�I 118' 118' 118' 318' 318' 318'
l'larreter Thread Basic Moor Arqwable
& Threads Diameter Diameter Area Tension Single Double Steel Alurrinum Aluninum Steel Aluninum Aluninum
oer Inch (inl (inl (in2 1 (lbs\ (lbs) (lbs) A36 6063-T5 6063-TS A36 6063-TS 6063-T6 A36 6063-T5 6063-T6
0.0990 0.0077 190 110 219 900 253 345 0.1191 0.1418 0.1191 190 190 190
#S-20 0.1380
0.1160 0.0106 261 151 301 1,070 301 410 0.1437 0.1611 0.1437 261 261 261
#8-18 0.1640
0.1350 0.0143 353 204 408 1,240 348 475 0.1401 0.1852 0.1516 353 353 353
#10-16 0.1900
0.1570 0.0194 478 276 551 1,409 396 540 0.1820 0.2166 0.1820 478 478 478
#12-14 0.2160
0.1850 0.0269 663 383 766 1,631 458 625 0.1797 0.2418 0.1967 663 663 663
114-14 0.2500
0.2360 0.0437 1,295 748 1,495 2,039 573 781 0.2428 0.3026 0.2453 1,295 1,295 1,295
5/16-12 0.3125
0.2990 0.0702 2,078 1,200 2,400 2,447 688 938 0.2811 >318' 0.2969 2,078 2,017 2,078
318-12 0.3750

SAE Grade 2 (s 9116') For AR Diameters Bfective Area (UNC Threads) Effective Area (Spaced Ttveads)

Fu (Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 74,000 psi F-r=Fu/ SF A(R) =TT (D-1.2269/N\2 I 4 A(R) =nK'/4
Fr (Allow. Tensile Stress, °'114") 24,667 psi Allowable Tension= FrlA(S)) A(S) = TT (D-0.97431N\2 I 4 A(S)=nK2/4
Fr{Allow. Tensile Stress: O> 114') 29,600 psi Fv =Fu / ( SF x sq rt (3))
Fv (Allowable Shear Strass: 0$1141 14,241 psi Allowable Single Shear �F.{A(R))
Fv (Allowable Shear Strass: 0>114') 17,090 psi

1. Values are taken from AJSC, ASTM, IF/, SAE and AA documents. K values/or spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in /Fl Fastener Handbook, 8th Ed.
2. Safety Factor used/or fasteners with diameters 1/4" or less is 3.0, Safety Factor usedfor fasteners with diameters 5/16" or greater is 2.5.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page43

������<:����'!��:'.!"L�re.:!..�.!:'.���;..�e=:'�";l� by l&!i� ol China N§U 1031ofSlil04a!t!1zatign on Thu Mar
19 2015. llmay
TABLE 20.3: Fastener Capacity

SAE Grade 5 Steel for Oiarreters up lhru 9/16" (tx«: Threads)

AS1M A 449 Steel for Oiarreters 5/8" and Over (tx«: Threads) .,

Mnirrum Material Thickness (lbs)

llk>rrinal 0 A(R) to Equal Tensle Capacity of Maxirrum Tensile Load (lbs) for
Fastener llk>rrinal A(S) Thread Alt:IN able Shear Alowable Bearin (lbs) Fastener !in) Available 318" Rate Thickness
Osrreter Thread Tensle Root Alowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 'J/8" 318" 318"
& Threads Oiarreter Stress Area Area Tension Single Double Steel Aluninum Aluninum Steel Aluninum Aluninum
Der heh linl (in2l lin2l (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) A36 6063-TS 6063-1'6 A36 6063-TS 6063-1'6 A36 6063-TS 6063-1'6
#6-32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 363 180 360 900 253 345 0.1602 0.3046 0.2268 363 363 363
#8-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 560 286 573 1.070 301 410 0.2079 >318" 0.2953 560 522 560
#10-24 0.1900 0.0175 0.0151 701 350 700 1,240 348 475 0.2246 >3/8" 0.3001 701 643 701
#12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 967 493 986 1,409 396 540 0.2594 >3/8" 0.3619 967 734 967
1/4-20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0280 1,273 646 1 291 1,631 458 625 0.2745 >3/8" >'J/8" 1,273 865 1.179
5/16-18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 2,517 1,299 2,599 2,039 573 781 0.3144 >3/8" > 'J/8" 2,517 1,303 1,776
3/8-16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 3,719 1,937 3,874 2,447 688 938 0.3518 >3/8" >'J/8" 3.719 1,5n 2,144
7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 5,103 2,664 5,328 2,855 802 1,094 >'J/8" >3/8" > 3/8" 4,937 1,873 2,554
1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 6,811 3,581 7,162 3,263 917 1,250 >'J/8" >3/8" >318" 5,642 2,140 2,918
9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 8,733 4,611 9,222 3,670 1,031 1,406 >3/8" >318" >318' 6,444 2,444 3,333
5/8-11 0.6250 0.2260 0.2071 10,848 5,738 11,477 4,078 1,146 1,563 >3/8" >318' >3/8" 7,148 2,711 3,697
3/4-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 16,054 8,565 17,130 4,894 1,375 1,875 > 3/8" >318" >'J/8' 8,612 3,266 4,454
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 22,163 11,876 23,753 5,709 1,604 2,188 >'J/8" >318' >'J/8' 10,158 3,853 5,254
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 29,076 15,601 31,203 6,525 1,833 2,500 >'J/8" >318' >'J/8" 11,696 4,437 6,050

SAE Grade 5 Steel(Spaced Threadsl

Mnirrum Matetial Thickness (lbs)
r-brrinal 0 A(R) to Equal Tens le Capacity of Maxirrum Tensle Load (lbs) for
Fastener f'.bninal K Thread Alowable Shear Alowable Bearing llbsl Fastener (in) Available 3/8" Rate Thickness
!lameter Thread Basi:: Mnor Root Alowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 318" 318' 318"
& Threads Oiarreter Clameter Area Tension Single Double Steel Aluminum Alurrinum Steel Aluminum Alurrinum
Der heh linl linl ( in2) (lbs) llbsl (lbs) A36 6063-TS 6063-1'6 A36 6063-TS 6063-1'6 A36 6063-TS 6063-1'6
#6-20 0.1380 0.0990 0.0077 308 178 356 900 253 345 0.1358 0.1907 0.1543 308 308 308
#6-18 0.1640 0.1160 0.0106 423 244 488 1,070 301 410 0.1569 0.2175 0.1758 423 423 423
#10-16 0.1900 0.1350 0.0143 573 331 661 1,240 348 475 0.1834 0.2517 0.2028 573 573 573
#12-14 0.2160 0.1570 0.0194 774 447 894 1,409 396 540 0.2182 02995 0.2380 774 774 774
1/4-14 0.2500 0.1850 0.0269 1,075 621 1,242 1,631 458 625 0.2617 0.3593 0.2696 1,075 1,075 1,075
5/16-12 0.3125 0.2360 0.0437 2,100 1,212 2,425 2,039 573 781 0.3407 >3/8' 0.3430 2,100 1,681 2,100
3/8-12 0.3750 0.2990 0.0702 3,370 1,946 3,892 2,447 688 938 >318" >3/8' > 318' 2,773 2,017 2,751

SAE Grade 5 (s 9/16") ASThl A449 (� 5/8") For Al Diameters Effective Area IUICThreadsl Etlacllwl Area (Spaced Threads)
Fu (Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 120,000 psi 120,000 psi F,. =F,/SF AIRl = n l[).1.22691N)2 14 A(Rl = nK1/4
Ft (Allow. Tensie Stress, OS1/4") 40,000 psi !'¥A Alowable Tension= Fr[A(S) l AISl - n /[).0,974�2 / 4 A/Sl =nK'/4
Fr (Allow. Tensie Stress, D>1/4") 48,000 psi 48,000 psi Fv= Fu/( SFx sa rt (3))
Fv(Allowable Shear Suass: �114') 23,094 psi NIA ,,_bleSingleShear •FyjA(R)]
FvfAllowable Shear Strass· 0>1/4"1 27713 OSI 27,713 osi

1. Values are takenfrom AJSC, ASTM. IF/, SAE and AA documents. K values for spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in IF/ Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed.
2. Safety Factor used for fasteners with diameters 1/4" or less is 3.0, Safety Factor used for fasteners with diameters 5/16" or greater is 2.5.
3. Fasteners with diameters of 5/8" or grea/er are fabricatedfrom carbon steel complying wilh ASTM A449 Type

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page44

Copyright by the American Arcllltectural Manufad\Jrers Assodallon (AAMA). This document was purdiued by 1.11d Qumln of Cijna Natl IQSIofS!8Qdardlzation on Thu Mar 19 201S. It may
not be Nlf)roduced, republlshed or distributed in any foonat without the express written consent of MMA.
TABLE 20.4: Fastener Capacity

Grade A CarbOn Steel 60 KSI .

ASlMA 307 Steel (lN: ThreadsI
MnirrumWaterialThickness (lbs)
l'-minal to Equal Tensile Capacity of Maxirrum Tensle Load (lbs) for Avalable
Fastener A(S) A(R) Alow able Shear Alow able Bearino (lbs) Fastener lin 3/8" Rate Thickness
Darreter D Tensile Stress Thread Root 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/8" 3/8"
&Threads l'-minalThread Area Area Allow able Tension Single Double Steel Alurrinum Aluninum Sleet Alurrinum 3/8" Alurrinum
oer nch aarreter tinl /in 21 (in21 llbs l (lbsl (lbsl A36 6063-T5 6063-T6 A36 6063-TS 6063.T5 A36 6063-TS 6063-T6
1/4·20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0280 636 323 646 1,631 458 625 0.1549 0.2760 0.2103 636 636 636
5/16-18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 1,258 650 1,299 2,039 573 781 0.2042 0.3623 0.2657 1,258 1,258 1,258
3/8-16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 1,860 969 1,937 2,447 688 938 0.2506 >3/8" 0.3253 1,860 1,572 1,860
7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 2,551 1,332 2,664 2,855 802 1,094 0.2722 >3/8" 0.3747 2,551 1,873 2,551
1/2·13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 3,406 1,791 3,581 3,263 917 1,250 0.3135 >3/8" >3/8" 3,406 2,140 2,918
9116-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 4,367 2,305 4,611 3,670 1,031 1,406 0.3511 >3/8 " >3/8" 4,367 2,444 3,333
5/6-11 0.6250 0.2260 0.2071 5,424 2,869 5,738 4,078 1,146 1,563 >3/8" >3/8" >3/8" 5,192 2,711 3,697
3/4-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 8,027 4,283 8,565 4,894 1,375 1,875 >3/8" >3/8" >3/8" 6,286 3,266 4,454
7/8•9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 11,082 5,938 11,876 5,709 1,604 2,188 >3/8" >3/8" >3/8" 7,472 3,853 5,254
1·8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 14,538 7,801 15,601 6,525 1,833 2,500 >3/8" >3/8" >3/8" 8,606 4,437 6,050

Fu (Min. Ulllmate Tensile Strength)

60,000 psi
I For Al Darrelers
Fr =F .. / SF
Bfeclive Area (UNCThreadsl
A(Rl = n (D-1.226an-n2 / 4
Fr (AQow. Tens�e Stress,OS1/4") 20,000 psi Allow able Tension = Fr!A(S)] A(Sl = n 1D-0.9743/Nl2 / 4
Fr {AOow. Tensile Stress, D> 1/4") 24,000 psi 1', = Fu / ( SF x sq rt (3 1)
Fv(AUowable Shear Strass; O.s.114")
Fv (Allowllble Shear Strass: 0>1/4") '
11,547 psi
13,656 psi
I Alow able Sinale Shear =1',IA(Rll

1. Values are taken from AISC, ASTM. lFl, SAE and AA documents. K values/or spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in lFl Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed.
2. Safety Factor used for fasteners with diameters 1/4" or less is 3.0 , Safety Factor used for fasteners with diameters 5/16" or greater is 2.5.

���°.!,.,������������v��= eM�==��- by l.lldkM!Illl of Chjna Nay ID$!ofS!andanl@tion on Thu Mar 19 2015.11 may
Page 45
TABLE 20.5: Fastener Capacity

'• ASTM A 325 (UNC Threads) ·'

Mnirrum Material Thickness (lbs)

Norrinal D A(R) to c:qual Tensile capacity of Waxirrum Tensile Load (lbs) for
Fastener Norrinal A(S) Thread Allowable Shear Allowable Bearino (lbs) Fastener (in Available 3/8" Rate Thickness
aameter Thread Tensile Stress Root Allowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8"
& Threads Diameter Area Area Tension Single Double Steel Alurrinum Alurrinum Steel Alurrinum Alurrinum
oer Inch (in) lin2) lin2) libs) (lbs) libs) A36 6063-T5 6063-T6 A36 6063-TS 6063-T6 A36 6063-T5 6063-T6
1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 6,811 3,581 7,162 3,263 917 1,250 > 3/8" > 3/8" > 3/8" 5,642 2,140 2,918
9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 8,733 4,611 9,222 3,670 1,031 1,406 > 3/8" > 3/8" > 3/8" 6,444 2,444 3,333
5/8-11 0.6250 0.2260 0.2071 10,848 5,738 11,477 4,078 1,146 1,563 > 3/8" > 3/8" > 3/8" 7,148 2,711 3,697
3/4-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 16,054 8,565 17,130 4,894 1,375 1,875 > 3/8" > 3/8" > 3/8" 8,612 3,266 4,454
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 22,163 11,876 23,753 5,709 1,604 2,188 > 3/8" > 3/8" > 3/8" 10,158 3,853 5,254
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 29,076 15,601 31,203 6,525 1,833 2,500 > 3/8" > 3/8" > 3/8" 11,696 4,437 6,050

I I ASTMA325 (� 1/2") For All Diameters Effective Area (UNC Threads)

A(R) = TT (0.1.2269/N) I 4

Fu (Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 120,000 psi Fr = Fu/ SF
Fr (Allow. Tensile Stress, DS1/4")
I NIA Allowable Tension= Fr[A(S)J A(S) = TT (0.0.9743/N)2 / 4

Fr (Allow. Tensile Stress, D> 1/4") .48,000 psi Fv = Fu / ( SF x sq rt (3))
Fv (Allowable Shear Strass; Ds1/4") NIA Allow able Sinqle Shear =Fv[A(R)]
Fv /Allowable Shear Strass: 0>1/4"1 ., 27,713 osi

I. Values are taken from AJSC, ASTM. !FI, SAE and AA documents. K values for spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in IF/ Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed.
2. Safety Factor used/or fasteners with diameters 112" or greater is 2.5.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 46

Copyright by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). This document was purchased b y Lml l&iDlll ol China Nau Inst of Stondardtzatlon on Thu Mar, 9 20,s. It may
not be reproduced, republished or distributed in any format wiUlcut Ule expreu written consent of A.AMA.
TABLE 20.6: Fastener Capacity

ASTM A 490 (U\IC Threads) Material Thickness (lbs)

Jlbrinal D A{R) to equal Teosie Capacity of Maxim.Jm Tensie Load {lbs) for
Fastener Nofl'inal A{S) Thread Alow able Shear Alowable Beaml (lbs) Fastener (il Available 3/8" Rate Thickness
Oameter Thread Tensile Root ADowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8"
& Threads Diameter Stress Area Area Tension Single Double Steel Alurrinum Alurrinum Steel Alurrinum Alurrinum

• •• • • • • • •• •
oer nch {in) {in2) {in2) {lbs) {lbs) {lbs) A36 6063-TS 6063-TS A36 6063-TS 6063-TS A36 6063-TS 6063-TS
1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 8,514 4,476 8,953 3,263 I > 3/8" 5,642

• • •
9116-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 10,917 5,763 11,527 3,670 > 3/8" 6,444
• • • •
5/8-11 0.6250 0.2260 0.2071 13,560 7,173 14,346 4,078 > 3/8" 7,148

