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JetCar Exclusive Rights Agreement

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THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered as of , by and

between JetCar LLC. (hereinafter referred to as "Developer"), a corporation having
its offices in Hollywood, FL, existing under the laws of the State of Florid and
(hereinafter referred to as "Distributor") a
corporation having its offices in , existing under the
laws of the State of .


In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, and

intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties mutually agree as follows:

Products and Territory

Products. Developer hereby appoints Distributor on an exclusive basis as it sole

distributor for the sale of the products set forth in Schedule A (hereinafter referred to as
the "Products") in the Territory (as defined below) during the term of this Agreement.

Term. The term of this Agreement (the “Term”) shall commence upon the Effective
Date and continue for an initial contract period (the “Initial Period”) ending on the date
that is thirty-six(36) months after the Effective Date. Developer hereby grants to
Distributor one (1) separate, irrevocable, successive and consecutive option to extend
the Term for additional option or renewal contract period (each a “Contract Period” or
collectively and together with the Initial Period and Second Period as the “Contract
Periods”). If Distributor exercises such an option, the next Contract Period concerned
will commence upon the end of the then current Contract Period (or such earlier date
as Distributor may specify in writing) and end on date that is twelve (12) months after
the fulfillment of the Initial Period Commitment for the applicable Contract Period.
Each such option shall be exercised, if at all, by written notice to Developer at any
time prior to the date the then current Contract Period would otherwise expire.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if, as of the date when the then current Contract Period
would otherwise have expired, If Distributor fails to exercise its option to renew a
subsequent option period during the foregoing period then this agreement will be
deemed to be complete and fulfilled in all respects and no further obligations will
remain for any party to this agreement after the end of the then-current Contract Period
except those which survive the end of the Term

Territory. Developer is appointing Distributor hereunder with respect to the sale of

Products to any purchasers whose principal place of business is located in the following
described territories (the "Territories"):

Best Efforts. Distributor shall use its best efforts to promote, rent and sell the
JetCarProducts to the maximum number of responsible customers in the Territory.

Sales Limited to Territory. Distributor shall not solicit orders from any prospective
purchaser with its principal place of business located outside the Territory. If Distributor
receives any order from a prospective purchaser whose principal place of business is
located outside the Territory, Distributor shall immediately refer that order to Developer.
Distributor shall not accept any such orders. Distributor may not deliver or tender (or
cause to be delivered or tendered) any Product outside of the Territory. Distributor shall
not sell any Products to a purchaser if Distributor knows or has reason to believe that
such purchaser intends to remove those Products from the Territory.

Modification of Products and Territories. Developer reserves the right, upon

consultation with Distributor, to expand or reduce the Products which are covered by this
Prices and Payment

Purchase Orders. Distributor shall order JetCar Products from Developer by

submitting a written purchase order identifying the Products ordered and requested
delivery date(s).All orders for Products are subject to acceptance by Developer’s
Manufacturer. Purchase Orders delivered to Developer shall be deemed to have been
accepted by and binding upon the Developer, unless Developer advises Distributor in
writing of a rejection of a Purchase Order, in whole or in part, within five (5) days of its
delivery. In the event Developer is unable to fill all of a Purchase Order for any reason,
it shall promptly notify Distributor and Distributor shall have the right, in its discretion,
to cancel the subject Purchase Order. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth
herein, Distributor may change or cancel any of its Purchase Orders without penalty so
long as Distributor provides written notice to Developer and the Products have not yet
been shipped. Developer shall have no liability to Distributor with respect to purchase
orders which are not accepted; provided, however, that Developer will not
unreasonably reject any purchase order for Products.

Prices. If a purchase order is accepted in accordance with Section 2.1 above, the prices for
Products covered by such purchase order shall be Developer's net distributor prices which are in
effect on the date of Developer's acceptance. Developer’s current net distribution prices are set
forth in Schedule B. Subject to the limitations contained in this Agreement, Developer may from
time to time change those prices, such change being effective immediately upon Distributor's
receipt of notice thereof; provided, however, that no price change shall affect purchase orders
submitted by Distributor and accepted by Developer prior to the date such price change becomes

Customer Prices. Distributor shall be free to establish its own pricing for Products
sold.Distributor shall notify Developer of its pricing, as in effect from time to time.

