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Lecture 2.b.2 Analysis and Design of RC Beams (Strength Design by (JBM and RLF)

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Reinforced Concrete Design-Moment

Capacity of RC Beams
Lecture Notes by Engr. Jerry B. Maratas and Engr. Ricardo Fornis
Design Methods
In the United States, in the early 1900s until the early 1960s, nearly
all reinforced concrete design was performed by the working-stress
design method (also called allowable-stress design or straight-line

The method is frequently referred to as WSD, in which the dead and

live loads to be supported (called service loads) were first estimated.
Then the members of the structure were proportioned so that
stresses calculated by a transformed area did not exceed the
allowable stresses.
Design Methods
The ultimate-strength design method rapidly gained popularity after
1963 because (1) it makes use of a more rational approach than does
WSD, (2) it uses a more realistic consideration of safety, and (3) it
provides more economical designs.

In the ultimate strength design method (USD), the service dead and
live loads are multiplied by certain load factors (equivalent to safety
factors), and the resulting values are called factored loads.

The members are then proportioned so they will theoretically just fail
under the factored loads.
Design Methods
Even with the application of USD, it is still useful to be familiar with WSD for several

1. Some designers use WSD for proportioning fluid-containing structures (such as water
tanks and various sanitary structures). When these structures are designed by WSD,
stresses are kept at fairly low levels, with the result that there is appreciably less
cracking and less consequent leakage
2. The ACI method for calculating the moments of inertia to be used for deflection
calculations requires some knowledge of the working-stress procedure.

3. The design of prestressed concrete members is based not only on the strength method
but also on elastic stress calculations at service load conditions.
Strength Reduction Factor in Strength Design
Underreinforced and overreinforced beams
A beam with a given size (b and d) and steel reinforcement of area, As, is said to have a steel ratio,
p=As/bd. A balanced steel ratio is a design concept which considers a condition where steel is
yielding when concrete reaches a strain of 0.003 (considered as strain of concrete at failure).

In cases where the actual steel ratio is less than the balanced steel ratio, the beam is said to be
underreinforced. Underreinforced beam, when overloading occurs and the reinforced beam is
“failing”, the failure is initiated by yielding of steel which is manifested by excessive deformation of
the beam. This is an observable occurrence that serves as a kind of warning to the impending failure
of the beam.

In another situation, where the steel ratio is greater than the balanced steel ratio, the reinforced
beam is said to be overreinforced. This is a condition where the steel reinforcement has not yielded
when concrete reaches its strain at failure. It should be noted that when overloading happens and
the beam is failing, the failure is initiated by the crushing of concrete, a sudden event which can
occur without warning.
Calculation of balanced steel ratio of
Rectangular RC Beams Compressive force
C = 0.85 fc '(ab)
b 0.85fc’ 𝜖𝑐 = 0.003 Tensile force at yielding
a/2 T = As f y
c a C
Balanced Condition
d-a/2 C =T
d-c 0.85 fc ' ab = As f y
T=Asfy 𝜖𝑠 = fy/Es As f y As
Stress Diagram Strain Diagram a= letting b =
Beam’s section 0.85 fc ' b bd
b f y d
a=  Eq(1)
0.85 fc '
Calculation of balanced steel ration of From the Strain Diagram
Rectangular RC Beams c
d −c
0.003 fy
b 𝜖𝑐 = 0.003

a/2 0.003 ( Es )( d − c )
C c=
c a c fy
using ES = 200000MPa
d-a/2 0.003 ( 200000 )( d − c )
d-c c=
As fy
T=Asfy 𝜖𝑠 = fy/Es
600d − 600c
Beam’s section Stress Diagram Strain Diagram c=
c=  Eq(2)
600 + f y
Calculation of balanced steel ration of Rectangular Stress block relation
Rectangular RC Beams a = 1c
0.85fc 𝜖𝑐 = 0.003
’ a/2 b f y d 600d
a C a= and c =
c c 0.85 fc ' f y + 600
d b f y d 600d
d-a/2 = 1
d-c 0.85 fc ' f y + 600
T=Asfy 𝜖𝑠 = fy/Es
b =
( 0.85 fc ') 1 ( 600 )
f y ( f y + 600 )
Beam’s section Stress Diagram Strain Diagram

