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Helvenblade House

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Mr. Carter, Butler, stuffy but with a good heart—it just doesn’t come out much, except for children. Very
polite and civil to guests—because he has the reputation of the House to uphold—but will expect that
they treat the House with the respect it deserves.

Ms. Logan, the Housekeeper. Civil and cool when on the clock, spritely and fiery when off the clock.
Maternal and warm—but stern. A future Eilynore in some ways.

Lesley, the Cook. Hot-tempered and territorial of her kitchen—likely to not take well to Ozul’s egg habit.
Appreciates EIlynore’s offer to help—but refuses to accept it on principal—you are our guest, and this is
my job, and my kitchen.

Mr. Adrian Coyle, valet to Dala Silmerhelve. Here to accompany Dala Silmerhelve to the Feywild with
Reidoth. They owe a favor to Witchthorn that was owed during the defeat of Claugiyliamatar.

Lady Dala Silmerhelve, boisterous, heroic. Here to help stop the corruption of the lands, and save the
people of them.

When they arrive at the House, belonging to Lord Orlanth Silmerhelve, seeing that they’re an
adventurous sort, and trailing a dragon, the butler (Mr. Carter) greets the party and asks if they are
intending to speak to Sir Gennadi about his curios.

Helvenblade House, has devoted space to being a museum to the War of the Dragon. While the House is
tended to by the servants of the SIlmerhelve family, the museum is curated by an antiquarian, Gennadi
(Umsheryoth in disguise). Gennadi has the appearance of an elderly human male—dressed in simple but
well-made clothing. He has a monacle and bushy sideburns that grow into an equally voluminous
mustache. Gennadi will ask if the party has anything they’d like to donate to the museum—Lord
Silmerhelve is very interested in the history of the war, and preserving what we can before it is lost to
time. (Umserhyoth was a driving factor in cultivating this interest, and they work together to recover
what they can, and keep it from the Cult of the Dragon’s remnants. What’s on display is usually replicas,
the real items are kept in Umserhyoth’s hoard—he has been tasked with archiving them by his father,
Nymmurh—who is on the Metallic Council.) Umsheryoth will not betray the fact that he is Gennadi and
if pressed, will reluctantly admit that he has not seen Umseryoth in a year, but begs that this fact not be
revealed—as the reputation that Umsheryoth has a connection to the manor keeps the place safe.
(Umsheryoth is nonplussed if this “truth” is revealed, as he uses it to test the honor of those who are
given this information. Manx is in on this deception and will express sorrow that his father is not

Reidoth has been accompanying the party because he intended to meet with Lady Dala and Mr. Coyle
and use the foundation in the museum to traverse to the Feywild. This is where Eilynore’s ceremony to
become an Autumnreaver will take place. The water from the Feywild will awaken the shrub.

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The flowers fill the room, the fountain bubbles forth, and Reidoth, Lady Dala, and Mr. Coyle walk into
the fountain, disappearing in the waters.

It is time for Eilynore to join the Circle of Air, and consider which Circle beyond that she would like to
take. The first, the Eldath Circle sail the waterways of Faerûn, searching for knowledge and secrets
beneath the waves that would benifit the Enclave. Second, the Circle of Alluvium, walk the lands of
Faerûn, observing for any unnatural forces that need to be put down and ensuring there is a peaceful
existence between civilizations and the wilderness. Lastly, the Planar Circle, pledged to watch for the
most unnatural forces beyond the Material Plane. Many never return to the Material Plane, but send
word through other means while they keep their vigilance.

Gennadi asks that the party deliver a letter from Umsheryoth to Nurvureem, the Dark Lady.

Gennadi’s exhibits include several memoirs and artifacts from the War of the Dragon. The nearby battle
in Kryptgarden is well-represented by the skull of an ancient green dragon (Claugiyliamatar) hanging
from the ceiling, and twig blights preserved in liquid around the room. The centerpiece of the room is a
fountain surrounded by flowers from the Feywild.

Items found in the exhibits:

Replica dragon masks

Arrows from both Eru and Lady Dala

Painting of an adventuring party sneaking into The Well of Dragons

A giant-sized greatclub labeled The Broom, from a Stone Giant that is covered in runes (it’s actually a
poem in giant enscribed around the club: death goes through the world dressed as a broom, grazing the
floor, looking for dead bodies, death is inside the broom, the broom is the tongue of death looking for
corpses, it is the needle of death looking for thread.

A scale model of Xonthal’s Tower

Robes of the cult of the dragon

A Taxidermied Guard Drake

Bricks from Skyreach Castle

Selected minutes from Council of Waterdeep meetings

a dragontooth dagger

sheet music from Elmoran—Way Down the Dragon Queen Goes, to the tune of Kaleo’s Way Down She

Several books:

A History of Draconic Interactions

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Para-Elemental Possibilities by Xonthal

Severin’s Guide to Draconic Beasts

Tchazzar’s Treachery

The Call of Draakhorn by Maccath the Crimson

Telmar’s Dungeon Appraisal Guide, with a new appendix on Cult of the Dragon finds

Gennadi finds them a dispatch from the Waterbaron of Yartar in 1373 DR, Nuruveem betrayed the Cult
of the Dragon to the authorities in Yartar, who rounded up the cult and killed the lich and dracolich that
were running the Yartar cell of the Cult of the Dragon. The Dark Lady posed as a Zhentarim agent to pass
the message to the Waterbaron. Agent Bellwether, a retired identity from about 120-150 years ago.

Headed towards Red Larch. 2nd of Hammer. Heavy rains and tremors signaling Earth Cultists in the area.
Lightning strike fells tree near tower. Arrive at Red Larch. Bought the book listed in Rumors of Evil under
Vallivoe’s Sundries in Red Larch. Ozul met with Mangobarl, the bakery Zhentarim contact. Didn’t know
of Neverwinter gang war, will look into it. Told to forward news to Halia. Chose the “scorched earth”
option. “So not bandits, but zealots. Maybe use another cult as cover.” Asked for resource of a spy to
search for Firbolg Druid to investigate Scarlet Moon Hall.” Chose to ask a merchant to return news.
Asked to look for where earth cultists who were relieved from blockade were going. Agreed to provide
news and information to Ozul to use him as contact. Asked to send word to Halia about research into
Star Walkers. Given basket of cheese buns by Mangobarl. Nova looked for star maps. Found a beautiful
but outdated one (1388 DR), commissioned for a noble family. Eilynore found a 4-volume set of How To
Start A Merchant Marine Company.

The party retires to the Helm at Highsun for the night to rest up for the travel ahead. Nova leaves
without them noticing to deal. Keun mentions rumors of sighting of Dark Lady to table. Table responds
that it could be why caravans were not showing up. Nova goes to Bethendur’s Storage and warehouses
and heads to the storage room they’ve rented for the year. Drugs, “lots of traveler’s dust”, “catnip”,
“honeybee”, “the lickety-split, a party drug”. Couple of unnamed crates that she doesn’t have access to.
Nova takes one but doesn’t know what is in it—it’s a shipment of starmetal. It’s one of their covers, a
legitimate business of starmetal wildcatters. Discussing with Keun how to hide the starmetal from Ozul.
Tantur Smithy can forge it into ingots but don’t make arm and armors. Nova commissions several wand-
sized rods to later enchant. Nova and Keun begin drinking when they return.

3rd of Hammer. Heavy storms and hot. Inter-party drama as Nova and Keun try to hide the contents of
the chest from Ozul. Eilynore looks on in horror with a thousand-yard stare, foreseeing another “Ozul
Episode” brewing. “I should just charm them all.”—Ozul. Will take entire day to get to outskirts of
Rundreth Manor. Eilynore explains Ozul, his faults, and his buried but present moral compass. Camp at
night to wait until morning to speak with Nuruveem. Ozul sends message to Gennedi asking about
Nuruveem’s lair environs being impacted.

Night passes to the 4th. Unseasonably cold night. Ozul is unsuccessful with charting the stars and
begrudgingly goes to Nova.

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Nuruveem loathes drow and is unusually gentle towards those she is impressed by (human, half-elven,
and elven mages). This will draw her to Keunther, even though Ozul is technically better in interactions
with dragons. Her lairs, including the one in Rundreth Manor are used more as waystations than
traditional lairs. They are places to rest and recuperate, but not loiter. Rockfall traps are used to protect
access to the healing potions she has stashed in her lairs. Rundreth Manor differs in its focus on being
used as a place to entertain. While the grounds of the manor are in disrepair, the basements and cellars
of the manor are well-maintained. Nuruveem ensures that caches of wine, clothing, and food can be
found at this location—as this is where she entertains.

One who has been lured here is Starsong, who found her father, Torrid Riverrun in her travels, but
discovered that he had been driven mad and corrupted by Olhydra. Her and Jaiceri have made their
made inland and have been raiding the outposts and pirate ships that belong to The Cult of the Crushing
Wave. He now commands The Drake, a patrol boat that terrorizes cultists on the Desserin River. They
are not here, as they are in the valley, harassing cultists, and searching for leads on who has betrayed
his troupe (the Rogue card in the Deck of Several Things).

There’s a large tree that grows outside Rundreth Manor. Several bodies are hanging from it and sway
slowly in the wind. Signs hang from some of the bodies, still in armor or robes that show that they
belong to the elemental cults. “Your tribute is an insult.”, “You command no element but your hubris.”,
“I tire of your meddling.”, “My peace is worth more than a Prince can pay.”

When the party approaches closer to the manor, an effect similar to thaumaturgy opens the doors that
lead to an audience with Nuruveem in a loud sequence that echoes down into the basement of the
manor. Whispers echo from below. “I’ve been watching you.”, “Your tales delight me.”, “I revel in your
power.” “I hope, for your sake, that you can continue to entertain me.” There is no one visible until they
find themselves in the basement room that she is in. When they arrive, thaumaturgy’s effect continues
and several braziers burn with a low, dim, purple flame.

The party sees a drow, seated on a chaise lounge, cleaning her nails with a knife. Several empty bottles
surround her. Many of them show the label Red Dragon Crush, from a Barovia winery. Some are reveled
to be healing potions, drained and discarded as well.

“You stink of dragons—but I can smell Umsheryoth on you, and faintly the smell of dead chromatics. You
are lucky that this pleases me.” “You bring a message from Helvenblade?” She looks at you with
anticipation and reaches for a bottle of sparkling wine, spilling some of it on her collar and chest and she
takes a long drink.

“Claugiyliamatar was drawn into intrigues that put her at odds with me—but I’m sure you saw her skull
on display in the home of the Lord and Lady Silmerhevle.” “How is Umsheryoth?” “Oh, but I smell him so
freshly on you.” “I find myself liking him, even though he has such an antiquated mindset.”

“You know of my history. I put a Pox on Pox and ensured that Saurglyce’s bones were ground into dust. I
am no friend of the cult. I find most cults distasteful, but especially the Cult of the Dragon. And you have
placed your thumbs on their scales and thwarted their plans in your own backyard. How…encouraging.”

“You have killed dragons. Doesn’t it fill you with vigor and excitement? Is there any high that compare to
seeing their hubris come crashing down upon them? I must admit that I’m glad that I was there to see

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them fall.” With this the lights dim and then flare—now seated on the lounge, no longer reclining lazily
but sitting up, prim and proper is Halia Thorton.

[If Sildar is messaged: “I’m watching Halia and Hamun right now give a presentation to the faction
council about the benefits of a skeletal crew to retrieve the starmetal.” The Halia presenting is a
doppelganger—Nuruveeem has been the one organizing the doppelgangers.]

Party decides to investigate fire cult first. (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind) in order.

Mangobarl’s team disguises themselves as Cult of the Dragon remnants to strike against Earth Cult. The
strike is in the Dessarin Hills and they’ll try to retreat to the River Dessarin. The remains of the ship they
used to escape (The Wakeful Bastard) is found ripped to pieces, with the wreckage strewn across the
banks. Large teeth marks are gouged into the stern and bow of the ship.

Ozul will find out that there’s been no response from the team Mangobarl sent to ambush the Earth
Cult. Miraj will send a Galder’s Speedy Courier with the ring fingers (and Zhentarim rings) to Ozul. It also
includes a message. “If you desire the rest of them, meet at the River Dessarin under The Stone Bridge.”

(There was enough information for the earth cultist to get suspicious and pass his suspicions up the
chain. Once the description of the “earth cultist” Ozul reached Miraj, a large show of force was sent to
meet them—to take care of Ozul if he was there, and to harass his contacts and supply network if not.)
Use the Tortured Earth prompt on page 113 to introduce the purple worm (Purple Worm comes last).
From the limestone river banks arise two clay golems. Crystals have sprung forth on the river bank from
the excavations of the monsters. Fissures open up as the party explores the area. They are 1d6 x 10 feet
deep and require 10 athletics check to scale up, using your movement to do so. From the riverbed walk
forth earth elementals. The earth cultists have retreated with the Zhentarim agents as prisoners and will
use them as slaves until a hostage negotiation is done with the Zhentarim. Miraj will, as a foil to Ozul,
prefer to attack his network than him personally. EIlynore will compare her newfound writings with
what her clan knows. EIlynore gifts Ozul a book to from Nururveem’s collection: The World and How to
Take It (a manners book). EIlynore gave Ozul a parting lecture.

Eilynore’s sister who was into the stars as a guise of the elements. She met with Nova in the past.

[black pudding in the limestone to help heal the clay golems)

3 earth elementals

2 clay golems

1 purple worm

Keun recognizes 6 artisans who have donated work to Nuruveem’s lair. 3 are still alive. (Will provide
names later). EIlynore discovers the lore of the Temple of Elemental Evil and Return to the Temple of
Elemental Evil in DR 1350 and 1370. Keun was given Blazhserblane (tracer gem). Eilynore gave her
information to Nuruveem and Ozul to retrieve the dwarven map from Sylrona. Keun’s mother was in
the temple of elemental evil party (1e and 3e) and was killed by the cult in retaliation. Nova rooms
with Ozul and explains the significance of stars and astrology and the warrior woman to Ozul—her

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connection to the Warrior Woman’s strength, resilience, and perseverance. She has been studying the
stars since she was very young due to her mother’s divination work (astrology and astronomy). Natural
affinity towards the stars paired with a pursuit of knowledge to learn more about the science and
mysticism of the stars. Nova gives Ozul his astrology reading. Ozul has a Highsun birthday. “There are
always more milestones to achieve, Leo. But how much is too much? Where does one draw the line?
Given the length of that to-do list, smelling the roses may be a far-fetched idea. But that doesn't mean
you can't slow down and approach each task with the precision of a Zen Master. Choose the path of
least resistance. Leo, let 'mindfulness' become your power word.

Cosmic tip: Ground yourself in the present moment.”

Alchemist, vintner (wine merchant), smith still actively producing.

Nova will work with the Rockseekers to learn Dwarvish and guide the starmetal recovery. Nova will start
a library, focused on astrology and astronomy, folklore. A successful history roll suggests that Nova
knows where to look to recover and purchase books for the library, but it will take time and money to
assemble. Nova is adept at passing directions to the Rockseekers for how to recover starmetal. 90
pounds of Starmetal recovered.

Ozul will tutor under Nuruveem to learn shadow magic and will join Nova on a starmetal recovery
mission. He will also share the schematics for the airships with the Gnomes of Gnomengard, and then
giving them materials, funds, and such while he was on the starmetal recovery mission. 4 hearts left,
one beating weakly. 1 astral heart missing. Wants to use a working astral heart to power sub-systems of
airship. Ozul tasks that the hearts be removed from here since the missing one shows signs of
extraplanar thievery. Likely to be done with Gith.

Keun is sent with Sylrona to Sigil or the City of Brass to sell the hearts of the astral dreadnoughts.
Retrieves a toaster as one of the items. Keun makes Ozul’s present—a metal figurine that resembles
what was given to him by Ozul, but in an iridescent green metal. Totem of Ozul. “An eggcracker”. An
adventure is had within Sigil that leads to the City of Brass that results in the attention of the Gith Naval
Intelligence searching for their missing dreadnought hearts (that powered their battleships) and through
a comedy of errors Keun and Sylrona wind up selling them to Lord Volmer. 64 slave-warriors (tiefling,
genasi, human) or 100,000 in gold or items. It was suggested that the items and gold be taken. 64 and
100k was counter-offered. Keun offered 150k and soldiers. Volmer counter-offers with 300k, soldiers,
and ensure that St. Eilynore is removed as a saint. Chose the written in stone devil bargain? Denied after
considering it. When they return from the extraplanar trip. Delivers the funds to the town and gives a
portion to Ozul. Keun will read the books he has on Kwalish and begins to craft a suit or armor,
infiltration-focused. Vorpal shards used to create Polydipsia from Nuruvreem’s dancing sword.

Eilynore prepares for her next step in the Emerald Enclave as a seafaring explorer. She speaks with Sister
Gariele to give her goodbyes and then travels to Lelion to learn how to practice sailing and ship-
smithing. She sails in a circuit along the coastline, eventually making the course more complex and
demanding. She contacts Lhammaruntosz and begins to partner with the Scaly Eye shipping company.
Eilynore makes a pilgrimage to “Mother Wyrm”. Eilynore is granted a boon from Mother Wyrm, living

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vessel on her hull from Ghosts of Saltmarsh, ever-full sails, concussive rounds, Guardian dragon flavored
as a mini-dragon, and taskmaster’s drums. “Dragon-blessed ship”

Hear rumors of someone targeting Water Cult ships, sinking them with no survivors—this eventually
causes the water cult to cease coastal operations and return to the Dessarin Valley. It’s The Drake,
crewed by Captain Starsong. The cult isn’t just pulling inwards, they’re being forced to retreat inland. He
still worships Tymora but took a pact with Deep Sashelas. Large symbols of Deep Sashelas are left on the
wreckage of the ships.

