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The Process of Human Behavior in Fires

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A11107 10b2S5
NIST Technical Note 1632

The Process of Human Behavior in


Erica D. Kuligowski

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology • U.S. Department of Commerce

. US153
NIST Technical Note 1632

The Process of Human Behavior in


Erica D. Kuligowski
Fire Research Division
Building and Fire Research Laboratory

May 2009


U.S. Department of Commerce

Gary Locke, Secretary

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Patrick D. Gallagher, Acting Director
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National Institute of Standards and Technology Technical Note 1632

Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Tech. Note 1632, 15 pages (May 2009)

Thanks to Kathleen Tierney, Liam Downey, William Grosshandler, Dennis Mileti, and Ross
Corotis for their efforts. My appreciation to Richard Peacock, Jason Averill, Anthony Hamins,
and Steve Gwynne for providing detailed and insightful suggestions.


Erica Kuligowski
National Institute of Standards and Technology


Evacuation models, including engineering hand calculations and computational tools, are used to
calculate the time it which can then be used in an engineering safety
takes to evacuate a building,
analysis. However, there is a lack of available data and theory on occupant behavior for use by evacuation
models to estimate evacuation time results and their uncertainty. In lieu of data and theory, evacuation
models (and users) make assumptions and simplifications about occupant behavior, which can
inappropriately characterize the time it actually takes to evacuate a building. In cases where assumptions
lead to evacuation estimates that are either too optimistic or too conservative, buildings and procedures
can be designed with either insufficient or unnecessary (and costly) egress routes and fire
protection/notification systems. A solution to this problem is to generate theory on human behavior
during evacuations from building fires that can be incorporated into evacuation models. Once this theory
is robust, validated and incorporated into evacuation models, these tools can begin to predict occupant
evacuation behavior rather than relying on the user to determine behavior before the simulation begins, as
is now the case.

In order to develop predictive theory of human behavior in fires, the factors that influence an occupant to
take certain actions must be identified. Examples of actions taken during an evacuation include
information seeking, milling, preparing for evacuation, and informing others. This paper briefly outlines
the factors that influence an occupant to take actions during his/her evacuation and identifies future areas
of research that are needed to develop a predictive behavioral (action-based) model of an evacuation
during a building fire.


Human behavior research has shown that any action performed in a situation is the result of a
behavioral or decision-making process, rather than based on random chance or even actions resulting

directly from a change in the environment (i.e., a stimulus-response relationship). Research from
community evacuations during disasters 2 3-4 and building fire evacuations
5 7 8 9
has shown that before
' ' ' '

individuals performed an action, they perceived certain cues, interpreted the situation and the risk based
on those cues, and then made a decision about what to do (i.e., the action) based on their interpretations.
Therefore, each action taken is influenced by this process. Also, there are certain factors that influence
each phase of the process; more specifically 1 ) factors that influence whether the individual perceives the
cue (or not), 2) factors that influence what type of interpretation the individual forms about the situation
and the risk based on that cue, and 3) factors that influence the decision about an action. This behavioral
process is shown in Figure 1
rnase 1: rerceive cut^s;

Phase 2: Interpret situation and risk
Cue- and occupant-
V based factors
Phase 3: Make decision about action

Phase 4: Perform action

Figure 1: The behavioral process of occupant response in a building fire

In a building fire, and the factors that influence each action are specific to the occupants in the
the phases
building, the building and the fire event. In the perception phase (Phase 1) of the behavioral process

from Figure 1 building occupants can perceive (or receive) external physical and social cues from their

environment, including such physical cues as flames, smoke, heat, or debris and such social cues as
hearing discussion, seeing others' inaction, or receiving phone calls from outside of the building.
Additionally, during this phase, occupants can perceive more complex conditions and states, such as
perceived uncertainty, information overload, time pressure, and even their own thoughts or memories
from a particular event. In the interpretation phase, Phase 2, the occupant attempts to interpret the
10 1112
information provided by the cues perceived during the perception phase.

During the interpretation

phase, occupants interpret or define both the situation (e.g., it is a false alarm or a very serious fire) and
the risk to themselves and/or to others. Phase 3 of the behavioral process, decision-making, involves
occupants making decisions on what to do next based on their interpretations of the situations and
risks. And, finally, in Phase 4 of the behavioral process, occupants may perform the action that they
decided upon in the decision-making phase. For a more complete version of the theory behind each phase
in the process, see reference [15].

Occupants will begin a behavioral process when presented with cues or information that interrupts their
daily routine. A new behavioral process begins each time an occupant receives new information relating
to the event, and a specific action is likely to occur based on whether the information is perceived, the
interpretation of the situation and the risk, and the decisions made regarding what to do.