The balanced steel ratio is calculated as

b =
( 0.85 fc ') 1 ( 600 )
f y ( f y + 600 )
If  min    b , then the design is underreinforced,
If   b , then the design is Overreinforced
The choice of the value of rho, ρ
The choice of the value of
rho, ρ
That provide strain of
steel greater than or
equal to 0.005
Recommended value of rho
maximum, ρMAX for tension-
controlled design
Nominal Moment Capacity and Ultimate
Moment capacity of Rectangular RC Nominal Moment Capacity
Beams Reinforcing steel yields
 a
0.85fc’ M n = As f y  d − 
 2
a/2 b f y d
C Plug in a =
0.85 fc '
d d-a/2  1   f y d 
M n = As f y  d −  
 2  0.85 fc '  
T=Asfy  0.59  f y 
M n = As f y d 1 − 
b Stress diagram, steel yields  fc ' 
Ultimate Moment Capacity Mu
Mu =  Mn
 = strength reduction factor
Determine the maximum permissible ultimate moment capacity of the beam shown. Use
f’c=20.7 MPa and fy=276 MPa.
1) Determination of actual steel ratio
Steel Area
 (20) 2
As = ( 3)
As = 942.48 mm 2
Steel Ratio (  )
As 942.48
= =
bd ( 300 )( 425 )
 = 0.007392
2. Compute minimum steel ratio,  min
0.25 fc ' 1.4
 min = or
fy fy
which ever is bigger
0.25 fc ' 0.25 20.7
= = 0.00412
fy 276
1.4 1.4
= = 0.00507  0.00412 The actual rho is greater than  min ,
fy 276
that is,  = 0.007392   min = 0.00507
 min = 0.00507 governs
Okay !
3) Check the failure behavior of the beam
based on the steel ratio rho, (ρ)

The rho (ρ) of strain 0.005 for

fc’=20.7 Mpa (3000 psi) and
fy=276 MPa is 0.0203.

 = 0.007392   t =0.005 = 0.0203

Tension controlled condition
The strength reduction factor,  =0.90
4) Condition of beam for  =0.007392
 min = 0.00507  (  =0.007392 ) < (  t =0.0005 =0.0203)
Tension controlled,  =0.90

5) Calculate the depth of stress block

From 0.85 fc ' ab = As f y
As f y 942.48 ( 276 )
a= = =49.28 mm
0.85 fc ' b 0.85 ( 20.7 )( 300 )
a 49.28
c= = = 57.976mm
1 0.85
Checking if steel has yielded (The yielding of steel has been determined
already based on the value of rho. This will just confirm such finding)
6) Checking the strain of steel,  t
t 0.003
d −c c
0.003 ( d − c )
t =
0.003 ( 425 − 57.976 )
t = = 0.018992
 t = 0.018992  0.005
(This is a confirmation that the beam is tension controlled)
So we use  =0.90
7) Ultimate Moment Capacity
Mu =  Mn
 a
Mu =  Asfy  d − 
 2
 49.28 
Mu = 0.90 ( 942.48 )( 276 )  425 − 
 2 
Mu = 93729093 93.73 kN.m
Illustrative Example (Transition Zone)

Determine the ultimate moment capacity ,

ΦMn, for the beam show in the figure, if
fc’=27.6 MPa and fy=414 MPa d=375mm

3-28 mm dia

b=250 mm
Solution 1)Steel area and steel ratio
 ( 28 )

As = ( 3) = 1874.25mm2
As 1874.25
= = = 0.01974
bd ( 250 )( 375 )
Compare with  min
3-28 mm dia
0.25 fc ' 1.4
 min  or
fy fy
b=250 mm
0.25 27.6 1.4
 min  = 0.003172 or = 0.003382
414 414
 min =0.003382 governs
Since (  = 0.01974 )  (  min =0.003382 ) okay!
For fc’=27.6 Mpa (4000psi)and
fy=414 Mpa(60000 psi), the rho
that provides strain of 0.005 is

Since (  = 0.019704 )  ( 0.005 = 0.0181)

This beam is not tension controlled!
Solution Determine the strength reduction factor, 
depth of stress block
b 𝜖𝑐 = 0.003 As fy 1874.25 ( 414 )
a= =
c a 0.85 fc ' b 0.85 ( 27.6 )( 250 )
a = 130.4mm
a 130.4
d-c c= = = 153.41mm
As 1 0.85
Beam’s section Strain Diagram
Yield strain of steel,  ty
 ty = = 0.0027
Solution Actual Strain of steel,  t
t 0.003
b 𝜖𝑐 = 0.003
d −c c
0.003 ( d − c )
c c
d t =
d-c c
0.003 ( 375 − 153.41)
Strain Diagram
t =
Beam’s section 153.41
 t = 0.0043
Solution Comparing the strains

b 𝜖𝑐 = 0.003 ( ty = 0.0027 )  (  t = 0.0043)  0.005

c a c
Transition zone:
d   t −  ty 
 =0.65+0.25 
 0.005 −  ty 
d-c  
𝜖𝑡  0.0043 − 0.00207 
Strain Diagram  =0.65+0.25  