Eilynore sends a letter to her mother updating her on circumstances. Eilynore changes her vestments to
something that befits a sailor. Eilynore returns to Lelion and walks to Phandalin and is greeted with a
triumphant return by the townspeople.

Council with Sildar, Thog, Townmaster Harbin Wester (elections coming up), Sister Gariele, Halia,
Sylrona. To discuss: how to employ and fund the warriors from Volmer. 8 teams of 8.

Halia requests 1 team of 8 to defend mining caravans and 1 team to be stationed with Rockseeker
miners. Ozul wants a trade agreement drawn up with Gnomengarde about security pacts. (Personnel
Utility Transports) blueprints sent to Gnomengarde. Airship being painted. Arcane gate installed on
airship. Will need expertise from planar travels.

Sildar and Sylrona requests majority as a militia. 4 of 8.

Ozul wants crew for the airship, 2 of 8.

Ozul requests that Forge Clerics be brought to Phandalin.

Thog, Ozul, and Harbin are running for Townmaster.

Eilynore moves in with Sister Gariele.

Infernal machine is accessed by the party, amidst squabbling domestic issues.

Keun accesses machine.

49. Blue dial, circle button, medium lever—transported to border ethereal until they can be rescued.

14. Green dial, square button, long lever—lost a level

5. Red dial, triangle button, short lever—returned to level 1.

Ozul accesses the machine.

18. Red dial, green dial, blue dial—ages by 1d100 years (81) to 99 years.

84. Red dial, blue dial, green dial—crown of madness

Keun steps back in.

95. Long lever, circle button, red dial—power word pain

Ozul will hop in.

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87. Circle button, short lever, long lever—gain a level

Party decides to investigate fire cult first. (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind) in order.

Nova’s brother declines the offer to help investigate the disappearance of her parents, and does not
arrive in Phandalin. Nova travels to the Valley of Nexal to begin. She has hired on an appearance for the
library and tells them they will be out of town for a while. Nova stops by to get wand that she
commissioned and checks in on the storage unit—uses goods there to fund the trip. Head to Yartar to
charter an airship.

Nova reunited with the party and was with them at the infernal machine.

Circle button, blue dial, short lever—88 forcecage, Nova chose to go again.

Green dial, circle button, long lever—46 on madness of Orcus—interest in undead and understanding

Triangle button, blue dial, long lever—true polymorphed into a hill giant

Triangle button, circle button, medium level—45—abyssal madness—madness of orcus-12

long lever, circle button, short level—madness of jubilex—86

coming out of the infernal machine

Eilynore contacts Heterepheres. “In Phandalin, had a bad thing happen with party member, need your
help desperately. Hope you’re well. See you soon. Signed, EIlynore.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can, I’ll be arranging a plane shift now. I must finish my delivery. Much love,

Tarsakh 14th date

Tarsakh 1st—Ozul “pranks” Phandalin by major imaging a young black shadow dragon hovering over
Sylrona. Ozul fails his deception by laughing through the announcement that “he’ll take care of it”.
Emerald Fangs are in on it. “Tarsakh Jests!” Ozul commits to the bit and major images burying the
dragon. Ozul puts gems in Sildar’s boots. 300 GP worth. How does Nuruveem respond?

EIlynore tricks a jerk-y dolphin with a fake fish.

Spring Equinox was Ches 19th. That was when Siege of Scarlet Moon Hall begin.

After an hour, there’s a bright light and knock on the door as Hetepheres arrives. Eilynore hands over
the Infernal Machine and Hetepheres leaves with the machine without saying goodbye or helping the

“We gave you the machine. Will you restore my colleagues like your promised now?”

“I have to take care of this. Stop living up to your expectations and start exceeding them.”—Hetepheres

Tarsakh 15th—Keun restored, Tarsakh 16th—Nova restored

Ozul creates scrolls to tutor Zeke.

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Gnomengarde trip—party arrives with the Put Put. EIlynore and Keun get bracers from island that
teleport their arms. The airship is being prepped in a drydock in Gnomengarde. The Stargazer

Ozul speaks with the kings who notify him that the airship is ready and they’ve reverse-engineered an
acid spray gun. Begin trade routes between Phandalin (scrap from island) to Gnomengarde.

Party heads back to Phandalin, to prepare for attack on Scarlet Moon Hall. Ozul contemplates asking
Miraj for advice on attacking the fire cult. Unable due to Ring of Mind Shielding. Party discusses who to
bring to meet with URIVEN OF THE WYSAGWYN’S (Eilynore’s Brother). “We’re going in relatively light”

Miraj sends back a flint rock to his courier spell. Small bag of charcoal is sent in return. (When the fire
burns out, earth remains.) Eilynore sends a message to Miraj. Keun sends one as well.—“Unfortunate
that your mother fell to the Howling Hatred. I think your attentions are best served elsewhere.”

“I know you. Others fear you. I respect you.”—Miraj to Eilynore, along with a torch.

CHES 16th not Tarsakh 19th

Ozul tries to approach with stealth on the airship, hiding behind the hills. Passive perception of cultists is
too low to spot them on approach. The airship touches down in the Sumber Hills.


First: Fire Dragon Wyrmlings

HC1: Command Tent (Iarno Albrek and Ushien Stormbanner)

Iarno is in a command tent with Ushien several Overswords from Yartar. Aides for him and Ushien rush
in and out of the tent, delivering news and taking orders to the front lines. Iarno greets Keun with a
warm smile, but is cooler and more reserved around the others.

“The Knights of Samular met a firbolg druid, and told them of his suspicions about Scarlet Moon Hall.
Their investigation was repelled by the Cult of the Eternal Flame, and both sides began to reinforce the
region as the equinox drew near. We’re losing ground to the Wickermen they’re throwing at us.” There’s
a pause as he looks over at Ushien. “…and plenty of good people too.”

In response to being told about Glasstaff’s crimes and why he is here. “I requested that Iarno be brought
to the front lines as he owes a debt to the Sword Coast that must be repaid. He can pay that debt in
talent, sweat, and blood.”

HC2: Medical Camp

Tents are set up throughout the area. Druids and clerics come and go, sometimes carrying men and
women into the tents on stretchers. The glow of healing magic emanates from a nearby tent, and you
can hear several people working in unison to help heal a group of wounded soldiers. Uriven is sleeping
in one of the tents (he has a level of exhaustion from staying up all night helping to heal people). Uriven
is smaller than Eilynore, but he still lifts her up in a bear hug when they meet. He’s heavily tattooed, with
runes and elemental symbols adorning his arms and bare chest. “They’re drawing power from an
elemental node under Scarlet Moon Hall. It gets stronger as the spring draws near. It’s taking everything
we have to keep them at bay—we’re no longer making any ground to get anywhere near the Hall and

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find out more.”—Uriven “They talk about you, you know.” Uriven says to Eilynore. Word spreads of
what you do for people.”

HC3: Main Camp

The main camp for the siege is manned by the Knights of Samular and the Shields of Yartar. Orders from
the commanding tent are brought here to be carried out, and tired and wounded soldiers are rotated
through here to be relieved and tended to. Even from this distance, the heat from Scarlet Moon Hall
washes over the camp, leaving everyone reddened and sweat-soaked. Several people sport burns, and
the scars of where earlier burns have been healed. Someone yells to “take cover!” and you find yourself
dragged to the ground as a fireball burst lands nearby. There’s a moment of disorientation as you rise to
your feet.

HC4: Knights in Silver Camp

Eager to regain support after the collapse of Luruar, Silverymoon has been sending expeditionary forces
and sponsored adventurers deeper into the Sword Coast to make allies and diplomatic contact wherever
possible. There’s a small contingent of Eldritch Knights and Arcane Archers here, who have established
themselves at a forward camp to repel the forces of the Cult of the Eternal Flame. They’ve had several
losses, but there’s a reluctance to retreat due to the reputation of Silverymoon being sullied. They are a
detachment of The Silver Company, led by Corporal Hawkwood. Squires make their way here from the
main camp to deliver orders from the commanders. The camp shakes as an archer lands a killing blow on
an advancing Razerblast, destroying it.

HC5: Razerblast Outpost

This outpost has been overtaken by Razerblasts as the besieging forces shifted their defense to counter
the Wickermen that began spilling forth from Scarlet Moon Hall. They launch themselves towards The
Silver Company camp, keeping them occupied—and the threat of overtaking the Knights in Silver is
growing every minute. They are aided by Flamewraths.

HC6: Shields of Yartar Camp

The largest numbers of the attacking forces are pulled from the Shields of Yartar—these guards have
been turned into infantry and crossbow units to overwhelm the fire cultists. This also serves as an
impromptu exile for a force that could be turned against the Waterbaron as she completes her purges. It
is currently battling Wickermen who are closing in on the camp. The fire cult hopes for their forces to be
routed, collapsing the siege lines. Aiding the Wickermen are Bugbears and Werewolves.

HC7: Smiling Company Camp

The Smiling Company is an Adventuring Company that is based in Yartar. They’re adjuncts for Tymora,
much as the Defenders of the Icewind Dale were for Sune. They’re actually having decent luck at
repelling the cultists, and are attempting to move forward and flank the forces that are attacking the
Shields of Yartar. It’s still up-in-the-air if their rescue will come in time. The fire cult has unleashed hell
hounds against them to slow their progress.

H1: Courtyard

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“Beyond the ruins of walls ringing the keep’s central tower is a courtyard cluttered with tents. A
humanoid-shaped wicker giant, five stories tall, burns brightly here. It dwarves the two-story tall
wickermen that are assaulting the front lines. Many figures in robes (Eternal Flame Priests) stand around
the wicker giant, their heads lowered in prayer. Surrounding them are a ring of elementals and a strong
show of force from the cult.

The tower is under repair, with wooden scaffolding some thirty feet high stretching across the east and
west sides. Lanterns hang from struts and poles attached to the woodworks. Several guards with
crossbows watch the courtyard from the scaffolding to the west (H4). Rubble chokes a wide doorway,
likely once the main entrance, on the tower’s south side. “

H2: Wicker Giant

“Waves of heat come from the burning wicker giant, but the wooden structure contains the flames
without being consumed by them.”

Bound in the wicker giant are fire elementals. They remain in stasis until called forth by the priests to
join Maegera the Dawn Titan. The Dawn Titan was retrieved on the 4th of Ches from the drow outside of
Ironslag. It was brought here by Draac and Taal Xorlarrin (both of House Xorlarrin), a pair of drow mages.
They were accompanied by six drow elite warriors. (House Xorlarrin is more egalitarian than the other
houses in regards to the status of male drow.) Being so sensitive to sunlight, the drow have retreated to
the Temple of the Eternal Flame.

Elizar Dryflagon, riding on top of a Nightmare, (Elizar has a scroll of flame arrows and a potion of
invulnerability) flanked by 1d4 fire elemental myrmidons, will shout forth the command word when the
party draws near. “Maegera, arise from the ashes and take your rightful place in the world!” “There’s a
bright flash that threatens to blind you, and it feels like there’s an absence of sound as a vacuum
emanates from the flask. It is only after you find yourself struggling to see and breathe that the wave of
sound hits you. You find yourself knocked flat by the blast. If you are able to see, the towering form of
the wicker giant has been consumed by flame. The heat is spreading fires to the tower of Scarlet Moon
Hall. The heat isn’t just stifling, it’s oppressive. Every breath is a labor and and your body cries out for
relief from the heat. The gargantuan form of Maegara the Dawn Titan lumbers toward you.”

The party must make a high CON save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds as a result of being flashblinded
from Maegara’s arrival. Legendary Flask—You can use an action to remove the flask's stopper and
release the creature the flask contains. The creature is friendly to you and your companions for 1 hour
and obeys your commands for that duration. If you give no commands or give it a command that is likely
to result in its death, it defends itself but otherwise takes no actions. At the end of the duration, the
creature acts in accordance with its normal disposition and alignment.

H3: Summoning Pit

“Ruined walls surround this shallow pit, which was probably a basement once. Charcoal and ash dot and
line the floor, as this is where countless fire elementals and hell hounds have been summoned.

H4: Scaffolding

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The tower scaffolding is 30 feet high and nearly as long. Eternal Flame Guardians take watch on the
scaffolding, taking shots at the battlefield below with their crossbows.

H5: Upper Entry Chamber

Two Eternal Flame Guardians are bodyguarding (not that it needs it) an Efreeti here. The Efreeti is here
as a guardian for the tunnels that lead into the Temple of Eternal Flame. The Efreeti will accept
surrender or offers of parley to speak with the temple leadership. He’s also willing to send the party to
the Abyss (they’ll find themselves on a crimson road that winds it way through Merrshaulk’s realm—a
Yuan-Ti deity—the plane shift spell was overridden once it was locked into the Abyss since Ozul has so
many traces of the Emerald Serpent on him. A cloaked figure meets the party on the road. “Do you
know how Tharizdun plans to conquest the planes? Your fight against the elemental cultists is only one
front of a massive, intra-planar war. The shipyards of Twelvetrees ready for war—and the Material Plane
has nothing that can fight them. Yet. Do you know why you’re compelled to conquer the Astral Sea,
Ozul? Because I made you that way.” Ozul’s father drops his hood.

H6: The Downward Path

“A massive pile of rubble—the furniture and flooring from the level above—sits in the middle of this
chamber. A cluster of small fire-creatures burns the wooden beams along the north wall, where a tunnel
leads downward.”

Magmins dot the tunnel, feeding off the residual heat of the area. They attack anyone who doesn’t look
like a fire cultist.

H7: Cultist Barracks

“The room has a dozen bedrolls scattered across the floor. Some stairs continue upward along the inside
of the tower’s north wall.” [Note the weak floor.] The cultists stage here before they are dispatched to
the battlements below. It is currently empty as the cultists were deployed to fight when the party

H8: Elizar’s Chamber

“The room contains a bedroll, a desk, and a bookcase. On the northern wall. A tall ladder leads up to a
trapdoor in the ceiling.”

H9: Red Dragon Wyrmling Rookery

“This chamber is under the tower’s angled upper roof. Holes in the ceiling lead to the open air. A short
ladder to the west leads through one such opening. The room smells strongly of Sulphur and

Four wymrlings roost here, to defend from aerial attacks against the tower. They will be deployed
against the airship once it becomes visible.

“You are supposed to be dead. What do you mean, you made me this way? If you have something to
say, say it to my face.”

Ozhuthu—Ozul’s father.

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Shutul—Ozul’s mother.

Ches 17th

EIlynore heads out into no man’s land with Uriven. Ozul returns to the airship to rest and recover,
quickly falling asleep. Keun stays at command tent to speak with Iarno. Nova heads out as well to
explore. Nova finds some salvage and speaks with the Smiling Company. Uriven speaks with Eilynore
about her family moving towards the ley lines. Eilynore speaks with Uriven about what she learned from
the shadow dragon. Eilynore recounts what has happened to her in the past few months. Box of the
Tempest. EIlynore is the avatar. Keun speaks with Iarno about plans to move forward.

Ches 18th

Ozul speaks with Iarno. There’s some hostility and neither comes out ahead, but Ozul gets the last word
in. EIlynore prepares breakfast and this draws Ozul over. Keun is helping Eilynore, as best he can. Ozul
speaks with Eilynore about how he doesn’t feel in control of his destiny. “I don’t know who I’m
supposed to be.” “I’m used as a weapon, and others are pulling the trigger.” books found in Elizar’s

Chamber. 1, 4, and 8 found.

Keun agrees to Bastian’s deal.


Shield dwarves in fire cultist cells are the Lord’s Alliance team who accosted Zephyros on the tower.
They are veterans named Daina Ungart, Ildehar Ironfist, Hewen Horn, Voldrik Firehammer, Griswelda
Torunn, and Nallt Splintershield. See Storm King’s Thunder, page 36 for more info. They excavated into
the Temple as a way to break the siege and investigate Tyar-Besil, but were captured before they could
succeed. Bastian intended to ransom them to the Alliance in exchange for cultist prisoners. The
characters have advantage on persuasion checks with the team, since they rescued the dwarves in the
mountains. “We’ll fight with you if you can help us retrieve our gear.” (found in Ancient Armory). The
shield isn’t theirs, and they’ll offer it to the party.

The Yuan-Ti malisons in the library are busy loading books and spell components into Speedy Courier
boxes while another prepares a teleportation circle to Chult. This yuan-ti is already almost complete
with the circle and will finish in 2 rounds once the party comes in. Their priority is to escape with their
knowledge to their masters in Chult, so they will ask for parley if possible, but will first and foremost
make a fighting retreat to the circle.

The chimera has been replaced with a Tyrannosaurus Diabolis

( from Chult.

Eilynore’s family has been moving across the Sword Coast to where the leylines are strongest. (Node
magic taps the natural pools and stream of power that collect and run below the earth. This power is not
visible to the unpracticed eye, but those with the appropriate sensitivity know that collection points
called earth nodes are awash with power that can increase the effects of spells and produce other

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magical effects.) Elemental nodes ARE ley lines. Locations: Gauntlgyrm, Olostin’s Hold, Hellgate Keep,
Wyvernflow, Orogoth, Unicorn Run, Red Larch

Eilynore will hear the voices of her brothers and sisters, encouraging her. “You’re the strongest of our
clan in generations.”- Adryn (brother) “You have the resolve to use this power, and not be lost to it.”-
Slyric (brother) “You are a champion, but you’ve never forgotten what it means to be among the
people.”-Fara (sister) “Do you know what spreads faster than the tales of your heroism? The tales of
your kindness.”-Ellamyn (sister) “Every time you draw upon the power of the Old Elementals, it will be
harder to walk back to your own path. But we will be with you, every step of the way, sharing the
burden.”-Kellar (brother)

“When we serve the elements, we are their shepard, we are not their master. You taught me that. We
have awakened the old rituals because we believe that we won’t lose you to them.”-Uriven, EIlynore’s

1st time using the power: You feel the love of your family keeping you grounded. Keeping you Eilynore.

