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Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, http://www.tewtjournal.

org 53


by Wen Zinan
Hebei University,
180 Wusi E Rd. Baoding Shi, Hebei Sheng 0710000 China
wen zinan
and George Teoh Boon Sai
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Penang, Malaysia
georgeteoh @

This study investigated foreign language students’ perceptions about their Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)-based College English Course (CEC) in China. The
research used a five-point Likert-scale questionnaire based on Simsek (2008). A factor analysis
confirmed the construct validity of the questionnaire and 6 factors were delineated. 200 non-
English majors who responded mentioned that ICT was well integrated into the CEC. They
reported that the ICT-based CEC gave them a good environment for independent learning and
they were more motivated to learn English as they had more opportunities to communicate,
interact and cooperate with other students in English using authentic language in a variety of
contexts. They found learning was more effective compared to the traditional learning
environment; it provided freer learning environment, less restricted communication, more time
flexibility and more self-scheduled study plan ensuring learner-centeredness and learning
Keywords: ICT-based English Course; College English Course; Computer-Assisted Language

1. Information and Communication Technology in English language teaching in China

College English is a compulsory English course for non-English majors in Chinese
universities. In China, English is taught as a foreign language (EFL) in a community where
the medium of instruction and communication is not English (Hu & McGrath, 2012; Guo,
2014). The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has
brought about significant changes in language learning and teaching in China (Chien & Liou,
2002). Realizing the potential brought about by ICT, the Ministry of Education in China
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 54

conducted an unprecedented teaching and learning reform based on ICT technology in the
teaching of College English in 2003.
Initiatives taken by the Ministry of Education included, among others, the publication
of five computer and network-assisted college English textbooks in 2003, the issuance of the
Teaching Requirements for College English Curriculum (TRCEC) in 2004, a nation-wide
selection of 180 universities as computer and network-assisted experimental schools in 2004,
a further selection of 65 demonstration universities based on the results of the computer and
network-assisted College English teaching reform practices in 2007 and the development of
42 national-level model courses in 2009. The TRCEC is a national policy aligned with
contemporary educational thinking based on integrative Computer-Assisted Language
Learning (CALL). It defines College English teaching and learning as a system; based upon
foreign language teaching and learning theories, embodying English language knowledge
acquirement, language-using skills practice, learning strategy cultivation and cross-cultural
communication ability by multi-teaching modes and means. The TRCEC (Ministry of
Education of China, 2004, p.3) states that “each university, in the light of the actual situation,
works out its own goals and designs its own CEC system in accordance with the curriculum.”
The university in this study took an active part in this reform and became famous for
its state-level College English Teaching Reform Demonstration Centre in 2007. With the
advent of TRCEC (2004), five computer/internet-based textbooks came into being under the
supervision of the Ministry of Education. This university adopted the New Horizon College
English (NHCE) textbook, published by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
A new and student-centred teaching/learning environment was created to replace the
traditional chalk-board and face-to-face teaching/learning mode. Figure 1 shows the NHCE
on-line teaching and learning system which included teaching administration, interactive
teaching and learning, teaching assessment online courses, learning tools and autonomous
learning resources, testing centre, teaching assistant and user guide.
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 55


NHCE Teaching
Teaching Assisstant Online Teaching Assessment

& Learning

Learning Tools
& Autonomous

Figure 1: The New Horizon College English online teaching and learning system

It featured the use of two important technological developments – multimedia computers and
the Internet. Multimedia computer technology allows text, graphics, sound, animation and
video to be accessed on a single computer. It entails hypermedia that provides an authentic
learning environment with easily integrated skills, allowing students to work at their own pace
of learning and facilitating a primary focus on the content, without sacrificing focus on
language forms or learning strategies (Warschauer, 1996). Although integration of skills (e.g.
listening with reading) may be involved in using multimedia, it seldom involves integrating
meaningful and authentic communication into all aspects of the language learning curriculum.
Fortunately, the Internet allows language learners to communicate directly, inexpensively and
conveniently with other learners of the target language 24 hours a day. This communication
can be synchronous or asynchronous, composing messages at their time and pace through
such tools as email or chatting tools (Warschauer, 1996). As Shen, Yuan and Ewing (2014)
reported, almost all materials used in Chinese EFL classrooms have been provided with online
support courses for classroom teaching and learning, and students’ independent learning and
self-assessment. Other than using the online resources provided by New Horizon College
English, the students were also free to trawl the net, visit social media websites like Facebook
and access other websites of their liking. Thus, the teaching and learning process embraces
announcements, online questioning, online assignment, classroom forums, group learning,
appointment for face-to-face teaching and e-mail to improve the teaching-learning
environment of the CEC in this university. The teaching software system is different from
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 56

