MCN MT2 Refresher
MCN MT2 Refresher
MCN MT2 Refresher
a. Prepare siblings for birth of the baby 10. Karen receives epidural anesthesia prior to
b. Ambivalent feeling about present pregnancy giving birth. What action by the nurse is appropriate?
c. Expressing concern about the birth plan
d. States the feelings of attachment to the fetus a. Observe for signs of hypothermia
b. Evaluate the newborn’s respiratory efforts
3. What statement by the client would indicate a c. Determine the mother’s level of pain immediately postpartum
need for further teaching about the physiologic anemia d. Observe for signs of maternal hypotension and maintain
of pregnancy? hydration
a. “Because I’m anemic, I am more likely to have low blood Situation: Kyle is o her 3rd month of pregnancy but this
pressure and low hemoglobin count.” is first prenatal visit. Her last menstrual period was
b. “I did not get enough iron in my diet before I became November 1. Her menstruation follows a regular 28 days
pregnant, so I am anemic now.” cycle.
c. Most pregnant women experiences anemia, so I have to
drink that iron pill as advised by my doctor” 11. On a 29 – day menstrual cycle. The nurse
d. “I ‘m a little anemic because my body is producing extra fluid expects that Kyle’s ovulation would have occurred on
in my blood.” what day of the cycle?
4. A pregnant woman at 10 weeks of gestation a. 19th day
called the clinic to report that she is experiencing vaginal b. 16th day
bleeding. What should be the initial response at the c. 15th day
nurse? d. 14th day
a. You are probably miscarrying. Bring all your pads and come 12. During her prenatal visit dated July 5, the age in
to the clinic now gestation in weeks is:
b. Describe the bleeding to me
c. Go to bed and rest for the remainder of the day and call if a. 30 - 31 weeks
bleeding continues b. 33 weeks
d. Come to the clinic the soonest possible time so you can be c. 34 weeks
assessed d. 34 -35 weeks
5. A pregnant patient assessed for vaginal 13. Using Nagele’s Rule, Kyle’s expected date of
bleeding. The nurse suspects that the patient has delivery is most likely to be:
incompetent cervix if there is: a. September 15
a. Light bleeding, closed cervix, cramping/ lower abdominal b. August 8
pain and uterus softer than normal c. August 22
b. Painless heavy bleeding on the 32nd week of pregnancy d. September 11
c. Painless bleeding on the 2nd trimester
14. When assessing the abdomen of Kyle, the
d. Uterus larger than normal, with excessive vomiting
fundus is likely palpated:
6. Mrs. Dela Cruz 2 months pregnant and has a
a. At the level of the navel
history of two spontaneous miscarriages. Which of the b. At the level of the symphisis pubis
following assessment indicates a potential for a third c. Midway between the xyphoid process and abdomen
miscarriage? d. Just below the xiphoid process
a. Lab results revealing an elevation in protein bound iodine 15. Calories needed by pregnant women per day:
b. Dietary intake indicating 300 more calories than eaten by the
non – pregnant a. Approximately 500 calories
c. Reports of exposure to child with rubella over a period of b. Approximately 300 calories
time c. Additional 300 calories
d. Nervous, anxious behavior noted during the prenatal visits d. Additional 500 calories
Situation: You have been doing follow up care for Karen 16. Kyle nears the end of her pregnancy and
and she has developed trust in you as her nurse. comments to the nurse, “I’ m curious, what causes labor
to begin?” which reply by Kyle is best?
7. Karen tells you that she has been feeling
contractions; but they stop when she walks around. a. “No one knows. It’s like a rosary, full of mysteries.”
These contractions are called: b. “It is believed that the exact cause of labor is uterine
a. True Labor contractions c. “The pituitary gland in the brain releases a special hormone
b. False labor contractions that signals labor to begin.”
c. Premature labor d. “The exact cause of labor is unknown but it is believed to be
d. Dysfunctional multi-causal.”
A. Begins with full dilatation of cervix and ends with delivery of 42. The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client in
placenta her 34th week of gestation who's experiencing
B. Begins with true labor pains and ends with full dilatation premature labor. What nonpharmacological interventions
C. Begins with complete dilatation and effacement of cervix should the plan include to halt premature labor?
and ends with delivery of baby
D. Begins with passage of show and ends with full dilatation A. Encouraging ambulation
and effacement of cervix B. Serving a nutritious diet
C. Promoting adequate hydration
35. The following are common causes of dysfunctional D. Performing nipple stimulation
labor. Which of these can a nurse, on her own manage?