Licenses and Permits. Distributor and Developer mutually hereby agrees:

(i) to assist in obtaining any such required licenses or permits by supplying such
documentation or information as may be required;

(ii) to comply with such decrees, statutes, rules and regulations of the government of the
countries and agencies, or other instrumentalities thereof;

(iii) to maintain the necessary records to comply with such decrees, statutes, rules and
regulations; and

(iv) Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, each party (an
“indemnifying party”) shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the other
party, its affiliates and their respective owners, officers, directors, employees,
agents, successors and permitted assigns (collectively, “indemnified party”) from
and against any and all claims, losses, deficiencies, judgments, settlements,
interest, awards, fines, causes of action, damages, liabilities, costs, penalties,
taxes, assessments, charges, punitive damages and expenses of whatever kind,
including reasonable attorneys’ fees, that are incurred by indemnified party
(collectively, “losses”) as a result of any breacy of this subsection.

Packaging and Delivery. Unless the parties agree otherwise, all Products ordered by
Distributor shall be packed for shipment and storage in accordance with Developer’s
Manufacturer’s standard containers, marked for shipment to Distributor at the address
specified in the Purchase Order, and delivered to the Distributor or the forwarding
agent selected by Distributor within the United States. Shipment of Products under this
Agreement shall be F.O.B. destination. Title and risk of loss will pass F.O.B.
destination. Distributor will be responsible for and pay all applicable charges, including
but not limited to freight, shipment, and insurance charges associated with shipment of
the Products. Developer shall use its best efforts to ship Products to Distributor on or
before the requested receipt date designated in a Purchase Order, and shall immediately
notify Distributor when it knows or has reason to believe that a shipment will not be
delivered by the requested receipt date. Any expense for any special packaging or any
special delivery requested by Distributor shall be borne by Distributor; Developer shall
advise Distributor regarding any such extraordinary packaging or delivery expenses
and Distributor shall agree to same before incurring any liability for such expenses.All
claims for non-conforming shipments must be made in writing to Developer’s
Manufacturer within ten (10) days ofthe passing of riskof loss and damage, as
described above. Any claims not made within such period shall be deemed waived and

Payment Terms. Except as otherwise set forth herein with regard to advance
payments,all amounts due and payable with respect to a Product delivered by
Developer’s Manufacturer in accordance with the preceding subsection shall be paid in full
within Fifteen (15) days after Distributor's receipt of an invoice covering such Product. All
such amounts shall be paid in USD by wire transfer, to such bank or account as Developer
may from time to time designate in writing. Whenever any amount hereunder is due on aday
which is not a day on which Developer’s bank is open for business (a "Business Day"), such
amount shall be paid on the next such Business Day. Amounts hereunder shall be considered
to be paid as of the day on which funds are received by Developer's bank. No part of any
amount payable to Developer hereunder may be reduced due to anycounterclaim, set-off,
adjustment or other right which Distributor might have against Developer, any other party or

Late Payment. All amounts due and owing to Developer hereunder but not paid by
Distributor on the due date thereof shall bear interest at the rate of the lesser of: (i) one
per cent (1%) per annum above the then applicable prime interest rate announced by
Chase Bank, Hollywood, Florida for ninety (90) day U.S. Dollar loans to prime
commercial customers in the United States; and (ii) the maximum lawful interest rate
permitted under applicable law. Such interest shall accrue on the balance of unpaid
amounts from time to time outstanding from the date on which portions of such amounts
become due and owing until payment thereof in full.

Terms of Agreement Govern. In the event of any discrepancy between any

purchaseorder accepted by Developer and this Agreement, the terms of this
Agreement shall govern.

Taxes. Taxes in the United States, now or hereafter imposed with respect to the
transactions contemplated hereunder (with the exception of income taxes or other taxes
imposed upon Developer and measured by the gross or net income of Developer) shall
be the responsibility of the Distributor, and if paid or required to be paid by Developer,
the amount thereof shall be added to and become a part of the amounts payable by
Distributor hereunder.

Other Obligations of Distributor

Personnel. Distributor shall employ competent and experienced sales and support
personnel so as to render prompt and adequate service to the users of the Products in the

Documentation. Distributor shall prepare, at its own expense, all user and technical
manuals and advertising and marketing information and provide Developer with advance
copies of all such materials subject to and with the sole approval of the Developer.

Developer's Obligations

Marketing and Technical Assistance. Developer shall provide Distributor with such
marketing and technical assistance as Developer may in its discretion consider necessary
to assist with the promotion of the Products. In this connection, Mr. Farrell, will, at the
request of Distributor and on behalf of Developer, attend major trade shows and
other key marketing events. Travel, room and board for Mr. Farrell shall be paid by

Relationships of the Parties

Independent Contractors. Distributor shall be considered to be an independent

contractor. The relationship between Developer and Distributor shall not be construed to
be that of employer and employee, nor to constitute a partnership, joint venture or
agency of any kind.