traditional teaching materials. It is multi-functional, encompassing systematic teaching and

learning materials suitable for both multimedia and classroom-based approaches. It
emphasizes the combination of student-centred learning in classroom and autonomous
learning after class with their teachers’ support. Web-based teaching management systems are
also widely used to save teacher time and improve management efficiency (Hu & McGrath,

2. Constructivism and computer-assisted language learning

Social constructivism advocates a desirable learning environment in which dynamic
interaction occurs between teachers, students and tasks, providing opportunities for learners to
construct their understanding through interaction with others. Social constructivists stress that
learning is active, contextual and social; therefore, the best method is collective-learning
where the teacher is a facilitator and guide (Tinio, 2002). In contrast to traditional classrooms
where teachers use a linear model and one-way communication, social-constructivist learning
is more personalized, student-centered, nonlinear and learner-directed (Cagiltay, Yildirim &
Aksu, 2006). In the literature on ICT in teaching, ‘constructivist practices’ refer to student-
centred learning, necessitating teacher-student and student-student collaboration and co-
construction of knowledge. This contrasts with teacher-centred practices, which involve
explicit instruction, knowledge transmission, linear knowledge development and more
directly observable learning outcomes (Levin & Wadmany, 2005; Chen, 2008; Killen, 2009).
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) can be defined as any specifically-
designed or generic software and any form of ICT-supported medium used to promote
language learning (Towndrow & Vallance, 2002). It is based upon the theory of
constructivism by Bruner (1966) and Piaget (1970) who believe the roles of teacher and
student should change accordingly. A teacher is no longer the traditional knowledge provider,
but an organizer and facilitator. A student is never a passive knowledge receiver, but an active
learner and a meaning constructor. Four important elements which help to complete this
transition are learning environment, cooperation, conversation and meaning construction.
Warschauer (1996) investigated students’ participation in electronic discussion in a
composition class during ESL instruction in comparison with face-to-face instruction.
Learners found the electronic conversation environment to be more comfortable than face-to-
face communication and their positive attitude towards the electronic environment contributed
to increased participation in conversations. Altun (2005) studied EFL Turkish students’
attitudes towards the integration of multimedia and Internet technologies in language
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 57

teaching. Message boards were useful for communication and the students viewed
communication with the teacher via computer to be less effective than communication in the
ICT integrated classroom. Simsek’s (2008) study evaluating students’ attitudes towards ICT
use in a reading skills course in Turkey found that despite the difficulties the students faced,
they were satisfied with the application of ICT in their reading course and they developed a
positive attitude towards online courses. Zhong (2005) conducted a comparative study of ICT
instruction and traditional instruction at the National University of Defence Technology
(NUDT). Second-year non-English majors found ICT use had a positive effect on English
learning and countered problems such as low interest, lack of opportunities for
communication and insufficient reading materials in the traditional teacher-centred
instruction. Dong’s (2005) research showed students had a very positive evaluation of CALL
and took a relatively higher interest in the Internet and CALL classes. They had higher mean
values than the non-CALL-class in terms of autonomous learning, the efficiency of learning,
effects of learning and flexibility in learning. The new teaching and learning mode improved
the students’ listening, speaking, communicating and cooperation skills.
Although ICT-based teaching has many advantages over the traditional teaching
approach, there are still some problems related to the application of ICT in English teaching
and learning contexts (Liou, 2000; Yang, 2001). For instance, the unavailability of technical
support in the use of ICT can cause students to experience difficulties in language learning;
resulting in learning anxiety and cognitive disorientation. These conditions can induce
negative attitudes towards the use of ICT in educational contexts. Also, Chien and Liou
(2002) found that in a web-based English learning environment some EFL learners had
difficulties with electronic communication because of their slow typing speed and limited
English proficiency. Additionally, there is a lack of systematic empirical evaluation assessing
the effectiveness of ICT application to support language learning (Zhao, 2003). Also Tri and
Nguyen (2017) highlighted that Caruso, Kravik and Morgan’s (2004) study found that only
12.7% of the students stated that ICTs improved their learning process. Moreover, Rabah’s
(2015) study showed that participants highlighted the following challenges in the integration
of ICT in Quebec schools: lack of supporting school leadership, inconsistent investments in
ICT equipment, infrastructure and resources as well as the need for additional professional
development and support. Iyengar and Byker (2014) also stressed that many innovative ICT
programs and ICT-based teacher education program need further research to test the impact of
these programs. In addition Lim, Yan and Xiong (2015) stated that the contents, learning
models, strategies and assessments of the courses in China are usually decided by the
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 58

