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First aid refers to medical attention that is Hindrances in Giving First Aid

usually administered immediately after the

1.Unfavorable surroundings
injury occurs and at the location where it
occurred. It often consists of a one-time, short- 2.The Precense of Crowds
term treatment and requires little technology or
training to administer. 3.Pressure from the patient`s relatives

Objectives of First Aid Transmission of Diseases

1. To alleviate suffering. UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS

2. To prevent added injury or danger.  Assume all human blood and bodily
fluids infectious.
3. To prolong life.
Transmission of Diseases
First Aid Provider is someone trainied in the
delivery of initial emergency procedures, using 1. Direct Contact- touches an infected
limited equipment to perform a primary person`s bodily fluids.
assessment and intervention until Emergency 2. Indirect Contact- touches objects that
Medical Services (EMS) personnel arrive. have been contaminated by blood or
Roles and Responsibilities of a First Aid infected person`s bodily fluids.
Provider 3. Airborne/Inhalation- person inhales
1. Bridge that fills the gap between the patient infected droplets
and the physician. 4. Vector/Animal Bite- transmits a
2. Ensure safety for him/herself and that of pathogen into the body through a bite.

3. Summon advanced medical care as needed. Basic Precautions and Practices to prevent
4. Provide needed care for the patient. disease transmission
5. Record all findings and care given to the 1. Personal Hygiene
2. Use of Appropriate PPE
Characteristics of a Good First Aider
3. Proper cleaning of Equipment and
Gentle - should not cause pain. Vehicle
Resourceful - should make the best use of Basic Life Support, or BLS- type of care that
things at hand. first responders, healthcare providers and
Observant - should notice all signs. public safety professionals provide to
anyone who is experiencing cardiac arrest,
Tactful - should not alarm the victim. respiratory distress or an obstructed airway.
Empathetic - should be comforting. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),
automated external defibrillators (AED)
Respectable - should maintain a professional
and caring attitude.
The primary survey is a quick way to find Hyperventilation is rapid or deep breathing,
out how to treat any life threating usually caused by anxiety or panic.
conditions a casualty may have in order of
In an unconscious patient:
priority. We can use
• Lower the patient to the floor.
DRABC to do this: Danger, Response,
Airway, Breathing and Circulation. • Call an ambulance immediately.
Cardiac compromise refers to any kind of • Begin CPR (even if a pulse is present in the
heart problem unconscious choking victim).
heart attack happens when something FIRST AID FOR RESPIRATORY AND ASTHMA
blocks the blood flow to your heart ATTACK
Cardiac arrest is the abrupt loss of heart 1. Give asthma first aid.
function in a person who may or may not 2. Use an inhaler with a spacer, if possible.
have been diagnosed with heart disease. 3. Use an inhaler without a spacer, if
How to do CPR in 5 steps
4. Continue using the inhaler if breathing
Step 1: Shake and shout is still a problem.
5. Monitor the person until help arrives.
Step 2: Call 999
6. Follow up
Step 3: Give chest compressions

Step 4: Keep going

External Bleeding
Step 5: Use a defibrillator
• Hemorrhage means bleeding.
 Hands only CPR is the same as usual
CPR but without rescue breaths.
 Rescue breaths are a bonus and it’s Characteristics of External Bleeding
your choice if you want to do them.
• Arterial bleeding- Pressure causes blood to
AED, or automated external defibrillator, is spurt and makes bleeding difficult to control.
used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac
• Venous bleeding- Does not spurt and is easier
to manage
Foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) causes
• Capillary bleeding- Bleeding from damaged
asphyxia and is a terrifying condition.
capillary vessels
Respiratory arrest is simply the absence of
Internal Bleeding
An asthma attack is a sudden worsening of
asthma symptoms caused by the tightening of - Bleeding in a cavity or space inside the body
muscles around your airways. This tightening is
called a bronchospasm.
Shock is a critical condition brought on by the
sudden drop in blood flow through the body.
Wound is any type of damage or breakage on A penetrating wound is an injury resulting from
the surface of the skin. a sharp, pointed object.

Characteristics of closed injuries Stabbings and shootings often result in multiple

penetrating injuries.
• History of blunt trauma
Blast injuries
• Pain at the site of injury
Primary blast injury
• Swelling beneath the skin
• Damage caused by pressure of explosion
• Discoloration
Secondary blast injury
A contusion (bruise) causes bleeding beneath
the skin but does not break the skin. • Damage results from flying debris

A hematoma is blood collected within damaged Tertiary blast injury

tissue or in a body cavity.
• Victim is thrown by explosion, perhaps into an
A crushing injury occurs when a great amount object
of force is applied to the body.
Treat closed soft-tissue injury using the RICES

Open Injuries • Rest

• Protective layer of the skin is damaged. • Ice

• Wound is contaminated and may become • Compression

• Elevation
4 types:
• Splinting
• Abrasions
A burn occurs when the body receives more
• Lacerations radiant energy than it can absorb.

• Avulsions The victim is now at high risk for:

• Penetrating wounds • Infection

An abrasion is a wound of the superficial layer • Hypothermia

of the skin.
• Hypovolemia
A laceration is a jagged cut.
• Shock
An incision is a sharp, smooth cut.
Poisoning is when a person is exposed to a
An avulsion separates various layers of soft substance that can damage their health or
tissue so that they become either completely endanger their life.
detached or hang as a flap.

An amputation is an injury in which part of the

body is completely severed.
An ingested poison is considered any substance
that's harmful to the body when ingested,
whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Poisons cause damage by altering cellular

metabolism in a harmful or destructive way.

Sometimes people accidentally breathe in

(inhale) something the shouldn’t. This might
include liquids, powders, gases or solid items
such as medicines or drugs


• Immediately get the person to fresh air,

without placing yourself at

risk. Loosen any tight clothing at the neck.

• Open doors and windows, if indoors.

• Avoid breathing fumes.

The brain is a soft and delicate organ.

Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that

follows some trauma to the head.

A person who has sustained a head injury may

have also injured their spine.

A fracture is a broken bone.

• A potential complication is compartment


A dislocation is a disruption of a joint in which

the bone ends are no longer in contact.

strain is a stretching or tearing of the muscle,


• Can occur as a result of trauma or a surgical


A splint is a flexible or rigid device that is used

to protect and maintain the position of an
injured extremity.

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