Beam’s section
 0.005 0.00207 
 =0.84
Solution Nominal moment capcity, Mn
 a
Mn = As fy  d − 
 2
 130.4 
Mn = 1847.25(414)  375 − 
 2 
Mn = 240386057 240.386 kN.m
Ultimate Moment Capacity, Mu
Mu= Mn=0.84 ( 240.386 )
Mu = 201.92 kN.m
Overreinforced beams
Overreinforced beam
(steel not yielding) In an overreinforced beam,
the stress of steel is less than
b 0.85fc’ 𝜖𝑐 = 0.003
the yield strength. The stress
a C can be calculated as follows:
c c
Balanced Forces
d C =T
d-c 0.85 fc ' ab = As f s
T=Asfs As f s
𝜖𝑠 = fs/Es
Stress Diagram Strain Diagram 0.85 fc ' b
Beam’s section
apply a = 1c
0.85 fc ' b1c
= f s  Eq(1a)
Overreinforced beam Since the steel does not yield the
(steel not yielding) stress in the steel is not equal to f y .
0.85fc’ 𝜖𝑐 = 0.003
From the Strain Diagram
a/2 c d −c
C =
a c 0.003 fs
d-a/2 0.003 ( Es )( d − c )
fs =
As d-c c
T=Asfs 𝜖𝑠 = fs/Es using ES = 200000MPa
0.003 ( 200000 )( d − c )
Stress Diagram Strain Diagram
Beam’s section
fs =
600d − 600c
fs =  Eq(1b)
Eq1a = Eq1b After obtaining the value
0.85 fc ' b1c 600d − 600c of c, the value of a and fs
As c can be calculated using the

c 2
( 600d − 600c ) As following expressions
0.85 fc ' b1 a = 1c
600 As c 600d ( As ) and
c + 2
0.85 fc ' b1 0.85 fc ' b1 600d − 600c
fs =
 600  d  600  d 2
c2 +  c =
 0.85 fc ' 1  0.85 fc ' 1 The nominal moment capacity
In the above equation, the value  a
M n = As f s  d − 
of c can be obtained  2
Ultimate Moment; Mu =  Mn
Overreinforced beam
(Illustrative Example
Determine the ultimate moment capacity
of the beam shown, given that
fc ' = 20.7 MPa and fy = 414 MPa

 (25)2 625
6-25 mm Ab = = 490.87mm2
bars 4 4
 625  1875
As = NAb = 6   = 2945.2 mm 2

 4  4
As 2945.2
= = = 0.023656
bd 300 ( 415 )
check for  min
Overreinforced beam
0.25 fc ' 0.25 20.7
 min = = = 0.002747
fy 414
1.4 1.4
Given or  min = = = 0.003382
fy 414
 min = 0.003382 governs
(  = 0.023656 )  ( min = 0.003382 ) okay
d=415mm 0.85 fc ' 1  600 
check for b =  
6-25 mm fy  fy + 600 
0.85 ( 20.7 )( 0.85 )  600 
b =   = 0.021376
( 414 )  414 + 600 
Note that
(  = 0.023656 )  ( b =0.021376 ) Overreinforced beam
Overreinforced beam
(Illustrative Example
Solve for c
 600  d  600  d 2
c +
c =
d=415mm  0.85 fc ' 1  0.85 fc ' 1
 600 ( 0.023656 )( 415 )  600 ( 0.023656 )( 415 )
6-25 mm c + c=
 0.85 ( 20.7 )( 0.85 ) 
  0.85 ( 20.7 )( 0.85 )
c 2 + ( 393.851) c = 163448.3567
c = 252.77
a = 0.85 ( 252.77 ) = 214.856mm
Overreinforced beam
(Illustrative Example
Knowing a = 214.86mm
b=300mm 0.85fc’
 a
a/2 Mn = C  d − 
a C  2
 a
d=415mm Mn = 0.85 f c(ab)  d − 

d-a/2  2
6-25 mm
 214.856 
bars Mn = 0.85 ( 20.7 ) (214.856) ( 300 )  415 − 
T=Asfs  2 
Stress Diagram Mn = 348822756 N .mm = 348.8kN .m
Mu =  Mn
Mu = 0.65 ( 348.8 ) = 226.7kN .m
Overreinforced beam