individual university and that the course quality is often questioned by educational experts as
with low emphasis on technology integration. Furthermore, Hu and McGrath (2011) found
that limited ICT skills and pedagogic expertise were obstacles to the use of ICT in English
language teaching. The majority of teachers who held positive attitudes towards ICT use in
English teaching and the national reform reported their enthusiasm was waning in the light of
inadequate support and training.

3. The study

3.1. The outline of the present research

The present study aimed to fill the gap by conducting a case study to address the following
research question:
• What are the EFL students’ perceptions about the extent of ICT integration into the
CEC at this university in Northeast China and the feasibility of its application for
English language learning?
Samples of this study were selected using stratified random sampling. The population
of the CEC at this university for 2011 was 2057. The participants were 200 freshmen and
sophomores. All were non-English majors from natural science, liberal arts, economics,
principles of management and electrical engineering disciplines. They accounted for 10% of
the total population (Gay & Diehl, 1992). Table 1 shows there were 37 natural science, 17
liberal arts, 51 economics, 39 principles of management and 56 electrical engineering

Table 1. Students’ discipline of study

Freshmen Sophomore
Major Total
Male Female Male Female
Natural science 3 0 10 24 37
Liberal arts 11 0 5 1 17
Economics 16 23 11 1 51
Principles of Management 13 18 4 4 39
Electrical engineering 7 9 20 20 56
Total 50 50 50 50 200
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 59

3.2. Procedure
A five-point Likert-scale questionnaire adapted from Simsek (2008) was administered to all
the participants by their teachers at the end of their CEC in December. The questionnaire had
been piloted on 100 students (who were excluded from the main study). After piloting, the
questionnaire was duly amended and analysed for reliability and validity. Table 2 shows
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients between the total score of each subscale (degree of
confidence is 1%), indicating that the items of each subscale can explain the content of the

Table 2. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of the subscales

Attitude towards ICT

PQ17 Pearson Correlation .855(**)
PQ18 Pearson Correlation .882(**)
PQ19 Pearson Correlation .869(**)
PQ20 Pearson Correlation .714(**)
Attitudes towards teaching materials
PQ21 Pearson Correlation .872(**)
PQ22 Pearson Correlation .814(**)
PQ23 Pearson Correlation .843(**)
PQ24 Pearson Correlation .831(**)
PQ25 Pearson Correlation .740(**)
PQ26 Pearson Correlation .805(**)
PQ27 Pearson Correlation .818(**)
PQ28 Pearson Correlation .808(**)
PQ29 Pearson Correlation .866(**)
PQ30 Pearson Correlation .864(**)
Self-learning capability
PQ31 Pearson Correlation .797(**)
PQ32 Pearson Correlation .868(**)
PQ33 Pearson Correlation .883(**)
PQ34 Pearson Correlation .819(**)
Motivation to learn
PQ35 Pearson Correlation .846(**)
PQ36 Pearson Correlation .853(**)
PQ37 Pearson Correlation .875(**)
PQ38 Pearson Correlation .867(**)
Interaction with other students
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 60

PQ39 Pearson Correlation .878(**)

PQ40 Pearson Correlation .862(**)
PQ41 Pearson Correlation .888(**)
PQ42 Pearson Correlation .753(**)
Cooperation with other students
PQ43 Pearson Correlation .903(**)
PQ44 Pearson Correlation .900(**)
PQ45 Pearson Correlation .803(**)
PQ46 Pearson Correlation .799(**)
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Cronbach’s alpha of the 30 statements in this scale was 0.951, which indicated that the
internal consistency of this scale was excellent.1 Cronbach’s alphas of the six subscales are
shown in Table 3. Every subscale’s Cronbach’s alpha was greater than 0.85, showing that the
internal consistency of the scale was good, and all six subscales and 30 statements were