Distributor Expenses. Distributor shall pay all of its expenses, including without
limitation all travel, lodging and entertainment expenses incurred in connection with its
services hereunder. Developer shall not reimburse Distributor for any of those expenses.

No Obligations. Distributor shall have no right to enter into any contracts or

commitments in the name of, or on behalf of, Developer, or to bind Developer in any
respect whatsoever. In addition, Distributor shall not obligate or purport to obligate
Developer by issuing or making any affirmations, representations, warranties or
guarantees with respect to the Products to any third party.

Best Efforts

Minimum Purchases. Distributor shall purchase a sufficient amount of JetCar Products

from Developer so as to meet or exceed the minimum purchase requirements set forth
below,provided, however; that purchases of Products in excess of the minimum
purchase requirement set forth below for any period shall be credited towards the
minimum purchase requirements set forth below for subsequent periods. For the
purposes of this provision, a "purchase" of Products within specified time period shall
mean paying Developer for such Products on or before the last day of such period.
Year of this Minimum
Agreement Product Number
of Units

Year 1 JetCar Models


Year 2 JetCar Models 10

Year 3 JetCar Models


Year 4 JetCar Models 10

Year 5 JetCar Models 10

Payment for Minimum Purchase. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Agreement to the contrary, Distributor shall pay an amount of USD $88,000.00 for
the signing of this Agreement.

Failure to Meet Minimum. Failure to meet such minimum requirements shall

constitute amaterial breach of this Agreement for the purposes of Section 13
(Termination and Term) thereof; provided, however, that in lieu of terminating this
Agreement pursuant tosuch section based on such breach, Developer may instead elect
in its sole discretion to change the exclusive rights granted to Distributor under Section 1
(Products and Territory) hereof to non-exclusive rights, in which case Developer shall
then have the right to appoint additional non-exclusive distributors in the Territory and
the right to sellthe Products itself in the Territory, either directly (including without
limitation with the assistance of sales representatives) or through one or more of its


Distributor shall provide Developer with written quarterly reports, which shall include
customer call reports, business trends, production planning of Distributor's primary
customers in the Territory, market forecasts and other reports reasonably requested by
Developer, including without limitation reports required for regulatory purposes.

Trademarks, Service Marks and Trade Names

Right to Use. Distributor may use Developer's trademarks, trade names and service
marks listed below (hereinafter referred to as the "Trademarks") on a non-exclusive basis
in the Territory only for the duration of this Agreement and solely for display or
advertising purposes in connection with selling and distributing the Products in
accordance with this Agreement.

Quality Control. In order to comply with Developer's quality control standards,

Distributor shall: (i) use the Trademarks in compliance with all relevant laws and
regulations; (ii) accord Developer the right to inspect during normal business hours,
without prior advance notice, Distributor's facilities used in connection with efforts to
sell the Products in order to confirm that Distributor's use of such Trademarks is in
compliance with this Section; and (iii) not modify any of the Trademarks in any way and
not use any of the Trademarks on or in connection with any goods or services other than
the Products.

Covenant Not to Compete

During the term of this Agreement, and for 12 months thereafter, Distributor shall not
market directly or indirectly in the Territory products which are competitive with the
Limited Warranty

Pass Through Warranties. Distributor acknowledge that all components of the

Productsare being manufactured for Developer by subcontractors or other entities
other than theDeveloper. Developer extends to Distributor the warranties as to such
components provided by such other entities to Developer for the length of time that
such warranty remains valid for Developer. Notwithstanding any other provision in
this Agreement, Developer shall not be held responsible for any damage which may
result from a defective part except for the replacement of such part as set forth in the
warranties provided by its subcontractors.

Modification of Products. Distributor may not customize, modify or have customized

ormodified any Product unless it obtains the prior written consent of Developer, which
consent may be withheld in the sole discretion of Developer.

Limitations on Liability





Indemnification; Insurance

By Distributor. Distributor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless

Developer, its affiliates and all officers, directors, employees and agents thereof
(hereinafter referred to as "Indemnitees") from all liabilities, claims, damages, losses,
costs, expenses, demands, suits and actions (including without limitation attorneys' fees,
expenses and settlement costs) (collectively, "Damages") arising out of or related to the
conduct of Distributor's operations, including without limitation Damages arising out of
or related to damage or injury to property or persons, or to any representations of
Distributor not authorized hereunder.

