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Fringe 1x01 - Pilot

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By J.J. Abrams

ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. AIRLINER NIGHT CLOSEUP on SHUDDERS. FLASHES of as a tense a FASTEN SEAT BELT sign, ILLUMINATING as the plan A jumbo jet. International flight, half-full. an ELECTRICAL STORM through otherwise BLACK windows PA ANNOUNCEMENT is made: FLIGHT ATTENDANT (V.O.) Das Sicherheitsgurtzeichen wird belichtet. Befestigen Sie bitte Ihre Sicherheitsgurte. (then, accented) The captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign, please make sure your seat belts are securely fastened. -- and PASSENGERS do. Even the FLIGHT ATTENDANTS buckle up; and when they look nervous, its never good. Up in FIRST CLASS, an older couple HOLD HANDS. A few rows back, into coach, an overweight WOMAN looks to the nervous MAN sitting beside her and says: WOMAN Ich bevorzuge die Serie. MAN I dontspeak German, Im from Denver.

-- Weil- dieses mein Erstflug ist.

-- Im- Im from Denver.

-- and SHUDDER the jet DIPS too much -armrests gripped BRILLIANT strobing LIGHTNING as the plan LIFTS, BANKING one way, then the other. Further back in the cabin, an angry 16 year-old headphone-wearing BOY plays PSP, oblivious to the rough ride. Six rows behind him, a 45 year-old MAN is sweating. Pale. Distraught. The TURBULENCE is clearly a problem - but something says theres more happening here than just airsickness and anxiety. Well give him this name for now: TROUBLED. Troubled closes his eyes, head back, trying to find relief. The 60 year-old INDIAN MAN beside him says, comfortingly: INDIAN MAN My friend. It is just an electrical storm. This will pass.

TROUBLED I understand. INDIAN MAN (offering a pack) Juicy Fruit? TROUBLED No. I cant, Im fine.

Thank you.

Indian Man nods as Troubled pulls a briefcase from under his seat. Opens it. Goes through his papers - the plane DROPPING AGAIN as LIGHTNING strikes closer than before - an AUDIBLE REACTION from many passengers Troubled pulls out a DOSING PEN - a pen-shaped syringe for the injection of medicine. Indian Man watches curiously as Troubled finds a small MEDICINE CARTRIDGE and inserts it. Indian Man doesnt really understand what hes watching and neither will most of the audience, and thats okay. Troubled unbuttons the lower half of his shirt pushes the pen against his stomach and TIRGGERS IT: POP! Hes just taken an injection. Troubled loosens his collar when HOLY FUCK, THE PLANE DROPS actual SCREAMS from some - the LIGHTS IN THE CABIN DIM the LIGHTNING BRIGHTENS as if theyre now flying through the center of the Goddamn storm. A GERMAN PA ANNOUNCEMENT from the cockpit doesnt help anyone who speaks only English -- and Troubled seems to suddenly be in far worse shape - a sort of atypical PAIN. Indian Man, watching this, concerned, says: INDIAN MAN -- my friend--? But Troubled is so fucking uncomfortable that he UNDOES HIS SEAT BELT and heads for the bathroom. He moves down the ROUGH and ROCKING cabin. A dozen rows behind him, a FLIGHT ATTENDANT strapped to her bulkhead emergency seat sees Troubled and calls, in a German accent: FLIGHT ATTENDANT Sir, excuse me! You must stay in your seat! But he keeps going - and so she reluctantly unbuckles and stands - grasping row after row as she moves for him - hes

well ahead of her, having even more difficulty walking as the plane struggles through the erratically blinding storm FLIGHT ATTENDANT (CONTD) You have to sit down!

-- Sir!

But Troubled keeps going - STUMBLING - were ONLY ON HIS BACK NOW as he heads away from us - from her - FLIGHT ATTENDANT (CONTD) Entschuldigen Sie mich., geehrten Herrn, bitte! Gehen Sie zu Ihrem Sitz zuruck! Troubled keeps going, steadying himself on the seat backs as he moves - the Flight Attendant gaining. Practically the only light we get now is from the WILD LIGHTNING and SEAT BELT lights - and finally she catches up to him - reaches out, grabs his shoulder - and she turns him toward her - toward us - AND HIS FACE IS A THING OF HORROR: HIS FLESH LIQUIFYING FUCKING MELTING HIS EYES BALLOONED IN UTTER FEAR - and the Flight Attendants eyes go wide in a terrifying PRE-SCREAM GASP as Troubled GRABS HER ARM - and she SCREAMS BLOODY FUCKING MURDER --- and THOSE WHO SEE HIM DO TOO - and if this isnt enough, Troubled THROWS UP ON HER and she stumbles back, SCREAMING and the jet momentarily PLUMMETS again! Troubled FALLS BACK as the Flight Attendant gets up, covered in bile and in shock and she runs toward the back of the plane as we realize weve been HEARING SOMEONE ELSE YELL - not in English or German, but in HINDI. The Flight Attendant runs past INDIAN MAN - WHOSE FACE IS FUCKING MELTING NOW TOO HES LOSING HIS MIND - LOOKING AT HIS HANDS THE FLESH PAINFULLY LIQUIFYING! -- Indian Man stands - hurries in a panic toward the front of the plane - passing ANOTHER PASSENGER, who STANDS in crazy alarm - SCREAMING IN GERMAN - HER FLESH DISINTEGRATING TOO: GERMAN WOMAN Helfen Sie mir! Was? geschieht! HILFE! Indian Man runs PAST - RIGHT OVER - the VISCOUS, BONE AND MUSCLE CORPSE of TROUBLED as another FLIGHT ATTENDANT makes a frantic call on the service phone - FRANTIC FLIGHT ATTENDANT Kapitan, haben wir etwa--!

The LIGHTENING STORM IMPOSSIBLY TURBULENT, ANOTHER seated PASSENGER is suddenly SCREAMING - HIS BODY COMING APART. Then ANOTHER - now the TEENAGER with PSP - now the OVERWEIGHT WOMAN - now the ELDERLY COUPLE - and we PULL BACK AT HIGH VELOCITY, LENS WIDE, WHIPPING FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT THE HORROR SHOW OF EVERY SCREAMING PASSENGER, AFFLICTED, GROTESQUE - lit by BURSTS OF LIGHTENING And we PUSH IN now as the CO-PILOT opens the cockpit door and looks back, seeing the plane - EVERYONE ON THE PLANE SCREAMING, MELTING - DYING - the Pilot hits AUTO-PILOT, turns back, yells: PILOT SPRECHEN SIE MIT MIR! THE CO-PILOT TURNS TO US HIS FACE ALREADY STARTING TO DRIP BLOOD AND FLESH AND OFF THE PILOTS TERROR-SCREAM CUT TO: EXT. SKY NIGHT The jumbo jet, flying in the awful storm. A sarcophagus, at forty-thousand feet. The cause of this gruesome event an absolute mystery. And things are about to get weirder. And as if to announce this fact, from the VERY EDGES OF FRAME, WHITE LETTERS APPEAR - and CONVERGE NEAR THE RIGHT SIDE OF FRAME as the rest of the image, the background, TURNS GREY - and our short but spooky THEME PLAYS as the LETTERS TURN BLACK - AND SPELL, SIMPLY: F FADE IN: EXT. TURNPIKE MOTEL NIGHT A cheap-ass motel. An old neon TURNPIKE MOTEL sign. The constant SQUEAKING of a flimsy BOX SPRING is HEARD - and as we DOLLY IN, WORDS FADE IN (NOTE: A SIGNATURE OF THE SERIES WILL BE HOW LOCATIONS ARE IDENTIFIED - WORDS WILL APPEAR THREE-DIMENSIONALLY, AS IF EXISTING WITHIN THE SPACE). In this case they read: LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTES, PUSH PAST THE WORDS to INT. TURNPIKE MOTEL ROOM NIGHT A small motel room. A WOMAN falls back, into frame, lying on the bed. Shes naked. Glistening. Smiling. Out of breath. Shes 32 years old, beautiful, but real. A deceiving R I N G E

innocence. Her name is OLIVIA WARREN. This is our woman. Suffice to say, the SQUEAKING has ceased. OLIVIA oh my God. And she starts laughing. A male VOICE, off-camera, says: MAN (O.S.) -- what? OLIVIA This bed is ridiculous. Its like the loudest bed in the history of cheap motel beds. MAN (O.S.) -- and you would know this how? She smiles as he, past her, lies back into frame. This is Olivias love. He is 41. Handsome. Tough, but kind. His names JOHN SCOTT. Also out of breath. JOHN This is so much better than that policy seminar. OLIVIA Oh, thank you, a compliment. He takes her hand, they lie there. JOHN I was losing my mind, that meeting was endless. I kept finding myself staring at you. I actually had to turn my chair to stop. OLIVIA We cant keep doing this. around


JOHN The departments not a massive fan of office romances as recent events demonstrate. OLIVIA Dryden seeing Lynch had nothing to do with why he was demoted- you dont see any irony in what were doing?

JOHN Is knowing the assistant manager of the Turnpike motel by name ideal? No. Is being with you worth the subterfuge? Yes. OLIVIA I feel like Im living in a Charlotte Bronte novel. Which is now how I envisioned my early thirties. I think Charlie knows anyway. JOHN He doesnt know. OLIVIA I think he does - JOHN If he knew, youd be transferred. This quiets her. Then:

JOHN (CONTD) I like Charlie. But if there was ever a by-the-booker, its him. Hed let Jakes know faster than you can say good soldier. Im not afraid of transparency- but were already working for a Department thats as unstable and fluid as they come and somehow? We found each other. And in the madness of what weve been seeing lately Ive taken great solace in being with you. Now if thats the kind of information that makes you back away, so be it. Cause this is all preamble to the kicker, which is that I love you. (beat, that was a first) And the idea of an old boys club wonder making the call whether or not you and I get to live in the same city is unacceptable to me. So forgive myfurtive nature, its got nothing whatsoever to do with protocol or decorum or enjoying the status quo - this is about you. I dont want to lose you.

Olivia stares. Taken by his honesty and heart - and she kisses him - and it quickly gets passionate again - and theyre definitely going for another round when a CELL PHONE RINGS - they both moan at the interruptus. Olivia reaches over, answers: OLIVIA Agent Warren. (listens, sits) Okay. Are there any more details \ than--? (beat, concern) Yessir. Olivia hangs up. OLIVIA (CONTD) Incident at Logan Airport, International flight, Charlies on his way. John nods, and theyre both up, getting dressed. OLIVIA (CONTD) Hey, in the spirit of our talk you should get there a few minutes after me. We arrived pretty close last time. JOHN Now youre being paranoid. OLIVIA Maybe Logan: access gate at Runway 15R CLOSE ON AN OPEN BADGE WALLET on the desk - a FEDERAL AGENT BADGE. Olivia, dressed, grabs it - then moves to John, kisses him sweetly - about to say something - but doesnt. She grabs her keys and leaves. John stands there, in the wake of her tornado. Alone. Amused. Then his cell RINGS. He answers, already knowing it all: JOHN Agent Scott. EXT. LOGAN AIRPORT NIGHT PUSH IN, past the (signature, three-dimensional) WORDS THAT FADE IN: LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT BOSTON this is an

access gate - three POLICE CARS are here, lights BLAZING, FLASHING in the night. Olivia pulls up in her black hybrid Lexus, shows her creds. OLIVIA Olivia Warren, FBI. Guards check her ID, squawk walkies, wave her in. BOOM UP to reveal the JUMBO JET from the opening, a light-show of two dozen EMERGENCY VEHICLES, including a CRANE, surrounding it. Olivia parks, gets out - crosses half a dozen FEDERAL AGENTS, all ARGUING issues of protocol, information, jurisdiction. An angry, heated fight. Olivia continues past them, met by 43 year-old fellow Agent CHARLIE FRANCIS. CHARLIE Inter-agency harmony and cooperation continues. OLIVIA Whos winning? CHARLIE Langley by a nose. (then, re: jet) Flight out of Hamburg - hundred and forty-seven passengers, towers lost contact three hours in. Thought there mightve been some electrical interference, apparently they were flying in a hell of a storm. They entered our airspace radio silent - Navy scrambled two F-18s for escort. They reported stains on the windows...and no signs of life aboard the jet. This stop Olivia - she looks up at the jet - the cabin is too dark for her to see anything. OLIVIA Stains? CHARLIE Blood. OLIVIA Im surprised they let em land No signs of life - who was flying the plane, auto-pilot?

CHARLIE Programmed to land right on schedule, which it did. Unlike every flight Ive ever taken. OLIVIA If there was a decompression the windows would have frozen solid have they opened the cabin? CHARLIE White House approved a CDC request for the jet not to be opened until they arrive. Behind them, a BLACK VAN arrives. its JOHN, on a cell: The drive gets out

JOHN let me assure you, wed be happy to treat you like family too. (hangs up, grins) Good old NTSB. All like to think theyre cops. CHARLIE Agent Scott. JOHN Agent Francis (no special regard) Agent Warren. Their relationship, their secret. She turns back to Charlie:

OLIVIA They mustve looked in through the windows CHARLIE CIA did. Whatever the hells inside that plan made Special Agent McNeary throw up in front of his whole unit. And hes a good man, that was embarrassing. A finger-to-mouth WHISTLE turns everyone to PHILLIP BROYLES, SPECIAL-AGENT-IN CHARGE from HOMELAND SECURITY. Broyles is a bureaucratic Hitler, with authority to puppeteer the Federal and International agencies on-scene:

BROYLES Although this is a join task force, this investigation will be run through HDS Im Special Agent in Charge Broyles! DC has sent me here to make sure we get results. As soon as our friends from Atlanta get here were going in, one member from each agency on the starting line as follow (reads a card) CIA: Baronoff! FBI: Francis! DHS: Pitts! (MORE) BROYLES (COND) Contagion precautions apply: level four HAZ-MAT suits, we should have your size in the van! Move! Agents on the move, Olivia, disturbed, goes after Broyles: OLIVIA Sir: Olivia Warren, FBI Interagency liaison, Im EOD and NBC certified, Id like to suit up too- BROYLES Liaison on an inter-agency task force. Gotta love that. Like powdered sugar on a glazed donut. OLIVIA Excuse me, if Im gonna do my job effectively, I like my information first-hand - thats not redundancy, thats accountability. BROYELS (sotto, threatening) I know exactly who you are. You put my best friend in prison two years ago. (shes stunned, louder:) You want in, Liaison? Suit up. And the bully walks off Olivia watches him go, indignant.

EXT./INT. JET NIGHT VARIOUS SHOTS as CDC MEDCIAL OFFICERS connect an AIRLOCK to a door outside the plane - a twelve-foot-long elevated corridor with three clean-room compartments. A staircase leads up to it. Now there are FOUR CDC OFFICERS in HAZ-MAT suits. They start up the stairs. Following them are Olivia, Charlie and the rest of the appointed agents, also in HAZ-MATS. At first, NO MUSIC. Just the odd collage of oxygen tanks: INHALE EXHALE The CDC Officer pulls out the recessed jet door handle. Turns it. The HISS of DECOMPRESSION. TIGHT ON OLIVIAS EYES as she anxiously watches the plane DOOR OPEN. Darkness and mist inside. Their FLASHLIGHTS come alive: CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICKCLICK. And they enter. Olivias eyes GO WIDE at what she sees. CDC OFFICER (filtered) holy God Red/white/blue FLASHES of emergency lights from outside and their flashlights the only illumination. Every passenger dead. Unrecognizable. Crumple CLOTHES lie in GELATIN, BLOOD and BONE. Tears come to Olivias eyes her breathing uneven as she moves through the plane. Charlie sees this: CHARLIE okay? OFF OLIVIAS STARING EYES, answering that question EXT. LOGAN AIRPORT NIGHT Where Olivia drove in - a passing WHITE VAN stops - all windows TINTED. Even the front windshield has mild shading. The drivers window LOWERS a few inches, we dont yet see the silhouetted DRIVER who asks on of the GUARDS about the POLICE ACTIVITY surrounding the plane on the distant tarmac: DRIVER Excuse me - whats going on? sort of problem?


