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Br. 1141-1 & 1206-1

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{atnate for Consiticton of mpatant bes conioton with Dow between ane Raia Manipur & Rhaiar ] Bhimsen (411 Km) © Si [USSOR ‘Biel Description of ems Unit] Rate] Gy nt ay ‘ant No. tem no Ba TARE ATH TAT, OSI Cae Compost ron Bova Per & [015120 [Eediwork in ing th embankment, gue banda aroun ‘cam | 208.30] 250000,00) —52075000,00] ~260000.00] 47660000, lbured type abutmentsbridge gaps, troley refuges, ise Jbunds if provides, platforms etcwith earth excavated fe fuse raliway “boundary entirely arranged by. th |contractor at his own cost as per R DSO's latest guideline land specications and special condition of cortratinloding el ead, royalty, its, ascents, descents, crossing of nals lor any other cbsvuctions. The rates shall include a [resting of bank to final profile, demarcation and setin Jout of profte, site clearance, removing of shrubs, roots, lvesetations growth, heavy grass, benching of exiting sope of old bank, all handing / rehandling, taxes, acto} land royaty ete. 25 2 complete jb. Cut trees shat bel property of raiivays and to be deposited in the ralivay |2edown unless specined otherwise in the Speck conto lot contract JEare for mechanical compaction of earth 7 Worketng) Ga '2i] 250600.00] —3552500.00) —200000,00] —BS2000 a} Jnateral ited in embankment. with contractors roles of [stable copacty, type and size to achive speed dens [25 Per specticaton, testing as per IS codes inc, cost of |water, T&P consumable materal and all labour 35 [complete job. The work is to be executed as pertatst| leon of “Guideines for Earthwork in Railway Projects} [issued by ROSO, Lucknow & & BW F & —, Ore py Paes) “orf 22299999797 H HH HANA AN AO KOKOOAN Scanned with CamScanner so 3 Sere ace ier at Hitt THIiO [Prondiag and remcoung barcoding with the hep of porabe| liencing along tre runring track where te work is to bel ldone cose vent of the wack Fencing stall consist off set supprting see! anges of se $0 xS0x6mim, 1 7 long proved vith hooks ele and embedded in CC 124 block of lize 0.2310 2330.23 slace at cc tance of 20 M slo ine tack. 12 mn dia 03s i tree horontl layers tack Jweied win the angle posts incuding roving. Reto reectve tapes in Horizontal & vertest ection” Note \Released materi! wil be the propery ofthe contacter at| ite completion of work Cost of coment to be pai] seperate 55060 Scop and sg coment a Wore o 530K [OPC a grade ‘DaSOI0 [Spayne _Relorcenert for RCC work edna] lachtering, cutting, bending, plaeng In postion and lining at compete @ [B4SGTS [Terme Mecnancay Treated bate Co) © TSTOTO [Earn dring of Goveroie. down To reared Ga lasing of 180mm cameter boreholes i a typeof sl fexcestnard rock and large boulers (boulder core mor] an 30 em), inekding reihng an reinstating surface, ane lasposing ot surplus materal eudng use of mechancal figs win power operated winches os Wel a8 percussion |eneseting too for sovancing tough occasional seam |nore sata tobe empoyed, where necessary in ry ae aIoHT oe Tore 91012 [Toto 20m 0 We TTT SARE [ONE GT, SENDS CT Composit Gn Beta River Ge TESS] S000] rSesRsm—) —ToO.oy ——TOsRS SRO] STO] —eaTaRHRLG —TORCETA) —€27ROCTOT| 35] _aeu000e] zI7e0GGDT-VG| — BOOTING] — TEOSOGON| Teen] som | Sear 50.00) ara 1742.25| 3s0.00_| —_ eoB7a7.s0| 250.00] _aaeeen.s 51090 ]Owling ef WX Ee Dorehae (75 re day ST a ar] Jock tresh cok) and colecbon of