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2016 GCE H2 Math (9758) Specimen Paper I + Answer

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2017 9758 Specimen Paper 1

1 A circular ink-blot is expanding such that the rate of change of its diameter D with respect to
time t is 0.25 cm/s. Find the rate of change of both the circumference and the area of the circle
with respect to t when the radius of the circle is 1.5 cm. Give your answers correct to 4 decimal
places. [4]

2 The curve C with equation y = x3 is transformed onto the curve with equation y = f ( x ) by a
translation of 2 units in the negative x -direction, followed by a stretch of factor parallel to
the y -axis, followed by a translation of 1 unit in the positive y -direction.

(i) Write down the equation of the new curve. [1]

(ii) Sketch C and the curve with equation y = f ( x ) on the same diagram, stating the exact
values of the coordinates of the points where y = f ( x ) crosses the x - and y -axes. Find
the x -coordinate(s) of the point(s) where the two curves intersect, giving your answer(s)
correct to 3 decimal places. [4]

x 2 − 12
3 (i) Sketch the curve with equation y = , giving the exact coordinates of the point(s)
where the curve crosses the axes and the equations of any asymptotes. [4]

x 2 − 12
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, solve the inequality 1. [3]

4 A science student is investigating the elasticity of a new compound. She drops a ball made of the
new compound vertically onto a hard surface and measures the height reached by the ball after
each successive bounce. She drops the ball from an initial height of 200 cm and she estimates
that the height the ball reaches after each bounce is of the height reached by the previous

(i) Find the total distance that the ball has travelled when it reaches the highest point after
the fourth bounce. Give your answer correct to the nearest centimetre. [2]

(ii) The ball is considered to have stopped bouncing when a bounce first results in the height
the ball reaches being less than 0.01 cm. Find how many bounces the ball has made and
the total distance that the ball has travelled in this case. Give your answer correct to the
nearest centimetre. [6]

The curve C has equation y = ( ln x ) , where x  1 .

(i) Find the exact x -coordinate, x = x1 , of the turning point on C and explain whether it is a
maximum or a minimum turning point. [4]

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(ii) Without using a calculator, find the exact area of the region between C , the x -axis and
the lines with equations x = e and x = x1 . [3]

6 (a) The non-zero vectors a , b and c are such that a  b = c  a . Given that b  −c , find a
linear relationship between a , b and c . [3]

(b) The variable vector v satisfies the equation v  ( i − 3k ) = 2 j . Find the set of vectors v
and describe this set geometrically. [5]

7 Do not use a calculator in answering this question.

(a) Showing your working, find the complex numbers z and w which satisfy the
simultaneous equations
2iz + (1 − 2i ) w = 4 and
(1 + i ) z + ( 2 + i ) w = 3 . [6]

(b) The complex number u is given by u = cos + i sin  , where 0    π . Show that
1 − u 2 = −2iu sin  and hence or otherwise find the modulus and argument of 1 − u 2 in
terms of  . [5]

8 The astroid, a curve C which is used to characterise various properties of energy and magnetism,
has parametric equations
x = a cos3 t , y = a sin 3 t
where 0  t  π and a is a positive constant.

(i) Find the equation of the tangent to C at the point P with parameter p . [3]

(ii) The tangent at P meets the x -axis at the point A and meets the y -axis at the point B .
Show that the length AB depends only on a . [3]

It is given that a = 1 .

(iii) Find a cartesian equation of C . [2]

(iv) The region bounded by C and the x - and y -axes is rotated 360 about the y -axis. Find
the exact value of the volume of revolution of the solid formed. [4]

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A man M is at the top of a mountain which is of height h km. The radius of the earth is assumed
to be a constant R km. The furthest point on the earth’s surface that the man can see is a point
P such that MP = x km and the angle POM =  , where O is the centre of the earth (see
diagram). You may assume that the height of man is negligible.

 h 2
Show that x = ( 2hR ) 1 +
(i)  . [3]

 2R 

h  3 
, sin   ( 2 ) 2 1 −   .
(ii) It is given that h is small compared to R . Show that, if  =
R  4 

(iii) The man M has a scientific instrument which enables him to estimate the angle between
PM and the horizontal. Given that this angle is 2 and that the radius of the earth
is 6375 km, find estimates for the values of  and h . [4]

x y +1 z − 2
10 The point A has coordinates ( −1, 2, − 1) . The line l has equation = = .
2 −3 1

(i) Find the cartesian equation of the plane  which contains A and is perpendicular to
l. [3]

(ii) Hence, or otherwise, find the coordinates of the point P on l which is closest to
A. [3]

(iii) The line m passes through the point with coordinates ( 4, − 5, 10 ) and P . The line
n lies in the same plane as l and m . Find a cartesian equation for n if n is the
reflection of the line m about the line l . [6]

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11 A pond has a surface area of 10 m 2 . Biologists have planted an area of new weeds. They
estimate how many weeds there are and the rate at which they are spreading by finding
the area of the pond the weeds cover at various times. They believe that the area, A m 2 ,
of weeds present at time t months is such that the rate at which the area is increasing is
proportional to the product of the area of the pond covered by the weeds and the area of
the pond not covered by the weeds. It is known that the initial area of weeds is 2 m 2 and
that the area of weeds is 4 m 2 after 5 months.

(i) Write down a differential equation expressing the relation between A and t . Find the
time at which 80% of the pond is covered in weeds, giving your answer correct to
2 decimal places. [8]

(ii) Given that the experiment is stopped after 2 years, find the area of pond covered
by weeds, giving your answer correct to 2 decimal places. [2]

(iii) Write the solution of the differential equation in the form A = f ( t ) and sketch this
curve. [4]

-- End of Paper –

dC dA
1. = 0.7854 cm/s (to 4 d.p.) ; = 1.1781 cm 2 /s (to 4 d.p.)
dt dt
2. (i) y = ( x + 2 ) + 1 (ii) 7.722

3. (i) - (ii) x  −3 or 0  x  4
4. (i) 1277 (to nearest cm) (ii) 84 bounces, 3400 cm
5. (i) max when x = e3 (ii) 20 units2
 0 1
   
6. (a) a = k ( b + c ) where k  (b) v =  0  +   0  ,  
 2  −3 
   
(b) 1 − u 2 = 2sin  , since sin   0 for 0    π ; arg (1 − u 2 ) =  −
3 1 1 3
7. (a) w = + i; z = − i
5 5 2 2 2
2 2
8. (i) y cos p + x sin p = a cos p sin p (ii) - (iii) y 3 + x 3 = 1 (iv) π units3
(iii)  = 6.10  10 ; h = 3.89 km
9. (i) - (ii) -
x + 2 y − 2 z −1
10. (i) 2 x − 3 y + z = −9 (ii) P ( −2, 2, 1) (iii) = =
6 −11 −3

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