43. A woman in labor shouts to the nurse, "My baby is
A. Pelvic bone contraction coming right now! I feel like I have to push!" An
B. Full bladder immediate nursing assessment reveals that the head of
C. Extension rather than flexion of the head the fetus is crowning. After asking another staff member
D. Cervical rigidity
to notify the physician and setting up tor delivery, which
36. Client is admitted in active labor. The nurse locates nursing intervention is most appropriate?
fetal heart sounds in the upper left quadrant of the A. Gently pulling at the baby's head as it's delivered
mother's abdomen. The nurse would recognize which of B. Holding the baby's head back until the physician arrives
the following? C. Applying gentle pressure to the baby's head as it's delivered
D. Placing the mother in a Trendelenburg position until the
A. Client will probably deliver very quickly and without
physician arrives
B. This indicates that she will probably have a breech delivery. 44. The nurse is caring for a client who's in labor. The
C. The fetus is in the most common anterior fetal position. physician still isn't present. After the baby's head is
D. This position is referred to as being left anteriopelvic.
delivered, which nursing intervention would be most
37. Assessment data from a woman in labor revealing appropriate?
that she has had severe nausea during the early months A. Checking for the umbilical cord around the baby's neck
of pregnancy, back pain during the middle and last B. Placing antibiotic ointment in the baby's eyes
months of pregnancy, and a long difficult labor might C. Turning the baby's head to the side, to drain secretions
indicate which of the following? D. Assessing the baby tor respirations
A. Altered coping related to the changes of pregnancy 45. A client delivered an infant 12 hours ago and has
B. Altered rest pattern related to decreased tolerance of pain lots of questions regarding care, but shows little initiative
C. Potential for impaired bonding related to maternal in caring for the newborn. According to Rubin's theory,
D. Potential for impaired infant growth related to maternal
the client is exhibiting which stage?
fatigue a. Taking-in stage
b. Taking-hold stage
38. Fetal distress is suspected if which of the following c. Letting-go stage
diagnostic results is obtained? d. Good bonding behavior
A. Fetal heart rate acceleration occurring with scalp stimulation 46. A postpartum client's complete blood count reflects a
B. Early decelerations indicated on the fetal heart monitor
C. Serial blood specimen readings reveal pH levels of 7.15
white blood cell count immediately after delivery to be
D. Meconium-stained AF in fetus is positioned in the left 14,000 per cubic mm. The nurse reports this as
sacroanterior a. abnormal and indicating an infection is present.
39. If variable deceleration is noted on the fetal heart b. an atypically low level.
c. elevated but normal following delivery.
monitor, the nurse should do which of the following? d. within the normal range.
A. Limit oral and intravenous fluids to decrease maternal fluid
volume and decrease circulatory overload.
47. While assessing a client who just delivered a 9 lb 6
B. Prepare a needle and large syringe so the physician can oz baby, the nurse assesses a firm fundus that is midline
remove the excess amniotic fluid causing the problem. at U/U. There is also a constant trickle of blood from the
C. Remove oxygen, if present, and instruct the mother to vaginal area. Which of the following is the priority
breathe slowly, since this is a sign of hyperventilation. nursing intervention?
D. Turn the mother to a different position to relieve pressure on
the umbilical cord and restore circulation. a. Suspect postpartum hemorrhage and massage the uterus
b. Question the client regarding a history of hemorrhoids
40. Which of the following would be an appropriate c. Notify the physician of a possible laceration
outcome criterion for a woman in Labor? d. Document this as a normal finding
A. Demonstrates no signs of pain during the accelerated stage 48. A client who delivered an infant three days ago is
of labor complaining of pain and frequency of urination and
B. Follows indicated methods for removal of pain nausea. The nurse takes the temperature and it is
C. States she experienced no discomfort during the labor 38.9°C, or 102°F. Which of the following is the priority
process intervention?
D. Verbalizes that pain was maintained at a tolerable level
throughout most of the labor period a. Call the physician to obtain an order for a urine specimen for
41. Which of the following measures could a nurse take b. Increase fluids and reassess the temperature in four hours
to facilitate comfort in the labor process? c. Tell the client that this is a normal finding and not to worry
d. Administer prescribed pain medication
A. Apply sanitary pad to decrease discomfort from vaginal
B. If membranes are ruptured and fetus is not engaged,
encourage ambulation around the room.