Knowing c = 252.77

b=300mm 𝜖𝑐 = 0.003 a = 0.85 ( 252.77 ) = 214.85mm

From the strain diagram
fs/Es 0.003
d=415mm 415 − c c
 0.003 
 ( 415 − c ) Es
6-25 mm 415-c
bars fs = 
 c 
𝜖𝑠 = fs/Es
 0.003 
Strain Diagram fs =   ( 415 − 252.77 )( 200000 )
 252.77 
fs = 385.1MPa
Overreinforced beam
(Illustrative Example Nominal Moment Capacity
 a
Mn = As f s  d − 
b=300mm  2
 214.856 
Mn = ( 2945.2 ) (385.08)  415 − 
 2 
d=415mm Mn = 348828974 N .mm 348.8kN .m
6-25 mm
Ultimate Moment Capacity
Mu =  Mn
fs fy
t =   ty = ; use  =0.65
Es Es
Mu = 0.65 ( 348.8 ) = 226.7kN .m
Example 2:
Determine the ultimate moment capacity of the section shown, knowing that fc’=20.7MPa and
fy=414 MPa.

𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛 =0.003382 governs


The beam is overreinforced

5) Solve for c
 600  d  600  d 2
c +
c =
 0.85 fc ' 1  0.85 fc ' 1
 600 ( 0.0231377 ) 425  600 ( 0.0231377 )( 425 )

c + c=
 0.85 ( 20.7 )( 0.85 ) 

  0.85 ( 20.7 )( 0.85 )

c 2 + ( 394.5) c = 167664.5
c = 257.25
a = 0.85 ( 257.25 ) = 218.66mm
Depth of Stress block
a = 1c where 1 = 0.85 ( fc ' = 20.7MPa )
a = 0.85(257.25) = 218.66mm
6) Calculate the nominal and ultimate moment capacity of the beam
 a
M n = ( 0.85 fc ') ab  d − 
 2
Mu =  Mn ( Here use  =0.65 compression controlled )
 218.66 
Mu =  M n = 0.65 ( 0.85 )( 20.7 )( 218.66 )( 300 )  425 −
 2 
Mu = 236.825 x106 N .mm = 236.825 kN.m
Deflection considerations
Design of RC Beams (Proportioning Beams for Flexure)

Designing an RC beam for flexure means determining the size of beam

based on certain design moment caused by the factored loads and the
corresponding area of reinforcing bars.
Design of RC Beams (Proportioning Beams for Flexure)
Design of RC Beams (Proportioning Beams for Flexure)
Design of RC Beams (Proportioning Beams for Flexure)

Example 1. Design of Rectangular RC Beams

Design a rectangular beam for a 6-m simple span to support a dead load of 35 kN/m (including the
weight of the beam) and a live load of 46.75 kN/m.

Use the following specifications: Solution

0.18 fc ' 1) Calculate the factored loads
wu = 1.2( wDL ) + 1.6( wLL )
b = 350 mm
fc ' = 27.6MPa wu = 1.2(35) + 1.6(46.75) = 116.8 kN/m
fy = 276MPa
2)Design Moment, Mu Check  min requirement

wL 116.8 ( 6 )
2 2
0.25 fc ' 1.4
Mu = =  min  or
8 8 fy fy
Mu = 525.6 kN .m (At midspan)  min 
0.25 27.6
= 0.004759
3) Calculate the value of rho, 
fc ' or  min = = 0.005072
 = 0.18 276
fy  min =0.005072 governs
 27.6  Since (  = 0.018 )  (  min =0.005072 ) okay!
 = 0.18   = 0.018
 276 
In Table A.7, the value of rho for fc’=27.6MPa (4000 psi) and
fy=276MPa, that produces strain of εt=0.005 in the steel is
The required rho is 0.018<0.0271, tension-controlled condition
 0.59  f y 
M n =  f y bd 1 −