GUARD Nothing you need to know about, sir - please keep moving.



And with an eerily satisfied smile, the Driver DRIVES AWAY. And as our minds somersault, we CUT TO: TELEVISION SCREENS - DOLLY PAST an array of TV MONITORS of NEWSCASTS all reporting on the plane - LONG LENS SHOTS OF THE ARILINER on the tarmac, NOW ENGULFED IN FLAMES. Over this, REPORTERS, some outside Logan, others in newsrooms: VARIOUS REPORTERS --sources tell us the plane was deliberately set ablaze by the CDC shortly after landing/speculate some kind of hazardous materials onboard Flight 627/security has been increased in most airports, with many canceling out-bound flights - Someone CROSSES - FOLLOW HIM TO REVEAL were in: INT. FEDERAL BUILDING BOSTON EARLY MORNING -- FORTY FEDERAL AN LOCAL AGENTS shout over and at each other -- reports, paperwork and food everywhere as wee SNAP AROUND THE ROOM lightning fast, getting snippets as our 3D letters bleed in: SITUATION ROOM FEDERAL BUILDING, BOSTON. On a dry-erase board are the PASSENGER NAMES; agents racing down the manifest, pulling up profiles: AGENT #1 -- Seat 21A: John Rosenbloom; Honolulu, Hawaii; car salesman, criminal historys negative Agent #2 -- 43B: Ellie Sampson; Jacksonville, Florida; FINSON checks negative, intelligence community checks negative -

Agent #3 --we need everything on every vendor that loaded food and beverage carts, ground crew who fueled the aircraft, we need names

Agent #4 -- report says maintenance replaced oxygen tanks an hour before takeoff

Also here: Olivia, a voice in the cacophony, a face in the loud crowd she and Broyles facing off:

OLIVIA Have we reviewed video from the Hamburg Airport? We need to see if any passengers were showing signs of illness and tell me that terminals shut-down. BROYLES --on its way now - and what the hells taking so long with the black box? --the terminals been down since oh-four-hundred local- you got more questions?

--yeah, a few hundred more: whos point from CDC on the bone, tissue and air samples? - no, but Id like the whole report, not just this fax claiming that theres no matches to any known pathogen or airborne virus -

-- Agent Paley, you want his home number?

-- were on that too, Liason - we dont think what happened on that plane was a result of the in-flight movie.

CHARLIE (gets off phone) -- Back Bay PD got a call at ohthree-hundred from a guard-on-duty at a storage facility who saw two and I quote suspicious Middle Eastern men handing a white guy a briefcase. BROYLES That could be a purchase. AGENT #1 -- youre saying the plane was a demonstration of technology they sold later that night? BROYLES Maybe, maybe not - wouldnt be uncommon in the underground weapons trade(to Olivia) Liaison: take it, go find out. OLIVIA --take what? That? You want me to investigate that? BROYLES (sarcastic)

Sounds like a hot lead- you want to liaise? Nows your big chance. Everyone heard that. An embarrassing moment, intended that way. She wants to lay in on him - but instead: OLIVIA While Im out, you want me to pick up your dry cleaning? Some HOLY SHIT looks from a few - the table uncomfortably freezes - but Broyles fucking likes kickback and smiles: BROYLES Yeah, Honey, would ya mind? EXT. BACK BAY ROAD DAY Middle of nowhere, grey day. A govt-issue sedan FLIES through frame against rural farmland EXT. U-STORE STORAGE FACILITY DAY A MASSIVE STORAGE FACILITY. Our 3D letters bleed in: USTORE STORAGE - BACK BAY, MASSACHUSETTS. The sedan pulls up. Olivia and John steps out. EXT. U-STORE STORAGE FACILITY DAY Row after row of cinder-block, garage-sized units. and John look around. OLIVIA That wasnt too much, was it? dry cleaning thing? Olivia


JOHN By your standards I though it was pretty tame. OLIVIA Petty bastard- hes pissed that his best friend sexually assaulted three Marine privates and Im the bad guy cause I put him away. JOHN Hes an idiot. Youre smarter, stronger and more beautiful than he is, hes jealous.

She stops walking after a few steps, he stops, turns back to her: JOHN (CONTD) What? OLIVIA You said you loved me. In the motel. That was a big deal. JOHN Yeah, you didnt say anything back. I thought Id let it go. OLIVIA It freaked me out. Not because it doesnt make me happy. (beat) Ive been sort ofbad with this. For a long time. The alpha girl thing hasnt always gone over superwell. (beat) Until you. (beat, sweetly awkward) I wanted to say I love you, too. He moves to her. Kisses her. Then, faux-romatically:

JOHN Lets go check the trash together. She laughs -- and we TIME JUMP to them going through a dumpster - pulling out a DISCARDED, UNLABELED CHEMICAL CANISTER. Then ANOTHER. She opens one: OLIVIA Empty propane? (sniffs the nozzle) -- no - its ammonia. JOHN -- acetylene,

A look between them. He turns to the nearest STORAGE UNIT, emboldened, starts PICKING THE LOCK OLIVIA Whatre you doing? JOHN What are you doing? SNAP: the lock gives.

Im a Federal agent.

He grabs the handle on the roll-up

metal door and heaves, it SLIDES UP - REVEALLING A FUCKING LABORATORY. Shelves filled with GAS CANISTERS, CHEMICAL BOTTLES, COOLING UNITS - AND LARGE SPECIMEN JARS, FILLED WITH DISFIGURED SMALL ANIMALS Olivia and John trade a look: holy shit. SMASH CUT TO another roll-up metal door SLIDING UP - ANOTHER LAB; VACUUM EQUIPMENT, RADIOLOGICAL SUITS, ELECTRON MICROSCOPES, IMAGE ANALYSIS EQUIPMENT, AND THREE CAGES CONTAINING SMALL, MUTATED, VISCOUS CREATURES. And then ANOTHER - and ANOTHER - all the labs dangerous, lethalJOHN (CONTD) We gotta get a chem transport team out here now OLIVIA Im on it. (but:) -- no signal She heads away to make the call TIMECUT: A NEARBY FIELD - Olivia on her cell, moving for a better signal OLIVIA (CONTD) We need PPE and emergency equipment, HAZ-MAT specialists for site analysisWITH JOHN Another roll-up metal door SLIDES UP revealing more LAB SPACE - he moves into it cautiously, checking out equipment sees a COMPUTER MONITOR - sees on the screen: PROGRAMS RUNNING, BALANCING CHEMICAL EQUATIONS. TIGHT ON JOHNS FACE, eyes wide like hes hit paydirt - then, behind him, forty feet away, another storage unit opens - a FIGURE APPEARING INSIDE - another LAB behind him - and HOLY SHIT, ITS THE DRIVER - THE MAN FROM THE PLANE: TROUBLED! John turns - sees him - Troubleds eyes go wide - AND HE RUNS - John pulls his gun - runs after him -Troubled is FAST - turning a far corner in the maze of storage units - and John runs after him - pulling out his phone and hitting speed-dial - but he gets NO SIGNAL -

JOHN -- damnitHe tries again - as we CUT TO: OLIVIA running back - her PHONE RINGS - she answers OLIVIA JohnAs John RACCES through the facility - reception BREAKIG UP JOHN Ive got a runner! for the back! OLIVIA Im on my way! -- and Olivia runs toward the back as John runs - and were MOVING FAST, INTERCUTTING between Troubled, John and Olivia - a cat and mouse chase Troubled - RUNNING - pulls out a PHONE, dials a number, hits send, but doesnt bring the phone to his ear INSIDE THE SHEDS CIRCUIT DETONATORS MOUNTED ON THE CEILING ACTIVATE, A GREEN LIGHT SNAPS ON - A SPARK AND FLASH AND SUDDENLTY IT IGNITES, FLAME TRAILS ROCKETING UP THE WALLS OLIVIA running, HEARS GUNSHOTS - she goes faster - rounds a corner - sees Scott - OLIVIA (CONTD) JOHN!!! Suddenly: KABOOOOOOM!!! THE FIRST SHED DETONATES -- JOHN DISAPPEARS IN A BLAST OF CHEMICAL GREEN - now the NEXT SHED BLOWS and Olivias HURLED backwards as the place continues to EXPLODE! CLOSE ON OLIVIA ON THE GROUND - ULTRA-SLOW MOTION as debris rains down - shes BLEEDING from her scalp her eyes slowly open wide - the WHITE NOISE overwhelms us and we -SLAM TO BLACK. END ACT ONE

Hes heading

ACT TWO INT. MILITARY MEDCIAL CENTER DAY WHIP PAN TO OLIVIA - still bleeding - WHEELED IN on a gurney at speed two EMTs with an ORDERLY who applies pressure to her shoulder wound. Olivias in pain suppressing tears - asking questions no one will answer - OLIVIA -- wheres John- is he okay? Agent Scott, where is he?! Is he all right?! -- a DOCTOR arrives, injecting her IV bag with MORPHINE - OLIVIA (CONTD) -- no- wait-- pleaseplease -- and as Olivia begins to pass out, JUMP CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM DAY Olivia STARTS awake disoriented. Her head bandaged, facial wounds treated. She realizes shes alone in a strange room, machines watch her vitals. Without much thought, she pulls the wires off (ALARMS sound), rips the IV out, stands, and in her hospital gown, moves to INT. HOSTPIAL HALLWAY DAY She heads down the corridor as a NURSE approaches NURSE Ms. Warren, you shouldnt be up-OLIVIA I need to see John Scott- do you know what room hes in? The Nurse just stares at Oliviawhose eyes fill with tears. At a whisper, she asks: OLIVIA --what--? What is it? DOCTOR (O.S.) Agent Warren Olivia turns - a 60 year-old Hispanic DOCTOR (DR. REYES) moves to her. Clearly, he has bad news.

DR. REYES Im Dr. Reyes. You were very lucky today. Your wounds could easily have been much more severe-OLIVIA

--Im looking for Agent Scott, he was with me--

DR. REYES In addition to the injuries he sustained from the blastMr. Scott was exposed to synthetic chemical compounds. Work that was apparently being done in those labs you found. OLIVIA (brace, but tears come) -- what- what sort of--? DR. REYES We havent been able to identify the substance thats affecting him. The CDC has sent in other specialists. But theyve never seen anything like whats happening here. PUSH IN OLIVIA, her quiet terror, our TENSE MUSIC GROWING. OLIVIA what is happening? INT. QUARANTINE AREA DAY SLOW MOTION as OLIVIA MOVES THORUGH DOORS MARKED QUARANTINE. A WHITE CORRIDOR. HEAR THEIR TALK CONTINUE: DR. REYES (V.O.) Weve put Mr. Scott in a druginduced coma. His body temperature has been lowered significantly , to try and slow the progress. OLIVIA (V.O.) The progress of what? Please DR. REYES (V.O.) One way to describe it is that hes been infected. But it isnt a virus. It isnt a bacteria. And what its doingis most unusual

She enters a PLASTIC CLEAN AREA, then a STERILE, REFRIGERATED HOSPITAL ROOM. Olivias BREATH is seen as she emotionally approaches JOHN, unconscious under a separate CLEAR PLASTIC TENT, seriously wounded and barely alive at 37 degrees. DR. REYES (V.O.) (CONTD) His tissue is hardening. And somehowclarifying. His skin becoming almost glass-like. She gets close enough - more afraid and sad with each step - sees areas of Johns skin, on his chest, neck, face - have become CLEAR - revealing the MUSCLE and VEINS beneath Olivias eyes widen DR. REYES (V.O.) (CONTD) And its spreading. Soon his organs will shut down. Unless we can learn more about whats infected Mr. Scott - the compounds he was exposed tohell be dead within a week. And OFF OLIVIAS DEVASTATED FACE, CUT TO: COMPUTER SCREEN EXTREME CLOSEUP The FBI SECURITY INTER-OFFICE DATABASE. The SEARCH box. CUTS as VARIOUS WORDS are TYPED IN: MEDICAL, INFECTION, TISSUE, CHEMICAL, HARDENING, CLARIFYING and the HUNDREDS OF RELATED ARTICLES that pop up INT. OLIVIAS OFFICE NIGHT

She sits at her desk in her darkened office - has been there for hours. Eyes red, worn, she types with hands that have SMALL CUTS from the explosion. She jots down things that matter. VARIOUS SHOTS of CLICKING, TYPING, WRITING, RESEARCHING, the related articles that appear ON SCREEN: HOSPITAL RECORDS, PHYSICIAN REPORTS, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL REPORTS, ARTICLES - and then a name: DR. WALTER BISHOP. TIGHT on Olivias face - as she seems to notice something - she quickly TYPES - DISSOLVE and FLESH - ENTER another LONG ARTICLE - CLASSIFIED, FBI, 1982 - SCROLLS DOWN - finding, once again:

DR. WALTER BISHOP. No WAY. She types more - PUSHING IN - her eyes now determined, driven - and whatever she sees makes her get up, quickly, and move to - INT. FEDERAL BUILDING CORRIDOR/OFFICE NIGHT Fast, HANDHELD down the hall - Olivia turns into an open office door to find Broyles at his desk, haggard and ready for an all-nighter. She knocks as she enters: OLIVIA Its me: Liaison. BROYLES I told you to go home an hour agoOLIVIA (drops a file on his desk) I found a connection between the Hamburg flight and whats happened to Agent Scott. Broyles opens the file: BLACK AND WHITE PRINTOUT of BISHOP, stamped CLASSIFIED. A printed PHOTO of him from the early 1980s. Handsome, 30s. Even in this photo, hes ingenious. OLIVIA (CONTD) His names Walter Bishop. Scientific researcher from Cambridge, born in 46, Harvard educated, post-grad at MIT and Oxford. Look at the experiments he was doing in the late 70s, early 80s. Broyles keeps reading, intrigued. BROYLES Whered you find this? OLIVIA Our database - I believe Dr. Bishop might have information that could save Agent Scotts life- and maybe shed some light on what happened aboard that plane. BROYLES Says the guys been at St. Claires for seventeen years.

OLIVIA I saw that. An assistant of his was killed in his lab - rumors about Dr. Bishop using humans as guinea pigs. (MORE) OLIVIA (CONTD) He was charged with voluntary manslaughter but was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial. BROYLES So youre saying our prime suspects a guy whos been institutionalized for almost two decades? Explain that. OLIVIA Id need to talk to him first. Maybe hes not a suspect at all, maybe someone got hold of his work- BROYLES Whyre you so sure Bishops worth our time? OLIVIA Why are you sure hes not? BROYLES Listen, Warren. You and I got off on the wrong footOLIVIA Sir, if my past job performance as U.S. Marine Special Investigator offends you, thereBROYLES Yeah, it does - a man who serves his country for thirty years, has a few drinks and a small lapse in judgment doesnt deserve a five year sentenceOLIVIA -- a small lapse in judgment that will haunt three young women for the rest of their lives-

BROYLES --but thats not tonights business, is it? DC has tasked me with keeping our collective cool here. Making sure our reaction to Flight 627 is measured, above-board and beyond reproach. (re: file) BROYLES (CONTD) Says here in 1991 the glorious state of Massachusetts forbade Dr. Bishop to have visitors, with the exception of immediate family. So from where I sit - which is in a superior, senior and less comfortable chair - barging into a mental institution waving the Patriot Act - which is what youd need - and demanding face time with an old lab rat you think may be behind some of the most terrifying terror I could imagine even though he hasnt seen daylight since this countrys biggest threat was Kuwait - is out of the question. OLIVIA Im coming to you with a solid lead and your personal resentment is preventing you fromBROYLES

--maam, you are wasting our breath and my time! (re: the file, tough) Immediate family. You wanna question Dr. Bishop, go find his next of kin and have em escort you in. Talk to Bishop. Uncover something substantial and Ill have your back- until then, Im not so convinced. Can you handle that?