• • • •
3/4-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 20,068 10,706 21,413 4,894 > 3/8" 8,612
• • • • •
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 27,704 14,845 29,691 5,709 > 3/8" 10,158
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 36,345 19,502 39,004 6,525 > 3/8" 11,696

ASTM A490(� 1/2") For AU aameters Effective Area {l.JIIC Threads)

Fu (Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 150,000 psi F,, =Fu/ SF A(R) =TT {0.1.22691N)2 / 4
Fr (Allow. Tensile Stress,OS1/4') NIA Alow able Tension = F,,[A(S)] A(S) = TT (0.0.97 43/N)2 / 4
Fr (Allow. Tensile Stress. D> 1/4") 60,000 psi Fv = Fu / ( SF x sq rt (3))
Fv(Allowable Shear Strass; Ds1/4") NIA Alowable Single Shear =F-.IA(R)J
Fv(Al lowable Shear Strass: 0>1/4'\ 34,641 osi

I. Values are takenfrom AJSC, ASTM, IF/, SAE and AA documents. K values/or spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in IF/ Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed.
2. Safety Factor used/or fasteners with diameters 112" or greater is 2.5.
3. The Aluminum Design Manual stales A490 bolts shall not be used where it may contact aluminum.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 47

-· ._ ___..__. _,..._.. - MtnN,•.,."' am; fntmAt wi,thnlrt � � wnttM cons4!1nt rJ ANAA.
� by lhe Am1ncan � Mnl!ICIUnWS As-.on (MMA). Thll doclJment..,,,. � t,y Llld� d C1101NdInstgtStMJdDaila5an on Thu Mar 19 2015. fl may
TABLE 20.7: Fastener Capacity

STAN.ESS STEB. - Alloy Groups 1. 2 and 3. Condition A (UIJC)

Mnirrum Material Thickness (lbs)

Norrinal 0 A(R) to l:qual Tensile Capacity of MaxirTUm Tensile Load (lbs) for '
Fastener Noninal A(S) Thread Alow able Shear Allowable Bearirn llbsl Fastener (inl Available 3/8" Rate Thickness
Dametar Thread Tensile Root Allowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8"
& Threads Dameter Stress Area Area Tension Single Double Steel Aluninum Aluninum Steel Aluninum Aluninum
oerhch linl (ln2) (ln2l Clbsl (lbs) Clbsl A36 6063-TS 6063-TS A36 6063-T5 6063-T6 A36 6063-T5 6063-TS
#6-32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 204 101 203 900 253 345 0.0901 0.1874 0.1416 204 204 204
#8-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 315 161 322 1,070 301 410 0.1170 0.2311 0.1759 315 315 315
#10-24 0.1900 0.0175 0.0151 394 197 394 1,240 348 475 0.1263 0.2346 0.1814 394 394 394
#12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 544 277 555 1,409 396 540 0.1532 0.2776 0.2109 544 544 544
1/4-20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0280 716 363 726 1,631 458 625 0.1743 0.3105 0.2314 716 716 716
5116-18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 1,180 609 1,218 2,039 573 781 0.1940 0.3396 0.2492 1,180 1,180 1,180
3/8-16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 1,744 908 1,816 2,447 688 938 0.2358 >3/8" 0.3049 1,744 1,572 1,744
7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 2,392 1,249 2.498 2,855 802 1,094 0.2722 >3/8" 0.3513 2,392 1,873 2,392
1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 3,193 1,679 3,357 3,263 917 1,250 0.3135 > 3/8 " >3/8" 3,193 2,140 2,918
9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 4,094 2,161 4,323 3,670 1.031 1,406 0.3511 > 3/8" >3/8" 4,094 2.444 3,333
518-11 0.6250 0.2260 0.2071 5,085 2,690 5,380 4,078 1,146 1,563 >3/8" > 3/8" >3/8" 4,868 2,711 3,697
3/4-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 7,525 4,015 8,030 4,894 1,375 1,875 >3/8" > 3/8" >3/8" 5,893 3,266 4,454
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 10,389 5,567 11,134 5,709 1,604 2,188 >3/8" >3/8" >3/8" 7,005 3,853 5,254
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 13,629 7,313 14,626 6,525 1,833 2,500 >3/8" >3/8" > 3/8" 8,068 4,437 6,050

STAN.ESS STEEL.-Allov Grouos 1, 2 and 3, Condition A CSoaced Threads!

Mnirrum Malenal Thickness (lbs)
Noninal 0 A(R) to Equal Tensile Capacity of MaximJm Tensile Load (lbs) for
Fastener Nomnal K Thread Alow able Shear Allowable Bearin, llbsl Fastener (in Available 3/8' Fla!e Thickness
CXameter Thread Basic Mnor Root Alowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8"
. & Threads Dameter llameter Area Tension Single Double Steel Aluninum Aluninum Steel Aluminum Atuninum
per heh /in) (inl /in2l /lbs) libs) (lbs) A36 6063-TS 6063-TS A36 6063-T5 6063-TS A36 6063-TS 6063-T6
#6-20 0.1380 0.0990 0.0077 173 100 200 900 253 345 0.1191 0.1349 0.1191 173 173 173
#8-18 0.1640 0.1160 0.0106 238 137 275 1,070 301 410 0.1437 0.1531 0.1437 238 238 238
#10-16 0.1900 0.1350 0.0143 322 186 372 1,240 348 475 0.1401 0.1759 0.1444 322 322 322
#12-14 0.2160 0.1570 0.0194 436 251 503 1,409 396 540 0.1820 0.2055 0.1820 436 436 436
1/4-14 0.2500 0.1850 0.0269 605 349 698 1,631 458 625 0. 1797 0.2285 0.1864 605 605 605
5116-12 0.3125 0.2360 0.0437 984 568 1,136 2,039 573 781 0..2428 0.2553 0.2428 984 984 984
3/8-12 0.3750 0.2990 0.0702 1,580 912 1,824 2,447 688 938 0.2802 0.3059 0.2802 1,580 1,580 1,580

Cond. A For Al Dameters Effective Area (UIICThreadsl Effecv,,e Area /Spaced Thtoads)
Fu (Min. Ullimate Tensile Strength) 75,000 psi F,- = 0.75 F. ACRI= TT 10-1.2269/N\2 / 4 AIR) =nK'/4
Fr(Allow. Tensile Stress, 0.1/4' ) 22,500 psi Allowable Tension= F,,IA(Sll A(S) = TT (D-0.9743/N\2 / 4 Al$) =nK'/4
Fr(Allow. Tensile Stress, O> 1/4') 22,500 psi Fv = 0.75 F./ (sa rt 13))
Fv(Allowable ShearSlrass: 0$.1/4') 12,990 psi =FvlA (R) l
FvlAllowable ShearStrass· 0>1/4') 12 990 osi
1. Values are taken from AISC. ASTM, IF/, SAE and AA documents. K values for spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in IFl Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed.
2. Safety Factor used/or fasteners with diameters 1/4 11 or less is 3.0, Safety Factor used/or fasteners with diameters 5/16" or greater is 2.5.
3. For these groups and condition (A), Fy = 30,000 psi. Thus tensile and shear yields govern the allowable tension and shear values (i.e., 0. 75 Fy < F,/SF)

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page48

Copyright by the American Archltoctural ManufacrurersAssocialion (MMA). This document was purdlased by l.llliCll!mll ol Ctioa Nau Inst o( Standar<ljzjltlon on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
not be �ced. republished o, distributed in any fonnat without the expreu written consent ofPNAA.
TABLE 20.8: Fastener Capacity

STAM.ESS STEB. • Aloy Groups 1, 2 and 3, Condition AF (l.N::)

Mnirrum Mlterial Thickness (lbs)

Nomnal D A(R) to Equal Tensie Capacly of Mlxirrum Tensie Load (lbs) for
Fastener f'.brinal A(S) Thread Allowable Shear ADow able Bearin , libsl Fastener (in Available 3/8" Aate Thickness
Cliarreter Thread Tensle Fblt At:ffl able 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 318" 3/8' 3/8"
& Threads Diarreter Stress Area Area Tension 5-,gle Double Steel Alurrioom Aluninum Steel Alurrinum Aluninum
per heh (r,) (in2l (in2l (lbsl (bsl (lbs\ A36 6063-TS 6063-TS A36 6063-TS 6063-TS A36 6063-TS 6063-T6

-' #6-32 0.1380 0.0091 0.Qlli_ 136 68 135 900 253 345 0.0879 0.1419 0.1167 136 136 136

- #8-32 0.1640
#10-24 0.1900
#12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 362 185 370 1,409 396 540 0.1325 0.1997 0.1537 362 362 362
1/4-20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0280 4n 242 484 1.631 458 625 0.1489 0.2170 0.1682 477 477 477
5116-18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 786 406 812 2,039 573 781 0.1940 0.2319 0.1940 786 786 786
! 318-16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 1,162 605 1,211 2,447 688 938 0.2319 0.2772 0.2319 1,162 1,162 1,162
0.1063 0.0961 1,595 833 1,665 2,855 802 1,094 0.2722 0.3193 0.2722 1,595 1,595 1,595
- 7/16-14 0.4375 0.1419 0.1292 2,128 1,119 2,238 3,263 917 1,250 0.3135 0.3730 0.3135 2,128 2,128 2,128
1/2-13 0.5000
9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 2,729 1,441 2,882 3,670 1,031 1,406 0.3511 > 318' 0.3511 2,729 2,444 2,729
518-11 0.6250 0.2260 0.2071 3,390 1,793 3,586 4,078 1,146 1,563 >318" >3/8' >3/8" 3,245 2,711 3,245
314-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 5,017 2,677 5,353 4,894 1,375 1,875 >3/8' >3/8' >3/8" 3,929 3,266 3,929
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 6,926 3,711 7,423 5,709 1,604 2,188 >318' >3/8' >3/8' 4,670 3,853 4,670
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 9,086 4,875 9,751 6.525 1,833 2,500 >318' >318" >318' 5,379 4,437 5,379

STAIIII.ESS STEB. • Alov Groups 1, 2 and 3, Condition AF ISMced Threads)

Mnirrum Mlterial Thickness (lbs)
Noninal D A(R) to Equal Tensile Capacly of Mlxirrum Tensile Load (lbs) for
Fastener Nooinal K Thread Alowable Shear Allowable Bearing llbsl Fastener (in) Available 3/8' Rate Thickness
Cliarreter Thread Basic M-lor Fblt Allowable 1/8' 1/ 8" 1/8' 3/8' 3/8" 3/8'
& Threads Cliarreter Diameter Area Tension Single Double Steel Alurrinum Alurrinum Steel Aluninum Aluninum
oorhch linl linl lin21 (lbs\ (lbs) (lbs) A36 6063-TS 6063-TS A36 6063-T5 6063-T6 A36 6063-T5 6063-TS
#6-20 0.1380 0.0990 0.0077 115 67 133 900 253 345 0.1191 0.1191 0.1191 115 115 115
#8-18 0.1640 0.1160 0.0106 159 92 183 1,070 301 410 0.1437 0.1437 0.1437 159 159 159
#10-16 0.1900 0.1350 0.0143 215 124 248 1,240 348 475 0.1401 0.1436 0.1401 215 215 215
#12-14 0.2160 0.1570 0.0194 290 168 335 1,409 396 540 0.1820 0.1820 0.1820 290 290 290
1/4-14 0.2500 0.1850 0.0269 403 233 466 1,631 458 625 0.1797 0.1825 0.1797 403 403 403
5116-12 0.3125 0.2360 0.0437 656 379 758 2,039 573 781 0.2428 0.2428 0.2428 656 656 656
3/8-12 0.3750 0.2990 0.0702 1,053 608 1.216 2,447 688 938 0.2802 0.2802 0.2802 1,053 1,053 1,053

Cond. AF I For Al llarneters Bfective Area (U\IC Threads) Threads\

Fu {Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 65,000 psi FT=0.75Fv A(R) =n ID-1.2269/N\ / 4 A(Rl =nK'/4
Fr(Allow. Tensile Stress, 0.1/4') 15,000 psi Allow able Tension =FylA(Sll A(Sl =n (D-0.97431N) 2 / 4 A(S) =nK'/4
Fr (Allow. Tensile Stress, D> 1/4') 15,000 psi FV = 0.75 Fv I (sq rt 13ll
Fv(Allowable Shoat StJass; DS114') 8,660 psi Allowable Single Shear •F·,.""'
Fv (Allowable Shear Strass; 0>114") 8,660 psi
1. Values are taken from AISC, ASl'M, JFJ, SAE and AA documents. K values for spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in JFI Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed.
2. Safety Factor used for fasteners with diamelers 1/4" or less is 3.0, Safety Factor usedfor fasteners with diameters 5/16" or greater is 2.5.
3. For these groups and condition (AF). F1 = 20,000 psi. Thus tensile and shear yields govern the allowable tension and shear values (i.e., 0. 75 F1 < F/SF)

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Pagc49

� by of Ctjna N;,U 1os1otstan gaq1izatjgn on Thu Maris 2015. llmay
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TABLE 20.9: Fastener Capacity
. STAN.ESS STEEi. • Aloy Groups 1, 2 and 3, C.ondtlon ON (l.tlCTreads)

MnirumMaterial Thickness (lbs)

l\bninal 0 A(R) to Equal Tensle capacity of Maxirum Tensle load (bs) for
Fastener Noninal A(S) Thread Alow able Shear Alow able Beari'lg (lbsl Fastener /in Avalable 3/8' Aate Thickness
Oiarreter Thread Tensle Roo t Atrmable 1/8' 1/8' 1/8" 3/8' 3/8' 3/8'
& Threads Diarreter Stress Area Area Tension Single Double Steel Alumnum Aluminum Steel AlurTinum Alull'inum
per heh (in) (in2) (in2) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) A36 6063-TS 6063-T6 A36 6063-T5 6063-T6 A36 6063-TS 6063-TS
#6-32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 303 150 300 900 253 345 0.1335 0.2538 0.1943 303 303 303
#8-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 467 239 477 1,070 301 410 0.1733 0.3356 0.2466 467 467 467
#10-24 0.1900 0.0175 0.0151 584 292 583 1,240 348 475 0.1872 0.3410 0.2501 584 584 584
#12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 805 411 822 1,409 396 540 0.2269 >3/8' 0.3016 805 734 805
1/4-20 0. .2500 0.0318 0.0280 1,061 538 1,076 1,631 458 625 0.2534 >3/8' 0.3373 1,061 865 1,061
5/16-18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 2,097 1,083 2,166 2,039 573 781 0.2867 >3/8' >3/8' 2,097 1,303 1,776
3/8-16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 3,100 1,614 3,228 2,447 688 938 0.3181 >3/8' > 3/8" 3,100 1,572 2,144
7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 4,252 2,220 4,440 2,855 802 1,094 0.3442 >3/8' >3/8' 4,252 1,873 2,554
1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 5,676 2,984 5,968 3,263 917 1,250 >3/8' >3/8' >3/8' 5,642 2,140 2,918
9116-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 7,278 3,842 7,685 3,670 1,031 1,406 >3/8' >3/8' >3/8' 6,444 2,444 3,333
5/8-11 0.6250 0.2.260 0.2071 9,040 4,782 9,564 4,078 1,146 1,563 >3/8' >3/8' >'J/8' 7,148 2.711 3,697
3/4-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 11,372 6,022 12,045 4,894 1,375 1,875 >3/8' >3/8' >3/8' 8,612 3,266 4.454
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 15,583 8,351 16,701 5,709 1,604 2,188 >3/8' >3/8' > 'J/8' 10,158 3,853 5,254
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 20,444 10,970 21,940 6,525 1,833 2,500 >3/8' >3/8' > 3/8' 11,696 4,437 6,050

STAN.ESS STEB. • AloV Groups 1, 2 and 3, Condition ON I& aced Threads l

MnirumMaterial Thickness (lbs)

Norrinal 0 A(R) to Equal Tensle capacity or Maxirum Tensle load (lbs) for
Fastener Norrinal K Thread Alow able Shear Atrmable Bearin� (lbs) Fastener /in) Avaiable 3/8' Aate Thickness
Oiarreter Thread Basic Mnor Root Atrmable 1/8' 1/8' 1/8' 3/8' 3/8' 3/8'
& Threads Diarreter Diameter Area Tension Single Oouble Steel Alumnum Alurrilum Steel Aluninum Aluninum
per heh (in) (in) lin2l l lbs l /lbs) llbsl A36 6063-TS 6063-TS A36 6063-T5 6063-TS A36 6063-T5 6063-TS
#6-20 0.1380 0.0990 0.0077 257 148 296 900 253 345 0.1191 0.1695 0.1378 257 257 257
#8-18 0.1640 0.1160 0.0106 352 203 407 1,070 301 410 0.1437 0.1930 0.1567 352 352 352
#10-16 0.1900 0.1350 0.0143 477 275 551 1,240 348 475 0.1528 0.2225 0.1805 477 477 477
#12·14 0.2160 0.1570 0.0194 645 373 745 1,409 396 540 0.1820 0.2610 0.2115 645 645 645
1/4-14 0.2500 0.1850 0.0269 896 517 1,035 1,631 458 625 0.2181 0.2994 0.2379 896 896 896
5/16-12 0.3125 0.2360 0.0437 1,750 1,010 2,020 2,039 573 781 0.2839 >3/8' 0.2990 1,750 1,681 1,750
'J/8-12 0.3750 0.2990 0.0702 2,809 1,622 3,243 2,447 688 938 >'J/8' >'J/8" > 3/8" 2,773 2,017 2,751

s S/8'Dia. �3/4' Dia.