2nd time: The pull is stronger, but love overrules passion. You find yourself thinking of Sister Gariele, of
the way the sunlight always seems warmer when it hits her face. The way her eyes lit up when she first
tasted your cooking. You think of how she felt in your arms, small and gentle, but radiating such strength
and joy.

3rd time: You can feel yourself succumbing to the call of the Elder Tempest. You can see the path back to
being Eilynore in the eye of your mind, but there’s a deep fog that is making the path harder and harder
to see. Suddenly a flame cuts through the fog, and you can hear it being pushed and burnt away. A
firbolg stands on the path, his strong and proud figure humbled by his age and the concerned look in his
eye. Your father’s (Carren) voice rings like a bell into your ears. “It’s time to travel back to the others,
Eilynore. Your journey is almost over. The seasons will change, and with it will come rest.”


Fane of the Eye—nothic Wyx in F14—use handouts and supplement with bullets from The Monsters

Ozul sends a message to Zeke telling the airship to cover the retreat of the Lord’s Alliance dwarves back
to the medical tent.

Ozul tells Zeke to delay assault, since Bastien moves forces to cover the entrance.

Ozul poison sprays the well for a minute.

Ozul casts geas on on Lizzie

Ozul sends a message to Zeke. “Zeke, take wounded to Yartar and petition the Waterbaron for
reinforcements. We are an associate of Keun. Collect diamonds.” Nova joins the airship to Yartar to find
passage east to investigate her family.

“Setting course for Yartar.” There’s a pause. “Thank you, Ozul. I love you too.”

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“Vanifer’s dead. Sending cult soldiers to surface. Prepare to collapse tower and ambush them.”

“Airship left for Yartar with wounded, dwarven Alliance members, Smiling Company, and that tabaxi.
Can move sappers to demolish tower. Not dead yet, I see.”

“Vanifer’s dead, where are you?”

“Beyond the library and barracks. Meet us here.”

Ozul sends constructs to his lab for study. EIlynore overhears the giants conversing.”

Library, Yuan-Ti malisons who serve Ras Nsi. Ozul is of clan Izzu. Teleporation circle paired with ship in
Chultan sea.

Bastien retreats to the weeping colossus.

“Zeke, send a message to Glasstaff to send in troops now.”

“Will do. How do thine?”

Trarkomus the Glabrezu. The source of Keun’s traveler dust. And who Keun used to be. Keun asked “to
be overlooked, so you could have a fresh start, and you sacrificed your brother for it.”

Nova was on auto-pilot and is now active again.

Escorted back to the fire temple. Tsuki is the crewmen from Yartar.

To read after a few days, while Zeke gets the scroll in Yartar. “Come to Yartar. Dug around city looking
for scroll. Elemental orb up for auction. Hand of Yartar. Wink and Kiss Tavern.”

Halia wants the orb as well, and has sent figures in green cloaks to intercept

“Bringing out hostages held by cult. Need medical attention.” “Sending our medics up to meet you.”

Finished W2

Prisoners rescued from w6

Found paintings (still valuable) from Calishite artist Talik al’Hamud

Halia has disappeared, from both places.

Imix was defeated when Ozul threw Tinderstrike into the sun.

Message to Ushien Stormbanner: fire cult leaders dead. Imix banished with fire elementals. Fire node
has been closed. How are things up there? Is everyone alive? Hold for more.

Second message: we have access to other cult temples from here. Do you want to move troops in?

Ushien: Will spread news that Eternal Flame defeated. Are you able to return? Quiet up here. Not just
quiet. Still. Skies are starting to clear.

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do you know where temple entrances are? Can repeat tactics here and lay siege from outside to draw
forces away from you.

Third message: will regroup at camp. Will show scouts where temple entrances are from here. Maybe
you can find out where they are from up there.

Other nodes that elemental cults had access to? Possibility during cleanup.

If Eilynore loses control to Elder Tempest, it heads through the fane to the air portal.

Imix returned to the portal.

Other portals are active but not corrupted by Tharizdun—dates back to drow influence on these portals

Ozul to Yuan-ti from library: Has there been any unusual elemental or weather activity in Chult. With the
cults causing imbalances, we need to know how far spread it is.

Tuhlis reply: Many deaths and dangers stalk the jungles. Many make moves for power and vie for
control. Your cults do not number among them.

Ozul suggests that the Earth cult be their next target.

To read while they’re in the next temple, while Zeke gets the scroll in Yartar.

“Support the alliances forces at the Water Temple.”

Day of travel took the airship. “There’s a problem in Yartar. Dug around city looking for scroll (of create
fortress). Elemental orb up for auction. Meet with Hand of Yartar in Wink and Kiss Tavern.” Leofrun
Yartar backstory with Sylrona

Party decides to attack the Water Cult

Ches 20th

Stormhammer is sending troops to Rivergard Keep. Two days marching of the army to Riverguard Keep.

Ozul approaches Ushien and Iarno about the sigil to Yartar. Harpers have a teleportation circle in Yartar.

Iarno’s wallet falls through the portal bouncing off. Sister Gariele is a Harper. Teleportation Circle in
Yartar is currently being manned by Telmar. Shrine of Luck became Windfall. Dried flowers hanging
around like garland from the eaves. Strings of coins hang from ceiling. What started as mostly local
coinage is being added to by coins from further and further away. Lanterns from Nova hang throughout
the church. Citrine stone decorates the church. Sister Gariele is currently at her desk, scribing. She’ll
show the teleportation map network to the party. Ozul takes time to copy the sigils.

Ozul searches for Halia, but first he talks to Umun, the awakened drake. He now has open-toed Boots of
Flying and Ozul has the wings from Kwalish.

Nova’s bookstore has a bodega cat, her name is Linin. Coffee cart is present. Exotic foods and delicacies
served with cart. Jo, a half-elf clerk for the store is running. Inventing The Sun, a history of Pelor and his
church. Queen With Money—biography of a peasant who became a merchant princess. “Based on a

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True Story”. Scared of the Moon—manifesto about how it is the sacred duty of the drow to rise up
against Lolth. Jo asks if it’s okay to hire on new help, and Nova agrees.

Nova returns to where she lives, and heads to the hidden basement. Nothing has been disturbed.

Ozul is searching for Halia. He asks for her at the miner’s exchange and sends a message to her that goes
unanswered. She’s currently on the spaceship, searching for magical artifacts.

They meet Telmar in Yartar. Ozul told him to send a runner. Telmar will arrive himself.

Party is discussing flag for Phandlin.

Ozul heads the party to the Waterbaron’s Hall. They are made to wait for a few minutes as she is already
in a meeting. They are served tea. Several armed guards arrive and ask the party to follow them to a
meeting room.

Ozul messages the gunner “Kindly point the Stargazer over the Waterbaron’s home.”

Notarized document with trade documents. Have Telmar overlook them? Ozul sends message to crew to
re-orient the Stargazer.

Ozul asks about an investigative network (I know a gentleman, but he’s busy. It’s Orion), and Nestra
asks in return for an embassy to be established in Phandalin. Council of Dessarin Valley

EIlynore suggests that they strengthen ties with their neighboring town, not Yartar.

Spring Garden Cemetary

The orb of devestation was to be used against the Storm King’s party. Nareen requests that Haliyra be
geas’d. “Do as you wish”. Keun kills Haliyra and is punched by Eilynore. Who is revived by Ozul. It’s a
whole thing.

Haliyra is asked to become a spy for Phandalin.

Ozul searches for Eilynore who walked off. Eilynore searches for Maxaris, an escaped elven slave (she is
tattoeed, and the tattoos extend from her arms and chest up along her face. They mark her as a slave
that belongs to a noble family from Mulhorand.) Personality is beginning or ending day with rites. Ideal:
far from home—everything is lovely; bond—lament leaving loved ones behind; flaw: I have a weakness
for the exotic beauty of the people of these lands. Fortune frog’s folder: Don’t be satisfied with stories,
how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth. “We’ll meet again.”

Eilynore and Ozul have a heart to heart about how he’s grown under her influence.

Ozul writes a note to Sildar and Sylrona asking to take in Haliyra for training.

Keun buys 4 hats. He can turn them into caps of water breathing.

Ozul finds Zeke with 3 tieflings and gives him one hour to join the ship.

Yartar proposal is currently “stuck in committee” Write a letter to “the Phandalin Resource Committee”

Fire genasi oil wrestling.

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Disciples of the Phoenix begin to pilgrimage to the Temple of the Eternal Flame. They can be found
walking towards the Dessarin Valley. A letter is found rolled up at the Stonehill Inn in the party’s
mailbox. They will invite the party to a dojo that they’ve established in Red Larch. The acolytes will use
the Sun Soul monk stat block from the NPC Statblock, and the master will use the Drunken Master

Use “Downpour” reprisal, page 113

Page 5 of this document—earth cult ambush.

Starsong is joined by the Red and Blue Oni from the Chauntea preserve.

20th of Ches

Marid plane shifts to the elemental plane of water.

Clam, speak to animals.

Gar disappears into the portal, unhurt. Olhydra is unfought.

“Ushien, the water cult leader is gone, their portal is closed. All is well down here. Do you need our
support down here to clear the upper levels?”

“You haven’t already sent support? There’s a gunboat giving the keep hell and Rockseeker mercenaries
that were already trying to get a beachhead.”

“The gunship is mine, you saw it. We can come personally to assist you if you need it. Next target is to
be determined, we’ll brief you in person.”

“Not an airship. A riverboat. Dolphin on the sales.”

“Zeke, status report. What’s going on?! Is the riverboat on our side?! Do we need to destroy them?”

“I mean, if you want to go through some personal issues, that’s your call. I don’t think Starsong would be
too happy if you did.”

“Is he on that boat? Or is it related to him?”

“He was. I think he went on the beachhead with those rockseeker mercs.”

Starsong reunion with the party.

They find the letters from the artificer in the water temple and plan to return to Phandalin.

Flashback to time when they were training their militias and sparring with their units to introduce
warfare techniques.

Sending to Sylrona, “There is evidence of a spy in Phandalin. Unsure who it is. Trust no one. Meet us at
the docks.” “We’ll let Sildar know and meet you at the docks.”

“What part if don’t trust anyone don’t you understand?”

“Sildar is an exception.”

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The airship is moored to the keep.

Sildar takes notes, and then allows Ozul to “probe his mind”.

21st of Ches

Election held during Greengrass. They’ll head door to door to see who’s handwriting matches the letter.

A paranoid Hamun is met with Eilynore, and gives her information on Kalim, the alias that the
mausoleum digger. He also sets up an illusory script and gives it to her. The Parchment shows a stylized
H and K to her. He mentions he saw a red-robed figure.

Ozul walks up to the first home. “Harbin has a child dungeon.”—Ozul. He meets with the “ambiguously
brown” man and then a group of miners. “Harbin is thinking of closing down the mine.” One of the burly
miners is frustrated by this and goes to confront Harbin. Then he meets a group of kids and plays with
them and tells him to hand out pamphlets. “Harbin runs a child dungeon.” Ozul finally meets a group of
people and tells them, “do you really want a bugbear to be your mayor? Thog don’t care, but Ozul
does.” He then goes to some Thog supporters but is unsuccessful.

Keun—notes were written as were coming here. Keun goes to Stonehill Inn and carouses with the
patrons. Keun meets a Thog supporter and strikes up a conversation. “Personally, I’ve never delved too
deep into politics.” He brings up if they’ve seen any Zahkaran figures. He mentions he saw a white-robed
figure.”. Toblen has the coppers from the Zahkarans. They were given to him at the party the town had
after Venomfang was defeated.

Keun sends a message to Eilynore. “Might have some info. Where are you currently?”

Eilynore asks Hamun about if doppelgangers can cast spells.

“Heading to the cemetery, meet me there.”

Nova—Nova goes back to her home, and she checks to make sure things were not disturbed. She picks
up some of the drugs to have on hand. Mostly personal use, but a little extra for distribution. “Packing
for a party.” Nova walks past Keun in the Stonehill Inn, to see where he is. Nova heads to the transient
part of town. Merchants and refugees from other towns. Family’s name is well-known as a dealer. She
meets a crew who agrees to watch over the store and defend it. And do handymen jobs and build up the
stall. She asks for a 2nd floor to “crash at”. Nova tells Jo that she can contact her through Sylrona.

Nova and Keun casts Major Image to make copies of themselves and Eilynore sees it as she walks past.
Seeing two of them, she immediately casts disguise self on herself to look like an elf.

Gariele saw the person, but their robes were brown. The Unseen (doppelgangers) are impersonating
The Unseen (elemental mages). When the party investigates the handwriting, they discover (through

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someone who has skill in a forgery kit (Hamun) or calligraphy (Gariele) that the ink and parchment is
from Zakhara. “In Zakhara, they used indigo to make parchment since it is durable and will withstand the
sands.” “Elemental mages are prevalent in those lands. They are often persecuted, so they keep a low
profile—but they’re not hidden.” Gariele will mention that someone strung up 100 coppers from
Zakhara, but she wasn’t here when they did. Hamun will mention that someone bought the services of
his skeletons for 10 silvers from Zakhara for some excavation months ago. “They said they needed them
for grave digging and when I went to retrieve them, they had them dug, so I haven’t given it any more
thought until now. This was after Venomfang hit and we didn’t have any shortage of graves that needed
to be dug.”

Noodle Place: Butterfly Noodles

Magic save is 17 (Archmage), but there is no save for darkness and silence—because you just have to
move out of them. One of the new graves is a mausoleum. The crypt is a secret entrance that descends
to a dungeon. Maybe make obelisk from template and tiles, if time for dungeon map. The room is
conspicuously non-descript, just an empty stone room. The numerous glyphs can be found with an
investigation check, BUT the first glyphs are triggered by someone seeing through the Major Image that
is generating the non-descript walls. When the party is able to see through the non-descript walls, one
wall reveals an obelisk behind it. When the obelisk (the Nightstone) is revealed to them, the gylphs that
are underneath them (whether this is in the entryway or near the obelisk is up to you) and subjects
them to the silence and darkness spells. “You find yourself in pitch-black, and unable to see, and when
you go to call out to your party, you can’t hear your own words, though you know you must be shouting
at them.” Stone curse on Ozul. Eilynore punches through and is cursed as well.

These coffins are empty. 4, 3, 2, 1.

Keun to Ozul, “At graveyard. Found underground tunnel in new mausoleum. Come on by if you want.
We could use the help. Love, Keun”

“Alright, on our way. Got some information anyway, need to compare notes. I don’t love you. Not there

“Halia’s doppelganger is not in town. Neither is Halia.” “I don’t know why it’s here.”—Ozul

(Kalim, Mansour, Samir, Talib) all but Kalim are melted into snow.

Residential and tax records? Harbin would be the one to check into that. “We’ve got that goin’ back
years. When do you need?” “Last Census was five years ago.” “Check for Kalim”

Keun to Town Watch and then Harbin. Keun approaches SIldar. “Disguise self instead of
doppelgangers?” “We have not apprehended all the suspects.” Suggests that people carry identification.

Eilynore to Sister Gariele. “You know Hamun?”

Ozul is resting.

Nova joins Eilynore.

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Glyphs can be turned off from a dispel magic spell, but not by counterspell. And the next set of glyphs
are triggered by the release of the first glyph. Because of this, they are unable to see that a wall of stone
spell that snakes through the room, walling up the party. They can roll a dexterity save to evade it, but
at disadvantage. A success is due to feeling the vibrations of the stone as the wall moves closer.

When the party smashes through the stone, the final glyphs are triggered, casting the spell Bestow
Curse upon them, using the disadvantage on attack rolls option for 24 hours. (Towards the enchanters’s
simulacrums and themselves). The real enchanters are archmages (simalcrums of clones of Manshoon),
and have long since left Phandalin (they did so when Hetepheres first appeared.) They are in the guise of

In response to the intrusion, their simulacrum will attack the party, since some of them will be
disadvantaged on attack rolls against them. The party will be attacked in town. The simulacrums intend
to cause as much collateral damage as they can prior to Ser Aethelnoth’s arrival. The Unseen
(doppelgangers) are allied with The Unseen (archmages), and this alliance extends to Haayon and the
noble families that Aethelnoth has successfully petitioned.

In the dungeon, is the Nightstone, brought and buried here from Nightstone. It will mesmerize and
paralyze dragons that are near it, and between this and Ozul’s careless use of an illusory dragon,
Nurvureem believes that Ozul was the one who had it brought to Phandalin to bring her to heel.
Knowing that any victory over the party ranges from pyrrhic to unlikely, she has gone into hiding. The
Unseen did not know that she was a shadow dragon, and brought it here to prevent further dragon
attacks on Phandalin. They later learned this from their doppelgangers in the Emerald Fangs and are
moving to neutralize the party’s allies.

Ser Aethelnoth will arrange for the nobles of Yartar to call upon Sildar and Sylrona to attend a meeting in
the city in regards to hosting a recruitment station at Yartar during the Shieldmeet for Phandalin
adventurers. Sildar will encourage Sylrona to attend, even if she has reservations, as it will help them
ease into retirement to have more opportunities to delegate security tasks to others. Sylrona and Sildar
are kidnapped and brought to the dungeon, where the doppelgangers are trying to learn as much as
they can from them. This is aided by enchanters charming them into compliance.

