Booking reference # 05IALY
Passenger Name Ticket Number SSR Code / Passenger Info Pax. type Contact Passport Number
Travel Note:
Checkin counter will open before 1.30 hours of domestic and 3 hours of international flight departure.
Passenger reporting late for checkin may be refused to board on flight. Please bring a valid photo ID.
Checkin counter will be closed before 30 minutes of domestic and 60 minutes of international flight departure.
Checkin Bag (if applicable) allowance maximum two pieces within free baggage limit. Hand carry bag weight is maximum 7 Kg.
Boarding gate will be closed before 20 minutes of domestic and 30 minutes of international flight departure.
After taking a boarding pass if the passenger fails to report at the boarding gate without any valid reason, their tickets will be treated as non
refundable & nonchangeable.
Travel Itinerary
Flight Checkin From To Departure Arrival Terminal Cabin Status Note
Baggage and Fare Details
Trip segment Pax. type Pax. name Bag.allowance Fare code Curr. Base fare Tax & s/c Tkt. fare Total fare
Total amount INVOICE
Fare Rules
Trip segment Fare validity Change fees *** Refund fees ***
Not valid before21Jul23 Before 24 hour(s) of the flight departure 54.16 SGD Before 24 hour(s) of the flight departure 81.24 SGD
DAC ➜ SIN Not valid after17Jan24 Within 24 hour(s) of the flight departure 81.24 SGD
After the flight departure or noshow 108.32 SGD
Within 24 hour(s) of the flight departure 135.39 SGD
After the flight departure or noshow 162.47 SGD
Endorsement : Non Endorsable/Non ReRoutable/Valid on BS only/ In case of partial refund (other than NonRefundable tickets), same or immediate higher PRBD's One
Way fare plus REFUND charge will be applicable / Any kind of EMI converted ticket amount is Non Refundable / Aviation Levy (OP) included in total fare.
(*) in the case of modification of several trips, the highest penalty on all trips will be applied
(**) Please note that if you do not show up for your outbound flight, your return flight will be canceled
(***) Please note this is a total amount per passenger.
Payment Receipt
Ticket issued by : KAZI +65 8747
6794 Total ticket fare amount INVOICE
Other fees*
* not include in the total ticket fare amount
Additional collection
Exchange penalty
Usbangla Airlines : 77, Sohrawardi Avenue, Baridhara Diplomatic Zone, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh | | Hotline : 13605 |
Terms and Conditions
Check-In Counter
Flight Type
Open Close
International 3 Hours Before Departure (STD) 60 Minutes Before Departure (STD)
Domestic 1.30 Hours Before Departure (STD) 30 Minutes Before Departure (STD)
STD: Standard time of Depature
Boeing 737-800 The sum of all dimensions (L+B+H) must not exit 115 cm or 46 inches/ Max weight 7 kgs
Dimensions and Weights Cabin Bag Dash8-Q400 The sum of all dimensions (L+B+H) must not exit 72 cm or 28 inches/ Max weight 7 kgs
of Baggage on
ATR 72-600 The sum of all dimensions (L+B+H) must not exit 72 cm or 28 inches/ Max weight 7 kgs
all ticket classes
Check-in Bag All Fleets The sum of all dimensions (L+B+H) must not exit 158 cm or 62 inches/ Max weight 30 kgs
1. As used in this contract ‘ticket’ means this passenger ticket and baggage checks, or the itinerary/receipt 9. GENERAL INFORMATION
if applicable, in the case of an electronic ticket, of which these conditions and the notices form part, Please remember to lock your baggage to prevent it from falling open and to help prevent pilferage of
“carriage” is equivalent to ‘transportation’, ‘carrier’ means all air carriers that carry or undertake to carry you its contents. We are not liable for loss, damage to or delay in the delivery of fragile or perishable items,
or your baggage under this ticket or perform any other service incidental to such air carriage, ‘electronic money, jewellery, precious metals, electronic devices, silverware, negotiable papers, securities and
ticket’ means the Itinerary/Receipt issued by or on behalf of Carrier, the Electronic Coupons and, if
applicable, a boarding document ‘We’ or ‘us’ means US-BANGLA AIRLINES. If your journey involves an other valuables, business documents, passports and other identification documents, samples. Medicines
ultimate destination or stop in a country other than the country of departure, international treaties, known as or drugs which are included in your checked and carry on baggage, whether with or without our
the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Convention, may be applicable. knowledge.
‘Warsaw Convention’ means the Convention for the Unification of certain Rules Relating to international 10. IDENTIFICATION OF PASSENGERS
carriage by Air signed at Warsaw. 12th October 1929, or that convention as amended at The Hague, 28th You may be required to produce appropriate identification at the time of check-in. Appropriate photo
September 1955, whichever may be applicable. These conventions govern and, in some cases, limit the identification required to avail any special discount/ services.
liability of carriers for death of or personal injury to passengers, and in respect to loss of or damage to
We do not require our passengers to reconfirm their onward or return journey on our services unless we
2. Baggage that has been checked during boarding will be delivered to the bearer of the baggage check. advise you otherwise. However, please contact your agent or our reservations/ ticketing office if you wish
If your baggage is damaged or lost, you must report in writing to us immediately on arrival. No to change your travel plans.
complaints will be deemed valid otherwise.