rock core sampies fon] loses and presering boxes ae hy oN $ 2 rye lag Ow Hey Scanned with CamScanner i ]USSOR] No, {item no ta oral at ‘aya Campos ron Beta ver gj | io aca Er ca ME [a0 fone z0m metre Tay Boe] TOE | —_ 1500] BOOT @ [ian [Conducting sianears panataton Wet a8 per TS 211 |2peroxmatei $ m mterais im bore Roles, a decd by the] lEngneerin charge Ta oul Tariaas) ASO} Tose) > [isn Jreparaon and submission of Final report ging compl lnc comprehensive record of investigations, aboatry ts repos and calulations in approved format ase Ta) sas] 1 aEH| To pa [Esty work excavation Tor Toundatons and Tors ot te bridges, retaining was et, icing setting ou, cessing] lo ses, ramming ef bottom, geting out the excavated materia, back filing in layers wth approved moteral an [consolidation of the layers by ramming and watering et| nc. a it, disposal of surpus sol upto lead ef 300, ol lypes of shoring and svuting with 98 isbour and mater |complete 2s per crawing and teccal speotcaton a [iected by Engineer in charge. oy] Baar [at nds of sae Ts “a00.0o] — a965000.00) —ToDoe ce] 3576000 00 oy] OT \Sranaryror wee ‘o00.0o| — 98¥600.06) 300 02] ——soaTED De OTS Hard rock reauring Basing) TET 500%) 460060°00) —Tooa.ea] 305720 7 153030 |Pronding and layng Plain Cement Concrete 136 wit] lorded stone aggregate of 40 mm romival sie, i Foundation end fees, retaining wals of bridges ncudag] jmecnanica! ming, vibrating, pumping and. tallng fwater where ever required with al materi and labour complete but excluding the cost of cement and shuttering] ls per drawings and technical speceatons os directed by} Engineer Tae Tato — aero OED —TarIsTOua ae ty Q&S C a ¥ & 2 om ee A Scanned with CamScanner ves Upsala Fak FU Fond a Bm ee ae item No} TZ [15261 [Providing ond laying FH postion machine rbed, machine) cam | 16542) 250000] 4735700.00 ltrate and machine batched Design Mic Cement Concrete} IMas grade (Cast in Stusing 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quel Jncc raf foundation & Pe cap lacing finishing, Using lAcmacurs in recommended proportns (a per 1S 9103) I approved in Mx design to acelerate or retard setting Joncrete andior improve werkabity without paving ltenatn and duabaty complete as per specications and] lscecton ofthe Engineer in charge. Payment for cement] reinforcement and shuttering shal be pas era 75 [TORIES ronding and Toying poston rachine rived, machin \worated and machine batched Design Mix Cement Concrete [4 35 grade (Cast - in Sy) wing 20 mn graded er ‘stone aggregate and coarse sand of approves aul Ihe folowing Reinforced cement conerete structural lclements upto height ef 10 M fom foundation top leva Inciding fishing, Using. Iropotionsa= per 15 9103), if opprved in Mx design lcclerate oF fetard sting of concrete andr prove lworkbity without imparing strength and durbi lcomplete as par speccatons and drecton ofthe Engine ln cherge. Payment for cement, reinforcement and] |srutering shall be poi era [RT [aE Pa an_| Pra TOS | TaN aD] THT) TSEC 15 | 52065 fRoamancap, Far Cap, ape Fao Seal aan| — Tawa] inooue| —aiennaama} — Teno} —TasTaTs ore: co Fnder wl Dptrogm wa ce oe a a TA [osama cb a BE My eee, es Yeas S Scanned with CamScanner Waal SS Ne LT TD a AUP aPRPaABING $i |USSOR] Brel Basen oT Rome mae a oy Tat no tem No o @ RTT OS GT Sopot ron Bata ae e 7 | ai [rove aae SAREE Tempe Ean TSS lot dam for consrcton of we finders, ele tne ard aumping ot water proven o ans bap Ioosen