C. Smooth the wrinkles from bed linen and remove sticky bed
49. The nurse is caring for a client postoperatively a. Acidosis
following a cesarean section. It is a priority for the nurse b. Rapid growth and development
to monitor the client for c. Early weaning
d. Physiologic jaundice
a. postpartum depression.
b. infection. 58. When should the cord be clamped after birth?
c. Dehydration
a. When the cord pulsation stops
d. Bloodclots
b. Between 1-3 mins.
50. Twelve hours after delivery, the nurse assesses a c. Between 30 secs – 1 minute in preterms
client's vital signs. Which of the following findings should d. All of the above are appropriate
be reported? 59. Initial cord care include which of these:
a. Temperature of 37.8°C, or 100.2°F 1. Put ties tightly around the cord at 2cm & 5cm from the
b. Respiratory rate of 18 bpm abdomen.
c. Blood pressure of 120/80 2. Observe for oozing blood
d. Pulse of 99 3. Apply 70% isopropyl alcohol to promote drying
4. Do not bind or bandage the stump
51. The nurse caring for a client who delivered one hour 5. Leave the stump uncovered
ago assesses the uterine fundus to be displaced to the a. 1,2,3,4
right. Which of the following is the priority intervention b. 2,3,4,5
the nurse should implement? c. 1,2,4,5,
d. 1,2,3,4,5
a. Take the client's vital signs
b. Check the client's perineal area 60. Which of the following is true on initiation of
c. Reevaluate the client after assisting to the bathroom to void breastfeeding?
d. Check the client's legs for swelling
1. Health workers should immediately help the newborn to
52. The nurse performs an assessment on a client latch on
diagnosed with endometriosis. Which of the following 2. Give sugar water to stimulate sucking reflex
assessment findings would be indicative of this 3. Do not give bottles or pacifiers.
disorder?Select all that apply: 4. Do not throw away colostrums.
5. If the mother is HIV positive temporarily discontinue BF until
1. Spotting after intercourse medically cleared
2. Pain prior to menstruation a. 1,3,4,5
3. Dyspareunia b. 1,2,4,5
4. Menorrhagia c. 4 and 3 only
5. Mass felt on palpation d. 3,4,5 only
6. Yellow purulent discharge
a. 2,3,4 61. Proper care of the NB of a mother with HIV:
b. 1,5,6
c. 1,3,5,6 1. Universal precautions must be followed as with any other
d. all of these delivery and after care.
2. Her baby can have immediate skin-to-skin contact
53. An infant is born to a mother with poorly controlled 3. Breastfeeding must be withheld to prevent from neonatal
diabetes mellitus. The most important observation to transmission of the virus
make with the newborn in the first 24 hours after birth 4. Do not give the baby any other food or drink
would be: a. 1,3,4
b. 1,2,4
a. Measurement of head circumference c. 2,4
b. Assessment of bowel function d. all
c. Assessment tremors
d. Assessment for hypercalcemia 62. The following can be safely used for Crede’s
Situation: The following questions pertain to UNANG
YAKAP (Essential Newborn care Protocol) 1. 1% Silver Nitrate drops
2. 2.5% povidone iodine drops
54. After a baby is born, what should be the first action? 3. 1% tetracycline ointment or erythromycin eye drops
a. 1 and 2 only
a. Clamp and cut the cord b. 2 and 3 only
b. Dry the baby c. All except 2
c. Suction the baby’s mouth and nose d. Any of these
d. Do foot printing
63. Which of the following procedures are not routinely
55. During drying and stimulation of the baby, your rapid recommended for all neonates:
assessment shows that the baby is crying. What is your
next action? 4. Routine suctioning
5. Early bathing or washing
a. Suction the baby’s mouth and nose 6. Foot printing
b. Clamp and cut the cord 7. Giving sugar water, formula or other prelacteal feeds and
c. Do skin-to-skin contact use of bottles and pacifiers.
d. Do early latching 8. Application of alcohol, medicines, and other substances on
the cord stump and bandaging the cord stump or abdomen.