Table 3. Reliability results for the six subscales

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

Attitude towards ICT .851 4
Attitudes towards teaching materials .948 10
Self-learning capability .861 4
Motivation to learn .883 4
Interaction with other students .867 4
Cooperation with other students .873 4

A factor analysis was conducted to determine the construct validity of the questionnaire. The
result of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy test was 0.881 and
Bartlett’s test of sphericity χ2 test was 2418.271 (degree of freedom is 435), and the level of
significance was (p=0.000<0.001). It is generally acknowledged that KMO>0.8 is suitable for

Internal consistency is unacceptable: Cronbach's Alpha<0.5;Internal consistency is poor: 0.5≤ Cronbach's
Alpha<0.6;Internal consistency is questionable : 0.6≤Cronbach's Alpha<0.7; Internal consistency is Acceptable
: :0.7≤Cronbach's Alpha<0.8; Internal consistency is good: :0.8≤Cronbach's Alpha<0.9; Internal consistency is
excellent :Cronbach's Alpha≥0.9. (J.P.Gilford, Psychometric Methods,2nded. NY:McGraw-Hill,1954).
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 61

factor analysis 2 , so it passed Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy and

Bartlett’s test of sphericity test. Six factors were extracted to maximize the variance rotation
of the initial data. Table 4 shows that the factor load capacity of the 30 statements attributing
to their own factor as greater than 0.6 and the factor load capacity of 30 statements attributing
to the other factors as smaller than 0.6. The results show the questionnaire has achieved the
criteria of convergent validity and discriminant validity and that every item in the
questionnaire has correlation with the six factors and passed the project correlation analysis
test, reliability and validity test.

Table 4. Factors concerning students’ perceptions of the ICT-based CEC

Commu Name of Cumulative

Factor Statement Factor load % of Variance
nality factor %
21 22 23 24 25 0.557- teaching
F1 0.558-0.816 22.268 22.268
26 27 28 29 30 0.824 materials and
Students’ self-
F2 31 32 33 34 0.672-0.832 learning 11.315 33.583
F3 43 44 45 46 0.684-0.885 with other 10.728 44.312
F4 35 36 37 38 0.595-0.816 Motivation to 10.411 54.723
F5 39 40 41 42 0.745-0.801 with other 10.306 65.029
F6 21 22 23 24 0.676-0.742 attitude 9.175 74.204
towards ICT

Kaiser’s standards of the results: KMO>0.9 is very suitable for factor analysis;KMO>0.8 is suitable for
factor analysis;KMO>0.7 is quite suitable for factor analysis;KMO<0.6 is little suitable for factor analysis
;KMO<0.5 is not suitable for factor analysis.
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 62

Table 4 shows the ‘attitudes towards teaching materials and knowledge acquisition’ factor had
ten items compared to five items in each of the other five factors; so five items with low
factor load capacities were deleted. Item 23 (factor load capacity was 0.698), item 24 (factor
load capacity was 0.662), item 25 (factor load capacity was 0.558), item 26 (factor load
capacity was 0.658), item 28 (factor load capacity was 0.648) were deleted to make the
sections of the questionnaire more balanced. The final version had 25 items left, the original
item number was retained for easy comparison. Items 21, 22, 27, 29 and 30 were grouped to
constitute a new factor named ‘teaching materials and knowledge acquisition’.

Table 5. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

Attitudes towards teaching materials and

knowledge acquisition
Item21 Pearson Correlation .809(**)
Item22 Pearson Correlation .847(**)
Item27 Pearson Correlation .794(**)
Item29 Pearson Correlation .799(**)
Item30 Pearson Correlation .855(**)
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