OLIVIA (quiet, pissed) he does have a son. BROYLES Good. Is he son local, too?

OLIVIA (fuck) not exactly. EXT. BAGHDAD, IRAQ DAY PUSH IN as a MILITARY HUMMER passes, revealing a village piazza with an old fortress at one end and a BRAND-SPANKING NEW BUILDING at the other. 3D letters appear: AL-SAREED HOTEL BAGHDAD, IRAQ. OLIVIA (V.O.) Hes a high school dropout. IQ at 190, which is fifty points north of genius. Misfit. Nomad. Hasnt kept a job longer than two months. A TAXI pulls up in front and a MAN gets out. This is PETER BISHOP. 35, handsome, fit. A quick glance and you see a swagger. Drive, confidence. A closer look shows a sadness. Desperation. Well learn more - but for now, just know Peter is our third lead. He looks up at the building, readying himself. OLIVIA (V.O.) (CONTD) Hes been a wildland fireman, an Alaskan crab fisherman, truck mechanic, a cargo pilot and, briefly, a college chemistry professor. He falsified a degree from MIT, and even managed to get a few papers published before he was found out. Sounds like a massive pain in the ass. INT. HOTEL ROOM CONTINUOUS Sunlight streams onto faded carpets. The atmosphere as thick as it is hot. Peter sits in a chair facing TWO IRAQI BUSINESSMEN; one wearing an Armani suit and yellow-tinted glasses - the other, older one, in double-breasted pinstripes: PETER My resume is hardly traditional. But in these parts, traditional seems increasingly irrelevant. A hundred billion dollars sunk into infrastructure, youre barely keeping the lights on. So. You need construction oversight of a 600 mile pipeline to carry crude

from the field at Kirkuk to the Port of Ceyhan. A job well outside the Green zone, I might add while Im still alive to do so. Youll need someone with a handle on the laws of hydrodynamic resistance heat exchange in oil mixture flow a working knowledge of mixed integer programs so you can re-size the pipes youre gonna use across uneven terrain, thats if you wanna minimize construction costs. (a touch of urgency) PETER (CONTD) Its the Wild West here guys, I get it. And you need a sheriff. So gimme a badge and Ill wear it. The punch line is, I need this job as much as you need me to do it. And theres a creepy pause: the Iragis are impressed but unsure. Glasses looks to Pinstripes, murmurs in ARABIC. Pinstripes talks Arabic back. Peter leans in PETER (CONTD) I speak Arabic too. And yes, sixhundred grand all-in sounds fair. The men look at him, caught off guard. an elevator DING and INT. HOTEL LOBBY CONTINUOUS Peter walks out with the gait of a gambler who just won a game - and a reprieve. Its sweltering, even with all the fans in the lobby. As he heads for the exit: WOMANS VOICE Mr. Bishop? He turns, fast: OLIVIA approaches. She shows her badge: Peter grins. PRELAP

OLIVIA Im Olivia Warren, with the FBI. PETER (suspicious) Okay. OLIVIA Youve heard about flight 627.

PETER The Hamburg flight, yeah. OLIVIA You may be able to help us with that. PETER Then you must have the wrong guy. OLIVIA I dont think so. Bishops son.

Youre Walter

At the mention of the name, Peter bristles. PETER Last time someone asked me that it was an accusation. OLIVIA Hes the mane were looking to speak with. But given his current statusyoure the only one who can provide us access. PETER What possible help could that man be? And what you want me to go back with you to Massachusetts? Honey, I just got here. OLIVIA I can have you on return-flight here in four days, fiPETER Lets out it this way: Id rather stay here. In Iraq. Thats how much I want to see my father. OLIVIA You have no obligation to help. Of course. SoIm gonna be you. One human being to another. Mr. Bishop, your father may be able to save someone whos dying. Someone I care about very much. He almost half-considers, then:

PETER Sweetheart, were all in love with someone whos dying. Im sorry. Excuse me. And Peter walks off. She watches him go, as anger as she is heartsick. Then she says, loudly, strongly: OLIVIA I know why youre here. And Peter stops. OLIVIA (CONTD) I have your file. PETER Which file. OLIVIA The one CIA would say doesnt exist. And it was everything. Where youve been. What youre running from. And what you need while youre here. His fucking stare says it: shes got him OLIVIA (CONTD) Either you come back with me. let certain people know your whereabouts. Your call.

Or I

Whatever the hell shes talking about, hes pissed. Still, he suddenly smiles, as if everything been fine all along: PETER Hey, what time do we leave? And OFF OLIVIA, simultaneously satisfied and also dreading what comes next, we CUT TO BLACK. END ACT TWO

ACT THREE EXT AIRPLANE NIGHT A G5 flies across the sky. INT. AIRPLANE NIGHT Olivia is on a cell phone, concerned, quiet OLIVIA Did the doctors say anything else? Did they explain how it was getting worse, or--? Were they trying anything? (listens, bad news) yeah. Thanks, Charlie. Yeah, Ill see you at home. She hangs up. Stares off. Peter then sits beside her.

PETER Everything okay? OLIVIA No. No, but your being here gives me hope. PETER Let me ask you something. father. Not my favorite. OLIVIA Yeah, I vaguely got that impression. PETER You dont know him. Hes the most self-absorbed, abusive, brilliant, twisted, myopic son-of-a-bitch on the planet. My mother, if she were still alive, would break down in tears then promptly agree with me. (beat) He was a chemist, that I know. That he worked in a basement lab at Harvard, doing research for a toothpaste company. Developing flavors. Back in the day before gels or cinnamon-vanilla-mint. I know that there was an accident in the lab one night - a fire.

So, my

PETER (CONTD) That someone died and my father was arrested - the first truly peaceful period in our time. And the last time I saw him. I know that while still in custody he suffered a nervous breakdown and was thrown in St. Clairs, where hes been ever since. (beat) My gut tells me your friends life - the one that hangs in the balance --isnt going to be saved by a tube of Pepsodent.

OLIVIA Have you asked me your question yet? PETER Who was he. My father. OLIVIA (beat, then) He worked out of Harvard. But not on toothpaste. He was part of a classified U.S. Army experimental program called Kelvin Labs. They considered him a great genius. PETER Yeah, I remembered brilliant, remember? Between abusive and twisted. OLIVIA They gave him the resources to do whatever work he wanted, which was primarily in an area called Fringe Science. He conceived experiments meant to push the boundaries of possibility. And, some would say, ethics. PETER Fringe science- you mean pseudoscience.

OLIVIA I suppose. Things like mind control. Teleportation. Astral projection, invisibility, genetic mutation, reanimation, fertility PETER Waitwaitwait- stop. He just stares at her - taken aback by this -PETER (CONTD) Reanimation. You telling me what. My father was Dr. Frankenstein? OLIVIA (awkward beat) Maybe this explains some of your fathers behavior. Knowing that he was working on thingsother than toothpaste. PETER Yeah. Yeah, childhood solved. Thanks. And Peter gets up and walks away from her. TIGHT ON Olivias faceand our MUSIC BUILDS AND CONTINUES OVER: EXT. MASSACHUSETTES ROAD DAY A grey countryside. 3D LETTERS FADE IN: ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS and they FADE OUT as Olivias black car drives along - passing a sign that reads, ST. CLARIES 3 MILES. EXT. ST. CLAIRES DAY The MUSIC CONTINUES as we find a cold, VA-looking building in the midst of beautiful countryside. A SIGN, ST CLAIRES HOSPITAL. PUSH IN as Olivias car arrives, she and Peter step out. Olivia and Peter enter. INT. ST. CLAIRS CORRIDOR DAY MUSIC PLAYS as Olivia and Peter are led by an ORDERLY through a SECURITY DOOR, then down a long, tiled hallway. Peter, pale, STOPS. Olivia turns to him-PETER You go ahead. (beat) Im gonnawait. In the lobby.

Their eyes meet - hes clearly unable to go through with seeing his father for the first time in seventeen years. Olivia nods, and Peter walks off. She then follows the Orderly to a solid CELL DOOR, with a wired-glass window. The Orderly unlocks it. Peeks in, says to someone we dont see: ORDERLY Dr. Bishop. Special day. a visitor.

You have

Orderly opens the door -- Olivia peers inside. HOLD on her for a beat before we CUT to the reverse. And there he is. DR. WALTER BISHOP. Early 60s. Long, long beard, straw-grey hair. Sitting on the floor of a padded cell, wearing a charcoal jumpsuit and holding a book. He looks up at Olivia. OLIVIA Hello. And he smiles. Warm. You like him instantly. with remarkable patience and sweetness: WALTER I knew someone would come eventually. INT. ST. CLAIRES CAFETERIA DAY A big shiny, sterile, tile, empty cafeteria. Olivia sits uncertainly across from Walter, a large plastic cup of water before him. Sometimes he rocks a little, back and forth; a result of almost two decades of shock, drug and psychotherapy. Walter often holds up his left hand, his thumb playing with his fingers - an odd nervous habit. When hes lucid, its tenuous, like at any moment hell go off the rails. The only other person here is the large Orderly, who stands near the door, just in case. A long beat before: WALTER And you said this wasthis was when? When did this happen? OLIVIA The incident on the plane was four days ago. Agent Scott was injured the next day. Walter thinks, hard, then suddenly SNEEZES, three times fast and fucking loud. And he says,

OLIVIA (CONTD) Bless you-WALTER And is the dermis- thank you -- the dermis already indurated? Translucent? Muscular tissue visible?

OLIVIA (CONTD) -- on Scott--? You mean can you see through his skin? Yes WALTER Thats- oh, thats not good. When you can see through skin. Tricky. Advanced. Like that tricky. Tricktricktricky OLIVIA Whats happening to him can it be reversed? Walter looks off for a long beat, as if something horrible is occurring to him OLIVIA (CONTD) what is it? WALTER (quietly) They have thishorrible pudding. Here. Thisbutterscotch pudding on Mondays. Its dreadful. Just occurred to me. And Olivias heart sinks: okay, hes crazy. bust. She says, deflated: OLIVIA its Thursday. WALTER Ohthats fantastic news. He looks at her - and can see the judgment in her eyes. WALTER (CONTD) I- Im sorry. That Im like this now. OLIVIA -- oh- no, no dont be sorry- This may be a

WALTER I-Im thinking things. Some things dont even make it. To my mouth. Some do, though. (then) This place their choice of therapies (and tears come to his Eyes) have consequconscon consequences. Her heart almost breaks for him -OLIVIA -- its okay, really -WALTER (suddenly back on track) It can be reversed. Whats happened to your colleague. Years ago I used lab animals. I recall that some became afflicted -- but were still saved. OLIVIA (suddenly: hope) --so -- do you remember what to do? WALTER If your colleague has been exposed to a compound based on my work, two obvious questions arise. (long beat) Neither of which I remember. Walter picks up the cup and starts to drink. And he doesnt stop -- drinks all of it, which takes a while -- spills some onto his jumpsuit. Olivia tries to maintain. Finally: WALTER (CONTD) Oh yes -- how. Access. How did this individual, who must have significant scientific apprehension, access and then duplicate my work? And why? Thats two questions-- one and a sub-query -- but I do have a third.

OLIVIA Okay which is..?

Dr. Bishop?

Hes looking deep into her eyes, as if reading her mind WALTER Before the third question you came here today with my son. She almost GASPS at this. How could he know?

WALTER (CONTD) Im allowed no visitors, you see. Save immediate family. Unless that order was lifted, its a simple ifthen formula: if you are here then so is he. (beat, sotto) WALTER (CONTD) I would so very much like to see him. So much. INT. ST. CLAIRES LOBBY DAY Peter stands in the lobby, staring out the window. guard. Olivia comes out -- Peter turns to her. OLIVIA He asked for you. PETER Oh. Thanks, sweetheart, I appreciate that -OLIVIA Hey. I didnt tell him youre here. And call me sweetheart one more time, Id really like that. Peter stares, pissed -- getting it: his father just figured it out. FUCK. The last thing he wants to do is see him. After a painful beat, reluctantly, Peter walks past her -A desk, a

INT. ST. CLAIRES CAFETERIA DAY Peter enters the cafeteria. Stops. Standing across from him, twenty feet away, is his father. Peter tries to seem impassive, but as he takes in the crazy-grey-bearded older

man before him, theres vulnerability in his eyes. Walter stares at Peter -- who he hasnt seen since his son was 18. A long beat. Then: PETER Hello. WALTER I thought youd be much fatter. PETER You thought Id be fatter. Excellent. First words, perfect. WALTER -- no, as a boy, you were rounder --

PETER Yeah, until the summer of my senior year in high school -- not that Im surprised you dont remem-- hey, what are you doing--? Walter is MOVING CLOSE TO PETER -- who backs up -- the Orderly, there the whole time -- steps forward, just in case. WALTER --can I see something-- ? PETER --what the hell--?

--and Walter takes Peters face -- PULLS UP PETERS EYELIDS WITH HIS THUMBS -- checking his pupils -- Peter too stunned to stop him -- meanwhile behind Peter, Olivia enters, freaked out by what she sees -PETER (CONTD) The hell are you TOUCHING me for?! Irritated, Peter PUSHES Walter back, who has seen what he need to and is satisfied:

WALTER Your pupils are good-- theyre good- thank goodness. (then, to Olivia, immediately) --the third question is how advanced is your colleagues affliction? Something Im not-

notnot- unable to deduce in the absence of first-hand examination which is to say I must tergiversate. OLIVIA --you-- what? PETER --leave-- its a fancy word for leave-WALTER --I must see Mr. Scott myself which I am unable to do under present law unless signed out by a legal guardian, which can only be (looks to Peter) once again a relative. PETER Wait a minute -- what are you asking me to--? No. (to Olivia) Guardian? No -- forget it. OLIVIA (pissed, to Walter) Hell do it. PETER I will not do it! OLIVIA One phone call, thats all it takes- you want me to make it?! Cause Ive got a phone in my pocket. A fucking staring contest -- she whips out her phone -- a threat upon a threat: OLIVIA (CONTD) Now its OUT of my pocket. Peter wants to kill her. He walks off, furiously stopping right beside her, saying at an almost-whisper: PETER You wanted my father, you got my father. This falls into the be

careful what you wish for category. Sweetheart. He walks past her. Olivia is left there, looking up at Walter. Bracing herself for whatevers to come. WALTER I dont really understand what just happened. And off her look, MUSIC STARTS as we show: OLIVIA In a St. Claires office, watching over Peter, who reluctantly SIGNS DOCUMENTS of LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP. WALTER In a bathroom, the Orderly watching as Walter CUTS HIS BEARD with a scissors at the mirror, then uses an electric razor to shave. OLIVIA AND PETER As they wait in the lobby -- not sitting together -- and WALTER steps out, clean shave, in a too-starched white shirt and khakis. While looking a little awkward, its a sudden transformation. He looks shockingly GOOD. Walter smiles. WALTER As he walks down the steps of the building, toward Olivias car -- first walking around it, looking at its contours, its aerodynamics. As this happens, the DIRECTOR of the hospital comes out -- 68 years-old DR.BRUCE SUMNER. DR. SUMNER Excuse me, Miss Warren. Olivia turns -- faces the doctor, who doesnt extend his hand -- but moves close and speaks quietly and directly. Piercing eyes and a lack of humor: DR. SUMNER (CONTD) Im Dr. Sumner, Director and Psychiatrist in Chief of St. Claires -- I understand you have the intention to take Dr. Bishop off-premises. OLIVIA

Yes, its actually a national security issue-- Im with the-DR. SUMNER I know who youre with, Ive seen the release documents -- you might want to go back inside and read my resume-- my clinical history-OLIVIA --why would I want to g-- ? DR. SUMNER So that when I warn you what a colossal mistake it is to pull this patient out of this facility youll respect it, youll appreciate it, and youll abide by it. OLIVIA Dr. Sumner, I can assure you that he will be in custody, observed, at all times-DR. SUMNER I assume you know who he is. The work he once did. Your need of him must stem from that. OLIVIA It does. And yes, Ive read about Bishop in great detail-- what exactly is the problem here? What are you afraid of? Dr. Sumner stares at her -- and what we sense really creeps us out: that hes choosing his words very carefully, that he isnt telling her all her knows.. DR. SUMNER I will simply caution you. To be careful with him. More careful than you think necessary And Dr. Sumner heads back into the hospital. Olivia watches him go, concerned. Then behind her, Peter, who is like a babysitter watching his father, who still stares at odd angles at the car: PETER Can we hit the road, please?