3. This ticket is good for carriage for 90 days/mentioned for domestic travels and for international travels US-BANGLA AIRLINES will not recognize for purposes of carriage any ticket purchased from or resold
180 days/mentioned in the ticket from the date of issue, in carrier’s tariffs conditions of carriage, or to any source other than US-BANGLA AIRLINES or its authorized travel agents. Passengers should
related regulations. The fare for carriage hereunder is subject to change prior to commencement of carefully examine their tickets, particularly the conditions of contract and notices contained therein.
carriage. Carrier may refuse transportation if the applicable fare has not been paid.
4. We undertake to ensure our best effort to carry you and your baggage with reasonable dispatch. USBA reserves the right to make a refund only to the person named in the ticket or to the person who
Times shown in timetables or elsewhere are not guaranteed and form no part of this contract. We may originally paid for the ticket. Refund will not be entertained if any claim done after the date of ticket
without notice substitute alternate carriers or aircraft, and may alter or omit stopping places shown on the
ticket in case of necessity. Schedules are subject to change without any prior notice. expiry. Ticket issued through any agent must be processed refund by the issuing agent only.
5. You are solely responsible for complying with all government travel requirements to undertake such Please be aware that for domestic and cross border transactions*, you may be charged an additional
transportation. You shall arrive at the airport by the time fixed by us (check-in counter will be closed 15
minutes before domestic flight departure and 60 minutes before international flight departure) to fee by your credit card/debit card issuing bank on top of the total online transaction fee. This policy is
complete departure formalities. We would deny to aboard you if you fail to report/ finish check-in within imposed by certain banks on their customers for domestic cross-border transactions and shall be
the time mentioned above. reflected in your upcoming credit card/debit card statement from your issuing bank. For more
information, please contact your issuing bank.
6. None of our agents, employees or representatives, has the authority to alter, modify or waive any provision
contained on the ticket and the conditions of this Contract of Carriage. 15. IMPORTANT LABEL YOUR BAG
For the purpose of easy identification, please label all baggage inside and outside with your name and
7. Liability for loss, delay or damage to baggage is strictly limited for domestic journey unless a higher address.
value is declared in advance and additional charges are paid, the applicable liability limit is USD 20.00
per Kg for International and BDT 1000.00 per kg for domestic only for checked baggage. We shall not 16. RIGHT TO REFUSE CARRIAGE
be liable for any baggage which is improperly or inadequately packed. We assume no liability for fragile, We may refuse to carry you and/ or your baggage from a flight, if this is determined to be necessary or
valuable or perishable articles. appropriate for safety reasons, or for the comfort and convenience of passengers. You or any other
passenger will also be refused carriage, or removed from a flight, if your or their behaviour is such as to
Your cabin baggage may be weighed and measured and if necessary, charged for in accordance with threaten safety, good order, or discipline on board the aircraft, or to cause discomfort, inconvenience,
valid tariffs. You may carry on board the articles listed below free of charge over and above your free or annoyance to passengers or crew members.
baggage allowance :
• A lady’s hand bag, pocket books or purse, which is appropriate to normal travelling 17. NOTICE OF GOVERNMENT IMPOSED TAXES, FEES AND SURCHARGES
Dress and is not being used as a container for the transportation of articles which The price of this ticket may include taxes, fees and charges which are imposed on air transportation by the
would otherwise be regarded as baggage government, concern authorities and the carrier. These taxes, fees and charges which may represent as
• An overcoat significant portion of the cost of air travel, are either included in the fare or shown separately in the “TAX”
• An umbrella or walking stick box(es) of this ticket. You may also be required to pay taxes, fees and charges which were not collected at the
• A laptop or notebook computer
• A small camera time of issuance.
• A reasonable amount of reading material for the flight
• Infant’s food for consumption in flight and infants carrying basket 18. WEATHER ADVISORY
• A fully collapsible wheelchair and/or a pair of crutches and/or other prosthetic At times flights are disrupted due to weather conditions that are beyond control. We always try our level best to
devices for the passenger’s use provided the passenger is dependent upon them ensure that our customers do not suffer waiting for their flights at the airports due to any flight disruption and we try
will be carried only in the luggage hold to inform them in advance but at times it is not possible to reach customers due to last minute constrains. As such
• No pets allowed
• Infant’s carrying basket and wheelchairs may be used until boarding the aircraft, we would like to recommend to our valued customers to call flight information prior to proceeding for the airport.
then will be stowed in the aircraft hold
• Infant’s stroller provided the infant is on board the aircraft will go in the luggage hold.
SALES OFFICES: DHAKA: 01777777810-821, CHATTOGRAM: 01777777822-828, COX’S BAZAR: 01777777841-842, SYLHET: 01777777829-830, JASHORE: 01777777833-834
KHULNA: 01777777838-839, SAIDPUR: 01777777844-845, RANGPUR: 01777777847, RAJSHAHI: 01777777850-851, BARISHAL: 01777777848-849
HOME DELIVERY: DHAKA: 01730713854, 01777777863, 01730713841, 01777707522. CHATTOGRAM: 01777707628, SYLHET: 01777777862, BARISHAL: 01777707530