The reliability and validity of the corrected scale were retested. Table 5 shows Spearman’s
rank correlation coefficient between the factor of ‘attitudes towards teaching materials and
knowledge acquisition’ (confidence coefficient is 1%) as acceptable and the items reflecting
the factor of ‘teaching materials and knowledge acquisition’ sufficiently. The retest reliability
of the corrected scale shows Cronbach’s alpha at 0.935, indicating high reliability. 3
Cronbach’s alpha for ‘attitudes towards teaching materials and knowledge acquisition’ and its
items was 0.820, which meant that the factor should be maintained.
The data were also analysed using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test and the Bartlett’s test.
The KMO measure of sampling adequacy test was 0.859 and the Bartlett’s test of sphericity χ2
test was 1819.838 (degree of freedom is 300), with good level of significance
(p=0.000<0.001). It is generally acknowledged that KMO>0.8 is suitable for factor analysis,
so the data of the corrected scale passed the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling
adequacy and the Bartlett’s test of sphericity. A factor analysis was conducted and six factors

Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency: α ≥ 0.9 presents excellent, 0 .9 > α ≥ 0.8 presents good, 0 .8 > α ≥ 0.7
presents acceptable, 0 .7 > α ≥ 0.6 presents questionable, 0 .6 > α ≥ 0.5 presents poor, 0 .5 > α presents
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 63

were extracted to maximize the variance rotation of the initial data as shown in Table 6. The
results show the factor load capacity of the 25 items attributing to their own factor was greater
than 0.6 and the factor load capacity of the 25 items attributing to the other factors was
smaller than 0.6. This indicates that the corrected questionnaire met the criteria of convergent
validity and discriminant validity. The results show that every item in the questionnaire has
correlation with the six factors, namely, the student’s attitude towards ICT; the student’s
attitude towards teaching materials and knowledge acquisition; the student’s self-learning
capability; the student’s motivation to learn, the student’s interaction with others and the
cooperation among the students in the questionnaire have all passed the project correlation
analysis test, reliability and validity test. The final version of the questionnaire was used to
examine the students’ perception of the ICT-based CEC of this university.

Table 6. Factors concerning the students’ perception of the ICT-based CEC

% of Cumulative
Factor Statement Communality Factor load Name of factor
Variance %
21 22 27 materials and
F1 0.739-0.811 0.650-0.805 15.587 15.587
29 30 knowledge
students’ self-
31 32 33
F2 0.648-0.808 0.710-0.830 learning 13.635 29.223
43 44 45 cooperation with
F3 0.652-0.840 0.689-0.891 12.564 41.787
46 other students
35 36 37
F4 0.722-0.811 0.623-0.836 motivation to 11.980 53.767
39 40 41 interaction with
F5 0.679-0.800 0.751-0.805 11.776 65.544
42 other students
17 18 19 students’ attitude
F6 0.714-0.812 0.694-0.769 10.343 75.887
20 towards ICT

3.3. Results and findings

The data highlighted two issues; (a) the ICT facilities provided for the students (Items 5-7)
and (b) the application of ICT by teachers in the CEC (Items 8-16). Figure 2 shows 98.5% of
the students reported the university had language labs (Item 5), 75% of the students stated the
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 64

computers in every language lab were connected to the Internet (Item 6) and 78.5% of the
students agreed that they could gain access to computers easily in the university (Item 7). The
students perceived that the university provided them with adequate ICT facilities for their



80 75



20 18 17
7 4.5
0.5 1
Yes No Not sure

5.There are language labs in the university.

6.Computers are connected to the Internet in every language lab.
7.Students can access computers easily in the university.

Figure 2. Perceptions of the students regarding the provision of ICT facilities

Students’ responses to Items 8 to 16 concerning the teachers’ application of ICT in the CEC
are summarized in Figure 3.

item16 20 45.5 27.5 6 1

item15 31.5 29.5 19 16.5 3.5

item14 31 46 18.5 4.50

item13 41.5 39.5 6 30

item12 39 53.5 6 1.5


item11 47 46 6.5 0.5


item10 41.5 51 7 0.5


item9 43.5 51 4 1.5


item8 19 41 28 10.5 1.5

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 65

Figure 3. Teachers’ application of ICT in the CEC

60% of students reported a response of always and often to Item 8: I can find technical
support when using a computer at the university; 94.5% of students reported a response of
always and often to Item 9: My English teacher uses ICT resources during teaching; 92.5% of
students reported a response of always and often to Item 10: My English teacher recommends
us to use online resources in my study; 93% of students reported a response of always and
often to Item 11: My English teacher uses ICT to explain texts in class; 92.5% of students
reported a response of always and often to Item 12: My English teacher uses ICT to help
students learn independently; 82% of students reported a response of always and often to Item
13: My English teacher uses ICT to organise classroom discussions; 77% of students reported
a response of always and often to Item 14: My English teacher assigns tasks required to be
completed using ICT; 61% of students reported a response of always and often to Item 15: My
English teacher contacts us through e-mail; 65.5% of students reported a response of always
and often to Item 16: My English teacher has online discussions with us.
Figure 4 shows the total score of the students’ perceptions about the ICT application in
the CEC. The mean score was 98.31 and the standard deviation of the total score was 12.08.
Most students were positive towards the ICT-based CEC.