Insurance. During the term of this Agreement and for one (1) year thereafter,
Distributor shall maintain an insurance policy issued by a reputable insurance company,
naming Developer as an additional insured, which policy shall insure against an and all
claims, liabilities, costs or expenses resulting from or caused by (or claimed to be
resulting from or caused by) any use or operation of any Products sold by Distributor in
the amount of at least $5 million per claim.


Material Breach. Upon the occurrence of a material breach or default as to any

obligation hereunder by either party and the failure of the breaching party to promptly
pursue (within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice thereof from the non-
breaching party) a reasonable remedy designed to cure (in the reasonable judgment of
the non-breaching party) such material breach or default, this Agreement may be
terminated by the non-breaching party by giving written notice of termination to the
breaching party, such termination being immediately effective upon the giving of such
notice of termination.

Bankruptcy. Upon the filing of a petition in bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization

against or by either party, or either party becoming subject to a composition for creditors,
whether by law or agreement, or either party going into receivership or otherwise
becoming insolvent (such party hereinafter referred to as the "insolvent party"), this
Agreement may be terminated by the other party by giving written notice of termination
to the insolvent party, such termination immediately effective upon the giving of such
notice of termination.

Change of Control. Upon the occurrence of a change in control or management or

operating personnel of either party (the "changed party"), which has, or in the reasonable
opinion of the other party could have, a material adverse effect on the business, prospects
or operations of such changed party and the failure of such changed party to promptly
pursue (within ninety (90) days after receiving written notice thereof from the other
party) a remedy designed to cure (in the sole judgment of the other party) the other
party's objections to such change, this Agreement may be terminated by the other party
by giving written notice of termination to the changed party, such termination being
immediately effective upon the giving of such notice of termination.

Effective Date. The term of this Agreement shall begin as of (the

"Effective Date"). The term of this Agreement shall expire on 5 years from the Date of
Effective ,unless terminated earlier pursuant to the terms of this Section.

Effect of Termination. In the event of a termination pursuant to any subsections 13.1,

13.2 or 13.3 above upon expiration of this Agreement pursuant to either of subsections
13.4 or 13.5 above, Developer shall not have any obligation to Distributor, or to any
employee of Distributor, for compensation or for damages of any kind, whether on
account by Distributor or such employee of resent or prospective sales, investments,
compensation or goodwill. Distributor, for itself and on behalf of each of its employees,
hereby waives any rights which may be granted to it or them under the laws and
regulations of the Territory or otherwise which are not granted to it or them by this
Agreement. Distributor hereby indemnifies and holds Developer harmless from and
against any and all claims, costs, damages and liabilities whatsoever asserted by an
employee, agent or representative of Distributor under any applicable termination, labor,
social security or other similar laws or regulations.

Payment After Termination. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect the
obligation of Distributor to pay Developer all amounts owing or to become owing as a
result of Products tendered or delivered to Distributor on or before the date of such
termination, as well as interest thereon to the extent any such amounts are paid after the
date they became or will become due pursuant to this Agreement.

Selling Off of Inventory

Distributor shall have the right to sell off its remaining inventory of Products after
termination or expiration of this Agreement; provided, however, that Distributor shall
comply with all terms and conditions of this Agreement restricting such reselling
activities in effect immediately prior to such termination or expiration.


Distributor agrees that any publicity or advertising which shall be released by it in which
Developer is identified in connection with the Products shall be in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement and with any information or data which Developer has furnished
in connection with this Agreement. Copies of all such publicity and advertising shall be
forwarded promptly to Developer for approval.


No modification or change may be made in this Agreement except by written instrument

duly signed by Distributor and by a duly authorized representative of Developer.


This Agreement and the rights and obligations hereunder may not be assigned, delegated
or transferred by either party without the prior written consent of the other party; which
shall not be unreasonably rejected, however, that Distributor's consent shall not be
required with respect to any assignment, delegation or transfer by Developer to another
division of Developer or to any affiliate of Developer or any division of such affiliate.
This Agreement shall inure tothe benefit of the permitted successors and assigns of


All notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the
parties at their respective addresses set forth below:

To Distributor:
To Developer: JetCar LLC

1918 Harrison Street #204

Hollywood FL 33020

Either party may change its address or its fax number for purposes of this Agreement by
giving the other party written notice of its new address or fax number. Any such notice
if given or made by registered or recorded delivery international air mail letter shall be
deemed to have been received on the earlier of the date actually received and the date
fifteen (15) calendar days after the same was posted (and in proving such it shall be
sufficient to prove that the envelope containing the same was properly addressed and
posted as aforesaid) and if given or made by fax transmission shall be deemed to have
been received at the time of dispatch, unless such date of deemed receipt is not a
Business Day, in which case the date of deemed receipt shall be the next such succeeding
Business Day.