56. What are the benefits of immediate skin-to-skin a. Only 3 choices are correct
contact (SSC)? b. Only 1 option is incorrect
c. All options are incorrect
a. Provides warmth d. All options are correct
b. Increases overall duration of exclusive breastfeeding
c. Allows colonization of good bacteria 64. Purpose of administering Vitamin K to the newborn:
d. All of the above
a. Vitamin K prevents bleeding
57. Hypothermia can lead to which of the following b. Vitamin K is important for digestion of milk
conditions: c. Vitamin K is important for lung maturity
d. Vitamin K prevents pathologic jaundice
65. What is the best way of stimulating the newborn to d. bendover
74. The nurse should prepare an 18-year-old adolescent
a. Suctioning with acne who has not responded to antibiotic therapy
b. Rubbing the sole of the feet for which of the following tests prior to starting treatment
c. Tangential foot slap with isotretinoin (Accutane)?
d. Drying and wiping the newborn
a. Skin biopsy
66. Which of the following assessment findings would b. Hearing test
alert the nurse to anticipate the development of jaundice c. Pregnancy test
in a full-term newborn? d. Urinalysis
a. A negative direct Coombs test result 75. The mother of an infant who has had a cleft lip repair
b. Infant blood type of O negative tells the nurse that the physician said it was very
c. Presence of a cephalohematoma important not to let the baby cry and wants to know why.
d. Maternal rubella status: immune Which of the following is the appropriate response by the
67. A nurse instructs the parent of a 2-year-old child who nurse? "Crying
has phenylketonuria (PKU) about acceptable foods to a. impairs breathing."
include in the child’s diet. Which of the following foods, if b. stresses the sutures."
selected by the parent, indicates a correct understanding c. may result in gagging."
of the teaching? d. leads to crusting."
a. Chocolate milkshake 76. The nurse caring for a child with Hirschsprung's
b. Peanut butter sandwich disease documents the stools to have what
c. Scrambled eggs characteristic appearance?
d. Animal-shaped crackers
a. Tarry and tenacious
68. A nurse provides home care instructions to the b. Currant jellylike
parents of a child with celiac disease. The nurse teaches c. Frothy and foul smelling
the parents to include which of the following food items d. Ribbonlike
in the child’s diet?
77. When preparing a child with probable
a. Rice intussusception for a hydrostatic reduction procedure,
b. Oatmeal the nurse should explain which of the following aspects
c. Rye toast of the procedure? The procedure will
d. Wheat bread
a. blow air into a cavity of the bowel.
69. Which of the following should the nurse include in a b. empty the bowel of all stool.
plan of care for a 5-year-old child admitted to the c. relax the bowel.
hospital with the diagnosis of epiglottitis? d. facilitate mixing the currant jellylike stool with normal stool.
a. Perform a throat culture to identify the pathogen 78. Which of the following should the nurse include in
b. Administer cough syrup to the child the nursing assessment of the endocrine system in a
c. Encourage the child to assume a tripod position child?
d. Restrict fluids
a. The number and type of pets in the home
70. The nurse administers which of the following b. Family health history
vaccines to help prevent the development of epiglottitis? c. Dietary intake of calcium
d. History of streptococcus infection
a. Diphtheria/tetanus/acellular pertussis (DTaP) combination
vaccine 79. A mother of a 4-year-old child asks the nurse
b. Varicella vaccine (Varivax) whether control of urine or stool comes first. Which of
c. Haemophilus influenzae vaccine (HIB) the following responses is appropriate?
d. Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (Prevnar)
a. "Control of urine at night occurs first."
71. Which of the following infection control measures is b. "Control of stool during the day occurs first."
the priority for the nurse to implement in the care c. "Control of stool at night occurs first."
provided to a 5-month-old infant admitted to the hospital d. "Control of urine during the day occurs first."
with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis?
80. The nurse assists a 4-year-old child experiencing
a. Hand washing is required by all personnel and visitors primary enuresis to make which of the following menu
having contact with the infant selections?
b. Gowns and masks must be worn by all personnel in the
infant's room a. Hamburger, orange, and cola
c. Place the infant in a private room b. Hot dog and a chocolate milk shake
d. Visitors are restricted to only the parents of the infant c. Pizza, vanilla ice cream, and tea
d. Fried chicken and mashed potatoes
72. Postoperatively, for placement of a shunt for
hydrocephalus, the nurse should place a child in which 81. A clinic nurse instructs the mother of a child with a
of the following positions? sickle cell disease regarding the precipitating factors
related to pain crisis. Which of the following if identified
a. Elevated 45 degrees in a supine position by the mother as a precipitating factor indicates the need
b. Flat and lying on the unoperated side for further instructions?