Mean =98.31
Std. Dev. =12.087
N =200

60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00

Figure 4. Total score of the EFL students’ perceptions about the ICT application in the CEC

This section presents the students’ perceptions of ICT use in the CEC according to the six
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 66

a) Figure 5 summarizes the results obtained via items 17 to 20 regarding the students’ attitude
towards the use of ICT in the CEC.

Students' attitudes towards ICT


Item 20 12.5 67 17 3.5

Item 19 2.5 13.5 67 17

Item 18 22 59.5 15.5
Item 17 11.5 54 32.5

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

strongly disagree disagree undecided agree strongly agree

Figure 5. Students’ attitude towards the use of ICT in CEC

86.5% of students strongly agree and agree with Item 17: I have a positive attitude towards
the use of ICT technology for learning. 81.5% of students strongly disagree and disagree with
Item 18: I don't want teachers to increase the use of ICT in the CEC. 84% of students strongly
agree and agree with Item 19: The ICT-based CEC is worth my time and energy. 79.5% of
students responded strongly disagree and disagree to Item 20: I prefer to study in traditional
face-to-face teaching environment. Most students preferred the ICT-based CEC environment
to the traditional learning environment (the mean score for item 18 was 4.00 and the mean
score for item 20 was 3.89).
b) Figure 6 summarizes the results obtained via Items 21, 22, 27, 29 and 30 concerning the
students’ attitudes towards the CEC teaching materials and knowledge acquisition.
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 67

Attitudes towards teaching materials and knowledge acquisition

Item 30 1.5 8 67.5 23

Item 29 2 10.5 67 20.5

Item 27 1.5 10.5 69.5 19

Item 22 2.5 9 68.5 20

Item 21 1.5 14 63.5 21

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

strongly disagree disagree undecided agree strongly agree

Figure 6. Students’ attitude towards the CEC teaching materials and knowledge acquisition

84.5% of the students chose strongly agree and agree in Item 21: The use of ICT in the CEC
increased my knowledge about English language. 88.5% of students responded strongly agree
and agree to Item 22: The use of ICT in the CEC enabled me to learn more about foreign
cultures. 88.5% of the students indicated strongly agree and agree to Item 27: The amount of
information input in ICT environment is bigger than that in traditional context. 87.5% of the
students responded strongly agree and agree to Item 29: The use of ICT in the CEC provides
me with more access to learning English. 90.5% of the students chose strongly agree and
agree to Item 30: The use of ICT in the CEC offers me a lot of rich and authentic English
c) Figure 7 summarizes the results obtained via Items 31 to 34 regarding the student’s self-
learning capability in the ICT-based CEC.
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 68

Students' Self-learning Capability

Item 34 3 17 57.5 22.5

Item 33 13.5 64 19

Item 32 5.5 16 63.5 15

Item 31 15.5 65.5 15 4

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

stronly disagree disagree undecided agree strongly agree

Figure 7. Student’s self-learning capability

81% of students responded strongly disagree and disagree to Item 31: the ICT-based CEC is
not helpful in enhancing my self-learning capability. 79.5% of students reported strongly
agree and agree to Item 32: the ICT-based CEC allows me to learn at my own pace. 83% of
students chose strongly agree and agree when answering Item 33: Computers and the Internet
help me learn English more independently. 80% of students strongly agree and agree with
Item 34: When I meet problems in learning English, I would like to find solutions on the
Internet or in other reference books by myself.
d) Figure 8 summarizes the results obtained from Items 35 to 38 regarding the student’s
motivation to learn in the ICT-based CEC.
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 69