WALTER This car is spectacular. OLIVIA Thanks. And MOMENTS LATER Olivias car drives away, Peter in the passenger seat and Walter in the back. And at his office window, Dr. Sumner watches with hard eyes. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE DAY Olivias car SPEEDS PAST CAMERA -- we HEAR A RADIO REPORT: ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Presidents press conference, where he assured the public that progress was being made-INT. OLIVIAS CAR DAY Olivia drives. Peter besides her. Walter in the back. looks out at everything, rather wide-eyed. Childlike. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) -- in the investigation into Flight 627. MAN (V.O.) Every effort is being made to understand what happened on that flight, and who was responsible. And the President has made it clear: our response will be swift and certain-Olivia turns off the radio. Looks back at Walter. He

OLIVIA Dr. Bishop, I was curiousif anyone else ever had access to your work? WALTER Wellthe assistants, they had bits and pieces. God, I suppose. If you go for that. (beat) I suppose the only one who really knew what I was doing was Belly.

OLIVIA --who? WALTER Belly. William Bell. shared the lab. OLIVIA William Bell?

He and I

PETER You shared a lab with the founder or Prmetheus?

WALTER (CONTD) Uh..I- I dont know what that is. Prometheus. PETER (holy shit) Oh nothing, just a little tiny company. (then, quiet, to Olivia) One guy becomes one of the richest men in the world, the other becomes an institutionalized psychopath. WALTER Sometimes- I dont know if I mentioned this, but sometimes I hear someone whistling. Row, Row, Row Your Boat, late at night, down the hall. Way down, near the windows. And I can never be quite surethat it isnt me. You ever have that? PETER (with faux pride) Thats my ward. My pop. OLIVIA Hey. PETER Just pointing it out. WALTER (loud) OH! OLIVIA -- what- what happened?

WALTER --oh, I just pissed myselfPETER Good going. OLIVIA --oh! Um- do you want me to pull over?


WALTER(CONTD) No! No, thats okay! It was just a squirt. Im okay. Itll dry. Were good. EXT. ROAD DAY Olivias car comes toward us - growing - and passes - we WHIP PAN to follow it and as it drives off we PUSH IN on the BILLBOARD on the side of the road. A happy girl, sunlit, on a swing. The PROMETHEUS LOG and the tagline: What do we do? What dont we do? and our EERIE MUSIC BUILDS, portending whats in store CUT TO BLACK. END ACT THREE


FADE IN: EXT. MILITARY MEDICAL CENTER DAY The MUSIC CONTINUES as Olivias car arrives INT. MILITARY MEDICAL CENTER DAY Our unlikely trio enters the hospital: Walter takes in the walls, the staff, pens on the counter, EXIT signs, a candy machine, families, soldiers every detail surprising and new. Peter annoyed at the whole thing - Olivia greeted by a DOCTOR who leads them to the QUARANTINE AREA, to INT. JOHNS ROOM QUARANTINE DAY MUSIC STOPS when we see JOHN, under the clear plastic tent. Shit, its getting worse. His skins grown even more transparent now his VEINS, FASCIA and MUSCLES are fading so that we can see through his INTERNAL ORGANS. OLIVIA silently GASPS, her heart sinking. Peter isnt having an easy time either; what he sees disturbs him. PETER wow. He looks to Olivia, who stares down at the man she loves in contained agony. Peter reads her, for the firs time really feeling for her. Olivia looks to Walter, desperately hoping he has a miracle offer. But Walter stares at the fucking light fixture overhead, head cocked to one side curiously, analytically. His eyes flutter a little at the harsh fluorescent bulb. OLIVIA Dr. Bishop? Snapped out of it, Walter grabs Johns chart, flips through it - takes it in surprisingly fast then, his left fingers and thumb playing as they do: WALTER Is there ginger ale? Any ginger ale? I havent had some. In a long time. Miss it.

Peter shakes his head: this is nuts. Bewildered, Olivia takes a beat. Then, to a female Fed ASSISTANT (ASTRID, 24, pretty): OLIVIA Uh, can we get someginger ale for the doctor? Please? ASTIRD --sure And Astrid heads out. Walter turns back to John, moves closer to the plastic tent. Looks around. Sees MEDICAL EQUIPMENT on a table, including a SCALPEL. He pulls on a pair of rubber glove, takes the scalpel in hand - and Peter is on him like a shot, grabbing his arm: PETER Hey- wait a second-WALTER I need a tissue sample youre squeezing very tightly, Peter. But Peter wont let go, his grip locked on his father- PETER (to Olivia) --does this not concern you? And while this is hardly an easy decision, she makes it: OLIVIA Let him go. Dubious, Peter lets go. Walter goes to work, opening the inner tent, angling the knife downward and we go ULTRA CLOSE on the skn of Johns ARM THE MIRROR BLADE CUTTING THE FIRST THREE LAYERS OF SKIN MOVIN GON TO THE TRANSLUCENT AREA - AND IT BECOMES LIKE WAX PAPER, THEN PLASTIC, THEN GLASS - unable to cut anymore. Unfazed, Walter works with a surgeons precision, slicing the small tissue sample: WALTER (glancing at Peter) Petrie dish. PETER Hey, Im not your lab assistant. WALTER Quick- please-

Annoyed, Peter glances at a column of PETRIE DISHES among the rooms equipment, takes one and hands it to Walter. Despite everything, theyre working together - for the first time. Walter slips the skin sample into the dish, seals it WALTER (CONTD) Good- Ill need to take this to my lab right away. OLIVIA yourwhat? WALTER Kresge Building basement Harvard. We should leave. I have my sample, lets split. Olivia looks to Peter, whose look says: told ya he was fucking bonkers, good luck. So, tactfully: OLIVIA Dr. Bishop, you realize your lab was shut down after you left. WALTER -- it was what? Im sorry--? Then, almost cruel, how blunt Peter is: PETER Pop, its gone. You got that? Wake up. Its been gone - just like you for seventeen years. You have no lab. And we see Walters face go read - almost like a temper tantrum, but in a grown, older man, its downright scary. WALTER -- nonononon- the foundations is a golden rectangle! I cant be expected to make real progress if I dont understand the proportions of my space! The work itself wont be consistentOLIVIA -- I- whats a golden rectan--?



-- and Walter has TURNED OVER A MEDICAL TRAY, which CRASHES to the floor. Walter turns away from them, pissed - and he PUNCHES the wall, hard - Olivia JUMPS - is visibly shaken that, perhaps, Walter is too damn insane to handle. Peter leans in to her: PETER Lets take him back, right now. Ive had just about enough. Then, past Peter, Olivia sees Charlie arrive quickly in the hallway, through the window. OLIVIA Excuse me. INT. CORRIDOR DAY Olivia and Charlie meet in the corridor - urgent CHARLIE Got your message- hows John? OLIVIA Bad- worse. CHARLIE What about Bishop? OLIVIA From left to right: insane and irritating. And also my only hopelisten, I need to question William Bell, could you set that up? CHARLIE William Bell? Prometheus William Bell? OLIVIA He and Bishop used to share a labhey, anything from the CDC?

CHARLIE Zero: their breakthrough is that the Hamburg flight was caused by a synthetic compound. Which is like saying rain is caused by a wet compound. Theyve run tests on Scott, but havent come back with anything. Which leads me to this. He holds out a FILE - Olivia takes it - curious CHARLIE (CONTD) Thought you might wanna see that. And we PUSH IN on Olivia as she sees this - eyes widening - INT. BROYLES OFFICE DAY Only it isnt really Broyles office - its Johns. Door opens - we PUSH IN behind Olivia, who enters, quiet but enraged, closing the door hard behind her. Hes surprised to see her back BROYLES --Liaison, whend you g--? OLIVIA --I need to talk to you. BROYLES Yeah, listen, forgive my Insensitivity - I saw the name on the door. But Im only here for the duration of this investigation and I dont think Agent Scott is going to be needing his office any time soon. Olivia resists strangling Broyles. Stays quiet and fierce:

OLIVIA What I wanted to talk to you aboutis that theres a mole in this department. And Broyles stops. Whatever bravado he just had is gone. His eyes fucking lock onto her like he suddenly wants her dead. A long enough beat before: OLIVIA (CONTD) -- are you not gonna ask me h

BROYLES I KNOW THERE IS. The question is how YOU know there is. OLIVIA Is that why youre really here? Baby-sitting us--? BROYLES Start talking right now. She stares at him and gets the chills. be HIM? What do to? Finally: Could it fucking

OLIVIA We recovered phone records from a cell phone found at the storage facility. OLIVIA There was a call made immediately after the Hamburg flight landed- a call that was routed through this building. BROYLES --Who else had access to those records? --Anyone else? --Did Agent Francis share he and those records with anyone? A beat. OLIVIA --Agent Francis and myself--no, no one else---no, he told me only I knew about this.

Shes getting freaked out here OLIVIA (CONTD) what the hells going on? BROYLES (beat) The integrity of this office is being handled. OLIVIA what do you know about th BROYLES It is neither your job nor your responsibility to get involved so I appreciate your bringing the matter to my attention just as I expect you to appreciate the fact

that you work under me. (beat) Youre prohibited from discussing this with anyone inside or out of this office, is that understood? She just stares. Wants to fucking accuse him right there OLIVIA Yessir. BROYLES I do my job. You do yours. OLIVIA (fuuuuuuck you!) Then it should be noted: Ive successfully had Dr. Walter Bishop released from St. Claires. And he requires his old laboratory back. BROYLES Im sorry, what? OLIVIA Kresge Building at Harvard. Basement. BROYLES Yeah, congratulations, Im Sure the Universityd be thrilled to welcome back their only tenured professor who spent two decades mainlining Thorazine-

OLIVIA Im just trying to do my job, Sir, and that means helping Dr. Bishop do his. I believe he will help bring some answers to these investigations, which might help your next report to the National Security Advisor. I read the one you just submitted. Found it rather thin. Broyles studies her at beat. BROYLES It would be nice to think that your tenacity in this case is a byproduct of remarkable and robust professionalism. But I cant help but wonderif there wasnt

something going on between you and Agent Scott. Olivia puts up her best poker face, which is pretty fucking good-OLIVIA You want answers? Get the lab for Bishop. And she gets up and leaves the office --- OFF BROYLES AMBIGUOUS LOOK -- ally or adversary? MUSIC BUILDS UNTIL: INT. LAB DAY FOOM-FOOM-FOOM -- overheard fluorescents BLINK TO LIFE -- one of them FLASH-BURNS OUT. BOOM DOWN TO REVEAL OUR LAB SPACE, perhaps the real fourth character in our series: build in 1856, this building -- and the basement in particular -- have an amazing sense of significance. Bricks and columns and thick wooden beams -- dust motes dance through sunlight streaming in from high, curved windows at the ceiling (and which are ground-level with the campus quad). A massive FURNACE sits in the corner. White sheets cover large pieces of storage, cardboard boxes, thick with dust, everywhere. Its quite a space. At the light switch: WALTER. Regarding the room with haunted eyes. Rather an awe, he speaks quietly, mostly to himself: WALTER so much so much happened here And then he turns back to Olivia, and says, with wild, almost scary eyes: WALTER (CONTD) and so much is about to. And on Olivias anxious face, with Peter resentfully standing behind her, MUSIC BUILDS and we CUT TO BLACK. END ACT FOUR

ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. LAB DAY RESUME SAME MOMENT: Walter, still at the top of the stairs when we find him, braves a walk deeper indown six steps, passing the old equipment, memories flooding And Olivia and Peter, at the door, watch Walter. Astrid (the Fed Assistant, remember?) nearby. For Peter, increasing discomfort: he doesnt like finding reasons to sympathize with this man. He says to Olivia quietly, mocking Walter: PETER Wow, here we are. In the Golden Rectangle itself. Im pumped. OLIVIA What makes a rectanglegolden? PETER Its got a length-to-width ratio equal to a number called phi. Greeks discovered it -- turns up in math, Renaissance art, music Dali used it in The Sacrament of the Last Supper -- Debussys Reflections In Water -- nature too: seashells, branches on plant stems. He says that so off-handedly, it underscores his casual genius; shes sort of quietly stunned by it. After a beat, she turns to the senior Bishop: OLIVIA Dr. Bishop, I ordered a standard forensics work package, as you asked. Is there anything else you need? Walter touches on of the water-damaged walls. WALTER Theres an unexpected level of corrosion in the insulating sheathing. Drainage planes vapor barriers -PETER You know, pop, some people just say walls.

WALTER (answering her question) An optical coherence tomography for flesh study, please. Two thousand pounds of silicon-Olivia nods at Astrid, who starts writing this all down. WALTER (CONTD) --at least five anonymous blood samples from voluntary donors, please. A micro-organism detector, -- NASA grade, obviously -- theres still NASA, yes? OLIVIA Yes. Walter pulls a white sheet off a large SALINE ISOLATION TANK. He SLAPS it with his hand: KLANG!!! WALTER Shes still here! This tank was the best! Oh--and a five-year-old Ankole-Watusi. ASTRID -- a what? PETER (Im on Mars) Its a cow. He wants a cow. WALTER Pure-bred, not cross-bred, this is important -- with a mature weight of 1100 pounds and internal fat average of 2.37. OLIVIA -- are you-- is he joking? PETER Genetically, cows and humans are distinguishable by only a few lines of DNA. Ethical tests subject. OLIVIA Whered you learn all this?


Of course, he knows shes fucking with him -- that he faked a degree from that particular institution. Bleary, she writes something down as a CUP OF STEAMING COFFEE is held out in front of her. Its Peter, who doesnt look happy, which can sometimes be his way. She takes the cup. OLIVIA Thanks. He sits beside her as she sips the coffee, going back to scanning. A beat of awkward silence: we sense theres something he wants to ask her. Finally: PETER So what else did my file say. About yours truly. How ugly was it? She stops. Looks at him. OLIVIA Im not at liberty to talk about-PETER -- well liberate yourself, because I came back here, I think I deserve the truth-- what did the file say? They just stare at each other -- and as they do, he fucking sees something in her eyes. Holy shit PETER (CONTD) there was no file, was there. OLIVIA (beat) I needed you back here. PETER Wait a minute: you were bluffing? OLIVIA I was desperate. PETER -- Im usually good at reading people -- I mean thats what I do-OLIVIA I could see you were in trouble. Anyone could see that.

PETER So hell, I couldve stayed. OLIVIA A car bomb went off this morning in Kirkuk. Dont know if you saw that. Just about where and when you were suppose to be working. Well never know, but you might just owe me a thank you. PETER I owe a lot.


OLIVIA Yeah, I figured. How much? PETER What I was gonna make in Iraq wouldve covered just about half. (then) I feel safer there than I do here. OLIVIA Mafia? Peter stares. Despite the gravity, its almost funny: PETER The guy literally goes by the name Big Eddie. I swear to God, Im not making that up. OLIVIA You owe money to a guy nicknamed Big Eddie? PETER Nope. He had his name legally changed to Big Eddie. (then) I was never a gambler. Never. a couple of years ago? Just (shakes his head) crazy.