' Group 1,2,3-Cond. ON For Oiarreters < 3/4' Bfective Area (l.tlC Threads) Elfedlve Alea (Spaced Tlveads)
Fu (Min, Ultimate Tensile Strength) 100,000 psi 85,000 psi F r=F,JSF AIRl=n (0-1.2269/N\2 / 4 AIR) =nK'/4
Fr (Allow. Tensile Stress, 0014') 33,333 psi NIA psi Alow able Tension = F,JA(Sll AISl = TT (0.0.9743/Nl 2 / 4 AISl =nK'/4
F1 (Allow. Tenslle Stret<s, D>114") 40,000 psi 33,750 psi Fv = Fu I( SFx sq rt (3))
Fv (Allowable Shear Strass: 0$.114") 19,245 psi NIA psi Allowable Slnglo Shear •Fv(A(R)J
Fv IAllowable Shear Strass· 0>1/4 '\ 23 094 n.•i 19486 osi
1. Values are takenfrom AJSC, ASTM. /Fl, SAE and AA documents. K values for spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in !Fl Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed. 2. Safety Factor used
for fasteners with diameters 1/4" or less is 3.0, Safety Factor used for fasteners with diameters 5/16" or greater is 2.5.
3. Fasteners with diameters of 3/4" and greater are fabricatedfrom different material than fasteners less than 3/4" in diameter.
4. For diameters of 3/4" and greater, F1=45,00 psi. For these, tensile and shear yields govern the allowable tension and shear values (i.e., 0. 75 F,<F/SF

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 50

Copyright by the American Ald1iteclural Manufaclurers A$sodalion (AAMAi This document was purt:hased by J.Qd � ol China Nall lQSJ or Standa,gjzatlgn on Thu Mar 19 2015. II may
not be reproduc.d, republished« dimbuted In any lonnat without the express wrir.M consent of/V,MA
TABLE 20.10: Fastener Capacity

STAN.ESS STEB.-Alloy Groups 1, 2 and 3, Condition SH (lJIJCTreads)

Mnirrum Ma terial Thickness (lbs)

to 8:!ual Tensie Capacity of Maxirrum Tensie Load (lbs) for
llbninal D A(R)
Alowable Shear Allow able Bearin , /lbs\ Fastener (in Avaiable 3/8" Rate Thickness
Fastener llbrrinal A(S) Thread
llarreter Thread Tensle Root Alowable 1/8" 1/8" 118" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8"
llarreter StressArea Area Tension Single Double Steel Alurrinum Alurrinum Steel Alurrinum Aluminum
& Threads
lin2 ) lln21 llbsl (lbs\ (lbs\ A36 6063-T5 6063-1'6 A36 6063-T5 6063-1'6 A36 6063-T5 6063-1'6
oer Inch llnl
0.0078 363 180 360 900 253 345 0.1602 0.3046 0.2268 363 363 363
116-32 0.1380 0.0091
0.0124 560 286 573 1,070 301 410 0.2079 >3/8" 0.2953 560 522 560
#8-32 0.1640 0.0140
0.0151 701 350 700 1,240 348 475 0.2246 >3/8" 0.3001 701 643 701
#10-24 0.1900 0.0175
0.0214 967 493 986 1,409 396 540 0.2594 >3/8 " 0.3619 967 734 967
#12-24 0.2160 0.0242
0.0280 1,273 646 1,291 1,631 458 625 0.2745 >3/8 " >3/8" 1,273 865 1,179
1/4-20 0.2500 0.0318
0.0469 2,517 1,299 2,599 2,039 573 781 0.3144 > 3/8 ' >3/8" 2,517 1,303 1,n6
5/16-18 0.3125 0.0524
0.0699 3,719 1,937 3,874 2,447 688 938 0.3518 > 3/8' >3/8" 3,719 1,572 2,144
3/8-16 0.3750 0.0775
0.0961 5,103 2,664 5,328 2,855 802 1,094 >3/8" >3/8" > 3/8" 4,937 1,873 2,554
7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063
0.1292 6,811 3,581 7,162 3,263 917 1,250 >3/8" >3/8" >3/8" 5,642 2,140 2,918
1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419
0.1664 8,733 4,611 9,222 3,670 1,031 1,406 >3/8" > 3/8" >3/8" 6,444 2,444 3,333
9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819
0.2260 0.2071 9,944 5,260 10,520 4,078 1,146 1,563 >3/8" > 3/8" >3/8" 7,148 2,711 3,697
5/8.-11 0.6250
0.3091 14,716 7,851 15,703 4,894 1,375 1,875 >3/8" >3/8" >3/8" 8,612 3,266 4,454
3/4-10 0.7500 0.3345
0.4285 20,316 10,887 21,m 5,709 1,604 2,188 >3/8" >3/8" > 3/8" 10,158 3,853 5,254
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617
26,653 14,301 28,603 6,525 1,833 2,500 >3/8" >3/8' >3/8" 11,696 4,437 6,050
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630

STAN.ESS STEB.-Ato{ Groups 1, 2 and 3, Condition SHIS"""ed Threadsl

Mnirn.lm Ma terial Thickness (bs)
to E:qual Tensie Capacity of Maxirrum Tensie Load (lbs) for
llbminal D A(R)
Alowable Shear Alow able Bearili , libsl Fastener !in Available 3/8" Rate Thickness
Fastener Norrinal K Thread
Claireter Thread Basic Mnor Root Alowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/8" 3/8" 318"
llarreter Area Tension Single Double Steel Aluninum Aluninum Steel Aluninum Aluminum
& Threads llarreter
(lbs) {lbs) A36 6063-T5 6063-1'6 A36 6063-T5 6063-1'6 A36 6063-T5 6063-T6
oor Inch /in \ {in) {in2l /lbs\
0.0077 308 178 356 900 253 345 0.1358 0.1907 0.1543 308 308 308
#6-20 0.1380 0.0990
0.0106 423 244 488 1,070 301 410 0.1569 0.2175 0.1758 423 423 423
#8-18 0.1640 0.1160
0.0143 573 331 661 1,240 348 475 0.1834 0.2517 0.2028 573 573 573
#10-16 0.1900 0.1350
0.1570 0.0194 774 447 894 1,409 396 540 0.2182 0.2995 0.2380 774 774 774
#12-14 0.2160
0.0269 1,075 621 1,242 1,631 458 625 0.2617 0.3593 0.2696 1,075 1,075 1,075
1/4-14 0.2500 0.1850
0.0437 2,100 1,212 2,425 2,039 573 781 0.3407 >3/8" 0.3430 2,100 1,681 2,100
5/16-12 0.3125 0.2360
0.0702 3,370 1,946 3,892 2.447 688 938 >3/8 " > 3/8" >3/8" 2.n3 2,017 2,751
3/8-12 0.3750 0.2990

Group 1,2,3-Cond. SH S S/8'0ia. i 3/4" Ila. ForAl llamoters EffectiveArea llJIJC Threads\ Effeclive /vea (Spaced Threads)

Fu (Min. UIUmale Temile Stronglh) 120,000 psi 110,000 psi Fr= F.JSF
A{Rl=n I0.1.2269'Nl / 4 AIR\=nX'/4
Ft (Alow. TensOe Stress, OS1W) 40,000 psi 36,667 psi Alowable Tension= F.IAISII A(S)=n (0.0.97431N) / 4
AIS) =nK'/4
Ft (Allow. Tensile Stress, D>1/41 48,000 psi 44,000 psi Fv =Fu/I SFx sq rt (3\l
Fv (Allowable Shear Strass; DS1/41 23,094 psi 21,170 psi -Ille SlnoM Shear •F,(A(R)l
Fv/Allowable Shear Strass· 0>1/4"\ 27 713 nsl 25 403 osi
1. Values are taken from AISC, ASTM. lFL SAE and AA documents. K values for spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in IFJ Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed.
2. Safety Factor used forfasteners with diameters 1/4" or less is 3.0, Safety Factor used/orfasteners wilh diameters 5116" or greater is 2.5.
3. Fasleners with diameters o/3/4" and greater are fabricatedfrom different material thanfasleners less than 3/4" in diameter.
4. Rockwell hardness to be limited to C34 maximum.forfasteners in contact with aluminum.

AAMA Tffi-A9-14 Page 51

Mar 19 2015. ll may
Copyright by the Amar1can Alchileelural Maoofacturers As$odation (AAMA). ThiS document was pyn:nased by l,Qli l.!lllDll ol China Nap Inst or StMdQtdg;atloo on Thu
-., ._ ___.,...._. ,..."",hl:..k-4 NAldrih11IM In :1nvftv'fflAI W\thn11t thA A'Wor@S8 v.1ittM consent of AAMA.
TABLE 20.11: Fastener Capacity

,. . .
STAN.ES$ STEB..- Alloy Group 4, Condition A (UNC Treads) .. ;

Mnim.Jm Material Thickness (lbs)

l\brrinal D A(R) to equal Tensle Capacity of Maximlm Tensile Load (tbs) for
Fastener f\brrinal A{S) Thread Allow able Shear Allow able Bearln {lbs) Fastener (in Available 318" Rate Thickness
llameter Thread Tensle Root Allowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/8" 3/8" 318"
& Threads llameter Stress Area Area Tension Single Double Steel Alurrinum Alurrinum Steel Alurrinum Alurrinum
per heh (in) (in2) (in2) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) A36 6063-TS 6063-T6 A36 6063-TS 6063-T6 A36 6063-TS 6063-T6
_ #6-32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 167 83 165 900 253 345 0.0879 0.1621 0.1426 167 167 167
#8-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 257 131 263 1,070 301 410 0.1072 0.1973 0.1487 257 257 257
#10-24 0.1900 0.0175 0.0151 321 160 321 1,240 348 475 0.1144 0.2015 0.1549 321 321 321
-#'12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 443 226 452 1,409 396 540 0.1325 0.2316 0.1791 443 443 443
1/4-20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0280 583 296 592 1,631 458 625 0.1489 0.2530 0.1963 583 583 583
5/16-18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 1,153 596 1,191 2,039 573 781 0.1940 0.3321 0.2446 1,153 1,153 1,153
318-16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 1,705 888 1,776 2,447 688 938 0.2319 >318" 0.2981 1,705 1,572 1,705
7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 2,339 1,221 2,442 2,855 802 1,094 0.2722 >318" 0.3435 2,339 1,873 2,339
1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 3,122 1,641 3,283 3,263 917 1,250 0.3135 >318" >318" 3,122 2,140 2,918
9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 4,003 2,113 4,227 3,670 1,031 1,406 0.3511 >3/8" >318" 4,003 2,444 3,333
5/8-11 0.6250 0.2260 0.2071 4,972 2,630 5,260 4,078 1,146 1,563 >3/8" >318" >318" 4,760 2,711 3,697
3/4-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 7,358 3,926 7,851 4,894 1,375 1,875 >318" >3/8" >318" 5,762 3,266 4,454
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 10,158 5,443 10,887 5,709 1,604 2,188 >318" >3/8" >318" 6,849 3,853 5,254
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 13,326 7,151 14,301 6,525 1,833 2,500 >3/8" >3/8" >318" 7,889 4.437 6,050

STAN.ES$ STEB..- Alov Grouo 4, Condition A (Soaced Threads)

Mnim.Jm Material Thickness (lbs)
Norrinal D A(R) to Equal Tensle Capacity of Maximum Tensile Load (lbs) for
Fastener l\bninal K Thread AfJow able Shear Allow able Bearin (lbs) Fastener (in Avaiable 'J/8" Aate Thickness
llameter Thread Basic Mnor Root Allowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8"
& Threads Diameter Diameter Area Tension Single Double Steel Alurrinum Aluminum Steel Alurrinum Aluminum
pernch (in) (in) lln2) (lbs) /lbs\ A36 6063-T5 6063-T6 A36 6063-T5 6063-T6 A36 6063-T5 6063-T6
' #6-20 0.1380 0.0990 0.0077 141
81 163 900 253 345 0.1191 0.1217 0.1191 141 141 141
#8-18 0.1640 0.1160 0.0106 194 112 224 1,070 301 410 0.1437 0.1437 0.1437 194 194 194
#10-16 0.1900 0.1350 0.0143 262 152 303 1,240 348 475 0.1401 0.1580 0.1401 262 262 262
#12-14 0.2160 0.1570 0.0194 355 205 410 1,409 396 540 0.1820 0.1842 0.1820 355 355 355
1 1/4-14 0.2500 0.1850 0.0269 493 285 569 1,631 458 625 0.1797 0.2030 0.1797 493 493 493
5/16-12 0.3125 0.2360 0.0437 962 556 1,111 2,039 573 781 0.2428 0.2520 0.2428 962 962 962
3/8-12 0.3750 0.2990 0.0702 1,545 892 1,784 2,447 688 938 0.2802 0.3015 0.2802 1,545 1,545 1.545

Group 4-Cond. A For All Diameters Bfectille Area (UNC Threads\ Effeellve Area (Spaoed Threads)
Fu (Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 55,000 psi F, = F.JSF AIR\=TT 1().1.2269/N\2 / 4 AIR)=nK1/4
Fr (Allow. Tensile Stress. 0'1/4") 18,333 psi Allow able Tension= F.IAIS\1 AISl =TT /().0.9743/N\2 / 4 A($) =nK2/4
FT (Allow. Tensile Stress,0> 1/4") 22,000 psi Fv =Fu / ( SF x sq rt 1311
Fv (Allowable Shear Strass; D:s1/4") 10,585 psi Allowable Single Shear •FJAIR)I
Fv lAJlowable Sllear Strass; D>1/4 "l 12,702 DSi

NOTE 13:
1. Values are taken from AISC, ASTM. IFI, SAE and AA documents. K values/or spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in IFI Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed
2. Safety Factor used/or fasteners with diameters 1/4" or less is 3.0, Safety Factor used/or fasteners with diameters 5/16" or greater is 2.5.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 52