Students' Motivation to Learn

Item 38 16.5 68.5 11

Item 37 12.5 64 19 4.5

Item 36 3 18 62.5 16.5

Item 35 10 68 18.5

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

stronly disagree disagree undecided agree strongly agree

Figure 8. Student’s motivation to learn

86.5% of students strongly agree and agree with Item 35: The use of ICT makes classroom
activities more interesting. 79% of students chose strongly agree and agree when answering
Item 36: I feel more motivated when learning English in the ICT-based CEC environment.
76.5% of students selected strongly disagree and disagree when answering Item 37: I can't
concentrate on my study when learning English in the ICT-based CEC environment. 79.5% of
students reported strongly agree and agree for Item 38: The use of ICT in the CEC improves
my participation in classroom activities.
e) Figure 9 summarizes the results obtained from Items 39 to 42 regarding the student’s
interaction with other students in the ICT-based CEC.
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 70

Interaction with other Students

Item 42 13.5 66.5 17.5 2.5

Item 41 5 6 27 61.0

Item 40 5 6 17 71

Item 39 3.5 22 71

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

strongly disagree disagree undecided agree strongly agree

Figure 9. Student’s interaction with other students

93% of students chose strongly agree and agree when answering Item 39: I felt comfortable in
asking questions in the ICT-based CEC environment. 88% of students reported strongly agree
and agree in Item 40: I often share information and ideas with other students in ICT-based
CEC. 88.0% of the students responded strongly agree and agree to Item 41: I communicate
well with other students in the ICT-based CEC. 80% of students selected strongly disagree
and disagree in Item 42: I have problems getting help in the ICT-based CEC environment.
f) Figure 10 summarizes the results obtained from items 43 to 46 regarding the cooperation
among the students in the CEC.
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 71

Students’ Cooperation with other Students

Item 46 24 62
3 10.5

Item 45 9 18 62 11

Item 44 10 65 17 8

Item 43 12.5 62 15.5 10

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

strongly disagree disagree undecided agree strongly agree

Figure 10. Cooperation among the students

74.5% of students reported strongly disagree and disagree for Item 43: ICT-based instruction
provides me with fewer opportunities to cooperate with other students. 75% of students
responded strongly disagree and disagree when answering Item 44: The ICT-based CEC is not
helpful in developing teamwork among students. 73% of students indicated strongly agree and
agree in response to Item 45: Working on group projects is easier in the ICT-based CEC.
72.5% of students chose the responses of strongly agree and agree to Item 46: I feel more
confident when learning with other students in ICT-based CEC.

4. Discussion
In the students’ opinion, ICT was well integrated into the CEC with easy access to computers,
the Internet and technical support. The students’ contact with the target language and culture
increased in two aspects: a) ICT resources, such as English language knowledge, cultural
information and communication devices supported by ICT and b) the application of ICT by
teachers in the teaching process. The CEC teachers applied ICT frequently in their classes and
outside class time to explain texts, assign learning tasks, organise classroom activities,
communicate with students and participate in students’ online discussion to facilitate learning.
The ICT facilities and resources created a good environment for the CEC at this university
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 72

and made the students’ learning more efficient using authentic language in a variety of
contexts ensuring learner-centeredness and learning autonomy. Similarly to Warschauer’s
(1996) findings, the students were positive towards investing their time and energy in the ICT-
based CEC.
The ICT-based CEC provided a lot of information to the students. They could choose
suitable English learning materials for their own learning. Teachers also exposed students to
the foreign cultures related to the English language using the Internet, broadcasting
technologies and ICT resources. This is important because students need to learn a language
in the context of the culture. The students gained access to a variety of information, methods,
approaches and resources in the ICT-based CEC, which were suitable to the students’ learning
style and made them interested to learn English at their own pace. After classes, the students
could learn English anywhere or any time with CDs or online materials; they were able to
obtain learning materials they were interested in and find help when they encountered
learning problems. ICT enabled the students to navigate and monitor their learning process to
meet their learning needs.
The students developed the ability to take charge of their own language learning which
researchers agree will ultimately lead to language learning proficiency success (Ablard &
Lipschultz, 1998; Zhang & Li, 2003). Self-learning capability is related to successful learner
characteristics and language learning is affected by attitude and motivation. The students’
positive attitude and higher motivation made them more willing to participate in learning
activities compared to the traditional English learning environment. The students were more
comfortable while asking questions, sharing information and ideas with other students and
getting help to communicate in the ICT-based CEC. The ICT-based CEC provided
opportunities for the students’ cooperative learning activities and helped develop teamwork.
Both face-to-face cooperative learning and online team work could be conducted, providing
the teachers with more freedom and options to design and arrange group projects. It was
easier for the students to work with other students and they were more confident when
learning with others. Students asked more questions of different kinds in cooperative learning
than in a traditional teaching environment (Deen, 1987). Cooperative learning is preferred in
foreign language teaching and learning for it can ensure optimum opportunities for interaction
and at the same time cultivate the students’ team spirit. Studies in language acquisition show
that the learning opportunities provided by learner-learner interaction play a positive role in
language learning (e.g. Ohta & Amy, 1996, Soler, 2002). Social interaction is a means for
language learning as language is transmitted and created in learner-learner interaction
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 73