4) Nominal Moment Capacity  fc ' 
 0.59  f y  2
0.59  f y 
M n = As f y d 1 −  Mu =  Mn =  f y bd 1 − 
 fc '   fc ' 
where As =  bd where = 0.90(Tension controlled condition)
 0.59  f y  2 0.59(0.18)(276) 
M n =  f y bd 1 −
 525.6 x10 6
= 0.90(0.018)276bd  1 − 
 fc '   27.6 
0.59  f y  bd 2
= 131519730.3 mm 3
Mu =  Mn =  f y bd 1 − 
 fc '  5)Using b = 350mm

( 350 ) d 2 = 131519730.3
d = 613mm say d = 625mm
6) Calculate A s 7) Number of bars
using As =  bd using 25 mm bars
As = 0.018 ( 350 )( 625 )  ( 25 )

A1 = = 490.87mm 2
As = 3937.5mm 2 4
 0.59  f y  As 3937.5
Mu =  Mn =  f y bd 1 −  N= = = 8.02 say 8.0 pcs

 fc '  A1 490.87
8) Clear spacing of bars
b − 50(2) − 4(db )
n −1
350 − 50(2) − 4(25)
S= = 50mm  25mm
4 −1
Design of RC Beams (Proportioning Beams for Flexure)

Example 2. Design of Rectangular RC Beams

Design a rectangular beam for a 6-m simple span to support a dead load of 35 kN/m (including the
weight of the beam) and a live load of 46.75 kN/m.
Use the following speccifications: Solution
 = 0.75b 1) Calculate the factored loads
d = 1.5b
wu = 1.2( wDL ) + 1.6( wLL )
fc ' = 27.6MPa
fy = 276MPa wu = 1.2(35) + 1.6(46.75) = 116.8 kN/m
Design of RC Beams (Proportioning Beams for Flexure)
The Rho (ρ) at strain of 0.005 for
fc’=27.6 MPa and fy=276 MPa is

 = 0.037115   t =0.005 = 0.0271

Transition Condition
The strength reduction factor is NOT 0.90

The strength reduction factor can

be calculated using the formula
  t −  ty 
 =0.65+0.25  
 0.005 −  ty
 
Design of RC Beams (Proportioning Beams for Flexure)
4) Try  =0.75
 0.59  fy 
 M n =  f y bd 1 −

 fc ' 
 0.59 ( 0.037115 )( 276 ) 
525 x10 = 0.75 ( 0.037115 )( 276 ) bd 2
) 1 − 
 27.6 
bd 2 = 87493643.8mm3
using d = 1.5b
b (1.5b ) = 87493643.8

b = 338.79 say use b=350mm

and d = 508.18mm, say550mm
Check strength reduction factor
CAlculate the depth of stress block
As =  bd =0.037115 ( 350 )( 550 ) = 7144.63mm 2
As fy 7144.63 ( 276 )
a= = = 240.16mm
0.85 fc ' b 0.85 ( 27.6 )( 350 )
a 240.16
c= = = 282.536mm
1 0.85

Yield strain of steel,  ty

 ty = = 0.00138
Check strength reduction factor
Strain of steel,  t ( ty = 0.00138 )  (  t = 0.00284 )  0.005
t 0.003
= Transition condition:
d −c c
  t −  ty 
0.003 ( d − c )  =0.65+0.25  
t =  0.005 −  ty 
c  
0.003 ( 550 − 282.536 )  0.00284 − 0.00138 
t =  =0.65+0.25  
282.536  0.005 − 0.00138 
 t = 0.00284  =0.7508 0.75 as assumed, ok!
Determination of steel reinforcement
As= bd=0.0371155(350)(550)=7144.64mm 2
 ( 36 )

Using 36 mm dia bars; Ab= = 1017.87

As 7144.64
Number of bars; N= = = 7.019
Ab 1017.87
say use 7 pcs of 36 mm dia bars

Check ultimate moment capacity of the beam

 a
 M n =  ( 0.85 fc ') ab  d − 
 2
 240.16 
Mu =  M n = 0.75 ( 0.85 )( 27.6 )( 240.16 )( 350 ) 550 −
 2 
Mu = 635836770 N .mm = 635.8 kN.m>525.6kN.m, ok
Design of RC Beams (Proportioning Beams for Flexure)