Copyright by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). This document was pu� by J.l2li � ol China Nau Inst of StandarpiZl)tlon on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
not be reproduced, rapubrlShed or distributed In any formal without the express written consent of A.AMA.
TABLE 20.12: Fastener Capacity
STAN.ESS STEB. • Aloy Group 5, C.Ondioon H (t.N:: Treads)

Mnirrum Material Thickness (lbs)

A(R) to Equal Tensile capacity of Maxirrum Tensile Load (lbs) for
flklninal D
Thread Alow able Shear Alowable Bearn , llbsl Fastener (in Avalable 318" Plate Thickness
Fastener flklninal A(S)
Thread Tensile !bot Alowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8' '3/8" 3/8" 318"
& Threads llan'eter Stress Area Area Tension Single Double Steel Aluninum Aluninum Steel Aluninum Aluninum
oer Inch lin1 (in2) (lbs] lbs) (bsl A36 6063-T5 6063-1'6 A36 6063-T5 6063-1'6 A36 6063-TS 6063-1'6
0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 333 165 330 900 253 345 0.1469 0.2792 0.2106 333 333 333
#8-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 514 263 525 1,070 301 410 0.1906 0.3692 0.2707 514 514 514
0.0175 0.0151 643 321 641 1,240 348 475 0.2059 > 3/8" 0.2751 643 643 643
#10.24 0.1900
0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 886 452 904 1,409 396 540 0.2496 >3/8" 0.3318 886 734 886
1/4-20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0280 1,167 592 1,183 1,631 458 625 0.2639 >3/8 ' 0.3710 1,167 865 1,167
0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 2,307 1,191 2,382 2,039 573 781 0.3006 >318' >318' 2,307 1,303 1,776
0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 3,410 1,776 3,551 2,447 688 938 0.3349 > 318' >318" 3,410 1,572 2,144
7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 4,678 2,442 4,884 2,855 802 1,094 0.3633 >318" >318" 4,678 1,873 2.,554
0.1419 0.1292 6,244 3,283 6,565 3,263 917 1,250 >318" >318' >318" 5,642 2,140 2,918
1/2·13 0.5000
9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 8,006 4,227 8,453 3,670 1,031 1,406 >3/8' >3/8" >318" 6,444 2.444 3,333
0.6250 0.2260 0.2071 9,944 5,260 10,520 4,078 1,146 1,563 >3/8" >3/8" > 3/8" 7,148 2,711 3,697
0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 14,716 7,851 15,703 4,894 1,375 1,875 >3/8' >'318" >3/8' 8,612 3,266 4,454
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 20,316 10,887 21,773 5,709 1,604 2,188 >318" > 3/8' >3/8' 10,158 3,853 5,254
0.6057 0.5630 26,653 14,301 28,603 6,525 1,833 2,500 >318' >318' >318' 11,696 4,437 6,050
1·8 1.0000

STAN.ESS STEB.· Alov Grouo 5, C.Ond�ion H/Soaced Threads)

Mnirrum Material Thickness (lbs)
A(R) to Equal Tensle Capacity of Maximum Tensle Load (lbs) for
Noninal D
K Thread AlrlN able Shear Alow able Bearil , libs l Fastene< (il, Avalable 318' Rate Toickneas
Fastener Noninal
Thread Basic Mnor fbot Am able 1/8" 1/8' 1/8" 318" '3/8" 318'
Clarreter Clarreter Area Tension Sngle Double Steel Aluninum Aluninum Steel Alurrinum Aluninum
& Threads
(in2 1 lbsl lbs) lbsl A36 6063-TS 6063-1'6 A36 6063-TS 6063-1'6 A36 6063.T5 6063-TS
oer Inch linl linl
0.1380 0.0990 0.0077 282 163 326 900 253 345 0.1245 0.1801 0.1460 282 282 282
0.1640 0.1160 0.0106 388 224 447 1,070 301 410 0.1438 0.2052 0.1663 388 388 388
#10.16 0.1900 0.1350 0.0143 525 303 606 1,240 348 475 0.1681 0.2368 0.1916 525 525 525
0.2160 0.1570 0.0194 710 410 820 1,409 396 540 0.2000 0.2781 0.2247 710 710 710
0.1850 0.0269 986 569 1,138 1,631 458 625 0.2399 0.3293 0.2538 986 986 986
1/4-14 0.2500
0.3125 0.2360 0.0437 1,925 1,111 2,222 2,039 573 781 0.3123 >3/ 8' 0.3197 1,925 1,681 1,925
0.3750 0.2990 0.0702 3,089 1,784 3,567 2,447 688 938 >3/8' >3/8' >3/8 ' 2,773 2,017 2,751

Group 5-C.Ond. H For Al Clameters Bfective Area 11.N:: Threads) El!eclMt At.. (Spaced Threads)
Fu (Min. Ultimate Tensile Strength) 110,000 psi Fr-F,JSF A(R) =n (�1.226Q/IIJ\2 / 4 A(RJ =nK'/4
Ft (Allow. TensBe Stress, 0.1/4") 36,667 psi Alowable Tension= FrlA(S\l AIS)=n (�0.9743/N\2 / 4 A(S) =nK'/4
Fr(Allow. Tensfle Stress. D> 1/4-') 44,000 psi fv =Fu/ I SF x sa rt (3ll
Fv(Allowable Shear Strass; ()s114') 21,170 psi Alowlble Single Shur •f.,(A(R))
Fu/Allowable Shear Strass· 0>1/4') 25403 osl
1. Values are taken from AlSC, ASTM. IF!, SAE and AA documents. K values for spaced threads are taken as the minimum values in !Fl Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed.
2. Safety Factor used/or fasteners with diameters 114" or less is 3.0, Safety Factor used forfasteners with diameters 5116" or greater is 2.5.
3. Minimum 16% Cr (chromium) content required.for fasteners in contact with aluminum.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 53

Copyri�t by the American Atchllectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). This document was purmased by J.ll!l � of Cbm• Nag rns, pl Standarqjz.ation on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
....,.. ho .. �.,..,.,.roNthliet-1 nr fflcfflh,1tM In Anv fnrm.1'1 wilhnlrl lhA 8)(0l'8SS v.Titten consent ofA.AMA
TABLE 20.13: Fastener Capacity

STAINLESS STEB. • Aloy Group 5, Condition Hf (u-K:Treads)

Mnirrum M3terial Thickness (lbs)

lltlninal D A(R) to Equal Tensie capacity of MaxirrumTensie Load (lbs) for
Fastener lltlrrinal A(S) Thread AbN able Shear AbN able Beariol (lbs) Fastener lin Available 3/8' Rate Thickness
Oiarreter Thread Tensile Root Alowable 1/8' 1/8' 1/8" 3/8" 3/8' 3/8'
& Threads Diameter Stress Area Area Tension Single Double Steel Aluninum Aluninum Steel Aluninum Aluninum
per heh (in) (in2) (in2) (llsl (llsl (lls) A36 6063·T5 6063-T6 A36 6063-TS 6063-1"6 A36 6063-T5 6063-T6
116-32 0.1380 0.0091 0.0078 485 240 480 900 253 345 0.2137 >3/8' 0.2978 485 447 485
#8-32 0.1640 0.0140 0.0124 747 382 764 1,070 301 410 0.2631 >3/8" >3/8' 747 522 712
#10-24 0.1900 0.0175 0.0151 935 466 933 1,240 348 475 0.2711 >3/8' >3/8' 935 643 876
#12-24 0.2160 0.0242 0.0214 1,289 657 1,315 1,409 396 540 0.2978 >3/8' >3/8' 1,289 734 1,001
1/4-20 0.2500 0.0318 0.0280 1.697 861 1,721 1,631 458 625 0.3169 >3/8" >3/8' 1,697 865 1,179
5116-18 0.3125 0.0524 0.0469 3,356 1,733 3,465 2,039 573 781 0.3698 >3/8" >3/8' 3,356 1,303 1,776
3/8-16 0.3750 0.0775 0.0699 4,959 2,583 5,165 2,447 688 938 >3/8" >3/8" >3/8' 4,145 1,572 2,144
7/16-14 0.4375 0.1063 0.0961 6,804 3,552 7,105 2,855 802 1,094 >318" >3/8' >3/8' 4,937 1,873 2,554
1/2-13 0.5000 0.1419 0.1292 9,082 4,775 9,550 3,263 917 1,250 >318' >3/8' >3/8' 5,642 2,140 2,918
9/16-12 0.5625 0.1819 0.1664 11,644 6,148 12,295 3,670 1,031 1,406 >318" > 3/8" >3/8" 6,444 2,444 3,333
518-11 0.6250 0.2260 0.2071 14,464 7,651 15,302 4,078 1,146 1,563 > 3/8" >3/8" >3/8' 7,148 2,711 3,697
3/4-10 0.7500 0.3345 0.3091 21,405 11,420 22,840 4,894 1,375 1,875 >318" > 3/8" >3/8' 8,612 3,266 4,454
7/8-9 0.8750 0.4617 0.4285 29,551 15,835 31,670 5,709 1,604 2,188 > 3/8' > 3/8" > 3/8' 10,158 3,853 5,254
1-8 1.0000 0.6057 0.5630 38,768 20,802 41,604 6,525 1.833 2,500 > 3/8' >3/8" >318' 11,696 4.437 6,050
STAN.ES$ STEB. - Aloy Group 5, Condition Hf 1Soaced Threads\
Mnirrum M3terial Thickness (lbs)
l'brina.l D A(R) to Equal Tensile capacity of MaxirrumTensle Load (lbs) for
Fastener Jlbmal K Thread AbN able Shear Alow able Bearin (lbs) Fastener (in) Available 3/8' �le Thickness
Oiarreter Thread Basic Mnor Root Alowable 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 318" 3/8' 318"
& Threads Diameter Oiarreter Area Tension Single Double Steel Atuninum Aluninum Steel Aluminum Alurrinum
per heh (in) (in) (in2) Ills) (llsl (lls) A36 6063-TS 6063-T6 A36 6063-15 6063-T6 A36 6063-T5 6063-1"6
116-20 0.1380 0.0990 0.0077 411 237 474 900 253 345 0.1810 0.2485 0.1872 411 411 411
#8-18 0.1640 0.1160 0.0106 564 325 651 1,070 301 410 0.2091 0.2871 0.2138 564 564 564
#10-16 0.1900 0.1350 0.0143 763 441 882 1,240 348 475 0.2445 0.3356 0.2472 763 763 763
#12-14 0.2160 0.1570 0.0194 1,032 596 1,192 1,409 396 540 0.2909 >3/8' 0.2928 1,032 968 1,032
1/4-14 0.2500 0.1850 0.0269 1,434 828 1,655 1,631 458 625 0.3490 > 3/8" 0.3513 1,434 1,121 1,434
5116-12 0.3125 0.2360 0.0437 2,800 1,616 3,233 2,039 573 781 > 3/8" > 3/8' >318' 2,311 1,681 2,292
3/8-12 0.3750 0.2990 0.0702 4,494 2,594 5,189 2,447 688 938 >3/8' > 3/8' >3/8' 2,773 2,017 2,751

Group 5-Cond Hf For Al Diarreters Bfective Area lu-K:Threads) Elfecl!ve Area (Spaced Thtoads)
Fu (Min. Ultimate Tensile Slrength) 160,000 psi Fr=Fu/ SF A(R) = TT (D-1.2269/Nl2 / 4 A(Rl =nK'/4
Fr (Allow. Tensile Stress, 0"1/4") 53,333 psi Alow able Tension = Fr!A(S)] A(S) = TT (D-0.9743/N12 / 4 A(Sl =nK'/4
Fr (Allow. Tenslle Stress, O>1/4") 64,000 psi Fv =Fu/( SF x SQ rt (3))
Fv (Allowable Shear Strass; �1/4') 30,792 psi Allowable Single Shear •F.(A(R)J
Fv /Allowable Shear Strass· 0>1/4 "1 36,950 osi
NOTE 15:
J. Values are taken from AISC, ASTM, IF!, SAE and AA documenls. K values for spaced threads are /aken as !he minimum values in IF/ Fastener Handbook, 6th Ed.
2. Safety Factor usedfor fasteners with diameters 1/4" or less is 3.0, Safety Factor used for fasteners with diameters 5116" or greater is 2.5.
3. Rockwell hardness to be limited to C34 maximum,Jorfasteners (see shaded columns above) in contact with aluminum. Most of the hardness values for this fastener ma/erial exceed C34.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 54

Copyright by lhe American An:h�ec:tlnl Manufaciurers Association (AAMA). This document was pun:t,ased by lJ2d l&aJn ol China Nau InstofS18Qdart11zation on Thu Mar 19 20,s. It may
not be reprodooed, ropublish<ld or dlstribuled in any fonnat l>ilhout Iha express written coosent of AAMA.

Pictorial Representation ANSI/ASME Designation

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FIGURE: 21.1
TABLE 21.1


In Steel Stainless Steel Monel Metal, Brass and Aluminum Sheet Metal
Hole Required
Metal Drilled or Clean
Screw Size Pierced or Extruded Drill Size
Thickness Punched
0.015 - - - 0.104 37
0.018 --- 0.104 37
6 0.024 0.111 0.104 37
0.030 0.111 0.104 37
0.036 0.111 0.106 36
0.015 --- 0.116 32
0.018 --- 0.116 32
0.024 0.120 0.116 32
0.030 0.120 0.116 32
0.036 0.120 0.116 32
0.048 0.120 0.120 31
0.013 --- 0.125 1/8
0.024 0.136 0.125 1/8
8 0.030 0.136 0.125 1/8
0.036 0.136 0.125 1/8
0.048 0.136 0.128 30
0.018 --- 0.136 29
0.024 0.157 0.136 29
10 0.030 0.157 0.136 29
0.036 0.157 0.136 29
0.048 0.157 0.149 25
0.024 --- 0.161 20
0.030 0.185 0.161 20
0.036 0.185 0.161 20
0.048 0.185 0.161 20
0.024 --- 0.185 13
0.030 0.209 0.189 12
0.036 0.209 0.191 11
0.048 0.209 0.196 9
In Plywood <Resin Impregnated)
Penetration in
Hole Minimum Material
Screw Size Drill Size Blind Holes
Required Thickness
Min. Max.
4 0.098 40 3/16 1/4 3/4
6 0.110 35 3/16 1/4 3/4
7 0.128 30 1/4 5/16 3/4
8 0.140 28 1/4 5/16 3/4
10 0.169 18 5116 3/8 I
12 0.189 12 5/16 3/8 I
14 0.228 1 7/16 1/2 I

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 56

Copyright by uie American Ardlitectural Manufacturers Association (MMA). Thi$ document wos purctlased by LSlli Qlam of China Nall Inst pf Standa,di1al!<>o on Thu Mar 19 2015. II may
noi 6e reproduced. republished or distributed In any ronnat without the express written consent ofAAMA.
TABLE 21.2


In Sheet Steel
Metal Hole Drill
Screw Size Size
Thickness Required
0.037 0.113 33
0.048 0.116 32
0.062 0.116 32
6-32 0.122 3.1mm
0.105 0.125 1/8
0.134 0.125 1/8
0.037 0.136 29
0.048 0.144 27
0.062 0.144 27
8-32 0.147 26
0.105 0.1495 25
0.134 0.1495 25
0.037 0.154 23
0.048 0.161 20
0.062 0.166 19
10-24 0.1695 18
0.105 0.173 17
0.134 0.177 16
0.037 0.1695 18
0.048 0.1695 18
0.062 0.1695 18
10-32 0.173 17
0.105 0.177 16
0.134 0.177 16
0.037 0.189 12
0.048 0.1935 10
0.062 0.1935 10
12-24 0.199 8
0.105 0.199 8
0.134 0.199 8
0.037 0.221 2
0.048 0.221 2
0.062 0.228 I
1/4-20 0.234 A
0.105 0.234 A
0.134 0.236 6mm
0.037 0.224 5.7mm
0.048 0.228 I
0.062 0.232 5.9mm
1/4-28 0.234 A
0.105 0.238 B
0.134 0.238 B
0.037 0.290 L
0.048 0.290 L
0.062 0.290 L
5/16-18 0.295 M
0.105 0.295 M
0.134 0.295 M

NOTE 16: All dimensions in inches except drill sizes.