c. Flat and lying on the operated side
d. Elevated 30 degrees and prone a. Infection
b. Fluid overload
73. The nurse caring for a child with muscular dystrophy c. Trauma
observes the child use the Gower maneuver while trying d. Stress
a. sit
b. walk
c. stand
82. When feeding an 18-month-old child two days after c. "For a week you will be taking your medicine in the early
he underwent a cleft palate repair, a nurse would offer morning."
liquid nutrients using a: d. "Your mommy will give you your medicine every day by 9:00
a.m. until it is gone."
a. Plastic cup
b. Flexible straw 90. Which of the following should the nurse include when
c. Silatic nasogastric tube instructing a mother to administer vitamins to a
d. Rubber-coated infant spoon preschooler?
83. To help a mother anticipate the safety needs of a. Give the vitamins with sips of milk
her nine-year-old son who is learning to ride a bicycle, b. Give preschoolers half a vitamin
the nurse would teach that c. Store the vitamins in a locked cabinet that the child cannot
A. a helmet will reduce his risk of head injury d. Allow the child to be independent by self-administering the
B. the child must never ride without a friend nearby vitamins
C. a formal course of instruction is recommended
D. the child must ride on the sidewalk 91 Which of the following statements by the parents of a
preschooler would indicate that the parents had
84. The neonate is to receive an exchange transfusion. implemented the nurse's instructions on dental hygiene
Before the transfusion, the nurse explains to the mother practices?
that treatment of hemolytic disease by exchange
transfusion is necessary to prevent damage to the a. "Our child brushes his or her teeth without any help from
neonate’s us."
b. "We give our child a pea-sized amount of fluoride
A. Liver toothpaste."
B. Brain c. "When our child is 6 years old, we will make an appointment
C. Spleen to see the dentist."
D. Kidneys d. "When our child does a good job brushing we offer a
85. Before administering the measles, mumps and
rubella (MMR) vaccine to a 2-year-old child, it is 92. Which of the following would be most helpful in
essential that a nurse assess for an allergy to: determining a child's nutritional status?
87. A nurse is assessing the play of a 4-year-old child. 94. When teaching the parent of a four-year-old child
Which of the following best describes what the nurse about expected age appropriate behaviors during
would observe in the play of this age preschooler? hospitalization, which of the following instructions would
a nurse give the parent ?
a. Plays alongside but not with playmates, taking toys away
from others, using a pounding bench, and playing with a a. “It would not be unusual if your child starts to wet the bed.”
musical toy b. “Most of this age don’t cry when their parents go home for
b. Interactive play, obeying limits, creating an imaginary friend, the night.”
and engaging in fantasy play c. “You can expect your child to stop eating for a few days.”
c. Engaging in group sports and games and playing with d. “It is common for children of this age to cooperate for routine
puppets procedures.”
d. Playing alone in the corner, engaged in putting a puzzle
95. Which of the following statements, if made by a
four-year-old child whose brother just died of cancer,
88. Which of the following should the nurse include when would be age-appropriate?
preparing to teach a class on the introduction of new-
a. “I know I’ll never see my brother again.”
foods during the first year of life? b. “I’m glad my brother isn’t crying anymore.”
a. Place up to three foods on the spoon at one time with an old c. “I can’t wait to go get pizza with my brother.”
favorite on the front of the spoon d. “I know where my brother is buried.”
b. Introduce fruits first, introduce one new fruit per day until all
fruits are introduced
96. A child appears to be relaxed and constrained can
c. Alternate between offering one spoonful of fruits and one lose control under the stress of procedure especially
spoonful of vegetables injection. The nurse should
d. Introduce one new food at a time at seven-day intervals
a. distract child with conversation.
89. Which of the following is the most age-appropriate b. have someone available to help hold the child if needed.
explanation the nurse should give a toddler who is to c. use safety precautions in administering medication
d. use phrase like "putting medicine under skin
take medication every morning for seven days?
a. "Your mommy will give you the medicine between 8:00 and
9:00 a.m. each morning until it is gone."
b. "You will be taking your medicine every morning after
breakfast until it is gone."
97. The BEST position in intramuscular administration of
medication to a 2-year-old child is
a. Standing
b. Prone
c. Lying
d. semi-Fowler’s