As Olivia looks athimreally studies his handsome, haunted facewe PRELAP:

WALTER (V.O.) In 72, during Vietnam, the DODs biochem division had us working on a leprotic contagion for possible use against the Vietcong INT. LAB NIGHT LATER Walter paces, his mind spinning in overdrive -- explains his test results to an anxious Olivia and still skeptical Peter:

WALTER Trick was its short shelf life it self-immolated after peaking at its most toxic level. OLIVIA Meaning it leaves no trace it was ever there? WALTER The idea was to prevent collateral damage outside of enemy targets. Its impossible that whatever affected that plane was derived from our work -- Ill have to do more analysis before I can establish definitive causality. OLIVIA What about John? WALTER Whats infecting him isnt a virus, or for that matter, any other kind of organism-- its merely a chemical reaction. Which means we can synthesize a counter-agent. OLIVIA So you can help him? PETER Hey-- wait a minute-- dont give her false hope, thats-WALTER -- not false, theres no false, its real. I could help, yes, if I had a precise inventory of what was in that storage facility when it detonated, then I can measure the

quantities of-OLIVIA We dont have that. It all went up -- everything. And the suspect who may have those answers -- got away. And Johns the only one who saw his face. OLIVIA (CONTD) (beat) How long does he have left? WALTER at the current rate of crystallization, cellular degradation, the slowing of his natural hematop-OLIVIA (she SNAPS) HOW LONG.

WALTER 24 hours. His brain will no longer be able to oxygenate itself. That lands on her, CRUSHING her. Walter, despite the impassive outward appearance, does his best to console WALTER (CONTD) ImIm so sorry. That I cant offer you a solution that doesnt risk your life. Olivia nods, stares off. Then as if just hearing that:

OLIVIA what do you mean? WALTER didnt I mention it? OLIVIA -- no. WALTER Oh: the shared dream state. Synaptic transfer system- were you not listening?

PETER Whatever you think you said, you didnt say. OLIVIA What dyou mean shared dreams state? WALTER The human brain generates a quantifiable, measurable electric field. WALTER (CONTD) I posited, in 1976, bicentennial year, that its possible to synchronize fields from two distinct minds, and allow the sharing of information across an unconscious state. Like a string between two tin cans. PETER (to Olivia) And whats great about that is that its insane. WALTER Theres precedence for this: the Egyptian papyrus of Deral-Madineh, darting back to 2000BC, holds stories of pharaohs using dreams to communicate with each other. PETER And did you guys see Goonies? was also good.


OLIVIA Youre saying I could talk to John. While hes in a coma-- he might be able to tell me what the suspect looks like? WALTER Oh-- more than that: you could-(to Peter) -- this isnt an exact science-(back to Olivia) -- have access to his memories themselves. PETER

(sarcastic seriousness) Of Course, no of course not

Assuming theres no extensive brain damage. Of course, youd have to be severely drugged, have an electromagnetic probe inserted at the base of your skull and float without clothes in the old tank. OLIVIA (CONTD) Have you done this before? WALTER Ithink so. I mean yes, but years ago-- its WALTER (CONTD) (smiles) foggy. Actually, I used this technique to extract information from a corpse. You can do that, as long as theyre not dead longer than six hours. PETER Yeah, after six hours, theyre really dead. OLIVIA And you could do this with me? WALTER Which. OLIVIA This whole thing-- talk to John see his memories-WALTER Of course hed need to be brought here to the lab, kept on ice-OLIVIA So what drugs? WALTER Psychotropics. Mix of Serotonin, Neurontin, Lithium Carbonate, Lysurgic Acid Diethylamide--

PETER (this is fucked up) Thats LSD-- the last one?


WALTER Thatll take at least a few hours-(to Peter) Id need your help to synthesize it. It its not too much trouble. PETER No, that would be fun. (to Olivia) The man who was in the mental institution wants to give you an overdose, stick a metal rod in your head then put you naked into a rusty tank of water. WALTER Oh no, I dont want to, heavens, Id rather not. Im just saying. I can. Olivia looks off -- fucking considering it -- Peter tries desperately to remain rational: PETER Olivia. Excuse me. Youre clearly under sever duress-- you havent slept since Iraq, youre dealing with the fact the man you care about might die, but I am TELLING you, with all due respect to my fathers potential brilliance-(STABS a finger at Walter) --that man is gonna kill you. WALTER You dont understand the procedure. Peter just starts WHISTLING Row Row Row Your Boat. WALTER (CONTD) Like that-- exactly!


PETER What the hell would make you even consider doing something so stupid? A beat -- the she looks straight at Peter.

OLIVIA Knowing John would do it for me. (to Walter) Set it up. Ill get DHS authorization to move John. WALTER Excellent. PETER Im not helping-- Im out.


OLIVIA Refuse to cooperate and Ill cite you for obstruction of justice. PETER For refusing to cook LSD for a Federal Agent?! Somehow I dont think that ones gonna stick. OLIVIA (holds up her cell) Lets call Fat Eddie. Huh? PETER And I told you that in

Big Eddie. confidence

OLIVIA And lets keep it between us, okay? PETER This is insane. And so is he. so are you.


Peter turns and walks away -- as Charlie enters behind him -CHARLIE Warren, you got a minute? (she moves to him) Youre on the next puddle-jumper to New York -- heard back from Bells Office -- hes out of the country. But Nina Cord, his CEP, said shes happy to talk to you. OLIVIA Really?


CHARLIE Theres a cow. Whats going on here? WALTER Were about to make LSD. OLIVIA Dont listen to him. As she turns Charlie away, she shoots Walter a shhh! look as the cow MOOS. CUT TO BLACK. END ACT FIVE


ACT SIX FADE IN: EXT. PROMETHEUS CORP. NEW YORK CITY DAY A TAXI pulls up to a glass and steel world headquarters building, past 3D LETTERS WHICH READ, NEW YORK CITY. Olivia gets out of the cab, passes the company logo etched massively in granite. INT. HOSPITAL QUARANTINE AREA DAY The HERMETICALLY-SEALED HATCH closes on a CRYP-TRANSPORT TUBE, through a small portal window we see JOHNS FACE -- the translucent flesh, muscles and veins pronounced -- hes almost looking like a fucking VISIBLE MAN MODEL KIT -- the frost on the glass making it even eerier to see. MED-TECHS wheel the tube down a corridor, like a gurneytoward a waiting MEDICAL TRANSPORT VEHICLE. INT. PROMETHEUS CORP. CORRIDOR DAY We TRACK WITH OLIVIA as she heads down the hall -- passing FRAMED PROMETHEUS CORPORATION IMAGES on the wall. Appliances, Aviation, Electrical Distribution, Finance, Healthcare, Lighting, Oil and Gas, Security, Water -- this company does FUCKING EVERYTHING. INT. LAB DAY As the Med-Techs roll John in the cryo-tube into the lab, Peter helping with placement -PETER I guess over here -- Uh -- Walter, this okay? Peter looks over to Walter, who mixes solutions, burns chemicals on a Bunsen, prepping the LSD. WALTER Yesyes, good. And son. You can call me Mom. Walter goes back to work. Peter shakes his head. Astrid, meanwhile fills the massive isolation tank with water from a hose. She also pours in a box of EPSOM SALTS.

ASTRID The whole box, Doctor, youre sure? WALTER Yes, dear, Im sure. Peter thanks the Med-Techs, who leaves -- Peter moves back to Walters side -- Walter give him more chemicals to burn -WALTER (CONTD) I feel normal. Working. PETER Yeah, bootlegging smack in the basement really is the picture of normalcy. As he keeps mixing a chemical in a test tube, Walter leans closer, analyzing his sons face -- its unnerving: WALTER Id like to check your blood pressure. PETER (edgy) My blood pressures fine, check your own blood pressure. WALTER Your flesh tone suggests youre suffering from arterial hypertension. He reaches out to touch Peter, who kind of snaps away, kneejerk defensive: PETER Hey: dont tell me what Im suffering from and there are no visible symptoms of hypertension -Walter has been pouring chemicals -- which suddenly IGNITE a large FIRE ERUPTS -- Astrid blurts a scream -- Walters LAB COAT IS ON FIRE - Peter quickly grabs Astrids HOSE and DOUSES Walters chest, putting the fire out. Walter falls to the floor -- heart pounding, afraid -breathing heavily -- and Peter is suddenly forced to comfort the man:

PETER (CONTD) -- hey -- pop-- its okay. Listen, youre fine, it was nothing-WALTER --that was careless-- bad form-62 PETER --and I put it out and youre okay. WALTER -- I wasnt- I didnt see-PETER Hey: its okay. Im here. WALTER That couldve- been worse-- Im so sorry -- so sorry -- so sorry -- so sorry And in this odd, heartbreaking moment, Peter is reminded just how damaged -- how vulnerable and prepared for the world his father truly is. And he couldnt be less comfortable about it. PETER Its ok -- its okay, pop. okay. INT. NINA CORDS OFFICE DAY An ASSISTANT shows Olivia into the impressive cold office: OLIVIA Thank you for seeing me. -- and shes greeted by 66 year-old NINA CORD. Elegant, sophisticated, brilliant and about as warm as a milk shake in an igloo. They shake hands. NINA Not at all. Dr. Bell is back from Reykjavik next week-- perhaps I can help you in the meantime? They sit before floor-to-ceiling views of the City.


OLIVIA Weve been looking at the work of Dr. Walter Bishop. A researcher who was at Harvard at the t-NINA Yes, I know of Bishop. A contemporary of Dr. Bells. OLIVIA It seems that certain recent events -- unexplained phenomena, including what happened aboard Flight 627 might be traced back to his work. NINA Dr. Bishops. OLIVIA Thats right. When asked if anyone else has access to his studies, Dr. Bishop mentioned the founder of this company. NINA I know they shared a lab space in the 70s. OLIVIA Until 1983, actually. Were wondering if Prometheus might be researching some of these technologies. She holds out a file -- Nina takes it. Poker face. Starts reading.

OLIVIA (CONTD) And if so, we were hoping you might cooperate with us. Identify employees who have access. NINA Youre suggesting William Bell stole intellectual property from Bishop? OLIVIA Im suggesting that, since they had a common workspace, the focus of their research might have been analogous. Mutually-influenced.

After a beat of reading, Nina closes the file, hands it back. NINA Unfortunately, Im not at liberty to discuss our companies, their research or employees. The security of our proprietary information is a very real concern to us. OLIVIA Certainly. As Im sure is national security. Can you tell me if any employees have in the recent past been dismissed because of suspicion of espionage of any kind? NINA Unfortunately Im not at liberty to discuss our companies, their research or our employees. Uhno, Olivia doesnt like her. OLIVIA How long have you worked at Prometheus, Ms. Cord? NINA Sixteen years. OLIVIA And youstill enjoy it.

NINA I owe Prometheus my life. thats no exaggeration. OLIVIA how so?


NINA I was a runner, for most of my life. Always had been. During the 97 Boston Marathon, I felt strangely tired. Had a pain in my upper back that Id never had. I assumed it was just another pleasure of advancing age -- until one morning at the office -- our

building at the time was in Charlestown -- Dr. Bell saw that I was in discomfort and insisted I go for a CAT scan. Which revealed stage three cancer, two metastases. (beat) The cancer had spread so severely that I had to have my right arm amputated what week. Olivias confused eyes dart in Ninas right arm -- and hand, which she just shook. Nina sees this -- reaches into her jacket sleeve and pulls out the thin, flesh-colored SILICONE SKIN that covers something remarkable: A COMPLETELY ROBOTIC HUMAN ARM AND HAND. Its skin is translucent; the mechanics clearly visible inside; little GYROS turning, its sort of the most amazing thing youve ever seen. NINA (CONTD) That first scanner that found my cancer was built by this company. The robotic-assist tools used in my surgery and the drugs I took afterward were developed and manufactured by Prometheus. And my replacement limb Nina lifts both her real and fake translucent hand and wiggles all fingers. Its uncanny. NINA (CONTD) was designed by Bell himself. OLIVIA (astonished) I shook your hand, I couldnt tell. NINA Prometheus is a more remarkable place than you know. Unfortunately, given our nondisclosure policyIm not allowed to explain why. Olivia looks at Nina -- her pro smile -- and just doesnt fucking trust her. Then her phone rings -- she answers it: OLIVIA Agent Warren.

INTERCUT WITH: INT. LAB DAY Walter in the background, Peter, sardonic, is on the phone: PETER Honey, your drugs are ready. OLIVIA On my way. She hangs up. Looks at Nina. OLIVIA (CONTD) Thanks again for your time. Nina extends her robotically-exposed hand. Olivia shakes it. A FIRM SHAKE. Their eyes meet. Oddly steely. INT. LAB DAY INTENSE MUSIC PLAYS as we barely see the muscle-and-veins John through the frosted plastic of he cryo-tentneedless to say, looking worse than ever. THERE ARE NOW SENSORS ATTACHED ALL OVER HIS FACE AND BODY -- AND A THICK CABLE RUNNING FROM SOMEWHERE AT THE BACK OF HIS NECK. Astride sits on a table, eating from a back of chips. Like its a show -- and what she sees is Walter, preparing various SYRINGES -- each with a different color drug. Peter recalibrates two HIGH VOLTAGE PULSE GENERATORS, BIORHYTHM SENSORS, HEART and VIDEO MONITORS. Unlike the digital, wireless age outside these walls, in here wires snake everywhere, Peter glances at Olivia disapprovingly as she enters, wearing a robe and looking pensive. Walter moves to Olivia, holding a tangle of SENSORS on wires. WALTER This may be a silly question. In fact, I may have already asked you. But youre aware of how serious this is. The real risks involved. OLIVIA yes, I understand. And yeah, we had that conversation. WALTER Sorry. I need to place

Oh, okay. these.

Still sitting, Olivia opens her robe. She wears a bikini, red floral patter. Some bruises from the storage units accident. While Walter is all-business, Olivia catches Peter sneaking a look. Self-consciously: OLIVIA I bought it for the Caribbean. never went, though. So


Peter forces a smile -- an odd, intimate moment that sort of embarrasses them both. Walter places the sensors on her chest, her stomach, her legs. Then takes a SYRINGE and moves behind her: WALTER Tilt your head forward please -Olivias neck touches her chest. Walter finds a place at the nape of her neck -- tests it with his fingers -- spreads the skin-WALTER (CONTD) Im giving you some anesthetic. OLIVIA --okay-PETER --this is asinine. He INJECTS her twice in the area, which stings a little. Then Walter picks up the PROBE hed mentioned -- which is like two inch-and-a-half long NEEDLE THIN PINS connected at the center by a metal bar. Wires feed from it to the pulse generators. Walter moves behind her, ready to install the probe-PETER (CONTD) You dont have to do this. She stares at him -- but then she nods at Walter --- who carefully SHOVES THE PROBE INTO AND UNDER HER SKIN -- all the way in. It hurts only a little -- more pressure than pain. Walter makes an adjustment to the generator -- checks the vital signs. All good. He moves to the tank and opens the door -- A LOUD, LONG CREAK. Its like a giant, dark metal shoebox, with a large hinged door. Theres a BENCH inside, which Walter and Peter help Olivia climb into, and sit on. Walter takes the two remaining syringes. The drugs. He

turns her left arm over, wraps a rubber tube around her upper armtaps a vein WALTER Have you ever tripped before? OLIVIA (slightly defensive) I went to college. WALTER Which college? OLIVIA Maine State. WALTER No, youve never tripped. this.