Sister Gariele will thank Eilynore for the donation that she made to the Lady’s Hall in her name. Eilynore,
in her confusion, will ask about it, and this will confuse Gariele in return. “You don’t have to be modest,
the gold and gems that you donated to the temple.” “I’ve been asked to make a pilgrimage to The Lady’s
Hall in Baldur’s Gate.” Eilynore can encourage her to stay, or they can escort her—if they do, the
ambush is triggered (possibly intentionally). The ambush is a team of enchanters, doppelgangers, and

Larry saw Kalim but as a mountain man. Mountain man was hunting up in Starmetal Hills. Larry tells the
lore about his Hunters.

Ozul tries and fails to scry for him.

The plan is for all to be ambushed on the road and kidnapped. Killing isn’t ideal, since they want to mine
the NPCs for information and replace them.

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They allied with Haayon and Aethelnoth to overthrow the Resource Committee and seize upon the
resources that have been brought to the town by the party. The doppelgangers posed as Emerald Fangs
and Ozul and collapsed the remains of Rundreth Manor on top of the entrance to Nurvureem’s lair.

“Halia, I need you to respond. Kalim has been discovered. Was viewing you as a rival. Help us stop him.”

“Kalim? Kalim wants you dead? That means Manshoon wants you gone. Leave the sword coast. Don’t
even tell me where you go.”

Ser Aethelnoth, seeing that the writing is on the wall, has left Feathergale Spire with Haayon and is en
route to Phandalin. He has a claim (legitimate, but outdated) to the Tresendor Manor. He is a
descendant of Ser Aldith Tresendar, also known as Sir Black Hawk. The Lord’s Alliance will be called in to
adjudicate. Upon seeing the claim presented by Aethelnoth and the claims and merits of the party, the
Alliance will side with him on the condition that he reimburse the Phandalin Town Council and Phandalin
Resource Council for the work that has been conducted restoring the manor, and their efforts to defend
it from outside attack (stewardship). The Alliance contact will suggest that Phandalin become a vassal of
Yartar, to sidestep any hostility, but is shut down by Aethelnoth (and likely the party as well). The noble
houses that Aethelnoth has petitioned are notably not from Yartar—this implies that he does not have
the Waterbaron’s blessing and he is in a position where “it is better to ask forgiveness than permission”.
Said forgiveness is much easier to come by when Yartar has Phandalin as a puppet state and the Forge
and Mines are in Yartaran custody.

Aethelnoth’s plan is to gain control of the town, and then the Forge of Spells, and retake the weakened
temples of fire and water. He will base himself out of “Falcon’s Hunting Lodge”, found in the Essentials
Kit. Several nobles that are sympathetic to his claims and the Feathergale Knights can be found here.
Expecting the party’s airship to cause trouble, Haayon’s cloud tower is present. The armies of the nobles
have been brought here as well. (See Strongholds and Followers). Aethelnoth has considerable influence
and his arguments sway several nobles, “those commoners cannot and must not be seen as equals. They
are beholden to no one but themselves. They are dangerous.”

Aethelnoth has petitioned several noble families. House Belabranta, the noble house that trained Sildar
when he was a member of the Griffon Calvary, is one that took up his petition, since their leader—Huld
was replaced by a greater doppelganger.

But the party has been heroic, even if not all of them are heroes. There’s a magnetism to them. See page
131 of Strongholds and Followers for rolls.

Marlos Urnrayle and Miraj Vizann, have taken the opposite approach to the Cult of the Howling Hatred.
The Howling Hatred has decided to scatter throughout the Sword Coast, hiding in plain sight on Lyn
Armaal, the Cloud Giant castle. They’re going to focus on guerilla warfare while Ser Aethelnoth rallies
noble families in Waterdeep to rout the players out of Phandalin. In contrast to all this, Marlos has
decided to push for the patient option—negotiating for an end to the hostilities. They will ask for “uti
possidetis”, where each side keeps what they have gained during the conflict. They are willing to play
the long game, and seeing the defeats of the other cults, so is Ogremoch. The intent is to be a
formidable force enough to be left alone—and once enough time has passed in isolation, gain a

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legitimacy based on longevity—whereupon the Cult can use their newfound political power to try this
again. Marlos will have Miraj be the diplomat for most civil and political dealings.

Their demands:

Maintain possession of The Temple of the Black Earth

Their worship will not be infringed.

Ironfang remains in the possession of Marlos and the Cult of the Black Earth.

The Phandalin Resource Council must provide notice of their arrival within the Dessarin Valley to the
Temple of the Black Earth. Repeated failures to do so will be seen as a revocation of this armistice.

They will not attack the Cult of the Howling Hatred.

All cult members will be granted amnesty.

Their concessions:

All members of the Black Earth will return to the Sacred Stone monastery and the Temple of the Black

All earth devastation orbs will be relinquished to be detonated at a safe and remote location.

The Cult of the Black Earth must provide notice of their arrival within the Greater Phandalin Area to the
Phandalin townmaster.

They will not aid the Cult of Howling Hatred.

Ozul’s spellbook will be returned.

Ozul messages to the Night Hag: So we found out that Manshoon is trying to take over Phandalin. I need
to call in that favor and am requesting a soul bag.

“I had a feeling that you would be asking for help. Give me some time and I’ll have something special
made up for you.” (she’ll have to kill someone)

Keun suggests that they suggest looking at the Infernal machine.

Eilynore and Ozul say that maybe wait until after the Earth cult is dealt with?

The letter from Mansire was delivered to Keun.

The airship, Eilynore, and Nova will stay in Phandalin.

Ozul will hire runners to go to Goldenfields and Leilon and Neverwinter to see if anyone will aid in the
defense of Phandalin. “Might be able to request help from Halia.” Ozul will ask for training to make
hedge wizards.

21st of Ches—Aethelnoth is there during Fleet Week. Eilynore suggests going to Waterdeep to curtail
Aethelnoth’s efforts.

Zeke will pose as Ozul through disguise self.

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Sylrona tells the party of her history with Ser Aethelnoth.

Waterdeep—Nova and Eilynore—high, mid, and low tier carousing.

Ozul made seven pairs of sending stones—Sister Gariele, Nova, Eilynore, Sildar, Sylrona (see diagram)

SKT party is currently in Waterdeep trying to sell the demon armor.

They’ve got a “spell tower” built on the airship that connects the sending stones.

Nova goes to shop to get her goons. “There may be a threat coming to our town. We need your help.”

Jerome, Kyle, Chester are the names of the goons.

“as discreetly as you can, search for Zhentarim spies”—Ozul wants a list of suspects. Focus on spies,
Sildar and Sylrona will focus on defense of Phandalin. Hide in lab if things go pear-shaped.

End of 21st of Ches arrive at Earth Temple.

Sending to Ushien: “Earth cult is next target”. Be there in 9 hours. “It will take time to march there. We
will join as soon as we can.” Move Starsong to target the Earth Cult.

Eilynore’s been invited to the Red Larch tournament.

They meet with the Stone Samurai.

And are brought before Marlos and Miraj to end hostilities. Miraj has had his memory modified by Ozul’s
father. Marlos turns Miraj to stone. Deliver the earth orbs to the Knights of Samular for disposal. But any
other devastation orbs are not.

“Matters have changed. The Cult of the Black Earth has agreed to peace. They will deliver the
devastation orbs to your armies for disposal.” Ozul asks that the party be told of the arrival of the earth
cult. “Call me if you feel they will attack you.”

Glasstaff has called into Yartar.

“Earth cult has been dealt with. Keun and Ozul are currently recovering and keeping an eye on matters.”

Jerome, Kyle, and Chester are brought with Nova and EIlynore to head to Waterdeep. “Fleet Week”—
Sea Maiden’s Faire—sent goons to the dives while they check docks.

Eilynore Nat 20, 15—4 allied contacts—frustrate his efforts is what Eilynore focuses on rather than
raising their own armies.

Nova 17, 5—2 allied contacts, 1 made hostile

20,000 gold debt to the Caravaneer’s Guild. Nova had product on his caravans that were destroyed.
Nova mentions that her home was burned down and that her family is missing. Maybe it was a dragon
that attacked your family? (It was the caravan that attacked Orion’s brother’s caravan). Shrine to
Waukeen. Eilynore does a ritual on it. Eilynore will cut a tax break from Phandalin to the Guild to pay off
the debt the House owes. House Irlingstar is the name. Boyd was the Lord.

Wharf Rats sent Nova to keep an eye on Keun. “I am really bad at knowing who is a spy.”—Eilynore

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Larry finds Aethelnoth at the Hunting Lodge. “Can’t take the shot. Too many people here.”

Ozul loses 3 points of Wisdom. He passes into the Ethereal plane but is rescued by Hetepheres.

Keun activates the Cloudkill option. The second attack is crown of madness on each other.

Ozul—Madness of Baphomet—93 Ozul is rendered deaf.

Hamun can make the goggles to detect the doppelgangers.

Keun—Border ethereal. Then loses a point of wisdom.

Ozul’s INT goes up by 2.

Keun is turned into a lady. Lady Kendra.

22nd of Ches

The party reunites on the midway to tell them their idea to sabotage Aethelnoth’s reputation. Ozul
mentions that he has a plan for the Zhentarim in passing. Kendra could be a diplomat from Neverwinter.
Ozul will portray that he’s Aethelnoth and have a row with Kendra’s disguise. Aethelnoth is in
Waterdeep to raise armies (currently in the North and Sea Wards). Sister Gariele has hired escorts to
Baldur’s Gate is the cover for the party. “Ser Aethelnoth” causes a scene at The Gentle Mermaid in the
North Ward. They head to the party at Roaringhorn’s Villa.

“You have a dwarven historian prisoner, would you be willing to separate with him and his materials.”

Marlos--“A transaction? So soon? We are willing to part with him. 1,000 gold for him. 1,000 gold for his

“Agreed. I will send my ship with the gold, deliver him to my crew, and they will pay you. What about
your other prisoners. Parley?”

“50 gold per head. Your crew will meet us on land. Your ship will remain over the horizon. There are 19

“Take the stargazer to the Earth Cult Temple. You’ll be trading 3,000 gold for 20 prisoners and books.
The knights of samular will be there to provide assistance.”

Eilynore disguises herself as a moon elf with local finery. Sister Gariele blushes at her history at the High
Flagon. Nova’s crew heads to The Bard’s Schlong.

Eilynore finds the bartender first. And then madame. Who asks for a favor in exchange for the
Courtesan’s Guild temporarily blacklisting Aethelnoth’s armies. (any who pay with his coin). The
madame gives Eilynore a bottle of house wine. Bartender—Brittany. Madame name is Eva.

Nova’s crew is sent out to find Aethelnoth’s location.

They dine at the Amcathra’s banquet. Eilynore sets across from Ser Aethelnoth.

Aethelnoth is charmed by Ozul into telling House Amcathra of his affiliation with the Cult of the Howling

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Kendra—Chief Artificer of Phandalin

Message to Roaringhorn—long story but I need to be recognized as a lord of the Lord’s Alliance, can you
help me with that. “Prasinus”—Ozul’s new house name. Latin for Emerald color.

“The process is long, and involved. Usually. However, with great deeds and commerce behind you, that
can potentially be granted.”

“Could you help me with that tomorrow morning?”

“I can help you tonight, you are welcome to rest here.”

Elmoran is called when Ozul randomly shoots off fireballs.

St. Eilynore’s School for the Wayward Girls, as she funded an orphanage.

Nova retires to her room with Floyd, the scion of the house that wants to marry her.

Eilynore takes Gariele out on a small boat to the sea. Nova goes to check on her goons and see what
they’ve learned. Nova discovers that Ser Aethelnoth has been seen with the Feathergale Knights, looking
for mercenaries and hireswords.

23rd of Ches

The party meets in Roaringhorn’s study to discuss their next moves.

Ozul messages Ushien “Send some scouts to air cult base, might be abandoned, can you confirm this for

“I’ll divert our march near there and hire some Uthgardt to check it out. I’ll find out one way or the

Message to Zeke: Anything going on in Phandalin? Any dangers? Archers from House Roaringhorn
showed up to train our forces.

Zeke messages back: “Hamun spoke with me. Asked for you to meet him where you met him. Said he
wouldn’t be back in Phandalin until then.

Countess Sansuri and Lyn Armaal are already on high alert due to the Defenders of the Icewind Dale
raiding the skycastle. Cressaro is currently suffering from the ailments of being raised from the dead.
Sansuri is spending most of her time tending to him, and was more amenable to the Cult of the Howling
Hatred being based in Lyn Armaal as a buffer against further incursions. She expects the Defenders to
return, with aid in tow.

The airships are currently docked underneath the skycastle to shield them from the hailstorm that
Sansuri casted. The ship takes 2d8 bludgeoning for every 20 feet it travels through the storm. The area is
“difficult terrain” and the ship’s speed is halved. Sansuri will end it as the airship closes within 480 feet
to allow the ballistas on the skycastle to take aim and for the airship to move to intercept.

Nature check to determine location: Evermoors

“Over Evermoors. Summoned Maegara. Fighting Smiling Ones. Set off devestation orb. Send help.”

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“I’m coming back. Meet me where I landed at before.”

50ft speed. The howling hatred has two airships (AC 13, HP 300, +6 to hit 120/480 with 4 ballistas (fired
as an action) 16 points piercing damage per hit). One will move to engage with the party’s airship close
up in a boarding action. The other will attack from afar, keeping closer to the port lawn to evacuate the
children. Thullen will oversee the transfer. The boarding party will include air myrmidons, skyweavers,
invisible stalkers, and initiates, and is led by Windharrow. The griffons and their riders will stay close to
the castle and harry any intruders that make it onboard, doing their best to disrupt any attempts to dock
by the party’s airship.

Aerisi Kalinoth has been staying close to Countess Sansuri and preaching about
the might of Yan-C-Bin. Sansuri was bemused at first, but found that the cult of
the howling hatred would make more than just an ally of convenience, but a
chance to open the wedge in the Ordning’s wake and place her on top. Aerisi has
a potion of giant size that she will take when she is aware of attack by the party
(likely when the airship appears). Windvane (+16 to hit) deals 27 damage one-
handed as a result or 30 two-handed, plus 6 points of lighting damage. Her new
HP is 132. Her new strength is 25 (+7). Her reach is 10ft. Her size is huge.
In the Hall of Masks, there is a cabal of Smiling Ones. Their primary goal is to deprive the party of their
treasure and magical items, making them easier targets for the rest of the giants and cultists.

Sansuri and Aerisi move to fight Magaera with the Smiling Ones.

Sansuri brings her “Chess Collection of 30 helmed horrors and 2 shield guardians” to bear against
Meagara. Half of the damage to Sansuri is given to whichever shield guardian is within 60 feet of her.
She has also cast Globe of Invulnerability due to knowing that the party has skilled casters. Aerisi will
cast Storm Sphere on Maegara. Smiling Ones have sneak attack.

Open with scry. Failed and Kendra saw.

Party hears clanking of helmed horrors.

Kit, and her familiar Bar-the cleric of Sune; Bridger, the mountain man nature priest of Silvanus. Strikes
up a conversation with Nova. Bridger gives her woad, to up her AC.

Lyn Armaal was headed to Silverymoon. Kendra uses sending to a king of gnomengarde.

“Know anything about navigation orbs that cloud giants use. Know how to make one?”

“You’d need a giant expert on that one.” Roaringhorn will check his notes on the giants and see who
authored them (Orion).

Kendra asks about going to the Infernal Machine.

Message to Reidoth—Heroes Feast, let them know of the sky castle.

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Ozul puts the ship on Yellow Alert. “Put the guard and Emerald Fangs on medium alert just in case
anything comes.”

Hetepheres is not present. She is on her own duties. Kendra goes to grab Nova. Kendra gets plus one to
intimidation. Nova steps back in and loses 1 charisma. Kendra goes in again and finally lands a successful
combination and is granted an Oathbow. Nova lands in Arvandor. Dimilles the centaur, takes Nova to a
“tree library”.

“To leave, you must hunt the white stags with us.” On the chase for them, in a wild hunt, she returns to
the woods outside of Phandalin.

24th of Ches

Hamun is not back yet, he is walking back to Phandalin. Enjoying the chance to be clear-minded.

Eilynore stops at the mining office to order more brackets, nails, ironworks. Iron fencing is in season, and
a few have requested it to be sent to the following addresses in town.

Ozul takes Kendra and Nova back to the forge of spells. Ozul lets the soul of Miraj pass on.

Sister Gariele is teleported back to the Forge to join the party.

Eilyore’s family is heading to Goldenfields around this time of year. Do the elders know of friendly cloud
giants? Or navigation orbs? 2 weeks arrival time.

“Could you keep me updated on my claim to Phandalin? I need to be aware of Aethelnoth’s movement
and any further actions I need to take.”

“I’ll forward anything I can pull from Harper dispatches and trade information with Lord’s Alliance. Looks
like I need to meet with them anyway.”

Letter to Hag: if you have completed the bag, please send it in this courier’s chest. 300 gold to maintain
good relations. Soul bag is currently full of muffins. Directions: open bag, point towards enemy

Party is awaiting Aethelnoth’s first move to not appear as a belligerent.

Asks Sister Gariele to send information to Harpers asking Aethelnoth.

Teleport to Waterdeep Harper Circle and then to Goldenfields then to Red Larch. Harper Teleport Circle

Roseshade, the wild elf and his team of Colossal Slayers that were hunting ogres and were ambushed.
The party healed him.

“Watcher Gariele here, with friends of the order.”

Blackstaff met with Ozul. Didn’t go great as he was sneaking into the tower. But could have went
horribly. “Set an appointment next time and we’ll see how far you get.”

Dailantha's Herbs & Exotic Plant—pixie owner of a “Fairy Garden” herbalism store.