• Since conditions differ widely, it may be necessary to vary the hole size to suit a particular application.
TABLE 21.3

Aooroximate Pierced or Extruded Hole Sizes for Types AB, B and BP Steel Thread Forminf! Screws*
Pierced or
Screw Metal Pierced or Extruded Screw Metal
Extruded Hole
Size Thickness Hole Required Size Thickness
In Steel, Stainless Steel Monet Metal and Brass Sheet Metal In Aluminum Allov Sheet Metal
0.015 0.111 0.024 0.111
0.018 0.111 0.030 0.111
6 0.024 0.111 6 0.036 0.111
0.030 0.111 0.048 0.111
0.036 0.111
O.ot8 0.120 0.024 0.120
0.024 0.120 0.030 0.120
7 0.030 0.120 7 0.036 0.120
0.036 0.120 0.048 0.120
0.048 0.120
0.018 0.136 0.024 0.136
0.024 0.136 0.030 0.136
8 0.030 0.136 8 0.036 0.136
0.036 0.136 0.048 0.136
0.048 0.136
0.018 0.157 0.024 0.157
0.024 0.157 0.030 0.157
10 0.030 0.157 10 0.036 0.157
0.036 0.157 0.048 0.157
0.048 0.157
0.024 0.185
0.030 0.185
12 0.036 0.185
0.048 0.185
0.030 0.209
l/4 0.036 0.209
0.048 0.209

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Copyl1ght by the Ametlcan Architectural Manufaeturara Association (MMA). This document was purchased by L!ld. laJllll of China Nad lostofSiandatdlzatlqn on Thu Mar 19 2015. It 111ay
not be reproduced, republished or distributed In any tonnat without the eXl)f8SS written consent ofAAAtA.

Annronriate Drilled Hole Sizes for Tvnes AB. B and BP Steel Thread Forminl! Screws*
Size I Hole
Drill Size
Minimum Material
Penetration In Blind Holes
In Plywood (Resign Impregnated)

6 0.125 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/8

7 0.136 29 3/16 1/4 3/4
8 0.144 27 3/16 1/4 3/4
10 0.173 17 1/4 5/16 1
12 0.193 10 5/16 3/8 I
1/4 0.228 1 5/16 3/8 l
In Aluminum, Magnesium, Zinc, Brass and Bronze Castingst

6 0.128 30 --- 1/4 ---

7 0.144 27 --- 1/4 ---
8 0.152 24 --- 1/4 ---
10 0.177 16 --- 1/4 ---
12 0.199 8 --- 9/32 ---
1/4 0.234 15/64 --- 5/16 ---

NOTE 17: All dimensions are given in inches except whole number screw and drill sizes.
*Since conditions differ widely, it may be necessary to vary the hole size to suit a particular application.
fData applies to Types B and BP only.

Approximate Drilled or Clean Punched Hole Sizes for Ty!Pes AB, B and BP Steel Thread Forming Screws*
Screw Metal Hole Screw Hole
Drill Size Metal Thickness Drill Size
Size Thickness Required Size Required
In Steel, Stainless Steel, Monet Metal and Brass Sheet Metal In Aluminum Alloy Sheet Metal
0.015 0.104 37 0.030 0.104 37
0.018 0.104 37 0.036 0.104 37
0.024 0.106 36 0.048 0.104 37
0.030 0.106 36 0.060 0.106 36
6 0.036 0.110 35 6 O.Q75 0.110 35
0.048 0.111 34 0.105 0.111 34
0.060 0.116 32 0.128 to 0.250 0.120 31
O.Q7S 0.120 31
0.105 0.128 30
O.Ql 8 0.116 32 0.030 0.113 33
0.024 0.116 32 0.036 0.113 33
0.030 0.116 32 0.048 0.116 32
0.036 0.116 32 0.060 0.120 31
7 7
0.048 0.120 31 O.Q75 0.128 30
0.060 0.128 30 0.105 0.136 29
O.Q7S 0.136 29 0.128 to 0.250 0.136 29
0.105 0.140 28
0.024 0.125 1/8 0.030 0.116 32
0.030 0.125 1/8 0.036 0.120 31
0.036 0.125 1/8 I 0.048 0.128 30
0.048 0.128 30 0.060 0.136 29
8 0.060 0.136 29 8 O.Q75 0.140 28
O.Q75 0.140 28 0.105 0.147 26
0.105 0.149 25 0.125 0.147 26
0.125 0.149 25 0.135 0.149 25
0.135 0.152 24 0.162 to 0.375 0.152 24
0.024 0.144 27 0.036 0.144 27
0.030 0.144 27 0.048 0.144 27
0.036 0.147 26 0.060 0.144 27
0.048 0.152 24 0.075 0.147 26
0.060 0.152 24 0.105 0.147 26
10 10
O.Q75 0.157 22 0.125 0.154 23
0.105 0.161 20 0.135 0.154 23
0.125 0.169 18 0.164 0.159 21
0.135 0.169 18 0.200 to 0.375 0.166 19
0.164 0.173 17
0.048 0.161 20
0.024 0.166 19 0.060 0.166 19
0.030 0.166 19 O.Q75 0.173 17
0.036 0.166 19 0.105 0.180 IS
0.048 0.169 18 0.125 0.182 14
0.060 0.177 16 0.135 0.182 14
12 12
0.075 0.182 14 0.164 0.189 12
0.105 0.185 13 0.200 to 0.375 0.196 9
0.125 0.196 9
0.135 0.196 9
0.164 0.201 7
0.060 0.199 8
0.030 0.194 10 0.o75 0.201 7
0.036 0.194 10 0.105 0.204 6
0.048 0.194 10 0.125 0.209 4
0.060 0.199 8 0.135 0.209 4
0.o75 0.204 6 0.164 0.213 3
1/4 0.105 0.209 4 0.187 0.213 3
0.125 0.228 I 0.194 0.221 2
0.135 0.228 I 0.200 to 0.375 0.228 I
0.164 0.234 15/64
0.187 0.234 15/64
0.194 0.234 15/64

NOTE 18: All dimensions are given in inches except whole number screw and drill sizes.
*Since conditions differ widely, it may be necessary to vary the hole size to suit a particular application.
Hole sizes for metal thicknesses above .075 inch are for Types Band BP only.

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not be reproduced, repub!IShed or dislribuled in any lonnal wtlhoul Ule express wrillen consent of AAMA.
TABLE 21.6

Approximate Hole Sizes for Types D, F, C and T Steel Thread Cutting Screws*
Stock Thickness
Size 0.050 0.060 0.083 0.125 0.140 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2
Hole Sizes in Steel
6-32 .1100 .1130 .1160 .1160 .1200 .1250 .1250
8-32 .1360 .1405 .1405 .1440 .1470 .1495 .1495 0.1495
10-24 .1520 .1540 .1610 .1660 .1695 .1730 .1730 0.1730 .1730
10-32 0.1590 .1660 .1660 .1695 .1695 .1770 .1770 0.1770 .1770
12-24 .1800 .1820 .1910 0.1910 .1990 .1990 0.1990 .1990 .1990
1/4-20 .2130 .2210 0.2210 .2280 .2280 0.2280 .2280 .2280
1/4-28 .2210 .2280 0.2340 .2344 .2344 0.2344 .2344 .2344
5/16-18 .2770 0.2813 .2900 .2900 0.2900 .2900 .2900
5/16-24 .2900 0.2900 .2950 .2950 0.2950 .2950 .2950
3/8-16 .3390 0.3390 .3480 .3580 0.3580 .3580 .3580
3/8-24 .3480 0.3480 .3580 .3580 0.3580 .3580 .3580
Hole Sizes in Aluminum
6-32 .1094 .1094 .1110 .1160 0.11,60 .1200 .1250
8-32 .1360 .1360 .1360 .1405 0.1440 .1470 .1495 0.1495
10-24 .1495 .1520 .1540 .1590 0.1610 .1660 .1719 0.1730 .1730
10-32 .1610 .1610 .1610 .1660 0.1660 .1719 .1770 0.1770 .1770
12-24 .1770 .1800 .1850 0.1875 .1910 .1990 0.1990 .1990 .1990
1/4-20 .2055 .2130 0.2130 .2210 .2280 0.2280 .2280 .2280
1/4-28 .2188 .2210 .2210 .2280 .2344 0.2344 .2344 .2344
5/16-18 .2720 .2720 .2810 .2900 0.2900 .2900 .2900
5/16-24 .2812 0.2812 .2900 .2950 0.2950 .2950 .2950
3/8-16 .3281 0.3320 .3390 .3480 0.3480 .3480 .3480
3/8-24 .3438 0.3438 .3480 .3580 0.3580 .3580 .3580
Hole Sizes
6-32 0.1160 .1200 .1200 .1200
8-32 .1440 .1440 .1440 .1440
10-24 .1610 .1660 .1660 .1660
10-32 .1695 .1695 .1719 .1719
12-24 .1800 .1910 .1910 .1990
1/4-20 .2188 .2188 .2280
1/4-28 .2280 .2280 .2344
5/16-18 .2770 .2900
5/16-24 .2900 .2950
3/8-16 .3480
3/8-24 .3580
TABLE 21.7

Approximate Hole Sizes for Types BF and BT Steel Thread Cutting Screws*
Screw Size
Stock 12-14 1/4-14 5/16-12 3/8-12
6-20 8-18 10-16
Hole Sizes* in Zin, c and Aluminum Die Castine:s
0.060 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
0.083 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
0.109 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
0.125 0.1200 0.1490 0.1660 0.1910 0.2210 0.2810 0.344
0.140 0.1200 0.1490 0.1660 0.1910 0.2210 0.2810 0.344
3/16 0.1200 0.1490 0.1660 0.1910 0.2210 0.2810 0.344
1/4 0.1250 0.1520 0.1695 0.1960 0.2280 0.2810 0.344
5/16 0.1250 0.1520 0.1719 0.1960 0.2280 0.2900 0.348
3/8 --- --- 0.1719 0.1960 0.2280 0.2900 0.348

NOTE 19: All dimensions are given in inches except whole number screw and drill sizes.

•Since conditions differ widely, it may be necessary to va,y /he hole size lo suit a particular applicalion.
Hole sizes/or metal lhicknesses above 0.075 inch are/or Types Band BP only.
fHole sizes listed are slandard drill sizes.

AAMA Tffi-A9-14 Page 63

Copyright by lhe American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA� This document was purchased by J.Qd � of ChiQR Ngo lost of S!andil[djzatlon on Thu Mat 19 �15. 11 may
not 6e rep<oduced, repubWshed or dlslribuled in any IOITNII without the express wriuen consent of AAMA.

Pull-out research (testing and analysis), which was conducted in the 1990s by several AAMA member companies, forn1ed the
basis for the pull-out equations in this TIR and in the Specification for Aluminum Structures. The results of this research
("Pull-out Capacities of Screws from Aluminum") were presented at the Aluminum Association's 2"d International Workshop
at Cornell University in October 1999.


Most of the actual (as opposed to allowable) pull-out values, from available testing, can be characterized by two types of
equations for the nominal pull-out strength (PN or ): one based on tensile yield strength Frr (to account for the stretching and
bending of the hole's circumference in "thin" aluminum) and one based on tensile ultimate strength Fru (to account for
shearing of internal threads in "thick" aluminum).

The test data, for tapped-aluminum thicknesses (t) of 1/8", 3/16" and 1/4", indicate a transition in pull-out behavior from
yielding (of thin aluminum) to shearing of the internal threads (thread stripping, in thick aluminum).

For spaced-thread fasteners, it is helpful to also consider the number of threads engaged (t n) in order to separate the three
behavior regions: thin (yield), thick (thread stripping), and transition.

Some alloy-tempers are notch sensitive (k1 exceeds 1.0). Refer to the 2010 ADM (Part 1: table A.3.3 and Chapters D and F).
For these cases, the nominal strength (P NoT), based on internal-thread strength, is to be divided by k. to determine a reduced
value, which is then divided by the appropriate safety factor (Sf).

Equations for nominal pull-out strength (no safety factor included) consist of equations 22.1 to 22.6. Each equation applies
to a behavior zone. Behavior zones for UNC (a, b, c) and spaced-thread (d, e, f) fasteners, are identified as follows:

UNC threads:
a) 0.060" ::;; t ::;; 0.125" (thin; yield)
b) 0.250" ::;; t ::;; 0.375" (thick; thread stripping)
c) 0.125" ::;; t ::;; 0.25" (transition)
Spaced threads:
d) 0.038" ::;; t :5 2 /n (thin; yield)
e) 4/n :5 t ::5 0.375" (thick; thread stripping)
f) 2/n :5 t :54/n (transition)

For representative plots, refer to Fig. 22.1(UNC, Unified National Coarse threads) and Fig. 22.2 (spaced threads).

The following equations are applicable for screws (nominal diameter d), in tapped holes, where 0.164" ::;; d ::5 0.5'' for
UNC threads and 0.164" :5 d ::5 0.375" for spaced threads.
I) The equations for UNC threads (screw-point types C, D, F, G and T; see Figure 21.1) are:
a) Thin (for 0.060" $ t $ 0.125"):

- [KM 7t d t FTY] /
(22.1) PNOT -
I .,fi

(for 0.060" $ t < 0.080"):
KM = 0.80 (0.7) = 0.560

(for 0.080" $ t $ 0.125';:

KM = 0.95 (0.7) = 0.665

b) Thick (for 0.250" $ t $ 0.375"):

_ [t n A rs, Pru ]/
(22.2) PN OT -
c) Transition (for 0.125" < t < 0.25"):


2) The equations for spaced threads (screw-point types AB, B, BP, BF and BT; see chart) are:
a) Thin (for 0.038" $ t $ 2 / n), for spaced threads:

[Ku ndtFry]/
(22.4) PNOT -
-( )
.,fi I
(for 0.038" ::: t < 0.080';:
Ku = 0.560

(for 0.080" $ t $ 2/n ):

Ku = 0.665

b) Thick (for 4/n $ t $ 0.375" ), for spaced threads:

PNor = [0.9 ndtFru l I
I .,fi

c) Transition (for 2/n < t < 4 /n ), for spaced threads:



As mentioned previously, the P NoT values are to be divided by k1 if this notch-sensitivity parameter exceeds 1.0 for the alloy­
temper being considered. Refer to the 2010 ADM (Part l : table A.3.3 and Chapters D and F). The reduced PNOT values are
then to be divided by the appropriate safety factor S F· Unless noted otherwise, the tabulated values in this TIR are for alloy­
tempers with k, = 1.0.
Predicted (nominal) values for fastener pull-out (PNor ), from the preceding equations, are divided by a safety factor (Sp ) in
order to detennine allowable values (P,. ). As discussed in Section 6.0, SF equals 3.0 for fasteners that are S 1/4" in
diameter, and Sp equals 2.5 for fasteners with diameters� 5/16". Specified or expected minimum values of tensile yield
and of ultimate tensile strength are used to determine allowable values for design. Since minimum values of yield and
ultimate strength are less than the average values, the resulting allowable (pull-out) strengths will typically be less than 1/SF
times the test values ofpull-out loads.



Using statistics to study the test results, some statements may be made about the expected variation in pull-out values of a
large number offasteners (ofa given size and type) from aluminum ofgiven thickness, alloy and temper. Given the mean
(X,-, ), sample standard deviation (s) and number ofsamples (y), an approximate "lower bound" value (XA ) can be determined
by the equation:


XA is the value which, with 95% confidence, is expected to be exceeded by 99% ofthe population. Refer to reference (3) for
the above formula for XA and a table ofvalues forK as a function ofy. See also references (1,2) for additional information
on statistical aspects.