Not like

WALTER (CONTD) I have other drugs to counter-act what Im administering. Help you come down faster. If your vitals start to spike, well pull you out. I cant promise you whats gonna happenbut at least it should be interesting. Nervous but determined, she nods. injects her. Walter takes on syringe and

WALTER (CONTD) You should start to feel very relaxed, very shortly. Then -- another syringe -WALTER (CONTD) And thiswill rip open your consciousness. He injects it. Peter doesnt like this at all. Olivia then gets into the epsom-salt-laden water. Shes in there. Lying down, wires and probes stuck on and in her. Walter looks at her, now upside down for her. WALTER (CONTD) Listen. In case you dont come back. I just want to say, before we do this, that I so appreciate what youve done.

OLIVIA (drowsy already) whats that? WALTER there are many things you lose in a place like that. The hospital where Ive been. (beat) You lose being trusted. (beat) Its strange how important that is, once its gone. On Peter, watching this vulnerable moment from his insane father. Finally, a small shrug from Walter. And he closes the hatch, TAKING US TO BLACK. END ACT SIX

ACT SEVEN INT. LAB DAY RESUME: Olivias just gone into the tank. Peter watches at the controls -- VIDEO IMAGES of her face and full body can be seen. Walter works controls on one of the generators. A SINE WAVE is seen on its oscilloscope, moving across the screen again and again. Under this, the name, written on WHITE TAPE: OLIVIA. Walter looks back to Astrid -WALTER If you want to watch, you can come closer --- who are you again -- do you work here? ASTRID (moves forward) Yeah, Im Astrid Farnsworth, remember? Junior Special Agent with the FBI? WALTER I dont remember at all, but hello, hi, Im Walter, uh

And hes forgotten. PETER Bishop. Youre Walter Bishop. -- dont mention it. WALTER Yes. Thank you.

-- Bishop.

Walter starts up he other generator. Another sine wave.


WALTER (CONTD) See, this is her brain rhythm. More important than people know regarding cerebral regional interaction. Critical-- massively important. (other generator) And this is his. Over time, as the narcotics take effect, the probes will coax their rhythms into sync and the electrical signals from both -- thats what our brains are electrical routers -- should be able to be interpreted by the other.


See? Astrid smiles. stunner

PETER Its easy, like making taffy.

And if we havent noticed, shes sort of a

Walter turns on a monitor between the generators -- another screen, showing BOTH sine waves, hers and his, in RED and GREEN. Out of sync. Walter stares at the screens. WALTER These are both of their rhythms when theyre in syncthey should be in the same place. So to speak. PETER sonow what? WALTER Chicken salad. PETER what? WALTER (to Astrid) Would you be a doll? Chicken salad sandwich, no raisins? Wheat bread? Pickles? Astrid Yeah, Ill call that in-(to Peter) --anything for you? PETER An escape hatch? She smiles and goes off to make the call. to Peter: WALTER Now we wait. Peter watches, pensive. OLIVIA Floating, eyes closed. PUSH IN on her face The muffled WATER NOISES churning as we MUSIC SWELLS and we DISSOLVE TO: Walter, at a whisper


DISSOLEV TO: JOHN Lying there unconscious, his face now a horrific image of BRAIN, BONE and MUSCLE DISSOLVE TO: WALTER Writing on the PAPER PRINT OUT of their vital signs. Then he brings a chicken salad sandwich to his mouth, taking a big bite. He looks over: the monitor with BOTH of their brain waves markedly MORE IN SYNC DISSOLVE TO: Peter Walking around John, in his refrigerated containment tentlooking inthen he turns, peaks into the TANK, concerned sees Olivia, lying there DISSOLVE TO: OLIVIA TIGHT on her face hold on it then suddenly her MOUTH OPENS -- a quick INHALE -- SMASH CUT TO: EXT. DREAMSCAPE JUNK YARD DAY Olivia stands in the middle of a junkyard. confused -- turns her head -INT. TANK DAY Olivia turns her head -- as if having a most vivid dream -INT. LAB DAY Walter sits up - machine beeps -- Peter and Astrid look on, curious -PETER Whats happening? WALTER Ooo, look, shes having an episode. She looks around,

Walter goes over to the VITALS -- checks -- hes happy: WALTER (CONTD) Blood pressure and heart good. (glances at the sync monitor) should be any minute. INT. DREAMSCAPE -- JUNK YARD -- DAY Back to Olivia -- walking through the space, lost. wide-eyed, amazed. She calls out: OLIVIA I think Im here--! Shes


-- Olivia, unconscious, in a drugged state -- whispers: OLIVIA -- Im here-INT. LAB DAY Walter quickly circles an area of the vital signs tracking paper -- hits a button that BEEPS -- beginning to record the brainwaves -- which are now perfectly aligned on the monitor. WALTER Looklooklook, almost in sync. INT. DREAMSCAPE JUNK YARD DAY Olivia moves through the junk yard -- calling out: OLIVIA John?! John?! She turns -- JUMP CUTS -- turns, looking, searching -- and a SHAPE MOVES behind her -- she turns -- no one is there. But she feels like something just moved behind that massive pile of trash. Another part of the junk yard -- Olivia appears from behind a huge mound of junk walking through -- passing a beautiful red cedar WOODEN KAYAK -- fucking FLOATING in the air, ten feet above the ground. She stares at it, amazed, as she walks past. She says, to no one: OLIVIA (CONTD_ -- I know this that was my

uncles kayak. INT. TANK DAY Olivia -- in a dream-state -- whispers -OLIVIA --why--? INT. DREAMSCAPE JUNK YARD DAY Another SHAPE moves -- disappears behind trash -OLIVIA Is that you?! JOHN (O.S.) Olivia--? -- she GASPS and turns-INT. TANK DAY Olivias body quickly twists, SPLASHING-INT. LAB DAY Peter stands -- machines BEEPING -PETER Is she okay--? Whats happening? Walter turns off the machines -WALTER --shes fine---shes fine---look-theyre together. PETER --you sure? Why is that here?


And the monitor with BOTH waveforms looks like just ONE. INT. DREAMSCAPE JUNK YARD DAY Olivia has turned -- breathing heavily -- and stares with tears in her eyes atJOHN. Who stands there, in a suit, dark tie, looking handsome and confused. JOHN I was thinking about you. Olivia moves to him -- reaches out touches his face -- cries.

OLIVIA --youre okay JOHN Feels like Ive been here for days, you know? Whereve you been? -- and she KISSES HIM. INT. LAB DAY -- machines BEEP again -PETER --whats that? WALTER Nothing. Peter stares at the monitors. He moves to the tank, peeks into the window at her. Even more insane than the experimenthe cant be feelingjealousycan he? Olivia, unconscious, smiles -INT. DREAMSCAPE WHITELAND DAY The kiss finishes -- Olivia looks around -- theyre in a TOTALLY WHITE space -- massive and bright -- she looks back at him--holding his face, emotional: OLIVIA Johnyou were hurt. JOHN I dont remember. OLIVIA Think. The storage units -- we were sent to investigate-JOHN --yes--butwhat are you doing here? Im feeling cold-OLIVIA I need you to remember. to show me. JOHN --show you what?

I need you

OLIVIA --what you saw. You told me you saw him, that you saw his face. I need you to show me his face. JOHN why? OLIVIA (tears) --soso I can save you. OLIVIA (CONTD) Please, try -- try and remember we were at the storage units. JOHN You kissed me there, like you did just now----amazingly, BEHIND HIM, filling the space, like a giant projected image - is JOHNS POV AS OLIVIA MOVED TO HIM AND KISSED HIM -- AND THEN IT ALL GOES BLACK AROUND THEM as his eyes closed during the kiss. OLIVIA --yes-JOHN --and we looked through the garbage. And I unlocked the door opened it-Now--behind him--his POV as the door LOUDLY OPENS -- she COVERS HER EARS, its so noisy -- and we see the labs -OLIVIA This is right---


--and Olivias standing there, watching now--as if in front of a fucking IMAX SCREEN --Johns POV, as he turns AND SEES TROUBLED! And were looking at it FROM BEHIND OLIVIA -- WHICH MAKES IT LOOK AS IF SHE IS THERE -- SEEING IT ALL HERSELF. Wind somehow blowing against her now, she watches with wide eyes -OLIVIA (CONTD) --I SEE HIM-And now were RUNNING through the facility -- a fast STEADICAM GLIDE, chasing after Troubled -- Olivia almost

losing her balance, feeling like shes free-falling, mouth open, overwhelmed -- and we see Johns hand come up as he makes the call -JOHN (O.S) Ive got a runner! Hes heading for the back! And Olivia says -- AS WE ALSO HEAR HER SAY ON THE PHONE: OLIVIA Im on my way! OLIVIAS VOICE (filtered) Im on my way!

-- and we TURN a corner, then another -- John AIMS HIS GUN AND FIRES -- HITTING TROUBLED IN THE SHOULDER! Olivia GASPS -OLIVIA --you shot him -And then, as were running -- as Johns running, crazy fast, Olivia looks around for him -- where did he go? OLIVIA (CONTD) -- John?! And she turns, 360 degrees, back to the screen, just as the EXPLOSIONS HAPPEN and John is suddenly OBLITERATED -INT. TANK DAY Olivia GASPS WILDLY, eyes wide in terror -OLIVIA I SAW HIM! INT. LAB DAY Peter and Astrid quickly pull Olivia out -- whose body is convulsing -PETER --shes having a seizure! WALTER -- hold her down!

And Walter injects her with another SYRINGE - Astrid wraps her in a large towel, her heavy breathing continues ASTRID --is she gonna die? WALTER Eventually.

Peter shoots Walter a look and Olivias eyes stop rolling back they begin to focus shes full of adrenaline -OLIVIA --I saw his face -- his face, I saw him -- oh my God-(crying now) --I saw John get hurtI was thereI was there And Peter stares at her, dubious but also amazed END ACT SEVEN

ACT EIGHT FADE IN: INT. FEDERAL BUILDING BOSTON DAY The situation room -- quick CIRCLING AROUND Olivia, pale and desperate, as she works urgently at a computer on a FACIAL COMPOSITE DEVELOPMENT program -- to recreate the face of the man she saw and holy shit, is it close to Troubled -A number of Agents stand around her -- including Charlie -CHARLIE --what the hell do you mean you saw him? Where? OLIVIA --I told you not to ask me that. This is him. (to Agent #3) This is the suspect were looking for -- he looks like this -Agent #3 is already hustling to the his desk -AGENT #3 -- send me the image! Olivia hits buttons -- BAM, the image appears on Agent #3s screen -- he types, fast. Quietly: CHARLIE You look like crap -- have you slept? OLIVIA I am not crazy. I saw him. the whole thing.

I saw

But hell -- as she looks into Charlies eyes, she sure sounds nuts. Looks it too. AGENT #3 No primary matches for criminal record -OLIVIA Cross-check all states drivers license files!

AGENT #3 On it, checking! OLIVIA -- and send that image to all local hospitals, that man was wounded shot in the right shoulder! But Agent #4, standing by Olivias computer, having stared at the screen since she finished the image, says: AGENT #4 --Ive seen him before. him. Olivia turns to him galvanized -OLIVIA --where? It takes him a moment. And then, as if he doesnt himself, he hurries across the room, to the IMAGES ALL THE PASSENGERS ON THE PLANE -- he RIPS one off wall. Looks at it as he moves to Olivia and hands The PASSPORT PHOTO AND FILE OF TROUBLED. OLIVIA (CONTD) -- oh my God, this is him. AGENT #4 He was a passenger. That man was on Flight 627. And her mind -- as our had --tumbles -OLIVIA I dont understand CHARLIE He couldnt have been at the storage place. Maybe y-OLIVIA --Charlie, I saw him there. He looks at her, sympathetic, but dubious. CHARLIE I think you need some sleep. Kindly: believe it AND FILES OF the it to her.

I know

She goes white.

And in a moment when Olivia thinks maybe she just might be going crazy -- tears come to her eyes -CHARLIE -- why dont you come to the house. Kathyll make up the guest room, you can stay there while-AGENT #3 pipes up: AGENT #3 Hold on guys -- Morgan Stenson of Steeltown, Pennsylvania, forty-four years old, has one sibling-Agent #3 moves to a laser printer, just finishing printing a page he pulls it out, holds it up-AGENT #3 (CONTD) Richard Stenson. Holy shit, its a different photoOF THE SAME MAN. OLIVIA --he has a twin? AGENT #3 Six minutes older. Olivia stands --re-energized -- on her game, to the room: OLIVIA -- so this cements the connection to the plane --CHARLIE But what is the connection? OLIVIA -- thats right: Richard Stenson sets up labs in the storage yard we dont know what the hell hes working on, why or for whom I need a work and education history! AGENT #3 --pulling it up-Or is it? OLIVIA --no--nonononoI swear to God, I saw himI saw him there

OLIVIA Whatever hes doing, its about as dangerous as it gets. His brother was obviously a trigger. But how? Was he in on it? Or was he set up? (something occurs to her) --do you have medical history? AGENT #3 --yeah-OLIVIA --tell me Morgan Stenson wasnt a diabetic. AGENT #3 (reading) uh, no, I cant do that howd you know: type-2 diabetic-OLIVIA There was an insulin pen found in the aisle of that plane -- was any insulin residue found? CHARLIE (checking files) --I dont think there was-OLIVIA So theoretically: say Richard Stenson spiked his brothers syringe. Dr. Bishop mentioned that hed worked on self-eradicating airborne toxins designed not to leave any trace once the targets have been infected. CHARLIE With what? OLIVIA We need to ask Richard Stenson that, dont we? (to Agent #3) Wheres his file? AGENT #3 (indicates the printer) Hot off the press----she GRABS the page thats just coming out. fucking believe what she sees. Reads it. Cannot

CHARLIE --what? As she heads out, handing the paper to him, she says: OLIVIA Richard Stensons last employer CHARLIE --what--who? But Olivia is gone -- and CHARLIE looks at the page and: CHARLIE (CONTD) youre kidding me. INT. PROMETHEUS CORP. CORRIDOR DAY Olivia walks fiercely down the corridor -- PRE-LAP: OLIVIA (V.O.) This is our suspect. I want everything youve got on him. INT. NINA CORDS OFFICE DAY Nina Cord holds a photo of Richard Stenson. She obviously recognizes the guy. Olivia is here and Ninas ASSISTANT, near the door. OLIVIA You want me get a court order? Or do you want to talk? A beat -- then, to her Assistant: NINA Bring me your files on Richard Stenson. Assistant nods, heads out as Nina says to Olivia -- warmer, as if in confidence: NINA (CONTD) I want to apologies for our last meeting. I wasnt sure I could trust you before. Now I know I can.

OLIVIA meaning what. You did background on me? NINA (beat, sincere) I especially appreciate what you did at Quantico. Putting those three captains behind bars was the best thing that couldve happened to the US Marines. Olivia is quietly stunned to find an ally in this odd, cold woman with one arm. OLIVIA thank you. NINA The man youre looking for was an employee for two years in our weapons systems research lab. He was fired three months ago after he tried to leave the premises with certain classified materials. Our investigators concluded that damage to Prometheus was minimalbut that Mr. Stenson may be part of The Pattern. Which would be consistent with your suspicions. OLIVIA Im sorry, you said part of the pattern -- what pattern? (off Ninas look) --did I miss something? NINA I assumed you have clearances OLIVIA (beat, unsettled) clearances for what? Nina stares, debates telling her. Then:

NINA Suffice to say, weve reached a point where science and technology have advanced at an exponential rate for so longthat it is far

beyond our ability to regulate and control them. (beat) You should know what youre getting into, Ms. Warren. I would say the same thing to my daughter. To my granddaughter. Be careful. Olivia is struck by this warning. Then, to punctuate the moment, Ninas Assistant enters, hands Nina a FILE. Nina takes it, glances at it, and hands it to Olivia. NINA (CONTD) Everything we have on Richard Stenson. NINA (CONTD) (then knowing shell need it) Good luck. And OFF OLIVIA we CUT TO BLACK. END ACT EIGHT


ACT NINE INT. LAB DAY --SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS on TV in the lab. Walter watches, loving it. Astrid too. Peter is also here, resenting the whole thing. WALTER And this is a showfor children? ASTRID Its huge.