Arranging to meet with Eilynore’s family. Loudwater, could meet in Secomber.

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Road to goldenfields—hill giants and hobgoblins

Loudwater is a diverse town. It is ruled by High Lord Telbor Zazrek, mage that is in the pocket of the
Zhentarim. (He will be on Halia’s side, not Manshoon’s). Info on SKT, page 97-98. A semi-circle of large
skulls (of stone giants) flank the path into Loudwater. Eilynore’s family has met with a Cloud Giant,
who warned them to steer clear of a team of fire giants that were marching towards Triboar. He gave
them a magical flute, blow once at each spot on their journey where they came across giants or the
tracks or remains of giants, and to blow 3 times if they wished to meet again.

Goldenfield—shrines to Eilynore; Hill Giants fighting off neophyte paladins and clerics

Disciples of the Phoenix are hosting a tournament and using it to meet with the populace and pilgrims to
see who is worthy of tending to the Temple of the Eternal Flame. There are two trials: Fire of the Hearth
and Fire of the Forge. The Hearth focuses on Kossuth’s flame providing warmth and comfort to those in
need. There is a cook-off, a hot-pepper eating contest, people selling totems and fetishes of Kossuth,
and a bonfire is being built. Fireworks are shot off after the sun sets. The Forge focuses on providing
defense to those in need, and mastering fire to create tools, arms, and armor. Smiths and artisans are
highly regarded by the Disciples, as they follow both trials. There is a steadily growing collection of
dwarves into Red Larch to help reclaim Tyar-Besil.

The martial tournament is a 2v2 competition. One team is designated Sunrise (begin facing east) and
one team is designated Sunset (begin facing west). If one member falls, the team falls. This is meant to
encourage support and cooperation.

Champions for the day (martial arts adepts, volos)

Eilymade (gaelic for element)

Team 1 “Tiger Fists” Kam and “Wildflower” Jasmine

Team 2 “Hammerhead” Mitzi and “Thunderbolt” Lukas

The Dawnlord is the “master of the dojo” and wishes to learn about Eilynore’s spirit. (Drunken Master

Met with Dawnlord.

Ozul spoke with Halia about her options moving forward.

Eilynore spoke with the Dawnlord about religion.

A lone hobgoblin, General Krug, on a horse slowly trots through Phandalin. A shield is strapped across
his back, worn and blemished, but the painting of a drow maiden dancing nude in front of a moon is
still visible. An eyepatch covers his eye. The General rides into town with news: In Neverwinter Forest,
an army is gathering under the cover of the trees. Ser Aethelnoth prepares his forces there, away from
the prying eyes and guns of any airships. (Look up Civil War Battle of Wilderness)

25th of Ches

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Nova does the ritual asking for protection on their next part of the journey. Anadia is on the horizon as
the skies clear. Anadia is one of the Dawn Heralds. HAVE A MESSAGE FOR NOVA AND THE PARTY ON 1ST

26th of Ches

Hill giant and hobgoblin marauders before Goldenfields.

27th of Ches

Travel to Unicorn Run

28th of Ches

Travel to Unicorn Run, stop outside of High Forest for a break from traveling. Nova works on Star Maps
and prepares a ritual for the night---look at New Fire ceremony—focus in on eldritch knowledge. Kendra
shoots designs into the tree. Ozul heads to the lab and prepares his spellbooks; Eilynore searches for a
water source—a brook leads into a small pond.

Ozul casts speedy courier to abbot, ransom to be paid by Phandalin, and hobgoblins delivered there.

Ellardin Darovik responds with a letter confirming this and it arrives in the courier with fresh bread,
cheese, and tomatoes.

Divination omen on the starboard that Nova read:

“Gather what you can and prepare to die”

“The weather is getting worse”

“One eye is taken for an eye”

The stars on the starboard is replaced by Anadia.

“far too much cosmic instability to divine who you seek. The sun-eater walks the world.”

Tzitzimitl—Emerald Serpent ran a protection racket on Ozul’s tribe to keep them away. Emerald Serpent
is Marshuuk, from Chult. Full moon is in 2 days.

Ozul messages Ushien about the cosmic signs that point towards Tharizadun. “Occupy the air temple.
Eilynore can seal the rift.” “Headed to Summit Hall. Will bring the Order to garrison.”

29th of Ches

Sun arises, bright and clear.

Eilynore—you wake up with your pendant freezing cold. Nova, you wake up with blood on the

Disembarked the put-put and headed on foot towards Eilynore.

 A horrible, all too organic sound is heard over and over again through the din of the forest.
Illuminated by the sunlight you can see a reddish-brown dust slowly drifting through the air. (pg.

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196 Volo’s Guide). As you draw closer to the sound, movement beyond the trees catches your
eye. It sounds like a wound being torn open—the sound is emanating from a large compost pile
in the glade before you. Your eye is drawn to the small figures dancing around the pile, whose
number grows larger with each sound that is made. With each wet, tearing sound, a new fungal
creature joins the dance. The dance is almost hypnotic as each creature darts forward and back.
One row of creatures swells to two (vegepygmy chiefs) and then three as their dance increases
in pitch and frenzy. You’re caught off guard as you realize the compost pile is staring back at
you. A long-dead eye peers out from beneath the compost pile. Using this as a reference,
suddenly it becomes clear—the remaining shape of the pile is about a third of hill giant. The rest
has been decomposed beyond structure. The reddish-brown spores grow in number, choking
the area in them. (DC 13 Con save—7 poison damage at the start of your turn until you save). 16
total chiefs.

 “Spirit nagas live in gloom and spitefulness, constantly plotting vengeance against creatures that
have wronged them- or that they believe have wronged them. Lairing in dismal caverns and
ruins, they devote their time to developing new spells and enslaving the mortals with which they
surround themselves. A spirit naga likes to charm its foes, drawing them close so that it can sink
its poisonous fangs into their flesh.” “They were even more mysterious and enigmatic than the
others of their kind, seeking lost magic to a fanatical extent. They saw only evil, ugliness, and
they delighted in causing suffering and death with the powers they possessed.”—Mararishi,
asking why the party brings a creature like Ozul to the Unicorn Run. She believes that he is a
reincarnation of Ssibalentanamas, “The First Keeper of the Sacred Eggs”

A guardian naga, Maharishi, that serves Gorm Gulthyn “Fire Eyes” (the dwarven god of
vigilance), is lying in wait, curled around the large branch of a massive tree. She is from Tashalar,
a country to the east of Chult that distrusts arcane users. "Magic used is magic abused" is a
common saying in the Tashalar. Ada, the handmaiden for the naga.

She’ll put the party on “trial”, asking for proof of their character. “By what right have you proven
you deserve the responsibility of continuing further into Unicorn Run?” (She’ll even ask Eilynore)

Let roleplay determine how this ends.

 Tree Ghost tribe meets with the party. They wish to guide the party through the forest for a
time to steer them away from their homes. One of them, a large man, has a Sprite escort—an
unlocked birdcage on his back with several sprites flying around in it. They will use their heart
sense on the party. Thigvalk.
Eilynore—neutral good, excited and stressed.
Kendra—neutral, alert, aware, vigilant—emotional—missing Mersire, homesickness
Nova—chaotic neutral, paranoid, inebriated, relaxed, ready to accept what comes next
Ozul—neutral, stoic, concerned
White flowers on EIlynore and Kendra; red flowers on Ozul and Nova; the white become blue
and the red become pink
One of Boorvald’s sons is escorting them; has Oathbow

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 The characters come across 2d10 elk (or reindeer). The beasts aren't hostile and flee if attacked.
Treasure. There is a chance per elk present that one of them has antlers of pure gold. Each of its
antlers is worth 250 gp.

 The characters encounter a helpful ranger, who might be a member of the Emerald Enclave or
simply a wanderer of the wilderness. Either way, the ranger is happy to serve as a guide or a
source of information. There is a 50 percent chance that the ranger has a riding horse, one or
more beast companions, or both. A ranger with neither travels alone on foot. Two sample
rangers are presented below, but you can create others. VordanaJezral (NG female lightfoot
halfling scout) has the psionic ability to cast the misty step spell once per day. She is familiar
with the roads and trails of the North and the settlements along them. She knows every
innkeeper from Neverwinter to Deadsnows, and she has two traveling companions: a tressym
(see appendix C) named Flycatcher and an old mule named Tod, which she freed from an
abusive owner. Saarvin (CN male dragonborn scout) travels on foot and carries his own gear. He
was born in Fireshear and is the self-proclaimed King of the Frozen Far. He claims to have
climbed the tallest peak in the Spine of the World and plucked coins from the hoard of a white
dragon sleeping less than 10 feet away. While sitting by the campfire, he carves tiny wooden
sculptures of the party members and gifts them to the party.

A knight of vengeance invading from the sky

Hot wings of iron pierce into the night
Slaughtering the lost souls, the fruit of evil's womb
Their heathen ways have opened the door

She speaks with Ozul and wishes to cast Dream to speak with the Starwalker again.

“Minor update to suneater thing, if you’re awake.” “received a message from celestial bodies
that the suneater, plural? Have landed on our planet. Need you to do what you can to find
incidents of meteor strikes in recent times. I will be passing them along to Lord Roaringhorn to

“I’ll see who has experience with astronomy.”—Ushien and Roaringhorn has it.
Sending to Blackstaff: The suneaters have landed on our planet. Meteorites are leaking
wormwood oil. Rallying Roaringhorn and Knights of Samular.”

“Mordenkainen knows more about this. I will search for him.”—Blackstaff

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Look for poisoned water supplies or crops suddenly dying. Meteor was leaking wormwood oil.”

Group call to Phandalin sending stone. “Fleet of demi-gods that want to eat the sun.” Sildar:
“You can’t bring me a nice problem like a giant dragon?”

Ozul sends stones to Blackstaff and to her choice of third party.

30th of Ches

At the bottom of the tree are four carved figurines. They look like each of you.

On the 1st of Tarkash, when the moon is highest in the sky—things begin to happen. Clouds begin to
gather overhead and they quickly lower until they blanket the area in fog. The fog itself is ice-cold.
The sharp, sudden, severe drop in temperature makes you feel even colder. Roll initiative to start
the countdown on this spell—the Tzitzimitl casts Weird, a 9th level spell on the party: Nova—you
hear a dripping sound that turns into a sickly sounding torrent—blood is flowing from your
starboard’s red planet. The blood begins to overwhelm you, you find yourself swimming in it, then
choking on it, and drowning in it. You look around, desperate to find help from anywhere—and you
realize by the silence that greets your pleas, that you’re all alone. Kendra—you look out into the fog
and your body is wracked with pain as your mind is wracked with fear—before you a red road is laid
out, brick by brick. The opening pit stretches open before you. Corrupted elementals wrap around
you, dragging you into the Abyss. You look around and your comrades are screaming in fear and
pain as they are pulled into the depths with you. This is your forever. This isn’t your hell, this is your
oblivion. Ozul---you feel tendrils become daggers as they slice through your skull—you instinctually
put your hands to your head, trying to stop the pain, and expect to see them covered with blood or
worse, but they’re unsullied—your confusion becomes fear and your fear becomes anger and hatred
as you feel your intellect and personality being shattered and taken from you. You try to cast a spell
to stop this—and you can’t. You try to shout at your friends—and you can’t. You try to speak—and
you can’t. You find yourself brought down by the pain and curl into a fetal position. You look up to
try to find anyone who can help—you see someone you know as a friend, and you see them walking
away, their steps not even slowing in response to your ordeal. Eilynore—you see a young man in
front of you. He looks hungry and feral. There’s a fear and anger in his eyes. You try to soothe him,
you can’t bear to see him in such distress. You reach into your pouch—maybe food will help him
regain his senses. But he takes your gesture the wrong way and in his paranoia he lashes out at you.
It’s instinctual—you didn’t want to kill him—you didn’t mean for the strike of your staff to wrack his
body so. As the adrenaline wears off, you realize that your eyes are stinging, then burning—the
poison he sprayed across your face burns into your skin and eyes, blinding you. Months pass and
your sight does not return. You learn to become a seer. Your visions tell you of an impending doom
from beyond the stars. Your clan is sent out to stop it. One by one, your siblings fall against the
elemental cults, and you watch the world end with a sight that cannot see.

*if they save, give them the vision anyway, but cause no damage*

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Whoever is first to shake off the effects—they awaken to see a large creature’s hand passing through
their chest, black smoke rising from the wound. (corrupted healing touch). The clang of a mace striking
and sparking against the creature’s armor from behind stops the creature from continuing its attack on
you. Heterpheres raises her mace for another attack…”get away from my misfits!” “you dare trespass

Hetepheres tells the party there are 11 more. “One for each hour on the clock.” Watch for the fog.

Eilynore messages Sister Gariele: “I um, I’m okay, first and foremost. If you can try and contact the
Harpers about these, we don’t necessarily have a good contact and we could use the help. Just stay safe
and don’t travel alone. It’s not safe right now.”

Sister Gariele--“There’s a tension in the air. The militia is on high-alert. Sylrona conscripted any
adventurers that were here to join in the defense of the town. People that can are leaving as word gets
out that something is coming. I don’t want to divide your attention right now; I know I can’t ask this, but
I want you here.”

“Tell as many archmages as you can.” Luskan would be the place to do this.

To Mersire—“letting you know, be on alert, strange creatures walking the land. Very dangerous. Stay in
city. I love you.” “I’m a day’s travel away from Phandalin. Should I return to Neverwinter?” “Go to
Phandalin, it’ll be safer there.”

To sildar and sylrona—“catacombs beneath the keep are warded, people should be safe there.”

Sildar will reply: “What about sending them to the mine?” “I’ll move the civilians to the mine?”

SOS to Lhammaruntosz: Eilynore of Phandalin is reaching out to her in aid against the sun-eaters. Please
meet us in Phandalin.

“I will be there. You must be the young one she speaks of.”

Bracers—monks, gold ribbons are monk initiates

Eilynore speaks to the village of the perils the party now faces. “From Staff to Spear”. The Singing

“This is Ozul, we just encountered one of the sun-eaters and slew it. (continues on to mention the
mental effects and the magical fog). Be warned, be vigilant. Guard your minds. This entity is stronger
than we originally believed. Do not travel alone, do not attempt to engage them alone.”

Zephyros arrives on the plateau. He’ll get confused and mistake them for the Defenders. “How goes
restoring the Orderning? “Have you fared well in your quest?” “I’m so proud of you.” Eilynore—Turk.
Nova—Orion. Galadriel—Ozul. Narcelia—Kendra.

Eilynore meets with the leaders of the clan (separate from the elders). Air Cult debrief—cloud giants on
their side. Heterpheres watches over Nova. Gawain’s mother is in the village—Ithuriel.

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(On Fifth or Tarsakh, Defenders are in Yartar)

When night falls, it will become the 2nd of Tarsakh.

Coastal Eight—meeting at a tower at the Arcane Brotherhood in Luskan. Tasha will illuminate points of
information on the map with minor illusion. But it’s easily bored Tasha, so they’ll be crude cartoons.

Renwick “Snowcloak” Caradon—Lich from Sacred Stone Monastery, Secret Weapon of the Knights of
Samular. Personality: eager to speak with the party, happy to have the company. An aura of happiness
and contentment seems to emanate from him, quite at odds with his stoic, stern appearance.

Blackstaff, joined by Elmoran—representing the Watchful Order. Blackstaff’s bemusement has faded, to
be replaced by tension and fear—not helped by feeling insecure and like an imposter in this room.

Tasha—here as a favor to Mordenkainen. Bemused, eager to poke fun at anyone in the room.
Appreciates the strong personalities of everyone here and looks for ways she can unsettle them. Will
probably take a shine to Ozul as a result.

Lord Roaringhorn—representative of the Harpers. Politically interested and invested in the party.
Annoyed at all the strong personalities, but not enough to take the bait.

Nezram—planewalker. Personally invested in the plight of the elementals. Has been traversing the
elemental planes, sealing portals where he could find them. “Didn’t even know someone was helping
me from this side. Thank you.” He will join EIlynore’s clan.

Mordenkainen—planar traveler. Aloof and wants to get down to business. Doesn’t trust and like the
party but isn’t hostile. But Mordy doesn’t really like or trust anyone.

Maskyr One-Eye—sagacious wizard. Patient, kind, curious. Grandfatherly. Was unable to save Kendra’s
mother in time and always felt too ashamed to face her. Knows the demon’s true name.

Malchor Harpell—local archmage from the Neverwinter Wood. Has been “on sabbatical” and was
spending time within his tower—studying and relaxing. “I’ll be honest, I was deliberately isolating
myself. I didn’t know that things had changed so much in just a few months.”

Group efforts by the Coastal Eight to locate the sunwalkers reveal that the first death of one of their
kind has induced mutations in the remaining sunwalkers. “They’ve taken the forms of several powerful
creatures native to this realm. That’s…better?”

“Mighty and wise, Countess Sansuri, I humbly request that you and yours break ties with the ne’er’do
wells known as the Howling Hatred as their reputation would put a blemish on yours. We believe it is in
your best interest to deliver the cultists to Samular Hall. We thank you for your hospitality on your last
visit and apologize for any damage caused on the last visit. We eagerly await your reply.”

And then sending “I’m sorry if you didn’t have enough time to respond. I hope you got our letter in good
health. Thank you for your cooperation”

“Very well, and then we will part ways and never meet again.”

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“So far, we’ve located the following:” Where?

Kraken—Nezram—Nelanther Isles

Molydeus (they have a connection to Tharizadun according to the wiki)

Empyrean—Tasha—The Spine of The World

Goristro—Maskyr—Far Forest

Shoggoth—Mordenkainen—Tortured Land—runs afoul of Tyranthraxus, sending him to Barovia.