350mm 350mm

550mm 7-36 mm φ 582mm

Z=40+10+36+25/2=98.5 68mm

Total height is 550+98.5=648.5 mm say 650 mm

Bar spacing= [(350-2(50)-4(36)]/3=35.33mm>25 mm,

Determination of Reinforcing
Steel Area with
predetermined section
Recall the Nominal Moment Capacity of
Rectangular RC Beams
Nominal Moment Capacity
Reinforcing steel yields
C  a
M n = As f y  d − 
 2
d d-a/2 b f y d
Plug in a =
As 0.85 fc '
T=Asfy  1   f y d 
M n = As f y  d −  
b Stress diagram, steel yields  2  0.85 fc ' 
 1   f y 
M n = As f y d 1 −  
 2  0.85 fc ' 
  fy 
( f )
From M n = As f y d 1 −
 2 ( 0.85 fc ')  Rm =  f y −
  2 ( 0.85 fc ')
Plug in As =  bd
2 ( 0.85 fc ') Rm = 2 ( 0.85 fc ' )  f y − (  f y )

  fy 
M n =  bd f y 1 −
 2 ( 0.85 fc ') 

( f ) − 2 ( 0.85 fc ')  f y + 2 ( 0.85 fc ' ) Rm = 0

  y
Note that : Mu =  Mn
2 ( 0.85 fc ')  ( 2 ( 0.85 fc ') ) − 4  2 ( 0.85 fc ' ) Rm 

Mn Mu   fy   fy =
= =  f y 1 − 

 bd  2 ( 0.85 fc ') 
bd 2 2 2
 fy = ( 0.85 fc ') − ( 0.85 fc ') − 2 ( 0.85 fc ') Rm
Mu   fy 
= Rm =  f y 1 −
 2 ( 0.85 fc ') 
 bd 2
  2 Rm
 fy = ( 0.85 fc ') − 0.85 fc ' 1 −
( 0.85 fc ')
 0.85 fc '   2 Rm 
 = 1− 1−
 f y   
( 0.85 fc ') 
 
Illustrative example
The size of the beam shown has been selected for architectural considerations. The factored moment of
200 kN.m is the estimated moment for the design. Using fc’=20.7MPa, and fy=414 MPa design the steel

1) Compute Ru
Mu 200 x106
Ru = =
 bd 0.9 ( 350 )( 525 )
2 2

Ru = 2.3036 MPa

2) Compute rho
0.85 fc '  2 Ru 
= 1 − 1 − 
fy  0.85 fc 
0.85(20.7)  2(2.3036) 
= 1 − 1 −  = 0.005986
(414)  0.85(20.7) 
4) Compute the rho balanced, b

b =
( 0.85 fc ') 1 ( 600 ) ( 0.85 )( 20.7 )( 0.85 )( 600 )
= = 0.0213757
f y ( f y + 600 ) 414 ( 414 + 600 )
 min = 0.003382   = 0.005986  b = 0.0213757
Underreinforced beam
In Table A.7, the value of rho for fc’=20.7MPa (3000 psi) and fy=414
MPa, that produces strain of εt=0.005 in the steel is ρTC=0.0136.

The required rho is 0.005986<0.0136, tension-controlled condition.

The use of Φ=0.90 is okay.
A reinforced concrete beam has width of 250 mm and effective depth of 335 mm. Given that
fc’=34.5 MPa and fy=414MPa, design the longitudinal reinforcement if the beam is to support a
service deadload moment of 24 kN.m and service live load moment of 32 kN.m.

1) Factored Moment
Mu = 1.2 ( 24 ) + 1.6 ( 32 ) = 80 kN .m
2) Compute R m
Mn Mu
Rm = =
bd 2  bd 2

Rm =
80 1x106 ) = 3.168
( 0.9 )( 250 )( 335)
3) Compute 
 0.85 fc '   2 Rm 
 = 1− 1−
 f y   
( 0.85 fc ') 
 
 0.85 ( 34.5 )   2 ( 3.168 ) 
 =  1 − 1 −  = 0.008117
 414   ( 0.85)( 34.5) 

min = 0.0035469   = 0.008117 ok

0.85 fc ' 1  600 
5) check for b =  
fy  fy + 600 
0.05 ( fc '− 28 )
1 = 0.85 −
0.05 ( 34.5 − 28 )
1 = 0.85 − = 0.8036
0.85 ( 34.5 )( 0.8036 )  600 
b =   = 0.033681
( 414 )  414 + 600 
 = 0.008117  b = 0.033681  b
Underreinforced beam
 = 0.008117  TC = 0.0212
Tension Controlled
6) Steel Area
As =  bd = 0.008117(250)(335)
As = 680mm 2
Using 16 mm dia bars
 (16 )
d 2
Ab = = = 201mm 2
4 4
As 680
7) Number of bars = = = 3.38
Ab 201
say 4 bars
Practice Problems:

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