WALTER Its surprisingly profound. narrative about a sponge. (to Peter) Wouldnt you say?

For a

Before he can answer the PHONE RINGS, Peter answers merrily: PETER Crazy house. INT. SEDAN INTERCUTTING Olivia drives at 90 mph -- talks into her headset as she WEAVES between curs: OLIVIA I just landed at Logan and Im on my way to you -- I think weve located our suspect. PETER --wait, what do you mean? You didnt find him, did you? The guy you saw in the dream you had? Astrid turns off the TV -- Peter glances over at Walter, who just SMILES at him like he cat who ate the canary. OLIVIA Im picking you both up -- Ill need your father there to question him, get whatever information he needs so he can make the cure for John -- and Ill need you there too, in case your fathersyou know --

PETER -- say no more. EXT. SOUTH BOSTON TENEMENT DAY BOOM DOWN a row of tenements -- past 3D LETTERS WHICH READ SOUTH BOSTON - to a particularly shoddy one as a Flakjacketed SWAT TEAM silently secures the perimeter, fanning out --

Peter and Walter sit in the back of Olivias car. Peter looks at the FILE of Stenson - company PHOTO, etcThen he notices that Walter seems particularly uncomfortable watching the police activity. PETER You okay? Vulnerable.


He shakes his head a bit.

WALTER Reminds me (then staring off, shakes his head) nothing. Peter realizes: must be the night he was arrested. A beat, then he looks back to the team -The fire.

VARIOUS SHOTS of Team Members snaking through bushes, around corners -- cordoning off the apartment moving up to the front door. TIGHT ON OLIVIA who lands next to the doorframe, back to the wall, gun drawn. TEAM LEADER gives the go and: INT. TENEMENT BUILDING CONTINUOUS Dark, dilapidated the team BURSTS IN shouting FEDERAL AGENTS!!! -- Olivia and three Team Members through the main door, four others through the back -- VARIOUS SHOTS of DIFFERENT ROOMS in the apartment as the Team Members move through it, gun muzzles panning -- we STAY CLOSE WITH OLIVIA, ready for anything, tense as all hell -- and one by one, as every rooms breached, we hear the refrain: TEAM MEMBERS CLEAR! / CLEAR! / CLEAR! / CLEAR! She moves through the house, pissed, searching -- nothing -clearly, the guys not here -- she STOPS -- NOTICES something:

The RUG underfoot. A DISTURBED DUST PERIMERTER, like the rug was just moved -- she crouches, YANKS back the rug, revealing A CELLAR DOOR -- SIGNALS to the Team Leader: DOWN THERE. The Agents converge, weapons back up, Team Leader flips on a MAGLITE as a Team Member RIPS BACK the door -- the agents STORM DOWN into: INT. CELLAR CONTINUOUS The Team DESCENDS, flashlights sweeping, the cellars FILLED WITH CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT -- EMPTY -- but the storm windows been OPENED -EXT. TENEMENT BUILDING CONTINUOUS Walter and Peter, alone. Peter watching outside, anxious.

WALTER Thank you for before. Putting me out. When I was on fire. PETER (I dont want to be here) My pleasure. WALTER (beat) Its good to see you again. Peter look at him, not giving an inch. Then he sees, past Walter: STENSON emerge from a below-ground FLIGHT OF STAIRS -Peter recognizes his FACE -- THROWS the car door open, starts to MOVE, SHOUTING: PETER HES IN THE ALLEY!


Stenson TURNS -- MEETS EYES WITH Peter -- then RUNS around a corner, down an alley and fuck, Peter cant let him go so, as he gets out, quickly, to Walter PETER (CONTD) --YOU STAY RIGHT THERE, YOU HEAR ME?! --NO!!! NO, YOU STAY THERE!!! WALTER --what--I cant--can I leave the car?

And Peter SPRINTS after Stenson -- finally the SWAT teams following too, IN PURSUIT -- OLIVIA sees Peter round a corner - SHIT--she runs:

A BREATHLESS FOOT CHASE, IMMEDIATE, HANDHELD AND FRENETIC: Peter and STENSON -- RUNNING ALL OUT -- pelting down the alley, breathing hard, each in overdrive -- Stenson looks back -- sees Peter behind him, gaining-Ahead of them a BLACK AND WHITE swings into the alley -Stenson hangs a hard left and CRASHES through a wooden gate -Peter whips through the gate a second later, crossing a cluttered BACKYARD -- RUNNING, tripping through toys, a swing set, through a HEDGE and RUNNING LIKE MAD through the narrow gap between tenements -- they emerge onto a street -Ahead, a MAN on a BIKE, pulling up to the sidewalk -- Stenson dodges but HURLS bike-man aside, sending him RIGHT INTO Peter - the two of them CRASHING, rolling to the pavement, Peters face contorted with pain and just when it looks like Stensons gonna get away -OLIVIA SNAPS INTO FRAME, running full-tilt boogie, shes been FOLLOWING THEM, suddenly the chase becomes HERS -- Stenson races toward a TRACT HOUSE across the street -- she pulls her gun as Stenson runs past a MAN picking up his mail -- RACES THROUGH HIS FRONT DOOR: INSIDE THE HOUSE: Olivia chases -- a WOMAN doing laundry SCREAMS as they blast past her, knocking her flying through the KITCHEN KIDS at the table SCREAM TOO as furniture crashes everywhere -- Stenson SLAMS right through the back screen door, RIPPING IT off its hinges -- and JESUS, were still following them across the BACKYARD where -A SNARLING DOBERMAN IS SUDDENLY BOLTING AFTER THEM -- gaining - a FENCE ahead -- Stensons the first OVER IT -- Olivia follows a second later but the DOG has TORE into her leg, she YELLS IN AGONY but manages to kick free of the dog and pulls herself over the fence, ANKLE BLOODIED -- drops with a THUD on the other side just as she looks up to see Peter APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE, TACKLING STENSON HARD -- SLAMMING HIM TO THE OILY CONCRETE DOGS BARKING, JUMPING behind nearby fences a furious Peter gets the upper hand, PUNCHING STENSON HARD AGAIN AND AGAIN -- an adrenaline surge of strength and Stensons face BLEEDS for it -- but suddenly Olivia is THERE, SLAMS her knee down on Stensons chest and shoves her GUN BARREL in his face -- out of breath: OLIVIA Weve got some questions

Hi there. for you. Off that we WHIP TO:

INT. LAB DAY BANG: the door flies open --- in rush Olivia, Peter and Walter -- disheveled, bloody, INSTANT OVERLAPPING -- Walter reading from the notes they took -WALTER The active toxin was a magnesium-based ethylene glycol---a magnesium ethelyne glycol with an organophosphate trigger---soso youre saying what, we synthesize a calcium gluconate in a thiamine base? --we cant. Well need more Of his blood, and we have none. OLIVIA Thats not true: all agents are required to set up a backup blood supply in case were wounded-WALTER (gasps) -- thats brilliant- good thinking. OLIVIA It wasnt my idea. PETER We create the antidote, dissolve it into Scotts stored blood, then transfuse it intravenously so his bodys not overwhelmed. WALTER Autologous transfusion. (to Olivia) Well need that blood -OLIVIA Im on it. PETER --no, I understand that -youre not listening to me--

---Dad, stop: his blood wont be able to absorb it fast enough before the sideeffects kill him. --yes.

SCIENCE MONTAGE: A staple of the show -- Walter - with Peters help -- use whatever tools and tricks of the trade are needed to build the device, create the compound or jerry-rig the machinery-In this case theyre FORMULATING THE ANTIDOTE FOR JOHN which means our Fringe music PULSES as we DISSOLVE from Walter carefully measuring multi-colored CHEMICALS to Peter injecting them into TEST TUBES to Walter putting them, in a CENTRIFUGE to Peter hanging SALINE BAGS to Walter injecting the GREEN COMPOUND -- THE ANTIDOTE -- into the saline Olivia enters with a stainless-steel COOLER -- opens it BAGS OF BLOOD and now Walter preps the BLOOD TRANSFUSION GEAR and Peter finds veins on John -- sliding in syringe-And WE WATCH HIS CURRENT BLOOD LEAVE HIS BODY -- HIS NEW BLOOD ENTERand on this, three faces waiting, we DISSOLVE TO: INT. LAB BUILDING CORRIDOR DAY Olivia sits on a bench in the shiny-tile hallway of the first floor of the building. Unknowing college students pass here and there. She sits here, heart heavyin waiting. She turns: BROYLES is here. He moves to her, sits beside her. Says, with half-seriousness: BROYLES So I got the lab. She cant help but smile a little too. OLIVIA Yeah, I know you did. He nods. Then: BROYLES Hows it going downstairs? OLIVIA Bishop says itll be a while. But its actually looking auspicious. That was his word. And she sees hes staring at her. OLIVIA (CONTD) what.

Thank you.

And when Broyles talks nowhes directbut warm. engaged: BROYLES Youve done some solid work here. Locating Bishop. Getting him out, finding a way to get him to work with you. OLIVIA His son found a way to get to him to work, not me. Brains run in the family. BROYLES But you found them. You did it. Youve done more in six days than we have in months. OLIVIA whos we? And so he levels with her: BROYLES What happened on that plane might not be an isolated incident. Shes intrigued as he pulls out a CLASSIFIED FOLDER. it. There are PHOTOGRAPHS inside. BROYLES (CONTD) Most of what Im going to show you has not been made public. He shows her one photo: DEAD CATTLE. Dozens of them. BROYLES (CONTD) Last April outside Houston, twohundred and six head of cattle were found dead. Autopsies revealed they were all missing lungs. No surgical marks. No signs of foul play. Olivia is puzzled as Broyles pulls out another IMAGE: a MAN IN A HOSPITAL BED. BROYLES (CONTD) In June, in a Paris hospital. A man who had been in a coma for six years began whispering one word, Opens Surprisingly

over and over. Dieu. OLIVIA God. Broyles pulls out ANOTHER IMAGE: another MAN in a hospital bed. BROYLES On the same day a comatose patient in Lisbon was heard speaking for the first time in a decade. Deus. (another bed-ridden MAN) Same day, Osaka: a comatose patient starting chantingKamisama. TIGHT ON OLIVIA: what the fuck is going on?! happy-looking FAMILY. Another IMAGE: a

BROYLES (CONTD) In August a family from Toronto vanished while on a road trip to the United States. Then, two hours after they were last seen at a rest stop Another IMAGE POLICE PHOTOS OF BURN MARKS ON THE GROUND -BURNED HUMAN REMAINS BROYLES (CONTD) these charred remains of four people were found near Shanghai. The dental records and wedding ring matched those of the missing couple. As Broyles talks now, more IMAGES: a CORPSE which looks as if it has been turned INSIDE OUT. A TREE, covered in LOCUSTS. A CREATURE -- something we dont know what -BROYLES (CONTD) Needless to say. Strange things are happening. You yourself have been witness. You know. (beat) It is a new, real, and continuing phenomenon: in the past nine months there have been three-dozen authenticated incidents like these. Anomalies.

OLIVIA --there are noexplanations? claims of responsibility--? No suspects? No

BROYLES An emergency session was called two months ago in Tokyo the worlds top scientific minds in research and technology. BROYLES (CONTD) They met with us -- heads of state, security agencies. They were asked to review the evidence. Draw conclusions, make suggestions (beat) It was a room of very alarmed people. They named these events The Pattern.

OLIVIA (recalling Ninas use of the same word) The Pattern (beat, then:) Why are you telling me all this? BROYLES Since May Ive been heading up a Homeland task force called Fringe Division. Weve been investigating these anomalies. OLIVIA Thats why they assigned you to the Hamburg flight. BROYLES I want you to work for me. I want you as lead investigator -OLIVIA I have a job. BROYLES This is a better job. OLIVIA I like my job. And the man I do it with. As you seem to have deduced on your own.

BROYLES Another two cases have come up since Hamburg. Anomalies. OLIVIA (beat) I feel for you. BROYLES I feel for all of us. (beat, its scary) When I tell you what they are--? OLIVIA I dont want to know. Dont tell me. (beat, real) Mr. Broyles, Ive been trained for a lot. For everything, it feels like. Battle. Hostage crisis. Terror campaigns suicide bombers, chemical attacks (beat) But what Ive been seeing recentlyI dont know why it should be any different. Why it should affect me any more. But it does. (eyes well up, quietly:) Im scared. And I just want to go back. To before. BROYLES I dont think you can-OLIVIA --I can. (beat) I can. She sniffles -- stands -- starts to walk off, then turns back, smiles: OLIVIA (CONTD) Not that Im not flattered. Because I am. I shouldve said thank you before. (then) Thank you. And Broyles just watches her walk off. Hes lost a good one.

INT. LAB DAY PUSH IN on Johns face -- while there are still veins seen through his skin, he looks remarkably normal again -- and suddenly he INHALES -- and Walter moves to him -- gives him oxygen calls out-WALTER Hes up! Hes waking up! Peter, who was napping at the desk is startled awake -- he gets up hurries across the lab--to the doors, calling out: PETER Olivi--

Olivia! --and she enters

PETER (CONTD) --hes up, hes conscious -And Olivia, full of hope and anticipation, races across the lab space, to John, whose eyes are just opening -- hes getting his bearings but shes there -- tears in her eyes touching his face -- saying quietly, sweetly: OLIVIA Can you hear me, baby?


And Peter records that unofficial term. OLIVIA (CONTD) --John--? And Johns eyes focus on her beautiful face--he sees her. voice weak, tears in his eyes too-JOHN I had a dreamabout you And she cries and kisses him, holding him so grateful. Peter watches this scene, incredulous. He glances at his father, who is literally crying at the reunion. And for the first time, Peter sees his fatheras something of a hero. FADE OUT. END ACT NINE His


ACT TEN FADE IN: INT. LAB DAY LATER Perhaps an hour later, John is being wheeled out of the lab by two MED TECHS. Looking even healthier now, the trace of veins still receding under porcelain skin. Hey pass by Peter, who is on a cell, speaking Arabic: PETER I appreciate your patience, I should be back by Thursday night -He walks past Walter, who stands in the middle of the room, keeping a close eye on Peter. Pensive. And Olivia approaches, grinning, grateful

OLIVIA Youre a miracle worker. It takes Walter a moment to turn to her-WALTER Oh. Yes, nature has its kinder moments (then) I was hoping you mightneed me. For another go. Anothersomething, I dont know. OLIVIA I think they would.

They might.

WALTER But Id need Peter. I dont think I could do it without my son. (beat) And I suspect he wouldnt do it without you. That catches her off-guard; the fact she understand the subtext so instantaneously, and might even (in her deepest recesses) share the feeling it implies, is something she cant handle yet: OLIVIA What --what do you mean?

WALTER (beat, smiles) Im not sure. WALTER (CONTD) (smile fades, long beat) what are we talking about? OLIVIA I was just thank you. WALTER No need. (then, quietly) I meant to ask you. If youve read my filethen you know the truth. About my sonsmedical history. And we see in her face now, whatever it is hes referring to, she does know, and its troubling. Her eyes go to Peter across the lab, still on the phone. She just nods. WALTER (CONTD) If youd like to thank meyou could do so by not telling him. Please. Their look holds, and we dont know WHAT this is about, but in time we certainly will. For now, theres a silent acknowledgement that yes, itll stay between them. She leans in, gives Walter a kiss on the cheek. She walks offand he watches as she moves to his son. ON OLIVIA AND Peter: As she says good-bye: OLIVIA Your job still waiting for you? PETER You bet it is. Guys as brilliantly stupid as I am dont grow on trees. OLIVIA Not in Baghdad they dont. PETER No sir.