If the coefficient ofvariation Cv (= 100% s/X,., ) is considered, in lieu ofsample standard deviation, then the equation for
XA can be written:


Review ofcoefficients of variation Cv for the pull-out tests indicates that the largest apparent value is 11.82% (series h97,
UNC, 5/16-18, 0.184" thickness). However, further review ofthis set of10 individual tests results indicates that two ofthe
individual pull-out values were an anomaly (very low, relative to the rest ofthis set's data). A likely explanation is that a
plate consisting ofa different alloy-temper was inadvertently mixed in with the other test plates for that set. With the
remaining eight tests, the value of Cv is 7.50%. For this reduced set oftests, y = 8, and thereforeK=4.353. Thus, for
Cv = 7.50%::


Given the preceding comments, the largest Cv is then 11.44% (series h97, Spaced Threads, #8-18, 0.0605" thickness). This
set has a more uniform distribution ofvalues. It is also more common for Cv values to be larger for thicknesses less than
about 1/8". For this set oftests:y= 10,K=3.981 andX,.= 0.5446XM.

Allowable Pull-out Values Based on Measured Mechanical Properties

Next consider a safety factor (Sp ) applied to the predicted (nominal) value ofpull-out (PNoT) to determine an allowable value
PA where: PA = (PNorfs ). Iftbe safety factor (Sp ) is considered equal to a load factor (m) divided by a resistance factor
(<p), then SF = m/<p. In other words, m TS <p PNor , where Tis the design tension per fastener and PA = PNor /(m/<p). A
safety-factor value of3.0 is required, for screws with diameters of l/4" and smaller, by both the cold-formed steel
speci fication (AISn and the aluminum specification (AA). For screws that are 5/16" diameter and larger, this TIR uses SF=
2.5, which equals or exceeds values used in the various material specifications that were reviewed. Refer to Section 6.0 for

As given in ASCE 7, consider m =1.6 for live load. Thus, for Sp = 3.0, <p = m/SF = 1.6 / 3.0 = 0.533. Note that 0.533
is less than 0.5446, which equals XA /X,., , for the largest Cv (#8 ST screws, t = 0.0605", series h97). For SF = 2.5,
<p = 1.6 / 2.5 = 0.640. Note that 0.640 is less than 0.6735, which ms the value of XA /X,., for 5/16" diameter screws {UNC,
t = 0.184", series h97).
Therefore, ifthe "lower bound" variable XA 2!: cpX,., = 0.533XM for SF of3.0 (and XA 2!: 0.640X,., for SF of2.5), and if the
nominal value PNor :::; X,., , then 99% or more of the population offasteners are expected to be capable ofresisting a factored
tension forc.e equal to 1.6 times the allowable tension force. This perfonnance level is based on a particular fastener type and
diameter, a given base thickness, and a range oflocal mechanical properties (tensile yield and tensile ultimate) similar to that
in the corresponding set oftests.

The few cases which had predicted values ( PNor) greater than average tests values (X,., ) were at most 4.00% more than the
corresponding x,., . For those tests, the maximum Cv was 8.14% (series k89, Spaced Threads, #8-18, 0.088" thick). The
resulting values ofXA/X,., are at least 0.6759, which substantially exceeds cp ( = 0.533), which is the minimum desired value
ofXA /X,., for fasteners less than or equal to 1/4" diameter. In this case, XA /X,., is large enough to compensate for PNor =
1.04X,., because 0.6759/1.04 = 0.650, which exceeds 0.533.


Note that to establish design values ofallowable pull-out, the specified (or expected) minimum values ofyield and tensile
strength would be used. These values are generally significantly less than the corresponding average values. This means that
about 99% ofthe local (aluminum near the fastener) yield and tensile strengths, with a 95% confidence level, are expected to
equal or exceed the minimum values. Thus, the use of a design safety factor (Sp ) is expected to result in an actual safety
factor (for pull-out) which is significantly greater than SF, for the average piece of aluminum with a screw that is installed in
a tapped hole and loaded in tension.

I. ASTM volume 02.02, Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys, in the article "Statistical Aspects ofMechanical Property
Assurance" by W.P. Goepfert. Values for Kare taken from Juran's Quality Control Handbook, edited by Juran, J.M.,
4•h ed., published by McGraw-Hill, and are one-sided factors for 99% exceeding with a confidence of95%. (See also
Aluminum Design Manual, Part II [Commentary), Section A.3.2 for a discussion).

2. Miller and Freund's Probability and Statistics/or Engineers, 5�' ed., R. A. Johnson, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, 1994

3. Specification/or Aluminum Structures, (Appendix 1: Testing), The Aluminum Association, 2010

4. Minimum Design wads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-10, American Society of Civil Engineers

5 0---------------1:J---------------o
Thin (Yield) Transition Thick (fhread Stripping)

Equation 22.1 Equation 22.3 Equation 22.2

i 4 .,

Ci) @
..J 2


0.05 0.1 .125 0.15 0.2 025
0.3 0.35 0.4

NOTE 20:
• Force units: Based on (rr DF,, /(3) 112) equal to tenJor relative scale,/oryieldregion I.
For strength region 3. assumed (Fu/Fy) = 22/16 = 1.3 75, TSA(l) = 0.017 in2/thread. and
N = 24 thread/in. lo gel ratio of threadshr. values lo baseyieldvalues.

Plot pertains to aluminum bases and steel fasteners.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 68

Copytlghl by the American Archlteclural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). This document was purchased by J.lll1 CllrrD!l of China NaU 1ml or standardjzation on Thu Mar 19 2015. ti may
not be reprodUQ8d, republished or cfisllibuted in any format without lhe express written consent ofAAMA.

Yield Transition Strength (of Threads)

Equation 22.4 Equation 22.6 Equation 22.5

·c:::::, 3

� G) G) G) l-+- 01

0 0.05 0.1 .125 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
.038 0.08 BASE THICKNESS, t{lnches}

NOTE 21:
• Force units: Based on (n DFy/(3)112 ) equal to ten.for relative scale.for yield region 1.
For strength region 3, assumed (Fu!Fy) - 22116 = J.375for this plot.

Plot pertains to aluminum bases, and steel fasteners.

TABLE 22.1 (UNC)


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness (Inches)
Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter
Area Sq.
Per Inch (Inch) Allowable Pullout (Pounds)
#8-32 0.1640 0.010270 57 68 90 105 140 184 229 316 395 474
#10-24 0.1900 0.016864 66 79 104 122 162 219 277 389 486 584
#12-24 0.2160 0.019273 75 90 118 139 185 249 316 445 555 668
1/4-20 0.2500 0.027234 86 104 137 161 214 291 370 524 654 786
5/16-18 0.3125 0.037983 -- -- -- 241 320 437 557 789 985 1184
3/8-16 0.3750 0.051581 -- -- -- -- 384 525 671 953 1189 1429
7/16-14 0.4375 0.070205 -- -- -- -- -- 619 794 1135 1416 1702
1/2-13 0.5000 0.086405 -- -- -- -- -- 707 908 1297 1619 1946

Fu(Tensile Ultimate Strength)
Fv(Tensile Yield Strength)
L - - -
Shading indicates transition region. --

1. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. S;� 3.0 for D � 0.25"; S; = 2.5 for D � 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 21.1 to 21.7
3. Fastener pullout not shown/or aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrilllement need to be checked separately.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 70

Copyright by the American Att:hltoctwal Manufacrurars Assoc:lalion (AAMA). This docllment wu pun:hased by LQd Qullill d China Nan IQSIo(S1andaa1Jzottm on Thu Mar 19 201s. It may
not be reproruced, republished or dlslributed in any formal wilhool lhe express written consent of AAMA.
TABLE 22.2 (UNC)


TSA{I) Aluminum Thickness (Inches)

Nominal D Internal
Thread Nominal Thread
Diameter Thread Stripping 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter Area Sq.
Per Inch {Inch) ln./Threa Allowable Pullout (Pounds)

#8-32 0.1640 0.010270 50 60 79 93 124 171 221 316 395 474

#10-24 0.1900 0.016864 58 69 92 108 143 204 267 389 486 584
#12-24 0.2160 0.019273 66 79 104 122 163 233 305 445 555 668
1/4-20 0.2500 0.027234 76 91 121 142 188 272 358 524 654 786
5/16-18 0.3125 0.037983 -- -- -- 213 283 408 538 789 985 1184
3/8-16 0.3750 0.051581 -- -- -- -- 339 491 649 953 1189 1429
7/16-14 0.4375 0.070205 -- -- -- -- -- 579 768 1135 1416 1702
1/2-13 0.5000 0.086405 -- -- -- -- -- 662 878 1297 1619 1946

- --
C --

Fu {Tensile Ultimate Strength) 20000 psi --
Shading indicates transition region.
Fv(Tensile Yield Strength) 15000 psi

1. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. SF = 3.0 for D � 0.25"; SF= 2.5 for D '?:. 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 21.1 to 21.7
3. Fastener pullout not shown/or aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrilllement need to be checked separately.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 71

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Copyri�t t,y lhe American Architocttnl Manulacturets Association (MMA). This document was purdlased by I.mi� of China Natl inst o( Stondord!Zill!PO on Thu Mar 19 201s.
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.. hatt rv- tGe:MN �t....t In ::anv fnrmAt \Mlhtwrt rhA Mtnr� \M'\Hen consent of AAMA.
TABLE 22.3 (UNC)


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness (Inches)
Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter
Area Sq.
Per Inch (Inch) Allowable Pullout (Pounds)
#8-32 0.1640 0.010270 117 140 185 217 288 366 446 601 750 901
#10-24 0.1900 0.016864 135 162 214 251 334 435 539 740 923 1110
#12-24 0.2160 0.019273 154 184 243 286 380 495 615 846 1055 1268
1/4-20 0.2500 0.027234 178 213 281 331 440 578 720 996 1243 1494
5/16-18 0.3125 0.037983 -- -- -- 496 660 868 1083 1500 1872 2250
3/8-16 0.3750 0.051581 -- -- -- -- 792 1044 1305 1811 2260 2716
7/16-14 0.4375 0.070205 -- -- -- -- -- 1229 1545 2156 2691 3235
1/2-13 0.5000 0.086405 -- -- -- -- -- 1405 1766 2464 3076 3697

- - --
Fu (Tensile Ultimate Strength)
Fv(Tensile Yield Strength)
C Shading indicates transition region. ---

1. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. SF = 3.0for D:: 0.25"; SF = 2.5for D � 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 21.1 to 21.7
3. Fastener pullout not shown/or aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiplefastener connections and embrittlement need to be checked separately.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 72

Copyright by the American Architectural Manufacturers Assoclalion (AAMA). Thls document was purchased by J.Ql1 � ol C/)lna Nau IMI o( Standardl24tjon on Thu Mar 19 20, S. It may
not be reproduced, republished or distributed in any lonnat wllhout lhe exprffS wntten consent ofAAMA..
TABLE 22.4 (UNC)


TSA{I) Aluminum Thickness {Inches)

Nominal D
Thread Nominal
Thread 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
Diameter Thread 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125
& Thread Diameter
Area Sq.
Per Inch (Inch) Allowable Pullout {Pounds)
#8-32 0.1640 0.010270 53 64 84 99 132 185 241 348 434 522
#10-24 0.1900 0.016864 62 74 98 115 153 221 292 428 535 643
#12-24 0.2160 0.019273 70 84 111 131 174 252 333 490 611 734
1/4-20 0.2500 0.027234 81 98 129 151 201 294 390 577 719 865
5/16-18 0.3125 0.037983 -- -- -- 227 302 442 587 868 1084 1303
3/8-16 0.3750 0.051581 -- -- -- -- 362 532 708 1048 1308 1572
7/16-14 0.4375 0.070205 -- -- -- -- -- 627 839 1248 1558 1873
1/2-13 0.5000 0.086405 -- -- -- -- -- 717 958 1427 1781 2140

F0 {Tensile Ultimate Strength) 22000 psi
C- - -
Shading indicates transition region. -
Fv (Tensile Yield Strength) 16000

1. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. Sp = 3.0 for D::, 0.25"; Sp = 2.5 for D � 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 21.l to 21.7
3. Fastener pullout not shown for aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested al a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrittlemenl need to be checked separately.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 73

arJljzation on Thu Maris 20,s.11 may
�=�:n'::'=��� by J.ll!il.ll!lllD.of Gbta• Nag (nstg{Stood
TABLE 22.5 (UNC)


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness (Inches)
Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter
Area Sq.
Per Inch (Inch) Allowable Pullout (Pounds)
#8-32 0.1640 0.010270 83 100 132 155 206 273 341 474 592 712
#10-24 0.1900 0.016864 96 116 153 180 239 324 413 584 729 876
#12-24 0.2160 0.019273 110 132 174 204 271 370 471 668 833 1001
1/4-20 0.2500 0.027234 127 152 201 236 314 431 552 786 981 1179
5/16-18 0.3125 0.037983 -- -- -- 354 471 648 831 1184 1478 1776
3/8-16 0.3750 0.051581 -- -- -- -- 565 780 1001 1429 1784 2144
7/16-14 0.4375 0.070205 -- -- -- -- -- 918 1185 1702 2125 2554
1/2-13 0.5000 0.086405 -- -- -- -- -- 1049 1354 1946 2428 2918


Fu(Tensile Ultimate Strength)

Fv (Tensile Yield Strength)
c- --
Shading indicates transition region. --

I. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. SF= 3.0 for D !: 0.25"; SF= 2.5 for D � 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 2 I. I to 2 I. 7
3. Fastener pullout not shown/or aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrittlement need to be checked separately.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 74

Copyri!jllt by lhe Ametlcen An:tlile<:1ura1 Manufodurers Assodat,on (AAMA). This c1ocu,-,t was purc:1111$(1(! by l.llli CMJilln of Chjna Nau Inst of Standa!Jl!za!lon on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
not be reprodtJced, republished or dlstnbuted in any fO<ll\81 wilhout the expreas written consent of MMA.
TABLE 22.6 (UNC)


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness (Inches)
Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter
Area Sq.
Per Inch (Inch) ln./Threa Allowable Pullout (Pounds)

#8-32 0.1640 0.010270 117 140 185 217 288 366 446 601 750 901
#10-24 0.1900 0.016864 135 162 214 251 334 435 539 740 923 1110
#12-24 0.2160 0.019273 154 184 243 286 380 495 615 846 1055 1268
1/4-20 0.2500 0.027234 178 213 281 331 440 578 720 996 1243 1494
5/16-18 0.3125 0.037983 -- -- -- 496 660 868 1083 1500 1872 2250
ll" 3/8-16 0.3750 0.051581 -- -- -- -- 792 1044 1305 1811 2260 2716
7/16-14 0.4375 0.070205 -- -- -- -- -- 1229 1545 2156 2691 3235
1/2-13 0.5000 0.086405 -- -- -- -- -- 1405 1766 2464 3076 3697


Fu(Tensile Ultimate Strength) 38000 psi C _shading indicates transition region. - �

Fv (Tensile Yield Strength) 35000 psi

J. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. SF= 3.0 for D::: 0.25"; SF= 2.5 for D:::: 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 16 to 22
3. Fastener pullout not shownfor aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrittlement need to be checked separately.
5. For 6005-T5 and 6105-T5, divide pull-out values by 1.25. This k,factor is per 2010ADM (Table A.3.3., and Chapter D and F)

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Copyright by the American ArchltectUral Manufacturers AssociatlOO (AAMA). Th� docUment was purchased by IJld .ciimm ol Chma Nall lns1 olStandanlrµtlon on Thu Mar ,s 2015. It may
nr.t ._ ..-AN"l"Wil U"N't � nr nuttrihl1tM in Anv format without Lhe ex.oress v.1'itlen consent of A.AMA.
TABLE 22.7 (Spaced Threads)


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness (Inches)

Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.038 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter
Per Inch (Inch) Allowable Pullout (Pounds)
#8-18 0.1640 36 57 68 90 105 159 234 313 446 557 669
#10-16 0.1900 42 66 79 104 122 162 250 341 517 645 775
#12-14 0.2160 -- 75 90 118 139 185 253 356 556 733 882
1/4-14 0.2500 -- 86 104 137 161 214 293 413 644 849 1020
5/16-12 0.3125 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 547 894 1241 1530
3/8-12 0.3750 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 656 1073 1489 1836


C - -
� -
Fu(Tensile Ultimate Strength) 20000 psi Shading indicates transition region.
Fv (Tensile Yield Strength) 17000 psi

1. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. Sp= 3.0 for D � 0.25"; Sp= 2.5for D;:: 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 21.1 to 21.7
3. Fastener pullout not shown for aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrittlement need to be checked separately.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 76

�t by Ille American Arclllte<:IIJral M811Ufacture,-AS$od,tion (AAMA). This document was purcllased by Lllll l:iwmn ot China Nau Inst of Standarifizatlon on Thu Mar ,s 2015. It may
not be reprn(lJced, republished or d1Slribuled in any f011118t without the e,cpress wri1ten consenl of AAMA.
TABLE 22.8 (Spaced Threads)


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness (Inches)

Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.038 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter
Per Inch (Inch) Allowable Pullout (Pounds)

#8-18 0.1640 32 50 60 79 93 146 226 308 446 557 669

#10-16 58 69 108 143
' 236 332 517 645 775
0.1900 37 92
#12-14 0.2160 -- 66 79 104 122 163 231 340 I 550 733 882
1/4-14 0.2500 -- 76 91 121 142 188 267 393 637 849 1020
5/16-12 0.3125 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 503 869 1234 1530
3/8-12 0.3750 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 603 1042 1481 1836

Fu (Tensile Ultimate Strength)
Fv (Tensile Yield Strength)
C Shading indicates transition region.

1. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. Sp = 3.0 for D � 0.25"; Sp = 2.5for D � 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 21.l to 21.7
3. Fastener pullout not shown for aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrittlement need to be checked separately.

��fc-r�U:,!,."";"..!!,��;!':;._��;_�!;:�.,"�:l!,,�/!;..� by .1.2!1.!dlmm ol Chjnq NauInst orStoodatJliz.adon on Thu Mar 19 201s. It may
Page 77
TABLE 22.9 (Spaced Threads)


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness (Inches)

Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.038 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.12S 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.37S
& Thread Diameter
Per Inch (Inch) Allowable Pullout (Pounds)

#8-18 0.1640 74 117 140 185 217 319 4S7 600 848 1058 1272
#10-16 0.1900 86 135 162 214 2Sl 334 49S 661 982 1226 1473
#12-14 0.2160 -- 154 184 243 286 380 512 700 1066 1393 1675
1/4-14 0.2500 -- 178 213 281 331 440 592 810 1233 1613 1938
5/16-12 0.3125 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1098 1732 2366 2908
3/8-12 0.3750 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1317 2079 2840 3489

Fu(Tensile Ultimate Strength) 38000 psi Shading indicates transition region. -

Fy (Tensile Yield Strength) 3SOOO psi

NOTE 30:
1. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. SF= 3. 0for D � 0.25"; SF= 2.5for D � 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and
external threads) needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 21.1 to 21.7
3. Fastener pullout not shown/or aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrittlement need to be checked separately.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 78

�1 by lhe American An:hltec:llnl Manufacturers Association (AAMA). This document was purd1� by .l.ll!l l.U!Illll of China Nap lostpf§ti¥Jdardjµtign on Thu Mar 19 201 s. 11 may
not be reproduced, republished or dialnbuted In any format wilhout the express written consent of AAMA.
TABLE 22.10 (Spaced Threads)


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness (Inches)

Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.038 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter
Per Inch (Inch) Allowable Pullout (Pounds)

#8-18 0.1640 34 53 64 84 99 157 246 338 491 613 736

#10-16 0.1900 39 62 74 98 115 153 256 362 569 710 853
#12-14 0.2160 -- 70 84 111 131 174 248 369 604 807 970
1/4-14 0.2500 -- 81 98 129 151 201 287 427 699 934 1122
5/16-12 0.3125 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 542 949 1356 1683
3/8-12 0.3750 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 651 1139 1628 2020

Fu (Tensile Ultimate Strength)
Fy (Tensile Yield Strength)
C -- - -transition region.
Shading indicates -

1. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. SF = 3.0 for D � 0.25"; SF = 2.5 for D � 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked separaJely.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 21.1 to 21.7
3. Fastener pullout not shown for aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrittlement need to be checked separately.

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-· ...... � ,-..4 -Ueha.A - Alri,.hlrt-4 in illf\V frvrn.A.t withnl 11 thA A'll'nrAU t,,1,."riftM consent of A.AMA.
TABLE 22.11 (Spaced Threads)


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness (Inches)

Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.038 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter
Per Inch (Inch) Allowable Pullout (Pounds)

#8-18 0.1640 53 83 100 132 155 235 350 468 669 835 1004
#10-16 0.1900 61 96 116 153 180 239 372 509 775 968 1163
#12-14 0.2160 .. 110 132 174 204 271 374 530 833 1100 1322
1/4-14 0.2500 .. 127 152 201 236 314 433 614 964 1273 1530
5/16-12 0.3125 .. .. .. .. .. -· ·- 809 1334 1860 2296
3/8-12 0.3750 .. .. .. -- .. .. -· 971 1601 2232 2755



Fu(Tensile Ultimate Strength) 30000 psi ---

Shading indicates transition region. --
Fv(Tensile Yield Strength) 25000 psi

1. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. SF = 3.0 for D � 0.25"; SF = 2.5 for D '?:. 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and exJernal threads)
needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables 21.1 to 21. 7
3. Fastener pullout not shown/or aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads. unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrittlement need to be checked separately.

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 80

Copyright by the Ammican An:hltecturel Manufadurers Association (AAMA). Thi$ document wu purchased by� Qlml!I of Qina Natl In$!ofStarwjatdjzatlon on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
nol be reproduced. repulllished o, distributed In any format wilhout the express written consent of AAMA.
TABLE 22.12 (Spaced Threads}


Nominal D Aluminum Thickness {Inches)

Thread Nominal
Diameter Thread 0.038 0.060 0.072 0.080 0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375
& Thread Diameter
Per Inch {Inch) Allowable Pullout (Pounds)

#8-18 0.1640 74 117 140 185 217 319 457 600 848 1058 1272
#10-16 0.1900 86 135 162 214 251 334 495 661 982 1226 1473
#12-14 0.2160 -- 154 184 243 286 380 512 700 1066 1393 1675
1/4-14 0.2500 -- 178 213 281 331 440 592 810 1233 1613 1938
5/16-12 0.3125 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1098 1732 2366 2908
3/8-12 0.3750 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1317 2079 2840 3489

Fu (Tensile Ultimate Strength)
Fy {Tensile Yield Strength)
C - -
Shading indicates transition region.

J. Each table lists allowable pull-out (internal threads) values. SF ... 3.0 for D � 0.25"; SF ... 2.5 for D 2:: 0.3125". Fastener allowable strength (basic tension and external threads)
needs to be checked separately.
2. For pilot hole sizes refer to tables J 6 to 22
3. Fastener pullout not shown for aluminum thickness less than approximately 2 threads, unless tested at a lesser thickness.
4. Multiple fastener connections and embrittlement need to be checked separately.
5. For 6005-T5 and 6105-T5, divide pull-out values by 1.25. This krfactor is per 20JOADM(I'able A.3.3., and Chapter D and Chapter F).

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 81

Copyright by the American Architectural Manufadurers Association (AAMA). This c!OCU.-it was putd"las«t by l,ll!i .ciumo. ol Chjna NaH JostofStandardozaUon on Thu Mar 19 201s. It may
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NOTE 34: Examples are provided in IP units only since Tables do not include metric fasteners.


Anchorage components shown in the figure below must resist 600 lbs wind load, acting inwardly or outwardly, applied
horizontally along the edge of the 6 in long, 1/4 in thick extruded 6063-T6 aluminum Z-shape. Using two bolts spaced 2 in
apart, 2 in from the ends of the shape, select a suitable fastener of SAE Grade 2 carbon steel from Table 20.2, which covers
loads for this grade of steel.

114" X 1 - 1/8" X 1 - 118" X 1 - 1/8"

ALUMINUM "Z". 6063-T6. 6" LONG

Pwl = 600 lbs.


1/4" A36 STEEL

1.125" PLAN VIEW

FIGURE 23.1: Fastener Selection - Example 1

Referring to Table 20.2, as a first try, select a fastener which can meet one-half of the actual 600 lb shear load (V). A
1/ - 20 fastener provides a 398 lb allowable single shear load V and a 785 lb allowable tension load (T ). The single shear
4 A A
load is adequate. Now check the actual tension load (7).

600(1.125) 600(1.125)
T= = = 1350 lbs
y(O.S) 0.5

y == 1.0 in this example. y is a factor which approximates the increase of stresses in the fastener due to deformations (elastic
and/or plastic) in attached materials. Commonly, the range� 0.67 :s; y � 1.0 is used based on the engineer's judgment.

COMMENT: If in this example the attachment was made to wood, then y == 0.67 might be more appropriate and such
analysis would require reassessment of fastener size.

2TA 2(758) 1570 =
1579lbs > 1350lbs

The tension load is adequate, but it is now necessary to check the adequacy of the fastener to resist the combined tension and
shear loads. The Combined Stress Ratio (CSR) is calculated using the interaction e quation 7.6 from Section 7.0.

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Copyright by the American Archttectural Manufacturers Association (AMIA� This document was purchased by l.!11 Cilwln or China Nau lo•I91Slendatdjzatlon on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
not be reproduced, republished or distributed in any fonnat without the express writlen consent of AAlt.V..
CSR = (;J 2
+ (�/ � 1.0

2 2
1 350/ 600/
CSR = ( 2) + ( /) = 0.739 + 0.568 = 1 .307
785 39

This is greater than 1.0 and, therefore, not adequate. Try the next larger size bolt, 5/16 - 18. From Table 20.2 we find
allowable tension, TA= 1,552, allowable shear VA= 801 lbs., and nominal diameter, d = 0.3125".
1350/ 600/ 2
CSR = ( 2 ) + (801 2) = 0. 89 + 0.140 = 0.329

This is less than 1.0 and is, therefore, adequate. Note, however, that there is minimal clearance between the bolt head (or
washer) and web of the Z.

Inasmuch as this connection is made with two bolts, washers and nuts, there is no need to check the pull-out resistance.

Minimum distance between bolt centers is 2.5 times the nominal diameter, (d) for aluminum; 3 times the nominal diameter is
preferred for steel. For the 5/16-18 bolt, 2.5d = 2.5(.3125) = 0.781 in; 3d = .938 in. Bolts in this example are spaced 2 in
apart, which is satisfactory. Refer to Section 8 for information on minimum spacing and minimum edge distance for both
steel and aluminum.

Minimum edge distance for aluminum; 1.5d = 1.5(0.3125) = 0.469 in. For hole 1/32" larger than bolt, actual distance is 0.484
in (= 0.5" - [1/32 ")/2), which is adequate. Note that an edge distance of2d is needed for full allowable bearing.

Finally, the bearing loads (Section 8.0) on both the steel and aluminum components must be checked.

Based on Table 20.2:

Allowable bearing for 5/16" fastener in 1/4" A36 steel:

PA8 = (2 bolt)([l/4 ]/[1/8))(2039) = 2(2)(2039) = 8,156 lbs

Allowable bearing for 5/16" Fastener in 1/4" 6063-T6 aluminum:

PAB � (1.51z)c 2 bolts)([l/4 ]/[1/8))(781) = 0.75(2)(2)(781) = 2,343 lbs

More accurately (see Figure 8.7 and 8.12, respectively):

PA8 (A36 steel) = (2 bolts)(l.2)( 5/16)( 1/4 )(58 ksi) = 10,875 lbs total

484 3
P,. 6063 - T6 - [ (O. "(O.ZS ")( 0 ksi))/, 95]- 1,862 lbs P" bolt - 3,724 lbs tntal
( ) .
The allowable bearing for both the steel and aluminum components is much greater than the required 600 pounds.

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Copyright by the American Architeclural Menufacturors Assodallon (AAMA). This do<:Ument waa purchased by LlldCllwln of CbJoa Nau to&J olStandardjza!lop on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
not 6ereproduced. republished or dtsllibuted In any rormat ,.ilhout the express written consent of AAMA.
Tension Load 3,104 1,350 Adequate
Single Shear Load 1,602 600 Adequate
Allowable Bearing, Steel 8,156 600 Adequate
Allowable Bearing, Aluminum 2,343 600 Adequate
Pullout Resistance (tM) --- --- Not Applicable
Combined Stress Ratio (CSR) � 1.0 0.329 Adequate
Distance Between Bolts, Aluminum 0.781 in min. 2.000 in Adequate
Edge Distance 0.469 in min. 0.484 in Adequate

Table 23.1: SUMMARY FOR (2) SAE GRADE 2, 5/16-18 BOLTS

Try �-20 (Gr. 5): VA = 646 lbs and TA = 1,273 lbs per bolt,
CSR = 0.497 < 1.0, OK

Try #12-24 (Gr. 5): VA = 493 lbs and TA = 967 lbs per bolt,
CSR = 0.857 < 1.0, OK
The #12 fastener is the most efficient choice and provides the most clearance.

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not be reproduced, repubished or dlstribuled In any fonnal withoul u,e 8J1P<6SS written oonsenl of MMA.

Anchorage components shown in the figure below must resist a horizontal wind load (Pw ) of2,400 lbs, acting either inward
or outward, and a dead load (P0 ) of 1,200 lbs. To resist these loads, select suitable bolts from Table 20.9 that are made of
stainless steel (alloy groups 1, 2 and 3; condition CW). Check the mullion through-bolts for shear and the mullion for bolt
bearing. Bending in the through bolts will be neglected in this example because the 1/32" thickness of the spacers is less than
half of the bolts' effective diameter at the threads. The anchor-to-structure bolts (used as screws installed in tapped holes)
will be evaluated for shear, tension and bearing loads.


1/4" A36 STEEL
1/32" ISOLATING SHIMS 1 1/2"

... Pw = 2,400 LBS

... 3"

(6063-T5 ALUM TUBE,

1" 5"


P w = 2,400 LBS
� ... 2"



FIGURE 23.2: Fastener Selection - Example 2


A) Find the resultant shear at each shear plane of the through bolts.

Total resultant shear load: VR = ./[(2400)2 + (1200)2] = 2,683 lbs

Number of Shear Planes = 2 (2 bolts) = 4
At Each Shear Plane: v = VR/ 4 = 2683/4 = 671 lbs per shear plane

B) Choose diameter of the bolts.

From Table 20.9, the 1/8" thick wall of the 6063-T5 aluminum mullion has an allowable bearing load of 688 lbs at a 3/8-16
bolt. This exceeds the design load of 671 lbs. For shear, the bolt has an allowable single-shear load equal to 1,614 lbs, which
exceeds the 671 lbs design shear load.

From the same table, the allowable bearing for 1/8" A36 steel is 2,447 lbs. For the 1/4" thick A36 steel plates, the allowable
bearing load is thus (0.25 / 0.125)(2447) = 4,894 lbs per shear plane. This is conservative (see Section 8.0 for t> 3/

C) Check the edge distance (center to edge) and spacing (center to center).