Balor—Blackstaff and Elmoran—Battle of Bones (near Well of Dragons)

Sibriex (also connected to Tharizadun)

Nagpa—Renwick—Reaching Woods

Plus three unaccounted for. One underground, one heading towards the north pole.

The mages will take them down. Leaving a few open to team up on and see how they react to the deaths
of others. Three Suneaters are still unaccounted for. The Eight will ask the party if they need help with
their plight—focusing their efforts on solving a problem the party has to help free the party’s resources
and time up. “Strongly worded letter to the cloud giant castle from the Coastal Eight saying they’ve
declared the Cult of the Howling Hatred persona non grata to the Coastal Eight. Deliver the cultists to
Samular Hall.”

Castle is heading towards Neverwinter Forest—specifically, Thundertree.

Hamun Kost has been investigating the doppelgangers of Phandalin. Sildar and Sylrona decided to split
the evacuation to disperse the risk. Some civilians went with Sildar to Lelion. Some went with Sylrona to
the mines. Some stayed in the warded rooms below the Tresandar Manor with Zeke and Larry. Hamun
returns with the lens. "I started cataloging who appeared as doppelgangers and most of them I thought
left with the evacuations to keep up appearances, but then we found that they were returning to a
warehouse. They would enter but rarely leave."

"eilynore, you didn't help with building this warehouse. It was constructed during your hundred-day
absence. The warehouse is a giant mimic, and below it is an Elder Oblex. Mersire is currently meeting
with a one-legged Tiefling (Barmir) who moves with crutches. There’s a mud caked on the bottom of his
crutches and on his boot, that is actually the form of the oblex that is trying to coerce and enthrall
Mersire. Mersire will say that the tiefling knows of a cabal that is scheming to steal the magic items the
party carries, and they already have several things that they’ve stolen in a warehouse, preparing to send
to the Underdark to sell to the armies warring underneath us. It’s a lure to lead them to the mimic.
Oblexes don’t pick up on Hamun’s lens since it’s attuned to doppelgangers. It didn’t pick up on the giant
mimic either, because it’s hibernating. It will wake up when “food” loiters within it.

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Hidden under a pile of crates is a secret entrance. The crates are mimics. "there's a layer of dust on the
crates and boxes and barrels in here. What catches your eye are a couple of crates and chests that don't
have any dust or spiderwebs on them. When they attack the party, “you feel the warehouse shudder
and shake”. Make a perception check. “you hear a sound that sounds similar to slow, belabored
breathing, but is starting to become more regular and deeper”

A courtier—Jadira, will arrive in Phandalin, delivering the letter from King Melandrach. “King
Melandrach wishes to keep an eye on the incursions by giants and elemental cults. The Lord’s Alliance
has failed the elven people of the Sword Coast, and their own charges. They have sat in their towns,
playing politics, while people suffered and perished.” (insight check will reveal that she isn’t saying this
with full conviction. Jadira has traveled enough to have seen heroes, large and small rise against the
current crises)

“entitites know as suneaters have made their way to Faerun. They have taken the form of dangerous

A large tree has sprouted outside Phandalin. For its size, it should not have grown as large as it has in the
time you were away. It’s leaves flash and shine iridescent in the light of the sun or moon. The tree is
from the Feywild. It grows goodberries. Underneath it is Reidoth, sleeping, Manx is curled up near him,
his head on his lap.

Nova hands a sending stone to Jo if trouble or anything extraordinary arises; or if the workers need
materials or help.

Ask Roaringhorn for scrolls of raise dead.

A new constellation, the Lady of Mystery, was identified after the Time of Troubles in 1358 DR, following
the ascension of Midnight as the new goddess Mystra, the Lady of Mysteries. The stars composing that
constellation were formerly considered to be two separate constellations, the Dragon of Dawn and the
Firbolg.—found in a book in the bookstore by Nova.

“build an underground tunnel and root cellar—for “rare book storage”” grab a scholarly sort from the
adventurers for the help with running the place”

Town meeting to sooth and assuage the town.

Kendra leans in to kiss Mersire but a low performance roll was made, and Mersire stands up at that
moment to unpack his luggage.

6 or 8 goggles of doppelganger scanning could be created by Hamun.

A council meeting has been called. “54 of them in a “sphere”” Rockseekers speak up and volunteer to
search for hidden tunnels.

“reassure the populace of Phandalin” “a noticeable share of people that were original to Phandalin were
either doppelgangers or have decided to leave”

“you can’t keep us safe!” “Very lowhow many more of my family do I have to bury?”—disgruntled
Phandalin town members

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Ozul asks for skeletons and the council doesn’t feel comfortable with that; brings up the idea of
constructs from Gnomengarde.

Eilynore will replenish the bug-out bags that were used for the evacuations.

Eilynore will ask her clan to for help.

Ozul tasks the militia with escorting the wagons out of town as far as they feel comfortable.

3rd of Tarsakh

Eilynore takes the stage first at the forum meeting. Votes for the doppelgangers. 1. Banishment to
another plane 2. Surrender to Lord’s Alliance. 3. Execution

58 percent in favor 1st option. 15 percent in favor of second. 27 percent for execution.

Deep Ethereal is chosen to banish the doppelgangers?

Deep Ethereal of the moon, border of light and dark side. Can see the Leira Trading Center in the
distorted distance.

“this is your new home. This is a plane far away from our home. One where you will live uncontested
and can dominate as you please. You can never return to Phandalin.” I want you to understand that it
was by the people of Phandalin that you have been afforded this mercy. I want to be painfully clear—
violating this will result in your extermination.”

Gariele will push and hurry out the visitors of the shrine. At this time, EIlynore, using this time afforded
to her will: Eilynore will spend the day with Gariele since there are no pressing concerns beyond the
dangers they already know. They head to the “secret place”. Flowering meadow, overlooking a small
pond. Clothes option, water is clear since a river flows through. Eilynore’s little boat is on the pond.
EIlynore teaches Gariele how to steer and navigate the ship, and then a dinner picnic. Moonlight
stargazing and Eilynore shows Gariele the upcoming constellations. She asked Mersire to borrow his
horse. “well-groomed, well-sheened midnight black horse” Horse is named Delmont. Eilynore already
has the ship tied up and ready to go.

Rifle prototyped and named “zul”

“general usage name”


This cordiality did not extend to Torilians, however. Since Selûnians were
paranoid about spies from Toril and extremely intolerant of anyone trying to pry
into their military secrets, any visitors claiming to be from Toril were likely to be
arrested and tried for espionage. Conviction meant immediate decapitation.
4th of Tarsakh

Lizzie and Haliyra. “Geas Exit Interview” Ozul introduces Lizzie to Zeke and see what happens. (they
find they have more in common than expected—reformed Redcloak and reformed Fire Cultist.
(friends). Haliyra is headed to her own new apartment.

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Kendra meets with Mersire. Mersire is exploring diplomatic options with Thundertree and the
Viscountess. Opening up and formalizing those options. Asks about sending tribute to Sansuri as a
placating measure.

Seeming was cast on Ozul burns through several seemings before it’s decided that going invisible is the
best option. Kendra and Ozul are invisible and Eilynore has already gone in. Eilynore is not a fan of the
“stalking”. Nova joins in. The party tells them about the moon.

Ozul speaks to Roaringhorn about traveling to the moon and is asked to join the party for the suneater

Abyssal conduit to induce mutations. Darker alchemists can induce mutation as well. Kendra will work
on the cipher to establish a secret code for the party. Kendra looks for mahogany wood, horsehair,
metal, antlers from eilynore’s hunt to make a violin.

Caravans are still being sent to Phandalin. Kendra finds a mage’s rolltop desk (treated to resist corrosive
agents). 99 gold. Desk from the Moonshae Isles.

Ozul goes to the keep and goes to the lab, locking the door. Gets out his mom’s rib and casts scry on his
mom. He sees her at an altar, doing a ritual to a humanoid figure (Acererak).

Nova, hanging with Eilynore, who turns to Hetepheres for answers. “Vague similarities in Abyssal
magic.” “Divine or powerful arcane created the suneaters?” (the suneaters are looking for places that
are already destabilized and have powerful evil entities present.) Time to look for the sword coast and
map out where they landed. Nova and EIlynore head to the manor. Eilynore asks Ozul to scry on the
suneaters. He will have to the next day. Beings this powerful aren’t created by individuals. They are
aspects of something. “Personifications of concepts”. Ozul is curious about the connection to the
Starwalkers from the Suneaters.

Sending to Star Spawn Seer. “We need to talk, are you able to visit us tonight.” “You are not the vessel I
answer to. Proclaim why I should answer your summons outside of the rituals.” “Nova can’t contact you
the way I can. Consider this a request from her.” “Very well. My time will be brief as the moon is not in

“We shall see you tonight.” The starboard messages Nova. The temperature in the room drops
precipitously. “You feel cold and it’s not cold” The star spawn worms are making the room colder. Nova
recognizes that it’s a weapon that you’ve used before (the plague of worms). The party defeats and
banishes the worms but they then return as EIlynore bonks Ozul.

Nova casts divination. “Is there any chance you could stop attacking my friends?” “Burn away the
goodness. You and I remain. Did you see the last war. Well, here I am again.” (Dawn War)—Dendar the
Night Serpent

Ozul puts a wall of force between him and EIlynore and returns to his lab. Kendra returns to Nova.
“Please explain what just happened.” Kendra wants to go to the bookstore and investigate but decides
to meet with the party. EIlynore wants to speak with Ozul. There’s some contention. Okay, a lot of

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Malchor and Roaringhorn are in town and ask to meet with the party at the Stonehill Inn. “We haven’t
heard any reports from the other archmages. No success or failures yet.”

Dendar the Night Serpent ate the sun before. A new sun was created. Dawn War was Tharizadun and
the primoridials fighting against the gods. “Dawn War” is the last war Tharizadun fought. “What
restarted the sun the last time?” Ozul’s and his parents know—it was Ubtao. “Disciples of the End
Times” Ubtao has became the nature spirits of Chult.

“My mother bound us to the starwalkers” Astraya is Nova’s mother.

Kendra asks Maskyr are you familiar with “Astraya”? “No, I don’t know anyone of that name” Where is
Astraya? Kneeling before a suneater in the artic in worship.

The secret of why Nova is tracking Kendra (drug connection from the traveler’s dust). Wharf Rats
connection that Nova was interested in the “publicity” given to traveler’s dust (i.e. the death of
Cryovain). Nova is a spy for the Wharf Rats, but has been vague and providing misinformation.)

Malchor knows dream. And meets with his mother, who is proud of him and his choices. Mother wants
him to command twelve trees fleet. Father wants the fleet destroyed. “Wish it out of existence—which
makes him appear as the Emerald Serpent that consumes the city”

Kendra talks with the archmages. Ozul goes to his lab. Nova goes to her home above the shop to
prepare new ritual components. Nova makes a greater healing potion. Eilynore goes to her pond/retreat
and submerges herself under a water.

Nova calls EIlynore and asks to start the ritual at her home, in the woods near Phandalin. They travel to
a grove in the forest. “Please come down and make contact with us. Let us speak on balanced ground
together, under the moonlight tonight.”

“Nova helps build the roads that bring the suneaters here.”

Kendra’s theory—this has all happened before? Something here when Dendar ate the sun.

Nightstalker stats for the artic suneater.

5th of Tarsakh

The party helps the archmages prepare the spells in advance for hunting. (They focus on psychic and
necrotic, and are incredibly physical powerful)

The nightstalker is located within the half-finished Great Spire of the Ice Sea. Astraya serves the
nightstalker as a Great Old One warlock. Weapon: A small empty cage turned into a maul—blade pact.

The party prepares for northern travel. Teleport? Airship? Teleport was chosen. Astraya “has a dark
black undercoat, with ginger speckling, short and thin, beige speckling, short hair, very striking orange
eyes, black nose, little ears. Spot above her eye and nose, patch of fur that is a light beige to contrast to
the dark coating. Couple of nicks in her ear. Usually wears a necklace that looks like a tree. Gem-
embedded tree.

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Astraya resists the scrying attempt. Ozul asks about her known associates, animal companions. Nova
wasn’t close to her as a child. White owls with dark feathers. Roaringhorn goes to survey the last known
location. Great Spire is known by Ozul.

Teleport mishap. “Getting interference, I think they know we’re coming.” The party appears 100 feet up
in the tower—and just goes to town on who is there. They kill the star spawn manglers and the
nightstalker. They capture Astraya. Astray killed and hunted family members. Coercing and turning some
of the ones that were injured. Two are missing but presumed alive—father—Suhail, brother—Atlas.
(plus Nova). Astraya is kept in Ozul’s stasis chamber. The clone is flushed.

Ozul contacts Blackstaff and Elmoran to see if they can contact an expert on the Underdark. Elmoran
speaks with Quinn. He gives Blackstaff insight into defeating the suneater. “They take on a lot of the
aspects of the creature they take the shape of” Kendra forgot the first few times he met Mersire.

They are dropped into the Forest of Wyrms. Met a hawk, James who delivers them to the cabin. The
parties meet at the cabin.

“The Invincible Iron Magi” Chermels notated stories by Ozul. “The Druidic Tempest” Eilynore tells
Chermels about her stories. Kendra—“Artificial Eyes” is brought in as well to provide insight. Nova
—“Cosmic Realities”

6th of Tarsakh

Ready to head to the underdark to fight the suneater. Nightstalker. Quinn arrives before the party
(minus Kendra) wakes up. “You guys the wizards?”—Quinn

Quinn asks one of his spies if there are movements or attacking in the Lolth troops—Quinn chose the
glamour bard from the Underdark. Named Gwydor Quavien. “Have there been any reports of new
threats attacking Lolth troops outside of Menzobarrazan or near Darklake? Any unusual monster attacks
or troop losses?” Reply, “Both Lolthite and Duegrar forces were pulling back towards eastern side of
Dark Lake. Rumors and news is scarce, but elite forces are being diverted.” “No, the movements are to
engage each other, and battles have been taking place. I can head that way if this supersedes your prior
assignment.” “Send your stealthiest agent to observe the battle. Have them report any unusual monster
sightings or if something attacks both sides.” “Yes, Master Quinn. I will endeavor to do so.” Quinn says
to contact them and see if there’s another report.

Sloobludop is where the suneater is marching towards—the Dark Lake. Currently marching through the
lines of the enemy ranks south of Menzobarran. (Eastern edge of Dark Lake)

Three-way fight between the Lolthite drow, the duegar, and the suneater. It’s discussed how they could
wait on Elmoran and Blackstaff to join. “Blackstaff and Elmoran just took down their suneater/Balor.
Suneater in underdark near Dark Lake.”

Message to Blackstaff. “I saw your fight with the Balor. Good job. I sent what help I could by sending the
belt to Elmoran.” “We’re recovering and will join you shortly.” Elmoran sings a song of rest to Blackstaff.
They decide to rest and join the party on the next day with a teleport.

They discuss what to do with the next day. Strategizing—learning to work together. Archery tests, hide
and sneak, and then underdark training in a nearby cave.

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Blackstaff and Ozul do a “mind-meld” with mutal detect thoughts. They wanted to learn more about
each other. She confirms her suspicion that Ozul has interest in her. And then antagonizes him by being
deliberately vague about her intents afterwards. She would have been happy with him following her to
his mansion or with leaving him puzzled and confused.

Eilynore teams up with Nova to make healing potions. Eilynore’s is well-labeled and organized. Nova’s is
a chaotic mess. However, both of them seem to work great. Eilynore: chamomile, elderberries,
mandrake root. Specific herbs that are grown near Unicorn’s Run to kickstart the healing potion. Nova:
healing potions are vapors. Nova: 22 Eilynore: 18 (five of Eilynore: 3 anti-toxins, 2 healing potions;
Nova: 2 and 2)

Nova speaks with her mother in the stasis chamber. She implies that Nova was conceived with fiendish
influence. Her mother’s right hand has six fingers. There’s a sheen to her fur that wasn’t there before.
Like a thin, slime. It disappears when washed off. But it will return. “My daughter was a mistake.”

7th of Tarsakh

Messages from spy: “Massive creature, both will move in to try to take it down. Their efforts seem to be
disabling instead of killing it.” “Whenever they get an upper hand, the other side will press the attack.
The creature only seems to be responding when attacked, not being aggressive”.

One last round of tasks before they head into the underdark: making potions and anti-toxins

Run the Adventurers’ League Assault on Maerimydra to tie SKT, POTA, and ROD together

“Led into the Underdark, your travel for the first few hours is uneventful. You are accompanied by a
skillful guide, whose knowledge precludes some trouble and whose reputation precludes the rest. So it’s
a surprise when something catches your notice. You hear the chittering and scampering of dozens of
rats as they pile into the cavern you’re in. You can perceive that they are acting with direction—not
instinct as they move in a deliberate semi-circle in front of you. One by one a dim light emanates from
their bodies and as the light grows you can see that it’s shining forth from their scalps. You hear a voice
—inside your mind, not inside your ears—“the Elder Brain of Ryxyg has been searching for you.” There’s
a dramatic pause. An illithid steps out of the shadows. “I am Vil of Ryxyg, and our colony needs your
help.” (that was the Elder Brain that they destroyed in Eru’s prophetic dream)

“Demonic activity grows in abundance. Fire giants are being bred with demons to create a new army to
march across the Underdark and then no doubt, the surface. Depravity and degeneracy has taken hold
of too many—and that madness is something neither of us find palatable.”

(The mind flayer is uncharacteristically close to the surface.)

Babau attack, Volo’s page 136, aided by Cambion

Directed to the Myconid colony of Sporedome.