OLIVIA Good luck with Big Eddie. PETER (beat) Thanks. And theres a moment, a look between them -- despite everything, hes actually come to like her. And she, him. PETER (CONTD) This whole freak show went better than I thought it would. Thanks. And their look HOLDS INT. HOSPITAL DAY Through a hospital room window, we see JOHN, recovering, speaking to a NURSE. Hes got BANDAGES on parts of his face, like a burn victim whose skin is still healing. PULL BACK to find Olivia staring through the glass, DR. REYES beside her, still happily surprised: DR. REYES His vitals are surprisingly strong. OLIVIA How long does he have to stay? DR. REYES Until the melanocytes in his skin regenerate -- but that shouldnt be more than a week. (smiles) He owes you his life. OLIVIA We owe each other. And as she looks back on John, her focus goes elsewhere: OLIVIA What room is Stenson in? INT. HOSPITAL SECURE WING DAY Olivia approaches Stensons room, flashes a BADGGE to the posted DOOR OFFICER enters: INT. ROOM 407 CONTINUOUS

Stensons in bed, shoulder bandaged from Johns gunshot, his wrists leather-strapped to the beds side rails. She enters; cold, intimidating stare; he returns it, unfazed: STENSON I told the truth. (beat) Didnt I. I gave you the names of the synthetics I used in th-OLIVIA (hating this prick) Dont worry, our immunity agreement holds, but theres a lot more we have to talk about -- like why you killed your own brother, and who you were selling your work to. STENSON Who says I was selling it? OLIVIA Right now I only need one thing: you got help from someone in our office, didnt you? We have phone records. The calls made to your pre-paid cell. (beat) Who were they from? He takes a beat, something in his eyes STENSON Youve got it wrong: I wasnt working with anybody, I was being threatened. And if the calls came out of your officeIm starting to wonder if you can really protect me. She studies him: unsure if hes fucking with her. OLIVIA Ill remind you the death penaltys only off the table for your continued cooperation, Mr. Stenson. STENSON --you think Im lying? I sear to God, I can prove it. I recorded the conversation.

OLIVIA --where is the recording? STENSON At home. In my yard. I buried it by the back stepslisten for yourself. Off Olivia, REACTING to this new, profound break-INT. LAB CONTINUOUS Walter watches impassively as all the new equipments moved out; the old equipment re-taped. The cow too, is being readied for transportWalter stares at it, awkwardly pats its head WALTER Research suggests bovines are gifted with advanced cognitive abilities, and never forget a face. (beat) I hope youll remember mine. Good luck, Gene. PETER (O.S.) Gene? Walter turns; Peter, behind him, has been watching -- partly amused, partly embarrassed, partly pitying. WALTER (as if to say obviously) Our genetic benefactress. To that, Peter has to smile a little. Obviously. Theres an unspoken acknowledgement here of what comes next, and suddenly Walter grows quietly, painfully desperate: WALTER (CONTD) Please dont take me back. want to go back.

I dont

PETER (dont do this to me) Listen, um--Walter-WALTER You called me pop before. PETER And you asked me to all you Mom.

WALTER --this experience: you woke me up again, you cant put me back to sleep---whatever punishment you think I deserve, I swear Ive already endured it-seventeen years-It gets very quiet. WALTER Son. PETER

--this was hardly my idea, none of it was--



And we see how much this hurts Peter too, that against every rational instinct, his hearts bleeding for this man. Its confusing, infuriating -- he doesnt want to connect: PETER Maybe the truth isif youd been more of a father to me, Id be a better son. (beat) That doesnt just mean staying it means not getting into the kind of trouble Im in already. (beat, simply) If I stay here, I die. (beat) I dont really have a choice. And he moves off, leaving Walter standing there, heartsick. INT. STENSONS TENEMENT BUILDING DAY The apartments taped off, turned into a crime scene. FORENSICS TECHNICIANS bag evidence, dust for printsOlivia moves through, heading toward the back stairs HARD CUT TO HER HANDS, DIGGING IN DIRT -- shes on her knees in the yard, scrounging for the taps. Digging, digging, until she comes across the corner of a PLASTIC ZIPLOC BAG -- pulls it out and holds it up: inside is THE MICROCASSETTE. INT. HOSPITAL JOHNS ROOM DAY John, in bed, tries to sit upstill feeling weakbut forces himself into sitting position. Looks determinedly towards the door-INT. OLIVIAS CAR DAY

The glove compartment POPS OPEN -- Olivia rummages through supplies, finds a MICROCASSETTE RECORDER. Focused, full of anticipation, she slips in the Microcassette, hits PLAY-HEAVY STATIC voice FILTERED -- SLOWLY PUSH IN on her as: STENSON (V.O.) --who is this? VOICE (V.O.) We had a purchase agreement. STENSON (V.O.) There have been other bidders. Today--the airplane--was a demonstration-VOICE (V.O.) Youve drawn unwarranted attention - something we cant afford to be connected with. (beat) Ill make this simple: youre not selling to anyone else. You do that and we will come after youI will come after you. Were still PUSHING IN on Olivia -- CLOSER STILL, an ominous feeling overtaking her -STENSON (V.O.) youre threatening me? Is that wise. After seeing what Im willing to do to my own brother? VOICE Lemme assure you, wed be happy to treat you like family too. AND BY NOW OLIVIAS EYES FILL FRAME, WIDE, HORRIFIED, AS WE: MEMORY FLASHCUT: LOGAN AIRPORT, ON THE TARMAC OUTSIDE THE PLANE JOHNS GETTING OUT OF THE VAN AS HE ARRIVES ON-SCENE, TALKING ON HIS CELL: JOHN Lemme assure you, wed be happy to treat you like family too. (hangs up, grins) Good old NTSB. All like to think theyre cops.

BACK TO OLIVIA: we watch the insane, impossible moment of revelation -- the air leaves her chest--almost a whisper: OLIVIA --John-EXT. STENSONS ROOM DAY John, now back in his clothes, approaches the POSTED COP outside Stensons door, flashes his FBI ID: JOHN Need to ask him a few questions. INT. STENSONS ROOM DAY Stensons ASLEEP. A SHADOW moves over him then LIGHTNING FAST -- A PILLOW JAMS DOWN OVER STENSONS FACE -- he JERKS under its force but CANT MOVE BECAUSE HIS WRISTS ARE BOUND -- his body SPASMS HELPLESSLY as we ANGLE AROUND TO JOHN, his face impassive, holding the pillow there with brute force INT. OLIVIAS CAR DAY Olivia FLOORS IT back to the hospital, on auto-pilot this isnt possible but its fucking happening -OLIVIA (into headset) Charlie, I need two agents posted outside Agent Scotts room now nobody goes in or out til I get there -- and make sure Stensonss safe!

EXT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE STENSONS ROOM DAY Charlie runs down the corridor -- flashes his badge as he moves past the COP outside Stensons room -- he bursts in -- FINDS A DEAD STENSON -- EYES WIDE-CHARLIE --oh God--Livvy, hes dead Stensons dead! (yells out) WE NEED THIS PLACE LOCKED DOWN! EXT./INT. HOSPITAL DAY. Olivia FISHTAILS around a corner -- SLAMMING HER BRAKES, door already open and shes LEAPING from the car -- RUNNING LIKE HELL FOR THE ENTRANCE -- but then she HEARS A SCREECH and turns

John, behind the wheel of a BLACK SUV, pulls onto the road! Olivia runs back to her car -- jumps in and TAKES OFF after him-TIRES SCREAM AS SHE PURSUES, SHOUTING INTO HER CAR WALKIE: OLIVIA This is Warren, Agent ID 52776--in pursuit of black SUV, license number 5AD672B -- heading south on Fenway, need immediate assist-EXT. HIGHWAY DAY JOHN -- speeding across the boulevard into a neighborhood of inclined streets and OLIVIA-- skidding around a corner a second later as -- TWO POLIC ECARS PULL U-TURNS on the road, whipping around to join the chase and John looks back -- SEES OLIVIA IS PURSUING HIM -Pursued by Olivia and two black and whites, JOHN DRIVES, FAST up a hill-- CRESTS -- SPARK FLY as he SKIDS A HARD RIGHT SHIT-Another COPP CAR angels in from the SIDE STREET and JOHN -- no choice FLOORS IT KNIFING the front end of the cop car and - the TWO COPS CARS FOLLOWING are spun back! CRASHING AGAINST A BUILDING ON THE CORNER not to mention the COMMUTER CARS -PILES-UP: OLIVIA -- swerving to avoid it -- onto the sidewalk--SPARKS FROMK THE WALL AS SHE SCRAPES! Hanging in --- skidding into a turn down the hill, catching up--JOHN -- pedal down SIDE-SWIPES OLIVIAS CAR THEY SKID INTO ONCOMING LANES A TRUCK! Theyre forced to DIVIDE in a V as the truck PASSES INCHES BEWEEN THEM John Veers off, onto the -EXT. CHARLES RIVER ROAD The two cars on a road running parallel to the Charles River -the road itself divided by a CONCRETE BARRIER -Olivia -- recovering gaining -- nearly pulling level-JOHN SWERVES INTO OLIVIA, TRYING TO RUN HER OFF THE ROAD-SLAMMING INTO HER CAR, AGAIN AND AGAIN! ANOTHER SLAM AND HIS BUMPER LOCKS INTO HER FENDER -- HE TRIES TO STEER LOOSE BUT SHE HAS HIM NOW -- SHE ACCELERATES: SPEEDOMETER: vibrating at 99mph105mphup ahead, CRASH DRUMS -she SLAMS her brake, ripping loose, sending Johns car FISHTAILING OUT OF CONTROL--

HIS CAR CAREENS INTO THE DETONATING CRASH DRUMS, SMASHING INTO THE CONCRETE BARRIER, SOMERSAULTING OVER THE REINFORCED EMBANKMENT IN A SPINE-SHATTERING COLLISION AND quiet. Olivia SLAMS her brakes, SKIDDING to a stop. We stay CLOSE on her. Eyes wide, in SHOCK. HOLD for a long beatthe insane turn of events barley registering through the adrenaline screaming through her brain Finally, her eyes track up to the rear view, where she sees: the wreck sits motionless, smoke pouring from its hood. Somewhere in there is John. The man who, until minutes ago, she loved. The man who just tried to kill her. Weakly, she pushes open her dented door. Pulls herself from the carstumbles over the wreckage, terrified to face what shell seeand there he is: Bloody, barely alive. His body crushed, entombed in twisted metal. And the eerie translucent skin almost makes him look like a vampire dying at dawnhe tries to speak, only GURGLES BLOOD Her eyes well, heart shredded, betrayed, watching him die. in his last breath, he manages to say JOHN ask yourselfwhy eyes wet, in shock, she just stares JOHN (CONTD) why Broylessent youto the storage facility (then) why you? Her mind bends -- is he just fucking with her some more?! does he mean something by this? OLIVIA I dont understandwhy who are you working for? He COUGHS more blood, fading. Manages to half-smile, sadlyher eyes well, shes almost pleading OLIVIA Tell me, John. You tell me. Or And

He just looks at her long and hard. And then. He dies.

Olivia just stands there, mind and heart a jumble, his last words echoing in herholding the ugly promise of what shes found herself in the middle of FADE OUT. END ACT TEN

ACT ELEVEN FADE IN: EXT. BOSTON DAY Charlies government issued car DRIVES PAST. INT. CHARLIES CAR DAY Charlie drives, Olivia sits beside him, in shattered silence. Eyes red, numb. Mind a million pieces. Charlie looks at her. Speechless. What can he possibly say. Then, after a long beat, almost at a whisper: OLIVIA I want to go back to the lab. CHARLIE Livvy. I promised them Id take you right to the hospital-OLIVIA I cant go there. Please CHARLIE You need to be checked out-OLIVIA Im fine. (smiles, crying) Im fine, look at me. CHARLIE Livvy OLIVIA Take me back please. Charlie looks at her.

To the lab.

Knows he cant say no.

EXT. HARVARD QUAD DAY Charlies car pulls up -- Olivia gets out. And she sees, across the parking lot, Walter and Peter getting into another black government vehicle as passengers. They see her and stop. She moves to them. A shell of her former self. But somewhere -- visible even now -- is a strength forming as a result of everything she just experienced.

She tries to appear normal in this moment. than okay. Strong. Better

OLIVIA So, uhI was thinking. About everything. About what we did. And what were gonna do next. (beat) And I thoughtgiven everythingthat maybe not sticking togethermaybe thats being a little selfish. PETER --what are you saying? OLIVIA Im saying that the worlds scary as hell. And I dont like it. (beat) But if we can help...dont you think we have to? WALTER Yes. PETER No. WALTER Im in. PETER Youre not in -- youre out, because Im not in. (to Olivia) I cant. You know I cant. OLIVIA Youre the only one who speaks Walter. What if-- please -- what ifwe take care of it? What youwhat you owe. And Jesus, Olivia is just desperate and Peter can see it. stares at her-- a mix of suspicion and concernand, increasingly, heartbreak PETER what happened? He

OLIVIA I just think its the right thing to do. PETER --wheres John? And thats it: Olivia starts to cry-- and Peter moves to her-takes her in his arms. Holds her. Not understanding--but at the same time, knowing --this is where he needs to be. And he says, quietly: PETER (CONTD) Of course Ill stay. Of course I will. And as he holds her, she just whispers OLIVIA --thank you DISSOLVE TO: INT. LAB DAY --suddenly things are being MOVED BACK IN AGAIN. Astrid here, helping. Walter could not be happier, setting up his equipment -- pulling the sheets off yet another really intimidating looking device. PETER I dont even want to know what that thing does. WALTER No you do not. PETER (quietly) You dont even remember what it does, do you? WALTER No I do not. Then Walter sees something that lights up his eyes: GENE, his COW is being brought back in: WALTER (CONTD) Come this way! Over here.


And we find Olivia with Broyles. selfshe will probably never be: While hardly back to her old

BROYLES Im sorry how it happened. But Im glad you changed your mind. OLIVIA Theres a lot well need on Monday. The doctors have a list of equipment -- and of course theyll need a place to stay BROYLES Its all covered -- all of it but we cant wait until Monday. (holds up a file) Theres something I need to show you now. OLIVIA okay. (then, loud) Bishop. And Walter and Peter BOTH turn. OLIVIA (CONTD) Weve got a briefing. And Walter and Peter go with Olivia and Broyles toward their office, attached to the lab, but private, with windows and blinds. Walter and Peter enter -- but before Olivia and Broyles follow, she says, quietly: OLIVIA (CONTD) And theres a slight, uh gambling debt. That well need to cover. BROYLES No problem. OLIVIA Not slight. (then) Massive. BROYLES (re: file) Solve this one and its done.

And hes not joking. They enter the office and as heir FIRST REAL BRIEFING BEGINS, we PULL BACK, seeing them in the officeand we.. DISSOLVE TO: INT. WHITE MODERN CORRIDOR DAY --where are we? Who are we with? All we see are the wheels of a GURNEY, being pushed down the sterile corridor. BOOM UP to see that a MAN is pushing it. And the body is COVERED by a sheet. Finally the Man stops the gurney -- a hand reached out and PULLS BACK THE SHEET. Lying there is JOHN, bloody. Dead. And we see who pulled the sheet back: its NINA CORD. She looks down at the corpse disapprovingly. A long pausethen: NINA how long has he been dead? MAN Five hours. A longer beat, as she stares at the dead man. NINA Question him. And she walks off. And in a LONG SHOT of the corridor, the PROMETHEUS LOGO on the wall, our EERIE MUSIC CRESCENDOS and we CUT TO BLACK. THE END Then:

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