(Seliger, 1977). When students take the initiative to ask questions and search for help,
authentic communicative opportunities are created for meaningful learning. Research has
indicated that students are overwhelmed by the great amount of information provided by ICT
(Chien & Liou, 2002, Simsek, 2008, Srijittra, 2010). However, the CEC students did not
admit any concentration loss while learning English in their ICT-based CEC. Most students
reported they could choose the right English materials which were suitable for them to learn
the English language and they were not influenced by the variety of information offered by
ICT. The ICT-based CEC promoted communicative competence, which helped the students
develop a positive perception and habits in using ICT resources to help them learn the English

5. Final conclusions and recommendations for further research

In conclusion, the study showed the EFL students at this university in China stated that ICT
was well-integrated into the CEC. The teachers used computers, the Internet and other ICT
technologies to provide a well-conducted ICT-based CEC. The students were positive towards
the application of the ICT-based CEC. It provided ample atmosphere with a learner-centred
classroom and was preferable to a traditional teaching environment as it enabled the students
to learn independently. The ICT-based CEC provided them with much learning materials for
knowledge acquisition and tools for carrying out other authentic tasks related to English
language learning. This learning environment helped to break the spatial and temporal
boundaries of the traditional face-to-face English language class and allowed the students to
learn whatever they wanted anytime or anywhere using the ICT resources. The ICT-based
CEC provided freer learning environment, freer communication, more time flexibility and
more self-scheduled study plan. ICT can be likened to a treasure of College English teaching
resources to the students.
To be able to conduct ICT-based courses successfully, the students’ enthusiasm for ICT
should be encouraged so that they can accept and appreciate the integration of ICT in the
teaching of the course. This is because experience strongly influences perception (Glover,
Ronning & Bruning, 1990). Hence, sufficient ICT facilities and technical support must be
properly implemented to facilitate constructive learning that is student-centred (Warschauer,
1996). In addition, English language teachers conducting ICT-based courses need to be
competent facilitators because they are vital in facilitating their students’ learning. This is in
agreement with Vijayalakshmi’s (2017) study, which stressed that teachers need to be trained
not only in teaching but also in using various technologies in language instruction. Teachers
Teaching English with Technology, 17(3), 53-76, 74

need to realize that face-to-face interactions between the teachers and students and between
peers, as well as online interactions between the teacher and students play a significant role in
determining the success of their learning. As such, teachers need to be fully committed in
their classes as well as actively participate in the students’ online ICT activities, such as
forums, emails and chat rooms. They should facilitate the learning of the English language via
proper planning and implementation of language learning activities that specifically create an
authentic learning environment allowing for self-paced learning for the students. We concur
with Guo’s (2014) conclusion that teachers have to learn the computer and network
techniques well, otherwise they will encounter some difficulties and problems in using ICT to
teach English.
As regards limitations of the current study, its participants were 200 non-English-
major students of the same university; therefore, the research findings may not be
generalisable to other university students in other regions of China.
Future studies can employ other instruments, in-depth interviews and verbal reports to
gain a better understanding of the language learners’ perceptions of application of ICT in the
language classroom. The studies can expand on the range of the sample by including students
from other universities in China. Future research can also focus on the teachers of the College
English Course to investigate the teachers’ perceptions about the ICT-based College English
Course. A replicated study could also be conducted among learners with different cultural and
learning environments to investigate the differences that might exist based on different
cultural backgrounds.

The authors would like to thank the university and her students who were involved in this study as well as the
anonymous reviewers whose suggestions helped improve this paper.

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