tien, sheet pling. ah aord er ary oe] stabe meter nate! dei na 1S srequred wl Jt atow and mata cong eo «0 | sea |Forwa ae rape Sens UR TOW wimE| ROR BT (c [9 Forwer sae Vora mr ave TOW Taiaaeaa] a7 — | — Samsara 0a] — SOs TS | SSD [sang on sheng eg ATG, POS S| eed orl for or (0) [RR CC aR onaaion aa Term Tama — sea — eT] STROOD «| Bs Samet Be, wa wale ad ean wae aT as —BeaTSON, PETOOT| TITTY (c) REGS [Rbiert can, Par Gi, amen Favors © Pte Tams} son — Tera] — 3500) — REST vc, Pensev Saphagm e (6) [TR aceasta val OF Wa a WaT | rm aaa — SET — POUT} — SSO fematon ve TS | BIER Sra see WORT DOR a Wp HO frases on tonedvark, sides saga, rds ce Jace etna, bending, srogienng. ena, vena] lectin nocg, tng "> poetonInccing esr. min cot of # approved tel pmer orp opo So et seve © Ses oad 374] ROOT AD | — Dae EAT] TTT (BOB ns, es, rood or saa BaF S7ai|isoonan | aes] — Feo aa | BETO Er eave aseqoet I Fag Fa Tae Jone above Ut ereston ana ang ie wo (o) | 05102 ver mama CaO ayo] ona] Tre aeaaG | FUT] ——_ TORTS Ge * 7 enwnnn 5 nv ak o eK Scanned with CamScanner uuu upY UU UU oe r [USSOR| ‘Beef Description of ome Unt Rate Oy nt oy No. tem No mt Bee TAT BEET | NETO ST CORH Campos Gr on Bata ver e i | RLLOTO[Suppivag oT al ypes oF Suc sea conforming Fe ls10 8 of 15.2082, faticaton, assembing, erecton ! sewing] | end taunching of stet girders (Not requring tate lock] justo 45.7 m span on substructure ine. provision of tole retupes. reqs. complete a por approves drawing el en lost of Zinc crore pet to 18-104 & one coat of Zin [chrome Ree Ovce to 1S 2074 and paining as per IRS-61 lon ai members, (Osta faicaton and erection sravsgs Is ouncring meinosoogy wil be prepared snd gt aporove| by tre contractor trom Ralvay). Rae include fabreston at me types of batens,bracigs, tes, stfenrs, pack laaprvogms, shop wets /woidag, T&F bots ds, e lweis, tomplates, gs, Yotues, back up supports laccessones, varsporing various components ford laoccaton shop to ste. contd CConts. = incluting leading, unloading, it and tax lcomplete assomby of gicers’ on itsbots, fel Invetngvelaing. aesembing of temporary suppor fr Si [sewng, rising of grcers to the bed Dock level, proving Jsiang erangements and slewing the grder in posiion lowering of geder on bearings and bes plates. grou notes nthe bea ocr fr fog of HD botw/anchor ins of bed plates. al temporary arrangements. Load testing may le cone under chapter 22.The bearing Sesto - be provied laren the goers wl be pad Separatl as per relevant te eer (oa ie Grea So Trea Ger ce — Bs Ao \ S 5 & —., Py sevens Scanned with CamScanner Se B TSSOR] ‘Brief Description of ems Uni | Rae] Oy ‘it oy ont om No} BR THT FREE ATR |BT Ne VET. TSHE CoM Campos ron Beta River | TOW |Ascerbing and ETeSaOA of Tabreaiee raiovay weal rock ana roe bearings wit cranelderick st ste on sud Jsrucure wth ‘our, equipment, TAP inccirg_ se ivetinglveldng wth al temporary arangemen! Sealing te win contectors design and scheme for engtucinal launchingsge sewn (Not requrng afc bock| lspproved by Raiay. Rate incl. Fel vets welding, eis, lseice bate, a pe drawings (9) | RIT0RE [Pa Gre Sem Trough Grser Tar _|—aanoaa| 140000) — Ta952362.00) 77259) | ATOR [Metalang oF steel work of girder wih grt basing spa] Sam | 6889] 1200000) ToeseeD.0o[ $5000) liks-61-2001 folowing by one coat of etch primer (as is: 5666) one coat of Zine Crome primer (a5 per 1308) land two coats of aluminium paint (25 per 1: 2329) tha labour, TAP and material 2 9 complete | TOGO Prending and fang 650 rem Nonna da BeSwE GT Brel KG ag ay Sssss0 a0] —7EDC.00) ——-a4BF TE [sing used in rows for fetpath or ant-I®IID MEN ENAHNANAANADOOHRAANS Scanned with CamScanner Vovvvvd vou ai dddddddddd ds Sr] USSR] No. tem Na} Rate ‘aiy_[ Amt oF, int ] BENT OIRO |B VO TEU, TESTS Compas Gr on Bene iver or aay om (er USSOR-2010 items as [hy other USSOR-2010 ters eer the work a sel land not covered ia above & oon 1S oso ‘TOTAL PART ‘A’ USSOR-2010 sariaaiay] Re "390638289 [Add 402% above on USSOR Reems ao00% | —ai0asTEs TERETE [Total of USSOR Wems-2010 Cost of Estimate Part A= Re] 737987794) Re B.S [iage on USSOR item taken from LOA No, JNSIGIRIBina ISTO: ‘ont TPR dated 70.08.2014 [PART "ENS ITEMS Bet [Providing and laying RCE deign mix control concrete gro or maar-45 nimm2 incuding using OFC 43/53, grad loement, coarse sand and mechancaly crushed stone] loggregate 20 mm and cown Sze inching cement OFC SLABS, CENTRAL VERGE, END CANTILEVER RAILING BERN ler ver steet girder as per drawing atthe approved af height ond distance fom ine OHE wie caring 25KV tracon under running tac condition to east a compost sab with gicer incasing scmixture of any approved ma by Engineer-in-charge. The rates icudes for uncing| [sraichtering, cuting hooking, bending, binding & place rifercement steel in poston ining the cast of binding Ire scaring, centering shuttering, casting, cuteg, fF specie periods and desin wth weigh batching, ky Rettercement bars tld / TOR / THTsteel willbe laranges by the contractor and payment forthe same il be mace separately unser relevant HS/SSR Items. kr cost of Coment and Admire incu. [an mans aera cert cone 25K) = TSE Taq) —soreNTL a 7500 TAGE) BW FF PY cerca ls Scanned with CamScanner : $i JUSSOR Na, |tem No| H ‘Brief Description of tems . tint tae bow amt ay nt Compost ron Beta River BETH TOGRT TRE TRE, Toa Co ote JRCC work with Geign mi contel concrete Grade |wnm2 inciting using of 43/53. grade OPC/PPC cement| fcoarse sand & mecharicaty crushed stone 2gpreyte 2 |r & down size including coment in WEARING COAT Wid fo required camber & spe with temperature enforcement 2s per speciation & approved plan/design| Jprengement’ made for fang of expansion joints. an] Jtroinage spot inching cost of shuttering, centering] scatttsing, uncoting, straightening, citing, hoking, lending, binding including placing, keeping a |maintning in postion in all the reinforcement stec} jnciusng the cost of binding wie, anti corrosive treatment lsesian ‘mix with weigh batching mechanical mixing, |bcting and curing of concrete fora spect perio. The} ate incudes fr al ascend, descend, lad, it above/beon ‘round level olor and materal asa complete jo. 9-30 (trimur cement content 400Ko/en3) Ci) Reinforcement bars Mild J TOR / THT steel wil be larenged by the contractor and payment forthe same wi be made separately under relevant NS/SSR lems, Can cost of Cement and Admire is inchsiv. 7a CED 350.00] 3447779.06) 300.00) ——TeBDEOET ‘TOTALPART NS Reme 18522250.46] 10925289 60 [Add 73% on NS Keems BT _|_as6s47.4 [Total of NS Tems Cost of Estimate Part S271 9 19768797.93] G.TOTAL OF COST (PART ‘A &'B') 11660561.59 55855416039 Rs.| 757756592.) age on USSOR lem taken from LOA No, JHSICIRISIna JHSICont. TPL dated TO.06 2018 be Sa) INAA~AAMAd Bids BO [Rates on NS tem taken from LOA Wo, JHSIGIRUIROBHA7ICont. TPLIBD dated TOOT 20T Scanned with CamScanner

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