None of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement shall be held to have been
waived by any act or knowledge on the party of either party, except by an instrument in
writing signed by a duly authorized officer or representative of such party. Further, the
waiver by either party of any right hereunder or the failure to enforce at any time any of
the provisions of this Agreement, or any rights with respect thereto, shall not be deemed
to be a waiver of any other rights hereunder or any breach or failure of performance of
the other party.

Construction of Agreement and Resolution of Disputes

Governing Law. This Agreement, which is in English, shall be interpreted in

accordancewith the commonly understood meaning of the words and phrases hereof in
the United States of America, and its and performance of the parties hereto shall be
construed and governed according to the laws of the State of Florida applicable to
contracts made and to be fully performed therein.

Arbitration. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to

thisAgreement or to a breach hereof, including its interpretation, performance
termination, shall be finally resolved by arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted
by one (1) arbitrator appointed by Developer and Distributor or, if they cannot agree on
an arbitrator, by the Chairman of the Israel Bar Association. The arbitration shall be
conducted in English and in accordance with the rules of the Florida Bar Association.
The arbitration shall take place in the State of Florida, and shall be the exclusive forum
for resolving such dispute, controversy or claim. Parties may appear remotely for

Specific Performance. Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 20.2 to the

contrary, each party shall have the right to constitute judicial proceedings against the
other party or anyone acting by, through or under such other party, in order to enforce
the instituting party's rights hereunder through reformation of contract, specific
performance, injunction or similar equitable relief.


Nondisclosure. Distributor agrees that Developer has a proprietary interest in any

information provided to Distributor by Developer, whether in connection with this
Agreement or otherwise, whether in written or oral form, which is: (i) a trade secret,
confidential or proprietary information; (ii) not publicly known; and (iii) annotated by a
legend, stamp or other written identification as confidential or proprietary information
(hereinafter referred to as "Proprietary Information"). Distributor shall disclose the
Proprietary Information only to those of its agents and employees to whom it is
necessary in order properly to carry out their duties as limited by the terms and
conditions hereof. Both during and after the term of this Agreement, all disclosures by
Distributor to its agents and employees shall be held in strict confidence by such agents
and employees. During and after the term of this Agreement, Distributor, its agents and
employees shall not use the Proprietary Information for any purpose other than in
connection with Distributor's sale and distribution of the Products in the Territory
pursuant to this Agreement. This Section 21.1 shall also apply to any consultants or
subcontractors that Distributor may engage in connection with this obligation under this

Exclusions. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary,

Distributor shall not be liable for a disclosure of the Proprietary Information of
Developer, if the information so disclosed: (i) was in the public domain at the time of
disclosure without breach of this Agreement; or (ii) was known to or contained in the
records of Distributor from a source other than Developer at the time of disclosure by
Developer to Distributor and can be so demonstrated; or (iii) was independently
developed and is so demonstrated promptly upon receipt of the documentation and
technology by Distributor; or (iv) becomes known to Distributor from a source other
than Developer without breach of this Agreement by Distributor and can be so

Entire Agreement

This Agreement supersedes and cancels any previous agreements or understandings,

whether oral, written or implied, heretofore in effect and sets forth the entire agreement
between Developer and Distributor with respect to the subject matter hereof.
Force Majeure

Neither Manufacturer nor Distributor shall be liable in damages, or shall be subject to

termination of this Agreement by the other party, for any delay or default in performing
any obligation hereunder if that delay or default is due to any cause beyond the
reasonable control and without fault or negligence of that party.

Compliance with Laws

Each of Distributor and Developer covenants that all of its activities under or pursuant to
this Agreement shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. In
particular, but without limitation, Distributor shall be responsible for obtaining all
licenses, permits and approvals which are necessary or advisable for sales of the
Products in the Territory and for the performance of its duties hereunder.


In any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable by a court

having competent jurisdiction, it is mutually agreed that this Agreement shall endure
except for the part declared invalid or unenforceable by order of such court. The parties
shall consult and use their best efforts to agree upon a valid and enforceable provision
which shall be a reasonable substitute for such invalid or unenforceable provision in light
of the intent of this Agreement.


This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be
deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Agreement


name: name:
title: title:


A Products

B Prices

Schedule A - Products

All JetCar Models

Schedule B - Prices

All JetCar Models

USD $16,000.00

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