Referring to Section 8.0 (comments after Eq. 8.2), pertaining to the allowable bearing values in the tables, the edge distance
(e) in the wind load direction for a bolt bearing on steel must not be less than 1.8 d, which is 1.8 (0.375") = 0.675". This is
less than I" provided and so is satisfactory. In the dead load direction, the minimum edge distance is also 1.8 d = 0.675",
which is less than I" provided (okay). From Section 8.0 (comments preceding Table 8.1), the preferred minimum bolt
spacing for steel (t > 3/16") is 3 d, which is 3 (0.375") = 1.125" < 2" provided, which is adequate.

Referring to Section 8.0, the minimwn bolt spacing for aluminum is 2.5 d, which equals 2.5 (0.375") = 0.938". This is less
than the 2" spacing provided and thus is satisfactory.

Descril!tion Allowable Actual Remark

Tension Load --- --- Not Applicable
Single Shear Load 4(1614) =
6,456 lbs 2,683 lbs Adequate
Bearing on Steel =
4(4894) 19,576 lbs 2,683 lbs Adequate
Bearing on Aluminum 4(688) = 2,752 lbs 2,683 lbs Adequate
Pull-out --- --- Not Applicable
Combined Stress Ratio --·· --- Not Applicable
Bolt Spacing (c/c): Steel l .125" min. 2" Adequate
Bolt Spacing (c/c): Aluminum 0.938" min. 2" Adequate
Edge Distance: Vertical 0.675" min. l" Adequate
Edge Distance: Horizontal 0.675" min. l" Adeauate



A) Determine the forces in each bolt, due to dead load and wind load. Refer to Figure 23.2 for this example.

Vo= 1200/2 = 600 lbs per bolt; (Shear due to dead load)
= =
tw 2400/2 1,200 lbs per bolt; (Tension due to outward wind load)

Use a factor (y) to account for the centroid location of the compression reaction, due to eccentricity of the dead load, below
the bolts. Assume a rectangular strip for the compression zone whose bottom edge is approximately flush with the anchor's
bottom edge. To limit the contact stress and allow for flatness tolerances, use y = 0.95. Depending on the connected
materials and engineering judgment, y may range from 0.67 (e.g., a triangular stress distribution) to slightly less than 1. Thus
the tension due to the eccentric dead load can be determined as follows:

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nol be reproduced, repub�shed or dislnbuled In ally fonnal wllhout lhe express wrilten consent ofAAMA.
t0 = P0 (5")/[2" (y) (2 bolts)] = 1200(5)[2 (0.95) (2) ] = 1,579 Ibs per bolt
The total tension force in each bolt is:
t = tw + t0 = 1200 + 1579 = 2,779 lbs per bolt
The total tension force for two bolts is: T = 2 (2779) = 5,558 lbs

NOTE 35: In this example, due to the bending strength of the 3/4" thick anchor plate, there is no prying to cause added
tension in the bolts. See the calculation procedure in the AISC Manual (14th ed., pages 9-10 and 9-1 /), for angle-like
connecting elements.

B) Select the diameter of the bolts.

Referring to Table 20.9, a 1/2-13 bolt has an allowable single shear of 2,984 lbs (exceeds 600 lbs per bolt and so is
satisfactory) and an allowable tension of 5, 676 lbs (greater than 2,779 lbs per bolt and thus okay). Because shear and tension
act on each bolt simultaneously, it is necessary to check the combined stress ratio (CSR). This interaction may be calculated
using Eq. 7.6 (last equation in Section 7.0):

csR =
(t 2
= ( 600 iz984) 2 2779
= 0.040 + 0.240 = 0.280 < 1.0
lrA ) + ( /5676 )
( )
v/vA +

This is less than 1.0 and is thus adequate. Using Table 20.9, the bearing and pull-out allowable values can also be checked.
For 1/8" thick A3 6 steel, this bolt (1/2-13) has an allowable bearing load of 3,26 3 lbs. For 1/ 2 " thick A3 6 steel, the allowable
bearing is (0.5'' / 0.125") (3263) = 13,052 lbs. This exceeds 600 lbs per bolt and is acceptable. The allowable value is
conservative (see Section 8.0 for t> 3/16"). Table 20.9 also lists allowable tension values for fasteners installed in tapped
holes in 3/8" thick steel, which is less than the 1/2" thickness provided. For this bolt, the allowable pull-out is 5, 642 lbs,
which exceeds 2,779 lbs and is adequate.

C) Check the edge distance (center to edge) and spacing (center to center)

Refe rring to Section 8.0 (comments after Eq. 8.2), the edge distance (e) in the dead load direction for a bolt must not be less
than 1.8 d: 1.8 (0.5'') = 0.90" < 2" provided, which is satisfactory. Based on Table 8.1, the minimum edge distance (eM),
from the hole center to the edge that is parallel to the load, must be at least 3/4". This is less than the l " dimension provided
and is adequate.

Referring to the comments prior to Table 8.1, the preferred minimum bolt spacing for steel is 3 d: 3 (0.5'') = 1.5". This is
less than 6.0625" provided, which is adequate.

Descri�tion Allowable Actual Remark

Tension Load 2(5676) = 11,352 lbs 5,558 lbs Adequate
Single Shear Load 2(2984) = 5,968 lbs 1, 200 lbs Adequate
Bearing on Steel 2(13052) = 2,6,104 lbs 1,200 lbs Adequate
Bearing on Aluminum --- --- Not Applicable
Pull-out 2(5642) = ll.,284 lbs 5,558 Adequate

Combined Stress Ratio � 1.000 0.280 Adequate

Bolt Spacing (c/c): Steel 1.50" min. 6.0 625" Adequate
Edge Distance: Vertical 0.90" min. 2" Adequate
Edge Distance: Horizontal 0.75" min. I" Adequate


Clearly, the 1/2-13 bolts are conservative for this example. An additional iteration of design would find that certain smaller
fasteners (i.e., 7/16-1 4 and 3/8-16) are also adequate, but loaded much closer to their allowable values.
24.0 APPENDIX (Screw Engagement in Screw Chase; Sliding Friction in Screw
Chase; Thread Root Area)

b b

Ath Ae/2


a = Angle defining limits of screw engagement, in screw chase, (degrees)

A e = Total area of screw thread engagement in screw chase for one thread, (sq in.)
Ath = Projected thread area of fastener =rr(R - r ),(sq in.)
2 2

R = Major radius of screw thread= D Ji,(in.)

r= Minor radius of screw thread, (in.)
Re = Ratio of engaged thread area to total thread area in screw chase= e/A
2b = Length of engagement, (in.)

Referring to Figure 24.1 we find the area of the screw thread engagement, (A e ) to be:



(24.2, 24.3)

Substituting these into the first equation:


Then, by trigonometric identity,



(24.6, 24.7)

Again, referring to Figure l, fastener thread area Alh is

Ratio of engaged thread area to total thread area then becomes:

(24.9, 24.10)



So that,





Equation (24.14) below, considering friction for screws with V-threads in threaded round holes, is taken from Chapter 3 of
Mark's Mechanical Engineers' Handbook.

(24.14) Vrh = {F[P ± (2rrrmf sec c)]}/[2rrrm +(Pf sec c)]

From (24.14) we can derive the equation for lateral resistance to sliding ofa screw in a screw chase where:


- ,A ' '•

··.:_,. 17H/24
··.· . · .. .. ·: . .
.... , -

: :'.:: _::.}\::


..... :: ;._··:.. ;·.· ..'..-T. ,._..���<:\>

--'-��<,..,:- · ;�:- . ' . -� ...:'f: . ;._ ·....::::... �---''"---
. CL


c = � the angle between the faces ofa thread, (degrees)
F = Tensile force exerted by tightening screw, in screw chase (lb.)
f = Coefficient of friction. For mild steel on aluminum, f = 0.47.
P = Pitch ofscrew, 1/N = Pitch, (in.)
R = Major radius ofscrew thread, (in.)
r = Minor radius of screw thread, (in.)
Re = Ratio ofarea of screw thread engagement in screw chase from Equation 24.13.
rm = mean radius of screw thread, (in.)= (R + r)/
Vs/ = Ultimate lateral frictional resistance to sliding of a screw in a screw chase parallel to walls (length) of
chase, (lb.). Shear factor for determining resistance of screw in screw chase parallel to walls (length) of chase,

T = Torque on screw or bolt = (Lrm ), (lb - in.)

Referring to Figure 24.2 we find:

(24.15) sec c = �J-�-


(24.16) !?.!!.
= (R - r)
So that,

(24.17) H = (24/17)(R - r)
NOTE 36: The equations from the original published document have been updated to the following simplified

[(24 ) (R r)] ( 2 p) 2

secc J r7 -+ 2

(ii) (R -r)
j [( �)(R-r)f +(8.SP) 2
secc =
(24)(R -r)

Substituting (24.18) and (24.19) into (24.14) we get:

(24.20) S = secc






C 30·
h = 60 °


The ultimate lateral frictional resistance as given by Equation 24.22 is used to determine the shear strength of a screw in a
screw chase when loaded parallel to the walls (length) of the screw chase. Equation 24.22 is expressed in terms of the torque;
the major, mean and minor radii of the screw; the pitch of the screw; and the coefficient of friction between the fastener metal
and the aluminum extrusion. To determine an allowable design value, divide V5 1 by a suitable safety factor. A safety factor of
2.34 is recommended.


N = Number of threads per inch

P = Pitch of screw= 1/N , (in.)
D = Nominal Diameter, (in.)
K = Basic Minor Diameter, in. K = D - 2 (17 4 ) H, (in.)
C = 30 °
H = P sin 60 = 0.866 P = (0.866/N)

17 0.866 1.2269
K=D-2 ( )( ) =D---.(in.)
24 � N
1.2269 2
TC (D --N-)
(v --
A(R) = Thread Root Area = = 0.7854 --) , (sq. in.)
4 N
25.1 References to the standards listed below shall be to the edition indicated. Any undated reference to a code or standard
appearing in the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted as to referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.


"Aluminum Design Manual, Part 1, Chapter J - Specification for Aluminum Structures", 2010


"Steel Construction Manual," Fourteenth Edition


"North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members", - 2007

"Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual" - 2008


ANSI/ASME B1.1-2003, Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Forms)

25.1.SASTM International

ASTM Al 43/Al43M-07, Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel
Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement

ASTM Al 53/Al 53M-09 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware

ASTM A 307-12, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts, Studs, and Threaded Rod 60 000 PSI Tensile Strength

ASTM A325-10el Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength

ASTM A449-l O Standard Specification for Hex Cap Screws, Bolts and Studs, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105/90 ksi Minimum
Tensile Strength, General Use

ASTM A490-12 Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength

ASTM A563-07a Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts

ASTM B20 l-80(2009)e 1 Standard Practice for Testing Chromate Coatings on Zinc and Cadmium Surfaces

ASTM B456-l l e l Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper Plus Nickel Plus Chromium and Nickel
Plus Chromium

ASTM B633-13 Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel

ASTM B695-04(2009) Standard Specification for Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel

ASTM B696-00(2009) Standard Specification for Coatings of Cadmium Mechanically Deposited

ASTM B766-86(2008) Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Cadmium

ASTM F593-13a Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs

AAMA TIR-A9-14 Page 92

Copyright by the American Arohitectural Manufacture<"a Association (AAMA). This doCUmenl was purchased by J.lldCumla of Chjna Nau lo•Jo(SJaQd;l(dlzaUon on Thu Mar 19 2015. It may
not be rell'oduced. repubYshed or distributed In any format without the express written consent ofAAMA.
ASTM F606-13 Standard Test Methods for Detennining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded
Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets


ASCE/SEI 7-10, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Stnictures", 2010

ASCE/SEI 8-02, "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Stnictural Members", 2002


"Inch Fastener Standards," Eighth Edition

"Metric Fastener Standards," Third Edition


"Machinery's Handbook", 27•h Edition


"Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers" Eleventh Edition


1429-201304, Mechanical and Material Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners.

12295-200605, Fastener Part Standard - Cap Screws, Hex Bolts and Hex Nuts (Inch Dimensioned)

178-201304, Steel Self-Drilling Tapping Screws.

The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) would like to thank the following for their permission to
use their content in this design guide:

American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)

One East Wacker Drive Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60601-1802

ASTM International (ASTM)

100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15096

The Aluminum Association

1525 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22209
Changes from AAMA TIR A9-91 to AAMA TIR A9-14
- Updated Title from "Metal Curtain Wall Fasteners" to "Design Guide for Metal Cladding Fasteners"
- Updated and relocated Symbols section
- Added extensive information on Hydrogen Embrittlement to the Protection Against Corrosion section.
- Added new Safety Factors Section with a thorough explanation on how the safety factors were derived for the range of
fastener diameters.
- Updated information in Fastener Load Tables Commentary found in Section 7.0.
- Expanded information in Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes to include screws and screw tilting in various thicknesses and
- Updated and expanded information in Pull-out Strength Section to include equations for thick, thin, and transition regions
and includes thread stripping of internal and external threads.
- New Pull-out Strength Tables incorporated from the 2000 addendum.
- New Pull-over of Screw Head section incorporating equation from the ADM 2010 for aluminum substrates and the AISI
specification for cold-formed steel substrates.
- Added Figures 17. l , 17.2, and 17.3 which demonstrate graphically the Allowable Tension vs. Thickness for various
substrates and a given Y.-20 fastener.
- Updates to various sketches and equation formatting.
- Updated Sample Calculations for Load Tables and added Figures.
- Updated Carbon Steel Fastener Materials and Stainless Steel Fastener Materials Tables to more current versions and
- Updated all Tables in Section 20 to reflect new and updated equations.
- Updates examples in the Appendix
- Updated all Applicable Documents and relocated to the back.
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DA TE: 3/2/2015
TITLE: Design Guide for Metal Cladding Fasteners

This document contains incorrect equations.

The requirement currently reads:

Section 10.0 Pull-Out Strength

P, = 0.9n (4/n) d t FTU/(S F..J3)

The requirement shall be corrected to read:

Section 10.0 Pull-Out Strength

I P, = 0.91tQ (4/n) &+FTU/(SF..J3)


In the text following equation (10.19) an error occurred in the equation for P8 • The "t" variable was mistakenly
placed in equation. This errata corrects that mistake and moves the "d" variable toward the beginning of the
equation to align with the format of the preceding equations.

The requirement currently reads:

Section 20.0 Fastener Load Tables, Table 20.1

TSA(I) = (n)(DSMIN){(l/(2N) + ((3) 1n)� SM1N-ENMAX)}

TSA(E) = (n)(KNMAX){(l/(2N) + ((3) 1 J(ESMIN-KNMAX)}

The requirement shall be corrected to read:

I TSA(I) = (n)(DSMIN){(l/(2N) + [.!1(3) /l](DSMIN-ENMAX)}


TSA(E) = (n)(KNMAX){(l/(2N) + [lL(3) 1n](ESMIN-KNMAX)}


An typo was made in both TSA{I) and TSA(E) equations. (3) y, should have been 1/(3) 112

American Architectural Manufacturers Association

1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 550, Schaumburg, IL 60173
Phone 847-303-5664 Fax 847-303-5774
Web Site Email
Llll1Clmao. ot China Nau l!J.51 Pl staQdacdl1a11on on Thu Mar 19 2015. 11 niay
��::��"'.';:=•=:!,"';/�;�:!1::J�������t��e���=::i=��- by
American Architectural Manufacturers Association
1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 550
Schaumburg, IL 60173
PHONE (847)303-5664 FAX (847)303-5774

Copy,ighl by the Amer1can Archlle<:lural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). This document was purchased by J.Ql'i of Ch,oaNatl Inst of s1aooardlzat100 on ThU Mar 102010. t may
not be reproduce<l, repubtiSMd or dislribuled In any fon-nal w,u=t t11e express wntlen cons&nt ot AAMA

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