To eventually develop a predictive behavioral model, an understanding of the factors that
influence each phase of the behavioral process for building fires is required. Literature from community
disasters and building fire evacuations were collected and reviewed to identify these factors. This is a
both direct and indirect factors that influence each phase
difficult task for several reasons. First, there are
of the behavioral process. Direct factors actually influence the main process in each phase, whereas
indirect factors can influence the subprocesses that take place within each phase. Second, whereas the
perception phase contains a small number of alternatives (i.e., either an individual perceives the cue or
not), the interpretation, decision-making and action phases have a large number of options which makes it

very difficult to develop linkages between these phases. When presented with building fire cues, for

example, occupants have a large number of interpretations that can be made regarding the situation and
the risk (Phase 2). Additionally, occupants can perform a large number of actions (Phases 3 and 4).
Whereas, if the occupant perceives a cue(s), then he/she will begin to engage in interpretation, few
studies were found that effectively linked specific interpretations (Phase 2) with decisions made about
specific actions to perform (Phase 3).

This paper begins the development of a predictive behavioral model by identifying the direct factors of
influence for Phases and 2 (perception and interpretation). The focus of this paper is to present the

factors that influence 1) whether a cue is perceived, 2) whether an occupant interprets the situation as a
fire, and 3) whether the occupant interprets a level of risk. In addition, the direction of influence is also

included (e.g., whether a factor increases or decreases the likelihood of the phase).

The factors of influence for Phases 1 and 2 have been categorized into two main types: occupant-based

factors and cue-based factors. Occupant -based factors include pre-event factors which are those factors
possessed by the occupant prior to an event taking place, i.e., education, training, demographic
characteristics, etc.; event factors are possessed by the occupant as a function of the event. Cue-based
factors, which are inherently event factors, vary by the number of cues, the complexity of the cues (e.g.,
ambiguous, inconsistent, and too many in number), and the source or type of cue (e.g., smoke condition,
other occupants in the building, and people's actions).

Table 1 provides an overview of the influential factors for Phases and 2 of the behavioral process and 1

their direction of influence based on data and theory from human behavior
in fires, community-wide
disasters, and other types of emergencies. The table should be read in the following way: If [insert factor
here], then the likelihood of 1 ) perceiving a cue, 2) defining the situation as a fire, or 3) defining the risk
to self and/or others [insert direction of influence here - i.e., Increases or Decreases]. An example of this
using the factor "Has a perceptual disability (Yes)" is the following: If an occupant has a perceptual
disability, then the likelihood of perceiving a cue decreases. A full list of references is provided for each
relationship described in Table 1 in the following text.

Table 1: An overview of influential factors for Phases 1 and 2 of the behavioral process
Phase 1 Phase 2: In terpretation
Factors Perception 2a: Definition of the 2b: Definition of the
Situation as a Fire Risk to Self/Others
Occupant-based pre-event factors
Has experience with fires (Yes) Increases Increases Increases
Has knowledge of fire/training (Yes) Increases Increases Increases
Habituation with environment (Yes) Decreases * —
Has knowledge of routes (Yes) ... ... Decreases
Has frequent experience with "false" alarms (Yes) ... Decreases ...

Has a feeling of security in building (Yes) ... Decreases —

Has a perceptual disability (Yes) Decreases ... ...

Age (Older adults) Decreases ... Increases

Gender (Woman) Increases ... Increases
Speaks the same language as others (Yes) Increases ... ...

Has frequent interaction with family (Yes) Increases — ...

Occupant-based event factors

Has a higher stress/anxiety level Decreases ...

Perceives a time pressure (Yes) Decreases Decreases Increases

Presence of others (especially loved ones) (Yes) Decreases ... Increases
Proximity to fire/Visual access (Yes) Increases ... ...

Sleeping (Yes) Decreases ... ...

A higher number of behavioral processes (>1 — Increases ...

Defines situation as fire (Yes) — N/A Increases

Cue-based factors
A higher number of cues Mixed** Increases Increases
Consistent cues (Yes) — Increases Increases
Unambiguous cues (Yes) — Increases ...

Social cues (others' actions) that are consistent with an — Increases Increases
understanding of a fire situation (Yes)
Official source (Yes) Increases Increases —
Familiar source (Yes) ... Increases ...

A higher dose of toxic gases ... Decreases ...

Extreme/dense cues (Yes) Decreases ... Increases

Visual/audible cues (Yes) Increases ... ...

Risk information (Yes) ... Increases ...

''Areas where no research was found is marked by " — "; **Research conflicted on the direction of influence of the factor.
Phase 1: Perception

In Table 1 , research shows that both occupant- and cue-based factors influence whether a person
perceives a cue. Mileti and Sorensen provide a compilation of all of the factors that influence whether
community residents will hear a warning, many of which apply to building fires. The occupant-based pre-
event factors that are shown to increase the likelihood of perception are having prior experience with
17 18 19,20 21
and having some type of knowledge and/or training about
' '

disasters fires, fires, being a

22 23
woman,' speaking the same language as the message and others in the building, and having frequent
24 25
interaction with family.""