Religion check: they come forth from when Graaz’ts blood was spilled in battle.

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Pick and choose from the madness of each demon lord, as the Pale Night has gained control over the
Suneater. The Crimson Road has breached Androlynne, the 471 st layer of the Abyss. This breach into the
Material Plane will lead into the Rage of Demons, since the veil between the Abyss and the Material
Plane has been (and the Material Plane and other planes) so weakened. Portals to everywhere are
opening up in this nexus—demons battle devils and celestial battle both. Fey and planar creatures are
pouring in—determined to seal what portals they can or break them open further. It threatens to
become a much greater conflict, but for now finds itself limited in scope—no one is willing to push
forward too quickly and in too much strength, which would draw the attention of too many other
factions against them.

The Pale Lady has current control over the Suneater. It is unknown that she is present, but it is known
that the forces of demons currently occupy the land where the Suneater resides.

The party can use the support characters in the PDF as a legendary action. Whoever decides to direct it,
burns the action for the round.


A hexblade (longsword and halberd) warlock who used to be part of the Wraiths with Quinn before they
went above ground. Deadly loyal to Lloth, but not to the Drow themselves. His only true hatred is Quinn,
admittedly, but he’s cunning and patient enough to put that aside if it means kicking out the suneater.

Norothor—Deep Duerra’s clergy

A small, but trained contingent led by Saodat, a duegar war priestess of Deep Duerra. They were
engaged in battle with Bellrain’s forces but withdrew when other forces entered the battlefield. They
await a chance to turn things to their favor again and enslave the Suneater.

Saradreza Oussmtor and the Faithful of Eilistraee

The scantily clad Sword Dancers of the good-aligned drow goddess of song, beauty, swordsmanship,
hunting and moonlight stand out among the other groups. While drow, these beautiful women are
friendly and welcoming of everyone. The high priestess of their small circle is Saradreza Oussmtor. She is
charismatic and warm-hearted and views this opportunity for cooperation as the best chance to spread
their goddess's message. She finds the methods of the Darksong Knights and Quinn to be too brutal to
openly and warmly form an alliance with—but the Drow Civil War has brought them together more and
more often since the War of Dragons.

Sovereign Agaricus and the Myconids of Sporedome

The myconids of Sporedome are led by the largest of their kind, Sovereign Agaricus. While not
particularly aggressive, the myconids are a key component of the alliance. While not likely to play an
integral part in the fighting, the operation would fail without their provisions and their defensive

Enhanced Braincap Mushroom

Each character is given one small, enhanced braincap mushroom and told the following information.
When consumed or administered to someone else as an action, the mushroom acts as a greater

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restoration (unlike an untreated braincap which only reduces the character's madness score). Characters
that consume an enhanced braincap also receive advantage on the next Wisdom (Madness) saving
throw that they make within the next hour. The braincap mushrooms are potent, however, and if you
consume more than one per 24 hours, you immediately gain 1d4 levels of madness (no saving throw).
The enhanced mushrooms lose their potency when the adventure ends.

Eilynore, attempting to unite the duergar and dwarves into a united task force, using the dwarven
hammer as a peace offering. Roll dice based on rolls. 1d12: 11 dwarves and 1d8: 5 deurgar take up her

Nova searches for healers to accompany them to the north gate: 7 agree

Kendra, searching for gloom stalkers (4) and horizon walkers (1): are gathered to help assault the north

Quinn, speaks with Saradreza: fortify whichever gate is taken. Team up with Myconids.

Eru: heads towards Bellrain. And banters. Bellrain is sent to the northern gate with Nova and Kendra.

Ozul heads to find mages and mushroom men. Diverse team or sorcerers that he approaches. They’re
interested in the potential school.

Northern Base: Kendra, Nova, Bellrain, Archers, Healers—the majority left to defend this area as a

Eastern Base: Eru, Quinn, Saradreza and Faithful of Elistreee in reserve—continue to push forward
into the slave district—able to be held now with Thousand Dead. Fire giants are sent to pillage the
town to fulfill their desires.

Western Forward Base: Ozul, Ithurial, Sorcerer team—fungus people and majority of forces to defend;
1/3 of sorcerers stay (celestial healers and draconic), Ozul will take the shadow sorcerers and war
mages with him. Quaggoth slaves are sent to Western Gate to supply.

(Blackstaff and Elmoran and Kendra are in the Underdoor and will be captured by the aboleth)

The Friendly Dead: EIlynore, Hetepheres, Dwarves and Duergar (The Thousand Dead)—send a
hundred to the Underdoor—find them and in danger bring them back to Eastern Base

Quinn, Eru, Bellrain and Qwarth to the monster

Hetepheres, Ithuriel, Eilynore, Ozul, Nova to investigate the Underdoor

Elmoran and Blackstaff are missing. Kendra was nowhere to be seen.

Dwarven King Vragni Moonsmith knighted Eilynore. She’ll need the help of a Dwarven temple.

Obyrith’s hail from a prior universe: The meeting of the Queen's Conclave occurred when an immense
mote of earth called A'orthorh eclipsed the dying star hovering above Pazunia, blanketing the realm in
darkness and heralding the end of a great cycle as well as another's beginning. The conference was
conducted at the opulent temple on top of the Great Ziggurat of Oth-Magurloth, the largest structure on
the Plain of Infinite Portals and placed right along the Styx's central floodplains. Other demons, including

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lords, avoided the multi-colored ziggurat for fear it was cursed. Miles beneath the complex was an
underground labyrinth, at the end of which was a portal called the Well of Entropy said to be the only
connection to the original obyrith realm.

“Grace of Stygia”—what was too perfect? “one of the children was mine” (when it came onto Eilynore)

Children: orc female, quaggoth male, drow female, orc male, drow female, orc female

The Pale Night is the Queen of Chaos.

Ozul uses the staff of power to destroy Pale Night but is teleported to a random location.

(Several minutes pass in the temple. There’s a commotion as someone teleports into the chambers—a
man in plain robes but with a warm smile and a mop of curly hair half-hidden under a wide-brimmed
hat walks around the chamber, his smile falling as he sees the profanity of the demonic altars.
“Cadderly Bonaduce, here on the service of The First Scribe (Deneir, the steward of Oghma). I haven’t
been here for the earlier chapters of your odyssey, but I am here now.” “I have no taste for war, but
what we must do must be done. With Deneir’s hand at the inkwell, let us work towards a happy
ending for us all.”

9th of Tarsuk

[Ozul, make a CON save]

The tide of battle is too far in the favor of the enthralled Suneater. Adrenaline floods your veins, causing
your perception of time to slow and the color to be drained from your surroundings. You bring forth
your staff as you look at the sight before you. Beyond her torn veil there is—something. You feel it more
than see it, and it floods you with a sense of dread. Time stretches out and it’s hard to place things in
order—you remember looking around to see your friends fallen and charmed by the Suneater’s power—
and yet you remember never averting your gaze from her form. You bring the staff forward, preparing it
for a spell against her. Too many times she has withstood your power, too many times has she
continued on unabated through your assault. With this knowledge you bring to bear the one weapon
she cannot resist, the staff in your hands. A crack of thunder sounds through the temple as you break
the staff in two.

[If Con save is successful: you see her form succumbing to the power unleashed by the staff. You feel
yourself being torn and thrown, far beyond the tower. You can feel yourself crashing through stone and
through the ethereal plane, before losing consciousness.] [If failed, there’s just darkness as you fall from

There’s a flash of lucidity as you’re awakened by the sensation of falling. You can see the ground
drawing nearer. [Roll a CON save] [You impact the ground and in your injured state, you’re still able to
look around after you recover from the landing. You make a move to stand, but fall before passing out]
or if failed, [Before you can feel the impact, your vision goes dark.]

[Make a CON save] [lingering injuries table, DMG pg. 272]

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You can see figures crowd around you. Most are human, one is a drow, but your vision isn’t clear and it’s
hard to discern details. As you fall back into unconsciousness, you hear a voice softly speak the fragment
of a sentence, “…and out of the skies falls the Iron Magi…”

[You wake up with a start, finally, fully conscious. You look around and discover that you’re in a well-
furnished carriage. The scenery that passes outside is dismal looking. The sky is clouded and there’s a
chill in the air. Before you is Nurvureem, in the drow disguise she wore in the Dessarin Valley. Her
mouth is set in a grim line, her eyes watching you with a look of frustrated curiosity—it’s the same look
a frustrated tinker gives to a project that isn’t going their way. Across her lap is a crossbow, one hand
steadying it, the other near the trigger guard. Beside her is an old human woman dressed in bright
colors. Her age and her appearance are a stark contrast to the fashions of Nurvureem and the muted
décor of the carriage.

“You’ve been avoiding me, ever since you embarrassed me—and yet I found myself leaping forward at
the chance to save you. Tell me, why is this, Ozul?”

He was unconscious for two days.

[Banter back and forth based on the tone of the conversation.]

[Madam Eva will speak with Ozul, impressed by the destiny he carries with him. She’ll ask him if he’d like
his fortunes read.]

Nova: 1. Paladin 2. Thief 3. Transmuter 4. Avenger 5. Druid

Eilynore. 1. Raven 2. Donjon 3. Druid 4. Mercenary 5. Abjurer

Ozul: 1. Wizard 2. Priest 3. Mercenary 4. Merchant 5. Torturer

Nova creates a rival with Zeke and Zeke spreads rumors in retaliation about Nova’s bookstore being a
front. Nova spreads a rumor that he’s dating Lizzy and that Ozul charmed her into dating him. Nova’s
henchmen spread a rumor that the Emerald Fangs are geas’d to support Ozul. It escalates into a bar
brawl with Nova’s henches, the green cloaks, the Phandalin militia.

[Tarokka Deck, COS pg. 244]

Iri—the drow cambion that will be raised by Sister Gariele and Eilynore

Kendra used downtime to examine remains of Pale Night and discovers insight into Black Cyst creatures
(conditions and immunities)

10th of Tasakh

Lhammaruntosz, Mother Wyrm—Eilynore has Ozul send a speedy courier. “I have an arrangement with
the High Captain Rethnor. I will also speak to the sailors under my command.”

Blackstaff will say she’s heading to investigate rumors of elemental cult activity on Icepeak. “Seems like
it’s where the Howling Hatred retreated to”

Party awakes after having dreams of a large black orb on the horizon. The size of a mountain, flying
through the air. Silent, black, and horrifying. “Looks like the thing birthed the suneaters”

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Cambion are safely delivered to EIlynore’s clan outside of Unicorn’s Run. Eilynore gives each child a
trinket and encouraging words.

“For the final chapter, we must seek out find your friend in the Shadowfell, and then seek out
Kuroth’s Quill. With the Quill we can stop Tharizadun and his influence from corrupting the planes.”

The Quill is found in the collapsed planar vessel. Use Barrier Peaks Redux, pg. 250 for encounters.
Area 33; 34; 35; 39; 41; 42;; Level four Area 26; Level seven Area 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19—Quill found in Area

Exoskeleton pg 326.

Goblin graffiti warning of upcoming dangers. “Outsider” for xenomorph.

Hobgoblin general and two goblins in salvaged alien armor with alien weapons. Patchwork armor, jury-
rigged weapons. Helps that they already had some familiarity with Gnomengarde tech when caverns
were captured. They are clones.

Xenomorph in planar tunnels hunting the party. Facehuggers too.

30 days of downtime, ends of 10 Mirtul

Eilynore: With Iri and Gariele in mind, you stubbornly refuse to give in to madness or despair. You
busy your mind and your body with tasks and work on building a future. You take to this task literally
where you can—finding yourself among the wilds of nature is one way that you meditate, but the
struggles and toils of woodworking fill you the same serenity. The first project at hand? A crib for Iri.
And it is a labor of love—you feel the hand of Chauntea guiding you as you coax art from the lumber.
Her crib resembles your catboat, and you build it because you want her to be able to weather any
storm that life throws at her. You sand it smooth and stain it with shellac from the beetles around
Phandalin—this turns the lighter colored lumber a deep, rich color. You’ve had many victories in the
time you’ve spent fighting the forces of Tharizadun and restoring the elements to balance—but
somehow creating this feels like the one you’re most proud of. You bring the crib and your family to
meet your clan—time is spent in Unicorn Run building a cottage near your clan’s enclave. It’s not too
far from the rest of the lean-tos, huts, and tents, but you make a deliberate choice to have it
distanced from the village. What does your cottage look like? As you place the crib within, you work
on building the mobile that hangs overhead—enchanted wind gently spins flower petals around the
air. Their fragrance fills the air, but not the room. It’s a subtle scent that calms the moods of those
who are nearby.

Lhammaruntosz, in her human guise brings many gift baskets to the cottage. Dried fruits, sweets, teas,
and a set of silver spoons to accompany the tea-set is brought. (The implication being that she has
appointed herself godmother over Iri).

“Cottage looks like a yurt—two sections but one open area. Big fire pit in the center, hole in the top
for the smoke. Plush couches to welcome company. Beautiful kitchen by the entrance so the smells
drift throughout. All the wood is stained to match Iri’s crib. Within Unicorn Run, she builds a shrine to
Tymora for Sister Gariele. The chains of coins are created to decorate the shrine. A teleportation circle
is commissioned to link Unicorn Run and Phandalin.”

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Eilynore: small cottage behind the temple for her, Gariele, and Iri. A crib is built for Iri. It resembles her
sailing ship. The mobile is everlasting wind and petals.

I think she’ll use the down time to prep for her after-the-campaign plans. Get the add on built on the
chapel, prepare her unicorn run’s home for her and gariel and the baby, and get things prepared in
phandalin (possibly make plans to have a transportation circle near by her UR house so that if something
goes wrong she can come help)

Maybe take a trip to see the mother wyrm

Ozul: You spend time with yourself, but not by yourself as you and Prasinus work together on crafting
a Staff of Magi. You etch arcane runes up the length of the staff, telling the story of your life so far.
The conduit at the end of the staff is forked in two, and the runes end here, with a stylized version of
Ozul and a stylized version of Prasinus on each tine of the staff.

You spend your mornings with Kendra, teaching her the intricacies of the putt-putt and in return
learning the nuances of the rifle with her. You both supervise the repair of the outer layer of the
planar vessel, you taking the lead more often than not as Kendra focuses her efforts throughout the
town. The fabricator is used in conjunction with the Gnomengarde foundries and arcane weapons of
war are created and installed around Phandalin. You have some of these installed on the Stargazer
and tinker with Nova’s exoskeleton while she is away.

Your date with Blackstaff is unfortunately delayed as she is called to the island of Ice Peak to
investigate the last redoubt of elemental cultists—there are rumors of them reuniting with followers
of Ghaundaur in a final effort to remain at strength. She is accompanied by Force Grey—and this leads
to a complication as the Lords of Waterdeep dissuade Ozul from accompanying a Force Grey mission.

“Spend time with Halia, getting to know her and finding out if she’s the best fit for me. I visit the
moon, Selune with Kendra and shenanigans happen. I manufacture guns for the Emerald Fangs active
members so that usage of them is restricted to Phandalin.”

Aside from making his new staff of the magi, and tasking Ozul 2 with mass producing the guns with
Kendra, Ozul spent time with Halia since Blackstaff was on a mission.

Kendra also began teaching him how to USE the firearms in their free time. Other firearms were
delivered to the Emerald Fangs to begin their instruction as well. They were told to make sure the guns
don't leave Phandalin and he's only made enough for them for now so he'll know if one goes missing.

He and Ozul 2 will also begin in earnest efforts to fix the planar vessel and upgrade the Stargazer with
force weaponry
Ozul and Prasinus will work together to make the Staff of Magi. Arcane runes up the staff like Zephyros’s
staff has the story of his life so far etched into it. Prasinus will refit the weapons on the Stargazer to be
force ballista instead of solid projectiles. Ozul will give orders to the work crew to repair the outer layers
of the ship and to avoid the inside. Long term: Fabricator is used to make more parts for the Phandalin
defenders—militia and emerald fangs are beginning to be trained on this. Efforts are made to restrict
the sale of them outside of Phandalin. Time spent on Nova’s exoskeleton to refine it. Blackstaff had a
date planned with Ozul but was called away to Ice Peak to investigate Ghaundaur/cult activity. Time
spent Halia to get to know her civilly. “Why she joined the Zhentarim and when”

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Nova: find my missing brother. Discovers that her family isn’t as dead as she expected. Oversees the
bookshop and library. Searching out for apprentices. Expand the research library and libraries of
Phandalin. The bookstore of it expands to include more and more books.

Nova: Returning home, you reconnect with your family and friends and contacts. You spend time
rebuilding and reconnecting. You repair what connections were frayed by the efforts of your mother,
and use your divinations and your worldly knowledge to spread rumors where needed, to carouse
where it would help, and using money, violence, and charisma as tools—in some places as a lever, in
some places as a bludgeon. You find yourself back in your element and with the benefit of time and
the madness of the abyss no longer swirling as actively in your mind—your shrewdness is on display.

You use your time in town to search for arcane and rare books. Some for personal use, some for trade
back in Phandalin, and some that any “self-respecting bookstore” would have. Appearances must be
maintained. Time is spent with your aunt and brother—telling them each parts of your story and
learning what you can from them as well. Poring over star maps with your aunt, Achelois, you focus
on the Woman Warrior and Centaur. As summer draws nearer, they are rising further and further on
the horizon, coming more clearly into view each night. Alternating between teleporting and airships
and by sail, you bounce back towards the Sword Coast with your aunt and brother, Atlas in tow. At
each stop, you gather information and books, and search where you can for your contacts in each
town. As the month draws to a close you’ve chartered a luxurious airship for the final leg back to
Phandalin. Appearances must be maintained, after all, your aunt says.

“I’ll leave a note at the library for Jo and the boys, and then lock up my house. Making sure it’s
secured. I find Eilynore and notify her of my absence and my plans to return. The trip there is done
quickly, the return trip is done more scenically. I go back to my hometown and return to the remains
of my manor. I then venture into the city to speak with my family and find my aunt and have a joyous
reunion with her. She brings me back to a back room with my brother, and I feel incredibly relieved to
see them both. He tells me about what happened with the attempted purge by my mother. Atlas was
able to escape due to the efforts of my aunt. My other three siblings were killed by my mother. My
aunt has a lot of the same interests in divination and cosmic power. Books and knowledge about
arcane arts and Nova’s family are given to her by her aunt—she is filled in on details by her stories and
lessons. Nova’s magic abilities are refined and refocused. Atlas stays with Nova. Her aunt visits
Phandalin but leaves for her hometown.

Well, I mentioned a couple weeks ago that she went to go find her still alive relatives, specifically her
older brother, Atlas. I imagine he might’ve been staying with their mom’s sister/their aunt and her
husband and kids, and Nova decided to stay for a bit, and her aunt has special information for her or
something along those lines that answers some questions about her life and where she should go from

After telling Atlas that their mom is essentially dormant, maybe he comes back and helps at the
library/book shop

Well, I mentioned a couple weeks ago that she went to go find her still alive relatives, specifically her
older brother, Atlas. I imagine he might’ve been staying with their moms sister/their aunt and her
husband and kids, and Nova decided to stay for a bit, and her aunt has special information for her or

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something along those lines that answers some questions about her life and where she should go from

After telling Atlas that their mom is essentially dormant, maybe he comes back and helps at the
library/book shop

Nova’s family:

Brother; Atlas

Aunt; Achelois

Uncle; River

Cousin; Brook

Cousin; Delilah

Cousin; Geoffery

I think her aunt is very powerful too, so I imagine that while she’s with them that Atlas and Achelois help
Nova reign in her skills and be a better, more focused and trained magic user

Like her wisdom and intelligence are high, but she has never really come off that way, this break and
help from her family really starts to bring these traits of her out so when she goes back, the party is
gonna be surprised.

Kendra: Much like Eilynore, you keep your efforts during this month provincial—working to learn
more about the people of Phandalin and making sure to find time to reconnect with Mersire. You
ration your time well, spending your mornings trading training sessions with Ozul. At times, crowds
gather to watch your efforts with the rifle, and your competitiveness with Ozul pushes you two in
competition as the training develops each of your skills further. During the day, you accompany
Mersire as he speaks with the Phandalin Council and faction members to learn about the needs of the
town and the people therein. The influx of people into Phandalin hasn’t stagnated—but there hasn’t
been an opportunity to guide its momentum. Many paths are opening up for what the town could
become as it grows into being a city. What growth do you encourage? In the evening you relax—
tinkering, performing, and socializing. On the weekends, you spend time with the gnomes, refining
and helping to produce mechanical marvels from their workshops. On occasion this requires salvaging
scrap from the planar ship—but these efforts are fruitful—and towards the end of the month there is
a parade through Phandalin of the newly arrived arcane cannons and military equipment from

“Months of chaos but no real organization makes the ability to schedule your time feel like a luxury
and a relief. It’s been an opportunity to re-center myself and reorient myself with the people of
Phandalin. This is my home now, not Phandalin. Phandalin’s politics: build up relations with other
cities—Neverwinter, Silverymoon, Waterdeep, and Bryn Shander. Looking to build an embassy in
Waterdeep. Communicating with Maskyr One-Eye to check the Fane and learn about the demon that
had create a deal with Keunther (the glabrezu).”

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Kendra: helping out mersire with integrating into town and meeting the people. Helping with diplomatic
efforts. Helping to clear and clean the planar vessel. Morning routine: Teaching Ozul shooting and him
teaching me driving. Daytime routine: Helping Mersire meet and integrate with the townsfolk and
pursue being townspeaker and/or some sort of advisor position regarding infrastructure and public
relations. Evening routine: Either working on new projects, performing at the tavern, or hanging out
with the locals. On weekends she either visits Gnomengarde for trading or helping out, or excavating the

Atlas and Nova’s aunt discuss what to do with her mother.

Mordenkainen is reported missing after his encounter with the Suneater. The Coastal Eight has been
searching for him or information about his disappearance.

Nova finds Eilynore talking to the militia about what to do if she’s needed if she’s away. Eilynore notices
some changes in the demeanor and appearance of Nova, who presents a more respectable face.

Roaringhorn notifies Ozul that an individual named Turk is looking for dragonhunters with an armored
warship to hunt an ancient dragolich. Prasinius is sent up to Bryn Shander to speak with Turk.

Mirtul 9 after the month gap.

Mirtul 10—Blackstaff contacts the party about morning about the defeat of a Black Cyst and the
sacrifice of cultists of Ghaunadur to activate some…thing. A speedy courier is sent with sketches of the
black cyst and arcane info that was found.

Maskyr and Sildar teleport to the Plane of Fire.

Ozul recalls Presinus and ritual casts teleportation circle to come back to Phandalin. Ozul will call upon
Roaringhorn and the Coastal Seven. Four arrive: Maskyr (missing or dead), Roaringhorn, Tasha, and
Renwick Caradoon. Halia is invited. Shutul (Ozul’s mother). Atlas, Nova’s brother. Sildar (missing or
dead) and Sylrona. Ushien Stormbanner and her forces. Eilynore brings some of siblings and some of
her clan. Emerald Fangs fireteam. Nova brings her henchmen, Jerome, Kyle, and Chester. Sylrona and
Sildar recruit a member of the Violet Vultures. Mother Wyrm and her pirates are brought in. Ithruiel
brings Gahdriel. Factions are told of the upcoming danger—Lord’s Alliance and Emerald Enclave—

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looking for soldiers, troop transport airships. Narcelia and Rodric arrive. “Coastal Legions” is the name
given to this force by the rank-and-file.

450 miles as the crow flies to Ice Peak. A reinforced hull was installed in the Stargazer. Two days of
travel for the Stargazer and their troop transports.

Mirtul 11. Nova introduces herself to Rodric and Narcelia. She quickly offers them inebriants and
intoxicants to help with the journey. “Sleeping tea”. Nova tells them of how she joined the party.
Worried, they seek out Eilynore, Ozul, or Kendra. They meet up with Gahadriel first to see what he
knows. Eilynore is brought to soothe things over by Nova. Ozul meets Narcelia as he steps down from
the bridge. They’re surprisingly peers of the same age—mild flirtation and the first that Narcelia has
smiled and giggled since Orion’s death. Or ever? Sylrana speaks with Eilynore about her future plans.
Dinner is served by Eilynore. Ithrurial and Rodric enjoy the company of each other. Sildar and Sylrona
enjoy the company. Narcelia joins Ozul on the bridge and is later joined by Halia. They play laser tag
and Narcelia and Ozul beat Kendra and Halia. Ozul has a sleepover. Mother Wyrm leads the airship to
the ocean.

Mirtul 12.

The day passes without incident. Kendra and Ozul and Narcelia practice sparring with their staffs.

Nova’s divination: How will this battle go? With great peril and great bravado

Mirtul 13.

A volcanic eruption is imminent. The airships evacuate the civilians from the island as the troops

Cadderly (missing or dead) advises them to prepare their song, as the first salvo of the fight against

“I wish that the avatar of tharizadun, here or wherever it is, was made mortal, and thus killable by a
weapon in our possession. Addedendum, if the weapon is not in my possession, it becomes so—so
that when it dies, it undoes the damage caused to the veil by Tharizadun.”

With this feather I undo the damage caused by

Tharzidun and in turn make thee mortal.

With the weapons in thy hands, we snuff out the life of his avatar.

As bringers of healing to the veil, we end thine terror.

Stargazer made a nat 1 on it’s saving throw after the hour. Mother Wyrm did too but he burnt his
inspiration to save her. Mother Wyrm is buying them time to make the repairs.

Blackstaff asks them to meet in Aurilssbarg. Gadriel uses Control Weather to help calm the seas to aid
the passage of the sailing ships that were following them. Blackstaff is there with Harshnag and

Shothragot: The avatar of Tharizdun

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Closing: Orion investigating the town on the behalf of the Lord’s Alliance, asking the party members
about what happened, what they feel they can tell, and what they plan to do next, what they felt
their most proud moments were, the moments of fear and pain they had, etc. His identity is obscured
from the players until the very end. “The Year of Heroes”—arrives in Nova’s bookstore in 1494 DR.

Greengrass—1493 DR
Lord Ozul is found in Phandalin. Ozul ends the passage with a warning against anyone who would
strike against Phandalin.

Presinius—travels along with Nova. Much more nomadic than Ozul. The Emerald Knight. Presinius is
interested in a legacy but is more willing and open to consider, acknowledge, and praise the actions of
others. “I ran support. Assisted where I could.”

“The world is constantly shifting and dangers will be around every corner.” (very much the world is
worth fighting for)

Sylrana—You know where it ended. Let me tell you how it began. “it started in Neverwinter with the
Rockseeker Brothers” Sylrana mentions the original crew and how they were brought together—how
things started slowly and then continually escalated. He mentions Iarno. Sylrana mentions the skills
and talents of each party member throughout the criseses. He mentions to Sylrana that the theme of
the book is asking what I can do to help, whether I’m a hero or a civilian.

“Always be willing to question what others tell you, and verify what is true.”

Kendra—also in town hall—Mersire was elected townmaster. Talking to their mother, who they were
reunited with 11 months ago. “Accidentally fell asleep in the bed of the putt putt. Was brought here
by the Planar vessel. Became involved with the resource committee—and this was when I became
more integrated within the group.” Standout moments—prophet in fire temple. Fond moments:
working with Ozul on various projects. Currently working with Gnomengarde as well as Ozul on new
technology—not military oriented by design since we’re in a time of peace and prosperity.

“To be vigilant. We see history repeat itself. The same clash of light and dark and everything in
between.” “Celestials, constructs, elementals, demons, they all fight against each other.”

Eilynore—Temple in Phandalin. Once a month, EIlynore and Sister Gariele come around to Windfall.
Place amongst the party and position among the elements—tells him about her clan and their
connections to the elements and elementals. “Whenever I started feeling the call of my title, I knew it
was time to travel abroad to gain experience and knowledge. I was somewhat connected already with
the people I chose to travel with and we begun to search for Dwarvish caravan that had been
ransacked.” Monumental moment—opportunity to make a wish spell—to change an event that had
happened. Nobody of the mortal realm remembers it (but Chauntea’s priests are spreading their own
version of the tale) of how the famine was overcome by Eilynore. I was approached by Hetepheres—a
deva of Chautea. I was told that the gods remembered what had happened and some of them wanted
to protect me. She joined me from that day. She’s a healer but can certainly pack a punch. Most
afraid: the quiets before the storm. I would make food to calm everyone but my mind was racing with
imagining the worst. I was terrified but did my best not to show it. Since finishing traveling, I have
taken on my role as the Elder Tempest—I spend most of my time based out of there with my family.

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Most proud of: helped to create a town that is accepting. So many different races and alignment. So
proud that I was able to create that safe haven for so many creatures to give them an opportunity to
start anew.

“Accept all of those, shapes and sizes, races in between. Remember to show kindness to any you
come across.”

Nova---in her bookstore—she leads him to the back balcony. Orion hits it off with Jo, the bookstore
clerk. “I had quite an interesting entrance with Eilynore, Ozul, and Kendra. My father worked in the
drug industry. Orion assumes herbalism. There was a conflict with Kendra and I was sent to keep an
eye on her. I hadn’t even been looking for them yet when we crossed paths. They invited me to join. A
lot of things happened. Now I am traveling, looking for tomes to support my bookstore. “Who
defeated the creature?” “Seemed to happen so quickly.” She reveals that she was the one who slayed
them with the final blow. “We were able to rescue a bunch of people and returned here. I stay here
with my brother but travel with Prasinius. We wanted to explore the world.”

“I have evolved a lot over the past year. You are not the tragedies that have happened to you before
or the tragedies that will befall you in the future.”

Around Midsummer of 1494 DR, a book arrives at Nova’s bookstore.

Mirtul 13—afternoon

Nova’s mother is sent to Helm or Hoar’s Domain, decided by Nova. Eilynore calls Sister Gariele. “Ele,
how are things on that side, tonight?” They catch up.

Mirtul 14—sending to Cadderly. “Yes to all accounts. I am safe, the quill is returned, and I would enjoy
seeing you again. Thank you all for your help.” “meet us in Phandalin any time you’d like, we’ll keep a
light on for you.” “You wished to start a school, correct? I’ll see what tomes of interest I could bring.”

Kendra asks Hetepheres about searching for Maskyr and Sildar. She also relinquishes the crossbow to
Hetepheres to be given to Gond’s vaults.

Mirtul 15—you set out on the road, seeking your fame and seeking your fortune. Things got bad and
things got worse. I guess you know the tune. Nova’s divination and then she leaves a note for Atlas,
Jo, and the crew, leaves a note for the party as well. “I’ll return sooner or later, please watch over my
holdings” Presinius accompanies her and leaves town. “Our first stop is Red Larch. I have a bunch of
Starmetal there. Let’s make some useful items for us.” They head West out of town.

Rewrite New Fire ceremony, have the New Fire ceremony be the denouement—the Disciples of the
Phoenix march into Phandalin in double-file. Their heads are freshly shaven. Leading the march is the
Dawnlord from Red Larch. Every 12th member carries a censer. A plum-colored smoke trails behind them
as they do. The smell of the smoke entices you—it smells like oranges and vanilla and star anise. You feel
yourself invigorated at you breathe it in.

“At the beginning of time, when all was darkness, Kossuth gathered the titans. Around a great fire they
made sacrifices of themselves and in doing so, created a new cosmic order.” Each member has brought
a block of sandstone and they place it in the city square, one-by-one to create a hearth. (Perception
check: you can see minute runes carved into the sandstone. The etching appears shallow at first, but a

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longer glance shows that the hairline fissures run deep into the blocks. Somehow they maintain their
form.) Unlit torches are handed to the villagers. Everyone takes one, even the party members. “First we
must extinguish all the fires within the city.” There is a long pause as this is done.

The Dawnlord speaks, his voice echoing deep throughout the city. “Maegera—I speak for your brother!
He is the sun in the sky and you are the dawn on the horizon! Tharizadun threatens us all with the
Unending Night. You are joined by warriors who fight for the light! You are joined by the voices of your
brother! You are joined by the warmth of the world—every soul is a bright spark that infuriates
Tharizadun. He thinks he is the end of all things, but even he cannot stop the world from turning or the
sun from rising! Kossuth brings this task to you out of love. We bring this task to you out of worship. We
must all work together to fight for a new day.”

The town falls into darkness. “EIlynore—you who has cleansed the fire—bring the light to the people!”

There’s a bright flash of light as the iron flask is opened, but you are not burned. The heat should be
unbearable. The light should be blinding. But it isn’t—the radiance around you is divine.

“Quickly! Run to the temples and your homes! Bring the fire to your hearths, bring it to your lamps and
lights. Begin anew!”

Sparks of electricity crackle through the fields outside of Phandalin. You can see the wheat fields getting
scorched as this energy races through it. You can hear the commotion of the monks and the
townspeople. “What’s happening, what is that? Where is that coming from?!” [From the sky you can see
that the symbol being burned into the wheat fields looks like the Omega symbol.

As the fields are burned away, you can see the ever-familiar blood-red tiles of the Crimson Road being
laid down, brick by brick. There’s an emptiness where the Road seems to be coming from. You look into
this emptiness and you feel something immense. Something old. Something mad. There’s a piercing
shriek from the void and it rises in discordant pitch. It’s joined by several other voices and you realize
that there’s a cadence to it. (In Abyssal the following is said: Uncover, restore, and exalt forgotten
shrines in his honor. Offer and siphon power to the Chained Oblivion until his liberation comes. Ruin and
raze the realms to prepare for the Epoch of Ends.) Rising out of this void is an immense, 50 foot tall and
70 foot long creature. It is endless, black, inky, filled with teeth and malice, laughter and hatred. You
avert your eyes, but look back, mesmerized just by the sheer power of this being and see a creature of
rolling, hungry ink and darkness. It is a spreading cloud of lightless destruction. It is an Avatar of

You can hear, even beyond the sounds emanating from the void, the fear of the town. The resolute
worship and prayers of the monks. The righteous anger sounding in unison from the devas. There’s a
sound of displaced air—several teleportation portals opening up. You look and several of the Coastal
Eight have arrived—not all that were sent forth to slay the Suneaters—but several are here. Each
bringing as many as they could with them. (The Morenthari are brought with Blackstaff and Elmoran).
You see the movement of shadows against the dark sky as the large wings of Nurvureem arc over the
town of Phandalin, You see her perched on a collapsed spire of the planar vessel, ready to leap off again
into the fray. You hear movement around you as the militias of the town, the followers of EIlynore, and
the Greencloaks fall into line. You can hear the council members rushing the townsmembers towards
places of safety—not even bothering to scramble for the packs, just trying to corral everyone far away

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from the abyssal menace that appeared. Dwarfing even Nurvureem is the large silhouette of
Lhammaruntosz as her bronze scales glitter in the moonlight. You hear the clank of the armor
announcing the mercenaries hired by the Rockseeker Corporation as they move in to help cover the
flanks of the militias. Sildar’s voice shouts through the din, “All cannons fire!” On the ridges surrounding
the town and from several places within the town you can hear the Gnomengarde artillery cannons
sending forth shells into the creature. The airship moves forward to engage the Avatar, charging up its
cannons as well.

The avatar uses Tarrasque stats.

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