On the other hand, the occupant-based pre-event factors that are shown to
decrease the likelihood of perception are past experience/habituation with the environment (i.e., spending
26 27 28,29
extended hours in the same environment where the event takes
' '

place),' having a perceptual

disability (i.e., a cognitive disability or even loss of any of the senses), and being older (i.e., older
32 33 34 35 36 37
' ' ' ' '


There are also occupant-based event factors that influence perception. The factors that increase the
38 39 40 41 42 ' ' '

likelihood of perception are being located closer to the event'" and having visual access of the

43 44 45
' '

event, whereas those factors that decrease the probability of an occupant perceiving a cue include
46 47 '

having higher levels of stress or anxiety,' perceiving time pressure," the presence of others on the floor
48 49 50 51
or in the area, and being asleep"" (especially if he/she is very young or very old,

intoxicated; sleep
deprived, or in a deep stage of sleep ).

Last, research shows that there are cue-based factors that influence whether a person perceives a cue. The
cue-based factors that increase the probability of perception include cues from the fire event that are easy
53 54 55
' '

to hear (audible), cues that are presented by an official source (e.g., staff, fire warden, etc.)," and a
higher number of cues; "" although if the occupant receives too many cues at thesame time, this actually
decreases the likelihood of perceiving the cue (i.e., this is the reason a label of "Mixed" is assigned to this
category in Table 1). The
factor that is shown to decrease the likelihood of perception is the presence of
56 57 58 59 60
thick, dense smoke ' ' ' '

that prohibits the occupant from seeing the space around him/her (labeled
in Table 1 as "Extreme/dense cues").

Phase 2a: Definition of the situation as afire

Occupants can interpret the situation in many ways; however, the factors that are listed in Table 1
identify those factors that influencewhether an occupant interprets a building fire event as a fire event
(rather than a false alarm, an evacuation drill, etc.). The occupant-based pre-event factors that increase the
likelihood of the occupant defining the situation as a fire are having past experience with fires and having
62 63 64 65 66
knowledge or training on what to do during fire event s .— 61 On the other hand, an occupant ' ' - ' -

67 68
with frequent false alarm experience' or who feels secure/safe in their building"

is less likely to
accurately define the situation as a fire.

Additionally, occupant-based event factors influence whether an occupant defines the situation as a fire.

First, research suggests that time pressure negatively affects the development and accuracy of an
occupant's definition of the event. Also, research shows that if the occupant is engaging in his/her first
behavioral process during the evacuation (resulting in his/her first action), he/she is less likely to define
the situation as a fire, and additionally, is more likely to define the situation optimistically. In other
words, people's first inclination is to think that nothing bad is happening to them and that they do not
69 70'

need to act.

Table 1 also shows that there are many cue-based factors that influence whether an occupant will interpret
the situation as a fire. The occupant's definition of the situation as a fire is more likely when the occupant
is presented with a higher number of cues,"" a consistent set of cues (e.g., the smoke, flames, heat, and
nj4J5 76
debris all lead to the same interpretation), and unambiguous cues.""*" Other factors that increase
the likelihood of the occupant interpreting the situation as a fire include perceiving social cues that are
77 78
consistent with an understanding of a fire situation (e.g., hearing screams, seeing others act, etc.),"
7Q 8ft 81 89
cues from official sources (e.g., the fire department),"" cues from familiar sources (e.g., friends,
' ' '

83 84
family, etc.),"" and cues that provide risk information as part of the warning message. On the other
hand, if occupants are exposed to certain environmental cues, such as toxic gases from smoke for a
certain period of time (e.g., CO, HCN, low 2 ), this exposure itself is likely to negatively affect his/her
85 86,87 '

cognitive abilities, including the ability to construct an accurate definition of the situation."
Prolonged exposure may lead to incapacitation or death.

Phase 2b: Definition of the risk to self/others

The occupant-based pre-event factors that increase the likelihood of an occupant defining risk
include having past experiences with fires and/or knowledge/training for fires, ""
being older (e.g., older
adults), and being a woman.' On the other hand, one study shows that having knowledge of the
evacuation routes from a building can decrease the likelihood of an occupant interpreting risk. Also,
research identifies three occupant-based event factors that increase the likelihood of an occupant defining
risk, and those factors are time pressure (or feeling a sense of urgency), the presence of loved ones
within the building (e.g. friends, family, etc.); and if the occupant has already defined the situation as a
fire,' it is more likely that he/she will feel risk to him/herself or to others.

Last, cue-based factors also influence an occupant's perception of risk. A higher number of cues, 92 93 '

consistent set of cues,' the presence of social cues that are consistent with an understanding of a fire
95,96 97
situation; and the presence of more extreme cues (e.g., dense smoke)" increase the likelihood of an
occupant defining risk to him/herself or others.


Behavior during a building fire evacuation is the result of a behavioral process. Each process
begins with new cues and information from the physical and social environment. First, cues need to be
perceived, then they are interpreted, and then a decision is made as to what action (including inaction) is

undertaken. During an evacuation, individuals repeat this process several times as they engage in a variety
of different activities. This paper presents the influential factors for the perception phase and a subset of
the interpretation phase of the behavioral process, however, future research, in the form of an in-depth
study of real fire events, is needed to identify the factors that influence occupants to decide to take a
specific action, and the factors that influence whether that action is ultimately performed. By identifying
the factors that have been shown to influence each phase in the behavioral process, researchers can begin
to develop a comprehensive, predictive, behavioral model for a building fire evacuation.


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